100 cf}+ c+s
@)!& cS6f]a/ jif{ * c+s !))
gful/stf ln“bf lbg] k/LIffsf k|Zg / pQ/ c+u|]hL / g]kfnLdfM ljz]if
;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfaf/] l;sf}+ g]r'/nfOh];g 6]:6sf nflu gful/s–zf:qsf k|Zg–pQ/ cgf}krfl/s cg'jfb
gful/szf:q M of]Uotf k/LIffsf k|Zg–pQ/
ljifo–;"rL (Content)
gful/s–zf:qsf] k/LIff ========= ! Civics Test..... 1
c+u|]hLsf] k/LIff ==== !* English Test.......18
cd]l/sL gful/stf kfpg'cl3 Pp6f k/LIff lnOG5 . pQm k/LIffnfO{ c+u|]hLdf g]r/nfOh];g 6]:6 (naturalization test) elgG5 . o;df Ps ;o j6f -Oltxf; / ;/sf/;DaGwL_ k|Zg x'G5g\ . ;/sf/sf] o'P;l;cfOP; (USCIS; United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) gfds lgsfon] tL k|Zg / pQ/x? ljleGg tl/sfn] pknAw u/fPsf] 5 . pSt lgsfo of] ;fdu|L cfˆgf] j]a;fO6df /fv]sf] 5 . pSt ;fdu|Lsf] k':ts k|sflzt u/]sf] 5 . To:t} j]a;fO6d} k|Zg / pQ/x? ;'Gg–ldN5 . leGg} ;'Gg–ldNg] l;8L (Audio CD) klg pknAw u/fpF5 . v]n]/ k9\gsf nflu kftf–kftfdf Psfkl§ k|Zg / csf]{kl§ pQ/ klg cfˆgf] j]a;fO6df /fv]sf] ;fdu|L kfOG5 . of] gful/szf:qsf] k/LIff df}lvs k/LIff xf] . o'P;l;cfOP;sf clwsf/L– n] tkfO{+nfO{ oxfFsf Ps ;odWo] !) k|Zg ;f]Wg]5g\ . gful/stfsf cfj]bsn] !) dWo] ^ k|Zgsf] ;xL pQ/ lbg'k5{ . gful/szf:qsf] k/LIffsf ;fydf c+u|]hL–efiffsf] klg k/LIff x'G5 . efiff–k/LIffdf s]xL af]n]/ / s]xL n]v]/ lbg'k5{ . ^% jif{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L pd]/sf jf :yfoL jfl;Gbfsf ?kdf cd]l/sfdf a;]sf] @) jif{ jf ;f]eGbf a9L a;]sf JolQmn] * of] lrGx ePsf k|Zg–pQ/ dfq k9] k'U5 . …cIfl/sfÚ g]kfnL Go'hn]6/n] tof/ kf/]sf] of] ;fgf] k'l:tsfdf pSt ;fdu|LnfO{ klxn] c+u|]hL / To;kl5 g]kfnLdf cg'jfb u/L lbOPsf] 5 . o; k'l:tsfdf c+u|]hL–efiffsf] k/LIffsf] ;fdu|L eg] lbOPsf] 5}g . of] k'l:tsfdf ul/Psf] cg'jfb cgf}krfl/s cg'jfb xf] . o;df ;dfj]z k|Zg–pQ/df q'6L sd kfg]{ sf]lzz ul/Psf] 5 .
gful/s–zf:qsf] k/LIff (Civics Test) cd]l/sL ;/sf/
s= cd]l/sL k|hftGqsf cfwf/x¿ A: Principles of American Democracy
-!_ of] e"ld -cd]l/sf_ sf] ;jf]{Rr sfg'g s] xf] < (What is the supreme law of the land ?)
• ;+ljwfg (the Constitution)
-@_ -cd]l/sfsf]_ ;+ljwfgn] s] sfd u5{ < (What does the Constitution do ?)
• ;/sf/ lgdf{0f u5{ . (sets up the government.)
@ • ;/sf/sf] kl/efiff u5{ . (defines the government.) • cd]l/sL gful/ssf] cfwf/e"t clwsf/sf] /Iff u5{ . (protects basic rights of Americans.)
-#_ cd]l/sfsf] ;+ljwfg s'g tLg zAbdf cfwfl/t 5 <
(The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words ?)
• xfdL hgtf (We the People)
-$_ -;+ljwfg_ ;+zf]wg eg]sf] s] xf] < (What is an amendment ?)
• -;+ljwfgdf_ kl/jt{g ug'{ [a change (to the Constitution)] • -;+ljwfgdf_ yk ug'{ [an addition (to the Constitution)]
-%_ cd]l/sL ;+ljwfgdf ePsf klxnf] bz ;+zf]wgnfO{ s] elgG5 < (What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution ?)
• clwsf/ clwlgod
(b lan ckm /fO6\;, the Bill of Rights) -^_ klxnf] ;+zf]wgaf6 k|fKt s'g} Ps clwsf/ jf :jtGqtf s] xf] <*
(What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment ?*)
• jfs (speech) • wfld{s (religion) • ;ef–;Dd]ng (assembly) • 5fkf (press) • ;/sf/df ofrgf (petition the government)
-&_ cd]l/sL ;+ljwfgsf slt ;+zf]wg 5g\ <
(How many amendments does the Constitution have ?)
• ;QfO; [twenty-seven (27)]
-*_ :jtGqtf 3f]if0ffn] s] u/]sf] lyof] <
(What did the Declaration of Independence do ?)
• -u|]6 la|6]gaf6_ :jtGq ePsf] 3f]if0ff [announced our independence (from Great Britain)] • -u|]6 la|6]gaf6_ xfd|f] :jtGqtfsf] 3f]if0ff, jf [declared our independence (from Great Britain)] • -u|]6 la|6]gaf6_ cd]l/sf :jtGq xf] eg]sf] lyof] . [said that the United States is free (from Great Britain)]
-(_ :jtGqtf 3f]if0ff x'“bfsf b'O{ clwsf/ s] s] x'g\ <
(What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence ?)
• hLjg (life) • k|fs[lts clwsf/sf] :jtGq pkof]u (liberty) • v';Lsf] vf]hL (pursuit of happiness)
-!)_ wfld{s :jtGqtf eg]sf] s] xf] <
(What is freedom of religion ?)
• tkfO{ s'g} wd{sf] ;fwgf ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 jf s'g} wd{df cf:yf g/fvL
afFRg ;Sg'x'G5 .
(You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion.)
-!!_ cd]l/sf -;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sf_ sf] cfly{s k|0ffnL s:tf] vfnsf] xf] <* (What is the economic system in the United States ?*)
• k"FhLjfbL cy{Joj:yf -SofK6ln:6 OsgdL_ [capitalist economy] • ahf/ cy{Joj:yf -dfs]{6 OsgdL_ [market economy]
-!@_ sfg'gsf] zf;g eg]sf] s] xf] < (What is the “rule of law” ?)
• ;a}n] sfg'gsf] kfngf ug'{k5{, (Everyone must follow the law.) • g]tfx¿n] sfg'g dfGg'k5{, (Leaders must obey the law.) • ;/sf/n] sfg'gsf] kfngf ug'{k5{, (Government must obey the law.) • sf]lx klg sfg'geGbf dfly 5}g (No one is above the law.)
v= ;/sf/sf] k|0ffnL
B: System of Government
-!#_ ;/sf/sf] s'g} Ps c+u jf efusf] gfd eGg'xf];\ .* (Name one branch or part of the government.*)
• s+u|]; (Congress) • Joj:yflksf÷ljwflosf (Legislative) • /fi6«klt (President) • sfo{kflnsf (executive) • cbfntx? (the courts) jf, • Gofokflnsf (judicial)
-!$_ ;/sf/sf] s'g} Ps c+unfO{ a9L zlQmzfnL x'gaf6 s;/L /f]lsG5 <
(What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful ?)
• zlSt ;Gt'ng (checks and balances) • zlStsf] afF8kmfF6 (separation of powers)
-!%_ sfo{kflnsfsf] g]t[Tj s;n] u5{ <
(Who is in charge of the executive branch ?)
• /fi6«klt (the President)
-!^_ cd]l/sfsf] ;+3Lo sfg'g s;n] agfp“5 < (Who makes federal laws ?)
• s+u|]; (Congress) • l;g]6 / xfp; -k|ltlglw–;ef_ [Senate and House (of Representatives)] • -cd]l/sL jf /fli6«o_ ljwflosf [(U.S. or national) legislature]
-!&_ cd]l/sL s+u|];sf b'O{ c+u s] s] x'g\ <*
(What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress ?*)
• l;g]6 tyf k|ltlglw–;ef÷xfp; -ckm l/k|h]G6]l6e_ [the Senate and House (of Representatives)]
-!*_ cd]l/sL l;g]6/sf] ;+Vof slt /xG5 < (How many U.S. Senators are there ?)
• Ps ;o -!))_ [one hundred (100)]
-!(_ xfdL slt jif{sf nflu cd]l/sL l;g]6/sf] rog u5f}{+ <
(We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years ?)
• 5 -^_ [six (6)]
-@)_ tkfO{+sf] /fHoaf6 5flgPsf Ps l;g]6/ sf] x'g'x'G5 <* (Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now ?*)
• o;sf] pQ/ km/s–km/s x'G5 . l8l:6«S6 ckm sf]nlDaofsf afl;Gbf /
cd]l/sfsf] :jfldTjsf e"–efudf a:g] afl;Gbfn] cfˆgf] If]qaf6 s'g} l;g]6/ gePsf] atfpg'k5{ . ;a} %) /fHosf l;g]6/sf] gfd yfxf kfpg www.senate.gov lSns ug'{xf];\ . [Answers will vary. District of Columbia residents and residents of
U.S. territories should answer that D.C. (or the territory where the applicant lives) has no U.S. Senators.]
-@!_ k|ltlglw;ef -xfp; ckm l/k|h]G6]l6e_ df slt ;b:o lgjf{lrt x'G5g\ < (The House of Representatives has how many voting members ?)
• rf/ ;o k}tL; -$#%_ [four hundred thirty-five (435)]
-@@_ xfdLn] k|ltlglw;ef -xfp; ckm l/k|h]G6]l6e_ sf Ps ;b:onfO{ slt jif{sf lgjf{lrt u5f}{+ < (We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years ?)
• b'O{ -@_ [two (2)]
-@#_ tkfO{+sf] /fHoaf6 lgjf{lrt cd]l/sL k|ltlglw–;ef ;b:osf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name your U.S. Representative.)
• o;sf] pQ/ km/s–km/s x'G5 . -dtbfgh:tf] k|lqmof geO{ 5flgg] jf
cfjfl;o cfo'St x'g] cd]l/sL :jfldTjsf e"–efusf afl;GbfnfO{ k|ltlglw jf cfo'Stsf] gfd pknAw u/fOg]5 . o:tf e"–efuaf6 s'g} k|ltlglw–;ef ;b:o 5flgb}gg\ eGg] pQ/ lbg ;lsG5 ._ k|ltlglw–;ef -xfp; ckm l/k|h]G6]l6e_sf ;b:osf] gfd yfxf kfpg www.house.gov df x]g'{xf];\ .
[Residents of territories with nonvoting Delegates or Resident Commissioners may provide the name of that Delegate or Commissioner. Also acceptable is any statement that the territory has no (voting) Representatives in Congress.] For a complete list of U.S. representatives and the districts they represent, go to www.house.gov.
-@$_ l;g]6sf ;b:o -l;g]6/_ n] s;sf] k|ltlglwTj u5{g\ < (Who does a U.S. Senator represent ?)
• /fHosf ;a} afl;Gbfsf] (all people of the state)
-@%_ /fHolkR5] k|ltlglw;ef -xfp; ckm l/k|h]G6]l6e_ sf ;b:o lsg km/s–km/s ;+Vofdf x'G5g\ < (Why do some states have more Representatives than other states ?)
• /fHosf] hg;+Vof -sf sf/0f_ [(because of) the state’s population] • -lsgeg]_ tL /fHodf w]/} dflg; 5g\ [(because) they have more people] • -lsgeg]_ s'g} /fHodf w]/} dflg; x'G5g\ [(because) some states have more people]
-@^_ xfdL slt jif{sf nflu /fi6«klt 5fGb5f}+ <
(We elect a President for how many years ?)
• rf/ -$_ [four (4)]
-@&_ xfdL s'g dlxgfdf /fi6«klt kbsf nflu dtbfg u5f}{+ <* (In what month do we vote for President ?*)
• gf]e]Da/ (November)
-@*_ jt{dfg cd]l/sL /fi6«kltsf] gfd s] xf] <*
(What is the name of the President of the United States now ?*)
• 8f]gfN8 h]= 6«Dk (Donald J. Trump) • 8f]gfN8 6«Dk (Donald Trump) • 6«Dk (Trump)
-@(_ jt{dfg cd]l/sL pk–/fi6«kltsf] gfd s] xf] <
(What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now ?)
• dfOsn cf/= k]G; (Michael R. Pence) • dfOsn k]G; (Michael Pence) • k]G; (Pence)
-#)_ /fi6«klt geP jf ;]jf ug{ cof]Uo eP s;n] /fi6«kltsf] sfd u5{ jf sf] /fi6«klt x'G5 < (If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President ?) • pk/fi6«klt (the Vice President) -#!_ olb /fi6«klt / pk/fi6«klt b'j} kbdf g/xg] cj:yf cfPdf sf] /fi6«klt x'G5 <
(If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President ?)
• ;+;b\sf ;efd'v (the Speaker of the House)
-#@_ cd]l/sL ;]gfsf] k|d'v -k|wfg;]gfklt_ sf] xf] <
(Who is the Commander in Chief of the military ?)
• /fi6«klt (the President)
-##_ ljw]osdf s;n] x:tfIf/ u/]kl5 Tof] ljw]os sfg'g aG5 < (Who signs bills to become laws ?)
• /fi6«klt (the President)
-#$_ ljw]osdf ljz]ifflwsf/ -le6f]_ s;n] nufpg kfp“5 < (Who vetoes bills ?)
• /fi6«klt (the President)
-#%_ /fi6«kltsf] Soflag]6n] s] sfd u5{ <
(What does the President’s Cabinet do ?)
• /fi6«kltnfO{ ;Nnfx lbG5 (advises the President)
-#^_ /fi6«kltsf] Soflag]6–txsf kbx¿ s] s] x'g\ < (What are two Cabinet-level positions ?)
• ;]qm]6/L ckm Plu|sNr/ (Secretary of Agriculture) • ;]qm]6/L ckm sd;{ (Secretary of Commerce) • ;]qm]6/L ckm l8km]G; (Secretary of Defense) • ;]qm]6/L ckm Ph's];g (Secretary of Education) • ;]qm]6/L ckm PghL{ (Secretary of Energy) • ;]qm]6/L ckm x]Ny PG8 Xo'dg ;le{;]h (Secretary of Health and Human Services) • ;]qm]6/L ckm xf]dNofG8 ;]So'l/6L (Secretary of Homeland Security) • ;]qm]6/L ckm xfplhª PG8 ca{g 8]enkd]G6 (Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) • ;]qm]6/L ckm b OG6]l/o/ (Secretary of the Interior) • ;]qm]6/L ckm n]a/ (Secretary of Labor) • ;]qm]6/L ckm :6]6 (Secretary of State) • ;]qm]6/L ckm 6«fG;k6]{;g (Secretary of Transportation) • ;]qm]6/L ckm 6«]h/L (Secretary of the Treasury) • ;]qm]6/L ckm e]6]/G; ckm]o;{ (Secretary of Veterans Affairs) • dxfGofoflwjStf÷P6gL{ h]g/n (Attorney General) • pk/fi6«klt (Vice President)
-#&_ Gofokflnsf -;/sf/sf] Goflos c+u_ n] s] sfd u5{ < (What does the judicial branch do ?)
• P]g–sfg'gsf] ;dLIff u5{ . (reviews laws) • P]g–sfg'gsf] JofVof u5{ . (explains laws) • ljjfbsf] ;dfwfg lgsfN5 . [resolves disputes (disagreements)] • s'g} P]g–sfg'g ;+ljwfgsf] ljkl/t uPsf 5g\ jf 5}gg\, lg0f{o u5{ . (decides if a law goes against the Constitution)
-#*_ cd]l/sfsf] ;aeGbf dflyNnf] cbfnt s] xf] <
(What is the highest court in the United States ?)
• ;jf]{Rr cbfnt (the Supreme Court)
-#(_ ;jf]{Rr cbfntdf slt GofofwLz x'g'x'G5 <
(How many justices are on the Supreme Court ?)
• gf} -(_ [nine (9)]
-$)_ cd]l/sf -;jf]{Rr cbfnt_ sf k|wfgGofofwLzsf] gfd s] xf] < (Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now ?)
• hf]g /f]a6{;\ -hf]g hL= /f]a6{;\, h'lgo/_ [John Roberts (John G. Roberts, Jr.)]
-$!_ xfd|f] ;+ljwfgcg';f/ ;+3Lo ;/sf/df lglxt s]xL clwsf/x¿ 5g\ . tL clwsf/– dWo] s'g} Ps atfpg'xf];\ .
(Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government ?)
• d'b|f k|sfzg ug]{ (to print money) • o'4sf] 3f]if0ff ug]{ (to declare war) • ;]gfsf] :yfkgf ug]{ (to create an army) • ;lGw–;Demf}tf ug]{ (to make treaties)
-$@_ xfd|f] ;+ljwfgcg';f/ /fHo ;/sf/df lglxt s]xL clwsf/x¿ 5g\ . tL clwsf/– dWo] s'g} Ps atfpg'xf];\ . (Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power of the states ?)
• :s"nsf] Joj:yf / lzIff (provide schooling and education) • ;'/Iff k|jGw÷k|x/L [provide protection (police)] • ;'/Iff Joj:yf÷clUg ljefu [provide safety (fire departments)] • rfns cg'dlt–kq -nfO;]G;_ k|bfg (give a driver’s license) • If]q cg'df]bg tyf e"ldsf] pkof]u (approve zoning and land use)
-$#_ tkfO{+sf] /fHosf ueg{/ sf] x'g'x'G5 <
(Who is the Governor of your state now ?)
• o;sf] pQ/ km/s x'G5 . l8l:6«S6 sf]nlDaofsf afl;Gbfn] cfˆgf]
If]qsf nflu s'g} ueg{/ gx'g] atfpg'xf];\ . l8l:6«S6 sf]nlDaofdf gu/ k|d'v -d]o/_ /xg'x'G5 .
[Answers will vary. District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. does not have a Governor.]
-$$_ tkfO{+sf] /fHosf] /fhwfgL s] xf] <*
(What is the capital of your state ?*)
• o;sf] pQ/ km/s k5{ . jfl;+u6g l8;L cfkm}+ /fhwfgL ePsfn] o;sf]
/fhwfgL x'Fb}g . jfl;+u6g l8;Lafx]s c? /fHosf] /fhwfgLsf] gfd hfGg www.usa.gov df lSns ug'{xf];\ . cd]l/sfsf] :jfldTjdf /x]sf cGo e"– efusf afl;Gbfn] cfˆgf] /fhwfgLsf] gfd atfpg'xf];\ . [Answers will vary. District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. is not a state and does not have a capital. Residents of U.S. territories should name the capital of the territory.]
-$%_ cd]l/sfsf d'Vo b'O{ bnx¿ s'g s'g x'g\ <*
(What are the two major political parties in the United States ?*)
• 8]df]qm\ofl6s / l/klAnsg (Democratic and Republican)
-$^_ cd]l/sfsf xfnsf /fi6«klt s'g bnsf x'g'x'G5 <
(What is the political party of the President now ?)
• l/klAnsg -kf6L{_ [Republican (Party)]
-$&_ k|ltlglw–;ef -xfp; ckm l/k|h]G6]l6e_ sf cWoIf jf ;efd'vsf] gfd s] xf] < (What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now ?)
• kn 8L= /fog [Paul D. Ryan] • kn /fog [(Paul) Ryan]
C: Rights and Responsibilities
-$*_ ;+ljwfgdf dtbfg ug]{ clwsf/;DaGwL ePsf ;+zf]lwt rf/ a'“bfx¿ 5g\, s'g} Ps a'“bf atfpg'xf];\ . (There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.)
• c7f/, !* jif{;Dd jf Tof]eGbf a9L pd]/ ePkl5 dtbfg ug{ ;S5 . [Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote)] • dtbfg ug{ s'g} z'Ns ltg'{ kb}{g . [You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to vote.] • s'g} gful/s -:qL jf k'?if_ n] ef]6 lbg ;S5g\ . [Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.)] • s'g} hfltsf] k'?if gful/sn] ef]6 xfNg ;S5 . [A male citizen of any race (can vote).]
-$(_ cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf kfPsf] JolStsf] Ps dfq lhDd]jf/L s] xf] <*
(What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens ?*)
• h'/Ldf ;]jf lbg' -Goflos ;ldltsf] ;b:o eP/ sfd ug'{_ . [serve on a jury] • cfd -/fli6«o÷;+3Lo ;/sf/sf]_ lgjf{rgdf dtbfg ug'{ . [vote in a federal election]
-%)_ cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf–k|fKt JolQmdf lglxt Ps clwsf/ eGg'xf];\ . (Name one right only for United States citizens.)
• ;+3Lo lgjf{rgdf dtbfg ug{ kfpg] (vote in a federal election) • ;+3Lo kbsf nflu pDd]b\jf/L lbg kfpg] (run for federal office)
-%!_ cd]l/sfsf k|To]s afl;Gbfsf @ clwsf/ eGg'xf];\ .
(What are two rights of everyone living in the United States ?)
• cleJolQm :jtGqtf (freedom of expression) • jfs :jtGqtf (freedom of speech) • zflGtk"j{s ;ef ug{] :jtGqtf (freedom of assembly)
u= clwsf/x¿ / lhDd]jf/Lx¿
( • clwsf/–sfof{Gjogsf nflu ofrgf bfo/ ug{ ;Sg] :jtGqtf (freedom to petition the government) • wfld{s :jtGqtf (freedom of religion) • xltof/ /fVg kfpg] clwsf/ (the right to bear arms)
-%@_ xfdLn] lgi7fsf] zky -/fi6«elQm÷/fi6«–lgi7fsf] k|lt1f_ lng' jf akmfbf/L b]vfpg' eg]sf] s]÷s;df lgi7f b]vfPsf] xf] < (What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance ?)
• /fi6« jf ;+o'Qm /fHo cd]l/sfsf nflu (the United States) • /fli6«o–em08fsf nflu (the flag)
-%#_ tkfO{+n] cd]l/sL gful/stf ln“bf ug]{ s'g} Ps k|lt1f s] xf] <
(What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen ?)
• c? b]zsf] lgi7f TofUg' (give up loyalty to other countries) • cd]l/sfsf] ;+ljwfg tyf sfg'gsf] /Iff ug'{ (defend the Constitution and laws of the United States) • cd]l/sL sfg'gsf] kfngf ug'{ (obey the laws of the United States) • vfFrf] k/]sf a]nf cd]l/sL ;]gfdf sfd ug'{ [serve in the U.S. military (if needed)] • vfFrf] k/]sf v08df /fi6«sf] dxÎjk"0f{ sfo{df h'6\g' [serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed)] • cd]l/sfk|lt lgi7fjfg x'g' (be loyal to the United States)
-%$_ /fi6«klt–lgjf{rgdf dtbfg ug{ cd]l/sL gful/ssf] pd]/ slt ePsf] x'g'k5{ <* (How old do citizens have to be to vote for President ?*)
• c7f/ -!*_ / Tof]eGbf a9L [eighteen (18) and older]
-%%_ cd]l/sLx¿ s'g b'O{ tl/sfaf6 pgLx¿sf] cfgf] k|hftGqdf ;fd]n x'G5g\ <
(What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy ?)
• dtbfg u/]/ (vote) • s'g} Ps /fhgLlts bndf ;xefuL eP/ (join a political party) • r'gfjL cleofgdf ;xof]u u/]/ (help with a campaign) • gful/s ;d"xdf ;xefuL eP/ (join a civic group) • ;fd'bflos ;d"xdf ;xefuL eP/ (join a community group) • lgjf{lrt k|ltlglwnfO{ s'g} ljifodf cfˆgf] ljrf/ k|:t't u/]/ (give an elected official your opinion on an issue) • l;g]6/x? / k|ltlglw;ef ;b:ox?nfO{ cfXjfg u/]/ (call Senators and Representatives) • s'g} dfdnf jf gLltnfO{ v'nf ?kdf ;dy{g jf lj/f]w u/]/ (publicly support or oppose an issue or policy) • s'g} ;fj{hlgs kbdf pDd]b/jf/L lbP/ (run for office) • kqklqsfdf n]v]/ (write to a newspaper)
-%^_ tkfO{+ s'g lbg;Dd ;+3Lo cfos/sf] kmf/d k7fpg ;Sg'x'G5 <* (When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms ?*) • clk|n !% (April 15)
-%&_ ;a} k'?ifn] slxn] cfkm\gf] gfd ;]n]lS6e ;le{;df btf{ u/fpg'k5{ < (When must all men register for the Selective Service ?)
• c7f/ -!*_ jif{sf] ePkl5 [at age eighteen (18)] • c7f/ -!*_ b]lv 5AaL; -@^_ jif{ pd]/ aLrdf [between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26)] (AMERICAN HISTORY)
s= pklgj]z sfn / :jtGqtf
A: Colonial Period and Independence
-%*_ cfgf] a:tL a;fpg rfxg] -pklgj]zjfbL_ x¿ cd]l/sf cfpg'sf] Ps sf/0f s] xf] < (What is one reason colonists came to America ?) • :jtGqtf (freedom) • /fhgLlts :jtGqtf (political liberty) • wfld{s :jtGqtf (religious freedom) • cfly{s cj;/ (economic opportunity) • cfˆgf] wd{sf] ;fwgfsf nflu (practice their religion) • pTkL8gaf6 aRg (escape persecution)
-%(_ o'/f]k]nLx¿ cfpg'cl3 cd]l/sfdf s;sf] a;f]af; lyof] <
(Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived ?)
• cd]l/sg OlG8ogx? (American Indians) • /}yfg] cd]l/sLx? (Native Americans)
-^)_ s'g dflg;sf] ;d"xnfO{ cd]l/sf NofOGYof] / a]lrGYof] <
(What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves ?)
• clk|msLx? (Africans) • clk|msfsf dflg; (people from Africa)
-^!_ a:tL a;fPsf -pklgj]zL_x¿n] lsg a]nfotLx¿;Fu n8fO{+ u/]sf lyP < (Why did the colonists fight the British ?)
• lsgeg] pRr b/sf] s/x?sf sf/0f -k|ltlglwTj lagf s/ p7fPsfn]_ [because of high taxes (taxation without representation)] • lsgeg] a]nfotL ;]gf pgLx?sf 3/df a;]sf lyP -vfGy], a:y]_ [because the British army stayed in their houses (boarding, quartering)] • lsgeg] pgLx?sf] :j–;/sf/ lyPg (because they didn’t have self-government)
cd]l/sL Oltxf;
-^@_ cd]l/sfsf] :jtGqtfsf] 3f]if0ff–kq s;n] n]v]sf] xf] < (Who wrote the Declaration of Independence ?)
• -6d;_ h]km/;g [(Thomas) Jefferson]
-^#_ cd]l/sfsf] :jtGqtfsf] 3f]if0ff–kq slxn] nfu" ul/of] <
(When was the Declaration of Independence adopted ?)
• $ h'nfO{ !&&^ (July 4, 1776)
-^$_ cd]l/sfdf ;'?df d"n !# /fHox¿ lyP . s'g} tLgsf] gfd eGg'xf];\ .
(There were 13 original states. Name three.)
• Go' XofD;/ (New Hampshire) • df;fr';]6\; (Massachusetts) • /f]8 cfONof08 (Rhode Island) • sg]l6s]6 (Connecticut) • Go'of]s{ (New York) • Go' hhL{ (New Jersey) • k]G;ne]lgof (Pennsylvania) • 8]nfj]/ (Delaware) • d]l/Nof08 (Maryland) • elh{lgof (Virginia) • gb{ Sof/f]nfOgf (North Carolina) • ;fpy Sof/f]nfOgf (South Carolina) • hlh{of (Georgia)
-^%_ ;+ljwfg–;efdf s] ePsf] lyof] <
(What happened at the Constitutional Convention ?)
• ;+ljwfg n]lvPsf] lyof] (The Constitution was written.) • /fi6«lktfx?n] ;+ljwfg n]Vg'eof] (The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution.)
-^^_ cd]l/sfsf] ;+ljwfg slxn] n]lvof] <
(When was the Constitution written ?)
• ;g\ !&*& (1787)
-^&_ ;+3Lotfsf kÔw/df /x]sf kq–klqsfn] cdl/sL ;+ljwfgnfO{ kfl/t u/fpg ;dy{g u/]sf lyP . To:tf] ;dy{g hgfp“b} n]v n]Vg] Ps n]vssf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.)
• -h]D;_ Dofl8;g [(James) Madison] • -cn]Sh]G8/_ XofldN6g [(Alexander) Hamilton] • hf]g h] [(John) Jay] • klAno; (Publius)
-^*_ a]Ghfldg |ofª\slng k|Voft x'g'sf] Pp6f sf/0f s] xf] < (What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for ?)
• cd]l/sL s"6gLlt1 (U.S. diplomat) • ;+ljwfg–;efsf h]7f ;b:odWo] Ps (oldest member of the Constitutional Convention) • cd]l/sfsf] klxnf] kf]:6Dof:6/ hg/n (first Postmaster General of the United States) • …k'c/ l/r8{\; cNDofGofsÚ sf n]vs (writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac”) • klxnf] lgMz'Ns k':tsfnox? ;'? ug'{ePsf] (started the first free libraries)
-^(_ cd]l/sfsf /fi6«lktf sf] x'g'x'G5 <
(Who is the “Father of Our Country” ?)
• -hh{_ jfl;+u6g [(George) Washington]
-&)_ cd]l/sfsf] klxnf] /fi6«klt sf] x'g'x'G5 <* (Who was the first President ?*)
• -hh{_ jfl;+u6g [(George) Washington] B: 1800s
-&!_ cd]l/sfn] ;g\ !*)# df k|mfG;af6 lsg]sf] If]qsf] gfd s] xf] <
(What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803 ?)
• n'Olhofgf If]q (the Louisiana Territory) • n'Olhofgf (Louisiana)
-&@_ ;g\ !*)) sf] ztfAbLdf cd]l/sfn] n8]sf o'4dWo]sf] Ps o'4sf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.)
• ;g\ !*!@ sf] o'4 (War of 1812) • d]lS;sf]–cd]l/sL o'4 (Mexican-American War) • u[xo'4 (Civil War) • :k]lgz–cd]l/sL o'4 (Spanish-American War)
-&#_ pQ/ / blIf0fsf /fHox¿aLr ePsf] cd]l/sL o'4sf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name the U.S. war between the North and the South.)
• u[xo'4 (the Civil War) • /fHox?aLrsf] o'4 (the War between the States)
-&$_ u[xo'4 x'g'sf] Pp6f sf/0f s] xf] <
(Name one problem that led to the Civil War.)
• bf;k|yf (slavery) • cfly{s sf/0f (economic reasons)
v= !*)) / To;kl5
!# • /fHox?sf clwsf/ (states’ rights)
-&%_ ca|fxd lnª\sgn] u/]sf sfddWo]sf] Pp6f dxTjk"0f{ sfd s] xf] < (What was one important thing that Abraham Lincoln did ?*)
• bf;x?sf] d'lSt -bf;k|yf pGd'ng_ [freed the slaves (Emancipation Proclamation)] • ;+3Lotf arfpg' eof] [saved (or preserved) the Union] • u[xo'4df cd]l/sfnfO{ g]t[Tj lbg'ePsf] [led the United States during the Civil War]
-&^_ d'lSt 3f]if0ffn] s] u/]sf] lyof] <
(What did the Emancipation Proclamation do ?)
• bf;x?nfO{ :jtGq u/]sf] lyof] (freed the slaves) • ;fd"lxs ?ksf bf;bf;Lx? d'St u/]sf] lyof] (freed slaves in the Confederacy) • ;+uL /fHox?af6 bf;bf;Lx? d'St u/]sf] lyof] (freed slaves in the Confederate states) • blIf0fL /fHox?af6 bf;bf;Lx? d'St u/]sf] lyof] (freed slaves in most Southern states)
-&&_ ;'hg aL= PGyf]gLn] s] ug'{ePsf] lyof] < (What did Susan B. Anthony do ?)
• dlxnf clwsf/sf nflu ;+3if{ (fought for women’s rights) • gful/s clwsf/sf nflu ;+3if{ (fought for civil rights)
u= gofF cd]l/sL Oltxf; / cGo dxTjk"0f{ P]ltxfl;s hfgsf/L
C: Recent American History and Other Important Historical Information
-&*_ ;g\ !()) sf ztfAbL -;g\ !()) kl5sf ;o jif{_ df ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfn] n8]sf o'4x¿dWo] Ps o'4sf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.*)
• klxnf] ljZjo'4 (World War I) • bf];|f] ljZjo'4 (World War II) • sf]l/ofnL o'4 (Korean War) • leotgfd o'4 (Vietnam War) • -kl;{ofnL_ vf8L o'4 [(Persian) Gulf War]
-&(_ klxnf] ljZjo'4sf bf}/fg sf] /fi6«klt x'g'x'GYof] < (Who was President during World War I ?)
• -j'8«f]_ ljN;g [(Woodrow) Wilson]
-*)_ Jofks cfly{s dGbL / bf];|f] ljZjo'4sf a]nfdf sf] /fi6«klt x'g'x'GYof] <
(Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II ?)
• -ˆ|ofª\slng_ ?ha]N6 [(Franklin) Roosevelt]
-*!_ bf];|f] ljZjo'4sf a]nf ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfn] sf];Fu n8fO{+ u/]sf] lyof] <
(Who did the United States fight in World War II ?)
• hfkfg, hd{gL, / O6nL (Japan, Germany, and Italy)
-*@_ /fi6«klt x'g'eGbf klxn] cfOhgxfj/ hg/n -;}lgssf] Ps kb_ x'g'x'GYof] . To;a]nf pxfF s'g o'4df x'g'x'GYof] < (Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?)
• bf];|f] ljZjo'4 (World War II)
-*#_ lzt o'4sf a]nf ;+o'St cd]l/sfsf] d'Vo rf;f] -lrGtf_ s] ljifodf lyof] <
(During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States ?)
• sDo'lgHd (Communism)
-*$_ s'g cleofgn] hflto e]befj cGTo ug]{ sf]lzz u/]sf] lyof] < (What movement tried to end racial discrimination ?)
• gful/s clwsf/ -cleofg_ [civil rights (movement)]
-*%_ dfl6{g n'y/ lsª, h'lgo/n] s] ug'{ePsf] lyof] <* (What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do ?*)
• gful/s clwsf/sf nflu cfjfh p7fpg' ePsf] (fought for civil rights) • ;a} cd]l/sLx?sf] ;dfgtfsf nflu sfd ug'{ ePsf] (worked for equality for all Americans)
-*^_ ;g\ @))! ;]K6]Da/ !! df ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfdf s] d'Vo 36gf ePsf] lyof] <
(What major event happened on September 11, 2001 in the United States ?)
• cft+ssf/Låf/f cd]l/sfdf cfqmd0f . [Terrorists attacked the United States.]
-*&_ ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfsf] Ps hghfltsf] gfd eGg'xf];\ .
(Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.)
[o'P;l;cfOP;sf clwsf/Lx?n] /fHoåf/f klxrfg ul/Psf hghfltsf] ;"rL pknAw u/fpg' x'g]5 . (USCIS Officers will be supplied with a list of federally recognized American Indian tribes.)] • r]/f]sL (Cherokee) • gfefxf] (Navajo) • ;' (Sioux) • lrKkf]cf (Chippewa) • rS6x (Choctaw) • k'oAnf] (Pueblo) • ckfr] (Apache) • Ol/sf]o (Iroquois) • lqms (Creek) • ANofslkm6 (Blackfeet)
!% • ;]ldgf]n (Seminole) • ;fog (Cheyenne) • o/fjfs (Arawak) • zfgL (Shawnee) • df]xLUofg (Mohegan) • Xo'/g (Huron) • cf]gfo8f (Oneida) • nsf]8f (Lakota) • qmf] (Crow) • l66f]g (Teton) • xf]kL (Hopi) • Og'o6 (Inuit)
PsLs[t gful/szf:q
s= e"uf]n
A: Geography
-**_ ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfsf b'O{dWo] s'g} Ps nfdf] gbLsf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.)
• ldhf]/L -gbL_ [Missouri (River)] • ldl;l;kL -gbL_ [Mississippi (River)]
-*(_ ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfsf] k"jL{ lsgf/f -t6_ df s'g dxf;fu/ 5 < (What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States ?)
• k|zfGt -dxf;fu/_ [Pacific (Ocean)]
-()_ ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sfsf] k"jL{ lsgf/f -t6_ df s'g dxf;fu/ 5 < (What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States ?)
• cfGw| -dxf;fu/_ [Atlantic (Ocean)]
-(!_ cd]l/sfsf] Ps k|b]z -e"–efu_sf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name one U.S. territory.)
• k'c6f]{ l/sf] (Puerto Rico) • o'P; elh{g cfONofG8\; (U.S. Virgin Islands) • cd]l/sg ;df]cf (American Samoa) • gb{g{ Dofl/ofgf cfONofG8\; (Northern Mariana Islands) • u'cfd (Guam)
-(@_ Sofg8f;“u hf]l8Psf] Ps /fHosf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name one state that borders Canada.)
• d]g (Maine) • Go' XofD;/ (New Hampshire)
!^ • ed{G6 (Vermont) • Go' of]s{ (New York) • k]G;ne]lgof (Pennsylvania) • cf]xfof] (Ohio) • ldl;ug (Michigan) • ldg];f]6f (Minnesota) • gb{ 8sf]6f (North Dakota) • df]G6\ofgf (Montana) • cfO8fxf] (Idaho) • jfl;ª\u6g (Washington) • cnf:sf (Alaska)
-(#_ d]lS;sf];“u ;Ldf hf]l8Psf] s'g} Ps /fHosf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name one state that borders Mexico.)
• Soflnkmf]lg{of (California) • Pl/hf]gf (Arizona) • Go' d]lS;sf] (New Mexico) • 6]S;; (Texas)
-($_ cd]l/sfsf] /fhwfgL s] xf] <*
(What is the capital of the United States ?*)
• jfl;ª\u6g l8=;L= (Washington, D.C.)
-(%_ :jtGqtfsf] k|ltd"lt{ -:6\ofRo' ckm lna6L{_ sxf“ 5 <* (Where is the Statue of Liberty ?*)
• Go'of]s{ -xfaf]{/_ [New York (Harbor)] • lna6L{ cfONofG8 (Liberty Island) [Go'h;L{, Go'of]s{ zx/sf] glhs} /, x8\;g -gbL_ df 5 eg] klg hjfkm ;xL dflgg]5 .] [Also acceptable are New Jersey, near New York City, and on the Hudson (River).]
B: Symbols
-(^_ cd]l/sfsf] em08fdf lsg !# j6f kftfx¿ 5g\ < (Why does the flag have 13 stripes ?)
• lsgeg] oxfF !# j6f d"n a:tLx? lyP (because there were 13 original colonies) • lsgeg] oL kftfx?n] z'?sf a:tLx? hgfpF5g\ (because the stripes represent the original colonies)
v= lrGxx¿
-(&_ cd]l/sfsf] em08fdf lsg %) j6f tf/fx¿ 5g\ <* (Why does the flag have 50 stars ?*)
• lsgeg] Pp6f /fHosf nflu Pp6f tf/f xf] (because there is one star for each state) • lsgeg] k|To]s tf/fn] Pp6f /fHo hgfpF5g\ (because each star represents a state) • lsgeg] oxfF %) /fHox? 5g\ (because there are 50 states)
-(*_ /fli6«o–ufgsf] lzif{s -gfd_ s] xf] <
(What is the name of the national anthem ?)
• b :6f/ :Kofª\uN8 Aofg/ (The Star-Spangled Banner)
u= labfx¿ C: Holidays
-((_ xfdL slxn] :jtGqtf lbj; dgfp“5f}+ <*
(When do we celebrate Independence Day ?*)
• h'nfO{ $ (July 4)
-!))_ cd]l/sfsf b'O{6f /fli6«o labfx¿sf] gfd eGg'xf];\ . (Name two national U.S. holidays.)
• gofF jif{ z'? x'g] lbg (New Year’s Day) • dfl6{g n'y/ lsª, h'lgo/ lbj; (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) • /fi6«klt lbj; (Presidents’ Day) • :df/s lbj; (Memorial Day) • :jtGqtf lbj; (Independence Day) • >dLs lbj; (Labor Day) • sf]nDa; lbj; (Columbus Day) • e]6]/G; lbj; (Veterans Day) • YofÍ;\luleª (Thanksgiving) • lqm;\d;\ (Christmas)
c+u|]hL k/LIff;DaGwL ;fdu|Lsf nflu kN6fpg'xf];\
c+u|]hLsf] k/LIff (English Test)
o; k/LIffdf tLg c+z 5g\M jfrg (speaking), k7g (reading), / n]vg (writing) . k/LIffsf nflu agfOPsf] sfg'gcg';f/ k/LIffyL{n], …c+u|]hLsf] n]vg, jfrg / k7g;lxt ===== ;fdfGo zAb (word) / jfSof+zx¿ (phrases) ======= c+u|]hL efiffsf] ;fdfGo k|of]u ==== ;lxt c+u|]hL efiff a'‰g'k5{Ú . o;sf] cy{ xf], gful/s x'g] k|lqmof (naturalization) sf nflu of]Uo x'g tkfO{+n] c+u|] hLdf n]vg, jfrg / k7gsf] cfwf/e"t 1fg xfl;n u/]sf] x'g'k5{ . s]xL ckjfbafx]s cfj]bssf ?kdf tkfO{+n] oL tLg} k|sf/–sf k/LIffx¿ pQL0f{ -kf;_ ug{'k5{, tL ckjfb oL x'g\M %) jif{eGbf a9L pd]/sf JolQm tyf gful/s agfpg] k|lqmofsf] cfj]bg, kmf/d g+= $)) (Application for Naturalization, Form - 400) a'emfpg] a]nf;Dd slDtdf @) jif{ :yfoL a;f]jf; u/]sf] JolQm, %% jif{sf] pd]/ ePsf] jf gful/s agfpg] cfj]bg, kmf/d g+= $)) a'emfpg] ;do;Dd slDtdf !% jif{ :yfoL a;f]jf; u/]sf] JolQm jf, / s'g} JolQm hf] zf/Ll/s ¿kdf jf pkrf/åf/f ePsf] czQmtfsf nflu d]l8sn k|df0f–kq kmf/d g+= ^$* (Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, Form N-648) åf/f zf/Ll/s tyf pkrf/ k|lqmofsf sf/0f czQm k|dfl0ft ul/Psf] JolQm .
o'P;l;cfOP;sf sd{rf/Ln] tkfO{+n] gful/s agfpg] k|lqmof cfj]bg, kmf/d g+= $)) lbPkl5 gful/s x'g] of]Uotf hfFRg lng] cGtjf{tf{af6 tkfO{+sf] c+u|] hL jfrg Ifdtf lgwf{/0f u5{g\ .
k7gsf] efu
(Reading Portion)
tkfO{+nfO{ k9\g lbOg] x/]s c+zdf tLg -#_ eGbf w]/} jfSox¿ x'g] 5}gg\ . tkfO{+n] tL tLg -#_ dWo]af6 c+u|]hLdf cfˆgf] k9\g] bIftf b]vfpg sd;]sd Pp6f -!_ jfSo k9\g}k5{ . tkfO{+nfO{ tof/Ldf ;xfotf ug{ o'P;l;cfOP;af6 k|sflzt gful/s agfpg] k|lqmofsf] k/LIffsf] c+u|]hL k9\g] efusf nflu rflxg] ;a} zAbx¿sf] ;"rL tn lbOPsf] 5 . ljifoj:t' gful/s–zf:q (civics) / Oltxf; (History) ;Fu ;DalGwt x'g]5 . dflg;x¿ (People) ▪ ca|fxd lnÍg (Abraham Lincoln) ▪ hh{ jfl;Ë6g (George Washington) gful/s–zf:q (Civics) ▪ cd]l/sL em08f (American flag) ▪ clwsf/ ljlgodx¿ (Bill of Rights)
(Speaking Portion)
jfrgsf] efu
▪ /fhwfgL (capital) ▪ gful/s (citizen) ▪ zx/÷gu/ (city) ▪ s+u|]; -b'j} ;+;bsf] ;+o'St gfd_ (Congress) ▪ b]z÷/fi6« (country) ▪ xfd|f] b]zsf /fi6«lktf (Father of Our Country) ▪ ;/sf/ (government) ▪ /fi6«klt (President) ▪ clwsf/ (right) ▪ l;g]6 -dflyNnf] ;bg_ sf ;b:o, l;g]6/x? (Senators) ▪ /fHo÷/fHox¿ (state/states) ▪ XjfO6 xfp; (White House) 7fpFx¿ (Places) ▪ cd]l/sf (America) ▪ ;+o'Qm /fHo (United States) ▪ o'=P;= (U.S.) labfx¿ (Holidays) ▪ /fi6«klt lbj; (Presidents’ Day) ▪ ;+:d/0f lbj; (Memorial Day) ▪ em08f lbj; (Flag Day) ▪ :jtGqtf lbj; (Independence Day) ▪ >lds lbj; (Labor Day) ▪ sf]nDa; lbj; (Columbus Day) ▪ Yofª\s;\luleË (Thanksgiving) k|Zg–jfrs zAbx¿ (Question Words) ▪ s;/L (How) ▪ s] (What) ▪ slxn] (When) ▪ sxfF (Where) ▪ sf] (Who) ▪ lsg (Why) lqmofx¿ (Verbs) ▪ ;Sg' (can) ▪ cfpg' (come) ▪ ug'{ (do/does) ▪ r'Gg' (elects) ▪ x'g' (have/has)
▪ 5÷lyof]÷lyof]÷x'g]5 (is/are/was/be) ▪ a:g' -a:5_÷a:Yof] (lives/lived) ▪ e]6\g' (meet) ▪ ltg'{ (pay) ▪ dt lbg', ef]6 v;fNg' (Vote) ▪ rfxg' (want) cGo -sfd_ [Other (Function)] ▪ Pp6f (a) ▪ nfO{, nflu (for) ▪ oxfF (here) ▪ df, leq (in) ▪ sf] (of) ▪ dfly, df (on) ▪ Tof], p (the) ▪ ;Dd÷nfO{ (to) ▪ xfdL (we) cGo -ljj/0f_ [Other (content)] ▪ /Ëx¿ (colors) ▪ 8n/ lan, 8n/sf] gf]6 (dollar bill) ▪ klxnf] (first) ▪ ;a}eGbf 7"nf] (largest) ▪ w]/} (many) ▪ clwsf+z (most) ▪ pQ/ (north) ▪ Ps (one) ▪ hgtf (people) ▪ bf];|f] (second) ▪ blIf0f (south) (writing Portion)
x/]s n]Vg] hfFrdf tkfO{+n] tLg -#_ eGbf w]/} jfSo n]Vg'kg]{ 5}g . c+u|]hLdf n]Vg;Sg] Ifdtf b]vfpg tLg -#_ dWo] tkfO{+n] Ps -!_ jfSo z'4 n]v]/ b]vfpg'k5{ . tkfO{+nfO{ gful/stf k/LIffsf] n]vg c+zsf nflu ;xfotf k'uf];\ eg]/ o'P;l;cfOP;n] ;a} zAbsf] ;"rL lgsfn]sf] 5 . ljifoj:t' gful/s– –zf:q (civics) / Oltxf; (history) df s]lGb|t 5g\ . dflg; (People) ▪ P8D; (Adams)
n]vgsf] efu
▪ lnÍg (Lincoln) ▪ jflzË6g (Washington) gful/s–zf:q (Civics) ▪ cd]l/sg OlG8ogx¿ (American Indians) ▪ /fhwfgL (capital) ▪ gful/sx¿ (citizens) ▪ u[xo'4 (Civil War) ▪ s+u|]; (Congress) ▪ xfd|f] b]zsf /fi6«lktf (Father of Our Country) ▪ em08f (Flag) ▪ d'Qm, :jtGq (Free) ▪ jfs :jtGqtf (freedom of speech) ▪ /fi6«klt (President) ▪ clwsf/ (right) ▪ dflyNnf] ;bgsf ;b:ox¿, l;g]6/x? (Senators) ▪ /fHo÷/fHox¿ (state/states) ▪ XjfO6xfp; (White House) 7fpFx¿ (Places) ▪ cnf:sf (Alaska) ▪ Soflnkmf]lg{of (California) ▪ Sofg8f (Canada) ▪ 8]nfj/ (Delaware) ▪ d]lS;sf] (Mexico) ▪ Go'of]s{ l;6L (New York City) ▪ ;+o'Qm /fHo (United States) ▪ jflzË6g (Washington) ▪ jflzË6g, l8=;L= (Washington, D.C.) dlxgfx¿ (Months) ▪ km]a|'c/L (February) ▪ d] (May) ▪ h"g (June) ▪ h'nfO{ (July) ▪ ;]K6]Da/ (September) ▪ cS6f]a/ (October) ▪ gf]e]Da/ (November) labfx¿ (Holidays) ▪ /fi6«klt lbj; (Presidents’ Day)
▪ ;+:d/0f lbj; (Memorial Day) ▪ em08f lbj; (Flag Day) ▪ :jtGqtf lbj; (Independence Day) ▪ >lds lbj; (Labor Day) ▪ sf]nDa; lbj; (Columbus Day) ▪ Yofª\s;\;luleË (Thanksgiving) lqmofx¿ (Verbs) ▪ ;Sg' (can) ▪ cfpg' (come) ▪ r'Gg' (Elect) ▪ x'g' (have/has) ▪ 5÷lyof]÷x'g]5 (is/was/be) ▪ a:g'÷a:Yof] (lives/lived) ▪ e]6\g' (meets) ▪ ltg'{ (pay) ▪ dt lbg' (vote) ▪ rfxg' (want) cGo -sfd_ [Other (Function)] ▪ / (and) ▪ bf}/fg (during) ▪ nfO{÷nflu (for) ▪ oxfF (here) ▪ df (in) ▪ sf] (of) ▪ df (on) ▪ Tof] (the) ▪ nfO{ (to) ▪ xfdL (we) cGo -ljj/0f_ [Other (content)] ▪ gLnf] (blue) ▪ 8n/ lan, 8n/sf] gf]6 (dollar bill) ▪ krf;÷%) (fifty/50) ▪ klxnf] (first) ▪ ;a}eGbf 7"nf] (largest) ▪ w]/}h;f] (most) ▪ pQ/ (north) ▪ Ps (one)
▪ Ps ;o÷!)) (one hundred/100) ▪ hgtf, dflg; (People) ▪ /ftf] (Red) ▪ bf];|f] (Second) ▪ blIf0f (south) ▪ s/x¿ (taxes) ▪ ;]tf] (white) •• :yfoL afl;Gbf (permanent resident) sf nflu yk z}lIfs ;fdu|Lsf nflu s[kof lgDg j]a;fO6df hfg'xf];\M www.uscis.gov/citizenship
cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf kfpg] k/LIff (U.S. naturalization test) af/] yk hfgsf/Lsf nflu s[kof lgDg j]a;fO6df hfg'xf];\M www.uscis.gov/citizenshiptest.
•• l6Kk0fLM o; lstfadf ePsf hfgsf/Lx¿ r'gfj tyf kb axfnLx?sf sf/0f km]l/g ;S5g\ . ;+o'Qm /fHo gful/stf tyf cWofudg ljefu (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; USCIS) n] ;do–;dodf o; 5fkfnfO{ cBfjlws ug{ x/k|of; ul//xg]5 . •• cIfl/sfn] klg pSt ljefun] ub}{ hfg] hfgsf/LnfO{ cBfjlws ug]{5 .
;dfKt (The end) Translated by Rajesh Koirala, Editor of Aksharica (Nepali newsletter) Email: aksharica.communication@gmail.com Website: http://civictestbookoftheusinepali.blogspot. com/ OR http://anyflip.com/homepage/ pqge/
This is an informal translation. We are welcome any comments and suggestions so we can improve this book. Thank you.