CMR 9-22-11

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Home of the Great Salt Plains & the Selenite Hourglass Crystal


MESSENGER & REPUBLICAN Vol. 109 No. 43 – 14 Pages, 1 Section

Funding still key for lake (Editor's Note: Survival of Great Salt Plains Lake, particularly after the devastation of the current drought combined with the federal government's budgetary meltdown, is questionable at best. Keitha Dale, who resides near the lake, asked for an update and received the following response.) To Corps of Engineers: Great Salt Plains Lake is now at its lowest level ever. Although it's supposed to be at the "feasibility study" phase that is supposed to be 100 percent funded by our federal government, we realize at this time the funding won't be in the near future, which will be a death sentence for GSP Lake. The lake is not only critical to the economic development of Northwest Oklahoma but also has been critical habitat along the Central Flyway for migrating birds, particularly the endangered Whooping Crane. Please let me and all the other concerned citizens that have been watching the Facebook page "Restore the Great Salt Plains Lake" know how we can help the Corps resolve the crisis looming at the lake. Thanks for your help, Keitha Dale Nescatunga Dear Ms. Dale: Your message was forwarded to me for response.

Cherokee, (Alfalfa County) Oklahoma

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Thursday, September 22, 2011 – 50¢

DA lectures Jet Town Board “It sounds to me like you’re doing a damn sorry job! You’re sitting down here squabbling like a bunch of first-graders and getting nothing done!” – District Attorney Hollis Thorp

See LAKE Page 2

By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff JET – What do 32 citizens, two highway patrol troopers, one attorney, a sheriff ’s deputy, a district attorney, a district attorney’s investigator and four board members make? A Jet

Town Board meeting. Not much business was conducted during the Sept. 14 regular meetings of the Jet Town Board and Utilities Authority, but a lot of yelling, name-calling and violence took place by audience members, after the district

The ‘Pride” is back! CHEROKEE STUDENTS Sydney Wyatt (left) and Raegan Hester can’t hide their joy in being selected to wear old CHS marching band hats and carry “The Pride of Chero-

kee” banner announcing the arrival of the school’s Alumni Band in last week’s homecoming parade. The band was awarded first place and $25 in the Open Float Division.

attorney told board members to grow up. “I’m not happy to be here,” said District Attorney Hollis Thorp as he stood in the Jet Community Building between a pack of angry citizens and board members Carolyn Crossette, Hershel Kiser, Lindeen Evans and Mayor Jim Blackledge. Thorp turned to board members and advised them that it was not his job to be the Jet city manager, but the oodles of calls he has received lately from the “good people” of Jet left him no choice but to attend the meeting and try and put the board members in check. “It sounds to me like you’re doing a damn sorry job!” Thorp said. “You’re sitting down here squabbling like a bunch of firstgraders and getting nothing done!” He told board members if he continues to receive phone calls from citizens, he will send a letter that he already has written to the State Auditor’s Office requesting an audit of the town’s books. DA PROMISES PROSECUTION “If anything comes out of it (the audit), I am going to prosecute it very vigorously because these people deserve it,” Thorp said as he pointed to the crowd of citizens. “I’m hoping you all grow up and start running this like a city government!” Thorp promised board members that if an audit, which will cost the town about $10,000, resulted in criminal activity, he will ask for search warrants for each of the board members’ homes. “And if anything is found, I will further prosecute,” Thorp said. “It’s not going to be pretty, and you’re not going to like it. If that doesn’t work, I will call a See LECTURE Page 3

County willing to go to court to boot county clerk ‘There will be jury trial’ – Doug Murrow Martin appeals to citizens with letter By KORINA DOVE Messenger & Republican Staff The process has begun to strip Alfalfa County Clerk Bruce Martin of his elected office. County Commissioners Doug Murrow, Chad Roach and Toby Walker spent more than an hour Monday in executive session discussing whether or not to spend taxpayer dollars on booting the county clerk. Commissioners reconvened in regular session to vote unanimously on doing just that. Murrow made the motion to begin the process of removing Martin from office. Roach seconded, and Walker made no objections. “There will be a jury trial,” Murrow said when the meeting was adjourned. That was the only comment made by the commissioners. Martin also declined to comment but submitted a letter to the citizens of Alfalfa County. (The letter is printed in its entirety in today’s edition.) Martin was charged July 17 in Alfalfa County District Court with one felony count of falsification of records by custodian.

Inside today... Wheat Price.............................. 3 Opinions................................... 4 Lifestyles.............................. 5, 6 Funerals................................... 6 Sports......................... 7, 8, 9, 10 Legals......................... 11, 12, 13 Classifieds............................. 13

He is accused of altering his regular monthly paychecks from December 2010 and January and February 2011 by withholding $750 from each check, as if it were a garnishment, and issuing himself a supplemental check for the remainder of his pay. According to state statute, garnishments must be court ordered, and Martin’s was not. Martin made an initial appearance in court July 19, when he entered a plea of not guilty. He was scheduled to make a status conference and bond appearance Sept. 2, but that court date was canceled. Judge Loren Angle recused himself from the case, and Martin’s attorney, Randy Long, submitted a motion Aug. 25 to disqualify the Woodward County District Attorney’s Office from prosecuting his client. A court date for the next step in the case has not been scheduled. PAINTING A PICTURE Former kindergarten teacher Carole Grover used poster boards to describe her displeasure of semi-trucks using Latimer Road (Byron BlackSee TRIAL Page 2

Page 3...

Check out one of the top bikes from the 2011 Homecoming parade.

(Editor’s Note: Following is the letter released to the Messenger & Republican by Bruce Martin when asked for a comment concerning Monday’s county commissioner meeting.) To all Alfalfa County Citizens: By now I am sure that many of you know that Doug Murrow, chairman of the Alfalfa County Board of Commissioners, and District Attorney Hollis Thorp have undertaken to remove me from office without any legitimate basis to do so. I am only trying to do my best for you as I know that is what you expected of me when you overwhelmingly voted me into office and what you still expect of me. I have tried to attend the two-day purchas-

Pages 7-10

Chiefs crown Homecoming royalty; travel to Garber on Friday.

ing school every year so I can keep up with any updates as to what the Oklahoma State statutes require and what the Oklahoma State Auditor’s Office expects for purchasing procedures. The auditor’s office encourages all elected officials and their deputies that have any thing to do with purchasing to attend in order to keep themselves out of hot water. I have yet to know of any other elected official from Alfalfa County to attend. I do know that there have been some of the deputies attend. Therefore, I try to assist anyone who has anything to do with purchasing on the proper way to purchase items. It seems See LETTER Page 2

“It seems that when I say it shouldn’t be done that way and the department doesn’t like my advice, they run to the district attorney’s office...” – Bruce Martin

Page 10...

Ashton Blewitt wears the 2011 Miss T’lake crown after pageant.

Page 2 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011

CHS Homecoming is ‘Win-Win’ Local students raise $236.85 for Oklahoma Cancer Center Cherokee Homecoming was a “Win-Win” week all around. Students celebrated this year’s homecoming theme, “Unlock the Magic for a Cure – Cherokee Chiefs Tackle Cancer,” with Spirit Days and contests and events, which helped raise $236.85 for the Oklahoma Cancer Center. Students raised money throughout the week by voting on the teacher or administrator they most wanted to see strut their stuff in a dance contest that took place at noon on Thursday in the high school gymnasium. Superintendent Cory Ellis racked up the most change and was honored with a crown and red cape in which he took center court and boogied down in front of the entire school body. Dozens of fans gathered Thursday night at the Cherokee baseball field in the rain and cold to watch the Pink Team take on the White Team in a powder puff football game that kept spectators in suspense until the last few seconds. Senior boys coached from the sidelines,

and the Pink Team came out on top with a winning score of 126. Fourth-grader Dakota Dooley took home $100 after winning the Punt, Pass and Kick Contest with a time of 23 seconds. He defeated Damon Hawkins, Cherokee Board of Education Member T.J. Allison, junior Grant DeWitt and junior Ruben Castro for the top prize. The non-winners (we wouldn’t want to call them losers) of the contest then competed for consolation prizes of $20 in a touchdown dance contest and a cartwheel contest. Although it wasn’t a pretty sight, Allison had the best cartwheels, managing several in a row down the sidelines, and Castro won $20 by showing the audience the move he would make if ever he were to score a touchdown. The real contests began Friday afternoon during the annual Homecoming Parade through downtown Cherokee. Seniors blew away the competition, winning $100 with their heliumfilled float from the movie “Up.” Sophomores won $75 with their

float from “Cars,” and third place and $50 went to the junior class with “Toy Story.” In the Open Class Division, the Pride of Cherokee Band played its way into the firstplace spot and a $25 prize. George Hoggard and his hornrimmed “Flintstones” fourwheeler won second place and $15 for the Lions Club, and the new Big Chief bus, driven by Allison, won third place and $10. Mary Pat Cudmore and Paula Mahieu served as this year’s parade judges. Mayor Karen Hawkins led the parade as parade marshal. Lindzey Ducotey was crowned the Homecoming Queen by this year’s King, Wesley “Cookie” Gilchrist, during the evening festivities. Other candidates were Taylor Highfill, Katelyn Roberts, Austin Hawkins and Derek Richmond. The Chiefs put a cherry on top of the week’s “winning” activities by securing a win against the Kremlin-Hillsdale Broncs with a mercy ruling of 62-12. The game ended just a few minutes into the third quarter.

house, they need not to even drive 45,” Grover said. “This is what I want now – 45. I feel like 55 was a big mistake.” She held up a sign that said “Safety” and gave each commissioner signs that said “45 mph” and “33%.” She explained that the “33%” sign signified the recent raises county officials received. “I have no quarrel with your raise,” Grover said. “I’m hoping we’re going to get a little better production out of them (county workers).” She said she hopes the raises make county workers feel better about their jobs and makes them feel more responsible for keeping county roads safe. Commissioners made no comment following Grover’s presentation. They entered executive session at 10:29 a.m. to interview an applicant for a maintenance position in the courthouse. They reconvened at 11:18 a.m. and voted to table the issue until the next regular meeting, which takes place at 10 a.m. Monday in the Civic Room on the first floor of the courthouse. Other agenda items dis-

cussed during the meeting include the following: •A warrant for the reverse osmosis water system in Martin’s office. Commissioners agreed the county clerk’s office should be responsible for paying the bill instead of using money from the county’s general fund. “We have good water in Cherokee,” Murrow said. “There’s no sense in even having a reverse osmosis system.” Roach and Walker agreed. “If we do that, he says he’s going to close it to his office only, which I think is his right,” Roach said. Roach motioned to have Martin’s office pay the bill, which is $80 every six months. Walker seconded and the motion passed unanimously. •Commissioners approved two road crossing permits in District 3 from SandRidge, three road crossing permits in District 2 for Chesapeake and one road crossing permit each in District 1 for Select Energy, Alfalfa Electric Cooperative and SandRidge. •Commissioners agreed to go out for bids on asphalt millings.

that has resulted from these unnecessary and completely inappropriate actions by others. The time and money they have caused the state to spend on legal research or proceedings, the time wasted by coming into my office and serving a search warrant, the time lost by land men having to leave my office so that the search warrant could be served, and most of all for the resulting inconvenience to my fellow officers by trying to help keep them out of prison. Most of them seem to appreciate my help. I am sorry that there is not

enough trust in me and my knowledge to keep the line of communication open between elected officials as instructed by the auditor’s office in the last audit report and promised by the chairman of commissioners in a response letter to the auditors. Doug Murrow has closed the line of communication, as he has recently changed his cell phone number and won’t give it to me, and the district attorney’s office will not answer or return my calls. What am I supposed to do? Respectfully, Bruce Martin, Alfalfa County Clerk

TRIAL Continued from Page 1 top) to haul heavy oilfield equipment to and from locations within the county. “My house sits 100 yards off the Byron Road,” Grover said. “It is NOT an oil industry blacktop.” Grover said her house shakes every time a semi plows down the road, and she wants commissioners to reduce the speed limit from 55 mph to 45 mph so her home does not suffer any more damage. “The foundation has already cracked,” she said. Grover said she contacted Gov. Mary Fallin’s office and spoke personally with Rep. Jeff Hickman about the matter. “He (Hickman) brought Tony Sessions, who is a highway patrolmen in charge of weights and measures of trucks,” Grover said. “He did sit in my living room. He did feel the trucks and the shaking.” She said Sessions also explained that many of the tanker trucks traveling on the road are not overloaded but the “big trucks that move the rigs were overloaded.” “When they go past my

LAKE Continued from Page 1 I apologize in advance if this email sounds bureaucratic – that's not my intent and it's not the intent of the Tulsa District – but the answers to your questions are a bit complicated. I may also be providing some project background that you already know, but please bear with me. Great Salt Plains Lake is, like many lakes in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas, suffering through a severe drought – in fact it may be one of the worst droughts on record for the region. Although water levels are dropping at nearly every Tulsa District lake, the impacts at Great Salt Plains are more severe and more visible due to the sedimentation that has filled the normal or conservation pool of the lake. Over the course of the lake's 70 years of operation the sediment from upstream run-off has made the lake shallow and inhospitable to fish and other aquatic life; however, as you point out in your email, the lake continues to provide important habitat for migrating waterfowl and other birds. IMPORTANCE OF THE LAKE We also understand the role the lake has played in the local and regional economy, not to mention its significance in the lives of the people in the area. The importance of Great Salt Plains Lake is not lost on the District, and in 2010 we completed an Initial Appraisal of the project. An Initial Appraisal is a key step in evaluating opportunities to modify or restore a completed project so that the region and the nation can best benefit from the project. Based on the results of the Initial Appraisal and the input of those who provided comments and attended our public workshops, we have requested funds to begin the next step in the process. That next step, a reconnaissance study, would be 100 percent federally funded and would focus on identifying a study sponsor and cost share partner for detailed feasibility studies. The feasibility study is the real meat of the process, and it would include a detailed evalua-

tion of the problems and opportunities associated with the current project. It would also involve the public and all stakeholders in an effort to come to a solution that best solves the needs of the area and can be implemented in partnership of both federal and non-federal sponsors. STUDY WOULD HELP ALL CORPS OF ENGINEERS LAKES Quite frankly, the issues at Great Salt Plains Lake are a picture of what could happen at many of the lakes in the Tulsa District in the future. We believe that addressing the problems at Great Salt Plains Lake could be of great benefit, both to Great Salt Plains and to other lakes in the region. Unfortunately, the reconnaissance phase of study has not yet received funding and we are unable to begin the next steps in identifying a long term solution to the issues at Great Salt Plains Lake until we can complete that phase of the process. We continue to seek federal funding but the current budgetary outlook is pretty grim. WHAT YOU CAN DO You asked what you and other concerned citizens can do to help the Corps solve the crisis at Great Salt Plains Lake. While there is probably not a near term solution, the single most important thing you can do is to continue to voice the needs at Great Salt Plains Lake. Don't let the project go unno-

ticed. Continue to communicate to local, state and federal agencies how critical the project is. Take every opportunity to work with elected officials and agencies at all levels to seek funding. The Tulsa District will continue to seek funding for the necessary studies through our normal budgetary processes and we have highlighted the need to evaluate Great Salt Plains Lake both for the benefit of the lake and for other projects which will eventually experience many of the same issues. CONGRESSMEN CAN HELP Oklahoma congressmen and senators have been very helpful and influential in the past in making sure that the needs of Oklahoma get the attention and funding they deserve. While the current budgetary climate makes that very difficult for them, that climate may change or they may have other opportunities at the national level to make the significance of the problems at Great Salt Plains Lake known. I wish I could give you an easy answer or good news. Please let me know if I can provide you with additional information or answer any further questions you might have. Please feel free to contact me either via email or by phone at (918) 669-7666. Susan Haslett Chief, Planning & Environmental Division Tulsa District, US Army Corps of Engineers

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LETTER Continued from Page 1 that when I say it shouldn’t be done that way and the department does not like my advice, they run to someone in the district attorney’s office who says it is okay, go ahead and do it, even though it is contrary to state statute. Also, it seems that when I disagree with anyone on their opinion, or when I am busy and can’t give them the printout they want immediately, they incorrectly assume that I am trying to cause trouble and should be kicked out of office. I am sorry for any trouble

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Cherokee Publishing Co. 216 S. grand, Cherokee 580-596-3344

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011 • Page 3

LECTURE Continued from Page 1 grand jury.” Jet resident Jeremy Winn told Thorp the citizens want the audit, and ordering it would be “just fine,” but Judy Morris adamantly disagreed. “No, it isn’t fine!” she yelled from her front-row seat. She accused board members of conducting unauthorized meetings at the Jiffy Trip and other locations. WHERE WAS THE COMPUTER? Other audience members demanded an explanation as to why Blackledge removed the town’s computer, which contained private information about citizens, such as addresses, telephone numbers and utility payments, from City Hall and kept the computer in an undisclosed location for nine days. Town Attorney Bill Shaw defended Blackledge, saying the computer was taken because the billing system had not been set up properly, and a computer serviceman had to “come in and go through the system.” Former Town Clerk Donna Keller, who resigned from her position after board members voted not to renew a consulting contract with her mother-in-law Jacquetta Jenkins, said utility bill payments had been found in the trash. Shaw said citizens needed to stop making accusations and wait to get the “full story” from board members. He also said citizens could not depend on the newspaper for accurate information about what has been going on with the board. “You can’t believe everything you read in the paper or hear from your neighbor,” Shaw said. “I move we fire all of them and have a runoff election,” Winn said.

Shaw said, “That may be a possibility.” Thorp said he will have District Attorney Investigator Steve Tanio, who attended the meeting, look into the issue concerning the computer. When business on the agenda finally got under way, board members bickered over, but approved, purchase orders and listened to reports read by Blackledge regarding the fire department, community building and museum. Under reports from the mayor, Blackledge made no comment. Board members also approved the sale of the town’s 2003 Crown Victoria police car for $3,000. The Town of Helena submitted the only bid for the car. Members approved a resolution to submit a grant application to Northern Oklahoma Development Authority for street work before entering executive session to decide the fate of acting Town Clerk Kelli Hopkins. Board members entered executive session at 8:17 p.m. and after about an hour asked Hopkins to join them. The regular meeting reconvened at 9:59 p.m., and Evans motioned to not hire Hopkins as town clerk. Blackledge seconded the motion. Blackledge, Evans and Crossette voted “no” on the motion, each expressing his or her opposition to hiring Hopkins. Kiser voted against the motion with a “no” vote. Hopkins left the meeting at 10:02 p.m., and the town board meeting adjourned at 10:06 p.m. KISER CALLS IT QUITS Blackledge called the meeting of the Jet Utilities Authority to order following the town board adjournment. As members reviewed purchase orders, Kiser stood and announced,

“I’m out.” Crossette followed and said, “I am, too,” leaving the board without a quorum. “Due to lack of quorum, this Jet Utilities Authority meeting is adjourned at 10:12 p.m.,” Blackledge said. “Thank you all for coming.” One audience member asked why Crossette left the meeting. “Ms. Crossette was very, uh, sad she had to make the decision she did,” Shaw said. “And I don’t think it was in opposition of the business. I think she was sad because of the decision she had to make. Some of these things you’re hearing aren’t true... exaggerated, let’s say.” Kiser returned to the meeting and handed Shaw a letter of resignation from the board. Shaw passed the note to Blackledge, who handed the note to Evans. “You’d a got one of those from me if it had gone the other way,” Evans said, referring to the vote to not hire Hopkins. AFTER THOUGHTS Following the meeting, several citizens engaged in cross words, and heated arguments erupted. Gene Crossette charged Jenkins with his wheelchair. Highway Patrol Trooper Randall McCullough informed Crossette that his actions were considered an assault and that the district attorney could prosecute. In a phone interview Monday, other witnesses and Carolyn Crossette said following the meeting Linda Kiser threw a picture at her but instead hit Sherril Whitlow in the mouth. No charges were filed. Crossette said she has considered resigning from the board but has not yet made the decision to do so. “I’m trying to do everything right and I just don’t know

where to go from here,” Crossette said. “I don’t believe what they (other board members) have done is right at all.” She said she was not in favor of hiring Hopkins as town clerk after reviewing paperwork shown to her during executive session. “I have to be true to myself and the Lord,” Crossette said. “They kind of wanted me to vote a different way, but I had to do what I thought in my heart was right.” She said she knew Hopkins was just learning the job, and she had nothing against Hopkins personally, but she could not cast the same vote as Kiser, in favor of hiring Hopkins. “Hershel (Kiser) got angry,”

Crossette said. “He felt like I should have stood behind her (Hopkins), but I felt like my place in there is to do what’s right for the city... so he (Kiser) got up and walked out.” Crossette said she left the meeting because she thought it was over. “I honestly thought the meeting was over the other night, but I guess it wasn’t.” Crossette said. “I guess I was just upset. I think they’re playing games just to get what they want, but I can’t do that.” She said if she resigns, the board will be left with Blackledge, Evans and David Pitt, who has been ill for several weeks. “David’s in the hospital, and

he’s in the hospital from the pressures and things,” Crossette said. “So I know he’s not going to go back on the board.” Pitt’s boss, Nina Britain, said Pitt has not indicated to her that he will resign. According to state statute, however, Pitt will automatically forfeit his seat if he misses more than two meetings in a row. Blackledge said Tuesday that the board is scheduling a special meeting for 6 p.m. today (Thursday) at City Hall. “We don’t have an agenda formatted yet,” Blackledge said, but one item will be to appoint a trustee in place of Kiser and to hire a town clerk to perform the town’s non-statutory duties. He said Hopkins remains in charge of the town’s statutory duties. “She still has that office until something different develops,” Blackledge said.


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City/County Library Meeting Room Discussing MOVING DAY, Oct. 1st! All Thrift Store Volunteers welcome.

CHEROKEE’S seniors took first place in school floats and won $100 from Cherokee Main Street for this “Beat ‘UP’ the Broncs” and “Never Give ‘UP’ on a Cure” entry.

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Alfalfa County commissioners are taking applications for a janitor/maintenance/lawn care person. Beginning salary will be dependant on experience and qualifications. Applications may be picked up in the county commissioners’ office on the second floor of the courthouse. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. October 7, 2011. Alfalfa County is an equal employment opportunity employer.

121 E. Main 596-3333

405 S. Oklahoma, Cherokee • 596-2800

Page 4 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011


From this corner...

Send Letters to the Editor to... Cherokee Publishing Co. • P.O. Box 245 • Cherokee, OK 73728 E-mail:


"If by a 'liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people – their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties – someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'liberal,' then I’m proud to say I’m a “liberal.”

Jet computer move mistake We’ve been requested by both sides of the fracas at Jet to take sides. We’re not yet ready to do that, but we do have an opinion on some of the latest developments. For those not aware, Jet Mayor Jim Blackledge and Town Board member Lindeen Evans apparently head up one faction of the town’s governing body, with more recent additions – Carolyn Crossette, Hershel Kiser and David Pitt – comprising another. When the newer trio of members attempted a few weeks ago to flex their muscle and not renew the contract of long-time circuit rider consultant Jacquetta Jenkins (who claimed she didn’t intend to ask for a new contract), it was met by the resignation of the town clerk-treasurer, who is Jenkins’ daughter-in-law. Jenkins’ son is also employed by the town. Mayor Blackledge locked down the city offices and the struggle for power between the two factions intensified, now to the point that it threatens the town’s day-to-day operations. Two developments are particularly disturbing. The first is a report that Blackledge fired acting Town Clerk-Treasurer Kelli Hopkins, changed the locks to the office, put sheets up over the windows and removed a business computer containing the community’s transactions. Blackledge did not respond to questions posed by fellow board members, who asked why the computer was taken and where it was located. If that is the case, it is a serious abuse of power and should warrant action by proper authorities – the Alfalfa County District Attorney’s Office to be exact. We have no idea if anyone tampered with the computer after it was removed from the Jet Town Hall, but innocent or not on Blackledge’s part, it naturally causes suspicion by Jet citizens. Removal of the computer could and probably should result in a state audit. That’s a shame, because such an investigation will cost the town valuable resources. But taking the computer from the town’s business office is a serious breach of authority. The second disturbing predicament is the apparent stubbornness of Town Attorney Bill Shaw of Enid to advise the town it should provide town agendas and meeting minutes in an electronic format. From e-mail communication we’ve seen, Shaw has chosen to ignore a legitimate request for that information. If those records are kept on a computer, it is relatively simple to provide them electronically and begs the question: why not? If Shaw’s answer is “because I can,” he should be ordered by the town board to follow the law or resign. If he chooses to do neither, he should be fired. Now we hear that board member Hershel Kiser has resigned, which creates an even split – two against two – meaning continued friction and an increasing likelihood that the town’s business will take a back seat to controversy. Something has to give at Jet and it should start with an audit that the town can ill afford.

Home of the Great Salt Plains & the Selenite Hourglass Crystal

Dear editor... Jet citizen suggests it’s time for state audit of town’s activities; still waiting for town attorney to acknowledge Open Records Act Dear Editor: On April 7, I requested from the Town of Jet the meeting agenda and the tentative meeting minutes in electronic form. I suggested using e-mail, but was open to other ideas for transfer if e-mail was not satisfactory. If refused, I requested a reference to the law that overrides the Oklahoma Open Records Act that supports my request. The definition of "records" within this act includes date files created or used with computer software. (Title 51, 24.A3) It has been five months and I have not received records nor the reference to the overriding law. The request was forwarded to the town attorney (Bill Shaw of Enid). Twenty days passed before hearing from him and being refused the records. After corresponding directly by e-mail with the attorney, he still would not give the reference to the law supporting the refusal. For details, go to and click on FOI Status. Hopefully, publishing this information will stimulate more interest among Jet residents to track the activities and decisions of the town board. The old regime is being successful again in canceling out the results of an election by mistreating the new inexperienced officials instead of nurturing them. This treatment caused the resignation of the replacement mayor in 2005 and the clerk-treasurer in 2008. They also squelch many citizens' desire to run for office. In 2009, we wound up with nepotism within our government consisting of the town clerktreasurer, the circuit rider consultant and the water superintendent. They are all members of the same family. In addition, the town attorney is or has

been that family's personal attorney and friend, which seems to me a conflict of interest needing investigation. I sense that board members receive unequal support from the town attorney and that citizens get zero. Citizens should be very watchful when such a condition exists. Our DA (Hollis Thorp) spoke at the September meeting, using threatening words. I had the impression they were mostly aimed at the new board members, because he stated he was a friend of the town attorney. Thus I am not sure he has kept nor can keep this issue at a professional, unbiased level. It appears a sheriff's report was not investigated. I understand there may be evidence of activity by a couple of board members that was not approved by the board. Delay gives time for a cover up or wrongdoing. The mayor could have called an emergency meeting if it was a financial emergency. Jet needs a special audit from the state going years back to learn whether this regime has been trustworthy and to provide corrective action where needed. Jet has not had a special audit of which I am aware, and these problems have been festering for some time. I have been attending most of the town meetings and the lack of written task reports and performance reports indicate to me that the mayor does not have adequate input to ascertain whether Jet is getting its share of labor, nor for its portion in the use of assets, because they are being shared with Goltry. Incident reports should be required, but I think it is all by word of mouth. Also, there has been no evidence of detailed reports from the utilities authority. Paul Blackledge, Jet

The old regime is being successful again in canceling out the results of an election by mistreating the new inexperienced officials instead of nurturing them. – Paul Blackledge

Game on despite 3-hour delay – From The Tulsa World Never let it be said that the state of Oklahoma doesn't love its football. Okay, most likely no one would ever say that, but just in case, consider Sunday morning's University of Tulsa-Oklahoma State University meeting at TU's Chapman Stadium. A game scheduled to kick off at 9:10 p.m. Saturday – a late start to accommodate TV – was delayed more than three hours because of a fierce lightning storm and didn't wind up until after 3:30 a.m. A surprisingly large number of fans hung around beneath the stands, in the nearby Reynolds Center or even in their cars, for the kickoff. Fans, who were pelted with rain off and on, be-

gan leaving at halftime, with OSU comfortably ahead. The Cowboys finally won, 59-33. Football games traditionally are rarely delayed or canceled because of the weather. This lengthy delay without a cancellation must have been a first, but it is a situation that might be more likely to re-occur because of strict new NCAA rules dealing with playing when lightning is in the vicinity. This situation obviously caught the schools and game officials by surprise. It might never happen again, but it wouldn't hurt to have policies or guidelines in place beforehand. Meanwhile, how about those stay-throughanything fans?

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(Many of you will remember Jon Dohr and his "I'm Just Askin'..." column, which appeared in the Messenger & Republican during his days as editor here. Now editor at The Madill Record, here's his take on the electronic era.) ...I feel it incumbent upon me to share my knowledge of electronic terminology. I've compiled this glossary of computer-era terms. Applet: a really small MacIntosh computer (see how easy this is?). Bluetooth: when you're working on your computer while eating a popsickle. Byte: the little piece that's bitten off the Apple computer logo. Cache: refers to the price of a computer. Cursor: when your computer makes you really mad and you call it a $#%@$. Desktop: where your computer sits... duh! Drive: that's how you get your computer home from the store. Ethernet: a network of dentists. Firewall: if you don't keep your computer cool, it can burst into flames. Floppy: if your computer bursts into flames and melts, it gets floppy. Frequency: how often you get on Facebook. Gateway: that thing you pass through at the front of the store to make sure you didn't steal your computer. Google: a whole lot of something (I guess megagoogle would be even more). Icon: someone really popular on the Internet. Interface: when you download someone's picture. Java: particularly nice when you first turn your computer on in the morning. JPEG: part of the computer hardware. It's the little peg that's shaped like a "J." Guess what an MPEG is) Memory: what you need so you don't forget to check your e-mail. Menu: you can pull up some restaurant's website and find out what they serve. Monitor: what you have to do to your kids' Internet. Multitasking: I have no idea what that means, I'm male. Office Suites: that jar of M&Ms you have on your desk. Operating System: you can get on the Internet and find out how to perform surgery. PDA: when you're happy with your computer and you give it a pat. Platform: that's what a certain political party stands for, but I don't know what it has to do with computers. RAM – the symbol of Aries. ROM – how they say RAM in Great Britain. Spam: sometimes, working on the computer makes you hungry. Keep some of this in the pantry. Web: when you don't clean your computer regularly, spiders can get in there. So that's it. Now you're computer savvy, like me. Hey, after working this hard, you think I've earned a byte of Spam and some java? I'm just askin'...

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Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011 • Page 5


Wheatheart Nutrition Lists Menu

Perryman fights in the cage By MARGARET GOSS

Melissa Kay McCarty and Chace Tyler Jewell

McCarty - Jewell set date Dr. and Mrs. Michael McCarty of Ardmore and Mr. and Mrs. Jan Jewell of Byron are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their children, Melissa Kay McCarty and Chace Tyler Jewell. Grandparents of the bride are Mr. Dow W. McCarty, and the late Colleen McCarty of Oklahoma City and Mr. Mickey Cary and the late Wanda Cary of Oklahoma City. McCarty is a 2003 graduate of Plainview High School, a 2007 graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma with a Bachelor's of Science in Biology, and 2010 graduate of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center with a Master of Health Science as a Physician's Assistant. She is presently employed

with Urology Centers of Oklahoma in Bethany. Grandparents of the groom are Mrs. Betty Jewell and the late Junior Jewell of Byron, and the late Jack and Lorene Highfill of Driftwood. Jewell is a 2001 graduate of Burlington High School. He graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2006 with Bachelors Degrees in both Marketing and Human Resources. He is currently employed as Regional Account Manager with Advanced Academics Incorporated in Oklahoma City. The couple will exchange vows Oct. 22 at Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City. After a honeymoon to Tortola, British Virgin Islands, the couple will reside in Edmond.

Wessels shares quilts with Beta Sigma Phi members In August Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met at the home of Donna Wessels, who presented a display and explanation of her personally-made quilts. Members present were Joan McDaniel, Ruth Polson, Wessels, Evelyn Stout, Wilda Flaming, Marian Goodwin, Trudy Lancaster and special guest, Georgia Wilson. In September the Sorority met at the Cherokee Station. The business meeting was conducted by Polson. The October meeting will also be at the Cherokee Station at 11:45 a.m. Members present were McDaniel, Flaming, Goodwin, Polson, Donna Wessels, Barbara Wessels, Stout and Lancaster.

Carmen Correspondent CARMEN – The monthly fourth Friday musical will be held at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 23 at the Carmen Senior Citizens. Musicians are invited to join the jam sessions. Cards or games and finger foods will also be available. PERRYMAN IN CAGE FIGHTS Bobby Perryman competed in the Art of War Cage Fights held at Woodward Sept. 10. This was Perryman's first professional competition. In the end of the second round, Perryman tapped out and the fight ended. METHODIST NEWS Adult Sunday School class will begin at 9:45 a.m. this Sunday. There will be children's Sunday School during the morning service. Everyone is welcome to attend. The chicken dinners are available at the church which is located across from the park. CHRISTIAN CHURCH MEN MEET The Carmen Christian Church hosted the NW Christian Church Men's Fellowship last Thursday. A meal was provided by the ladies and the business meeting was held. Gary Booze, Aline, provided musical entertainment and Janis Wooten and the Jazzercise Kids Get Fit provided entertainment. HERE AND THERE Richard McElhatten, Bob and

Margaret Goss, and Cindy Baker attended the Bobbi Parker trial in Mangum Monday where they heard the closing arguments in the trial of the former deputy warden's wife who is charged with helping an inmate escape from prison. The Slack-Scott reunion was held in the Carmen Park Sept. 3 with over 30 relatives attending the dinner. Margaret Goss and Linda Delano attended a workshop on Machine Quilting held at Prairie Quilts in Hennessey recently. Terry and Cindy Baker, Erin and Brandon Baker and girls of Wichita, Kan., and Chris and Cindi Baker and family of Fairview and other relatives attended the Ice Capades held in Oklahoma City last weekend. They also celebrated Terry's birthday while there. Erin and Tyler Meier of Edmond spent the weekend with Bob and Margaret Goss and Orpha Goss. They celebrated Orpha's birthday with a family dinner Sunday. Janis and Sam Wooten were in Edmond Sept. 9 to attend a Jazzercise Movement Training. Margaret Goss spent two days with Marvin and Cheryl Percival in Oxford, Kan., last weekend. She attended the Walnut Valley Music Festival and the National Hammered Dulcimer contest.

Menu is subject to change due to availability of foods. Sept. 26 - Liver and onions, mashed potatoes with gravy, zucchini and tomatoes, wheat roll, pears. Sept. 27 - Beef macaroni casserole, mixed vegetables, tossed salad, cornbread, baker’s choice dessert. Sept. 28 - Chicken salad,

English pea cheese salad, carrot raisin salad, crackers, red Jell-O poke cake. Sept. 29 - Western sandwich, cucumber, tomato, onion salad, baked beans, chocolate chip cookie. For reservation, call 580596-2792 Cherokee, or 580-8523248 Helena, by noon the day before.

Luke Thomas Hague and Katelyn Joy Kimminau

Kimminau - Hague to wed Peewee and Chris Kimminau along with Tim and Patria Hague of Cherokee are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their children, Katelyn Joy Kimminau and Luke Thomas Hague.

The couple will be married at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 1 at the home of the bride’s parents with a reception to follow. They are registered at Smith Drug, Dillard’s, Walmart, and

Campbells entertain Jet Joy Club at September meeting JET – Jet Joy Club hosted the monthly meeting Sept. 5 with 44 members present. Merle Hutcheson opened the meeting with the flag salute. Jerry LaGrow said the prayer before everyone enjoyed a chicken dinner. Hostesses Carol Johnson, Joan Burnham, Mary Ann Spiva, Matt Morris and Murel Black decorated with a school theme and place mats. Entertainment was provided by Troy and Amy Campbell and

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their children, Caden, 3, sang “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” “Jesus Loves Me” and “God Made Me,” and Nathan, 8, sang “My All in All.” Kylee Campbell, daughter of Kyle and Gina Campbell, played two piano solos. Forest Jenlink and Darlene Bishop won door prizes. Birthdays for September were Barbara Jett, Don Black and Darlene Bishop. Anniver-

saries were Doris and Forest Jenlink. Guests were Carmen Butts, Karen Morris and Donna Reddell, Amy Campbell, Caden and Nathan Campbell, Gina Campbell and Kala, Kole, Kord and Kyde. Linnie Campbell said she will do hair in people’s homes. Eddie Bill Tucker and Joan Humphrey told jokes.

Treasurer’s report was given by Barbara Jett. Secretary’s minutes were read by Susie McAlister. There was a benefit dinner Sept. 18 at the community building for Sam Gilchrist who was injured in a motorcycle accident. The Senior Citizens Building was used Sept. 18 for OHCE and for a family reunion.

Page 6 • Cherokee, Okla. • Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011

Funerals Helen Faye Ball Jenlink Helen Faye Ball Jenlink was born July 9, 1928 to Miles and Essie Pearl Dowell Ball on the family farm 1 1/2 miles east of Byron, Okla. Helen attended Rock School until the fifth grade and graduated from Byron High School in May, 1946. She attended Northwestern Oklahoma State University, receiving a BA degree in 1975 and a Master’s degree in 1980. She married Glenn Edward Jenlink on Feb. 11, 1949. They had three sons, Michael Lee, Patrick Miles and Timothy Charles. Helen worked for AEC for 31 years and for the Department of Corrections for 14 months. She went to work at the Department of Human Services in 1980, retiring in 1995. Helen was past president of Salt Plains Bowling Association and the Business & Professional Women’s Organization. Helen was active in her church serving on various committees, until her failing health prevented her from attending. She loved her family and enjoyed all of her grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her mother and father; six brothers, Edward, George, Oscar, Roy, Jack and Delmar; and three sisters, Rose, Nevada and Ruby; her son, Michael Lee Jenlink; and her husband, Glenn. She is survived by one sister, Doris Diltz of Ponca City and one brother, Donald Ball and wife, Donna of Anthony, Kan.; her two sons, Timothy Jenlink and wife, Debbie of Cherokee and Patrick Jenlink and wife, Karen of Nacogdoches, Texas; four grandchildren, Tami Jenlink of Jamestown, Colo., Traci Shafer and husband, Brian of El Reno, Okla., Chris Jenlink and wife, Kathi of Alva, Okla., Matthew Jenlink and wife, Laine of Cherokee; step-granddaughters, Amber Mayo of Silver Springs,

CHEROKEE CHURCHES First United Methodist Pastors: Paul Calkin Jeni Markham Clewell Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. CHUMYouth Classes: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Evening Choir Chime:6:30 Choir Practice: 7:30 p.m. New Life Assembly of God Interim Pastor: Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday Evening Bible Study & Prayer: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study: 7p.m. Prayer line: (580) 596-2155 Bethel Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Ed Jones Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Youth: 7 p.m. Adult Bible Study, Wed.: 7 p.m. First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Pastor: Dr. Ron Hansen Youth Minister: Barbara James Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:50 a.m. Youth Meet: 5:30 p.m. KREJ Radio Wed: 8:20, 12:55, 5:25 First Baptist Church Pastor: Tom Cooksey Assoc. Pastor: Brandon Holloway Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Discipleship Training: 6 p.m. Evening Worship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Prayer: 7 p.m. St. Cornelius Catholic Church Pastor: Father Lawrence Mass Every Sunday: 11:15 a.m. Friends Church Pastor: Joe Woods Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m.

The Healthy Touch Sherry Green ~ CMT 580-430-6410

Rick Caruthers Construction, Inc

9th & Ohio - (580) 596-2341 ”24 Hour Service”

Smith Drug Store

121 S. Grand - Cherokee, OK (580) 596-2764

Alfalfa Electric Co-op

121 E. Main - Cherokee, OK (580) 596-3333

Jet Industrious OHCE meets Md. and Charla Dumas and husband, Stephen of San Antonio, Texas; and seven greatgrandchildren, Rachel Shafer, Erin Jenlink, Abigail Shafer, Anna Shafer, Adin Ray Shafer, Elijah Ben Shafer and Christina Michael Jenlink. Memorial contributions may be made to the Jenlink Family Scholarship fund, NWOSU Alumni Association through Goodwin Funeral Home. Funeral service was at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011 at the First Christian Church in Cherokee with Dr. Ron Hansen officiating. Burial was in the Cherokee Municipal Cemetery under the direction of Goodwin Funeral Home of Cherokee. [paid obit] Dorotha Belle Immel ENID — Funeral service for Dorotha Belle Immel, 90, of Enid, was at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, at Central Christian Church. Rev. John McLemore officiated. Burial followed in Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home. She was born April 10, 1921, in Cherokee to William C. McSparrin and Goldie Delores Turner and died Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011, at Greenbrier Nursing Home Skilled Unit. She was raised near Goltry and attended Goltry schools. She attended beauty college. She married Ted Immel Jan. 22, 1941, in Enid. They lived in Kansas and Missouri before moving back to Enid. He passed away March 21, 2003. She was an active member of Central Christian Church, where she was active in the Sooner Sunday school class, CWF, Centours and Caregivers, and was an elder emeritus of the church. She is survived by her son, Rev. Terry Immel of Phoenix, Ariz.; daughter, Rebecca J. Schwanke of Hiawatha, Kan.; brother, Rex

Living Vine Community Church Pastors: Matthew & Tamara Yoder BURLINGTON CHURCHES Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Pastor: Dr. Richard Duckworth Church School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. Church of Christ Riverside Preacher: Jeffrey Keele Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:50 a.m. Evening Worship: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:00 p.m.

McSparrin of Tonkawa; four grandchildren; and 10 greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and brothers, Don and Max McSparrin. Memorials may be given to Central Christian Church or American Cancer Society with Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home serving as custodian of the funds. Condolences may be made online at Carol Ann Skidmore Dotterer Graveside service for Carol Ann Skidmore Dotterer will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, 2011, at Garrison Cemetery near Dacoma. Rev. Tom Cooksey will officiate. Arrangements are by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. of Cherokee. Viewing will be Friday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. at funeral home. A loving mother, living solely for her children, took her crown into heaven Sept. 20, 2011. Carol Ann (Skidmore) Dotterer was born Sept. 15, 1944. She was a mother of four, overcame life’s difficulties with grace and charm. The daughter of Paul and Mildred Skidmore, Carol Ann loved the farm west of Lambert where she was raised, learned many of life’s most important lessons and nurtured God’s creations. Carol Ann’s face lit up with the presence of her four children, Tim, Gary, Mark, and Angela Koehn. She lived to see her children and enjoyed the love that they shared. Well-traveled, Carol Ann enjoyed nature, animals, and the tours that included traveling through the Grand Canyon on horseback. The Royal Gorge, Old Faithful, Mount Rushmore, and the Red Wood Forest were her favorite travels but most of all she enjoyed traveling with family and the time with them. With an exceptional memory for dates, Carol Ann remem-

AMORITA CHURCHES Amorita Community Pastor: Guy Phillip Harris Morning Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m. Prairie Valley United Methodist Pastor: Mary Irby Morning Worship: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. GOLTRY CHURCHES St. Michael’s Catholic Church

bered birth dates of all family members. The twinkle in her eyes was put there by her children and her parents. Her feminine and princess style was taught to her by her mother but she was also known to be a “daddy’s girl.” and loved tending to the animals with him. Enjoying jewelry, make-up, and purses, Carol Ann loved attending church and singing in the choir. A vocalist with an operatic voice, she sang angelically at weddings and special services. She attended as many sporting events of her children as possible. Having been an athletic participant at Lambert High school herself, she was active in volleyball and basketball. Her room was full of bowling trophies that were won as an adult. Carol Ann was reunited in Heaven with her parents Mildred and Paul Skidmore, sister Leila Jean and son Mark. She will be buried at Garrison cemetery (east of Dacoma) with grave side services to be held at 2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, 2011. Survivors include Tim and Kimmy Dotterer, Gary Dotterer and Earlene Washburn, and Angela Koehn. Grandchildren surviving are; Stephanie and husband Jared Strasner, Wade and wife Sarah Dotterer, Tyler Dotterer, Joshua, Jacob , and Isabella Koehn, Tate and Nickson Davis. Great grandchildren include Skyler and Shirrie Strasner. [paid obit]

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7 p.m. Saturday First United Methodist 400 S. Grand-Cherokee

Pastor: Father Larry Kowalski Sun. Morning Mass: 7:30 a.m. Except for Special Occasions Community Bible Church Pastor: Bryan Baldwin Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Evening Worship: 6 p.m. Wed. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m. First Congregational Church Pastor: Jane Ho Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

HELENA CHURCHES First Christian Church Pastor: Jay Drawbridge Wednesday Bible: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:20 a.m.

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Pleasant View Mennonite Pastors: Dennis Koehn, Randy Schmidt, & Patrick Koehn Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid: 1st & 3rd Thursday

Vining Community Church Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer Mtg: 7:30 p.m. Fellowship & Communion last Sunday of the month

First Baptist Church Pastor: Scott Hofen Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Bible Study: 6 p.m.


New Covenant Fellowship Pastor: Dale Cummins Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 6:00 p.m. Wed. Yth Grp, Bible Study: 7 p.m.

JET CHURCHES Nazarene Church Pastor: Dean Holt Worship Service: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 10:45 a.m.

Helena United Methodist Pastor: Joel Thompson Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Youth Group: 6 p.m.

Cleo State Bank

Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Family Meal: 1st Sunday, Noon Ladies Aid:1st Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Last Sunday: Holy Communion

BYRON CHURCH Ridin’ 4 Him Cowboy Church Sunday Learnin’: 9:00 a.m. Sunday Preachin’: 10:00 a.m. Communion 1st Sun. of Month Fellowship Potluck 1st Sun./Mo.

Nazarene Church Pastor: Dean Holt Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Evening Worship: 7 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7:30 p.m.

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DRIFTWOOD CHURCH Driftwood Christian Minister: Greg Schmidt Bible School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m.

Church of Christ Pastor: Bill Springer Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship: 5:30 p.m.

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Zoar Mennonite Pastor: Gary Eastin Sunday School: 9:40 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:40 a.m. Sun & Wed Evening Serv: 6 p.m.

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quick bread, knitted yarn, large wreath and 5x7 photographs. The club held a benefit dinner Sunday for Sam Gilcrest, who was injured in a motorcycle accident. All the food was donated. Fall council meeting will be Oct. 11 with a “What is Your Story?” theme. Campbell will bring the door prize. Club will be changed to Oct. 18 at Hopkins’ home. October 22 is Family Fun Day at Cherokee. The club is asked to prepare two booths. Blackledge and Campbell will set up the whale for reading to kids. Shal Jenlink will get prizes for the booths. Linda Kiser, Diane Ralston, Whitlow, McCormick, and Mary Irby will prepare a second booth. Six door prizes will be donated by Amy Flanagan, Ralston, Hopkins, Kiser and McCormick. A new halfway house for women, called “Gettin’ Home,” will open in the old nursing home in Helena. Each Club is being asked to furnish one room. Further discussion on this will take place. Campbell made a motion to participate in the school’s Red Ribbon Week. Jenlink seconded the motion, and it carried. Members present were Blackledge, Gleason, Campbell, Cecilia Castle, Flanagan, Hopkins, Irby, Doris Jenlink, Shal Jenlink, Linda Kiser, Ruby Kiser, Virginia Manning, McAlister, McCormick, Ralston and Whitlow.

AA Meetings

Green Valley Free Methodist Church Pastor: David Keller Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m.

(580) 596-3440 Jeff and Ken

JET – Jet Industrious OHCE met Sept. 13 at the Jet Senior Citizens building. Jessie McCormick called the meeting to order with the flag salute. Pauline Hopkins shared a devotion, “You don’t always have to win.” Minutes were read by Susie McAlister. Verla Gleason gave the Treasurer’s report and reminded everyone of dues. Mary Etta Campbell gave the fair report and thanked everyone for entering. The Club received first place in attractiveness and second place for the snow theme. Verla Blackledge and Sherri Whitlow won second place in the educational booth for the club with “Protect Your Heart.” Campbell explained the changes for the fair next year. The theme for home extension booths is open. Contests will change to bar-be-que instead of souper. Each club is asked to bring three freezers of homemade ice cream for the ice cream contest, and have at least one table setting. Some of the changes for open class are no limit on anything in each class, no miscellaneous class will be offered and photography class will have people with pets and people. In the baking class a cupcake category and decorated cake category will be added. Some new home extension changes will be fruit butter, sweet cucumber relish, fudge, three-layer chocolate cake, oatmeal raisin cookies, strawberry

Dr. Keenan Ferguson, D.O. 405 S. Okla. - (580) 596-2800

Burlington, OK - (580) 431-3300 Member FDIC

Jet United Methodist Church Pastor: Mary Irby Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. UMW: Every 3rd Wed. 7 p.m. CARMEN CHURCHES Carmen Christian Church Pastor: Kirk Board Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Carmen United Methodist Pastor: John Bizzell Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Assembly of God Pastor: Rev. Mike Wiles Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Carmen Baptist Church Pastor: Jerry Stafford Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m. ALINE CHURCHES United Methodist Church Pastor: Rachel Parrott Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Bible Study: 5:00 p.m. Pleasant Plain Church of the Brethren Pastor: Elsie Koehn Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday Eve Service: 7:30 p.m. 3rd Sunday Fellowship following Church Service First Christian Church Pastor: Polly Young Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Youth Group: 4 p.m. CYF: 5 p.m. Wildwood Chapel River RoadNon-Denominational Sunday: 830 p.m.

The Caring Company 217 S. Grand - 596-3535 Lynette Morris

Yoder Gas Company Jet, OK (580) 626-4514

Burlington Farmers Coop Burlington, OK 73722

Smok-Shak, Inc.

2N & 2W of Cherokee on Hwy. 64 Dine In - Carry Out - Catering 596-3584 or 888-486-0686 Debra Engle, owner

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011 • Page 7

Broncs broke, 62-12; Chiefs will try to trap Wolverines By STEVE BOOHER Messenger & Republican Staff Now 1-0 in District B-1 and 2-1 overall after clobbering the Kremlin-Hillsdale Broncs 6212 in last Friday's homecoming contest, Cherokee travels to Garber this week to take on a Wolverine ball club that has traditionally been hard to handle for the Chiefs. However, this year's Garber squad is reeling after a 44-12 loss to a resurgent Ringwood squad last week. The Wolverines had several players decide not to play this season, which has left them young and inexperienced. Chiefs' Coach Bryce Schanbacher indicated Ringwood's Red Devils were able to exploit that youth last week. "I think our experience will help us out," said Schanbacher, but he cautioned that the Wolverines are throwing the ball more this season and the Chiefs will have to play sound pass defense to win. "They like to do a lot of different things offensively," said the Chiefs' mentor. "Their quarterback is a good runner, but they're thin at that position so they're not running as much as they're throwing. "We'll have to work this week on recognizing our (pass) coverages." Defensively, Schanbacher expects the Wolverines to line up in both a 3-2 and sometimes a 4-2. "We'll see both," he said. CHIEFS' LINE PLAY STOUT It was Cherokee's experience and depth, particularly on the offensive and defensive lines, that enabled the Chiefs to dominate on both sides of the ball against Kremlin-Hillsdale. "I thought our offensive and defensive lines (Michael Lucas, Wesley Gilchrist, Grant DeWitt, Alex York, Derek Richmond and Zach James) did a good job," said Schanbacher, "not just last week, but in all three of our games. "We won the battle up front, on both sides of the ball." Defensively, the Chiefs' first team gave up only one first down to the Broncs and that came by way of a penalty. Cherokee served notice on its first possession that it would be a long night for Kremlin-Hillsdale. After starting at the Broncs' 25-yard line following a short punt, the Chiefs needed just four plays to score. Josh Argraves, who rushed for 23 of the 25 yards on the drive, dove across the line for Cherokee's first points of the evening. The Chiefs scored two more times in the opening quarter, as Henry Washington got both TDs – once on a 12-yard run and the second time on a 26-yard jaunt. RESERVES SEE ACTION EARLY Cherokee took a 22-0 lead into the second quarter and

Class B, C scoreboard CLASS B Alex 61, Sasakwa 12 Caddo 45, Canadian 0 Pond Creek-H. 36, Canton 20 Depew 45, Agra 14 Dewar 34, Keota 16 Davenport 30, Fox 8 Gans 84, Allen 35 Ringwood 44, Garber 16 Kiefer 58, Copan 13 Cherokee 62, Kremlin-H. 12 Laverne 46, Merritt 0 Paoli 59, Bowlegs 58 Seiling 55, Geary13 S. Coffeyville 22, Oaks 20 Wesleyan Christian 53, Summit Christian 8 Welch 70, Watts 12 Weleetka 44, Victory Life 12 Wetumka 48, Cave Springs 22 CLASS C Arkoma 26, SW Chr. 18 Sharon-Mutual 34, Balko 6 Grandfield 20, Cement 12 Coyle 32, Ryan 24 DCLA 68, Waukomis 20 Temple 48, Duke 0 Forgan 46, Tyrone 0 Maud 52, Prue 8 Midway 46, Claremore Chr. 30 Corn Bible 30, Mt. View-G. 28 Bluejacket 40, Neosho, Mo. 0 Shattuck 30, Buffalo 6 Covington-D. 50, Southwest Covenant 0 Tipton 56, Thackerville 6 Boise City 32, Waynoka 20 Webbers Falls 58, Bokoshe 0

HOMECOMING COURT – Cherokee Homecoming Queen Lindzey Ducotey and King Wesley Gilchrist (center) pose for the camera after being crowned prior to last Friday’s contest against Kremlin-Hillsdale. From left are Austin

Hawkins, Taylor Highfill, Gilchrist, Ducotey, Katelyn Roberts and Derek Richmond. Standing in front are flower girl Carson Schanbacher and crown bearer Quentin Gibson.

FRESHMAN Tanner Bowman outruns a Kremlin-Hillsdale defender to the sideline in this 90-yard return for a touchdown last Friday at Chief Stadium. Bowman ran back two kickoffs for touchdowns and rushed for 90 yards and two more scores.

Messenger & Republican Sports

Schanbacher began sprinkling his lineup with reserves. Freshman Tanner Bowman scored on 13- and 5-yard runs in the second stanza, sandwiched around an Austin Huckabee 1-yard run for a touchdown. Leading 44-0 with 6:53 to play in the opening half and with Cherokee's second and third team defenders on the field, the Broncs finally showed a spark on offense. The Broncs drove from their own 30-yard line and scored when Trev Schoenhals ran in from the 5-yard line to make it 44-6 with 1:42 to play in the half. BOWMAN'S FIRST TOUCHDOWN KICKOFF RETURN Then came a bolt of lightning in the form of Bowman, who ran back the Kremlin-Hillsdale kickoff 95 yards for a touchdown to put the Chiefs up 506. Although the extra point try failed, the Broncs' sideline was silenced. But not for long. Exploiting Cherokee's reserves, Schoenhals tossed a 73yard TD pass to Andre Razer to pull the Broncs to within 38 points of the Chiefs, 50-12, with 14 seconds left in the opening half. ...AND HIS SECOND! Bowman got the Cherokee grandstands buzzing again when he took the third quarter kickoff back 90 yards for a

touchdown. The extra point run failed, but the Chiefs led 56-12 at the 11:41 mark and needed only one more TD to close out the contest via the 45-point mercy rule. The contest was called a little over four minutes later when Tanner Ducotey scored on a 10yard run. Asked to comment about Bowman's play, Schanbacher didn't hesitate. "He ran the ball well at tailback and came in with the second string and did a great job at quarterback," said Schanbacher. The 5-9, 150-pounder carried 11 times for 92 yards to lead the Chiefs in rushing to go along with his two kickoff returns for touchdowns. PLAUDITS FOR THE BAND While handing out plaudits, Schanbacher singled out the CHS Alumni Band for special recognition. "How great was it to have a band playing?" he asked. "A couple of times, I got chills listening to the band back there." Word on the street is that the band will attempt to find enough former members to play at all of the home games this season. No doubt Schanbacher would like to put them on the bus to Garber this week. CHEROKEE 62, KREMLIN-H. 12 Score by Quarter Kremlin-H. 0 12 0 x –12 Cherokee 22 28 12 x –62 The Yardstick Kremlin-H. Cherokee 5 First Downs 12 16 Yds. Rushing 237 106 Yds. Passing 49 2-6 Passes Comp.-Att. 2-3 0 Passes Int. By 1 5-20 Punts-Ave. Yds. 0-00 2 Fumbles Lost 0 5-21 Penalties-Yds. 9-70 Individual Statistics Rushing: Bowman 11-92, 2 TDs; Washington 5-58, 2 TDs; Tanner Ducotey 5-58, 1 TD Passing: Washington 1-1 for 26 yards, Austin Huckabee 1-2 for 23 yards Receiving: Derek Richmond 2 for 49 yards Tackles: Alex Castro 6, 1 sack; Zach James 5, Bowman 5 Fumbles Recoveries: Alex Castro, Ismael Castro Pass Interceptions: Ruben Castro Scoring Summary Cherokee – Josh Argraves 1 run (Kick failed) Cherokee – Henry Washington 12 run (Austin Huckabee run) Cherokee – Washington 26 run (Washington run) Cherokee – Tanner Bowman 13 run (Jerran Waugh run) Cherokee – Huckabee 1 run (Kick failed) Cherokee – Bowman 5 run (Tanner Ducotey run) Kremlin – Trev Schoenhals 5 run (Pass failed) Cherokee – Bowman 95 kick return (Run failed) Kremlin – Andre Razer 73 pass from Schoenhals (Run failed) Cherokee – Bowman 90 kick return (Run failed)

District B-1 Standings School Laverne (+30) Seiling (+30) Ringwood (+30) Canton (0 Cherokee (0) PC-Hunter (0) Garber (0) Merritt (-30) Geary (-30) K-Hillsdale (-30)

Dist. 2-0 2-0 2-0 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 0-2 0-2 0-2

All 3-0 3-0 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 1-2 1-2 0-3 0-3

PF 147 178 134 114 134 140 62 46 31 24

PA 24 89 77 70 77 116 70 115 139 171

Class B, C Football Rankings

RUNNING BACK Henry Washington (20) gets an escort into the Kremlin-Hillsdale end zone from teammates Jerran Waugh and Zach James (45). Washington rushed for 58 yards and scored two touchdowns in the Chiefs’ 62-12 victory over the Broncs.

THE OKLAHOMAN CLASS B 1. Caddo (1), 3-0 2. Wetumka (2), 3-0 3. Davenport (3), 3-0 4. Laverne (4), 3-0 5. Kiefer (5), 2-1 6. Fox (6), 2-01 7. Dewar (7), 1-2 8. Cherokee (8), 2-1 9. Seiling (9), 3-0 10. Ringwood (NR), 2-1 CLASS C 1. Deer Creek-Lamont (1), 3-0 2. Shattuck (2), 3-0 3. Timberlake (3), 2-0 4. Tipton (4), 3-0 5. Temple (5), 3-0 6. Covington-Douglas (6), 3-0 7. Forgan (9), 2-1 8. Coyle (10), 3-0 9. Ryan (7), 1-2 10. Thackerville (8), 1-2

COACHES AID CLASS B 1. Wetumka (1), 3-0 2. Davenport (2), 3-0 3. Caddo (3), 3-0 4. Laverne (4), 3-0 5. Seiling (6), 3-0 6. Kiefer (7), 2-0 7. Keifer (7), 2-1 8. Welch (9), 3-0 9. Fox (5), 2-1 10. Depew (10), 2-1 CLASS C 1. Deer Creek-Lamont (1), 3-0 2. Shattuck (2), 3-0 3. Timberlake (3), 2-0 4. Covington-Douglas (4), 3-0 5. Tipton (5), 3-0 6. Temple (6), 3-0 7. Sharon-Mutual (8), 1-2 8. Coyle (10), 3-0 9. Ryan (7), 1-2 10. Forgan (NR), 2-1

Page 8 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011

Cherokee Homecoming

2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2


CLOCKWISE from top right: Homecoming Queen Lindzey Ducotey and King Wesley Gilchrist pose for photographers. Lions Club member George Hoggard takes the “bull by the horns” during the parade. CHS sophmores use the “Cars” theme for their second place float. Chiefs Jerran Waugh (51) and Michael Lucas (50) clear the field for a run by quarterback Austin Huckabee (15). A “Monsters, Inc.” float helped the freshmen promote “Breaking the Broncs.” Eighth graders were all “Tangled” up with their Homecoming float. Drum Major-Superintendent Cory Ellis helped direct the CHS Alumni Band entry in the Homecoming parade.

Photos by Steve Booher

Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011 • Page 9

Homecoming or not, Tigers plan to be focused on Waukomis By STEVE BOOHER Messenger & Republican Staff HELENA – On paper, it looks like a monumental mismatch. There's the Timberlake Tigers – 2-0 and ranked third in Class C – taking on a Waukomis Chieftain squad coming off a 68-

20 thrashing at the hands of No 1-ranked Deer Creek-Lamont. But this is homecoming week at Timberlake and the distractions will last right up until a new queen and king are crowned some time around 7 p.m. Friday at Troutt Field.

"We'll have to get focused," said Tiger Coach Brian Severin. "We should be alright if we go out and take care of business. "I keep telling the kids every game could be a trap game." The Tigers are coming off an open date after rolling over

Sharon-Mutual two weeks ago. It appeared Timberlake found its rhythm offensively in that 66-44 victory. It will be interesting to see if they stayed sharp over the layoff, or if they come in a little rusty.

Severin said the Chieftains have a good athlete at quarterback. "Offensively, they like to run out of the wing," explained the Timberlake mentor. "They'll run a toss sweep and a quarterback sweep.”

Defensively, Severin expects Waukomis to operate out of a 3-3 and 4-2. This week signals the beginning of District C-3 play for the Tigers. A top four placing is required to reach the playoffs. Kickoff will be at 7:30 p.m.

District C-3 Standings School DC-Lamont (+30) Cov-Douglas (+15) Coyle (+15) Timberlake (0) Medford (0) SW Covenant (-1) Waukomis (-29) Carney (-30)

Dist 2-0 1-0 1-0 0-0 1-1 1-1 0-2 0-2

All 3-0 3-0 3-0 2-0 1-2 1-2 0-3 1-2

PF 182 110 136 96 100 34 32 64

PA 40 38 30 44 126 109 134 142

Good Luck Timberlake Stomp Waukomis!

You can follow the Timberlake Tigers at home or on the road each week in the pages of the...


the Chieftians!

Jet State Branch

of the Cleo State Bank Jet, Oklahoma ~ 580/626-4434 Member FDIC

Cherokee Messenger & Republican!

Timberlake Tigers vs Waukomis Chieftans 7:30 PM Friday, Sept. 23


Lanman Funeral Home Cherokee - 580/596-2002 Helena - 580/852-3212 Okeene- 580/822-3303 Kiowa - 620/825-4936

Timberlake Tigers 2011

High School Football All games start at 7:30 p.m. September 2 September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 October 7 October 14 October 20 October 28 November 4

Ringwood Sharon-Mutual

Helena Mutual

Waukomis Covington/Douglas Coyle Carney Deer Creek/Lamont Medford SW Convenant

Helena Covinton Helena Carney Helena Medford There

JH Football All games start at 5:00 p.m. September 6 September 12 September 19 September 29 October 3 October 10 October 17 October 24

Covington/Douglas Cherokee Waukomis Waynoka 7th & 8th only Pond Creek-Hunter DCLA Ringwood Medford

Timberlake Tigers 2011 Football roster No. Name 1 Braden Seaman 5 Jordan Nichols 10 Stetson Buller 11 Jacob Henderson 14 Allen Jenlink 17 Coy Troutt 20 Brandon Severin 21 Mitchell Ballard 28 Kashen Jackson 32 Adrian Carson 33 Logan Campbell 42 Layne Flemming 47 Dakota Jantz 50 Taylor Valentiner 55 Brock Buller 56 Aaron Parks 76 Brandon Daniels 80 Sage Powers 82 Casey Carson 88 Drake Young 94 Cameron Weaver 97 Kacey Reinhart

Ht 5-5 5-5 5-10 5-8 5-5 6-3 5-11 5-9 5-6 5-7 5-11 5-8 5-11 5-9 5-8 6-4 6-0 5-11 6-3 5-7 5-10 5-9

Wt. Class 115 So. 115 So. 180 Sr. 130 So. 110 So. 190 Sr. 220 Sr. 145 Sr. 110 Fr. 200 Fr. 190 Sr. 140 Fr. 270 So. 250 So. 180 Jr. 300 Jr. 220 So. 195 Sr. 175 Sr. 230 So. 230 So. 250 So.

Head Coach: Brian Severin Asst. Coach: Nate Ross, Garett Powell, Chad Greb, Tyler Severin Film Tech: Karley LeForce Cheerleaders: Ashton Blewitt, Kayla Castle, Stacey Bailey, Kelsey Castle, Haley Blewitt, KaytlynnFrech, Kate Birkenfeld, Matti Hopkins, Delany Anderson

Jet Cherokee Waukomis Jet 6:00 Pond Creek Jet Jet Jet

First row (from left): H2O Tech Kylee Severin, Kashen Jackson, Mitchell Ballard, Brock Buller, Jordan Nichols, Braden Seaman, Allen Jenlink, H2O Tech Bailee Clift. Second row: Film Tech Karly LeForce, Adrian Carson, Layne Flemming, Logan Campbell, Jacob Henderson, Taylor Valentiner, Drake Young. Third row: Coach Brian Severin, Dakota Jantz, Coy Troutt, Aaron Parks, Casey Carson, Brandon Daniels, Kacey Reinhart, Coach Nate Ross, Coach Garett Powell. Fourth row: Sage Powers, Brandon Severin, Cameron Weaver, Stetson Buller. Not pictured Coach Chad Greb.

GOOD LUCK TIMBERLAKE TIGERS! Garden Gate Gifts Helena Shop 852-3298 Cell 554-2223

Cherokee Tag Agency 112 Loop Drive - 596-3428 Jeanne Pelter

Alfalfa Electric Cooperative

121 E. Main - 596-3333

Jet State Branch of the Cleo State Bank Jet, OK - 580/626-4434 Member FDIC

Sidwell Ins. Agency, Inc.

Serving Farmers Since 1980 Brenda K. Sidwell, Agent Bambi K. Sidwell, Agent Goltry, OK 1-800-299-2408

Dacoma Farmers Cooperative, Inc.

Farmers Exchange

Carrier Mill & Elevator

Sturgeon’s Corner

Jet, OK - 580/626-4578

855-2200 PO Box 59 Carmen, 73729

Helena ~ McWillie 580/852-3252 Goltry - 496-2359

Meno, OK 580/776-2245

Salt Plains Veterinary Services

Lanman Funeral Home

Ronnie Steadman DVM, & Staff Cherokee - 596-2478

Cherokee - 580/596-2002 Helena - 580/852-3212 Okeene- 580/822-3303 Kiowa - 620/825-4936

Cherokee Manor

Smith Drug Store

1100 Memorial Dr. 596-2141

121 S. Grand - Cherokee 596-2764

Yoder Gas Co.

Toby Walker

Propane & Anhydrous Jet, OK


First Goltry Branch of the Bank of Kremlin Goltry, OK - 580/496-2272 Member FDIC

Cherokee Family Clinic

Affiliate of Integris Bass Health Center

Cristopher Schultz, D.O. Niki Lewis-Wyatt P.A.-C 221 S. Grand - 596-3516

Progressive Windows of Fairview 227-9915

JMA U-Stor Cherokee - Helena 580-596-2476

District 3 Commissioner

405 S. Okla. - 596-2800

Alfalfa Guaranty Abstract Co.

Irwin Heating & Air

596-3394 - Cherokee

Carmen - 580/987-2765


Jantz Service & Garage

1504 S. Grand 596-3571 - Cherokee

Helena - 852-3219

Page 10 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011

King & Queen hopefuls ~ 2011 2




Good Luck at Homecoming Timberlake Tigers

Squash Waukomis

The Drugstore Cafe 214 N. Main, Helena (580) 852-3333

SENIOR CANDIDATES for this year’s Timberlake Homecoming royalty are (from left) Casy Carson, Jessica Thorp, Coy Troutt, Ashton Blewitt, Mitchell Ballard and Adriene

Ashton Blewitt crowned Miss Timberlake 2011 HELENA – Ashton Blewitt, daughter of Angela and Raymond Blewitt of Jet, was crowned the new Miss Timberlake following a pageant held Aug. 30. Her talent was a vocal solo from the musical Burlesque, “Something’s Got a Hold on Me.” Hannah Berg, daughter of Charlie and Robin Berg of Helena, was the runner-up. She performed a jazz dance to “Sing, Sing, Sing.” Other entertainment was provided by Kelsey Castle and Lindsey Olson.

ASHTON BLEWITT (right) is Miss Timberlake 201112. She competed against Hannah Berg (left) during a pageant held Aug. 30. Blewitt will now represent Timberlake in the NWOSU Miss Cinderella Pageant Sept. 2930.

Timberlake participates in ‘Win-Win’ Timberlake Students are participating in “Oklahoma Students Care – Win-Win Week.” Win-Win Week is a collaboration between the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association and the OU Cancer Institute. Timberlake will compete against other schools in their class for a state championship trophy issued by the OSAA for the most successful cancer prevention and fundraising program. Timberlake won first place in Class B last year. The FCCLA Chapter and student council will sponsor several activities this week and next week. Students are selling bracelets, T-shirts and serving snacks at noon at the high school. Each student may purchase a link to build a stop cancer unity for 25 cents. The class with the longest chain will win a snack party. There will be a Health Fair and Blood Drive from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. today (Thursday) in the high school FACS Room. There will be door prizes, games and activities. Refreshments will be served.





Phillips. Coronation begins at 6:45 p.m. Friday at Troutt Field in Helena. Timberlake Tigers will face Waukomis with a 7:30 p.m. kickoff.

Judges for the afternoon were Debbie Hargis, Sally Miller and Sheila Reazin. Senior Jessica Thorp emceed the pageant. Tanner Slovacek, Bailee Clift and Levi Sanders assisted with spotlight, stage and sound. Miss Timberlake received an arm bouquet of roses and a tiara. Blewitt will represent Timberlake Public Schools in the Miss Cinderella Pageant Sept. 29 and 30 at Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva.

GO FOR THE WIN TIMBERLAKE TIGERS! Yoder Gas Propane & Anhydrous

Jet, OK



Get Ready... Get Set...

BEAT Waukomis! Dacoma Farmers Cooperative, Inc. Jet, OK - 580/626-4578

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Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011 • Page 11

Cherokee Police Department logs Sept. 13 7:58 a.m. – Two donkeys, one gray and one black, eating reporting party’s feed. Owner will get donkeys. 7:15 p.m. – Caller was in jail last night and wanted to know where his car was towed. Sept. 14 12:19 a.m. – A man yelling at female in trailer on Pennsylvania Avenue. 8:11 p.m. – Four-wheeler going south on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Sept. 15 8:19 a.m. – Street sign reset. Looked like someone backed into it. 8:20 a.m. – Has critter in trap. 12:30 p.m. – Woman thinks she smells smoke coming from attic. Cannot get up there to look at it. 2:14 p.m. – Trash can was stolen. Oh, no, there it is. Caller found it. 8:28 p.m. – Vehicle is parked in front of house. 9:45 p.m. – Report of stolen vehicle. 11:44 p.m. – Vehicle recovered.

Sept. 16 11:23 a.m. – Sending someone to station who had debit card stolen.

3:08 p.m. – Dog showed up at house with chain still attached. 4:36 p.m. – Gas drive-off.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & in Cause CD No. 201104145 an applicaRepublican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t tion of Applicant to form 640-acre drilling BEFORE THE CORPORATION and spacing units in said Section 34 for COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF the Tonkawa, Cottage Grove, Oswego, OKLAHOMA Red Fork (Cherokee), Mississippi Chat APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE and Mississippi Lime separate common EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, sources of supply. LLC NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING the application in this cause requests that LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 34, SandRidge Exploration and Production, Township 27 North, Range 11 LLC, or some other party recommended West of the IM, Alfalfa County, by Applicant be designated as operator Oklahoma under the order to be entered herein of the Cause CD No. 201104798 separate common sources of supply in the NOTICE OF HEARING units covered hereby, including the initial STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perwell and any subsequent well or wells to sons, owners, producers, operators, be drilled under or otherwise covered by purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and Applicant’s proposed plan of development all other interested persons, particularly of such units. in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this following: Chesapeake Exploration, LLC; cause is set before an administrative law Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; Prize Energy judge for hearing, taking of evidence and Resources; if any of the above-named reporting to the Corporation Commission of parties that is a partnership, corporation Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the or other association be dissolved, then application in this cause may be amended the unknown successors, trustees and at such hearing in accordance with the assigns, both immediate and remote, of rules of the Commission and the laws of such dissolved entity. the State of Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and cause will be heard before an administraProduction, LLC, has filed an application tive law judge on the Conservation Docket in this cause requesting the Corporation at the Western Regional Service Office of Commission of Oklahoma to enter an order the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe pooling the interests, and adjudicating the Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, rights and equities in connection therewith, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. of the oil and gas owners in the 640-acre on the 11th day of October, 2011, and that drilling and spacing units to be formed in this notice be published as required by law Section 34, Township 27 North, Range 11 and the rules of the Commission. West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that for the Tonkawa, Cottage Grove, Oswego, Applicant and interested parties may presRed Fork (Cherokee), Mississippi Chat ent testimony by telephone. The cost of and Mississippi Lime separate common telephonic communication shall be paid by sources of supply, in respect to the develthe person or persons requesting its use. opment of such separate common sources Interested parties who wish to participate of supply in such units. The interests of the by telephone shall contact Applicant or oil and gas owners involved herein and the Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing rights and equities in respect thereto are date, and provide their names and telesought herein to be pooled and adjudicated phone numbers. pursuant to 52 O.S. §87.1 within and on NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all the basis of the units covered hereby as interested persons may appear and be a group or unit, and not limited to a single heard. For information concerning this wellbore. The application in this cause action, contact John R. Reeves, attorstates that Applicant has proposed the ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two development of the separate common Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, sources of supply in the units involved Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Teleherein under a plan of development and phone: (405) 235-1110; or Kevin Manning, has proposed to commence such plan of SandRidge Exploration and Production, development of such units by an initial well LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma in the lands covered hereby. Such applicaCity, OK 73102-6406, Telephone: (405) tion further states that Applicant has been 429-5788. unable to reach an agreement with the CORPORATION COMMISSION owners of drilling rights named as responOF OKLAHOMA dents herein with respect to such proposed DANA. L. MURPHY, Chair plan of development of the separate comJEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman mon sources of supply in the units covered BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner hereby. Such application further requests DONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day up to 365 days within which to commence of September, 2011. operations on or in connection with such BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: initial well under such plan of development. PEGGY MITCHELL, Such application further states that there is Commission Secretary currently pending before the Commission

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, and the Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t location of the end points of the completion BEFORE THE CORPORATION interval for the Douglas, Lansing, Kansas COMMISSION City, Big Lime, Cherokee and Oswego OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA Limestone separate common sources APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE of supply will be no closer than 330 feet OPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE from the south line and no closer than 660 EXPLORATION, L.L.C. feet from the east line and no closer than RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION 330 feet from the north line and no closer EXCEPTION than 660 feet from the east line of the unit LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 10 comprising said Section 10, Township 25 TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 11 North, Range 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, County, Oklahoma, with a tolerance of OKLAHOMA 100 feet from the proposed completion Cause CD No. 201104728 interval, and to be completed in and proNOTICE OF HEARING duce hydrocarbons from the above-named STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perseparate common sources of supply; (ii) sons, owners, producers, operators, providing for the re-opening of the cause purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and at such time as the bottom hole location all other interested persons, particularly in of the well proposed hereunder has been Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, more particudetermined; and (iii) establishing a proper larly the parties set out on the Exhibit “A” allowable with no downward adjustment attached to the application on file in this made thereto. cause, and, if any of the named individuals NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the be deceased, then the unknown heirs, exapplication in this cause requests that the ecutors, administrators, devisees, trustees order be entered in this matter be made and assigns, both immediate and remote, effective as of the date of the execution of such deceased individual; if any of the thereof or as of a date prior thereto and named entities is a dissolved partnership, that the authorization and permission recorporation or other association, then the quested herein run in favor of one or both unknown successors, trustees and asof the Applicants, including Chesapeake signs, both immediate and remote, of such Exploration, L.L.C. acting by and through dissolved entity; if any of the named parties its agent Chesapeake Operating, Inc., designated as a trustee is not presently or some other party recommended by acting in such capacity as trustee, then the Applicants. unknown successor or successors to such NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the trustee; if any of the named parties desiglegal descriptions for the land sections nated as an attorney-in-fact is not presently adjacent to said Section 10 are Sections acting in such capacity as attorney-in-fact, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 14, 15 and 16, Township 25 then the unknown successor or successors North, Range 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa to such attorney-in-fact; and if any of the County, Oklahoma. named entities are corporations which NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that do not continue to have legal existence, this cause will be referred to an Adminthe unknown trustees or assigns of such istrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of parties. evidence and reporting to the Corporation NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ApCommission. plicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed cause will be heard before an Administraan application in this cause requesting the tive Law Judge on the Merits Docket at Corporation Commission to enter an order, the Corporation Commission, First Floor, as follows: (i) authorizing and permitting Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, an exception to the permitted well locaOklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 11th day tion tolerances in the proposed 640-acre of October 2011, and that this notice will drilling and spacing unit in Cause CD No. be published as required by law and the 201104727, for the Douglas, Lansing, rules of the Commission. Kansas City, Big Lime, Cherokee and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Mississippian separate common sources the Applicants and interested parties may of supply, underlying Section 10, Township present testimony by telephone. The cost 25 North, Range 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa of telephonic communication shall be paid County, Oklahoma, so as to as well as in by the person or persons requesting its the 640-acre drilling and spacing unit comuse. An interested party who wishes to prised of Section 10, Township 25 North, participate by telephone shall contact the Range 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to Oklahoma, for the Oswego Limestone the hearing date, and provide his or her common source of supply, so as to allow name and phone number. a well to be drilled as follows: NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all Surface location: No closer than 200 interested persons may appear and be feet from the north line and no closer heard. For information concerning this acthan 760 feet from the east line of the unit tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) comprising said Section 10, Township 25 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA North, Range 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake County, Oklahoma, Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma Location of Wellbore at Completion City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer Interval: The casing will be cemented to Cause CD Number. along the entire length of the lateral. The DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 15th proposed location of the end points of the day of September 2011. completion interval for the Mississippian CORPORATION COMMISSION common source of supply will be no closer OF OKLAHOMA than 165 feet from the south line and no DANA L. MURPHY, Chair closer than 660 feet from the east line and JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman no closer than 165 feet from the north line BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner and no closer than 660 feet from the east BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: line of the unit comprising said Section PEGGY MITCHELL, 10, Township 25 North, Range 11 West of Commission Secretary

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & “640-acre” drilling and spacing units; and Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t (ii) granting such other and further relief as BEFORE THE CORPORATION may be proper based upon the evidence COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF presented at the hearing herein. Such apOKLAHOMA plication further states that said Section APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE 14 lies along the Oklahoma-Kansas state EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, boundary line and such section is a fracLLC tional section, containing approximately RELIEF SOUGHT: SPACING 550.94 acres. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 14, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Township 29 North, Range 9 application in this cause requests that the West of the IM, Alfalfa County, order to be entered in this matter be made Oklahoma effective as of the date of the execution Cause CD No. 201104784 thereof or as of a date prior thereto and NOTICE OF HEARING seeks to amend Order No. 588575 with STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perrespect to the Tonkawa, Lansing, Marmasons, owners, producers, operators, ton, Cherokee and Mississippian separate purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and common sources of supply. all other interested persons, particularly NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the this cause is set before an administrative following: Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C.; law judge for hearing, taking of evidence Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; Harold E. and reporting to the Commission. Notice Waldschmidt; Mary E. Waldschmidt; Helen is further given that the application in this May, and Robert May, as Attorney-In-Fact; cause may be amended at such hearMargaret May Christian; Lee Forrest ing in accordance with the rules of the Christian; May Family 2006 Trust, and Commission and the laws of the State of Robert E. May, as Trustee of such trust; Oklahoma. May Family Properties, LP, and Robert E. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this May, as Trustee; Robert E. May; Michele cause will be heard before an administraS. May; Watkins Agricultural Company; tive law judge on the Conservation Docket William A. May; Deborah Holden Cohen; at the Western Regional Service Office of if any of the above-named individuals the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe be deceased, then the unknown heirs, Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, executors, administrators, devisees, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. trustees and assigns, both immediate on the 11th day of October, 2011, and that and remote, of such deceased individual; this notice be published as required by law if any of the above-named parties is a disand the rules of the Commission. solved partnership, corporation or other NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that association, then the unknown successors, Applicant and interested parties may prestrustees and assigns, both immediate and ent testimony by telephone. The cost of remote, of such dissolved entity; if any of telephonic communication shall be paid by the above-named parties designated as the person or persons requesting its use. a trustee is not presently acting in such Interested parties who wish to participate capacity as trustee, then the unknown sucby telephone shall contact Applicant or cessor or successors to such trustee; and Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing if the above-named party designated as date, and provide their names and telean attorney-in-fact is not presently acting phone numbers. in such capacity as attorney-in-fact, then NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all the unknown successor or successors to interested persons may appear and be such attorney-in-fact. heard. For information concerning this NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that action, contact John R. Reeves, AttorApplicant, SandRidge Exploration and ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two Production, LLC, has filed an application Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, in this cause requesting the Corporation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, TeleCommission of Oklahoma to enter an phone: (405) 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, order, to be effective as of the date of the SandRidge Exploration and Production, execution thereof or as of a date prior LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma thereto, as follows: (i) amending a prior City, Oklahoma, 73102-6406, Telephone: order of the Commission to enlarge and (405) 429-6344. extend the boundaries of the Tonkawa, CORPORATION COMMISSION Lansing, Marmaton, Cherokee and MisOF OKLAHOMA sissippian separate common sources of DANA. L. MURPHY, Chair supply of gas so as to cover and include JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman fractional Section 14, Township 29 North, BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner Range 9 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, DONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day Oklahoma, and to form proper drilling and of September, 2011. spacing units for such separate common BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: sources of supply in such section, which PEGGY MITCHELL, units Applicant requests be formed as Commission Secretary

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & supply in the units covered hereby. Such Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t application further requests up to 365 days BEFORE THE CORPORATION within which to commence operations on COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF or in connection with such initial well under OKLAHOMA such plan of development. APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, the application in this cause requests that LLC SandRidge Exploration and Production, RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING LLC, or some other party recommended LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 1, by Applicant be designated as operator Township 25 North, Range 9 under the order to be entered herein of the West of the IM, Alfalfa County, separate common sources of supply in the Oklahoma units covered hereby, including the initial Cause CD No. 201104782 well and any subsequent well or wells to NOTICE OF HEARING be drilled under or otherwise covered by STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perApplicant’s proposed plan of development sons, owners, producers, operators, of such units. purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this all other interested persons, particularly cause is set before an administrative law in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the judge for hearing, taking of evidence and following: Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; reporting to the Corporation Commission of Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C.; Nadine Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the Williams; Joseph R. Phillips; if any of the application in this cause may be amended above-named individuals be deceased, at such hearing in accordance with the then the unknown heirs, executors, rules of the Commission and the laws of administrators, devisees, trustees and the State of Oklahoma. assigns, both immediate and remote, of NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this such deceased individual; and if any of cause will be heard before an administrathe above-named parties that is a partnertive law judge on the Conservation Docket ship, corporation or other association be at the Western Regional Service Office of dissolved, then the unknown successors, the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe trustees and assigns, both immediate and Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, remote, of such dissolved entity. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 10th day of October, 2011, and that Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and this notice be published as required by law Production, LLC, has filed an application and the rules of the Commission. in this cause requesting the Corporation NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Commission of Oklahoma to enter an Applicant and interested parties may presorder pooling the interests, and adjudicatent testimony by telephone. The cost of ing the rights and equities in connection telephonic communication shall be paid by therewith, of the oil and gas owners in the the person or persons requesting its use. 640-acre drilling and spacing units formed Interested parties who wish to participate in Section 1, Township 25 North, Range 9 by telephone shall contact Applicant or West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing for the Oswego Lime, Cherokee, Missisdate, and provide their names and telesippi Chat and Mississippi Lime separate phone numbers. common sources of supply, in respect NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all to the development of such separate interested persons may appear and be common sources of supply in such units. heard. For information concerning this The interests of the oil and gas owners action, contact John R. Reeves, attorinvolved herein and the rights and equiney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two ties in respect thereto are sought herein Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, to be pooled and adjudicated pursuant to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Tele52 O.S. §87.1 within and on the basis of phone: (405) 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, the units covered hereby as a group or SandRidge Exploration and Production, unit, and not limited to a single wellbore. LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma The application in this cause states that City, OK 73102-6406, Telephone: (405) Applicant has proposed the development 429-6344. of the separate common sources of supply CORPORATION COMMISSION in the units involved herein under a plan OF OKLAHOMA of development and has proposed to comDANA. L. MURPHY, Chair mence such plan of development of such JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman units by an initial well in the lands covered BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner hereby. Such application further states DONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day that Applicant has been unable to reach of September, 2011. an agreement with the owners of drilling BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: rights named as respondents herein with PEGGY MITCHELL, respect to such proposed plan of developCommission Secretary ment of the separate common sources of


6:57 p.m. – Caller has person on front porch, and he doesn’t want him there.

9:25 p.m. – Motor vehicle circling block for two nights. Very loud. Looked for vehicle.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & is currently pending before the CommisRepublican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t sion an application of Applicant to form BEFORE THE CORPORATION “640-acre” drilling and spacing units in COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF said Section 14 for the Tonkawa, Lansing, OKLAHOMA Marmaton, Cherokee and Mississippian APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE separate common sources of supply. EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that LLC the application in this cause requests that RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING SandRidge Exploration and Production, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 14, LLC, or some other party recommended Township 29 North, Range 9 by Applicant be designated as operator West of the IM, Alfalfa County, under the order to be entered herein of Oklahoma the separate common sources of supply Cause CD No. 201104786 in the drilling and spacing units covered NOTICE OF HEARING hereby, including the initial well and any STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persubsequent well or wells drilled under or sons, owners, producers, operators, otherwise covered by Applicant’s proposed purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and plan of development of such units. all other interested persons, particularly NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the cause is set before an administrative law following: Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; judge for hearing, taking of evidence and Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C.; and if reporting to the Corporation Commission of any of the above-named parties is a disOklahoma. Notice is further given that the solved partnership, corporation or other application in this cause may be amended association, then the unknown successors, at such hearing in accordance with the trustees and assigns, both immediate and rules of the Commission and the laws of remote, of such dissolved entity. the State of Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and cause will be heard before an administraProduction, LLC, has filed an application tive law judge on the Conservation Docket in this cause requesting the Corporation at the Western Regional Service Office of Commission of Oklahoma to enter an the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe order pooling the interests, and adjudicatBuilding, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, ing the rights and equities in connection Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 A.M. therewith, of the oil and gas owners in the on the 11th day of October, 2011, and that “640-acre” drilling and spacing units to be this notice be published as required by law formed in Section 14, Township 29 North, and the rules of the Commission. Range 9 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Oklahoma, for the Tonkawa, Lansing, Applicant and interested parties may presMarmaton, Cherokee and Mississippian ent testimony by telephone. The cost of separate common sources of supply in retelephonic communication shall be paid by spect to the development of such separate the person or persons requesting its use. common sources of supply in such units. Interested parties who wish to participate The interests of the oil and gas owners by telephone shall contact Applicant or involved herein and the rights and equiApplicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing ties in respect thereto are sought herein date, and provide their names and teleto be pooled and adjudicated pursuant phone numbers. to 52 O.S. §87.1 within and on the basis NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all of the drilling and spacing units covered interested persons may appear and be hereby as a group or unit, and not limited heard. For information concerning this to a single wellbore. The application in this action, contact John R. Reeves, attorcause states that Applicant has proposed ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two the development of the separate common Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, sources of supply in the drilling and spacOklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Teleing units involved herein under a plan of phone: (405) 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, development and has proposed to comSandRidge Exploration and Production, mence such plan of development of such LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma units by an initial well in the lands covered City, OK 73102-6406, Telephone: (405) hereby. Such application further states that 429-6344. Applicant has been unable to reach an CORPORATION COMMISSION agreement with the owners of drilling rights OF OKLAHOMA named as respondents herein with respect DANA L. MURPHY, Chair to such proposed plan of development of JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman the separate common sources of supply BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner in the drilling and spacing units covered DONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day hereby. Such application further requests of September, 2011. up to 365 days within which to commence BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: operations on or in connection with such PEGGY MITCHELL, initial well under such plan of development. Commission Secretary Such application further states that there Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & of supply covered hereby, which allowable Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t Applicant requests be established as a full BEFORE THE CORPORATION allowable with no downward adjustment COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF made thereto. Such application further OKLAHOMA states that there is currently pending before APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE the Commission an application of Applicant EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, to form “640-acre” drilling and spacing units LLC in said Section 14 for the Tonkawa, Lansing, RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION Marmaton, Cherokee and Mississippian EXCEPTION separate common sources of supply. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 14, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Township 29 North, Range 9 application in this cause requests that the West of the IM, Alfalfa County, order to be entered in this matter be made Oklahoma effective as of the date of the execution Cause CD No. 201104785 thereof or as of a date prior thereto and NOTICE OF HEARING that the authorization and permission STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perrequested herein run in favor of Applicant sons, owners, producers, operators, or some other party recommended by purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and Applicant. all other interested persons, particularly in NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. “land sections adjacent to the area within NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the location exception” requested herein in Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and said Section 14 in the State of Oklahoma in Production, LLC, has filed an application regard to the subsurface location tolerance in this cause requesting the Corporation areas described above are Sections 13, Commission of Oklahoma to enter an order, 23 and 24, Township 29 North, Range 9 to be effective as of the date of the execuWest of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. tion thereof or as of a date prior thereto, The other “land sections” surrounding said as follows: (i) authorizing and permitting Section 14 in the State of Oklahoma are an exception to the permitted well location Sections 15 and 22, Township 29 North, tolerances in the “640-acre” drilling and Range 9 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, spacing units to be formed in Section 14, Oklahoma. Township 29 North, Range 9 West of the IM, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the Tonkawa, cause is set before an administrative law Lansing, Marmaton, Cherokee and Missisjudge for hearing, taking of evidence and sippian separate common sources of supreporting to the Corporation Commission of ply, so as to allow a well to be drilled from a Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the surface location being not closer than 200 application in this cause may be amended feet from the south line and not closer than at such hearing in accordance with the 660 feet from the east line of said Section rules of the Commission and the laws of 14 to subsurface locations of such well’s the State of Oklahoma. entry into and such well’s exit from each NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this of the Tonkawa, Lansing, Marmaton and cause is set for hearing before an adminCherokee separate common sources of istrative law judge on the Conservation supply and to a subsurface location of such Docket at the Western Regional Service well’s entry into the Mississippian common Office of the Corporation Commission, Jim source of supply being as follows: not closer Thorpe Building, 2101 North Lincoln Bouthan 200 feet from the south line and 660 levard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 feet from the east line of said Section 14, A.M. on the 11th day of October, 2011, and with the first perforation in the horizontal that this notice be published as required by portion or lateral of the borehole of such law and the rules of the Commission. well in the Mississippian common source of NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that supply being as follows: not closer than 330 Applicant and interested parties may presfeet from the south line and 660 feet from ent testimony by telephone. The cost of the east line of said Section 14, and with telephonic communication shall be paid by the last perforation in the horizontal portion the person or persons requesting its use. or lateral of the borehole of such well in the Interested parties who wish to participate Mississippian common source of supply beby telephone shall contact Applicant or ing as follows: not closer than 330 feet from Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing the north line and 660 feet from the east line date, and provide their names and teleof said Section 14, and with the terminus or phone numbers. end point of the horizontal portion or lateral NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all of the borehole of such well in the Missisinterested persons may appear and be sippian common source of supply being as heard. For information concerning this follows: not closer than 200 feet from the action, contact John R. Reeves, Attornorth line and 660 feet from the east line ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two of said Section 14, and with a “tolerance Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, distance” for the above-described subsurOklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Teleface locations, horizontal portion or lateral phone: (405) 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, and completion interval of such well being SandRidge Exploration and Production, as follows: a distance of not more than 100 LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma feet in an easterly direction and in a westerly City, Oklahoma, 73102-6406, Telephone: direction from any such subsurface location, (405) 429-6344. from any point on or along such horizontal CORPORATION COMMISSION portion or lateral and from any point on or OF OKLAHOMA along such completion interval, and to be DANA L. MURPHY, Chair completed in and to produce hydrocarbons JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman from the above-named separate common BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner sources of supply, with such authorization DONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day and permission running in favor of Apof September, 2011. plicant or some other party recommended BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: by Applicant; and (ii) establishing a proper PEGGY MITCHELL, allowable for the proposed well involved Commission Secretary herein as to the separate common sources

Page 12 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011

Alfalfa County District Court Docket Criminal Misdemeanor Indalecio Cornejo-Salazar, no address, has been charged with driving while license is under suspension. Matthew Shawn George, no address, has been charged with driving while license is revoked. Isaac Norman Hull, no address, has been charged with public intoxication. Marlin Monte Yoder, Burlington, has been charged with violation of protective order. Criminal Felony Brian Keith Boon, El Reno, has been charged with unlawful

possession of marijuana. Civil Credit Bureau Services Association, Stillwater, has sued Mickey Josh Hutchison, Helena, for indebtedness in an amount less than $10,000. Marriage License Christopher Buck Penoyer, Cherokee, and Eden Lee Palmer-Reynolds have filed for a marriage license. Traffic Charged with failure to wear seat belt, $20: Michael A. Hensley, Cherokee; Stacy L. Paris, Kiowa, Kan.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & able rate of production otherwise appliRepublican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t cable to said drilling and spacing units; BEFORE THE CORPORATION (c) designating Applicant or some other COMMISSION owner as Operator of the wells; and OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA (d) making the Order in this Cause APPLICANT: TRIAD ENERGY, INC. effective on a date prior to the date of RELIEF SOUGHT: INCREASED WELL issuance. DENSITY NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this LEGAL DESCRIPTION: W/2 SECTION Cause has been set before an Administra5, T28N, R10W, ALFALFA COUNTY, tive Law Judge for hearing, taking of eviOKLAHOMA dence, and reporting to the Commission. CAUSE CD NO. 201104724 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that NOTICE OF HEARING this Cause will be heard before an AdminTo all Persons, Owners, Producers, istrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Operators, Purchasers, and Takers of Docket at the Corporation Commission, oil and gas, including Mark W. Smith; 1st Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma Connie Alexander Barnett, Co-Trustee of City, Oklahoma at 8:30 a.m., on the 11th the Alexander Family Trust; Paul Casey day of October, 2011, and that this Notice Hollon; Walter E. Lentz; Linda J. Riddle; will be published as required by law and SandRidge Exploration and Production, by the rules of the Commission. LLC; and all persons living or if deceased NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that their known and unknown successors and the Applicant and interested parties may all corporations existing and if dissolved present testimony by telephone. The cost their known and unknown successors and of telephonic communication shall be all other persons having an interest in the paid by the person or persons requesting lands covered hereby, particularly in Alfalfa its use. Interested parties who wish to County, Oklahoma. participate by telephone shall contact the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ApApplicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to plicant in this Cause is requesting that the the hearing date, and provide their name Commission permit ADDITIONAL UNIT and phone number. WELLS for the lands described in the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all caption hereof. interested persons may appear and be NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the heard. For information concerning this Applicant in this Cause is requesting the action please communicate with Applicant, following SPECIAL RELIEF: The request Triad Energy, Inc., 6 Northeast 63rd Street, is that the Commission issue an Order Suite 220, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (a) permitting one (1) additional well to 73105, telephone (405) 842-4312, or be drilled and produced in W/2 Section 5, with Russell James Walker, Attorney, 511 T28N, R10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, Couch Drive, Third Floor, Oklahoma City, as an exception and to Order No. 549919, Oklahoma 73102. as corrected by Order Nunc Pro Tunc CORPORATION COMMISSION No. 550596 as to the Mississippian comOF OKLAHOMA mon source of supply, said well to be an DANA L. MURPHY, Chair additional well for said W/2 Section 5, a JEFF CLOUD, Vice-Chairman 320-acre drilling and spacing unit created BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner by said Order, as corrected by said Order DONE AND PERFORMED this 15th day Nunc Pro Tunc, for said common source of September, 2011. of supply; BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: (b) establishing an allowable rate of PEGGY MITCHELL, Secretary production commensurate with the allowLegal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & along such completion interval, and to be Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t completed in and to produce hydrocarbons BEFORE THE CORPORATION from the above-named common source of COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF supply, with such authorization and permisOKLAHOMA sion running in favor of Applicant or some APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE other party recommended by Applicant; EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, and (ii) establishing a proper allowable LLC for the proposed well involved herein as RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION to the common source of supply covered EXCEPTION hereby, which allowable Applicant requests LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 35, be established as a full allowable with no Township 29 North, Range 10 downward adjustment made thereto. West of the IM, Alfalfa County, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Oklahoma application in this cause requests that the Cause CD No. 201104780 order to be entered in this matter be made NOTICE OF HEARING effective as of the date of the execution STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perthereof or as of a date prior thereto and that sons, owners, producers, operators, the authorization and permission requested purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and herein run in favor of Applicant or some all other interested persons, particularly other party recommended by Applicant. in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following: Yale Oil Association; Robert L. “land sections adjacent to the area within Stephenson Living Trust, and the Trustee the location exception” requested herein in of such trust; H. Huffman & Co.; Beaver said Section 35 in regard to the subsurface Lake Exploration; KC Production, LLC; location tolerance areas described above Trison Holdings, LLC; Gregg M. & Chelin are Sections 25, 26 and 36, Township 29 H. Satherlie Rev. Trust, and the Trustee of North, Range 10 West of the IM, and Secsuch trust; Chesapeake Exploration, LLC; tions 1 and 2, Township 28 North, Range Chesapeake Operating, Inc; if any of the 10 West of the IM, all in Alfalfa County, above-named parties which is a partnerOklahoma. The other “land sections” surship, corporation or other association is rounding said Section 35 are Sections 27 dissolved, then the unknown successors, and 34, Township 29 North, Range 10 trustees and assigns, both immediate and West of the IM, and Section 3, Township remote, of such dissolved entity; and if any 28 North, Range 10 West of the IM, all in of the above-named parties designated as Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. a trustee is not presently acting in such NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this capacity as trustee, then the unknown succause is set before an administrative law cessor or successors to such trustee. judge for hearing, taking of evidence and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that reporting to the Corporation Commission of Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the Production, LLC, has filed an application application in this cause may be amended in this cause requesting the Corporation at such hearing in accordance with the Commission of Oklahoma to enter an rules of the Commission and the laws of order, to be effective as of the date of the the State of Oklahoma. execution thereof or as of a date prior NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this thereto, as follows: (i) authorizing and percause is set for hearing before an adminmitting an exception to the permitted well istrative law judge on the Conservation location tolerances in the 640-acre drilling Docket at the Western Regional Service and spacing unit formed in Section 35, Office of the Corporation Commission, Jim Township 29 North, Range 10 West of the Thorpe Building, 2101 North Lincoln BouIM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the Mislevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 sissippian common source of supply, so as A.M. on the 10th day of October, 2011, and to allow a well to be drilled from a surface that this notice be published as required by location being not closer than 200 feet from law and the rules of the Commission. the north line and not closer than 1320 feet NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that from the east line of said Section 35 to a Applicant and interested parties may pressubsurface location of such well’s entry ent testimony by telephone. The cost of into the Mississippian common source of telephonic communication shall be paid by supply being as follows: not closer than the person or persons requesting its use. 200 feet from the north line and 1320 feet Interested parties who wish to participate from the east line of said Section 35, with by telephone shall contact Applicant or the first perforation in the horizontal porApplicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing tion or lateral of the borehole of such well date, and provide their names and telebeing as follows: not closer than 300 feet phone numbers. from the north line and 1320 feet from the NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all east line of said Section 35, and with the interested persons may appear and be last perforation in the horizontal portion or heard. For information concerning this aclateral of the borehole of such well being as tion, contact John R. Reeves, attorney, OBA follows: not closer than 300 feet from the #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two Leadership south line and 1320 feet from the east line Square, 211 North Robinson, Oklahoma of said Section 35, and with the terminus or City, Oklahoma 73102, Telephone: (405) end point of the horizontal portion or lateral 235-1110; or Kevin Manning, SandRidge of the borehole of such well in such comExploration and Production, LLC, 123 Robmon source of supply being as follows: not ert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma closer than 200 feet from the south line and 73102-6406, Telephone: (405) 429-5788. 1320 feet from the east line of said Section CORPORATION COMMISSION 35, and with a “tolerance distance” for the OF OKLAHOMA above-described subsurface locations, DANA L. MURPHY, Chair horizontal portion or lateral and compleJEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman tion interval of such well being as follows: BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner a distance of not more than 100 feet in an DONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day easterly direction and in a westerly direcof September, 2011. tion from any such subsurface location, BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: from any point on or along such horizontal PEGGY MITCHELL, portion or lateral and from any point on or Commission Secretary


Charged with improper left turn, $211.50: Joseph Edward Hempfling, Enid. Charged with operating a motor vehicle in a manner not reasonable or proper, $256.50: Dustin Thomas Britton, Garber. Operating a commercial motor vehicle without proper lettering requirements, $211.50:

Donald Wade Hicks, Cherokee. Charged with inattentive driving, $211.50: William Morgan Shirk, Tulsa; Rodger Dean Hill, Burlington; Irys Dawn Botta, Amorita. Charged with speeding 15 mph over speed limit, $226.50: Michael Tennyson Boudreau,

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & of heirship and distribution, and that the Republican Thursday, Sept. 22 and Sept. 6th day of October, 2011, at 10:00 o’clock 29, 2011. 2t A.M., in the District Courtroom, Cherokee, in the district court of Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, has been fixed alfalfa county, oklahoma as the time and place for hearing thereof, pb-2010-7 when any person interested in said estate In the Matter of the Estate of Charlotte may appear and contest the same as A. Ludeman, Deceased. provided by law. notice of hearing final Dated: September 14th, 2011. account, petition for Loren E. Angle determination of heirship and Judge distribution Hadwiger & Jungman, P.L.L.C. Notice is hereby given, that Lucinda Jo Kyle B. Hadwiger, OBA#11329 Culver and Mary Lee Gray, co-personal Marcus A. Jungman, OBA#19138 representatives of the estate of Charlotte 120 S. Grand, P.O. Box 306 A. Ludeman, deceased, has filed in the Cherokee, OK 73728 above court and cause, their final account, (580) 596-3591 petition for final settlement, determination Attorney for Petitioners Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t COUNTY commissioners September 6, 2011 The Alfalfa County Commissioners met in the Civic Room at 10:00 AM with Chairman Murrow calling the meeting to order with members Roach and Walker and County Clerk Martin present. As required by Oklahoma State Statutes 1991, Title 25, Section 311, Notice was given of this regularly scheduled meeting by posting the Agenda in the North Entrance (Handicapped Entrance) of the Courthouse and in the County Clerk’s office at 4:30 P.M., September 1, 2011. Roach moved to approve the minutes of August 31. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the blanket purchase orders. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the following M & O warrants for payment. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Prior Year SALES TAX-HEALTH 340........Accufile...................................................$561.50.................................. Service Current Year General Fund 203........Carmen Farmers Coop.............................$17.00....................................Repair 204........Little Sharah Sand Sports......................$100.00................................ Supplies 205........Wichert, Marcy.......................................$197.58.................................... Travel 206........High Plains Journal................................$160.00.......................... Subscription 207........Carmen Farmers Coop.............................$31.33................................ Supplies 208........Cherokee Publishing Co.........................$748.60...........................Publications 209........United Brake & Electric..........................$139.17................................ Supplies 210........AEC.....................................................$3,394.92...................................Utilities 211.........ONG.......................................................$105.17...................................Utilities 212........Department of Labor................................$10.00.................................. Service 213........City of Cherokee.....................................$321.29...................................Utilities 214........J&J Solutions LLC..................................$410.00.................................. Service 215........Croft Chevrolet....................................$9,000.00...................................Vehicle HIGHWAY CASH 309........ACCO.......................................................$75.00........................... Registration 310........ACCO.......................................................$75.00........................... Registration 311.........Amorita-Byron Sewer Sys Auth................$10.00...................................Utilities 312........Pioneer Telephone.................................$136.35...................................Utilities 313........Town of Helena.........................................$56.00...................................Utilities 314........Jack’s Automotive...................................$545.40................................ Supplies 315........Goltry PWA...............................................$55.02...................................Utilities 316........Alfalfa Co. Rural Water.............................$33.28...................................Utilities 317........Dirks Copy Products...............................$130.97................................ Supplies 318........Murrow, Franklin.....................................$745.00....................................Gravel 319........Edwards Canvas Inc..............................$105.84......................................Parts 320........Carmen Farmers Coop...........................$186.45................................ Supplies 321........Allied Custom Gypsum...........................$832.53...................................... Rock 322........Enid Iron & Metal......................................$90.00................................ Supplies 323........Horne Oil Co...........................................$492.25..........................................Oil 324........Horne Oil Co......................................$10,084.98....................................... Fuel 325........City of Cherokee.......................................$34.00...................................Utilities 326........South Central Telephone Assn...............$190.32...................................Utilities 327........Guffy, Jim...............................................$515.00....................................Gravel 328........Burlington Farmers Coop..................$15,649.00....................................... Fuel 329........AEC........................................................$271.17...................................Utilities 330........AEC........................................................$298.13...................................Utilities 331........ONGG......................................................$86.91...................................Utilities 332........Unifirst Corporation................................$815.48................................Uniforms 333........P&K Equipment Co.............................$1,173.70....................................Repair 334........Sunbelt Equipment..............................$5,220.00............................. Equipment 335........Town of Byron...........................................$61.69...................................Utilities 336........T&W Tire................................................$802.64...................................... Tires 337........Munn Supply............................................$65.62................................ Supplies 338........Boehs Building Supply.............................$52.97................................ Supplies 339........Warren Cat.............................................$104.70................................ Supplies 340........The Empire Companies.......................$1,591.00.................. Lease/Purchases SALES TAX - FAIRGROUNDS 22..........Hague, Jay Reggie..............................$4,000.00.................................. Service 23..........Hague, Jay Reggie..............................$4,000.00.................................. Service SALES TAX - HEALTH 49..........American Elevator Co.......................$15,873.40.................................. Service 50..........AEC........................................................$238.61...................................Utilities 51..........ONG.........................................................$82.46...................................Utilities 52..........Carmen Farmers Coop...........................$708.96....................................... Fuel 53..........Laboratory Supply Co...............................$91.39................................ Supplies 54..........Emergency Medical Products Inc........$2,169.06................................ Supplies 55..........Evans-Stands Agency............................$933.33............... Insurance Premium 56..........Page Plus INc...........................................$65.45...................................Utilities 57..........Munn Supply..........................................$100.00................................ Supplies 58..........D&S Diesel SVC, DBA........................$1,476.93....................................Repair SHERIFF REVOLVING CASH 14..........S&S Pest Control Inc................................$40.00.................................. Service 15..........Wal Mart.................................................$243.26................................ Supplies 16..........United Supermarket...............................$789.86................................ Supplies Murrow moved to approve the following Appropriations: Highway Cash, $237,509.70, $31.073.31; Assessor Visual Inspection Cash, $959.69; Treasurer Cash, $65.00; County Clerk Cash, $4,664.24; County Clerk Preservation Cash, $3,545.87; Fairgrounds Sales Tax, $60,958.94; Health Sales Tax, $147,793.07; Sheriff Revolving Cash, $150.00; Sheriff Cash, $3,367.15; Enhanced 911 Cash, $2,824.90; SL-2, $3.25. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the alcoholic beverage tax report. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the Maximum Highway Expenditures Resolution. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the highway consumables. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the following officers’ reports: Sheriff’s monthly, Board of Prisoners, Foreign Process Docket, Election Board, and County Clerk’s monthly. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the proclamation declaring April fair housing month. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the resolution establishing a fair housing policy within the county. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the transfer of $1,500.00 from R-1a to R-2. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve a road crossing permit for Rodco in Dist #1. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve a road crossing permit for Select Services in Dist #1. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve 2 road crossing permits for Crescent Services in Dist #2. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Trailer bids were received from SW Trailers & Equipment for $45,900 and Irwin Trailer for $38,645. Walker moved to table the bids. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to adjourn. Roach seconded. All voted aye. /s/ Doug Murrow Doug Murrow, Chair /s/ Chad Roach Chad Roach, Member /s/ Ray Walker Ray Walker, Member ATTEST:/s/ Bruce Martin Bruce Martin, County Clerk

Oklahoma City. Charged with transporting

open container of beer, $316: Debbie Lynn Pike, Cherokee.

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & supply of gas so as to cover and include Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t Section 10, Township 25 North, Range BEFORE THE CORPORATION 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, OklaCOMMISSION homa, which section Applicants request be OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA formed as a 640-acre drilling and spacing APPLICANTS: CHESAPEAKE unit for such formation underlying such OPERATING, INC. AND CHESAPEAKE section with the permitted well for the units EXPLORATION, L.L.C. to be located not less than 1320 feet from RELIEF SOUGHT: SPACING the unit boundary; and (iii) granting such LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 10 other and further relief as may be proper TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH RANGE 11 based upon the evidence presented at the WEST OF THE IM ALFALFA COUNTY, hearing herein. OKLAHOMA NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Cause CD No. 201104727 application in this cause requests that the NOTICE OF HEARING order to be entered in this matter be made STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All pereffective as of the date of the execution sons, owners, producers, operators, thereof or as of a date prior thereto. purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all other interested persons, particularly in this cause will be referred to an AdminAlfalfa County, Oklahoma, more particuistrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of larly the parties set out on the Exhibit “A” evidence and reporting to the Corporation attached to the application on file in this Commission. cause, and, if any of the named individuals NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that be deceased, then the unknown heirs, exthis cause will be heard before an Adminecutors, administrators, devisees, trustees istrative Law Judge on the Conservation and assigns, both immediate and remote, Docket at the Corporation Commission, of such deceased individual; if any of the First Floor, Jim Thorpe Building, 2101 named entities is a dissolved partnership, North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, corporation or other association, then the Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 11th day unknown successors, trustees and asof October 2011, and that this notice will signs, both immediate and remote, of such be published as required by law and the dissolved entity; if any of the named parties rules of the Commission. designated as a trustee is not presently NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that acting in such capacity as trustee, then the the Applicants and interested parties may unknown successor or successors to such present testimony by telephone. The cost trustee; if any of the named parties desigof telephonic communication shall be paid nated as an attorney-in-fact is not presently by the person or persons requesting its acting in such capacity as attorney-in-fact, use. An interested party who wishes to then the unknown successor or successors participate by telephone shall contact the to such attorney-in-fact; and if any of the Applicants or Applicants’ attorney, prior to named entities are corporations which the hearing date, and provide his or her do not continue to have legal existence, name and phone number. the unknown trustees or assigns of such NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all parties. interested persons may appear and be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Apheard. For information concerning this acplicants, Chesapeake Operating, Inc. and tion contact Nathan Cook, landman, (405) Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C., have filed 935-8257, or Emily P. Smith, attorney, OBA an application in this cause requesting No. 20805, (405) 935-8203, Chesapeake the Corporation Commission to enter an Operating, Inc., P.O. Box 18496, Oklahoma order, as follows: (i) amending Order No. City, Oklahoma 73154-0496. Please refer 103092 to delete Section 10, Township 25 to Cause CD Number. North, Range 11 West of the IM, Alfalfa CORPORATION COMMISSION County, Oklahoma, from the purview of OF OKLAHOMA the Mississippian Limestone common DANA L. MURPHY, Chair source of supply and to vacate the -acre JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman drilling and spacing unit previously formed BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner by such order for such common source of DONE AND PERFORMED this 15th day supply in such lands; (ii) establishing the of September, 2011 initial boundaries of the Douglas, Lansing, BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: Kansas City, Big Lime, Cherokee and MisPEGGY MITCHELL, sissippian separate common sources of Commission Secretary Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & completion interval, and to be completed Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t in and to produce hydrocarbons from the BEFORE THE CORPORATION above-named separate common sources COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF of supply, with such authorization and OKLAHOMA permission running in favor of Applicant APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE or some other party recommended by EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, Applicant; and (ii) establishing a proper LLC allowable for the proposed well involved RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION herein as to the separate common sources EXCEPTION of supply covered hereby, which allowable LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 1, Applicant requests be established as a full Township 25 North, Range 9 allowable with no downward adjustment West of the IM, Alfalfa County, made thereto. Oklahoma NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cause CD No. 201104783 application in this cause requests that the NOTICE OF HEARING order to be entered in this matter be made STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All pereffective as of the date of the execution sons, owners, producers, operators, thereof or as of a date prior thereto and purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and that the authorization and permission all other interested persons, particularly requested herein run in favor of Applicant in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the or some other party recommended by following: Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; Applicant. Chesapeake Exploration, L.L.C.; and if NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the any of the above-named parties is a dis“land sections adjacent to the area within solved partnership, corporation or other the location exception” requested herein in association, then the unknown successors, said Section 1 in regard to the subsurface trustees and assigns, both immediate and location tolerance areas described above remote, of such dissolved entity. are Sections 36, Township 26 North, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Range 9 West of the IM, and Section 12, Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and Township 25 North, Range 9 West of the Production, LLC, has filed an application IM, all in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. The in this cause requesting the Corporation other “land sections” surrounding said Commission of Oklahoma to enter an Section 1 are Sections 2 and 11, Township order, to be effective as of the date of the 25 North, Range 9 West of the IM, Alfalfa execution thereof or as of a date prior County, Oklahoma; Section 35, Townthereto, as follows: (i) authorizing and ship 26 North, Range 9 West of the IM, permitting an exception to the permitted Alfalfa County, Oklahoma; Sections 6 and well location tolerances in the 640-acre 7, Township 25 North, Range 8 West of the drilling and spacing units formed in Section IM, Grant County, Oklahoma; and Section 1, Township 25 North, Range 9 West of 31, Township 26 North, Range 8 West of the IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the the IM, Grant County, Oklahoma. Oswego Lime, Cherokee, Mississippi Chat NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this and Mississippi Lime separate common cause is set before an administrative law sources of supply, so as to allow a well to judge for hearing, taking of evidence and be drilled from a surface location being not reporting to the Corporation Commission of closer than 200 feet from the north line and Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the not closer than 1320 feet from the east line application in this cause may be amended of said Section 1 to subsurface locations of at such hearing in accordance with the such well’s entry into and such well’s exit rules of the Commission and the laws of from each of the Oswego Lime and Cherothe State of Oklahoma. kee separate common sources of supply NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this being as follows: not closer than 200 feet cause is set for hearing before an adminfrom the north line and 1980 feet from the istrative law judge on the Conservation east line of said Section 1, and to subsurDocket at the Western Regional Service face locations of such well’s entry into and Office of the Corporation Commission, Jim such well’s exit and potential exit from each Thorpe Building, 2101 North Lincoln Bouof the Mississippi Chat, Mississippi Lime levard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 or both such separate common sources A.M. on the 10th day of October, 2011, and of supply being as follows: not closer than that this notice be published as required by 200 feet from the north line and 1980 feet law and the rules of the Commission. from the east line of said Section 1, with NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the first perforation in the horizontal portion Applicant and interested parties may presor lateral of the borehole of such well in the ent testimony by telephone. The cost of Mississippi Chat, Mississippi Lime or both telephonic communication shall be paid by such separate common sources of supply the person or persons requesting its use. being as follows: not closer than 330 feet Interested parties who wish to participate from the north line and 1980 feet from the by telephone shall contact Applicant or east line of said Section 1, and with the Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing last perforation in the horizontal portion or date, and provide their names and telelateral of the borehole of such well in the phone numbers. Mississippi Chat, Mississippi Lime or both NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all such separate common sources of supply interested persons may appear and be being as follows: not closer than 330 feet heard. For information concerning this from the south line and 1980 feet from action, contact John R. Reeves, attorthe east line of said Section 1, and with ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two the terminus or end point of the horizontal Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, portion or lateral of the borehole of such Oklahoma City, well and such well’s potential exit from Oklahoma 73102, Telephone: (405) the Mississippi Chat and Mississippi Lime 235-1110; or Luke Roberts, SandRidge separate common sources of supply being Exploration and Production, LLC, 123 Robas follows: not closer than 200 feet from ert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma the south line and 1980 feet from the east 73102-6406, Telephone: (405) 429-6344. line of said Section 1, and with a “tolerCORPORATION COMMISSION ance distance” for the above-described OF OKLAHOMA subsurface locations, horizontal portion DANA L. MURPHY, Chair or lateral and completion interval of such JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman well being as follows: a distance of not BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner more than 100 feet in an easterly direcDONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day tion and in a westerly direction from any of September, 2011. such subsurface location, from any point BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: on or along such horizontal portion or latPEGGY MITCHELL, eral and from any point on or along such Commission Secretary

S - Don't forget to download your 2x2 ads Web site this week. with the Ad Name to download. order from OPS for the 2x2 ads.) nywhere in your newspaper. Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011 • Page 13



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HUGE GARAGE SALE - 1307 S. Penn., Cherokee, Fri. 5-8 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. saturday only - 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 1018 S. Grand, Cherokee. Couch, dryer, recliner, push mower, weedeater, clothes, small TV, dishes, microwave & lots of misc. ESTATE SALE - Sept. 23 and 24. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 2524 Edgewood Dr., Enid. 2000 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, 37,000 miles, furniture, crystal, bone China, Stueben, Heisey Orchid, Am Fostoria, cut glass, China sets, German nutcrackers, lots misc. V. Dotterer 580-884-8012.

Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, and Sept. 29, 2011. 2t in the district court in and for alfalfa county, State of oklahoma Case No. cv-11-19 Leonard Camp, Plaintiff, vs. The Heirs, Devisees and Legatees of Virgil Clark, Deceased, and The Heirs, Devisees and Legatees of Mansel Andrews, Deceased, Defendants. notice by publication The State of Oklahoma to Defendants: The Heirs, Devisees and Legatees of Virgil Clark, Deceased, and The Heirs, Devisees and Legatees of Mansel Andrews, Deceased. You and each of you, are hereby notified that Plaintiff has filed a Petition in the District Court of Alfalfa County, State

Legal notice of Oklahoma, Case No. CV-11-19, against you, and each of you, alleging that he is the fee simple owner of the following described real property situated in Alfalfa County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a point 208.6 feet East of the Southwest Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Three (3), Township Twenty-six (26) North, Range Nine (9), W.I.M., thence North 208.6 feet, thence East 208.6 feet, thence South 208.6 feet, thence West 208.6 feet to the place of beginning, containing one (1) acre, more or less. That the Defendants, and each of them, be adjudged to have no right, title, claim, estate or interest in and to the real property involved in this cause of action and that they, and each of them, be perpetually

barred and enjoined from setting up or asserting any right, title, claim, estate, or interest in and to said property. That said Defendants, and each of them, must answer the Petition filed herein by Plaintiff on or before the 2nd day of November, 2011, or said Petition will be taken as true and correct and judgment rendered accordingly decreeing that said Plaintiff is the owner of the property described in said Petition. Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of September, 2011. s/Lori Irwin [seal] Court Clerk Francis “Fritz” McGee, OBA #5985 McGee Law Firm, P.L.L.C. Attorney for Plaintiff 111 1/2 South Grand Cherokee, Oklahoma 73728 (580) 596-3550

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t COUNTY commissioners September 12, 2011 The Alfalfa County Commissioners met in the Civic Room at 10:00 AM with Chairman Murrow calling the meeting to order with members Roach and Walker and County Clerk Martin present. As required by Oklahoma State Statutes 1991, Title 25, Section 311, Notice was given of this regularly scheduled meeting by posting the Agenda in the North Entrance (Handicapped Entrance) of the Courthouse and in the County Clerk’s office at 9:55 A.M., September 9, 2011. Roach moved to approve the minutes of September 6. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the following M & O warrants for payment. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Prior Year GENERAL FUND 1220......National 4-H Supply...............................$160.40................................ Supplies SALES TAX-HEALTH 341........Jack’s Automotive.....................................$75.64....................................Repair Current Year ASSESSOR VISUAL INSPECTION CASH 9............County Records Inc................................$235.00.................................... Books General Fund 216........AT&T......................................................$582.31...................................Utilities 217........Dirks Copy Products.................................$58.98................................ Supplies 218........Carmen Farmers Coop........................$1,237.35....................................... Fuel 219........Burlington Farmers Coop.........................$25.02................................ Supplies 220........Pioneer Enid Cellular..............................$290.40...................................Utilities 221........AEC..........................................................$33.47...................................Utilities 222........AT&T......................................................$150.01...................................Utilities 223........Dirks Copy Products...............................$204.50.........................Copier Lease 224........AT&T......................................................$133.42...................................Utilities 225........AT&T......................................................$141.83...................................Utilities 226........Touchtone Communications.....................$20.57...................................Utilities 227........AT&T......................................................$165.33...................................Utilities 228........Williamson, Diana L................................$322.74.................................... Travel 229........AT&T......................................................$160.81...................................Utilities 230........Rogers Lumber, TH................................$106.94................................ Supplies 231........United Supermarket...................................$9.04................................ Supplies 232........AEC Services.........................................$417.49....................................Repair 233........Jack’s Automotive.....................................$30.86................................ Supplies 234........Jack’s Automotive.......................................$3.18......................................Parts 235........AT&T........................................................$33.00...................................Utilities 236........American Red Cross..............................$140.00................................ Supplies 237........American Red Cross..............................$150.00........................... Registration HIGHWAY CASH 341........Embassy Suites......................................$231.00........................... Registration 342........AT&T......................................................$193.66...................................Utilities 343........Steve Lambert........................................$495.00..................................... Shale 344........P&K Equipment Co................................$687.50....................................Repair 345........AT&T......................................................$153.99...................................Utilities 346........Horne Oil Co........................................$3,230.00....................................... Fuel 347........P&K Equipment Co.............................$1,194.03......................................Parts 348........P&K Equipment Co.............................$1,001.71................................ Supplies 349........Yellowhouse Machinery Co....................$901.61................................ Supplies 350........Total Communications Inc...................$1,042.50............................. Equipment 351........Yellowhouse Machinery Co....................$439.33................................ Supplies 352........Flaming Auto Supply..............................$852.85................................ Supplies 353........Farmers Exchange.................................$114.52................................ Supplies 354........Alco..........................................................$43.75................................ Supplies 355........Rogers Lumber, TH................................$161.73................................ Supplies 356........Burlington Farmers Coop.......................$458.65................................ Supplies 357........Van Keppel, GW.....................................$148.56......................................Parts 358........Berry Tractor & Equipment.....................$330.12......................................Parts 359........Northwest Radiator.................................$678.30....................................Repair 360........Department of Labor..................................$5.00.................................. Service 361........United Brake & Electric............................$92.10....................................Repair 362........Town of Burlington....................................$75.63...................................Utilities 363........Rogers Lumber, TH..................................$22.77................................ Supplies 364........Jack’s Automotive...................................$708.13................................ Supplies 365........Munn Supply............................................$14.26....................................Rental 366........Yellowhouse Machinery Co....................$143.77................................ Supplies 367........Quest Diagnostics, Inc...........................$330.00.................................. Service 368........Jack’s Automotive...................................$260.36................................ Supplies 369........Marc.......................................................$220.43................................ Supplies 370........Jack’s Automotive...................................$200.93................................ Supplies 371........Horne Oil Co...........................................$120.50................................ Supplies 372........Yellowhouse Machinery Co.................$9,798.55....................................Repair 373........O’Reilly Auto Parts...................................$93.94......................................Parts CLXCL LPXLP

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FOR SALE FOR SALE - 2008 diesel B2920 Kubota utility tractor 225 hours, 4 wheel drive with front loader, PTO and 3 point hook-up. Mower, disc, box blade and 16’ utility trailer included. $15,000. Call 580-541-1168

Movie Tickets Cloyce Curtis, Aline, is invited to come by Cherokee Publishing Co. to pick up 2 free passes to the Rialto Theater in Alva. Passes must be claimed within 1 week of publication. Watch this space for next week’s winner. Visit our Website

HELP WANTED NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS at B&R’s Lunchstop, located on N. Hwy 58 in Byron. Stop by and pick up an application or call 580-474-2600 for more info. Customer Service Auditors needed immediately. Apply to: www. or call 866-518-6508 for information. Cherokee Manor is looking for housekeeping/laundry and dietary staff. If you are interested please come by and fill out an application at 1100 Memorial Dr. ALFALFA COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE is accepting applications for a full time and part time dispatcher-jailer. Must be able to work all shifts which include nights, weekends and holidays. Applications may be picked up at the Alfalfa Co. Sheriff ’s Office. Alfalfa County is an equal employment opportunity employer.


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374........Western Equipment................................$382.12......................................Parts 375........Northwest Radiator.................................$281.85....................................Repair 376........Country Grocery.......................................$37.27................................ Supplies 377........John Deere Financial, Leasing D........$2,667.64.................. Lease/Purchases 378........John Deere Financial, Leasing D........$2,667.65.................. Lease/Purchases 379........Dacoma Coop.....................................$5,728.32....................................... Fuel 380........Yellowhouse Machinery Co.................$1,475.15....................................Repair SALES TAX - FAIRGROUNDS 24..........ONG.......................................................$120.28...................................Utilities 25..........AEC.....................................................$1,050.16...................................Utilities 26..........City of CHerokee....................................$527.00...................................Utilities SALES TAX - HEALTH 59..........Shepherd Key Pump..............................$451.34....................................... Fuel 60..........Smith Drug.............................................$115.35................................ Supplies 61..........Flaming Auto Supply................................$17.45................................ Supplies 62..........Town of Helena.......................................$100.00.......................................Rent 63..........Helena PWA.............................................$11.50...................................Utilities 64..........AEC..........................................................$29.95...................................Utilities 65..........Page Plus Inc.........................................$104.30...................................Utilities 66..........Pioneer Telephone.................................$200.44...................................Utilities 67..........Alco..........................................................$43.06................................ Supplies 68..........Washburn Motor Co..........................$25,948.00...................................Vehicle SHERIFF REVOLVING CASH 17..........Alco..........................................................$17.26................................ Supplies SHERIFF’S DRUG FORFEITURE CASH 1............Cabelas..................................................$739.91................................ Supplies Roach moved to approve the blanket purchase orders. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the Treasurer’s monthly report. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve the consumable items report. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve a private property access easement for Dist #2 in the SE/4 of Section 32, Township 25, Range 11. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve the 5 year plan resolution. Walker seconded. All voted aye. The commissioners discussed the interlocal governmental agreement with Cherokee to operate the E-911 but they wanted some changes made so made no other decisions. Roach moved to approve one road crossing permit for Molz Oil in Dist #1. Murrow seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to approve 2 road crossing permits for Crescent Services in Dist #2 and 1 in Dist #1. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Walker moved to approve 2 crossing permits for SandRidge in Dist #1. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Murrow moved to approve 1 road crossing permit for Atlas Pipeline in Dist #1. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Walker moved to accept the low bid for the lowboy trailer from Irwin Trailer. Roach seconded. All voted aye. The following bids were received for a tanker truck for the Burlington Fire and Rescue: Worthington Ag Service, $38.000 for a 2001 IH 7600 with a 3300 gallon stainless tank; Osco Tank and Truck Sales, $48,000 for a 2003 Freightliner with a 3000 gal tank, $54,000 for a 2003 Kenworth W900S with 3500 gal tank, and $42,500 for a 2001 IH 4900 with a 3000 gal tank. Upon recommendation of Burlington Fire and Rescue, Murrow moved to accept the lowest bid. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Lon Sturgeon with JKJ Real Estate and Auctions was the only bid submitted on a timely manner for the auctioneer for the county surplus auction. He bid 7% of proceeds and the county pay for all advertising. Murrow moved to accept his bid. Roach seconded. All voted aye. The commissioners decided to do interviews in executive session next week for the courthouse maintenance person. They will share the applications with each other for review. Roach moved to move the extension office and election board office to the fairgrounds and the fair board can make plans for their new building. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to move forward with negotiating a lease with DHS for the clinic building. Walker seconded. All voted aye. Bill Harwell with IPS Engineering was in to discuss the pipeline that is to be built from Cherokee to Cushing. He said that he would not know the exact route until they acquire all the right of way, but will be back for the proper road crossing permits. Walker moved to approve working with them. Roach seconded. All voted aye. Roach moved to adjourn. Walker seconded. All voted aye. /s/ Doug Murrow Doug Murrow, Chair /s/ Chad Roach Chad Roach, Member /s/ Ray Walker Ray Walker, Member ATTEST:/s/ Bruce Martin Bruce Martin, County Clerk

Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & persons or groups to comment on the Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t proposed action. The Alfalfa County ComPUBLIC NOTICE missioners are desirous of considering any for EARLY PUBLIC REVIEW feasible alternatives or adjustments to the The Alfalfa County Commissioners anticipated project which might minimize are proposing to expend Federal funds any potential adverse effects upon the in an area that is subject to flooding as floodplain as a result of the project. identified by the Federal Emergency The Alfalfa County Commissioners Management Administration. The subject have additional information concerning funds are Community Development Block this project available for public review Grant funds administered by the Oklahoma and copying, upon request, at the Alfalfa Department of Commerce. County courthouse. Any comments relaThe Alfalfa County Commissioners tive to this proposed expenditure of Fedare proposing to undertake the following eral funds in an area identified as a flood activities in the area: hazard area should be submitted in writing Updating the Alfalfa County courthouse to Alfalfa County Commissioners; 300 S. to meet ADA compliances. Grand Cherokee, OK 73728 on or before The purpose of this notice is to give an Monday, October 10, 2011. early opportunity for interested agencies, Legal notice Published in the Cherokee Messenger & from any point on or along such horizontal Republican Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. 1t portion or lateral and from any point on or BEFORE THE CORPORATION along such completion interval, and to be COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF completed in and to produce hydrocarbons OKLAHOMA from the above-named common source of APPLICANT: SANDRIDGE supply, with such authorization and permisEXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION, sion running in favor of Applicant or some LLC other party recommended by Applicant; RELIEF SOUGHT: LOCATION and (ii) establishing a proper allowable EXCEPTION for the proposed well involved herein as LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 22, to the common source of supply covered Township 29 North, Range 10 hereby, which allowable Applicant requests West of the IM, Alfalfa County, be established as a full allowable with no Oklahoma downward adjustment made thereto. Cause CD No. 201104781 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the NOTICE OF HEARING application in this cause requests that the STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All perorder to be entered in this matter be made sons, owners, producers, operators, effective as of the date of the execution purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and thereof or as of a date prior thereto and all other interested persons, particularly that the authorization and permission in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including the requested herein run in favor of Applicant following: Chesapeake Exploration, LLC; or some other party recommended by Chesapeake Operating, Inc.; Cordillera Applicant. Energy Partners; Yale Oil Association; NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Panhandle Oil & Gas, Inc.; Henry H. Gun“land sections adjacent to the area within goll Associates; Carole J. Drake; Myra B. the location exception” requested herein in Ward Revocable Trust dtd 1/23/90, and the said Section 22 in regard to the subsurface Trustee of such trust; if the above-named location tolerance areas described above individual be deceased, then the unknown are Sections 15, 16, 21, 27 and 28, Townheirs, executors, administrators, devisees, ship 29 North, Range 10 West of the IM, trustees and assigns, both immediate and Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. The other “land remote, of such deceased individual; if sections” surrounding said Section 22 any of the above-named parties is a disare Sections 14, 23 and 26, Township 29 solved partnership, corporation or other North, Range 10 West of the IM, in Alfalfa association, then the unknown successors, County, Oklahoma. trustees and assigns, both immediate and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this remote, of such dissolved entity; and if the cause is set before an administrative law above-named party designated as a trustjudge for hearing, taking of evidence and ee is not presently acting in such capacity reporting to the Corporation Commission of as trustee, then the unknown successor or Oklahoma. Notice is further given that the successors to such trustee. application in this cause may be amended NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at such hearing in accordance with the Applicant, SandRidge Exploration and rules of the Commission and the laws of Production, LLC, has filed an application the State of Oklahoma. in this cause requesting the Corporation NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Commission of Oklahoma to enter an cause is set for hearing before an adminorder, to be effective as of the date of the istrative law judge on the Conservation execution thereof or as of a date prior Docket at the Western Regional Service thereto, as follows: (i) authorizing and perOffice of the Corporation Commission, Jim mitting an exception to the permitted well Thorpe Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulocation tolerances in the 640-acre drilling levard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 and spacing unit formed in Section 22, A.M. on the 10th day of October, 2011, and Township 29 North, Range 10 West of the that this notice be published as required by IM, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, for the Mislaw and the rules of the Commission. sissippian common source of supply, so as NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that to allow a well to be drilled from a surface Applicant and interested parties may preslocation being not closer than 200 feet from ent testimony by telephone. The cost of the south line and not closer than 660 feet telephonic communication shall be paid by from the west line of said Section 22 to a the person or persons requesting its use. subsurface location of such well’s entry Interested parties who wish to participate into the Mississippian common source of by telephone shall contact Applicant or supply being as follows: not closer than Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing 200 feet from the south line and 660 feet date, and provide their names and telefrom the west line of said Section 22, with phone numbers. the first perforation in the horizontal porNOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all tion or lateral of the borehole of such well interested persons may appear and be being as follows: not closer than 300 feet heard. For information concerning this from the south line and 660 feet from the action, contact John R. Reeves, attorwest line of said Section 22, and with the ney, OBA #7479, Fourteenth Floor, Two last perforation in the horizontal portion or Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, lateral of the borehole of such well being as Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102, Telefollows: not closer than 300 feet from the phone: (405) 235-1110; or Kevin Manning, north line and 660 feet from the west line SandRidge Exploration and Production, of said Section 22, and with the terminus LLC, 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave., Oklahoma or end point of the horizontal portion or City, Oklahoma 73102-6406, Telephone: lateral of the borehole of such well in such (405) 429-5788. common source of supply being as follows: CORPORATION COMMISSION not closer than 200 feet from the north line OF OKLAHOMA and 660 feet from the west line of said SecDANA L. MURPHY, Chair tion 22, and with a “tolerance distance” for JEFF CLOUD, Vice Chairman the above-described subsurface locations, BOB ANTHONY, Commissioner horizontal portion or lateral and completion DONE AND PERFORMED this 19th day interval of such well being as follows: a of September, 2011. distance of not more than 100 feet in an BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: easterly direction and in a westerly direcPEGGY MITCHELL, tion from any such subsurface location, Commission Secretary

Page 14 • Cherokee, Okla., Messenger & Republican • Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011

September 30 deadline for fall crop insurance

MISS OKLAHOMA 2011 Betty Thompson

Miss Oklahoma will perform, emcee Cinderella CONTESTANTS for the Miss Cinderella Talent Show and Pageant at NWOSU in Alva are (front row, from left) Miss Seiling, Danielle Borden; Naicee Gugelmeyer, Miss South Barber; Miss Alva, Kamaree Lewis; Miss Tonkawa, Raeann Sawyers; Miss Enid, Bethany Glaze; Miss Waynoka, Chassidee Koehn; Miss Fort Supply, Leimana Jones; Miss Burlington, Molley Vap; (back row) Miss Woodward, Allison Meinders; Miss Shattuck, Taylor Longhofer; Miss Arnett, Caitlin Landers; Miss Kremlin-Hillsdale, Devan Harris; Miss Timberlake, Ashton Blewitt; Miss Laverne, Jazmin Frias; Miss Cherokee, Sabrina Wilber; Miss Buffalo, Brooklynne McGehee; and Miss Vici, Shayna Hamilton. Not pictured is Miss Ringwood, Libby Regier.

18 young women from Oklahoma, Kansas to vie for Cinderella title ALVA – Eighteen women representing high schools in Oklahoma and Kansas were on the Northwestern Oklahoma State University campus recently for an orientation session in preparation for the 60th Annual Miss Cinderella Pageant held as part of the school’s homecoming celebration. Contestants and their sponsors met with the pageant committee to review all requirements and rules associated with the talent show on Sept. 29, the pageant itself on Sept. 30, and Northwestern’s homecoming parade on Saturday, Oct. 1. Dr. Janet Cunningham, president, welcomed the contestants to campus. Participants were assigned to jewel groups – Amethyst, Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire for judging – and had their photos taken for publicity purposes and a program. The committee covered rehearsals, judging criteria, wardrobe requirements and all other activities connected with the pageant. The 2011 contestants and the schools they represent, listed by

jewel group are: Amethyst: Libby Regier, Ringwood; Caitlin Landers, Arnett; Kamaree Lewis, Alva; Danielle Borden, Seiling; and Taylor Longhofer, Shattuck; Emerald: Jazmin Frias, Laverne; Molley Vap, Burlington; Sabrina Wilber, Cherokee; and Shayna Hamilton, Vici; Sapphire: Raeann Sawyers, Tonkawa; Chassidee Koehn, Waynoka; Allison Meinders, Woodward; Ashton Blewitt, Timberlake; and Bethany Glaze, Enid; Ruby: Devan Harris, Kremlin-Hillsdale; Brooklynne McGehee, Buffalo; Leimana Jones, Fort Supply; and Naicee Gugelmeyer, South Barber. Admission to either the Miss Cinderella Talent Show on Thursday, Sept. 29, or the Miss Cinderella Pageant on Friday, Sept. 30, is $9 for adults and $5 for students, or $10 with the purchase of a Homecoming button. Buttons will be available at the door on Talent Show night. Both events will be held in Herod Hall Auditorium. The


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button also is good for admission to the football game with Missouri University of Science and Technology at 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, at Ranger Field. Buttons, the main source of funding homecoming, may be purchased in Cherokee from Korina Dove at Cherokee Publishing Co., 216 South Grand. Button purchasers should be aware that seating at events is on a first-come, first-served basis.

ALVA – Betty Thompson, Miss Oklahoma 2011, will emcee and perform a dance number during the Miss Cinderella Pageant at Northwestern Oklahoma State University at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30, in Herod Hall Auditorium. The Miss Cinderella Talent Show is at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29. Ticket prices for Cinderella events are $9 for adults and $5 for student with a valid ID. However, the $10 purchase of a Homecoming button provides entry into both events. Buttons may be purchased at the door on Talent Show night. Thompson, a Davenport senior elementary education major at OSU, began Irish dance at the age of 11. She spent many summers in Dallas, Houston and Denver training with certified Irish dance instructors from Ireland, Northern Ireland and England. She has performed with the Chieftains, Riverdance fiddler Eileen Ivers, and Natalie McMasters. Her third year at Miss Oklahoma, she received the preliminary interview and swimsuit awards, as well as the title of Miss Oklahoma 2011.

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equalenergy Pumper – Nash/Jet Position will service an average of 30 wells, including gauging tanks and checking gas production. Must have knowledge of free water knockouts, dump valves & Kimrays. Knowledge of MS Word & “Field View” Gauging Program preferred but not required. Computer call out exp preferred. Must have a valid DL and clean driving record. Exp as Lease Operator or Pumper is highly desired. EOE. Please fax your resume to 405-865-3104 or email

By DONALD STOTTS OSU Communications Specialist STILLWATER – Sales closing date for many fall-planted crops is Sept. 30, meaning Oklahoma producers need to make certain they have their applicable crops insured by this date. “Agricultural operations across the state are suffering from severe drought conditions and recent forecasts indicate that the drought will likely continue, suggesting that crop insurance will be a very important risk-management tool for producers during the 2012 crop year,” said Jody Campiche, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension agricultural economist. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency lists crop categories relevant to Oklahoma that are facing the Sept. 30 deadline as being apiculture, barley, oats, pasture, rangeland and forage, rye and wheat. Sept. 6 was National Fight Procrastination Day, and Campiche recommends that producers take on that mindset in regards to preparing for the 2012 crop year. “Don’t wait,” she said. “Producers should make arrangements as quickly as possible to consult with their crop insurance agent about appropriate and applicable insurance options or to purchase a policy.” Crop insurance dates for winter canola run from Sept. 10 to Oct. 10. There are three final planting dates for Oklahoma wheat: Oct. 31 for Texas and Cimarron counties, Nov. 15 for the other 10 northwestern counties and Nov. 30 for the rest of the state. All 77 Oklahoma counties have a signup deadline of Sept.

30 for crop insurance, reminds Kim Anderson, OSU Cooperative Extension grain marketing specialist, who provided the following analysis for winter canola and hard red winter wheat. “The 2012 crop year is a year in which producers need to make sure all paperwork is done properly and all forms are filled out at the Farm Service Agency and with crop insurance agents,” he said. “The odds of needing to collect on crop insurance are too great given recent and projected weather conditions. Also, make sure the information provided to FSA and crop insurance agents matches. Don’t just rip through what you’re writing.” Anderson stressed producers who are thinking about foregoing top-dressing their wheat crop need to have a soil test. “For insurance purposes, producers need to be able to prove they have sufficient levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in their soil to establish a wheat crop,” he said. “Insurance adjusters will need to be able to see that crop loss was caused by something beyond the grower’s control and not inadequate production practices.”

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is now hiring both Class A and Class B CDL Drivers. Applications are available at the office located on HWY 270 northwest of Woodward •Competitive Wages •Insurance Available •On the job training will be provided for less experienced drivers •Experience a plus For inquiries contact Gregory Frazier at 580-273-0311 or the office 580-254-0076

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