1.6 Maritime Days 2012

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ProNet deltagelsen i Maritim Uge, version 2 Tirsdag 21/8, engang mellem 13 og 14: 2 lærere og 6 - 7 deltagere fra PSOH i Malente ankommer på ProNet exchange. Navne og værkstedsønske (det kommer kun til at dreje sig om en dag, onsdag): Marco Pieper, male, 24 years, metal Kevin Jenckel, male, 19 years, painter Raphaela Kruse, female, 17 years, idea&form Tobias Brömme, male, 23 years, shipbuilding Justine Giermann, female, 17 years, music René Kröger, male, 24 years, Building Jenny Maerz, female, 17 years, kitchen (kommer måske hvis passet går i orden i dag)

Frokost Buddies tilknyttes Rundvisning samt indkøb af fiskekort (Preben) Indkvartering på Musholm 17:30 middag (Lime) sammen med Preben og buddies + Musical sammen med os alle Onsdag 22/8 hele dagen: PSOH folk med på værkstederne og i kantinen Torsdag 23/8 hele dagen: PSOH folket på Københavnertur. (måske buddy/buddies med, afgøres tirsdag eller onsdag) Eftermiddag/aften: JAW Koppelsberg (Jachara) ankommer til Korsør Havn, 10, alle "lærere" Kajplads Velkomst og aftensmad (Gert)

Fredag 24/8 8:15 De 10 fra Jachara kommer til morgenmad og rundvisning (Gert) 8:30 Teltopsætning og frokostforberedelse i lejren ved møllen (fra KPH Gummer og Preben/ malerværkstedet + evt buddies. 25 telte på pladsen ved de to shelters (samt en grill mm til om aftenen)). Ring Trelleborg 5854 9506 og hør om dagens planer. 10 - 11:30 PSOH checker ud fra Musholm og Flytter til lejren ved møllen 10:30 De 8 fra Jachara tager til lejren ved møllen, de 2 returnerer til skibet kørsel af bagage 12:00 1 lærer, 2 - 5 deltagere fra BQL i Lübeck møder ind ved lejren ved møllen 3 lærere fra BQL møder ind til styregruppemøde 12:00 2 lærere, 8 deltagere fra KPS møder ind i lejren ved møllen 2 lærere fra KPS møder ind til styregruppemøde 12:00 3 lærere og en deltager fra PSOH møder ind. Deltageren sættes af i lejren, de tre lærere tager ind til styregruppemøde (måske kører Preben og Henry med der) 12:00 3 Lærere fra MCS møder ind til styregruppemøde. De tager hjem direkte efter mødet. 12:00 - 17:00 Frokost og styregruppemøde (Jens Baggesen) (Gert og Preben) 12:05 Frokost i lejren ved møllen for ca 40 - 45 personer (fra KPH Gummer og malerne) 13:00 Forberedelse af lørdagens aktiviteter i havnen, alt på plads 14:00 For dem der har tid en tur til Trelleborg (Gummer og malerne) (Jachara-folket har ikke selv bil med) Eftermiddag/aften/nat Vikingeskibet fra KPS ankommer (2 lærere, 3 eksterne) Kajplads 17:30 Dinner for styregruppe, BQL, JAW og KPS herefter Musical. (Gert) 18:00 Grill ved lejren ved møllen for PSOH (Preben (Gummer og nogle malere + buddies) Senere 2 fra PSOH, 3 fra BQL overnatter på Jens Baggesen 2 fra JAW holdet overnatter på Jachara De resterende gæster samt Preben og buddies overnatter i lejr ved møllen (i alt 40 - 45) Lørdag 25/8 8:00 Morgenmad i lejren ved møllen (Preben + buddies) 10:00 Aktiviteterne på havnen går i gang 13:00 Søsætning (Styregruppen og Jachara-folket med incl ved sildebordet, ca 20 - 25) Resten af gæsterne frokost som KPH 16 - 19 ca: Gæsterne fra PSOH, BQL og KPS pakker ned og kører hjem Vikingeskibet stikker af 19:00 KPH rydder op og går på weekend Senere Alle 10 fra Jachara overnatter på skibet (kørsel af bagage)

Søndag 26/8 tidligt om morgenen Jachara stikker af Det står de for helt selv


Maritime Week 2012 24/8 - 25/8 2012 Sending partner KPS Hosting partner: Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole

Friday 24/8

12:00 Lunch in the Camp with the other participants from PSOH, JAW,BQL and some from Korsør. 13:00 Preparing next days events in the Harbor

Saturday 25/8 8:00 Breakfast in the camp 10:00 Maritime activities in the harbor as prepared by you, i.e. the viking thing sometime between 12:00 and 13:30 there will be lunch (along with all other participants) 13:00 Launching of our ship Whimbrel. Speeches, cannon shot, music. Maritime activities

14:00 - 16:00 Optional Trelleborg trip ?:? Viking ship arrives 17:30 Dinner with steering group and other guests 19:30 Musical "Treasure Island" After the show: Go to the camp for a chat and some sleep Preben Jensen, tel +45 4157 1299 Head Master: Gert Møller, tel +45 2022 9909

16:00 - 19:00 (your choice) Closing down Go back to Svebølle

The accommodation Camp by the mill (Hulby Møllegård, Slagelse Landevej 17, Korsør) about 4 km outside town. We presume you come by car, i.e. can handle your own transportation to and fro You must bring your own sleeping bags, mattresses and towels for the Camp, tents are provided

Produktionsskole- uddannelsesnetværk Fehmarnbelt

Participation Maritime Week PSOH, Malente 2 staff, 7 participants arrive Tuesday noon (exchange (Musholm) + participation, musical Tuesday, Copenhagen trip Thursday) 3 staff arrive Friday noon (steering group, musical Friday) All leave Saturday afternoon BQL 1 staff, 2 - 6 participants arrive Friday noon (participation + musical) 4 staff arrive Friday noon (steering group + musical) All leave Saturday afternoon JAW, Koppelsberg 9 people Arriving by Jachara Thursday afternoon/evening (1 for Steering group, 9 others) MCS 3 staff arrive Friday (only steering group) Leaving right after the meeting KPS 4 staff, 7 participants arrive Friday noon by car (2 staff steering group, 10 participation incl musical) 2 staff, 3 externals arrive Friday evening/night by viking ship (participation, musical if in time) KPH 20 staff, 100 participants here all week (participation, musical Tuesday) Dinner + Musical Tuesday

PSOH 9, KPH 30 staff+guests, 90 participants:


Lunch Friday in the camp

PSOH 7, BQL 3 - 7, JAW 8, KPS 10 - 15, KPH 12:


Dinner + Musical Friday PSOH 3, BQL 7 - 11, JAW 10, MCS 0, KPS 14 - 16, KPH 1 staff (Gert) 1 guest:

BBQ Friday evening in the camp

PSOH 7, KPH 2 staff (Preben), 9 participants:

Steering group lunch + meeting

PSOH 3, BQL 3, JAW 3, MCS 3, KPS 2, KPH 2:

36 - 42

18 16

Friday night/Saturday breakfast in camp PSOH 8, BQL 3 - 7, JAW 7, KPS 10, KPH 4: 36 Friday night/Saturday breakfast at Jens Baggesen Hotel PSOH 2, BQL 3, KPS 2 ?: 7

Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole (KPH) Contactperson: Gert Møller Norvangen 15, 4220 Korsør phone: +45 – 58350909

Fax: Mail: Website:

+45 – 58350972 kph@xor.dk www.xor.dk

Grænseløst samarbejde Fehmarnbeltregion Grenzenlose Zusammenarbeit EFRU Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling

Maritime days in Korsør a short introduction A tradition in Korsør that goes back to 1992 Activities in, on and by the water for everybody

Maritime days in Korsør a short introduction We (KPH) have participated with Whimbrel, starfish horoscopes presented by mermaids, mud wrestling etc. etc. etc

Maritime days in Korsør a short introduction Now 2012 with musical Skatteøen by Sebastian After Treasure Island by Stevenson Performed by professionals and amateurs Set and costumes by KPH

Maritime days in Korsør a short introduction Your participation/ contribution could be KPS teaching ropemaking to the public

JAW and Carola doing tourist trips to the Great Belt Bridge

PSOH fishing with kids

Or some other activity

Maritime days in Korsør a short introduction Accommodation: A tent camp near Hulby Mølle (if weather conditions are bad (or for other good reasons), cottages at an official camping site near by is possible)

Maritime days in Korsør a short introduction Possible time plan: Arrival Friday round noon, settling Maybe a BBQ Watch the musical 19:30

Saturday Participate with activity and join the party (or go home), enjoy the fireworks Sunday breakfast and goodbye

Token of Gratitude Dear PSOH, BQL, JAW and KPS Thank you ever so much for your participation in Maritime Week 2012 in Korsør

Produktionsskole- uddannelsesnetværk Fehmarnbelt

Pressemeddelelse: ProNet deltager naturligvis i Maritime dage i Korsør Det dansk/tyske produktionsskolenetværk ProNet deltager gennem Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole i den maritime lørdag i Korsør Havn. Alle aktiviteterne vil foregå på pladsen, hvor alle ProduktionsHøjskolens andre aktiviteter foregår den dag, nemlig pladsen bag fæstningen, nord for fiskerihavnen, værftspladsen. Via samarbejdspartneren JAW fra Koppelsberg ved Plön kommer det gode skib "Jachara" (det skulle efter sigende være græsk og betyde "god lykke og god fornøjelse") på besøg. I løbet af dagen bliver der mulighed for at prøve en tur ud på bæltet med skibet et par gange i løbet af lørdagen. ProduktionsSchule OstHolstein fra Malente vil komme og stå for noget ansigtsmaling og fiskeri for børn. Det er endnu ikke aftalt hvordan en eventuel fangst skal spises. Kalundborgegnens Produktionsskole kommer forbi med et vikingeskib og nogle vikingeaktiviteter. Det skal nok blive en drabelig historie. BQL fra Lübeck vil stå for noget bodypainting, dog indskrænket til maling af sømandstatoveringer udvalgte steder på bodyen. Vores ProNet gæster er her i øvrigt allerede fra om fredagen. De skal da alle sammen med og se "Skatteøen" fredag aften. Og natten fredag til lørdag tilbringes i en lejr ved Hulby Møllegårds mølle. ProNet er et projektsamarbejde mellem tre tyske og tre danske produktionsskoler. Det er støttet af EU gennem Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling (EFRU) og Fehmarn Belt Region. Se mere om projektet på http://pro-net-projekt.eu Et billede Jachara og brochuren om skibet er vedlagt

Med venlig hilsen Preben Jensen Projektkoordinator

Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole (KPH) Contactperson: Gert Møller Norvangen 15, 4220 Korsør phone: +45 – 58350909

Fax: Mail: Website:

+45 – 58350972 kph@xor.dk www.xor.dk

Grænseløst samarbejde Fehmarnbeltregion Grenzenlose Zusammenarbeit EFRU Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling


Maritime Week 2012 - Korsør events 23/8 - 26/8 2012 Sending partner JAW Koppesberg et al (the Jachara Crew) Hosting partner: Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole

Thursday 23/8

Friday 24/8 8:15 Breakfast and a tour round Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole (Norvangen 15, Korsør) After the tour: Wolfgang and NN returns to the ship*), the others go to the camp by the mill 11:55 Henry leaves with Preben (Steering group meeting at Hotel Jens Baggesen)

When you have a clear feeling: Pls inform/call Gert Møller about the expected time of arrival Afternoon/Evening Enter Port Korsør. Expected location see attached "Grundplan". Gert Møller will welcome you and take you to dinner, providing you arrive 17:30 at the latest ? Go to sleep on board Jachara

12:00 Lunch in the camp 13:00 Preparing next days events in the Harbor

Saturday 25/8

Sunday 26/8

8:00 Breakfast in the camp

10:00 Maritime activities in the harbor as prepared by you, i.e. open boat and trip(s) 13:00 Launching of our ship Whimbrel. Speeches, cannon shot, music. And you are invited to lunch

early: Wake up and head home. You're on your own again

Crew Regina Jacobsen Henry Brach Christoph Reder Claus-Peter Nebendahl Thomas Bielsky (Michael Loosen Jürgen Wildfang Michael Docwra Wolfgang Beyer Kai

JAW JAW JAW Walk e.V. Walk e.V. BQL) BQL external movie maker Skipper boatsman

15:00 Maritime activities

14:00 - 16:00 Optional Trelleborg trip 17:30 Dinner with steering group and other guests 19:30 Musical "Treasure Island"

After the show: Go to the camp for a chat and some sleep

? Go to sleep on board Jachara

Preben Jensen, tel +45 4157 1299 Head Master: Gert Møller, tel +45 2022 9909 *) The returning to the ship is optional. They will both be welcome to go along to the camp and join the lunch there. But if they prefer going to the ship and take care of their own lunch, it is also ok. The decision can be made on the spot

The accommodation Tursday - Friday and Saturday - Sunday: On board Jachara Friday - Saturday: Camp by the mill (Hulby Møllegård, Slagelse Landevej 17, Korsør) about 4 km outside town. We will provide transportation (luggage and people) You must bring your own sleeping bags, mattresses and towels for the Camp, tents are provided

Produktionsskole- uddannelsesnetværk Fehmarnbelt

13/4 2012 Maritime Week in Korsør 24, 25 and 26/8 2012 - a first invitation The maritime week in Korsør, now also with musical, will this year be week 34. And the big day in the arrangement will be Saturday the 25th. Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole will that day participate with a tent restaurant, small boats in the harbor, Whimbrel (our ship) in the water, football by the waterfront, wet activities for kids etc. And we invite all ProNet participants to join the arrangement with some live activity - water relations preferred, but not a must. (To give you an idea: Carola sailing passengers would be nice, KPS has suggested rope making) We will organize camping possibilities by the mill for the participants (and organize tents if necessary), we will organize the possibility to experience the musical "Skatteøen" (Danish musical built on Stevenson's Treasure Island - played by amateurs and professionals - KPH is building much of the set), and we will see to that your activity gets into the official program for the day. There is also a planned steering group meeting somewhere in Korsør these days - we suggest the 24th - and then a program for the participation could probably look like this: 24/8

12:00 18:00 ?:?



18:00 23:00 26/8


Steering group meeting (starting with a lunch) Camping open for settling for participating teams Dinner for steering group and teams (maybe a common BBQ) Watch the Musical Breakfast (for steering group and in camp) Prepare and run activities by or on the water.

(your own schedule. Normally most activities start round noon and run till 16 - 17 - some activities could run later. Details could be planned later according to the official program)

Dinner in our restaurant tent Your own time (running or watching activities) Watching the fireworks Go to camp and sleep Breakfast in camp On the road, heading home

It's of course possible to arrive later and depart earlier. We would like an indication of your participation at next steering group meeting (2-3/5) or before and an estimated number of participants/staff and a description of your activity (for the program - pictures would be appreciated) June the 15th at the latest. The days fits the ProNet project perfectly, and hopefully it will fit the 2013-2014 project as well.

Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole (KPH) Contactperson: Gert Møller Norvangen 15, 4220 Korsør phone: +45 – 58350909

Fax: Mail: Website:

+45 – 58350972 kph@xor.dk www.xor.dk

Grænseløst samarbejde Fehmarnbeltregion Grenzenlose Zusammenarbeit EFRU Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling

36 m for boat bollard

CafĂŠ tent

39 m

dressed as shipyard

11 m

Maritime days 24-25/8 2012 Area floorplan Measures taken from the map, not accurate. Surface paved with concrete tiles (mostly) Line to the road guarded with big stones Pix on the next page


for boat


Maritime Week 2012 24/8 - 25/8 2012 Sending partner BQL Hosting partner: Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole

Friday 24/8

12:00 Lunch in the Camp with the other participants from PSOH, JAW, KPS and some from Korsør. 13:00 Preparing next days events in the Harbor, tables, chairs, etc.

Saturday 25/8 8:00 Breakfast in the camp 10:00 Maritime activities in the harbor as prepared by you, i.e. bodypainting sometime between 12:00 and 13:30 there will be lunch (along with all other participants) 13:00 Launching of our ship Whimbrel. Speeches, cannon shot, music. Maritime activities

Ivonne Engler Jacqueline Kamaritzan

+Marion Weber, Peter Militz, Marion Naumann (Steering group/accommodation Jens Baggesen)

Pavilion, table and chairs will be available

14:00 - 16:00 Optional Trelleborg trip 17:30 Dinner with steering group and other guests 19:30 Musical "Treasure Island" After the show: Go to the camp for a chat and some sleep Preben Jensen, tel +45 4157 1299 Head Master: Gert Møller, tel +45 2022 9909

16:00 - 19:00 (your choice) Closing down Go back to Lübeck

The accommodation Camp by the mill (Hulby Møllegård, Slagelse Landevej 17, Korsør) about 4 km outside town. We presume you come by car, i.e. can handle your own transportation to and fro You must bring your own sleeping bags, mattresses and towels for the Camp, tents are provided

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