Folder about the school

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We are all good at something, it’s just a case of finding out what ...and then doing something about it!

Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole - helps you progress

At Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole you work with what YOU are interested in. We offer many different workshops where we make and provide products and services that are used either by the school or our customers.

...THE WORKSHOPS Gert Møller Principal

Here’s a taste of what we do in the workshops:

” Here you can try out the different workshops and discover what you would like to be good at. We are practical and provide you with a plan that suits you. We believe everyone can be good at something, but it requires you to give it a go .”

Building & Facilities - builds and renovates for the school and private customers Music - gives concerts, teaches children music and records CDs Metal - welds, forges and works on anything to do with steel constructions Nursery - runs a nature playground and works with children

IT Web & Design - makes creative signs for companies and designs websites Wood & Sails - renovates the school’s ship, builds dinghies and makes products out of wood Office - manages the phones and accounts Kitchen & Canteen - prepares lunch for everybody and provides food externally Painter - maintains the school, paints and decorates for customers IT, Printing & Technology - manages all the computers, prints and photographs everything under the sun Idea and shape, Shop and Service - creates unique items for the shop/exhibition and services the school

Rubber Tarzan is our hero! Our motto comes from Ole Lund Kirkegaard’s book, “We are all good at something, it’s about finding out what that something is.” And then doing something about it! That’s exactly what we’re about here.

Building & Facilities - builds and renovates for the school and private

Peter Jørgensen Head of Building & Facilities “We build and renovate big and small. You’re from first day part of the “team”, and on the assignements the workshop is working on. It’s Ok if you can’t do the assignments from the start, but you need to be ready to make an effort and try.”

Here we build extensions, roofs and quarry tiles. The Building & Facilities workshop enables you to expand and maintain the school’s buildings. It is fast-paced as the school is constantly growing.

...GET YOUR MEASURING TAPE! We also provide renovation and construction for customers, such as roofing, wall constructions, facings, small and large prefabricated houses, insertion of doors and windows, wall plastering and much more. You will spend most of your time working outdoors, unless the weather is particularly bad in which case you will work on indoor projects.

e customers

- The Building & Facilities workshop got a cold store and a warehouse we build ourselves. - We put a honour in the workshop to deliver a good handcraft, and to the time we’ve promised. - Much need to be thought underway, and there should be time for other than the building. - That’s why we often take longer with an assignment than a carpenting firm, but we do take that in mind, when we set a dedline for when it’s to be done.

Kenneth Vinkelgaard “First I tried IT, and now I am in Buildings & Facilities. I have definitely found my call in life. I am going to be a carpenter and about to start working for Selandia.”


- gives concerts, records CDs and teaches.

The most important job at the music workshop is to be ready to play something, because we often play at events at the school, or give concerts at other schools or local venues, also in the evenings. And while at lunch you should be prepared to play for the whole school once you have eaten, and whenever there is a party. So there is always an event to practice for.

Henrik Nielsen Head of the Music workshop “The key word for music is teamwork. Everyone has to go on stage, regardless of whether they have been playing for 2 days or 4 years. We try to play different types of music. There is always room for improvement. Music is a language, a way of communicating, a tool.�

...GIVE ME A C! Whatever your level when you start you will have the opportunity to develop your talent. We practice a lot, and we have the right instruments at the workshop. Twice a year we record a CD in our own sound studio, so if ProoTools and studio technology is your thing, then we have plenty of that too. Sometimes we will also be hired as visiting teachers at secondary schools and similar. This is always a good way to develop our teaching experience.

The music workshop provides tailor-made concerts, whether for parties, receptions, café evenings or shared events. Here we have to take into account : - The selection of instruments - Lighting - Power - Duration - Sound levels - And maybe dress code The Music workshop teaches music to school children This involves: - Planning - Preparation - Performing - Teaching school children

Anna- Bell Kristensen “I play electric guitar mostly in the school band, but also other instruments. I know I want to go further down this road.”


- forging for private customers and companies

The Metal workshop does everything from turning bushings to produce metal fences and stairs, both for private individuals and companies. In Metal you will help forge, weld, cut, bend, burnish, cut and drill metal till the sparks fly.

Jesper Rud Petersen Head of the Metal workshop “We solve all assignments in locksmithery. Big and small. We happily make small products, as well as products from the idea to the sale. From first day you’re in the working clothing, and is part of the work community. You don’t need to have tried working with metal before, but you need to not be afraid of trying”


We are also responsible for maintaining the school, so everything related to iron/metal on the school is something we take care of. Just like we have the responsibility for a bike workshop, where the schools bikes get maintained.

- The Metal workshop have made a lot of things for the school, like cantineene tables, the schools BBQ, water and heat around on the school and much more. - The Metal workshop is always ready for assignments from external customers. It can be handrailing that need to be welded, a new cargate or a fencegate to the old lady. - We gladly take small serial productions from small firms, but also single assignments from a private customer.

Mohamad AL-Aahmad “I had never had anything to do with metal before I worked in the workshop. It is the most interesting thing I have ever tried. That’s why I want an apprenticeship as a boilermaker.�

Nursery nurse - manages the nature playground and works with children

If you would like to work with children, we can give you the opportunity at the nursery nurse workshop. Kløverhaven is an area we look after, which includes the gardens and its animals. It is an area visited by numerous children from Slagelse and surrounding areas, approx. 6000 children a year.

Mie Rask Head of Nursery workshop ”The students’ work consists of preparing the year’s events and communicating them so that visiting children understand what and how they are going to play. Students must be able to prove they can be considerate enough to put others’ needs above their own. They have to learn to show awareness when children visit the garden. “

... COME FOR PANCAKES IN THE DEN! Through the workshop’s projects, you learn about the children’s development and how to plan a day with content that benefits children. There is a lot to keep an eye on when you have to watch the children, flip pancakes and look after the animals. In addition to the experience gained in Kløverhave, you can also apply for work experience in a children’s nursery to improve your childcare skills. Much of our time is spent outside in the fresh air in Kløverhaven.


The nursery workshop works with projects for children in Kløverhaven. There are three a year in the spring, summer and then the autumn with a Christmas theme. The Nursery workshop works to give children a positive experience at each event. For example, the theme for Spring is birds and birds’ eggs, where children can visit the SQUEAK HUT Preparations involve: - Birds/eggs in papier-mâché - Costumes for the Nursery workshop - Decorations for Kløverhaven - Games for children such as - Knocking the sound of a woodpecker - Ostrich relays - Hunt the golden egg - Bird touch and feel boxes - Match the egg to the bird There will also be similar tasks in the GROWTH HUT, where Mr. & Mrs. Plantshoes live. And in the CREEPY CRAWLY HUT.

Lena Nielsen “We do all sorts of fun activities with children, which you learn from. I would like to continue my education in this area.”

IT Web & Design - makes creative signs for companies and programmes

Here you can explore your creativity, draw and paint both by hand and on the computer, and you can also programme websites. We make beautiful creative signs and window decorations cut from sticky foil for customers. Line Fauerholm Head of IT Web & Design “Here at the workshop we occasionally have “picking” days, when we all sit around with a scalpel and pick foils for different products such as for printing on T-shirts. All jobs are allocated according to individual needs for learning and challenge.”

... REMEMBER THE 99% ERROR, CLOSE THE TAG You can also put sticky foil on whiteboards, we do a lot of these. If you are a bit of a computer whiz kid, you can join the team that programmes websites that are sold to companies and other schools. Here at IT Web & Design we also spend a lot of time on updating the school’s own website and the school’s Facebook group.


The IT Web & Design workshop is always working on many different projects at once. Typical jobs include: - Putting sticky foil on signs, windows and whiteboards - heat foils on clothes and other textiles - programming websites in html and php - setting up websites in cms systems such as Wordpress and different web shops - designing logos, business cards, letter paper, mouse mats and other printable materials - drawing in freehand on the computer - maintenance and update of the school’s Facebook group - ensuring everyone at the school has a name badge. We are currently working on a major EU project that contains several of our products.

Camilla Laustsen “I am here to find out what I want to do. The most fun is making layouts for T-shirts, and then producing them afterwards.”

Wood & Sails - renovates the school ship and sails for our dinghies

When you go to Wood & Sails, it can be hard to hear anything as the machines run at full pelt. We have many jobs on the go that form part of the main renovation of the school’s beautiful old 112 year old ship, the Whimbrel


Christian Dyrløv Head of Wood & Sails ” Renovating our 112 year old ship creates many varied and exciting jobs. Students therefore quickly learn how to use different tools and machines, and you quickly get to make something you can be proud of. In the spring we start taring our dinghies and getting them into the water. After trips on the water, the students have a turn as skipper of a 14 foot “smakke” dinghy. It is very safe at Wood & Sails. “

… LEAVE THE STREAK! We do everything from keel bolts to mast tops for our 21 metre high mast. We have built 5 dinghies, so sometimes we dust the sawdust from our work clothes and practice our sailing with a trip on the water.

Wood & Sails is renovating the Whimbrel, with the aim of getting the ship approved by the Danish Maritime Authority to carry passengers. - A new ship is in the process of being built - The engine needs installing - Accommodation is being installed (under the deck) so that we have somewhere to be and take a nap Wood & Sails also has 5 dinghies that need maintaining - The dinghies need tarring and painting - The cordage and sails are prepared - and we get out sailing as much as possible

Nicolai Brandt “I wanted to be a car mechanic, but then I tried Wood & Sails in ProduktionsHøjskolen and was completely smitten with it. Now I am going to become a boat builder.“


- manages the accounts and the phones

We are busy in the Office as all telephone calls, e-mails and letters for the school comes through us. You will help ensure that invoices are sent out and that the other workshops get money from customers.

Susanne Jensen Head of the Office “In the office we all need about eight pairs of hands; there is a run of people, the phone rings constantly, and post and e-mails pour in. It is the hub of the school where everything is administered. The school’s accounts and school grants are also our remit, so here you will learn book keeping, balance the books, write correspondence and plan your day, so that together we get all the jobs done.”

… WAS THAT CREDIT OR DEBIT YOU SAID? You will also be responsible for paying everyone’s wages, here at the school. The Office is in contact with many people that come and go during the day. You get your own desk and computer, and there is plenty to do when the books need balancing, the filing needs to be done and the till needs to add up.

- The Office runs like any other office in a firm. - There are invoices for the customers, there’s VAT-accounting, there are salery and taxaccounting, there are economy reports and ordinairy mails/e-mails that need to be written. - In the school is often organized various projects, and we always got something going on internationally. Which is why you will meet accounting in the accounts, and to a minimum every quarter of a year, will our accountant come and check our quarterly statement, and First time annually we participate in the making og the schools accounting. Helle Christiansen “I am learning to do the PAYE and everything else that happens in an office, and I want to pursue office training.”

Kitchen and canteen - provides lunch for us all and prepares meals

A warm atmosphere and a delicious smell is a permanent festure of the kitchen. Here you will come across good quality raw materials and challenging recipes. Every day we serve lunch for the rest of the school.

Lone Hansen Head of the Kitchen ”The daily menu consists of 2-3 hot dishes, 2 types of sandwiches, 2 types of smorgasbord, salad bar, bread, fruit and maybe pudding. At the Kitchen and Canteen workshop we have tight deadlines every day. This requires everyone to: - Work together – take care and take responsibility. In the kitchen you will learn about raw materials, preparation methods, nutrition, planning, hygiene and cleaning.”


Now and again we get orders for food to external clients, and we provide the catering at school events. As in all other busy commercial kitchens, hygiene, planning and preparation must be in order – and you will learn all about this with others at the Kitchen & Canteen workshop.

s for external clients

The Kitchen & Canteen workshop ensures that everyone at the school receives tasty and exciting food every day. To enable everyone to have a go at everything, we work in the following way: - Every week everyone switches their area of responsibility, from cleaning the toilets to washing up to food preparation - We make and follow a new menu weekly - Every week we focus on a new subject, such as bread making, 8 dietary tips, self-regulation or how to fry - Some weeks are themed weeks with e.g. Mexican or Italian inspired menus

Camillia Zankl “We cook delicious food every day for the whole school, so there is a lot of pressure in the kitchen. I like it.�

Painting - painting the town red

Henrik Rosengreen (Gummer) Head of the Paint workshop “Hey Painter... why do we paint? To beautify, preserve and maintain. At the Paint workshop you will try a bit of everything, from traditional painting to art and drawing. You will not be on your own as you will frequently work together as a team of 2-3 people on one task. A good paint job requires planning and keeping your tools tidy and in order.”

We are the ones who paint the school’s buildings and make sure the colours on the walls are welcoming both indoors and out. However, it is not just the school that benefits from our services.

... A SECOND COAT FOR THE WALLS We also do jobs for others, such as painting for private customers and painting old furniture. We enable you to explore your creative side through drawings and paintings; we also work with shapes, colour and materials.

The Paint workshop is always at the heels of the Building & Facilities workshop with polyfilla and paint brush in hand, as it is always the Paint workshop that decorates the new premises at the school. Preparation involves: - Filling plaster walls - Setting up glass tissue - Painting walls and ceilings - Painting woodwork both indoors and out Katja Hansen, apprentice �I began as a student at the Paint workshop and discovered this was a subject for me. Now I am an apprentice and will soon be taking my apprenticeship test.�

IT, Printing & Technology

- Manages all the PCs, prints and pho

Whether you are experienced or starting from scratch, you can always improve in IT. You will have the chance to take a PC driver’s license and become part of the team that ensures that all of the school’s PCs function as they should

Steen Hanning Head of IT Printing & Technology ”If you want to use your PC for things other than games, you can learn how to here at IT Printing & Technology. We work with the practical use of the PC, maintenance of all the school’s PCs, and manage the printing of larger jobs for the school and customers.”

... TRY CTRL+ALT+DEL INSTEAD In IT, Printing & Technology you will make sure that everyone in the school receives a student card and is photographed for the large notice board. If you enjoy photography, you can learn a lot here, such as how to take good pictures and edit them in Photoshop.

otographs everything under the sun

If you are interested in computers, perhaps IT Printing & Technology is for you. - We are responsible for the technology in the entire school and make sure the school’s computers work and that they are updated with the latest antivirus software so that we do not get a virus in the school’s system. - We work with International Computer Driving Licenses, and when you become good at a programme, you will take the International Computer Driving Test. - We take photos, edit them and put them up so everyone can see who is at the school, their workshop and their name. - We also take photos of major events at the school, and on school our trips. - We are responsible for the school’s photocopiers and printers and manage the production and printing of folders, brochures etc. We also spend time on helping the rest of the school with printing and making photocopies. - We work for both private customers and the school.

Rune Andersen “I love everything to do with IT, and in our workshop you get to work with it in almost every area.”

Idea & Shape - Shop & Service

- creates unique items for the shop/exhib

Here at Idea & shape, Shop & Service, you will learn what design, style and idioms are, and how to create a common thread in the creative products you produce. You will also sell what you make at the workshop and from other workshops in the school. Simonne Gorju Head of Idea & Shape - Shop & Service

“We will occasionally work with different types of creative project, and the workshop will also be in charge of decorating the school’s events, design, and other jobs that are service-based. We also have our own exciting exhibition/shop. We also go to a market, which we make things for, and we make things for customers.”

... KEEP THE ORIGINALS DROP THE COPIES You will also learn a lot about decor for tables, rooms and for our exhibition. It is our workshop that is responsible for the design and service at the school

bition and services the school

At the Idea & Shape, Shop & Service there are many exciting jobs that are planned in such a way that they all pass through most of the vocational exercises. We are currently designing the workshop We are currently working on: - The functions that need to be done - The requirements the workshop needs to cover - Which expressions/shapes it should have - What message we are trying to send with our workshop - What lighting we want - How our exhibition should be We will create a stunning result by:

- Making many sketches and suggestions - Collages made of images from lifestyle magazines - Planning how we start the job

Pernille Nielsen “I am at ProduktionsHøjskolen to learn. I would like to train as a nursery nurse and work with young people.”

Danish, Maths

- Reading project

At Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole we provide maths and danish lessons. You can study towards the state school’s leaving exams, or you can study these subjects to maintain your skills, or because you need some basic skills.

John Benediktson Supervisor “Each workshop has a supervisor. The supervisor helps answer any questions you have about the course and work. The supervisor will usually spend one day a week at the workshop.”

... NEED A BACKPACK? At Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole we screen all students in Danish so that we can provide students who need to improve their reading and writing skills with a teaching programme specifically suited to each individual. If you are dyslexic we will offer you an IT backpack, which you will be taught how to use. We will also inform your current place of education that you need an IT backpack made available during your course.

And much more...

Even if we spend a lot of time on practical work, there is always time to do other things together. We organise several parties and events throughout the year. The summer party, Christmas lunch and the school’s birthday party are always popular occasions, as are sporting events. You will not be bored during the week. When we meet for lunch, the Music workshop always plays for us. If we want to learn or hear more about a particular subject, we often invite guest speakers to talk about it. While the school remains the permanent setting for the activities, you can also take part in various trips. We run introductory trips to get to know one another. Our annual school trip is usually camping on Agersø.

We also work with other schools, in particular in Northern Ireland, Germany, Finland, Sweden and many other places. And the school often has foreign visitors. Once a year we run a project week, when we all do something completely different to what we normally do. On the whole, we do a lot of different things that will give you the opportunity to meet a variety of people with different interests


- get help choosing your workshop

Your attendance at Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole is first and foremost about discovering what you are good at and what you would like to do in the future. The teaching at the school is predominantly practical and takes place in a workshop. That is why your work in the workshop also acts as a guide to finding which course best suits you. Anita Olsen Supervisor If you would like a place at the school, first you need to come for an interview. The aim of the interview is: - To get answers to any questions you might have - For us to tell you about what day to day life is like at the school - To hear about your wishes with regards education - To find out which workshop you would like to be in.

You will have ongoing chats with the head of your workshop and with your supervisor about how things are going and any requests you have. You will also attend student reviews at least once every 3 months where you will see what you have learned, what you will learn in the following period, and what your plans might be when you leave Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole. It can be hard to find out what you want to be, so you can always switch workshops and try something new. You can also join a company as part of work experience and try out your subject there. You could also try a combination course at e.g. the business school.You could also consider

Documentation - diplomas

studying Danish and/or maths at the school. During the course we agree your course plan and gather together the different documentation on what you have worked with and what you have learned. When you leave the school you take this documentation and your Productionschool diploma with you as proof of your attendance at the school Documentation What you learn at the produktionsskole is not set in stone. It depends on who you are and the type of production available at the workshop while you are there. However, there is no doubt that you will learn something. And to make this clear, we display what each individual student is capable of vocationally on the skills table and on a vocational skills form, which you take with you together with your diploma when you leave the workshop . As well as working and learning vocationally, you will also develop your social and personal skills. We also work purposefully on these skills and assess them by setting new targets at student reviews four times a year.

Preben Jensen “Of course you learn something by working in a workshop. And both teachers and students can be proud of this, so proud that we display it on huge boards for everyone to see. These are what we call the skills tables.�

Want to know more? - see also here!

Having now looked through the brochure, maybe you have some practical questions. You will probably find answers to these questions below: Who can join? You can join Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole if you have attended school for 9 years and are under 25. Mie Madsen; Vice principal ”We are a good place to try to out and clarify what you want to do, first and foremost via the activities in the workshops. A supervisor is assigned to each pupil.”

You must not have completed a full secondary education programme and must not be about to start one. Acceptance is done in consultation with the Youth Education Guidance, but we will help you with this. When can I start? Our uptake at the school is ongoing, so you can start whenever you want, and when there is a space How long does a course run for? Until you are ready and know what job or education you want to start, although a maximum of one year.

What are the hours? The workshops open from 8-15.00 Monday to Wednesday, 8-14.00 Thursday and 8-13.00 Friday.

How is the school organised? Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole is a self-owned institution with its own board.

Can I add another course? Yes, you can also take Danish and maths lessons for example, if you need to.

The school is predominantly financed by grants from the Ministry of Education, which the course falls under.

If you also want to study at VUC, you can arrange this with your supervisor at ProduktionsHøjskolen. As part of your course you will attend work experience in a company or a short spell at e.g. the business school. Can I try several workshops? Yes, but following agreement. What about safety and environment? We take safety very seriously in all the workshops. You must for example take safety courses before using certain machines. When we dispose of waste, we naturally consider the environment.

We also have a School Circle, which consists of local residents, former students and others with an interest in the school. They attend several of the school’s events during the year. The Circle’s chairman sits on the school’s board. What about finance? The course is free and you get a school grant to attend the school, as well as subsidies for the bus/ train according to applicable rules for upper secondary education programmes.

All rights belong to Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole ©

It’s easy to start at Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole.

If you have any questions just call us or send an e-mail. You are of course welcome to visit us at the school. Opening hours: 800 - 1500 Monday to Wednesday 800 - 1400 Thursday 800 - 1300 Friday We look forward to seeing you!

Korsør ProduktionsHøjskole Norvangen 15 - 4220 Korsør - Tlf: 45+ 5835 0909 - Mail: - www.korsør-produktionshø

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