5 minute read
dr. Janvi patel
yoGiC PRoCEduREs in WinTER
TiPs WHilE doinG AsAnAs
Winter weather can bring lethargy, cold, tight muscles, and sense of detachment from the world. We must actively create our own warmth and body awareness in winter. In this season, kapha dosha will increase so we can do asana, pranayama, and neti procedure to reduce kapha and will warm up body. So, performing yogic procedure in winter has got with very good benefits. Allotting your valuable time daily for yoga will help you to warm up body, mobilize joints and strengthen the chest.
Winter is the season in which bodily disturbances like Cough, cold, joints and chest related problem etc become very common. By doing yogic procedures we can reduce all those complaints to a certain limit. Asthmatic patients feel more problems in winter so we can do breathing exercise also to reduce complaints of asthma.
Here are some tips which can be followed while doing Asanas Before doing any yogic procedures, Body warm up is very important. Start your yoga session by body warm-up exercise like Spot jogging, squatting, Trikonasana, Tadasana etc. In winters body warmup exercise plays a very good role in comparing with that of other seasons.
Makea3to5hoursgapbetweenyourmealandYoga Practice. You have to take deep and controlled breathing during Yogic activities.
Note that, in winter season, exhale little longer than your inhale time.
Keep in mind, when you inhale it represents upwards movement and breathe out is the twist or downwards.
Do complete exercise, means if you perform any Asana from your right or left side then also perform the same process with your alternate side of your body.
During performing any Asana, pay attention to your breathing and on your shoulder movement also. Try to include more dry fruits in your diet in winter season
For children give golden milk (Turmeric mix milk) in the morning or before going to bed. This will make your body ready for winters.
Apart from Tea, drink the mixture of Tulsi, Ginger, Black pepper & cloves and you can also add some salt or sugar to this mixture. This is the best antioxidants which will help you to fight against general diseases and thereby boosting up the immunity.
1. surya namaskar (sun salutation Pose)
This is the Best pose for starting your yoga session. It includes 12 steps and it is power packed Asana. Perform this Pose 3 to 6 times especially with mantras in winter. This Posture produces the ample heat to warm your body. So, this is the important Asana, in cold weather. But in summer perform this Asana only 1 to 2 times.
2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
If you spent some time performing this Asana daily; this can help to kick out stress, anxiety, and depression from our Mind and it increases the flexibility of our body and strength also. This invigorating backbend was named such because Bhujangasana reflects the posture of a cobra that has its hood raised. Bow pose is also very important Asana for winter.
3. dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana raises both halves of the body at once, mixing the movements of the Cobra and Locust, and countering the Plough and the Forward Bend, same as like an archer stringing a bow. In this, you use your hands and arms to pull your trunk and legs up together to form a curve. It tones back muscles and maintains the elasticity of spine, improving posture and increasing vitality.

4. Halasana (Plough)
When you perform this Asana try to hold some time in Sarvangasana then go for Halasana. Sarvangasana is the important step for Halasana. By this, you Cover two Asana in one (Sarvangasana + Halasana). But keep focusing on your inhalation & Exhalation. Hold your breath minimum 5 cycles of breath in both Sarvangasana and in Halasana also.

5. setu Bandha sarvangasana
If you want variations, then go for Setu Bandha Sarvangasana after completing Halasana. But do this Asana in a correct way. You can take help from your
6. ustrasana (Camel Pose)
trainer if you are uncomfortable.

While performing this posture, push yourself up and try to maintain your hips at an angle of 90 degrees over your knees. Ustrasana Stretches the anterior muscles of the body and improves the flexibility of your spine and strengthens it.
This pose improves your digestion and beneficial in the lower back problem. It is useful as an initial practice for back bending asana. After discharging the pose, go to child pose and take some rest and repeat the steps for 3 to 5 times.
7. Chaturanga dandasana (four-limbed staff Pose)
This posture is good for your abdomen region to hold your breath during the final stage as much as you can. In this Asana you have to keep your body parallel to the floor and which is supported by your toes and palms with elbows at a right angle but not touching the floor. Chaturanga Dandasana looks much like a push-up pose, but with the hands very low (simply over the pelvis), and the elbows kept in at the edges
of the body.

8. urdhva mukha svanasana (upward-facing dog Pose)
It is the best exercise for your wrists and also beneficial for your lower back. This pose stretches your lower back muscles along with shoulders and chest also. This is very good posture for toning your abdominal muscles. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is useful in depression, sciatica, and fatigue.
9. Bakasana (Crane Pose)
Here is another awesome Asana, for warming your
body. Note that when you are in final pose hold your breaths for 30 to 60 seconds. If you feel difficulty during breath retention then continue this pose with deep and control breathing.

Breathing Exercise for winters (Pranayama)
• Bhastrika • Kapalbhati • Bhramari • Ujjayi • Nadi Shodhana • Anulom Vilom • Surya Bhedana Pranayama
In winter avoid Sheetali, Sheetkaari & Chandra Bhedana Pranayama.
After these, perform meditation or Corpse pose for relaxing your body. Use Luke warm water for your drinking purpose. If you go outside, then use woolen caps for covering your head & ears. Cover up your neck region before leaving home.