July 2012 ISSUE
KOSMIC JOURNEY For Mind, Body and Soul
Shamanic Insights
SKY HEALING Saluting the Divine Incarnations
FORGIVENESS The Best Gift to Yourself
Founder’s Note
Dear Friends, I was sitting in the rains recently, enjoying the gentle droplets of water coming from the sky and caressing my face and body. I was feeling wonderful as I was engrossed in the experience. This was a feeling as if mother earth was showering her affection on her favorite child. This thought was so overpowering, that I could not stop something from moving inside me… a silent shift happening deep within. Later on when I mulled on that incident, two thought patterns were strongly coming to my mind. The first was that we are all favorite children of the mother nature or mother earth. The biggest lesson we learn from this is that we are all equal in her eyes. There is no discrimination. The rain falls equally on all of us, without any discrimination of colour, social or financial status, looks, country or faiths. Her love is and affection unconditional, without any expectation of getting anything back. At the same time, the mother nature is all forgiving. Whatever we earthlings do to damage or spoil her, through sea or environment pollution, deforestation, mining and so many other things fully knowing the resulting impact to the eco system; she is always forgiving. We all must understand that forgiving does not mean our actions are condoned, and all steps must be taken as fast as possible to undo the damage being done to our nature. This issue of Kosmic Journey is also on Forgiveness. This virtue we all must practice to keep us emotionally, physically and mentally healthy. The second thought pattern was on the child we all are from inside. As a child, we all love getting drenched in the rain, jumping in puddles of water, running with our hands spread on both sides. However, we stop ourselves because of “what will people think about us”. This child within us is always suppressed, which ultimately gives rise to our low self esteem. We must try and free this inner child, doing which ultimately helps our best potential and creativity to come out.
I am introducing a new healing technique SKY Healing, details of which are given inside. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to learn this or know more about it. Remember to meditate, exercise and have healthy diet on a regular basis. I wish you all the best. Love and Peace, Santosh Joshi
People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. ~ Kent M. Keith ~ © Copyright 2011, “All Rights Reserved*,
The Monthly E-Magazine
July 2012 issue
For Mind, Body and Soul
Editor’s Note
Sky Healing– Guru on Guru……………..20 A New Age healing Technique…………..……..10 By Santosh Joshi The Science of Mudra ….22
Forgive Yourself……….5
By Nalini Jethwani
By Dada J.P.Vaswani
Know Your Strength…...11 By Madhu Sahoo Forgiveness - The Best Gift ………..6 By Tanya Loyd
Forgiveness- Tonic for mind, body and soul……………..12
Dharma- an inspiring story…..…….….23 A contribution By Jyotsna Nair
By Priyanka Ghode
Past Life Regression Therapy – A guide to healing through Forgiveness…………..…..8 By Santosh Joshi Going Bananas Food for mind, body and soul
By Jyotsna Nair……………………..25 Bhagwan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri………………..14
Inspirational Books and Movies………………...26
Animal Guides…………….17 By Carolyn Ryann Disclaimer : The contents of this E-Magazine are the thoughts / views of the contributors / writers herein. Any similarity with contents of any other magazines or books is purely coincidental, unless stated otherwise. Those thoughts / views are not necessarily the views of the owners of this e-magazine. Copyright : All the content, intellectual ideas and graphics of this E-Magazine is the sole property of the owners of Any copying or transferring or outside using of this material, unless authorised by the owners, will be seen as a breach of this Copyright and will be treated accordingly.
© Copyright 2011, “All Rights Reserved*,
Editor’s Note
Dear Friends, It is always a pleasure to get in touch with you all. We had a Edi-Meet last month full of enthusiast and spirited souls. We are so fortunate to have you all. It feels so wonderful to connect to all the fellow souls on this journey and LIVE.LEARN.SHARE together, as is the motto of Kosmic Journey. It is amazing to see how each one of us have immense potential and creativity which is just waiting to come out. I welcome anyone who wishes to join us in this group of Edi-Mates. On the 3rd of this month was Guru Poornima - a very important and auspicious day for the spiritual seekers. It is said to be an important day for the commencement of one’s spiritual journey. It is believed that the ascended masters travel down on the earth plane to bless the people who seek their blessings. Needless to say it is very beneficial to meditate on this day, wherein one can actually connect to one’s guru within and seek guidance. The energies are very strong and positive on this day as well. We had arranged a chanting cum meditation session on this day at our residence in the evening which around 20 people attended. It was a superb evening that left everybody with a sense of peace and calm within. The July issue is based on one of the most important virtues i.e. Forgiveness. This is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves. When we Forgive others we release ourselves from the things we are holding and hence feel lighter by doing so. Also we need to ask for forgiveness from the people whom we have hurt knowingly or unknowingly, as we harbor a lot of guilt if we do not do so. Above all we need to forgive ourselves. Not doing so pulls us back and stops us from moving on in life. Not forgiving gives rise to guilt and and lot of negative emotions thereon. On the occasion of the birthday of Dada J.P.Vaswani on 2nd August, Sadhu vaswani mission of Pune has started a Forgiveness campaign. Dadaji has urged everyone to forgive and let go. I request you all to join the Forgiveness moment on 2nd Aug at 2pm organised by Sadhu vaswani Mission, and lead a guilt free life. Love, Peace and Light.
Edi – Team Mates
Preeti Jyotsna Madhu
Santa Santosh
It would be great to hear from you or receive your feedback or comments on this effort. Please feel free to contact us through my email id if you have any suggestions to improve this e-magazine. We really hope that you find this of some value towards improving and enriching your journey of life.
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FORGIVE YOURSELF Dada J. P. Vaswani Many of us carry on our hearts, heavy loads of guilt which rob us of our peace of mind. No man is perfect. Everyone of us has done some wrongs in the past, near or remote. We must repent and, if possible, make amends. We must pray for wisdom and strength not to repeat the wrong and then forget about it. A husband told me that he and his wife had lived very happily for over fifteen years. Suddenly, something – he knew not what – happened and the wife – became aloof, sad and depressed. At times, he would find her sitting in a silent corner, shedding tears. This, he said, had spoilt the atmosphere of the house. He had talked to his wife, but there was no response. I met the wife privately and understood that she carried a guilt feeling on her mind.
I told her that God is the great forgiver. He forgives: we must learn to accept his forgiveness and feel that we are forgiven. We must forgive ourselves! She was a devotee of Sri Krishna. I said to her, “When you find that you are alone in the house, go and sit at the Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna and actually describe to Him all that had happened. It will not do merely to tell Him, ‘Lord, You are the all-knowing One and already know whatever happened.’ Actually recount, in detail, the things which you feel you should not have done, then ask for forgiveness – and then, what is very important, forget all about it.” “Will Sri Krishna forgive all that I have done?” she asked. I said to her, “Krishna forgives sins: by His power, sins are taken away and we can be free!” That is the promise of Sri Krishna. Does He not say in the Bhagavad Gita, “Come unto me for single refuge, and I shall liberate you from all bondage to sin and suffering. Of this have no doubt!” She did as she was told. After some days, the couple met me again, and I rejoiced to find a radiant smile on the face of the wife. She said to me, “It is gone! It is gone!” Many of us find it easy to forgive others but find it impossible to forgive ourselves. The Roman philosopher Cato, admits this when he says, “I can pardon everybody’s mistakes except my own.” Yet learning to forgive oneself is one of the basic steps of cultivating the spirit of forgiveness for all. After all, if you cannot forgive yourself, how will you forgive others? Forgiving oneself is essential for self-acceptance. This does not mean that we give up our moral or ethical standards and justify all our actions, both right and wrong. It only means that we learn to accept ourselves as we are, with our many shortcomings and a few merits. For some reason people persist in being harsh and unforgiving with themselves. They become inflexible and judgemental. I know a man who carried a life long sense of guilt because he could not become a doctor – something that his parents wanted him to do. Many mothers refuse to forgive themselves when their children do not turn out right. Wives blame themselves when a marriage breaks down it is strange, but our acceptance of ourselves seems to depend on others’ acceptance of us! Self-criticism is healthy up to a point. But when it makes us ruthless, merciless jailors of our own conscience, it is time to let go of the guilt feelings and make a fresh attempt at selfknowledge, self-acceptance and cultivation of self-worth. There is no end to the list of reasons for which people refuse to forgive themselves. These may originate from a person’s culture, race, religion, gender or class. Our guilt may be due to personal standards that we have set for ourselves, as in the above cases. Or, they may be due to ethical reasons for having done something that is wrong. In either case, selfforgiveness is essential. Self-forgiveness does not imply condoning wrong behaviour. Nor does it mean that you do not feel repentance for your past actions. Accepting this repentance, feeling remorse is part of the healing process. But you must not let the remorse persist, as a permanent burden on your life. It is essential to overcome remorse, come to terms with your past and move on to face the future. It was a wise man who remarked, “Unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself.” The moment that an individual accepts and forgives himself, is the moment of renewal, a new beginning.
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“To forgive is to let go of pain To not forgive someone is the same as choosing to stay trapped in a jail cell of bitterness serving time for someone else’s crime.� ~ Unknown ~
Forgive and forget. Forgive but never forget. Forgive - one word capable of stirring up feelings of indignation, in even the most emotionally levelled. For many, forgiveness does not come easily. But why?
FORGIVENESS THE BEST GIFT Tanya Lloyd Brisbane, Australia There are two common misunderstandings about what forgiveness denotes, and there was a time when I strongly believed in both of them. The first is the association of forgiveness with the excusal or allowance of the actions of those that have erred against us. We somehow believe that by holding onto resentment against another we hand down our own prison sentence upon that person, yet we fail to realise that the only person serving time, is us. The second is that the act of forgiveness miraculously triggers the erasing of any memory of hurt, or the reverse that forgiveness means keeping a mental record of the hurtful action committed, recalling it and using it unfairly as a power leverage against that person in the future, of our nobility in forgiving their past transgressions. Defining and attaching my own meaning to forgiveness has been and continues to be an ongoing process, involving a lot of
inner work which has often been painful, in attempts to coming to peace with the redefining of my own preconceived ideas. These preconceived ideas of forgiveness were shattered, when I realised that the extending of forgiveness did not signify my approval, permission or condoning of the hurtful act committed against me. Recognising that engaging in the act of forgiveness required only one participant was a powerful turning point. Forgiveness is not about those around us, it is about you. There will be many times in each of our lives where people will hurt us either intentionally or unintentionally, and while it is true we have no control over the actions of others, we are able to control the affect that others have on us. Every moment in our lives is defined by the choices we make and the attitude we adopt. Forgiveness is the decision to move beyond hurt, releasing emotional resources used to contain the hurt towards the enlarging and brightening of our own future. When we recognise that forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves, we move beyond placing importance on whether a person is deserving or not of our forgiveness, to an understanding that forgiveness is a decision to release all that no longer serves us, our life and our purpose. Letting go of feelings of hurt, resentment and bitterness, makes room for the welcoming of new opportunities and richer experiences that serve our highest purpose along our journey. Another powerful truth learnt, was in understanding that forgiveness does not always result in the reconciliation of a relationship, nor is it a sign of forgiveness having been effective. Forgiveness is not always something to be seen, but to be felt and experienced.
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In my personal experience, there have been some people in my life that I have benefited greatly, from no longer having a part of my life. Often it is about realising your own higher worth and being deserving of being treated better. The future we choose to write for ourselves, does not always involve those once a part of our lives.
So how do we forgive? Acknowledgement of our feelings is essential to being able to move forward. We need to understand what part of ourselves has been hurt, in order to heal. One method used that I have found effective, is writing a letter. This is not a letter that anyone except ourselves sees, and it is a powerful tool in letting go. One thing this letter is not, is the rehashing of resentment and hurt, or using it as a means for blaming. The opening sentence is stated with a powerful and clear purpose that translates the essence of why you are writing this letter. For example, “My future is no longer defined by my past and for that reason, I am choosing today to let go of all that does not serve my higher purpose.� The letter is sealed with a few final words that wish the person well. The ability to wish someone well, is a demonstration of the resentment and hurt no longer having the same power it once did over us. Once the letter is written, I read it out loud and this can be done either in the privacy of your own
company or in the presence of another person if you feel comfortable. Finally, what you choose to do with this letter is upto you. For some, burying the letter is symbolic to moving on and for others it might be shredding it. This simple yet powerful exercise has proven to be invaluable time and again. Forgiveness has taught me that the same place that hurts, is the same place that heals. Some say to forget the past, but I believe the past is the fuel needed in order to a burn a brighter future for ourselves. Forgiveness is a decision not to allow the scars of the past to prevent you from healing your future. It is a decision to become a survivor of your past, not a victim of your future.
Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. - Paul Boese
Come lets join the moment‌
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PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY A Guide to Healing through Forgiveness
Santosh Joshi Mumbai, India Most
of us find ourselves in an emotionally chaotic state today. Sympathetic, towards ourselves, we label it as stress – a lifestyle disease. We try various therapies to combat this so called stress. We treat the stress symptomatically, meaning outwardly. But if we peel off the surface layer of stress we will be shocked to find an underlying layer of unresolved emotion(s). These are anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy, hurt, etc. The underlying emotion(s) has intense power as it is attached to a memory. This memory is deeply buried inside the mind and possibly there are several layers, below the surface layer of stress. Past Life regression therapy is a very effective tool in dissolving the intensity of the emotions that give rise to stress. The issues that we face today are somewhere rooted in our past and are linked to one of these unresolved negative emotions. For example, if someone insults you and you get hurt, you harbour that hurt for a long time and it slowly transforms into anger towards that person. Similarly if you hurt somebody, you harbour guilt for this act. The negative emotions of anger and guilt gradually build a strong foundation for stress. The unresolved emotions from the past leave such a deep impression on our psyche, that they start meddling with our relationships, our career, our decision making ability, our spiritual progress and overall our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. These emotions could be from the events of this life or from the previous lives. If these issues are resolved and put to closure, they loosen their grip over us. One of the most effective ways to resolve the above issues that are bothering us is through ‘Forgiveness’. This is a very important healing tool in the Past Life Regression Therapy, which allows us to get rid of the anger by forgiving and the guilt by asking for forgiveness. One important aspect of the healing process through forgiveness is also to be able to forgive oneself. During the past life regression process, we deal with the root cause of the present issue or problem. We are able to access the memory related to the present issue; bring it to the conscious awareness, process and heal it. When we forgive
the people who have hurt us in the past, and forgive ourselves for allowing them to hurt us, we release the ‘hurt’ from our conscious awareness. What we are left with is the memory of that event and it does not affect us anymore in the present. Likewise we also carry ‘guilt’ for having done or said something wrong and not asked for forgiveness. The act of asking for forgiveness is crucial for healing and forms a very important part of the PLR therapy. The interesting part of this therapy is that the exercise of forgiveness can also be done with the people who are not alive. There was a 50 year old gentleman who wished to undergo a therapy with me for his unsolicited anger. This had ruined his relationship with his son and wife. It was like a wakeup call for him when things went out of control and it started having an effect on his health. Addressing this issue during regression, he went in to a life over 300 years back in Rajasthan. There, he saw himself as a 16 year old girl married to a very old man. After a couple of years the old man died. As per the customs of that time, this young girl was asked to sit on the funeral pyre of her husband. She resisted and desperately pleaded with the people to let her go, but no one paid any heed and she was burnt alive. During that process she developed tremendous anger towards everybody in the village including the family she was married into. This anger was carried forward to the present life. During the regression process, in the life between life realms, this girl with the help of the Masters was asked to forgive the villagers and her family and let go of that anger, as it was no more relevant to the present life. Forgiving at the theta level of mind frees oneself from the bondage of emotions associated with it. After the regression process there was a remarkable and a positive change in this gentleman.
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In another case a girl suffered from an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). She used to feel dirty and would want to take a shower every now and then. She was completely at a loss to understand this feeling. When she was regressed, she saw herself as a beautiful girl in a village. She was molested and gang raped by some goons in that village. As per the village law the goons were not punished, however she was asked to leave the village, and was labelled as ‘having become dirty’ by the villagers. She led a very bad life thereafter and eventually died with the feeling that she had become dirty. This feeling or emotion was transferred into this life as OCD. Even in this case forgiveness played a very important role in healing this disorder. The impact of the emotion was so deep that this girl was not ready to forgive those people. But after lot of effort and insistence she finally managed to do that and was relieved from the trauma. The third and most important aspect of forgiveness is to forgive ourselves. We may have hurt somebody or we hold ourselves responsible for someone’s adversity. A 38 year old woman lived with remorse for a very long time for an act she was not at all responsible for. Her younger sister committed suicide 10 years back at the age of 23. The elder sister was always in the limelight and received praises wherever she went. People always told her how intelligent and beautiful she was. There was a constant comparison between her and the younger sister who committed suicide. She loved her younger sister and thought that she was somehow responsible for her sister’s death. This guilt put her through a lot of trauma until she underwent the PLR therapy. During the session she was asked to converse with her departed sister. She learnt during the conversation that her younger sister was going through her own personal issues at the time and that caused her to take her own
life. She was then asked to forgive herself in the theta level of mind and this exercise freed her from the remorse she was carrying. Many times we don’t realise why we are harbouring so much guilt or anger. This is because we are not aware of the source of the problem. Sometimes it is difficult to relate certain emotions to our present life; it is possible that these could be from a past life. The other negative emotions have been accumulated in this life itself. Outwardly everything seems to be fine in our lives but still we undergo a lot of emotional upheavals. This is so because we have not let go of the heavy baggage of negative emotions of this life as well as several other past lives. Since many of us do not know what to do or how to get rid of these emotions, we just continue holding on to them. And this is where PLR therapy plays an important role as a guide using forgiveness as healing tool to let go of the baggage. Forgiveness is a very powerful and important tool in the process of healing; it is a gift we give to ourselves. We may find it difficult to forgive someone who has hurt us, but it’s not impossible; and more so it is really for our own self, than for the person who has caused us the hurt. We must forgive so that our present and future is better and not bitter. Then, we can enjoy the journey of this lifetime with lighter baggage. Few important tips : To withhold forgiveness is to choose to continue to remain the victim. Remember, you always have choice. The hurts won't heal until you forgive. Forgiveness is a creative act that changes us from prisoners of the past to liberated people at peace with our memories. There is no future in the past. You can never live in the present and create a new and exciting future for yourself if you always stay stuck in the past.
“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” Catherine Ponder
Personal Regression & Counseling Session If you would like to experience a personal Regression Session or a Healing / Counseling Session, please contact on the below given contact details for charges, and to fix-up a date and time.
Mobile Email
Time for a regression session 2 – 3 hours approx. : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427 : ~ 9 ~
Santosh Joshi
SKY Healing
technique has been developed after years of experience in meditation, research and experiential. SKY is a new age healing technique which makes use of one’s own energy meridians and breath as a powerful tool to heal oneself. This technique is based on the premise that we all have extremely potent healing power within us, and by using this healing power of our own, we are able to remain healthy and in harmony with ourselves. What makes this technique very potent and powerful is the fact that it is a combination of ancient therapies with modern healing techniques. The technique is short as it takes approximately 15 minutes to practice once. However, even in a short time this technique has the effect of about an hour’s meditation. This technique has the potential of bringing harmony to our body, mind and soul. One word can sum up the root of most illnesses in the world today. And the word is…stress. Stress can cause a variety of problems starting from wrinkles and aging, to ulcers, to more severe illnesses such as cancer. Modern day life style forces people to spend much time sitting, with less and less time for physical activities and meditation. This eventually leads to various life-style physical diseases, emotional traumas, relationship issues and fears. Many alternative treatments and therapies and practices have emerged that seek to restore harmony of the body and mind. SKY Healing combines the stimulation of energy meridians in our body and the power of breath with modern techniques of healing. The meridians are points on the surface of the body are in constant communication with the outside environment. The technique starts with stimulation and sending impulses through the meridians and central nervous system to the physical body
and our major organs, which helps in stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in addition to balancing hormones and leveling emotions. This helps in calming the body and allowing it to heal naturally. This is followed by sets of rhythmic breathing patterns. There are certain breathing movements that result in an automatic unconscious tendency to remain free and clear from our disturbing thought patterns, calm and creative, conscious and loving, and to be naturally flowing even under the most difficult conditions and the most stressful situations. Something very remarkable happens in us when our breathing automatically responds in certain ways to stressful events. This automatic response can be changed when a different breathing pattern than usual is adopted which triggers positive thoughts and emotions. Amazing things happens in us when these new breathing patterns become the habit of our system. We must know that we have a marvelous natural instrument at our disposal - our breathing mechanism. We can use our breathing to free ourselves from physical, emotional, and psychological pain. We can use our breath to prevent the upsetting states of mind and body and to remain, blissful, ecstatic, loving, and creative at all times. SKY Healing when practiced and mastered, allows us to create magic in our lives. By practicing this on a regular basis either in the morning, or at any time during the day or night, one can heal oneself, and can remain completely free from negative emotions such as anger, fear, stress, anxiety etc which are the root cause of our physical diseases. This technique also has the ability to take one to deeper levels of consciousness, through which one can experiences inner transformation and spiritual growth.
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Madhu Sahoo Mumbai, India The little red ant, watched with dismay and desperation as the baby elephant stomped all over crushing the ant hill and killing many other ants from it’ clan. The Mother elephant watching from a distance seemed to be completely calm and still. Before the baby elephant had strutted towards the ant hill to show its might and power over the little ants, the mother elephant had warned him saying “don’t be so sure, just becoz they are tiny little creatures does not mean that they are weak.” However the baby elephant had laughed it off and marched ahead with confidence, eager to prove its might. Shivering with fear the little red ant prayed “Dear God please help, please save me and my family from this gigantic beast.” God replied “Little one you can save yourself and your family, you have the power in you to do so.” Hearing this the ant cried even louder and said “God how can I do anything, look at my size and look at that beast, he is like a mountain, what can I do, I don’t think I can do anything God. I’m destined to die today; the beast will surely crush me and my family to death, unless YOU SAVE ME!” Once again God spoke “Of course you can save yourself, never underestimate your ability, believe me you can save yourself, just go talk to the elephant and he will listen to you. If you have faith in me then just do as I say.” The little ant was petrified but had immense faith and so it started marching towards the elephant. When the family saw its courage, they all decided to join in to speak to the giant beast. When they got closer, they realised that the only way the beast could listen to them is if they all got into his large ears and spoke loudly. And so the ants quickly climbed up into the beasts ears. As soon as they were in his ears they started shouting and screaming asking the beast to spare them. The baby elephant that had been stomping all around and killing the ants started rolling on the floor with pain. The pain was unbearable for the baby elephant as so many little red ants were drumming inside the elephant’s ears. Soon the baby
elephant was writhing in pain. Upon seeing this, the mother elephant came and asked “what happened, are you ok son? I thought you were having so much fun.” “Oh no mother please help me, the ants have got into my ears and are biting me, I can’t take the pain, please help me. I promise to listen to you, I’ve learnt my lesson.” Slowly the mother elephant removed the ants from the baby’s ears and let them free. The family of little red ants thanked the giant beast and marched away. Lesson to be learnt from the Little Red Ants: Never underestimate yourself and your abilities. You are equally capable and powerful to take on any challenge, no matter how big it is. Just have Faith and the higher-self will guide to win the battle. Lesson to be learnt from the Baby Elephant: Never allow your Ego and Power to deceive you. Don’t ever live in the illusion that you are indestructible or indispensable. No One is! Be Humble and Grateful in Life for whatever you have. Never disregard, ignore or disrespect anyone as insignificant or worthless. Nothing ever remains the same in Life. It only takes small quantities of Dynamite to destroy huge mountains. Lesson to be learnt from the Mother Elephant: Sometimes it is important to allow even our loved ones to learn their own lessons the hard way as otherwise they would never grow in life. As the saying goes “experience is a hard teacher, it gives the test first and the lesson afterwards.” Some people don’t believe in taking advice, therefore it is important to let them learn their lesson.
"God Puts to Test Only the Chosen few he finds befitting, as he knows they shall overcome and conquer all the hurdles and emerge winners". I’m blessed to know I’m one of those privileged ones, I shall overcome this pain and struggle, I cannot let him down, for my Lord has faith in me to have chosen me for this task.” ~ 11 ~
Priyanka Ghode Pune, India Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. Perhaps our mothers criticized our parenting skills, our colleague sabotaged a project or our partner had an affair. These wounds can leave us with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness or even vengeance — but if we don't practice forgiveness, we might be the one who pays most dearly. By embracing forgiveness, we can also embrace peace, hope, gratitude and joy. Consider how forgiveness can lead us down the path of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Many people view forgiveness as an offshoot of love -- a gift given freely to those who have hurt us. Forgiveness, however, may bring enormous benefits to the person who gives that gift, according to recent research. If we can bring ourselves to forgive and forget, we are likely to enjoy lower blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and a drop in the stress hormones circulating in our blood, studies suggest. Back pain, stomach problems, and headaches may disappear. And we'll reduce the anger, bitterness, resentment, depression, and other negative emotions that accompany the failure to forgive. In Judaism, if a person causes harm, but then sincerely and honestly apologizes to the wronged individual and tries to rectify the wrong, the wronged individual is religiously required to grant forgiveness. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks of the importance of Christians forgiving or showing mercy towards others. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is perhaps the best known instance of such teaching and practice of forgiveness. Islam teaches that God is Al-Ghaffur "The All-Forgiving", and is the original source of all forgiveness. Forgiveness often requires the repentance of those being forgiven. In the case of human forgiveness, it is important to both forgive, and to be forgiven. In the Bahá'í Writings, this explanation is given of how to be forgiving towards others: "Love the creatures for the sake of God and not for themselves. You will never become angry or impatient if you love them for the sake of God. Humanity is not perfect. Do not look at the shortcomings of anybody; see with the sight of forgiveness." In Buddhism, forgiveness is seen as a practice to prevent harmful thoughts from causing havoc on one’s mental wellbeing. Buddhism recognizes that feelings of hatred and ill-will leave a lasting effect on our mind karma. Instead, Buddhism encourages the cultivation of thoughts that leave a wholesome effect. .
"In contemplating the law of karma, we realize that it is not a matter of seeking revenge but of practicing mettā and forgiveness, for the victimizer is, truly, the most unfortunate of all. The concept of performing atonement from one's wrongdoing (Prayaschittha — Sanskrit: Penance), and asking for forgiveness is very much a part of the practice of Hinduism. Prayaschittha is related to the law of Karma. Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The effects of those deeds and these deeds actively create present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life. In Jainism, forgiveness is one of the main virtues that needs to be cultivated by the Jains. Kṣamāpanā or supreme forgiveness forms part of one of the ten characteristics of dharma. In the Jain prayer, (pratikramana) Jains repeatedly seek forgiveness from various creatures—even from ekindriyas or single sensed beings like plants and microorganisms that they may have harmed while eating and doing routine activities. Forgiveness is asked by uttering the phrase, Micchāmi dukkaḍaṃ. Micchāmi dukkaḍaṃ is a Prakrit language phrase literally meaning "may all the evil that has been done be fruitless." Ho- oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, combined with prayer. Similar forgiveness practices were performed on islands throughout the South Pacific, including Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand. Traditionally ho-oponopono is practiced by healing priests or kahuna among family members of a person who is physically ill. Modern versions are performed within the family by a family elder, or by the individual alone.
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Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for compassion, kindness and peace. Forgiveness can lead to: - Healthier relationships - Greater spiritual and psychological well-being - Less anxiety, stress and hostility - Lower blood pressure - Fewer symptoms of depression - Lower risk of alcohol and substance abuse When we're hurt by someone we love and trust, we might become angry, sad or confused. If we dwell on hurtful events or situations, grudges filled with resentment, vengeance and hostility can take root. If we allow negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, we might find ourselves swallowed up by our own bitterness or sense of injustice. If we're unforgiving, we might pay the price repeatedly by bringing anger and bitterness into every relationship and new experience. Our life might become so wrapped up in the wrong that we can't enjoy the present. We might become depressed or anxious. We might feel that our life lacks meaning or purpose, or that we're at odds with our spiritual beliefs. We might lose valuable and enriching connectedness with others. As we let go of grudges, we’ll no longer define our life by how we've been hurt. We might even find compassion and understanding.
Audio-Visual Presentation cum Talk on
Past Life Regression Therapy Is there life after death ? What is the purpose of Life ? Who am I ? How do we evolve ? This talk delves upon all these questions and gives new insights in the journey of life If you are interested in attending or organising this talk, please contact on the below details:
Duration : 2 hours
Phone : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427 Email :
Sunday Group Meditation What : 1 hour group meditation When : Every Sunday At 8.30 Am Where : At Kandivali (East), Mumbai Please let us know on the following contact details if you would like to join Mobile : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427 Email :
Meaning The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru Deva is Maheswara (Shiva), The Guru is Verily the Para-Brahman (Supreme Brahman); Salutations to that Guru. Bhagavan Nityananda,
one of the most revered Siddha Gurus of the modern era, was a janma siddha—one born with the full realization of his own divine nature. From an early age, Bhagavan Nityananda spontaneously manifested his mastery of atma jnana—knowledge of the Self. Shri Bhagawan Nityananda is said to have been an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Still others say he was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and, still others claim that he was the very incarnation of Lord Krisha. Is it any wonder that, when people pressed Bade Baba about such details, he responded by saying “You want me to tell you about myself? How is that possible when I have realized that I am in everything and there is nothing around me
in which I don’t find my own Self?” He went on to say that his parents and brothers were those who loved God and worked to serve God Born in the South Indian state of Kerala, Bhagavan Nityananda, as a young man, traveled on foot throughout India. As his reputation as an enlightened master and miraculous healer spread, crowds of seekers were drawn to his wisdom and blessings. After visiting other places, including Sri Lanka and Burma, Swami Nityananda returned to Quilandy in south India. By this time he was already known as a great Kundalini Yogi and Avadhoot. From Quilandy he went to Kanyakumari, Calicut, Tellicherry, Cannanore and Kanhangad.
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With respect to the construction of the Kanhangad Ashram, there is a wonderful story. At that time, the British still occupied India. As the caves were being completed and construction on the Ashram began, workers from the village were hired. There was no money to pay wages but Bade Baba manifested the workers’ wages in miraculous ways. Sometimes he would take the exact amount needed from his loincloth. At other times he told the workers to collect their wages from underneath a tree or rock. Each time the exact amount to pay each worker (not a penny more or less) was manifested. This was so startling that some observers believed the money was either counterfeit or stolen. Some local officials filed a complaint with the District Collectors office run by the British. They said that there was a mad, naked Sadhu encroaching on Government land and using stolen money to pay laborers. The British sent a Captain Gawne to investigate. When the Captain arrived, Bhagawan Nityananda was nowhere to be found. After making many demands for his whereabouts, Bade Baba appeared from one of the caves. The Captain asked him about the construction going on. To everyone’s surprise, Bade Baba responded in English! As the two spoke, Captain Gawne was very taken with Bade Baba’presence.
He then appeared in Kumbla. It is during this time that he started to attract large crowds of people. He performed miracles, healing the sick and alleviating the suffering of the masses. He also stopped trains, slept comfortably on a rope tied between two windows and was found levitating in a barn. In villages where people had no drinking water, Bhagawan Nityananda created wells with running water, in places where there was no sign of water. These wells have never run dry, despite the fact that they are not attached to any water sources. He attributed these miracles to God and the faith of his devotees.
When Captain Gawne asked about where the money was coming from to pay the workers’ wages, Bade Baba took him, along with the local officials, to Guruvan where there was a swampy area covered with water.
Even though Bhagawan Nityananda was welcomed by the masses wherever he went, there were those who were jealous of him and wanted to see him dead. Several attempts were made on his life. One such incident happened in Manjeshwar where a man tried to poison Swamiji with a rolled tobacco leaf. There was also an incident in another village where a local goon attempted to have him run over by a train. Other people attempted a knife attack. None of these attempts were successful and the perpetrators soon found themselves sick or dying in a local hospital of a serious illness. Swami Nityananda then moved on to Kanhangad where he spent more than 25 years. He selected Kanhangad as the seat for his mother Ashram, stating that the Kanhangad Ashram is a University for sages and that, one day, sages from abroad will occupy the Ashram and make it a hub for spiritual pursuit. He cleared the land around an old fort there with his bare hands and also participated in the building of the Ashram that is now located on a rocky hill. Bhagawan Nityananda spent many days lying on a huge rock there in the hot sun, deep in the trance of Meditation. Later, with his own hands, he carved away the stone from inside of that rock to build the famous meditation caves that are still located there under the Kanhangad Ashram.
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He then told them that he was paying the workers from a bag of money at the bottom of the swamp and that they were welcome to dive into the water to verify that the bag of money was there. Seeing the very large alligator and other wild animals that were there, none dared to take him up on his offer. Indeed Bhagawan Nityananda had pulled a bag of money out of the water to pay the workers with . Captain Gawne then instructed the local officials not to disturb the construction of the caves and the Ashram. In fact, he told the people there that they should be helping Bhagawan Nityananda to complete the construction and that no one should bother him. The Captain then left the Ashram to go back to the Kanhangad train station. On his way back, at the point where the Ashram road joins the main road, to his complete surprise, Captain Gawne saw a street sign that read "Gawne Road" posted on the corner. Bade Baba had named the road after the collector to commemorate his visit. Today, the Ashram road still bears the name “Gawne Road.” Bhagawan Nityananda spent several years in Guruvan, located about 5 kilometers east of Kanhangad. In those days Guruvan was a jungle inhabited by wild animals and poisonous snakes. There was no water. One day Bade Baba struck a rock with his hand and water started to gush out of the barren rocky hillside. Water has been flowing from that place ever since. This water is now a stream that forms into a pool. It was named “Papanashini Ganga” by Bade Baba. Many go to this place to bathe, as it is considered to be as holy as the Ganges. Bhagawan Nityananda said that, in the past, many Siddhas hadcome to live in Guruvan and took Mahasamadhi there. For this reason, he created a circle of eight stone pillars/lingams signifying the Ashta Siddhis. Guruvan is rightly considered a Thapobhumi. Later, Swami Janananda Baba, the one who Bhagawan Nityananda had appointed to run the Ashram and all administrative and financial affairs, cleared the land at Guruvan and turned it into a beautiful garden with a temple and rest house. After completing construction of the caves and the Kanhangad Ashram, Bhagawan Nityananda set off on tour, leaving the Ashram to be further developed and run by Swami Janananda. Nityananda Baba then visited most of the holy Shrines in India.
Eventually, by the mid-1930s, he settled in the village of Ganeshpuri in the state of Maharashtra. Out of honor and respect his devotees began to call him Bhagavan, a title that means 'the Lord; the venerable one; the great one.' He always directed people to turn within and meditate. Bhagavan Nityananda also undertook many philanthropic works. Over the next three decades, he transformed the village by educating the villagers; feeding, clothing, and schooling the children; and providing for the building of roads and local facilities, including the very first hospital in Ganeshpuri. Bhagwan Nityananda took Mahasamadhi in ganeshpuri on August 8, 1961.
Bade Baba’s core teaching is: The Heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam. MYSTIC MUSINGS THROUGH
TAROT If you have any questions pertaining to the issues you are going through, you can send your question (one at a time) to and we will be happy to answer that through tarot card reading. It is absolutely FREE. Please mention in your mail your date of birth and if it is ok to publish your question in the e-magazine, or if we can publish by changing your name. We will publish a few general questions with their answers in our next issue with the consent of the sender.
Carolyn Ryann North Carolina, USA “Lots of people talk to animals. Not very many listen that’s the problem” ~Benjamin Hoff~
you find yourself attracted to certain animals? Do certain animals show up to you on a regular basis? Do you have pictures or statues in your home of certain animals? Are you attracted to books and movies with these animals in them? Do you have dreams of certain animals? If the answer is yes than you may have an animal guide trying to grab your attention. The ancient Hermetic Law of Correspondence says “As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above.” This principle means that all things are connected. There is no separation of the natural from the spiritual. The Shamans of today and long ago knew this very well. They remind us that all life is connected and precious. The shamans were the keepers of the sacred knowledge of life and they have the ability to walks both worlds…the visible and invisible. Shamans could bridge the worlds of the natural and supernatural. They would also perform rituals using animal skins and masks to connect to specific animal guides. Animals have been here on earth long before humans ever appeared. Animals can teach us on many levels. They are here to teach and guide if we allow them to. This is a gift and not a privilege. You may choose the gift or ignore the gift the choice is yours. Animal guides choose us we don’t choose them. All animals whether land or sea has lessons that teach us. The animal may appear over and over again to assist you on your path in life. Sometimes the animal guide may come in the most unexpected times and really give you a shock to catch your attention. They may run in front of your car, show up on the path you may be walking, or crawl on you and give you a real shock. I have even had a snake that was 5 ft. in length crawl across my feet. Grandmother spider as I call her has been a huge teacher in my life. When I was 6 years old I had a rather huge garden spider or (Writing Spider) crawl on my leg and sent me into a fright. Well the writing spider has had many messages for me over the
years including the writing I do today. Apparently I have a lot to say and I am here to write. This was my first initiation into animal guides. When I was a bit older I had dreams of grandmother spider and the fear that came with this was for me to remember what I already knew but had forgotten in a past life. The Spider teaches us that all life is connected by a web of life. What you do to the web you do to yourself, and so make sure all you do and leave behind is always beneficial to future generations. A Few Guides and their Meanings Hawk – is the bird of message, visionary power and life purpose. Dragonfly – is light and color, seeing through illusions which allow your own light to shine. Butterfly- let some color and joy into your life, also make changes when the opportunities present themselves. They also teach that growth and change do not have to be traumatic…it can happen gently and sweetly. Snake – Rebirth, resurrection, initiation and wisdom. Change and healing and the changes can be swift and quick (as is the snake). Look for rebirth into new powers of wisdom and creativity. Tiger – New adventures, new powers and passions awakening. Do you need more passion? Renewed devotion for life. Will begin around 6-8 weeks and last for a year. Tigers are also very sensitive on the pads of their feet. Very feeling. You may be good at body work to assist others and a very sensitive person. (The tiger was a messenger for me as well. I dreamed of a tiger that showed me her claws and paws right before I left for a trip to go see the Dali Lama.) This was very profound since the Tibetan people revere the tiger greatly. I had another awakening/passions come in after this event in my life.
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Elephant – Ancient power, strength, Royalty. Prepare to draw upon ancient wisdom and power. Respect for the elderly or young…very family oriented. Being strong for yourself. These are great foundations for a great society. (The elephant is one of my favorite animals on earth…they have great compassion for everything. They feel so much and mourn the death of animals not just elephants. They can pick up the bones/remains of an elephant and pass it around to other members of their group. Such beautiful compassion). Horse – Travel, power, freedom. It’s time to examine travel and freedom in your life…time for a vacation? Are you having feelings of constriction? Maybe it’s time for a move? It also maybe time to assert your power and freedom in certain areas of your life. Turtle – Motherhood, longevity, opportunities. Turtles remind us the way to heaven is through the earth. Mother Earth is all we need. She will care for us and protect us as long as we do the same for her. Turtle are close to Mother Earth and are very grounded to her. The turtle is also connected to their shell and this means that we can not separate ourselves from what we do to the earth. Turtles also have slow metabolisms and this means our life may be too busy and we need to slow our pace down. Spider – Creativity and weaving of fate. Are weaving your dreams into reality or not? Do you need to write? Are you not following through things in life? The spider is the keeper of knowledge and primordial alphabet, Grandmother spider teaches us how to use the written language with creativity so the words are a web around those who wish to read. (She has become my mentor I call on her when I write). Dog – Loyalty, protection, playfulness. It takes a lot to break a dog’s spirit; they love so much even when abused. Do you need to play more? Are you being faithful? Do you need to receive love or to give love? Do you need to be more protective of your territory?
Types of Animal Guides Messenger Guide: These are animals that come quickly into your life, and leave when the message is understood. Sometimes the message is a warning or spiritual. ( Mine was the owl also related to the hawk and snake) Shadow Guide: These are the ones that instill fear in us. They teach us lessons that we have not learned from repeated mistakes. The shadow guide will return as needed until we learn our lessons. (for me the spider use to scare me, but snakes do not) I understand the lessons for me with both of these guides. When the lessons are understood they will not appear frequently or at all. A Journey Guide: The animal guide will appear at various points or cross roads in out lives. They will appear when we have to make a decision about our life. The animal guide is there to do just that…to guide us on our path. They are there when we loose our way. (For me this was the wolf) A Life Animal Guide: This is an animal guide that stays with you for your entire life. It is more like a spirit guide. You may have some of the traits/characteristics of this guide. If at some point you have learned these lessons then a new life guide may come in, but this may also take several life times before this happens. ( Mine is the Red-Tail hawk and the Osprey/Hawk) Ways of honoring your animal guide
Where jewelry that represents your animal guide. Visit its habitat/educate yourself about your animal guide. Display pictures of your animal guide. Listen to the messages whether positive or negative (Always lessons to learn) Meditate on your animal guide…treat them as a teacher and a friend. All animals have a powerful spirit and great talents that can benefit us on our path. Studying all aspects of your animal guide will only add to the experience of your lessons. Your animal guide will choose you and not the other way around. You may have an animal guide that comes in that may not seem powerful or beautiful, but all animal guides are the same in that they all teach us lessons. So do not disregard an animal guide because it’s not as powerful as the eagle or beautiful as the swan. When you do this you miss your lesson and you are not honoring your animal guide. I even had a cock roach come into my space and I’m glad I listened to it. It gave me the message to be aware of my surrounding plus it gave me a shock and I jumped out of my bed. I’m glad I did since under my bedspread was a not-so nice spider near my feet. I must admit that was the first time I was glad to see a cock roach. It is very important to develop relationships with your animal guides. Communicating with them does demand respect and they know this. They will respect you in return. The more you honor them the more they will come in to teach When I was about 8 years old we found a Red-Tail Hawk and he had a broken wing. We built a cage for him and bandaged his wing in place until it completely healed. I would talk to him everyday and my father would let me feed him. We finally had to set him free and when we did he flew over our home and circled it over and over again making the most beautiful calls out to us. He was saying thank you to us. He finally flew away and I felt like part of me had gone with him. Well he would return the following two years and would circle the house calling to us. We would run outside waving to him. He had not forgotten us. Ever since then the Hawk has always been with me. While I do have animal guides that my life guides I also have everyday guides. I have a many birds that come to me on a daily basis. If I am going through a releasing of emotions I will have the Dove come to sit in trees near my window. I had almost 21 Doves near my window when we had lost our dog and I was very sad. I also had grandfather Blue-Jay actually come to my window and tap its wings on the window to get my attention. The Blue-Jay colors represent heaven and earth. The person who has this animal guide has the ability to move between heaven and earth and can connect to the primal energies in either the heavens or earth. But you want to be a master of both and not just picking and choosing what you want to learn. In other words don’t just scatter your energy. You may know a little bit about a lot of things, but what you want is to be a master. The beautiful blue colors in the Blue-Jays crest says to wear the crown of true mastership. I was definitely dabbling and trying new things during that time. I’ve since become a master in my area. Having a great reverence for animal will only benefit you in your life and the lives to come. The list of animal guides and meanings I added above is a very tiny list as an example.
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LETS COMMUNICATE Food for thought Are we all not very strange? I mean, in the 20th century during the rare cell phones scenario, we would take the trouble of going out to the nearest phone-booth and call our dear ones by dropping an coin in the old telephone instrument, travel that extra mile to the cyber-cafes to email our people, friends ....make long-distance calls to our family on special occasions and birthdays and anniversaries .......and now, with the most advanced 21st century gadgets - wi-fi connections and with at least a desktop in most homes, blackberry the most sophisticated gadgets and with long-distance calls just a button away, we hesitate to communicate. We sms rather than calling, we email b’day wishes rather than sending cards or surprising our people by visits. Long walks with friends, having a cutting(Chai-Tea) at the teastalls is now transformed into talking to friends only when we are waiting for transportation or shopping at the malls or waiting for someone.....we connect with our people only to fill the vacuum, the space, our wait-time. I know, it’s been repeated umpteen times that with the changing times, we too have changed. Life doesn’t look like have got any better but seems like mechanised us. We have
all the wealth but not time to enjoy, we have people around, but not true friends to share one’s heart out, we have our families around but no time to communicate. Today, I’m here pondering when was the last time I really enjoyed the Tom & Jerry cartoon(which still happens to be my favourite) with a hearty laughter? When was the last time I sipped my hot tea standing quietly near the window sill that overlooks the mountains around? Great work-life, good positions, higher responsibilities and a handsome salary ..........have taken MY TIME of communicating with myself, leave alone my family. We talk 24x7, but do we COMMUNICATE? If our hearts are still heavy, our eyes still moist, we are stressed and feel like excess baggage.........then we need to really answer this to ourselves are we really COMMUNICATING? Keep thinking & keep twinkling !
By Anjani Prabhu Mumbai, India
New Life Foundation presents 2 Days Intensive Workshop on
Past Life Regression Therapy With
Santosh Joshi A renowned Past Life Regression Therapist, Motivational Speaker and a Life Coach This workshop is designed to help you in the following ways: • It helps in your quest of inner transformation and spiritual growth • It helps you in experiencing the deepest realms of your consciousness where memories of your past lives are stored • It helps in understanding your role in the Cosmic Creation and how you can actively participate in your evolution process • It helps in understanding your individual journey and finding your Life’s Purpose • It helps in making you understand how you can live life completely and heal your past emotions or traumas The workshop covers the following : • Brief information about Theory of Reincarnation/Evolution, Theory of Karma, Life after Life • Knowing How to find the Purpose of Life, What is Rebirthing Breathwork, Importance of Forgiving and Gratitude Experiencing – Past Life Regressions, Astral Travel, Meeting your Master, Theta level meditations
For registration contact : +91 9820401670 / 9820500427
Email :
Guru Guru on Guru Guru Gurudev Nityananda was the idol of my adoration, the object of my saguna devotion, my saguna meditation, and my saguna deity. I had no thoughts for any other deities. I believed that all Gods were contained in my Guru. I firmly believed that to worship the Guru was to worship all deities, that to meditate on the Guru was to meditate on all deities, and that to repeat the Guru’s name was to repeat the seventy million mantras.
~ Swami Muktananda ~
The outer Master is simply a mirror so that you can see your face, so that you can see that you also have-the same face, the same possibility, the same potential. And once this has settled in your heart, that “I have also the same potential, the same seed�, a great journey has started. You will never be the same again. Looking into the eyes of a living Master, something synchronizes in you, something is triggered in your being, a process has already started. ~ Osho ~
Teaching, example, influence, - these are the three instruments of the Guru. But the wise Teacher will not seek to impose himself or his opinions on the passive acceptance of the receptive mind; he will throw in only what is productive and sure as a seed which will grow under the divine fostering within.
~ Sri Aurobindo ~
The Supreme Satguru, is the Supreme Father of all souls, who does not have any physical form but, He is incorporeal. He is beyond the cycle of birth and rebirth, very subtle, immortal. He is an eternal Power. He is accepted by all the religions of the world as the Supreme Authority, Self created. His eternal attributive name is Shiva, which means the one who is always benevolent. He is the creator of Brahma, Vishnu and Shanker, the subtle deities.
~ Pitashri Prajapita Brahma ~ ~ 20 ~
Guru is nothing but wisdom and love. A Guru does not simply fill you with knowledge, but he kindles the life force in you. In the presence of the Guru, you become more alive. Guru Poornima is the day when the disciple wakes up to this fullness. In this wakefulness he can’t be but grateful. This gratitude is not of 'dwaita' (you and me), but of 'advaita'. It is not a river moving from somewhere to somewhere, but the ocean moving within itself. ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ~
The Guru is like the Sun. He just shines. He cannot be otherwise. He just shines and whoever keeps the doors of his heart open receives the light. ~ Mata Amritanandamayi Devi ~
A genuine seeker, a person who develops an urge within himself, will always find his Guru. He may find it in a man, he may find it in a woman, he may even find it in a rock – he will definitely find it somewhere. When any being really yearns, the Existence answers.” ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev ~
Prostrations at the lotus feet of the noble Guru. His Grace is not seen as a material object, but it is experienced by his disciples more clearly and tangibly in the form of love, compassion, and forgiveness – setting them free from all suffocating bondages. May we never forget His glance of infallible Grace. ~ Swami Tejomayananda ~
The Guru has to start off with what the student knows, then leave aside what the student knows, communicate something that the Guru knows, but in the process build a ladder towards that state of knowing. ~ Swami Sukhabodhananda ~
The Guru loves all: but he who loves the Guru and surrenders himself to Him, serving Him day and night will attain to the Highest. ~ Dada J. P. Vaswani ~ ~ 21 ~
Nalini Jethwani Mumbai, India fingers straight. Surya Mudra provides heat to body as the sun provides heat to earth.
Apaan Mudra This Mudra is formed by joining tips of Ring finger and middle finger together with the tip of thumb, keeping other two fingers straight. This mudra keeps energy flow in balance. This mudra affects organs This Mudra is like joining 3 elements namely, Fire, space and earth. Major Benefits: It has cleansing effect on all organs and removed toxins from body, making it pure. It cures constipation. This is beneficial in all stomach related disorders like diarrhea, gastritis, nausea, vomiting etc. In case of any problem arising due to over eating, do this mudra and it will relieve within minutes. This mudra cures high blood pressure, diabetes, tooth ache , gum diseases etc. In diabetes, Apaan mudra and Pran mudra (discussed in last issue) should be done alternatively for 15 minutes each at least thrice a day. It cures Impotency in males and females. In Pregnancy, if this mudra is done for 15 minutes thrice a day during 8th and 9th months, it will ensure normal delivery and makes delivery easy. It is good in menstrual problems, irregularity of menses, pain and cramps during menses etc.
Major Benefits: Since this mudra generates heat in the body, this mudra is very good for people who always feel cold, whose hands, feet and body are always cold. It reduces OBESITY and heaviness of the body and reduces weight. If you want to reduce your weight do this mudra for 15 minutes each, twice a day regularly. In few days, your weight will start reducing. By reducing weight it cures all diseases related to obesity such as high blood pressure, constipation etc. It is helpful in reducing bad cholesterol LDL in blood. By reducing weight, it improves metabolic rate. Surya mudra cures Thyroid disorders also. The thyroid pressure point is located at the base of thumb. When ring finger presses this pressure point, it activates the thyroid gland, produces more thyroid hormone and cures HYPOTHYROIDISM. This mudra improves eyesight and is helpful in curing Cataract. This mudra is effective in curing head aches too. CAUTION: Since this mudra produces heat in body, it should not be done for long time in summer. This mudra should not be done more than 15 minutes at a time. Do not do this mudra while walking. As this mudra reduces weight, this should not be done by lean and weak persons.
Surya Mudra Fold ring finger and join it to the thumb and press slightly to form Surya Mudra. Surya mudra is made by keeping other 3
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DHARMA - AN INSPIRING STORY Sanyasi and the scorpion Contributed by
Jyotsna Nair Mumbai, India
Photo source: Internet
A Sanyasi
was bathing in the nearby river. It was rainy season and the river was overflowing. Many broken trees and leaves were also flowing in the river. Suddenly the guru's eyes caught a glimpse of a drowning crab. His compassionate heart immediately decided and the guru plucked the poor scorpion out of water. But the scorpion stuck to its karma of biting, and the stinging pain forced the guru loosen his grip and the scorpion was back in water. The kind Guru again brought the scorpion to safety in his bare palm and was bitten again. This continued for some more time before the guru managed to rescue the scorpion and brought it to safety on the riverside. The disciples were all angry at this act of the guru and demanded an explanation. The guru simply smiled and enlightened them. He said that being a human being, “I was more aware of the situation and only I could have brought the scorpion to safety. It was my dharma which I had an obligation to fulfill. But he was a scorpion and biting was in its nature. It also stuck to his guns, thereby fulfilling its karma. We both performed our roles to perfection, so there is no scope for your anger. As my disciples, it was natural for you to be concerned for my well-being, so you too have fulfilled your dharma.“
Moral of the story The simple lesson imparted here is that all we have to do is to play our part in God's script and all will be fine. All our actions turn out okay if we act positively and without any malice towards anyone. But that is not the case in most of our actions. It happens because we are not aware, only awake. This incident narrates the secret to Moksha. Drop your false ego; get rid of your desires and just act. God is there to reward you because our only duty is action, as Gita describes.
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“The willingness to forgive is a sign of spiritual and emotional maturity. It is one of the great virtues to which we all should aspire. Imagine a world filled with individuals willing both to apologize and to accept an apology. Is there any problem that could not be solved among people who possessed the humility and largeness of spirit and soul to do either -- or both -- when needed?” Gordon B. Hinckley
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Do you like this e-magazine..? Then write to us at Please feel free to write to us with your comments or suggestions on this e-magazine on email id Please send in your experiences or articles which you would like to share with our ever growing Kosmic Journey family through this e-magazine. If you are not already a subscriber of this e-magazine and would like to subscribe, please send an e-mail to or log on to our website and fill in your details in the subscription form. If you wish to attend or organise any of our workshops in your city, please write to us. We will be happy to reach you for the same. ~ 24 ~
Healthy Banana Smoothie
Banana Sesame Pancakes
This is my recovery drink after a workout – a super yummy healthy banana smoothie ! I don't like drinking the heavy protein shakes. I am all for natural, simple nutrition so I make my own recovery drinks. To make one big glass of smoothie , you'll need : 1 Medium Banana Frozen 1/2 Cup Milk (1% or skim) 1 tsp Flax Seed Powder 2 Walnuts Whip it up in a blender and there you have your delicious simple smoothie ! I peel the banana , slice them and freeze a bunch of ripe ones in a Ziploc bag. I roughly cut each banana into ten pieces so I just pull out ten chunks for one smoothie. Alternatively you can use a regular banana and ice. The flax seed powder and walnuts make the smoothie creamy delicious . For added creamy texture you can also use vanilla yogurt. The best part - all this deliciousness is without any added extra sugars. Any sweetness is from the banana.
Ingredients 1 banana , mashed 4 tbsp whole wheat flour 3 tbsp jaggery a pinch cinnamon powder 2 tsp oil for cooking For The Topping 1 tbsp grated fresh coconut 2 tbsp sesame seeds (til) , toasted To Serve 1 tbsp honey Method Combine the banana, flour, jaggery and cardamom in a bowl and mix well. Add approx. ¼ cup of water to get a batter of coating consistency. Heat oil in a small pan pour a spoonful of the batter on it. Spread it with the back of a round laddle to make a 100 mm. (4") diameter thick pancake. Top with the coconut and sesame mixture and cook the pancake on both sides till golden brown in colour using a little oil. Repeat to make 3 more pancakes. Serve hot with honey.
Banana and Cucumber Salad Ingredients 3 bananas 3 cucumbers, cubed 2 tsp lemon juice 2 green chillies, finely chopped 3 tbsp roughly chopped peanuts 2 tbsp chopped coriander 2 tbsp freshly grated or flaked coconut 1 1/2 tsp sugar salt to taste Method Peel and cut the bananas into cubes. Mix with the cucumber. Immediately add the lemon juice and mix well. Add the remaining ingredients and chill for 30 minutes. Serve cold. The home remedies given above are proven to generally work for most of these conditions, however in case of severe symptoms it is advisable to consult your doctor before experimenting with these remedies.
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Books & Movies AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI ByParamhansa Yogananda Words truly do not do justice to this classic work by Paramahansa Yogananda who wrote one of the premiere books about the science of Yoga. Yogananda not only helps to introduce Yoga science to the West, but also demonstrates that yoga (which means "union") is the unifying science that shows the underlying truth among ALL religions. Using many scriptural passages from both the Bible and the Hindu Bible (the Bhagavad Gita), he also demonstrates that they are saying, essentially, the same thing; the same TRUTH. This book chronicles the life of Mukunda La Ghosh whose passion and yearning for God leads him to many saints and sages in India. We find that it is the wish of Jesus Christ and Babaji (One of India's great masters who has been living for an untold number of centuries) that it be revealed to the world that TRUTH is universal and that it does not matter what path you've chosen (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) Whether you are religious or not, you will find this masterfully well-written work touch you in ways that you've not dreamed of. Yogananda orchestrates chapters about the astral realms, great scientists, poets, saints (in India as well as in the West), masters, Gandhi, and others which are both moving and inspirational. This book also reveals, for the first time to Westerners the lost science of Kriya Yoga (which means, "Divine Union"), which is a scientific technique to develop direct experience of God. Yogananda explains this technique, its history, and why it is so effective. This is a book that can be read many times, and you will find that each time, it still has a "divine" effect. If nothing else, it will help you to ask yourself about your Self. This is one of the greatest books ever written, not only of modern times, but of ALL time.
OH, MIND RELAX PLEASE! By Swami Sukhbodhananda What makes this book unique ? It covers the overall needs of individuals.Each chapter is comprehensive in its message. What are the overall needs of individuals ? Balancing of intimate, family, social, work and spiritual zones. What makes it interesting ? It has stories & insights from real life situations which impacts youngsters, house-wives and executives alike. How does this book relate to the corporate world ? It empwers one to be successful and satisfied. Getting what you like is success and liking what you get is satisfaction. Is this a religious book? It is spiritual and universal in its appeal and application.
THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU On the brink of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, ambitious politician David Norris (Damon) meets beautiful contemporary ballet dancer Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt)--a woman like none he's ever known. But just as he realizes he's falling for her, mysterious men conspire to keep the two apart. David learns he is up against the agents of Fate itself--the men of The Adjustment Bureau--who will do everything in their considerable power to prevent David and Elise from being together. In the face of overwhelming odds, he must either let her go and accept a predetermined path...or risk everything to defy Fate and be with her. Based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. -- (C) Universal Pictures
EAT, PRAY, LOVE A woman who once made it her goal in life to marry and rear a family finds her priorities suddenly shifting in Ryan Murphy and Jennifer Salt's adaptation of author Elizabeth Gilbert's best-selling memoir. In the eyes of many, Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) was a woman who had it all -- a loving husband, a great career, and a weekend home -- but sometimes one realizes too little too late that they haven't gotten what they truly wanted from life. On the heels of a painful divorce, the woman who had previously looked forward to a contented life of domestic bliss sets out to seek her true destiny by traveling first to Italy, where she learns to appreciate nourishment; then to India, where she discovers the power of prayer; and finally to Bali, where she unexpectedly finds the meaning of true love. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
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