2 minute read
Innobarometer: an e-tool to collect and analyse data on entrepreneurship
from Eπιστημονικό βιβλίο για την καινοτομία και την επιχειρηματικότητα στην Δυτική Ελλάδα και την Απουλia
by geraniosj
Fotini Economou, Pródromos Prodromídis
Table 2: Additional aspects regarding production
Year Observations a. Primary sector (agriculture-forestry-fishing) 2016 256a 281 b. Secondary sector excluding construction 2016 277b 281 c. Construction 2016 279c 281 d. Trade, transportation, storage, accommodation, food service activities etc. 2016 269d 281 e. Information, communication 2016 250e 281 f. Financial and insurance activities 2016 264f 281 g. Real estate activities 2016 181g 281 h. Professional-scientific-support services etc. 2016 279c 281 i. Public admin., defense, educ., health etc. 2016 281 281 j. Arts-entertainment-recreation, other services 2016 279c 281 a. Primary sector (N/A) b. Mining and quarrying 2017 251h
Manufacturing 2017 272i
Electricity, gas, steam, air conditioning supply 2017 233j
Water supply, sewerage, waste management, remediation activities 2017 238k c. Construction 2017 278l d. Trade (wholesale and retail), repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 2017 278l
Transportation, storage 2017 279m
Accommodation, food service activities 2017 278n e. Information, communication 2017 277o f. Financial and insurance activities (N/A) g. Real estate activities 2017 280p h. Professional-scientific-technical activities 2017 278n
Administrative-support service activities 2017 278q i. Public adm., comp. soc. sec., defense, education, health, social work (N/A) j. Arts-entertainment-recreation, other services (N/A) DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYED PEOPLE
Notes: Sectoral labor productivity definition as in overall labor productivity (see Table 1). a Missing 25 regions: thirteen from the UK, four from Germany, two from Belgium, two overseas regions of France, the two autonomous cities of
Spain, one from (each) Finland, Hungary. b Missing four regions: the two autonomous cities of Spain, one from Finland, one oversea regions of France. c Missing two regions: one from Finland, one overseas region of France. d Missing twelve regions: six from Hungary, five from Bulgaria, one from Romania. e Missing 31 regions: nine from Greece, four from (each) Poland, Portugal, three overseas regions of
France, three from the UK, two from Italy, the two autonomous cities of Spain, one from (each)
Austria, Finland, Germany, Romania. f Missing seventeen regions: four from Greece, three from (each) Portugal and the UK, three overseas regions of France, the two autonomous cities of Spain, one from (each) Finland, Italy. g Missing 100 regions: 22 from Germany, twelve from Greece, nine from the UK, eight form (each) Source: Eurostat (May 2020), own calculations Italy, Romania, seven from Hungary, five from (each) Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, four from (each)
Austria, Portugal, four overseas regions of France, three from Belgium, one from (each) Denmark,
Finland, Netherlands, the Rep. of Ireland. h Missing 30 regions: nine from France, six from
Poland, five from (each) Austria, Germany, three from Spain, two from Finland. i Missing nine regions: four from Germany, three from France, two from Greece. j Missing 48 regions: 34 from Germany, eight from
France, two from (each) Denmark, Spain, one from (each) Malta, the Netherlands. k Missing 43 regions: 34 from Germany (the same as above), five from France, two from Finland, one from (each) Malta, the Netherlands. l Missing three regions from France. m Missing two regions from France. n Missing three regions from France. o Missing four regions: three from France, one from the Netherlands. p Missing an overseas region of France. q Missing three regions: two from France, one from