2 0 0 5 - 2 0 1 9
“ T h e g a m e i s c o n s t a n t , b u t r o le s a n d r e la t i o n s h i p s a r e s h a p e d b y c i r c u m n s t a n c e s . B la c k m u s t e x i s t , i n o r d e r f o r w h i t e t o b e d i s c e r n e d . I n t h e s a m e w a y a s f o r b a d a n d g o o d , m i s e r y a n d j o y . E v e r y t h i n g s h i f t s a n d fl o w s , j u s t l i ke t h e s i t u a t i o n s w e fi n d o u r s e lv e s i n . S h a p e s f o r m f a c e s a n d , i n t u r n , f a c e s f o r m r e la t i o n s h i p s . I n t h e a b s e n c e o f b la c k , w h i t e c a n n o t b e d e fi n e d . T h e g a m e i s c o n s t a n t ” K o s t a s N e o fi t i d i s
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Who is Kota
Original Artwork: General Context
Balancing Act
Underwater Original Series
Sunset Series
Fine Art Prints: General Context
Silent Beach
The Lucky Elephants
Underwater Series
Souls of Space Series
Totem Series
In the Jungle
Dreams in BnW
The Holi Portraits
Playful Sculptures
Woven Art: General Context
The Green Rays Series
The Red Rays Series
The Sunset Series
Himalayan Café
The Silk Series
Ceramics: General Context
The Moods Series
The Kaleido Series 2
Contact Information
“Awakening”, 2005. ink on paper
Since the beginning of his career in the 1990s after he
graduated from the Politecnico di Milano, Kostas Neofitidis
Artist and an Architect was intrigued by the Italian city, a
place he witnessed within an era where expression both
culturally and socially were demanded to be explored.
During his time in Italy, under the influence of architects and artists, he was fascinated by the post-modern thinking in
architecture and by the abstract expressions of Suprematism,
an art movement founded by Kazimir Malevich. Joan Miro
also influenced his early works, when his style was more
experimental, ranging from abstract expressionism, to lyrical
abstraction, to suprematism. For the past two decades he has
spent most of his time in South East Asia travelling, studying
and understanding people and their religious beliefs,
absorbing images and cultural references that led to his
current signature style of art making which is a reflection of his
own personal experiences. This is very much projected even in
his first sketches made in ink, “The Awakening” series, which
was an actual diary of his time spent in Thailand during
2005. Although the Artist’s first explorative series made
between 2005-2010 such as “The Beach Stories”, can be
described by a primitive language of expression and lively
organic forms, his latest and more mature paintings since the
“Balancing Act” series, are described by solid compositions
that incorporate idosyncratic complex patterns and a strict
geometry of horizontals and verticals. His artwork is a
collection of narratives expressed in original watercolour,
acrylic and indian ink drawings, as well as limited edition
series that are mostly prints, illuminated portraits, woven pieces
and ceramic creations. They can be described as a visual
celebration of geometric shapes and colors that compliment
each other, adjusting uniquely in any environment or space
they become part of, blurring the line between art and space,
as two contradictory concepts. The intention being is to spread
positive energy and a bright outlook which is crucial, as Kostas
states, on an existential level, in order to survive the harshness
and tension of modern life today. As an Architect, he has
produced his own bold and revolutionary architectural
designs of various conceptual clubs, bars and restaurants that
became iconic destinations of their time. His designs can be
described as lively, playful and ethereal, supporting the
philosophy that a space is designed from within. Kostas exhibits
both nationally and internationally. His daily objectives
include his love for the oceans of the world, exploring nature
a n d A s h t a n g a y o g a p r a c t i c e .
“ O v e r lo o k i n g a n i m a g i n a r y b e a c h , la y s K o t a : a n
e x c e p t i o n a l p r o t a g o n i s t w h o , w i t h h i s k i n d -
p o s i t i v e s p i r i t , b e c o m e s a c o l le c t o r o f s t o r i e s ,
m a n i f e s t i n g h i m s e l f t h r o u g h t h e u n i q u e a r t a n d
d e s i g n e x p l o r a t i o n s o f K o s t a s N e o fi t i d i s . ”
T h e m a n i f e s t a t i o n o f K o t a a s a n i m a g i n a r y fi g u r e ,
c o m e s t o l i f e a s t h e a b s o l u t e e x p r e s s i o n o f
o p t i m i s m a n d h a p p i n e s s b y t h e C y p r i o t A r t i s t
a n d A r c h i t e c t K o s t a s N e o fi t i d i s . K o s t a s a s a n
a r t i s t e m b r a c e s v a r i o u s f o r m s o f e x p r e s s i o n ,
m a t e r i a l s a n d t e c h n i q u e s i n h i s a r t w o r k . H i s
p o r t f o l i o i n c l u d e s a c o l le c t i o n o f n a r r a t i v e s
e x p r e s s e d i n o r i g i n a l w a t e r c o lo u r, a c r y l i c a n d
i n d i a n i n k d r a w i n g s , a s w e l l a s l i m i t e d e d i t i o n
s e r i e s t h a t a r e p r i n t s , i l l u m i n a t e d p o r t r a i t s ,
w o v e n p i e c e s a n d c e r a m i c c r e a t i o n s . I n a s e t t i n g
o f v i b r a n t c o lo r s a n d g e o m e t r i c s h a p e s , K o t a
e m e r g e s a s a c o l le c t o r o f s t o r i e s w h i le s p r e a d i n g
h i s s o u l f u l c h a r a c t e r a n d r a d i a n t s p i r i t .
“My name is Kota”, 2007. watercolours on paper
Just like most of Kostas Neofitidi’s artwork his
original illustrations, painted in watercolours,
a c r y l i c a n d i n d i a n i n k , w e r e i n s p i r e d b y
important fragments of his every day life. The
friction with people he briefly met in one of his
journeys, the nature he once habitutated, the
familiar faces he holds dear inside his memory,
the activities he enjoys by the beach are all
interpreted with the unique style of the artist
which is mostly an abstraction and a view on his
ways of looking into the world: a world that he
either temporarily lived in one of his travels or the
world he created, one that is closer to his home.
His original artwork was exhibited in many events
and places, mostly in Nicosia, Cyprus. and all
have a narrative behind. His first ones were
created in Haad Yuan Bay back in 2005. Some
of his collections are: “Awakening”, “A Balancing
Act”, “Beach Stories”, inspiring his more recent
line of work in many ways by using different
m e d i a a n d m e a n s o f e x p r e s s i o n , .
“The game is constant, but roles and relationships are
shaped by circumstances. Black must exist, in order for
white to be discerned. In the same way as for bad and
good, misery and joy. Everything shifts and flows, like
the situations we find ourselves in. Colour is essential
but not necessary, creating an emotional response,
pinpointing a specific moment in time. Shapes form
faces and, in turn, faces form relationships. In the
absence of black, white cannot be defined. The game is
constant…”The Balancing Act series was created by the
artist in three parts and in different stages of his life. The first one was created in Anogyra in Cyprus in
2011. It is comprised out of 8 paintings made in indian
ink and all are in black and white. The main idea
circulating the choice of technique and absent of
colours was to explore the idea of how white cannot
be defined without the presence of black and vice
versa. An idea that methodologically asks for some
kind of balance in the way the painting is constructed
between the shapes and the voids. Free form
geometries and lines form abstract sceneries where
imaginary, generic figures and animals emerge.
The second part was made in Haad Yuan Thailand in
2011. It is comprised out of 6 square colourful portraits
building on the idea that although colour is not
necessary, elements in colour become specific both in
identity and in character. And though abstract in the
style of expression, the projected atmosphere and the
visuals construct a narrative which is deeply
connected with the artist’s own stories rather than the
black and white paintings, made in the previous phase,
w h i c h w a s m o r e o p e n f o r i n t e r p r e t a t i o n .
The third and final part of the Balancing Act series, is
comprised out of 3 colourful art pieces where the idea
of the white as a non autonomous element becomes
part of a deconstructive method. The two polyptych
pieces describe a narrative where the game between
colour and white is reconfigured through abstraction
c r e a t i n g a n e w v i s u a l e x p e r i e n c e .
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A1”, Anogyra, 2011 Indian ink on paper 38 x 50 inch * 97,5 x 128 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A2”, Anogyra, 2011 Indian ink on paper 38 x 50 inch * 97,5 x 128 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A3”, Anogyra, 2011 Indian ink on paper 50 x 38 inch * 128 x 97,5 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A4”, Anogyra, 2011 Indian ink on paper 50 x 38 inch * 128 x 97,5 cm
Exhibition: “A Balancing Act”, Nicosia, 2012
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A9”, Haad Yuan Bay, 2011 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 49 x 48.5 inch * 125 x 123.5 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A10”, Haad Yuan Bay, 2011 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 49 x 48.5 inch * 125 x 123.5 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A11, Haad Yuan Bay, 2011 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 49 x 48.5 inch * 125 x 123.5 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A12, Haad Yuan Bay, 2011 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 49 x 48.5 inch * 125 x 123.5 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A13, Haad Yuan Bay, 2011 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 49 x 48.5 inch * 125 x 123.5 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A14, Haad Yuan Bay, 2011 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 49 x 48.5 inch * 125 x 123.5 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A19”, Haad Yuan Bay, 2012 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 49 x 69 inch * 125 x 175 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A15-A18”, Haad Yuan Bay, 2012 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 18.5 x 22.7 inch * 47 x 57.5 cm
Unique Work “Balancing Act no. A20-A28”, Haad Yuan Bay, 2012 Acrylic and Indian ink on paper 18.5 x 22.7 inch * 47 x 57.5 cm
The “Underwater” series is a visual celebration of
fluid geometric shapes and colors that compose,
in an imaginary and abstract way, moments,
places and people.The array of forms become
figurative; an essence of landforms through which
unique beach stories emerge. Although not literal,
the images reveal the artist’s great inspiration, an
a b s t r a c t i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f h i s lo n g v i s i t t o
Thailand’s Ao Chaloklum beach, giving the
feeling of the location. Allygorical shapes and
figures emerge through strong compositions and
patterns that include the simplification of line, form
and relationship of space and color, influenced by
t h e a r t i s t ’ s a r c h i t e c t u r a l b a c k g r o u n d . T h e i r
intention is to spread positive energy and a bright
outlook which is crucial on an existential level.
Unique Work “Blue Circus”, Ao Chaloklum bay, 2015 Aquarel on paper 51.6 x 22.8 inch * 131 x 58 cm
Unique Work “Sunset Dream”, Ao Chaloklum bay, 2015 Aquarel on paper 51.6 x 22.8 inch * 131 x 58 cm
Unique Work “Dream Car”, Ao Chaloklum bay, 2015 Aquarel on paper 51.6 x 22.8 inch * 131 x 58 cm
Unique Work “Love Guitar”, Ao Chaloklum bay, 2015 Aquarel on paper 22.8 x 51.6 inch * 58 x 131 cm
Unique Work “Tuk-Tuk”, Ao Chaloklum bay, 2015 Aquarel on paper 22.8 x 51.6 inch * 58 x 131 cm
Unique Work “Head Stand”, Ao Chaloklum bay, 2015 Aquarel on paper 22.8 x 51.6 inch * 58 x 131 cm
Unique Work “Café Rasta”, Ao Chaloklum bay, 2015 Aquarel on paper 22.8 x 51.6 inch * 58 x 131 cm
The “Sunset” series is comprised of two original art pieces
made by watercolours in indian ink that both illustrate the
appearance of the Indian sunset, as it is reflected on a Buddha
statue and nature. Moving like a great ocean of light,
vibrating energy and luminous calmness, its rays change
everything it touches creating a unique moment where the
sun as a dynamic element reaches our soul, mind and spirit. 50
Unique Works “Sunset Paradise & Buddha Sunset”, Ao Chaloklum Bay, Thailand, 2016 Watercolour in Indian ink on paper 43.3 x 55 inch * 110 x 140 cm
The fine art prints are a visual celebration of the artist’s
connection to specific moments or spatial experience’s
deriving mostly by his travels. Series such as the Silent
Beach, the Lucky Elephants, the Totem series, the Holi
Portraits and the Underwater series are all driven by a
deep and spiritual place, giving a different
representation and view upon the faces and
topographies he once visited. Beyond their non literal
character, their abstract expression is characterized
mostly by a geometrical configuration, while shapes
and colors meet and figures emerge playfully by the
artist’s own personal creative space. Many of these fine
art prints are limited in numbers, while some of them can
be customized in color and size which makes them even
more unique. for the individual who owns them. They
are produced digitally and are printed in the highest
quality archival paper, specifically in William Turner
fine art paper 310 gsm, for an ever lasting outcome.
“ S i l e n t B e a c h ” , a s e r i e s o r i g i n a l l y m a d e u s i n g t h e B a t i c l t e c h n i q u e w a s c o n c e i v e d i n S i l e n t B e a c h , Ta n g a l l e , i n S r i L a n k a . T h e e n c l o s e d S i l e n t B e a c h e n r i c h e d w i t h a n e x c e p t i o n a l t o p o g r a p h y , w h e r e t h e g o l d e n s a n d i s o n t h e e d g e o f a f o r e s t o f p a l m t r e e s b e c a m e a p l a c e w o r t h e x p l o r e d b y t h e a r t i s t . T h e f r i c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e s e i d y l l i c s c e n e r i e s t h a t c o m p l i m e n t e a c h o t h e r, a r e r e i m a g i n e d a s a p l a c e w h e r e fi c t i o n a l c h a r a c t e r s e m e r g e a n d b e c o m e p a r t o f t h e l a n d s c a p e . O r i g i n a l l y m a d e w i t h t h e B a t i c t e c h n i q u e , t h e
n e w l i m i t e d e d i t i o n s e r i e s i s p r o d u c e d o n
a r c h i v a l p a p e r ( W i l l i a m Tu r n e r fi n e a r t
p a p e r 3 1 0 g s m ) c r e a t i n g a n e w p e r s p e c t i v e
o f e n g a g i n g w i t h t h e s e c o l o r f u l , a r t p i e c e s .
“Silent Beach”, Tangalle, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 53,5 x 32,3 inch * 136 x 82 cm
“Beach Boys”, Tangalle, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 32 x 55.7 inch * 82 x 141.6 cm
“Prince of the Golden Sands”, Tangalle, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 35.5 x 44,2 inch * 90 x 112,5 cm
“Behind the Coconut Trees”, Tangalle, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 35.5 x 44,2 inch * 90 x 112,5 cm
“Sea Lion”, Tangalle, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 32 x 53 inch * 82 x 134.2 cm
“Underwater”, Tangalle, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 32 x 53 inch * 82 x 134.2 cm
“The Dragon of the Bay”, Tangalle, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 32 x 55.7 inch * 82 x 141.6 cm
“Silent Beach”, 2018, Tangalle, Sri Lanka
“Lucky elephants”, a series originally made using
the Batic technique, was conceived in the cultural
center of Sri Lanka, Kandy Lake. The elephant,
considered sacred in Asia, can be found in
different forms, symbolising royalty and good
luck. Within the collection, the very rare and
significant animal is reimagined as a god-like
figure of complex nature, illustrated as a hybrid of
d i ff e r e n t g e o m e t r i e s a n d v i b r a t i n g c o lo r s .
Originally made with the Batic technique, the
new limited edition series is produced on
archival paper (William Turner fine art paper
3 1 0 g s m ) c r e a t i n g a n e w p e r s p e c t i v e o f
engaging with these specific, colorful, art pieces.
“Lucky Elephant”, Kandy Lake, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 32 x 56 inch * 82 x 143 cm
“Elephant Parade & Elephant Buddha”, Kandy Lake, Sri Lanka, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 28,5 x 53 inch * 73 x 135 cm
The “Underwater” series is a visual celebration of
geometric shapes and colors that compliment
e a c h o t h e r, a d j u s t i n g u n i q u e l y i n a n y
environment or space they become part of.
Although not literal, the images reveal the artist’s
great inspiration, an abstract interpretation of
his long visit to Thailand’s Ao Chaloklum beach,
giving the feeling of the location. All of the titles
have nautical references such as “At the Pier”,
“ S u n s e t B e a c h ” a n d “ U n d e r w a t e r ” .
Their intention is to spread positive energy and a
bright outlook which is crucial on an existential
le v e l . T h e a s s e m b la g e o f f o r m s b e c o m e s
figurative through which unique beach stories
come to life, Originally made in woven canvas
deriving from hand drawings, the new limited
edition series is produced on archival paper
( W i l l i a m Tu r n e r fi n e a r t p a p e r 3 1 0 g s m )
creating a new perspective of engaging with
t h e s e s p e c i fi c , c o l o r f u l , a r t p i e c e s .
“Kota at the Beach”, Ao Chaloklum, Thailand, 2015 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 20 x 31.5 inch * 51.3 x 80 cm
“Red Dragon” Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 32.5 x 32.5 inch * 83 x 83 cm
“Underwater” Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 57 x 29.5 inch * 145 x 75 cm
“Sunset Beach” Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 57 x 29.5 inch * 145 x 75 cm
“At the Pier” Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 57 x 29.5 inch * 145 x 75 cm
“Untitled”, Ao Chaloklum, Thailand, 2015 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 25.5 x 34 inch * 65 x 86.5 cm
“Taxi Boat”, Ao Chaloklum, Thailand, 2015 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 34 x 25.5 inch * 86.5 x 65 cm
“Subaqua I & II”, Ao Chaloklum, Thailand, 2015 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 34 x 25.5 inch * 86.5 x 65 cm
T h e s e r i e s i s c o m p r i s e d o f 5 c o l o u r f u l
i m a g e s o f m y t h i c a l c r e a t u r e s t h a t t r a v e l
b e t w e e n t h e s t a r s , w r i t i n g t h e i r o w n h i s t o r y .
T h e y a r e i m a g i n a r y fi g u r e s p r o j e c t e d b y t h e
a r t i s t , e a c h o n e b e l o n g i n g t o i t s o w n u n i q u e
s e t t i n g . D i ff e r e n t c o l o u r s a n d g e o m e t r i c a l
s h a p e s e m e r g e , n a r r a t i n g a s t o r y t h a t i s
u n i q u e t o e a c h c r e a t u r e . I n m a n y c u l t u r e s
m y t h i c a l c r e a t u r e s b e a r e d s i m i l a r i t i e s t o
s p i r i t u a l b e i n g s s u c h a s a n g e l s ,
s y m b o l i s i n g v i r t u e , s t r e n g t h a n d p o w e r.
“Souls of Space no.1 - no.4”, Koh Mak, Thailand, 2014 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 22.5 x 59 inch * 57 x 150 cm
“Souls of Space no.1”, Koh Mak, Thailand, 2014 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 22.5 x 59 inch * 57 x 150 cm
“Souls of Space no.2”, Koh Mak, Thailand, 2014 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 22.5 x 59 inch * 57 x 150 cm
“Souls of Space no.3”, Koh Mak, Thailand, 2014 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 22.5 x 59 inch * 57 x 150 cm
“Souls of Space no.4”, Koh Mak, Thailand, 2014 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 22.5 x 59 inch * 57 x 150 cm
T h e “ To t e m ” s e r i e s d e r i v e s f r o m t h e c o n c e p t o f
t h e “ To t e m ” a s i t w a s i n t r o d u c e d t o t h e a r t i s t i n
t h e i s la n d o f B a l i . To t e m s a r e s p i r i t b e i n g s o r
s a c r e d o bj e c t s a n d a r e u s e d a s s y m b o l s f o r
g u i d a n c e i n l i f e , t h e y g r a n d y o u l u c k , lo v e ,
g o o d h e a l t h a n d p r o t e c t i o n w h i le h o ld i n g
s p e c i fi c r e l i g i o u s a t t r i b u t e s d e p e n d i n g u p o n
t h e i r n a r r a t i v e a n d p l a c e o f c r e a t i o n .
T h e To t e m - l i ke fi g u r e s a r e s e e n i n a n i m a g i n a r y
w a y b y t h e a r t i s t , w i t h i n a c o n t e x t o f c o lo r s a n d
s h a p e s t h a t e a c h o n e n a r r a t e s a s t o r y , w e r e
t h e i d e a o f t h e t o t e m e x i s t s b e t w e e n t h e fi g u r e s
t h a t e m e r g e a n d n a t u r e , d e s i g n e d i n a u n i q u e ,
r a d i a n t w a y , T h e i r d e s i g n i s a l s o r e la t e d t o t h e
p h i lo s o p h y t h a t a t o t e m i s s u bj e c t i v e a n d
c o n n e c t s d i ff e r e n t l y t o e a c h p e r s o n , ,
“Totem no.2”, Ubud, Indonesia, 2017 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 21,6 x 50,5 inch * 55 x 128,3 cm
“Totem no.1”, Ubud, Indonesia, 2017 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 21,6 x 50,5 inch * 55 x 128,3 cm
“Totem no.3”, Ubud, Indonesia, 2017 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 21,6 x 50,5 inch * 55 x 128,3 cm
“Totem no.4”, Ubud, Indonesia, 2017 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 21,6 x 50,5 inch * 55 x 128,3 cm
“Totem no.5”, Ubud, Indonesia, 2017 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 21,6 x 50,5 inch * 55 x 128,3 cm
“Kota in the Jungle”, Koh Maak, 2017 Limited Illuminated portrait
T h e “ I n t h e J u n g l e ” s e r i e s i s c h a r a c t e r i s e d b y
l i v e l y c o l o r s a n d b o l d , g e o m e t r i c s h a p e s t h a t
f o r m a fi g u r a t i v e a n d l a n d - f o r m e s s e n c e ,
t h r o u g h w h i c h u n i q u e j u n g l e s t o r i e s e m e r g e .
T h e s t o r i e s a r e n a r r a t e d b y t r i b a l fi g u r e s a s a
n o s t a l g i c g e s t u r e b y t h e a r t i s t t o r e - v i s i t t h e
i d e a o f t h e t r i b a l o r n a m e n t , n o t a n y m o r e a s a
s c u l p t u r e b u t a s a n i l l u s t r a t i o n . S u c h fi g u r e s
a r e s a i d b y m a n y c u l t u r e s t o b r i n g g o o d l u c k
a n d p o s i t i v e e n e r g y t o t h e o w n e r ’ s l i f e . ,
“Kota in the Jungle”, Koh Mak, Thailand, 2017 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 35.5 x 55 inch * 90 x 139 cm
“Parents & the King”, Koh Mak, Thailand, 2017 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 20 x 57.5 inch * 50.5 x 146.3 cm
“Love in the Jungle”, Koh Mak, Thailand, 2017 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 21.7 x 48.5 inch * 55 x 122.7 cm
T h e “ D r e a m s i n B l a c k a n d W h i t e ” s e r i e s i s a
v i s u a l c e l e b r a t i o n o f g e o m e t r i c a l s h a p e s
a n d fi g u r e s i n b l a c k a n d w h i t e . E a c h i m a g e
d e s c r i b e s a s p e c i fi c m o m e n t i n t i m e , e i t h e r
a n a c t i v i t y , a fi g u r e , a f r a g m e n t o f t h e c i t y ,
i n t e r p r e t e d d i ff e r e n t l y b y e a c h i n d i v i d u a l .
T h e a r t i s t d e s c r i b e s t h i s s e r i e s b y r e f e r r i n g
t o i t a s t h e n e c e s s i t y o f o p p o s i t e s .
“Dreams in BnW no.9”, Anogyra, Cyprus, 2016 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 35.5 x 50 inch * 90 x 124 cm
“Dreams in BnW no.1 - no.4”, Anogyra, Cyprus, 2016 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 11 x 26.5 inch * 28 x 41.5 cm
The “HolI Portraits”, is a series celebrating the
Holi, known as the Indian "festival of spring", the
"festival of colours", or the "festival of love". The
portraits are fragments of the artist’s own
personal experience of this ancient festival
where “Godlike” figures emerge through vibrant,
radiant and colorful backgrounds ready to
claim the open streets, parks and temples and
buildings, spreading love, positivity and prayers.
“Holi Portraits”, Patnem Beach, South India, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 26 x 26 inch * 66 x 66 cm
“Holi Portraits”, Patnem Beach, South India, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 26 x 26 inch * 66 x 66 cm
“Holi Portraits”, Patnem Beach, South India, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 26 x 26 inch * 66 x 66 cm
“Holi Portraits”, Patnem Beach, South India, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 26 x 26 inch * 66 x 66 cm
“Holi Portraits”, Patnem Beach, South India, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 26 x 26 inch * 66 x 66 cm
“Holi Portraits”, Patnem Beach, South India, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 26 x 26 inch * 66 x 66 cm
“Holi Portraits”, Patnem Beach, South India, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 26 x 26 inch * 66 x 66 cm
“Holi Portraits”, Patnem Beach, South India, 2018 Limited edition print (archival paper) Signed, numbered and stamped 26 x 26 inch * 66 x 66 cm
The “Playful Sculptures”, a new addition to Kota
Collections, designed by Kostas Neofitidis is
comprised by four different, colourful and vibrant
sculptures. The sculptures are expressing the
philosophy that a piece of art is always changing
and the relationship between the artist and his
creation is a never ending game. Art and thus a
piece of art is not static. And so, these unique
creations were designed intentionally as an
assemblage of colourful pieces, as fragments, to
project an adaptive atmosphere to the person
e x p e r i e n c i n g t h e m . T h r o u g h o u t h i s t o r y , t h e
traditional ways of constructing a sculpture had
mostly to do with capturing a one dimensional
image and one specific moment of time. Kostas
Neofitidis, through this new collection, creates a
new platform for problematisation. The “Playful
Sculptures” presented as an archipelago of four
p i e c e s , c o u l d b e s e p a r a t e d a n d s t a n d
autonomously whereas each one can adapt and
become functional or not to one’s space. And just
like many other pieces of art designed by the artist,
the use of colour is a protagonist giving a unique
form, character and emotion to each sculpture. ,
Description: Primary coloured - handcrafted piece made by a combination of solid wood
and medium-density fibreboard, lacquered with dead matt varnish.
D: 175 x 60 x 60 cm
Photographic Elevations of the “Playful Sculpture”
Description: Primary coloured - handcrafted piece made by a combination of solid wood
and medium-density fibreboard, lacquered with dead matt varnish.
D: 90 x 30 x 30 cm
Photographic Elevations of the “Playful Sculpture”
Description: Primary coloured - handcrafted piece made by a combination of solid wood
and medium-density fibreboard, lacquered with dead matt varnish.
D: 140 x 45 x 45 cm
Photographic Elevations of the “Playful Sculpture”
Description: Primary coloured - handcrafted piece made by a combination of solid wood
and medium-density fibreboard, lacquered with dead matt varnish.
D: 75 x 75 x 35 cm
Photographic Elevations of the “Playful Sculpture”
Kostas Neofitidis, through his dedicated journeys in
Southeast Asia has created a threshold between
knowledge and expression where contemporary art
meets tradition in his woven art pieces. His collection
of series include: the Green and Red Rays, Sol, the
Cosmos, Himalayan Cafe and his 21 limited edition of
Silk pieces. While many of his designs vary in texture,
many of the collections such as the Red Rays have
been made with both wool and silk in an explorative
way to create limited and unique pieces. Although
they narrate different stories, they are all set to give a
different atmosphere and perspective to the place
they become part of. The designs manifest as a re-
interpretation of the artist’s connection to specific
moments and places in time. In contradiction to what
m a y s e e m t o s o m e o r d i n a r y a n d b a n a l ,
Bhaktapur, Nepal 2017
everydayness is brought to life. A walk through the
great topography of the Jungle, experiencing the
magnetic vibration of the red Indian Sunset, tracing
the shades of the Sun, discovering the centre of your
own self while embracing the chaos, bringing the
waters of the never ending blue ocean to life, are
moments resurfaced, in a phenomenological and
p e r s o n a l w a y , t h r o u g h t h e a r t i s t ’ s e y e s .
1.1 GREEN RAYS T h e s i g n i fi c a n c e o f c o lo r s p la y a n i m p o r t a n t r o l e t o t h e h u m a n a u r a , t h o u g h t s a n d e m o t i o n s , c o l le c t e d a n d e x p r e s s e d b y t h e h u m a n b o d y a n d h i s s u r r o u n d i n g i n t h e f o r m o f r a y s . T h e s e r i e s r e i m a g i n e s t h e v i b r a t i n g c o lo r s a n d t h e h a r m o n i o u s t o p o g r a p h y o f t h e I n d i a n J u n g le . G r e e n , a s i n t r o d u c e d w i t h i n t h e c o l l e c t i o n t i t l e d : G r e e n R a y s r e p r e s e n t s p e a c e , b a l a n c e a n d n a t u r e , s a c r e d e x i s t e n t i a l n e c e s s i t i e s o f t h e h u m a n c o n d i t i o n . M a n d r e m , S o u t h I n d i a , 2 01 6
The Green Rays series comprised of 3 hand-knotted woven art
pieces, is ethically produced in the ancient city of Bhaktapur in
Nepal using the Tibetan carpet-making technique. The
process is defined by giving emphasis on precision, the
finishing of the edges and detailing, while introducing a higher
k n o t d e n s i t y t h a n w h a t i s c o m m o n l y u s e d .
A detailed photograph of the patterns, textures and color palletes of
one of the series’s woven pieces.
All pieces are double knotted and are made from 100% Tibetan wool. Density: 200 knots per square inch Thickness: 0,15 inch * 0,4 cm
1.2 RED RAYS The significance of colors play an important role to the human aura, thoughts and emotions, collected and expressed by the human body and h i s s u r r o u n d i n g i n t h e f o r m o f r a y s . R e d s y m b o l i z e s l i f e , s t r e n g t h a n d v i t a l i t y . Connected to the element of fire, essence and energy, Red Ray is a positive magnetic vibration radiating with courage and optimism just like the colours and shades of the red Indian sunset. Mandrem, South India, 2016
The Red Rays series, comprised of 5 hand-knotted woven
pieces, is ethically produced in the ancient city of Bhaktapur
in Nepal using the Tibetan carpet-making technique. The
process is defined by giving emphasis on precision, the
finishing of the edges and detailing, while introducing a
higher knot density than what is commonly used.
A detailed photograph of the patterns, textures and color palletes of one of
the series’s woven pieces.
All pieces are double knotted and are made from 100% Tibetan wool or silk.
Density: 200 knots per square inch
Thickness: 0.15 inch * 0.4cm
2.1 SUNSET The significance of colors play an important role to the human aura, thoughts and emotnions, collected and expressed by the human body a n d h i s s u r r o u n d i n g i n t h e f o r m o f r a y s . The series reimagines the colors, shades of the Indian sunset. The sun, as a dynamic element, reaches our soul, mind and spirit. Color radiates from its movement like a great ocean of light, v i b r a t i n g e n e r g y a n d l u m i n o u s c a l m n e s s . Ashvem beach, South India, 2016
The Sunset series, comprised of 4 hand-knotted woven pieces,
is ethically produced in the ancient city of Bhaktapur in
Nepal using the Tibetan carpet-making technique. The
process is defined by giving emphasis on precision, the
finishing of the edges and detailing, while introducing a
higher knot density than what is commonly used.
A detailed photograph of the patterns, textures and color palletes of
one of the series’s woven pieces.
All pieces are double knotted and are made from 100% Tibetan wool.
Density: 200 knots per square inch
Thickness: 0.15 inch * 0.4cm
3.1 HIMALAYAN CAFE T h e c o l le c t i o n o f 2 1 a r t w o r k s , d e s i g n e d a t t h e p i c t u r e s q u e H i m a la y a n C a f é t h a t o v e r lo o k s t h e P o k h a r a l a ke ( 2 01 4 ) , r e i m a g i n e s t h e c o lo r s a n d t h e e x i s t i n g l i f e s u r r o u n d i n g i t . T h e s h a p e a n d t h e s i z e o f t h e p i e c e s w a s i n s p i r e d b y t h e r u g s u s e d f o r t h e r i t u a l s o f Ti b e t a n m o n a s t i c i s m – s i t t i n g a n d m e d i t a t i n g .
This unique piece of woven art is part of the Himalayan
Café collection. Calm Fish is a part of the 21 hand-knotted
pieces that can be joined together to create a desired
surface, creating a variation in size, colors and patterns. It
has been ethically produced in the ancient city of Bhaktapur
in Nepal using the Tibetan carpet-making technique.
A detailed photograph of the patterns, textures and color palletes of one of
the series’s woven pieces.
All pieces are double knotted and are made from 100% Tibetan wool or silk.
Density: 200 knots per square inch
Thickness: 0.15 * 0.4cm
4.1 COSMOS This series was concieved creatively in Haad-Yuan beach in Thailand. It reimagines the fascinating people in dreadlocks exploring like etheric forces the earth. It is comprised out of 3 pieces. “Cosmos” refers to both the spiritual and physical world, “Cosmic Rasta” is more related to these extraordinary figures’s spiritual center which is driven by their need for “freedom” and “His Land” celebrates the sense of b e lo n g i n g a n d o c c u p a t i o n o f s p a c e t h e s e individuals claim. The idea of “Cosmos” as a series of narratives, connected to the “rasta” figures, is an homage to the people and relationships we make in our own journey of self discovery, that emerge s p o n t a n e o u s l y i n o u r l i v e s . Haad-Yuan, Thailand 2012
The Cosmos series consists of 3 hand-knotted wool or silk pieces:
Cosmos, Cosmic Rasta and His Land. It is ethically produced in
the ancient city of Bhaktapur in Nepal using the Tibetan carpet-
making technique. The process is defined by giving emphasis on
precision, the finishing of the edges and detailing, while
introducing a higher knot density than what is commonly used.
A detailed photograph of the patterns, textures and color palletes of one of
the series’s woven pieces.
All pieces are double knotted and are made from 100% Tibetan wool or silk.
Density: 200 knots per square inch
Thickness: 0.15 * 0.4cm
5.1 The Silk Series Kostas Neofitidis introduces a collection of handknotted silk carpets. These art pieces are destined to enhance interior décor, whether used as floor coverings or wall hangings. Certain pieces were originally designed to work in pairs, encouraging flexibility and creativity in how they are arranged. Beyond the unique designs that are part of this series, designs from other series have also been m a d e b y s i l k s u c h a s t h e “ C o s m o s ” .
A detailed photograph of the patterns, textures and color palletes of
one of the series’s silk pieces.
All pieces are double knotted and are made from 100% Tibetan silk.
Density: 200 knots per square inch
Thickness: 0.15 inch * 0.4cm
“Blue fish”
D: 31.5 x 63 inch * 80 x 160 cm
“The dancer & the dog”
D: 31.5 x 63 inch * 80 x 160 cm (x2)
D: 31.5 x 63 inch * 80 x 160 cm
D: 108 inch * 275 cm
D: 78.5 x 39 inch * 200x 100 cm (x2)
Kostas Neofitidis created a threshold between art and
architecture, mastering the art of ceramic creation.
His series include: the Jungleur, the Kaleido Blue and
Kaleido Dreams, Moods and Blue Moods the 2
Mandalas and Dreams . Although the series narrate
different stories, they are all set to give a different
atmosphere and perspective to the place they
become part of. The visuals manifest as a re-
interpretation of the artist’s connection to specific
moments and places in time. In contradiction to what
may seem to some ordinary and banal, everydayness
is brought to life. Becoming one with your dreams, the
visual effects of a kaleidoscope, feeling joy while
being part of a crowd, the endless blue of the
mediterranean, the detailed and symbolic design of
the mandalas are some of the moments revealed
through the artist’s unique and limited creations.
This specific artwork is made by 100% porcelain,
manufactured in the UK and the unique illustrations of the
artist’s are then silk printed. These pieces designed by Kostas
Neofitidis are mostly trays and plates of different sizes, colors
and shapes, that can be used either in a functional way or
as pieces of art that decorate one’s personal space.
1.1 MANDALAS Mandalas is comprised of four, different in design,
round ceramic plates. As a series, it is inspired by
the mandala patterns of Eastern cultures and the
idea of projecting alternative ways of visual
reading that is objective and different for each
individual. The designs are the result of diverse
assemblages of geometrical shapes developed
within a circle – a shape that represents the self,
t h e E a r t h , t h e S u n a n d t h e C o s m o s . The series was originally designed in Anogyra,
Cyprus in 2015.
Printing: silk-screen
Size: 12 inch * 31 cm diameter
100% porcelain
2.1 MOODS Moods is comprised of 6 black and white, different in design, round ceramic plates. As a series, it is inspired by the abstract idea of mood, a s a n e m o t i o n a l s t a t e p r o v o ke d b y e v e n t s occurring in our everyday lives. Constantly changing, depending upon the perspective, the M o o d s s e r i e s i s e x p r e s s e d b y g e o m e t r i c a l shapes and lines that form a circle, were each plate compliments each other, projecting a d i ff e r e n t e m o t i o n t o e a c h i n d i v i d u a l . The series was originally designed in Anogyra, Cyprus in 2016.
Printing: silk-screen
Diameter: 12 inch * 31 cm
100% porcelain
A detailed photograph of the series’s ceramic plates.
2.2 BLUE MOODS Similar to the Moods series, Blue Moods, is comprised of 6 blue, different in design, round ceramic plates. As a series, it is inspired by the colors and shades of the Mediterranean Sea and the abstract idea of mood, as an emotional state provoked by events occurring in our everyday lives. Constantly changing just like the waters of our beloved sea, the Blue Moods series is expressed by geometrical shapes and lines that form a circle, were each plate compliments each other, projecting a different emotion every time, depending upon the perspective of the individual. The series was originally designed in Anogyra, Cyprus in 2016.
Printing: silk-screen
Diameter: 12 inch * 31 cm
100% porcelain
A detailed photograph of the series’s ceramic plates.
3.1 KALEIDO BLUE Kaleido Blue, is comprised of five, different in design, round ceramic plates. As a series, it is inspired by the blue of the Mediterranean Sea and the Kaleidoscope, the optical instrument, which is used by reflecting light upon a mirror. The plates may have an autonomous presence defined by its different patterns but when placed on top to each other, they create alternative visual images and emotional plateaus, similar to t h e o n e s p r oj e c t e d b y t h e K a le i d o s c o p e . The series was originally designed in Anogyra, Cyprus in 2018.
Printing: silk-screen
Size: 6.5 inch, 8.3 inch, 10 inch, 11 inch, 12.2 inch * 17cm, 21cm, 25cm, 28cm, 31cm
100% porcelain
A detailed photograph of the series’s ceramic plates.
3.2 KALEIDO DREAMS Kaleido Dreams is comprised of three colorful, different in design, square ceramic plates. As a series, it is inspired by the Kaleidoscope, the optical instrument, which is used by reflecting light upon a mirror. The plates may have an autonomous presence defined by its different patterns but when p la c e d o n t o p t o e a c h o t h e r, t h e y c r e a t e alternative visual images and emotional plateaus, similar to the ones projected by the Kaleidoscope. T h e s e r i e s w a s o r i g i n a l l y d e s i g n e d i n K o h M a k I s la n d i n 2 01 7 .
Printing: silk-screen
Size: 10.5 inch, 8.5 inch, 5 inch * 26,5 cm, 21,5 cm, 13 cm
100% porcelain
A detailed photograph of the series’s ceramic plates.
4.1 Dreams
Dreams 2 as a series, consists two square ceramic plates that symbolize the threshold between present and future while one struggles to find his place within the physical world. Dreams, as successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations are meant to be the compass for any i n d i v i d u a l ’ s j o u r n e y o f s e l f - d i s c o v e r y . The series was originally designed in Anogyra, Cyprus in 2015.
Printing: silk-screen
Size: 7.5 x 7.5 inch * 19 x 19 cm
100% porcelain
5.1 JONGLEUR The “Jongleur”, as a series, is comprised of three black and white rectangular fine bone china trays. Although they vary both in shape and in design, the trays compliment each other. Projecting a sense of constant motion, figures and objects emerge, inspired by the itinerant entertainer Jongleur who spread joy and amusement with his dramatic tricks, music, acrobatics and more importantly with his most popular performance: a c t o f j u g g l i n g a n d m a n i p u la t i n g o bj e c t s . The series was originally designed in Bali, in 2019.
Silk-screen on Fine bone china
Sizes: 3.34 x 6.7 inch, 4.5 x 9 inch, 5.5 x 11.2 inch * 8.5 x 17 cm, 11.5 x 23 cm, 14 x 28.5 cm
100% porcelain
P U B L I C A T I O N S & E X H I B I T I O N S
December 2019: Participation at the Aqua Art Miami 2019 Fair, Florida, Miami September 2019: Exhibited the project titled “Playful Sculptures” at the “Meet my Project” event in Paris Design week. Scenography by Hiroshi Nakayama. Visual Identity by Massimo Colonna. December 2017: Exhibition titled “Batic Art”, Kota Art Gallery, Nicosia November, 2017: “The case of the Cypriot Designer: Kostas Neofitidis”, article and interview by Meropi Kokkinou, LIFO June, 2017: “On adopte #5 : le style Art Déco”, art pieces featured in Elle April, 2017: “Kota Collections: Printed Art Panels with a Colorful, Positive Message”, article featured in USA Art News December 2016: Exhibition titled “A unique Art journey”, Kota Art Gallery, Nicosia December 2016: “The Yatzer Round-up #8 | Editor's Picks”, art pieces featured in Yatzer magazine February 2016: “Kostas Neofitidis’ artwork awakens in “Kota” textile series”, article by Lenny Smith, KNSTRCT January 2016, “Kota Collection by Kostas Neofitidis”, art pieces and article featured in OPUMO January 2016, “Kota Collections: Printed Art Panels with a Colorful, Positive Message”, article by Sara Panagiotopoulou, Yatzer magazine April 2015: Exhibition titled “Underwater”, Kota Art Gallery, Nicosia November 2012: Exhibition titled “A Balancing Act”, Famagusta Gate, Nicosia November 2009: Exhibition titled “Beach Stories”, Kota Art Gallery, Nicosia
Email: info@kotaartgallery.com
Telephone: +357 22 663067, +357 99 224667
Address: 26-32 Ariadnes Street, 1010, Nicosia, Cyprus
Website: www.kostasneofitidis.com
K O S T A S N E O F I T I D I S . C O M