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目錄 / CONTENT 2 系主任與中心主任的話 / Message from the Chairman and Director 6  中心介紹與組織架構 / RIRC Introduction & Framework 14  榮譽研究委員 / Honorary Research Members 16  國內研究委員 / Domestic Research Members 35  國外諮詢研究委員 / International Research Advisory Board 44  專業諮詢委員 / Industry Advisory Board 85  贊助公司 / Our Sponsors  鑽石級贊助公司 /Diamond Sponsors  白金級贊助公司 /Platinum Sponsors  募款資訊 / Sponsorship 99 101  風險管理與保險學系簡介 102 聯絡資訊 / Contact Us



為了協助我國風險管理、保險、退休金制度與金融市場持續不斷地茁壯成長,並強化國 際學術交流,政治大學風險管理與保險學系特別延攬國內外優秀學者與產業菁英,成立「風 險與保險研究中心」,希望能建立台灣最優質的研究諮詢團隊,以下是我們發起成立本研究 中心之主要緣由:

◆風險管理是政府施政與企業經營的成功要素 風險管理與保險是一個新興的知識專業,也是一個未來深具發展潛力的重要學科。由於 目前全球人口結構高齡化與少子化的現象非常明顯,而且有持續惡化的趨勢,因此全世界對 於社會保險、年金保險、退休金規劃、醫療健康保險以及長期照護保險等議題都非常重視。 再加上地球暖化造成的環境變遷,巨大天災又無所不在,以及投資市場的金融風暴與產業經 營風險,風險管理已成為政府施政與企業經營的成功要素。因此,許多實體產業與金融機構 也紛紛設立風控長、風險管理部門或資產負債管理委員會等機制。各國政府與企業也都積極 地在風險管理與保險的專業上提出技術提升、政策改革與監理法規等相關配套措施。近年來 金融市場中的創新商品亦提供了許多風險管理的有效工具,例如近年來金融保險市場已發行 或將要發行許多創新金融商品,包括巨災債券、死亡證券化商品 (Mortality-linked Security) 等商品。

◆長壽風險對台灣退休基金與金融保險市場造成極大威脅 長壽風險對一個國家的政府財政與金融市場有著非常重要的影響,尤其是對保險基金與 退休基金的財務健全有極大的威脅。依據我國主計處統計,在 2009 年的人口成長率是千分 之三點七,創歷史新低。但扶養比則上升到百分之十三的歷史新高,到了 2036 年扶養比將 高達 34.13%,屆時每三個工作人口必須扶養一個老年人。因此未來在高齡化、少子化以及 低利率金融市場的三重壓力下,台灣社會保險制度、退休基金以及金融保險產業都可能會面 臨財務危機的嚴厲挑戰。如何健全我國退休保險制度之管理機制,確保金融保險公司能有長 期穩定的獲利,以保障國人完善之保險保障及退休生活,已成為當前政府施政與金融機構永 續經營所面臨的最重要課題之一。而近年來金融保險市場已成功發行一些創新金融商品,對 轉移退休基金與壽險公司之長壽風險提供有效解決方案,例如生存債券 (Survival Bond)、長 壽債券 (Longevity Bond) 與反向房屋抵押貸款 (Reverse Mortgages) 等商品。

◆台灣金融保險市場已居世界重要領導地位 我國近年來積極規劃及推動全民健康保險、國民年金保險、勞保年金、強制汽車責任 保險、地震保險等重要的社會保險與政策保險,而商業保險市場也日漸蓬勃發展,在 2008 年保險業之資產總額就占整個台灣金融機構資產總額之 21.53%,台灣保險滲透度(保費收 入占 GDP 比例)為 16.42%,已躍居全球第一名,而保險密度(每人每年保費支出金額)為 2787.7 美元,則排名世界第 19 名。以上數據都反映了風險管理與保險在台灣與世界地位的 重要性。 2

系主任與中心主任的話 風險管理與保險學系 主任 王儷玲教授

風險與保險研究中心 主任 蔡政憲教授

◆政治大學風險管理與保險之學術研究表現是亞洲第一名 從學術研究方面來看,過去十年台灣風險管理與保險學術論文在國際期刊上的發表有非 常明顯的成長,目前在國際學術的舞台上已具有一定的舉足輕重的地位,台灣學者在國際最 重要的前三大期刊的發表總數已居全世界第五名,而且更是亞洲的第一名。若以學校為統計 單位,我們更可以發現,政治大學風險管理與保險系在國際前三大期刊的學術發表著作總 數,已居全台灣所有大學之冠,也是亞洲第一名。 面對以上許多風險與挑戰,台灣未來將會需要更多學術研究,在制度創新、產品創新與 服務創新等多方面提供政府與產業更多的策略規劃與產品設計的參考建議,以協助政府、產 業與個人做好風險管理,保護既有資產與企業價值,來達到保障社會經濟安定與穩定企業獲 利成長的最終目的。 為了協助我國政府與金融保險產業能持續不斷地茁壯成長,並讓台灣風險管理與保險學 術研究未來在國際舞台上能有更大發展空間,本研究中心希望建立台灣風險管理與保險學術 領域的最優質研究與諮詢團隊,針對當前政府與產業所面臨的重要問題進行研究,以提供制 度改革與策略規劃的參考建議,並強化與國際優秀研究學者與國際知名研究社群之學術交 流,希望大家能繼續努力,讓台灣風險管理與保險之產業與學術研究,未來在國際舞台上更 具影響力與競爭力。

國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系主任 王儷玲教授 國立政治大學風險與保險研究中心主任 蔡政憲教授


Message from the Chairman and Director

The Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) Department at National Chengchi University (NCCU) launches the "Risk and Insurance Research Center (RIRC)" in 2011. RIRC has two major goals: establishing a pre-eminent research and consulting team in the field of risk management and insurance and assisting the government, companies, insurers, and pension funds in Taiwan to better manage their risks. The primary reasons for setting up RIRC are as following:

◆ Risk management is the key factor for the government and business operations to be successful.

The world is facing serious aging and environmental problems. Many countries worldwide have worked hard on the issues of social insurance, annuities, pension plans, and health care. Further challenges are posed by ubiquitous catastrophes and the financial turmoil in the capital markets. To better manage these risks, many companies have established risk management departments and asset-liability management committees as well as appointed chief risk officers. The financial markets developed effective tools for risk management as well, including catastrophe bonds and mortality-linked securities. Governments also proposed various policies and regulations to address relevant issues. There is still much to be studied and developed though.

◆ Longevity risk poses a great challenge to the pension fund and many financial institutions in Taiwan.

The population grow rate in Taiwan in 2009 is 0.37%, the lowest rate in the record. On the other hand, the dependency ratio (the number of elder people supported by a working person) reaches its record high to 13% and is predicted to be 34.13% in 2036. Therefore, the social insurance system, pension fund and financial insurance industry of Taiwan face strict challenges, especially if interest rates remain low and the mortality improvements continue. Recent innovations in the financial markets such as survivor bonds, reverse mortgages, and pension swaps may help. Resolving these problems however demands much effort.

◆ Taiwan’s financial and insurance markets has a significant position in the world

The government of Taiwan has successfully promoted national health insurance, national annuity insurance, labor pension, compulsory automobile liability insurance, earthquake insurance, and other fundamental society insurance since 1990s. The private insurance markets boomed rapidly as well. The total assets of the insurance industry to those of all the financial institutions is 21.53% in 2008. The insurance penetration ratio (the ratio of the insurance premium to GDP) was 16.42% and ranked the first place in the world. The insurance density ratio (the amount of annual premium per person) was 2,787.7 dollars, which is ranked the 19th place in the world. These statistics demonstrate the maturity and significance of the risk management and insurance markets in Taiwan.


Message from the Chairman and Director Jennifer L. Wang, Chairman of the RMI Department

J a s o n C . H . Ts a i , Director of the RIRC

â—† The research performance of the RMI department at NCCU is ranked the best in Asia

The number of papers written by Taiwan scholars and published in the leading international journals (Journal of Risk and Insurance, Insurance Mathematics and Economics and Geneva Risk and Insurance Review) grew significantly. In terms of this number, Taiwan would be ranked the fifth in the world and the first in Asia. Moreover, the RMI department at NCCU is ranked the number-one department in both Taiwan and Asia. Facing the aforementioned risks and challenges, the Taiwan government and financial industries can certainly benefit from the academia. The RIRC aims to establish a pre-eminent research and consulting team in Taiwan. We recruit outstanding researchers and scholars from the universities across Taiwan and invite renowned international scholars as well as industry experts to serve as consultants. RIRC will study essential issues in a timely way to propose policy reforms and efficient solutions to the government and industries, in addition to promote the interactions between the international insurance academia and the insurance academia of Taiwan. Jennifer L. Wang, Chairman of the RMI Department Jason C.H. Tsai, Director of the RIRC


中心介紹與組織架構 一、 成立宗旨與目的 為了協助政府與金融保險產業能持續不斷地茁壯成長,並讓台灣風險管理與保險學術研 究未來在國際舞台上能有更大發展空間,本研究中心希望建立台灣風險管理與保險學術領域 的最優質研究與諮詢團隊,針對當前政府與產業所面臨的重要問題進行研究,以提供制度改 革與策略規劃的參考建議,並強化與國際優秀研究學者與國際知名研究社群之學術交流,以 積極推動我國風險管理與保險學術研究領域之國際影響力。

二、 研究主題與研究社群 本研究中心依研究主題分為四個主要研究社群: 1. 風險管理:包括政府天然災害風險管理、企業風險管理以及金融機構風險管理等相關議 題。 2. 長壽風險與退休金:包括人口老化問題、退休金制度設計,社會保險養老給付、職業退 休金、年金保險、退休基金投資管理、退休基金風險管理、退休投資理財、反向房貸以 及金融市場退休商品等相關議題。 3. 保險公司經營管理與社會保險制度規劃:包括保險公司之商品設計、行銷策略、投資決策、 精算評估、資產負債管理、銀行保險、保單貼現等相關議題 ; 以及國民年金、公保、勞保、 全民健保、長期照護等社會保險制度規劃、費率精算、財務投資與風險管理等相關議題 4. 金融保險法規與監理機制:包括銀行、保險公司等金融機構之金融保險法規、預警指標 與監理機制設計等相關議題。

三、 中心業務發展目標與具體推動工作事項 1. 推動國際學術交流與研究獎勵: ◆定期邀請國際一流學術期刊之主編、副主編來台演講 ◆定期邀請中心研究諮詢委員來台演講 ◆獎勵中心研究委員與博士生之學術論文發表於國際一流學術期刊(國科會財務領域 A- 級 以上期刊) ◆補助中心研究委員與博士生在指定之重要國際學術研討會發表論文 2. 執行政府與企業之研究計畫: 接受政府相關部門與企業之委託,針對制度規劃、政策改革、市場調查、技術創新、商品 設計、財務投資、風險管理與精算評價等相關議題,進行專題研究計劃。


中心介紹與組織架構 3. 提供教育訓練與產業專業諮詢服務: 依照企業實際需求,針對經營管理、營運策略、精算評價與商品設計創新等相關議題,提 供教育訓練或專業諮詢服務。 4. 提供學業獎學金促進產學合作: 為協助企業發掘優秀、有潛力的學生,以延攬成為儲備幹部,提供學業獎學金、國際交換 學生獎學金或工讀獎學金給成績優異學生。 5. 舉辦制度改革論壇、研討會並發表政策白皮書: 針對我國目前政府與金融產業之重要問題,定期舉辦研討會或座談會,藉由結合產、官、 學各界之意見交流,尋求兼顧理論與實務之解決方案,並定期發表政策白皮書。

四、 研究中心組織架構 1. 本中心設立於政治大學商學院,由風險管理與保險系成立,為推展中心業務,設置中心 主任一人,中心執行長一人,以及四個研究社群副主任各一人。 2. 本中心設立業務委員會,規劃並執行中心業務。 3. 本中心延攬跨校、院及系所學術研究成果優秀的學者成為中心研究委員。 4. 本中心邀請國外知名學者擔任研究諮詢委員,定期來台做學術交流,並協助中心研究委 行研究計畫或產業諮詢顧問工作。 5. 本中心邀請國內外知名產業菁英成為專業諮詢委員,並協助中心研究員進行研究計畫或 產業諮詢顧問工作。 本中心之組織架構請參見本頁組織圖 1. 及主要幹部人員介紹:

圖 1. 風險與保險研究中心組織圖 7

系主任 王儷玲教授 Professor Jennifer L. Wang. 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授兼系主任 美國 Temple University 風險管理與保險博士

中心主任 蔡政憲教授 Professor Jason C.H. Tsai 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授 美國喬治亞州立大學保險博士

中心執行長 王正偉 講師 Henry Cheng-Wei Wang 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系講師 國立政治大學法律碩士



風險管理研究社群副主任 謝明華副教授 Associate Professor Morgan M.H. Hsieh 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系副教授 美國史丹福大學作業研究博士

長壽風險與退休金研究社群副主任 黃泓智教授 Professor Hong-Chih Huang 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授 英國漢諾瓦特大學精算博士

保險公司經營管理與社會保險制度規劃研究社群副主任 鄭士卿副教授 Associate Professor Vivian S.C. Jeng 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系副教授 美國羅德島大學保險財務博士

金融保險法規與監理機制研究社群副主任 葉啟洲助理教授 Assistant Professor Chi-Chou Yeh 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系助理教授 德國弗萊堡大學法學博士


RIRC Introduction & Framework 1.Objectives of Establishment

The Research Center aims to establish a pre-eminent research and consulting team in the field of risk management and insurance in Taiwan. We focus on important current issues that the government and industry face in order to provide recommendations on policy reform and strategic planning. The Research Center recruits outstanding researchers and scholars from different universities across Taiwan. The Research Center also invites renowned international scholars to serve as consultants who assist our research team with their undertaking of research projects or industry consulting work.

2.Four Main Research Groups

(1).Risk Management: includes government natural disaster risk management, enterprise risk management, and financial institutions risk management. (2).Longevity Risk and Pension: includes population aging, design of pension plan, social insurance retirement benefits, occupational pension, pension fund management, retirement saving, annuity, reverse mortgages, and other pension investment products, as well as issues related to pension management and investment. (3).Insurance Management and Social Insurance: includes product design, marketing strategy, investment asset allocation, actuarial valuation, asset liability management and risk management of the social insurance systems and insurance company operations, and other issues related to bancassurance and life settlement. (4).Finance and Insurance Regulations and Supervisory Mechanisms: includes issues related to finance and insurance regulations, designing early warning system and supervisory mechanisms.

3.Development Goals

(1).International Academic Activities and Research Award: ■ invite renowned academic journal editors and associate editors to Taiwan ■ invite the Research Advisory Broad members and well-known scholars to Taiwan ■ reward research publications in top-tire international research journals ■ provide research grants for center researchers and Ph.D. students to attend international conference (2).Research Projects: organize research teams to undertake research projects for the


RIRC Introduction & Framework government and companies. We focus on important current issues in Taiwan, such as financial insurance oversight, pension fund and social insurance policy reforms, financial product innovation, risk management, insurance, pension, and other related issues. (3).Industry Consulting Service and Education Training: provide professional strategic operational advisory services and education training for companies on enterprise risk management, insurance management, pension fund investment and risk management, and other related issues. (4).Scholarship Award: provide scholarships and internship to excellent undergraduate, graduate students as well as exchange students and help companies to recruit potential new employees. (5).Conference and Policy White Papers: â– host conference to discuss major controversies and important issues of government policy reforms and market operations in risk management, insurance and pension systems; â– hold regular seminars to seek balanced solutions between practice and theory by exchanging viewsfrom different parties ; â– publish Policy White Papers to propose the possible government reforms and industry strategy solutions .

4.Framework and Chief-Executes of RIRC

Figure1.Organization Chart of RIRC


RMI Department Chair

Professor Jennifer L. Wang. Chairman, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science, Temple University, U.S.A


Professor Jason C.H. Tsai Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Risk Management and Insurance, Georgia State University, U.S.A

Chief Administrator

Henry Cheng-Wei Wang Lecturer, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Master in Law. Department of Law, National Chengchi University, Taiwan


RIRC Introduction & Framework Deputy Director of Risk Management

Associate Professor Morgan M.H. Hsieh Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Operations Research, Stanford University, U.S.A

Deputy Director of Longevity Risk and Pension Fund Management

Professor Hong-Chih Huang Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Actuarial Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK

Deputy Director of Insurance Management and Social Insurance

Associate Professor Vivian S.C. Jeng Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Finance and Insurance, University of Rhode Island, U.S.A

Deputy Director of Finance and Insurance Regulations and Supervisory Mechanisms

Assistant Professor Chi-Chou Yeh Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Law, Freiburg University, Germany 13


施文森 教授 Professor Vincent Sze 司法院大法官、國立政治大學兼任教授 學歷 : 美國惠勒邁大學法學博士 Grand Justice, Judicial Yuan, Taiwan Adjunct Professor, National Chengchi University, Taiwan J.D., College of Law, Willamette University, U.S.A Email:vsze1933@yahoo.com

Research Interests


Insurance Law, Negotiable Instruments Law


重要經歷 ■ 司法院第六屆大法官 ■ 政治大學風險管理與保險研究所所長 ■ 政治大學法律系主任、教授 ■ 美國哈佛大學、英國倫敦大學及德國科隆大學訪問學者

Key Experiences

■ Grand Justice, Judicial Yuan ■ Chairman, Graduate Institute of Risk Management of Insurance, National Chengchi University ■ Chairman and Professor in Dept. of Law, National Chengchi University ■ Visiting Scholar in Harvard University, USA, University of London, UK, and University of Cologne

陳繼堯 副教授 Associate Professor Chi-Yao Chen 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系兼任教授 學歷 : 美國賓州大學華頓學院博士班研究 Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Concentrations. in Insurance & Risk Management, The University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, U.S.A Email:yoshi.chou@msa.hinet.net

研究專長 再保險,產物保險,風險管理

重要經歷 ■ 繼耘保險文教基金會創辦人董事長 ■ 中華民國產物保險核保學會理事長 ■ 中國民國內部稽核協會常務理事 ■ 交通部強制汽車責任保險顧問 ■ 台北市產業保險公會火險委員會主任委員 ■ 台北市產業保險公會特別費率小組召集人 ■ 財團法人工程保險協進會創辦人及主任委員 ■ 富邦產物保險公司執行副總經理、董事、常務董事、高 級顧問


Research Interests

Reinsurance, Non-Life insurance, Risk Management

Key Experiences

■ Founder and chairman, Board of Director,Chi-Yun Insurance Foundation ■ President, the Non-Life Underwriters Society of The Republic of China ■ Executive director, Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)-Taiwan ■ Consultant, Compulsory automobile liability insurance , Ministry of Transportation and Communications, ROC ■ Chairman ,Fire Insurance Committee, Taipei Non-Life Insurance Association ■ Convener ,Special rate group, Fire Insurance Committee, Taipei Non-Life Insurance Association ■ Founder and Executive director, Engineering Insurance Association ■ Executive deputy general manager, director, managing director and Consultant, Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd.

榮譽研究委員 江朝國 教授 Professor Dr. Chao-Kuo Chiang 國立臺北大學法律學系教授 學歷:德國漢堡大學法學博士 Professor at the Department of Law, National Taipei University Doctorate in Insurance Law, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany Email:ckchiang@mail.ntpu.edu.tw

Research Interests


Insurance Law, Negotiable Instruments Law


重要經歷 ■ 內政部國民年金監理會委員 ■ 國立臺北大學法律學院院長 ■ 財政部保險審議委員會委員 ■ 財政部保險法修法小組委員 ■ 台灣金融服務業聯合總會全球金融委員會委員 ■ 財團法人保險安定基金董事長 ■ 財團法人保險事業發展中心董事長 ■ 財團法人保險犯罪防制中心董事長

Key Experiences

■ Supervisor of National Pension Supervisory Commission, Ministry of the Interior ■ Dean of the College of Law, National Taipei University ■ Member of the Insurance Advisory Council, Ministry of Finance ■ Member of the Committee for Amendment of Insurance Laws and Regulations, Ministry of Finance ■ Member of The Global Finance Committee, Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable ■ Chairman of Taiwan Insurance Guaranty Fund, Taiwan Insurance Institute , Insurance Anti-Fraud Institute

賴志仁 講座教授 Professor Gene C. Lai

美國華盛頓州立大學 SAFECO 傑出講座教授 政治大學風險管理與保險系講座教授 學歷 : 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校保險財務博士 Professor of Department of Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate, Washington State University, USA Ph. D. in Insurance and Finance, University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A. Email:genelai@wsu.edu


Research Interests

保險與財務、效率分析、專屬保險、證券化、核保循環、 Insurance, Finance, Efficiency Analysis, Captive Insurance, Underwriting Cycle, Securitization, Agency Theory, Capital Structure 代理理論、資本結構決策與紅利政策

重要經歷 ■ 美國風險管理與保險學會 (ARIA) 理事長 ■ 美國西方保險學會 (WRIA) 理事長 ■ Journal of Risk and Insurance 副主編 ■ Journal of Insurance Issues 共同主編 ■ 美國羅德島大學商學院副院長 ■ 美國羅德島大學太平洋盆地資本市場研究中心執行秘書 ■ 美國羅德島大學財金與保險系主任 ■ 羅德島保險委員會委員 ■ 羅德島州汽車保險委員會理事

Decisions, Dividend Policy

Key Experiences

■ President of American Risk and Insurance Association(ARIA) ■ President of Western Risk and Insurance Association (WRIA) ■ Associate Editor, Journal of Risk and Insurance ■ Co-Editor, Journal of Insurance Issues ■ Associate Dean and Professor, College of Business Administration, University of Rhode Island

■ Executive secretary, Pacific Basin Capital Market Research Center, University of Rhode Island

■ Chairman, Department of Finance and Insurance, University of Rhode Island

■ Committee member, Rhode Island Insurance Committee ■ Council, Automobile Insurance Committee of Rhode Island



按姓氏筆劃排列 王儷玲 教授 Professor Jennifer L. Wang. 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授兼系主任 學歷 : 美國 Temple University 風險管理與保險博士 Chair of Risk Management and Insurance Department, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science, Temple University, U.S.A Email:jenwang@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 風險管理、社會保險及年金保險、退休金制度與基金管理 、保險財務與會計、資產負債管理

重要經歷 ■ 美國風險與保險學會 (ARIA) 理事 ■ 亞太風險與保險學會 (APRIA) 理事 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會 (TRIA) 理事 ■ Journal of Insurance Issue 學術期刊副主編 ■ 中國北京大學中國保險與社會福利研究中心研究員 ■ 內政部國民年金監理委員會委員 ■ 銓敘部公教人員保險監理委員會委員 ■ 行政院勞工保險基金諮詢委員 ■ 考試院公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會顧問 ■ 中華民國退休基金協會副理事長 ■ 中華民國投信投顧公會理事

Risk Management, Social Insurance, Annuity, Pension Fund Management, Insurance Accounting and Finance, Asset Liability Management

Key Experiences

■ Board of director, American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) ■ Board of director, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) ■ Board of director, Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association (TRIA) ■ Associate editor of Journal of Insurance Issue ■ Research fellow of China Center for Insurance and Social Security Research in Peking University, China ■ Board member and consultant of government pension funds, including National Annuity Insurance Fund, Labor Insurance Fund, and Public Service Pension Fund in Taiwan ■ Vice President of Pension Funds Association ■ Board of director, Securities Investment Trust and Consulting Association

王正偉 講師 Henry Cheng-Wei Wang 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系講師 學歷 : 國立政治大學法律碩士 Lecturer, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Master in Law. Department of Law, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Email:jwwang@nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 保險法、人壽保險、民法、法律社會學


Research Interests

Insurance Law, Life Insurance, Civil Law, Sociology of Law.

Key Experiences

■ 金管會財產保險商品審查委員、投資型保險商品審查委員 ■ Reviewer of the Review Committee of Life insurance and Investment-Linked Products of Financial Supervisory ■ 政治大學商學院保險研究與發展中心主任 Commission ■ 政治大學校務考核委員會召集人 ■ Director of Insurance Education & Research Center, College of ■ 財團法人保險犯罪防治中心副總經理 Commerce, National Chengchi University ■ 政治大學第一屆藝文諮詢委員會委員 ■ Convener of University Affairs and Service Evaluation ■ 政治大學商學院人文委員會召集人 Committee, National Chengchi University ■ Vice President of the Insurance Anti-fraud Institute of the R.O.C. ■ Member of the 1st NCCU Art & Culture Advisory Board ■ Convener of Humanities Council. College of Commerce, National Chengchi University


國內研究委員 江彌修 副教授 Associate Professor Derek M.H. Chiang 國立政治大學金融學系副教授 學歷 : 英國倫敦大學計量金融研究所博士 Associate Professor, Department of Money and Banking in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Quantitative Finance Centre for Quantitative Finance Imperial College, University of London Email:mhchiang@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 信用風險控管、財務工程數值方法、信用衍生性商品定 價、財務工程

重要經歷 ■ 政治大學商學院科技事務工作委員會委員 ■ 政治大學商學院人文事務工作委員會委員 ■ 政治大學商學院大陸學術交流工作委員會委員 ■ 政治大學商學院教學委員會委員 ■ 政治大學商學院學術委員會委員 ■ 中華金融創新與財務工程學會理事 ■ 台灣金融工程師學會秘書長 ■ 政治大學商學院財務工程研究中心副主任 ■ 證商公會「新金融商品開發之研究」專題研究計劃 協同主持人 ■ 期交所「我國發行 EFT 期貨或選擇權之可行性分析」專 題研究計劃主持人

Credit Risk Analysis, Numerical Analysis for Financial Engineering, Credit Derivative Pricing, Financial Engineering.

Key Experiences

■ Representatives of department of Money and Banking for AACSB ■ Member of Committee on Technology, Committee on Humanities, Committee on Mainland China Academic Exchange Affairs, Committee on Teaching, and Committee on Academic Affairs of NCCU ■ Secretary General of Taiwan Association of Financial Engineers ■ Board Governor of Chinese Association of Financial and Innovative Engineering ■ Deputy Director of the Center for Financial Engineering, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University ■ Co-leader of “Development of New Financial Product Research Project” of Taiwan Securities Association ■ Project Leader for “Feasibility Study on the Issuance of ETF Options or Futures in Taiwan”, Taiwan Futures Exchange.

余清祥 教授 Professor Jack C. Yue 國立政治大學統計系教授 學歷 : 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區統計學博士 Professor, Department of Statistics in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A Email:csyue@nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 人口與精算統計、空間統計、統計計算與模擬

重要經歷 ■ 政治大學統計系系主任 ■ 中華民國人口學會理事 ■ 中華民國精算學會理事 ■ 政治大學民意與市場調查中心主任 ■ 政治大學統計諮詢中心主任 ■ 美國威斯康辛大學訪問學者 ■ 內政部諮詢委員 ■ 內政部生命表編製委員會諮詢委員 ■ 行政院主計處人口普查委員 ■ 金管會人壽保險商品審查委員

Research Interests

Actuarial Statistics and Demography, Spatial Statistics, Statistical Computing and Simulation

Key Experiences

■ Chair of Department of Statistics in National Chengchi University ■ Board Governor of Taiwan Population Society ■ Board Governor of Taiwan Actuarial Society ■ Leader of Sampling Survey Center in National Chengchi University ■ Leader of Statistical Center in National Chengchi University ■ Visiting Scholar of University of Wisconsin-Madison ■ Member of Consulting Committee, Department of Interior, Taiwan Government ■ Member of Life Construction Committee, Department of Interior, Taiwan Government ■ Member of Census Committee, Department of Interior, Taiwan Government ■ Reviewer of the Review Committee of Life insurance Products of Financial Supervisory Commission


李志宏 教授 Professor Jie-Haun Lee 國立政治大學財務管理學系教授 學歷 : 美國路易斯安那州立大學財務金融博士 Professor, Department of Finance, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Finance, Louisiana State University, U.S.A. Email:fijlee@cc.ncu.edu.tw

Research Interests


市場微結構、財務管理、投資決策與管理、創業管理與理財 Market Microstructure, Financial Management, Investment Strategies and Management, 重要經歷 Entrepreneurial Management and Finance 國立政治大學 EMBA 執行長 ■ Key Experiences ■ 德明財經科技大學副校長 ■ 國立政治大學財務管理學系系主任 ■ Director, Executive MBA Program, National Chengchi ■ 國立政治大學財務管理學系教授 University ■ 國立中央大學財政金融系系教授 ■ Vice-President, Takming University of Science and Technology ■ 國立中央大學財政金融系系主任 ■ Chairman and Professor, Department of Financial Management, ■ 國立中央大學財政金融系副教授 National Chengchi University ■ Chairman and Professor, Department of Finance, National Central University ■ Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National Central University

沈中華 教授 Professor Chung-Hua Shen 國立台灣大學財務金融學系教授 學歷 : 美國華聖頓大學經濟博士 Professor, Department of Finance in National Taiwan University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Economics, Washington University, U.S.A Email:chshen01@ntu.edu.tw

研究專長 銀行管理、金融市場、國際金融 , 貨幣政策 , 計量

重要經歷 ■ 台灣大學財務金融學系教授 ■ 逢甲大學講座教授 ■ 政大金融系教授兼系主任 ■ 中央經濟系副教授兼系主任 ■ 台灣 2006 艾森豪獎得主 ■ 傅爾布萊學者 ■ 中國大陸長江學者


Research Interests

Banking, Financial Market, international Finance, monetary policy, econometrics

Key Experiences

■ Professor, Department of Finance in National Taiwan University ■ Chair Professor, in Feng Chia University ■ Chairman and Professor, Department of Finance in National Chengchi University ■ Chairman and Associate Professor, Department of Economics in National Central University ■ The EastAsia Eisenhower Award, Taiwan Area, in2006 ■ Fulbright Scholar ■ Long River Scholar, China ■ Chair Professor, in Southwest Jiaotong University, China

國內研究委員 利菊秀 教授 Professor Chu-Shiu Li 逢甲大學經濟學系教授 學歷 : 美國克萊蒙大學經濟博士 Professor, Department of Economics, Feng Chia University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Economics, Claremont Graduate University, U.S.A Email:csli@fcu.edu.tw

Research Interests


Insurance Economics, Health Economics, Industrial Organization


Key Experiences


■ Director, Ph.D. Program in Business, Feng Chia University ■ Board of Governor, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association ■ Board of Governor, Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association ■ Board of Governor, Taiwan Health Economics Association

■ 逢甲大學商學研究所所長 ■ 亞太風險與保險學會理事 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會理事 ■ 台灣健康經濟學會理事

汪琪玲 副教授 Associate Professor Kili C. Wang 淡江大學保險學系副教授 學歷 : 國立臺灣大學財務金融博士 Associate Professor, Department of Insurance in Tamkang University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Financial, National Taiwan University, R. O. C. Email:kili@mail.tku.edu.tw

研究專長 保險經濟、訊息不對稱、保險詐欺

重要經歷 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會監事 ■ 內政部國民年金爭議審議委員會委員 ■ 實踐大學風險管理與保險學系副教授 ■ 實踐大學 CARDIF 銀行保險研究中心研究員

Research Interests

insurance economics, asymmetric information problems, insurance fraud

Key Experiences

■ Supervisor of the Board of Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association ■ Committee Member of Controversy Council of National Pension Supervisory Commission ■ Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insuarnec in Shih Chien University ■ Researcher of CARDIF Bancassurance research center


周行一 教授 Professor Edward H. Chow 國立政治大學財務管理學系特聘教授 學歷 : 美國印第安那大學布魯明頓校區商學博士 Distinguished Professor, Department of Financial Management, National Chenchi University(NCCU) Ph.D. in Business, Indiana University-Bloomington, US. Email:echow@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests


財務管理、投資學、風險管理、國際財務管理、金融市場、Corporate Finance, Investments, Risk Management, International Financial Management, Financial Markets 銀行管理、亞太資本市場 and Institutions, Commercial Bank Management, 重要經歷 Asia Pacific Capital Market ■ 國立政治大學商學院院長 Key Experiences ■ 國立政治大學商學院副院長 ■ Dean and Associate Dean, College of Commerce,National ■ 國立政治大學財務管理學系主任 Chengchi University ■ 國立政治大學財務管理學系教授 ■ Chairman, Department of Finance Management, National ■ 國立政治大學金融學系教授 Chengchi University ■ 國家安全基金管理委員會委員 ■ Professor, Department of Finance Management and Department ■ 國際合作發展基金會董事 of Money and Banking, NationalChengchi University ■ 金融重建基金管理委員會委員 ■ Commissioner, National Stabilization Fund Commission ■ 行政院研究發展考核委員會委員 ■ Director, Taiwan International Cooperation and Development ■ 中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心董事、監事 Fund ■ Commissioner, Financial Restructuring Fund Commission ■ Commissioner, Research, Development and Evaluation Commission ■ Director and Supervisor, GreTai Securities Market

周麗芳 教授 Professor Li-Fang Chou 國立政治大學財政學系教授兼研究發展處研發長 學歷:德國基爾大學財政學暨社會政策研究所博士 Professor, Department of Public Finance, and Dean, Office of Reseach and Development, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph. D. in Institut fuer Finanzwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, ChristianAlbrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany Email:lifang@nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 社會福利財政、社會政策與社會保險、醫藥經濟、 政府基金管理、綠能財經分析

重要經歷 ■ 國立政治大學綠色能源財經研究中心主任 ■ 國立政治大學公共行政及企業管理教育中心主任 ■ 國立政治大學社會科學學院副院長 ■ 國立政治大學財政學系系主任 ■ 中央健康保險局副總經理 ■ 行政院財政部「公益彩券監理委員會」委員 ■ 行政院衛生署「全民健康保險精算小組」委員 ■ 行政院勞工委員會「勞工退休基金監理會」委員 ■ 行政院經濟部「再生能源電能躉購費率審定會」委員 ■ 考試院銓敘部「公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會」委員


Research Interests

Public Finance, Government Fund Administration, Social Insurance Financing, Social Welfare Financing, Health Services Research, Green Energy Finance

Key Experiences

■Director, Department of Public Finance, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan ■Visiting Professor, School of Public Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China ■Associate Dean, College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan ■ Vice President (Chief Financial Officer), Bureau of National Health Insurance, Ministry of Health, Taipei, Taiwan ■ Director, Center for Public & Business Administration Education, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan ■ Director, Center for Green Energy Finance, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan ■ Honorary Editor-in-Chief, World Journal of Gastroenterology (indexed in SCI) ■ Member of Editorial Board, Taipei Economic Inquiry ■ Member of Editorial Board, Third-Sector ■ Associate Editor, BMC ealth Services Research (indexed in SCI)

國內研究委員 岳夢蘭 副教授 Associate Professor Meng-Lan Yueh 國立政治大學財務管理系副教授 學歷 : 英國華威大學財務金融博士 Associate Professor, Department of Finance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan P h . D . i n F i n a n c e , Wa r w i c k B u s i n e s s S c h o o l , U n i v e r s i t y o f Warwick,United Kingdom Email:mlyueh@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 金融機構管理、利率模型、利率風險模型、信用風險、 資產證券化

重要經歷 ■ 國立政治大學財務管理學系副教授 ■ 國立政治大學財務管理學系助理教授 ■ 國立中央大學財務金融系助理教授 ■ 中華經濟研究院助理研究員

Financial Institutions Administration, Interest Rate Modeling, Credit Risk Modeling, Credit Risk, Asset Securitization

Key Experiences

■ Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National Chengchi University ■ Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, National Chengchi University ■ Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, National Central University ■ Assistant Researcher, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research(CIER)

林建智 副教授 Associate Professor Jan-Juy Lin 行政院金融監督管理委員會 專任委員 國立政治大學商學院風險管理與保險學系 學歷 : 英國倫敦大學法學博士 Commissioner, Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), Taiwan Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Laws, University of London, UK Email:jjlin@nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 保險法規、金融市場監理、再保險、新興風險移轉

重要經歷 ■ 中華民國風險管理學會 (RMST) 常務理事 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會 (TRIA) 常務監事 ■ 保險事業發展中心 (TII) 董事 ■ 繼耘保險文教基金會董事 ■ 財團法人住宅地震保險基金會 (TREIF) 董事 ■ 國立政治大學商學院國際事務辦公室(OIP)主任 ■ 國立政治大學商學院國際經營管理學程(IMBA)主任 ■ 國立政治大學商學院風險管理與保險學系(RMI)主任

Research Interests

Insurance Law, Regulation of Financial Markets, Reinsurance, Alternative Risk Transfer

Key Experiences

■ Board Governors of the Risk Management Society of Taiwan (RMST), the Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association (TRIA), the Taiwan Insurance Institute (TII), the Ji-Yun Insurance Culture and Education Foundation, and the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund (TREIF) ■ Directors, Office of International Programs(OIP), International Management of Business Administration (IMBA), and Department of Risk Management and Insurance (RMI), College of Commerce, National Cheng-Chi University


林盈課 副教授 Associate Professor Anchor Y. Lin 國立中興大學財務金融學系副教授 學歷 : 美國德州大學阿靈頓分校財務管理博士 Associate Professor, Department of Finance in National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Financial Management, University of Texas at Arlington, U.S.A. Email:anchor@nchu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 資產管理、行為財務學、創業投資與私募股權

重要經歷 ■ 國立中興大學財務金融學系專任副教授 ■ 國立中興大學財務金融學系專任助理教授 ■ 德州大學阿靈頓分校財務與不動產學系客座助理教授 ■ 內政部國民年金監理委員會監理委員 ■ 行政院勞退基金監理委員會監理委員 ■ 行政院勞保基金諮詢委員會諮詢委員

Asset Management, Behavioral finance, Venture Capital, Private Equity

Key Experiences

■ Associate Professor, Department of Finance in National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan ■ Assistant Professor, Department of Finance in National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan ■ Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Real Estate, University of Texas at Arlington, U.S.A. ■ Member of Supervisory Board of National Annuity, Ministry of Interior ■ Member of Supervisory Board of Labor pension Fund, Executive Yuan ■ Member of Adviosry Board of Labor Insurance Fund, Executive Yuan

林勳發 教授 Professor Hsin-Fa Lin 銘傳大學財金法律學系教授 學歷 : 英國倫敦大學法學博士研究 Professor, Department of Financial Law, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan(R.O.C) Ph.D. Candidate , University of London, U.K. Email:hsinfa@mail.mcu.edu.tw

研究專長 保險法、商事法、社會保險法、民法、財金法規


Research Interests

Insurance Law, Commercial Code, Social Insurance Law, Civil Law, Financial Regulations

■ 銘傳大學財金法律學系教授 ■ 國立政治大學法律系、風險管理與保險學系兼任教授 ■ 國立台灣大學財務金融系兼任教授 ■ 保險事業發展中心保險申訴委員會委員 ■ 財團法人財產保險安定基金董事 ■ LOMA, AICPCU/IIA 大中華代表處資深顧問 ■ 建業法律事務所資深顧問 ■ 司法院司法人員研習所保險法講座 ■ 倫敦國際財經法研究中心資深研究員 ■ 中華民國商務仲裁協會仲裁人

Key Experiences


■ Arbitrator, Arbitration Association of R.O.C.

■ Professor, Department of Financial Law, Ming Chuan University ■ Adjunct Professor, Department of Law and Department of

Insurance and Risk Management, National Chengchi University

■ Adjunct Professor, Department of Finance,

National Taiwan University

■ Board Member, Insurance Appeals Board, Taiwan Insurance


■ Director, Property Insurance Guarantee Fund ■ Senior Consultant, LOMA/ AICPCU/ IIA ■ Senior Consultant, CHIEN YEN Law Offices ■ Chair for Insurance Law, Judicial Yuan Education Center ■ Senior Research Fellow, London Institute of International

Banking, Finance and Development Law

國內研究委員 邱顯比 教授 Professor Shean-Bii Chiu 國立台灣大學 財務金融學系 ( 所 ) 教授 學歷 : 美國華盛頓大學財務博士 Professor, Department of Finance, National Taiwan University PH. D in Finance, University of Washington(Seattle) USA Email:chiushnb@management.ntu.edu.tw

研究專長 共同基金、退休基金、投資人行為、企業合併與收購

重要經歷 ■ 中華民國退休基金協會理事長 ■ 台灣大學財務金融學系系主任暨研究所所長 ■ 勞工退休基金監理委員會委員 ■ 勞工保險基金諮詢委員會委員 ■ 公務人員退休撫卹基金監理委員會顧問 ■ 財團法人證券投資人及期貨交易人保護中心董事

Research Interests

Mutual Fund, Pension Fund, Behavioral Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions

Key Experiences

■ Chairman of Pension Fund Association, R.O.C. ■ Chairman of Department of Finance, National Taiwan University ■ Advisor of Labor Pension Fund Supervisory Committee ■ Advisor of Labor Insurance Fund Supervisory Committee ■ Member of Public Service Pension Fund Supervisory Committee ■ Board of Director of Securities and Futures Investor Protection Center

俞明德 教授 Professor Min-Teh Yu 國立台灣大學財務金融學系教授 學歷 : 美國俄亥俄州州立大學經濟學博士 Professor, Department of Finance in National Taiwan University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Economics, Ohio State University, U.S.A Email:mtyu@ntu.edu.tw

研究專長 金融機構管理、期貨與選擇權、風險管理、保險

重要經歷 ■ 靜宜大學 校長暨財金系教授 ■ 元智大學 管理學院院長暨財金系教授 ■ 美國 Drexel 大學 財務金融系客座教授 ■ 中央大學 財務金融系教授兼系主任暨所長 ■ 中央大學 財務金融系副教授 ■ 台灣財務金融學會理事 ■ 台灣財務工程學會常務理事 ■ 風險管理學會 教育訓練主委 ■ 財團法人大學入學考試中心基金會董事 ■ 輔仁大學董事 ■ 文藻外語學院董事 ■ 住宅地震保險基金董事 ■ 行政院 金融重建基金管理委員會委員 ■Asian Development Bank ( 亞洲開發銀行 )

Research Interests

Financial Institutions, Risk Management and Insurance, Derivatives Markets.

Key Experiences

■ Providence University, President ■ Yuan Ze University, Dean and Professor of Finance ■ Drexel University, Visiting Professor of Finance ■ National Central University, Professor and Chair of Finance ■ National Central University, Associate Professor of Finance ■ U.S. Congressional Budget Office, Contract Employee ■ Ohio State University, Lecturer


張士傑 教授 Professor Shih-Chieh Bill Chang 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授 學歷 : 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪生校區統計研究所博士 Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D., Dept. of Statistics in University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Email:bchang@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 風險管理、精算科學、退休金財務、資產配置

重要經歷 ■ 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系專任教授 ■ 中華民國風險管理學會理事長 ■ 行政院金融監督管理委員會專任委員 ■ 財團法人保險事業發展中心董事 ■ 財團法人保險安定基金董事 ■ 財團法人保險犯罪防制中心董事長 ■ 亞洲泛太平洋風險管理與保險學會理事長 ■ 政治大學商學院 EMBA 執行長 ■ 國立政治大學商學院風險管理與保險系主任 ■ 香港中文大學財務系客座教授

Risk Management, Actuarial Science, Pension Finance, Asset Allocation.

Key Experiences

■ Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. ■ Chairman of Society of Risk Management Society of Taiwan, R.O.C. ■ Commissioner, Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. ■ Director, Taiwan Insurance Guarantee Fund, Taiwan, R.O.C. ■ Director, Taiwan Insurance Institute, Taiwan, R.O.C. ■ Chairman, the Insurance Anti-fraud Institute of the R.O.C. ■ Chairman of Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA). ■ EMBA Director, College of Commerce, NCCU, Taiwan, R.O.C. ■ Chairperson, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. ■ Visiting Professor, Dept. of Finance, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

張元晨 教授 Professor Yuan-Chen Chang 國立政治大學財務管理學系教授 學歷 : 英國蘭卡斯特大學財務博士 Professor, Department of Finance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Finance, Lancaster University, U.K Email:yccchang@nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 ■ 國際財務管理、外匯匯率及變動率的預測 、外匯及期貨市場的避險策略

重要經歷 ■ 國立政治大學財務管理學系副教授 ■ 國立政治大學財務管理學系助理教授 ■ 國立中興大學財務金融系助理教授 ■ 國立中正大學財務金融系助理教授 ■ 荷商荷蘭銀行台北分行外匯交易室交易員


Research Interests

International financial management, foreign exchange, foreign exchange and future market hedging strategy

Key Experiences

■ Associate Professor, Department of Finance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan ■ Assistant Professor, Department of Finance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan ■ Assistant Professor, Department of Finance in National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan ■ Assistant Professor, Department of Finance in National Chung ChengUniversity, Taiwan ■ Manager, ABN-AMRO bank, Taipei Branch, Treasury Department

國內研究委員 許文彥 副教授 Associate Professor Wen-Yen Hsu 逢甲大學風險管理與保險學系副教授 學歷 : 美國喬治亞州立大學風險管理與保險博士 Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance at Feng Chia University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Risk Management and Insurance, Georgia State University, U.S.A Email:wyhsu@fcu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 公司治理、保險財務、保險監理、金融機構管理

重要經歷 ■ 中華民國人壽保險管理學會理事 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會監事 ■ 金管會投資型保險商品審查委員 ■ 安定基金人壽保險業與財產保險業預警制度委員

Corporate Governance, Insurance Finance, Insurance Regulation, Financial Institutions Management

Key Experiences

■ Board Governor of Life Insurance Management Institute of the Republic of China, Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association ■ Reviewer of the Review Committee of Investment-Linked Products of Financial Supervisory Commission ■ Committee member for Life and health insurers and for property-liability insurers Early Warning System of Taiwan Insurance Guaranty Funds

許碩芬 教授 Professor Shuofen Hsu 國立高雄第一科技大學風險管理與保險系教授 學歷 : 日本國立神戶大學商學博士 Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Ph.D. in Risk Management and Insurance, Kobe University, Japan Email:shuofen@nkfust.edu.tw

研究專長 人壽及健康保險、保險產業

重要經歷 ■ 國立高雄第一科技大學風險管理與保險系所 系主任兼所長 ■ 國立高雄第一科技大學財務金融學院代理院長 ■ 台灣風險管理與保險學會 (TRIA) 常務理事 ■ 日本風險分析學會 (SRA-Japan) 正會員 ■ 日本國立神戶大學經營學研究科招聘 外國人研究學者 ■ 風險管理學報特刊主編 ■ 保險專刊編輯委員 ■ 考試院國家考試典試委員 ■ 行政院金融監督管理委員會保單審查委員

Research Interests

Life and Health Insurance, Insurance Industry

Key Experiences

■ Chair of Department of Risk Management and Insurance, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology ■ Acting Dean of College of Finance and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology ■ Board Governor of Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association, Society of Risk Analysis-Japan Section ■ Visiting Scholar of Kobe University ■ Editor in Chief of Journal of Risk Management-Special Issue ■ Editor of Journal of Insurance Monograph ■ Reviewer of the Review Committee of Property/Casualty insurance


郭維裕 副教授 Associate Professor George W. Kuo 國立政治大學國際經營與貿易學系副教授 學歷 : 英國劍橋大學經濟系財務經濟學博士 Associate Professor, Department of Department of International Business in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Financial Economics, Department of Economics in Cambridge University, U.K. Email:wkuo@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests


Financial Economics, Investment, Fund Management, Financial Econometrics,


重要經歷 ■ 國立政治大學國際經營與貿易學系專任副教授 ■ 國立政治大學國際貿易學系專任助理教授

Key Experiences

■ Associate Professor, Department of International Business in National Chengchi University ■ Assistant Professor, Department of International Business in National Chengchi University

陳春龍 教授 Professor Chuen-Lung Chen 國立政治大學資訊管理學系教授 學歷 : 美國阿拉巴馬州奧本大學工業工程與管理研究 所博士 Professor, Department of Management Information System in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Auburn University, Alabama, U.S.A. Email:chencl@mis.nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 生產與作業管理、供應鏈管理、應用作業研究

重要經歷 ■ 國立政治大學商學院代理院長 ■ 國立政治大學商學院副院長 ■ 政治大學國際經營管理碩士學程 IMBA 執行長 ■ 國立政治大學資訊管理學系教授 ■ 美國密西西比州立大學工業工程系副教授


Research Interests

Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Applying Operations Research

Key Experiences

■ Acting Dean, College of Commerce, National ChengChi University ■ Deputy Dean, College of Commerce, National ChengChi University. ■ Director and Professor, International MBA Program, National ChengChi University ■ Professor, Department of Management Information Systems, National ChengChi University ■ Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mississippi State University, U.S.A

國內研究委員 陳彩稚 教授 Professor Tsai-Jyh Joyce Chen 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授 學歷 : 美國賓州大學華頓學院保險博士 Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Risk and Insurance, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, U.S.A. Email:tjchen@nccu.edu.tw Research Interests

研究專長 風險管理、保險理論、產物保險、企業風險管理

重要經歷 ■ 國立政治大學保險學系系主任

■ 國立政治大學保險研究所所長 ■ 國立政治大學商學院英語商管學程 召集人 ■ 國際商學榮譽學會(International Honor Society Beta Gamma Sigma)政大分會導師 ■ 財政部保險審議委員 ■ 中國輸出入銀行輸出保險審議委員 ■ 壽險公會保險業務員管理委員會委員 ■ 產物保險核保學會 CPCU 叢書編譯委員會委員 ■ 行政院金管會財產保險商品審查委員會委員 ■ 保險專刊、保險實務與政策、韓國 Journal of Risk Management、美國 Security Informatics Journal 期刊編輯 委員會委員

Risk Management, Insurance Econ, P&L Insurance, Enterprise Risk Mgt.

Key Experiences

■ Chairman, Dept. of Risk Management and Insurance , NCCU ■ Director, Graduate Institute of Insurance, NCCU ■ Director, English Taught Program, College of Commerce, NCCU ■ Advisor, International Honor Society Beta Gamma Sigma – NCCU Chapter ■ Member, Insurance Advisory Committee, Ministry of Finance. ■ Member, Export Insurance Advisory Committee, Export and Import Bank ■ Member, Committee for Ins. Salesmen Management, Life Ins. Trade Assoc. ■ Editorial Member for CPCU textbooks, Non-life Underwriters Association. ■ Member, Approval Committee for Property-liability Insurance Product, Ministry of Financial Surveillance and Management. ■ Editorial Member for Insurance Monograph, Insurance Issues and Practices, Journal of Risk Management (Korea Risk Management Society), Security Informatics Journal (U.S.A)

陳登源 副教授 Associate Professor Ding-yuan Chen 淡江大學管科所副教授 學歷 : 交通大學管理學博士 Associate Professor, Institute and Department of Management Sciences , Tam-Kang University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Management Science , National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Email:pension.chen@gmail.com

研究專長 退休金投資與管理、退休金制度設計

重要經歷 ■ 台灣理財顧問認證協會 (CFP) 委員 ■ 銓敘部公務人員退撫基金管理委員會委員 ■ 銓敘部公務人員保險基金監理委員會委員 ■ 財團法人私校退撫基金監理委員會顧問 ■ 行政院主計處計量經濟分析研究員 ■ 交通部副統計長 ■ 考試院退撫基金監理委員會執行秘書 ■ 中華民國退休基金協會發起人及創會秘書長 ■ 勞工委員會勞退基金監理會委員 ■ 德國波昂大學經濟學研究所訪問研究員

Research Interests

Pension fund investment and management, pension system design

Key Experiences

■ Commissioner of financial Planning Association of Taiwan ■ Board member of Public Service Pension Fund, Taiwan ■ Board member of Public Service Insurance Fund, Taiwan ■ Advisor of Private School Pension Fund, Taiwan ■ Econometric Model Researcher of DGBAS, Executive Yuan, Taiwan ■ Deputy Director of Statistic Department of Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Taiwan ■ Secretary General of Public Service Pension Fund, Taiwan ■ Initiator and Secretary General of Pension Fund Association, Taiwan ■ Board Member of Labor Pension Fund, Taiwan ■ Inviting Researcher of Institute of Economics, Bonn University, Germany


彭金隆 副教授 Associate Professor Jin-Lung Peng 私立實踐大學風險管理與保險學系副教授 學歷:國立政治大學企業管理博士 Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in Shih Chien University, Taiwan. Ph.D. in Business Administration, National Chengchi University Email:jlpeng@mail.usc.edu.tw

Research Interests


保險法令、金控管理、企業管理、策略管理、銀行保 Bancassurance ,Insurance Finance, Insurance Regulation, Financial Holding company, Microinsurance. 險、微型保險

Key Experiences

重要經歷 ■ 財政部保險司秘書、專員 ■ 財政部部長秘書 ■ 實踐大學風險管理與保險學系系主任 ■ 實踐大學 Cardif 銀行保險研究中心主任 ■ 台灣金融服務業聯合總會副秘書長

■ Staff member, Specialist and Senior Secretary, Department of Insurance, Ministry of Finance ■ Secretary to Minister, Ministry of Finance. ■ Department Chair, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, Shih Chien University ■ Director, Cardif Bancassurance Research Center of Shih-Chien University. ■ Deputy Secretary General, Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable (TFSR)

曾郁仁 教授 Professor Larry Y. Tzeng 國立臺灣大學財務金融學系教授 學歷 : 美國天普大學保險博士 Professor, Department of Finance in National Taiwan University, Taiwan Ph.D. in. Risk Management, Insurance, and Actuarial Science, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. Email:tzeng@ntu.edu.tw

研究專長 風險管理、保險財務、保險經濟

重要經歷 ■ 國立台灣大學財務金融學系教授 ■ 國立政治大學風險管理系所、私立逢甲大學 保險所兼任教授 ■ Risk Theory Seminar 會員 ■ CCISSR 研究中心 研究員 ■ 財團法人住宅地震保險基金董事 ■ 保險業務發展基金管理委員會委員 ■Journal of Risk and Insurance Risk Management and Insurance Review APRIA Journal Journal of Risk Finance,風險管理學報,台大管理論叢 副主編


Research Interests

Risk Management, Insurance Finance, Insurance Economics

Key Experiences

■ Professor, Department of Finance in National Taiwan University ■ Adjunct Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Taiwan University and Department of Insurance in Feng Chia University ■ Member of Risk Theory Seminar ■ Research fellow of CCISSR Research Center ■ Director of Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund ■ Committee Member of Insurance Business Development Fund Management Committee ■ Associate Editor of Journal of Risk and Insurance, Risk Management and Insurance Review, APRIA Journal, Journal of Risk Finance,Journal of Risk Management, NTU Management Review

國內研究委員 黃泓智 教授 Professor Hong-Chih Huang 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授 學歷 : 英國漢諾瓦特大學精算博士 Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Actuarial Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Email:jerry2@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 資產負債管理、資產配置、長壽風險、退休金

重要經歷 ■ 金管會人身保險商品審查委員 ■ 公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會顧問 ■ 台灣郵政公司風險管理委員會諮詢委員 ■ 傅爾布萊特學者

Asset Liability Management, Asset Allocation, Longevity Risk , Pension

Key Experiences

■ Reviewer of the Review Committee of Life insurance of Financial Supervisory Commission ■ Consultant Member, Management Bord Public Service Pension Fund ■ Fulbright Scholar ■ Consultant Member, Committee of Risk Management, Taiwan Post Office Company

黃偉峰 副研究員 Associate Research Fellow David W.F. Huang 中央研究院歐美研究所 / 國立台灣大學合聘副教授 學歷 : 英國牛津大學政治學系博士 Institute of European and American Studies, Associate Research Fellow Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University, Adjunct Associate Professor D. Phil.- Faculty of Politics, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK Email:wfhuang@eanovell.ea.sinica.edu.tw

研究專長 歐盟與比較區域主義、美國與英國政治、選舉研究

重要經歷與學術服務 ■ 行政院大陸委員會副主任委員 ■ 駐美國台北經濟文化代表處副代表 ■ 國科會年度研究計畫論文審查委員 ■ 國立政治大學選舉研究中心諮詢委員 ■《歐美研究》、《問題與研究》、《台灣政治學刊》、 《政治科學論叢》、《中山人文社會科學集刊》 學術刊物論文審查委員 ■ 台灣政治學會秘書長、理事

Research Interests

EU and Comparative Regionalism, U.S. & British Politics, Electoral Studies

Key Experiences and Academic Service

■ Vice Chairman, Mainland Affair Council (Cabinet Ministry), Taiwan ■ Deputy Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in the United States ■ Reviewer for Research Projects of National Science Council, Taiwan ■ Executive Board Advisor, Center for Election Studies, National Chengchi Univ., Taipei ■ Reviewer for EurAmerica,Issues & Studies,Taiwanese Political Science Review,Political Science Review,Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy, etc. ■ Secretary-General and Executive Board of Taiwanese Political Science Association


黃瑞卿 副教授 Associate Professor Rachel J. Huang 國立台灣科技大學財金所副教授 學歷 : 台灣大學財金博士 Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Finance, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Ph.D. in Finance, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Email:rachel@mail.ntust.edu.tw

Research Interests


Risk Theory; Asymmetric Information; Behavioral Finance


Key Experiences

重要經歷 ■ 元智大學副教授 ■ 銘傳大學副教授 ■ 銘傳大學助理教授 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會理事 ■ Risk Theory Society 會員 ■American Risk and Insurance Association 年會 committee member

■ Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Yuan Ze University ■ Associate Professor, Finance Department, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan ■ Assistant Professor, Finance Department, Ming Chuan University, Taiwan ■ Board of Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association ■ Member of Risk Theory Society ■ Committee member in the 2008 and 2009 annual meeting of American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA)

楊曉文 副教授 Associate Professor Sharon S.W. Yang 國立中央大學財務金融學系副教授兼系主任 學歷 : 英國 Heriot-Watt University 精算博士 Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Finance in National Central University, Taiwan. Ph.D. in the Dept. of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, Heriot-Watt University, U.K Email:syang@ncu.edu.tw

研究專長 保險精算、保險商品創新、保險業風險管理、退休金 精算與財務、長壽風險證券化

重要經歷 ■ 財團法人保險安定基金董事 ■ 中華民國壽險公會諮詢顧問 ■ 金融總會境外結構型商品審查委員 ■ 金融監督管理委員會保險局投資型保險審查委員 ■ 中華民國精算學會紀律委員會委員 ■ 保險專刊暨保險實務與制度編輯委員 ■ 亞太風險與保險學會理事 ■ 澳洲新南威斯大學國際研究研討訪問學者 ■ 英國 Britannia 保險公司精算部


Research Interests

Actuarial Science, Financial Innovation, Risk Management for Insurance Company , Pension Finance, Longevity Risk and Securitization

Key Experiences

■ Director, Taiwan Insurance Guarantee Fund. ■ Consultant, Life Insurance Association, Republic of China. ■ Reviewer, Structure notes issued with insurance products, Taiwan Financial Service Roundtable. ■ Reviewer, Investment-linked insurance products , Insurance Bureau of Financial Supervisory Commission ■ the discipline committee, Actuarial Institute of Republic of China ■ Editorial Board, Insurance Special Issue and Insurance Issues and Practices ■ Member of Board of Governors, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association ■ Visiting Scholar, International Research Workshop, University of New South Wales ■ Britannia Life Insurance Company, Actuarial Dept.,UK.

國內研究委員 葉啟洲 教授 Assistant Professor Chi-Chou Yeh 國立政治風險管理與保險學系助理教授 學歷 : 德國弗萊堡大學法學博士 Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Law, Freiburg University, Germany Email:ccyeh@nccu.edu.tw


Research Interests


Key Experiences

保險法、強制汽車責任保險法、民法、損害賠償法、 Insurance Law, Civil Law, Compensation Law, Contract Law, Consumer Protection Law, Commercial Law 契約法、消費者保護法、商事法 ■ 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系助理教授 ■ 私立東吳大學法律系兼任助理教授 ■ 行政院金融監督管理委員會財產保險及投資型保險 商品審查委員 ■ 財團法人保險犯罪防制中心諮詢委員 ■ 財團法人保險安定基金董事 ■ 財團法人交通事故特別補償基金法律諮詢委員 ■ 中華民國仲裁協會仲裁人 ■ 中華民國工程仲裁協會仲裁人

■ Assistant Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, National Chengchi University ■ Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Soochow University ■ Commissioner, Property Insurance and Investment-type Insurance Products, Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. ■ Advisor, the Insurance Anti-fraud institute of the R.O.C ■ Director, Taiwan insurance guaranty Fund ■ Legal Advisor, Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Fund ■ Arbitrator, the Arbitration Association of the Republic of China ■ Arbitrator, Chinese Construction Industry Arbitration Association

廖四郎 教授 Professor Szu-Lang Liao 國立政治大學金融學系教授 學歷 : 美國芝加哥大學經濟學博士 Professor, Department of Money and Banking, National Chengchi University Ph. D. in Economics, University of Chicago, U.S.A Email:liaosl@nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 金融創新、財務數學、利率理論、風險管理

重要經歷 ■ 國立政治大學金融學系教授 ■ 國立中山大學財務管理學系兼任教授 ■ 臺灣財務金融學會理事 ■ 財務金融學刊編輯委員 ■ 期貨與選擇權學刊編輯委員 ■ 台灣金融工程師學會理事長 ■ 公務人員退休撫卹基金管理委員會顧問 ■ 國立政治大學金融學系教授兼主任 ■ 期貨交易分析人員資格測驗命題委員 ■ 投信公會債券交易審議委員

Research Interests

Financial Innovation and Engineering, Financial Mathematics, Interest Rate Theory, Risk Management

Key Experiences

■ Professor, Department of Money and Banking, National Chengchi University ■ Adjunct Professor of Finance, Department of Finance, National SunYat Sen University. ■ Chairman, Taiwanese Association of Financial Engineers ■ Editor Board Member of Taiwan Finance Association ■ Editor Board Member, Journal of Futures and Options ■ Chairman, Taiwan Association of Financial Engineers (TAFE) ■ Consultant of the Public Service Pension Fund Management Board ■ Chairman and Professor, Department of Money and Banking, National Chengchi University ■ Question Drafter, Qualification Test of futures trading Analyst ■ Committee member of Bond Trading, Investment Trust Association


劉純之 教授 Professor Chwen-Chi Liu 逢甲大學風險管理與保險學系教授 學歷 : 美國喬治亞州立大學經濟博士 Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in Feng Chia University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Economics, Georgia State University, U.S.A Email:liuc@fcu.edu.tw

Research Interests


Insurance Economics, Applied Econometrics, Health Economics



Key Experiences

■ 保險專刊主編 ■ 保險實務與制度主編 ■ 風險管理學報共同主編 ■ International Journal of Business and Economics 主編 ■ 亞太風險與保險學會理事 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會理事長

■ Editor, Taiwan Insurance Review ■ Editor, Insurance Issues and Practices ■ Co-editor, Journal of Risk Management ■ Editor, International Journal of Business and Economics ■ Board Governor, Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association , Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association ■ President,Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association

蔡政憲 教授 Professor Jason C.H. Tsai 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授 學歷 : 美國喬治亞州立大學保險博士 Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Risk Management and Insurance, Georgia State University, U.S.A Email:ctsai@nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 保險財務、保險監理、金融機構管理

重要經歷 ■ 風險管理學報共同主編 ■ 中華民國風險管理學會理事 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會理事 ■ 亞太風險與保險學會理事 ■ 中華金融創新與財務工程學會理事 ■ 傅爾布萊特學者 ■ 保險事業發展中心董事 ■ 人身保險安定基金董事 ■ 保險局保險業風險資本額制度專案檢討小組協同主 持人金管會人身保險商品、投資型保險商品審查委 員


Research Interests

Insurance Finance, Insurance Regulation, Financial Institutions Management

Key Experiences

■ Co-editor of Journal of Risk Management ■ Board Governor of Risk Management Society of Taiwan, Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association, Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, and the Chinese Association of Financial Innovation and Engineering ■ Fulbright Scholar ■ Director of Taiwan Insurance Institute and Life Insurance Guaranty Fund ■ Co-leader of the Review Projects on the Risk-Based Capital Requirements of Taiwan ■ Reviewer of the Review Committee of Life insurance and Investment-Linked Products of Financial Supervisory Commission

國內研究委員 鄭士卿 副教授 Associate Professor Vivian S.C. Jeng 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系副教授 學歷 : 美國羅德島大學保險財務博士 Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Finance and Insurance, University of Rhode Island, U.S.A Email:vjeng@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 保險財務、企業風險管理、金融機構效率分析、 金融機構風險管理

重要經歷 ■ 行政院原住民族委員會基金管理會委員 ■ 壽險公會人身保險業務員測驗教材編撰委員 ■ 理財規劃顧問 (CFP) 教材編撰委員 ■ 理財規劃顧問 (CFP) 測驗審查委員 ■ 美國羅德島大學講師 ■ Journal of Risk and Insurance, 財務金融學刊 等刊物之審稿人

Insurance Finance, Enterprise Risk Management, Efficiency of Financial Institutions, Financial Institution Management

Key Experiences

■ Committee Member of Management Fund, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan ■ Member, Revision of Life Insurance Agent Test Materials, Life Insurance Association of Taiwan ■ Editorial Board and Reviewer of Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Materials ■ Instructor, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA ■ Reviewer of multiple publications, including Journal of Risk and Insurance, Risk Management and Insurance Review, etc.

繆震宇 教授 Professor Jerry C.Y. Miao 淡江大學保險學系教授 學歷 : 台灣大學財務金融博士 Professor, Department of Insurance in Tamkang University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Finance, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Email:cymiao@mail.tku.edu.tw

研究專長 退休金管理、保險財務、基金評比

重要經歷 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會秘書長 ■ 台灣風險與保險學會常務監事 ■ 保險經營與制度執行編輯 ■ 保險專刊編輯委員 ■ 風險評論編輯委員

Research Interests

Pension fund management, Insurance Finance, Mutual fund rating

Key Experiences

■ Secretary general of TRIA ■ Standing supervisor of TRIA ■ Executive editor of Insurance Issues and Practices ■ Editorial board of Taiwan Insurance Review ■ Editorial board of Risk Review


謝明華 副教授 Associate Professor Morgan M.H. Hsieh 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系副教授 學歷 : 美國史丹福大學作業研究博士 Associate Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance in National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Operations Research, Stanford University, U.S.A Email:mhsieh@nccu.edu.tw

Research Interests

研究專長 財務風險管理、財務工程、隨機模擬 重要經歷 ■ 中華金融創新與財務工程學會監事 ■ 中華郵政公司風險管理咨詢委員 ■ 金管會投資型保險商品審查委員 ■ 台灣金融服務業聯合總會境外結構型商品審查委員

Financial Risk Management, Financial Engineering, Stochastic Simulation

Key Experiences

■ Board member of Risk Management Committee of Chinese Post Office ■ Reviewer of the Review Committee of Investment-Linked Products of Financial Supervisory Commission ■ Reviewer of the Review Committee of Overseas Structure Products of Financial Services Union

謝耀龍 教授 Professor Yaolung J. Hsieh 國立政治大學風險管理與保險學系教授 學歷 : 美國猶他大學行銷博士 Professor, Department of Risk Management and Insurance, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Utah, U.S.A Email:yjhsieh@nccu.edu.tw

研究專長 金融行銷(含保險行銷)、跨文化風險知覺與溝通、 顧客關係管理

重要經歷 ■ 高等教育評鑑中心評鑑委員暨召集人 ■ 考選部命題兼閱卷委員 ■ 考選部典試委員 ■ 金管會保險局評審委員


Research Interests

Financial Services Marketing (including insurance marketing), Cross-Cultural Risk Perception and Communication, Customer Relationship Management

Key Experiences

■ Evaluator and Convener of Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan ■ Question Drafter and the Grading Committee member of Ministry of Examination ■ Examiner of Ministry of Examination ■ Project Reviewer of Insurance Bureau, Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan.


按 Lastname 字母排列

美國 Professor Mark J. Browne

Gerald D. Stephens CPCU Professor of Risk Management and Insurance at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Email: mbrowne@bus.wisc.edu

Research Interests

Adverse Selection in Health Insurance Markets, the Demand for Property and Liability Insurance, the Insurance Underwriting Cycle, Insurer Insolvencies, Health Insurance Underwriting, the Demand for Flood Insurance.


■President of the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) ■President of the Risk Theory Society (RTS) ■Associate editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance

Professor Keith Crocker

The William Elliott Chaired Professor of Insurance and Risk Management Email: kcrocker@psu.edu

Research Interests

Contracting issues, transaction costs, adverse selection, and moral hazard in the design of agreements, tax and accounting fraud, claims fraud in insurance settlements, design of optimal employer-sponsored health insurance policies


■Co-Editor of Geneva Risk and Insurance Review ■Co-Editor of Journal of Risk and Insurance ■Co-Editor of Journal of Law, Economics and Organization ■Waldo O. Hildebrand Professor of Risk Management and Insurance, and Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, at the University of Michigan Business School ■Staff economist at the Federal Trade Commission

Professor J. David Cummins

Joseph E. Boettner Professor of Risk Management, Insurance and Financial Institutions, Temple University, USA Email: cummins@temple.ed

Research Interests

Insurance Economics, Financial Risk Management; productivity and efficiency, securitization.


■Co-editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance ■President of the American Risk and Insurance Association. ■Associate Editor of eight research journals in Risk and Insurance and Finance ■Director of the Advanta Center for Financial Institutions ■Member of the Research Roundtable


Professor Neil A. Doherty

Frederick Ecker Professor of Insurance and Risk Management , The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania , USA Email: doherty@wharton.upenn.edu

Research Interests

Corporate Risk Management, Design of New Financial Product, Capital Structure, Failure of Insurance Markets, Economics of Risk and Information


■Member of Wharton’s Risk Management and Decision Processes Center ■Member of Wharton’s Financial Institutions Center. ■Consultant of Amerco, Dow Chemical, Sears Roebuck, British Petroleum, Merck, GTE, CIGNA, Ace, Aon, Chubb and UPS.

Peter W. Glynn

Thomas W. Ford Professor of School of Engineering, Stanford University, USA Email: glynn@stanford.edu

Research Interests

Computational Probability, Queueing Theory, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, and Stochastic Modeling.


■Deputy Chair of the Department of Management Science and Engineering ■Director of Stanford's Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering ■Fellow of INFORMS and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics ■Co-winner of Best Publication Awards from the INFORMS Simulation Society ■Co-winner of the John von Neumann Theory Prize from INFORMS.

Professor Scott E. Harrington

Alan B. Miller Professor in the Health Care Management and Insurance and Risk Management departments at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA Email: harring@wharton.upenn.edu

Research Interests

Health Care Financial Management, Health Policy, Healthcare Econometrics


■Co-Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance ■President of the American Risk and Insurance Association ■President of the Risk Theory Society


國外諮詢研究委員 Professor Gene C. Lai

Safeco Distinguished Professor of Insurance, College of Business, Washington State University, USA Distinguished Visiting Professor of Finance and Insurance, National Chengchi University, Taiwan Email: genelai@wsu.edu

Research Interests

Risk and insurance, incentives and contracts


■President of American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) ■President of Western Risk and Insurance Association (WRIA) ■Associate Editor, Journal of Risk and Insurance ■Co-Editor, Journal of Insurance Issues ■Associate Dean, College of Business Administration, University of Rhode Island

Professor Richard D. MacMinn

Edmondson-Miller Chair Professor of Department of Finance Insurance and Law, Katie School of Insurance, College of Business, Illinois State University, USA Email: rmacmin@ilstu.edu

Research Interests

Insurance economics and finance


■Editor of the American Journal of Risk and Insurance ■Associate editor for the Journal of Risk and Insurance, the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, the Journal of Insurance Issues and the Quarterly Journal of Economics and Finance. ■Swiss Re Chair in the Management of Risk at the University of Nottingham ■Board member of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association and the American Risk and Insurance Association,

Professor Olivia S. Mitchell

Professor and Chair of Department of Insurance and Risk Management, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA Email: mitchelo@wharton.upenn.edu

Research Interests

Private and Public Insurance, Risk Management, Public Finance, Compensation and Pensions


■International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Professor of Insurance and Risk Management ■Executive Director of the Pension Research Council ■Director of the Boettner Center on Pensions and Retirement Research ■Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research ■Advisor of Committee of the Central Provident Fund Board of Singapore


Professor Richard D. Phillips

C.V. Starr Professor and Chair of Department of Risk Management and Insurance, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, USA Email: rphillips@gsu.edu

Research Interests

Intersection of Corporate Finance, Insurance Economics, Impact of Risk on Corporate Decision Making, the Functioning of Insurance Markets, the Role of Rating Agencies in the Economy


■Co-editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance ■President of the Risk Theory Society. ■Host of visiting appointment at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, at the Wharton School, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York ■Consultant to leading commercial and governmental organizations including AIG, Allstate, ING, AXA, Goldman Sachs, Tillinghast, Aon Capital Markets, the Casualty Actuarial Society, the Society of Actuaries, and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

Professor Mary A. Weiss

Deaver Professor of Risk, Insurance and Healthcare Management at the Fox School of Business, Temple University, USA Email: mweiss@temple.edu

Research Interests

Financial Services Conglomeration, Efficiency Measurement of Insurers, Nofault Automobile Insurance, Reinsurance, Regulation, Underwriting Cycles.


■President of the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) ■Editor of Risk Management and Insurance Review ■Associate Editor for the Journal of Risk and Insurance ■Distinguished Scholar at the NAIC’s Center for Insurance Policy & Research ■Distinguished Huebner Alumnus, Huebner Foundation, Wharton School.

加拿大 Professor Georges Dionne

Professor and Chair of Department of Finance , University of Montreal’s Department of Economics, HEC Montreal, Canada Email: georges.dionne@hec.ca

Research Expertise

Risk Management and Finance


■Editor of The Journal of Risk and Insurance ■Vice-president of the Canadian Economic Association ■Member of the HEC Montréal board of Directors ■Scientific Director of Montreal’s Institut de finance mathématique (IFM2) ■Founder and Co-director of HEC Montréal’s Centre for research on e-finance



英國 Professor David Blake

Professor of Pension Economics at Cass Business School, Director of the Pensions Institute, UK Email: D.Blake@city.ac.uk

Research Interests

Pension Plan Design, Investment Behaviour and Performance of Pension Funds, and Longevity Risk


■Research Fellow at the London Business School and the London School of Economics ■Professor of Financial Economics at Birkbeck College ■Chairman of Square Mile Consultants ■Director of the Securities Industry Programme at City University ■Consultant of Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Union Bank of Switzerland, Paribas Capital Markets, JPMorgan, …etc

Professor Andrew Cairn ThD,FFA

Professor of Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, England Email: Cairns@ma.hw.ac.uk

Research Interests

Enterprise risk management; Models for the term structure of interest rates; Arbitrage-free multi-asset-class models; Asset/liability modeling for pension funds; Stochastic mortality modeling; Securitization of mortality risk.


■Fellow of the Pensions Institute ■Section Editor (Financial Economics), Encyclopaedia of Actuarial Science ■Editor in Chief of ASTIN Bulletin. ■Chairman of the ST9 syllabus (CERA) on Enterprise Risk Management ■Honorary Research Associate, Centre for Risk and Insurance Studies, University of Nottingham.

歐洲 Professor Louis Eeckhoudt

Professor of Economics in Catholic Faculties of Mons, Belgium Email: louis.eeckhoudt@fucam.ac.be

Research Interests

Decisions under risk and Health Economics


■Associate editor of Geneva Risk and Insurance Review ■Associate editor of Journal of Risk and Insurance ■Robert C. Witt Research Award Winner


Professor Jérôme Kullmann

Professor of University of Paris-Dauphine Email: jerome.kullmann@wanadoo.fr

Research Interests

Private Law, Insurance Contract Law


■Director of the Institut des Assurances de Paris, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne ■Honorary Member of the Association des Juristes d’Assurance et de Réassurance (AJAR) ■French member of the Commission “Restatement of European Insurance Contract Law” ■Member of the National Insurance Council ■President of the “Commission consultative des Assurances”

Professor Pierre Picard

Professor of Department of Economic, Ecole Polytechnique, France Email: pierre.picard@polytechnique.edu

Research Interests

Risk and insurance, incentives and contracts


■Associate Editor of Geneva Risk and Insurance Review ■Vice President of European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists ■Head of the Department of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique

Professor Andreas Richter

Chair holder and Head of the Institute for Risk Management and Insurance, Ludwig Maximilians-University Mumchen, Germany Email: richter@bwl.uni-muenchen.de Research Interests Microeconomic Theory of Insurance,Law and Economics,Management of Catastrophic Risk Experience ■Board of Director, American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) ■Director of Munich Risk and Insurance Center ■Academic Director, Executive Program " Executive Master off Insurance" Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich ■Advisor and Guest Lecturer of Chinese-German University College, Tongji University Shanghai ■Chair of Institute for Risk Management and Insurance (INRIVER), Munich School of Management, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich




陳建成 教授 Professor Ken Seng Tan 中國中央財經大學講座教授 加拿大滑鐵盧大學數學學院統計與精算學系副教授 Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science University of Waterloo, Canada Email: kstan@uwaterloo.ca

研究興趣 精算、財務、統計、風險管理、最適再保險策略

經歷 ■ 加拿大計量風險管理研究中心主任 ■ 中央財經大學長江學者講座教授 ■ 北美精算師協會精算師 ■ 北美精算師協會風險管理部委員 ■ 加拿大精算署投資部委員 ■ 加拿大多倫多隨機模型會議組織及科學委員會委員

陳秉正 教授 Professor Bingzheng Chen 金融系、經濟管理學院、清華大學、中國 Professor of Department of Finance, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, China Email: chenbzh@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn

研究專長 風險管理與保險、企業風險管理、企業年金、保險證券化

經歷 ■ 清華大學經濟管理學院教授 ■ 中國保險與風險管理研究中心執行主任

Professor Michael R. Powers

Professor of Risk Management and Insurance at Temple University's Fox School of Business Distinguished Visiting Professor of Finance, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, China Email: Michael@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn

Research Interests

Insurer Profitability and Solvency, the Tax Treatment of Hedging Instruments and Other Risk Transfers, No-fault Automobile Insurance Legislation.


■Chief Editor of the Journal of Risk Finance ■Chief Editor of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, ■Co-editor of the Risk Management and Insurance Review ■Deputy Insurance Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania


孫祈祥 教授 Professor Qixiang Sun 北京大學經濟學院院長 , 北京大學風險管理與保險系系主任 , 中國 Professor, Doctoral supervisor, Chair of the Department of Risk Management and Insurance, Dean of the School of Economics , China

研究專長 中國保險業發展戰略、保險監管、國際保險市場比較研究、金融一體化 宏觀經濟理論、國家所有制改革、市場經濟理論與實務。

經歷 ■ Journal of Risk and Insurance Review 副主編 ■ 亞太地區風險管理與保險學會常務理事 ■ 中國保險學會理事 ■ 中國金融學會學術委員會委員、常務理事 ■ 北京市保險學會常務理事 ■ 北京大學金融與證券研究中心副主任

其他亞洲國家 陳仁寶 副教授 Associate Professor Renbao Chen 新加坡大學財務與會計學系副教授 Associate Professor of Department of Finance & Accounting, National University of Singapore, Singapore Email: bizchenr@nus.edu.sg

研究專長 財務管理、風險管理與保險、員工福利及退休規劃

經歷 ■ 亞太風險和保險協會董事 ■ 新加坡保險研究中心主席 ■ 新加坡國立大學 MBA 委員會主席 ■ 新加坡國立大學教師退休基金投資顧問 ■ 國立大學教育基金的投資顧問

Professor Sung Hun Seog

Associate Professor of School of Business, Seoul National University, Korea Email: seogsh@snu.ac.kr

研究專長 Insurance & Risk Management, Corporate Finance & Corporate Governance, Cultural Economics


■Editorial Board of Financial Stability Studies, Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance ■Board of Governors of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association ■Director of Korea Insurance Academic Society ■Director of Korea Risk Management Society ■Director of Korea Finance Associatio


國外諮詢研究委員 Professor Michael Sherris

Professor of Actuarial Studies and Associate Head of School Director of Research, University of New South Wales, Australia Email: m.sherris@unsw.edu.au

Research Expertise

Interest Rate Risk Management, Derivatives, Funds Management, Project Finance, Investment Modeling, Superannuation


■President of the Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) ■Associate Editor of the North American Actuarial Journal ■Associate Editor of the Asia Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance ■Board and Executive Member of the Enterprise Risk Management Institute International (ERMII). ■Head of Actuarial Studies at UNSW

米山高生 教授 Professor Takau Yoneyama

Professor of Risk Management and Insurance Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University, Japan 一橋大學商學部研究科教授 Email: yoneyama@piccolo.misc.hit-u.ac.jp


■Member of Sompo Japan Research Institution, Convergence of finance and Insurance ■Board of Governors of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association





高倫 Richard Coghlan 英商施羅德大中華區多元資產管理團隊負 責人暨基金經理人 Head of Multi Asset, Hong Kong Email: Richard.Coghlan@Schroders.com www.schroders.com.tw

簡歷 現任施羅德大中華區多元資產管理團隊負責人暨基金經理人 逾 13 年亞洲投資經驗及 7 年以上多元資產管理經驗 2006 年 7 月轉調香港擔任多元資產團隊主管,現任施羅德大中華區多元資產管理團隊負責人暨基金經理人 2000 年加入施羅德負責管理韓國債務重整基金


●Currently has overall responsibility for the multi-asset portfolio team in Hong Kong and overall responsibility of Schroder Asian multi-asset portfolios in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Korea ●Transferred to Schroders Investment Management (Hong Kong) Ltd in July 2006 to assume the role of Head of MultiAsset, Hong Kong ●Appointed Head of Investment October 2004, supervising both the investment trust and the corporate restructuring businesses. In 2003 he transferred to Schroders Korea managing multi-asset portfolios. Joined Schroders team managing the Seoul Debt Restructuring Fund in Korea in 2000, becoming project leader in 2001 ●Worked as Director at the Asian Finance and Investment Corporation, an affiliate of the Asian Development Bank, managing investments in Korea, China, and India. Investment career commenced in 1997 ●Worked for six years in environmental engineering leading remedial investigations at hazardous waste sites ●MBA in Finance and Accounting, University of Chicago. MSc and PhD in Geochemistry, Brown University. BSc in Geology, Duke University



專業諮詢委員 Guy Coughlan 博士 (Dr. Guy Coughlan) 英國 JPMorgan 全球退休金資產負債管理業務總裁

Global Head of Pension Asset-Liability Management (ALM) Advisory at JPMorgan, U.K Email: guy.coughlan@jpmorgan.com www.jpmorgan.com

簡歷 學歷:牛津大學物理博士及 MBA 專長:長壽風險避險策略、退休金資產負債管理與風險管理 經歷與專長: ● 有 17 年全球退休基金與保險公司風險管理與資產負債管理之專業諮詢經驗 ● 2007 年成功發行 JPMorgan LifeMetrics ● 英國壽險與長壽風險市場協會技術委員會主席 ● Journal of Corporate Treasury Management 編輯委員


Guy D. Coughlan is the Global Head of Pension Asset-Liability Management (ALM) Advisory at JPMorgan. As a specialist in ALM and risk, he has been advising corporations, pension funds, and insurers on strategic risk management, asset-liability management, debt management and capital structure for 17 years. More recently Dr. Coughlan led the team that developed LifeMetrics, a toolkit for managing longevity risk that was launched in March 2007. Dr. Coughlan is a Rhodes Scholar who holds a B.Sc.(Honors) degree from the University of Western Australia, an MBA from Henley Management College, and a D.Phil. (Ph.D.) in theoretical physics from Oxford University. Dr. Coughlan began his career as a Junior Research Fellow at Oxford University, before moving into the oil industry and joining Shell in London. He was recruited to JPMorgan in 1994, initially within the Fixed Income Research department. Here he worked on projects involving optimal investment strategies, the development of RiskMetrics, and built the “FourFifteen” risk analysis software. In 1996 he moved to head the newly formed Risk Management Products group, which was later spun off from JPMorgan as The RiskMetrics Group. In this role he was responsible for products such as RiskMetrics and CreditMetrics. In 1998 he founded JPMorgan’s ALM Advisory Group.


David Gagnon 貝萊德董事總經理 Managing Director, BlackRock's Transition Management Group Email:david.gagnon@blackrock.com www.blackrock.com

簡歷 現任貝萊德董事總經理,負責貝萊德移轉管業務,同時為產品研發團隊成員,主要負責為歐洲與亞洲機構法人 建構移轉管理相關產品。 曾任 : ● 巴克萊國際投資,負責亞太區與歐洲區的移轉管理業務 ● 野村之亞太區與歐洲區移轉管理業務 ● 雷曼兄弟之亞太區與歐洲區移轉管理業務 ● 德州儀器的半導體部門擔任電子工程師 ● 哥倫比亞大學金融 MBA 學位


●Managing Director – A member of BlackRock's Transition Management Group. He is part of the product development team, where he is responsible for developing the transition product with institutional investors in Asia and continental Europe. ●Barclays Global Investors (BGI), Director of Transition Strategy in the Transition Management Group. ●Nomura International, Director in the Transition Management Group ●Lehman Brothers, Director in the Transition Management Group ●Texas Instruments semiconductor division ●MBA degree in finance from Columbia University


專業諮詢委員 林羿 Philip Lin 普信集團副總裁及大中華區董事 Director, Head of Greater China Region T. Rowe Price Global Investment Services Limited Email: philip_lin@troweprice.com www.troweprice.com

簡歷 林羿現任美國著名資產管理公司普信 (T. Rowe Price) 集團公司副總裁及大中華區董事總經理,主要負責普 信在大中華地區的業務拓展工作。在加盟普信之前,林羿曾在美國美林公司和林肯金融集團就任高管職務。 林羿具有在美國金融業工作近 20 年的豐富經驗。他目前是中國證監會聘任的 QDII 產品評審專家 ; 還擔任 中國人力資源和社會保障部的企業年金基金管理機構資格認定評審專家及特聘的“企業年金基金管理諮詢專 家”林羿還被美國天普大學、中國清華大學、人民大學和武漢大學聘為客座教授或客座研究員。 林羿曾在美國參議院金融委員會上,就美國證券投資基金和養老金法律的改革為該委員會提供專業證詞。 此外,他還擔任過美國國會金融法改革委員會的特別法律顧問。林羿是美國基金業界協會國際委員會委員。著 有《美國的私有退休金體制》(北京大學出版社,2002 年)、《美國企業養老金的監督與管理》(中國財政 經濟出版社,2006 年)和《投資有方 理財有道》(中國財政經濟出版社,2010 年)等著作。 林羿 1991 年畢業於美國天普大學法學院(Temple University School of Law)並獲法律博士 (juris doctor) 學位。 他是中國大陸改革開放後第一批通過美國律師資格考試、榮獲美國賓西法尼亞州和新澤西州律師執照的律師。


Philip Lin, Esquire, is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.; a vice president and Director of Chinese Business Development and Client Services of T. Rowe Price Global Investment Services, Ltd.; and a vice president of T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., T. Rowe Price Trust Company, and T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc. Mr. Lin has significant experience in developing business opportunities in China and working with the Chinese government agencies and financial institutions. He currently serves as an expert judge for China's Ministry of Labor and Social Security in reviewing and approving the qualification licenses for companies wishing to engage in enterprise annuity management business in China. He has also been appointed by the MOLSS as its only overseas Pension Fund Expert Advisor. Since 1999, he has been counseling the Chinese government on structuring China's private pension system and employee equity incentive programs, including giving lectures and seminars to the National Council for Social Security Fund, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, and China Securities Regulatory Commission. Mr. Lin has served as Special Counsel to the Pension Portability Task Force for the U.S. Congress and has testified as an expert witness before the U.S. Senate Finance Committee on pension law reform issues. Prior to joining T. Rowe Price, Mr. Lin held senior executive and legal positions at Merrill Lynch and Lincoln Financial Group. Mr. Lin has authored three books in Chinese: <The Private Pension System in the U.S.>, <The Regulation and Management of Retirement Plans in the U.S> and <The Art of Investment and Financial Planning>. All three books are widely used by the Chinese government, financial institutions, and academia as the authoritative treatises on the U.S. retirement system. Mr. Lin is also an Adjunct Professor of Employee Benefits Law at Temple University School of Law and China's Tsinghua University, Remin University, and Wuhan University. Mr. Lin has also been retained by the China Securities Daily, the largest securities newspaper in China, to be its columnist. Mr. Lin is a prolific author and frequent speaker on asset management, mutual fund investment, and pension plan management related subjects, having published articles in such journals as Investment Advisor, Journal of Taxation of Employee Benefits, Journal of Tax Exempt Organizations, Pension and Benefits Weekly, and ABA Trust and Investment Magazine. Mr. Lin has also spoken at industry conferences and symposiums such as Success Forum of International Association of Financial Planners, Investment Company Institute Annual Retirement Plan Conference, American Bankers Association Annual Retirement Conference, and International Foundation of Employee Benefits Regional Conference. Mr. Lin received his bachelor's degree in English summa cum laude in Beijing in 1982. He received his master's and juris doctor degrees from Temple University in 1987 and 1991, respectively. Mr. Lin is a member of the American, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Philadelphia bar associations


魯濤德 R. Todd Ruppert 普信全球投資服務公司總裁兼執行長 President and Chief Executive Officer T. Rowe Price Global Investment Services Limited Email: Todd_Ruppert@troweprice.com corporate.troweprice.com

簡歷 魯濤德先生是普信全球投資服務公司的總裁和首席執行官, 該公司負責經營普信集團的全球機構投資業 務。此外, 魯濤德先生還是普信集團運作督導委員會的成員,並是普信 ( 盧森堡 ) 管理有限責任公司和普信 SICAV 基金公司的董事。 同時,魯濤德先生還擔任總部設在東京的日本最大的資產管理公司之一的 Daiwa SB 投資公司、Altius Associates- 倫敦的非上市公司股權諮詢與酌情管理公司、UTI 國際公司 – 印度第四大資產管理公司的國際部、 UTI 印度基礎設施基金、美國機構投資者學會和倫敦的 Halcyon 美術集團的董事。同時,魯濤德先生也是臺灣 國家風險管理和保險研究中心的專業諮詢委員之一。他還是《歐洲基金》雜誌(Funds Europe) 的常務編委。 魯濤德先生還是美國皇家公園基金會 (The Royal Parks Foundation (USA)) 的董事長、馬里蘭科學院、巴爾 的摩和華盛頓特區這個大區域的世界貿易中心協會的董事。他還是英國愛丁堡公爵獎 - 美國青年人的挑戰獎 的創辦人之一。他也是美國 Kenyon 學院、Furman 大學及 Garrison Forest 學校的校董。 在 1985 年 加入普信之前 , 魯濤德先生曾在花旗集團商業貸款及融資部任職。他獲有俄亥俄州 Kenyon 學院經 濟學的學士學位。 普信集團是一家全球投資管理公司,截止 2010 年 9 月 30 日,普信的管理資產已達 4397 億美元。總部設於 美國巴爾的摩市的普信集團是一家獨立上市的控股公司,普信的雇員擁有公司非常可觀的股份,普信集團是標 準普爾 500 家公司指數成員之一。


Todd Ruppert is president and chief executive officer of T. Rowe Price Global Investment Services, the organization responsible for the firm's institutional business worldwide. He also leads the firm’s business with financial intermediaries and advisors. In addition, Todd is a member of the Operating Steering Committee of the T. Rowe Price Group and director of T. Rowe Price (Luxembourg) Management S.a.r.l. and T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV. Todd serves on the board of directors of Daiwa SB Investments, one of the largest Tokyo-based Japanese asset management firms, Altius Associates, a London-based private equity advisory and discretionary management firm, UTI International, the international arm of India’s fourth largest asset management company, UTI India Infrastructure Fund, Institutional Investor’s U.S. Institute, and the London-based Halcyon Fine Art Group. He is also a member of the Industry Advisory Board for the National Risk Management and Insurance Research Center of Taiwan, is on the editorial advisory board of Funds Europe. He is also President of the board of The Royal Parks Foundation (USA), and a member of the board of the Maryland Academy of Sciences and the World Trade Center Institute of the Baltimore/Washington D.C. region. He is a founder and board member of Great Britain’s Duke of Edinburgh's Award-Young Americans’ Challenge and a Fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh’s World Fellowship. He is a trustee of Kenyon College, Furman University and the Garrison Forest School. Prior to joining T. Rowe Price in 1985, Todd worked for Citicorp in corporate lending and financing. Todd earned a BA in Economics from Kenyon College, Ohio. T. Rowe Price is a global investment management company with US$439.7bn in assets under management as of 30 September 2010. Based in Baltimore, T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. is an independent public holding company with substantial employee ownership and is included in the S&P 500 Index.


專業諮詢委員 冼懿敏 Yvonne Sin 韜睿惠悅香港有限公司 總經理暨首席顧問,投資諮詢部,中國 Head of Investment Services, China Towers Watson Hong Kong Limited Email: yvonne.sin@towerswatson.com www.towerswatson.com

簡歷 冼懿敏女士是前世界銀行社會保障部旗下的全球養老金局總監,現為韜睿惠悅中國投資諮詢部的總經理。 冼女士專長于社會保險及雇員福利問題,並對養老金及投資進行研究。作為擁有逾三十年的經驗,為各國養老 金不同的注資體系開發應用金融模型的專家,冼女士為 20 多個國家提供過政策上的技術諮詢,為不同地區的 社會保障改革和公務機構改革做出很大貢獻。 她的精算顧問背景帶來了豐富的全球投資和養老政策專業經驗。在 1993 年加入世行之前,冼女士組建並領 導了惠悅位於多倫多的投資顧問部門,之後被任命為 The Alexander Consulting Group 的副主席。冼女士積極參 加各種研究和學術活動。她目前應北京大學中國保險和社會保障研究所聘請的研究員。冼女士還是亞太風險和 保險協會 (APRIA) 的理事。冼女士經常教授養老金、保險及人力資源等課題,她同時也發表了很多分析養老 金改革的文章。她畢業于多倫多大學,獲數學科學學士學位,之後又完成了世行養老金進修課程。冼女士是北 美精算協會、加拿大精算學會、美國精算學會,國際精算師協會和香港精算師協會的會員。


Yvonne Sin is the Head of Investment Services, China at Towers Watson. Before rejoining Towers Watson in February 2007, Yvonne was formerly Head of the Global Pensions Practice under the Social Protection Department of The World Bank. She is an expert with over 30 years of experience in social insurance and employee benefit issues and has provided technical assistance in policy development for social security and civil service reform for some 20 countries. As a consulting actuary, Yvonne brings extensive international investment and pension expertise. Prior to joining The World Bank in 1993, she founded and led the investment consulting practice at The Wyatt Company in Toronto and was subsequently appointed Vice President of The Alexander Consulting Group. Yvonne is active in research and other academic activities through her various appointments – Research Fellow, the China Centre for Insurance and Social Security Research, Peking University; and Board Member, Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association. Yvonne lectures frequently on pensions and insurance as well as human resource management topics, and is the author of numerous publications analyzing pension reform options. She received her BSc degree in Mathematics from the University of Toronto in Canada and graduated from The World Bank’s Pensions Fellowship Programme. Her professional qualifications and affiliations include membership with the Society of Actuaries, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, the American Academy of Actuaries, the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong, and the International Actuarial Association.


王翔昇 Allen Wang 貝萊德董事總經理 Managing Director, Head of China/Taiwan Institutional Business, BlackRock ,H.K. Email: allen.wang@blackrock.com www.blackrock.com

簡歷 現任貝萊德 ( 香港 ) 董事總經理,為中國及台灣機構業務主管 曾任 : ● 美林投資管理台灣代表處首席代表與台灣區業務的共同主管 ● 台灣寶來證券國際金融部主管 ● 台灣國泰人壽證券國際投資和企業策略部門 ● 擁有美國壽險管理師及臺灣高級營業員和信託業務人員執照


●BlackRock (HK), Managing Director – Head of China/Taiwan Institutional Business ●Chief Representative and the co-head of MLIM's Taiwan Business ●Head of the International Finance Department, Polaris Securities ● Cathay Life, international investment and corporate strategy divisions ●Qualifications: Fellow, Life Management Institute designation, licenses of Senior Broker and Trust business at Taiwan.





王銘陽 Alan Wang 中國人壽董事長 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer China Life Insurance Company Limited Email:alanwang@chinalife.com.tw www.chinalife.com.tw

簡歷 王銘陽先生是中國人壽保險公司的董事長及 CEO。王銘陽先生在保險業界擁有將近三十年的公司治理及資產管理之經 驗,自 2003 年加入中國人壽,帶領中國人壽在各方面表現不斷締創歷史新高,短短幾年間,已完成二項重大的併購案,併 購後的中國人壽資產規模達 6,200 億以上,躍升為台灣第五大壽險公司;中國人壽的經營績效亦同時受到外資法人的高度 肯定,外資持股比例由原來的零持股,一路攀升至目前超過 50% 以上。 中國人壽在王銘陽先生的專業經營帶領下,不但獲利表現亮眼,更獲得國際媒體富比士雜誌 (Forbes Asia) 評選為 2010 年亞洲最佳 50 企業,為臺灣首度且唯一上榜之金融機構,同時也是本屆亞洲最佳 50 企業中唯一的壽險公司。 在加入中國人壽之前,王銘陽先生擔任大陸中國平安集團副總經理暨首席投資官,掌控整個中國平安集團上兆資產的 投資,同時也累積了海峽兩岸投資事務及經營管理的寶貴經驗。更早之前,從 1982 年至 2002 年間,王銘陽先生任職於南 山人壽保險公司,擔任執行副總經理暨首席投資主管,南山人壽是隸屬於 AIG 集團的子公司之一。 王銘陽先生同時也是中國人壽保險公司董事及中華民國壽險同業公會常務理事。 王銘陽先生還曾經擔任以下職務: 台灣綜合研究院利率諮詢委員 1994 至 2002 年 中國國際商業銀行董事 1996 至 2002 年 中央再保險公司監察人 2000 至 2002 年 台北金融大樓股份有限公司董事 2003 至 2004 年 緯來企業董事 2004 至 2008 年 國喬石化股份有限公司董事 2004 至 2009 年 中華開發工業銀行常務董事 2004 至 2007 年 中華開發金融控股公司常務董事等職務 2004 至 2007 年 王銘陽先生於 1982 年取得美國德州大學達拉斯分校企管碩士學位。


Mr. Alan Wang joined China Life Insurance Co. as President and CEO since February 2003, to steer the Company to constant business restructuring, and was appointed to Chairman in June 2009. Wang has nearly 30 years of experience in the corporate governance and asset management field, and with his profound life insurance knowledge and precise vision in investment, the Company experience performance excellence and reached historic high financial results. Wang directed two major M&A deals to enlarge the Company’s asset size to over NT$620 billion, the fifth largest insurance company in Taiwan. The achievement is also highly recognized by foreign investors, and the QFII holdings increased to over 50%, from zero before he joined China Life. China Life achieved outstanding profitability under Mr. Wang’s professional management, and was awarded by Forbes magazine the Fab 50 recognition among the Asia's top 50 companies, the only life insurance company and Taiwan's only financial institution on the list. Before joining China Life, Wang was Chief Investment Officer at Ping An Insurance Group where he earned valuable experience on cross-strait business. Earlier in his career, Wang served as Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer at Nan Shan Life Insurance Co., one company under AIG group, from 1982 to 2002. His profound financial experience also includes a supervisor at Central Reinsurance Corp., one of the board of directors at AIG Investment Co., Wang also held the following positions earlier in his career: Taiwan Research Institute - Interest Rate & FX Advisory committee Member 1994 ~ 2002 The International Commercial Bank of China - Director 1996 ~ 2002 Central Reinsurance Corporation - Supervisor 2000 ~ 2002 Taipei Financial Center Corporation - Director 2003 ~ 2004 Video Land - Director 2004 ~ 2008 Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corporation - Director 2004 ~ 2009 China Development Industrial Bank - Managing Director 2004 ~ 2007 China Development Financial Holdings - Managing Director 2004 ~ 2007 Wang graduated from University of Taxes at Dallas and received an MBA in 1982.


石燦明 Tsan-Ming Shih 富邦產物保險股份有限公司董事長 Chairman, Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. Email: tm.shih@fubon.com www.fubon.com

簡歷 石燦明先生是富邦產物保險股份有限公司董事長。石先生畢業於東吳大學法律系,並完成美國維吉尼亞州 達頓商學院之進階管理課程。1971 年加入富邦產險後,自基層員工做起,歷任副總經理、執行副總經理、總 經理、董事長。在富邦產險近四十年的完整資歷,以及其國際觀與前瞻性的管理素養,對於富邦乃至整個產物 保險業的發展具有重要的貢獻。 石先生也擔任中華民國保險學會理事長、台灣金融服務業聯合總會副理事長、住宅保險地震保險基金董事 長、中華民國產物保險商業同業公會名譽理事長,以及中華民國全國商業總會常務理事,在產、官、學界具有 相當專業地位,並對產險業發展做出重要的貢獻,包括:成功爭取主管機關開放產險經營健康傷害險業務,擴 大產險業經營範圍;配合主管機關完成產險三階段費率自由化;另一方面,也成功舉辦 2004 與 2007 年之「兩 岸三地保險業交流與合作會議」,及 2008 年「IIS 國際保險學會台北年會」,協助台灣產險業順利邁向區域合 作與國際化。 在石先生的領導下,於 1998 年富邦產險為台灣首家成功發行 GDR 金融業者,以及在 1999 年成為首家 申請 S&P 信用評等並獲得 AA- 的產險公司。同時富邦產險也獲得國內外各種獎項,包括亞洲保險雜誌 (Asia Insurance Review)1999 年與 2004 年亞洲最佳產險公司,以及連續三屆台灣保險卓越獎的最多獎項。石先生本 人也獲頒 1998 年商業總會金商獎優良商人,以及現代保險雜誌保險信望愛獎的「2004 最佳保險領導人獎」與 「2008 保險終身貢獻獎」。


Mr. Tsan-Ming Shih is Chairman of Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. He graduated from Law Department of Soochow University and completed Advanced Management Course at Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, USA. He joined Fubon Insurance in 1971 and started his career from entry-level to Vice President, Executive Vice President, President and Chairman. With experience for over 40 years and expertise of international and visional management, Mr. Shih made crucial contributions to the progressive development of Fubon Insurance as well as the insurance industry. He is also Chairman of Insurance Society of R.O.C., Vice Chairman of Taiwan Financial Roundtable, Chairman of Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance, Honor Chairman of The Non-life Insurance Association of R.O.C., and Executive Director of General Chamber of Commerce of R.O.C. With excellent reputation and networks among the industry, the academe and the government, Mr. Shih successfully helped to make milestones for the insurance market, including making short-term health insurance open to non-life insurers to expand the pie of the market, following the government’s policy to accomplish the task of three-stage non-life insurance deregulation, facilitating 2004 and 2007 the Cross-Strait and Hong Kong Insurance Business Conferences and 2008 IIS annual conference in Taiwan to enhance regional and international cooperation and interaction. With his leadership, Fubon Insurance was the first financial institution to issue Global Depositary Receipts in London, the first p&c insurance company in Taiwan to apply for S&P rating and received AA- which was the best in the market. In addition, Fubon insurance was awarded “199 9& 2004 General Insurance Company of the Year” by Asia Insurance Review, and the most titles awarded in 3 consecutive terms of Taiwan Insurance Industry Prominence Award. In recognition of his achievement, Mr. Shih received “1998 Golden Merchant Award” by General Chamber of Commerce, “2004 Insurance Leader of the Year”, and “2008 Lifetime Achievement Award” by RMI Magazine.


專業諮詢委員 朱炳昱 Ping-Yu Chu 台灣人壽保險(股)公司 董事長 Chairman of Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd Email:brain@twlife.com.tw www.twlife.com.tw 台灣人壽保險(股)公司 董事長龍邦國際興業(股)公司 董事保勝投資(股)公司 董事 台壽保投信(股)公司 董事台壽保產物保險(股)公司 董事

君龍人壽 ( 中國 ) 保險有限公司 董事 財團法人台北醫學大學 董事 財團法人海峽交流基金會 董事 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會 理事 財團法人文向教育基金會 名譽董事長

簡歷 朱炳昱先生,彰化縣人,美國甘迺迪大學企管碩士、大葉大學事業經營研究所碩士、國立政治大學企管研究所企家班; 現任台灣人壽保險(股)公司董事長、龍邦開發(股)公司董事,並擔任財團法人海峽交流基金會董事、台北醫學大學董事、 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會理事。朱炳昱先生為彰化縣永靖鄉農家子弟出身,性格中有農家子弟的溫厚。以父親提供 的微量資金創業,以龍邦建設為創業主體;進入金融保險業,期望以台灣人壽為主,架構出一個「金融資產管理集團」。 朱炳昱先生曾獲頒行政院勞委會「勞工教育優等獎」、中華民國管理科學學會「李國鼎先生紀念獎章」、榮獲 2002 金融服 務類「時代菁英獎」以及全國商業總會 2004 年中華民國「優良商人獎」等多項重要獎項。 台灣人壽成立於 1947 年,為國內第一家壽險公司;1998 年 7 月 1 日正式民營化,在財政部及龍邦集團等大股東組成下, 成為一個擁有極專業的董監事團隊,並引進保險及資產管理領域傑出的專業人才,共同組成一更為堅強的經營團隊。朱炳 昱先生也因為這樣用心謹慎的經營態度,自 1999 年起更締造了九年每股稅後盈餘列居上市金融保險公司第一名之佳績,傑 出的經營績效,為全體保戶提供了最堅實的保障,更塑造出公營企業民營化成功的典範。 秉持著「讓客戶享有安心的人生」為使命,朱炳昱先生希望將台灣人壽朝向成為最傑出與最受客戶推薦的人壽保險公 司之願景努力,不管是對客戶、員工、股東以及社會都投以『熱情、服務、誠信和關懷』的理念。朱董事長表示,未來台 灣人壽將持續朝著「以人為本」的信念,不斷提昇創新能力,提供更好的企業服務品質,超越時代的腳步,達成客戶追求 更高更滿意服務品質的期望。 2008 年 12 月大陸合資公司君龍人壽於廈門正式營運,並於北京及越南設有辦事處,2009 年更積極在對岸播灑愛心的種 子,同時與台灣的公益事務推動互相串連,更以文向教育基金會為公益平台,持續關注社會發展及關懷弱勢團體。當台灣 人壽之經營觸角積極拓展至投信 ( 台壽保投信 )、企業資融 ( 台壽保資融 ) 及產物保險 ( 台壽保產物保險 ),並同時進行海 外市場佈局的同時,台灣人壽不僅僅已架構出國際型之金融集團企業版圖,更將藉由不斷的社會回饋與公益參與,在全世 界發聲。 此次很榮幸擔任政治大學風險管理與保險學系研究中心顧問,希望能盡一己之力,協助政府與金融保險產業能持續不 斷地茁壯成長,並讓台灣風險管理與保險學術研究在國際舞台上能有更大發展空間。


Ping-Yu Chu is chairman of Taiwan Life Insurance Co, Ltd., and director of Long Bon International Co., Ltd. He also serves as director of Straits Exchange Foundation, director of Taipei Medical University, and director of Chinese Management Association. Mr. Chu was born in Changhwa county. With little money, he started up his business empire from scratch. Currently, Mr. Chu is the major shareholder of two listed companies - Long Bon Holding Co. and Taiwan Life Insurance Co. Mr. Chu’s goal is to build up a financial asset management group to provide one-stop shopping service and platform to clients. Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd., the first life insurance company in Taiwan, was established by government in 1947. After privatization in 1998, Mr. Chu has become the major shareholder of Taiwan Life. He made several structural changes in this company and recruited professional teams to manage insurance business and investment. His diligence and wisdom in running business has shown in the outstanding performance of Taiwan Life - with EPS ranking No. 1 for consecutive nine years compared to other listed financial peers since 1999. To further expand its business, Taiwan Life has set up representative offices in Beijin, China and Hanoi, Vietnam in 2003 and 2006 respectively, to look for business opportunities overseas. After several years hardwork, a joint venture of Taiwan Life - King Dragon Insurance (China) has officially started to operate at Xiamen, China in December, 2008. Taiwan Life Financial Group has now become an international financial group, which comprised of Taiwan Life, TLG Insurance, TLG Asset Management, TLG Capital and King Dragon Insurance (China). For all his success, Mr. Chu has never forgotten his root – a farmer’s son. With a compassion for those less fortunate, he has set up WeShare Education and Charity Fund in 1993 to support poor children to get better education. Seven years after his acquistion of Taiwan Life, Mr. Chu had presuaded board members to take coporate social responsibilty which prompted Taiwan Life becoming one of WeShare’s main sponsor in 2006. With funds from Taiwan Life, WeShare now can support more children in needs of better eduction resources. Besides managing the growing business, Mr. Chu has also achieved many outstanding accomplishments. Mr. Chu has received an Award for Excellence in Labour Education from Council of Labor Affairs. He was also granted Kwoh-Ting Li Memorial Medal from Chinese Management Association and Award for Excellent Businessman from National Business Association. Mr. Chu has earned MBA degree from John F. Kennedy University.


李松季 Patrick S. Lee 泰安產物保險股份有限公司 董事長 Chairman of TAIAN INSURANCE Co. Ltd Email:a680@mail.taian.com.tw www.taian.com.tw

現職 國立清華大學科技管理學院兼任副教授 中華民國產物保險商業同業公會常務理事 中華民國金融總會全球金融委員會委員

簡歷 ● 中鼎工程顧問公司 (1984-1987) ● Shearson-Global Financial Services Co. 經理 (1989-1990) ● 東元電機公司 董事長特別助理 (1990-1991) ● 東元電機公司 財務處副處長 (1991-1993) ● 東元電機公司 經營企劃處副處長 (1993-1994) ● 泰安產物保險股份有限公司 協理 (1994-1996) ● 泰安產物保險股份有限公司 執行副總經理 (1996-1998) ● 泰安產物保險股份有限公司 總經理 (1998-June 2010) ● 泰安產物保險股份有限公司 董事長 (July 2010- 迄今 )

Present Position

●Adjunct Associate Professor, College of Technology Management in National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan ●Managing Board Governor of The Non-Life Insurance Association of the R.O.C. ●Committee Member Of the Global Finance Committee, Finance Association of the R.O.C.


●Served in CTCI CORPORATION (1984-1987) ●Manager of Shearson-Global Financial Services Co. (1989-1990) ●Special Assistant to Chairman, TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd. (1990-1991) ●Deputy Director of Financial Department, TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd. (1991-1993) ●Deputy Director of Business Development Department, TECO Electric & Machinery Co. Ltd. (1993-1994) ●Vice President of TAIAN INSURANCE Co. Ltd (1994-1996) ●Executive Vice President of TAIAN INSURANCE Co. Ltd (1996-1998) ●President of TAIAN INSURANCE Co. Ltd (1998-June 2010) ●Chairman of TAIAN INSURANCE Co. Ltd (July 2010-Present)


專業諮詢委員 吳家懷 David Wu 永豐人身保險代理人 ( 股 ) 公司 董事長 Chairman, SinoPac Life Insurance Agent Co., Ltd. Email: david.wu@sinopac.com www.sinopac.com

學歷 美國威斯康辛州立大學精算碩士 國立政治大學應用數學系畢業

專長 保險精算

歷任 碩群精算管理顧問有限公司 總經理 瑞士商環球瑞泰人壽保險 ( 股 ) 公司總經理 ING 安泰人壽 副總經理

Current Position

Chairman, SinoPac Life Insurance Agent Co., Ltd.


●M.S. in Actuarial Science, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A. ●B.S. in Mathematics, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan

Prior Experiences

●Owner and Managing Partner, FICR (Financial Integration Consulting & Research Inc.) ●GM & CEO, Credit Suisse Winterthur Life ●Executive VP, Credit Suisse Winterthur Life ●Vice President, Taiwan Branch of ING Life

David Wu is the chairman of SinoPac Life Insurance Agent Co., Ltd.. A Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, David has over 20 years of management experience in the life insurance and financial services industries. He holds a Master Degree of Actuarial Science from University of Wisconsin. The first ten years of his career was working in North America and Europe for international financial institutions. David returned to Taiwan in 1990 to set up the Taiwan Branch of ING Life. He assumed the responsibility of the CEO of Credit Suisse Winterthur Life in Taiwan in 1995. Before joining SinoPac, he was the Managing Partner of FICR (Financial Integration Consulting & Research Inc.), a consulting firm which David formed in 2001. David is a regular speaker on industry conferences and academic seminars. He also serves as an advisor to various government agencies in Taiwan on issues related to pension and retirement savings infrastructures and insurance regulation.


沈臨龍 Leon Ling-Long Shen 台灣金聯資產管理(股)公司董事長 Chairman of the Taiwan Asset Management Corporation Email: leonlshen@tamco.com.tw www.tamco.com.tw/

現職 台灣金聯資產管理(股)公司董事長 元大金融控股(股)公司獨立董事 財團法人證券櫃檯買賣中心董事 金融總會金融政策與法規委員會委員

簡歷 政府部門: ● 財政部保險司司長、副司長 ● 財政部金融局組長(主管國際金融、外商銀行監理及軍政外匯業務) ● 財政部金融司專門委員(督導國際金融及金融檢查業務) ● 財政部錢幣司科長(主管國際金融及外商銀行監理) ● 財政部保險審議委員會主任委員 ● 財團法人住宅地震保險基金董事長 ● 財團法人保險事業發展中心董事財團法人汽車交通事故特別補償基金董事 產業部門: ● 兆豐產物保險 ( 股 ) 公司董事長 ● 兆豐資產管理 ( 股 ) 公司董事長 ● 兆豐金融控股 ( 股 ) 公司董事 ● 交通銀行常務董事 ● 台北銀行董事 ● 中國農民銀行董事 ● 中興票券金融公司董事


●Chairman of the Taiwan Asset Management Corporation ●Independent Director of the Yuanta Financial Holdings Co. ●Director of the Gre Tai Securities Market ●Commissioner of the Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable Co


In Public Sector: ●Director General & Deputy Director General of the Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) ●Division Head of the Bureau of Monetary Affairs of MOF ●Assistant Director of the Monetary Department of MOF ●Section Chief of the Monetary Department of MOF ●Chairman of the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund ●Director of the Taiwan Insurance Institute ●Director of the motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Fund In Private Sector: ●Chairman of the Chung Kuo Insurance Co. ●Chairman of the Mega Asset Management Co. ●Director of the Mega Financial Holdings Co. ●Executive Director of the Bank of Communication ●Director of the Taipei Bank ●Director of the China Farmers Bank ●Director of the Chung Hsin Bills Finance Co.


專業諮詢委員 楊誠對 Cheng-Tui Yang 中央再保險股份有限公司 Chairman, Central Reinsurance Corporation Email: ctyang@centralre.com www.centralre.com

學歷 國立台灣大學經濟學系畢業(1965) 美國紐約保險學院企管碩士(1990) 高等考試財政金融人員及格(1963) 教育部大學講師審定合格(1985) 訓練:紐約「美國國際集團 ( 保險 )」(AIG) 研習半年(1974) 經歷:中國產物保險公司辦事員、領組、科長、襄理、副經理、經理 中華民國產物保險商業同業公會意外險委員會主任委員 財政部保險司副司長兼保險業務發展基金執行秘書 中央再保險公司總經理 財團法人保險事業發展中心董事 財團法人住宅地震保險基金董事及執行秘書 現職:中央再保險公司董事長 中華民國保險學會副理事長 中華民國產物保險核保學會常務理事 中國輸出入銀行輸出保險審議會委員 國立政治大學兼任副教授


Dept. of Economics, National Taiwan University(1965) MBA, The College of Insurance, New York City (1990) Training: Practical training at AIG N.Y. for six months (1974)

Work Experience

1. From junior Employee to SVP of Chung Kuo Insurance Company(Sept.1966~June 1991) 2. Deputy Insurance Commissioner of MOF(July 1991~ Sept.1993) 3. Executive Secretary of Insurance Development Fund(July 1991~Sept.1993) 4. President of Central Reinsurance Corporation (Oct. 1993~ Oct. 2002) 5. Director of Taiwan Insurance Institute(1993~2006) 6. Director & Executive Secretary of Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund(Dec. 2001~ June 2006) 7. Chairman of Casualty Committee of Taipei Non-life Insurance Association (1985~1993)

Current Position

1.Chairman of Central Reinsurance Corporation (Oct. 2002~present) 2. Adjunct Associate Professor of National Cheng-Chi University 3. Vice Chairman of The Insurance Society of R.O.C. 4. Executive Director of The Non-Life Underwriters Society of R.O.C. 5. Committee Member of the Export Insurance Committee of EXIM Bank of R.O.C.


魏寶生 Mark Wei 凱基證券股份有限公司 董事長 Chairman, KGI Securities Co., Ltd. Email: mark.wei@kgi.com.tw www.KGI.asia

最高學歷 ● 美國華府喬治華盛頓大學國際企業管理碩士 ● 美國華府班傑明富蘭克林大學財務管理碩士 ● 國立交通大學海洋運輸學系

榮 譽 2004 艾森豪獎學金得主

重要經歷 ● 美亞產物保險股份有限公司董事長 ● 友邦證券股份有限公司董事長 ● 友邦證券投資顧問股份有限公司董事長 ● 行政院金融監督管理委員會保險局局長 ● 財政部保險司司長兼主任秘書 ● 財政部證券暨期貨管理委員會第一組組長(發行市場管理)


- MBA (International Business), George Washington University, Washington, D.C., 1991 - MS (Financial Management), Benjamin Franklin University, Washington, D.C., 1987 - BA (Marine Management), National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1980


2004 Eisenhower Fellow from Taiwan

Major Working Experiences include

●5 years ( 2005~2010 ) with AIG subsidiaries in Taiwan, including Chairman of AIG Investments, AIG Wealth Management Services, and AIG General Insurance ( Chartis ), respectively. Mark helped AIG to acquire local Central Insurance in 2007 and sold AIG Wealth Management Services to Bank of East Asia in 2009 during AIG crisis. ●5 years ( 2000~2005) insurance regulator, including Director General of Insurance Bureau of Financial Supervisory Commission, Insurance Commissioner of Ministry of Finance, and President of Taiwan Insurance Institute. ●9 years ( 1991~2000 ) securities regulator, including Division Director of Corporate Finance and International Affairs of Securities & Futures Commission, respectively, as well as Section Chief of Investment Management. ●6 years ( 1985~1991 ) foreign commercial service in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. appointed by the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs.


專業諮詢委員 鄭濟世 Cheng, Chi-Shih 新光金控獨立董事 Independent Director, Shin Kong Financial Holding Company, Ltd. E-Mail: Cheng_Chi_Shih@yahoo.com.tw www.skfh.com.tw

簡歷 鄭濟世先生目前任職於新光金融控股公司獨立董事,該公司的核心業務為保險及銀行,旗下擁有不同子公 司提供客戶多樣的金融商品服務,包括新光人壽保險公司、台灣新光商業銀行、新光投信公司以及新光保險經 紀公司等,根據統計,新光金融控股公司在 2009 年合併稅後盈餘為 11.3 億新台幣,資產總額達 1.9 兆新台幣, 較去年成長 9.3%。鄭濟世先生擔任獨立董事的職責主要在提供專業意見給董事會參考,並落實公司治理執行 的效率以及作好風險評估。 除了業界的經驗,鄭董事目前也擔任國立政治大學風險管理及保險學研究所副教授,政治大學為國內有名 的國立大學,在從事金融相關的研究上有相當顯著的成果;同時鄭董事也積極參予專業組織的運作,目前是中 華民國人壽管理協會理事長以及中華保險服務協會理事長。鄭董事畢業於國立台灣大學商學研究所取得碩士學 位。 在加入新光金融控股公司之前,鄭董事曾在財政部工作超過三十年,在擔任財政部保險司司長任內,他努 力推動保險業務健全保險市場發展,同時創造保險人與被保險人的共同利益,實施、規劃、完成汽車強制責任 保險制度即是鄭董事任內所推動重大政策之一。另外,在擔任不同職位的工作上獲得許多寶貴的經驗:曾任財 政部保險審議會主任委員、台灣高等法院檢察署偵查經濟犯罪中心諮詢委員、公務人員退撫基基管理委員會顧 問、中國產物保險公司之常務董事、交通銀行常務董事以及考試院命題、閱卷典試委員等。


Mr. Chi-Shih Cheng is an Independent Director of Shin Kong Financial Holding Company, Ltd. (SKFH). The core business of SKFH is insurance and banking. SKFH is a financial group which provides comprehensive financial services through several subsidiary companies including Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (SKL), Taiwan Shin Kong Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (SKB), Shin Kong Investment Trust Co., Ltd. (SKIT), Taiwan Shin Kong Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. (SKIB) and etc. The consolidated net profit of SKFH in 2009 was 1.13 billion NT dollars after tax while the total assets was estimated at 1.90 trillion NT dollars which corresponds to a 9.30% growth compared to the previous fiscal year. As an Independent Director, the major responsibility of Mr. Cheng is to provide independent and professional advices to the board of directors during decision-making process, enforce the corporate governance to be implemented successfully and risk managements. In addition to industry experiences, Mr. Cheng also serves as an Associate Professor in Department of Risk Management and Insurance of National Chengchi University, one of the best Universities in Taiwan especially in the research area finances. Mr. Cheng is active in profession committees as well and is now chairman of Chinese Insurance Service Association, R.O.C. and chairman of Life Insurance Management Institute, R.O.C. Mr. Cheng received his Master degree, MBA, from Graduate Institute of Business Administration in National Taiwan University. Prior to joining SKFH, Mr. Cheng has worked in the Ministry of Finance, a government organization in Taiwan, for more than 30 years. Within this period, Mr. Cheng contributed the most when he served as the Director of Insurance in the Ministry of Finance. During this period, Mr. Cheng made great effort to promote healthy growth of insurance industry while increase mutual benefits for insurer and the insured. Compulsory Automobile Liability insurance, for example, was promoted at the time and has been proof valuable in current national insurance system. The extensive experiences earned from other important positions for Mr. Cheng may include chairman of Insurance Advisory Council, advisory consultant of Economic Crimes Investigations Center, Consultant of Public Service Pension Fund Management Board, director of Chung Kuo Insurance Company, Ltd, managing director of Mega International Commercial Bank, the question drafter; grader and member of the board of examiners in Examination Yuan R.O.C. and etc.


賴本隊 Pen-Tui Lai 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會名譽理事長 Honorary Chairman of The Life Insurance Association of the R.O.C. Email: pt.lai@msa.hinet.net www.lia-roc.org.tw

學歷 政治大學財政研究所法學碩士 現任 ● 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會名譽理事長 ● 中華民國商業總會常務理事 ● 中華民國保險學會常務理事 ● 中華民國人壽保險管理學會常務理事 ● 台灣人壽保險股份有限公司獨立董事 ● 朝陽科技大學保險金融管理系學門講座教授

經歷 ● 興農人壽保險公司總經理 ● 保生製藥股份有限公司總經理 ● 保生化學工業股份有限公司總經理 ● 朝陽科技大學保險金融管理系客座教授 ● 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會常務理事 ● 中華民國精算學會常務理事、理事 ● 中華電視公司教學部空中商專人壽保險主講教授 ● 逢甲大學統計與精算研究所兼任副教授 ● 政治大學會研所、保研所兼任副教授


Master in Public Finance, National Cheng Chi University Present Position 1. The Honorary Chairman of The Life Insurance Association of the Republic of China 2. Managing Director of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China 3. Managing Director of the Insurance Society of the Republic of China 4. Managing Director of the Life Insurance Management Institute of the Republic of China 5. Independent Director of Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 6. Concurrent Professor of the Chaoyang University of Technology

Career experience

1. The President of Sinon Life insurance Co., Ltd. 2. The President of the Lifeguard pharmaceutical Company 3. Senior Vice President of the Chiao Tung Bank (Bank of Communications), Cheng Chung Branch


專業諮詢委員 巫慧燕 Francine Wu 英商施羅德證券投信總裁 Chief Executive Officer of Schroders Securities Investment Trust Enterprise Taiwan (SITE) Email:francine.wu@schroders.com www.schroders.com.tw

簡歷 ● 加入施英商羅德集團 16 年,歷任施羅德投顧副總經理、總經理及總裁,現任英商施羅德證券投信總裁 ● 歐僑商務協會理事兼資產管理委員會聯席主席 ● 中華民國退休基金協會理事 ● 歷任德商德盛證券投資顧問有限公司企研部主管及法商惠嘉證券投資顧問有限公司研究專員 ● 畢業於美國 AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 企管碩士及東海大學國際貿易學系 ● 著作:基金百科:金錢文化出版社及海外投資:金錢文化出版社


●Master of Business Administration ●Azusa Pacific University, USA ●Bachelor Degree of International Trade ●Tunghai University, Taiwan


Francine Wu is presently Chief Executive Officer of Schroders Securities Investment Trust Enterprise Taiwan (SITE) with over 20 years experience in the investment related field. She joined Schroders group in 1995 and was appointed as General Manager & Deputy General Manager of Schroders Security Investment Consultant Enterprise (SICE) Taiwan. In addition to her executive role at Schroders, Francine is also Director of ECCT, Co-Chair of Asset Management Committee, ECCT & Director of Pension Fund Association, ROC. Before joining Schroder, Francine worked for Dresdner SICE as Head of Planning & Research Department and for W.I. Carr SICE as Research Analyst.


洪鴻銘 Stanley H.M. Hong 台灣人壽保險(股)公司 總經理 General Manager , Taiwan Life Insurance Co, Ltd email:stanley_hong@twlife.com.tw www.twlife.com.tw

現職 ● 台灣人壽保險(股)公司總經理 ● 台壽保產物保險(股)公司董事 ● 財團法人文向教育基金會董事 ● 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會監事

簡歷 洪鴻銘先生台灣台南人,東吳大學商用數學系、逢甲大學保險研究所畢業。民國七十年通過中華民國精算 學會全科精算考試,成為正會員(FAIRC)、中華民國人壽保險管理學會正會員、美國人壽保險管理學會正會 員(FLMI)、財政部核定保險業精算人員。 洪鴻銘先生於金融保險業服務迄今歷 33 載,曾服務於中國人壽、中央信託局壽險處、台灣人壽;歷任企劃、 數理、精算等商品研發及負責團體保險部門,於中國人壽服務期間並督導契約部、理賠部、保服部、收費部。 亦曾任中華民國精算學會理事、中華民國保險管理學會監事、財政部人身保險新種商品審查委員,實務歷練豐 厚完整。 除了紮實的實務歷練外,洪鴻銘先生結合學術教學,先後於逢甲大學銀行保險系、淡江大學保險系、東吳 大學商用數學研究所等兼任講授課程,貢獻所學培育後輩。歷經多年金融保險業實務後,將所學與經歷融會著 作成書,著有『我國勞工退休準備金提撥率計算之研究』(民國 78 年)、『商用年金數學』(民國 91 年)。 自加入台灣人壽服務以來,秉持台灣人壽『熱情、服務、誠信、關懷』的經營理念,及個人專業的保險學識, 提供給所有的保戶:安心無虞的保障、完善的服務品質與終身誠信的守護。今後仍將延續此精神,貢獻棉薄之 力,冀望更提昇台灣保險產業的發展與進步。


Mr. Hong Hong-Ming from Tainan, Taiwan, graduated from Department of Mathematics, Soochow University, and Feng-Chia University Insurance Institute. Passed all the actuarial exams approved by the Actuarial Institute of the Republic of China by 1981, and became the Fellow of Actuarial Institute of the Republic of China (FAIRC), member of the Life Insurance Management Institute of the Republic of China, Fellow of Life Management Institute Program (FLMI), and Life Insurance Actuary appointed by Ministry of Finance. Mr. Hong Hong-Ming served in the financial and insurance industry for 33 years, and previously worked in China Life Insurance company, Life Insurance Departments of Central Trust, and China Life Insurance company; experienced in product planning, product pricing, product valuation and responsible for Group insurance sector. Also was responsible for the supervision of Underwriting department, claims department, Policy-Owner Service department and premium collection department during his work experience in China Life Insurance Company. In addition, he was also the Director of the Actuarial Institute of the Republic of China, Supervisor of The Life Insurance Management Institute of the Republic of China, and Examines committee member of The Ministry of Finance, which all together further complete his working profile. Mr. Hong Hong-Ming has not only obtained solid working experience in life insurance market, but also has shared his insurance profession and give lectures at Feng-Chia University, Tam-Kang University, and at Soochow University. After years of financial and insurance industry practice, he gathers his professional skills with insurance knowledge and complete research papers: “ 我國勞工退休準備金提撥率計算之研究 (1989)” and “ 商用年金數學 (2002)”. After joining the Taiwan Life Insurance, upholding the business philosophy 『passion, service, integrity, caring』 together with his personal professional insurance knowledge, he promise to all the policyholders: flawless security, high quality of service and integrity for lifetime. He will carry on this spirit, and continue to devote himself to the contribution to further enhancing the development and progression of Taiwan’s insurance industry.


專業諮詢委員 許榮賢 J. H. Hsu 國泰世紀產物保險公司總經理 President, Cathay Century Insurance Co., Ltd. e-mail: woody.hsu @cathay-ins.com.tw www.cathay-ins.com.tw

簡歷 許榮賢先生現任國泰世紀產物保險公司董事、總經理,兼任國泰金融控股股份有限公司的董事。此外,許 榮賢先生也擔任中華民國產物保險商業同業公會常務理事、中華民國核能保險聯合會董事及財團法人工程保險 協進會董事。 許榮賢先生於 1974 年畢業於東吳大學法律系,1976~1992 年服務於第一產險,1993 年進入國泰產險,先後 擔任汽車保險部經理、火災保險部經理,2002~2007 年期間修讀政治大學經營管理碩士學程(風險管理與保險 學組),2000 年獲擢升為協理、2005 年獲擢升為副總經理、2007 年再獲擢升為總經理,迄今在產險業的資歷 已有 34 年。


J. H. Hsu is the Director and President of Cathay Century Insurance Company. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Cathay Financial Holdings. Besides, he is the Executive director of the Non-Life Insurance Association of the R.O.C and the Director of Nuclear Insurance Association of the R.O.C. and Engineering Insurance Association (EIA). After graduating from the Law Department of Soochow University (Taiwan) with a Bachelor degree, J. H. Hsu began his insurance career in First Insurance during 1976-1992. Since July 1993, J. H. Hsu joined Cathay Century Insurance Company. During the past 17 years of non-life insurance career, J. H. Hsu served as the General Manager of the Motor Insurance Department and Fire Insurance Department, promoted to the Senior Vice president in 2000, the Executive Vice President in 2005, and the President in 2007 until now. He engaged in advanced studies at National Chengchi University during 2002-2007 and got an Executive Master of Business Administration in fall 2007.


陳燦煌 Steve T. H. Chen 富邦產物保險股份有限公司總經理 President, Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. Email: steve.chen@fubon.com www.fubon.com

簡歷 陳燦煌先生是富邦產物保險股份有限公司總經理。陳先生於 1976 年加入富邦產險後,自基層員工做起,歷 任副總經理、執行副總經理、總經理;同時,自 2010 年 11 月起擔在富邦產險之廈門子公司,富邦財產保險有 限公司之董事長。陳先生已具有三十多年的產險業經驗,具備厚實的管理理論知識和管理實踐經驗。 同時,陳先生還擔任中華民國產物保險商業同業公會常務監事、中華民國產物保險核保學會常務理事、中 華民國核能保險聯合會理事、中華保險服務協會常務理事,以及財團法人工程保險協進會常務董事,為業界提 供及分享個人的經驗與意見,對提升台灣的產險業經營具有相當的貢獻。 在陳先生的領導下,富邦產險榮獲國內外各種獎項,包括亞洲保險雜誌 (Asia Insurance Review)2004 年亞 洲最佳產險公司及 2005 年年度最佳創新獎、連續三屆獲台灣保險卓越獎「商品創新」與「保戶服務」、連續 十年獲千大企業票選最佳產險公司第一名;陳先生本人也獲 2006 年商業總會金商獎優良商人的肯定。 陳先生擁有臺灣東吳大學商用數學系學士學位,以及美國羅斯福大學企業管理碩士學位。


Mr. Steven T. H. Chen is President of Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. He joined Fubon Insurance in 1976 and started his career from entry-level to Vice President, Executive Vice President and President. In addition, he is Chairman of Fubon Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd., the subsidiary of Fubon Insurance in Xiamen city in China. Mr. Chen has the industry experience of more than 30 years as well as the solid knowledge of management in terms of theory and business practice. He is also Executive Supervisor of The Non-life Insurance Association of R.O.C., Executive Director of The Non-life Underwriters Society of R.O.C., Director of Nuclear Energy Insurance Pool of R.O.C., Executive Director of Chinese Insurance Service Association, and Executive Director of Engineering Insurance Association. With these positions, Mr. Chen provides the industry with his expertise and professional opinions as well as shares his experience with the leaders of the market players. His contribution to the progress of market development is well recognized. With his leadership, Fubon Insurance has been awarded many local and international titles, including Asia Insurance Review “2004 General Insurance Company of the Year” and “2005 Company of Innovation”, 3 consecutive terms of Taiwan Insurance Industry Prominence Award “Customer Service” and “Product Innovation”, 10 consecutive years of “Best P&C Insurance Company” selected by top 1,000 Taiwanese companies. Mr. Chen received the “Golden Merchant Award” by General Chamber of Commerce in recognition of his achievement in the industry. Mr. Chen holds Bachelor degree of Business Mathematics from Soochow University, Taiwan, and Master degree of Business Administration from Roosevelt University, USA.


專業諮詢委員 張立義 Steven L. I. Chang 三井住友海上集團明台產物保險公司總經理 President, MSIG Mingtai Insurance Co., Ltd. Email: stevenchang@msig-mingtai.com.tw Co. Web: www.msig-mingtai.com.tw

現任職務 ● 三井住友海上集團明台產物保險公司總經理 ● 三井住友海上集團明台產物保險公司董事 ● 中華民國產物保險公會常務理事 ● 中華民國核能產物保險聯合會監察人 ● 中華民國工程保險協進會董事長 ● 財團法人台北市逢甲大學校友文教基金會董事長 ● 中華保險服務協會副理事長 ● 企業永續發展協會常任監事 ● 住宅地震保險基金董事 榮譽 ● 逢甲大學斐陶斐獎 2006 年 EMBA 經營管理碩士在職專班得獎人 ● 逢甲大學 EMBA 經營管理碩士在職專班學業優良(第一名)得獎人 ● 第 11 屆 2008 年中華民國傑出企業金鋒獎傑出企業領導人

Current Positions

● President, MSIG Mingtai Insurance ● Director of Board, MSIG Mingtai Insurance ● Executive Director, The Non-Life Insurance Association of R.O.C. ● Executive Supervisor, Nuclear Energy Insurance Pool of R.O.C. ● Chairman, Engineering Insurance Association ● Chairman, Culture and Educational Foundation Taipei Alumni Association of Feng Chia University NPO ● Vice-General Director, Chinese Insurance Service Association ● Executive Supervisor, Business Council for Sustainable Development ● Director of Board, Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund


Winner of the 2006 Feng Chia University Phi Tau Phi Award Top of the class of the Feng Chia University EMBA degree program Winner of the Eleventh Golden Peak Award- Outstanding Corporate Leader


熊明河 Ming-Ho Hsiung 國泰人壽總經理 President of Cathay Life Insurance Company Email: hsiung@cathaylife.com.tw www.cathaylife.com.tw

簡歷 學歷 : ●1984 年 台灣大學商研所碩士畢業 ●1993 年 Iowa 大學精算碩士畢業 職歷 : 一、國泰人壽經歷 進入國泰人壽企劃部 ●1977 年 數理部經理 ●1996 年~ 2001 年 總公司協理 ●2001 年~ 2003 年 副總經理 ●2003 年~ 2008 年 總經理 ●2008 年~迄今 二、其他經歷 國泰人壽董事 ●2002 ~迄今 國泰金控董事 ●2007 ~迄今 財團法人保險安定基金董事 ●2009 ~迄今 國泰世華商業銀行董事 ●2010 ~迄今 中華民國壽險公會副理事長 ●2010 ~迄今


EDUCATION ●University of Iowa, U.S.A. Master of Statistics and Actuarial Dept., June 1993 ●National Taiwan University Master of Business Administration, June 1984 ACTIVITIES The Actuarial Institute of the Republic of China (Taiwan) ●1995~1998 Executive Superintendent ●1998~2001 Governor The Life Insurance Association of the Republic of China (LIA-ROC) ●1996~2001 Coordinator of Actuarial & Statistical Division ●1999~2001 Coordinator of RBC Division EXPERIENCE Cathay Life Insurance Company ●1996~2001 General Manager Actuarial Department Product Planning Department ●1999~2007 Appointed Actuary ●2001~2003 Senior Vice President ●2003~2008 Executive Vice President ●2008~Now President BOARD OF DIRECTOR ●2002~ Now Cathay Life Insurance Company ●2007~Now Cathay Financial Holdings ●2009~Now Taiwan Insurance Guaranty Fund ●2010~Now Cathay United Bank ●2006~2007, 2010~Now LIA-ROC (Vice Chairman)


專業諮詢委員 鄭本源 Cheng Ben-Yuan 富邦人壽總經理 General Manager, Fubon Life Email: penyuan.cheng@fubon.com www.fubon.com

簡歷 富邦人壽鄭本源總經理 1973 年進入富邦產物保險公司、1993 年參與富邦人壽成立、2001 年擔任富邦人壽 總經理至今,帶領富邦人壽不斷向前,以顧客需求為導向,提供「好,還要更好」的優質服務,要讓富邦人壽 成為客戶最信賴的壽險公司! 2008 年底,富邦金控宣布購併安泰人壽,不到一年的時間,即完成原富邦人壽及安泰人壽龐大的合併工程, 並且績效表現亮眼,當年度 (2009 年 ) 新契約保費收入 2,057 億元,市佔率 22%,年成長率 24%,總保費收入 達 3,252 億元,穩居市場第二,創下企業購併後最快展現綜效的成功範例。 2010 年富邦人壽更是獲獎連連! 6 月榮獲「2010 保險信望愛獎」的 10 項大獎、8 項優選;10 月摘下「壹周 刊服務第壹大獎」人壽保險業第一名,與再度蟬聯《天下雜誌》「2010 最佳聲望標竿企業」保險業第一名;11 月再勇奪《遠見雜誌》「傑出服務獎」壽險業冠軍。此外,鄭本源總經理更獲得「2010 保險信望愛獎」最高 榮譽─「最佳保險領導人獎」殊榮。 面對未來競爭激烈的市場環境,鄭本源總經理帶領富邦人壽穩定中求進步,以多元化通路、領先業界的優 質服務,以及創新且完整的商品線,並充份運用富邦金控的豐沛資源,贏得更多客戶青睞,朝亞洲一流金融保 險機構的願景邁進。


Mr. Cheng Ben-Yuan, General Manager of Fubon Life joined Fubon Property Insurance in 1973. He had involved in the founding of Fubon Life in 1993 and has been acting as the general manager of Fubon Life since 2001. Cheng leads Fubon Life forward by focusing on customer demands and providing better services. His goal is to make Fubon Life the most trusted life insurance company in the industry! Fubon FHC announced the merger with ING Life Taiwan by the end of 2008 and completed the important merger between Fubon Life and ING Life Taiwan in less than a year and achieved brilliant performance immediately. The new premium income in 2009 reached NT$ 205.7 billion, with a market share of 22%, an annual growth rate of 24% and a total premium income of NT$325.2 billion. The new Fubon Life become the second largest life insurer in Taiwan and set a successful example in demonstrating the synergy right after the merger. Fubon Life has won numerous awards and recognitions in 2010! In June, Fubon Life won 10 awards out of 18 nominations in the 2010 Faith, Hope and Love Award of Insurance, the Best Life Insurer of the Next Magazine Service Award, and again won the first place as the Most Admired Insurance Company ranked by Commonwealth Magazine. In November, Fubon was further selected as the Best Service Insurance Company 2010 by Global Views Monthly. In addition, Cheng also won the highest honor of Best Insurance Leader Award of the 2010 Faith, Hope and Love Award of Insurance. Facing the intense competition in the market, General Manager Cheng will lead Fubon Life to win more clients with a diversified distribution network, industry-leading customer service, and an innovative and comprehensive product portfolio to achieve the goal of becoming the best insurance company in Asia.


蘇志誠 Rick Su 華銀保險代理人股份有限公司總經理 General Manager HNCB Insurance Agency Limited Co. Email: rick.su@hncb.com.tw www.hncb.com.tw

簡歷 蘇志誠先生是華銀保險代理人 ( 股 ) 公司的總經理,該公司負責經營華南金融集團的人身保險業務。此外, 蘇志誠先生也是中華民國保險代理人公會的理事,積極參與與推動銀行保險的發展,並與保險學術業界合作推 廣保險教育,跨越校際彊界、鼓勵保險新鮮人加入銀行保險事業的發展。 蘇志誠先生自 2007 年 9 月加入華銀保險代理人,創新推動「通路策略聯盟」與「銀行保險專員培訓專案」, 使公司快速穩健成長,營運規模與服務品質皆為業界優質。蘇志誠先生曾服務於遠東集團的遠東商銀與遠銀保 險代理人,以及花旗銀行,在台灣的銀行界服務逾 20 年,且在「銀行保險」領域擔任總經理也滿 10 年。他 1990 年取得美國賓州費城 Temple 大學企業管理碩士學位。 華南金融集團是一家金融控股公司,跨足銀行、保險、證券、票券、投資信託、資產管理、創業投資及管 理顧問等各項專業領域。總部設於中華民國台北市,是一家獨立上市的控股公司。


Rick Su is General Manager of HNCB Insurance Agency Limited Company, the company responsible for the life insurance business within Haw-Nan Financial Holding Company. He also is the director of the Insurance Agency Association of ROC, and active in promoting Bancassurance affairs. In addition, Rick is involved in insurance education and training deeply through multi-academics corporation and invited the recruited college students to join Bancassurance. Rick joined in HNCB Insurance Agency Limited Company from September of 2007. He invented the strategy of Channel Alliance and the training project of Bancassurance Consultant. That makes the company grow rapidly and steadily both at operation scale and service quality. Rick used to work for Far East Commercial Bank and Far East Insurance Agency under Far East Group and Citibank. That counts 20 more years’ banking career. In Bancassurance, he has been the general manager for more than ten years. Rick earned a MBA from Temple University, PA, USA. Haw-Nan Financial Holding Company possessed seven companies is a Financial holding mother company, including the bank, security, proper insurance, investment trust, asset management and venture investment.


專業諮詢委員 馬克 歐戴爾 Mark O’Dell 宏利人壽台灣分公司總經理暨執行長 President and CEO of Manulife Taiwan www.manulife.com.tw

簡歷 馬克 ‧ 歐戴爾先生綜攬宏利人壽台灣分公司總經理暨執行長職務,並負責在台之業務。 馬克 歐戴爾先生於 2008 年 10 月加入宏利人壽,在此之前他已有 31 年豐富的專業壽險經歷。馬克由基層 保險業務員做起,後於 1994 年到亞洲發展。其後的 14 年為 AIG 東南亞區域效力,先後獲派駐到新加坡、印尼 擔任業務長的職位。1998 年獲升任為 AIG 印尼區總經理,並分別於 2000 年及 2004 年榮調為馬來西亞及新加 坡地區總經理之職。期間 歐戴爾先生並受推舉擔任新加坡壽險同業公會理事長 (President of the Life Insurance Association) 及理財顧問師協會主席 (President of the Financial Planning Association of Singapore) 等職。 歐戴爾先生於 2006 年獲選為『亞洲保險論壇』雜誌之年度風雲人物 (Personality of the Year by the Asia Insurance Review),以表彰其在專業領域之貢獻及其善盡企業之社會責任與卓越領導的貢獻。 歐戴爾先生分別擁有壽險核保專業證照及美國學院頒授之特許財務顧問師執照(ChFC)。 歐戴爾先生有子女共 4 人,現與夫人 Michelle 及二個最小的小孩,Mathilde (14 歲 ) 與 Skyler(2 歲 ),居住 在台北。


Mark O’Dell oversees Manulife’s overall businesses in Taiwan.

Mr. O’Dell joined Manulife in October, 2008 with 29 years of experience in the life insurance industry. First starting his career as an agent, Mr. O’Dell came to Asia in 1994. He spent 14 years in South East Asia with AIG, where he was Chief Agency Officer in Singapore and Indonesia, becoming General Manager of the Indonesian life operation in 1998. He went on to become the General Manager in Malaysia in 2000 and then Singapore in 2004. Mr. O’Dell has also served as President of the Life Insurance Association and as President of the Financial Planning Association of Singapore. In 2006, he was named the Personality of the Year by the Asia Insurance Review for his contribution to the industry and his leadership in corporate social responsibility. Mr. O’Dell holds both the Chartered Life Underwriter, CLU and Chartered Financial Consultant, ChFC designations from the American College. Married with four kids, Mark and his wife Michelle, live with the two youngest children.Mathilde, age 14 and Skyler, age 2 in Taipei.


陳伯燿 Ben Chen 富邦產物保險股份有限公司資深副總經理 Executive Vice President, Fubon Insurance Co., Ltd. Email: ben.chen@fubon.com www.fubon.com

簡歷 陳伯燿畢業於文化大學法律系,2006 年獲得政大風險管理與保險學系碩士學位。目前任職富邦產物保險公 司資深副總,負責個人保險業務。 陳伯燿進入富邦已超過 30 年,一路上從汽車險理賠員、稽核、法務、承保等做起,1995 擔任部門主管負 責全公司汽車保險業務,2004 年初升任副總經理並於年底轉換跑道負責全公司客服工作,2006 年升任資深副 總並管轄全公司所個人保險之業務。 陳伯燿負責承保業務面時,極力推動新商品的研發,車對車碰撞保險即出自他手,而在客服方面也極力提 昇服務品質,亦讓富邦連續三屆獲得台灣最佳保戶服務卓越獎。 陳伯燿目前亦擔任產險公會汽車險委員會的主任委員、保發中心申訴調委員會委員及保險犯罪防制中心之諮詢 委員。


Ben Chen, graduated from Chinese Culture University with a law major in 1978, is currently the Executive Vice President of Fubon Insurance with a very extensive expertise in the area of motor insurance. Over the career for 30 years, he successfully received an EMBA degree from National Chengchi University in 2006. Under the prudent management and his striving for innovation and excellence in his work, Fubon Insurance has been leading the market for more than 28 years and maintaining a satisfactory underwriting result. Besides valuing the business performance of the company, he also takes the initiative to claim service innovations, the achievement of the team he leads was well recognized by the industry and won “Taiwan Insurance Best Performance Award- Best Customer Service Award” or three times in a row. Now taking up the position of the Chairman of Motor Insurance Committee under Non-life Insurance Association of ROC, Ben also initiates and assists the supervisory authority to promote campaigns or policies in the industry with an aim to develop a better business environment of motor insurance.


專業諮詢委員 楊清榮 Cliff Yang 富邦產物保險股份有限公司資深副總經理 Executive Vice President, Fubon Insurance Company Email: cliff.yang@fubon.com www.fubon.com

簡歷 楊清榮先生是富邦產物保險公司的資深副總經理,該公司是目前台灣產物保險業的最大產險公司,市場佔 有率約 21~22%,他負責該公司的企業保險商品的核保、再保、理賠、行銷工作。楊先生曾擔任產險公會的火 險委員會主任委員,也是保險犯罪防治中心的諮詢委員,同時擔任住宅地震保險基金的發展規劃小組與危險分 散與費率分組的委員。


Cliff Yang is Executive Vice President of Fubon Insurance Company which is the largest insurance company in the non-life insurance industry in Taiwan. It’s market share is around 21% ~22%. Cliff is in charge of underwriting、 reinsurance、claims and marketing for all commercial line of his company. Mr. Yang was the chairman of the Committees of Fire and served as the consults committee of the Insurance Anti-Fraud Institute of the R.O.C. At the same time, he is also the member of Development and Planning Task Force and Risk Transfer and Premium Rate Subcommittee of Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund.


楊棋材 Winston Yang 三商美邦人壽資深副總暨投資長 Senior Vice President & CIO, MassMutual Mercuries Life Insurance Co., Ltd Email: Winston_yang@mail.mli.com.tw Email:winston_@mail.mli.com.tw www.mli.com.tw

簡歷 楊棋材先生目前擔任三商美邦人壽投資長職務,負責近 4 千億元資金之投資政策之擬定及資產配置之資產。 他並建立了專業的投資團隊近 70 人,設置相關之規章辦法與風險管理機制,從 2005 年加入該公司以來,為該 公司取得相當優異之投資表現。 加入三商美邦人壽之前,楊棋材先生擔任第一金控集團之創業投資公司總經理,協助金控集團對具成長潛 力之中小企業提供直接投資與企業轉型或改善之顧問服務。而再前一職務,楊先生在中華開發工銀服務了 14 年,歷練了各項融資、直接投資、海外高科技創投、產業研究等工作,並擔任各種管理工作。 楊棋材先生擁有交通大學企管碩士以及企管博士的學位,其大學則是畢業於台灣大學電機系。楊先生於加 入三商美邦之後亦取得 LOMA 的 FLMI 資格。楊先生目前在銘傳大學財務金融研究所擔任兼任助理教授,講授” 投資銀行專題”


As Chief Investment Officer, Winston Yang is responsible for MassMutual Mercuries Life’s investment activities. This includes establishment of investment guidelines and asset allocation policies, manager sourcing and developing, portfolio construction and performance evaluation, and risk management. Dr. Yang joined MassMutual Mercuries Life in 2005 from First Venture Capital, a subsidiary of First Financial Group in Taiwan, where he worked as President. To support the Financial Group, he worked with First Commercial Bank to help promising start-ups get the funding, coach profitable companies to go IPO and turn distressed companies around. Prior to joining First Venture Capital, Dr. Yang has been with China Development Industrial Bank for 14 year, where he had extensive experiences in corporate finance, venture capital, investment banking and industrial research. Dr. Yang holds a Ph.D. and a Master degree in Business Administration both from National Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan, and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University. He is a fellow of Life Management Institute of Life Office Management Association. Currently, Dr. Yang also serves as Adjunct Assistant Professor at Minchuan University in Taiwan, where he teaches “Special Topics in Investment Banking” and “Theories and Practices in Commercial Banking”


專業諮詢委員 吳明洋 Ming-Yang Wu 國泰世紀產物保險公司副總經理 Executive Vice President Cathay Century Insurance Co., Ltd. E-mail: my.wu@cathay-ins.com.tw www.cathay-ins.com.tw

簡歷 吳明洋先生在台灣保險業已有三十二年的經驗,其中前 15 年在壽險業,後 17 年在產險業。他現任國泰世 紀產物保險公司董事、副總經理兼簽證精算師,經管該公司企劃部 ( 負責企劃、商品開發、精算及再保 )、管 理部 ( 負責人資、總務及會計 ) 以及資訊部等三個部門。同時,也兼任該公司在中國大陸的子公司國泰財產保 險有限公司的董事。此外,吳明洋也擔任中華民國精算學會理事及中華民國產物保險商業同業公會精算委員會 主任委員。 吳明洋先生於 1973 年畢業於台灣東吳大學商用數學系,1976 年進入國泰人壽上班,曾先後在企劃部、團 險部服務過,1982~1984 年間曾留職停薪自費赴美國喬治亞州立大學深造攻讀精算碩士學位,畢業後回台灣國 泰人壽繼續上班,歷任數理部科長、襄理及副理,在國泰人壽前後共任職 15 年。一直到 1993 年奉調國泰霖園 集團新成立的東泰產物保險公司 ( 已於 2002 年改名為現在的國泰世紀產物保險公司 ) 迄今,歷任企劃部經理, 1999 年獲擢升為協理,2005 年再獲擢升為副總經理,迄今在產險業的資歷已有 17 年。 目前吳明洋的專業證照資格除了具有美國精算學會 ( 壽險 ) 副會員 ASA 資格外,同時也先後取得中華民 國精算學會壽險類 (1989 年 ) 及產險類 (1998 年 ) 正會員之資格。由於他具有產壽險二方面的精算經驗,在 2004~2005 年間曾被選為中華民國精算學會副理事長。


Ming-Yang Wu has more than 32 years of experience in insurance industry, including 15 years in life side and 17 years in non-life side. Now he is the Executive Vice President of Cathay Century Insurance Company in charge of three departments, including Actuarial & Planning Department (includes business planning, product development, actuarial analysis and reinsurance), Administration Department (includes Human Resource, General affairs and Accounting) and Information & Computer Department. Meanwhile, Ming-Yang Wu also serves on the Board of Directors of Cathay Century and its subsidiary Cathay Insurance (Shanghai) Company. Besides, he is one of the Directors of the Actuarial Institute of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Chairperson of the Actuarial Committee of the Non-Life Insurance Association of the R.O.C. After graduating from the Business Mathematics Department of Soochow University (Taiwan) with a Bachelor degree of Commerce, Ming-Yang Wu began his insurance career as an actuarial analyst in the Actuarial & Planning Department of Cathay Life, the leading life insurer in Taiwan. After six years’ service at Cathay Life, Ming-Yang Wu engaged in advanced studies at Georgia State University (U.S.A.) during 1982-1984 and got a Master degree of Actuarial Science in fall 1984. After that, he came back to Taiwan and worked with Cathay Life again until 1993. In September 1993, Ming-Yang Wu received orders to transfer to Tong Tai Insurance Company (the original name of current Cathay Century Insurance), a new non-life insurance subsidiary of Cathay Lin-Yang Group, until now. During the past 17years of nonlife insurance career, Ming-Yang Wu served as the General Manager of the Actuarial & Planning Department, promoted to the Senior Vice president in 1999, and the Executive Vice President in 2005, until now. As to the professional qualification, Ming-Yang Wu is not only an Associate of Society of Actuaries (U.S.A.), but also both life and non-life Fellow of the Actuarial Institute of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Due to his abundant actuarial experience in both life and non-life insurance, Ming-Yang Wu has been elected as the Vice President of AIRC during 2004-2005.


李長庚 Chang-Ken Lee 國泰金控副總經理兼任國泰人壽副總經理 Executive Vice President Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd. Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Email: cklee@cathlife.com.tw www.cathaylife.com.tw

簡歷 現職: ● 國泰金控副總經理兼任國泰人壽副總經理 ● 國泰金控董事 ● 國泰人壽 ( 中國大陸 ) 董事 ● 中華民國壽險同業公會監事 學歷: ● 美國賓州大學華頓商學院企管碩士 ● 中興大學經濟學系學士 經歷 :1986.10. 加入國泰集團 ● 國泰人壽董事長特別助理 ● 神坊資訊董事長 ● 國泰金控策略長 ● 國泰投顧董事長 ● 國泰世華銀行風控長


●Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd. ●Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. ●Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. ●Cathay Life Insurance Co. (Shanghai) ●The Life Insurance Association of The Republic of China

Executive Vice President Executive Vice President Board of Director Board of Director Supervisor


●M.B.A., The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania ●B.B.A., Dept. of Economics of National Chung Hsing University

ExperiencesJoin Cathay Group in Oct. 1986

●Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. ●Symphox Information Co., Ltd. ●Cathay Financial Holding Co., Ltd. ●Cathay Securities Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. ●Cathay United Bank Co., Ltd.


Special Assistant to Chairman Chairman Chief Strategy Officer Chairman Chief Risk Officer

專業諮詢委員 李明芳 Kevin Lee 法人事業部 副總經理 摩根富林明證券投資信託股份有限公司 CFA, Head of Institutional Business JPMorgan Asset Management Taiwan Email:kevin.mf.lee@jpmorgan.com www.jpmrich.com.tw

簡歷 李明芳 (Kevin Lee),副總經理 2008 年加入摩根富林明資產管理集團 (J.P.Morgan Asset Management),目前擔任法人事業部門主管,其帶領 的團隊主要負責台灣地區金融壽險公司及政府基金等機構法人對於資產 / 風險配置規畫和投資策略之專業投資 顧問。 加入 J.P.Morgan 之前,曾服務於新光金控擔任風險控管部門主管。在此之前的 8 年期間任職於紐約 BlackRock 投資及研究團隊,並調任至 BlackRock 東京分公司負責亞洲不含日本區域的機構法人客戶顧問。 美國賓州大學華頓商學院經濟學士,具有特許財務分析師 CFA 資格。


Kevin is the Head of Taiwan Sovereign and Institutional Business for J.P.Morgan Asset Management. An employee since 2008, Kevin and his team are responsible for advising Taiwan sovereign, pension, and financial institutional clients on market opportunities, asset/risk allocations, and investment strategies. Before joining J.P.Morgan, Kevin was the Head of Risk Management at Shin Kong Financial Holdings. Prior to Shin Kong, he was a member of BlackRock Investment and Analytics team in New York and subsequently a institutional client advisor based in Tokyo covering Asia ex-Japan for a total of eight years. Kevin obtained a B.S. in Economics and graduated with cum laude from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a CFA charter holder.


許東敏 Tony Hsu, FLMI, ACS 中國人壽保險股份有限公司執行副總經理、 法令遵循主管 Chief Insurance Operation Officer and Compliance Officer, China Life Insurance Co. Ltd E-mail: tonyhsu@chinalife.com.tw www.chinalife.com.tw

簡歷 許東敏為中國人壽執行副總經理暨法令遵循主管,綜理全公司法令遵循事項及負責整體售後服務部門之後 勤支援工作,以確保公司內部各項作業符合內部控制程序及法令之規範。 許東敏自 1986 年即於中國人壽服務,資歷完整,除負責法令遵循之風險控制外,對於售後服務體系之作業 風險控管亦長期關注。近年來更對於兩岸保險之法制及業務發展多所著墨,同時對於保險公司併購之法律作業 風險評估,亦有相當之經驗。 許東敏除了取得國立政治大學經營管理碩士並取得中國政法大學經濟法學博士學位外,亦通過美國 ACS 考 試及格,並具有 LOMA Fellow 之資格。除曾任中華民國壽險公會法制小組召集人之外,並長期擔任台灣保險 事業發展中心講師暨申訴調處委員會委員,現亦為中華民國人壽保險管理學會理事,並曾編著「中國大陸保險 法規彙編」一書。


Mr. Hsu is the chief insurance operation officer and the compliance officer of China Life Insurance Co. Ltd, and is responsible for compliance and legal department as well as the operation and services department to ensure the internal risk control procedures comply with the requirements of regulations or statutory law. Mr. Hsu has been serviced in the company since 1986 and is a very experienced officer. He handles the risk management not only on the legal phases but also the operation and services department for a very long time. Recently, he also paid attention to the differences of insurance legal system and the development of insurance industry between Taiwan and Mainland China. Furthermore, he is an experienced professional of the acquisition and mainly dealing with legal risk assessment. Mr. Hsu received his EMBA degree from National Cheng-Chi University; obtained the Ph.D diploma of economic law from China University of Political Science and Law; completed the ACS test requirement and holds a LOMA fellowship. He is a former convener of Legal subcommittee of The Life insurance Association of the Republic of China, a lecturer of Taiwan Insurance Institute and a member of Claim Settlement Committee of that institute for many years. He is the board director of Life Insurance Management institutes of the Republic of China and is the editor of “Insurance Regulations Collection of Mainland China”.


專業諮詢委員 屈亞欣 Allison Chu 富蘭克林證券投顧副總經理 Vice President, Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. E-mail: achu@ftsice.com.tw www.Franklin.com.tw

簡歷 屈亞欣小姐自 1997 年加入富蘭克林,目前擔任富蘭克林證券投顧的副總經理,該公司為富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團之台 灣總代理。屈亞欣小姐負責富蘭克林證券投顧保險公司之通路服務經營。 秉持富蘭克林在地深根,推廣基金投資之理念,全省走透透,也讓目前國內保險公司銷售投資型保單平台,皆有富蘭克 林旗下基金。屈亞欣小姐所帶領的專業顧問團隊既使在 2008 年市場遭逢金融海嘯衝擊,該團隊仍然堅守崗位,不間斷地 提供最完善及客製化的專業諮詢顧問服務,伴隨著保險從業同仁度過難關,建立正確的基金理財觀念。並首創保險從業人 員網路專區,搭配網路潮流,提供更即時的理財諮詢服務。 此外,屈亞欣小姐也擔任中華保險與理財規劃協會 (Insurance and Financial Association of Taiwan) 第六屆常務理事, 該協會由國內優秀保險從業人員所組成的一個民間社會團體,主要目標是提升壽險從業人員專業行銷。配合壽險與理財潮 流、以及金融全球化趨勢,進入多元的金融里程碑。藉由富蘭克林證券投顧在理財教育的專業,提供協會會員與壽險從業 人員,互相交流學習成長,提升理財專業素養。 富蘭克林證券投資顧問公司 富蘭克林證券投資顧問公司為富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團在台關係企業,在台灣成立進入第 20 年(1991 年成立),負 責富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團旗下基金在台的全方位服務,並提供研究報告與投資建議等相關資訊。在台取得總代理的基金 數目超過四十六檔,種類十分多元,包括:全球型基金、債券型基金、歐美區域型基金、新興市場型基金、產業型基金、 以及印度、泰國、韓國等單一國家型基金。除了台北總公司之外,富蘭克林證券投顧也於台中、高雄等地設分公司,由近 200 名員工為國人提供最完善的基金服務。我們所堅持的是全球化投資,長期持有,並致力推廣專業管理的基金投資觀念, 替投資人營造最優質的理財生活。 富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團 富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團,成立於 1947 年,是一個兼具廣度與深度的全球跨國性投資管理公司,為了能在全球競爭中 脫穎而出,富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團實踐「思考全球化、行動在地化」理念,不僅具備全球化的視野,更深入了解各地投 資人,並致力於滿足各個市場的需求。集團旗下有超過 200 檔基金、173 位研究分析師以及 270 位基金經理人,全球有 55 個研究據點、共遍佈 30 個國家,員工人數超過 7900 位,更能精準掌握全球最新金融情勢,為全球超過 150 個國家、2110 萬個投資帳戶提供資產管理及各項投資服務。

Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. Established in 1991, Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. is the master agent of the Franklin Templeton Investments in Taiwan. It offers a diverse range of funds , in-depth research reports and consulting services of asset management. Headquartered in Taipei, Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. has subsidiaries in Taichung and Kaohsiung. The investment services include retail mutual funds distribution and institutional investments. In accordance with the corporate mission of global and long-term investment, Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. is dedicated to offering professional investment services of mutual funds to investors in Taiwan. Franklin Templeton Investments Founded in 1947, Franklin Templeton Investments is recognized as a leader for its global growth, value stock investments and innovative fixed-income products under the Franklin, Templeton, Mutual Series and Fiduciary Trust names. Franklin Templeton Investments, with over $642 billion in assets under management (30/11/10), has grown to the current size of 7,900 staff(30/09/10), including 173 analysts and 270 portfolio managers and has 55 offices in 30 countries around the world. Franklin Templeton Investments offers more than 200 investment products, providing investors with the flexibility to choose from a great variety of goals—from value to growth and sector–specific to international—to meet their individual investment objectives.


羅尤美 Lo, Connie 富蘭克林證券投顧副總經理 Vice President, Franklin Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. Email: clo@ftsice.com.tw www.franklin.com.tw

簡歷 羅尤美小姐現任富蘭克林證券投資顧問 ( 股 ) 公司研究部副總經理,負責帶領研究團隊、以及國際金融市 場與富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團旗下基金之研究分析。此外,羅尤美小姐也擔任該公司對媒體發表市場趨勢分析 之主要受訪人。羅尤美小姐自 1997 年加入富蘭克林證券投顧以來,經歷襄理、副理、經理等職,對於海外市 場研究有十多年經驗。十多年來主講過多場大型投資理財說明會,秉持專業的財經知識與服務熱忱,將投資理 念與即時的市場訊息傳達給大眾。 在 1997 年 加入富蘭克林之前 , 羅尤美小姐曾在怡富投顧法人部、以及京華投信客服部任職。獲有國立政 治大學銀行系 ( 現為金融系 ) 學士學位。並且具有中華民國證券分析人員、證券商高級業務員、投信投顧業務 員、信託業務人員、理財規劃人員等執照。 富蘭克林證券投資顧問公司 富蘭克林證券投資顧問公司為富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團在台關係企業,在台灣成立進入第 20 年 (1991 年 成立),負責富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團旗下基金在台的全方位服務,並提供研究報告與投資建議等相關資訊。 在台取得總代理的基金數目超過四十六檔,種類十分多元,包括:全球型基金、債券型基金、歐美區域型基金、 新興市場型基金、產業型基金、以及印度、泰國、韓國等單一國家型基金。除了台北總公司之外,富蘭克林證 券投顧也於台中、高雄等地設分公司,由近 200 名員工為國人提供最完善的基金服務。我們所堅持的是全球化 投資,長期持有,並致力推廣專業管理的基金投資觀念,替投資人營造最優質的理財生活。 富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團 富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團,成立於 1947 年,是一個兼具廣度與深度的全球跨國性投資管理公司,為了能在 全球競爭中脫穎而出,富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團實踐「思考全球化、行動在地化」理念,不僅具備全球化的視 野,更深入了解各地投資人,並致力於滿足各個市場的需求。集團旗下有超過 200 檔基金、173 位研究分析師 以及 270 位基金經理人,全球有 55 個研究據點、共遍佈 30 個國家,員工人數超過 7900 位,更能精準掌握全 球最新金融情勢,為全球超過 150 個國家、2110 萬個投資帳戶提供資產管理及各項投資服務。 Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. Established in 1991, Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. is the master agent of the Franklin Templeton Investments in Taiwan. It offers a diverse range of funds , in-depth research reports and consulting services of asset management. Headquartered in Taipei, Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. has subsidiaries in Taichung and Kaohsiung. The investment services include retail mutual funds distribution and institutional investments. In accordance with the corporate mission of global and long-term investment, Franklin/Templeton Securities Investment Consulting (SinoAm) Inc. is dedicated to offering professional investment services of mutual funds to investors in Taiwan. Franklin Templeton Investments Founded in 1947, Franklin Templeton Investments is recognized as a leader for its global growth, value stock investments and innovative fixed-income products under the Franklin, Templeton, Mutual Series and Fiduciary Trust names. Franklin Templeton Investments, with over $642 billion in assets under management (30/11/10), has grown to the current size of 7,900 staff(30/09/10), including 173 analysts and 270 portfolio managers and has 55 offices in 30 countries around the world. Franklin Templeton Investments offers more than 200 investment products, providing investors with the flexibility to choose from a great variety of goals—from value to growth and sector–specific to international—to meet their individual investment objectives.


專業諮詢委員 李豪 Leo Seewald 宏利人壽台灣分公司執行副總經理 Deputy General Manager of Manulife Taiwan

宏利證券投資信託股份有限公司董事長 Chairman of Manulife Asset Management Taiwan www.manulife.com.tw www.manulife-asset.com.tw

簡歷 李豪先生 (Mr. Leo Seewald) 現任台灣宏利證券投資信託股份有限公司董事長,兼任宏利人壽台灣分公司執 行副總經理,因此他實際參與這兩大企業體的日常經營實務,同時身為高階管理團隊,負責制定宏利金融集團 在台業務的發展策略。 直到 2009 年底之前,李豪先生擔任宏利金融集團的亞洲區首席法律事務主管,負責法律事務及區域法令遵 循,同時帶領 40 餘位法規專業人員。2006 年加入宏利之前是私人執業律師,並身為中國本土最大的律師事務 所的合夥人之ㄧ,這之前他也曾經是一家加拿大國際事務所在香港的執行合夥人。 原籍加拿大的李豪先生,獲得亞伯達大學 (University Alberta) 法學學士學位,以及賽門菲莎大學 (Simon Fraser University) 商業學士學位。2000 年他移居香港,逐步建立了廣泛的以亞洲為基礎的商業法律方面的經驗, 以及公司治理方面的專才。李豪先生是香港合格大律師,以及加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省之合格大律師。 Mr. Seewald is the Chairman of Manulife Asset Management (Taiwan) Co., Limited and the Deputy General Manager of Manulife (International) Limited, Taiwan Branch. As such, he is actively involved in the daily management of these two entities, as well as being part of the senior management team charged with strategic development Manulife’s business in Taiwan. Previous to this until the end of 2009, Mr. Seewald was Manulife’s Chief Legal Officer, Asia, responsible for legal and compliance issues in Asia and oversaw a team of over 40 legal and compliance professionals in the region. He joined Manulife in 2006 from private practice where he was a partner with one of China largest local law firms and he was also formerly the managing partner of the Hong Kong office of a Canadian based international law firm. Originally from Canada, Mr. Seewald has a Bachelor of Law Degree from the University Alberta as well as Bachelor of Business Degree from Simon Fraser University. He moved to Hong Kong in 2000 and has developed extensive Asian-based legal experience both on commercial side as well as the corporate governance side. Mr. Seewald is qualified as a solicitor in Hong Kong and as a barrister and solicitor in British Columbia, Canada.


周偉德 Wade Chou 德盛安聯投信業務行銷長 Allianz Global Investors Taiwan Chief Marketing Officer Wade.Chou@allianzgi-ap.com www.allianzglobalinvestors.com.tw

學歷 淡江大學企管系碩士

經歷 ●1998 年至 2005 年期間任職摩根富林明投信,曾任基金市場研究分析與行銷企劃工作、投信通路業部門主管 等職務。 ●2005 年 12 月加入德盛安聯投信,任職通路業務部門北區主管。 ●2007 年陞任全省通路業務部門主管,執掌通路推廣、規劃等業務。 ●2009 年轉任營運策略長 ,負責整體公司營運方向、各項策略規劃。 ●2010 年接掌業務行銷長,帶領業務、行銷企劃、零售客戶事業、國際投資研究諮詢部門,整合業務行銷力量 為公司營收再創佳績。


Tam Kang University, Master of Business Administration

Work Experiences

●1998-2005, JF Asset Management Taiwan Ltd, – Marketing event and activity planning – Head of Intermediary Service Department. ●2005 December, Allianz Global Investors Taiwan Ltd, – Head of Northern Channel Consulting team ●2007 – Head of Intermediary Sales Department ●2009 – Chief Business Development Officer ●2010 – Chief Marketing Officer


專業諮詢委員 林欽淼 Chin-Miao Lin 台灣人壽保險(股)公司 策略長 Chief Strategy Officer , Taiwan Life Insurance Co, Ltd. Email:stevelin@twlife.com.tw www.twlife.com.tw

現職 ● 台灣人壽保險(股)公司策略長 ● 台壽保資融(股)公司董事長 ● 台壽保投信(股)公司董事 ● 台壽保產物保險(股)公司監事 ● 君龍人壽 ( 中國 ) 保險有限公司董事 ● 中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會 理事 ● 財團法人文向教育基金會常務監事

簡歷 林欽淼先生,台中市人,國立政治大學經營管理碩士、企業管理研究所企家班;現任台灣人壽保險(股) 公司策略長、台壽保資融(股)公司董事長,並擔任中華民國人壽保險商業同業公會理事、財團法人文向教育 基金會常務監事。 林欽淼先生原任龍邦國際興業投資事業處副總經理,1998 年 9 月到台灣人壽保險公司任職,擔任經理、副 總經理及資產管理體系總經理職務,曾獲 2005 年第 7 屆保險信望愛最佳專業顧股問獎項;2008 年 10 月轉任 台灣人壽保險公司策略長,負責集團發展策略。 目前台灣人壽金融集團係以台灣人壽保險公司為主體,經營觸角已含括產險保險 ( 台壽保產物保險 )、基 金管理 ( 台壽保投資信託 )、企業資融 ( 台壽保資融 )、海外事業 ( 君龍人壽保險 ),並成立財團法人文向教 育基金會從事公益活動及社會回饋。 此次很榮幸擔任政治大學風險管理與保險學系研究中心專業諮詢委員,希望能盡一己之力協助金融保險產 業做好風險管理,促進金融保險產業的永續發展。


Chin-Miao Lin is Chief Strategy Officer of Taiwan Life Insurance Co, Ltd., and chairman of TLG Capital Co. He also serves as director of The Life Insurance Association of R.O.C. and Managing Supervisor of WeShare Education and Charity Fund. Mr. Lin started his investment professional career in Long Bon Holding Co. He was recruited by Taiwan Life to serve as Chief Investment Officer after privatization of Taiwan Life Insurance Co. in 1998. During his post as CIO in Taiwan Life, he has managed to boost shareholders’ value by gaining highest EPS among its listed financial peers for consecutive nine years. With such outstanding record, Mr. Lin received The Best Professional Consultant Award by Risk Management, Insurance and Finance Foundation in 2005. He was promoted to assume the office of Strategy for Taiwan Life Financial Group in 2008 and was responsible for integrating and financing group-level organizational strategy. Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd., the first life insurance company in Taiwan, was established by government in 1947 and later was privatized in 1998. For the past decade, Taiwan Life has acquired and set up several financial subsidiaries, including one joint venture in China. Currently Taiwan Life Financial Group comprise of Taiwan Life, TLG Insurance, TLG Asset Management, TLG Capital and King Dragon Insurance (China).


陳宏昇 Anderson Chen 簽證精算師 三商美邦人壽 Appointed Actuary; Assistant Vice President of Product Development Dept. and Actuarial Dept. MassMutual Mercuries Life Insurance Co., Ltd Email: anderson_chen@mail.mli.com.tw www.mli.com.tw

簡歷 陳宏昇先生是三商美邦人壽的簽證精算師,同時掌管商品部暨精算部,主要負責保險商品開發及精算業務。 此外,陳宏昇先生身兼中華民國精算學會理事,活躍於精算界,致力推動精算專業及學術發展。 1992 清華大學數學系、1994 清華大學統計學研究所畢業後,陳宏昇先生進入三商美邦人壽從事精算工作, 累計精算專業經驗長達 15 年,其在精算評估、內含價值計算、償付能力評估、經驗分析、產品開發、財務模 型建立、企業風險分析等有著豐富經驗。陳宏昇先生擁有四張專業證照,分列如下 of Actuary ●FSA Fellow of the Society of the Actuarial Institute of Republic of China ●FAIRC Fellow ●CFA Chartered Financial Analyst ●FRM Financial Risk Manager

北美精算師 中華民國精算師 特許財務分析師 財金風險管理分析師

三商美邦人壽成立於 1993 年,隸屬於三商集團之一員。截至 2010 年 10 月止,三商美邦人壽可運用資金超 過 3,750 億,保戶人數已超過 163 萬,業務員近 1 萬 2 千人,內勤員工超過 1,100 人,至 2009 年止,年保費收 入超過 860 億台幣,每年穩定成長,經營穩健。

Experiences Mr. Anderson Chen is Appointed Actuary of MassMutual Mercuries Life Insurance Company. He is in charge of both Product Development Department and Actuarial Department. In addition, as an executive member of the Actuarial Institute of Republic of China, Anderson has devoted himself in the actuarial industry dedicating in the development of actuarial profession and academic research. Anderson graduated from Mathematics Department in 1992 and Statistic Institute in 1994 from National Hsing Hua University. With such a strong mathematic background, he started to work for MassMutual Mercuries Life Insurance Company. Anderson has served for the actuarial related affairs for 15 years, and is proficiency in actuarial profession specializing in many aspects such as actuarial evaluation, embedded value calculation, liquidity evaluation, experience analysis, product development, financial model building, and enterprise risk analysis. He is qualified as a FSA, FAIRC, and FRM. He is also a CFA charterholder. MassMutual Mercuries Life Insurance Co., Ltd was founded in 1993, belonging to the Mercuries Group. As of 2010 October, it has over 375 billion asset under management and the number of its policy-owners has exceeded 1.63 million. It owns almost 12,000 agent force and more than 1,100 office staff. Until 2009, the annual premium income has exceeded 86 billion. Based on prudence convention of company management, it keeps growing steadily.


專業諮詢委員 黃之寧 Winnie Huang, CFA/FRM 中國人壽保險股份有限公司風控長 Chief Risk Officer,China Life Insurance Co. Ltd E-mail: winnie0527@chinalife.com.tw www.chinalife.com.tw

簡歷 黃之寧為中國人壽風控長,掌管風險管理部,綜理各項風險控管業務,並協助制訂多項風險管理政策、機 制及模型建置,以確保風控政策實施符合公司程序以及法規規範。 黃之寧具十七年以上之專業投資經驗,專業學養豐富,資歷完整,並同時擔任多項內部管理職,專精於資 產負債管理,國外投資及金融創新。擔任風控長一職前,負責中國人壽固定收益部,在 2008 年全球金融海嘯 肆虐下,中壽並未投資次級房貸及信用衍生性商品等資產,故無任何相關資產減損,實為同業少見佳績。黃之 寧於 1993 年取得美國喬治華盛頓大學企管碩士,並具有國際風險管理師 (FRM)、美國 LOMA Fellow 及美國 特許財務分析師 (CFA) 等國際專業證照,在加入中國人壽之前,黃之寧曾擔任南山人壽投資部經理、友邦投 信之巨輪債券基金經理人暨交易室主管。


Ms. Huang is the Chief Risk Officer for the Company, responsible for facilitating the execution of ERM processes and infrastructure as a key enabler to achieve the business objectives of the organization, and overseas the model developing for assessing, identifying, monitoring and preventing business risks, in order to ensure the company complies with its own operating policies and procedures. She also establish an infrastructure to ensure the company’s practice complies with regulatory and statutory provisions regarding risk management, prompt reporting of risk positions and provision of advice on possible resolutions of critical issues. Ms. Huang also holds a variety of senior management roles with her over seventeen years of professional knowledge, and is specialized at asset liability management, overseas investment and financial innovation. Prior to this position, Ms. Huang was the head of fixed income department for the Company and responsible for management of fixed income investment across all asset classes, and providing investment guideline to benefit the company’s asset portfolio. Under her supervision, China Life Insurance had zero exposure to any toxic assets, such as subprime or credit derivatives, and thus had no asset impairment loss during global financial crisis in 2008, outperformed the whole industry. Ms. Huang received her MBA degree from George Washington University in 1993, holds FRM, LOMA Fellowship, and CFA qualifications. Before joining China Life, she was an investment manager in AIG Taiwan, Trading room supervisor, and bond fund manager at AIG SICE.


儲蓉 Grace Chu 新光金控風控長兼新光人壽的風控長 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) Shin Kong Financial Holding Co., Ltd. Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Email: grace.chu@skfh.com.tw www.skfh.com.tw

簡歷 儲蓉博士目前擔任新光金控及新光人壽的風控長,新光人壽是台灣三大壽險公司之一。 在加入新光金控之前,儲博士曾任職於中華信用評等公司副總經理。之後服務於台灣經濟研究院國際處, 並曾任金鼎證券的資深副總經理,負責風險管理事宜。 儲博士取得英國華威大學財務博士,並獲得美國西北大學經濟學碩士與工業工程碩士學位。她致力於風險 管理領域已有十數年,同時對信用衍生性商品及證券化亦有深厚的研究。 由於她在風險管理的卓越成就與聲譽,儲博士目前是中華民國壽險公會風險管理研究小組召集人、證券商 公會風險管理委員會召集人、銀行公會金控業務委員會委員、銀行公會金控業務委員會風險管理組委員,同時 擔任保險安定基金壽險預警制度委員會委員。


Dr.. Chu is CRO of Shin Kong Financial Holding and Shin Kong Life Insurance, which is one of Top 3 life insurers in Taiwan. Prior to joining Shin Kong, Dr. Chu was the Executive Vice President of Taiwan Rating Corporation (TRC) Which is a joint venture between S&P and Taiwanese Investors led by TSE. She was a research fellow of Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER). Dr. Chu also worked for Taiwan International Securities Company (TISC) as a Senior Vice President responsible for risk management. Dr. Chu earned her Ph.D degree in finance and accounting area at University of Warwick in U.K. She owns two Master degrees from Northwestern University of US in Industrial Engineering and Economics fields. Dr. Chu has devoted over 10 years in risk management of finance institutions. Along with her experiences in managing financial risks, Dr. Chu also reveals her great understanding of credit derivatives and securitization products which is believed to be the culprit of recent financial crises. With her great reputation in Taiwan risk management field, Dr. Chu is the Chair of Risk Management Group of the Life Insurance Association as well as the Chair of Risk Control Committee of Taiwan Securities Association of the Republic of China. She is a member of Financial Holding Committee of the Bankers Association of the Republic of China and is also a member of Financial Early Warning Committee of Taiwan Insurance Guaranty Fund.



Diamond Sponsors 鑽石級贊助公司

國泰金融控股股份有限公司 簡介 為因應金融產業多元化、國際化之發展,與提供客戶更完善金融服務,國泰金融控股股 份有限公司於 2001 年 12 月 31 日正式成立,登記核定資本額新台幣 1,200 億元。國泰金控 旗下目前主要子公司包括國泰人壽、國泰世華銀行、國泰產險、國泰綜合證券等成員,未來 將持續尋找適當合作夥伴,強化策略經營的綜效,並將秉持「穩健、守法、信賴、不浮誇」 的企業文化,持續整合集團內各公司的服務與商品,另外也將藉由全國綿密的服務據點與遍 及海內外的優秀行銷團隊,讓客戶享受「一站購足」的便利性與客戶差異化需求之滿足,實 踐「永續經營」之核心價值,致力發展成為華人地區最佳金融機構。 國泰金控一直秉持為股東、客戶及員工創造最大價值的經營理念。未來經營方針將著重 於集團整合,交叉行銷與海外拓展等,強化集團競爭力,期許成為華人地區最佳金融機構。 國泰金控未來經營方針如下 : 客戶需求導向,創造跨售綜效,提供全方位金融服務 隨著國人對投資理財需求提高以及人口結構的改變,國泰金控將結合集團內各類產品與 服務,透過專業銷售團隊及綿密分行通路,滿足客戶不同生涯階段的理財需求,提供全方位 理財規劃。此外,集團亦持續開發具市場競爭力之金融商品,在「保險 + 銀行」雙引擎架構 下,透過整合行銷與跨業銷售的相互支援模式,厚植集團核心競爭力,以達成降低營運成本、 資源共享、發揮集團綜效之目標,成為客戶心中最值得信賴與託付的金融機構。 持續提升內部成長並尋求合作對象 國泰金控除持續深耕台灣市場以滿足客戶需求外,亦持續評估外部可能合作對象,以提 高獲利貢獻。國泰世華銀行併購第七商銀及標購中聯信託後,於 2009 年底已拓增服務據點 至 162 家以提升服務品質與競爭優勢。未來國泰金控將持續評估各金融專業領域中之可能合 作對象,強化國泰金控專業化、多元化、國際化之能力,冀望能躋身一流區域性金融機構的 行列。 成為華人區最佳金融機構 現階段國泰金控的海外發展以中國大陸及越南為主,近年來在中國大陸與越南市場拓展 順利:中國大陸方面,除了國泰人壽與國泰產險持續順利據點擴增之外,銀行部份亦積極準 備相關前置作業,待兩岸政策開放後即能順利進軍中國市場。在越南方面,國泰世華銀行與 世越銀行密切合作,持續深耕越南市場;國泰人壽亦採取穩紮穩打策略順利開展壽險業務, 成功落實「保險 + 銀行」雙核心策略。除了中國與越南之外,國泰金控亦會持續評估其他東 南亞國家之發展條件,朝著華人地區最佳金融機構之目標穩步邁進。


Diamond Sponsors 鑽石級贊助公司

富邦產物保險股份有限公司 簡介 富邦產險成立於 1961 年 4 月 19 日,是台灣第一家民營產物保險公司,也是富邦集團各 關係企業中歷史最悠久者,堪稱為建構富邦集團的前導。富邦產險在「客戶導向」的服務原 則下,持續提供消費者更多元、更適切的保險商品服務,期許能夠以最佳公司體質,搭配最 優商品策略,讓「富邦」的品牌及聲譽,成為不僅是市場第一、也是消費者心中最佳的保險 選擇。 富邦產險深切體認進步的保險事業是一個現代化國家必備的條件,企業追求獲利目標與 承擔社會責任同步並重。在實務上,從公司治理、專業經營,到照顧員工、滿足客戶等各方 面著手;在信念上,則力求實踐「誠信、親切、專業、創新」的經營核心價值:誠信是立業 的根本,親切是服務業必備的態度,專業是現代企業經營的利基,創新則是永保競爭力的關 鍵。 富邦產險在專業團隊之經營下,不僅業務居市場領導地位,其多元化的保險商品深入社 會每個層面。專業的損害防阻服務,提供客戶在保險服務之外,更享有完整之風險管理解決 方案,為保險業界獨有之富邦優勢。 除此之外,富邦產險更強調「以人為本,以客為尊」的服務宗旨,及回饋社會,關懷環 境保護,節能減廢的社會責任。「企業取之於社會,當思回饋社會」,是富邦產險長期參與、 贊助公益活動的重要理念,以此經營本業的認真態度,善盡社會責任,回饋社會,在各項公 益事業中不遺餘力。



Diamond Sponsors 鑽石級贊助公司

中國人壽保險股份有限公司 簡介 中國人壽成立於 1963 年,原名“華僑人壽股份有限公司”,資本額新臺幣 2000 萬元; 1974 年公司改組,由辜振甫先生擔任董事長,辜濂松先生 擔任總經理;並於 1981 年更名 為“中國人壽保險股份有限公司”。1995 年於臺灣證劵交易所掛牌上市。2003 年聘請具有近 三十餘年外商壽險公司經營管理經驗之專業經理人王銘陽先生及郭瑜玲女士負責經營,引進 各保險專業領域之菁英人士加入經營團隊,並激發與融合中壽原有之經理人與全體員工共同 為中國人壽的前景戮力以赴,展開一連串改革,以穩健的步伐從競爭激烈臺灣壽險市場及 2008 年全球金融海嘯中脫穎而出,呈現優良績效。 2000 年領先同業成立專職銀行保險部門,是我國最早也是最成功經營銀行保險管道領域 的壽險公司。2003 年,領先業界推出首張分紅保單,並於 2005 年榮獲保險事業發展中心頒 發之「保險商品創新卓越獎」,且持續耕耘而成為分紅保單的市場領導品牌。並於 2005 年 8 月於中國北京是設立代表處。2007 年併購瑞泰人壽 (Winterthur Life) 臺灣分公司,2009 年 併購保誠人壽 (Prudential Plc.) 在台主要業務,成為台灣唯一有二次購併經驗的保險公司; 2010 年 10 月總資產達新台幣 6 仟 3 佰餘億元,為台灣保險市場之前 5 大公司。 2009 年 6 月,中國人壽董事會聘任王銘陽先生擔任董事長,總經理一職由郭瑜玲女士 接任。嚴謹的風險控管一直都是中國人壽的核心價值之ㄧ,為強化公司治理,2008 年 6 月 增設二位獨立董事,並為進一步強化風險管理機制,2009 年 12 月增設風控長一職,更強化 及落實風險控管。中國人壽除有長期一致的經營策略之外,亦極重視財務資訊之透明度, 並注重投資績效及風險控管。中國人壽的投資績效優異,過去 5 年的整體投資收益介於 4.22%~5.21%,也成功避開 2008 年全球金融海嘯,無任何資產減損。也因為中國人壽財務 穩健,成本控制嚴謹,清償能力高,自 2007 年迄今連續盈利,經營績效相當優異,故獲得 如沙烏地阿拉伯中央銀行、挪威中央銀行及阿布達比主權基金等外資法人之高度肯定,2010 年 12 月外資持股約為 45%,為臺灣上市主要金融機構中,外資持股比例最高者。 此外,中國人壽連續四屆榮獲我國「上市 ( 櫃 ) 公司資訊揭露評鑒報告」評鑒 A 級, 2009 年亦榮獲保險事業發展中心風險管理卓越獎的肯定,2010 年 9 月 17 日更獲 Forbes 雜 誌評選為亞洲最佳五十企業之ㄧ,臺灣僅四家公司入榜,中國人壽更是臺灣首次入榜的金融 機構,同時也是亞洲最佳五十企業中唯一的壽險公司。


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臺灣人壽保險股份有限公司 簡介 1947 年,國內第一家壽險公司台灣人壽正式成立,六十餘年來不改深耕台灣、在地紮根 的信念穩健經營,奠定了極其深厚的發展潛力,並以「推動向上、希望前行」的積極行動, 厚實了集團整合與國際發聲的根基。 1998 年 7 月 1 日,台灣人壽正式民營化,在臺灣銀行及龍邦集團二大股東組成下,成為 擁有一個極專業的董監事團隊,同時,引進保險及資產管理領域傑出的專業人才,共同組成 一更為堅強的經營團隊。也因為台灣人壽這樣用心謹慎的經營態度,自 1999 年起更締造了 九年每股稅後盈餘列居上市金融保險公司第一名之佳績,傑出的經營績效,為全體保戶提供 了最堅實的保障,更塑造出公營企業民營化成功的典範。 民營化後的台灣人壽,率先成立「資產管理事業部」,是國內第一家將資產專業管理的 壽險公司,目的在於將資產做最有效率的投資運用,並在動態資產負債管理的觀念下,執行 最適化的資產配置策略、投資決策與風險管理;在資金運用方面,不但能達成最大的投資效 益,也能維持最佳的資產流動性與資產品質,更展現絕佳的獲利能力。 1999 年起,為更加落實全面的顧客關係管理,台灣人壽大幅更新企業資訊系統,加速企 業流程改造,並於 2001 年建置完成 Hi Link 高速內部網路系統,串連總公司與全國各營業據 點,可以執行同步與非同步遠端教學、國內外視訊會議,電腦資料傳輸,以及網路電話、傳 真等系統整合。2006 年架構「網際網路全民保單健檢」、「早安!晚安!台灣人壽網」、「早 安!晚安!台灣人壽行動辦公室」三項網路系統,同時對全民、保戶及同仁提供 AM-PM 24 小時不打烊的網際網路服務。 為因應時代快速轉變的步伐,台灣人壽的保險商品種類也一直推陳出新,從壽險、健康 醫療險,到投資型保險、分紅保單等,無論何種保險商品,台壽均以「保障 Better、健康 Better、財富 Better」的三重防護網觀念,整合人身保險、投資理財及退休與資產規劃;同時, 為滿足各年齡層客戶的需要,台灣人壽開發多項商品組合,用創意贏得客戶的心,並連續多 年獲得保險信望愛獎「最佳商品創意獎」的肯定。 為了全方位培育最具專業素養的保險人才,在台壽企業大學中設立經營管理、師資培訓、 金融財稅、資訊應用,以及壽險行銷五大學院;同時也開闢 e–learning 線上教學系統,以提 升同仁專業及服務的競爭力。面對競爭激烈的保險市場,台灣人壽於 2009 年 8 月正式成立 「衛星視訊教育頻道」TOP CHANNEL 新聞台,讓每位同仁均能在第一時間掌握最新資訊及 接受完整教育訓練,由於對人才培訓的積極投入,台灣人壽更在 2009 年台灣保險卓越獎中, 於眾多壽險同業激烈競爭中脫穎而出,勇奪「人才培訓卓越獎」之殊榮。 台灣人壽經營觸角已拓展至產險 ( 台壽保產物保險 )、投信 ( 台壽保投信 ) 及企業資融 ( 台 壽保資融 ),在海外事業佈局方面,於北京及越南設有辦事處,另大陸合資子公司君龍人壽 在 2008 年 12 月於廈門開業營運,2010 年並成立福建分公司,集團規模穩步擴大。面對市 場高度競爭,台灣人壽以厚實的產壽險組合與資產管理為基礎,將企業核心價值發展為核心 產業,並延伸至國際舞台上,以永續經營決心,建構一個具國際競爭力的金融資產管理集團。 88


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三商美邦人壽公司 簡介 成立於 1993 年的三商美邦人壽,主要股東為三商企業,而三商企業旗下的事業體包括: 三商百貨、三商巧福、三商電腦、全家福鞋業、拿坡里披薩、福勝亭、三商食品、三商多媒體、 三商福寶、三商美福家具、復華投信、宏遠證券、旭富製藥科技、美廉社等,將近 50 年的 全方位多角經營,是陪伴大家成長的好厝邊。 三商美邦人壽全省近 1200 名內勤員工,在總公司和北、中、南各營業區部,透過完整 的電腦網路系統、明確的作業流程規範,以及充份授權的管理模式,為超過壹百陸拾萬的保 戶,逾萬位的業務同仁提供當地核保、發單、理賠和保戶服務等沒有時差的服務,獲得 ISO 9002 品保認證,就是三商美邦人壽對服務品質的最高堅持~沒有更好,只有最好! 三商美邦人壽擁有創新的企業文化,不但積極產品的研發,設計符合國人需求及時代潮 流的商品 ( 連續四年獲得保險信望愛獎 - 最佳商品創意獎的肯定 ),更具備保障及投資保單 的操作經驗,為三商美邦人壽的保戶提供了多元化商品及服務。 除了開創性的商品規劃,我們也不斷提升保單的附加價值與服務,像海外緊急救援服務、三 商美邦人壽認同卡、三年免費健康檢查、低理賠給付、保費自動轉帳、保戶優惠房貸等各項 服務,正是三商美邦人壽承諾「幫助客戶理財規劃,並保障其家人與事業」的具體表現。 我們推銷明天不是今天,推銷未來而非現在,我們推銷平安、保障與人性尊嚴,使人們 免於匱乏、遠離恐懼。人壽保險是一項人性事業,三商美邦人壽對於社會公益的長期耕耘, 就是對生命責任的承諾。我們定期舉辦知性生活講座、協辦各項校園活動、文化推廣、醫療 健檢,並長期贊助「台灣三商名人高爾夫名人邀請賽」及舉辦小太空人計劃及尋找台灣宮ㄑ ㄧ ˊ ㄐㄩㄣ ˋ 保戶子女寫生比賽等活動,「一句承諾 ‧ 一生的朋友」是三商美邦人壽對 員工和保戶不變的堅持。


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英屬百慕達商宏利人壽保險國際股份有限公司 簡介 About Manulife Financial Manulife Financial is a leading Canadian-based financial services group operating in 22 countries and territories worldwide. For more than 120 years, clients have looked to Manulife for strong, reliable, trustworthy and forward-thinking solutions for their most significant financial decisions. Our international network of employees, agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to millions of clients. We provide asset management services to institutional customers worldwide as well as reinsurance solutions, specializing in life and property and casualty retrocession. Funds under management by Manulife Financial and its subsidiaries were Cdn$474 billion (US$460 billion) as at September 30, 2010. The Company operates as Manulife Financial in Canada and Asia and primarily as John Hancock in the United States. Manulife Financial Corporation trades as ‘MFC’ on the TSX, NYSE and PSE, and under ‘945’ on the SEHK. Manulife Financial can be found on the Internet at www.manulife.com.

宏利金融簡介 宏利金融為加拿大主要的金融服務機構,業務遍及全球 22 個國家與地區。過去 一百二十多年來,宏利金融為客戶的重大理財決策提供穩健可靠、深受信賴而且前瞻的理財 方案。宏利金融藉由旗下員工、代理商與經銷夥伴組成的國際化網絡,為全球數以百萬計的 客戶提供財務保障與財富管理方面的產品與服務,並為全球企業客戶提供資產管理服務。此 外,宏利金融亦提供多種再保方案,其中以壽險、產險及意外險的轉再保業務為主。截至 2010 年 9 月 30 日,宏利金融及其分公司所管理的資產規模達 4,740 億加元(約 4,600 億美 元)。宏利金融除在加拿大、亞洲營運外,亦在美國主要通過恒康為客戶提供服務。宏利金 融集團在多倫多、紐約與菲律賓證交所的交易代碼為 MFC,而在香港聯交所的股份代號則 為 945。集團網址為:www.manulife.com。



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華銀保險代理人股份有限公司 簡介 華南金融集團 華南金融集團自民國 90 年 12 月 19 日設立以來,經營金融服務跨足銀行、保險、證券、 票券、投資信託、資產管理、創業投資及管理顧問等各項專業領域,金融事業版圖業趨完整。 展望未來,期望藉由集團業務經營能量擴張,提升集團經營綜效,以達成國內領導金控及區 域金融機構兩大發展願景,據以立足國際金融市場。 華銀保代「最保險的依靠」 .由華南銀行 100% 轉投資,成立 9 年 .全方位代理國內行銷國內保險公司之保險商品 .擁有多位保險專案人才,從事商品規劃與服務 .於華南金控推廣國內首創「通路策略聯盟」,發展通路專屬特色 .產學合作引進「銀行保險專員」,提供通路專業保險諮詢及服務 .舉辦系列「保險專業研習課程 」 ,深耕正確保險專業知識與觀念 .舉辦「保險業務激勵大會」,推動非金錢式獎勵模式

「保險信望愛獎」肯定 保險「信、望、愛」代表著保險業充滿著誠信、希望、愛心的象徵,華銀保險代理人本 著如同大會般精神,積極地投入保險多元通路的經營,以發揮通路效益為大原則,充分發揮 通路優勢,將保險與其他金融商品功能相結合,以達資產風險管理功能。 華銀保代榮獲第 12 屆 2010 保險信望愛獎 得獎獎項:最佳通路策略獎 優選:最佳保險專業獎 - 輔助人組、最佳保險教育貢獻獎 華銀保代入圍第 11 屆 2009 保險信望愛獎 優選:最佳保險專業獎 - 輔助人組、最佳保險教育貢獻獎、最佳通路策略獎


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富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團 簡介 財富來自前瞻 富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團,成立於 1947 年,為全美市值最大上市基金公司(彭博資訊, 2008/10/31)旗下富蘭克林系列、坦伯頓系列、互利系列(Mutual Series)各有擅長,服務對 象遍及全球投資人、法人機構與高收入人士資產信託管理。除了在多元性與全面性外,1977 年開始操作免稅債券基金,在債券的豐富操作經驗,使富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團成為全球多 家壽險、退休基金委託管理其資產的對象。 累積 60 多年豐富的投資管理及客戶服務經驗,富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團是一個兼具廣度 與深度的全球跨國性投資管理公司,為了能在全球競爭中脫穎而出,富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集 團實踐「思考全球化、行動在地化」理念,不僅具備全球化的視野,更深入了解各地投資人, 並致力於滿足各個市場的需求。集團旗下有超過 200 檔基金、173 位研究分析師以及 270 位 基金經理人,全球有 55 個研究據點、共遍佈 30 個國家,員工人數超過 7900 位,更能精準 掌握全球最新金融情勢,為全球超過 150 個國家、2110 萬個投資帳戶提供資產管理及各項 投資服務。 富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團獲標準普爾評等機構將集團長期債信評等調高至 AA-,且債信 展望為「穩定(stable)」(資料來源:標準普爾,2008/10/6)。顯示集團維持穩健的營運表現, 包括流動性充足、負債槓桿比率極低以及強健無虞的資本水位,並藉由全球定位展現出強大 品牌與經營優勢。 發展現況: .截至 2010/11/30,管理全球 6,423 億美金資產規模(彭博資訊)。 .為 2010 年財星雜誌評選為美國營收前五百大企業(財星雜誌,2010/5 月)。 .第一家被納入 S&P500 指數成分股的基金公司。 .在紐約證交所、太平洋證交所及倫敦證交所均有掛牌交易。 .2008 年 10 月獲標準普爾評等機構將債信評等調高至 AA-,且債信展望為「穩定 (stable)」。(資料來源:標準普爾,2008/10/6) .2008 年、2009 年,霸榮雜誌針對基金公司調查評鑑,富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團連續兩年 獲評選為「最佳十年期頂尖基金公司」。( 資料來源:霸榮雜誌,2010/2/1、2009/2/2,基 金績效據理柏資訊統計過去十年迄 2008 年及 2009 年底,基金過去績效不代表未來績效之 保證 )。 .指標雜誌 (Benchmark) 於香港頒發之 2010 年財富管理大獎,富蘭克林坦伯頓基金集團榮 獲 最 受 尊 崇 基 金 公 司 獎 項 之 卓 越 成 就 殊 榮 (Outstanding Achiever, Most Admired Fund Company Award)。



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施羅德證券投資信託股份有限公司 簡介 施羅德在 1804 年於全球最早的金融中心倫敦創立,為富時 100 指數前百大之上市公司; 股權穩定,約 48% 由施羅德 (Schroder) 家族信託持有。全球擁有逾 2600 位專業人才,日不 落國的投資團隊分布全球 25 個國家,專注於資產管理領域。自 1804 年成立以來,歷經工業 革命、兩次世界大戰及多次景氣多空循環考驗,迄今仍屹立不搖,其勝出的關鍵,就在於持 續的傳承與創新;因為創新,才能走在趨勢之前,贏得商機,如在產品創新方面,舉凡絕對 報酬 *、小型公司、價值選股、另類投資與多元資產投資策略,建構先進的投資策略組合, 為客戶實現最佳的資產配置。(* 絕對報酬投資策略,係指追求任何時點進場投資後 12 個月 獲得正報酬為目標,惟並不保證保本或保證獲利。) 能讓企業永續經營及客戶資產得以長期成長的另一關鍵則在於「風險控管」。施羅德在 多年的智慧傳承下,建構嚴謹的風險控管機制,在投資上,特別自行研發風險控管 PRISM 系統,針對所有投資組合,嚴格進行壓力測試、估算監控,控制下檔風險,為客戶資產作最 嚴格的把關。施羅德投資傳承兩百年歷久彌新的價值,持續引進創新思維,堅持實踐對投資 人家庭和個人幸福的承諾,將幸福一代代傳遞下去。 在進軍全球的過程中,施羅德一直比別人更為重視亞洲市場,也是最早進入台灣股票市 場的專業外資法人之一,自 1989 年進入台灣市場至今,秉持以本土客戶利益為優先的原則, 堅持扮演「知名品牌基金製造者」的角色,在這塊土地上茁壯。 2006 年在台灣政府開放境外基金總代理之後,正式取得境外基金總代理的資格 . 為深耕 台灣,施羅德投資於 2008 年成立施羅德投信,且相繼募集施羅德台灣主動基金、全球主動 組合基金、世界資源基金和全球策略高收益債券基金,提供投資人更多元的台幣計價產品選 擇。 持續以兩百多年來的資產管理智慧及前瞻性的靈活策略,結合全球資源,加上在地化的 管理和服務,提供台灣投資人更多創新、值得信賴的產品。


Diamond Sponsors 鑽石級贊助公司


貝萊德概況 貝萊德是全球卓越的資產管理公司之一,也是投資管理、風險管理、與諮詢服務的領導者,為全球各地專 業法人、中介機構、及個別投資人提供服務。 以客為尊的投資方案 貝萊德的投資方法架構在我們堅定的信念上,透過整合我們對市場的洞察力,自行研發的科技、團隊合作與資 訊分享的文化、精確的分析、以及一直以來對風險管理的重視,讓我們能在所有市場環境中創造績效。我們的 營運範圍寬廣,但我們的目標專注 - 透過妥善控管風險途徑,持續為我們的客戶創造價值。 我們的客戶,期待貝萊德在多數可投資的市場,就各種投資方式與各式指標,提供優質投資方案。貝萊德提供 多種類型,具創意的解決方案與產品架構,以滿足我們客戶的需求,包含專業法人與個別投資人的分離帳戶、 共用基金與其他綜合型的投資工具,及領導產業界的 iShares ETF 投資平台。

獨立的信託文化 我們追求卓越投資的承諾深植在我們共通的文化,即不論面對個別投資人或全球最大的法人機構,永遠以 客戶的利益為優先。做為客戶託付的對象,我們絕不為公司自身利益進行交易。貝萊德是完全獨立經營管理的 公司,無單一主要股東,且董事會的組成多為獨立董事。 貝萊德為全球廣大的客戶服務。我們的客戶來自世界各地的民營企業、公營企業、公會與產業退休金;政府; 保險公司;共同基金的通路法人;捐款;基金會;慈善基金;公司;官方機構;主權基金;銀行;專業金融人 士;以及個別投資人。

環球視野與全球據點 貝萊德是真正全球化企業,結合全球規模上的優勢以及本土的服務與關係 我們在全世界的每一個重要的資 本市場都深入的據點,讓我們在相互影響逐漸升高的金融市場中,具備更佳的洞察力。貝萊德聘請超過 8500 位專業人士,並在全世界 24 個國家中設置 74 個據點。 截至 2010 年 9 月 30 日止,貝萊德總管理資產達 3.45 兆美元,涵括股票、固定收益投資、現金管理、替代性投資、 不動產及諮詢策略。透過 BlackRock Solutions -經過長期研發而成,一套精密 且高度整合的系統-我們為廣大的客戶提供風險管理、策略諮詢與企業投資 系統服務,全部投資組合總計約 9.5 兆美元。

新貝萊德簡介 2009 年 12 月 1 日,貝萊德與巴克萊國際投資管理合併,創造一家卓越的 資產管理公司。新的貝萊德集團,管理資產規模達 3.45 兆美元*,為全世界 客戶提供主動式管理、增強型與指數型的投資策略與投資產品,包括專業法 人與個別投資人的分離帳戶、共同基金、其他綜合型的工具、及領導業界的 iShares ETF 投資平台、透過 BlackRock Solutions®,我們為廣大客戶提供風險管理、策略諮詢企業投資系統服 務。貝萊德總部位於紐約,並很榮幸為 60 多個國家的客戶提供服務。 聯絡我們: 電話:+886 2 2326-1600 網址:www.blackrock.com.tw

傳真:+886 2 2326-1692

2010 BlackRock, Inc. 貝萊德有所有權。貝萊德證券投資顧問股份有限公司獨立經營管理,(95) 金管顧新字第 (088) 號,台北市敦化南路二段 95 號 28 樓,電話 02-2326-1600。本廣告並不針對任何人士提供或邀請投資任 一貝萊德、BlackRock Solutions® 或 iShares 安碩™相關產品或使用其服務。投資涉及風險,包括可能造成損失。 投資人投資前應詳讀公開說明書,以了解相對應之投資風險。所有商標、服務標章或註冊商標均爲其各自權利 人之資產。



Diamond Sponsors 鑽石級贊助公司

T. Rowe Price 普信集團 簡介 美國普信集團於 1937 年創立於美國巴爾的摩市,創辦人為 Thomas Rowe Price Jr.。專 精投資管理其相關之服務,奉行高度倫理標準以客戶利益為至上,為美國最大的共同基金與 401(k) 養老金計畫管理公司之一,也是世界機構客戶資產管理公司 30 強之一。2009 年 2 月, 萬寶投顧與普信簽署合作關係協議,正式成為其台灣總代理。 ◎美國那斯達克掛牌交易上市公司,列為美國標準 500 指數成分股,代號 TROW,市值超過 151 億美元,排名全球上市獨立資產管理公司前三強。* ( 註 1) ◎管理資產規模:按 2010 年 Q3 財報達 4,397 億美元。* ( 註 2) ◎員工總人數達 4,900 人,其中包含 364 位專業投資經理。* ( 註 2) ◎名列世界機構客戶資產管理公司 25 強,擁有龐大的機構客戶群,對於專業投資具有極高 的影響力,具代表性的機構客戶:* ( 註 2) .美國: 主要州政府退休基金:如加州公務人員退休基金、馬利蘭州公務人員退休基金、 麻州政府退休基金、伊利諾州教職員退休基金等。 .挪威:石油業退休基金(全球資產規模最大的政府退休金)。 .沙烏地阿拉伯:國家主權基金。 .新加坡:國防部退休基金。 ◎普信固定收益主管瑪莉.米勒 (Mary Miller) 於 2009 年受美國總統歐巴馬提名出任美國財 政助理部長。普信集團副總裁愛德華.柏納於 2009 年獲選出 「美國共同基金協會 (ICI)」 之理事長。 *註 1:截至 2010 年 11 月 8 日,Bloomberg。 *註 2:截至 2010 年 9 月 30 日,美國普信集團提供。


Platinum Sponsors 白金級贊助公司

富邦人壽保險股份有限公司 簡介 以穩健營運績效,致力提供客戶長期承諾與保障 2009 年 6 月,富邦金控旗下兩家壽險子公司正式合併,更名為富邦人壽。合併迄今,富 邦人壽持續發揮整併效益,不僅總保費排名穩居市場第二名,市佔率亦持續提升。2010 年 9 月底,富邦人壽資產總額已突破 1.5 兆元,創下企業併購後最快展現合併綜效的成功典範。 富邦人壽更將以穩健優異的營運績效,致力提供客戶最安穩的長期承諾與保障。 客戶服務導向、打造感動服務,打造保險業第一品牌 不斷努力,以提供客戶「好,還要更好」的優質服務,是富邦人壽全體同仁追求的目標。 富邦人壽持續推動卓越服務,並在 2010 年底前於全台建構超過 60 個 Fubon House,提供客 戶「揪感心的在地服務」。優質服務備受肯定,富邦人壽在 2010 年榮獲壹周刊「服務第壹 大獎」以及遠見雜誌「2010 服務業大調查」壽險業第一名! 面對競爭激烈的市場環境,富邦人壽不僅追求成長茁壯,更將重視風險控管,以穩健踏 實的經營風格,提供最詳實、正確的投資理財及人身保險規劃,更用實際關懷行動,延伸企 業社會公民責任,矢志成為客戶最信賴的壽險公司,朝向保險業第一品牌目標邁進,為保戶、 企業及股東創造三贏局面。 全員公益 創造社會的共好 不僅在本業上表現優異,富邦人壽亦致力實踐企業公民責任,透過富邦慈善、文教、藝 術及台北富邦銀行公益慈善基金會為公益平台,以全員皆公益為理念,全方位投入不同領域 公益活動,積極扶助弱勢,致力創造共多美善的價值。 引領健康路跑風潮 與愛心公益畫上等號 2009 年富邦金控 / 富邦人壽首度冠名贊助富邦臺北馬拉松,並承諾至少再冠名贊助三 年 (2010-2012 年 ),將以持續提升臺北馬拉松的國際規模與城市魅力為主要承辦目標,與臺 北市政府攜手打造國際最高水準的城市馬拉松賽事!已與愛心公益畫上等號的富邦臺北馬拉 松,將號召更多人加入健康路跑行列,以一人跑一公里企業捐一元的方式,持續累積愛心公 益金,協助公益團體擴大關懷。



Platinum Sponsors 白金級贊助公司

德盛安聯證券投資信託股份有限公司 簡介 德盛安聯隸屬于安聯集團 (Allianz Group),安聯集團創立於西元 1890 年,總部位在德國 慕尼克,並於全球 70 多國設立服務據點,提供超過 7500 萬名客戶從保險到投資等多樣化金 融服務。 德盛安聯資產管理 (Allianz Global Investors) 為安聯集團旗下資產管理核心事業,沿襲日 爾曼民族科學、嚴謹、精確之優良傳統,深耕全球投資市場,旗下管理資產達 1.41 兆歐元, 為全球最大之資產管理公司之一 ( 資料來源:各集團財報 / 資料日期:2010/06/30)。 為滿足客戶多樣化的理財需求,德盛安聯資產管理採取獨特的多元投資平臺策略,旗下 擁有包括掌管全球最大債券基金的 PIMCO、以「草根性研究」聞名的 RCM 等知名投資機構, 提供涵蓋股票、固定收益、平衡型等全方位產品。 德盛安聯自 1990 年進入臺 灣市場以來,已陸續引進集團 旗下德盛全球投資基金、德盛 德利系列基金,以及 PIMCO 系 列基金,透過境外基金總代理 業務,為國人帶來從積極到穩 健等豐富投資選擇。為了將德 國專業資產管理技術成功移植 至臺灣,特于 1999 年成立德盛 安 聯 投 信, 截 至 2010 年 11 月 30 日,共發行 19 檔基金,其中 特別以領先市場、掌握趨勢發 行的前瞻型基金商品,深獲廣 大投資人認同。同時,德盛安 聯亦積極推展機構法人業務, 近年來經營成績斐然,榮獲多項重量級機構代操業務肯定。


Platinum Sponsors 白金級贊助公司

摩根富林明證券投資信託股份有限公司 簡介

百年金融巨擘 全球投資專家 摩根富林明(J.P. Morgan Asset Management)為全球首屈一指的資產管理專家,產品涵 蓋股票、固定收益、對沖基金、私募、地產與多重貨幣管理等,200 多年來持續為全球投資 人提供專業多元的理財服務,深耕台灣超過 20 年,為台灣地區首屈一指的資產管理公司。 摩根富林明隸屬於摩根大通集團(JPMorgan Chase & Co.),在台灣以摩根富林明投信、 摩根富林明投顧及摩根富林明證券三家公司,本於各自專業,共同整合集團全球資源,為台 灣投資人無國界、國際級且誠信專業的全方位資產管理服務。 百年投資經驗 全球研究資源 J.P. Morgan Asset Management 負責摩根大通集團之全球資產管理業務,總管理資產超過 11,611 億美元,包括固定收益資產(Fixed Income)7,482 億美元、股票資產(Equity)2,804 億美元、平衡資產 414 億美元、其他類型資產 910 億美元,為全球前十大主動管理(Active Management)資產管理公司,於全球 40 個城市超過 659 位專業投資研究人員(包括研究員、 分析師及基金經理人等),提供國際金融機構、法人及個人的資產管理服務,包括共同基金 管理與專戶資產管理等 *。(* 資料來源:摩根富林明 2010.06.30) 產品涵蓋全球 資產多元廣泛 摩根富林明於歐美市場發展已百餘年,旗下「摩根富林明歐美系列基金」擅長以各類系 統模型研究(如 Dynamic Model、DDR Model)征服歐美市場,績效表現優異,為投資人創 造主動管理報酬。 此外,摩根富林明耕耘亞洲、日本市場已逾 30 年,享有「亞洲投資專家」的美譽,旗下 「JF 亞洲系列基金」擁有完整產品線與競爭力,堪稱第一品牌。 除了股票產品多元位居市場之先,摩根富林明在固定收益資產管理經驗,更是執業界牛 耳,經驗累積已超過半世紀,而在全球貨幣市場之資產管理規模亦享領導地位。 摩根富林明之業務發展廣泛,亦是業界領先,包括共同基金、退休金管理、全權委託代 操業務等,其中共同基金業務除了在亞洲擁有領先地位,更是英國名列前矛的投資信託管 理者,亦穩居香港退休計劃、政府基金資產管理者的領導地位;另在美國退休金(Defined Benefit)主動管理市場部份,以及各國央行、政府公債之投資管理同樣位居世界要角,未來 摩根富林明將引進更多創新投資商品與管理能力,提供台灣投資人全方位的理財服務。 【摩根富林明證券 獨立經營管理】「摩根富林明」為 J.P. Morgan Asset Management 於台灣事業 體之行銷名稱。摩根富林明所作任何投資意見與市場分析結果,係依據資料製作當時情況進行判斷, 惟可能因市場變化而更動,投資標的之價格與收益亦將隨時變動。基金經行政院金融監督管理委員 會核准或同意生效,並不表示絕無風險,公司除盡善良管理人之注意義務外,不負責投資之盈虧, 基金經理公司以往之經理績效不保證基金之最低投資收益,亦不必然為未來績效表現。



風險與保險研究中心募款計畫 一、捐款等級與內容 等級

Diamond 鑽石級

Platinum 白金級



捐贈金額 50 萬元

˙ 在本系與中心舉辦之國內研討會以及出版刊物中都列為鑽 石級贊助單位 ˙ 指派兩位代表成為本中心專業諮詢委員 ˙ 邀請公司專業代表共同擔任本中心接受委託之研究計畫案 諮詢顧問及撰寫政策白皮書 ˙ 邀請公司代表在本系舉辦之研討會 / 座談會中擔任主講人 或與談貴賓

捐贈金額 30 萬元

˙ 在本系與中心所舉辦之國內研討會及出版刊物中列為白金 級贊助單位 ˙ 指派一位代表成為中心諮詢顧問委員會委員 ˙ 邀請公司代表在研討會中擔任專題演講主講人或與談貴賓

*捐贈金額以一年為贊助期間,並可依公司會計需求於一年內分期撥款,也歡迎多年期贊助。 捐贈助款項使用項目: 1. 贊助本系及中心所舉辦之研討會或座談會 2. 贊助本系及中心邀請國際知名學者或專業人士來台演講 3. 補助本中心研究員出國進行學術交流或發表論文 4. 提供本系博士班學生獎學金或博、碩士生之工讀金 5. 贊助本中心每年定期編印政策白皮書、專業叢書或相關出版品 6. 贊助本中心購買研究資料庫、專業報告、期刊或書籍

二、研究計畫與專業諮詢 本中心歡迎企業依公司需求指定研究主題進行專案研究計畫、產業市場調查或專業諮詢,實際研 究諮詢費用依需求內容決定。若研究諮詢經費超過 50 萬,只需再捐贈 20 萬元即可成為本中心鑽石 級贊助單位。

三、匯款方式 如蒙捐助,請以下列方式擇一辦理,並請註明捐贈至「風險與保險研究中心專款(專戶代碼:B5083)」: 1. 郵政劃撥匯款: 戶名:財團法人政大學術發展基金會 帳號:14908027 2. 支票捐款: 抬頭:財團法人政大學術發展基金會 請掛號郵寄至:台北市文山區 116 指南路二段 64 號 3. 電匯捐款 銀行:元大銀行台北分行 帳號:0035-22-07279-3-0 戶名:財團法人政大學術發展基金會 請於匯款完成後,將匯款明細傳真至 (02)29393864,並請務必來電 (02)29393091 轉 89071 與 楊凌玉助教確認,謝謝!


Sponsorship Sponsorship of NCCU Risk and Insurance Research Center 1.Sponsorship Level

Year Contribution Amount

Benefits ˙Become the Diamond Sponsor for

Diamond Sponsor

500000NT$ or 17000US$

all conferences and activities hosted by the center ˙Appoint two executives as advisory board members ˙Invite company executives to join research projects as consultants ˙Invite company executives to join conferences as keynote speakers

˙Become the Platinum Sponsor for

Platinum Sponsor

300000NT$ or 10000US$

all conferences and activities hosted by the center ˙Appoint one executive as an advisory board member ˙Invite company executives to join research projects as consultants

Contributions will be used for the following activities:

1.Undertake research projects on important issues for the industry. 2.Sponsor conferences and seminars. 3.Invite internationally well-known scholars to Taiwan. 4.Provide scholarships to Ph.D. and graduate students. 5.Sponsor the publications of the research center, including issue reports, survey studies, and policy whitepapers. 6.Purchase research databases, industry reports, academic journals, and books.

2.Industry research project and consulting advice

We welcome industry consulting and research projects, such as market surveys, issue studies, or professional strategy consulting. Research and consulting fees are established in accordance with the actual needs and content of the research project. If the research and consulting fee exceeds NT$500,000 or US$17,000, you may donate an additional NT$200,000 or US$7,000 to become the Diamond Sponsor.

3.Contact Information

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact us for further information. information: Please contact Miss Lingyu Yang TEL: (02)29393091-89071 Fax: (02)29393864 ▲The contribution amount should be wired to the following bank account: ▲Contact

SWIFT code Bank name Bank address Name A/C


ICBCTWTP030 MEGA INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK SOUTH TAIPEI BRANCH No.9-1, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd. , Jhongjheng District, Taipei 10093 , Taiwan , R.O.C. National Chengchi University Development Foundation 030-53-01019-8


風險管理與保險學系簡介 Department of Risk Management and Insurance 網址:http://www.rmi.nccu.edu.tw/

培育未來深具發展潛力的全方位風險管理與保險專業人才 風險管理與保險是一個新興的知識專業,也是一個未來深具發展潛力的產業。我國近年來積極 規劃及推動全民健康保險、國民年金保險、強制汽車責任保險、地震保險等重要的社會保險與政 策保險,商業保險事業亦蓬勃發展,2008 年保險業之資產總額就占整個台灣金融機構資產總額之 21.53%,此外目前台灣的保險滲透度已居全世界第一。但因應未來人口結構高齡化的轉變潮流,年 金保險、健康及醫療險的未來市場發展潛力空間仍很大。由於金融風暴與巨大天災,風險管理在近 年來成為非常重要的發展趨勢,許多傳統產業與金融機構紛紛設立風險管理部門或委員會,因此未 來也將會有更多的人才需求。本系秉持繼承傳統與不斷創新的信念,致力提供最優質的教學研究環 境,以最高學術品質為國內金融保險產業培育全方位的風險管理與保險專業人才。

促進產業合作新趨勢 政大風險管理與保險系是國內師資最優、結構最完整之風險管理與保險學系。本系不管在教學或 研究上,都可謂是國內風險管理與保險學系之冠,主要特色如下: 1. 本系具有國內風險管理與保險領域之最頂尖師資 本系教師多為國外風險管理與保險名校畢業之博士。 2. 創造學生專業品牌形象,提升學生就業市場競爭力 本系之課程設計強化理論與實務之結合,積極瞭解目前金融保險業界人才培訓之需求重點,希望 能做到本系畢業學生可以直接就業,成為金融保險業界最希望延攬之人才。 3. 與金融保險市場最具領導品牌公司進行產學合作提供直接就業機會 本系與我國最具保險市場領導品牌代表性的國泰壽險公司以及富邦產險公司進行產學合作,開設 『國泰壽險經營管理實務講座』、『富邦產險經營管理實務講座』課程,不但強化本系學生的實 務經驗,並協助保險公司發掘培植具優秀潛力的企業新生代。此外,為使學生進一步瞭解不同產 業與公司在企業風險管理之實務運作,本系開設『企業風險管理實務講座與 CEO 論壇』,邀請各 產業中最具代表性之標竿企業的 CEO 與風控長,以個案分析及實務經驗討論模式,分享各產業之 不同風險控管與企業風險管理之實務經驗,讓本系學生有與優質企業主管直接互動機會,以增加 未來就業機會。

未來就業方向 保險公司行銷、財務、精算、企劃等人員、一般企業風控部門、精算師、金融業投資與風險管理 相關部門。


中心聯絡資訊 聯絡地址/ 116 台北市文山區指南路二段 64 號商學院八樓 260810 室 電子信箱/ rirc@nccu.edu.tw 電話/ 886-2-29393091 # 87120 傳真/ 02-86611975 網址/ www.rirc.nccu.edu.tw Address/Rm. 260810, 8F, College of Commerce, NCCU, NO.64, Sec.2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605,Taiwan (R.O.C) Email/rirc@nccu.edu.tw Tel/886-2-29393091 # 87120 Fax/02-86611975 Website/www.rirc.nccu.edu.tw

系主任 中心主任 中心執行長 中心秘書 系秘書 系秘書


jenwang@nccu.edu.tw ctsai@nccu.edu.tw jwwang@nccu.edu.tw stacyci@nccu.edu.tw 886-2-2939-3091 # 87120 楊凌玉 lingyu78@nccu.edu.tw 886-2-2939-3091 # 89071 陳品靜 pjchen2@nccu.edu.tw 886-2- 2939-3091 # 89072

王儷玲 蔡政憲 王正偉 莊薏臻


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