Auburn Cord Duesenber Festival 2012

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56th Anniversary Souvenir Edition





Over 100 Years






Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

Car fest upgrades for 2012 AUBURN — Like a carmaker unveiling its latest model, the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival rolls out its new and improved lineup this week. In the classic-car event’s biggest change, Worldwide Auctioneers moves The Auburn Auction to one of the city’s auto museums, the National Automotive and Truck Museum. The auction takes place over two nights, beginning with All-Ford Friday and continuing with The Main Event on Saturday night. The weekend’s largest collector-car sale, staged by Auctions America by RM, returns for its third year at Auburn Auction Park south of the city, with some 1,200 cars up for bids. The auction stretches from today through Sunday and features several improvements to the auction arena and site. Downtown events will see several changes. The ACD Festival Event Tent moves to Eighth Street, directly west

of the courthouse, offering live music both Friday and Saturday nights. Big Caddy Daddy plays Friday at 9 p.m., with Joe Justice featured Saturday at 6 p.m. As a new feature of the popular Friday Night Cruise-in, The Junkyard Band will present a free concert Friday from 6-9 p.m. at the corner of Seventh and Main streets, sponsored by Ben Davis auto dealerships of Auburn. Friday night’s ice cream social expands to two serving stations on the northwest and southeast corners of the courthouse square. Auburn Chrysler Dodge Jeep is sponsoring the ice cream social, which serves ice cream at $1 per scoop, with DeBrand’s toppings included. Applebee’s is donating supplies and providing volunteer servers. The Kids Art Tent, open Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., moves to a

grassy lot at Seventh and Jackson streets, with Beacon Credit Union as its sponsor. A new parking area for handicapped visitors will be provided in a lot at Seventh and Jackson streets, courtesy of Beacon Credit Union. Another festival supporter, Jimelle Flooring, has donated carpet to renovate the festival’s outdoor stage, which is used during the Parade of Classics at 1 p.m. Saturday. Also joining the list of events is Speakeasy 2012, Friday from 5-11 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Auburn Moose Family Center, Tenth and Main streets. Guests are welcome. Experts will give a free demonstration of how to remove the engine and transmission from a classic Cord automobile Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at Ninth and Main streets. Highlights of the ACD Festival:

Welcome to our guide to the festival The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival marks its 57th year today through Sunday in Auburn. Whether you’re attending your first festival, or you’ve been here since the beginning, we hope you will enjoy our guide to this year’s events and the history behind them. For this year’s festival theme, “The Year of the Unrestored Car,” we start with a story about a local owner who has restored his own Cord automobiles. Our guide also contains a story about the process of restoration. We include previews of the event’s two collector-car auctions and a historical perspective on the Auburn Automobile Co. Our complete guide to festival events starts on page 17.

ŠKPC Media Group Inc. •

August 30, 2012

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival



1934 Auburn 12 Salon Cabriolet One of Only Four Known, ACD Certified

VJ#PPWCN 7ZR (YHQLQJV )ULGD\ $XJXVW ‡ SP 6DWXUGD\ 6HSWHPEHU ‡ SP At the National Auto & Truck Museum • L29 Cord Building • Ample & Convenient Parking

7KH $XFWLRQ LV 1RZ 'RZQWRZQ LQ WKH 0XVHXP 'LVWULFW &RPH (QMR\ WKH )HVWLYDO DQG $XFWLRQ :+(5( 7+( *5($7 &$56 $5( 1934 Ford V8 “Strathglass� Woodie Wagon

1934 Packard Twelve 1108 Sport Phaeton

One-of-a-Kind Woodie with Known & Important History

LeBaron Style Coachwork byy Roxas

1937 Cadillac V12 Convertible Sedan an One of 20 Built, Properly & Accurately Prepared

1937 Packard Twelve 1508 Convertible Sedan

1918 American LaFrance Type 40 Pumper

Properly & Accurately Prepared

Meticulously & Completely Restored, Proceeds Benefit National Automotive and Truck Museum


Ample and convenient parking to the auction and museums. Inventory of vehicles in auction including catalogue, as well as admission options to the museum and auction can be found on our website. Roderick C. Egan, Auctioneer


IN Lic. #AU10000207



Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

Cord owner bought first car on faith BY JARED DODEN

Cord owner Pat Leahy of Woodburn has a history with classic cars dating back to 1982. Every year, his sister-in-law would invite family and friends to stay at her family’s home for the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival, giving Leahy the opportunity to consistently attend. He quickly fell in love. “My passion for classic cars started immediately.” he said, along with his dream of owning one. In 1999, his dream was realized with the purchase of his first Cord, a 1937 812 Custom Beverly. During the festival that year, he met an older gentleman named Ray Cloud who was in town to attend. Leahy happened to express his interest in buying a Cord to Cloud. By an amazing chance, Cloud was able to help. Cloud spilled the beans on a Cord Custom Beverly he owned, sitting in a barn on his property back in Pennsylvania; a car that, for some reason, he had never told

club members about. He conducted Leahy to his hotel room and showed him a picture of the Cord as proof of its existence. The Cord appealed to Leahy. “I’m an engineering-type person. I like the technology that was in that car in 1936 and 1937,” Leahy said. He bit, buying a car he had never seen for cash up front. Cloud gave his price and demanded onehalf of that sum as a deposit to be handed over quickly. It was a weekend, but Leahy was motivated. He pulled it off and met Cloud at the older gentleman’s hotel. When Leahy arrived, Cloud repeatedly counted out the cash right there in the lobby with stacks of bills spread out over a table. Finally satisfied, Cloud stuffed the considerable amount into his front shirt pocket. Leahy had the presence of mind to ask for a receipt, which Cloud provided. Leahy’s wife, Kathy, was not as enthusiastic as he was about handing over cash to an out-of-state man they had never met before, but she supported her husband. Cloud did express concern over his

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Pat Leahy sits behind the wheel of one of his unrestored Cord automobiles.

classic’s fate, checking to make sure Leahy was not going to turn the Cord into a dreaded “hot rod,” a sacrilege among ACD classic enthusiasts. “Many members could possibly sell their cars for more money, but choose to find a new ‘caretaker’ of their ACD car,” Leahy said. When the time the men had agreed on for Leahy to retrieve his Cord arrived, the Leahys loaded up their truck with their poodle mix, Matt, and another bag full of cash and prepared to leave for Pennsylvania. For days before traveling to Cloud’s coal-mining town, they called and called his house. No answer. Kathy Leahy feared the worst. She thought perhaps Cloud had suddenly passed away, taking their money and Cord hopes with him. Finally, Pat Leahy called the only other Cloud in the directory. A family member of Cloud’s answered, informed Leahy that the 83-year-old man was living at his girlfriend’s house and provided a number. Leahy called the number and managed to get ahold of Cloud, who was not thrilled. “You’ve messed with my love life,” Cloud said, according to Leahy. Despite his annoyance, he promised to meet the Leahys at his house, where the Cord was stored. At last, the Leahys were able to leave for Pennsylvania with some assurance of success. When they arrived, they tried the house and, again, found no one. Undeterred, they investigated and found a track to a barn-like structure. They parked

at the barn, got out and started calling Cloud’s name. No response. They entered the open door and saw a pair of spindly legs sticking out from under the Cord. Again, Kathy Leahy feared Cloud had kicked the bucket. What a relief when he finally rolled out from under the Cord on a mechanic’s dolly. “Whaddya want?” he barked. Well, their Cord, of course. The Leahys found out Cloud had been trying to use jacks to move the Cord outside the barn by himself, unsuccessfully. Fortunately, his efforts produced no casualties, human or machine. Together, Pat Leahy and Cloud managed to get the Cord onto Pat’s trailer. Finally in possession of his half pre-paid, fully beloved Cord, Leahy handed over the rest of the cash and he and Kathy began the journey back to Indiana. Cord No. 1 was in the fold. Pat fully restored his new acquisition, refinishing it in a beautiful navy blue. He does most of his own restoration work. “You could not take that to a restorer shop and have it fixed,” Leahy said, speaking about one of his other, unrestored Cords. “It would cost way too much money.” He actually had to restore that first Beverly twice. He, Kathy and their dog, Matt, were east of Cincinnati on the interstate once, pulling the Cord on a car dolly and cruising at highway speed downhill, when a new tire on their Cord blew. Pat lost control of the dolly, and the Cord ended up drifting in front of them on the right. The Leahys happened to be driving next to a sheer cliff, SEE CORD OWNER, PAGE 5

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August 30, 2012

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival


CORD OWNER: Leahy lets others enjoy cars FROM PAGE 4

dozens if not hundreds of feet straight down, and they were sliding toward it. Everyone thought this was it, even Matt, judging by his anxiety. Then a semi truck, carrying a load of Tootsie Rolls, came barreling toward them. The semi struck the Cord, crushing the entire right side, and sideswiped the Leahys’ truck. Their truck was damaged, and the Cord was halfcrushed, but the impact stopped them from heading over the cliff. They were alive and unharmed. Insurance covered the wreck’s damage, and Leahy was able to acquire the necessary parts to fix his Cord. Later, speaking to other members of the ACD Club, he found out that the tires he had on his Cord were low-quality tires from Brazil. A member told Leahy that he used them only for shows. Leahy vowed to keep quality radials on his Cord from then on. His philosophy on restoration revolves around function. He sees his classic cars for what they are: transportation. Historic and beautiful and fun, but transportation nevertheless, and he cherishes them that way. Leahy lets people sit in his Cords regularly at shows. Taking grandchildren on rides is the norm. Sometimes, he even allows folks behind the wheel to take his Cord for a spin. He enjoys his classics, and he wants others to enjoy them, too.


Pat Leahy shows the first Cord he purchased, which he now has restored twice.

“You get into the club for the cars, but then it becomes all the people you meet,” Leahy said. “That’s the most important,” Kathy Leahy said. Today, the twice-restored Beverly stays in Pat’s barn, waiting for the next show, or for any time Pat and Kathy feel like a leisurely Sunday drive. He has other Cords, too, and is thinking about a collector-car auction. “We might sell one of these restorable cars this year,” he said. With the rest, he has long-term ideas.

He plans to restore one for each of his three sons, with high hopes that a new generation of classic car enthusiasts will spring up to be custodians of the classics he loves so much.

“There will always be those who recognize the significance of these cars, enjoy this period of history and lasting friendships only a club like this can produce,” Leahy said.


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Pat Leahy owns a quartet of Cord automobiles, both restored and unrestored.

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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

Worldwide moves auction to museum New site features ‘All-Ford Friday’ on opening night BY DAVE KURTZ

AUBURN — For the first time since it all began in 1971, a collector car auction on Labor Day weekend will take place inside Auburn’s city limits. For its fifth annual sale at Auburn, Worldwide Auctioneers is moving to the National Auto and Truck Museum on Auburn’s south side. “We’re extremely excited about it,” said John Kruse of Worldwide, whose grandfaThis 2004 Ford GT Factory Test Mule will be sold during “All ther, the late Russell Kruse, helped stage Ford Friday” by Worldwide Auctioneers in the National Auto that first auction on Auburn’s west side 41 years ago. glossy book full of high-quality photos, the “Having an event where your cars are quality of cars distinguishes a catalog displayed and sold in an atmosphere like auction, he said. the L-29 building of NATMUS is pretty “You should expect to see very, very spectacular,” Kruse said. The Auburn nice automobiles, really without Automobile Co. built its classic L-29 Cords exception,” he said about this weekend’s in the structure that now houses NATMUS, sale. behind the Auburn Cord Duesenberg The event begins with “All-Ford Friday.” Automobile Museum. The first evening’s sale will benefit the Worldwide is returning to its roots in Early Ford V-8 Foundation, which operates another way, with an auction that features a museum next to the National Military a limited number of cars with high quality. History Center south of Auburn. Every The company experimented with a lineup buyer on Friday will receive a membership of 500 cars last year, but this weekend in the foundation. will auction only 125 cars over two Friday’s bidding begins at 5 p.m. with a nights. collection of memorabilia before moving Catalog auctions are Worldwide’s style, on to the main attraction — more than 50 Kruse said. Along with the publishing of a SEE WORLDWIDE, PAGE 7


and Truck Museum. The museum owns the car, and its sale will benefit the museum. Stirling Moss raced this 1966 Shelby Mustang GT 350 Fastback, which will be auctioned in the “All Ford Friday” segment of Worldwide Auctioneers fifth annual The Auburn Auction.



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August 30, 2012

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival


WORLDWIDE: Auction of 2004 Ford GT will raise funds for museum FROM PAGE 6

Ford Motor Co. automobiles from 1907 to the present. Leading the list of Fords, a Shelby Mustang owned and raced by Stirling Moss has attracted interest from all over the world, Kruse said. Another Shelby, a 1966 GT 350 Fastback, rates as “the finest restored Shelby ever offered at public auction,” he said. The auction of 2004 Ford GT Test Mule owned by NATMUS will raise money for the host museum. Former NATMUS executive director Larry Dent helped save the car, which has been on display at NATMUS. Kruse describes the GT as “a very operational supercar.” “The fact that it even exists today is quite special. The opportunity to buy it is truly a once-in-a-lifetime,” Kruse said. Two other Ford Motor Co. prototypes — a 2001 Lincoln and Ford Thunderbird — will cross the auction block NATMUS also is selling its 1918 American LaFrance fire engine on Saturday night. Saturday night’s sale starts at 6 p.m. and will offer nearly 70 cars of all makes. Kruse’s personal favorite car in the sale — on the cover of the auction’s catalog — is a 1934 Auburn Salon V-12 cabriolet, one of only four known to exist. “I’m from Auburn. I love it. I love everything about it,” Kruse said about the weekend festival. “I want Labor Day to be the most enjoyable collector-car event that anybody goes to on an annual basis. … We’re on our way to making that happen.”


This 1934 Auburn 12 Salon V-12 Cabriolet, one of only four known to exist, appears on the catalog cover for Worldwide Auctioneers fifth annual The Auburn Auction. It will be

offered for bids Saturday night inside the National Auto and Truck Museum.

NATMUS site adds 400 parking places AUBURN — In moving its collector car auction to the NATMUS museum, Worldwide Auctioneers aims to create “the smoothest, most enjoyable event” for everyone, said John Kruse of Worldwide. Planning for the event’s parking and traffic flow has involved leaders of both automobile museums in Auburn, the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival and city government. “We’ve opened up, on-site, close to

400 additional parking spots that have never been used before” during the festival, Kruse said. Most of them are at the Auburn Community Pool and on the NATMUS grounds. Preparations for the auction have improved Utility Drive along the west side of the pool property and a driveway on the north side of the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum’s parking lot. Worldwide will operate a free golf-

cart shuttle service for visitors to the museum area today, Friday and Saturday, even outside its auction hours. Kruse said he looks forward to raising people’s awareness of NATMUS, a museum housed in two original buildings of the former Auburn Automobile Co. The added exposure, he said, “I think will have a tremendous impact on the long-term success of NATMUS.”



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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

Auctions America selling 1,200 vehicles BY DAVE KURTZ


This 1935 Duesenberg Model J Sedan with distinctive coachwork by Derham and an art deco waterfall grille ranks

as one of the leading cars in the Auctions America sale this weekend at Auburn Auction Park.


Auction to benefit fallen soldier’s family




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Auctions America will sell vehicles and other donated items Sunday to benefit the family of U.S. Army Sgt. JaBraun Knox of Auburn, who was killed in action in Afghanistan in May. Celebrity auctioneer Barry Weiss of the cable TV show “Storage Wars” will help sell a 1980 Honda Twinstar Motorcycle, a 1972 Honda 175 and a 1991 MercedesBenz 500SL, among other items. Money from the sale will be split between Knox’s family and the Fort Wayne Base Community Council Military Support Fund, established in July to support current, nondeployed military members and their families in northeast Indiana. “Our team at Auctions America wants to do our part to give back to the military personnel, families and citizens in Auburn, Fort Wayne and the surrounding towns who have welcomed us with open arms,” said Auctions America by RM president Donnie Gould.

More than 1,200 vehicles — from classics to hot rods, exotics and muscle cars — will cross the auction stage this weekend at Auburn Auction Park. For its third year, Auctions America by RM plans to make its Auburn Fall sale bigger and better. The auction runs today through Sunday. The company is continuing the 42-year tradition of “the longest-running event in collector car auction history” — a collector-car auction on Labor Day weekend at Auburn — said Auctions America by RM president Donnie Gould. “I think they’ll see just as many “I think they’ll see cars” as at past auctions, Gould just as many cars, said, “but I think but I think they’ll they’ll see a better quality, as well.” see a better Upgrades to the auction park for quality, as well.” 2012 include a completely new stage for the Donnie Gould auctioneers, President, Auctions offering America by RM soundproof rooms with glass windows for conversations with telephone bidders. Outside, the auction park has a new sign for the arena and new fountains in its ponds. The event features a swap meet and car corral, hosted by Carlisle Events, along with monster truck rides on Saturday and Sunday, and helicopter rides Friday through Sunday. Three Batmobile movie cars and an unusual Decoliner will be on display. Leading the lineup of cars for sale in the auction is a 1935 Duesenberg Model J Sedan with distinctive coachwork by Derham and an art deco waterfall grille. The auction company estimates its value at $450,000-$500,000. Another homegrown classic is a 1932 Auburn 12 Phaeton with an estimated value of $200,000-$250,000. The Auburn Automobile Co. built the rare 12-cylinder


©KPC Media Group Inc. •

August 30, 2012

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival


AUCTIONS AMERICA: Coneen collection includes 1929 Model A Ford Custom Boattial Speedster FROM PAGE 8

model, as well as the Duesenberg. Two large collections totaling 120 cars will be sold Friday and Saturday. The Ernie Coneen Collection and a private collection from the East Coast will be offered at no reserve. “Both collections present a wonderful assortment of great American marques and a broad range of ownership opportunities for savvy collectors,” Gould said. The East Coast collection represents every decade from the 1930s through 2000, highlighted by a rare 1947 Mercury Station Wagon with a wood body, estimated in value at $80,000-$100,000. “The collector has been active in the hobby for more than 50 years, so he has an eye for exceptional cars like the Mercury woody wagon and the (1933) Chrysler CQ Imperial,” said Auctions America car specialist Gord Duff. The collection of Ernie Coneen, 87, began when he bought his first collector car just 10 years ago and has grown to some 50 autos, the auction company said.


The car collection of Ernie Coneen, 87, includes some 50 autos that will be sold this weekend at no reserve at Auburn

Its highlights include a 1929 Model A Ford Custom Boattail Speedster, built on Model A running gear, with an estimated value of $65,000-$85,000. Closer to the present, Coneen is selling two Ford Shelby GT 500 coupes from 2007 and 2008.

Auction Park. It includes these five vehicles.

Other noteworthy cars in the lineupe: • a 1953 Buick Skylark convertible (estimated $175,000-$225,000); • a 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 R-Code Factory Lightweight (estimated $100,000$125,000); and • a 1974 Pontiac Trans Am SD-455

(estimated $125,000-$150,000). “Whether collectors want a wellpreserved centerpiece for their garage, a driver for cruise nights or an original car for a custom project, they’ll find it in Auburn,” said Auctions America car specialist Keith Koscak.

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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ŠKPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

Seminar to mark 50 years of Shelby American history In honor of car designer Carroll Shelby, who died in May, Speed network commentator Dave Despain will lead a one-hour seminar, “50 Years of Shelby American,â€? in the main auction arena at Auburn Auction Park on Friday at 9 a.m. The panel discussion will focus on the passion that drives Shelby enthusiasts, as well as the company’s past, present and future. Panelists will share personal anecdotes about Shelby and offer market insights into the collectability of vintage and new Shelby vehicles, followed by question-answer session with the audience. Entry to the seminar is included as part of general admission, with a complimentary hot breakfast for guests served at 8.30 a.m. The panel will include: • original Shelby factory team driver Allen Grant, who was involved in early development of Shelby performance vehicles and is currently designing his own sports car, “Grant Spyderâ€?; • Shelby American vice president of operations Gary Patterson, a key development driver for Shelby; and • Auctions America by RM and president Donnie Gould, a Shelby aficionado and 35-year veteran of the collector car hobby. “I’ve owned quite a few of them over the years, and I


The 1965 Shelby GT350 will be offered for bids at the Auctions America by RM sale this weekend. The

auction company estimates its value at $200,000$250,000.

have my first Shelby I bought when I was 18,� Gould said. He paid $6,000 for the 1966 Shelby. Auctions America will also honor 50 years of Shelby American history by offering for bids a pair of Shelby GT 350s in traditional Wimbledon White with Guardsmen Blue stripes, each signed by Shelby. A 1965 Shelby GT 350 with an estimated value of

$200,000-$250,000 is number 260 of 562 Shelbys built during 1965. A 2011 Shelby GT 350 with serial number 3 has an estimated value of $125,000-$150,000. It originally was owned by Carroll Shelby and features a 624-horsepower, 5.0-liter engine that can push the car to 60 mph in only 3.7 seconds.


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August 30, 2012


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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

Innovation, styling mark Auburn’s autos BY JARED DODEN

Almost 70 years after Auburn’s founding, Charles Eckhart and his sons of the Eckhart Carriage Co. turned out their first automobile in 1903. The Eckhart sons, Frank and Morris, got wind of an innovative, new machine that ran by itself. They decided to buy one or two and put their mechanical skills to the test developing their own. Ultimately, they successfully reverse-engineered their own “horseless carriage.” This automobile was water-cooled, ran on gasoline, had a steering wheel, rode on pneumatic (air-filled) tires, and chugged along with a single cylinder that produced 10 horsepower. For Auburn citizens used to seeing horses everywhere, it must have been quite a sight. The Eckharts built a new factory to house their fledgling

automobile business. Fast-forward a few years. It’s now 1919 and World War I has ended. The senior Eckhart passed away in 1915. The Eckhart brothers have halted their automobile business because of supply shortages linked to the war. They’re in financial trouble, so they sell their company to a group of investors in Chicago. The Chicago investors’ luck is no better. Soon, they too are looking for help. Enter the ambitious young businessman Errett Lobban Cord. In 1924, the Chicago investors approached Cord and offered him a job managing the Auburn Automobile Co. Cord, ever the entrepreneur, was not content to manage. He wanted to own the company. He made a counter-offer: the investors would pay him through profit participation instead of a salary and guarantee him an option to buy the


The very first Auburn automobiles hit the streets in 1903.

company. With no better way out of their financial conundrum, the investors agreed to Cord’s terms. Within two years, Cord had turned the company around to profitability and

successfully completed a buyout. He now owned the Auburn Automobile Co. He wasted no time refurbishing and selling existing vehicles and cranking out new SEE INNOVATION, PAGE 13

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August 30, 2012

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival


INNOVATION: Duesenberg joined Cord’s auto empire FROM PAGE12

ones such as the Auburn 8-88 and the Auburn Boattail Speedster. Shortly after buying the company, Cord purchased the Indianapolis-based Duesenberg Motors Corp. and hired one of the original owners, Frank Duesenberg, for his engineering talent. Cord put Duesenberg to the task of producing the finest luxury car ever made. After a year or two of development, the Auburn Automobile Co., via Frank Duesenberg, presented the world with the famous Duesenberg Model J. The Model J in all its various forms was a spectacle of beauty and unique, innovative design. It was meant to be the most expensive and luxurious car in the world. Cord wanted only the elite to be able to afford this automobile. With a price set at $12,000 in 1928 (approximately $161,000 today) to as much as $20,000 ($268,000 now), this was a near-certainty. Together with a team of competent engineers, Cord also brought to marke the L-29 Cord, named after himself. It was the first commercially available vehicle with front-wheel drive; a daring step into the future. Despite this new technology and its unique appearance, a heavy chassis,

underpowered engine, poor weight distribution, and higher price point than similar cars from other manufacturers kept the L-29 from greater success. The Depression also would begin taking a vast toll on American industry shortly after the L-29’s arrival, further harming its chance for success and eventually extracting vitality from the Auburn Automobile Co. overall. In 1934, the company was in trouble and Cord played his final card. He rested the company’s fate on young designer Gordon Buehrig, who created the 1935 Auburn 851 Boattail Speedster and the Cord 810/812. The high quality of Buehrig’s talent was unquestionable, perhaps most evident in the beautiful and technologically advanced Cord 810. But the elemental forces of time and economics were flowing against the company, and talent just wasn’t enough to fight the tide. The Cord 810 was rushed through design and hand-production quickly to get it ready for an early New York Auto Show, scheduled for Nov. 2, 1935, two months earlier than the traditional January. SEE INNOVATION, PAGE 14


Gordon Buehrig designed two of Auburn Automobile Co.’s most memorable cars, the Auburn Boattail Speedster and the Cord 810/812 models, in the mid-1930s.


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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ŠKPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

INNOVATION: Cord was rushed to market FROM PAGE 13

As a direct result of the rush, the engineers were not able to work out all the bugs in time. The 810 had two significant mechanical issues: an unreliable transmission and vapor lock. These issues stubbornly persisted after the show, causing a long delay between promised and actual delivery. The transmission problems were eventually solved, but it was too late. Many would-be buyers lost faith and withdrew their orders. The Cord 810 was not destined to save the company. In 1937, under the weight of the Depression, the Cord 810’s failure, and other financial difficulties, the Auburn Automobile Co. closed its doors forever. The beautiful, classy and advanced automobiles produced by the company would never be made again, but they have established an enduring legacy. An entire industry has grown up around buying, Auburn Automobile Co. produced its cars in a sprawling complex in south Auburn. The administration building at selling, restoring, and collecting Auburns, lower left now houses the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Cords and Duesenbergs.

$1.00 OFF a 16 oz. jar of Sechler’s Pickles Good at our St. Joe & Fremont locations. Expires 12/31/12.


Automobile Museum. The L-29 and service buildings at lower rignt today house the National Auto and Truck Museum. The long production building at upper right no longer stands.

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Unser to lead Saturday parade

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Bobby Unser will ride as grand marshal of the Parade of Classics through Auburn on Saturday at 1 p.m., a highlight of the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival. Unser also will sign autographs Friday and Saturday at the Auburn Auction Park during the Auctions America by RM sale. The auction company is sponsoring his appearance in Auburn. In 1968, he won the Indianapolis 500, the first of three victories (1975, 1981). Unser Career highlights include 35 Indycar wins; 13 Pikes Peak Hill Climb wins; induction into the Motorsports, International Motorsports, National Sprint Car, Indy 500, and Indianapolis Motor Speedway halls of fame; and many other victories, accolades and achievements.

©KPC Media Group Inc. •

August 30, 2012

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival

Restoring a classic A UBURN PLAZA takes skill, patience Visit these fine local merchants at

West 7th St. • State Road 8 Auburn


Buying and restoring a classic car is no get-rich-quick scheme. The noble enterprise of classic car restoration requires a considerable amount of nearly every precious resource: time, labor, patience and a pile of cold, hard cash. Les Jackson is a car restoration expert with 17 restorations under his belt. He comaintains the website His advice for the amateur restorer is to budget 2,000 hours for a basic restoration. Jackson himself takes about 1,000. For reference, 2,000 hours is just under 1.4 months of bulk time. Working eight hours a day, 2,000 hours would take 294 days (approximately 10.5 months) to complete with Sundays off. That’s commitment. Within that lengthy project time, a beloved classic will provide a plethora of detail work and plenty of expenses. One of a classic owner’s goals would be to get his prized possession on the road, so the engine is a good place to start working. Worn engine components must be reworked, repaired or replaced. Every seal, hose, belt, fitting, bolt, nut, gasket, wire, tank, reservoir, gauge and more must be inspected with replacements for worn parts found, purchased, and re-installed. Leave the partially rebuilt engine sitting on the sawhorses while waiting for parts. Next the chassis. The car must be stripped down to the bare frame to clean the frame of rust and grime. Bolts and nuts need acid baths and re-plating. Anything rusted through or otherwise unusable must be replaced. Now strip down, prime and paint the body. Any welding or other bodywork will need to be done at this time to make sure the body fits properly and securely on the chassis. Finally, the parts arrive and the engine and chassis are ready. From the frame up, start installing the engine, interior and body, step by painstaking step, in the correct order. Last, external components

“It’s not impossible to put $250,000 to $300,000 dollars in a car.” Eric Lavine Professional car restorer

• must be purchased or repaired, replated or repainted, fitted as necessary and installed. When it comes to restoring a classic car, profit is probably not in the cards. In fact, an amateur restorer may end up in the red. “Restoration has gotten extremely expensive,” said Eric Lavine, a professional car restorer for 38 years in Nappanee. “It’s not impossible to put $250,000 to $300,000 dollars in a car, depending on how rough it is.” Some people don’t care about an extra buck. They already have the money and don’t mind spending it to restore their cars, because it’s a hobby and a passion and doing so makes them happy. In that case, the focus shifts to time. Jan Appenzeller, another professional restorer from Syracuse with more than 30 years of experience, takes about a yearand-a-half to finish a car. He feels most people don’t realize how much time is needed to finish a full restoration. He estimates a price at the $150,000 mark for the complete restoration of an Auburn or a Cord. Oh, and he mentions another problem. “Finding the parts,” Appenzeller said. “You have to know who the parts supplier is, who has the parts, and get to know them; and that’s when being a member of the (Auburn Cord Duesenberg) club really helps,” he said. Regardless of the challenges, some people love it. Pat Leahy of Woodburn restores his Cords as a labor of love. He owns them to drive and enjoy with family and friends. Whatever resources he has devoted to his classics he would surely call SEE RESTORING, PAGE 16


PLAZA EAST Subway • FitZone Italian Grille • Edward Jones Beltone Hearing Center Duesenberg & 7th St., Auburn Convenient location adjacent to DeKalb Health and Lake City Bank

For retail or office space, call:




Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ŠKPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

RESTORING: People are important to hobby FROM PAGE 15

worth it. When he bought his first Cord 13 years ago, he had a grin so big his family knew immediately what he had done. He has been restoring Cords ever since. Leahy owns several Cords. Among them are a fully restored 1936 Cord 810 Westchester, a fully restored 1937 Custom Beverly and a (mostly) unrestored Custom Beverly. He also has other unrestored classics and is considering bringing one of them to the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival this year, possibly to sell. Leahy did not restore his finished cars to showroom status. He restored them to be used, to the point of picking up Fruit Loops from the backseat after his grandchildren have been riding, kids sitting on the car for pictures, and allowing others to take them for test drives. People are his value. “You get into the club for the cars, but then it becomes the people you meet,� he said. Speaking of people, he has plans for his unrestored cars. “What we will end up doing, since we have three boys, we will complete a car for each one of them,“ he said. He will pass the historic legacy of his classics on to his sons. Whether an owner plans to restore a classic for show, use, or for the love of the hobby, it’s a major undertaking. It can cost an enormous amount of money, time and effort. It would be easy to get discouraged and give up. But sticking to it and completing the project comes with wonderful rewards. Just ask Leahy, with a handful of Fruit Loops and a grin on his face.

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Judges from the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club inspect the quality of a restored Duesenberg for authenticity at the club’s 2011 meet in Auburn.


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ŠKPC Media Group Inc. •

August 30, 2012

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival


2012 Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival schedule Museums

Collector car auctions

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum — 1600 Wayne St. in south Auburn. More than 100 classic cars in a historic setting. Viewing hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, except 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. this Friday and Saturday. Admission $10 for adults, $6 for ages 5-17, free for under age 5, $25 per family; 925-1444; NATMUS — More than 100 special interest cars and trucks are displayed at the National Automotive and Truck Museum, housed in two former buildings of the Auburn Automobile Co. at 1000 Gordon M. Buehrig Place, directly east of the ACD Automobile Museum; open daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission $7 for adults, $4 for children ages 5-12; and free for children 4 and under; 925-9100; National Military History Center and Kruse Automotive and Carriage Museum — C.R. 11-A just west of I-69 exit 126. Hours for Saturday and Sunday are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Other days 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free for World War II veterans with ID; $8 for seniors 55 and older; $6 for children ages 7-12; $4 for veterans and active military personnel; free for children under age 7. Regular adult admission is $10 or $25 per family; 9259144; Hoosier Air Museum — 10 a.m.-4 p.m. daily and 1-4 p.m. Sunday, 2822 C.R. 62, on south side of DeKalb County Airport; admission $5 adults, $4 ages 12-18, free for 11 and under, free for active military personnel in uniform;

The Auburn Auction by Worldwide Auctioneers — inside the National Automotive and Truck Museum, 1000 Gordon M. Buehrig Place; auction of collector cars; preview day Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. All-Ford Friday begins at 5 p.m. Friday. The Main Event begins Saturday at 6 p.m. Admission $10 for adults or $25 for a three-day pass; $4 for children 6-12; children under 6 free; Auction catalog and VIP passes for two, $75. Auctions America by RM — Auburn Fall Collector Car Auction at Auburn Auction Park, 5536 C.R. 11-A; Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; $15 daily admission, $45 four-day pass, free for children 12 and under; see more at






Thursday only Kickoff Luncheon — Noon, Willennar Hall, Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum, $15 per person, reservations encouraged at 925-3600, ACD Automobile Museum Benefit Extravaganza — 6 p.m. in the museum’s Willennar Hall, $150 per person, reservations and jacket required, 925-1444,

Friday only Pancake-and-sausage breakfast — 7-10 a.m., National Automotive and Truck Museum of the United States north parking lot, freewill donation.

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club Swap Meet — 7 a.m. to noon in the west parking lot of the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum. Free admission. Vintage Treasure Sale by Ladies of the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club — 8-11 a.m. inside the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum. Museum admission required. Downtown Cruise-In — 1 p.m. through evening. Open to cars that are vintage, antique, classic, special-interest, muscle, hot rod, custom or milestone. Enter a car for $10 or come and look for free. Sundaes on Friday Ice Cream Social — 5-8 p.m. on the northwest and southeast corners of the courthouse square. Buy ice cream for $1 per scoop and sweeten it with caramel or chocolate topping from DeBrand Fine Chocolates. Enjoy it while admiring the cruise-in cars. Sponsored by Auburn Chrysler Dodge Jeep. Cruise-in concert — 6 p.m., featuring The Junkyard Band on the northwest corner of the courthouse square. Free admission. Sponsored by Ben Davis Chevrolet-Buick-Ford.

Friday and Saturday ACD Festival Event Tent — Entertainment tent on Eighth Street between Main and Jackson streets. Friday 1 p.m. to 1 a.m.; Saturday noon to 1 a.m.; live music by Big Caddy Daddy Friday at 9 p.m. and by Joe Justice Saturday 6-9 p.m. Must be age 21 or over. Presented in partnership with the National Military History Center. Speakeasy 2012 — Friday 5-11 p.m. and Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Auburn

Moose Family Center, Tenth and Main streets. Food and spirits. Guests are welcome.

Saturday only Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club Car Show — 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Eckhart Park, more than 300 classic cars; admission $5, children free when accompanied by an adult. Featuring a magic show at 11 a.m. Duesy Walk 5K and 10K Volkswalk — Start and finish at DeKalb Health, 1316 E. Seventh St. Walkers depart between 8 and 11 a.m. and finish by 3 p.m. Non-competitive, 5-kilometer or 10kilometer leisure walks through the streets of historic Auburn. Free, or pay $3 for American Volksport Association credit. Pre-parade Concert — 10 a.m., Courthouse Square downtown, music by DeKalb High School Dynamix choir and Auburn Community Band. Kids Art Tent — 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Jackson and Main streets. Free activities SEE SCHEDULE, PAGE 18

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Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

SCHEDULE: New event features experts showing how to remove Cord engine and transmission FROM PAGE 17

for ages 2-12 (must be with an adult). Sponsored by Beacon Credit Union. Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival 5K — Noon. Starts at Main and Sixteenth streets, follows parade route and finishes at the courthouse square; registration $20 on race day or at Parade of Classics — 1 p.m., nearly 300 Auburn, Cord and Duesenberg classic cars roll through Auburn from Eckhart Park to Ensley Avenue; north on Jackson Street to Second Street; east one block to Main Street, then south to the courthouse square. Cars will be on display around the courthouse square after the parade. Free admission. Gala Ball — Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum, 7-11 p.m. Dancing to music by the New Millennium Jazz Orchestra. Open to museum members or $25 per person at the door. Cord Restoration — 8:30 p.m. at Ninth and Main streets, demonstration of removal of Cord engine and transmission. Free admission.

Saturday and Sunday Kruse Foundation pancake-andsausage breakfast — 7-11 a.m. both days at the National Military History Center, south of Auburn at 5634 C.R. 11-A; $6 for adults, $3 for ages 4-12, free for ages 3 and under; free museum admission with breakfast ticket. Crafts, antiques and flea market — 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the DeKalb County Fairgrounds, South Union Street. Auburn Historic Tours — See historic homes and sites of Auburn on a 45-minute ride in an air-conditioned van. Tours Saturday at 9 and 10 a.m. and 3 and 4 p.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon, 1 and 2 p.m. $5 per person. Tours depart from the DeKalb County Fairgrounds parking lot on South Union Street. Tri-Kappa Antiques Show and Market — Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at DeKalb High School, 3424 C.R. 427, two miles north of Auburn on C.R. 427 (Main Street). Vendors

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Presiden getting off as the t Baracksaid. we’re town police departm jdecker@kpcnew 2010 and judges made 2011 in both mixed aviation board. is not that long,” joked Angola “Today Obama shown him slightly Persistence paidand elected and rescue tilted crumbled this way the cookie back aStrebig and girls choir volunteer fire their sheets about comments on ANGOLA — glass of the dark the soil,” time,” said director “Two years forward,” said divisions. ces, will stripIrish Santorum. Romney ahead of n. Aviation Board Shelley Johnson get moving brewtoSaturday sioner. Dick Hickma t was regarding the fact happy department, ambulan how much fun our energy and Steuben County broke ground on a commis , observin “We’re and animal spend the weeken had planned to County St. Patrick’s g Steuben Earlier Saturday, DeKalb night’s narrow after Saturday County Mayor wrecker serviceshandles afterThe girls were our show was. … Day at aJim Crowl, d and visit a Smart, Steuben Angola took officials finally l at the Tri-State Steuben miss of a fourth Hickman’s commen Sound Sensatio ’s Loretta boistero polling place said champio in downtown Sunday, but instead Irish pub control. It also variety of County can be awesome, DeKalb get itusbuilt,” hangar/termina . 2012 women’ n placed third in the division nship in the mixed-choir the revitalization to get going. “Let’s with his left the island a proud ancestral cousin $1.6 . immediately hours calls to than 30 years commissioner.from manager, said new champio s choir finals, behind “The show was of them.” Airport Mondayterminal will cost around so airport,” said more an County morning after a have Moneyg n airport’s amazing She called the appearance. theIreland, at all, nd access agencies. said Kelsie William The hangar/ today,” Ron Smith. “Very few cities runner-up New Northridge and , the airport will John Kline, his side. provide year-rou Santorum left finish “disappo first-runner-up Commissioner tion process Atconstruc the White member of Sound s, a senior million and will s don’t ice up in the winter. the commercial side. House, theduring BalloonsBoth DeKalbCastle. ay Steuben County duringmain earlier this week Puerto Rico the same time,”inting, but good at d to Sensation. It will close is more for the close.Lawn “Everyo toSouth jets and airplane floor will be renovate Plow day is Saturd adding, “One for best visuals, choirs won awards It was Fountain “The upgrade for your perseverance.” said not have the morning in and was spending burbled green point! energize ne was completely , Steuben so close.” Part of the secondlounge and an elevator to choreography a category judging Congratulations Angola council member d, and you could ANGOLA — Aloft fork safety. water. Nearby, already won a Missouri, where he and costuming “We couldn’t done Power tell primary that everyon include a pilot’s Dave Martin, makes up 40 percent f that of what can be awarded no delegate County Antique host its 28th i get the better than what have done anything proud e really wanted it. … We’re of scoring. project is an example access that level.board has been trying to s. Missouri of third place, Republicans Association will on Saturday. all out there, and we did. We put it bidding the and and aviation were we Day The best got meeting funding Plow visuals, it just wasn’t county caucuse in annual which was a nice runway, but tractors quite surprise s Saturday, the project off the for us.” Around 20 antique step toward choosin first north of the national conventg delegates to will plow 20 acres 327. Work ion who are U.S. 20 on S.R. Shuman the will begin on N. S.R. 327, family farm, 530 and beans Ham around 9 a.m. at noon. will be served April 21 Rain date is

Page A2

St. Paddy’s Day



Next stop: Illinois

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AUBURN — A magic show will be presented in Eckhart Park on Saturday as part of Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club activities. Kevin and Robin Heller of Auburn will present a one-hour show at 11 a.m. in the park’s smaller pavilion, sponsored by the club. The park will be open to the public

display and sell high-quality antiques. Sponsored by Tri Kappa sorority. Admission $5. Children 12 and under free.

Sunday only Outdoor Flea Market — 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Heimach Senior Activity Center, 1800 E. Seventh St. (S.R. 8), just east of DeKalb Memorial Hospital. High’s

Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon for viewing of Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club classic cars. Admission costs $5 for adults. Children age 12 and under will be admitted free, but must be accompanied by an adult. Auburn Presbyterian Church youth will serve lunches in the park’s main pavilion during the event.

Chicken barbecue and homemade desserts. Free admission. Arts and Crafts Show and Sale — 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in downtown Auburn; more than 200 area artisans display and sell their handcrafted works on the courthouse square; sponsored by the Downtown Auburn Business Association; free admission; visit for more information.

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Classic car club sponsors magic show

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©KPC Media Group Inc. •

August 30, 2012

Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival



A Labor Day Tradition FREE PARKING







August 30 - September 2, 2012 č Õ L Õ À čÕ V Ì *>À U čÕ L Õ À ] ` > > 1965 Ford Mustang Shelby GT350


1935 Duesenberg Model J Derham Sedan


1932 Auburn 12 Phaeton

SAT: S 2 pm m - 4 pm SUN: S 1 pm m - 3 pm 4 pm m - 5 pm Auction Au A Arena A



Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

August 30, 2012

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