Spring 2017 Bridal Guide

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Bridal guide BRIDAL BUDGET




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Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

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The Spring Bridal Guide is a special supplement to the The News Sun, The Herald Republican & The Star which are a publications of KPC Media Group Inc. ©2017 All rights reserved

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS From one bride to another ......................................5 Budget worksheet ....................................................8 Wedding checklist ....................................................12 How to organize wedding planning .......................16 Be prepared when choosing popular months .......18 Selecting a comfortable wedding gown ................20 Grooms: Look for wedding day best ......................22


Ryan and Cayla Cureton were married on September 9, 2016.. Photo by Brittnee Burns Photography Page 4

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

From one bride to another

Tips on budget, the dress and wedding vendors BRITYN CALLOWAY

bcallway@kpcmedia.com Your wedding day is finally here. The dress fits perfect, flowers have been arranged, the caterer is on schedule and the cake is by design. Everything is planned to the “T” and there will be no surprises. Except your DJ cancels last minute, you forgot to make a wedding playlist and the photographer is an hour late. Alright, it isn’t quite that bad, but I have had that exact dream wake me in the middle of the night. My fiance and I got engaged while on vacation about a year ago and plan to marry in Nov. of this year. In the middle of planning, sending invites, save the dates and trying to correspond with both my mother and motherin-law to be about the bridal shower is stressful. I’m not going to fabricate that wedding planning is all linen and lace. There is actually a lot of planning that goes into it. Some of the details you won’t even realize are important or superfluous until a few days before the wedding

when people start asking questions. There are also a lot of hidden costs to wedding services. According to Cost of Wedding (costofwedding. com), the average wedding in Indiana is between $20,000 to $33,000. The national average is about $26,000. That doesn’t add in the tipping of your vendors, security guards (yes, security guards legally have to be at your wedding where there is alcohol served), out of season flowers and alteration costs that near a $1,000 if you want more than one fitting. I wish that was an exaggeration. However, Indiana also has one of the highest catering cost in the Midwest. My fiance and I thought about traveling to Michigan or Tennessee just to escape the cost of catering. We also have very large families. My father has five sisters and they each have, at least, two children. I am the youngest in my generation, so all of my aunts are already grandmothers. The list goes on and that’s only my side of the family. Numbers are the tricky part. The more people you invite the more money you’re spending. Especially

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

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Don’t be a budget buster. As tempting as it at $20 a plate. may be, “Say Yes to the Dress” doesn’t show I suggested we elope to the beach in the you the crunching of numbers or the stress of middle of winter or only take our parents and a monthly payment afterward. Some brides are siblings on a trip to Italy. A solid approach to willing to cut people from the guest list, use fake cutting costs, but my fiance was not having it. flowers or even change venues to help save Neither were my parents. So the next step was to costs. Talk it out with your fiance and your family. plan a budget, but where to even begin? Don’t be afraid to ask your parents where they I started doing research on venues in and out stand on covering costs for the wedding. Even if it of the area to get a reading of what the average is just to handle the rehearsal dinner or the attire. venue cost was. When I started throwing around Any little bit helps. a number higher than $10,000 I could visibly see If you are already living with your fiance (a the blood drain from my fiance’s face. I tried to trend that has soared in numbers in the past few warn him, but he wouldn’t listen. years) don’t be afraid to have a small registry I was a bridal consultant for some time for your bridal shower and ask for monetary in college. While being in the bridal industry gifts instead. People are going to give you the I became very aware of the costs and made gifts they want to get you regardless of what connections in that city. you ask for. It’s a fact. So, just present them with Connections are sometimes the penny saver. the option of a monetary gift. For some it will be My suggestion is, call people you know in the a relief not to have to shop for another gift and business or not in the business that could be of others will overlook it and purchase something service (my best friend and bridesmaid did our engagement photos for us), ask friends and family they want to give you. Don’t just go with Google searched venues. members who were recently married who did what for them and don’t be afraid to use someone There are tons of different types of venues. Parks, libraries, train stations and the list could go on. who is just starting out. They may not have the My parents were married on the steps of the reputation, but as long as their services are up to Tippecanoe Battle Field Monument a mile down par, then who’s going to know? the street from where they live now. Thinking Wedding planning isn’t supposed to be scary, outside of the box and having unique elements to but the numbers don’t lie and there is rarely any your wedding could help you save money along wiggle room on pricing. the way. Addressing envelopes, having a bridal party Here are some other quick budget savers stretched across the country and difference of along the way: use in season flowers, DIY your opinions is exhausting. Not to mention having decorations, pick the off season for weddings and your entire year pretty much planned from July if you’re not getting married in a church have the to November is daunting. So through my trials ceremony and reception at the same place (most and errors here are a few tips from one bride to venues that offer both will bundle the cost). another. The early bird gets the worm… Money, Money, Money (I think there’s an And the vendors they want. ABBA song for this) Page 6 Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.


Most venues book a year in advance. There were a couple of venues that my fiance and I were looking at last year in summer/fall that already had every weekend in October booked. Not every venue is like this, but with long engagements becoming the new trend, it is becoming more common to book at least a year in advance. Believe it or not most caterers have a pretty solid look on what their year is looking like for weddings. Some caterers even have you book at least 3 months before the wedding, and honestly anything less than that is a bit impolite. Not just to your caterer, but to your venue as well. Any venue that doesn’t have specific caterers will want to approve any vendor coming in. Give them time to do so and yourself time to find a different caterer if they decline. Plan ahead. Procrastinating is not fun when it comes to your wedding. I’m a planner to begin with. I plan things all the time, but I usually execute them on the fly. I can’t do that for a wedding. There are too many outside factors involved. Figure out what photos you want so you can decide what shoes you want your bridesmaids to wear, consider people’s schedules and budgets when talking with your maid of honor about your bachelorette party and communicate ahead of time with your mother so you can let your mother-in-law know what is going on with the bridal shower ahead of schedule. Cinderella, sexy and bling all under $1,000 (“You want that all in one dress?”) I have had this exact conversation with a bride before. Please, for the life of your dress consultant, please go into your bridal appointment with realistic expectations for your budget and don’t try on a dress out of your budget unless you’re emotionally prepared to have an unrequited love. The one item that seems to hook brides every

time is the sparkle. Bling is expensive, it doesn’t matter if it is Swarovski or just regular crystals, the more bling there is the more expensive it will be. So unless you’re buying off the rack be prepared to pay for it. If you know you are going to want to have a lot of bling and your budget may not call for it, wait for a trunk show or blow out sale. Salons and designers will advertise their trunk shows on their websites. Find a date and location that works for you and make your appointment. Be stern with your consultant as much as you are with yourself. There are some out there who will bring in a dress that is out of your budget because they know you will love it and your budget doesn’t call for it. Tell them no thank you. Just because they bring it into the fitting room doesn’t mean that you have to try it on. Don’t order your dress in a size that you don’t measure into. My only exception to this, is if you’re pregnant and know you will be on the day you get married. If you want to sweat for the wedding, that’s great. Go for it, but don’t make your dress pay for it. Dresses can be altered down three sizes before changing the structure of the dress. Each dress size is about 20 lbs. You could lose up to 60 lbs and not change the structure of your dress. Why not order it in the size you are measured to and feel really good about yourself when you come in for your first fitting and the seamstress has to go get more pins? Better safe than have a costly mistake later down the road. It’s easier to take a dress in than let it out or in the worst case scenario find another dress in time for your wedding. Brityn Calloway is the Life reporter for The News Sun. Email her at bcalloway@kpcmedia. com, or follow her on Twitter: @BritynCKPC.

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

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Apparel Engagement Ring Wedding Rings Bridal Gown Veil/Headpiece Shoes Jewelry Garter Hosiery Groom’s Tuxedo Groom’s Shoes Other____________ Total Apparel Decorations Bows for Pews/Seating Table Centerpieces Candles Lighting Balloons Other____________ Total Decorations Gifts Attendants Bride & Groom Bridesmaids Groomsmen Parents Readers/Participants Other____________ Total Gifts Page 8

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.









Flowers Bouquets Boutonnières Corsages Ceremony Reception Other____________ Total Flowers Music Musicians for Ceremony Band/DJ for Reception Other____________ Total Decorations Photography Formals Candids Extra Prints Photo Albums Videography Other____________ Total Photography Transportation Limousines/Trolleys Parking Other____________ Total Transportation Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

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Reception Room/Hall Fee Tables & Chairs Food Drinks Linens Cake Favors Staff & Gratuities Other____________ Total Reception Stationery/Printing Invitations Announcements Thank-You Cards Guest Book Programs Reception Napkins Matchbooks Calligraphy Other____________ Total Stationery/Printing Other Expenses Officiant Church/Ceremony Site Free Wedding Coordinator Engagement Party Showers Salon Appointments Bachelor/ette Parties Burch Hotel Rooms Other____________ Total Stationery/Printing Page 10

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

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Before the wedding

Choose your dress and headpiece. Schedule Fitting and delivery date.

Determine the type of wedding you want, size, degree of formality, setting.

Select a travel agent and start planning your honeymoon.

Select a wedding date and time.

Discuss where you will live after the wedding.

Check with your officiate to determine any pre-martial requirement and to reserve a date time for wedding and rehearsal. Set a tentative budget. Decide how expenses will be shared. Shop together for wedding rings.

Choose music and musicians/soloists for the ceremony and reception.


Before the wedding

Announce your engagement in the newspaper.

Determine the size of the guest list.

Register your preference at the bridal registries of your choice.

Plan reception and look location. (Note: This should be booked as soon as the wedding date is set to ensure availability.)

Maintain records of all gift received and send thank you notes immediately upon receipt of your gifts.

Select wedding consultant. Select and book caterer. Select and book photographer.

Select florist, balloonist, and or ice sculpture, and discuss color schemes and designs. Begin shopping for men’s wedding attire.

Select and book videographer.

Reserve rental supplies for ceremony and reception.

Select and book reception entertainment.

Select a dance instructor.

Select and book transportation for out of town guests and the wedding day.


Before the wedding

Compile names and address of your guests.

Start health and fitness program.

Decide on your color scheme.

Order invitations and other related stationery needs.

Select wedding attendants.

Complete your guest list.

Determine sizes for all attendants.

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Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.


Help both mothers coordinate and select their dresses. Ensure that all bridal attires have been ordered. Check blood test and marriage license requirements. Select baker and order wedding cake, groom’s cake and mints.

Plan attendant’s Parties.

Reserve beverage caterer for reception and make selections. Choose responsible person to attend your guest book. Make appointment with your hair dresser. Arrange accommodations for out of town attendants and guests.

Order favors. Make housing decisions. (Rent or buy a home) Get “pre-qualified” for home loan if buying.


Before the wedding

Choose the men’s wedding attire and reserve the right sizes. Start addressing invitations and announcements. Mail out of town invitation six weeks before the wedding.

Finalize honeymoon plans with your travel agent.


Before the wedding

Finish addressing invitations and mail then four weeks before the wedding. Get blood test and marriage license. Have your final dress fitting. Have formal bridal portrait done.

Purchase accessories such as toasting goblets, cake knives and servers, ring pillow, flower basket and candles. Confirm all details with your hired professionals.

Have final fitting for wedding attendants. Purchase gifts for wedding participants. Purchase gift for fiancée.

Confirm ceremony details with your officiate. Arrange rehearsal details. Arrange for engravery of any gift items, toasting goblets, cake knives and servers.

Have attendants’ parties. Ensure that your accessories are in order - toasting goblets, garter, candles, ring pillow, etc.

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

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Finalize rehearsal dinner details.

Make a calendar of events for your wedding day. Draw a map to direct guests to the ceremony and reception site if necessary. Contact your floral preservationist. Finalize detail with beverage caterer.


Before the wedding

Provide the caterer with the total guests count and confirm all details. Provide your wedding party and of down guests with timetable and maps if necessary for the rehearsal dinner, ceremony and reception.

Finalize rental supply details.

Review details on last minute arrangements, and timetables with all service companies.


Plan seating arrangements if used.

Finish addressing announcements to be mailed on your wedding day.

Confirm all honeymoon reservations and accommodations. Pick up tickets and travelers checks.

Contact guests who have not responded.

Discuss the details of the reception with your host and hostesses.

Pick up wedding rings and make sure they fit properly and are engraved.

Assign task to be done on the wedding day to your wedding party.

Before the wedding

Meet with your photographer and give him/her a list of special pictures you want taken. Meet with your videographer and him/her a list of special events or people you want in the video. Meet with the entertainer and give him/her a list of music to be played during special events such as bouquet tossing, garter toss, dollar dance, etc. Continue writing thank you notes for gifts received. Page 14

Practice applying makeup and styling your hair to determine the amount of time needed to do this on your wedding day. Make sure you have your marriage license. Pick up wedding attire and make sure everything fits properly. Keep writing thank you notes for gifts received. Pack your suitcase for your honeymoon.

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.


Rehearse wedding ceremony with all participants in attendance.

The bride’s mother should be seated immediately before the processional, before the aisle runner is rolled out.

Attend rehearsal dinner. Finalize details of transportation for out-of-town guests and wedding day. Get a good night’s sleep the night before your wedding day.


the wedding

Write and mail all thank you notes as soon as possible.

Remain calm and try to relax.

Take care of business, banking, insurance and legal affairs (change name if necessary on records and legal documents) as soon as possible.

Don’t forget to bring the wedding rings and your marriage license.

Have bridal gown professionally cleaned and preserved.


day of the wedding

Check with the florist to insure that flowers will be delivered on time. Apply makeup and style your hair slowly.

Lamm Glass

Start dressing two hours before the ceremony. If pictures will be taken before the ceremony, the entire wedding party should be dressed and ready about two hours before the ceremony. Mail the wedding announcement. Have music start twenty to thirty minutes before the ceremony begins. Have guests seated as they arrive. Groom’s parents should be seated five minutes before the ceremony.


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Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

Page 15


How to organize

wedding planning Weddings require a lot of planning. Couples hosting large weddings or even intimate gatherings can easily be overwhelmed by the amount of planning they must do to make their weddings into events they will remember and cherish forever. Staying organized when planning a wedding is a tall task. It’s wise to expect the unexpected when organizing a wedding, and the more organized couples can stay, the more fun they can have during the planning process and the better they can handle the unforeseen circumstances that are bound to arise in the months leading up to the wedding. • Create separate filing systems for each aspect of the wedding. Rather than maintaining one massive file with information about various elements of the wedding, maintain separate files for each aspect of the Page 16

wedding. For example, when receiving quotes from prospective florists, keep all florist quotes in a single folder that remains separate from information about other parts of the wedding. Separate filing systems make it easier to find quotes and contracts when you need to, saving you the trouble of digging through pages upon pages of quotes, notes and other information you store. • Maintain a spending spreadsheet. Many couples plan weddings on carefully constructed budgets. But couples can easily exceed those budgets if they are not routinely monitoring and recording their spending or the spending they are committing to upon signing contracts with vendors. Create a spending spreadsheet that allows you to track how much you have already spent, how much you are committed to spending and when

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

wedding bills are due. Update the spreadsheet whenever you write a check or sign a new contract, and periodically examine the sheet so you can make sure you are still on track to remain at or under budget. • Hire a planner. If wedding planning is proving especially overwhelming or if you simply don’t have time to do all the legwork necessary to plan on your own, hire a wedding planner. Wedding planners are invaluable resources who can help couples quickly connect with vendors who can meet their needs while staying within their budgets. Planners also can advise couples on ways to save money and which areas of the wedding should not be bargain basement. Couples planning destination weddings should inquire about resort-affiliated wedding planners before choosing a venue to host their ceremonies and/or guests. • Start early. According to The Knot 2015 Real Weddings Study, the average length of engagement for couples who wed in 2015 was 14.5 months. That means today’s average couples have more than a year to plan their nuptials. By starting their wedding planning early, couples can avoid having to plan

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everything at the last minute, which can be hectic, nerve-wracking and unorganized. In addition, starting early affords couples more time to find great deals and stay within their budgets.

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Page 17

Be prepared when choosing popular months for weddings METRO CREATIVE SERVICES

The season couples choose to get married can affect many aspects of their ceremonies and celebrations. Vendors are in high demand during popular wedding seasons like spring and summer. But those same vendors may be more flexible and less expensive during those times of year when fewer couples tie the knot. According to The Knot.com, a leading Web-based wedding resource, June, August, September and October are the most popular months for couples to say “I do,” while January, February and March are the least popular months to get married. Wedding dates can affect wedding costs considerably, and knowing this can help couples find the date that works best for them and their budgets.

Value dates Tying the knot in the early part of the year can

be a more budget-friendly option for cost-conscious couples. Prices for reception sites and vendors may be lower in January and March than during other times of the year. However, February may not be so budget-friendly thanks to Valentine’s Day. December also may not garner significant discounts thanks to the holiday season, when vendors may be in high demand for holiday parties.

Local events Even though certain months may not be in high demand for weddings, that doesn’t always mean they are the perfect time for couples to tie the knot. Popular local events, such as festivals, large-scale meetings and conventions, can intrude on wedding plans. Consult with a local chamber of commerce and local schools to see if any local events that might drive up the cost of your wedding are going on. Reunions or conven-

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Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

tions can stretch nearby restaurants, hotels and reception sites pretty thin, leaving you with fewer options.

Vary the time If you have your heart set on getting married during more popular months to tie the knot, then you may be able to save a bit here and there by being more flexible with the time and day you choose to make your vows. Couples often choose a Friday or Saturday wedding because they believe it will make it most convenient for guests to attend. However, if you provide ample notice to guests, they may be able to take off a Thursday or even a Monday from work, making a Thursday or Sunday wedding a more doable option. If Saturday is still your ideal day to walk down the aisle, think about having an early wedding ceremony followed by a brunch or lunch reception. You also can customize your wedding to be a cocktail party only, saving you some money.

Have backup options Recognize that if you want to get married on a Saturday at the height of wedding season, you may not get first choice on your venues and


vendors. Have a list of service providers at the ready just in case your first choices are already booked. By understanding how dates and times can affect weddings, couples can make more informed decisions when planning their nuptials.

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Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

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Selecting a comfortable

wedding gown


Many brides-to-be visit bridal shops with specific goals in mind regarding the style of their wedding gowns. Some women come equipped with magazine tear-outs or pull up ideas on their mobile phones. Others may have an entire scrapbook filled with various ideas they’ve been compiling for years. Much consideration is given to wedding gowns. The cost and silhouette of the dress may garner the bulk of that consideration, but brides might want to spend more time considering comfort. Depending on the time of day their weddings take place, brides can spend 12 hours or more in their wedding gowns on their wedding day. However, when shopping for their gowns, brides may prioritize beauty over comfort, even though it’s entirely possible to find a gown that’s both stunning and comfortable. When staff and friends or family who have come along to

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offer advice start to blush over wedding gowns, brides-to-be may feel pressured to downplay any discomfort they feel. To make sure brides look flawless and elegant but are still comfortable in their wedding gowns, consider the following tips. • Know what to highlight and what to cover up. No two body types are the same, and many women feel certain parts of their bodies are their best assets while they want to downplay others. Try on gowns that play up your best features. If you have shapely legs, consider a dramatic gown with a slit to show them off. Certain gowns can enhance the decollete or show off an hourglass shape. Remember, many gowns can be modified so that you feel secure and confident. Sleeves can be added or fabric placed to cover up any perceived flaws. Confidence and pride are important parts of the comfort factor. • Get sized correctly. Bridal gown sizes do not coincide with street sizes. Depending on the

Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

manufacturer, brides may have to select gowns that are several sizes larger than they would normally wear. This should not be a cause for alarm. Brides should go by their measurements. Attempting to squeeze into a dress that is too small will only lead to discomfort on the wedding day. • Purchase the right undergarments. Improperly fitting bras, shapewear and other undergarments can lead to discomfort as well. Some seamstresses can sew in supportive cups to remove the need for separate bras. Brides can explore various options to reduce the visibility of certain accoutrements. • Move around in the gown. Brides should not just stand in front of the mirror and smile when trying on gowns. Put them through their paces. Try sitting, bending and even a little dancing. Make sure the dress is comfortable to move around in. • Try different options. The gown brides have in mind may not be the one they ultimately go home with. Explore different styles and materials. Choose cooler, breezier fabrics and lightweight gowns, like crêpe, georgette or organza, for summer weddings. Heavier fabrics, such as brocade, may be more comfortable in the winter.

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Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

*20 guests or more

Page 21


Look your wedding day best METRO CREATIVE SERVICES

Weddings are a chance for couples tying the knot to be the center of attention. All eyes will be glued to the bride and groom on this special day, which makes it even more important for couples to look their collective best. Brides might garner most of the attention on a couple’s wedding day, but dashing grooms also will get their share of attention. As a result, grooms must be just as diligent as their blushing brides with regard to grooming and appearance on their wedding days. To look picture-perfect, grooms may want to include these grooming tips in their wedding day preparation.

Hair Schedule a haircut with a professional stylist roughly a week before the wedding to

get your hair shaped and trimmed. Although trendy hairstyles may show off creativity, keep in mind that photos last forever, and it’s often better to stick with a classic cut. A barber or stylist may suggest styles that best suit your face shape and hair texture. Above all, the haircut should be neat. Resist the urge to wash your hair every day before the wedding. Allow some natural oils to build up and make your hair shine in a healthy way.

Shaving Shaving is another thing grooms must consider. If you have a beard, make sure it is clean, combed and trimmed. Men who shave the day of their weddings may find their skin is sensitive and irritated, which can lead to redness. Unless your facial hair grows especially fast, shave the evening before. This is a good time to splurge on a profes-

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Bridal Guide • Spring 2017 • kpcnews.com • ©KPC Media Group Inc.

sional shave with a straight razor at a barber shop. A hot shave from a professional will produce a close shave with the least amount of irritation when done correctly.

Hands Grooms also may want to book a manicure. Keep in mind that salons will do men’s nonpolish manicures and pedicures, and they can be well worth the investment. Photos of entwined hands or close-ups of the ring exchange will have guests zeroing in on your fingers. Have hands look their best with clean, shaped fingernails and trimmed cuticles.

than rubbing it with the towel. Moisturize your skin to avoid dry patches. Stores sell many moisturizers geared toward men’s needs, often in unscented or more masculine fragrances. Reducing shine is key for wedding day photos. Rely on face and hair products that will not add unnecessary sheen to your skin or hair to avoid making you look greasy. Matte hair waxes and sprays will tame tresses. Also, ask your fiancé to pick you up a package of blotting tissues if you are prone to oily skin. These absorbent, typically rice-paper sheets will remove oil from your face and keep sheen to a minimum.


Skin Get plenty of sleep the night prior to the wedding. Being well rested will help reduce puffy eyes, dark circles and sallow skin. It will also put you in a more positive mood, which can help you enjoy the day even more. The day of the wedding, shower using water and a mild soap. Avoid any skin irritation by patting your face and body dry, rather

Make sure your teeth have been thoroughly brushed and that you have used a minty mouthwash so you’re primed for that first kiss. Many grooms also opt for whitening treatments prior to the wedding so they have a dazzling smile. On their wedding days, grooms will likely be photographed more than any other time in their lives. That means putting extra effort into personal grooming to look their best.


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