Personal yearly prediction cyberastro

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PERSONALISED YEARLY PREDICTION Dear XYZ “It is with great pleasure that we present you your personal astrological signatures in a complete new look with added features from our proprietary 'Karma Index' report.” We thank you for giving us the opportunity to analyse your birth chart. It is not Vedic Astrology’s purpose to replace an individual’s responsibility to decide for themselves or to present a fait accompli forecast for the future. We believe that you control and shape your own destiny by your Karma and your efforts. However, this report tells you, how much and when the planets will be supportive for you or they will be challenging and can create obstacles and difficulties on your path. We believe that stars will influence only 75%, and rest 25% is controlled by your own actions. However, sometimes that 75% may become critical over which you may not have any control. Best Regards For Astrologer Visit us on Internet at our site for future consultations. Name Date of Birth Time of Birth Place of Birth

Your Vedic Natal Chart


The Vedic Map of Heaven at the date, time and place of your birth Your Ascendant (Janma Lagna) Your Vedic Sun Sign Your Moon Sign (Janma Rashi) Your Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra) Retrograde Planet/s Combust Planet/s Exalted Planet/s Debilitated Planet/s

Capricorn Cancer Capricorn Shravana–Phase 2 None Mars None None

Natal status of each of the planets in your chart: How 2014 will be in your life will have to be analysed based on different parameters both in your natal chart as well as Dasha system and also the transit status of different planets in your chart and what are there relationships with the planet positions in your natal chart. Your Personalized Yearly Prediction report will be basically the garland crafted by our astrologer after taking considerations of each of the elements mentioned above. These elements will be the individual beads in the garland. How much each of these beads will

actually influence will be based on the final judgment made by our astrologer who has done this report for you.


Dignity (Based on Sign location)


Functional Status Auspicious /Inauspicious

House Locati on

Planet Natal Strengths Sadbal







Ashtakavarga Natal Strength 5




Final Judgement by Astrologer



























Grt. Enemy Own

















I & II





Very Good


Grt. Friend Own

Most Auspicious Auspicious


















Explanation of Natal status of Planet Table A) Dignity: Dignity of planet is based on it’s relationship with the sign where it is located in the natal chart: The dignity largely decides what kind of results the planet will give in it’s period /subperiods/sub-sub periods. If the dignity is good then there are bound to be good results. If the dignity is not good then there are bound to be some bad results. No matter whether the planet is functionally benefic/malefic or strong and week in different strength calculations. The dignity of any planet can be any of the following in descending order of the planet’s ability to give good results during its period/sub-periods/sub-sub periods. 1 Exalted: results most outstanding 2 Mool trikona: results excellent 3 Own: results good in general 4 Great Friend: Generally good results 5 Friend: Mixed but generally ok 6 Enemy: Mixed but generally malefic 7 Great Enemy: Generally malefic 8 Debilitated: most challenging B) Lord ship and functionality: Lord ship of each planet as per different ascendants in the natal chart indicates functionality of the planet for different aspects in our life throughout our life. Functionality can be Auspicious, Inauspicious, Neutral, Most Auspicious or most Inauspicious C) Different Strength calculations of the Planet and their significance:

1 ShadBal: This is the absolute modular strength of the planet and signifies the quantum of it’s effects in our life irrespective of the functional status or dignity. A Benefic planet with low Shadbal must be strengthened with Gem therapy to make it more effective. A malefic planet with high shadbal must not be strengthened with Gem therapy because it’s malefic effects will increase also Instead they must be harmonized with Yantra or propitiated with Yagnas and Mantras. This strength is very important for astrologer while he recommends astrological remedies. The minimum effective shadbal should be 1.0. The maximum can go up to 2.5 in a chart. 2 Vimsopak Bal: Vimsopak Bal is calculated based on the dignity of the planet in 16 divisional charts computed from the Natal chart. Each divisional chart signifies a specific aspect of life. For example Navamsa chart signifies spouse and marital life. The Dasamsa chart signifies profession and career. The maximum Vimsopak bal of a planet can be 20, which will signify the planet will be beneficial for most aspects in life. An average strength of 10 will signify the planet will have mixed effects for different aspects of life. Less than 10 will signify the planet will be mostly inauspicious in most aspects in our life. 3 Ashtakbarga Natal strength: This signifies the potential of the planet to deliver positive results during transit in relation with other planets positive and negative effects. The maximum strength can be 8, which signifies the planet can give outstanding results in transit. For Saturn and Mars, if the Ashtakbarga strength is more than 3 units, it will mean it will give generally positive results. For remaining 5 planets (excluding Rahu/Ketu) the natal strength must be 5 units or more to have the potential to deliver beneficial results in relation to all other planets. Your astrologer will consider all these factors before he makes his final judgment. His judgment will be as follows: 1 Outstanding 2 Excellent 3 Very good 4 Good 5 Mixed 6 Challenging 7 Most challenging House Location of Planet: The house where the planet is located, it’s effects will be maximum for that house in your life. This will be followed by the Lords of houses that the planet rules in the chart. A planet will also give results for the houses that it aspects. Which aspects of your life each house signifies, you can read in the explanation of different index given in the Karma index table. Compare the overview of year 2013 and year 2014 We will use Karma index table to show you how the overall Karma index value and each of the specific index value got accumulated for you during year 2013 and it will be accumulated for you during year 2014. You can actually compare the yearly accumulated index values for 2013 and 2014 and then make an informed guess about year 2014 and what you can expect in 2014 and in which areas of life. Yearly Accumulated Index Value

From To Soul Wealth Efforts Happiness Creativity Disease Spouse Windfall Destiny Vocation Desire Detachment Karma Date Date

01- 31Jan- Dec2013 2013














01- 31Jan- Dec2014 2014














Best >= 1000

Mixed < 1000 And >= 300

Average < 300 And >= 50

Worst < 50

Please go through this explanation of Karma index and the significance of each index given below. 1st House Soul Index: This gives the progress of astrological signature for the Soul. As such, this Index signifies the health of our inner and outer self and how we are building up our physical and mental potential. It represents the inner self (the Soul), and the outer self (the Body). It indicates the way we project ourselves--our behavior and attitude to the external world, as well as our physical attributes. 2nd House Wealth Index This indicates the progress of astrological signature for our capacity to accumulate material wealth. It projects our earning capacity through our own efforts and represents how we are managing the surplus between our income and expenditure of material possessions to create a continuous flow of wealth. Since such wealth can be used for the prosperity of our entire family and society, this index will also signify the material prosperity of our entire family and our extended family. 3rd House Efforts Index This represents our basic energy in life and gives the progress of astrological signature on how effectively we are utilizing our inherent courage and efforts. This signifies the impulse and intention that drive us, and monitors whether we are being able to bring forth our full potential into our Karma or not. Since our siblings and friends are meant to help us in our efforts, this index also signifies the astrological signature for the prosperity, and our relations with our siblings and friends. A logical extension of this is that this index reflects our capacity to project our will on the external world, our overall communication effectiveness.

4th House Happiness Index This gives the astrological signature of our capacity to feel good, and our basic emotional nature determining our capacity for joy in this life. Thus, this index signifies our physical and emotional security level, and monitors our capacity for rest and relaxation as well as peace of mind. The logical extension is that the index should capture our accumulations of creature comforts like good house, conveyance and other luxury items of comfort. On an emotional level, this index will measure our comfort level with our mother, family, motherland, in general everything that constitutes domestic bliss for our life. 5th House Creativity Index This gives the astrological signature of our potential to create new things and new ideas. It monitors how creatively we are utilizing our knowledge, our karma, our desire and our efforts. It signifies our level of intelligence. Thus when we are young, this index will give the signature for our educational and academic achievements. This index is also one of love, specifically for children. The finest example of our desire and sensual pleasure is the birth of our progeny from our union of love. Thus, this index gives the astrological signature for the well being and prosperity of our children. This index also captures our feelings of love and romance for another person. It tracks infatuations and love affairs but not relationships of long-term commitment, which are represented by the Spouse Index. 6th House Disease Index This gives the astrological signature for disturbance of ease in our life. Disease actually means Disturbance of Ease ' for any aspect of life. If it is disturbance of ease for the physical body, a negative value of index will represent ' illness '. If it is disturbance of ease in vocation, the negative value of index will represent enmity, obstacles, litigation, and debts. It normally signifies oppositions, difficulties and obstacles in life. A positive value of index will represent that we are being able to carry out all our ' Karma ' without any obstacles, and even if there are obstacles we will be able to overcome them successfully. 7th House Spouse Index This gives the astrological signature of our relationships with our partners in life, and also signifies their well being. The most important partner in our life is our life partner and that is why we call this index the ' Spouse Index '. This will also indicate our successes and failures in our business negotiations, and in trading activities. It will also indicate relations with our business associates and partners. This index also captures astrological signatures for short journeys that we may undertake. A positive value of the index will mean successful short journeys and a negative value of the index will mean problems and difficulties in such journeys 8th House Windfall Index This gives the astrological signature for sudden unexpected fortunes and misfortunes. Though windfall is usually associated with gain, we are using this term to signify both unexpected gains and losses. These events are not expected, strike suddenly and seem to be unavoidable. The positive index value signifies unexpected monetary gains like unexpected inheritance, or gains in gambling, speculation and lotteries. It also signifies unexpected new opportunities and contacts, which will be profitable. The negative index value signifies the

reverse--calamities, accidents, and losses in speculation, gambling and even death. As mentioned already, these are the results of past Karmas and Destiny and, according to us, this is that one index which probably cannot be altered by our own efforts. The difference between the Disease index and this index is that the Disease index is not unexpected and sudden, but this one is. However, one can make contingency plans through one's efforts to minimize the impact. 9th House Destiny Index This gives the astrological signature for our "Destiny". It represents our prime values, principles, and ideals as well as spiritual and ethical disposition. It signifies the honour, prestige, recognition and acceptance we will receive in this life. If this index is positive and going up during a particular period, it signifies that Destiny is favorable to us and whatever efforts we put in will produce favorable results. If this index is negative and going down, it means destiny is unfavorable and we will have to put additional and more creative energy to achieve success in our efforts. 10th House Vocation Index This gives the astrological signature of how we will progress in our Vocation, how we will perform our ordained duties and the effect of our actions upon the world. Thus, this index will depict our professional success and failure, and our social status, power and influence. This index will also depict the well being of our father like the Happiness Index represents the well being of our mother. In general this index will signify our relations with Government, our superiors and people in authority. 11th House Desire Index This gives the astrological signature of how our desires are being fulfilled. Thus, this index depicts actual material gain or income that we achieve through our efforts, creativity, and our vocations. A positive value and upward trend may indicate that our gain may be even higher than the efforts that we are actually putting. Similarly, a negative value and downward trend may indicate that our gain will not be commensurate to our efforts. 12th House Detachment Index This gives the astrological signature of how our material and physical assets are getting detached from us. This index will depict our material outflow, expenditure or losses. Thus, a positive index will denote expenditures for profitable investments, or expenses for a noble cause like charity. In today's global economy, a positive index can also mean successful and profitable foreign relations and ventures. A negative index will indicate investments turning sour and expenditures purely for gratification of our senses and physical desires.

The year number for 2014 and its impact for you Your Year Number is 1 The ruling planet of this year is the Sun. This is a year of importance, a year of overall prosperity.

During this year you will:      

Feel sprightly-both mentally and physically Have important changes for the better Meet new people who will prove helpful in future Work without stress and strain Remain free of fear and worries Attain fame

If you plan ahead and remain organized, you are bound to achieve success. This year is good for appearing at competitive examinations, starting a new venture, buying plant and machinery. If you are involved in the arts whether writing, music or painting, you would make significant compositions, which would earn you, fame.

Overview on different aspects of life Health: Your health will mostly remain good. Capricorn ascendant born people generally do not suffer from that much or from any chronic illness however prevention is always better than cure hence even minor niggle must be address properly to avoid major issues in future. No major setback or problem is indicated as far as your health is concerned. Profession: Saturn is your favourable planet and it is placed in the 9 th house of destiny in your natal chart and 1st house in your Navamsha chart hence if you are into profession then certain this year will bring positive and opportune changes in your favour. New opportunities will knock at you and there will be general feel-good factor all around. Change of place or short travels are also on the cards during 2014 journey. Finance: You are generally sensible about pecuniary matters however sometimes you may have wasteful hand therefore 2014 will remain rather a moderate year as far as your financial matters are concerned. There would be regular and miscellaneous expenses during this year. You may even decide to purchase any new gadget or equipment. Expenses after self, entertainment, travels and progeny are foreseen during 2014. Relationship: Your conjugal life shall remain mostly harmonious however since transiting Saturn is also aspecting 7th house and your natal Sun and Mercury hence occasional flare-ups cannot be ruled out completely. You must prioritize your domestic matters and give prerogative to the understanding and better cooperation with your better half. Last quarter of the year is likely to run relatively better for your conjugal as well as domestic. Despite feeling occasional stress, you may be able to handle things quite effectively.

THE PRESENT ASTROLOGICAL SIGNATURES: Transit Signature in the Year 2014 (The slow moving planets) Transit of planets in Vedic astrology is known as ‘Gochara’. It is seen that often the events happen during and due to the movements of planets during transit. However it is also seen that though a transit is beneficial there is no major improvement in life. Below is your potential for the transit of the present slow moving planets, which will give you an idea of their possibilities. Transit of Saturn: Saturn would be transiting in the sign Libra till 2 nd November 2014. Its transiting influence would have positive influence for your general life as it will transit through the 10th house from your natal Moon and ascendant. Saturn is placed in the 9 th house of destiny from your Ascendant and 9th house Saturn deems to be auspicious although Saturn tends to confer belated results and create initials obstacles. 2014 would be a good year for your health, finance and domestic life. Transit of Jupiter: Jupiter would be transiting in the sign Gemini till 18 th June, 2014. Then it would be transiting through the sign Cancer, its exalted sign. The analysis indicates that its influence would be mixed for you in general till end of 2014 as Jupiter would be transiting through your 6 th house and then 7th house and over your natal Mars and Saturn and Mercury respectively. Jupiter’s transit through 7th house post 18th June, 2014 will remain relatively better than its transit through your 6th house. Transit of Rahu: Rahu would be transiting in Libra & it will stay there up to 13 th July, 2014. The analysis indicates that you may experience travels related to your occupational matters or else there would be new opportunities coming in your way. If you into active service life then change of place or relocation is also indicated. Transiting Rahu will be aspecting your 4 th house hence some domestic worries and responsibilities may make you preoccupied. Rahu will move to Scorpio after 13th July, 2014. It will stay here for one & half year. This is moderate period to some extent for you. Transit of Ketu: Ketu would be transiting in Aries till 13 th July, 2014. You are advised to remain careful while dealing with any matter related to domestic matter as 4 th house Ketu may create expected domestic problem and commotion hence you must administer calmness and judiciousness. It would be beneficial for you to maintain cordial relations with your family members especially with your progeny and better half. Ketu will move to Pisces after 13 th July, 2014 & it will stay here for one & half year. This transit of Ketu will remain moderate for you in all respect.

Month wise status for 2014 as per month wise Karma index Values

From To Soul Wealth Efforts Happiness Creativity Disease Spouse Windfall Destiny Vocation Desire Detachment Karma Date Date

01- 31Jan- Jan2014 2014














01- 28Feb- Feb2014 2014














01- 31Mar- Mar2014 2014














01- 30Apr- Apr2014 2014














01- 31May- May2014 2014














01- 30Jun- Jun2014 2014














01- 31Jul- Jul2014 2014














01- 31Aug- Aug- -130 2014 2014

























01- 30Sep- Sep-


2014 2014

01- 31Oct- Oct2014 2014














01- 30Nov- Nov2014 2014














01- 31Dec- Dec2014 2014














Best >= 100

Mixed < 100 And >= 30

Average < 30 And >= 5

Worst < 5

Please go through explanation of index values as given above and analyze the month wise each index value accumulated. Dasha Signature: Principles of Dasha System: The Dasha Vichar or planetary periods of Vedic Astrology provide a unique and comprehensive system for judging the effects of planets throughout the development of our lives. They are the most accurate system for showing how the planets distribute their effects through time and the different stages of our lives. The most common of these systems of planetary periods is the Vimshottari Dasha or the "120year cycle". This follows a predetermined sequence, the starting point of which is determined by the longitude of Moon at the time of birth. In it, each of the seven major planets plus the two Lunar Nodes are given specific periods. This entire life span is divided into different main periods of planets and within this main period, there are sub-periods of all the planets and then each sub-period can be divided into sub-sub-periods of planets. The effects of the planets become most operative during the Main Dasha or the sub-Dasha. The transit effects and the relation between the Main planet and the sub-planet also determine whether the good effects will be more predominant or the bad ones. We give your Dasha Table below: Your Dasha Table

We will give the forecast for the year 2014 based on the planet periods, sub periods and sub sub-periods in your life and during the year. These forecasts are based on the nature, strength and roles of planets in your life as per the planet table and house table. Our forecast is also based on the actual transit of planets during the year 2014 and what relations or aspects they are making with the planets in your natal chart.

Dasha Signature in year 2014:

You will pass through the sub period of Rahu will continue till 3 rd February 2016. Rahu is placed in the 2nd house of finance in your natal chart. Although Rahu is an auspicious planet for you however 2nd Rahu may cause unplanned and unavoidable expenses hence you must have enough means to counter future emergencies. 2nd Rahu may also create health related problem especially stomach and digestive system. Health and your finance may remain stable and sound during 2014. However having said this, minor niggle may arise therefore you need to take timely precaution through medical advice and medication if needed. Jupiter’s transit from 18th June, 2014 onwards is going to be favourable for you in general. 10 th house Rahu is not considered bad and after 13th July, 2014 Rahu will be transiting through your 9th house of destiny and over your natal Saturn and this transit of Rahu will remain favourable for you. During this year, you will get mixed results in most undertakings as the yearly Karma Index is of 681. Your soul index is mixed of 490 & the disease index is average of 276 for 2014, and although no major setback is indicated however you must ensure medical check-ups and follow-ups with medical practitioner if necessary.

The Year 2014 in detail: Astrologically, I will divide the period under consideration for you into four distinct phases based on the sub-sub periods that you will encounter during the next year. Phase I: Saturn-Rahu-Jupiter: 01st September 2013 to 18th January 2014 The period is relatively moderate for your profession, personal life, love, affection, social status as well as pecuniary condition. There may be occasional flare-ups with family members particularly with your better half. Your mental frame will remain average however you may require to pull up your socks and take bull by its horns. Health is likely to remain okay during this phase. Phase II: Saturn-Rahu-Saturn: 18th January 2014 to 02nd July 2014 This is a good period for your domestic life as well as finance. You may decide to have some investment and old policies may get matured. If you are into active service life, then there will be recognition of your efforts and initiatives. Occasional frictions with family members cannot be ruled out completely. Short family trip or travel is on the cards. If you have already taken superannuation or even on the verge of getting golden handshake then this period is likely to run opportune for you as you are expected to end your long career journey on a happy note. If you are already retired then you may want to engage yourself with sporadic activities and may be inclined to take short-term job. Phase III: Saturn-Rahu-Mercury: 02nd July 2014 to 26th November 2014 This time frame would be favourable for your finance, health and domestic tranquillity. You may get good success in your endeavour and you will feel positive about your ac-

tions. Understanding with near and dear ones and kith and kin may get improved. People around you may seek your advice to get things done. Financial aspect is likely to get bolstered. No setback is indicated during this phase. Phase IV: Saturn-Rahu-Ketu: 26th November 2014 to 26th January 2015 This time frame would be unfavourable and negative for your finance, health and domestic tranquillity. There will be difficulties in getting your tasks completed and health may also give you some trouble. A sense of discontent may prevail over your general life. You need to stay positive and focused. You should pull up your socks and take things in your stride during this period of time in your general life.

Special comments on your concerns: Your First Concern: Relationship and finance Answer: Finance is likely to remain stable however unavoidable and planned expenses will be there in your financial life. You may do some investment and even old policies are also likely to get matured. You may come across additional source of making money however expenses will also be there to confront you. Inflow of money will be good however you just need to check that there should be balance between inflow and outflow of money so that you can effectively balance your budget. As far as relationship and conjugal life is concerned, there will be difference of opinions or small arguments with your better half. You need to ensure that mole must not turn into a molehill. Forbearance is essential to traverse through the trying times in conjugal life. It is not necessary to agree on each and every terms and things with your wife however if things are handled tactfully then unpleasant situation can be avoided. Last quarter of the year will see through more bonding and better understanding with your better half. Your Second Concern: Health / Diseases Answer: Till 18th June, Jupiter will transit through your 6 th house of physical maladies and over your natal Mars hence your health will remain stable and sound save and except minor niggle. Post June, 2014 Jupiter will be transiting through your 7 th house of conjugal life. You are undergoing Saturn major period and Rahu major period and Rahu is placed in the 2nd house hence you must be careful about stomach related problem, acidity, wind imbalance, indigestion and gastric problem. Nothing serious is foreseen during the year 2014. Any health related problem must be attended with due care and prompt action.

Astrological Remedies: Please wear a Diamond / Zircon of about 5 to 6 carats in potency/weight studded in a silver ring, the little finger of your right hand. The gemstone should be genuine & superior and should be worn regularly but first put it on a Friday morning, after bath & prayers.

This is needed for your health, finance and general happiness as Venus is your yogakaraka planet however it is ill-positioned in the 8th house of adversities with inimical Ketu hence empowering Venus will remain beneficial for you. You should also wear a planetary Yantra for destiny Lord Mercury to bolster your luck related factors. For further details please visit our web site. On behalf of CyberAstro.Com Astrologer -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: Getting best quality astrological gemstone is a very tough task nowadays. However, here is given the link for guidelines to select the right and best quality gemstone. Please follow this link before you choose a gemstone suggested by our astrologer: Please read

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