KraftMade Winter Gifts 2013

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power to the hands

Globuri din lemn Daca-ti plac globurile creative si in armonie cu natura, uite ceva facut de mestesugarul Uwe pentru tine: globuri de lemn ca un abecedar al naturii: poti sa vezi si sa simti textura de nuc, cires, paducel si frasin. Si daca te apuca creativitatea, poti chiar sa le vopsesti ori de cate ori vrei. material: lemn (nuc, cires, paducel, frasin) dimensiuni: variabile / si la comanda comanda un set facut doar pentru tine la pret: 30 LEI/ 3 buc; 100 LEI/ 12 buc

Wooden Christmas Decorations If you like to be playful about your Christmas decoration – here’s something artisan Uwe made for you: sustainable wooden decorations where you can see and feel the texture of walnut, cherry, hawthorn and ash wood from Transylvania. And if you want to get creative you can always repaint them. Over and over again. material: wood (walnut, cherry, hawthorn and ash) dimensions: variable / also customised order one set made just for you at price: 12 EUR/ 3 pcs, 40 EUR/ 12 pcs

Geanta-pres din 100% textile reciclate Placuta si de doamne si de domni, geanta asta pres e facuta din textile 100% reciclate. De fapt, este presul bunicilor si strabunicilor nostri pe care KraftMade l-a scotocit in satele romanesti. material: textile reciclate dimensiuni: 60 cm L, 40 cm H / si la comanda comanda una facuta doar pentru tine la pret: 200 LEI

Handwoven rug-bag You are looking at a handwoven rug-bag. Well, carpets like these were traditional and self-made in every peasant home in Romania. Since there are so few weaving artisans left, we revived this craft in a wearable fashion: the rug-bag, made with great care by various rural communities in Romania. material: recycled textiles dimensions: 60 cm L, 40 cm H / also customised order one made just for you at price: 45 EUR

Colier “bici de cai� din piele naturala Pielarul Marcel a facut colierul asta dupa cum se faceau odata bicele taranesti pentru cai. Este lucrat cu o tehnica de impletitura falsa, doua bucati de piele impreunate intr-o simbioza perfecta care, in timp, devin una singura. Dragoste intr-un colier. material: piele naturala dimensiuni: 50 cm lungime sau la comanda, 2,5 cm latime comanda unul facut doar pentru tine la pret: 160 LEI

Romanian horse-whip necklace Romanian traditional horsewhips are made with this fake-braiding technique. It’s about the perfect symbiosis of two leather pieces intertwined, making them stronger than time but smoother and friendlier for the horses. This necklace is crafted by traditional artisan Marcel in the heart of Transylvania. material: genuine leather dimensions: 50 cm or customised, 2,5 cm width order one made just for you at price: 35 EUR

Colier “bici de lole” din piele naturala Ai auzit de Fuga Lolelor? Este modul in care sasii alungau iarna, pocnind din niste bice mari si puternice, facute dupa un secret mestesugaresc vechi de sute de ani. Unul dintre ultimii pastratori ai secretului este pielarul Marcel, care a facut acest colier-bici in inima Transilvaniei, ca tu sa porti o bucata de istorie. material: piele naturala dimensiuni: 60 cm lungime sau la comanda, 8 cm circumferinta. comanda unul facut doar pentru tine la pret: 160 LEI

Urzeln-whip necklace Have you heard of the Urzelnlauf? It’s a Transylvanian Saxon custom of scaring winter away by making terrible noise with strong braided whips. To crack that noise, the whips must be perfectly braided. One of the last artisans who know their secret is Marcel. He crafted this whip-necklace, in the heart of Transylvania, so you can wear a piece of history. material: genuine leather dimensions: 60 cm or customised to order, 8 cm circumference order one made just for you at price: 35 EUR

Geanta-pres pentru gadgeturi din 100% textile reciclate Il stiti – este presul nostru cel de toate zilele, al bunicilor si strabunicilor nostri. Facute intocmai dupa tehnica traditionala a presurilor, Rodica a tesut la razboi hainute de sarbatoare pentru laptop, Ipad si toate gadgeturile voastre ca sa reziste iernilor si privirilor admirative ale celor din jur. material: textile reciclate, interior fetru dimensiuni: variabile in functie de gadget comanda una facuta doar pentru tine la pret: 150 LEI

Handwoven rug-gadget-bag You are looking at a handwoven rug-bag. Well, carpets like these were traditional and self-made in every peasant home in Romania. Since there are so few weaving artisans left, we revived this craft in a wearable fashion: the rug-gadget bag, made with great care by traditional artisan Rodica, in the heart of Transylvania. material: recycled textiles, felt lining dimensions: variable made to fit your gadget order one made just for you at price: 35 EUR

Suport sasesc pentru prajituri Suportul asta de prajituri parca vine din sufrageriile strabunicilor nostri. Este inspirat dintr-un pat baroc sasesc si a fost facut pentru tine de Uwe, un mestesugar sas cu mana si ochi fin, ca sa-ti aduca aminte de grandoarea si eleganta robusta a mestesugului clasic. Baitul folosit de Uwe are aceeasi varsta ca si mesterul, 40 de ani, si este 100% organic din roca de mina si sange animal deshidratat, o reteta secreta a tamplarilor de odinioara care astazi nici nu mai exista pe piata. material: lemn (fag, cires, nuc), bait organic dimensiuni: 30 cm inaltime comanda unul facut doar pentru tine la pret: 180 lei

Transylvanian Saxon cake stand This cake-stand could easily be a piece of furniture from your ancestors’ front room. It is inspired by a Transylvanian Saxon baroque bed, and was made for you by Uwe, a Transylvanian Saxon himself, with plenty of ancient skill to remind you of the grandeur and robust elegance of classic craft. It is finished by hand with a 40-year old organic stain made after an ancient secret recipe containing dehydrated animal blood and stone. material: wood (beech, cherry and walnut), organic stain dimensions: 30 cm height order one made just for you at price: 40 EUR

Respectam traditia. Suntem pasionati de mestesug. Credem in lucrurile facute bine. Adunam magia povestilor si suntem vrajiti de atentia la detalii. Dam putere comunitatilor si cream sustenabilitate. Credem ca diversitatea si complexitatea traditionalului trebuie sa fie mana in mana cu designul. Pentru ca mainile sunt instrumentul celor mai sofisticate operatiuni si pentru ca vrem sa dam mai departe intelepciunea din strabuni am creat reteaua KraftMade. Putere mainilor!

KraftMade respects tradition. We share a passion for craft. We believe in things well made. We capture the magic of stories and are charmed by little details. We empower communities and think sustainably. We think functional minimalism is beautiful but traditional complexity is more. Because hands are the most complex instrument we have, and because we want to share the Romanian wisdom and heritage, we created the KRAFTMADE network. Power to the hands!

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