Krahe's Nest

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Dedicated to the witch who is looking for the meat and bones of the craft!

Welcome to the Nest I began this project because, Krahe needed a creative outlet. I love to research, write and draw. I love to explore new things. I also wanted to give a part of me to those I hold most dear. It soon grew, in my mind and on these pages, to a medium with which I could show other people out there who are on this path, that they needn't follow a strict concept that they read in a book somewhere. I know, for me I had a difficult time determining which type of witch I was. I have a little green in me, a little darkness, and a shamanistic view. I also adore the classic cauldron stirring, broom riding, card carrying witches you find in children's literature. So, do I call myself an eclectic witch? The answer to that is, yes, for a lack of a better term. Fun fact: The crow has "developed the capacity to evolve its tools... So, I have actually created my own path, using bits and pieces from here and there, mixed in with a few of my own, which I like to call Crow Magick. Here in these pages I will offer you things that interest me (because crows like to collect things that are pleasing to the eye). More often than not, these articles will broach things that are off the beaten path of mainstream Wicca. Here in the Nest, I will publish regular articles on practices of the craft that should be invoked but aren't. These articles are what I will call the Meat and Bones because we should really sink our beaks into these practices. Another feature that I'll have is called In the Shadows. These will be articles about the darker aspects of the craft. I will interview someone each month that has a unique way of bringing things to the community. You will find these interviews under the heading, A Member of the Murder. The Caw-ing will be a place to look at all types of spirit communication In my Something Shiny, section. There will be a place to showcase art work, poetry and crafts relevant to the craft. Finally, Carnage: a place to leave you with food for thought. Interspersed throughout will be fun facts about crows, in hopes that my readers will gain a new respect for them and to encourage them to find an animal guide to emulate on their path.

Welcome to My Nest!

A quick thank you to: Cadno ap annwn otherwise known as: richard blackburn. I dedicate this issue to you for all 0f your patience with me while I struggled to create this e-zine and for your encouragement and assistance. You have my deepest APPRECIATION.

Fun Fact: In addition to the distinctive caws, crows also make a variety of other sounds including, but not limited to, imitations of sounds of other species, including elements of human speech.


Inside the nest

Meat and 4 Working with familiars, A trading places exercise

In the 7 The history of flying ointments

A member of the 13 An interview with Raven Digitalis author of “Goth Craft”

The 17 A look at spirit communication

Something 19 Poems, Crafts, and Original Artwork by Krahe,

A Birds eye view.................................................................................PG. 23 An birds perspective on death 24 Food for thought; Creativity is an inert gas

© copyright of Krahe's Nest and thewitchkrahe. Please respect the copyright of our contributors. Articles contained within may not be reproduced elsewhere without the written permission of the original author or artist. (3)

Meat and Bones A brief history of the Familiar Non-Pagan history describes familiars as low-ranking demons in constant attention to Witches for thepurpose of carrying out spells and bewitchments. Familiars usually assumed animal forms cats, toads, owls, mice and dogs seem to have been the most common - though virtually any animal or insect could besuspected. In the Witchcraft Trials, if so much as a fly buzzed in the window while someone suspected of being a witch was being questioned or tried, it was said to be her (or his) familiar. The inquisitors took the bile to heart: those who had familiars were "an abomination unto the Lord" and should be "Put to death: they shall stone them with stones: Their blood shall be upon them" (Lev. 20:27). Familiars - also called imps - were said to be given to Witches by the Devil or bought or inherited from other Witches. A Witch could have several of them. Cats were the favored forms, especially black ones. The fear that all cats were Witches' familiars was one of the primary reasons for the famous cat massacres that swept through medieval Europe. Familiars were given names like any household pet, which most of them undoubtedly were. Perhaps thebest known familiar name is Pyewackett, the moniker the Witch's cat in the movie Bell, Book and Candle, and a name that dates back to Renaissance England. Pyewackett, Matthew Hopkins (the famous Witch hunter) stated, was a name "no mortal could invent." During the Witch hysteria of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the obsession with familiars was confinedmostly to England and Scotland, where they are mentioned in numerous trial records, especially those related to Hopkins. The Witchcraft Act of 1604 made it a felony to "consult, covenant with, entertain, employ, feed, or reward any evil and wicked spirit to or for any intent or purpose." But the Malleus Maleficarum (1486), the major Witch inquisitor's handbook, offers no instructions concerning familiarsin the interrogation and trial of Witches. The book does acknowledge that an animal familiar "always works with the Witch in everything." There is a scant evidence of familiars in early American Witch trials. In the Salem Trials in 1692, John Bradsheet was indicted for "inciting a dog to afflict." The dog was tried and hanged as a Witch. Outside of Witch trials, more benevolent familiars were believed to exist, serving wizards and wise men(and women) who were magicians or village healers. The familiars helped diagnose illnesses and the sources of bewitchment and were used for divining and finding lost objects and treasures. Magicians conjured them in rituals, then locked then in bottles, rings and stones. They sometimes sold them as charms, claiming the spirits would ensure success in gambling, love, business or whatever the customer wanted. This sort of familiar was technically not illegal; England's Witchcraft Act of 1604 prohibited only evil and wicked spirits. Some familiars were said to be Faeries. Oberon was a popular name for fairy familiars in 15th and 16th century England. Many modern Witches have animal familiars, usually cats, which are their magical helpers. Some also have dogs, birds, snakes or toads. Witches do not believe the familiars are "demons" or spirits in animal form but simply animals whose psychic attunement makes them ideal partners in magical workings. Some Witches say that it is possible to endow pets with magical powers and turn them into familiars, though others don't believe it should be done. Still others believe familiars are never "pets"(and should never be treated as such) but are animals who volunteer to work as familiars and are


Karmically attracted to Witches. Witches who do not have familiars send out psychic "calls" to draw the right animal. Familiars reputedly are sensitive to psychic vibrations and power and are welcomed partners inside the magic circle and other magical work. They also serve as psychic radar, reacting visibly to the presence of any negative or evil energy, whether it be an unseen force or a person who dabbles in the wrong kind of magic. Familiars are also given psychic protection by their Witches. Some Witches it seems, also, use the term familiar to describe thought-forms created magically and empowered to carry out a certain task on the astral plane. Sorcerers and shamans in cultures around the world also have helpers in the form of spirits. Dispatching them on errands to heal, harm or kill - called sending. The physical shape of a familiar varies. New Guinea sorcerers rely on snakes and crocodiles, while in Malaya, the familiar is usually an owl or badger passed down from generation to generation. Throughout Africa, the wild creatures of the bush are said to be Witches' familiars: for the Lugbara, they are said to be the toad, snake, lizard, water frog, bat, owl, leopard, jackal and a type of monkey that screeches in the night; for the Dinka, they are black cobras and hyenas. The Zulus' familiars are said to becorpses dug up and re-animated with magic; they are sent out at on night errands to scare travelers with their shrieking and pranks. In Shamanism, a novice shaman acquires his familiar spirits, usually manifesting in animal, reptile or bird shapes, when he completes his initiation. He or she may send them out to do battle in his or her place, but if they die, so does the shaman. Familiars usually stay with their shaman until death, then disappear. Among certain Eskimos, the familiar is embodied in an artificial seal, not a live animal. In closing, what I suggest in this area is that the witch who feels that they have found a familiar is thatthey should practice an exercise called "Trading Places" Trading Places Exercise This exercise is simple enough to memorize and to practice, and though it was not written specificallyfor bonding with an animal familiar it was designed for becoming familiar with an animal, and inducing a mystical experience. I think you will readily discern its value in the acquiring of a familiar. Objective: To trade places (mentally) with a dog or cat, or other animal. Setting: Home, Zoo, Wilderness, etc. Instructions: 1. Relax your body as completely as you can. Calm your mind, eliminating all thoughts which do not relateto your intent and purpose. Sit so that you are comfortable, and as nearly as possible on the same level with the animal you will be working with. Lie down if you like. The important thing is that you are able to comfortably make eye contact with your animal partner in this exercise. It is also important to satisfy yourself that the animal is likewise comfortable and secure with you. 2. Take a deep breath. As you slowly exhale, look into the animal's eyes, and imagine that a part of yourawareness is being transmitted through your breath into the animal's mind. Watch the animal breathe, and imagine that a part of its awareness is being transmitted into your mind.


3. Continue looking directly into the animal's eyes until you fell your consciousness merge with the animal's consciousness.

Benefits As the boundaries between you and the animal dissolve, you may feel as if you've really traded places with a member of another species, as though a part of you has become the animal - this is the height of subjective merging. You may begin to feel compassion for another species. You'll also probably recognize some of the artificial differences between the human and animal worlds. You may be able to feel or sense the actual flow of the animals emotions and mental imagery. Should you accomplish this then it should be no trouble for you to contract with the animal to serve as your magical partner. Asking another to become such a partner also places upon you the responsibility of becoming its partner. I would not recommend contracting an animal to become your familiar and then treating the animal as a pet. A pet is something you possess, own. A Familiar, to my way of thinking, is an individual who has entered into a mutually beneficial relationship (partnership) with you, and therefore should be afforded the respect and consideration due a partner.

Fun Fact: The Corvids - crows, ravens, jays, magpies and jackdaws, are the Einsteins of the bird family; no other birds even come close to matching their intelligence. Crows live in close knit family groups. They communicate – some 23 distinct patterns of caws have been interpreted -and they cooperate with each other. At work, they don't stab each other in the back, and back home, they don't cheat on their spouses -- crows generally mate for life.


In the shadows Birds Fly Why can't I? So, we all heard that witches fly but the origins of this, where are they and why? Witches flying Ointment is an herbal recipe producing psychedelic effects, and was first recorded in the Middle Ages. Although the practice is probably older still. The ointment consisted of belladonna or mandrake, poplar leaves and soot and to hold it all together fat or clove oil. Poplar leaves has a nice scent for the mix and clove oil like nutmeg gives one the feeling of a mild high as if your head is expanding and you feel light. Remember like Mace and nutmeg this can compromise your immune system!

Instructions This ointment would be rubbed on the forehead, wrists, hands or feet. There are written accounts of witches rubbing broomsticks with the ointment and inserting it in certain places, (Tantra and natural highs is a good point to reference). This is probably where the idea came from of witches flying on broomsticks. A fifteenth-century source reads, "They anoint a staff and ride on it or anoint themselves under the arms and in other hairy places". If it was applied this way it was to insure the speed of the body absorbing the hallucinogenic through the membranes. A base of either Atropa *belladonna (nightshade) (it is being studied now as a possible cure for cancer) (a feminine herb) extract from the dried leaves are atropine, hyoscyamine, tropane, and scopolamine. Atropine works this way because it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system; it also relives pain and can reduce muscle spasm. Scopolamine is a central nervous system depressant. It has been used as a sedative.

Flying ointments The recipes below are provided for informational purposes alone and any use of these items is done solely at the discretion and risk of the individual using them. No claims or guarantees are made as to their effectiveness or safety. If you choose to use any oil here on the skin it would be wise to first apply a small amount to the inside of your elbow and wait 24 hours to check for reactions. If you are on any pharmaceutical medications or have a serious medical condition, consult your health care provider before using anything that you do not normally use, including herbs and over the counter medications. Do not use these if you are PREGNANT, DEPRESSED, have any history of MENTAL ILLNESS, are in DISTRESS of any kind, or are not in top physical and mental form. The author of this article does not recommend the use of this or any other product. Do not use these when you are alone DO NOT give to or allow CHILDREN or PETS to touch these! That said......


Flying Ointment #1 1 part beeswax 1 part Coconut oil (solid at room temp) 2 parts liquid oil of choice-almond, grape seed, olive, etc--I prefer grape seed Add the following dried and crushed herbs to your liquid oil and do a cold infusion Dittany of Crete Mugwort Hops Chamomile Parsley Cinquefoil Poppy seed ***Hemp ***Mistletoe ***Poplar leaves The oil should just cover the herbs. Allow the oil to sit from full moon to full moon. After you have allowed the oil to sit strain the herbs out of the oil with a cheese cloth or very fine strainer. Melt the bee's wax and coconut oil in a double boiler or very low heat. Add the liquid oil and then add the following essential oils: Jasmine, Mace, Sandalwood and Benzoin So that there are no more than 10 drops total to 1 cup of your liquid. Dunk a spoon into the mixture and stick it in the freezer for a few minutes. When you remove the spoon see if the ointment is of a consistency that you find to be satisfactory. If not you may add more melted beeswax for a firmer ointment or more liquid oil for a looser ointment. Once you have the desired consistency pour into small glass jars or ointment tins. Once the ointment is cooled you may empower it for your use as this will direct the energy toward your purpose. To use: rub into your pulse points before astral travel. Witch Sabbat Balm Here's what you'll need: 10g skullcap 25g jasmine flowers 10g witch grass rhizome 25g lavender flowers 15g hawthorn berries - crushed 5g mistletoe 5g mugwort 10g rue 250 ml sweet almond oil 75g beeswax


First, place the herbs in the bottom of a large bottle - 500ml or bigger. The more finely chopped the herbs are for this recipe, the better, however, they should not be powdered. Now, over these herbs pour the 250ml of sweet almond oil and give it a bit of a shake. The oil is used as a type of releasing agent - a solvent which extracts the medicinal properties from the herbs and provides a healing base or carrier for the oils. Essential oils are an excellent short cut but for magical recipes, it is always best to do more rather than less work, as this helps you put more work and magical intent into your work Now you'll need to strain the oil using cheese cloth or a fine mesh strainer. Add this oil blend to the beeswax and heat the oil to and beeswax together over very low heat in a double boiler until wax is completely melted. You can, once the wax is melted, check the firmness of your mix by placing a tablespoon of your mixture into in the freezer for a minute or two. This is a method used in beeswax candle making to get the candle to firm up more quickly as well as extending the life of beeswax candles by freezing them Check the firmness of your mix and you may now wish to add more oil for a softer blend or morewax for a firmer blend. Once you have achieved the desired consistency, remove the salve from heat and pour into heatproof jars of an appropriate size. Air and organic matter promote decay in your mix so to get it to last for months or years, careful preparation and storage is necessary. Some people like to add natural preservatives to their mixtures such as tincture of benzoin. This was a measure popularized in certain pagan books and is not particularly necessary although you can trace the origin of the inspiration of a recipe by the addition of this preservative. Salves kept in direct sunlight lose their healing properties after only a short length of time. You will notice the color of the salve will havefaded and your mix may smell rancid. Some sources: "An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present" by Doreen Valiente "Magical Aromatherapy" and "Incense, Oils and Brews" both by S Cunningham "The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils" By Julia Lawless

'Modern Witch's Flying Ointment' Here's what you'll need: 55mL of jojoba oil 10mL of wheat germ oil 10mL of a 5% dilution of narcissus in grape seed oil 11 drops of the pure essential oil of juniper berry 10 drops of the pure essential oil of bog myrtle 9 drops of the pure essential oil of myrtle 15 drops of the pure essential oil of lavender 10 drops of the pure essential oil of roman chamomile 10 drops of the pure essential oil of ylang ylang 10 drops of the pure essential oil of jasmine


Mix these oils carefully together in a cobalt blue or amber bottle gently shaking every morning and eveningfor the 3 days of the full moon. Make sure to store away from any light source and try and make it by candlelight if at all possible. When finished, you have a modern witches flying oil. This oil is potent. Use it carefully and treat it with respect as you should all essential oils. It should store for 1 - 3 months with a shelf life of up to 6 months in cobalt or amber bottles stored under 25 C and away from direct sunlight. Use your nose to check if it has gone off. To use, apply first a small amount to the inside of your elbow and wait 24h to check for reactions. Then if it is safe, apply a small amount to the soles of your feet and lie back in a safe place - preferably with a close and trusted friend with you. Make sure you have not had any caffeine or alcohol or drugs within the last 24 hours. While books which talk about flying ointments suggest smearing it all over your body, I do not recommend this approach and please keep it away from you eyes, nose and mouth even though it is quite pleasant smelling. Do not use as a massage oil. Do *not* ingest this mixture. As this mixture contains oils with contraindications, I suggest that you avoid using this mixture if you: are pregnant, depressed, have high blood pressure, sensitive skin, have a history of mental illness, or if you are suffering from prolonged insomnia. Some sources: "Magical Aromatherapy" and "Incense, Oils and Brews" both by S Cunningham "The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils" By Julia Lawless Flying Ointment Beeswax Base Recipe Here's what you'll need: 4c. Standard Beeswax Base 1/4c. skullcap 1/2c. jasmine flowers 1/2c. lavender flowers 1/4c. hawthorn berries 1/3c. elderberries 1/4c. Elderflowers 1/2c. mistletoe 1/3c. mugwort 1/4c. rue 20 drops “the pure essential oil of myrtle” 20 drops “the pure essential oil of hops” 10 drops “the pure essential oil of linden” (careful! This is often adulterated!) 10 drops “the pure essential oil of clary sage” 10ml of a 5% dilution of narcissus in grape seed oil To make standard beeswax base: In a glass double boiler melt 2 1/3 cup of beeswax gently using as low a heat as possible. Once the beeswax has melted, mix 1 2/3 cup of jojoba oil until it is smooth. I prefer to use a combination of jojoba and wheat germ oil but as this recipe calls for some Grape seed oil, I have omitted my favorite mixture in favor of thestandard. Once the mix is smooth (you have just made the base) then add your herbs to this mixture. Once added, keep at as low a temperature as possible, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Too much heat destroys the very essence you are trying to extract.


Once you have allowed the herbs to steep in the base (about 30 min), strain using a strainer to get the herbs out. You can try cheesecloth if you're feeling up to the challenge. Return the mix to the double boiler and if it is solidifying, reheat slightly but the water should still be warm enough to fend off premature hardening. At this point, add all your essential oils. DO NOT add more than 10mL of a 5% dilution of narcissus oil no matter how hard it is for you to 'fly'. It could cause nausea and even paralysis so just don't do it. Do not reheat at this point since you are almost done. When finished, decant into a sturdy, heatproof container. You now have a very potent and potentially dangerous witches flying ointment. This ointment is quite strong owing to the combinations of herbs and oils used so act in a responsible way and use it sparingly and only after ritual preparation. To use, apply first a small amount to the inside of your elbow and wait 24h to check for reactions. Then if it is safe, wash yourself completely by showering or bathing and dry for 30 min (essential as your skin will push the ointment out instead of absorbing it. Meditate on your intent and cast your Circle with someone present who will watch over you. Apply a small amount to your body keeping it away from any sensitive areas, as well as your nose, mouth, and eyes. Do *not* ingest this mixture. Once you are ready to come back, remove any remaining mixture and eat some fresh fruit, nuts and bread being careful to avoid meat, caffeine, peppermint (including tea), Chamomile tea and chocolate. Do not use this mix if you are pregnant, depressed, breast-feeding, have a history of heart disease or have high blood pressure. Some sources: "An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present" by Doreen Valiente "How Do Witches Fly?" by Dr. Alexander Kuklin "Magical Herbalism" and "Incense, Oils and Brews" both by S Cunningham "Hallucinogens and Shamanism", edited by Michael Harner "The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils" By Julia Lawless "The Herb Book" by John Lust "The Master Book of Herbalism" by Paul Beyerl Flying Ointment #2 1/2 Cup shortening 3 drops dragon's blood 3 Tbsp. mugwort Melt shortening over low heat. This is your base. Add mugwort and dragon's blood to base. Visualize your intent while stirring. Steep for 9 minutes. Strain into glass jar. Allow to cool before use.


Gateway to hyper dimensional travel and communication via altered states of consciousness transformation of the bird entering the realm of the soul and spirit world to experience the cosmic life and death there are several veils to pass multiple levels of dimensions of existence to encounter otherworldly beings and symbols in your climb up the tree It is all about the search for cosmic creation It dates back to pre-historic shamanism in a cave we forget when we are born, but, we still search for the why and the how and the what because we know there is something more something beyond the here and there and, that is all I will say The rest is up to you As above, so below

Fun Facts: Ravens, crows. Crows, ravens. Ok, which one is smarter? How come ravens get all the press, all the myths, all the attention, while their smaller cousins, C. brachyrhynchos get all the scorn? How come, eh? If you were to ask a representative from each of these species those questions, if you were to ask the smartest, the brightest individual of each of these species those questions, the crow would say, "Caw?" and the raven would say, "Quork?" And that would be the end of it.


A member of the murder Fun fact: The Association of ravens and crows refers to the term, “a murder of crows,” as “ the persistent but fallacious folktale,” that crows form tribunals to punish the bad behavior of a member of the flock. Until recently I was a, “murder of one,” then, I adopted a young crow (or he adopted me, I'm not sure which) who comes to my back porch...

His name is Einstein because he has the uncanny ability to tell time. Showing up at the same time every morning to be fed. I'll be telling you more stories about him at a later time. For now I would like to present the newest, ”Member of the Murder,” Raven Digitalis, author of the new book, “Goth Craft: The Magickal Side of Dark Culture.

Hello and Welcome to The Nest, Raven, I'm so glad you could join me here. Sorry it took me so long to get this organized but I actually have to do the 9-5 thing. Raven- Ugh! That's exactly when I like to sleep :P Krahe- As I've told my readers, I have basically designed my own path which I like to call, “Crow Magick” which has a dark, Shamanistic approach, so I was excited to see your book which expresses another unique path. Raven- I like your description of this! Very cool. Krahe- Since a flock of crows is called a Murder, the section which I will be placing interviews such as yours is entitled " A Member of the Murder" Raven- Haha! Brilliant. Krahe- Here is my basic philosophy, first and foremost in my opinion the original witches were a lot darker and much more powerful than most people want to believe or else the villagers wouldn't have feared them so. I'm sure they did their share of healing and good but wasn't there a greater amount of malediction present?


Raven- Well... the thing is, in European (and elsewhere indigenous) past, basically *everyone* practiced magick or charmery; it was just a part of the culture, and did have spiritual ties (particularly things significant to the growth of the land and service of the gods). Even with the development of Christianity, Christians even practiced charmery, spells, magick, and what we would *now* refer to as Witchcraft.' The word 'Witch' has always been an evil-based word; it's only recently that it's been reclaimed. There is a variation of this word throughout all cultures (considering that all cultures and religions believe in or practice magick, in some variation). So, a variety of people, regardless of their actual practices (which usually didn't differ much from the Christians') would simply be accused as Witches. And by this time in Europe, Christianity had already, basically stamped out all preexisting Paganisms, so the gods had already then been subjected to the 'mythology' category, with 'truth' (Christ) making its way even further. It was not Witches that people feared, in truth, but


was the *idea* of Witches. BTW I go into this a bit in my second book; you might dig it

Krahe- I'm definitely going to check it out! I've actually got it on order as we speak. Now on to the real questions about you, your book, and your philosophies...What makes your book "Goth Craft" different from other craft books? Raven- My book looks at the intersection of two cultures: that of magickal spirituality, and that of dark art, which includes the modern Gothic subculture. In the text, I examine both spheres and see how they can intersect and play together, and explore reasons why these two lifestyles can peacefully coexist for a number of people. Krahe- That's a fascinating idea! Where did your inspiration for the book come from? Raven- I... had a 'vision' to become a writer... I'll just leave it at that! (laughs) Krahe- Is your book just for Goth Witches? Raven- Not necessarily. Unfortunately, this can be assumed based on the title"Goth Craft," but I feel the book is accessible to all sorts of people, regardless of one's personal involvement in magick or dark culture. I believe that people of all backgrounds can get something out of this. For example, a person may not be interested in Goth music, but may enjoy the information on shamanic body modification, or the analogies of blood magick, death magick, and sexuality/gender. Another might be only slightly curious about Witchcraft and magick,but might like reading about the evolution of Goth and the variety of Gothic music, fashion, and philosophical bits throughout. Krahe- I read that you're from Montana? I myself lived in Wyoming for a bit and Iknow how difficult it can be for someone to stand out and do their own thing in areas such as that. What type of obstacles have you had to overcome to practise the way you want so openly? Raven- Ugh! Wyoming is *totally* different from Montana. I've driven through Wyoming a number of times, and it's absolutely desolate; the area I've seen, anyway. I'm sure it has it's redeeming qualities, but... anyway,I do like Montana. Though it's true, there are some closed minds in the state in general, and some areas where I would *not* want to tread. Luckily, I live in Western Montana, which is close to Washington, and there is much more liberality and understanding here than in other parts of the state. Missoula, the city I live in, is actually very liberal and progressive, and myself and my communities-the Pagan community, the Gothic, and the Queer community--are not frequently faced with persecution. I'm extremely grateful for that. I have actually grown up here, and though moving locations has long been something on my mind, I am satisfied and happy living here. But I don't know what I would do if I couldn't travel now and again! (laughs) Krahe- Do you personally do anything for your community to help them overcome their negative beliefs?


Raven- Sure. My Priestess Estha and myself host community rituals and magickal gatherings. We provide spiritual counselings, Tarot readings, and ritual services. If people are interested in exploring things about their inner nature, and would like some guidance in doing so,that is one of our specialties. In that sense, our work is quite shamanic; ya know, the whole "light in the darkness" sort of deal. We also have a training coven and tradition called Opus Aima Obscurae,which directly works on these things in the individual. But as far asthe greater Missoula community, we host our public events, and also just recently, OAO has started to gain information on Greenpeace and Ars Terra and how to assist them, and will be hosting Pagan communitybake sales to benefit the organization. Additionally, well, we believe that just by being good, honest, and helpful individuals, we are positively influencing people and opening minds--even if we might look a little weird and dance naked in the temple room sometimes. (laughs) Krahe- Do you came across many who think you're a devil worshiper because of your darker aspects? How do you deal with them? Raven- Well, that seems to be the most used (but least creative) criticism about both lifestyles. Yep, I've gotten accused of that, but I like to think of myself as a generally polite person, so I simply explain that these misconceptions are simply not the case. Krahe- It also sounds as though you have a little fun in your book by broaching subjects such as spellcasting on the dance floor. How does that work? Raven- Yeah! Well, I have come to realize that magick is *not* something that is restricted to formal ritual. In truth, we are *all constantly* performing magick simply by projecting our intention into our experience, thus forming reality. Magick is simply one's intention put to symbolic form. Dancing, in your example, is one way of accessing the divine; it is ritual in itself--even if it's at an industrial club! Magick is everywhere, and is constantly at our disposal. We are the magick. Krahe- You seem to have covered quite a few areas like dressing Goth, Goth music for rituals etc. What one piece of advice do you think is most important forthe Goth who wants to collide with the craft? Raven- Hmmm.. I guess I would say that they should research both lifestyles and see what they vibe with. Everyone is different and likes differentthings. It's so essential, I believe, to research things as thoroughly as possible and see what feels personally rewarding and progressive. Krahe- About Vampyrism? Could you tell us a little about your ideals on that > practise? Raven- I do discuss Vampyrism in Goth Craft; there is a type of link between the Vampyre community and the Goth and magickal communities, simply by default... the existence of energy manipulation and dark aesthetics are the main connectors of these groups. Vampyres exist, and always have. They are also not necessarily evil-doers. They simply have different requirements as individuals functioning in this world. A good friend of mine and fellow occult author, Michelle Belanger, is an expert on the topic, and I would highly suggest her books! Vampyrism is a condition or ability that is usually inherent from birth, but can be brought on through traumatic experience. If a person is aware that they must pull energy (regardless of whether they prefer feeding onprana or actual blood), this requirement can be conducted in positiveand beneficial ways. It's only when a person's Vampyrism goes unnoticed and unattended to that harm can occur to oneself or others. And just like with magick, it can be used for "good" or "bad." Responsibility is so important when working with energy. Krahe- Well that's about all I've got I don't want to spoil the reading of the book by asking too much. Thank you so much for joining me in my nest. I wish you much success on your book and future books. Raven- Thanks for talking with me, and best of luck with your fantastic new mag!


"When Paganism and Gothic culture collide, a powerful blend of independent thought and magickal transformation is often the result. Raven Digitalis explores this dynamic intersection and what draws us to the dark side. Digitalis introduces many kinds of Goths and Witches, and the philosophy of each. Practical as well as insightful, Goth Craft covers the basics of magick, with special attention to blood magick, death magick, and necromancy. You'll also learn how to channel dark emotions, express yourself through the dark arts (clothes, hair, makeup, body modification), choose appropriate Goth music for ritual, and myriad other ways to merge magickal practice with the Goth lifestyle. Also covered is vampyrism, BDSM, gender/sexuality, and the magickal-spiritual use of drugs. From working shadow magick to spellcasting on the dance floor, Goth Craft revels in the exciting convergence of two vital subcultures."

Copies can be ordered by PayPal: please send $ to or by check/money order to: Raven Digitalis P.O. Box 2666 Missoula, MT 59806, USA All copies that come from Raven are signed; just please make a note of who it should be inscribed to :) The book is $16.95, and I estimate around $3.05 for shipping and packaging, making it an even $20 per book ($31 overseas). Goth Craft can also be ordered through http//, http// (barnes & noble), http//, etc., etc., as well as at your local metaphysical store (supporting small businesses is a good thing!!).


The Caw-ing

The Séance is used to combine the individual magnetism of the people gathered at the circle to

create one source of power through which spirit or spirits can communicate. It also offers opportunity for anyone at the circle to develop their mediumship. Additionally, it is a way to gather people together in a spiritual way which is one of the chief aims of the Spirit's mission. To begin the seance always open with a prayer of your choice. a prayer to the Goddess works well. Once the seance has begun no one must leave the circle. Have pen and paper on the table in case of automatic writing or if someone wants to jot down a message. Do not exceed a two hour session. Sometimes it takes an hour for the spirits to manifest. Impressions are the voices of the spirits talking to our Spirit Guides. Once someone can communicate freely with the spirit, the spirit will take charge of the seance.

Preparing for a Seance Find a place that is quiet and comfortable for all of those attending. Lights may be adjusted for ambiance - or normal room lighting used. ●Fresh flowers sometimes attract spirits. [Flower of Life] ●It is best to be seated either around a table or in a circle on the floor. ●Candles can be used as Spirits attract to the Light [creational source] ●The number of people is not important but it is best to have a friend or relative of the person you wish to contact present. ●You may use video or audio equipment at your discretion, but bear in mind the high frequencies from Spirits may cause the equipment to shut off or sound like static. ●You might even try a few still photos. Some people use infra-red film and get very interesting images. ●Room temperature or ventilation is also at your discretion. Some spirits make the room temperature cooler - while others have the opposite effect. ●Be sure that telephones won't disturb your seance. (Note turn them off or unplug them) ●Many people prefer nighttime for séance¹s as it add to the ambiance. Rest assured - a spirit who wishes to speak does not care what time of the day it is as they do not live in linear time. there is not time in their reality. ●Now that you have set the scene for your seance, be sure that everyone is comfortable not having to get up to go to the bathroom, or to have a drink of water or smoke a cigarette. ●Decide where everyone is to sit. Some groups like to sit - male - female - male - female, etc. ●Some people prefer to use a Ouija Board during the seance. You need someone skilled in ouija to that end. There are also other variations on ouija used during a seance to allow the spirit to come through. ●You can join hands in a group to raise energy or just sit quietly. Holding hands can get annoying after a while if the seance goes on too long. ●Spirits are not affected by hand joining. Somewhere the notion that holding hands increases the communications - not true. ●A prayer may be offered before you begin asking for protection and for only the positive spirits to join your group. Some people pray to God others ask their own spirits guides or deceased loved ones for guidance and protection. ●Many spiritual people place (visualize) a white light around the room. ●People may take a deep breath with their closed as in meditation if they also wish to connect with the spirits. The medium is not the only person who can hear them. Anyone who is not afraid will be able to relax and have their own experience as well. The deep breath is to raise your level of consciousness to alpha state. You may take another slow deep breath again at any time through the seance. ●The medium may or may not need to close his / her eyes to contact the spirits. The spirit you are contacting will already know about the seance and should be there when you start. If not--they are probably not coming. ●You may close your eyes as well if you chose to make a stronger connection. Remember spirit is connecting with your thought forms not what you are physically saying. ●As the medium begins to call spirit you may experience physical things in the room-- noises, cool air blowing - a tickling sense of touch - smells of perfume, cigars, cooking odors - the table lifts a bit (that could be caused by the telekinetic energies of the people sitting at the table). ●The medium must first determine who the spirit is and who they came to talk to. ●Messages are then passed along followed by questions by the person connected to the spirit. As with all channeling - only ask the question once, not repeated until you get the desired answer you seek. ●Each person at the table should get to speak to at least one spirit. ●A good medium will not tire from this. ● ●


Sometimes spirits may come that you did not expect. Chat quickly with them - thank them - and tell them to move on. Whilst some spirits chat a lot but some just say one or two things then leave. Some answer questions while others just bring messages. There is no length of time for a sĂŠance. This is up to you, the spirit, and the medium. It's humorous when several spirits come down and they all want to talk at once. This must be paced as one would any discussion in a group. A seance can be a wonderful emotional healing experience when done in the proper setting with the proper medium. Not all spirits are human. Some are animals - generally pets who have crossed over. They speak in imagery and thought as ALL is frequency of consciousness. Some are other aspects of ourselves as we are ALL multidimensional and exist simultaneously in other realities. Some are spirit guides. Most spirits want their loved ones here to know they are OK on the other side or to clear up unfinished business. Some come to talk about their deaths.... especially in murders or suicides. Some are funny. . . some sad. Some come alone. Some come with others who wait quietly. Some speak languages foreign so have the person's spirit guides interpret for them, or they show you pictures in your mind. Some come for personal issues then go on to tell you more about the changes occurring in the Universe. Not all spirits can come to talk when called. Some are busy on the other side. Some have incarnated into physical bodies. Some simply chose not to come. Then there is this question. . . What do you do if the entities are negative and say things like "Die!" If you can not get rid of the spirit you may have to stop the seance. Someone has attracted that spirit for the adventure of it all! Dysfunctional people will attract dysfunctional spirits - As is above , So is below! Be sure you know who is in your group especially if you are a beginner! Sometimes a person can become hypnotized during a seance and fall into a trance or deep sleep. This also occurs during group meditations. Just allow the person time to wake-up slowly after the seance is over. They should have a message to report to the group


Something Shiny

Can You Imagine? (For the Child in All of Us) by Robert F. Potts Can you imagine a world without witches, A world with all people the same? Where the only known dragons are hiding in books, And children are terribly tame? A world without magic would be sad indeed. I cannot imagine the pain Of having a world where there's no Santa Claus, Where wizards are searched for in vain. Can you imagine a world without spells, That science and businesses run? And think of the sadness a unicorn feels When he no longer plays in the sun Can you imagine a world without witches, No elves, and no magical pools? And can you imagine how dull it would be If all that we had were the schools? I cannot imagine a world without witches, A world with no magical wand. A world without beauty, or even a dream, Or a wood sprite of whom to be fond They say I should grow up and be more mature, Like a normal adult ought to do. But I'd rather, at night, go to dance with a witch, And I'll bet that you feel that way, too.


How to Change the Colors of Flame

For Candles: add the chemicals to the wax, or soak the wicks in a solution of the chemicals using the "recipes" below To add to a Fire: Put three level spoons of the chemical into a paper cup; fill 1/2 full with water and stir. Soak several small chips of wood in this solution overnight. The next day, remove the chips with tweezers and lay on newspaper to dry. They can now be added to the flames to produce bright colors. Green flame: Borax or Boric acid, copper nitrates or barium nitrates, alum (thallium) Orange flame: calcium chloride Red flame: *strontium nitrate, some sources site Boric acid as well Reddish/Orange-calcium chloride Yellow flame: Table salt, Sodium Chlorate or Potassium Nitrate Yellow/Green-borax (sodium tetra borate) Purple flame: Lithium Chlorate, (potassium nitrate) White: Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) Another special effect can be achieved by sprinkling powdered iron into a flame. If this is done slowly enough, a number of yellow, sparkling "stars' can be seen clearly.


How to Make Colorful Burning Pine Cones The Things You'll Need: newspaper pine cones deep glass or plastic bowl one salt or compound for color 1. Pour 1/2 gallon of hot water into a deep glass or plastic bowl. 2. Dissolve 8 ounces of any one of the following chemicals in the water: alum (thallium) for a bright green flame strontium chloride for a bright red flame boric acid for a deep red flame calcium for a reddish-orange flame calcium chloride for a yellowish-orange flame table salt for a yellow flame borax (sodium tetraborate) for a yellow-green flame blue vitriol (copper sulfate) or barium for a green flame saltpeter (potassium nitrate) for a violet flame or Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) for a white flame. 3. Soak the pine cones in the solution for 6 hours. 4. Dry them for at least three days in a warm, dry area on newspaper or hang in a mesh bag.

Tips: To get the pine cones looking their best, heat them in the oven at 225 degrees F on a foil-covered cookie sheet. They will open all the way and look fuller.

Warnings: Use only one salt or compound for color. Be very careful handling these chemicals and follow the manufacturer's directions. Some compounds can be poisonous if mishandled.


“Spirit seeker” by Krahe


A Birds eye view

The "Crow Funeral" has often been written about, but seldom seen. A few years ago, I had the privilege of witnessing one. It was an unforgettable sight. "The sound of many crows calling at once filled the air. I peeked out the window, and everywhere I could see, crows, maybe a couple hundred of them. They were on the sidewalk. They were on the power lines. They were on the logs that served as stops for parked cars, and they were in the trees. Almost hidden against one of the logs, I saw a dead crow. There were a few crows standing near the body. The noise continued for about a minute or so, when suddenly, an unseen conductor waved his baton, and the cawing stopped. The silence was equally as loud. There was a pause. Then, the invisible conductor again waved his baton, and there was a great and noisy flurry of feathers, as the crows took off and flew in all directions. Soon they were gone, leaving their lifeless kin to the elements. I continued my watch in silent awe, feeling that I had just witnessed something few have seen. In the various articles and books I have read about the corvids and their behavior, the authors cannot agree as to whether the Crow "Funeral" is fact or legend. What it comes down to is, only the crows know the significance of this behavior. The term "funeral" is for us a convenience, a way to explain what appears to be the obvious. But, until a Crow-Human/Human-Crow dictionary comes out, we may never know the absolute truth. Better to observe and appreciate another highly evolved species and the rituals that keep their "society" together.

I don't know if there's anything to reincarnation, but if true, I'd like to come back as a crow. And if you are one of those people who have told me how much you hate these birds, well -look for me under your bedroom window someday in the future. At dawn. There is much to talk about.




for thought...)

Creativity is an Inert Gas Your nerves are on edge; You jump at the slightest sound; you've been pushed beyond your comfort zone; your soul cries out for peace. Finally, the crisis passes. You luxuriate in an atmosphere of no demands. Life's once flailing pendulum returns to its graceful arc. Your life feels centered again. This moment of emotional recovery is the best possible time to think about problems you have not been able to solve. Moments of great, creative insight always follow the times of greatest stress. It's a law of the universe. Think of creativity as an inert gas, a substance unique. An inert gas cannot enter into compounds with other substances because, in each of its atoms, the outer ring of electrons is completely full. An inert gas is completely stable and cannot be changed. Unless you jolt it with too much stimulation. Pass a current through an inert gas and a single electron in the outer ring of each atom will be pushed into an orbit where it does not belong. But it cannot stay there. As the electron falls back into its proper place, the excess energy will be released as light. This is a miracle witnessed nightly on ten million street corners in America. Without argon and mercury vapor street lights, America would be a very dark place, indeed. Without the radiant beauty of neon, we would be a much less colorful people. Recovery from over stimulation is a magical moment. As each crisis dissipates and your emotional electrons return to their proper orbits, don't close your eyes to the light. Use it for all it's worth!


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