Map of bicycle and hiking trails

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Across Drèev rut to Jasna (30 min) and 1 Across Tofov graben to Gozd Martuljek (1 h 30 min)








The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. The path leads you through the village centre, past the Hotel Razor (the first hotel in Kranjska Gora, built in 1902), across the Na Gorici Square and past the late-Gothic church of the Assumption. Turn right at the restaurant Cvitar and continue towards the casino Korona. Cross the Vršiè Street (Vršiška ulica) and then the Pišenca River. On the right side of the casino, go straight onto a steep but nice path towards Drèev rut (the Drè clearing). Further on, the trail broadens and brings you to the holiday camp Jasna. Follow the signposts and take the wider trail towards east – to Gozd Martuljek. After approximately one hour of walking you meet a junction with a sledge track in Gozd Martuljek. You can decide whether to descend along the sledge track (the forest road) to Gozd Martuljek or continue on trail No 6 towards Martuljek Waterfalls, an astonishing natural monument. It had been protected for more than 30 years before it was included in the Triglav National Park. Cross Tofov graben (the Tof streambed) between Jasna and Gozd Martuljek. Although the path is pleasant to walk on you can,however,expect a more demanding part of the trail due to constant erosion.




Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended. Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora, 810 m ASL Midpoint: Tofov graben, 975 m ASL Finish: Bus station Gozd Martuljek, 744 m ASL Distance: 8.000 m 900



750 0

Galerše (1 h) across Robe to Srednji Vrh (1h)

2 and to Gozd Martuljek (30 min)





The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. The path leads you through the centre, past the Hotel Razor (the first hotel in Kranjska Gora, built in 1902), across the Na Gorici Square and past the late-Gothic church of the Assumption. Turn left at the Hotel Kotnik towards the pension Lipa. Turn right in the first junction (next to the pension) and continue to the bus station. The path continues onto the main road Jesenice – Rateèe on the right side of the apartment building behind the bus station. Cross the main road and the Sava River. Turn right and continue uphill towards Galerše (the Galerše pasture) and past the hut. The path goes past a snack bar. At the end of the wide path you will notice a narrow, steep trail behind the paddock. Continue onto this trail through the woods, crossing several brooks, towards the first farmhouse (Pri Merkeljnu) in SrednjiVrh. Descend on the asphalt road into Gozd Martuljek.


Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended.


Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora, 810 m ASL Midpoint 1: Robe, 999 m ASL Midpoint 2: Srednji Vrh - farmhouse Smolej, 965 m ASL Finish: Bus station Gozd Martuljek, 744 m ASL Distance: 11.000 m 950


900 850 800 750 0

3 To Podkoren across the Leše field (40 min)

850 840 830 820 810 800 1



The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. The path leads you through the centre, past the Hotel Razor (the first hotel in Kranjska Gora, built in 1902), across the Na Gorici Square and past the late-Gothic church of the Assumption. Turn left at the Hotel Kotnik towards the pension Lipa. Turn right in the first junction (next to the pension) and continue to the bus station. The path continues onto the main road Jesenice – Rateèe on the right side of the apartment building behind the bus station. Cross the main road and the Sava River and then turn left. Head along the Sava River, then turn in the woods towards the hill. Turn left in both forks in the route. When you descend slightly and come out of the woods, continue straight forward (if you turn left you come to the main road). We arrive at first houses in Podkoren; you walk approximately 200 metres on the asphalt road. Then turn on the path, running parallel to the road to the Korensko Sedlo Pass. Turn left through the underpass and after several 100 metres you arrive at the beautiful village centre. In Podkoren you can also see the ski slope where the Men's World Cup Slalom and Giant Slalom Competition (Vitranc Cup) takes place and a commemorative plaque dedicated to prominent natural scientist and inventor Sir Humphry Davy. Difficulty: easy Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora, 810 m ASL Midpoint: junction towards Robe, 825 m ASL Finish: Podkoren - under the lime tree, 853 m ASL Distance: 3.600 m 0

4 Across Stan to Podkoren (1 h 30 min)





The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. The path leads you through the centre,past the Hotel Razor (the first hotel in Kranjska Gora,built in 1902),across the Na Gorici Square and past the late-Gothic church of the Assumption. Turn left at the Hotel Kotnik towards the pension Lipa. Turn right in the first junction (next to the pension) and continue to the bus station. The path continues onto the main road Jesenice – Rateèe on the right side of the apartment building behind the bus station. Cross the main road and the Sava River, and head straight onto a wide unpaved route. It leads beneath the cliffs (Peèi) and across meadows (Stan) towards Podkoren. Before crossing a dry streambed you can see a wooden hut on the right. Continue along the dry streambed and past the wooden hut. The trail ascends and joins a forest path. Turn left, then cross the Suhelj Brook and continue to the road leading to the Korensko Sedlo Pass. Cross the road as well and descend into Podkoren onto the old asphalt road leading to the village, continuing to its centre. In Podkoren you can also see the ski slope where the Men's World Cup Slalom and Giant Slalom Competition (Vitranc Cup) take place and a commemorative plaque dedicated to prominent natural scientist and inventor Sir Humphry Davy. Difficulty: easy Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint : road to Korensko sedlo,922 mASL Finish: Podkoren -under the lime tree,853 mASL Distance: 4.000 m 920 900 880 860 840 820 800 0

5 Along Èièare to Gozd Martuljek (1 h 30 min)

810 800







The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. The path leads you through the centre, past the Hotel Razor (the first hotel in Kranjska Gora, built in 1902), across the Na Gorici Square and past the late-Gothic church of the Assumption. Turn left at the Hotel Kotnik towards the pension Lipa. Turn right in the first junction (next to the pension) and continue to the bus station. The path continues onto the main road Jesenice – Rateèe on the right side of the apartment building behind the bus station. Cross the main road and the Sava River.Turn right and head along the Sava River past the sport park. Before arriving at the bridge over the Sava river head straight forward along the river on a narrow path toward Gozd Martuljek. After approximately 4 kilometres cross the Sava Bridge and continue up to the first asphalt road. You have several options now: you can either turn right, cross the main road Jesenice - Rateèe, take a lane and head for trail No 6; you can turn left instead (you will arrive at the bus station); or you can turn left, cross the bridge across the Sava River and return to the Hotel Špik on the unpaved route. Difficulty: easy Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint: junction towards SrednjiVrh,767 mASL Finish: Bus station Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Distance: 5.200 m 790 780 770 760 750

Gozd Martuljek to FirstWaterfall (45 min)

6 and to Jasenje The trail starts from the parking lot at the former pension Špik in Gozd Martuljek. Take the cycling track, then a forest path towards a charcoal pile and the gorge of the Martuljek brook. Turn left before the path starts ascending in order to get to the gorge. You can admire the idyllic gorge while crossing footbridges over the Martuljek Brook. You reach beautiful First Martuljek Waterfall. In the last part, the trail ascends and joins a wider forest path. Turn left uphill and shortly after you reach Jasenje (the Jasenje pasture). You can continue onto the marked hiking trail towards Second Martuljek Waterfall. When returning back past Jasenje,you can take the forest path towards the valley instead of turning right into the gorge. However, the path is rather steep somewhere. At the charcoal pile, take the first path. The gorge (and the area) is an outstanding natural monument that had been protected for more than 30 years before it was included in theTriglav National Park.

920 900 880 860 840 820 800 780 760 0




2 2,5


Difficulty: difficult Good walking shoes,helmet and good physical condition are recommended. Note: A path from Jasenje to Second Martuljek Waterfall is a hiking trail and is therefore quite demanding.A path through the gorge can be dangerous due to erosion. Start 1: Bus station Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Start 2: Pension Špik,744 mASL Midpoint: First MartuljekWaterfall,837 mASL Finish: Chapel in Jasenje,924 mASL Distance: 3.000 m

7 Kranjska Gora toVršiè(3 h 30 min)





The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. Take the Tièar Street (Tièarjeva ulica) and head towards the Hotel Lek. Turn right at the end of the parking lot behind the hotel, pass the tennis courts and continue towards a forest path, which later joins a trail crossing the slope.Turn left and continue towards Lake Jasna onto the path running parallel to the road to theVršiè Pass. Go past Lake Jasna and past the Mala Pišenca Valley. Continue onto the forest path which steeply ascends after it crosses the Pišenca River. The path continues under the power supply line towards the former pension Erika. When arriving at Erika take trails crossing pastures and leading through the wood. Once or twice you return back onto the road leading up to theVršiè Pass, but shortly after you go into the woods again. Shortcuts lead you onto the old Russian Road (Ruska cesta) towards the Mihov Dom (mountain hut) and past the Russian chapel. Cross the road and return onto it on the 17th hairpin bend. Turn left from the road and descend to the Stari Tamar pasture. After approximately 200 metres, the path turns right and returns onto the old Russian Road; it passes Erjavèeva Koèa, Poštarski Dom and Tièarjev Dom (mountain huts) and ascends to the Vršiè Pass, the highest mountain pass in the eastern Julian Alps. Along the way you can see numerous natural monuments and examples of cultural heritage, such as Ajdovska deklica (an image of a female face in the mountain wall of Prisank), the Prisank Window (an opening in the rock of Prisank), the Russian Chapel and the burial ground where the bodies of the Russian prisoners of war (who built the road) are buried.


Difficulty: difficult Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended.





Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: junction at the bridge at Erika,869 mASL Midpoint 2: Russian Chapel,1.158 mASL Midpoint 3: StariTamar,1.390 mASL Finish: theVršiè Pass,1.611 mASL 1.200 1.100 1.000 900

8 Kranjska Gora to Krnica (2 h 30 min)




The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. Take the Tièar Street (Tièarjeva ulica) and head towards the Hotel Lek. Continue onto the road, leading to the Vršiè Pass, towards Lake Jasna and the former Pension Erika. Turn left before the bridge at Erika and head along the Pišenca River towards the hut in the Krnica Valley. When returning you have two possibilities; you can either return on the same path or you can turn left (leading uphill) in the MaliTamarValley,towards the road to the Vršiè Pass and the Mihov Dom mountain hut. In the Mali Tamar Valley you can see a memorial to mountaineers who died in mountains. Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes and good physical condition are required.


Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint: junction at the bridge at Erika,869 mASL Finish: Hut in Krnica,1.124 mASL Distance: 6.900 m 1.050

1.000 950 900 850


9 Kranjska Gora to Planica (2 h) andTamar (1 h)





The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. Take the Borovška Street (Borovška cesta) and pass the Hotel Larix and the Hotel Kompas. Continue on the cycling track that runs under ski tows towards Podkoren. Immediately after the ski slope where the Vitranc Cup takes place turn left onto a narrow path. Continue past the chairlift where the trail turns slightly left and passes Struge. Continue on the cross-country ski track towards meadows on the other side from where you can see a ski tow in the Planica Valley. Head towards the Curricular and Extracurricular Activities Centre; when arriving at the Centre, turn right towards ski jumps. Keep on the path, leading beside the ski jumps, and head towards an unpaved road that leads into the Tamar Valley. After several 100 metres you can either take the left or the unpaved route on the right which is closed for traffic during the day. Along the way you can admire the second source of the Sava River and a nature reserve Zelenci if you take trail No 12. In Planica you can see two ski jumps where a man jumped over 100 metres for the first time,and the biggest ski-flying hill in the world where the 200m mark was achieved as well.


Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended.





900 850


Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: Former railway station in Podkoren,836 mASL Finish: Hut inTamar,1.108 mASL Distance: 10.100 m

10 Across Peèi (30 min)




The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. The path leads you through the centre, past the Hotel Razor (the first hotel in Kranjska Gora, built in 1902), across the Na Gorici Square and past the late-Gothic church of theAssumption.Turn left at the Hotel Kotnik towards the pension Lipa. Turn right in the first junction (next to the pension) and continue to the bus station. The path continues onto the main road Jesenice – Rateèe on the right side of the apartment building behind the bus station. Cross the main road and the Sava River and continue straight onto a wide unpaved road. After several 100 metres of walking you come across a fork in the route. Turn left on a steep and narrow path, and ascend over Peèi (the Peèi cliffs) affording superb views. Continue towards the junction with trail No 3. You can either continue towards Podkoren and Kranjska Gora, or you can take trail No 3. If you choose the second option,turn left after approximately 500 metres,cross the Sava River and the main road,and– taking the cycling track– return to Kranjska Gora. Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended.




Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint: junction towards Brda (meadow),825 mASL Finish: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Distance: 3.400 m 840 830 820 810 800














Start: Bus station Rateèe,862 mASL Midpoint: Mountain hutTromeja,1.149 mASL Finish: Tromeja (peak Peè),1.508 mASL Distance: 4.700 m

19 Èièare to SrednjiVrh (2 h)

Difficulty: easy

1.500 1.400 1.300 1.200 1.100










Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint: junction towards SrednjiVrh,783 mASL Finish: SrednjiVrh -junction towards theVavèar farmhouse,952 mASL Distance: 5.000 m

20 Kranjska Gora toVitranc





Difficulty: difficult Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended. Note: In case of descending with the chairlift it is obligatory to buy a ticket in advance. Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint: Upper station of the chairliftVitranc 1,1.117 mASL Finish: Upper station of the chairliftVitranc 2,1.564 mASL Distance: 5.400 m 1.500

1.400 1.300 1.200 1.100







850 840 830 820 810 0



Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: crossroads at the former railway station in Podkoren,836 mASL Midpoint 2: crossroads at the former railway station in Rateèe,862 mASL Finish: Rateèe,866 mASL Distance: 5.700 m


2 Heading downstream with the Sava RiverValley









Similar as the bike route running to the east up to Rateèe, you can also take the track of the former disused railway to the west - to Jesenice. Being very easy, this track is very family-oriented. The only “problem” might be the length of the route. Moreover, when returning, the track ascends gently along the Sava DolinkaValley towards Kranjska Gora. Through all the time, the track leads you near the water which offers pleasant freshness in summer. The path winds between the woody Karavanke Mountains and the rocky as well as h?ghJulian Alps. Very soon after leaving Kranjska Gora and crossing the Sava River at Gozd Martuljek, you take the cycling track again. From there, you can admire the spectacular view of the Špik Mountains group. This is the only section of the cycling track to Jesenice, where you have to take the main road so proceed with caution. The next village you ride through is Mojstrana. From there, the three valleys of Vrata, Kot and Krma open up to the south towards the foothills of Triglav.What is more, you can cycle through the Radovna Valley which takes you to Bled as well. In Mojstrana, the path takes you again to the right bank of the Sava River under the steep slopes of the Mežakla plateau. Along the main road, the bike track reaches Jesenice. Now it's time for going back you take the same cycling track; it leads you against the flow and a bit uphill.


Stretching from Rateèe towards the east, a former disused railway is now restored as a cycle track leading from Kranjska Gora to Rateèe as well as to the other side -Jesenice. The path is convenient for a family cycle ride. Apart from cyclists, the bike track is used by skaters and hikers as well. As the cyclists are the fastest, they have to show consideration for other track users. Many children make their first steps in learning to ride a bike here; the asphalt path is wide and not steep. You start off the bike route in Kranjska Gora, passing Podkoren which is situated on the opposite bank of the Sava River– the sunny side of the valley that was, as well as its side valleys, shaped by glaciers in the past. Shortly after Podkoren, the track brings you to the Zelenci natural reserve which is the spring of the Sava Dolinka River. The name (Zelenci – “the Greens”) hints you already the colour of the little lake lying on a swampy terrain. After leaving Zelenci behind you, the valley soon opens up and the side Planica Valley appears to the south, rich with the well-known ski jumps. Only few minutes more, and you arrive in Rateèe,the last village before the Italian border and one of the coldest places in Slovenia.

Rateèe 1 To the spring of Slovenia's longest river



The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. Take the Tièar Street (Tièarjeva ulica) and head towards the Hotel Lek. Turn right at the end of the parking lot behind the hotel, pass the tennis courts and continue towards a forest path, which later joins a trail crossing the slope. Turn left and continue towards Lake Jasna on the path running parallel to the road to the Vršiè Pass. The path branches off and starts ascending. Later it branches off onto the right and leads along the edge of the woods above ski tows. Later, when crossing a ski slope and arriving at the top of the ski slope in Podkoren where theVitranc Cup takes place,the trail turns steeply uphill toVitranc. From the top of Vitranc you can head towards the upper station of the chairlift that drives to the peak of Vitranc.There you can join trail No 13 and continue along the ridge towards west. After approximately a 45 minute-walk you arrive at the peak of Ciprnik. You can either descend on the same path or return to the valley by the chairlift. It is also possible to walk some parts of the path and then take the chairliftVitranc 1 orVitranc 2.


The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. The path leads you through the village centre, past the Hotel Razor (the first hotel in Kranjska Gora, built in 1902), across the Na Gorici Square and past the late-Gothic church of the Assumption. Turn left at the Hotel Kotnik towards the Pension Lipa. Turn right in the first junction (next to the Pension Lipa) and continue to the bus station.The path continues onto the main road Jesenice– Rateèe on the right side of the apartment building behind the bus station. Cross the main road and the Sava River.Turn right and head along the Sava River past the sport park. Before the bridge over the Sava River, turn left onto a nice path. After several kilometres of walking and before crossing the Jurež Brook (across the Frtalež meadow) head uphill to SrednjiVrh. Descend onto the asphalt road to Gozd Martuljek.


Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended.

18 Tromeja






11 Rateèe to Planica (1 h)




The trail starts from the pillar at the bus station in Rateèe. Head towards south, cross the main road and continue towards the PlanicaValley.You can either walk along the asphalt road or you can take the cycling track that leads towards Podkoren. After several 100 metres turn right onto a nice path and later join trail No 9. In Planica you can see two ski jumps where a man jumped over 100 metres for the first time,and the biggest ski-flying hill in the world where the 200m mark was reached as well.

930 920





The trail starts from the pillar at the bus station in Rateèe. Pass the church of Holy Ghost and go towards the centre. Turn right at the restaurant Pri Žerjavu and continue through the village, direction north-west. After approximately 500 metres take the right turn onto a narrow path.When you come to a cart track,turn onto it and continue through the wood towards the Planinski DomTromeja. Later you can choose between two possibilities: you can either climb a steep, but shorter path towards the peak of Tromeja, or you can continue onto the cart track, which is also a part of a cycling track. You can return either on the same path or you can take cycling track No 8,via Podkoren.

Difficulty: easy Start: Bus station Rateèe,862 mASL Midpoint: Planica,941 mASL Finish: Bus station Rateèe,862 mASL Distance: 4.900 m 910 900 890 880 870 860


Rateèe to Zelenci (the source of the Sava River)

12 and back past the chairliftVelika Dolina

865 860 855


The trail starts from the pillar at the bus station in Rateèe. Head through the village towards east,cross the main road and go to a parking lot. From there it should take 10 minutes to reach Zelenci,a source of the Sava River. When returning, you can head towards Podkoren; after several 100 metres cross the Sava River and, passing the chairlift, return to Rateèe on the cycling track. An area called Zelenci is a nature reserve where a few rare and indigenous plant and animal species live. The area was researched by Sir Humphry Davy, a renowned natural scientist and inventor. A special feature of Zelenci is the constant water temperature,varying between 5 and 6 degrees Celsius irrespective of air temperature. Difficulty: easy Start: Bus station Rateèe,862 mASL Midpoint: Outlook tower in Zelenci,837 mASL Finish: Bus station Rateèe,862 mASL Distance: 3.400 m 850 845 840 835 0

13 With chairlift toVitranc and to Ciprnik


The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Kranjska Gora. Take the Borovška Street (Borovška cesta) past the Hotel Larix and the Hotel Kompas and continue towards the lower station of the chairlift Vitranc 1. Take the chairlift to arrive at the lower station of the chairlift Vitranc 2 and ascend to Vitranc. Go westward along the ridge; after approximately a 45 minute-walk you arrive at the peak of Ciprnik.

900 1

Difficulty: difficult Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended.


1.600 1.500 1.400 1.300 1.200 1.100 1.000


Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: lower station of the chairliftVitranc 1,817 mASL Midpoint 2: upper station of the chairliftVitranc 2,1.564 mASL Finish: Ciprnik,1.746 mASL Distance: 2.700 m (only walking!) Distance: 4.500 m (with the chairlift)

14 Mojstrana to Granèišèe (1 h)



The trail starts from the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Mojstrana. Cross the bridge over the Triglavska Bistrica River and take the road leading to the Vrata Valley. On the left you can see the Viharnik garden and later the Triglav Museum Collection. Before the road starts ascending (opposite of apartment buildings) turn right on a trail; keep to the right throughout the walk. When you arrive at the Granèišèe Hill,your effort is certainly repaid– you can enjoy a spectacular view.






Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended. Start: Tourist Office Mojstrana,644 mASL Midpoint: Granèišèe,844 mASL Finish: Tourist Office Mojstrana,644 mASL Distance: 4.000 m

Mojstrana to Lake Kreda– to Ros 15 and back to Mojstrana (1 h)



The trail starts at the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Mojstrana. Head along the Triglavska Bistrica River past the holiday farm Pr' Železn'k. The asphalt road turns into an unpaved road and narrows. Shortly afterwards you turn left up a narrow path and soon you arrive at beautiful Lake Kreda.You can return either on the same track or you can head left towards the farmhouse Ros and take the state road leading past theTriglav Museum Collection,which is also a part of trail No 16.

720 710 700


Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes and good physical condition are recommended. Start: Tourist Office Mojstrana,644 mASL Midpoint: Kreda,706 mASL Finish: Tourist Office Mojstrana,644 mASL Distance: 4.500 m

690 680 670 660 650

16 Mojstrana to PeriènikWaterfall (1 h)






The trail starts at the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Mojstrana. Head along the Triglavska Bistrica River past the holiday farm Pr' Železn'k. The asphalt road turns into an unpaved route and narrows. Continue towards the farmhouse Ros. There you can either take the unpaved state road leading towards the Vrata Valley or you can walk on the right bank of the Triglavska Bistrica River. After several kilometres you arrive at 52-metre-high waterfall Periènik. You can see it from the road; what is more,you can climb a short path up to the waterfall and reach it in several minutes.You can also take a short walk behind it. Difficulty: moderate Good walking shoes are recommended. Start: Tourist Office Mojstrana,644 mASL Midpoint 1: Farmhouse Ros,698 mASL Midpoint 2: PeriènikWaterfal,795ASL Finish: Tourist Office Mojstrana,644 mASL Distance: 10.700 m


Mojstrana - Triglavski gaj – Dovje – viewpoint Bajer –

17 campsite Kamne – Mojstrana (2 h)

740 720 700 680 660


The trail starts at the pillar in front of the Tourist Office in Mojstrana. Cross the bridge over the Triglavska Bistrica River and continue westward on a narrow path towards the park Triglavski gaj. Turn right at the end of the park and cross the bridge over the Sava River. Climb narrow stairs and a narrow path towards Dovje. The path leads past the St Michael church, through the village centre to the museum and shop Pr' Katr. Continue through the village and turn east, uphill to the viewpoint Bajer. Return onto the same path to a junction and turn left towards the campsite Kamne. Cross the main road Jesenice – Rateèe, walk along the road towards the bridge over the Sava River and head westward along the former railway tracks. At Požgancov Bridge return to Mojstrana and the starting point. Difficulty: easy Start: Tourist Office Mojstrana,644 mASL Midpoint: Pr' Katr,716 mASL Finish: Tourist Office Mojstrana,644 mASL Distance: 6.100 m

640 0


Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: Pension Špik in Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Midpoint 2: bridge over the Sava River in Mojstrana,651 mASL Finish: crossroads at the restaurant Ejga in Jesenice,571 mASL Distance: 24.800 m 750 700 650 600


3 Planica and Tamar





A nice asphalted cycling track takes you from Kranjska Gora westwards to the road where you turn left to the valley under Ponce. Soon you will catch sight of world-known ski jumps. You will not miss the eye-catchingVelikanka ski-flying hill (“the Giant One”) on which ski jumpings at around 240 meters of length are possible. The building of ski jumps was possible in the typical glacial valley. Passing the ski jumps,the path takes you to a gentle slope. Fortunately,a barrier does not allow the cars to drive further into the valley. Therefore, cyclists can enjoy their ride in the beautiful natural environment. You take a sandy path that is covered at some spots with rocks which had rolled down into the valley with torrents from the steep mountain walls. Through the woods, the track takes you to a green oasis at the foothills of the mountain walls and you reach the very edge of the Triglav National Park. Tamar is one of the most beautiful valleys. What is more, a mountain hut at the end of the cycling track offers you nice refreshments. From there onwards, you can only go hiking since the mighty mountain walls of Jalovec cannot be reached by bike. Therefore, you take the same path for your ride back. When descending, proceed with caution on a sandy ground which might be rolling at some spots.





900 850


Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: crossroads at the former railway station in Podkoren,836 mASL Midpoint 2: crossroads at the former railway station in Rateèe,862 mASL Finish: Hut inTamarValley,1.108 mASL Distance: 10.700 m


4 The well-known uphill bike climb





This is the most famous mountain pass which every cyclist has to reach once in his/her life. Built in the World War I, the road connects the Zgornjesavska Valley with the Trenta Valley in the Primorska Region. The road has become the concept of bike climbs and a popular topic among cyclists who like to compare the times they needed to reach the mountain pass. The tour is not an explicit mountain bike route; you ascend the asphalt road for cars. For this reason,proceed with caution here as well. Starting off in Kranjska Gora,pass the Lek hotel where you can start to measure your ascent time.Then pass Lake Jasna and cross the bridge over the Pišnica River.There you see a turning to the KrnicaValley. The road begins to ascend and there are more and more increasingly steep hairpin bends.There are 24 hairpin bends on the way to the top; if it takes you less than one hour to reach the peak, you make it one of the top-most ascent times.Also when racing,a climb to theVršiè pass is still worth the effort– during your ascent,you can enjoy wonderful scenery of the surrounding mountains which you are approaching. If this was not challenging enough for you, you can ascend to Poštarski dom above the mountain pass. To this mountain hut, follow a very steep sandy path from which you get even more panoramic views. There are only 80 altitude meters, and if not by bike, the path with beautiful views is worth doing it at least on foot.Take the same path when returning.






1.100 1.000 900 0

Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: bridge at the former pension Erika,869 mASL Midpoint 2: the Russian Cross,1.042 mASL Midpoint 3: the Russian Chapel,1.158 mASL Finish: Vršiè 1.611 mASL Distance: 11.800 m

The KrnicaValley

5 Along the Pišnica River to the heart of the mountains





Take the main road leading towards theVršiè pass over to Primorska. Ride along the Pišnica River and pass Lake Jasna. Soon you reach the heart of the mountains which close up one more valley to the south,similar to many others in the ZgornjesavskaValley. All the way from Kranjska Gora, you can enjoy the fantastic view of steep mountain walls of the Julian Alps.You approach their heart– their foothills. Soon after passing the lake, turn left before the Pišnica Bridge to an unpaved road winding along a small river all the time.White gravelly stones glitter in the sun and make you want to refresh in the clear cold water. At some spots, the road is covered with a layer of rubble that had been rolled down by the torrents from the mountains. After pleasant and easy cycling, the valley opens up. From this point up to the hut in Krnica, the final ascent is in front of you.Your trip finishes at the mountain hut; because from there, only small paths lead up to the mountains' peaks which surround this wonderful valley. Sometimes you even have to lean your head backwards so that you can capture the entire view of the peaks of Prisank,Razor and Škrlatica– the latter being the highest among them. Take the same road when returning.







Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint: bridge at the former pension Erika,869 mASL Finish: Hut in KrnicaValley,1.117 mASL Distance: 6.900 m


6 Under the north face of Triglav Like the Planica and the Pišnica Valley in the upper Zgornjesavska Valley, the three almost parallel valleys stretch from Mojstrana into the heart of the mountains. These are the Vrata, the Kot and the KrmaValley.All of them lead to the foothills of Triglav,the highest Slovenian mountain. For Mojstrana, take the cycling track which connects Kranjska Gora and Jesenice. In Mojstrana, turn right towards the mountains. After a few kilometres,you hear the roaring Periènik waterfall on the right side. Its water falls down over 60 meters deep. For the sightseeing of the entire waterfall,you have to go on foot. Otherwise being rather gradual, the track grows steeper after leaving the waterfall behind you. It remains steep for a very short time. Afterwards, a gentle ascent leads you to your destination – the Aljažev dom hut which is a starting-point and a meeting place for mountaineers who start off their tours in the surrounding mountains. Your cycle tour is finished here because there is only a footpath leading to the end of the valley i.e. to the foothills of Triglav. Many people take advantage of the road which enables the access by car.Thus,the traffic in the valley is very likely to be increased at weekends.Therefore,proceed with caution.





On the way back, you can take a break from cycling in the Triglav Museum Collection in Mojstrana in which you will be introduced to the mountaineering history and climbing up the Triglav's north face under which theVrataValley takes you to.



900 850 800 750 700 650 0

Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: Pension Špik in Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Midpoint 2: bridge over the Sava River in Mojstrana,651 mASL Midpoint 3: Hut at PeriènikWaterfall,751 mASL Finish: alpine hutAljažev dom,1.010 mASL Distance: 23.800 m

The Krma Valley

7 The longest valley underTriglav





For the longest valley under Triglav, start off in Mojstrana which you reach by following the already mentioned cycling track on the former disused railway line connecting Kranjska Gora and Jesenice. In Mojstrana, take the road towards Bled where you can also get by bike if you are fit enough. But bear in mind the way back afterwards. On the Kosmaè pass, the road branches off into another one of the three valleys – the Kot Valley. However,the cycling path leads just through the woods which are not likely to be that much interesting. Go on to the next pass where the road branches off left to the RadovnaValley through which you can get to Bled.There are some scattered farms in the area of the Upper RadovnaValley where you can take the way back later on. Continue towards Krma which winds between the mountain walls. Either in the Vrata Valley or here you cannot get to the very end by bike. Your stop is on the Zasip pasture (Zasipska planina) –with a mountain hut, offering refreshments to many hikers and mountaineers who take this path when starting off thier mountain tours.





650 0

Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: Pension Špik in Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Midpoint 2: bridge over the Sava River in Mojstrana,651 mASL Midpoint 3: the Kosmaè Pass,844 mASL Finish: Hut in KrmaValley,865 mASL Distance: 22.200 m

8 Tromeja/TheThree-BorderArea Start off in Kranjska Gora and follow the hiking/cycling track on the former disused railway line which used to connectTrbiž and Jesenice.You get to the road leading towards Planica andTamar. Most of the visitors would turn left towards the giant ski jumps, but you turn right, cross the main road and cycle to Rateèe. This is one of Slovenia's coldest villages – a special location causes very low winter temperatures here. Fortunately,this is not the case during your cycling tour. Follow the main road through the village towards the border crossing. Passing a restaurant “Šurc” at the end of the village, turn right to a forest road which starts winding between the meadows and a nice panoramic view keeps opening up to you. The road leads through the forest and for some time, you cannot enjoy the view until you make it to the very top. A gentle slope, not too difficult, takes you to the top where you are rewarded for all your efforts. Moreover, the road itself is nice and quite smooth so do not worry about it. There is only one junction on your way where you have to take the uphill road. Otherwise, simply follow the signposts. It is important for you to enjoy the cycling and the wonderful panoramic views over all the three countries seen from the top. Looking to the right beneath,you can see a mountain hut on the Three-Border Area where you can enjoy your meal. A tasty“pasulj”(bean-soup)





with boletus is a very good choice. Along the ski tow, a bit steeper cart track takes you to the hut. Be careful when riding downhill to the hut. Although the altitude difference is only good 50 meters, the track is rather steep. After your meal,you can take the same way back. However,at the above mentioned crossroads,you can turn left and descend on a gentle slope to the main road leading from the Korensko sedlo border crossing. Return to Kranjska Gora by following the main road.

1.500 1.400


Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: crossroads at the former railway station in Podkoren,836 mASL Midpoint 2: crossroads at the former railway station in Rateèe,862 mASL Midpoint 3: Tromeja (Peè),1.508 mASL Midpoint 4: end of the forest path above Poljana,1.029 mASL Finish: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Distance: 27.400 m 1.300 1.200 1.100




9 Vošca Sunny slopes above Kranjska Gora, offering splendid views




This is a cycling route offering you the most beautiful views of the Julian Alps during all your bike tour. To enjoy this scenery, climb up by bike from Podkoren towards Korensko sedlo. Shortly before the border crossing, turn right to a forest road. This leads on a gentle slope of the southern side of the west Karavanke Mountain ridge. You will enjoy this bike tour for the spectacular views of the Julian Alps which you get after Brvoge where a televison tower stands. The forest becomes thinner here. When cycling in this area, you come across several ravines carved into the slope. You can enjoy the view over grassy meadows of Kranjska Gora ski slopes ascending to the peak of Vitranc. At the Jurež pasture ( Jureževa planina), there is a turning towards Vošca which you can cilmb on foot. At the top, you can enjoy the view over Carinthia. A similar view is offered from the Blek pasture (Blekova planina) to which you can come by bike – take the left turning a bit later, just before your ascent. This is finished when you come to the ŽeleznicaValley through which the Jerman brook flows.You can follow the brook when cycling downhill through the valley. The descent is technically difficult and therefore convenient only for experienced bikers with top equipment. If you are not one of those, you are recommended to return following the track of your arrival.


1.400 1.300 1.200 1.100




Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: crossroads at the former railway station in Podkore,836 mASL Midpoint 2: beginning of the forest path above Poljan,1.029 mASL Finish: ŽeleznicaValley,1.519 mASL Distance: 15.700 m

Srednji Vrh

10 A panorama above Gozd Martuljek













concrete sections on your way to the Zacchi mountain hut. It is here where you test your physical condition. If you succeed to the top without making stops, you must be extermely fit. However, there is nothing wrong with taking some breaks – you are here to enjoy the splendid scenery of the western mountain walls of the Ponce Mountains. You reach the mountain hut hoping it is open because you really deserve refreshment. Descend by following the same steep, half-concrete road. Some might find this not interesting enough. However, you can also ride downhill by taking a well-marked and nice hiking path which starts on the left of the hut from the direction of your arrival. Since the path is used by hikers, you should show consideration for them when meeting some. Although this winding path is paved at the bends, it is still very difficult.







Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: crossroads at the former railway station in Podkoren,836 mASL Midpoint 2: crossroads at the former railway station in Rateèe,862 mASL Midpoint 3: junction towards the lakes Fusine in Italy,866 mASL Finish: Zacchi mountain hut,1.380 mASL Distance: 17.000 m

Dovška Rožca

14 A sunny pasture above Dovje





Above Mojstrana, on the left bank of the Sava Dolinka River, there is an idyllic, sunny village of Dovje. From there, you can start a wonderful cycling tour towards the steep slopes of the Karavanke Mountains,as far as to the Dovška Rožca pasture. Follow the cycling track from Kranjska Gora towards Mojstrana. Ascend over the highway and arrive in Dovje. Follow a nice forest road which ascends gently at the beginning. After a sharp turning to the left at the crossroads, the road gradually becomes steeper. The slope gets even steeper after another turning to the right. Moreover, a sandy and slippery ground does not make your cycling easier. Due to cycling through woods, there are not many panoramic views offered. However, being completely focused on the climb up, you will not even miss the views. Anyway, you are awarded when reaching the Dovška Rožca pasture where there is a mountain hut as well. The last 100 meters of the ascent should be mentioned extremely difficult– you can walk on foot to make your tour easier if you want. At the hut, you regain the strength for the descent, admiring the unique panorama of the Julian Alps on the other side, as well as the mighty Mežakla plateau and the Karavanke Mountains. If you need more of the challenge,take the path on foot to Dovška Baba which is 200 meters higher. From there,the view is even more spectacular– to the north towardsAustria and even further. Descend by taking the same track back,and watch out for some steep,sandy and slippery sections.







Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: Pension Špik in Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Midpoint 2: bridge over the Sava River in Mojstrana,651 mASL Midpoint 3: junction towards Ravne,1.070 mASL Finish: Dovška Rožca pasture,1.640 mASL Distance: 22.600 m

Information UpravaTriglavskega narodnega parka na Bledu (The Board of theTriglav National Park) Ljubljanska cesta 27,SI -4260 Bled Tel.: +386 4 578 02 00,Fax: +386 4 578 02 01 E-mail:

Starting in the village of Gorje, the Radovna Valley Bike Route leads you up the valley past several interesting sites. In the village of Zgornja Radovna the track joins the existing Cultural Path.The aim of the route is to present the sites of the valley and to encourage people to actively experience the nature. It is aimed at those who like to cycle, spend time in nature and admire cultural landscape. The Radovna Valley Bike Route runs along the valley of the Radovna River from the village of Krnica near the village of Zgornje Gorje to the farmhouse Pocarjeva domaèija, which is also a museum, in the village of Zgornja Radovna. The route is approximately 16 kilometres long and it takes one 2,5 to 3,5 hours to walk it, including stops at info-points. It mostly runs on the unpaved road through the valley; if one wants to avoid the ascent at the end of the route, he/she can take an easier track. Along the route there are more than 10 information boards with descriptions of the valley and its sites and characteristics. A visitor can follow information columns with clear marks leading from site to site. A visitor – cyclist can choose a direction of return himself.

When cycling in the National Park a visitor should take roads and tracks. Cycling on tracks in the natural environment of meadows,pastures and forests is not acceptable.

The RadovnaValley Bike Route Cycling is an appropriate way of visiting the Triglav National Park, cycling rules being taken into account. By cycling one can genuinely and directly experience and observe the landscape. Moreover, cycling is good for health and, as an alternative to motor traffic, can importantly contribute to the reduction of environmental burden.

TheTriglavska Bistrica River Path TheTriglavska Bistrica River Path runs up theVrataValley. It starts directly at the entrance to theVrata Valley at the farmhouse Ros, which is a border of the central area of the Triglav National Park. The thematic path connects the most interesting parts of forest and other natural monuments, such as the Galleries (natural »roofs« made out of limestone), the end of the Vrata Valley shaped like an amphitheatre and the Periènik Waterfall. The path runs mostly along the Triglavska Bistrica River and only occasionally joins a road. Including a short climb to the Periènik Waterfall, a walking tour on the 10-kilometre-long path ending under the north face of Triglav lasts 3 hours. However, visitors can shorten the path according to their wishes and visit only those sites they are interested in. There are information columns of the Tourist Board along the path and info-points with boards containing descriptions of the path and sites.

The inhabitants and visitors can get to know the natural and cultural heritage of the protected area in theTriglav National Park.To meet people and get to know nature and cultural landscape of the park is a unique experience; however,visitors should follow the basic goals of environmental protection.


Code of conduct in theTriglav National Park When visiting the Triglav National Park visitors should respect customs and the way of living of its inhabitants. Visitors can admire plants, but they are not allowed to pick them. Visitors should not be loud in order not to disturb animals. Litter should not be thrown away. Dogs should be kept on the lead. Park paths are intended for wanderers, therefore cycling on the park paths is not allowed. Visitors should follow the marks on the columns. Vehicles should be parked on places intended for vehicles or along the road.

A visit to theTriglav National Park with heart and mind Peaks of the mountains,wild and deep gorges,the richness of flora,the cultural landscape with pastures and picturesque villages with rich cultural heritage invite you for a visit. To get to know the nature, the cultural landscape and people in the National Park is a remarkable experience; however, a visitor has to bear in mind the basic aims of nature preservation.We wish you a genuine and unforgettable experience when visiting theTriglav National Park and its thematic paths. At the same time visitors should bear in mind that they are guests in the beautiful,yet sensitive environment that should remain unchanged after the visit.

In accordance with natural conditions the cultural landscape and heritage typical of the area have been developing for thousands of years. Environment and way of living are closely interlinked. The water divide between the Adriatic Sea basin and the Black Sea basin is also an architectural divide – the culture of stone is in the south, whereas the culture of wood is in the north. Such as material obtainable in the nature determines civil engineering, steep slopes determine a species of domestic animals. Due to steep and a rather few grassy slopes in the Trenta Valley, breeding of small livestock developed after the closing of ironworks, although the breeding of cattle is typical of the Gorenjska region. Preservation of the cultural element is as important for the existence of theTriglav National Park as its unspoilt nature.

TheTriglav National Park is an Alpine, mountain park. However, it is wrong to think that there are only high mountains and rocks. An instantly recognisable element of the park is forest.Two thirds of the park are covered with forest; also valleys, plateaus and slopes are overgrown with forest which ends in the area of severe alpine climate where only dwarf pines grow. The most common bedrock is limestone, where for several thousand years water has carved features that can be seen today, such as runnels, grikes, floors, caves etc. The most fascinating feature is mountain lakes that stay on the surface despite the limestone bedrock.Water also appears in other forms of appearance; it flows away on two drainage areas– the Adriatic Sea basin and the Black Sea basin.Water of good quality is the capital for the third millennium and theTriglav National Park has a lot of it. More than 5,500 different animal species found their natural habitat in that area, and several of them can be found only in the region of the Park,such as stygian ringlet,Pretneria triglavensis (a beetle),Soèa trout,Zois' bellflower,Bohinj Iris etc.

Above Gozd Martuljek,on the woody slopes of the Karavanke Mountains,good 200 m above the Sava 15 Bike Park Kranjska Gora Dolinka Valley, a grassy plain opens up with some scattered farms of Srednji Vrh. Glaciers created this shelf which offers one of the most breathtaking views over Slovenian mountains, the Martuljek and the For some years, there has been a very successful bike park in Kranjska Gora aimed at everyone who Špik Mountains group. wants to challenge their biking skills in downhill. A modern quad chair lift – Vitranc 1 – takes bikers, Starting off in Kranjska Gora,follow the cycling track to Gozd Martuljek.Turn left and follow a narrow together with their bikes, uphill to the beginning of the tracks which lead over 300 altitude meters deep asphalted road that hardly allows two cars to meet. Ascend towards Srednji Vrh. Sharp bends lead down the hill. Various tracks include artifical obstacles that spice up your ride. The beginners as well as uphill on a very steep slope. Down in the depth, you can hear a waterfall noise of the Jerman stream well-experienced downhill riders are offered a lot of fun in this “biking playground”. The tracks are well which flows from Železnica down the valley,passing SrednjiVrh,into the Sava River. marked; you can get further information down at a bike park log cabin. It is also possible to rent a topAfter a steep climb up, you are rewarded with wonderful views over the Mountains group rising level bike designed for park ride. Apart from bikes,you can rent protective equipment as well which gives towards the sky on the other side of the valley. For this spectacular view, you should choose a clear and you confidence and allows you jumps over the obstacles without fear of injuries. For beginners as well sunny day for this trip.Thus,you can enjoy the mountain scenery in all its beauty. some skills, is a school as f held in the park. Thus you can improve your biking skills with professional mountain biking If the ascend was not challenging enough, climb up on to or thethose Jurežwith farmhouse whichthere lies on secludedof riding techniques instructors who are ready to provide help to everyone who has decided for enjoying this bike park, spot at the end of the cart track. known far and wide. Take the same track when returning.







Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint: Pension Špik in Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Finish: the Jurež farmhouse,1.028 mASL Distance: 8.200 km


11 A fabulous and wild world of mountain streams


It is hard to believe that a picturesque valley between Mojstrana and Gozd Martuljek so unknown is. As far as its beauty is concerned, it can be easily compared to any other valley. Throughout the years, mountain streams have reshaped the valley and gave it a wild and romantic appearance which reminds you of a fabulous landscape from the filmThe Lord of the Rings. Starting off in Kranjska Gora, follow the above mentioned cycling track to Jesenice. At the village Podkuže turn left onto the main road and cycle several 10 meters on the left side of it. Take a nice forest road on the right, leading uphill, which brings you to the forest. After the tunnel the valley becomes narrower. You can admire a beautiful view over the village Belca, lying under the rocky slope, called Štenge (“Stairs”). The forest road is pleasant to cycle on,but very steep in places. However,spectacular views over ravines, sharp and steep slopes, a steep pyramid of Kepa draw your attention away from the steep slope you are cycling on. When arriving at the top of the Karavanke Mountain ridge (where the border runs) you can enjoy a splendid view over the northern side of the Karavanke Mountains. Take the same road when returning. Drive carefully as the fall can be fatal due to the rocky road and steep slope.







800 700 0

Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: Pension Špik in Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Midpoint 2: Podkuže,681 mASL Finish: Sedliè,1.438 mASL Distance: 18.500 m


12 Through sunny and panoramic meadows (rovte)


The valley between Dovje and Jesenice widens up pretty much. On the one side, the shadow is cast by the mighty Mežakla plateau. On the other side, you can enjoy the sunny Karavanke slopes through which a nice forest road leads,connecting Dovje and Jesenice. Take the cycling track from Kranjska Gora towards Mojstrana. Turn left across the road to Dovje. Follow a nice forest road which ascends gently. This section is the same as the one described in the tour to Dovška Rožca except for cycling straight at the crossroads, towards Plavški Rovt. There is a gentle ascent in front of you,towards the ÈezVisoke pass.Then you slowly start descending towards Jesenice. On this tour, there is a lot of woods which is sometimes interrupted by sunny meadows (rovti) offering you nice views all around. Afterwards, the countryside widens up into a broader valley under Golica where you come across the last of the meadows. This is namely the idylical Plavški Rovt after which a steep descent takes you to Jesenice. If you started your tour in Kranjska Gora, now you still have some kilometers in front of you. The best way for returning is to ride along the right Sava River bank.You can get there by crossing the bridge and through the highway underpass.When you come to the woody slope, turn right and continue parallel to the highway.The track leads you to Kranjska Gora.

1.200 1.100



800 700 600 0

Start: Tourist Office Kranjska Gora,810 mASL Midpoint 1: Pension Špik in Gozd Martuljek,744 mASL Midpoint 2: bridge over the Sava River in Mojstrana,651 mASL Midpoint 3: ÈezVisoke Pass,1.216 mASL Finish: crossroads at the restaurant Ejga in Jesenice,571 mASL Distance: 31.000 m

13 The Zacchi mountain hut

From Kranjska Gora you cycle westwards to Rateèe by taking the above mentioned cycling track on the former disused railway line. The track leads you to the border crossing. Do not forget your ID or passport although cyclists are hardly ever required to show it. After passing the border crossing, continue for about a kilometer and take the first turning to the left off the main road. Continue to the next crossroads where the left track leads back to the border. Go on to the right, straight forward and the path leads you through the forest. You arrive in Scicchizza. Take the main road, an asphalted one, leading towards the lakes Fusine (Laghi di Fusine). Turn left. A quite steep slope takes you to the first one of the lakes. Descend a bit to reach the second Lake Mangart. Passing a restaurant, continue by following a forest road to a barrier. You can either go under the barrier or carry your bike over. It is only here where the most beautiful part of the tour starts. It is not just about the view, which you can admire already up to here, but it is about the beginning of an athletic and sporty part of your bike tour. Go on to the crossroads where nice boards show you the two possibilities of the ascent to the Zacchi hut.The left one is for hikers and you will take it when descending. So, continue straight forward. There is a road to the right as well,leading towards Mangart but inconvenient for cycling. Soon you reach a concrete slope which hints you already the steep character of it. Heavy rainfalls sometimes cause rushing sweeping away some parts of the road. Therefore,you come across several

Tourist information Tourist information centre

Tourist office Kranjska Gora Tièarjeva ul. 2 4280 Kranjska Gora Tel.: +386 4 580 94 40 Fax: +386 4 580 94 41 E-mail:

Tourist office Dovje-Mojstrana Savska c.1 4281 Dovje-Mojstrana Tel.: +386 4 589 13 20 Fax: +386 4 589 13 20 E-mail:

Tourist office Rateèe-Planica Rateèe 22 4283 Rateèe-Planica Tel.: +386 4 587 60 41 Fax: +386 4 587 60 41 E-mail:

Police: 113 Police station Kranjska Gora: +386 4 582 07 00 Firefighters, rescue service: 112 AMZS-help on the road: 1987 Medical centre Kranjska Gora: +386 4 588 46 00 Hospital in Jesenice: +386 4 586 80 00

Kranjska Gora Tourist Board Kolodvorska 1 b, SI-4280 Kranjska Gora T: +386 4 588 50 20, F: +386 4 588 50 21 E:,


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