Effective Ideas To Bond With Other Co-Workers In A Coworking Space The businesses of various sizes across India are enjoying the advantages of the incredible benefits which are attached to coworking. For solopreneurs and business entrepreneurs, utilizing the shared spaces give immense benefits. This is crucial to foster the right sense of community by offering the right experiences and not just relying solely on the cool facilities. The best coworking spaces stand out by creating effective communities through several activities which enable the members to establish much-desired healthy bonds. In a perfect & healthy coworking space, you can effectively build some meaningful relationships with the people from various ethnic as well as professional backgrounds. Here are ways you benefit.
Form support groups or accountability groups Working alone, most of the times, can be challenging & if there are strict deadlines, then it becomes even more difficult. 83% of the coworking members admit that they feel less lonely after they join a coworking space. When you operate from a coworking space, you can be open to several challenges, seek the guidance from one another and also form genuine connections which would prove to be valuable over time.
Accountability groups or support groups are indeed a great way of tackling the challenges and this would help you in thriving on the work front and emerge as a better professional. When you opt to join this nature of the group, you will build a sense of accountability & significance alongside the other members. There are several easy-to-use, online resources which make the maintenance of these special groups simpler. This is helpful to schedule regular discussions with this group and you can effectively talk through the challenges, support each other and then commit to the specific goals which you want your group to hold you accountable. You will be amazed to see the level of motivation and inspiration within these groups which usually exist in the coworking spaces. This would increase your focus on the problems on the work front and you would find solutions to those problems very easily in consultation with the group members.
Asking the community manager Sometimes, the coworking spaces can’t help you do away with your loneliness if you are not proactive in developing critical relationships which are available there. So, you should always remember to talk to the community manager in the coworking space and ask him to connect you to as many members as possible in the concerned coworking space. You should make it a point to know each member in the coworking space personally & professionally as well & minimize any sales pitch amongst the members of the coworking space. 8 Useful Tips to Socialize With Your Coworking Neighbors
Mingle at happy hours & social events Approximately 79% of the co-workers have reported that after joining a good coworking space, their social networks have considerably expanded because of the high inherent nature of the coworking space’s setup. There are also several fun ways arranged to connect in nonwork-related environments. Most of the coworking spaces in Bangalore arrange for Happy Hour inclusive by providing a variety of events in order to appeal to every member operating from the coworking space. These are the hours for the confectionary lovers and for interaction with the fellow co-workers.
Employing tools to connect There are several ways of staying connected with your team beyond the coworking hours. The usage of effective digital tools & social media will enhance the prospects of collaboration, strengthen bonds and improve your productivity considerably. This is always crucial to remember that there should be a healthy boundary between your professional and personal life. Healthy interactions potentially lead to successful teams and this can be done very well amongst the support groups in the coworking spaces. The above tips can help you bond effectively with the other co-workers in a coworking space which would facilitate maximum productivity and make your working in the coworking space highly successful.