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ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас Карпюк 2023

1 - d 2 - h 3 - g 4 - j 5 - k 6 - a

7 - l 8 - b 9 - e 10 - f 11 - i 12 - c

Вправа 3: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах, за зразком.

A: Where is Jay from?

B: He's from London.

A: What nationality is he?

B: He's English.

A: Where is Emily from?

B: She's from Los Angeles.

A: What nationality is she?

B: She's American.

A: Where is Anna from?

B: She's from Los Krakow.

A: What nationality is she?

B: She's Polish.



A: Where is Mykola from?

B: He's from Kyiv.

A: What nationality is he?

B: He's Ukrainian.

A: Where is Dario from?

B: He's from Venice.

A: What nationality is he?

B: He's Italian.

A: Where is Arturo from?

B: He's from Madrid.

A: What nationality is he?

B: He's Spanish.

A: Where is Maria from?

B: She's from Rio de Janeiro.

A: What nationality is she?

B: She's Brazilian.

A: Where is Ai from?

B: She's from Beijing.

A: What nationality is she?

B: She's Chinese.

Вправа 5: Полистайте підручник. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1.The title of the book means that we live together and online.

2. There are 9 units in the book.

3. The title of Unit 1 is "Back to school". The title of Unit 3 is "What about your free time?".

5.On page 81 I can see the fridge with products.

6.On the back of the book there are audio scripts.

7. The list of irregular verbs is on pages 158-159.

8.There are eight "Kids Online" sections altogether.

Сторінка 10:

Вправа 3: Прочитайте коментарі та скажіть, які твердження правдиві, а які хибні.

1 - false 2 - true 3 - true 4 - false 5 - false 6 - true

Сторінка 12:

Вправа 3: b) Відгадайте предмет/заняття та скажіть за зразком.

In PE you play different sports.

In maths you work with numbers.

In history you learn about the things and people from the past.

In biology you learn about plants and animals.

In literature you read poems and stories.

In music you sing with other students.

In science you study heat, light, energy and other things.

In orchestra you play music with other students.

In Latin you learn the old language of the Roman Empire.

In chemistry you learn about chemical elements and do experiments.

Розділ 1 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Сторінка 7: Вправа
з національностями.
2: Поєднайте країни

Сторінка 13:

Вправа 1: Роздивіться сторінку на веб-сайті школи Емми .

a) Her school is called Green Bush School.

b) It is located in Liverpool at 15 Park Road.

c) There are 300 students.

d) There are 18 students in each class.

e) You can do there such kinds of activities as Chess, Choir, Computing / IT, Public Speaking, 1st Aid, Orchestra, Drama Group, Film Club and Swimming.

f) There are sixteen subjects altogether.

g) I can see in the pictures such subjects as Chemistry, Geography, Music, IT and such kinds of activities as Choir and Computing / IT.

Сторінка 14:

Вправа 4: Скажіть, які твердження правдиві, а які хибні.

1 – true 2 – false 3 – true 4 – false 5 – false 6 – false 7 – false

Сторінка 15:

Вправа 1: Подивіться на таблицю та скажіть, що Кейт повинна робити, а чого не

повинна робити у суботу.

1. Kate doesn’t have to get up early on Saturday.

2. Kate doesn’t have to go to school on Saturday.

3. Kate has to do her homework on Saturday.

4. Kate doesn’t have to learn a poem on Saturday.

5. Kate has to clean her room on Saturday.

6. Kate has to help her mother in the kitchen on Saturday.

7. Kate doesn’t have to write a letter on Saturday.

8. Kate has to visit her grandparents on Saturday.

Вправа 2: а) Доповніть речення.

1. You must wear a clean uniform at school.

2. Students mustn’t be late for their lessons.

3. You don’t have to bring your lunch to school there is a school cafe.

4. Students must read this book for tomorrows lesson.

b) Запишіть свої чотири шкільних правила.

1. Students mustn’t run in school halls.

2. Students must do their homework.

3. Students must be polite to teaches and other students.

4. Students mustn’t stay in school till the night.

Вправа 3: а) Поєднайте речення.

1 – b 2 – c 3 – d 4 – a

b) Запишіть свої чотири речення для тверджень нижче.

1. You should get some rest.

2. She should ask her parents for help.

3. They should start a band.

4. He should take some snack to school.

Розділ 1 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Сторінка 16:

Вправа 1: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

1. I usually learn more about the past in History.

2. Yes, I do.

3. I like speaking in English.

4. My least favourite school subject is PE because I hate running.

Вправа 2: Послухайте розмову дітей та скажіть, які твердження правдиві, а які хибні.

a – false b – true c – false d – true e – false f – false g – true

Сторінка 17:

Вправа 2: Оберіть слова з рамки, щоб доповнити текст.

I want to improve my English. That’s why I have to work hard at it. I have to study how to read. I have to learn many words to understand English better. I have to do many exercises to learn English. And, of course, I have to listen to spoken English to understand it better. I am sure, it can all help me to know English.

Вправа 3: а) Прочитайте та поєднайте.

1 – d 2 – c 3 – a 4 – b

Сторінка 18:

Вправа 2: Поставте дієслова у дужках у форму Present Simple або Present Continuous.

1. Jack learns English and Spanish.

2. Biology is on Monday and Thursday.

3 Sue is working on a History project right now,

4. I am talking to Mrs Tomson at the moment.

5. Kelly likes her new classmates very much.

6 Ben and Dave are doing an experiment now.

Сторінка 20:

Вправа 2: b) Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Jenny thinks that school is OK.

2. She says holidays are too short.

3. Miss Polly is her favourite teacher.

4. She likes Miss Polly best because her lessons are always interesting and fun.

5. She thinks that some teaches are good and others are not.

Сторінка 21:

Вправа 1: Ознайомтеся з правилами у школі Емми та доповніть речення.

1. Students have to come to school on time.

2. They have to stay in the playground during breaks.

3. Girls have to wear white shirts, green pullovers, black shoes and black skirts.

4. Boys have to put on white shirts, green pullovers, black shoes and black trousers.

5. Girls mustn't wear mini-skirts, make-up or jewellery.

6. Students mustn’t bring tablets or pets to school.

7. They mustn’t make a noise in the corridors.

8. Students mustn’t use their mobile phones.

Розділ 1 Англійська
класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон»,
мова: підручник

Сторінка 22:

Вправа 2: Пригадайте текст 1 (с. 13) та текст 3а (с. 14). Додайте пропущені слова. Emma's school is called Green Bush School. There are 300 students in her school. Emma's favourite subjects are IT and Art. Some of the teachers are a bit strict, like Mr Beard.

He always says that writing and spelling are very important. Students like fair teachers, like Mr Jones He teaches IT and he often makes students laugh

Вправа 3: b) Послухайте про один з улюблених шкільних предметів та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1 English teacher trains her students in good pronunciation, reading, listening and speaking.

2. She teaches them to take interviews and support conversations in English lessons.

3. Spelling is the most difficult point in learning foreign languages.

4. This year, students have started to make new steps in composition and discussion.

5. The student is interested in visiting some English-speaking countries because he hopes to use English in his future job.

6. He is fond of English and American literature and culture.

Сторінка 23:

Вправа 4: b) Прочитайте думки дітей ще раз та доповніть речення.

Ted loves all the subjects.

Alison likes only Maths.

George doesn’t care about anything. Andrew hates Mathematics.

Alison thinks that History is boring. с) Доповніть речення, щоб пояснити, чому вони надають перевагу одним предметам над іншими.

George is more interested in doing experiments because it’s really excited.

Ted prefers to study Geography, History and Maths because he wants to be a pilot. Alison likes Maths better than History because she thinks that History is boring.

Сторінка 24:

Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. I love chatting with my friends from England – it develops my English skills.

2. Sam thinks Emma should join the orchestra – she plays the piano very well.

3. My teacher was so mad when I yawned in our Chemistry lesson.

4. Bob feels very desperate – he doesn't understand Physics at all.

5. Mr Jones is so funny! He has a great sense of humour.

6. Their headmaster is very strict many students are afraid of him.

Вправа 2: Доповніть.

1. You must be in time for all your lessons!

2. We don’t have to take our sports clothes – there's no PE today.

3. Bill can’t do this task – you should help him.

4. Molly shouldn’t go to school by bike it’s raining.

5. I have to do my homework before I meet with my friends.

6. The students mustn’t be dirty and untidy at school.

Вправа 3: Поєднайте.

1 – c 2 – d 3 – e 4 – f 5 – b 6 – a

Розділ 1 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Розділ 2

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Сторінка 26:

Вправа 1: Послухайте, потім прочитайте блог. Оберіть правдиві речення.

True sentences: 1, 4, 6, 7.

Сторінка 27:

Вправа 3: Прочитайте коментарі вище. Про кого ці речення: Лінду, Петра чи Хакіма? 1 – Hakim 2 – Petro 3 – Linda 4 – Petro 5 – Linda 6 – Hakim

Сторінка 28: Вправа 1: Знайдіть слова, які не стосуються членів родини. friend, pilot, classmate, prince, teacher

Вправа 2: Перемалюйте та заповніть

таблицю. Використайте слова з вправи 1. He She

father mother

grandfather grandmother

son daughter

uncle aunt

brother sister

husband wife

cousin cousin

nephew niece

stepfather stepmother

grandson granddaughter

Сторінка 29:

Вправа 3: b) Поставте запитання до відповідей.

1. What does she look like?

2. What does it look like?

3. What does her father look like?

4. What is her mother like?

5. What does your uncle look like?

6. What is his cousin like?

7. What does his dog look like?

8. What is your grandpa like?

9. What is her granny like?

10. What is your aunt like?

Вправа 2: Роздивіться зображення та прочитайте текст. Вкажіть на кожну людину та скажіть їх ім’я та хто вони.

1 – Melissa, mum

2 – George, dad

Ted, brother

Сторінка 30:

– Edward, grandpa

Вправа 3: Прочитайте текст ще раз та доповніть речення.

Melissa is Mike’s mother.

Harry is Mike’s uncle.

George is Mike’s father.

Linda is Mike’s aunt.

Ted is Mike’s brother.

Вправа 4: Виправте речення.

1. Mike’s mother is very helpful and kind.

2. Mike’s father is plump.

3. Ted is very curious and annoying.

4. Sue wears big earrings.

5. Grandpa Ed is very interesting.

Amy is Mike’s cousin.

Sue is Mike’s sister.

Liz is Mike’s grandmother.

Edward is Mike’s grandfather.

Robert is Mike’s cousin.

6. Mike’s uncle is very funny.

7. Aunt Linda is always serious.

8. Amy has braids.

9. Jim is very thin.

10. Robert is untidy.

3 –
4 –
7 – Linda,
10 – Liz, granny 11
Robert, cousin
Sue, sister
– Harry, uncle

Англійська мова: підручник для 6

2023 Сторінка 31:

Вправа 1: Доповніть речення, використавши слова ‘who’ , ‘which’ чи ‘that’ .

1. My uncle Harry is the man who has a ponytail.

2. The dog that is the member of our family is Tobby.

3. That’s the school which cares about its every student.

4 My little sister, who is sometimes a pain in the neck, asks a lot of questions.

Вправа 2: Поєднайте.

1 – c 2 – a 3 – d 4 – b 5 – f 6 – e

Вправа 3: Поєднайте три частини, щоб утворити одне речення, за зразком.

1. My cousin who lives in London is very tall.

2. The house that you see is my aunt’s home.

3. The woman that has got blue eyes is my stepmother Jessica.

4. The bag which is big and red is a birthday present for my brother.

Сторінка 32:

Вправа 2: Роздивіться зображення та послухайте Емму. Скажіть хто є хто, за зразком.

Ellen is Emma’s mother.

Andy is Emma’s father.

Jenny is Emma’s sister.

Patrick is Emma’s brother.

Stella is Emma’s au-pair.

Patty is Emma’s brother girlfriend.

Вправа 3: Послухайте ще раз та оберіть а, b чи с.

1 – b 2 – c 3 – a 4 – a 5 – c

Вправа 4: а) Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у

1. Emma’s dream job is a film director.

2. Stella is from Italy.

3. Emma’s got mother, father, sister and brother.

4. Emma’s mother is an architect and her father is a cameraman.

5. Emma’s dad has got equipment in his van.

6. Patrick is in the States.

Сторінка 33:

Вправа 1: Роздивіться зображення. Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді.

1. Robert is bold.

2. Sam is plump.

3. Jessica has got braids.

4. Jessica’s got long hair.

5. Kyle’s got ponytail.

6. Mia’s hair is blonde.

7. Robert’s got a moustache.

8. Kyle’s nose is big.

Вправа 3: Перемалюйте таблицю та розподіліть прикметники. Поясніть свій вибір. Positive Negative Positive and negative kind, helpful, patient, friendly, romantic, hard-working, calm, brave, polite, clever, interesting

selfish, boring, clumsy, lazy, rude, not clever, naughty worried, curious, shy, serious

Вправа 4: Доповніть речення. Використайте слова з вправи 3. Superman is helpful and brave.

Santa Claus is friendly and worried.

Harry Potter is clever and shy.

Mickey Mouse is naughty and friendly.

Cinderella is hard-working, polite and shy.

Shrek is rude and serious.

Розділ 2
класу. Карпюк «Видавництво
6 – b 7 – c 8 – a


Вправа 1: Утворіть прислівники з прикметників

1. I am speaking very loudly because John is standing far from me.

2. The squirrels climbed the tree so quickly.

3. There were no clouds, and the moon shone brightly.

4 The birds sang joyfully.

5. Sam and Angela danced sweetly round the room.

6. Some animals are very fast, but others move very slowly.

7 The children are having a wonderful time at the party and they are laughing happily.

Вправа 2: Використайте ‘good’ чи ‘well’, щоб доповнити речення.

1. She speaks good English.

2. Ann did her work well.

3. She looks good today.

4. They speak very well.

5. Has he done well in his lessons?

6. He did not see well.

7. It is good to be with friends.

8. Tom did good work.

Вправа 3: Згрупуйте речення у дві колонки: прислівники та прикметники.

Adverbs: 2, 4, 6, 7, 10. Adjectives: 1, 3, 5, 8, 9.

Вправа 4: Оберіть прикметник чи прислівник з дужок, щоб правильно доповнити речення.

1. She Speaks Italian well.

2. They behave politely.

3. Robert is a kind person.

Сторінка 35:

4. He is smiling happily.

5. My nephew is a nice boy.

6. The teacher spoke to me loudly.

Вправа 1: a) Послухайте розмову Емми про її кузенів. Дайте відповіді на запитання. Her cousins live on a farm in the country. They like animals.

Сторінка 36:

Вправа 1: Роздивіться зображення та допоможіть Нелл дописати листа. Скористайтеся

шаблоном, щоб описати членів її родини.

Look at the picture. The woman who’s got short light hair is my mum. She is very kind and helpful. The lady who’s got short dark hair is my granny. She is very interesting person. The young lady who’s got ponytail is my sister. She always listens to music. I think she is very beautiful. As you can guess, the man who is bold is my father. My father is wearing beard and glasses. The boy who’s playing in the sandbox is my little brother. He is funny and clumsy. I am a girl who wears her hair in braids. I think I am kind and friendly.

Сторінка 37:

Вправа 1: Перемалюйте таблицю та розподіліть слова у правильну колонку.


Skin Hair Look green, brown, blue black straight, dark, long, wavy, a ponytail, curly, blond, young, pretty, slim, skinny, old, beautiful, plump, short, tall, fat

Вправа 2: a) Поєднайте антоніми.

Розділ 2 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Сторінка
з рамки та доповніть речення.
– d 2 – f 3 – e 4 – a 5 – c 6 – b

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. My older brother is strong – he goes to the gym every day.

2. Jim is so rudesometimes. He needs to learn some manners.

3. Eddy celebrates Christmas with all of his family members.

4. I have a little baby sister, and I often have to look after her.

5 Victoria’s mother and father live apart from each other.

6. Joseph is a bit fat, whereas his younger brother Jack is thin.

7. We get a lot of love and support from our grandparents.

8 Diana is connected to Inna by family roots they are sisters.

Вправа 4: Оберіть а чи b.

1 – a 2 – a 3 – b 4 – a 5 – b 6 – a

Сторінка 38:

Вправа 5: Утворіть прислівники з прикметників.

1 – happily

2 – madly 3 – slowly 4 – politely

Вправа 6: Оберіть правильні слова.

1. My sisters Pam and Sam dance very well.

2. Ivan's grandma cooks delicious food.

3. Our son Peter is a fast learner.

5 – easily 6 – sadly

4. Sophie always dresses beautifully.

5. Aunt Casey is a very kind lady.

6. Ben and his cousins never talk seriously.

Вправа 7: Прочитайте листа та роздивіться зображення, щоб сказати хто є хто.

a) This is my uncle. He is my mother’s brother.

b) Thai is Betty. She is my uncle’s wife.

c) This is my mother.

Сторінка 39:

d) This is my father.

e) This is me.

d) This is my cousin.

Вправа 8: a) Намалюйте гінеологічне дерево Роберта. Скористайтеся підказками.

Сторінка 40:

Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. The Internet helps me to connect with my relatives that are in Greece.

2. My niece is a very beautiful girl with blonde hair and brown eyes.

5 My brother is short and plump, whereas my sister is tall and slim

4. Mike and Cathy are a young couple who just got married this month.

5. Her younger nephew is so clumsy he broke two cups and a plate yesterday!

6. Rick and Roxy are twins, who have in common some interests ...They both like sport.

Розділ 2 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Вправа 2: Оберіть правильний займенник.

1. Wendy, who is my cousin, works as a supermodel.

2. The cat that is sitting on the chair is very fat.

3. The house which is next to the shop is very big.

4. Robert and Paul, who are in this photo, are my uncles.

5 The man that is standing there is their father

6. The book which is on the table is very interesting.

Вправа 3: Утворіть прислівники з прикметників у дужках.

1. He asked me about my hobbies politely

2. My sister speaks quietly because she is shy.

3. Our grandfather is old, so he walks slowly.

4. Mia’s stepmother can run very fast.

5. John always smiles happily when he sees his wife.

6. Georgia doesn’t speak Chinese very well yet.

Вправа 4: Розташуйте речення у правильному порядку, щоб утворився діалог.

Сторінка 43:

Вправа 4: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді.

1. Emma uses computer for learning and doing her homework, downloading music and watching video clips.

2. Mr Boyd says that there are some games that make you think faster or that teach you new skills.

3. No, she doesn’t.

Сторінка 44:

Вправа 1: а) Знайдіть правильне закінчення.

Розділ 2 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

1 – false 2 – false 3 – true 4 – false 5 – true 6 – true Вправа 3: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

1. Some people are tall, some are short. Some of us have blond straight hair and blue eyes, while others have red curly hair and green eyes. There are those who wear glasses and those who have freckles.

2. There are people, who are funny and with a great sense of humour, but they can be a bit careless, On the other hand, there are Individuals that v are serious and well-organized, but they can be a bit bossy or even selfish sometimes.

3. A lot of people are energetic, so they enjoy doing sport, playing games or travelling around the World. There are also those who are more calm, and they can’t stand being on the move all the time. Instead, they are crazy about reading, collecting things or painting. Some people are curious, and they are keen on visiting museums, art galleries and theatres rather than going to the cinema or the skating rink.

4. Friends are people who share our interests and hobbies with us

2: а) Поєднайте та прочитайте вголос.

1. went – go

2. saw – see

3. could – can

Сторінка 48:

4. said – say

5. got – get

6. had – have

Вправа 2: Перепишіть речення у формі Past Simple за зразком.

1 Willy didn’t write stories last Friday He wrote stories last Sunday

7. read – read

8. came – come

9. became – become

2. Helen didn’t take photos last weekend. She took photos last Friday.

3. Bob didn’t sing in the school choir last Wednesdays. He sang in the school choir last Monday

4. Jack didn’t do sport last Tuesdays. He did sport last Thursday.

5. Mary didn’t watch TV last evenings. She watched TV last morning.

6. They didn’t travel last summer. They traveled last spring.

Сторінка 49:

Вправа 1: Прочитайте речення. Послухайте розмову Емми та оберіть правильну відповідь.

1. Lee is twelve

2. He was born in Liverpool.

3. His hobby is music.

4 He plays the violin

5. His mum is a music teacher.

6. They have got hundreds of CDs.

Вправа 2: Роздивіться зображення та доповніть речення.

1. Her name is Tara.

2. She is in the same class as Emma.

3. She likes acting and swimming.

4. She was born in London, but her parents are from the Caribbean.

5. She has got a budgie called Marley.

Розділ 3 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Сторінка
ще раз та скажіть, які речення правдиві, а які хибні.
2: Прочитайте текст
Сторінка 47:

Сторінка 50:

Вправа 4: b) Прочитайте запитання та розташуйте

3 - What do you do in the evenings?

8 - What films do you like?

4 - Do you do any sport?

2 - What do you do on weekdays?

6 - Where do you usually go?

7 - Do you often go to the cinema?

1 - What school do you go to?

9 - Do you want to be a film star when you grow up?

5 - What do you do in your free time?

Сторінка 51:

Вправа 2: Поєднайте зображення з заняттями.

Сторінка 52: Вправа 1: Прочитайте про хобі та напишіть про своє хобі, своєї

My hobby is playing computer games. My mum’s hobbies are singing and painting. My father’s hobby is collecting stamps.

Вправа 2: Прочитайте та запишіть декілька правдивих речень про свої улюблені справи та не улюблені.

My favourite sport is cycling. I enjoy listening to rock music.

Вправа 3: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

1. Yes, I do. I have a passion for dancing.

2. I don’t you like hiking.

3. No, I’m not. I’m not crazy about reading.

4. I enjoy cycling.

5. Yes, she does. My mother likes taking photos.

6. My grandparents enjoy going to the theatre in our family.

7. Yes, he is. My friend is interested in studying English.

8. No, I can’t. I can’t stand climbing mountains.

Сторінка 53:

Вправа 1: b) Складіть запитання та дайте на них відповіді.

1. Why doesn’t Luke want to go to the Activity Centre at first? – At first Luke doesn’t want to go to the Activity Centre because he doesn’t like to meet new people.

2. What does Tara look like? – Tara is tall and thin with long curly hair.

3. What is she like? – She is very nice.

4. What does Lee like? – Lee likes music.

Розділ 3 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
їх у правильному порядку.
мами, друзів за зразком.

Розділ 3

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Вправа 1: Попрацюйте у парах. Використайте речення з таблиці. Зателефонуйте своєму другу та запросіть його/її на день народження/до себе/у драматичний гурток/у кіно/у боулінг/ в басейн.

- Hi, it’s Max here! Have you got any plans for Sunday?

- No, why?

- Would you like to come with me to the cinema?

- Oh, yes, of course. What kind of film will be there?

- It will be a comedy.

-It's fantastic. When does it start?

- It starts at 2 o'clock. Let's meet in my house.

- OK, great!

Сторінка 54:

Вправа 1: b) Перепишіть запрошення. Прослухайте діалог ще раз та заповніть запрошення.

Вправа 2: Складіть своє запрошення.


To Oksana

Please come to my pajama party!

Date Friday

Time 8 o'clock

Place 156 Shevchenko Street

Don't forget to bring pajama.

Сторінка 55:

Вправа 1: а) Прочитайте про Джорджа та скажіть, що він робив це минулого тижня. At the weekend George went out with his friends. They went to the cinema and for a pizza. They met with other kids and talked about sport, girls and music. He had to be back home before ten. His dad said he’s too young to stay out late.

b) Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

1. I usually tidy up my room and do my homework. After that I hang out with my friends.

2. No, they don't.

3. I went to the cinema and played in the park with my friends.

Вправа 2: а) Послухайте та повторіть. Що мають спільного ці неправильні дієслова?

All irregular verbs have the same ending.

b) Назвіть їх початкові форми та запишіть їх. Bought - buy, thought - think, caught - catch, brought - bring, fought - fight.


Розділ 3

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 с) Використайте дієслова нижче, щоб скласти правдиві речення про ваші вчорашні справи.

Yesterday, I met with my friends and we spend some time playing games.

Yesterday, I bought a new pen and wrote a birthday card to my granny.

Yesterday, I talked with my friend on the phone and we had very long conversation.

Сторінка 56:

Вправа 4: Пройдіть тест з журналу для підлітків. Подумайте про свого найкращого друга.

1 – a 2 – b 3 – b 4 – b 5 – b 6 – a 7 – c 8 – a

Сторінка 57:

Вправа 6: Послухайте, як Емма відповідає на запитання тесту. Обведіть її відповіді. На

які два запитання вона не дала відповіді?

1 – a 2 – b 5 – a 7 – c Emma didn't answer on third and sixth questions.

Вправа 7: Послухайте розмову Емми та Тари. Поєднайте відповіді з запитаннями.

Вправа 8: Попрацюйте у групах.

Sviatoslav Vakarchuk

Meet Sviatoslavy Vakarchuk who is a famous Ukrainian singer. He is from Mukachevo. Sviatoslav sings in a band called “Ocean Elzy”. They play rock music, and we love dancing to it. Their most famous song is “Vse bude dobre’’. Sviatoslav is also a politician.

Сторінка 58:

Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. Sam is definitely an outgoing person – he hates spending time at home.

2. Wendy is crazy about rollerblading in summer and skating in winter.

3. Spending too much time with gadgets can isolate people from the real world.

4. I really enjoy hanging out with my friends in the park – it’s so fun and cool!

5. Dave can’t stand dancing. Instead, he likes going bungee jumping.

6. Billy’s friends are so caring! They always help him when he is in trouble.

Вправа 2: Поставте дієслова у правильну форму.

1. Ed and Fred are very interested in reading books.

2. I would like to go to the skating rink today.

3. Daniel spent all his free time with Mia yesterday.

4. Ricky can't play any instruments, but she sings well.

5. I swam in the pool with my friends last weekend.

6. We are very energetic, so we enjoy doing sport.

7. Helen loves horse riding and mountain climbing.

8. Mike enjoys skiing, and he went to the mountains two days ago.


Розділ 4

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Вправа 3: Поєднайте.

1 – c 2 – d 3 – f 4 – b 5 – e 6 – a

Сторінка 60:

Вправа 1: Послухайте та прочитайте статтю. Оберіть а, b чи с.

1 – с 2 – b 3 – c 4 – a 5 – c 6 – c

Вправа 2: Поєднайте.

1 – c 2 – a 3 – d 4 – b

Сторінка 61:

Вправа 3: Прочитайте статтю ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Mall is a shopping center.

2. Westfield is the biggest mall in Europe.

3. There are food shops, brand shops, toy shops, bookshops, gadget shops.

4. You can also eat, go to the cinema, go bowling and climbing in Westfield.

Вправа 4: а) Прочитайте коментарі до статті та скажіть хто:

1. Asahi is happy to know there is a sushi restaurant in Westfield.

2. Annete has a passion for shopping.

3. Greg likes having fun more than buying things.

4. Alina has a smaller mall in their town.

b) Попрацюйте у парах. Скажіть один одному чи ви хочете поїхати у Вестфілд і чому?

I would like to go to Westfield because I like shopping. I also like entertainment, so I want to go bowling there.

Сторінка 62: Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з вправи 1.

1. I can’t buy this laptop – it is very expensive

2. Greg went to the dairy to get some cream.

3. We always use a trolley at the supermarket.

4. Ann paid twenty pounds for that dress yesterday!

5. Cashier have to be polite to the people in the shop.

6. Look at the price of those boots they’re only 14 pounds!

7. Customers are people who buy different products in a shop or online.

8. That hat is only 5 pounds — it is very cheap.

9. Mum asked me to go to the fishmonger's to buy some fish.

Вправа 4: Оберіть будь-які 6 слів з вправи 1 та складіть 6 речень з ними.

1. Mu mum goes to the diary twice a week.

2. The price of this jacket is very pleasant.

3. This camera is very expensive.

4. There are so many customers at this shop today.

5. Yesterday I bought very cheap jeans.

6. I never use trolley at the supermarket.

Сторінка 63:

Вправа 1: Розкажіть класу чи любите ви ходити по магазинам та чому?

I like going shopping because I like to buy new things, especially brand clothes.

Сторінка 64:

Вправа 3: Прочитайте текст ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. No, it isn't. 2. No, it isn't. 3. Yes, they can.

4. No, they don't. 5. Yes, they do. 6. Yes, it is.


Вправа 4: Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. There are butcher's, fishmonger's, bakeries, sweet shops and greengrocer's.

2. People need trolleys to put all of the goods they are going to buy.

3. Sainsbury's is an expensive supermarket, but Tesco is a cheaper chain of supermarkets.

4. There are clothes shops, technology shops and bookshops in the street.

5. It is an easy way of shopping for people who are busy.

6. You can't check if the things which you are buying are okay. You can't try clothes and shoes to make sure if the size is good.

Вправа 5: Попрацюйте у парах. Розпитайте один одного, зробіть замітки та розкажіть

класу про нього/неї.

- What way of shopping do you prefer the most?

- I prefer modern shopping in supermarkets and I never buy clothes or shoes online.

- How often do you shop?

- I shop twice a week, but some products I buy every day.

- Where do you shop?

- I shop food at the supermarket and I buy clothes in clothes shop in the street.

Сторінка 65:

Вправа 1: Поставте слова у дужках у пасивну форму, за зразком.

1. Malls is visited by many people.

2. Books are sold at Waterstones.

3. Big sizes are offered in this boutique.

4. These suits are used by rich men.

5. Great music is played in this cafe.

Вправа 2: Змініть речення з активної

1. Trolleys are used in supermarkets by people.

2. High-heeled shoes are worn by many girls.

3. High prices are paid in this shop by people.

4. Different products are bought in malls by customers.

5. Clothes are tried on in fitting rooms by people.

Вправа 3: Виправте помилки.

1. Fish is sold at a fishmonger’s.

2. This cake is made of chocolate.

3. Great films are shown at the cinema in our mall.

4. New Chanel perfumes are presented in this video.

5. Bags are used by customers to carry products.

6. No entertainment is offered in this shopping centre.

Вправа 4: Запишіть шість своїх речень у пасивній формі.

1. This book is read by me.

2. Chocolate cookies are made by my grandmother.

3. Housework is done by my sister.

4. Ice cream is sold out at this shop.

5. Dinner is cooked by my mum.

6. The new teacher is presented to the class.

Розділ 4 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
форми у пасивну.

Розділ 4

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Сторінка 66:

Вправа 1: Роздивіться зображення. Зробіть припущення, про що буде розмова.

I think the dialogue is going to be about the girl who asks help in choosing jeans.

Вправа 2: Послухайте діалог та скажіть, які речення правдиві, а які хибні.

1 – false 2 – true 3 – true 4 – false 5 – false

6 – true 7 – false 8 – false 9 – true 10 – true

Вправа 3: Послухайте ще раз та скажіть, які фрази належать касиру, а які покупцю.

1 – the cashier 2 – the cashier 3 – the customer 4 – the customer

5 – the cashier 6 – the customer 7 – the cashier 8 – the customer

Вправа 4: Складіть схожий діалог у парах. Використайте схему.

A: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'm looking for a T-shirt.

A: Certainly. Here is our T-shirt section.

B: Can I try this blue on?

A: Of course. What size are you?

B: I'm a medium.

A: Here you go. The fitting rooms are over there.

B: It fits perfectly! How much is it ?

A: It is 10 pounds with a 10% discount.

B: Good. I'll take it.

A: Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?

B: Credit card. Here you go .

A: Thank you. Have a nice day!

B: Thanks. Goodbye!

Сторінка 67:

Вправа 3: Роздивіться одяг та скажіть, який його розмір та ціна, за зразком.

This is a small-size dress. It costs fifty six dollars. This is a medium-size T-shirt. It costs six pounds and fifty six pence.

This is an extra large-size jeans. It costs twenty five euros and eighty cents.

This is an extra small-size skirt. It costs two hundred ninety nine euros and ninety nine cents.

Вправа 4: Поєднайте.

1. A boutique is a shop where you buy clothes.

2. A receipt is a list of things that you have bought with prices.

3. A dairy is a place where they sell milk products.

4. A pleasure is something you enjoy.

5. A price is the money you have to pay for goods.

Вправа 5: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. This jumper doesn’t fit me well.

2. There are many customers in this bakery.

3. Jane got a 50% discount on that dress!

4. That TV set is great, but it is too expensive.

5. Brushing up my wardrobe is a necessity for me.

6. This mall is full of shops and cafes!

7. Silpo is a huge chain of supermarkets in Ukraine.

8. Sarah prefers shopping centres to separate shops.


Сторінка 68:

Вправа 1: Доповніть речення, за зразком.

1. My size is smaller than Andy’s.

2. Ann looks better than Nina in that dress.

3. This is the prettiest dress in this boutique!

4. That smartphone is more expensive than mine.

5. This is the most beautiful costume I’ve ever seen!

Вправа 2: Поєднайте.

1 – b 2 – d 3 – a 4 – c

Вправа 3: Роздивіться зображення та скажіть, за зразком.

b. That coat is too big. She needs a smaller one.

c. These glasses are too big. She needs smaller ones.

d. These jeans are too small. He needs bigger ones.

Сторінка 69:

Вправа 2: Обіграйте ситуацію у парах. Один із вас продавець. Інший – покупець.

Оберіть річ зі списку та складіть діалог.

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I would like a T-shirt.

A: What colour do you want?

B: Black one.

A: And what size are you?

B: I'm a small size.

A: Here you are.

B: Oh, looks great! Where is fitting room?

A: Over there.

B: It's fit nice. I'll take it. How much is it?

A: 200 hryvnas. How would you like to pay?

B: By cash, please.

A: Okay. Here is you receipt. Have a nice day!

B: Thank you. Bye!

Вправа 3: Попрацюйте у парах. Розпитайте партнера та зробіть замітки.

- How often do you shop?

- I shop once a week.

- What shop is your favourite?

- My favourite shop is LC Waikiki.

- Why do you like it so much?

- I like it because there is a big variety of great clothes both for men and women.

Сторінка 70: Вправа 1: Прочитайте блог. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. I prefer malls because it's convenient to buy everything in one place.

2. Wesquay is a great mall in the centre of Sauthampton.

3. There are such shops as H&M, Desigual, Lego, Chanel, Lancome.

4. There are skating ring, bowling and cinema.

Розділ 4 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

2: Напишіть

King Cross Leopolis is a huge shopping centre in Lviv. Instead of buying food at grocer’s, butcher's, bakery or sweet shop, you can get all of those products in the Auchan. There are lots of brand shops where you can get clothes and accessories of the latest fashion, like Sinsay, LC Waikiki, Cropp, Zara, Reserved and others. Get your gadgets at Foxtrot or Xiaomi shops.

Apart from all the shopping, King Cross Leopolis offers you entertainments, such as Planeta Kino and bowling club. There are also about 14 places to eat from snack bars like Snack&Burgers or Lviv Croissants to European and Asian cafes like Noa Asia!

If you ever visit Lviv, definitely go to King Cross Leopolis – a great place for shopping and fun!

Сторінка 71:

Вправа 1: Поєднайте.

1 – c 2 – d 3 – e 4 – b 5 – a

Вправа 2: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. I enjoy shopping in separate shops more than in malls.

2. Those trousers don’t fit Jay well. He needs a bigger size.

3. There is a 10% discount on all gadgets at this shop today!

4. I am not sure how much these earrings cost.

5. Clare’s forgotten to take the receipt after buying that dress.

6. Peter is a medium size, so that shirt is perfect for him.

Вправа 3: Доповніть діалог словами зі списку.

A: Hey! Look at this boutique!

B: Wow! It is so big! Let’s check it out!

A: Oh, there are so many various clothes here!

B: Something tells me they are expensive.

A: Well, these brands are very famous, so it’s no surprise.

B: Yeah, and these clothes are of the latest fashion

A: I’d like to try on this red jumper.

B: Look! The fitting rooms are on the left.

A: Great. Oh, it’s too small. I need a bigger size.

B: Let me see. Here you go.

A: Thanks! Wow! It fits me, and I Look awesome!

B: Yes, you do. Oh dear. Look at the price!

A: 250 pounds!?

B: You have to be the king’s child to buy this!

A: Look! The shop assistant is getting angry. Let’s get out of here!

B: Certannly!

Сторінка 72:

Вправа 4: а) Змініть речення з активної форми у пасивну.

1. Beautiful dresses are worn by many women.

2. Fresh water is kept in bottles.

3. Technoitems are bought in computer shops.

4. Milk and cream are sold at a dairy.

5. Receipts are given to customers by cashiers.

6. These products can be paid in cash.

Розділ 4 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Вправа
блог про один з торгових центрів України.

b) Запишіть шість своїх речень у пасивній формі.

1. Apples are sold in greengrocer's.

2. A new film is shown at the cinema.

3. Car is washed by my father.

4. Homework is made by me.

5. Cake is made of chocolate and berries.

6. This book is read by my sister.

Вправа 5: а) Доповніть словам too/enough та one/ones.

1 This shirt isn’t big enough for me. I need a larger size.

2. These jeans look cooler than those ones.

3. This hat is smaller than that one.

4. That cap is too small. I need a bigger size.

5. This scarf is too long. You need a shorter one.

6. Those trainers aren’t good enough for him. He needs better ones.

b) Запишіть чотири своїх речення зі словами too/enough та з one/ones.

1. This dress isn't good enough for you. She need to buy a new one.

2. This shoes are too small for my brother. He needs bigger ones.

3. This skirt isn't long enough for her. She need a longer one.

4. This scarf is too warm. I need better one.

Вправа 6: Роздивіться зображення та скажіть, за зразком.

b. That T-shirt is too big for that boy. It's an S, and he needs an XS.

c. That coat is good enough for that women. It's an S, and she needs an S.

d. That dress is good enough for that girl. It's an M, and she needs an M.

e. Those trousers are too big for that man. It's an L, and he needs an M.

f. That blouse is too big for that girl. It's an M, and she needs an S.

Сторінка 73:

Вправа 7: Роздивіться товари та скажіть, скільки вони коштують.

a. This bottle of Coca Cola costs four euros and fifty cents.

b. These glasses cost five pounds.

c. This ring costs three hundred and sixty-eight pounds and eighty-four cents.

d. This book costs seventy-five hryvnas.

e. This laptop costs five hundred and fifty dollars and eighty cents.

f. these jeans cost one thousand hryvnas and ninety-eight coins.

Вправа 8: Зробіть свій проект. Уявіть торгівельний центр своєї мрії. Попрацюйте у

групах по 3-4 особи. Розробіть постер та презентуйте його класу.

Mall of my dreams

Greatmall is a great shopping centre in Lviv. This is three-floor building with various shops on each floor. On the first floor there is a supermarket and different technical shops. On the second floor there are shops of famous brands, such as H&M, New Yorker, Reserved, Cropp and others. Also, there are cafe and entertainment zone on the third floor. You can find there a cinema, ice-rink and bowling club. If you like fastfood go KFC or Lviv Croissants. But you can also find there Italian and Asian cafes with pasts, pizza and sushi.

Welcome to Greatmall!

Розділ 4 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Сторінка 74:

Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. I always go to the mall to shop for new clothes.

2. This isn’t Ed’s size. He needs a medium.

3. Here is your change and receipt, sir.

4 I prefer to pay by card, not in cash.

5. Cashier should be polite to customers.

6. My mum uses trolleys in supermarkets.

Вправа 2: Запишіть речення у пасивній формі.

1. Bags are used to carry different things by people.

2. Milk and cream are sold at a dairy.

3. Books are bought at Waterstones.

4. Discounts are given to customers by cashiers.

5. Bowling is played in All Star Lanes.

6. Different accessories are worn by different people.

Вправа 3: Доповніть словам too/enough та one/ones.

1. These trousers are longer than those ones.

2. This cap isn’t big enough for me.

3. That dress is cheaper than this one.

4. Those shoes are too small for Tim.

5. This laptop is the best one here!

6. That ring is too expensive for Sue.

Вправа 4: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворився діалог.

Сторінка 77:

Вправа 3: Прочитайте блоги ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. England is famous for its good manners.

2. People in India usually eat with hands.

3. The three traditional meals in Poland are breakfast, dinner and supper.

4. Eating food with chopsticks is traditional in China.

Вправа 4: Оберіть країну зі списку. Використайте інтернет, щоб знайти інформацію про

звички у їжі. Розкажіть класу. Eating habits in the USA.

Americans have a wide variety of eating habits. People in the USA are always busy, so they haven't time for cooking. They usually eat at the cafes and restaurants. Americans traditionally eat fastfood because it's fast and tasty. They have breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Розділ 4
мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Сторінка 78:

Вправа 1: b) Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. I need to cut the carrots and onions for the salad.

2. My favourite fish is salmon – it is delicious!

3. Nuts are a great healthy snack.

4 Megan’s favourite dairy food is yoghurt

5. Ben and Bill want to bake some biscuits for Ann.

6. You have to boil the water before putting the potatoes in it.

7 Kim doesn’t like turkey. She prefers chicken.

8. Many Arabic people don’t eat pork.

9. Prawns are delicious sea creatures.

10. Let’s fry some eggs in the pan for breakfast.

Вправа 2: Попрацюйте у парах. Розкажіть, що ви любите на сніданок, обід та вечерю.

Скажіть також про перекуси.

I like to eat cereals with milk for breakfast. For lunch I usually have some soup and potato with salad. For dinner I eat fried or boiled eggs with bread and salad. I have nuts and chocolate bars as snack.

Вправа 3: а) Розподіліть фрази. Додайте інші хороші та погані манери, які ви знаєте.

Good manners

Bad manners to sit straight at the table, to wash your hands before a meal, to use a napkin to chew with your mouth open, to put your elbows on the table, to have your smartphone on b) Обговоріть у групах, чому гарні манери важливі. Good manners make you polite and educated. So other people feel comfortable around you.

Сторінка 79:

Вправа 1: Попрацюйте у парах. Розкажіть, чому важливо їсти користну їжу.

Eating healthy food is good for our health. People feel better and stronger. Also, they don't catch cold very often. So, it's very important to eat healthy food.

Вправа 2: Прочитайте текст та поєднайте заголовки з параграфами.

Розділ 5 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Сторінка 80: Вправа 3: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді, у парах.

- What food groups are there? There are meat, fruit and vegetable, milk, bread and cereal.

- Why should you eat different food? You should eat different food to keep yourself healthy.

- Why fruit and vegetables are important for your health? It helps your eyes and skin and it’s good for teeth.

- How does meat help your body? Meat helps to grow and be strong.

- How do they call the food in the milk group? They call the food in the milk group “dairy products”.

- What comes from grains? Bread and cereal come from grains.

- Can snacks be part of your diet? Yes, they can.

- Are apples and eggs in the same food group? No, they aren't.

- Why are good manners necessary? Good manners show your behavior.

Вправа 4: Попрацюйте у парах. З'ясуйте, яку їжу та напої вживають та полюбляють твої


A: What food and drinks do you have?

B: I usually have soups, boiled potatoes with salads and fried pork or chicken. As a snack I have chips or fruit. For drink I have mineral water and an orange juice.

C: And I usually have cereals, sandwiches and soups. For dinner I have eggs with sausages. I also have juice and water for drink.

A: What food do you like the most and the least?

B: I like chicken and fried potato the most. And I hate some vegetables, like broccoli and carrots.

C: And I like fastfood the most but it's unhealthy food, so I eat it rarely. I don't like buckwheat and pork.

Сторінка 81: Вправа 1: а) Розподіліть слова на дві групи: зліченні та незліченні.

Countables: apples, tomatoes, biscuits, eggs.

Uncountables: milk, sugar, salt, juice.

b) Складіть речення за зразком.

There is some milk in the fridge. There are some tomatoes on the table. There is some sugar on the plate. There are some eggs on the pan. There is some juice in the glass. There are some biscuits in the box. There is some salt in the jar. There are some apples in the bag.

Вправа 2: Доповніть словами some чи any.

1. There is some water in the bottle.

2. There aren’t any chips in the bag.

3. Are there any oranges in the fridge?

Вправа 3: Доповніть.

1. Greg has eaten all the sweets!

4. There are some bananas on the table.

5. There are some nuts in the box.

6. There isn’t any butter in the fridge.

2. Look! There are a lot of cucumbers on the shelf!

3. Both jars of honey are kept on the table.


. There are only a few biscuits left.

5. Lots of fruit is grown in Africa.

6. All the salt is gone!

Розділ 5 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Розділ 5

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Вправа 4: Роздивіться зображення та скажіть, які продукти та напої є у холодильнику. Both cartons of milk are there in the fridge.

There is some meat in the fridge.

A few onions are there in the fridge.

There are a lot of eggs in the fridge.

There is lots of juice in the fridge.

All of the oranges are there in the fridge.

Сторінка 82:

Вправа 1: а) Подивіться, послухайте та прочитайте слова. Здогадайтеся, про що буде розмова.

I think the dialogue is going to be about cooking.

b) Послухайте розмову між Емою та Ерікою та відгадайте значення слів блоку Words for You. Звіртеся зі словником.

compost – компост

home-made – домашній, зроблений вдома

Вправа 2: Послухайте розмову ще раз та оберіть а, b чи с.

1 – с 2 – а 3 – b 4 – c 5 – b 6 – a

Вправа 3: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

1. Catherine made the cheese.

2. The girls are going to eat vegetable soup with lamb.

3. No. she isn't. She is a vegetarian.

4. Erica is going to put salmon in the oven.

5. Erica needs the potatoes' skins to make compost.

6. Susan is going to make the dessert.

Сторінка 83:

Вправа 1: b) Скажіть, коли використовуються дані предмети, за зразком.

Knives are used when we need to cut something.

Tablespoons are used to eat soups.

Dessertspoons are used to eat different cakes and ice cream. Plates are used when we eat potato, meat, fish and salads.

Bowls are used when we eat soups.

Cups are used to drink some tea or coffee.

Frying pan is used when we need to fry something like eggs or bacon.

Saucepan is used for boiling sauces.

Grater is used to grate cheese or vegetables.

Apron is used when you cook and want to be clean. Oven glove is used to take off hot food from the oven.

Whisk is used to mix ingredients.

Chopping board is used to cut everything for meals.

Вправа 2: а) Поєднайте картинки зі словами.

1 – f 2 – c 3 – e 4 – a 5 – d 6 – b

b) Скажіть, яку іншу побутову техніку, що використовується на кухні, ви знаєте.

There are also such items of technology as hob, mixer, steamer, juicer, grill.


Сторінка 84:

Вправа 1: а) Поставте дієслова у дужках у правильну форму.

1. Hey, be careful! Those eggs are going to fall down.

2. Maybe we will have some chicken and salad for lunch.

3. Kim is going to the park for a picnic with us at 2 pm.

4 Rick won’t be happy about the mess you’ve made here.

5. Ann and Eddy aren’t having any cooking lessons today at noon.

6. Stop it! I am not going to eat any of that meat!

b) Напишіть два речення у формі Future Simple, два речення з ‘be going to’ та два речення у формі Present Continuous для майбутнього.

1. I think Max will join us soon.

2. Maybe mother will make a cake tomorrow.

3. My sister is going to take part in cooking competition.

4. Stop! This dog is going to bite you.

5. We aren’t having an English test at 12 o’clock.

6. My dad is having a business lunch at 11 a.m.

Вправа 2: а) Поєднайте.

1 – c 2 – d 3 – e 4 – f 5 – b 6 – a

b) Попрацюйте у парах.

- Will you go to the cinema with me tomorrow? – Yes, will. I’ll get big cup of popcorn!

- Are you going to go to the supermarket today? - Yes, I am. There aren't any products left at home.

- Are you visiting football match at 7 p.m.? – Yes, I am. My favourite team is playing

Сторінка 85:

Вправа 1: а) Послухайте та прочитайте розмову. Відгадайте значення виділених слів. wheat flour – пшеничне борошно

That’s very handy! – Це дуже зручно to mop the floor – мити підлогу the rest – решта to roll the pastry out onto the board – розгортати та викладати тісто на дошку pastry cutter – різак для тіста That’s it! – Ось і все!

Вправа 2: Попрацюйте у парах.

- We need some potatoes.

- How many potatoes?

- Ten potatoes. Also, we need fill in a pot with some water.

- Ok. What else?

- Peel potatoes and then I'll put them into pan, add some salt.

- How long do we need to boil it&

- For about 30 minutes. And then I'll smash it and add some butter and milk.

- How much milk should I prepare?

- One glass, please.

Розділ 5 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Сторінка 86:

Вправа 1: b) Напишіть короткий параграф про що, як та коли ви їсте та п’єте. I try not to eat unhealthy food. I have a glass of tea and sandwich with cheese for breakfast. For lunch, I eat an apple and some soup or borshch. In the evening, I usually have some meat or some fish and vegetables. I sometimes eat sweets or cakes after lunch, and I don’t eat a lot of bread.

Вправа 2: Прочитайте блоги на сторінках 76-77. Напишіть свій блог про кулінарні звички в Україні.

The eating habits in Ukraine

There are three meals a day breakfast, dinner and supper. Bread is usually served at every meal. Meals are mostly eaten at home, eating out is rare and considered as luxury. Knife is held in the right hand, fork in the left hand. The best food is offered to guests; it is polite for a guest to try every dish. The national dishes are borshch with pampushki, varenyky with potato and holubtsi.

Сторінка 87:

Вправа 1: Оберіть а чи b.

Вправа 2: а) Поставте дієслова у дужках у правильну форму.

1. I am going to the supermarket at noon.

2. Ann thinks the dinner will be ready in ten minutes.

3. Watch out! The plates are going to fall down!

4 They’re busy, so they won’t have lunch

5. We are not going to cook anything today!

6. Bill isn’t meeting Pam at the bar tonight at 6.

b) Складіть шість речень для майбутнього, як у реченнях вище.

1. I am going to the club at noon.

2. My sister thinks the cake will be ready in twenty minutes.

3. Look! The cat is going to catch that bird.

4. I won’t go out tonight, I’m tired.

5. We are going to watch a film in the evening.

6. My mum is meeting her friend at the café tonight at 7.

Вправа 3: а) Поєднайте.

b) Розкажіть, що ми робимо з кухонними предметами та технікою нижче.

We warm up food in the microwave.

We bake bread in the oven.

We eat salad with the fork.

We eat soup with the spoon.

Вправа 4: Попрацюйте у парах.

For a starter I usually have some salad.

Jam is kept in the jar.

We drink tea from a cup.

Ice cream is kept in the fridge.

We grind food with the blender.

For a main dish I have some soup or porridge with meat or fish.

For a dessert I have pancakes with tea or some cake. If it’s hot outside I often have some ice cream for a dessert.

Розділ 5 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
1 – b 2 – b 3 – a 4 – b 5 – a 6 – a 7 – b 8 – b
c 2 – d 3 – e 4 – g 5 – f 6 – a 7 – b

Сторінка 88:

Вправа 5: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. Salmon is in the fish food group.

2. I much prefer home-made food to the one in the restaurant.

3. Let’s bake a huge cake for Clare’s birthday!

4 Our body digests food better when we eat slowly.

5. We need to peel the potatoes before we cook them.

6. Helen uses oranges’ skins to make compost.

7 Tim turned on the oven, then he put the lamb inside.

8. It is so difficult to eat food with chopsticks!

Вправа 6: Складіть вісім речень зі словами нижче.

1. My friend wants to put on a diet.

2. We need lots of energy for work.

3. Grains are useful for our health.

4. I eat yoghurt for breakfast.

5. My friend doesn't eat pork because she is a vegetarian.

6. You should peel potatoes before boil them.

7. I’m going to fry some eggs.

8. It's necessary to eat healthy food.

Вправа 7: Поєднайте.

1 – d 2 – f 3 – e 4 – b 5 – c 6 – a

Вправа 8: Обговоріть запитання у парах.

1. I don’t like cooking because it’s too difficult for me

2. I like national cuisine more than foreign dishes because our national cuisine is more delicious for me.

3. I prefer to eat at home because my mother is an excellent cooker.

4. My mother cooks in your family and we often help her. She usually makes salads, meat, varenyky, borshch and different cakes.

Вправа 9: Напишіть рецепт для своєї улюбленої страви. Pancakes


• 1 cup all-purpose flour

• 2 tablespoons sugar

• 2 teaspoons baking powder

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 1 cup milk

• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

• 1 egg

How to cook:

1. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in milk, oil and egg. Mix until smooth.

2. Heat a lightly oiled frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour or scoop batter onto the frying pan, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake; cook until bubbles form and the edges are dry, 1 to 2 minutes. Flip and cook until browned on the other side. Repeat with remaining batter.

3. Serve hot and enjoy!

You need tablespoons, mixer and a bowl.

Вправа 10: Попрацюйте у групах.

1. People in my group aren't vegetarians, so they eat chicken and fish. They like coca cola and juices. They don't like pork and grains.

2. Fast food is the favourite food in my group.

3. My group hates soups the most.

Розділ 5 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023


Вправа 11: а) Попрацюйте у парах.

1. Yes, she does.

2. No, she isn’t.

3. No, she isn’t.

4. No, she doesn’t

b) Напишіть звіт про звички у їжі cвого друга.

5. No, she doesn’t.

6. Yes, she does.

7. No, she isn’t.

8. Yes, she does

She likes meat, especially chicken. She isn't a vegan but she likes vegetables. She eats many snacks and unhealthy food. So, she knows how to prepare a hamburger.

Вправа 12: Попрацюйте у групах.

- Let’s go to the forest for a picnic.

- That's good idea.

- When can we go?

- I think we can go on Sunday, the weather is going to be fine.

- How about food? What food do we need?

- We'll do the barbecue, so take some meat and vegetables such as mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers. For drink I’ll take cola and mineral water.

- Let's take some sweets.

- Great idea! Also, we can take some ice-cream.

- What things do we need?

- We need plates, knives, forks, glasses and the grill.

- Nice. See you on Sunday.

Сторінка 90:

Вправа 1: Доповніть.

1. Only a few people in my family can use chopsticks.

2 There are two cafes here, and both of them are Italian.

3. We need a lot of flour to make this huge cake for Ben.

4. My friends are vegetarian – lots of them hate meat.

Вправа 2: Оберіть правильну форму дієслова.

1. Nick is meeting Tara at this cafe at 6 pm.

2. Ed believes that Mary will cook for him.

3. I think Ben won’t like this vegetable soup.

4. Sam and Ed are going to cook rice for lunch.

5. Jane won’t have dinner with us.

6. I am not going to eat this chicken because I’m a vegetarian.

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. Boiled potatoes taste great with sour cream.

2. Helen told Adam to wash and peel the carrots for the soup.

3. You can wash the dishes, and Vicky can lay the table.

4. Mike loves home-made food, so he cooks everything himself.

5. Prawns and salmon are our favourite sea products.

6. Let’s fry this pork and then add some vegetables to it.

Вправа 4: Поєднайте.

1 – d 2 – e 3 – f 4 – a 5 – c 6 – b

Розділ 5 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Розділ 6

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Сторінка 92: Вправа 2: Послухайте репортера та скажіть, яку проблему вона освітлює.

The reporter talks about the problem that less and less people today do sport.

Вправа 3: Прочитайте повідомлення на сторінці 93. Скажіть, які твердження, кому належать.

1. Junta says that not everyone can afford sports equipment.

2. Amy says the main problem is technology.

3. Louis says that some people can’t handle failure.

4. Louis says that not all people are competitive enough to play sports.

5. Oleh says that people are scared of getting hurt while doing sport.

6. Amy says that a lot of people have just become very lazy.

7. Oleh says that you have to be careful while playing sports.

8. Junta says that many people are very busy and have no time for sport.



Вправа 4: Складіть список інших причин, чому люди не займаються спортом.

A list of reasons: laziness, worry to fail, not enough time, no money for the equipment.

Сторінка 94:

Вправа 5: Послухайте, потім прочитайте рішення вище



– Think about your health and future: if you have a passive lifestyle, you will probably get different illnesses or at least gain weight. Is that what you really want?

e – Play sports for fun, not for winning. In fact, there are some kinds of sports that are not competitive at all - yoga, aerobics, going to the gym or cycling in the park.


– Be brave and get good equipment, like gloves or a helmet. Plus, you can get a coach who will watch you and give you clear instructions.

d – Organise your time well and travel on foot more. Besides, there is always the weekend - go for a walk with your friends instead of watching TV


– Sure, gyms, pools and sports clubs can be expensive, but no one says you have to pay money for doing some good exercises at your own home in the morning.

Вправа 6: У парах. Складіть список рішень проблем з вправи 5. You can do sports with your friends to have fun and be healthy.

Choose sport that is not so hard. Ride a bike or go on foot.

Hang out with friends and play games.

Вправа 7: У групах, обговоріть чи любити ви спорт та чому?

- Do you like sports?

- Yes, I do, but I haven't enough time for it.

- What sports do you like?

- I like volleyball and I’m a member of our school team. And what about you?

- Oh, I don’t like sports. Sometimes, I play football with my friend but I'm not excited about it.

та поєднайте їх з проблемами

Сторінка 95:

Вправа 1: b) Перемалюйте таблицю та розподіліть види спорту з а). Додайте інші види спорту, які ви знаєте.



skating, long jump, gymnastics, aerobics, skiing, fencing, karate, skateboarding, high jump, climbing, power lifting, cycling sailing, swimming, water polo hockey, volleyball, tennis, football, basketball football, golf, cricket, baseball horse riding, running, biathlon

Вправа 2: а) Утворіть іменники зі слів з рамки, за зразком. skate – skater box – boxer jump – jumper train – trainer win – winner play – player

b) Додайте закінчення -ing до дієслів, щоб утворити назви видів спорту, за зразком. cycle – cycling jump – jumping ski – skiing swim – swimming skate- skating dive – driving surf – surfing

Вправа 3: Доповніть словами go, play та do у правильній формі.

1. I do gymnastics every day.

2. Jade plays tennis with Tom.

3. We go hiking on Sunday.

Сторінка 96:

4. Bob goes cycling in the park.

5. Peter goes horse riding on Friday.

6. Tim and Kim play football together.

Вправа 1: Назвіть якомога більше ігор з м’ячем. Volleyball, tennis, football, basketball, baseball, handball, table tennis, cricket, golf, water polo

Вправа 2: Прочитайте текст та відгадайте назви кожного спорту. Basketball, volleyball, football.

Сторінка 97:

Вправа 3: Прочитайте текст ще раз та скажіть, які твердження правдиві (Т), а які ні (F).

Вправа 4: Доповніть речення.

1. In basketball, there are two teams.

2. Each part of a basketball game lasts for twelve minutes.

3. A volleyball game is played for sixty or ninety minutes.

4. There are two timeouts in a volleyball game.

5. A football game lasts for ninety minutes.

6. There are eleven players in each football team.

Вправа 5: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

- What do volleyball players do?

- They hit the ball with their hands and arms over the net.

- How can they win?

- They win if they hit the opposing ground with the ball.

- What do the football players do?

- They kick or roll the ball to the opposite gates.

- How can they win?

- They win when they have the most points.

Розділ 6
класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
Англійська мова: підручник
T 2 – F 3 – T 4 – F 5 – F 6 – T

6: Прочитайте, оберіть та складіть якомога

A football player needs to have a lot of energy and run fast.

A basketball player must be strong.

A tennis player must think clearly and be patient.

A rugby player has to be fit.

A volleyball player doesn't need to run fast but needs to be fit and strong.

A baseball player must have a lot of energy.

Сторінка 98:

Вправа 1: а) Поставте дієслова з дужок у форму Past Continuous.

1. You were surfing in the sea for 30 minutes.

2. Paul wasn’t riding a horse for three hours.

3. I wasn’t doing gymnastics from 5 to 6 pm.

4. Ann and Sam were skating for 30 minutes.

5. We weren’t playing hockey for an hour.

6. Ben was running in the park at 9 o’clock yesterday morning.

b) Складіть три стверджувальних і три заперечних речення у формі Past Continuous зі словами нижче.

1. My sister was reading a book for two hours.

2. He was playing tennis from 4 to 6 pm.

3. They were cycling in the park at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.

4. I wasn’t watching a film at 7 pm yesterday.

5. Alex and Max weren’t playing chess for an hour.

6. Jane wasn’t doing gymnastics for 30 minutes. Вправа 2: Складіть запитання до відповідей, за зразком.

1. Were you swimming in the sea for half an hour?

2. Was Rick playing golf for 45 minutes?

3. Were Will and Wendy skiing at 3 pm?

4. Were you jogging from 9 to 10 am?

5. Was Annie exercising at the gym at 11 o’clock?

6. Was you studying karate from 5 to 6:30 pm?

Сторінка 99:

Вправа 3: Подумайте про вчора та дайте короткі відповіді на запитання.

1. No, I wasn’t. 2. Yes, she was. 3. No, they weren’t.

4. Yes, he was. 5. Yes, they were. 6. No, she wasn’t.

Вправа 4: У парах, задайте запитання та дайте відповіді про те, що ви вчора робили в заданий час.

2. A: What was Sue doing at 10:15 am yesterday?

B: She was skipping in the yard.

3. A: What was Fred doing at 12:45 pm yesterday?

B: He was playing basketball at the gym.

4. A: What were Kelly and Jill doing at 3:00 pm yesterday?

B: They were skating on the lake.

4. A: What were Jim and Ben doing at 5:10 pm yesterday?

B: They were swimming in the swimming pool.

Розділ 6 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
більше правдивих речень.


Вправа 1: а) Перед прослуховуванням, обговоріть питання.

1. Yes, I do. Olympic Games are the sports competition.

2. They are held every four years.

3. Athletics compete in boxing, cycling, skiing, skating, basketball, football, biathlon, swimming, etc.

b) Послухайте та оберіть правильну відповідь.

1 – b 2 – a 3 – c 4 – c 5 – b 6 – a 7 – c 8 – b

Вправа 2: Послухайте ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC.

2. Women didn’t take part in the Olympics in the past.

3. There were horse races at the old Olympics.

4. Athletics, boxing, cycling, basketball, football, gymnastics, swimming and many other sports are included in the Olympics today.

5. The Olympic flag mean that the countries are friends.

Вправа 3: Попрацюйте у двох групах.

Group 1: The last Olympic Games were held in Tokyo, Japan in 2021 from 23 July to 8 August. There were such kinds of sports as basketball, triathlon, swimming, karate, climbing, judo, table tennis and others. In general, there were 34 kinds of sport.

Group 2: The next Olympic Games are going to be in Paris, France in 2024 from 26 July to 11 August. There will be included such kinds of sport as boxing, table tennis, cycling, water polo, swimming, basketball, badminton and other. Overall, there will be 32 kinds of sport.

Сторінка 101:

Вправа 1: b) Скажіть, у якому спорті використовується який інвентар.

We use rackets, a ball and a net in tennis.

We use a ball and a net in volleyball.

We use swimming goggles and a stopwatch in swimming.

We use a bat and a ball in baseball.

We use a bike in cycling.

We use skis in skiing.

We use a stick and a puck in ice hockey.

Вправа 2: а) Послухайте токшоу, де люди намагаються вгадати назву спорту. Оберіть правильні варіанти.

individual sport, outdoor sport, fast sport

b) Послухайте ще раз та розташуйте запитання у правильному порядку.

3 – Is it a dangerous sport?

5 – Does he need a racket?


– Does he need any other equipment?


– Does your guest play an indoor sport?


– Does your guest play an individual sport?

Сторінка 102:

Вправа 1: Поставте слова у дужках у форму Past Simple чи Past Continuous.

1. Jim played football with his friends last weekend.

2. Sara was skiing in the mountains for an hour yesterday.

3. We were swimming in the sea for 30 minutes last Sunday.

Розділ 6 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Сторінка

4. Tina and Tom had aerobics lessons two days ago.

5. Cathy went jogging in the park with Ann last Friday.

6. Mike and Pete were doing karate at 10 o’clock yesterday.

Вправа 2: Поставте слова у дужках у форму Past Simple та Past Continuous.

1. I was skating when you came to me.

2. Lilly was running when Bob caught her.

3. They were playing baseball when we stopped them.

4. Jack was cycling when it started to rain.

5. You were sailing when the weather got bad.

6. We were snowboarding when Tim fell down.

Вправа 3: Пригадайте свої вихідні. Запишіть свої шість речень у формі Past Simple та Past Continuous, як у вправі 2.

1. I was doing homework when my grandmother came.

2. My father was washing his car when I asked him for help.

3. I was cycling when I met my friend.

4. We were watching TV when the dog broke a plate.

5. I was walking when it started to snow.

6. I was playing computer games when my mother called me.

Сторінка 103:

Вправа 1: Роздивіться зображення та скажіть, де використовується

1. A high net is used in volleyball.

2. A swimming costume and swimming goggles are used in swimming.

3. Skis are used in skiing.

4. A football is used in football.

5. A racket and a small ball are used in tennis.

6. A basket is used in basketball.

7. A puck is used in ice hockey.

8. A helmet is used in baseball.

Вправа 2: Попрацюйте у парах.

- What kind of sport is your favourite?

- My favourite kind of sport is volleyball.

- Why do you like it?

- It's easy for me because I'm tall and strong.

- Do you do it?

- Yes, I do.

- Where do you do it?

- I do it at school because I’m a member of our school team.

- How often do you do it?

- I do it twice a week.

Сторінка 104: Вправа 1: Прочитайте блог Емми та дайте відповіді на

1. It helps Emma keep fit and healthy.

2. Emma trains at the gym with her friend Tara.

3. Emma’s volleyball coach is strict.

4. Emma walk at least 30-40 minutes every evening.

Розділ 6 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
кожний предмет, за зразком.

Вправа 2: Напишіть схожий блог про спорт у вашому житті.

Sport is very important in my life. I like sport because it's healthy and helps me keep fit. I exercise almost every day at home. Also, I go to the gym twice a week. I'm a member of our school volleyball team and we train three times a week at the school gym. My friend Natalya also trains with me. Every day I walk with my friends and at the weekend I walk with my family. We spend time together and get some fresh air. Sport is necessary for my health and life.

Сторінка 105

: Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. You have to kick the ball in football.

2. I’ve got a gold medal in this competition!

3. Cricket is Lesley’s favourite kind of sport.

4. We can’t afford this equipment for baseball.

5. Tim is so competitive! He’ll do anything to win!

6. Our coach is very well-organised and strict, too.

Вправа 2: Складіть 10 речень зі словами з рамки.

1. Cycling is my friend's favourite kind of sport.

2. Young generation is lazier than old.

3. You need to score a goal in football.

4. Timeout is when the main time finished.

5. You should train to be strong and healthy.

6. You can get silver for the second place.

7. Basketball players bounce the ball.

8. If you are careless you can get hurt.

9. It is hard to grain weight.

10. You can get bronze for the third place.

3: Пройдіть тест, щоб дізнатися, чи важливий спорт для вас.

– b 2 – b 3 – a

106: Вправа

– a

4: Поставте слова у дужках у форму Past Simple чи Past Continuous.

1. Jane was skiing for two hours last weekend.

2. I was jogging from 8 am to 10 am two days ago.

3. We played ice hockey together last Sunday.

4. Bill and Ricky were running when it started to snow yesterday.

5. Nick was skating in the park yesterday when his phone rang.

6. I got injured when I was surfing in the sea three days ago.

Вправа 5: Поєднайте.

1 – b 2 – d 3 – f 4 – e 5 – a 6 – c

Вправа 6: Складіть запитання до відповідей.

1. Were you playing rugby for half an hour yesterday?

2. Was Dana swimming at 3 pm two days ago?

3. Were you playing volleyball from 2 pm to 5 pm last Sunday?

4. Was Luke surfing from 9 am to 10:30 am last Monday?

5. Was your cat running with you for 35 minutes yesterday?

6. Were Ed and Emma doing athletics from 8 am to 2 pm a day ago?

Вправа 7: Утворіть іменники від слів з рамки. Playing, winning, losing, swimming, training, boxing, skating, diving.

Вправа 8: а) Доповніть.

1 – play rugby 3 – go running 5 – play table tennis

2 – go hiking 4 – do aerobics 6 – do gymnastic

Розділ 6 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
6 – b 7 – a 8 – a Сторінка
– a


шість речень у формі Past Continuous з фразами

1. They were playing rugby from 4 pm to 5 pm yesterday.

2. Ann was going hiking when she met Jane.

3. My brother was running for two hours last Friday.

4. My mother was doing aerobics when we came home.

5. We were playing table tennis 2 pm to 5 pm yesterday.

6. I was doing gymnastic for an hour yesterday.

Вправа 9: Скажіть, який інвентар використовується у цих видах спорту, за зразком.

A ball and a high net are used in volleyball.

A ball and a ring are used in basketball.

A puck and a stick are used in ice hockey.

Skis are used in skiing.

A boat is used in sailing.

A swimming costume and goggles are used in swimming.

Сторінка 107:

Вправа 10: Дайте відповіді на запитання швидко.

1. No, I’m not.

4. Yes, I am.

7. Yes, they can.

10. No, I don’t.

I go skiing.

Сторінка 108:

2. No, I can’t.

5. Shakhtar.

8. No, they can’t.


Ninety minutes.

3. No, it doesn’t.

6. To catch the goal.

Eleven players.

Shevchenko, Messi

15. Every week.

Вправа 1: Поставте дієслова у дужках у форму Past Simple та Past Continuous.

1. Matt was doing some gymnastics yesterday morning.

2. I was playing tennis on the court yesterday at 5 o’clock.

3. George and Jane were cycling in the park from 5 pm to 7 pm.

4. Kim was dribbling quickly when Ted got the ball yesterday.

5. I was rolling the ball when David fell down at the last game.

6. Fred and Sam were hiking for an hour when it started to rain a day ago.

Вправа 2: Запишіть запитання для відповідей.

1. Were you skiing for two hours last weekend?

2. Was Ted riding a horse at 5 pm last Sunday?

3. Were you playing rugby for 40 minutes two days ago?

4. Were Tina and Leila playing curling from 8 am to 2 pm a day ago?

5. Was Katie doing athletics for an hour last Monday?

6. Were you having a timeout for 10 minutes?

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. The Olympic Games are going to be held in Austria this year.

2. The aim of every football game is to win.

3. We’ve got more points than the opposing team.

4. You can get hurt in skating if you’re not careful.

5. I love playing tennis just as much as cricket.

6. Tim has a very active lifestyle - he jogs every day.

Розділ 6 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Розділ 7

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Вправа 4: Розташуйте речення у правильному порядку, щоб утворити діалог.

Сторінка 110:

Вправа 3: Оберіть а, b чи с, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – с 2 – b 3 – b 4 – b 5 – b 6 – c

Сторінка 111:

Вправа 4: Прочитайте текст ще раз. Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

1. Egypt is situated in the North of Africa.

2. There are many places of interest to see in Egypt, such as Egyptian Museum, the Sphinx and monumental Pyramids.

3. Over twenty million people live in Mexico City.

4. The City of the Gods is an important ancient place in Mexico.

5. You can visit Edinburgh Castle and the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

6. British architect Edwin Lutyens planned much of the capital of India.

7. India Gate was inspired by the Arc de Triomphe.

8. New Delhi is famous for its beautiful landscaped gardens that look fantastic in spring.

Вправа 5: Попрацюйте у парах. Оберіть столицю та знайдіть інформацію про неї. London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 11,000,000 people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. There are such places of interest as Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives, and the Houses of Parliament. You can also see the famous Tower Clock Big Ben, the symbol of London. Big Ben is the real bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. There are many other places interest in London: Trafalgar Square, Regent’s Park, Westminster Abbey and, of course, the British Museum. It’s impossible to describe all places of interest. The best way to know about London is to visit it.

Сторінка 112:

Вправа 2: а) Послухайте та прочитайте речення. Вгадайте значення слів. a government – уряд a parliament – парламент a place of interest – пам’ятка, визначне місце

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. There are many sculptures in Sofiivka Park in Uman.

2. The capital of Greece is famous for the ancient amphitheatre where actors performed plays in old times.

3. There is the monument to Princess Olha in Mykhailivska Square in Kyiv.

4 The British parliament has its meetings in the Houses of Parliament in London.

5. St Paul’s Cathedral is one of the landmarks of London.

6. The entrance to the department store was designed with New Year’s decorations.

7. In the middle of Trafalgar Square there is a big column with the monument to Admiral Nelson.


Вправа 4: Складіть речення зі словами з рамки.

Our government deals with important problems.

There are many places of interest in Ukraine. There is a big entrance at the theatre.

There are many landmarks in Kyiv.

Some churches in Ukraine are famous for its frescoes.

Сторінка 114:

Вправа 3: Оберіть а, b чи с.

1 – c 2 – c 3 – c 4 – b 5 – c 6 – c

Вправа 4: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

1. The Gherkin looks like a rocket.

2. Norman Foster is the architect of the building.

3. It was built in such a way as to save energy, so the heating and cooling costs are not too high.

4. People choose Members of Parliament every 5 years in the UK.

5. Big Ben’s weight is 13.7 tonnes.

6. The task of Parliament is to make laws.

7. People like walking over the Millennium Bridge because there is no traffic on it.

8. The bridge was opened in 2000.

9. The bridge was closed because people who walked across felt a gentle movement underfoot.

10. The film, where the Millennium Bridge is destroyed, is called ‘Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince’

Вправа 5: Скажіть, яке з цих трьох місць ви б хотіли відвідати

I would like to visit the House of Parliament because it is my dream to see Big Ben in my own eyes.

Вправа 6: Роздивіться фото та скажіть, де розташовані ці місця.

All these places are located in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

Сторінка 115:

Вправа 7: Прочитайте текст та поєднайте його з фото з вправи 6.

Вправа 8: Розташуйте ці визначні місця у дві колонки.

Kyiv London

the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra the Mariinskyi Palace the Prince Volodymyr Monument the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Monument

St Paul’s Cathedral Shakespeare’s Globe Buckingham Palace the British Museum

Розділ 7 Англійська
Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
мова: підручник для 6 класу.
та чому.


Вправа 1: Поставте дієслова у дужках у форму Past Simple Passive.

a) The London Eye is in London, of course, and it was designed by British architects. However, it wasn’t made in Great Britain at all! The main parts of the Eye were built in Holland. The other parts were made in the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Italy. The parts were carried to Great Britain by ship. Then they were put together in London. It was opened to the public on 1st February, 2000.

b) The Millennium Bridge is a bridge across the River Thames in London. It was opened in 2000 by the Queen. However, it was closed again two days later because it wobbled too much! Two years later, on 22nd February, it was opened again. Now it is used by thousands of people every day.

Вправа 2: Поставте запитання до речень із завдання вище.

Where was the main part of the Eye built?

Where were parts put together?

What is the Millennium Bridge?

When was it opened?

Who was the Bridge opened by?

Вправа 3: викладіть суть одним реченням, використавши Present чи Past Passive.

1. Books are written by writers.

2. Cars are driven on the left in Great Britain.

3. Cars are driven on the right in other countries.

4. English is spoken in many countries.

5 The play Hamlet was written by Shakespeare

6. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

7. The Colosseum was built by the Romans.

8 Othello was staged in the local theatre.

Сторінка 117:

Вправа 1: а) Послухайте та назвіть усі пам’ятки, які ви почули.

The House of Parliament, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, National Gallery, Admiral Nelson’s Column, Hyde Park, Speakers’ Corner, The Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, The British Museum, Tower Bridge.

b) Роздивіться фото та вгадайте назви місць.

1 – Westminster Abbey 2 – The Tower of London 3 – Tower Bridge 4 – St Paul’s Cathedral

– Trafalgar Square

– The British Museum

Вправа 2: Послухайте ще раз. У парах задайте запитання та дайте відповіді.

1. The Tower of London is the oldest royal residence, home of kings and queens.

2. The Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge.

3. Trafalgar Square is the largest square.

4. Hyde Park is the most popular park.

5. The biggest museum is called the British Museum.

6. The name of the most famous bell is Big Ben.

7. The largest church is called St Paul’s Cathedral.

8. You can see the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London.

Розділ 7 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Сторінка

Розділ 7 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Вправа 3: Знайдіть інформацію в інтернеті про пам’ятки Лондона. Зробіть презентацію та розкажіть класу.

The Royal Observatory (Greenwich) is an observatory situated on a hill in Greenwich Park. It played a major role in the history of astronomy and navigation, and is best known as the location of the prime meridian. You can look at the stars here.

Сторінка 118:

Вправа 3: Складіть речення зі слів, за зразком.

1. Go along here and turn right.

2. Excuse me; do you know the way to the gallery?

3. Excuse me; how do I get to the museum?

4. Excuse me; is there a castle near here?

5. Turn left into a Foster Road.

6. It’s the third turning on the right.

Вправа 4: Доповніть фрази нижче, за зразком.

1. Go along here.

2. Do you know the way?

Сторінка 119:

3. Excuse me.

4. Turn right.

Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

5. On the left.

6. Thanks very much.

Вправа 2: b) Послухайте розмову Джона з його мамою та скажіть, за зразком. John has already been to London, hut he hasn't been to Vienna yet. John has spent much money, but he has bought a lot of souvenirs. John has seen seven countries, but it's not all.

с) Послухайте ще раз. Потім задайте запитання та дайте відповіді, використавши

поєднання слів та зразок нижче.

- Has he sent any postcards?

- Yes, he has. He has sent a postcard from every city.

- Has he seen cities?

- Yes, he has.

- Has he bought souvenirs?

- Yes, he has. He bought a lot of souvenirs.

- Has he already been to London?

- Yes, he has. He has already been to London.

- Has he spent much money?

- Yes, he has. He bought a lot of souvenirs.

- Has he taken photos?

- Yes, he has. He has taken a lot of photos.

Вправа 3: Розкажіть класу, де ви були, що бачили…

I have been to Scotland recently. I have visited many cities there. All cities have a lot of places of interest. I have taken a lot of pictures and can show it to you. I have bought a souvenir from every city.

Сторінка 120: Вправа 2: Прочитайте та скажіть які твердження правдиві, а які хибні.

– True
– False
– True
- False

Сторінка 121:

Вправа 1: Поєднайте тексти з листівками.

c – Tower of London a – London Zoo

d – Sightseeing Tours by London Taxi b – Madame Tussaunds

Вправа 2: а) Роздивіться об’яви та скажіть, які місця ви б відвідали. I would like to visit Madame Tussaunds Museum as there I can have a chance to meet many famous people. I can imagine that they are real.

b) Оберіть три пам’ятки Києва та напишіть об’яви для них.

1. Museum to Motherland. It is a historical museum about World War II. You can find a lot of interesting historical facts there. Open every day.

2. Khreschatyk is the most famous street in Kyiv. A lot of tourists go there. You can walk and visit many different shops and cafes.

3. Mariinskiy Palace is a nice park with palace. You can spend a nice time with your family there.

Сторінка 122: Вправа 1: Задайте запитання та дайте відповіді у парах.

- Who can give you some information about places of interest?

- A guide can give you some information about places of interest.

- Have you ever been on a sightseeing tour?

- Yes, I have.

- Have you ever looked at leaflets with information for tourists?

- Yes, I have.

- What kind of information can you find in a leaflet?

- You can find a lot of interesting details about a place of interest in a leaflet.

Вправа 2: Послухайте діалог та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. A man and an agent are talking They are in London.

2. The man hasn’t seen anything in London.

3. He is looking at the leaflet.

4. He chooses the National Gallery.

5. No, he hasn’t.

6. No, there aren’t. There are any double-deckers in London’s streets nowadays.

7. The man will start with a sightseeing tour on a double-deckers, because he has never tried double-deckers before.

Вправа 3: Запишіть назви міста та пам’ятки, за якими вони відомі.

Edinburg – Edinburg Castle, London – Big Ben, Paris – Eiffel Tower, Rome – Coliseum.

Вправа 4: а) Доповніть діалог формою Present Perfect дієслів у дужках.

Ann: Have you been to a football match since you arrived?

Bob: No, I haven’t. I never go to football matches. I hate football.

Ann: Have you sent any postcards yet?

Bob: Yes, I have.

Ann: Have you seen the British Museum yet?

Bob: No, I haven’t.

Ann: Have you eaten in any good restaurants?

Bob: I’ve eaten out twice.

Ann: Have you visited Madame Tussauds?

Bob: No, I haven’t. I visited it last year when I was in London.

Розділ 7
підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
Англійська мова:

Ann: Have you had time to go to our beautiful parks?

Bob: Yes, I’ve been to three parks!

Ann: Has your mother phoned you?

Bob: No, she hasn’t.

Ann: Have you enjoyed your visit so far?

Bob: Yes. I’ve done so many interesting things!

Сторінка 123:

b) Використайте інформацію з пункту а), щоб записати речення у формі Present Perfect.

1. Bob has never been to football match.

2. He has already sent a postcard.

3. He hasn’t visited British Museums yet.

4. He has eaten twice in a restaurant.

Сторінка 125:

5. He hasn’t visited Madame Tussauds this time.

6. He has already visited three parks.

7. His mother hasn’t phoned him yet.

8. He has enjoyed the trip so far.

Вправа 8: Складіть вікторину про Лондон. Попрацюйте у групах з чотирьох осіб.

1. What is the name of place where the Queen lives? Buckingham Palace.

2. What place can you see all London from? London Eye.

3. What is the seat of the government? The House of Parliament.

4. What is the largest clock in London? Big Ben.

5. Where can you see beautiful plants, trees and fountains? In Hyde Park.

6. Is London the capital of Great Britain? Yes, it is.

7. How long is the River Thames? It is 346 kilometres.

8. What is the most popular square in London? Trafalgar Square.

9. What building was a fortress, a castle, a prison and a zoo? The Tower of London.

Сторінка 126: Вправа 1: Перетворіть речення з активного стану в пасивний.

1. This skyscraper was designed in 2020.

2 This theatre was opened last year.

3. This picture was painted in the 20th century.

4. This palace was turned into a museum.

5. This building was used as a prison.

6. Many architects were inspired by this sculpture.

Вправа 2: Поставте дієслова у дужках у форму Present Perfect.

1. Michael has visited the amphitheatre already.

2 The parliament has announced some new laws recently.

3. Our tourists haven’t seen the Eiffel Tower yet.

4. Our guide hasn’t showed us the frescoes yet.

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з рамки. Використайте правильну форму дієслів.

1. This old monument was fixed two years ago.

2. The entrance to the theatre is between the columns.

3. I cannot cross this bridge – it looks so wobbly!

4. Many famous Egyptian rulers are buried in pyramids.

5. The Tower of London is opposite the River Thames.

6. Look at these masterpieces! Aren’t they fascinating?

Вправа 4: Поєднайте.

1 – e 2 – d 3 – c 4 – f 5 – b 6 – a

Розділ 7 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Розділ 8

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

Сторінка 128:

Вправа 1: Скажіть класу, які країни ви б хотіли відвідати. I would like to visit the USA, France and Italy.

Вправа 2: Прочитайте чат та поєднайте.

1 – d 2 – f 3 – a 4 – c 5 – b 6 – e

Вправа 3: Прочитайте чат ще раз та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Rosie is worried because she is planning her summer holidays.

2. Taras suggests visiting Ukraine.

3. The climate is continental in Ukraine.

4. Taras mentions the Black Sea and the Carpathians.

5. Ukraine is special because it is reach in history and culture.

Сторінка 129:

Вправа 4: а) Прочитайте чат. Скажіть, які твердження правдиві, а які хибні.

1 – true 2 – false 3 – false 4 – true 5 – true 6 – false

b) Обговоріть питання у парах.

1. Taras suggests getting a visa, booking a room and checking some excursions.

2. They should pack passport and some summer clothes.

Вправа 5: Оберіть одну країну. Знайдіть в інтернеті, яка там погода. Напишіть список речей, які б ви взяли з собою. Обміняйтеся списками з однокласником.

Mexico: the weather is very hot.

The list of things to take: shorts, T-shirt, swimming suit, sunglasses, sun cream, camera.

Сторінка 130: Вправа

1: Поєднайте слова з зображеннями.

2: Поєднайте.

– e 2 – c


– b

Вправа 3: а) Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. We are going on holiday to Italy this summer.

2. Robert has not packed his suitcases yet.

3. Our flight to Washington is at 8 am.

4. We need to hire a car to travel in France.

5. Ann went to the ticket office to buy the tickets.

6 I have some souvenirs for you from my trip to the USA.

b) Складіть речення зі словами з рамки.

1. My mother went to airport to meet my grandparents.

2. My family always has a lot of luggage when we travel.

3. Before travelling abroad you should do travel insurance.

4. Mike’s father always arranges their trips.

5. Alex will book a room for us tomorrow.

6. I’ve already packed my suitcase.

2 – train station 1 – bus station 5 – airport 7 – timetable board 3 – travel insurance 4 – ticket 6 – luggage
d 6
– f

Сторінка 131:

Вправа 1: Роздивіться зображення та здогадайтеся, куди кожен збирається на літні канікули.

I think Emma is going to Spain for her summer holidays. Lee is going to visit Austria.

I can guess that Tara is going to Cuba. And Eve is going to visit Ireland.

Вправа 2: Прочитайте текст та закінчіть речення.

1. Emma is travelling to Spain.

3. Tara is travelling to Cuba.

Сторінка 133:

2. Lee is travelling to Austria.

4. Eve is travelling to Ireland

Вправа 3: Прочитайте текст ще раз та оберіть а, b чи с.

Вправа 4: Назвіть імена дітей, про яких ці твердження.

1. Eve always surfs the Net for museums before trips

2. Lee has been on a few long trips abroad.

3. Emma is packing some shirts, shorts and dresses.

4. Tara isn’t visiting any new countries this summer.

5. Tara has some relatives in the Caribbean.

6. Eve is going by bus to Ireland because it isn’t far.

7. Lee wants to pack a violin for the trip.

8. Emma plans to make a short film in Buen Retiro.

Вправа 5: Попрацюйте у парах.

Alex is going to visit London this summer holidays. He wants to take a ride on London Eye and have an excursion to Buckingham Palace. He needs to pack a passport, a travel insurance, some clothes, a smartphone and comfortable shoes.

Сторінка 134:

Вправа 1: Пригадайте та скажіть, коли використовуються ці часи.

The Present Simple is used when we talk about something that happens regularly. The Present Continuous is used when we talk about action that is happening right now.

The Present Perfect is used when the action has been in the past and for now we have a result.

The Past Simple is used when the action happened in the past. The Past Continuous is used when the action was happening in the past but in the certain time.

The Future Simple is used when the action will be in the future. Be going is used when we talk about future plans and intentions.

Вправа 2: Оберіть правильну форму.

1. Anna always keeps her documents with her.

2. Tommy isn’t packing his suitcase at the moment.

3. We travelled to San Diego last summer.

4. I was swimming in the sea for forty minutes.

5. We are going on holiday to Odesa next week.

6. I think Rick isn’t going to buy the tickets.

7. My dad is going to get a visa for the UK.

8. Our parents have booked the flight already.

Розділ 8 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
1 – c 2 – a 3 – c 4 – b 5 – b 6 – a 7 – c 8 – b

Вправа 3: Поставте дієслова у дужках в правильну форму.

1. We are having an excursion this afternoon.

2. You will never be ready for your trips!

3. I arranged a trip for us two days ago.

4. Helen hasn’t bought any souvenirs yet.

5 Tim and Sue aren’t surfing at the moment.

6. I promise we will visit a museum next time.

7. Look at the sky. It isn’t raining today.

8 Ed wasn’t waiting from 3 pm to 4:30 pm.

Вправа 4: Перетворіть речення в запитання за зразком.

1. Does Duke travel to Israel every winter?

2. Has Roberta got the visa?

3. Did we go to the train station?

4. Are you taking the luggage?

5. Was Sam dancing for two hours?

6. Will you check the time of the flight?

7. Is John looking for the tickets now?

8. Are they going to arrange the trip?

Сторінка 135:

Вправа 1: Попрацюйте у парах.

I have been to the airport. You need to have a boarding pass to get to the plane. There is a person who check your boarding pass, check-in clerk.

Вправа 2: Прочитайте твердження та скажіть, хто їх говорить.

C – How many pieces of Luggage have you got?

P – These two bags.

C – Have a nice flight.

C – Here’s your boarding pass.

P – Could you help me, please?

P – Can you tell me where gate 4 is, please?

C – The plane’s departure is at 8 am, ma’am.

P – Oh no! The flight is delayed. We’re stuck here. Wait... It is cancelled!

Вправа 3: Послухайте розмову та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. The speakers are the passenger and the clerk.

2. There are two luggage.

3. Check-in clerk gives a boarding pass to the passenger.

Вправа 4: Послухайте розмову між Патріком та Тоні. Скажіть, які твердження правдиві, а які хибні.

1 – true

2 – false

3 – false

4 – true

Вправа 5: Послухайте дві розмови ще раз та скажіть, яка між ними різниця.

In the first dialogue the passenger has got two pieces of luggage and in the second one only one luggage, but the weight of it is too much.

Розділ 8 Англійська
для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023
мова: підручник

Розділ 8

Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Сторінка 136: Вправа 2: Прочитайте фрази та поміркуйте, де ми їх використовуємо. Розташуйте фрази у правильному порядку.

6 – get off the plane

4 – get on the plane

7 – collect your luggage from baggage reclaim

3 – go through passport control

5 – fasten your seat belt

8 – leave the airport

1 – get into the airport

2 – check in your luggage

Вправа 3: Складіть список дій, які ви виконуєте на залізничній станції.

1 – get on the train station

2 – check the ticket

3 – get on the train

4 – get off the train

5 – leave the train station

Сторінка 137:

Вправа 4: Доповніть речення словами з рамки. Використайте правильну форму дієслова.

1. It’s time to get off the plane. Let’s go!

2 Hurry up, Robert! The bus is leaving at 3 pm.

3. Our plane has landed already. Let’s go, everybody!

4. They left the train station and went to hire a taxi.

5 Wendy ordered some sandwiches a few minutes ago.

6. I haven’t collected my Luggage from the baggage reclaim yet.

7. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts now.

8. We need to go through the passport control before we get on the plane.

Сторінка 138: Вправа 2: а) Доповніть діалог своїми відповідями.

A: Hi! Have you packed your suitcase for the trip?

B: I have, but I can’t find a map.

A: Why do you need a map? I have GPS on my phone.

B: Alright. I packed two types of swimming suits.

A: Okay. I think you should take your goggles with you, too.

B: Why do I need them?

A: Because there will be a swimming pool next to our hotel.

B: Awesome. We should definitely go there.

A: What documents do you have with you?

B: I’ve got passport and travel insurance.

A: Good. I have the tickets. Let’s go!

B: It’s going to be a great trip!


Вправа 3: Попрацюйте у парах.

- Where are you going?

- I am going to the sea this summer.

- How are you going to get there?

- I am going to get there by plane.

- What things will you need to pack?

- I need a passport and some clothes.

- What will you do there?

- I will swim and sunbathe there.

Сторінка 139:

Вправа 1: Прочитайте листа від Джека та дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Jack is going to Italy in July.

2. He is going with his parents.

3. They are going by plane.

4. They will stay in a hotel in Positano.

5. His parents are fond of history and culture.

6. They are going to learn and have fun in Rome.

7. Jack needs his swimming equipment because he’s going to swim and dive.

8. Jack needs to pack sunglasses and sun cream because the climate in Italy is subtropical.

Вправа 2: Напишіть листа Джеку та розкажіть про свої плани на канікули.

Hi Jack,

I am glad to receive a letter from you. It’s nice to hear that you are going to Italy this summer I am going on a trip to Greece with my parents in August. We are going by plane. We will stay in a small hotel not far from the sea. I want to swim and sunbathe a lot. Besides, there are many places of interest. I would like to visit some historical places and museums to learn more about the history and culture of Greece. I am fond of myths of Ancient Greece. I wish you a nice trip and I am waiting for photos from you.

Best wishes, Max

Сторінка 140:

Вправа 1: b) Оберіть а чи b.

1 – b 2 – b 3 – b 4 – a

с) Послухайте ще раз та обговоріть питання у парах.

1. Emma doesn’t need her swimming suit because it’s cold there.

2. If the weather is bad they will spend time indoors.

3. It will take them eight hours to get to the location.

Вправа 2: Оберіть правильні слова.

1. Sara would like to buy some souvenirs in this shop.

2. We need to book a flight to Egypt because it is far away.

3. My parents have arranged a trip to Barcelona, Spain.

4. Don’t worry – Rick has already packed his suitcase.

5. John has hired a car, so we can travel around the UK.

6. You have to get a visa before you go to the USA.

Розділ 8 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

3: а) Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. This great musical was made by very famous composers.

2. Lisa has a map, so we won’t get lost in this huge city.

3. Personally, I prefer swimming to surfing because it is safer.

4. John has to choose where to go this summer.

5. I need some advice on what I should pack for this trip.

6. Santiago de Cuba is a city of dancing, so there are many festivals there.

7. Their flight to Paris is delayed, whereas our flight is cancelled.

8. Helen has packed too much luggage – her suitcase is so heavy!

9. The check-in clerk will notice the food that you have in your bag.

10 Passengers for Kyiv should go to gate No. 22. Turn right and you’ll see it.

b) Складіть речення зі словами зі списку.

1. Moryntsi is a birthplace of Taras Shevchenko.

2. You should do copies of these documents.

3. Last Sunday we went to the Rock concert.

4. I would like to go to the pond for a picnic.

5. The reception desk in this hotel is in front of entrance.

6. My sister is stuck in London because her flight was cancelled.

7. I don’t like travelling to the countries with Arctic climate.

8. We went on a terrific trip to Spain last summer.

Сторінка 141:

Вправа 4: Підпишіть зображення, за зразком.

1. The passengers get on the plane.

2. The plane takes off.

3. The plane lands.

4. The passengers get off the plane.

5. The train leaves.

6. The train arrives.

7. The passenger fastens his seat belt.

8. The passenger goes through passport control.

9. The passenger checks in his luggage.

10. The passenger leaves the airport.

11. The passenger collects his luggage from baggage reclaim.

12. The passenger orders a snack.

Сторінка 142:

Вправа 5: Назвіть, де Present Simple використано для майбутнього часу, а де для звичок.

Present Simple for future: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8.

Present Simple for habits: 3, 5, 7, 9, 10.

Розділ 8 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Вправа

1. The climate in Canada is Arctic.

2. Look at the sky! It is going to rain any minute.

3. Peter got his visa for China last month.

4. We have made a list of things for the trip already.

5 I think you will get lost without a map or GPS.

6. The plane to London lands at 5 pm today.

7. George and Mia are surfing the Net for a hotel now.

8 Eddy was packing his suitcase for two hours yesterday.

9. Ann is going on an excursion to Lviv with us tomorrow.

10. You always have to check your documents before travelling.

Вправа 7: Складіть 10 речень

1. Linda visits her grandparents in the country every summer.

2. Bananas don’t grow in Ukraine.

3. The bus leaves in ten minutes.

4. My mother is cooking dinner now.

5. We are meeting our friends at the café at 3 o’clock.

6. I’ve already done my homework.

7. Jack will take part in the math competition next month.

8. My family is going on the trip to Berlin in July.

9. My friends went swimming yesterday.

10. When I came home, my cat was sleeping in my bed.

Вправа 8: Складіть запитання за відповідями.

1. Does it often snow in Poland in winter?

2. Do we use maps anymore?

3. When does the train arrive?

4. What will Leila take with her?

5. What is Ted going to do for us?

6. Where are Jane and Jim flying to this month?

7. What have you lost at the airport?

8. How long was Duke waiting at the train station?

9. Where did Ricky go last summer?

10. Have you already fastened our seat belts?

Сторінка 143:

Вправа 9: Поєднайте.

1 – j 2 – e 3 – g 4 – f 5 – h

6 – i 7 – d 8 – a 9 – c 10 – b

Вправа 10: Попрацюйте в групах.

The climate is Arctic in continental. You should pack coat, boots, hat, scarf and gloves if you are visiting Canada in winter. You can get there by plane because it’s far from Ukraine. You should definitely visit Niagara Falls State Park. From guided hikes and walks to talks about rich history of Niagara Falls, there are events for the entire family to enjoy! If you get hungry, you can eat at the Top of the Falls Restaurant and enjoy a panoramic view of the Falls.

Розділ 8 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023 Вправа 6: Поставте дієслово у дужках у правильну форму.

Сторінка 144:

Вправа 1: Оберіть правильну форму.

1. Sandra has been to many countries already.

2. This summer Bill is going to Italy with his family.

3. They visit a country by the Mediterranean Sea every summer.

4 We will go to Hawaii next summer.

5. My dad loves history, so he prefers to visit ancient cities.

6. Visiting that museum was fantastic!

Вправа 2: Поєднайте.

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. You have to take some things out or pay extra money.

2. How many pieces of luggage have you got?

3. We need some advice before travelling to a new country.

4. They need to get a visa to go to Australia.

5. The check-in clerk gave me my boarding pass back.

6. It’s not her first trip by plane. She knows how to go through passport control.

Вправа 4: Розташуйте речення у правильному порядку, щоб утворився діалог.

3___You must be joking. You can have just 23. You’ll have to pay an extra $50.

5___Oh yes, they will!

1___How much luggage have you got?

4___I hope they won’t notice.

2___40 kg.

6___Well, OK. I will pay $50 then.

Розділ 8 Англійська мова: підручник для 6 класу. Карпюк «Видавництво Астон», 2023

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