УДК 811.111(075.3) Ê17 Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України (наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 12.04.2019 № 472) Вида о а ра
о д р ав и
в. Прода
а оро
Навчальне видання
КАЛІНІНА Лариса Вадимівна САМОЙЛЮКЕВИЧ Інна Володимирівна
и д
ав а а
про а
и рв
ад в а а
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о о в и
Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України Вида о а ра
о д р ав и
в. Прода
а оро
Головний редактор Наталія Заблоцька. Редактор Інна Лук’янчук. Головний художник Світлана Желєзняк. Художній редактор Oлена Мамаєва. Технічний редактор Цезарина Федосіхіна. Комп’ютерна верстка Лариси Кулагіної. Формат 70×100/16. Ум. друк. арк. 16,9. Обл.-вид. арк. 15,15. Тираж 17 419 пр. Вид. № 1995 Зам. № Видавництво «Генеза», вул. Тимошенка, 2-л, м. Київ, 04212. Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи серія ДК № 5088 від 27.04.2016 Віддруковано у ТОВ «ПЕТ», вул. Ольмінського, 17, м. Харків, 61024. Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи серія ДК № 4526 від 18.04.2013.
Ка а Л. В. Ê17 Англійська мова : (11-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) = English : підруч. для 11 кл. закл. заг. серед. освіти / Лариса Калініна, Інна Самойлюкевич. — Київ : Генеза, 2019. — 208 с. : іл. ISBN 978-966-11-0971-0. Матеріал підручника сприяє розвитку інтегративних, кому ніка тивно-пізнавальних, комунікативних і когнітивних умінь на основі взаємопов’язаного навчання всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Cкла дається із 5 розділів (Units). Наприкінці кожного розділу подано рубрику Your Test Pack для контролю і самоконтролю засвоєних знань. ДК . .
ISBN 978-966-11-0971-0
© Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В., 2019 © Видавництво «Генеза», оригінал-макет, 2019
Перед вами новий підручник з англійської мови. Він має 5 розділів Units, кожен з яких ознайомлює з новою цікавою темою, наприклад, e n orl , reat E ectations , lo al areness то о. Кожен урок розділу містить новий лексичний та граматичний матеріал, засвоєння якого допоможе вам спілкуватися зі своїми однокласниками на будь-яку з тем, о вивчаються. к о ви відчуєте трудно і при вивченні граматичного матеріалу, скористайтеся розділом irst i it у кінці підручника, у якому ви знайдете пояснення до мовного матеріалу. Підручник містить цікаві пошукові вправи з використанням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, о дасть вам можливість реалізувати власну інформаційно-цифрову компетентність під час вивчення англійської мови. Виконуючи творчі вправи підручника, ви зможете проявити свою креативність, висловити власну точку зору з різних проблем, поцікавитися думками своїх друзів, порівняти власні думки з думками однокласників. Усе це дозволить вам вільно спілкуватися із зарубіжними друзями. У кінці кожного розділу ви також знайдете пакет завдань ( Your Test Pack ), виконання яких допоможе поступово підготуватися до успішної здачі ЗНО. На вас чекає зустріч з цікавими люльми, які розкажуть про себе, про свої захоплення, поділяться своїми думками та ідеями. Ви зможете знайти відповіді на питання, які вас цікавлять. Good Luck! Хай астить
– for inquisitive learners
– for digital natives
– for critical thinkers
– for creative thinkers
– Culture Comparison – at Home – a differentiated task
CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Unit 1. Unit 2. Unit 3. Unit 4. Unit 5.
Me And My World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 One Person’s Meat… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ukraine At Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Great Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 My Global Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
FIRST AID KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grammar in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Writing Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audioscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
169 169 177 187 192 208
Unit 1
ME AND MY WORLD In this unit, you will learn how: • • • • •
to describe rights and duties of the youth today; to talk about your responsibilities in the family; to discuss behaviour patterns of teenagers; to integrate your skills on the topic; to check the level of knowledge and skills on the topic, getting ready for independent testing.
Unit One: Me And My World 1.1. What Rights and Duties are Right for you? Word Bank
Phrase Bank
Communication Box
a reciation eers e ertise crucial to rotect ell- eing iolation generation otential ulnera le to launch
to a iliari e onesel ith... to oul the histor hu an rights acti it to change so ething or etter ci ic acti it to ro ote alues rain rain in line ith so ething to take a antage o so ething to aintain health
ctuall ... ccor ing to o inion sur e ... Surel ... In this regar ... urther ore...
I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say what rights the young people in them want to defend. What is your attitude to it?
E x a m p l e : I think young people gathered to defend their right to freedom. In my opinion nobody has the right to imprison innocent people. Everybody can express his/her point of view. II. Reading a) Read the information from Ukrainian newspapers about the rights, duties and problems of Ukrainian youth as different people see them. Say who you agree with and why.
1.1 UKRAINIAN YOUTH: RIGHTS, DUTIES, PROBLEMS I think the ne generation o Ukrainians which is educated igital, is ore connecte to the orl an ith an ore rights than their arents an gran arents en o e . or e a le, ha ing access to an in or ation an aterials ro a i ersit o national an international sources oung eo le got the o ortunities to a iliari e the sel es ith the li est les o their eers ro i erent countries, their ro le s, the a s the use their rights. Thus, the can co are their ree o s, rights an uties ith those o teenagers a roa . But e shoul n’t orget that a lot o oung eo le, who were born in an in e en ent Ukraine, ha e ature on the asis o crises an rotests. assi e artici ation o the stu ents an the oung on the Euro ai an re olution is the i i e onstration o their rights to ree o o thoughts an e ression o their ie s an uties to e en the uture o Ukraine an the as iration o the oung. ctuall , the role which is played the oung as agents o olitical an social changes in the countr a ears to e an uch ore than going out into the streets. But it isn’t eas to get ahea in olitics. The sociologists sa that the oung ha e a great otential to oul the histor o their countr , ut ersistence an har ork are nee e ro the to achie e a real e ocrac . u an rights acti ists clai that the e olution o ignit re resente a turning oint or a art o Ukrainian outh, who are eager to change the li e in the countr or etter. The on’t ant to e onl consu ers o olitics, ut also creators an acti e artici ants. (The Ukrainian Journal)
*** Since the e olution o ignit an the latest e ents which took place in on ass, Ukrainian societ has itnesse a signi icant increase in acti is . lot o oung eo le get together, oin oluntar organiations an o oluntar ork, which is a valuable part of the country’s population needs. n not onl that. ccor ing to o inion sur e s, the le el o con i ence in the ar , which en o s a goo re utation a ong the outh, is rather high. No on er, hen the ar e con lict in the East o Ukraine egan, the outh olunteere i e iatel . an oung eo le elie e it to e their ut to oin the ar ithout eing orce . Surel , oung Ukrainians ha e the right to take an acti e art in ci ic acti ities. Politicians e hasi e, that the rinci le areas o concern that oti ate the to o it are the ro ision o ai or chil ren in hu anitarian crises an the e enсe o hu an rights. In this regar , Ukrainian outh launch ca aigns ro oting ci il alues such as tolerance an e ualit . Peo le shoul learn ho to BrE e hasise get along ith each other. AmE e hasize (The Kyiv Post)
UNIT 1 *** Ukrainian outh has the right to e ucation, ut accor ing to e ert o serations a istur ing tren , which includes the decline of general and vocational education, is taking lace no a a s. The can take either o the i the ha a chance. The Nation i e stu ies o outh o Ukraine 2017 sho that onl 44 o oung Ukrainians are satis ie ith the ualit o e ucation in general, an onl one thir elie e that Ukrainian e ucation eets the nee s o the o ern la our arket. or co arison, accor ing to the Euro aro eter Poll o 2014, 73 o oung eo le in the Euro ean Union (EU) agree that their e ucation ro i e the ith the skills the nee e to in o s in line ith their uali ications. urther ore, in 2016 59 o oung eo le in the EU state that their national e ucaBrE la our tional s ste s ere a a te to the o ern la our arket. AmE la or The oung eo le ant to reali e their rights an get rooun kno le ge oth at school an Uni ersities. That’s h the rotest against iolations o stu ents’ rights or e ualit in e ucation. u lic o inion oll, which was commenced in 2013 sho e that 62 o oung Ukrainians state that the e ucational ser ices o not corres on to the current stan ar s, 60 na e lack o aterial, technical, inancial an other ro ision o the Uni ersities. es ite this, stu ents still stri e or higher e ucation ecause the elie e that s ecial kno le ge an e ertise are i ortant actors in in ing o . (Destination.com.ua)
*** Young Ukrainians are a are that the li e in the crucial ti e or their countr , hen the in o o o ortunit has een o ene an that the ust e a le to take a antage o it. The ti e has co e to reali e their as irations, rea s an rights. rticle 24 o the Unite Nations Conention on the ights o the Chil gi es the the right to health an health care. That’s h oung eo le are concerne a out ro le s relate to health li ing: the en iron ent, ecolog , oor e ical care, a use o s oking an taking rugs. The set u outh centres, chil ren’s ca s, stu ent s ort leagues, which promote healthy li est les, in ol e oung eo le into i erent social an s ort acti ities. The ho e not onl to aintain their o n health an the health o others, ut to e elo e isting Ukrainian tra itions, achie e ents o social rogra s to rotect against negati e e ects o the glo al cultural integration rocess, that led to change in attitudes, alues, social ell- eing o oung eo le. oreo er, Ukrainian outh consi er nature rotection to e their ut . The ocus on the urning ro le s o en iron ental rotection in the countr , which in their view ill reser e the eaut o nature or uture generations. Their slogans are si le ut con incing: No e orestation in the Carathians , Sto olluting air , on’t thro aste into the ri ers an lakes . I think, it’s criticall i ortant to a to un erstan oung eo le’s ro le s, a itions an intentions, to kee in in their rights an uties, ecause the outh o 2018 ill e a ong those, ho ill ake ke ecisions in Ukraine in 2025 an later. (The Business Today)
1.1 ACROSS CULTURES A voluntary organization is an organi ation that is organi e or su orte eo le ho gi e their one , ser ice etc. ecause the ant to an o not inten to ake a ro it.
Фото: будь-яка волонтерська організація в Україні
The United Nations (UN) a large international organi ation that al ost e er countr in the orl elongs to, hich as esta lishe in 1945 to ake sure that there is eace in the orl an that countries ork together to eal ith international ro le s. The European Union (EU) a olitical an econo ic organi ation esta lishe to encourage tra e an rien l relations et een its e er countries. à) For inquisitive learners: to know more, use the sites:
htt res htt htt
:// . eter ont in .co /2010/12/teenagers-rights-an onsi ilities/ s://teens.lo etokno .co /Songs out ro ing U s:// . outhhoo .org/go ern ent/si in e .as
b) Read the texts again and fill in the chart with rights and duties of Ukrainian youth mentioned. Comment on their manifestations.
the right to health and health care... . III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the texts, find and reproduce introductory phrases in context according to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences. P a t t e r n : Actually, the role which young people play as agents of political and social changes in the country appears to demand much more than going out into the streets. Actually, young Ukrainians take an active part in the life of the country. Words and Phrases in Context
From the texts, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘any’ and ‘either’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce nouns formed from the following verbs and make up your sentences with them.
UNIT 1 E x a m p l e : to express – expression The youth have the right to freedom of expression. I believe, the right to freedom of expression is extremely important for young people, because everyone should have his/her personal opinion and be able to express it. to to to to
demonstrate participate change achieve
to increase to populate to provide
to defend to observe to educate
In the texts, find and reproduce sentences with the following words and word combinations in context. Add 2–3 logically connected sentences to develop the idea of the context. E x a m p l e : to enjoy rights I think the new generation of Ukrainians, which is educated digital, more connected to the world and with many more rights than their parents and grandparents enjoyed. They are digital natives and have access to different sites and programmes. Moreover, young people feel comfortable with new technologies and many of them have become their bare necessities. crisis an rotests agents o olitical an social change to en o a goo re utation to e co liant ith current stan ar s to ro ote a health li est le.
a turning oint ecline to e a a te to to stri e or
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english ahead
to get
1.1 b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find information about some well-known volunteer organizations in Ukraine. Focus on: their ai s the role the la in the li e o outh in Ukraine the artici ation o oung Ukrainians in the . Present your findings to the class and comment on the possible youth’s rights and duties in them. Grammar in Context
1. From the texts, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. 2. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. elati e clauses can e defining or non-defining. I ou ant to i enti hich e er o a grou the sentence talks a out, use... I ou ant to gi e a itional in or ation a out the noun it re ers to, use... o to our First Aid Kit . 169 or ore in or ation 3. Read the pair of sentences below. Combine them by changing the second sentence into a relative clause. Use a relative pronoun and commas when necessary. Example: I bought the ‘Kyiv Post’. I can read it in the evening. I bought the ‘Kyiv Post’ I can read in the evening. 1. I re e er the a . I artici ate in the Euro ai an re olution. 2. There are olunteers. The hel the o ulation in the East o Ukraine. 3. Young Ukrainians rea o eace. The can’t ha e it hen there is a ar con lict in the East. 4. No there are olitical o ser ers. The su l eo le ith true-to-li e in or ation. 5. e li e in Ukraine. In our countr the econo ic an olitical situation changes slo l . 6. lot o eo le su er ro the a sence o a goo o . Those eo le li e in i erent arts o Ukraine. 7. an oung Ukrainians are rea to oul the histor . These Ukrainians are stu ents. 8. lot o teenagers are eager to get a soli higher e ucation. The can’t o ithout ne technologies. 9. ne outh clu has eco e s ecial to e. I co e to it e er a . o to our
B or ore e ercises
UNIT 1 IV. Communication Track Speaking
Spoken Production a) Food for Thought
To protect rights, the United Nation has worked out an international agreement called “The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child”. Read these rights and say which you fully enjoy and in what way. Are you deprived of any? Which rights do you hope to realize later? t to the righarties e a h ll chil ren h Chil ren ion. State chil iscri inationa e the right to nonin or at nsure that the n an ( rticle 2). shoul ess to in or atioit o acce i ers to li e. State hasterial ro a stitutional ht rig he e t ha ren il Ch a a i u e an in arties shoul ensure to the i al an national eciall those ai her sur / s e tent ossi le to ( rticle 6). sources e ro otion o hisoral, e elo ent o a chil at the s iritual, tal health n e social, Chil ren ha an h sical 7). e ression, e the right to ree o 1 le o ic re e o to seek ( rt an i art , rece o all kin s the in or ation an i i e Chil ren ha e the rights to e ress eas ( rticle 13) their ie s reel ( rticle 12). Chil ren ha Chil ren ha e the rights to ree o o en o ent e the rights to the thoughts, conscience an religion. stan ar s o o the high State arties shoul res ect these care ( rticle health an health rights ( rticle 14). 24).
eet other Chil ren ha e the right to e the rights to , ns io at ni ga Chil ren ha re e ucation an e elo ent n can oin or eace ul eo le. Chil an s ( rticle 28, 29). eeting take art in s hich o not a ect Chil ren ha e onstration rights ( rticle 15). an leisure ( e the right to rest ’s le eo r he rticle 31). ot Chil ren ha e the right to ri ac , the right to the rotection o the la against the inter ere nce ith it ( rticle 16).
Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, look at the photo (p. 13), identify yourselves with the characters and complete the dialogue using the following useful phrases.
Useful phrases:
A. ... B. ... A. ithout ou t, oung Ukrainians ha e not onl rights ut uties too. o ou agree B. Sure, I o. ctuall , an o the e onstrate it e er a . A. ... ... B. ... A. B. ...
a e ou e er thought o ... Perha s ou coul ... oul ou care to ... h not ... ...is crucial, isn’t it I’ a little uncertain... e can’t...other ise... e shoul e initel ...unless... et’s look at the other si e o ... It’s ti e to... But it goes uch urther than that.
c) The nationwide poll “Youth of Ukraine 2017” states that Ukrainian “Generation Z” acquires additional meanings in terms of attitudes, values and rights in the new Ukrainian context. In groups, discuss the statement above and come up with your ideas as to new challenges of rights and duties of Ukrainian youth. Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to a s chologist’s o inion a out ro eo le. She entitle her iece o in or ation Young Peo le In the hole class, co ent on the title an sa hat ro eo le the s chologist is going to touch u on an ho attri uta le to Ukrainian outh.
le s o l Pro le le s o uch the
oung s . oung are
b) While you listen
Listen to the information and mark true/false statements below. 1. To a arents o teenagers orr a lot a out increasing iolence. 2. Teenagers elie e it’s easier to li e in the o ern orl . 3. The onl reason or teenagers’ ro le s is o ert in the a ilies. 4. So e s chologists clai that teenage ro le s occur hen the are le t alone. 5. Teenagers nee ore care an attention ro a ults. 6. hen teenagers can’t in the ans ers to the ro le s that orr the in the a il , the get the ro other eo le. 7. ur societ elie es that teenagers are ol enough to e res onsi le or their or s an ee s. 8. Teenagers are ell a are o their rights an res onsi ilities an can co e ith the . 9. The s chologist consi ers that teenagers are not sure o their ecisions. 10. The s chologist thinks that all orries, concerns an ro le s o teenagers ill isa ear in the uture.
UNIT 1 с) After you listen
The author o the article clai s that so e eo le agree that teenagers are ol enough to e res onsi le or hat the sa an o an shoul e gi en a lot o ree o an rights. The o osite grou elie es that teenagers are too oung to e taken seriousl . In grou s, iscuss these oints o ie an oice our o inion. In the hole class, co are our o inions an co e u ith our lists o reco en ations or a ults. Begin ith: when you deal with teenagers... Writing а) Before you write
I ou ant to argue ith eo le a out our rights an uties in Ukraine an e ress our o inion, rite an o inion essa . In grou s, rainstor ith our rien s hat argu ents shoul our essa contain. ake a list o or s an hrases ou can use in our o inion essa to soun con incing. b) While you write
How to Write an Informal Opinion Essay Content Tips State the to ic an our o inion in an intro uctor aragra h. rite t o or ore aragra hs an resent se arate ie oints su orte our reasons. estate our o inion in conclusion.
Language Tips In ie ... In o inion... To start ith... nother a or reason is... urther ore... In a ition to this... It’s argue that... Contrar to hat eo le a elie e... s o ose to the a o e i eas... ll things consi ere ... Taking e er thing into account...
o to our First Aid Kit . 187 or a Sa
le o an
inion Essa
Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
hat rights an uties o our eers a roa en o a e ou got the sa e rights an uties I not ho o the i er At Home: In your WB write an opinion essay on the rights and duties significant to you.
1.2. What Makes Teenagers Different and Alike? Word Bank consi erate ell- annere ill- annere sel ish s ite ul to sociali e intuition ran o to initiate to re lace acce ta le to ull re ar ing
Phrase Bank
Communication Box
to en o e er inute o ... to u ge eo le ... to e eas or i icult to eal ith... to e a real treat cross-cultural co unication on the outsi e/insi e on e ual ter s to lose one’s heart to change e on recognition to treat so e o ith ignit
ong ti e no see Basicall ... But in the en ... B the a ... onestl ...
I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say how teenagers may differ.
Діти-підлітки займаються різними видами спорту
Одна дівчина мріє стати вчителем (навчає дітей), інша лікарем (лікує тварин)
Підлітки за столом поводять себе по-різному. Одні добре, інші погано.
Діти купляють різний одяг
E x a m p l e : I believe teenagers are different in their preferences in sport. Some like team sport, others prefer individual sport. It depends. II. Reading à) Read the teenagers’ talk and say how much you agree with them.
e , gu s, long ti e no see o as our International outh ca i ou en o it Alex: I ou ask e, I i . Though all o us ere i erent, I en o e e er inute o s en ing ti e ith the . Ann: It takes an kin s to ake the orl as u sa s. If we were the same, life would be dull. Besi es, e are rought u i erentl .
UNIT 1 So e are consi erate, rea il gi e in an ell- annere , others are sel ish or e en s ite ul an ne er gi e u . Vasyl: I think no one in the orl looks e actl alike e en i entical t ins. I ersonall , ne er u ge eo le the a the look. The i erence in a earance is not that i ortant or e. I a erson is eas to eal ith, has a nice sense o hu our, then it’s a real treat to ake rien s ith her/hi . Kate: True, true. Peo le eha e i erentl an act i erentl . There ere chil ren ro an countries in the ca . So e s oke i erent languages an ha i erent cultures. I it were not for our cultural and language differences, we wouldn’t get a great experience in crosscultural co unication. Ann: hat o ou ean Kate: I ean that the ossi ilit to co unicate ith chil ren o i erent countries roa ene hori on, taught e to e tolerant o the things the on’t like an acce t the i ea that i erent’ oesn’t ean a ’. Ann: It as reall a re ar ing e erience. Alex: I can’t agree ore. t irst e i n’t kno ho to sociali e ith teenagers ro Englan an erica. The looke goo on the outsi e, ut ersonalit ostl co es ro the insi e not the outsi e, ou kno . Ann: intuition tells e that if a person looks good, he/she will be always kind and friendly. Vasyl: There is so ething in hat ou sa . I a e rien s ith o an lice ro San rancisco an learne a out a er interesting tren that ha starte in erica ran o acts o kin ness. Ann: I’ e ne er hear a out it. Can ou tell us a little ore a out it Vasyl: Basicall , ollo ers o the o e ent calle The in ness e olution , ill ull an illingl co it senseless acts o eaut ’, like gi ing lo ers to strangers, s iling at el erl eo le, icking u litter etc. o sai that it as their teacher ho hear a out another ran o act o iolence on T an eci e to change the or iolence’ to kin ness’, then the hole tone o the state ent as change ro negati e to ositi e. lice sa s that ran o acts o kin ness are those little s eet, lo el things ou o or no reason e ce t to e a nicer erson. Alex: I like this i ea too. If you do something nice for someone, it will make you and them feel better. lice an o organi e one a in our ca un er the slogan h not co it an act o ran o kin ness to a . So the ne t a e ent to the nearest illage an trie it. It as ust antastic It taught an o us not to e onl kin , ut ore tolerant an res ect ul to others. Kate: No that ou’ e entione an act o ran o kin ness I re e ere the a o Positi e Thinking initiate our English rien uth. It looke like a ga e to re lace an negati e thoughts ith ositi e ones. But in the en it hel e an sh chil ren not to lose their hearts hile talking ith their eers ro a roa ut to co unicate on e ual ter s, to BrE eha iour re eal their o n sel es. B the a , uth reAmE eha ior sente e ith the ook o era Pei er ho rote a out ositi e thinking. Ann: I think it’s uite acce ta le to tr it ith our class ates. a e so e o our gu s ill change their eha iour or etter an sto ull ing others ut treat the ith ignit an res ect. Alex: Treat others as ou ant to e treate , as the sa ing goes. But if they had been with us in the International camps, they would have changed beyond recognition. It’s not that i icult to a a t our eha iour to the e ectations o others.
1.2 ACROSS CULTURES San Francisco a cit an ort in Cali ornia kno n or eing a er eauti ul cit , uilt on hills ne t to a a .
Vera Peiffer a ell-kno n English s cho thera ist, the author o an ooks ho set u the Pei er oun ation in 1994 to hel eo le in their ersonal e elo ent.
b) Team up with your friends. One team presents “An Act of Random Kindness”, the second team – “A Day of Positive Thinking” suggested by the children’s International friends. What is your attitude to these activities? How do they help to change people’s behaviour?
For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s:// . o ernghana.co /li est le/5465/the- ost-co onro le s-teenagers- ace-to a .ht l htt s:// .theguar ian.co /societ /2016/se /24/teenagersgeneration-in-crisis htt s://greatergoo . erkele .e u/article/ite /ho teens to a are i erent ro ast generations III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the text, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds / /, / / in their contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : How was your international youth camp? I think youth is the future of the country. Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items ‘next’ and ‘near’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce words and word combinations with the opposite meanings. Illustrate them with your own examples. E x a m p l e : the same – different People are different and we should respect them and treat with dignity.
UNIT 1 cheer ul inconsi erate ill- annere generous goo -hearte
a turning oint to look goo on the outsi e e il un rien l intolerant useless e erience
From the text, reproduce words and phrases which are attributable to the description of different behaviour patterns to complete the word cloud. Use them to describe someone from the class and let your friends guess who you mean.
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english in
to give
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about typical behaviour patterns of teenagers in England and the USA. Focus on: their eha iour co e at school their eha iour ith arents an a ults their eha iour ith each other. Present your findings to the class and comment on the differences and similarities in your American and English peers’ behaviour.
1.2 Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. I ou ant to talk a out so ething that is likel to ha en in the uture, use I ou ant to talk a out unlikel uture e ents, i aginar or i ro a le situations in the resent, use I ou ant to talk a out ossi le e ents in the ast that i n’t ha en, regrets or criticis , use o to our First Aid Kit . 169 or ore in or ation Read teenagers’ advice seeking letters in the youth magazine and fill in the correct conditionals. ear E itor, I a riting a S S letter to ou. I ou look at the hoto I ha e attache ou easil guess ro le . I o ten argue ith u , ecause she ne er listens to e, ne er asks hat I think or eel. I elie e i she e an ing an ore tolerant, li e ha e een easier or e. She gi es e or ers e er a like: ou’ e got to ear another ress. I on’t ant ou to look too il . I ou ut on this ress ou look lo el or I insist on our going to the art ith e. You’ll get to kno ne eo le etc. But I ant to sociali e ith rien s an ear the clothes I like. I ou gi e e a iece o a ice I e thank ul to ou. Sincerel , Ann
ear E itor, Yester a I ha a er un leasant talk ith rien s. I I een tolerant o the , our talk eco e a ro . The atter is that rien s ante e to go to the concert ith the . I re use to oin the ecause I as not intereste in rock- usic. I it another kin o usic I e initel go ith the . rien s got o en e an sai that i I go ith the e e rien s an longer. I lo e rien s so I ga e in. onestl , I i n’t like the concert: the usic as too lou an the rock usicians ere not e citing. I I to this concert I elt etter. But rien s ere thrille an en o e e er inute o it. i I ake the right ecision as tolerance usti ie
o to our
B or ore e ercises
UNIT 1 IV. Communication Track Speaking a) Food for Thought
Spoken Production
Read the examples of behaviour patterns. Choose those which seem unacceptable for you. Which are typical of teenagers? Which of them would you prohibit in public places if you could? Sticking chewing gum everywhere .
Not cleaning up after your dog . Coughing and yawning with your mouth open in public places . Forgetting to say “Thank you” and “Sorry” Throwing litter everywhere .
Talking on a mobile phone in public . Swearing in public places .
Drinking beer in the streets . Spitting in the streets .
Spoken Interaction b) Pair up with your friends and discuss different behaviour patterns of teenagers in a form of a game “Look on the Bright Side”.
Useful Phrases
ne o ou is a essi ist’ ho eels negati e a out all eha iour atterns an s eak onl a out ro le s. The other is an o ti ist’ ho looks at the right si e an is a le to see the a antages in e er situation. E en hen so ething is reall rong, he/she tries to in the a out, gi es so e goo a ice to cheer u a essi ist.
I su ort the i ea... I ha e nothing against... It soun s strange to e... I’ a solutel against the i ea that... ...irritate(s) e It is (not) necessar to... It’s (i ) ossi le to... I’ a solutel ositi e (negati e) that... I’ or ... ecause... ...one shoul n’t orget that.
Situation Cards 1. Your tea lost the ga e: 2. So e o in our class is earing ou la e the la ers, the is atche clothes: re eree an oursel ou isa ro e an critici e the erson ou congratulate the other tea it oesn’t ake an i erence to ou, on their ictor . ut ou sa a e leasant or s. 3. You o not agree ith hat our 4. You alk ho e an see our classrien sa s: ates ighting: ou interru t an sa that he is ou start gru ling a out their a talking nonsense eha iour an orali ing ou listen an sa that ou tr to sto the sa ing that the e er o has the right to ust recogni e each other’s right to e ress his/her o inion. e ho the are.
1.2 c) In groups, comment on one of the statements:
It takes many kinds to make the world. Make some effort to understand others and be tolerant of them. Everyone is special by being different. Respect his/her right to be who he/she is. Everybody is different, but we are all equal. No one is allowed to be spiteful or arrogant to others. Be proud of who you are and treat others as you want to be treated. d) In the whole class, summarize your ideas in a poster “Behaviour Patterns Make a Man”.
Behaviour Patterns Make a Man
a e ar an trust ul relations ith our a il an rien s. ... Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to a stor on tolerance. In 5 grou s, think an eci e: here the stor takes lace ho the ain characters o the stor are ho the characters e onstrate their tolerance. b) While you listen
Each grou one one ill listen to one art o the stor . et together an arrange the stor in the right or er. In the hole class, listen to the stor the secon ti e to check i ou ere right. c) After you listen
In the hole class, role- la a T sho Teens Talk a out Tolerance . Use the gui elines: Sa hat tolerance is or ou an h it is i ortant. h tolerance is es eciall i ortant to a . h eo le are intolerant. i e the e a les o inci ents ou ake u hich can ser e as e a les o intolerance. i e inci ents ro our li e or ro the li e o other eo le hich can ser e as e a les o tolerance. Writing a) Before you write
I ou ant to get a iece o a ice ro an eo le, rite an a iceseeking letter, hich is u lishe in a aga ine or a ne s a er section calle etters to the E itor .
UNIT 1 Brainstor ith our rien s: hat orries teenagers in their eha iour an eha iour o others an h ou ant to get so eone’s a ice. ake a list o or s an hrases ou can use to e ress our orr . b) While you write
How to Write an Advice-Seeking Letter
Content Tips
Language Tips
Start our letter ith an introuction in hich state the reason or riting rite 2 3 aragra hs escriing our ro le s ro i erent ers ecti es aise uestions that orr ou an gi e our e lanations sk or o inion rite so e closing re arks in our conclusion an ask or hel .
I’ riting to ou in ho e... There’s no one I can turn to... Ne er in il est rea s... It oul e ost use ul to kno ... I oul e elight ul i ... I ust a ologi e or trou ling ou ith re uest... Thank ou in a ance or our kin coo eration... I oul like to thank ou or our ti e...
o to . 187 or a Sample of an Advice-Seeking Letter Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
hat ro le s in eha iour atterns orr British an erican eers re the the sa e as ours 2) hat o our oreign rien s o to resol e con licts or a oi the an eco e tolerant o others o ou o the sa e At Home: In your WB, write an advice-seeking letter about someone’s behaviour patterns that worry you.
1.3. What are your Household Chores? Word Bank
Phrase Bank
necessit tireso e ust in neat to re olt chaotic a liances entirel housekee ing
househol chores to take a og or a alk to take out the ru ish to e in or er to ash u t run the house to kee the house ti to e in a ess to clear u the ess to ake so ething a rule
Communication Box In a or ... That cat on’t u I’ll see to it n the contrar ... ...is such a hea ache n secon thoughts...
I. Go Ahead! Look at the pictures and read speech bubbles. Say what household chores the teenagers have. Are they happy to do them? Are you the same or different?
E x a m p l e : I think it is the girl’s duty to take her dog for a walk, but she is not willing to do it. I believe it has become a problem in the family. II. Reading Oksana is a head of the children’s council in her school. She organized a competition: “My Household Chores: a Headache or Fun” and asked the schoolchildren to share their experience in it, to illustrate them with photos. à) Read what some children wrote about their domestic chores and say if you share their opinions.
ur a il is rather ig, e are si altogether. grann , u , ol er sister, ounger rother an e. oreo er, arents an grann ork e er a , that’s h i i ing househol chores is a necessit . I on’t think the are tireso e or un leasant. e all hel one another an that’s h our lat is al a s in goo or er. I think u is a roleo el or us as to housekee ing. She is e tre el organi e an rises hal an hour e ore an one else in the a il . She sa s it’s her ut to ake all the chil ren, to re are reak ast an gather the a il at the orning ta le. ter reak ast a lea es or ork an takes out the ru ish on the a . It is his res onsi ilit to kee a ust in e t an clean. hile u is us ith little rother, sister an e are hel ing each other in the kitchen. orning uties inclu e utting lates an cu s ack to their laces an taking e or a BrE ru ish alk. e also has a ut to guar the house AmE gar age, trash hen e er o is a a . *** s a rule, u runs the house an kee s it ti , ut she ants rother an e to o our roo oursel es ecause e are not little ki s as she sa s. rother Nick is 5 ears senior an I share the roo ith hi . e a e it a rule to get u an to ake his e at once, that’s h it is ala s neat. I like to sta in e longer an hen I u out o e I lea e it
UNIT 1 un a e ecause I’ late. I’ es eratel tr ing to in hat clothes to ut on an that’s h clothes are usuall thro n o er the chairs. In a or , our roo is in an a ul ess e er orning. ne a rother re olte : That cat on’t u , Paul. ur roo is chaotic an isor ere . See for yourself. Clear u this ess Since this orning it’ll e our ut to ake a e an to o our roo e ore reak ast, an I’ll see to it . I lo e rother an ne er o ect to hat he sa s. Thus, I o this ut regularl an can’t sa that it is un leasant an oring. n the contrar , the sight o the roo in er ect or er a eals to e ost. *** I can o ten hear rien sa this house ork is ne er one. There is al a s so ething to o in the house . I un erstan hat she eels a out her househol chores an on’t agree ith her. Cleaning the house, ashing clothes, ashing u took a lot o ti e hen eo le ha to o househol o s han . In the 21st centur househol a liances ans er e er nee . I’ sure there are so an la our-sa ing e ices in e er house. or e a le, u oesn’t ash clothes, linen an other ite s herself, ut a ashing achine oes it er uickl . ut is to hang the ashing an then to iron it. I a e ut leasura le hen I ut on ear hones an o it to the usic. hen e ha e a art in the house it’s res onsi ilit to o the sho ing. u akes a sho ing list or e an I go to the su er arket to u ro ucts. I en o myself hel ing o in the kitchen using a oo rocessor, or a i er. It turns cooking into a leasure. So, househol chores are not onl oring. *** I’ a nor al teenager. I ant to go out ith rien s an o teenage things. But arents insist on oing househol chores. or e, it is such a hea ache I’ ha to ha e o n roo , hich looks uite isor ere . The loor is co ere ith ooks an iles o a ers, socks an sli ers, e en e t co ee cu s. So eti es I ish I as ti ier an u o ten cleans the roo or e, ecause she hates it eing ess . But one e iso e change attitu e to househol chores entirel . class ate ca e to e one a an seeing a terri le isor er in the roo sai that the roo re lects ersonalit . t irst, I elt asha e an con use , ut on secon thoughts I eci e that it is a challenge to change li est le. I a e a general cleaning in roo by myself an since that ti e I on’t onl o roo ut kee the hole house s otless. oreo er, I ecorate roo ith lo er ots, ecause I’ intereste in otan an thus I ha e got a ne ut to look a ter the . So, no I’ lease with myself. b) Read the children’s information again and fill in the opinion chart with their attitudes to their household chores.
1.3 Opinion Chart +
e like to hel each other.
It’s such a hea ache
III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the text, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds / /, /h/ in their contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : My parents work every day that’s why dividing household chores is a necessity. Dividing household chores is a must in many families. Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘duty-duties’ and ‘responsibility’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce the household chores suitable to the following statements. E x a m p l e : the room is in a mess – to clear up the mess The lates an cu s are irt . The ust in is ull. The clothes are irt . e’ e run out o ro ucts. The roo is in isor er. The og is at the oor. It nee s resh air. I’ e inishe ashing the linen. The lo er- ots are r . No the lates an cu s are clean. From the text, reproduce words and word combinations which may be attributable to the description of the household chores in the following content areas:
Make up your own sentences with them.
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english back
to put
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about household chores of British and American teenagers. Focus on: hat househol chores are t ical o British an ho regularl the o their househol chores hat attitu e to their chores is.
erican teenagers
Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences: hen the su ect an o ect o a sentence re er to the sa e or things, use... In the eaning o ‘alone’ or ‘without help’, use... hen the su ect an o ect o a sentence re er to the sa e eo le an these eo le ha e a t o- a relationshi , use... hen the su ect is ore than t o eo le, use... o to our First Aid Kit on . 170 or ore in or ation Look at the pictures below, read and complete the mini-dialogues with reflexive pronouns.
hat a nice ress ho a e it or ou I a e it myself an sister e roi ere it. e o ten hel .
ook at You are irt again. I hel e a an gran a in the gar en. e al a s hel . n look at the ench, I a e it .
The roo is in er ect or er. i ou hel gran aughter No, she i it all . reat on’t o it . et her tr .
o to our
el to the cakes. I a e the , . i n’t our grann hel ou Usuall e hel , ut this ti e I a e the all .
B or ore e ercises
IV. Communication Track Speaking a) Food for Thought
Spoken Production
Read what people said about housekeeping. Think and decide if it is only parents’ responsibility to run the house. Housekeeping ain’t no joke (Housekeeping is not a joke) .
Louise May Olcott
“The whole process of homemaking, housekeeping and cooking, which ever has been woman’s special province, should be looked on as an art and a profession”. Sarah Joseph Hale
UNIT 1 Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, discuss your household chores completing the dialogue. Use the phrases below.
Useful phrases: h, It’s reall tireso e. h, ear, I a sorr to hear that. h, oor ou. That’s too a . h, hat a it . h on’t ou... I I ere in our shoes, I’ ... on’t sa ie ook at the right si e o ... You’ etter... Discussing Household Chores You see your friend with a big shopping bag, greet him/her and ask him/her where she/he was going with such a big bag .
Greet your friend and express your joy of seeing him/her . Tell him/her that you did the shopping and ask her/him to help you with a bag .
Agree to help your friend and ask him/her why she/he has such a heavy bag .
Tell your friend that it is your duty to do the shopping when your family is expecting guests .
Express your surprise and say that in your family parents do the shopping and ask her/him if she likes this household chore .
Answer in affirmative and say that it isn’t the only duty . You like to help in the kitchen . Ask your friend about his/her household duties .
Say about your responsibilities and your attitude to them .
To keep the conversation say what you think about domestic duties and ask your friend if he/she shares the duties in the family .
Answer your friend’s question and ask her opinion about it . Express your delight .
Tell your friend what you think about housekeeping and thank your friend for help .
c) In groups, think and decide how labour-saving devices changed people’s attitudes to housework and turned many household chores into a pleasure. Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to nna artin’s stor S ring ouse Cleaning , in hich she escri es her e ories o this rocess in her a il in the US . rou u ith our rien s an sa : i s ring house cleaning has gone ro o ern housekee ing hat e ories nna artin kee s a out this rocess hat o estic chores nna ight ha e uring s ring house cleaning.
1.3 b) While you listen
isten to the stor an ut the ictures elo in the correct succession as the are entione in the stor .
c) After you listen
In grou s, iscuss s ring house-cleaning in our a il using the startechni ue. Who takes part in it? When does this process take place in your family?
What do you do to make your work more pleasant?
Which spring cleaning chores do you do?
How often do you do spring-cleaning?
d) In the whole class, compare cooperation styles in housekeeping in the USA and in your country. Does it reveal the truth of the saying “Many hands make light work”? Writing
Work in groups and design a creative project “The Portrait of Ukrainian Youth”. 1. Choose the or at or our ro ect (a oster, a T sho , a sli e resentation etc). 2. in the necessar in or ation a out outh’s rights, uties, o estic chores, eha iour atterns etc.
UNIT 1 3. Collect the results o the nation i e olls, iagra as, sche es, tales, hotos, ictures, uotes an other illustrati e aterials to ake our ro ect attracti e. 4. Think o an interesting a o resentation our ro ect. 5. E aluate our rien s’ ro ects, using the e aluation car elo . Evaluation Card Write 1. I the in or ation an con incing.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
as su icient
2. I the illustrati e aterial as suita le an essential. 3. I the or at o the ro ect as unusual an interesting. 4. I the resentation as success ul. Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
in so e in or ation a out i erent a s o housekee ing in the English s eaking countries an co are the ith Ukrainian ones.
1.4. Developing Integrated Skills I. Suppose a charitable fund announced that it would donate 100 000 hryvnias for setting up a youth centre. Group up with your friend and come up with your ideas on such items. Item I
hat kin o a centre o ou ant to set u ants o the centre hat ill e its ai s an tasks
ho a e the artici-
Item II
hat uestions ill the oung eo le iscuss in their eetings hat outh ro le s ill the centre tr to sol e Item III
o ill the centre look like hat shoul e in the centre o oul ou istri ute the one gi en hat ill e the ain inancial riorit II. Look at the photos below. Pair up with your friend and discuss the advantages of promoting a healthy way of life in the family. Say if this lifestyle is present in your families.
III. You are going to have a press conference with Green Peace members. Team up with your friends.
Team 1 ill e oung Ukrainians, the e ers o the eco clu ho are intereste in the ro le o en iron ental rotection an ant their guests to ans er their uestion. Team 2 ill la the arts o reen Peace e ers, ho are rea to gi e all the in or ation ou ant. The collage elo ill hel the tea s to ocus on the uestions an ans ers. The role of youth in nature protection
Global issues of environment
The most important environmental events
The most memorable events of the Green Peace members’ activities
The ecological situation in Ukraine
Interesting eco-projects
UNIT 1 IV. In the whole class, make a mini-project: a class agreement on the “Basic Rules of Behaviour”. Think and discuss the following aspects. Relationships
The rights of others
The educational process
Atmosphere in the class
Make a list of rules and present them to the whole class giving reasons for each of the rules. Follow these rules from now on.
1.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English 1. Read the text below. For questions (1–10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). There is an example at the beginning (0).
It is true that there 0 are so an ro le s acing teens to a . So e o rien s are 1 ith their li e an turn 2 rugs an alcohol. I think a ults shoul n’t e 3 to hat their chil ren o. nce ou reach the age o si teen or se enteen, our arents think ou ol 4 to eci e or 5 an let ou o hat ou ant. rien s an I on’t o 6 e citing ut e usuall ha e un ust eing aroun each other. e tr to hel each other i e 7 , ecause a lot o the ti e, eing a teenager isn’t un. I think it’s a _8 . You _9 go to school an our arents ant ou to get goo arks an er o ten ou eal 10 our o n ro le s. A
issatis ie
B are lease
ill e
satis ie
u on
oursel es
so ething
an thing
ought to
a o
ha e to
ought to
oursel es
o er
the sel es
in i erent er oursel so e ust
1.5 2. Read the sentences and fill in the right word-form.
1. s an teens, I’ against iolence on T . 2. arents ant to kno a out in li e. 3. an oung eo le are o i erent outh organi ations. 4. ur eeting ith eco-clu e ers as the ost . 5. I I ere ou, I oul n’t rel on hi , he is er . 6. It’s i icult to eal ith her, ecause she is er an loses her te er easil . 7. Un ortunatel , roo is o ten an u can’t stan it. 8. househol chores ha e eco e . 9. I eca e ac uainte ith a o ho is i erent ro rien s. 10. I a e it a rule, not to lea e e an roo .
B. Reading Read the article and put the paragraphs in the correct order.
ter e ucation an stu ing co es the great challenge: entering the la our arket. In the case o Ukraine, the le el o une lo ent, et een 15 an 17 er cent, is not as shocking as in other arts o Euro e (such as reece or S ain, ith aroun 50 an 44 er cent outh) une lo ent res ecti el . o e er, although the le el o une lo ent is not alar ing, an E though te orar contracts are relati el unco on, aroun hal o Ukrainian outh o not ork in o s that corres on to their e ucation an training, an there is a great eal o in or al e lo ent, together ith little en orce ent o ork lace rights an , in general, er lo ages (an a erage o aroun 150 euros er onth). C The a orit o oung Ukrainians (aroun 80 ercent) o er hel ingl re er to seek e lo ent in the ri ate sector, here the think the ill ha e a etter chance o a higher salar an ore o ortunities to e elo their career. E en so, the a aila le sur e s o not resent us ith er ositi e igures regar ing the relationshi et een e ectations an realit in aterial ite s: onl eight er cent o the oung sa the li e co orta l , an onl one er cent that the ha e reache a esira le inancial status. I E erts agree that it oul e use ul to anal se current ten encies in or er to a a t aca e ic e ucation etter to the la our arket, o er assistance so that oung eo le can choose a ro essional career ore care ull an ro i e ore e ucation in the usiness iel . s tro ansk i oints out, close to 38 er cent o oung eo le oul like to set u their o n usiness . Is the u lic sector not attracti e at all G There are eo le ho are also intereste in the u lic sector, ho ant to change things, e en ith the lo salaries, ut it oul a e e hel ul to raise the a to ro i e ore oti ation sa s leksan r Ust enko, a recent econo ics gra uate an re resentati e o the Euro ean Youth Parlia ent in Ukraine.
UNIT 1 A In this conte t, the ossi ilit e ists that earlier in est ent in e ucation an the talents o the ost recent generations a e s uan ere , an e uall that issatis action at ork a lea to lo le els o ro ucti it . nother great risk is that oung eo le ho are etter e ucate gra uates or ith ost-gra uate stu ies a lea e the countr in search o etter o ortunities a roa . D Ukraine has a long histor o igration, an there are su stantial Ukrainian ias oras in se eral arts o the orl . In 2014, so e 33,000 oung Ukrainians ere li ing in the Euro ean Union, stu ing or un ertaking so e or o training. Can one s eak o a rain rain F It e en s here the go. I the stu in Polan , or e a le, here it’s easier to get a i lo a, the nor all co e ack to Ukraine. I the estination is er an , there is a greater ossi ilit that the ill go on stu an sta there , clai s Sta n . H The a orit o oung eo le o not ant to e igrate, ut to a the unsta le econo ic situation, the con lict in the south-east o the countr an the search or a higher stan ar o li ing are the rinci al oti ations hen it co es to acking one’s ags, an ill ro a l continue to e so in the uture. C. Listening Listen to a teenager’s experience of living in a new culture and tick off the sentences which she/he advises to bear in mind if you are abroad.
1. It’s i ortant to a a t our eha iour to the custo s o the countr . 2. You shoul orget a out our o n culture. 3. es ect tra itions o the countr ou are in. 4. I ou on’t ollo the eha iour atterns attri uta le to the oreign culture, ou’ll get a cultural shock’. 5. on’t co are the cultures or tr to in i erences an si ilarities ith ours. 6. Being a roa ou shoul re ain o en to all ne i ressions an learn rather than u ge. 7. There’s no nee to re are or li ing in another culture e orehan . 8. There is a lot in co on in cultures. 9. You shoul e tolerant an un erstan ing hile eing a roa . 10. i ing in another culture is al a s re ar ing. D. Writing To sum up what you’ve learned in this unit, write an essay “Me and My World”.
Unit 2
ONE PERSON’S MEAT... In this unit, you will learn how: • to talk about meals; • to discuss your preferences in food and recipes of your favourite dishes; • to describe healthy and unhealthy food; • to integrate your skills on the topic; • to check the level of knowledge and skills on the unit, getting ready for independent testing.
UNIT 2: ONE PERSON’S MEAT… 2.1. How much do you know about meals around the world? Word Bank
Phrase Bank
Communication Box
isconce tion oats snack her s egg lant la to ing essential re nants to s rinkle sauce
culinar highlight to shatter a th to ser e on s ecial occasions to gro in o ularit to e a ir a ourite a ong... to treat so e o to... to ha e a s eet tooth to e in one’s list o likes to look a eti ing to get ri o ...
I ust con ess... Poor guess I e ecte as uch Thanks to... You are sure to like it
I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say what countries these drinks and food come from and what you know about their origin.
a hamburger
a sandwich
E x a m p l e : I think a hamburger is from America. I tasted it in McDonald’s. There are different kinds of them – with meat and cheese. II. Reading a) Teenagers of one school set up a cookery club “Pampushka” which is very popular in school because it holds different interesting activities. Today they have a cookery slide-show “Meals around the World” in which their international friends will take part. Read their information and say what historical facts about meals of the world you’ve learned about.
Грінки з сиром Yorkshire pudding
Welsh rabbit
Irish stew
2.1 PART I et e start. I isite Britain t ice an as intro uce to so e reall interesting ishes. I ust con ess that there are so e ths an isconce tions in Ukraine a out the oo an rink in Britain. So e o us elie e that English cuisine is lan an its culinar highlight is roast ee , that the Yeoen ar ers o the uar at the To er o on on are still calle Bee eaters . I’ like to shatter so e ths an resent ou the ost o ular ishes in each art o the countr . It’s true that roast ee is a tra itional ir a ourite a ong eo le that has laste or eca es. You ro a l kno the ancient Celtic ar ers ke t a ariet o ani als an use their eat in their eals. To a roast ee is ser e as Sun a unch. Tra itionall , it is calle Sun a roast. It is a large iece o ee , cooke in an o en an in an British a ilies it is usuall eaten ith Yorkshire u ing. re ou sur rise o ou think it is s eet Poor guess It’s a national British ish a e aking a i ture o lour, eggs an ilk in at, nor all in se arate ieces like s all cakes. You can see it in the irst sli e. It looks BrE appetising a etising, oesn’t it AmE appetizing Scotlan has also uch to o er. an o ou eat orri ge or reak ast an think that it is a t ical English eal, on’t ou You are rong, it is a tra itional Scottish oo , eaten ith salt. No a a s, those ho ant to lose eight oil oats in ater an add a lot o i erent ruits. But I’ like to intro uce ou another tra itional Scottish ish huggis. It is a e ro shee ’s sto ach an re in s e o our Ukrainian loo sausage, ut igger. English rien sa s that no huggis is onl ser e on s ecial occasions. In recent ears a ne egetarian ersion o huggis is gro ing in o ularit . You can see it in the secon sli e. n hat co es into ou in hen ou hear the na e o the elsh ish elsh ra it’ I e ecte as uch You think it’s a ain eal, right I’ like to reassure ou. This ish is eaten as a s all eal or as art o a eal, consisting o rea ith cheese on it cooke un er heat until the cheese elts. It’s a reall satis ing snack. In Ukraine e o ten ake such a toast in a icro a e o en an call it a hot cheese san ich’. No ou kno that this ish ca e ro ales. It is in the thir sli e. n the ourth sli e is e ote to Irelan an its a ous Irish ste . This ish is still regular at an ta les in Irelan . Its ingre ients are arious, ut otatoes an la are the essentials in this ish. I learnt a out Irish ste hen I as rea ing ero e . ero e’s a ous no el Three en in a Boat . You re e er ho three rien s ere tr ing to cook Irish ste to get ri o all re nants o oo . I couldn’t help laughing reading a out it ut in act, it sho s ho o ular the ish as at that ti e an to a it i n’t lose its o ularit . I ou got intereste in British eals, our cooker clu ill share the reci es ith leasure. n no eet our international guest ro reece.
Stuffed grape leaves
UNIT 2 PART II ello, na e is n reas an I’ gla to artici ate in our cooker sli e-sho . So e o ou ro a l ha e ne er taste reek oo . So I’ here to correct this istake an not onl to sho sli es, ut sho ho to cook so e o the national ishes. In ancient reece cooking eca e a highl eelo e art an aster cooks ere the highest ai en in the countr . Through their contacts ith sia, reeks learne to ake their iet ainl egetarian. Thanks to our geogra hical osition an a oura le cli ate, countr is rich in egeta les an ruit, hich e use a lot in cooking. I ou ha ene to e in reece ou’ll necessaril e treate to stu e gra e lea es ecause it is a tra itional reek oo . I kno gra es gro s in Ukraine so ou a also cook this ish. ook ho I’ oing it. First and foremost I cho onions then add a cu o rice an ince la . After that I s rinkle her s like int an asil. Now I i e er thing together an roll u the gra e lea es. Afterwards e’ll ut the ish into the o en or an hour an a hal . B the en o our sho stu e gra e lea es ill ha e een rea . So ou’ll hel oursel es to the ish. ere in Ukraine I taste ca age rolls. The are er elicious ut i erent. In the secon sli e ou see another national ish hich is in the list o likes o an tourists. It is oussaka. E er reek house i e has her o n reci e o the ish hich she consi ers to e the est, ut there are so e co ulsor ingre ients egg lants, eat, cheese an her s. You see there’s no national ish ithout her s in countr . n no akla a, the est treat or ki s. I ou ha e a s eet tooth, ou are sure to like it. It’s a essert o thin, lak la ers o astr , hone an nuts. ook at it in the sli e. I ha e outh atere . n ou on’t e u set, I rought so e rea a e or ou. ere ou are. PART III
rien s an I ha e s ent a eek in Ital this ear at the in itation o our international rien s. n co ing ack e ant to share our i ressions a out Italian cuisine. You kno o course, that Ital is ho e o so e orl ’s ost o ular culinar ro ucts. ong the there is Italian cheese, co ee, ar a ha an e trairgin oli e oil. Italian cuisine relies on the an other resh ingre ients cooke on the s ot an a co ination o egeta les, ruits, sea oo , ish an oli e oil. e’ e learne that Italian iet is lant- ase in nature, ith a hea e hasis on e geta les, grains, see s an eans. Besi es, it is characteri e its si licit , ith an ishes, ha ing onl ro t o to our ain ingre ients. e li e in an Italian a il an ai attention to the act that or Ita lians eals are seen as a ti e s en ith a ilies an rien s, thus eals ten to e
2.1 longer than in other cultures. nota le as ect o Italian eals is that the ri o or irst course is usuall a illing ish such as risotto or asta. In the 1-st sli e ou see risotto, hich contains ai e, rice, ee an utter. ice is careull re are to a sor the la ours o roth, ine, utter an oli e oil. on’t take it or illa hich e eat in Ukraine an hich has rice as the ain ingre ient. It onl looks like it ut in realit it’s i erent. Pasta is the ish in hich noo les o arious length, i ths an sha es are the ain oo . In the secon sli e ou can see s aghetti ser e ith to ato sauce. I ou add ince ee on a e o s aghetti, ou’ll ha e a ne ish s aghetti Bolognaise , kno n as S ag Bol . So not or nothing Italians ha e a nickna e noo le lo ers’. BrE la our But ith our hel e ant to ake a ell-kno n in AmE la or Ukraine Italian ish. uess hat ish e ean E actl It’s i a. Sur risingl enough, i a is not urel Ita lian in ention. ur Italian rien s tol us that in ancient reek an Eg t eo le ate lat ake rea ith to ings such as otatoes, egeta les an Ital is res onsi le or sha ing i a into the current or . You see an ancient cultures ha e ha a han in the e olution o i a, ha en’t the It ill e also interesting or ou to kno that the irst eo le ho trie i a ere ing U erto an ueen argherita. The lo e it an since that ti e it eca e a hit a ong Italians. To a e’ll ake this er i a hich is a e in a atriotic st le. atch us an guess h it is calle atriotic. First, e ust ake a lat roun rea , ut e a e it re iousl . Now e ill re are a to ing an ill eel to atoes an then slice the . In the meantime, rien ill cut o arella into hal . ter that e ill ake the sauce i ing crushe garlic an green asil lea es. Next, e’ll s ooth sauce o er the ase ith the ack o a s oon an scatter o arella an to atoes. Finally, e ri le i a ith oli e oil an ut it into the heate o en or 8 10 inutes until cris . While our i a is eing ake can ou ans er our uestion a out its atriotic st le oo stu ents ou are ll colours o the i a re to atoes, hite o arella an green asil lea es are the colours o Italian lag. ur i a is rea . Last but not least e’ll add resh asil lea es an so e oli es to ecorate it. el oursel to Italian i a in a atriotic st le. ACROSS CULTURES Yeomen warders or Beefeaters a grou o en ho guar the To er o on on. The ear a re uni or ro the Tu or erio an are calle ee eaters’. Jerome K. Jerome (1859 1927) an English riter, est kno n or his hu orous no el Three en in a Boat . Mozzarella a so t hite Italian cheese, o ten use on i as. Jerome K. Jerome
UNIT 2 For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s:// .in e en ent.co.uk/li e-st le/ oo -an - rink/reci es htt s:// .tra elchannel.co / ust-eat- oo s ro -aroun -the- orl htt s:// . cgoo oo .co /reci es/categor /cuisines b) Read the text again and make a list of dishes which have resemblance to those popular in Ukraine. Fill in a comparison chart and say how they differ.
Comparison Chart The name of a dish Welsh rabbit
Differences the name...
In groups, compare and discuss your charts. III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the text, find and reproduce introductory phrases in context according to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences. P a t t e r n : Tra ditionally, it is 'served with sauce. Tra ditionally, Ukrainian borsch is served with sour cream. Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘food’ and ‘meals’, ‘taste’ – ‘flavour’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the text, reproduce verbs which are used to describe any recipe to compete the word cloud. Use them to describe any recipe from a slideshow.
2.1 From the text, reproduce the following words and phrases and interpret their meanings. Make up your own sentences with them. th isconce tion to re in o a s ecial occasion a satis ing snack
re nants o oo co ulsor ingre ients rea - a e lant- ase iet a illing ish
From the text find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english back
to come
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about 1–2 interesting national dishes from any country to continue a cookery slide show. Focus on: their origin the a the are cooke the a the are ser e . Present your findings to the class and express your opinion. Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce grammar items in bold and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences.
UNIT 2 I ou ant to escri e the rocess in the or er it ha I ou ant to ocus on ti e, use...
ene , use...
o to our First Aid Kit . 171 or ore in or ation Work in groups and make a recipe of a dish. Each member of the group describes his card of the recipe. Group 1: How to make yogurt cucumber salad.
Group 2: How to make vegetable salad with avocado.
E x a m p l e : First we peel avocado. o to our WB or ore e ercises IV. Communication Track Speaking a) Food for Thought
Spoken Production
There is a lot of food and drinks from different countries in Ukraine. Say which of them are popular in your country and why. What food or drink from abroad became your favourite.
2.1 b) Spoken Interaction
In pairs, role-play the situation below. Use the useful phrases from the box. Role 1: Your international friend from Japan is coming to you on a visit. It is his/her first visit to Ukraine and you want to please her/him with your national dishes and also say that some Japanese dishes are also popular in your country. Role 2: You have an international friend in Ukraine. At his/her invitation you are coming to Ukraine on a visit. You know that he/she is a member of his/her school cookery club and you are bringing him/her a present – a Cookery Book with Japanese dishes. You also want to taste Ukrainian dishes and have a recipe of those you like the best. Useful Phrases: i ... ... , long ti e no see. o as our tri hat o ou sa to... oul ou like... o o ou in ... o o ou call (cook)... The ish tastes... I’ e ne er eaten an thing like that e ore. It’s incre i le Thank ou or sharing... ... as a real treat. ... ill e in list o likes ro no . c) In groups, discuss the truth of one of the proverbs or quotes suggested below. Illustrate them with the examples of your personal experience.
“Food is a dangerous article. Too much food makes you fat, too little food makes you dead”. ark ar ing, British co e ian
“Every cook praises his own broth”. English ro er
Tastes differ. Fasting comes after feasting. Feast today and fast tomorrow. English ro er s
“Where you eat is sacred”. e is Bur ell, S anish il - aker
Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to the talk of Philip Stewart who is going to cook his favourite dish for the greatest American holiday “Thanksgiving Day”. He talks with his wife Ellen and his son Robert. Look at the products and decide what dish the man is going to cook.
b) While you listen
Listen to the talk and correct mistakes in the statements below. 1. Phili egins to get rea or cooking counting one . 2. Ellen orries that her hus an is too uick. 3. e takes utter ro the shel es. 4. alnuts ake his ish a ous. 5. Phili ’s i e sai that all the s ices are on the ta le. 6. s it turne out the le t the cinna on in the sho . 7. Phili ’s son o ie lo es a les in his a ’s ish. 8. o ie agrees to hel his a out an goes to the arket. 9. is u a ises o ie to ut on a hat, ecause it’s col outsi e. 10. o ie asks his arents not to ans er le an ra’s call. c) After you listen
In the whole class, make a recipe of Philip’s dish. Try to describe the process of its cooking. Is this dish popular in Ukraine? If yes, what ingredients do you put into it? On what occasions do you eat this dish? Writing a) Before you write
If your international friend likes one of Ukrainian dishes and asks you how you’ve made it, give him / her a recipe. In grou s, rainstor ith our rien s hat ish o Ukrainian cuisine is o ular ith oreigners. ake a list o ingre ients or this ish. b) While you write
How to write a Recipe Content Tips ake a list o ingre ients.
Language Tips Steps Boil... Cut... Slice... Cho ... r etc.
o to our First Aid Kit . 188 or a Sa
le o a eci e
2.2 Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
ericans cook s ecial ishes or their great holi a Thanksgi ing a . Search the Internet an in out the reci es o these ishes. Co are the ith the ishes Ukrainians cook or s ecial occasions. At Home: Write a recipe of your favourite dish.
2.2. What are your Food Preferences? Word Bank
Phrase Bank
Communication Box
nutritious to ski to other ho e- a e lour- ase incre i le to assi ilate organic high-calorie
to ut on eight to ine out a enturous eaters to snack through the a to iss so ething a l i rinks to one’s heart’s content to e concerne a out the oo
It’s ages since e’ e et ice ersa s ar as I re e er... I’ all or it I it isn’t lice e go
I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say what preferences in food these people may have. What makes you think so?
E x a m p l e : I think the man in the first photo prefers fattening food, because he has a weight problem. II. Reading a) Read the conversation of teenagers discussing their preferences in food and say whose opinion you share and why.
MEETING AFTER A LONG ABSENCE Alice: i, gu s, I’ ack Vasyl: It’s ages since e’ e et I it isn’t lice You look terri ic. ust like a real erican girl hen i ou co e ack Alice: e change rogra as o er three a s ago an so I’ here. Ann: la to eet ou, lice. o as our li e in the US Alice: I like Seattle an school, the house I li e in e er thing, e ce t oo .
UNIT 2 Helen: It can’t e You look as i ou’ e ut on a little eight, eating tast nutritious oo . Alice: arents sa the sa e But it as i ossi le to atch eight ecause host a il ha a solutel i erent re erences in oo than I ha . s ell as the eal sche ule. Helen: hat o ou ean Alice: host u i n’t other ith reak asts at all an e ha either ast oo like a ha urger or i a or so eti es reak ast as ski e entirel . ere in Ukraine I got use to u ’s hot reak asts an a cu o co ee. Vasyl: You said you studied in Seattle, didn’t you? n Seattle is kno n as a lace here eo le can ha e goo co ee. I rea a out it in so e aga ine. i n’t ou ine out Alice: course e i . ericans are a enturBrE chi s ous eaters an en o ethnic oo . The can AmE rench ries snack throughout the a on chi s, rench ries ut or the ain eal o the a inner ost a ilies usuall go to so e restaurant hich eatures ethnic oo like e ican, Chinese. host a il en o s eating Te - e ecause host u is the Tai anese. Ann: o interesting You liked Thai food, didn’t you Alice: ice ersa I re er ho e- a e oo an isse u ’s sou s an cutlets an e en aren ks an ancakes a l . Ann: s ar as I re e er, you didn’t like flour-based food, did you Alice: ight, ut erican e erience sho s that there is nothing like holeso e tast Ukrainian oo . Alex: I ou ask e I ha e nothing against unk or BrE takeway takea a oo . It’s a part of a ritual when you AmE takeout have an outing, isn’t it hen ou go out ou can eat shashl k, cris s, san iches, ha e i rinks an on’t other a out our ta le anners. oreo er, ou can enjoy the fresh air and scenic views an relax to your heart’s content, can’t you Vasyl: You are an incura le ro antic, le . But I a ersonall concerne a out the oo I eat. Helen: course ou shoul e You are a school champion, the best swimmer of the year, aren’t you? Vasyl: I a , an this is the reason h I re er ell- alance iet ith all kin s o eat, ilk ro ucts an cereals. Food is the basic fuel of our life, isn’t it? Helen: So it is. But ou orgot a out egeta les an ruits. Not that I’ a egetarian, ut I re er to eat eat ith egeta les. u sa s eat is etter assi ilate ith the . Ann: Your u is a octor an she kno s est. Besi es, i ou ant to atch our eight an sta slen er ou shoul eat health oo like egeta les an ruits. I also can’t o ithout all kin s o egeta le an ruit sala s. Helen: The onl ro le is i the egeta les e eat are organic an Vasyl: ook here, girls, ou can go on talking a out our iets nineteen to the o en. But I ha e a etter i ea. et’s go to the ca e an reali e our oo re erences there. Alex: I’ all or it Alice: e too. Ann, Helen: gree then. e go
2.2 b) Read the text again and fill in the preference chart below. Comment on teenagers’ food preferences.
Preference Chart Food Preferences o e a e oo
Reasons ikes her other’s ishes
as l
Ann Ôîòî. elen, дівчинка середьної статури elen Ôîòî. le , загорілий хлопець
UNIT 2 ACROSS CULTURES Seattle a cit an ort in ashington State in the North est o the US . It is also an i ortant usiness centre an a centre o the ock usic in ustr . Tex-Mex relate to the st le o cooking ro the South estern US, ase on erican an e ican st les. French fries long thin ieces o atato cooke eing rie in oil.
Taiwan an islan o the SE coast o China.
For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s:// .aca e ia.e u/31934941/ oo re erences are strongl in luence cultural tra itions htt s:// .science irect.co /to ics/ oo -science/ethnic- oo s III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
From the text, reproduce exclamatory sentences in context with a correct intonation, following the pattern. P a t t e r n : Hi, gu s I’ ack Practise saying them in chain. Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘junk’ and ‘fast’. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce adjectives which characterise food in context to fill in the table. Match them to their meanings and say which of them are attributable to you. Organic
a) oo hich akes ou ut on eight b) naturall gro n, ha ing no che ical a iti es c) likel to ake ou health d) containing an use ul su stances e) oo hich is cooke at ho e f) oo that ou u at a sho or restaurant to eat at ho e g) oo o little or no alue h) oo relate to a articular nation.
2.2 From the text, reproduce words and word combinations which can be used to describe food in the places in the logos below. Say which of them is your favourite.
From the text find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english on
to go
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about food preferences of teenagers abroad. Focus on: their eal sche ule their a ourite oo an rinks here the usuall ha e the . Present your findings to the class.
UNIT 2 Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce grammar constructions in bold and interpret their meanings. Complete the instruction and make up your own sentences. I ou ant to check the in or ation ou elie e to e true or co ent on a situation, use... o to our First Aid Kit . 171 or ore in or ation A radio chat show host is interviewing teenagers about their preferences in drinks. Complete the interview with appropriate question tags. Host: ll o ou ha e i erent oo re erences, haven’t you? A Teenager: Certainl , so an en, so an tastes. Host: But all teenagers like i rinks like so a ater an coca cola, ... A Teenager: Not all teenagers. I ersonall ne er rink the . I think the o us har , ... Host: ight. I on’t rink the either. Your arents also on’t rink the ... hen the ere our age such rinks ere not o ular. n hat o ou usuall rink to inish our eal- reakast or lunch Teenager 1: s or e, I like tea. Tea is ore use ul than co ee, ... Teenager 2: It’s our a o looking at it. You are a tea erson, ... Teenager 1: I a an ou are a co ee erson, ... Peo le, ho like co ee, sel o rink tea. Host: o an cu s o tea or co ee can ou ha e er a et’s take our orning. You ha en’t an , ... Teenager: I ha e ha t o cu s o lack co ee. It’s nor al, ... Host: Who can answer your friend’s question? I see you have different opinions. Let’s discuss your ideas. o to our
B or ore e ercises
IV. Communication Track Speaking a) Food for Thought
Spoken Production
Different teenagers have different food preferences. What are yours? Voice your opinion in a form of a poem. “I Am” Poem I am (two special characteristics.) Example: (I am an adventurous eater and a great admirer of fruits). I want (an actual desire). I understand (something you know is true). I say (something you believe in).
2.2 I I I I
worry (something that really bothers you). feel (a feeling about your food preferences). hope (something you actually hope for). am (the first line of the poem repeated).
b) Spoken Interaction
Move round the classroom and interview your friends about their food preferences. Summarise your findings and discuss them with your friend in pairs. Use useful phrases. Useful Phrases: hat are our tastes ( re erences) in oo hat oo is to our liking re ou a hea / ess / a enturous eater The... is elicious, take a ice an taste it. I on’t reall eel like eating... I can’t sa no’ to... ...is the oo to eat. To each his o n. There’s no accounting or tastes. с) Suppose you have been given a chance to run your school canteen for a day.
In grou s, lan the enu or the i a eal taking into account i erent oo re erences o school chil ren. In the hole class, co are our enus an co e u ith our inal ersion. Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to a funny story how two little vegetables influenced the Emperor’s food preferences. Think and decide what vegetables they may be and what makes you think so. b) While you listen
Listen to the story and mark true/false statements. 1. The E eror like to eat ell an aske the erchant a out his a ourite ishes. 2. The erchant sai that he ha the in one sack. 3. There ere onions in his sack. 4. The E eror ha ne er hear a out onions an aske the erchant to cook the . 5. eal ith onions as elicious, e ce t one sala . 6. The e eror ante to u the onions an o ere the erchant a sack ull o one . 7. hen the erchant o ene his sack he oun gol , ru ies, ia on s an other recious articles in it. 8. nother erchant hear the stor an eci e to tr his luck. 9. e o ere the E eror garlic ut the latter i n’t like its taste. 10. The E eror thanke the erchant or his eals an ga e hi a sack ith the ost alua le treasure onions.
UNIT 2 с) After you listen
In the whole class think and decide why people’s attitude to food and drinks has been changing through centuries. What could influence their food preferences? Illustrate your ideas with examples. Writing a) Before you write
I ou ant to escri e our re erences in oo , learn to rite a escri ti e aragra h. in the class ates ho ha e the sa e re erences in oo an ake a grou . Then think an eci e hat actors oti ate ou to choose this oo . b) While you write
How to Describe your Food Preferences Content Tips
Language Tips
rite a to ic sentence to su arise the i eas o the aragra h. i e e a les or e lanations to illustrate our ain oint. oi the etails that are not to the to ic.
o to our First Aid Kit . 187 or a Sa
I’ like to escri e... ...is ir a ourite ecause... I in this oo ecause... hat I like ost in this oo ... ... akes ou eel...
le o a escri ti e Paragra h
2.3. What Food is Healthy and Unhealthy for You? Word Bank
Phrase Bank
o esit to re uce lean intake i re-rich starch hole- eal inso nia to che nutritionist igesti e
to ha en o ernight out ar signs sugar snack to increase one’s energ le el rotein-rich oo s to cut in on so e o to e o en to e eri ents instea o to e on the run to go le eals o n to in ulge one’s ishes
Communication Box The act is... The uestion arises... I ou are a are o it... n e ore I orget... s a result... Not onl that Sur risingl as it a see ... Conse uentl ... In the a o continuation...
I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos below and decide which of the columns in the table (p. 53) the food items should be put into. Say why you think so.
White bread
Fried fish
Hot dog
Food you should eat because doctors recommend
Food which is said to be bad for you
Food you like
E x a m p l e : I think doctors recommend teenagers to eat more fish than meat because it contains protein and... . II. Reading a) Suppose you have a chance to participate in the conference in which different health professionals take part. Write 5 questions you’d like to ask them. Read what these specialists say to learn if you got answers to your questions.
IN FAVOUR OF HEALTHY FOOD ll li ing things nee oo , ecause it is the asic uel o li e. It kee s us ar , gi es us energ an hel s ki s an teenagers to gro health . I oner, hat ill ou sa i ou ask oursel es: hat oo is goo or us an hat is har ul s a e iatrician I clai that a goo iet is linke to a goo health. Eating a oor iet has een linke to a lot of illnesses. oreo er, a eating ha its are usuall ollo e igesti e ro le s, o esit an heart iseases. But ou ust realise that ill health oesn’t ha en o er-
UNIT 2 night. It can take an ears to e elo , o ten ithout any out ar signs. But un ante iseases can e re ente changing to a health iet an li est le. E en a few si le changes can ut ou on the right roa . irst an ore ost cut o n on eating sugar oo s such as cakes, iscuits, u ings an s eets e en or a s eet. The are a or our o , hich a sor s sugar er uickl . The act is, eating sugar oo s can gi e ou an i e iate sense o energ an ell- eing. But, un ortunatel , it oesn’t last long. That a pedicatrician ha eeling is usuall ollo e a oo crash . So the uestion arises h eat oo s that ill ake ou eel high an then lo ust cut out sugar snacks Instea , have a few ieces o resh ruit i ou ant to increase our energ le el uickl . I’ sure ou’ll eel much etter Eat plenty of resh ruit an egeta les at least i e ortions a a . I also a ise ou to eat ore oo s that contain rotein, like ish, chicken BrE s eet an eggs. Protein-rich oo s are satis ing an nutriAmE essert tious an can gi e ou the sa e ha eelings as sugar. *** Sorr to cut in on ou, colleagues, ut there are a couple of things I’ like to a . I kno that some teenagers re er unk oo like ha urgers an i as. The reason is that our nose an outh are e tre el sensiti e to the la our an s ell o the oo e eat, es eciall i it looks an s ells goo . I ou are a are o it, ou shoul eat a wide variety o reall tast use ul oo s to sti ulate all these senses. re ou o en to e eri ents Then a ice is instea o unk oo tr cheese or ruit sala s, ish or egeta le sou to gi e our taste u s a treat. Besi es, a total amount o at a nutritionist oo s ou eat shoul e re uce . Eat ore lean eat an oultr , ut our intake o i re-rich starch oo shoul e increase . s a nutritionist I a ise ou to egin our a ith high i re reak ast cereals an a hole- eal rea toast an a cu o tea. on’t inulge our ishes. I ou in ulge oursel in nothing, ou are sure to ha e ro le s. n e ore I orget, li it the uantit o salt ou take using less in cooking an at the ta le. n re e er, e eat to li e
a psychoterapist
*** highl res ecte health ro essionals ocuse on a uni ersal truth eat health oo an ha e a health o . No ou t, a health iet akes ou h sicall health . But I ant to ra our attention to health oo or our rains. slogan is: Eat health oo an ha e a health in I ant to su ort i ea ith the U ental ealth oun ation’s research that sho s that our iets ha e change a lot. s a result, the le el o ental illnesses like e ression or inso nia has increase . Not onl that. Their research sho s that health oo a ects teenagers’ eha-
2.3 iour. The carrie out an e eri ent in one o the English schools here the ser e onl health oo . Sur risingl as it a see , ut the teachers sai that their chil ren’s eha iour in class ha een a lot etter. The eca e cal er an the concentrate ore. Conse uentl , the ere learning ore. So, hat o all the e eri ents an researches suggest ou eating To i ro e our e or , eat ish, es eciall sal on. To ight’ inso nia, eat nuts. I e ression is a ro le , eat ro n rice, I ou orr a out our later ears, cook oli e oil. hate er ou eat or o, use our rain an sho or our ental health. *** There are many eo le ho are al a s on the run an ha e little or no ti e to eat. It also concerns ou, teenagers, ho are go ling eals o n on our a to school or uring the reaks. I ou eat too ast an on’t che our oo ro erl , ou o not lea e enough ti e or the rain to sen the signal o satis action ack to the sto ach an , there ore, ou eat ore than ou oul ha e eaten the sa e a ount o oo slo lier. Your outh has lots o ner e en ings that sen a essage to our rain. This signal is i ortant ecause it ill let ou kno hen a psychologist ou are ull. I our rain isses the signal ou go on eating an eating. So, al a s ake ti e to sit o n an eat our eals at the ta le. In the a o continuation o hat other artici ants o the con erence ha e sai , I’ like to a ise ou to take ore e ercise, hich ill lea ou to eating the right oo at the right ti e. Not onl regular e ercises ut an ering aroun arks or hills or ountains ill gi e a ro t eat a lot of rotein along ith i re-rich ruit, egeta les an sala s. These suggestions a not a eal to ou, ut ou’ll get ack the energ our o use u uring e ercises. So eighing all ros an cons, ou shoul agree that to e concerne a out the oo ou eat is a ust. b) Read what health professionals say again and fill in the Healthy Food Chart.
Healthy Food Chart The reasons of eating healthy food
The negative consequences
Eat ore ish, lean eat an oultr . Eating unk oo ill lea ou to utting on eight.
In the whole class, comment on your charts.
ACROSS CULTURES The UK Mental Health Foundation British charita le organi ation, that ro i es in or a tion, carries out research an ca aigns to i ro e ser ices or eo le a ecte o ental health ro le s.
UNIT 2 For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s:// . entalhealth.org.uk/a out-us htt s:// . itness aga ine.co /reci es/health -eating/su eroo s/the-ne -su er oo s/ htt s:// .health24.co / iet-an -nutrition htt s:// .cana a.ca/en/ser ices/health/health -eating.ht l III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
From the text, reproduce sentences in context with introductory phrases with correct intonation, following the pattern. Practise saying them in your own contexts. Pattern:
' irst an ore ost 'cut ' o n on 'eating 'sugar oo s. Words and Phrases in Context
From the textm reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘to wonder’ and ‘to wander’. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce adjectives which can be attributable to the following photos in the photo gallery. Explain your choice.
E x a m p l e : Cut down sugary foods even for a sweet. I think many of us enjîy ice-cream and fizzy drinks, but none of us thinks how they may influence our health... From the text, reproduce words and phrases to complete some advice of health professionals.
E x a m p l e : Cut down on eating sugary things.
2.3 Cut out... Instea ha e... Eat lent o ... Eat ore oo that Tr ... Begin our a ith...
i it the uantit o ... To i ro e our e or eat... To ight inso nia eat... Use our rains... ake ti e... Take ore...
In teams, summarize your completions in the form of a recommendation list for teenagers who want to have a healthy lifestyle. BECOMING A DIGITAL NATIVE a) Language Search
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english down
to cut
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about possible healthy lifestyles of teenagers abroad. Focus on: hat oo the consi er health hat oo reco en e health s ecialists the eat hat their attitu e to unhealth oo is. Present your findings to the class. Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce grammar items in bold and interpret their meanings. Complete the instruction and make up your own sentences with them. If you want to speak about quantity of food, use... o to our First Aid Kit . 171 or ore in or ation
UNIT 2 Oksana recently won the competition for teenagers “If you Want to Be Healthy”. Look at the picture prompts and say what recommendation Oksana gave her peers to become healthy, using quantifiers.
E x a m p l e : You should eat more vegetables because they are full of vitamins. o to our
B or ore e ercises
IV. Communication Track Speaking a) Food for Thought
Spoken Production
Unfortunately, many teenagers are unaware of the consequences of eating unhealthy food. Work in groups. Take your cell phones and decode the words or word combinations in the QR codes suggested, attributable to the health problems. Think and decide how to avoid them. What advice can you give to those teenagers who prefer unhealthy food?
b) Spoken Interaction
Pair up with your friend and discuss pros and cons of healthy and unhealthy food. Complete the dialogue using useful phrases.
2.3 Useful Phrases: Are ou in a our o ... on’t ou think e shoul eat... o an ti es a eek o ou eat... re ou concerne a out... hat are the a antages o ... I I ant a snack, I take... Cut o n ... or ou’ll e o er eight. I elie e e ha e to think a out I think ... an ... is a goo co ination rien s ten to u resh oo an ... Take a ice an ... A: I sa , ... are ou in a our o health oo B: In a a I kno , e ha e to think a out our health. But or e it’s easier sai than one. A: ... c) In the whole group, discuss the problem question: “Do you eat to live or live to eat?” Listening a) Before you listen
They say eating habits of people have changed a lot nowadays. You are going to listen to the description of eating habits in different countries. In groups, think and decide if these habits have changed for better or worse. Try to predict people of what countries stick to healthy lifestyle. What makes you think so? b) While you listen
Listen to the information and complete the sentences. 1. Peo le sho ore interest to a anese oo ecause ... . 2. a anese oo contains ... . 3. s a result a anese oo ... . 4. The greatest erican ar ecue ... . 5. n this a ... . 6. l ost e er thing can e ar ecue ... . 7. E er o orgets ... . 8. Ine ita l , a ter the ar ecue ... . 9. But it can e guarantee ... . 10. Ukrainian cuisine is orth talking a out ... . 11. I ou are hungr , ... . 12. oreign tourists elie e that ... . c) After you listen
Say if you were right in your predictions. In the whole class, discuss the truth of the old saying “You are what you look”. Think and decide how the food you eat and eating habits can affect your look. Writing
Work in groups and design a creative project in the form of the Internet page “Good Healthy Life”. 1. Think an eci e hat sections ou ill inclu e in our Internet age. 2. in necessar in or ation or e er section.
UNIT 2 3. Collect illustrati e aterials ( hotos, ictures, uotes, results o e eri ents or researches) to ake our ro ect attracti e. 4. Think o an interesting a o our ro ect’s resentation. 5. E aluate our rien s’ ro ects using the e aluation car elo . Evaluation Card Write I I I I
Group Group Group 1 2 3
the sections o the Internet age are ell-chosen. the in or ation is interesting an su icient. the illustrati e aterial as suita le an essential. the resentation as success ul.
Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
in the in or ation ho eating ha its o eo le in i erent countries change in the 21st centur . Co are their changes ith those t ical o Ukrainians.
2.4. Developing Integrated Skills I. This year you will become a student or start working. Suppose you’ve got your first scholarship or salary and want to organize dinner for your family and friends. Say:
o uch one ou are going to s en on it ( ear in in the the scholarshi is gi en once a onth). hat ishes ou’ll cook or the . hat ro ucts ou ill u to cook a ourite ishes o our a il e ers an rien s. II. Look at the photos and together with your partner discuss how environmental problems affect the food we eat. Is there any way out?
2.4 III. The proverb goes: “A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand”. Look at the pyramid below and in groups make a balanced diet. Have a display of your diets, discuss and compare them. Сhoose the best which will be the cookie in each hand.
IV. If you were a Minister of Healthcare in Ukraine, what measures will you take to promote healthy lifestyle in your county? In groups, make a list of propositions for the Verkhovna Rada. In the whole class, summarise the ideas of the groups and present a final version.
2.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English 1. Read the text below. For questions (1–10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). There is an example at the beginning (0).
A MEMORABLE VISIT ustralians 0- A thought to e a art -going eo le. S ne 1 in the art oo since Ca tain Cook saile into 2 Botan Ba in 1770 an cele rate his 3___ o one o the inest natural har ours in the orl . This a or another, ut 4 a goo tra ition in an ustralian a ilies to organise arties or chil ren. So I took 5 in one o the . It as reall e citing an unusual. n the ta le the ut 6 rea - a e ishes. 7 ustralian ishes ere 8 taste like chocolate crackles, the Pa lo a an air rea . But one o 9 as the ice ole. It’s er 10 . I en o e e er inute o the art an took so e reci es or o . A 0
B ha e as
isco er
there as
C is
D ill
has een
in ention
o ening
there is
ha e een
ha een
a little
so e
re arka le
re reshing
role an
a ourite ar
artici ation uch
art little
2. Fill in the gaps in the recipe with verbs on the right.
Baked Potatoes with Oil and Parsley 1 the otatoes an 2 the . Then 3 a little oli e oil in the al s o our han s an ru o er the otatoes, coating each one lightl ith oil. 4 the on a aking ish an 5 o er so e salt. 6 in a reheate o en or one hour. 7 each otato in hal an 8 holes in each hal . 9 arsle an 10 in the holes.
ake ut scru s rinkle r lace cut ake cho ill
2.5 В. Reading Read and complete the passage using the words from the box.
peanut hot
creative snack
staple chips
choice customary food lunch includes
delicious await
diet bun
Break ast is an honoure lace in the 1 o this count . Break ast 2 , hich can e regional, 3 col cereals ith ilk, acon, sausage, ha , rie to atoes, eggs, toasts ith 4 . Toasts are eaten ith 5 utter. It a e a o ular 6 an ti e o the a , an the 7 iet o Uni ersit stu ents. Break ast is ser e ith 8 o tea, co ee or ruit uice. Ele enses are ser e at aroun 11 a. . cake, iscuit or a 9 can e eaten ith the 10 cu o tea. This tea is calle 11 ecause it is ser e ith ilk or crea . No shocks 12 ou at eal ti e. or all the i e origins o the oulation, it’s the English culture hich has or e the structure o eals an 13 ha its. The eather also has a it to o ith it. It is onl in the last thirt ears that the English inall realise ho insane it as to ha e a 14 roast eal or Sun a 15 all through the su er. ost a ilies get ish an 16 at least once a eek, ut the roast inner ust like u use to ake re ains the all-ti e a ourite. esserts are al a s 17 , ut Banana S lit is a ourite ith ki s an those oung at 18 . It is a anana s lit in hal length ise an _19 ith ice-crea , tinne ruit, to e o ith nuts. hen aking this essert ou can e as 20 as ou like. С. Listening Listen to a part of a cookery programme on TV and choose the right answer to the question. 1. What does any member of the TV-studio bring for a cookery programme?
A. Three ite s ro their kitchen. B. Three ollars. C. Three reci es. 2. Where does Nigel’s tastes in food lie?
A. e re ers ne a anese ishes. B. e is tra itional in oo . C. e likes to e eri ent ith oo . 3. What food does chef’s dad enjoy?
A. e en o e Chinese oo . B. e like s aghetti Bolognaise. C. e re erre British cuisine. 4. What did Nigel bring to the show?
A. e rought cereals. B. e rought a ourite oo o his a il e C. e rought a haggis.
UNIT 2 5. Why did Nigel bring porridge oats?
A. It’s his little aughter’s a ourite ish. B. is i e like it, hen she as a chil . C. It’s a o ular ish in the a il . 6. Why is porridge unpopular today in Britain in chef’s opinion?
A. Peo le re er san iches or reak ast. B. Peo le ha e no ti e to cook reak ast. C. Peo le ski reak ast o er. 7. What food is to Nigel’s daughter liking?
A. Crea e tea. B. Porri ge. C. Cris s. 8. Who likes desserts in Nigel’s family?
A. Nigel. B. Nigel’s i e. C. Nigel’s aughter. 9. What was the 3-d Nigel’s item?
A. Cakes. B. Pu ing. C. Custar . 10. How much time does chef have to make a meal fit for a king?
A. 15 inutes. B. 25 inutes. C. al an hour. D. Writing To sum up what you’ve learned in the unit write a description of one of your usual midday meals.
Unit 3
UKRAINE AT LARGE In this unit, you will learn how: • to speak about public and political life in Ukraine; • to describe the cooperation of Ukraine with International organizations; • to discuss Ukrainian science and technology and their influence on the life of Ukrainians; • to present travelling options including ecotourism in Ukraine; • to integrate your skills on the topic; • to check the level of knowledge and skills on the topic, getting ready for independent testing.
UNIT 3: UKRAINE AT LARGE 3.1. What, in Your Opinion, Determines Public and Political Life in Ukraine? Word Bank oll to rein orce a isor to con e n nu erous or er colleague negotiations to enhance ongoing co it ent
Phrase Bank to e eter ine ... ilitar threat oreign olic to ro i e technical / inancial as sis tance territorial integrit to e lo a ission to launch re or s a isa- ree regi e rice increases to to the list o u lic concerns to eet co it ents
Communication Box It’s an o en secret that... In ie o all that... That’s ust it In res onse to... To sa nothing o ...
I. Go Ahead! Look at the symbols below and say what role they play in public and political life of Ukraine.
the European Union
Council of Europe
the United Nations
The Verkhovna Rada
E x a m p l e : I think OSCE helps our country to resolve the conflict with Russian aggression. It organized a special monitoring mission in the East of Ukraine and gives reliable reports about the situation there. II. Reading a) Read the opinions of participants of the forum “Focus Ukraine” discussing public and political life in the country and say what all of them have in common.
3.1 PART I It’s an o en secret that olitical an social li e o an countr is eter ine its international situation. Ôîòî. I think the ain e ternal actor a ecting all areas политобозреватель o Ukrainian li e is the con lict ith ussia, in all its as ects, ro the ar in on as, to the uestions o ho Cri ea belongs to, to gas an energ issues an ore roa l , the econo . In ie o all that, Ukraine is taking ste s ra ing the countr closer ith the est (the EU, N T ). u ging the results o the last oll, t o thir s o Ukrainian o ulation Stepan Dodur, su ort Ukraine’s e ershi in the North tlantic lliance, an su ort or entr into the EU is not ar a political observer ehin . I’m thinking about this situation a lot an agree ith those ho elie e that ithout the in ol e ent o other countries, it’ll e i ossi le to settle the ro le o on as an Cri ea. *** That’s ust it. Ukraine appears to e on the heels o the ilitar threats, that’s h o icial i olic is to ursue closer ties ith N T . Ukraine a ro e a la on N T e ershi as a strategic ai in ul , 2017. Ôîòî. I think our countr has oth ene ite an contri ute журналіст to the coo eration eing a N T artner ho has arгазети tici ate in all N T -le o erations an issions. In res onse to the con lict, the N T has rein orce its su ort or Ukraine, strengthening national ca ailit to e en itsel ro i ing a i e range o a isor , technical, inancial assistance, con ucting trainings an oint ilitar e ercises. e can hear the Ann Voitenko, N T Secretar eneral ens Stolten erg ake rea jornalist of the eate state ents concerning the Ukrainian- ussian newspaper con lict. e con e ns ussian’s anne ation o Cri ea, the entr o a ussian Con o into the territor o Ukraine an e resses soli arit ith Ukraine. The last su it N T -Ukraine hich took lace on ul 11, 2018 in Brussels ro e N T ’s intentions once ore. Thinking o er hat ou ha e sai , I’ like to sa that in to a ’s glo ali e orl an international coo eration ro i es o ortunities or e er state to take art in a ressing co on challenges. n the one han , a e ershi ro i es a state ith a tool o or strengthening its osition on the international arena an aking in luence on regional an glo al a airs. n the other han , an international coo eration is a a to co ensate the lack o national resources ( inancial, econo ic, olitical, ilitar etc). Being an e ual e er o the international co unit is su ose to o er a itional ca a ilities or national olitics to eal ith their o estic an e ternal issues. I’ gla that Ukraine is roa l integrate in the s ste o international organi ations an artici ates in nu erous securit initiati es. Its e ershi in 75 international organi ations ro es intentions o the national go ern ent to e an acti e an res onsi le e er o the International Co unit . It shoul e e hasi e , that the a orit o states an international organi ations ha e si e ith Ukraine ro i ing acti e oral, olitical, i lo atic, inancial an technical assistance. lrea on 27 arch, 2014 eneral sse l a o te a resolution e ressing su ort or so ereignt , olitical in e en ence, unit an territorial integrit o Ukraine ith its internationall recogni e or ers .
Helen Pushko, a philosopher
*** I’ like to su ort colleague an a that Ukraine as also su orte the Unite Nations (UN) hich has een onitoring an consi ering the situation at all stages, to sa nothing o its hu anitarian assistance. The organi ation o Securit an coo eration in Euro e ( SCE) has eco e an i ortant la er in the Ukrainian ussian con lict resolution. You ro a l re e er that in arch, 2014 SCE a e a ecision to e lo a s ecial ission in Ukraine. No a a s the SCE onitoring is recogni e as a true-to-li e source o in or ation. In a ition to it, SCE is con ucting a nu er o acti ities ai e at ro oting a national ialogue su orting re or s an acilitating the negotiations in insk or at. PART II
No a a s Ukraine is appearing in a ne stage o its e elo ent, the stage o re or s an econo ic gro th. s a historian, I’ like to ra our attention to the act that since the 2014 e olution o ignit in Ukraine, the rogress on re or s has een i e . er the ast our ears, Ukraine has achie e acroecono ic sta ili ation an re or e or esta lishe se eral i ortant institutions, such as the olice, the Su re e Court, the ne anticorru tion agencies etc. The go ern ent has ushe through i ortant structural re or s o e ucation, healthcare an u lic a inistration an has egun Oksana Voitenko, a co rehensi e ecentrali ation rogra that has a historian enhance local u gets an rought the ost eneits to the local regions. Thinking ack, I realize that these re or s are essential or the countr ’s long-ter ros erit as the also eter ine the olitical an social li e o Ukraine. *** Since 2014, Ukraine has launche an enacte ore re or s than uring the rece ing 25 ears. The go ern ent has esta lishe ran ne institutions, the usiness en iron ent has i ro e . Besi es, the countr has its irst e er energ e icienc rogra an re or rogra s in the healthcare an e ucation. It’s e i ent that the re or s ha e hel e to eli er a isa- ree regi e ith the EU, hich eans that Ukraine no has the highest egree o tra el reePeter Sidorenko, o o the or er So iet re u lics. I’m thinking a out an economist the ne t ste s o Ukrainian go ern ent. e initel , there is still a long a to go ecause social issues in articular rice increases to the list o u lic concerns. *** e all understand that the ain task to a is to sta ili e the socio-econo ic situation, as one o the ke actors that eter ine our li e. Un ortunatel , ussia’s occu ation o Cri ea an ongoing aggression in the eastern art o
3.1 the countr a l a age econo ic gro th. In s ite o this, the resent go ern ent anage to achie e icroecono ic sta ili ation in the countr . I believe the ain achie e ent is the restoration o econo ic gro th. hile this is o est onl a out 3 it is i ortant that the o n- ar tren , o ser e in 2014 2015 has een roken. I certainl a ro e o the go ern ent olic on econo ics. In 2016, the Ukrainian econo returne to the ath o gro th a ter 2 ears o ecline. Olha Lutsenko, In o inion, signi icant rogress as a e on a bank manager re or s to ake the countr ore e ocratic, trans arent an ros erous, ut still ore i ro eents are nee e inclu ing ighting corru tion, BrE sta ilise o erni ing the ension s ste , ri ati ing state AmE sta ilize o ne enter rises etc. *** ccor ing to u lic olling, Ukraine’s iggest ro le s, in the e es o its eo le are: the con lict in onas an the social olic o the go ern ent. ithout ou t, Ukrainian coo eration ith an countries an international organi ations in the areas o e ence an econo ics a ance in 2018, es eciall a ter the it Ukraine EU in Brussels on ul 9, 20th Su 2018. Both si es accepted utual co it ents to eelo a close an lasting relationshi ase on co on alues. E i entl , the ain role o the EU in Ukraine is not onl to ro i e assistance in arious areas, ut to aintain a ositi e e ternal ressure on the nationOleh Rudenko, al go ern ent in or er to eet its o n co it ents a sociologist an to eli er hat Ukrainian eo le need. The i ea o eco ing a art o Euro e is i el su orte all Ukrainians an has eco e a kin o national interest. I think that Ukraine starte a ne era in e ence-relate coo eration ith the EU that shoul ake our countr less ulnera le to e ternal threats. In regar to the crisis, slo l ut gra uall the EU has e elo e its osition to ar s the causes an arties o the con lict, intro uce a e stages o sanctions against the aggressor. ACROSS CULTURES Jens Stoltenberg the N T Secretar eneral since cto er 1, 2014. Council of Europe is an international Åìáëåìà organi ation hose ai is to u hol huan rights, e ocrac an the rule o Ради Європи la in Euro e. Brussels the ca ital cit o Belgiu here the Council o Euro e an the go ern ent o the Euro ean Union are situate .
UNIT 3 For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s:// . ritannica.co /to ic/Euro ean-Union htt s:// .coe.int/ htt s:// .nato.int/ b) Read both parts of the text again and fill in the chart in accordance with PMI technique where ‘P’ – plusses, ‘M’ – minuses, ‘I’ – important in relation to the Ukrainian political and social life.
coo eration ith the EU
lack o healthcare re or
Important gro th o national econo
In groups, compare and discuss your charts. III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the text, find and reproduce introductory phrases in context according to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences. P a t t e r n : I’ ’like to _a | that Uk’raine as ’also su ’ orte the ’Euroean Union. I’ like to a that olitical an social li e o Ukraine is eter ine an actors. Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘policy’ and ‘politics’, ‘to assist’ – ‘to help’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce the nouns formed from the following verbs and make up your sentences with them. E x a m p l e : to enter – entry Judging by the results of the last poll, two thirds of Ukrainian population support fast Ukrainian’s membership in the North Atlantic Alliance and support for entry into the EU is not far behind. I, personally, am one of the supporters for my country’s entry into the EU. to anne to in ol e to coo erate to sta ilise to assist to in luence
to intent to unite to integrate to increase to restore to threaten
From the text, reproduce words and phrases which are attributable to the political and social life of Ukraine to complete the word cloud. Use some of them in your own situations.
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the links suggested, find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english over
to think
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about the international organizations Ukraine cooperates with. Focus on: their historical ackgroun their coo eration ith other countries the role the la in the coo eration ith our countr . Present your findings to the class and express your opinion on the importance and value of this cooperation. Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce the verbs in bold in contexts and interpret their meaning.
UNIT 3 Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own examples. If you want to describe a state rather than an action, use the state verbs which express... – If some of the verbs above describe actions and not state, they are used... o to our First Aid Kit . 172 or ore in or ation Look at the photos and complete the mini-dialogues using the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous. an eo le are thinking (think) a out Ukraine’s entr into the EU. I (think) the are right. Ukraine is a Euro ean countr .
Ukrainians h, an e
(enjoy) a isa- ree regi e. (enjoy) it no .
ook, the an (appear) to e ner ous. e (be) a er e otional erson. I (think) he (feel) er in ignant.
o to our
B or ore e ercises
IV. Communication Track Speaking a) Food for Thought
Spoken Production
Work in groups and take your cell phones and decode the words in QR codes suggested which characterize the international cooperation of Ukraine with other countries. Think and decide how you can characterize this cooperation. Say without what other factors our country will be unable to resist the multiple military and non-military changes for such a long confrontation.
3.1 b) Spoken Interaction
In pairs, read the questions Ukrainians ask the Verkhovna Rada members or other politicians and try to discuss possible answers to them in your dialogues. hat is our a o resol ing the Ukrainian- ussian con lict in the East o Ukraine
hat’s our attitu e to Ukraine’s e ershi in N T
hat o ou think a out the entr o Ukraine into the EU
hat’s our o inion a out the ne re or s, articularl on e ucation
Use the following useful phrases: I ou ask e... I, ersonall , elie e... It see s to e... This is a o looking at it... ell, ou see hat I ean... You a e right, ut... on’t ou agree that... s I see it... It stan s to reason that... That’s ust hat I as thinking c) In groups, use the template below and create a poem to express your vision of Ukrainian’s possibilities to become a well-developed European country. Give a title to your poem, compare and discuss your variants with your classmates.
Poem Template:
e are er strong- ille an enthusiastic. (t o s ecial characteristics) e ant . (a esire o the a orit eo le) e un erstan . (so ething that nee s e orts) e tr . (so ething e ant to e elo ) e rea . (so ething the eo le o the countr rea a out) e ho e . (so ething e all ho e or) e are . (the 1st line o the oe )
Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to a art o the inal state ent o the 20th UkraineEU Su it. ook at the hotos o 3 resi ents an tr to re ict hat uestions relate to Ukraine ha e een iscusse at the Su it an hat the oliticians in the hoto ( . 74) ill sa .
b) While you listen
Mark the true statements. 1. The Presi ents o the Euro ean Council an the resi ent o the Euroean Co ission rea ir e their su ort o Ukrainian integration ith the Euro ean Union. 2. Both resi ents recogni e the rogress a e Ukraine in its re or rocess. 3. But the resi ents sai that the re or rocess as too slo . 4. ll the three resi ents agree to continue their coo eration in the area o en iron ent. 5. ccor ing to the inal ocu ent o the su it, the usiness in estent cli ate in Ukraine lea es uch to e esire . 6. The all agree on the i ortance o coo eration in strengthening c er securit . 7. The Euro ean lea ers con e ne the Ukrainian e ucational olic . 8. The resi ents agree on the i ortance o su orting the ost ulnera le eo le in the East o Ukraine. 9. The EU e resse its rea iness to call or i e iate release o i risone Ukrainian citi ens in Cri ea an ussia. 10. The EU insists on e ia luralis in Ukraine an con e ns the iolation o ournalists’ rights. c) After you listen
ll the three resi ents agree on the uture coo eration in the area o en iron ent. rou u ith our rien s an iscuss ossi le acti ities o the EU an Ukraine in relation to en iron ental rotection. Co e u ith a checklist o acti ities. Writing a) Before you write
I ou ant to escri e a articular olitical or social e ent in our countr that is o interest to ou an our class ates, rite a ne s re ort or our school ne s a er, aga ine or ra io / T rogra e. Brainstor ith our rien s an sa hat iece o ne s ou ant our rea ers /listeners / tele ie ers to kno a out. ake a list o or s an hrases ou’ll use in our ne s re ort to cause our rea ers / listeners interest.
3.1 b) While you write
How to Write a News Report
Content Tips
Language Tips
In the intro uction, su ari e the e ent, gi ing in or ation a out the ti e, lace an the eo le in ol e . e elo the e ent in etail a out the cause(s) o the e ents an the eo le in ol e in the aragra hs o the o . In conclusion, co ent on the e ent. o to our First Aid Kit . 188 or a Sa
eal ith etaile accurate acts. on’t ention our eelings. ention eo le’s co ents on the e ent using irect s eech. le o Ne s e ort
Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
o uch o ou kno a out other international organi ations ith hich Ukraine coo erates hat i ortant ecisions ha e een a e in the rocess o Ukraine’s coo eration ith i erent international organi ations At Home: In your WB, write a news report about any political or social event in Ukraine you were interested in.
3.2. How does Technological Progress Affect You and the Environment? Word Bank
Phrase Bank
Communication Box
to auto ate to inter ea e iraculous essaging icro logging to o eruse estruction trans ission a ance ent
u lic utilities icro a e o en to ie out to in er conse uences to o nloa in or ation to ro se the Internet to ha e ros an cons to rag so e o a a ro ... to e glue to so ething sheer antas anne lights into s ace
Nee less to sa ... In no ti e at all... art ro ... It’s u to e...
I. Go Ahead!
Look at the photos below and say how the innovations of science and technology affect the life of Ukrainians and the environment.
E x a m p l e : It’s convenient when computers and machines do a job. II. Reading a) Science Discussion Forum invited Ukrainian teenagers to take part in their show and to dispute the question of the influence of the science and technology on people with other participants. Look at the photos of some teenagers, read their comments and say what they feel about it. Do you feel the same or different?
hat an interesting uestion I’ sure science a ects us all e er a ro the orning e ake, all a long an through the night. s or e, I’m interested in ractical things that ha e co e ro science. The are so amazing i co e to think a out it. In the orning the igital alar clock rings an akes e u . I go to the kitchen to ake a toast in icro a e o en. The in entor ha to un erstan a out electro agnetic a es to e a le to a l kno le ge to ake li e easier Then I go to the ri ge an take cheese, ilk or Andrew Vasylenko ruits. e eat i erent ro ucts e er a , ecause eo le a lie science to gro ing cro s an ar ani als hile others use science to ake re rigeration ossi le. s a il sticks to a health a o li e, eating a lot o arious egeta les, ruit an ish, e ha e a uch igger choice o oo this a . I’m amazed ho ee l science is inter o en ith our li es ust tr to i agine one a ithout scienti ic rogress an isco eries You are late or school ecause the alar clock is out o or er an ou can’t arn our rien s or teachers o eing late ecause ou ha e no cell hone. You can’t iron our shirt or use a tra or a trolle us ecause there is no electricit . It’ll e a real isaster So the o ern orl oul n’t e o ern at all ithout science an technolog an their in entions. Ôîòî. Підліток на кухні. На столі електронний будильник. Він дістає бутерброд з мікрохвильової печі, на столі стоїть молоко.
*** I think one a or in luence o science an technolog lies in the area o e icine an health care. Scientists ha e i enti ie causes o an illnesses, ho the are s rea , e elo e , teste an ro uce e icines to cure iseases. hen I all ill, I take e icines that kno le ge o science a e ossi le. So e o the are ust iraculous I was excited to kno that eans o rugs atal or e en ea l iseases coul e controlle or cure . It re in e e o another great e a le o ho science a ects our ail li es, I ean E ar enner’s re arka le isco er accinations, hich sa e hu anit
3.2 ro ing out. is great isco er a e hi a real hero o the centur . ithout accines, iseases that elonge to the 19th 20th centuries, oul still e here an e oul still in er their nast conse uences. Nee less to sa , an eo le o e their li es to science an I’ er grate ul to the e ical scientists or that an or in luencing ecision to eco e a octor. I’ rea ing o aking o n isco er in e icine. Helen Komarenko, Kyiv I think technological a ance ents are not onl exciting, the are re olutionar . Their e ects are noticea le in the a e s eak, rite or o ser e hat’s aroun us. I think that s eci ic isco eries an inno ati e esigns ha e in luence our eha iour B sen ing essages e recei e the in or ation an con e i eas in no ti e at all. So, e a sa that tra itional eans o co unications are re lace ne er alternati es. Thanks to Ste e o s, ho create a Vasyl Yanchuk, ne era o o ile so t are an iClou , the users Myronivka can s nchroni e e- ail, ocu ents an e ia across all lat or s. The creation o the social net ork e site ace ook ark ucker erg, o ene a ne a or eo le to sta in touch an co unicate, to u loa hotos, to share stories an i eos. or e, it’s a ascinating i ea I’ not ore . oreo er, the use o instant essaging ( or e a le, hats ) an icro logging ( or e a le, T itter) has in luence e a lot It a e e rea an rite in short or s an it results in the o i ication o language an the language o rien s. I can ake a lot o ne or s or hrases hen I share ith rien s. I’ sure i it asn’t or science, e oul n’t ha e an o the things that ake our o ern orl ossi le, an e oul n’t e en kno hat e are issing. I’m thrilled at the i ea o it ***
*** E er thing I o is thanks to science an e er a I t e on co uter an sen the ata aroun the orl i e e , I search the Internet to in the ans ers to the intriguing uestions that interest e, I o nloa the in or ation an share it ith rien s. sister is fascinated so e intellectual T rogra s, ecause a an, na e ohn Bair stu ie science an a e tele ie ing ossi le. No it is not Oksana Stupchenko, Zhytomyr onl a eans o entertain ent ut a eans o au io- isual learning, hich is not all boring. I use la to , E- ook an cell- hone e er inute I nee it. art ro talking to istant rien , I can ro se the Internet on s art hone. I oul ust ie ithout these
UNIT 3 *** In o inion, science has its great ros an at the sa e ti e it has an cons also. So e o rien s o eruse co uters an eco e depressed. It’s i ossi le to rag the a a ro co uters, the are ust glue to the . No rien l talk, no relaxing outings nothing I’ e co e to the conclusion that i e ani ulate technolog then technolog also ani ulates us. The orl is eing run high-tech achines an inno ations that e think it oul o us goo . But, un ortunatel , it has Denys Kulko, Lviv change our hole li e so uch that e no orget the si le things e were pleased ith e ore. rien s lack con i ence in their a ilit to e ect change in their eha iour. I’ tr ing har to hel the out. It’s a er unpleasant act, isn’t it *** Science can an oes a ect our li es in t o a s: ositi e an negati e. n the one han , it creates on ers al ost e er a an ro i es us ith a relia le a o un erstan ing e er thing that is aroun us. It allo s us to co e u ith si le or co le i eas, gi es us the a ilit an con i ence to e lore ne i eas. hat as once sheer antas we were intrigued by, no is a realit irtue o achie e ents o scientists. or e a le, anne lights into s ace, the trans ission o hotogra hs o enus, ars an other lanets s acecra t to the Earth. It has eco e ossi le ue to the State S ace genc o Ukraine hich artici ates in the internal s ace ro ects ith the EU an carries out the research Maryna Zubko, in e loration o outer s ace or eace ul ur oses. Odesa Science is in ol e in e er one o these things that a ects or changes our li e or etter. But on the other han , science is changing our li es h sicall , entall an e otionall . I ou eco e a coach otato or a co uter a ict, it creates a estruction. It’s u to us to choose an eci e isel . b) Read the text again, group up with your friends and fill in the chart with pros and cons of the influence of science on people.
Comparison Chart Pros
it akes our li e easier an ore co orta le
Analyse and compare your charts. Comment on your final results.
3.2 ACROSS CULTURES Edward Janner (1749–1832) an English octor ho irst use accination.
Edward Janner
John Logie Baird (1888–1946) a Scottish in entor o irst earl or s o tele ision.
John Logie Baird
Steve Jobs (1955–2011) a US co uter esigner an usiness an ho together ith Ste e o nick, esigne an uilt the irst real ersonal co uter an starte the le co uter co an .
Steve Jobs
Mark Zuckerberg (1984) an erican oun er o the site ace ook , erson o the ear in 2011 (na e Ti e).
Mark Zuckerberg
For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s:// .the a ous eo le.co /in entors- osco erers htt :// .inno ation anage ent.se/2017/01/31/5- ost-in luential-inno ators-o -the-21st-centur / htt s:// .thalesgrou .co /en/ orl i e/grou /case-stu / to -10-in entors-all-ti e III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the text, find and reproduce the exclamatory sentences with correct intonation following the pattern. Practise them in your own contexts. Pattern: ’
hat an ’interesting
hat an interesting i ea Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘invention’ and ‘discovery’, ‘to affect’ – ‘to effect’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. In the text, find and reproduce the words and phrases which characterize the influence of the items in the photos (p. 80) on teenagers’ lives. Use some of them to describe their influence on you.
TV programmes
E x a m p l e : I love watching TV, it makes my learning interesting. From the texts, reproduce the words or phrases with the same meaning in context as the ones given below. Practise them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : affect – influence Science affects us all every day. Science influences us all every day. i erent to e thrille illness un leasant
thank ul rogress er uickl
esi es to search the Internet to e use ul
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the links below, find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english
3.2 into
to make
b) Information Search
One of the teenagers mentioned the State Space Agency of Ukraine. Search the Internet and find more information that agency or other famous Ukrainian organizations, which cooperate with international organizations in different sciences. Focus on: the ranch o science its ain inno ations ( isco eries) their contri ution to the orl science. Present your findings to the class and express your opinion on the development of science and technology in Ukraine and its cooperation with international organizations. Grammar in Context
In the text, find and reproduce the grammar constructions in bold and interpret their meanings. Are they the same or different? Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own examples. I ou ant to escri e feelings or reactions, use artici les as a ecti es that en ith ... an ha e... eanings. I ou ant to escri e so eone or so ething that causes a eeling or reactions, use artici les or a ecti es that en in ... I ou ant to escri e so eone ho experiences a eeling or reaction, use artici les as a ecti es that en ... o to our First Aid Kit . 172 or ore in or ation Read a part of the article and complete it with the correct form of the words in brackets choosing between -ed and -ing participles used as adjectives. Add more information to continue the article. SCIENCE IN UKRAINE Science is a a or actor allo ing Ukraine to e ranke a ong the orl ’s a ance countries in the 21st centur . You’ll e surprised (surprise) to kno that Ukraine co lies ith orl scienti ic stan ar s in athe atics, h sics, co uter science, aterial science an a nu er o other ... (interest) tren s. e are ... (satisfy with) anu acturing high tech science intensi e ro ucts hich increasingl e ane a ... (surprise) nu er o oreign scienti ic institutions an in ustrial ir s. or e a le, an ... (amaze)
UNIT 3 uni ue ilot lant has een uilt hich sti ulates the ... (astonish) e ect o outer s ace on s acecra t. er an an China ha e urchase this ... (interest) lant an the Euro ean S ace genc is using it or research ur oses. I as so ... (excite) to learn a out the lant an as ... (inspire) to isit the international e hi ition in Berlin hich is la s so an other ... (amaze) Ukrainian inno ations. I ho e it on’t e a ... (disappoint) e ent. o to our
B or ore e ercises
IV. Communication Track Speaking a) Food for Thought
Spoken Production
Look at the logos below and say how these scientific discoveries influence the life of people in your country in terms of: eco ing igital nati es enlarging our kno le ge an outlook co unicating ith others.
b) Spoken Interaction
In pairs, look at the photo, identify yourselves with the characters and complete the dialogue. Use the following phrases. Useful phrases: It’s antastic hen... Ôîòî. Двоє підлітків I’ a ull e cite ... розглядають інноваційні ...is reall a a ing ...a ect(s) our li e експонати на виставці It’s i icult to i agine... наукових відкриттів ...ha e (has) eco e a are necessit Co are to/ ith... There’s no analog et een... ...is reall i ressi e. I en o ... A: ook It’s a ran ne o el o a Ukrainian lane. B: It’s antastic There’s no analog et een this one an the one I sa last ear.
3.2 c) In groups, read the quotes of 3 great men, discuss them and decide to what science our future will belong. How will it affect people’s life?
Ïîðòðåò Стивена Хокинга
Co uters ou le their er or ance e er 18 onths. So the anger is real that the coul e elo intelligence an take o er the orl (Stephen Hawking)
o has no intention o setting a li it to the e orts o an to con uer s ace . (Pius XII)
ith nanotechnolog ou can ro uce steel that is 100 ti es stronger ut si ti es lighter . (Jim Thomas)
Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to two teenagers speaking about their first steps in scientific research and their attitude to new technological innovations. What are the possibilities for young promising researchers in Ukraine to demonstrate their innovations? What Ukrainian programmes for young talented students can you boast of? b) While you listen
Listen and match the sentences to the characters. 1. o is this corn i erent ro an other kin 2. o That’s a a ing Ôîòî Ôîòî 3. But I’ still like to ha e o n little la . підлітка підлітка 4. You’ e like E ison or so e o 5. It’s ran ne . 6. o uch i it cost 7. I can har l elie e ho uickl ne things a ear. Steve Bill 8. I re e er irst co uter cost 400 an as incre i l slo , ith no e or at all. 9. ne co uter costs 1500 an is co letel i erent. 10. e too. c) After you listen
Bill and Steve say that they miss the old days when science was more focused on big projects like “going to the Moon rather than making cool new gadgets to sell”. In groups, think and decide if you agree with the American teenagers. What big scientific projects are the most memorable for you? Say why.
UNIT 3 Writing a) Before you write
If you want to encourage young people for scientific research and participation in the program “Tomorrow.ua” where they can demonstrate the results of their research, write a notice. Brainstor ith our rien s an sa hat in or ation a out ossi le iel s o research ou ant our rea ers to kno . ake a list o or s an hrases ou’ll use riting a notice to sti ulate our rea ers. b) While you write
How to Write a Notice for Joining a Scientific Research Society Content Tips Start ith the ost i ortant elie or scienti ic ranches o this rogra e. Be recise characteri ing each o the . Soun con incing, in iting an encouraging. ea e our contacts.
Language Tips I ou are... a e ou got an i eas... o ou eel like... re ou the right erson... You are sure to anage... ithout ou t ou... Belie e in oursel an ...
o to our First Aid Kit . 188 or a Sa
le Notice
Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
In hat ranches o science oes Ukraine success ull coo erate ith Euro ean countries hat Ukrainian scienti ic isco eries or inno ations are i el use in other countries At Home: In your WB, write a notice for joining a scientific society.
3.3. What Travelling Routes Round Ukraine are Attractive for You? Word Bank hectic route eech al er al ine ea o estination irresisti le kee sake to oast
Phrase Bank to gi e re erence or to ork out to u gra e kno le ge to resist te tation en angere s ecies at a ti e to get a a ro it all to sur ass e ectations to e liste in the e Book not to iss a chance o oing a reak ro the hustle an ustle to eco e art an arcel o ...
Communication Box ne a or another... In an case...
3.3 I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos of people and decide what kind of travelling round Ukraine they would prefer. What makes you think so?
BrE tra elling AmE tra eling
E x a m p l e : I think elderly people would prefer to relax somewhere near the seaside or in a peace and quiet of nature. I believe they are tired of hectic life and would give preference to comfort and calmness. II. Reading a) A Travel Agency announced a competition for the best project of a round-Ukraine trip. Read some of the Ukrainian teenagers’ projects and say how they differ.
HOW TO GET A BREATHTAKING EXPERIENCE Ukraine has a lot to o er or all kin s o tra elers e en ing on their interests an ai s. So e eo le choose leasure or holi a touris , so e en o Ôîòî. Колективне фото s ort or a enture touris , others eдітей-підлітків машуть ote their holi a s to u gra ing their фотографу kno le ge an re er e ucational or cultural touris . But e’ e orke out a route hich ill eet the re uireents o all kin s o tra ellers. e guess no o can resist the te tation to see the laces hich are consi ere the orl cultural an national eritage UNESC in Ukraine. You’ll get unforgettable i ressions o isiting U hansk national ark hich is a art o the orl ’s onl Ukrainian-Polish-Slo ak Bios here Preser e Eastern Car athians . s ou see, the ark is an integral
UNIT 3 art o the orl ’s trilateral reser e. Isn’t it a a ing You’ll see our altitu e ones o enchanting eaut inclu ing a eech orest, an al er orest an a o e 1,100 etres majestic al ine ea o s an lo er-stu e e eral grass. You’ll en o a gorgeous panoramic ie o rare s ecies o lants hich are rotecte at the national le el. Se eral s ecies o il ani als like a re eer or a a ger are liste not onl in the e Book o Ukraine ut in the International e ist as ell as en angere .
Ôîòî. Фауна різних маршрутів Ужанського національного парку
Ôîòî. Флора Ужанського національного парку
In the ark, ou can also isco er the arst ca es an e en see the famous n ah n ansk eteorite that ell in the region in 1866. You can also tr cross-border e estrian crossings ith Polan an Slo akia or choose one o se enteen long-term hiking trails or our favourite ecological ath. I ou choose our route an co e to the Carathians, on’t iss a chance o isiting the latest Ukrainian an Slo ak transboarder o ect ancient an Pri e al Beech orests hich as inclu e in the Ôîòî. Українсько-словацьUNESC orl natural eritage site in кий біозаповідник une, 2007. It’ll e a er e citing tra el. «Cхідні Карпати». The eech orests inclu e 10 se arate assi s locate along 185 k long or the akhi ountains an Chornohora ri ge in Ukraine to the Polon n ri ge (Slo akia). You’ll en o amazing ie s o t o national arks an a ios here reser e ith their auna an lora. i erse lan sca e o ers a lot o outdoor acti ities ro ountain iking an hill alking to hiking an ca ing. ne a or another, it ill e a breathtaking e erience an so ething ou’ll take ho e an share ith our rien s. HAVE A TRY OF ECOTOURISM I ou are an adventurous an enthusiastic erson, ho en o s s ectacular na tural surroun ings, resh air an clean ater, ho re ers to co ine 3 things at a ti e action, e ucation, rela ation to ork then this route is or ou. Your estination ill e the 2-n largest elta in Euro e the anu e elta, one art o hich is in o ania, an the other one is in esa o last. The elta is a hea en or wildlife lo ers, ir atchers, isher en an an one ho ants to get a a ro it
3.3 all or a e a s. Its irresistible eaut has got a worldwide recognition. The elta is the ost incomparable lace in Euro e here nature still lea s it course, ith ini u hu an inter ention. oreo er, ou’ll tr ecotouris , sailing, oating, ra ting, e en horse ri ing or ro antic eo le ith no o else aroun . here else can ou e erience such a health a o li e ithout ou t, ecotouris is a reak ro the hustle an ustle, eco ing art an arcel o il li e, e loring the laces here a single oot hasn’t ste e e ore. oreo er, it is a o ular tra el o tion or learning so ething ne o unkno n or e en to urn our calories on a es an hills. In the anu e elta, it is all ossi le. The orl Tourist organi ation ( T ), hich eals ith ro oting touris throughout the orl , assists o ania an Ukraine in the e elo ent o oint ecotouris ro ects, ho kno s a e ou’ll e luck to e one o the irst artici ants o this oint international eco ro ect. In an case, our tra elling ill e impressive an e ora le.
Ôîòî. Плавання на човнах по Дунаю.
A TRAVELLING TO SURPASS YOUR EXPECTATIONS The national net ork o tourist routes co ers arious tra itional the es like the Silk oute, ie an us culture, the histor o Ukrainian Ôîòî. Колективне фото. Cossacks etc or o ers to isit laces Діти-підлітки у вишиванconnecte ith renowned Ukrainians ках, в руках українські such as . Sko oro a, T. She chenko, поробки гончарні, з .Ukrainka. You a choose one o дерева то о. these, o course. But i ou ant to eel Ukrainian real colouring, to see, to taste’, to s ell’ Ukrainian custo s an tra itions, to tra el in ti e an s ace then our tour is or ou. oin us at the open-air useu o olk architecture an Tra itions, locate on the picturesque outskirts o i in P roho o. You on’t see brandnew o ects here, ut en o the at os here o ancient wooden structures trans orte ro i erent regions o Ukraine: the 17th an 18th centuries in ills ( itr ak ), uni ue illage houses (khatas) ecause o their age (16th centur ) an the ariet o a oining structures such as cattle- ens an henhouses, cellars an arns, ater ills an ells. s ou enter, ou i e iatel sense the histor o the illage through the s all etails o easant li e on is la . You’ll ha e a chance to see handmade e roi er , wooden an cera ic household utensils an national costu es. The ost exciting e ent is a tra itional air, uring hich ou can not onl atch a otter orking at a ug, ut s in the heel oursel an esign a iece o otter as a kee sake. You ill e treate to fantastic ho e a e
UNIT 3 Ukrainian ishes an taught a jolly Ukrainian ance or a passionate song. I ou are luck enough, ou ight e en artici ate in a tra itional Ukrainian e ing cere on . e are sure our tra elling ill sur ass our e ectations an ill lea e a lasting i ression on ou. So, on’t iss our chance.
Ôîòî. рмарка, майстер-клас
Ôîòî. Друзі під відкритим небом Пирогово.
ACROSS CULTURES UNESCO Unite Nations E ucational scienti ic an cultural organi ation a art o the UN, ase in Paris, hich ission is to contri ute to the uil ing o eace an securit through coo eration et een the nations in e ucation, science an culture. ne o the ain international instru ents o UNESC is the Con ention on the rotection o the orl cultural an natural eritage. WTO orl Tourist organi ation, esta lishe in 1975 the UN. World Heritage Site a lace or structure inclu e on an o icial list ro uce the orl eritage Co ittee o UNESC . Places are chosen or the list ecause the are consi ere to e o outstan ing uni ersal alue an are thereore reser e .
For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s// . ritannica.co /to ic/ orl - eritage-site htt s:// .nationalgeogra hic.co /tra el/ orl -heritage/ a out/ htt s://e ition.cnn.co /tra el/article/11- ost- eauti ul- lacesin-ukraine/in e .ht l b) Read the texts again. In groups, make a list of attractions for every travelling route.
3.3 Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak Biosphere preserve “Eastern Carpathians”
The Danube Delta
The open-air museum of Folk architecture and traditions
Unique fauna and flora
In groups, compare and discuss your charts. III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the texts, find and reproduce ten words with the sounds /v/, /w/ in context. Practise saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : /v/ Some people enjoy sport or adventure tourism. As for me, I’m a great admirer of adventure tourism. Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘travel’ and ‘trip’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce descriptive words and phrases to complete the word cloud. Use some of them in your own description.
Use one of the sites below and design your own word cloud with words and phrases attributable to the description of travelling routes to enlarge your vocabulary. htt :// . or le.net/ htt s:// or itout.co / or -clou /create htt :// .tag e o.co / Use your word cloud to complete a collage and to describe the travelling route suggested.
From the text, reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, but with different meanings. Give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english out
to work
3.3 b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about the World Heritage Sites protected by INESCO in Britain and the US. Focus on: their historical ackgroun their uni ueness their attractions or tourists. Grammar in Context
In the text, find and reproduce the adjectives in bold in contexts and interpret their meaning. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own examples. I ou ant to or an a ecti e, a re i es e ore the , such as... I ou ant to or an a ecti e ro nouns or er s, a su i e to the en o the nouns such as... I ou ant to or a co oun a ecti e, use... Complete the travel agency’s advertisements with suitable adjectives. I ou are an a enturous erson, This tra elling route lies in ha e a tour in lace near the Bugh the Car athians. The lace has a ri er. You’ll ha e a chance to see re utation or its s ecies o lora, en o eaut . You’ll get ie s o il li e i ressions. an get o ortunities or oating an s i ing in Contact nu ers: 067 15-24-404 ater o the Bugh. ing the agenc on 075 38-74-813
holi a out in the o en air is a a o eco ing oursel a ter a li e in the cit . It’s an o ortunit o rest ith no o else aroun .
oin a sightseeing tour to an cit o i . It is calle a centre o Ukraine ith architecture. Its churches an cathe rals are reall . ur contacts: 076 54-10-813
IV. Communication Track Speaking a) Food for Thought
Spoken Production
There are different kinds of tourism well-developed in Ukraine. Say which of them you will choose for a round Ukraine trip. Why? Give reasons for your choice.
UNIT 3 b) Spoken Interaction
In pairs, discuss your favourite travelling routes round Ukraine. Use the following phrases to complete the dialogue. Useful phrases s I’ ... erson, I gi e re erences to... In contrast ith ou... o ou ean... That’s ust it I can har l i agine... I shoul ne er ha e thought... I’ ith ou on that In an case... To each his o n. Discussing Travelling Routes in Ukraine Summer has come at last and we are to choose a travelling route . Have you anything special . . .?
As I’m an adventurous person . . . . What do you think…?
I personally… . . It’s a fantastic pastime to…
Well, well, well . I can hardly imagine…
Do you mean…?
Sure I do . I should never have thought…
In contrast with you…
In any case, I’ll try…It’s necessary…
I’m with you on that and I think… ., isn’t it?
Definitely. Do you still…?
That’s just it . I’m a great admirer of …and… .
To each his own .
c) In groups, think and decide on 5 points of a successful travelling route round Ukraine. Rank them in order of importance.
1 2 3 4 5 92
3.3 Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to the presentation of an admirer of sightseeing tours. Brainstorm with your friends and say: h eo le en o sightseeing tours as a a o tra elling. hat sights the a irer in uestion en o s the ost an h . hat ou think a out sightseeing tra elling. b) While you listen
Listen to the presentation and correct mistakes in the statements below. 1. The ost areas or tra elling are the Car athians an the coaste region o the o Sea. 2. Ukraine is o ten calle a lan o ancient histor . 3. ecent olitical, territorial an econo ic i iculties a ecte the sights o Ukraine. 4. i ’s sights inclu e the ol en ates an St. So hia Cathe ral hich a ear in UNESC list. 5. esa is consi ere to e a Ukrainian cultural ca ital. 6. s len i l To n o i oasts o its o ern architecture. 7. You can’t lea e i ithout ha ing its a ous tea. 8. rchitecture lo ers in esa can a ire othic Churches e er here. 9. The era an Ballet Theatre o esa is its s ol. 10. Pr orsk i oule ar is the street in esa hich runs through the hole cit . Writing a) Before you write
Work in groups and design a creative project for your international friends “Ukraine is the Country to Explore and Love”. Your ste s: 1. Choose the or at or our ro ect (a oster, a rochure, a sightseeing a etc.) 2. ork out an interesting tra elling route. 3. in necessar in or ation a out the laces in our route. 4. Collect hotos, ictures, uotes an other illustrati e aterials to ake our ro ect attracti e. 5. Think o an interesting a o resentation o our ro ect. Evaluate your friends’ presentations, use the evaluation card. Evaluation card Write
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
I the route o ere is interesting. I the in or ation is su icient. I the illustrati e aterial is essential. I the or at o the ro ect an the resentation is goo .
UNIT 3 Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
in so e in or ation a out the ost interesting tra elling routes in reat Britain an co are the ith Ukrainian ones.
3.4. Developing Integrated Skills I. In the 20th Ukraine-EU Summit in July 2018 the European Union made the decision to provide Ukraine with further macro-financial assistance of up to EUR 1 billion. In groups, discuss and answer the following questions:
I it ere in our o er, ho oul ou istri ute the one hat as ects o Ukrainian olitical, social, econo ic or cultural li e nee in est ent o can Ukrainians ene it ro this inancial assistance II. Look at the photos below. Pair up with your friends and discuss scientific discoveries and inventions in them. Say how they affect the environment.
Ôîòî Димлять міські труби заводів і фабрик
Ôîòî Вулиця з великою кількістю машин затор
Забруднені ріки. У воду скидають відходи
Чорнобильський реактор
III. Once after visiting Ukraine the president of France Charles de Gaulle (1959– 1969) famously said: “I’ve seen many parks and gardens in different cities, but it is the first time I’ve seen a city in a garden”. Unquote the great man’s words. Try to predict:
hat lace Charles e aulle isite . hat i resse hi so uch in that lace. hat the resi ent ishe he ha in his countr . IV. In the whole class, look at the photos of a travelling route in Ukraine (p. 95) and write a story on them. Focus on:
the catching title o the stor the ins iring escri tion o the hotos the e citing resentation o the a antages o this tra elling route.
3.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English I. Read the text below. For questions (1–10) choose the correct answer (A,B,C or D). There is an example at the beginning (0).
A MEMORABLE VISIT So I ( ) C the us to utsk or irst tri to the 1 o Ukraine. Tra elling ith rien s is so 2 un. e ha so uch to talk a out 3 the us to utsk. I’ reall looking or ar to 4 the eauti ul Shatski akes. I 5 uch a out Shatski Bios here eser e hich consists 6 so e 200 resh ater lakes, ri ers an strea s. I kno this lace 7 , Ukraine’s ake isctict an its ee lake S itia is a ealing to the ost 8___tourists ho are on o ca ing an ra ting. I think e ill ha e a s len i chance 9 the lake ro i erent 10 an en o its a estic eaut .
0 1
ca e
oar e
north- est
south- est
ha e rea
is calle
na e
is kno n
to see
lan e
east- est
ill rea
a rea ing on
as ects
a ous cle er ie angles
UNIT 3 II. Read the sentences and fill in the right word-form.
1. Euro ean countries su ort Ukraine an ro i e the IN NCE countr ith assistance. 2. The go ern ent uses all the to settle P SSIB E the ro le o on as. 3. Signi icant rogress as a e on re or s to ake P SPE the countr ore . Y 4. You shoul eat egeta les an ruit to stick to a health a o li e. TITU E 5. I’ to the e ical scientists or their ISC E great in e icine. ENTE T IN 6. No a a s tele ision is not onl or , ut u gra ing our kno le ge as ell. ET 7. Tra elling roun the countr I’ e got a lot o i ressions. ENTU E 8. I ou are an erson I a ise ou to tr eco-touris . 9. You’ll e a a e to see churches o E CITE the 17th centur . 10. Sightseeing tours are the ost i ou are intereste in histor an culture o Ukraine. B. Listening Listen to the information about different projects for young scientists and gifted youth in Ukraine and choose the right answers to the questions. 1. What is the moral duty of Ukrainian government as to the self-realization of young scientists in Ukraine?
A. to ro i e the outh ith scholarshi s B. to create all necessar con itions or this e elo C. to organi e eetings ith ell-kno n scholars.
2. Why is it necessary to support talented youth?
A. to gi e the an o ortunit or sel -reali ation B. to ro i e the ith su icient kno le ge C. to teach the to learn ro each other. 3. When did a meeting of president Poroshenko and talented students take place?
A. in ul , 2018 B. in e ruar , 2018 C. in Se te er, 2018. 4. What did president Poroshenko stress in a meeting with gifted youth?
A. Ukraine nee s their inno ations to sol e the countr ’s issues B. Ukraine ust ha e ore talente eo le in the countr C. Ukraine lacks scientists in an ranches. 5. Who organized all-Ukrainian educational programmes for youth?
A. Presi ent Poroshenko B. ictor Pinchuk C. Bor s olesniko .
3.5 6. How many educational projects for youth did the charitable organization of Borys Kolesnikov launch in the current year?
A. 5 B. 7 C. 8. 7. What is the award for the winners of the project?
A. a ig scholarshi B. a grant or stu ing a roa C. a tri to ro ile oru orl
i e.
8. What do finalists of the educational projects do during their visits to other countries?
A. o the sightseeing tours B. isit the e ositions o orl - a ous anu acturers C. ight or the ri es. 9. What did Victor Pinchuk’s foundation focus on?
A. the ro le s o e ense B. the econo ic an olitical issues C. a inistrati e, en iron ental an social challenges. 10. What finalists of Zavtra.ua programme will go to study abroad?
A. those ho got a grant to get a aster egree B. those ho got scholarshi s C. those ho nee gui ance to i le ent their ro ect. C. Reading Read about a world famous innovation competition and match the paragraphs (1–5) with the titles (A–F).
IMAGINE CUP MICROSOFT’S COMPETITION A. irst Ste s to Sel - eali ing B. Sharing an earning C. National Pri e D. No le i E. ere ortunities I agine Cu , icroso t’s inno ation co etition, rings together stu ents ro all o er the orl . The 2018 e ition challenge tea s to co e u ith an arti icial Intelligence solution hich integrate a so t are o ule ro the icroso t ure Clou . You ro a l kno that the ai o I agine Cu is to ro ote an su ort stu ents’ ro ects, a lications, e ices or ga es, hich ill change the orl . No ou t, I agine Cu E erience is a launching a that hel s oung so t are inno ators get gui ance an e hate er the ant to e in li e e entuall . art ro inning a ar s or ri es at the re ier technolog 2rogra e an co etition or stu ents to learn, uil an co lete ith inno ati e tools, lat or s an ser ices, I agine cu e erience has hel e so t are start-u s to net ork, learn ne skills, sho case their solutions an e tension get gui ance ro aca e ic entors that ill go a long a in aking the sel -reliant in entors in the 21st centur kno le ge societ . 1-
UNIT 3 t the e ent that attracte ore than 87 stu ent tea s ro 71 countries ho ha co ete in the orl i e inals a ter inning local an online co etitions aroun the orl , icroso t a ar e cash an other ri es alue at ore than 1 illion throughout the ear long I agine Cu co etition, inclu ing a ar s or the inning tea s at the orl i e inals. Besi es stu ents sho case an resentations, there are also learning sessions uring the co etition. uring the learning sessions stu ents can ake en uiries a out ho to a l or I agine Cu grants hich ill hel the actuali e their rea s through icroso t grant, so t are an in alua le connections. 4- Cor orati e ice resi ent o icroso t uggenhei er sai that or the ast 11 ears, I agine cu has een a lace or ins iration an inno ation or stu ents aroun the orl . The stu ents artici ating in this co etition e onstrate the er est in inno ation ro their ho e countries an together are creating ne a s, inno ations an ser ices that ill change the a the orl orks, interacts an learns. n reall , the sur i al o the 21st centur lies in the han s o these eo le to engage ith technolog . e are rou o Uklrainian talente stu ents ho took to ositions 5not once. Thus, in 2012 in Si ne , ustralia, Ukrainian tea ro onetsk on 25.000, resenting S art lo es hich coul talk’, trans or ing sign language into hu an s eech. This in ention ill sa e illions o eo le ho can’t talk. ear later another tea on a ri e or e elo ing the so t are calle Ca Touch, hich coul turn an sur ace into a co uter screen. This ear as also triu hant. So Ukraine can e reall rou o its talente outh. 3-
D. Writing The title of the unit is “Ukraine at Large”. Write an encyclopedia entry focusing on the many sides of our country you’ve learned about in the unit.
Unit 4
GREAT EXPECTATIONS In this unit, you will learn how: • • • • •
to describe your feelings about graduation; to talk about your ways to beat test anxiety; to discuss artistic talents; to integrate your skills on the topic; to check the level of knowledge and skills on the topic, getting ready for independent testing.
UNIT 4: GREAT EXPECTATIONS 4.1. How do you Feel about Graduation? Word Bank career career atha to a or in so ething to inor in so ething to hire so eo scar to gra uate in so ething / ro so ething to enroll in so ething to enter so ething isconcerting
Phrase Bank to think a out so ething ith i e eelings to e a little uncertain to ha e so e reser ations to ake the istinction o so ething to ha e so ething in store or so e o to e usic to so e o ’s ears to o er ene its to e luent in (a language) to rea so ething at one sitting to e highlighte so ething to ollo suit to e orth the e ort to hel one’s rea co e true to e at one’s its’ en to gi e uch thought to so ething to ollo in so e o ’s ootste s to set so e o thinking a out ... to eco e a thing o the ast
Communication Box ctuall , ... Certainl , ... ccor ing to statistics, ... ccor ing to so e o ’s o n account, ... I can’t kee ro ... It a e a To hel re e this ro le , there are ...
I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say in what sphere of life you can visualize yourself after school graduation. Why? If there is no suitable picture, add your own.
4.1 E x a m p l e : I think I’d rather see myself in an office where I’m working with official documents in English, as in Picture 4. I really want to do something important in the international context, for example, in the UNO or the UNESCO. II. Reading a) Read what these school leavers think about graduation and say whose ideas and feelings are similar to yours. Say why.
FEELINGS ABOUT GRADUATION I a thinking a out gra uation ith i e eelings. n the one han , I a e cite – li e has so an ne things, goo chances, an great o ortunities in store or e on the other han , that’s e actl hat akes e ner ous. In their last ear o high school, school ates a l to ore than one college or uniersit . I oul rather go to a uni ersit as it is igger than college. n a erage uni ersit rogra takes our ears to co lete. ost eo le ith a uni ersit egree egin their career a ter the gra uate. (Uniersit gra uates ake the istinction o starting a career’ an not ha ing a o ’ ) career osition is Rob O’Leary ai on a salar ( earl ) rate an al a s o ers eneits. Career ositions are also consi ere long-ter co it ents ith the co an or organi ation that has hire ou. That agrees ith ision o the orl ecause ork is a er i ortant art o erican i entit . t resent, I’ consi ering hat uni ersit to a l or. s ar as I kno , each uni ersit has its o n re uire ents or a ission. ost uni ersities usuall consi er the test scores as ell as an a licant’s high school gra es e ore the eci e hether or not to acce t a stu ent. ll rien s ha e chosen to go a a ro ho e. That is the scar art lea ing ho e. arents sa that o ing to college is art o gro ing u as I ha e to learn to take care o sel an a o n ills. I on’t in ut I’ a little uncertain. I ust can’t kee ro thinking. No I a co ing to un erstan that aking ecisions oes ake co ar s o us all i I can uote a orite a let’s solilo u correctl . So or e, the uestion re ains: to e or not to e a stu ent... *** You on’t elie e it ut I on’t ha e an i icult in choosing career ath a . The reason is that I ha e al a s een in lo e ith languages. u , ho is luent in er an, recalle that I ha aske her to teach e so e er an or s long e ore school. I took u English an rench at school, an esi es, I’ e een learning Italian an S anish sel -e ort, on an o , or a hile. It’s no e aggeration to sa that languages are usic to ears. The other a , I ca e across the ook o I learn anguages ato o , an rea it at one sitting. Kateryna Zabello It a e a , reall The author as a ungarian inter reter an translator ho ha a co an o si teen languages. er ai s to ac uire these languages ere to satis her interest. She calle hersel a lingua hile ( eaning she lo e languages) an an auto i act ( eaning that she e elo e her o n learning strategies). B the
UNIT 4 a , she rites that no one is ust goo at languages. Success in language learning is eter ine a si le e uation: In este Ti e Intereste ness = esult . ere is the link to her ook: htt s:// .goo rea s.co / ook/sho /6290281- ol glot. riginall , she gra uate in h sics an che istr , ut her interest soon le her to languages. ccor ing to her o n account, her long li e as highlighte not ri aril the co an o languages ut the actual stu o the . Through her ooks, she trie to share this o ith generations. I as so uch ins ire her e a le that I eci e to ollo suit. I ho e that ee interest in language learning ill hel rea co e true an , as an inter reter, I ill, like ato o , e a le to gra uate ro a translator to a si ultaneous inter reter, isit i e continents, see o er ort countries, an e entuall re ort a out e eriences an a entures in o n ook. (Adapted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kat%C3%B3_Lomb)
*** rankl s eaking, I ha e gi en uch thought to hat I ant to o a ter gra uation ut I ha en’t a e an concrete lans. ctuall , I oul like to a or in o ern languages an inor in art. But I ha e so e reser ations. There ust on’t see to e an other career o tions a aila le other than teaching. Certainl , there is nothing rong ith teaching. о is a teacher an she lo es it She says teaching is the est o in the orl . It ust see s like a lot o ork to eal ith so an schoolchil ren. Then ou ha e the school principal to ork ith an cro e classroo s an Sally Burton unintereste arents. E er one sa s that teachers on’t earn enough one or the a ount o ork the ha e to o. I like the i ea o teaching chil ren ut I on’t kno i it is orth the e ort. BrE school hea aster / о suggests that i I reall ant to teach, hea istress I shoul n’t let the s all salar change AmE school rinci al in . o satis action is uch ore i ortant than one , isn’t it It is generall not i icult to get a teaching osition in Сana a. Un ortunatel , ost schools are se erel un ersta e , hich is largel ue to the unfavorable re utation o teaching an teachers. To hel re e this ro le , there are BrE un a oura le se eral ne rogra s at uni ersities to enAmE un a ora le courage stu ents to enter the teaching career iel . These programs ro ote teaching as an BrE rogramme i ortant an re ar ing career. a e AmE rogram I shoul enroll in one o the ... *** I’ at its’ en . I on’t kno hat to o in the uture, hat ro ession to choose. ust a cou le o hours ago, I as a solutel ositi e that I shoul ollo in arents’ ootste s an eco e a la er. Then I rea a so e hat isconcerting article hich clai e that The 21st centur la our arket is ast-changing, increasingl glo al, an technolog - ri en. It set e thinking a out the ne sha es o eaning the or career’ is ac uiring these a s. The i ea o a single, long-lasting career is eco ing a thing o the ast. a e ou hear a out the 30- ear li elong career that co anies ro ote
4.1 uring the last centur ell, accor ing to statistics, onl 19 ercent o co anies still ha e tra itional unctional career o els. To a , a college gra uate a ork or our to i e co anies in their irst 10 ears a ter gra uation. ne a to think a out careers to a is to consi er sel a sur er: I catch a goo a e earl in li e as it crests an alls, I nee to look or the ne t a e. ro ost-e ucation to re-retire ent, in each ne a e, I ill gain ne skills an ne e eriences, rePhil Wright training an e ucating sel along the a . an o the o s generation ill e a l ing or a ter gra uating ro college i not e ist hen our arents egan their careers. The skills e nee to succee in the 21st centur inclu e creati it , inno ation, critical thinking, ro le -sol ing, colla oration, ulti-cultural an glo al un erstan ing. I kno that the ost i ortant thing or e is to eci e o n uture. But isn’t it challenging (Adapted from: https://www.uh.edu/class/sociology/undergraduate/ careers/21st_century_careers.pdf)
ACROSS CULTURES Hamlet’s soliloquy To e or not to e is the o ening o a solilo u s oken Prince a let in the so-calle nunner scene o illia Shakes eare’s la a let ( ct III Scene I). Kato Lomb (1909–2003) a ungarian inter reter, translator, an one o the irst si ultaneous inter reters in the orl . Nati e in ungarian, she as a le to inter ret luentl in nine or ten languages (in our o the e en ithout re aration), an she translate technical literature an rea iction in si languages. She as a le to un erstan ournalis in urther ele en languages. b) Read the texts again and fill in the chart with feelings about graduation mentioned. Comment on the reasons for them.
Positive feelings
Negative feelings
E cite
III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the texts above, find and reproduce introductory phrases in context according to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences. P a t t e r n : n the one han , I a e cite . n the other han , that’s e actl hat akes e ner ous.
UNIT 4 Words and Phrases in Context
From the texts above, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘job’ and ‘career’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce the nouns which are formed from the following verbs. Make up your sentences with them. E x a m p l e : to graduate – graduation I am thinking about graduation with mixed feelings. to istinguish to co it to i enti to a l
to eci e to create to retire
to e ucate to retrain to eel
In the texts above, find and reproduce the sentences with the following words and word-combinations in context. Add 2–3 logically connected sentences to develop the idea of the context. E x a m p l e : to be highlighted by something According to her own account, Kato Lomb’s long life was highlighted not primarily by the command of languages but the actual study of them. to e highlighte so ething to ollo suit to e orth the e ort to hel one’s rea co e true to e at one’s its’ en to gi e uch thought to so ething to ollo in so e o ’s ootste s to set so e o thinking a out. BECOMING A DIGITAL NATIVE a) Language Search
From the text above, find and reproduce the verb below followed by different prepositions. Fill in the diagram and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english To graduate
. . .
. . .
4.1 b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find more information about 21st century careers. Focus on: The iel s the elong to the role the la in the li e o societ the skills ou nee or the . Present your findings to the class and comment on the opportunities they can give to the new generation of school leavers. Grammar in Context
From the texts above, reproduce the grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. There are i erent a s o re orting s eech, ith i erent er s. I ou ant to re ort another erson’s or s ith a re orting er (e.g. sa ), use ... I ou ant to re ort a ice ith a re orting er (e.g. suggest), use... o to our First Aid Kit . 173 or ore in or ation Report the following statements using the reporting verbs in brackets. E x a m p l e : I’ going to eco e a riter, onika sai . (to announce) Monika announced that she was going to become a writer. 1. Yes, it as a i icult e a , the teacher sai . (to admit) 2. You shoul sol e the ro le oursel , ather sai . (to insist) 3. No one is ust goo at languages, a o o rote in her ook. (to state) 4. The 21st centur la our arket is ast-changing, increasingl glo al, an technolog - ri en, the article sa s. (to claim) 5. I’ at its’ en , Phil sai . (to complain) 6. ctuall , I oul like to a or in o ern languages an inor in art., Sall sai . (to add) 7. rien sa s, Teachers on’t earn enough one or the a ount o ork the ha e to o. (to warn) 8. an o the o s generation ill e a l ing or a ter gra uating ro college i not e ist hen our arents egan their careers, ate sai . (to suggest) 9. It is generall not i icult to get a teaching osition in Сana a, Sall sai . (to boast) o to our
B or ore e ercises
UNIT 4 IV. Communication Track Speaking
Spoken Production
a) Food for Thought
The world of careers is changing these days. Read about three components of the traditional idea of a career and answer the questions given about the possible changes in each of them. et’s e a ine hat a career’ reall is. The tra itional i ea o a career has three co onents: A career represents our expertise, our profession, and ultimately our identity. It e ines who we are an what we do. This or o sel i entit akes changing careers auntingl i icult: hat i e s itch careers an ail Then ho are e A career is something that builds over time and endures. It gi es us the o ortunit to rogress, a ance, an continuousl eel rou . hen e are aske to change our career or ath, hat ha ens to all e ha e learne o e thro it all a a r can e carr it or ar A career gives us financial and psychological rewards. It akes li e eaning ul, gi es us ur ose, an a s us enough to li e ell. hat ha ens i our career su enl eco es less alua le, e en i e still en o it Shoul e continue to ake less one or u to a ne ath (Abridged from: https://www.careercast.com/career-news/ 7-strategies-build-successful-career)
Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, look at the photo, identify yourselves with the characters and complete the dialogue using the following useful phrases.
Useful phrases ctuall , ... Certainl , ... ccor ing to statistics, ... ccor ing to so t o ’s o n account, ... rankl s eaking, ... I can’t kee ro ... It a e a To hel re e this ro le , there are ... .
Ôîòî: 2 підлітки на ярмарку професій
A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I’ still a little uncertain. The ost i ortant thing is or ou to eci e our o n uture.
4.1 c) There is a general belief that work is a very important part of the American identity. Americans spend more time working and talking about work than any other activity. Part of this is the drive and value that is placed on having and acquiring money. In groups, discuss the statement above and come up with your ideas as to new challenges in the field of work for Ukrainian youth. Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to two college students talking about what to do after graduation. With the whole class, discuss possible options for them. b) While you listen
Listen to the information and mark true/false statements below. 1. Both an a an lan ha e e er thing igure out. 2. an a hasn’t got her Bachelor’s egree et. 3. lan is going to o e to Chicago. 4. an a oes not a or in English iterature. 5. lan’s o is a teacher. 6. an a has a goo attitu e to teaching. 7. lan is a are o so e isa antages o teaching. 8. Teenagers are ell a are o their rights an res onsi ilities an can co e ith the . 9. one is ore i ortant or lan than o satis action. 10. an a gi es hi a goo iece o a ice. c) After you listen
Amanda claims that job satisfaction is much more important than money. Dylan is not certain if teaching is worth the effort. In grou s, iscuss these oints o ie an oice our o inion. ith the hole class, co are our o inions an co e u ith our list o reco en ations or college gra uates. Begin ith: If you want your future to look good, ... Writing a) Before you write
If you want to search for job in the future, write a resume. A resume is like a personal advertisement and will be used to convince a potential employer that the author is an outstanding candidate for the job, In grou s, rainstor ith our rien s hat in or ation our resu e inclu es. ake a list o or s an hrases ou can use in our resu e to soun con incing.
UNIT 4 b) While you write
How to Write a Resume
Content Tips
Language Tips
Inclu e ersonal ata.
ist career-relate ata.
ist a itional ata acti ities an anage ent an lea ershi skills. ist re erences.
Na e ress Phone nu er E ail a ress E ucation ork e erience Skills onours an a ar s cti ities anage ent an lea ershi skills olunteer e erience anguage an co uter skills aila le u on re uest
o to our First Aid Kit . 189 or a Sa
le o a esu e
Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
hat o our eers a roa inclu e in their resu e a e ou got the sa e t e o a resu e I not, ho o the i er At Home: In your WB, write a resume for yourself in five-years’ time.
4.2. Are you Ready for the Coming Future? Word Bank an iet a ath cra ing to ocus on so ething to concentrate on so ething to sa le so ething u er to assign so ething to so ething i ter s inals reak- o n
Phrase Bank to regain control o onesel to la hi e-an -seek in so e o ’s rain to sta a a ro so ething to isci line onesel to aster so ething e er ste o the a to i acts in one’s in to e elo recall techni ues to esta lish goo stu ha its to e central to one’s uture lans to re uire i erent a roaches to co ete ith so ething or so ething
Communication Box Sure, ou are going to ... Better than ..., take ... E ect to o ... on’t orr oursel into h sterics a out ... Talk to oursel : ... on’t gi e a secon ’s thought to ... Concentrate onl on ... Begin re aring or ... Tr i erent a s o ... Practise ...
4.2 I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say how these teenagers are preparing for their future. Are you going to do the same or different?
Ôîòî Старшеклассница сосредоточенно готовится к тесту за столом, обложенном книгами
Ôîòî Старшеклассник заполняет на компе анкету на ЗНО
Подростки в университете на профориентационной презентации по теме 21st Centur Skills
Парень в ходит из офиса, на котором написано Inter ie , а девушка заходит в офис на собеседоâàíèå
E x a m p l e : I believe the schoolboy in the photo is absolutely immersed in his revision process. He looks stressed about test-taking. I, personally, usually master the material every step of the way and find it quite easy to focus on my studies. II. Reading a) Read about some exam-related study strategies and match the following subtitles to the tips below. Say what tips can be useful to you.
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.
Start early. Be positive. Learn test-taking skills. Take a break. Eat light. Dress for success. Avoid distractions. No panic. Say ‘No’ to Caffeine Work on memory skills. TEN WAYS TO BEAT TEST ANXIETY: Study Strategies from the Website of Willamette University
It’s the orning o the Big Test. In an hour, ou’ll e taking an e a hose results ill count 50 er cent o our inal gra e. You eel like (a) tr ing to esca e ( ) ha ing a ner ous reak- o n (c) cr ing like a a ( ) all o the a o e. I ou eel an o the a o e, ou are not alone. You’ e got test an iet , a ear o orgetting e er thing ou’ e learnt an not oing ell on a test. o
UNIT 4 can ou regain control o oursel o can ou kee cal enough to recall all those na es, ates an theore s that are la ing hi e-an -seek in our rain ela . ots o researchers ha e e a ine those uestions. ere’s a su ar o hat the ’ e learnt: ten ti s or re ucing test an iet to a , to orro an ore er. Tips for Short-term Relief ing the night e ore a 1_ Sure, ou’re going to o so e last- inute cra test. ust on’t o it ith the ai o uarts o co ee or tea. The reason is that ca eine a s to stress, an hen ti e co es, ou on’t e a le to ocus on the o in ront o ou. or a cou le o hours e ore a test, sta a a ro oo , or, i ou 2_ ust, ust sa le so e. Your igesti e s ste ill e co eting ith our rain or o gen-rich loo . Better than eating, take a alk to get that loo o ing ra i l through our o . et a goo night’s slee . et co orta le. ear clothes that ou can rela in an orget a out. 3_ n e re are . Sho u at the test site ith all the encils, ens, erasers, an calculators ou think ou’ll nee . 4_ E ect to o ell. n on’t orr oursel into h sterics a out ho central this one test is to our uture lans. Talk to oursel : It’s onl an e a . I can o it. Sta cool. on’t gi e a secon ’s thought to that in i i ual sitting ne t to ou 5_ ho’s riting t ice as ast as ou can think. Concentrate onl on our o n e a . BrE to ractise 6_ Pause hene er ou nee to reak the tension. AmE to ractice Close our e es an ractice hea rolls or other rela ing e ercise. Tips for Lasting Relief 7_ Begin re aring or i ter s an inals the irst a o class, isci lining oursel to aster the aterial e er ste o the a . B the ti e the e a s co e, ou’ll e rea an con i ent. n con i ence is one o the a or u ers o stress. 8_ Tr i erent a s to i acts in our in . ake u lash car s. e elo recall techni ues such as assigning letters to a series o oints ou ant to re e er or associating a or ith a act. in out hat orks or ou, an use it to create our o n ata retrie al s ste in our in . ing increases the likelihoo o anic. 9_ Esta lish goo stu ha its. Cra Concentrate on hat ou o kno an tr to think o likel uestions to e aske . 10_ There are tricks to test-taking, an the can e learnt. ulti le-choice an essa tests re uire i erent a roaches. Practice taking tests, an ou’ll learn h . n in : too little an iet (a ath ) or too uch an iet ( anic) are oth ro le atic. o erate le el o an iet gi es energ an i ro es concentration. (Adapted from: http://willamette.edu/offices/lcenter/resources/ studystrategies/beattestanxiety.html)
4.2 ACROSS CULTURES Willamette University illa ette is a nationall reno ne ri ate li eral arts uni ersit in Sale , regon, US . oun e in 1842, illa ette is the irst uni ersit esta lishe in the estern US an has eco e a national lea er in sustaina ilit an ci ic engage ent. Quart, written abbreviation qt a unit or easuring li ui , e ual to t o ints. In Britain, this is 1,14 litres, an in the US it is 0,95 litres.
b) Team up with your friends. One team presents and illustrates with their own examples “Tips for Short-term Relief”, the second team – “Tips for Lasting Relief” suggested on the website of Willamette University. What is your attitude to these recommendations? How do they help to beat test anxiety?
III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the text above, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds /æ/, /e/ in their contexts. Practice saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : Practice taking tests, and you’ll learn why. I think practice makes perfect. Words and Phrases in Context
From the text above, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘focus’ and ‘concentrate’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the text above, reproduce the words and word-combinations with the opposite meanings. Illustrate them with your own examples. E x a m p l e : to forget – to recall How can you keep calm enough to recall all those names, dates and theorems that are playing hide-and-seek in your brain? to kee cal to rela i ter s to increase anic
to lose control o onesel to o e slo l ulti le-choice test unco orta le too uch
From the text above, reproduce the words and phrases which are attributable to the description of effective study strategies to complete the word cloud. Use them to describe your own study strategies.
recall techni ues to practice taking tests associations flask cards recall techniques to try different ways retrie al s ste good study habits recall techniques
From the text above, find and reproduce the phrases below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested, find 3 more phrases with these verbs and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english To take
an exam
. . .
. . .
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about good study strategies in the world of education. Focus on: E a re aration techni ues Concentration techni ues earning st les. Present your findings to the class and share your experience of applying some of them. Grammar in Context
From the text reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. If you want to report advice, use... If you want to report negative advice, use... o to our First Aid Kit . 174 or ore in or ation
4.2 Read the students’ pieces of advice on the notice board and report them to your friends. Advice about coping during the exam e signi i un erlin n a s n o ea irecti uctions. egarty) a c nt instr (Gianna H
Essa uest our thoug ions take a e ht. inute su ar senten ot the o n an s to organi e start it ce. h a tions. (Rob O’Lea uesicult. ry) s a e i e h t e r r o ) e n the ans Marti irst o ack to Anna ( g Then hen con ronte ith e cess an ie t , reak it oing so ething un usual: ask a uestion get a rink che gu eat a iece o har can shar en encil tense an rela larg grou s take se eral ee , slo reaths. e uscle (Kate Anderson)
the eli inate e ic o k h a e as ulti le C ans ers, then ssi le. o le i ossi ntuiti e guess as ) (Eric Bell goo an i
on’t rush aintain stea
(Ken Clark)
Advice about coping after the exam
ol. ter the Use the test as a learning to oursel o er ure ort t t on’ e a is o er, istakes. hn Mason) (Jo
Take a reak an teste . on’t o take note o ho ou ere to stu har er. s arter. o to stu
the or oking
lo e e a h t e ie errors. es o
(Emma Gonzalez)
UNIT 4 IV. Communication Track Speaking
Spoken Production a) Food for Thought
The world of work is changing – and some jobs are changing faster than the others. According to the latest research, soon we’ll be as good as the skills we possess. But which skills are they, and how can we make sure we keep pace? Read the examples of the soft skills heatedly discussed at the World Economic Forum, choose those which seem acceptable for you. How can you prove that you possess them? How can you develop other important soft skills? Co
le ro le sol ing
Creati it Critical thinking
Peo le anage ent
Coor inating ith others
Negotiation Ser ing others Cogniti e le i ilit
u ge ent an ecision aking
E otional intelligence
Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, discuss your readiness for the coming future in a form of a game “Look on the Bright Side”.
Guidelines ne o ou is a essi ist’ ho eels negati e a out the co ing uture an s eaks onl a out ro le s. The other is an o ti ist’ ho looks on the right si e an is a le to see the a antages in e er situation. E en hen so ething is reall rong, he/she tries to gi e so e goo a ice to cheer u a essi ist.
Useful Phrases Sure, ou are going to ... Better than ..., take ... E ect to o ... on’t orr oursel into h sterics a out ... Talk to oursel : ... on’t gi e a secon ’s thought to ... Concentrate onl on ... Begin re aring or ... Tr i erent a s o ... Practise ...
4.2 Situation Cards 1) On the eve of the big test: 3) After the exam: You’ e got test an iet You torture oursel o er isYou kno ho to eat test takes an iet . You listen an a ise to use the e a as a learning tool. 2) On exam day: 4) After the test scores are made You’ e ust talke to our public: class ates ho are an iet You’ e got the i ulse to let generators’ our test scores ser e as a You listen an a ise to steer ea sure o our sel - orth a a ro the ecause anic You a ise our rien to is contagious. resist that i ulse e laining that it’s onl an e a . c) In groups, comment on the last lines of Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem “If”:
... I ou can ill the un orgi ing inute ith si t secon s’ orth o istance run, Yours is the Earth an e er thing that’s in it, n hich is ore ou’ll e a an, son d) With the whole class, summarize your answers to this age-old question “Where do you see yourselves in 10 years’ time?” in a poster. Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to a story on getting an education the hard way. In three grou s, think an eci e: here the stor takes lace ho the ain character o the stor is ho the character got an e ucation the har a . b) While you listen
Each o the three grou , one one, ill listen to one art o the stor . The grou s ill get together an arrange the stor in the right or er. In the hole class, listen to the stor the 2-n ti e to check i ou ere right. c) After you listen
With the whole class, role-play a TV show “Live and Learn”. Use the guidelines. Sa li e-long learning is or ou an h it is i ortant. h li e-long learning is es eciall i ortant in the 21st centur . h so e eo le a ha e to get an e ucation the har a . i e a ice to eo le ho are getting an e ucation the har a . i e inci ents ro our li e or ro the li e o other eo le hich can ser e as e a les o getting an e ucation the har a .
UNIT 4 Writing a) Before you write
If you want to get accepted for a position with a company or organization, you will have to go through the interviewing process in which you will be asked a wide variety of questions. The whole point of this exercise is for the interviewers to determine if the applicant has the skills to do the job for which he/she is interviewed and if the interviewee is someone they would like to work with. Brainstor ith our rien s hat uestions (ranging ro co on ersonal uestions to er challenging technical uestions) a e aske an ho ou oul ans er the . ake a list o or s an hrases ou can use to e ress our thoughts in an organi e an logical a . b) While you write
How to Write Job Interview Questions Content Tips Start our inter ie ersonal uestions
Language Tips ith
Tell e a out oursel . hat are our strengths eaknesses
ocus our uestions on the essential o unctions an re uire kno le ge an skills liste
h i ou eci e to seek a osition ith ... hat o ou kno a out our co an
Check the can i ate’s resu e or ro ects si ilar to ork ou nee one
hat a or challenges ha e ou encountere an ho i ou eal ith the hat o s ha e ou en o e the ost The least h
Pre are ostl o en-en e uestions (those that re uire ore than a es or no or si le actual ans er)
h shoul e hire ou escri e an ethical ile a ou resol e in orking ith grou s. hat ha e I orgotten to ask ou
sk ollo -u uestions hen ou nee ore in or ation. o to our First Aid Kit . 189 or ore in or ation Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
hat issues connecte ith the co ing uture orr British an erican eers re the the sa e as ours hat are our international rien s rea to o or their career an ork lace success re ou rea to o the sa e or i erent At Home: In your WB, write 20 job interview questions about the position you would like to get in the future.
4.3. Can you Appreciate Other People’s Talents? Word Bank au io-gui e innocent to ar el at so ething la right vau e ille elo ra a io ic
Phrase Bank to e a re uent isitor to so ething to e lo ingl kno n as ... artist o ro ise to ursue one’s artistic training to tear o n the stereot es to ake so ething ore accessi le to so e o to ca ture li e co ing-o -age o ents to e ict so e o in a elicate hu orous anner to e ille ith ri e an o to o li rar research to gain o ularit to e a resoun ing success to o er han s-on e erience
Communication Box It ca e as a surrise u on e that ... I oul ne er ha e thought that ... ish e luck It struck e as unusual to see... ... irst thing toorro orning
I. Go Ahead! Look at the pictures and say what leisure activities these teenagers prefer. What do you think they value in them? What other people’s talents can you appreciate? Why?
E x a m p l e : I think the girl is keen on pictorial art. The masterpiece she is gazing at evokes mixed feelings in her. I believe she is greatly influenced by the mystery that lies behind Mona Lisa’s kaleidoscopic eyes. I adore portrait painting and I can’t but appreciate Leonardo da Vinci’s artistic talent.
UNIT 4 II. Reading a) Read about these people’s appreciation of artistic talents and say if you share their opinions.
ue to o , ho a ores art, I ha e een a re uent isitor to icture galleries since chil hoo . That is h at the er irst eeken o sta in Ne York as an e change stu ent, I ent to see the etro olitan useu o rt, lo ingl kno n as the o . The au io gui e that I rente on the s ot ro i e ackgroun , conte t an in or ation to all the aintings I ie e . I also learne that the ictorial art tra ition has ne er een as strong in the US as it has een in Euro e. ccor ing to the co entar , Kateryna Sokol it can e attri ute to the Unite States’ relati e oungness an ossi l its less structure class societ . Throughout its histor , the US has generall i itate an arallele Euro ean art o e ents. The erican re resentati es ro such artistic erio s as I ressionis , Cu is , an ant ar e re ain relati el unkno n e en to ericans. ost artists o ro ise in the ast chose to lea e the US an ursue their artistic training in rance or Ital . It asn’t until the o art o e ent in the 1950s an 1960s that the US roke a a ro the Euro ean artistic e a le. The orks o n arhol, ackson Pollock, a ichtenstein an other e ers o the o art o e ent atte te to tear o n the stereot es that ha e al a s e iste in the art orl an to ake art ore accessi le to the asses. ost elo e o all erican artists as not a o artist at all. This artist is Nor an ock ell. e as est kno n or his illustrations or the o ular aga ine The Satur a E ening Post . ock ell ca ture erican li e as ericans ost ante to see it: si le, honest an still innocent. lthough so e eo le critici e his ork or resenting li e as ha ier than it reall is, ock ell said that he painted life as he would like it to be. an o his illustrations e icte teenagers at co ing-o -age o ents such as a irst kiss, a irst ate in a elicate hu orous anner. heart as es eciall ille ith ri e an o at the e hi ition o Ukrainian ethnogra hic a lie art hich as hoste the o at that ti e. The orks o art on e hi it inclu e not onl those ro artists ho ere orn an orke in Ukraine ut also ro those artists ho li e a roa . So, orks Taras She chenko, as l Tro inin, kola P onenko, leksan r urashko, Nikolai e resente i erent art st les an genres. I ar elle , ith a kin o gratitu e, at so e a stract aintings a i ir ale ich, ho as nati e Ukrainian. The a e e think an see a great eal ore than the o ects e ore e. erein lies the o er o art, I elie e. *** s a high school stu ent, I a currentl oing li rar research on the histor o erican ra a or ra a class. It ca e as a sur rise u on e that onl in the 19th centur erican la rights egan riting la s or an a out ericans in erican situations. ost o ular ere au e ille sho s, elo ra as, an light co e ies, though a ter the Ci il ar (1860 64) ore serious an thought ul ra as egan to gain o ularit . o e er, the ra as o this ti e are ainl orgotten no as are the ra atists that rote the . The irst reall a ous erican la right as Eugene ’Neill. e as concerne ith the nature o ankin , an egan to e eri ent ith the
4.3 or an content o the ra a in or er to etter e lore his the e. In the 1940s t o o the ost a ous erican la rights Tennessee illia s an rthur iller rote their est la s. I’m proud to say that I’ve seen Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on Broadway stage an as greatl i resse oth the lot an the acting. I ha e also seen The Phantom of the Opera, the a ous usical ro n re lo e er. It ha ene in on on here I ent on a stu -a roa rogra a ear an a hal ago. Alex Nilson The er or ance in er a est ’s Theatre as a solutel un orgetta le Base on aston erou ’s no el o the sa e na e, Phantom tells the stor o a strange, is igure an ho li es in the o els o the Paris era ouse. e eco es o sesse ith Christine, a chorus girl, an takes it u on hi sel to urther her career at an cost e en i it eans ur er. I kno that the sho as a resoun ing success oth in on on an Ne York. B the a , hen igging into the li rar research on to ic, I ca e across so e reall e citing acts a out theatre in Eastern Euro e, na el , in Ukraine. I oul ne er ha e thought that the Ukrainian theatrical tra ition as rich in na es, genres an inno ations. The irst theatrical acts eror e entertainers kno n in histor as sko orokh coul e trace ack to the 11th centur on the territor o Ukraine. The ere ollo e later acts o religious ra a an esti ities o erte , a olk u et sho , or instance, at Christ as. The oun er o the classical Ukrainian ra a eca e I an otl are sk i ho hea e one o the irst stationar theatres in the earl 19th centur . The conte orar artists to this a turn to the e eriental searches o es ur as ho co ine se eral talents o irector, actor, la right an inter reter o orl literature ut as re resse uring the Stalinist erio in the i 20th centur . Thanks to his genius, the orks o illia Shakes eare, enrik I sen, rie rich Schiller an oliere ere conce tuali e ane on the Ukrainian stage. ll that set e thinking a out oing a co arati e stu o erican an Ukrainian ra a, at least on a s all scale. ka , I nee to talk to ra a teacher a out it irst thing to orro orning. *** na e is ulia Parkan ro Cana a here I ork as a ournalist an rite il re ie s or The Toronto Star. This su er, in late une, I ha ene to e in Scotlan here I en o e not onl the o o a s ectacular E in urgh in the rilliant su er sunshine ut as luck to atten the 72nd e ition o E in urgh International il esti al, or EI , or short. It is the orl ’s longest continuall -running il esti al, ith a on er ul il rogra e. In 2018, EI sho Julia Parkan case 121 ne eature il s ro 48 countries across the glo e, ore than 600 il akers ere in atten ance to su ort their il s. The range o British cine a as i e an e traor inar ro horror to io ics an co e ies hile the rest o the rogra e haile ro as ar as Tai an, Slo akia, Ne ealan an Colo ia. Nor i the au ience li it the sel es to the con entional ig lat screen or at. e ha 3 , 0 ( es, this ear there’s a il consisting o soun onl ), ig screen T an
UNIT 4 ra io too lus a range o u lic e ents o ering ehin -the-scenes secrets an han s-on e erience ro e er le el o a il in ustr . It struck e as unusual to see t o outstan ing Scottish short il s a e oung il akers age 14-18 an 19-25 as art o Scotlan ’s 2018 Year o Young Peo le cele rations. inner in the age 14-18 categor as Ghost irecte eorgia res an Sa c onal an in the 19-25 age grou , Night’s out a e i ong. Bran ne na es so ar, I’ sure the ictures ha e rought the star o o ernight. I returne to Cana a ust in ti e or another ig cultural ha ening, TI this ti e. It stan s or Toronto International il esti al. s I co e ro a Ukrainian-Cana ian a il , I al a s elco e an goo ne s a out culture e elo ents in Ukraine. So ou can i agine ho ha I as to learn that Ukrainian il a s ere ack n ugust 29 Se te er 2nd, or the irst ti e in Cana a, the selection o recentl ro uce an classic Ukrainian eature il s ill e resente at this s ecial e ent hich is a art o Ukrainian National Stan at 43 TI . To e, it eans i e a s o Ukrainian il screenings, a list o recentl release o ies in the Ukrainian language ith English su titles, an in or al co unication et een the e ents ith Ukrainian go ern ent, irectors an ro ucers. I ha e alrea ought a ticket or Donbass, a il Serhi o nitsa. ish e luck ACROSS CULTURES The Metropolitan Museum of Art the ost i ortant art useu in the US, in Ne York Cit .
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Impressionism a st le o ainting (use es eciall in rance et een 1870 an 1900 ainters such as onet, Ce anne an Pissarro, hich ro uces e ects (es eciall o light) use o colour rather than etails o or . The rench i ressionists ainte irectl ro nature.
Cubism 20th centur art st le in hich the su ect atter is re resente geo etric sha es. Picasso an Bra ue are the ost a ous artists connecte ith cu is . Avant Garde the riters, ainters, usicians etc. hose ork is ase on the ne est i eas an etho s. Pop Art a or o o ern art hich sho s co on o ects ro e er a li e such as a ertise ents, articles oun roun the house etc., rather than the usual su ects o art.
Avant Garde
Pop Art
Andy Warhol
Jackson Pollock Norman Rockwell
Eugene O’Neill
Andy Warhol a US artist ho ha an i ortant in luence on o ern art an usic, es eciall in the 1960s. e is kno n or his ictures in the o art st le, hich ere or inar o ects, such as the Ca ell’s Sou Can, or o a ous eo le, such as aril n onroe. Jackson Pollock a US artist kno n or his er large a stract aintings hich are ull o colour, a lea er o a stract e ressionis . e o ten a e the utting the ainting on the loor an then alking aroun it, letting the aint ri ro sticks. Norman Rockwell a US aga ine artist ho re o er 300 co ers or the Satur a E ening Post et een 1916 an 1963. is ictures, one in a realistic st le, ere ull o ar th an hu our an ere er o ular ith ost ericans. Eugene O’Neill a US riter o la s, ho on the No el Pri e or literature in 1936. is la s inclu e The Ice an Co eth an ong a ’s ourne into Night . Tennessee Williams a US riter, hose la s are ainl a out the e otional ro le s o eo le li ing in the South o the US . Arthur Miller a US riter o la s that eal ith olitical or oral ro le s. is ost a ous la s inclu e The Cruci le a out the Sale erica an eath o a Sales an . itchcra t trials in 17th centur Andrew Lloyd Webber an English co oser an i resario o usical theatre. Se eral o his usicals ha e run or ore than a eca e oth in the est En ( on on) an on Broa a (Ne York Cit ). Henrik Ibsen a Nor egian ra atist an oet o the 19th centur , the ost i ortant theatrical igure o his generation, hose la s co letel change the ain current o Euro ean ra atic literature.
Tennessee Williams
Arthur Miller
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Henrik Ibsen
Friedrich Schiller an outstan ing er an oet an ra atist o the 18th centur .
Moliere a rench ra atist an actor o the 17th centur , author o so e o the est co e ies in the histor o the Euro ean theatre.
b) Read the texts above again and fill in the fact files.
Fact Files World-related facts
Ukraine-related facts
Pictorial rt Theatre Cine a III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the texts above, find and reproduce 10 words with the sound /r / in their contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : I work as a journalist and write film reviews for The Toronto Star. Words and Phrases in Context
From the texts above, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘artist’ and ‘actor’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts above, reproduce the sentences with the following words and word-combinations in context. Add 2-3 logically connected sentences to develop the idea of the context. E x a m p l e : The works of Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Ray Lichtenstein and other members of the pop art movement attempted to tear down the stereotypes that have always existed in the art world and to make art more accessible to the masses.
4.1 artist o ro ise to tear o n the stereot es to ake so ething ore accessi le to so e o to ca ture li e to e ict so e o in a elicate hu orous anner to e ille ith ri e an o to gain o ularit to e a resoun ing success. From the texts above, reproduce the words and word-combinations which may be attributable to the description of works of art in the following content areas:
Pictorial art
Make your own sentences with them. BECOMING A DIGITAL NATIVE а) Language Search
From the texts above, find and reproduce the phrases below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrases with these verbs and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english To come
as a surprise upon somebody
. . .
. . .
To strike
as unusual
. . .
. . .
UNIT 4 b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about British and American art, theatre and cinema. Focus on: the latest tren s reno ne artists / actors / irectors a ous orks o art in i erent or s o art. Grammar in Context
From the texts above, reproduce the grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences: If you want to report speech with a reporting verb in the present, use…. If you want to report another person’s words some time after he/she said them, use… o to our First Aid Kit . 174 or ore in or ation Report the words of: a) ater na Sokol a out her a ourite artist ) le Nilson a out the a ous usical ro n re lo e er c) ulia Parkan a out her i ressions o t o il esti als she atten e . IV. Communication Track Speaking
Spoken Production a) Food for Thought
Read what great people said about art. Think and decide what role art can play in your life. When one loves one’s art, no service seems too hard . scar
il e
“We all know that art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realise truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand”. Pa lo Picasso
Oscar Wilde
Pablo Picasso Spoken Interaction
b) In pairs, talk about your appreciation of artistic talents completing the dialogue. Use the phrases below.
Useful phrases: It ca e as a sur rise u on e that ... I oul ne er ha e thought that ...
4.1 It struck e as unusual to see ... ... anage to tear o n the stereot es. ... a e art/theatre/cine a ore accessi le to ... ... ca ture li e. ... e icte ... in a elicate hu orous anner heart is ille ith ri e an o hen ... ... gaine orl - i e o ularit . ... as a resoun ing success. Talking about Appreciation of Artistic Talents You see your friend at the theatre/ exhibition/cinema, greet him/her and ask him/her about his/her impressions of the play/paintings/ film that he/she has just seen.
Greet your friend and express your joy of seeing him/her . Tell him/her about your impressions of the play/paintings/film and ask her/him if he/she feels the same .
Tell your friend what came as a surprise upon you and ask him/her about his/her appreciation of artistic talents .
Tell your friend what art forms you prefer and why .
Tell your friend about your favourite art form and ask what is his/her favourite genre of theatrical art/ pictorial art/film.
Say what may strike you as unusual about this genre . Ask your friend about his/her favourite actor/actress/artist .
Answer your friend’s question and invite him/her to the coming cultural event .
Accept the invitation and ask about the time and place of the event .
Give all the necessary information and say where and when you could meet on the day of the event .
Thank your friend and agree on the meeting details .
Express your delight . c) In groups, read Edvard Munch’s words about his painting and decide if different forms of art can help you to express yourself. If so, how can it happen?
“My art has its roots in thinking about the discrepancies between myself and life.” E
ar unch, a Nor egian s olist ainter
Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to the con ersation o t o erican ello -stu ents talking a out their ra a clu . rou u ith our rien s an iscuss hat skills or a ilities a erson shoul ha e to eco e an actor / actress.
UNIT 4 b) While you listen
isten to the con ersation an ans er the uestion at the star oints. Who? When? Where?
c) After you listen
In grou s, iscuss the truth o the ollo ing state ents: To be able to perform in a play, one should have not only a gift but a great desire. Participation in drama helps a person to express themselves. Drama classes at school add much to schoolchildren’s education. d) Imagine you are talking to some members of an American school drama club. With the whole class, discuss the ways they have their rehearsals, costumes and set design. Compare them with good practices in the Ukrainian educational setting. Writing
Work in groups and design a creative project “Ukraine has got Talents”. 1. Choose the or at or our ro ect (a oster, a T sho , a sli e resentation etc). 2. in the necessar in or ation a out artisticall talente Ukrainians an their o escri tions. 3. Collect iagra s, sche es, ta les, hotos, ictures, uotes an other illustrati e aterials to ake our ro ect attracti e. 4. Think o an interesting a o resentation our ro ect. 5. E aluate our rien s’ ro ects, using the e aluation car elo . Evaluation Card Write 1. I the in or ation as su icient an con incing. 2. I the illustrati e aterial as suita le an essential. 3. I the or at o the ro ect as unusual an interesting. 4. I the resentation as success ul.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
4.1 Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison Find some information about the greatest talents in the English speaking countries and compare them with Ukrainian ones.
4.4. Developing Integrated Skills I. Suppose a charitable fund announced that it would donate 1 000 000 hryvnias to support a start-up company. Group up with your friend and come up with your ideas on such items. Item I
hat start-u co an o ou ant to set u hat arket lace nee or ro le o ou ant to a
Item II
hat o s ill ou create in our start-u co ho ill ou e lo or these o s
Item III
hat ill e our ain e elo o ill the start-u gro
ental riorit
II. Look at the photos below. Pair up with your friend and discuss the ways to get ready for the coming future. Say if these ways may work for you.
III. You are going to have a time slot for informal communication as a part of Ukrainian National Stand at 43rd Toronto International Film Festival. Team up with your friends.
Team 1 ill e oung Ukrainians, the e ers o the cine a clu ho kno uch a out Ukrainian cine atogra h an are rea to ans er the isitors’
UNIT 4 uestion. Team 2 ill la the arts o TI ith all sorts o uestions.
isitors ho are rea
to o
ar ou
The in or ation chart elo ill hel the tea s to ocus on the uestions an ans ers. CYBORGS
eature / ar ra a lete / Ukraine / 110 in / 2017
It is a stor o a se eral - eek -long ilitar ut in Se te er 2014. grou o ilitar olunteers co es to onetsk ir ort or the irst ti e - the ir ort has een hel Ukrainians or ore than our onths o ar.
FALLING СТРІМГОЛОВ / STRIMGOLOV eature / ra a Co lete / Ukraine / 105 in / 2017 stor a out the ost -re olutionar generation o oung Ukrainian eo le looking or their lace in a o ern Ukraine. It ollo s t o e il ere eo le ho eet at a crucial o ent o their e istence an e erience e a s o ha iness together.
eature / ra a Co lete / Ukraine / 70 in / 2017 ter losing a close erson, lga is le t alone ith her grie . ith no one to share the loss ith, she u s a car an goes on a ourne aroun i an its surroun ings. n her a she eets eo le ho ha e lost the sel es: so e through constant lies, others ecause o a a choice. lga hel s so e o the ut lea es the others in their s a . t the ti e o chr santhe u s, she has to reconsi er her li e an loss to go on li ing. SKY НЕБО / NEBO eature / a il il Co Ukraine / 95 in / 2017
lete /
arko is an or inar i o . e eets shе a Cri ean-Tatar girl ho ha o e ith her a il ro Cri ea to i . It is har or she to get use to her ne li e in the ig cit , as she isses her house on the Black Sea shore. arko ro ises she to uil a gli er, so the coul l to Cri ea. arko an his rien s start uil ing the gli er, so the can cli into the sk here all chil ren’s rea s ateriali e.
eature / ra a Co lete / Ukraine, a akhstan / 120 in / 2017
eature / Co ing o age, ra a Co lete / Ukraine, Polan / 88 in / 2018
The il ocuses on the last 3 onths o e ile o Taras She chenko in a akhstan. That su er, the oet, e ile or ilitar ser ice in the tsarist ussian ar , recei es a essage ro rien s in St. Peters urg: he is ersonall ar one Tsar le an er II. o e er, the ilitar lea ershi o No o etro sk ort is in no hurr to tell Taras a out this an to issue a ecree o is issal. oreo er, a secret agent ro Peters urg tries to o e er thing or oet not to lea e No o etro sk.
The stor un ol s in a Ukrainian ro incial setting, an ocuses on a i e ear ol little re ellious girl itka ith her teenage cousin ar sa an her o rien , the oung cri inal Scar. ter her ather ies ar sa’s uture is unsure. She ants a co lete control o er her li e, ut she is con e ne the illage’s entire co unit or her lo e to Scar. er gran other, ho sacri ice her lo e or so eone i erent a oung g s or tra itional alues, is onl concerne ith hat eo le ill sa an ar sa’s other is too s chologicall eak to su ort her aughter. ar sa an Scar lan to esca e ro the cri inal li e, the li e o anal e astation iser an their relati es together.
( a te ro : htt :// rcgcusto ers.s3-eu- est-1.a a ona s.co / account2900674/556610 3. 0.6837042586876323) IV. With the whole class, make a mini-project “Great Expectations: What future has in store for us”. Think and discuss the following aspects. 21st century skills
Exams Career Choices Career Prospects
Job descriptions Appreciation of other people’s talents
Make a list of expectations and present them to the whole class giving reasons. Good luck to you!
4.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English I. Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). There is an example at the beginning (0).
There is one u il in class ho is er goo 0 at ainting. here er e go, le takes his sketch ook ith hi as he en o s 1 ra ing e er thing he in s interesting. 2 ost o all he is e cite ainting lan sca es. le aints 3 nature an succee s 4 in ing an unusual co osition an colour sche e. I can’t 5 a iring an o his orks an suggest 6 so e o the at our local icture galler . I le ractises ainting 7 , he 8 e elo his o n st le. A 0
B on
C at
to ra
ra ing
ith ra ings
That is h
a out
gi e
e hi it
e hi iting
arther has to
e hi ite
to e hi it
II. Read the sentences and fill in the right word-form. ost o stu ents ha e the ambition to a ance in their BITI US career. 2. The ant to achie e ... an securit or the sel es an their SUCCEE uture a il . 3. ack o a ition generall results in lack o ... . C IE E 4. ition ust e ase on so e ... . E ISTIC 5. You nee to reali e that achie ing success re uires ... . 6. To e success ul at all costs, ho e er, shoul not e the ... C ITTE role in li e. E E 7. o not a an on ... . PE ESS 8. ... sel -estee is another lan ark on our ourne to success. IN 9. ne o the ain actors that ... our le el o sel -estee is sel -un erstan ing. ECTI E 10. Success ... the re are in . U ITE 1.
B. Reading Read the article and put the paragraphs in the correct order.
A Thus, in 2016 or one o en acanc clai s onl one can i ate. In a ition, ork o so t are e elo er is ell ai : a erage salar here is a out 15 thousan U .
4.1 B The T P 10 o the ost restigious ro essions also inclu e ankers, octors, ilots an astronauts, engineers in arious iel s, as ell as econo ists an inancial o icials. C s is kno n, as high- restige are those ro essions hich ha e not onl a goo salar , ut also a high u lic status, are res ecte in the co unit an ha e in luence. D But still ore o ten restige o the ro ession is eter ine recisel its a ent. E These ata ere o taine results o inter ie o 1770 res on ents in ugust o this ear. es ite consi era le co etition (8 s ecialist or the acanc in ie ), F the osition o the hea is esira le or the Ukrainians. G The restige o the ro ession, on the one han , e en s on the egree o res onsi ilit an co le it , ut on the other on the great e an or s ecialists in the la or arket, hich in turn e en s on the acroecono ic situation in the region an the socio- olitical situation. H n the secon lace in the rating o the ost restigious ro essions to anage ent. E ressl the senior o icers an anagers ha e o ertaken one osition o la ers, rosecutors an e ense la ers. ccor ing to a sur e , con ucte the e erts o the ortal ea unter, I no in Ukraine the ost restigious is the ro ession o IT-s ecialist, ecause it is e tre el IT s ecialists e an in the o estic la our arket. ccor ing to 18 o the res on ents to e a usiness an is also not J less restigious. n the i th lace in the ranking ere the architectural engineers. htt s://ac .ua/eng/ne s galu /to -10-high- restige- ro essions-in-ukraine
C. Listening
Listen to the information about one style of Ukrainian art and correct the mistakes in the statements given.
State ents 1. The Petr ki ka st le as originate in the south o Ukraine. 2. St les o ainting si ilar to that o Petr ki ka ere once calle Surrealis . 3. This st le as oun e in the 19th centur a grou o Ukrainian Cossacks. 4. Peo le ith oetic gi t settle o n in Petr ki ka. 5. Earl ecorati e aintings in Petr ki ka ere easel aintings. 6. The olk oetic inter retation o the easants’ li e as an is at the asis o the Petr ki ka ainting. 7. Bir s an ani als are the ost o ular oti s o the aintings. 8. The ain colours o the Petr ki ka st le are re , orange an ark lue. 9. The illage o Petr ki ka is the onl lace hich is kno n or its aintings. 10. The local st les o other laces i er in asic ele ents. 11. rt critics sa that the Petr ki ka st le has uch to o ith ri iti e art. D. Writing To sum up what you’ve learned in this unit, write an essay “Great expectations”.
Unit 5
MY GLOBAL AWARENESS In this unit, you will learn how: • • • • •
to describe Canada’s nature and culture; to talk about best practices in Australia’s education; to discuss New Zealand’s specials; to integrate your skills on the topic; to check the level of knowledge and skills on the topic, getting ready for independent testing.
UNIT 5: MY GLOBAL AWARENESS 5.1. How do You Envisage Your Canada Trip? Word Bank criterion (criteria) to e recogni e so e o /so ething to esignate to ri al so ething / so e o ice iel olar region il erness a un ant il li e sno -ca e hu an en ea our site reser ation un
Phrase Bank to all into categories to ro ote heritage conser ation orl i e to ake so e o ’s a so ething to get one’s na e ro ... to get ore eel o so ething to la a a or role in so ething
Communication Box It’s a rea or an to ... It’s a ust-see or ... on’t iss a chance o ...
I. Go Ahead! Look at the map of Canada and say how varied the country’s territory looks to you. Compare it to that of Ukraine.
E x a m p l e : I think Canada has much to offer, both geographically and culturally. In my opinion, there is a lot to see and do there. Everybody can set their priorities and allow enough time to achieve them.
II. Reading
a) Read the UNESCO information about two groups of world heritage sites in Canada and make a list of their characteristics. WORLD HERITAGE SITES IN CANADA The orl heritage sites rank ith the likes o the ra i s in Eg t, the ala agos Islan s an the ancient cit o a ascus in S ria. The ha e een recogni e the UNESC , hich 2010 ha care ull re ie e an esignate onl 911 such in the orl . The sites all into t o categories: natural an cultural. Natural sites can be considered, ith no e aggeration, to e outstan ing e a les o a or stages in the earth’s e olution. ong the luane National Park in Kluane National Park the Yukon co es irst. It is kno n or so e o the orl ’s largest ice iel s outsi e olar regions an a s ectacular range o ountain en iron ents. This rugge an agni icent il erness co ers 22, 015 s k in the south est corner o the Yukon. luane got its na e ro the Southern Tutchone or or lake ith an ish . T o thir s o the ark is glacier ith inters erse its o alle s, glacial lakes, al ine orests, ea o s an tun ra. Cana a’s highest ountain, t ogan (5949 ), an the secon highest, t St. Elias (5488 ), to er there. nother natural site o signature attraction, Nahanni National Park, is oun in the North est Territories, ith nearl 5000 s uare kilo eters o il erness. It inclu es the South Nahanni atershe an can on s ste , tun ra-ca e ountains, ca es an the agni icent 90- etre irginia alls, t ice the height o Niagara alls. It’s a rea or an to take a once-in-ali eti e ri er tri , ith hot s rings an a un ant il li e along the a . The cultural sites in ol e hu an endeavour. The inclu e, in articular, ros orne National Park, Ne oun lan . It must be seen or its scenic arie geogra h : or s that ri al Scan ina ia’s, the a estic arren lan s, san eaches, ountain hiking BrE en ea our trails. The site has 4500 ears o hu an occu ation, AmE en ea or ro the Stone ge to isits rench an Bas ue halers, ac ues Cartier, an Ca tain a es Cook.
Nahanni National Park
Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland
5.1 I ou ant to get et ore eel o the i ast, on’t iss a chance o going to another ust-see, ’ nse au ea o s National istoric Park, Ne oun lan , since it is the sight o the ol est kno n Euro ean settle ent in the Ne orl . The re ains o the settle ent create ikings ro Scan ina ia an reenlan , re licas o so uil ings al ost trans ort ou ack in ti e. The ikings le ei Eriksson, son o Erik the e , uilt their o n oats, saile all o er the North tlanL’Anse aux Meadows National tic, lan e here, constructe houses, e Historic Park, Newfoundland the sel es, an the ere racticall all ust 20-so ething ears ol . lso ca ti ating is the stor o the Nor egian e lorer elge Ingsta , ho isco ere the site in 1960, en ing ears o searching: a local inha itant, eorge ecker, a e Ingsta ’s a ointing out the oun s o the terrain. Cana a la e a a or role in setting u the orl eritage Con ention, hich outlines ho sites are chosen, sets u a site reser ation un or 123 e er states, an ro otes heritage conser ation orl - i e. ACROSS CULTURES: CANADA
World Heritage Convention
World Heritage Convention (the) con ention concerning the rotection o the orl cultural an natural heritage it as a o te the UNESC eneral Con erence in Paris in 1972. The orl eritage Con ention ai s to ro ote coo eration a ong nations to rotect heritage aroun the orl that is o such outstan ing uni ersal alue that its conser ation is i ortant or current an uture generations. It is inten e that, unlike the se en on ers o the ancient orl , ro erties on the orl eritage ist should be conserved or all ti e.
Yukon – (the) territor in North est Cana a, hich as the site o the lon ike gol rush in the 1890s. Niagara Falls – (the) er large ater alls on the or er et een Cana a an the US, o ular ith tourists an use to su l electricit .
Niagara Falls
Newfoundland – a ro ince o eastern Cana a consisting o the islan o Ne oun lan an the coast o a ra or. Tutchone – (the) a irst nation eo le nu ering se eral thousan , are a ong the ost nu erous o the ore than 7200 Yukon nati es o In ian heritage. Jacques Cartier (1491 1557) a rench e lorer o Breton origin ho clai e hat is no Cana a or rance. e as the irst Euro ean to escri e an a the ul o Saint a rence an the shores o the Saint Jacques Cartier a rence i er, hich he na e The Countr o Cana as , a ter the Iro uois na es or the t o ig settle ents he sa at Sta acona ( ue ec Cit ) an at ochelaga ( ontreal Islan ). Captain James Cook (1728 1779) a British e lorer, na igator an cartogra her, ulti atel rising to the rank o Ca tain in the o al Na . Cook a e etaile a s o Ne oun lan rior to aking three o ages to the Paci ic cean. Erik the Red – Erik Thorvaldsson (950 1003 . ), kno n as Erik the Red, is re e ere in e ie al Captain Icelan ic saga sources as ha ing James Cook oun e the irst Nor ic settle ent in reenlan . The e ’ ost likel re ers to his hair color. ei Ericson, the a ous Icelan ic e lorer, is Erik’s son. Erik the Red For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s// hc.unesco.org/en/states arties/C htt s://en. iki e ia.org/ iki/ ist o orl eritage sites in Cana a htt s:// .cana iana air.co / log/co lete-gui e-cana asunesco- orl -heritage-sites/
5.1 b) Read the text “World Heritage Sites in Canada” again and fill in the chart with
Canada’s natural and cultural sites mentioned. Say what makes them attractive to people.
Natural sites
Cultural sites
luane National Park ...
III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the text above, find and reproduce numbers in context according to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences. P a t t e r n : 22,015 s k t ent -t o thousan an i teen s uare kilo eters. luane National Park co ers nearl t ent -t o thousan an i teen s uare kilo eters in the south est corner o the Yukon. Words and Phrases in Context
From the text above, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘site’ and ‘sight’ in context. Using an electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own context. From the text above, reproduce the verbs from which the following nouns are formed and make up your sentences with them. E x a m p l e : recognition – to recognise Canada’s world heritage sites are recognized by the UNESCO. re ie in ol e ent inclusion trans ort
esignation outline ro otion isco er
In the text above, find and reproduce the sentences with the following words and phrases. Add 2–3 logically connected sentences to develop the idea in context. E x a m p l e : human endeavour The cultural sites involve human endeavour. They include, in particular, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland. I think it is a must-see for its scenic varied geography: fjords that rival Scandinavia’s, the majestic barren lands, sandy beaches, mountain hiking trails. a or stages o the earth’s e olution ountain en iron ents agni icent il erness a un ant il li e ca ti ating stor to all into categories
UNIT 5 to ro ote heritage conser ation orl to la a a or role in so ething to esignate to ri al so ething/so e o
i e
In the text above, find and reproduce the phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested, find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb with different meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er s-list.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english To point
. . .
. . .
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find information about some world heritage sites. Focus on: here the are locate to hat categor the elong h the are recogni e the UNESC . Present your findings to the class and comment on the possible impressions you might get of them. Grammar in Context
From the text and the “Across Cultures” section above, reproduce the grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. elati e clauses can e e ining or non- e ining. ‒ I ou ant to or the assi e ith a o al, use ... o to our First Aid Kit . 175 or ore in or ation Read the guidelines for protecting the environment (p. 140) and complete the following memo for responsible travelers, using the passive with modals.
5.1 GUIDELINES FOR PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Treat Cana a’s orests an nati e il li e ith res ect. a aging or taking lants is illegal in ost arts o the countr . e o e ru ish. itter is unsightl an can encourage isease. ather than ur ing or urning, carr out hat ou carr in. ee strea s an lakes ure cleaning a a ro ater source. here ossi le, use orta le uel sto es. ee o en ires s all, use onl ea oo an ake sure the ire is out ousing it ith ater an checking the ashes e ore lea ing. ee to tracks here ossi le. et er ission e ore crossing ri ate lan an o e care ull aroun li estock. A Memo for Responsible Travellers E x a m p l e : En iron ent must be protected. Cana a’s orests ... . u ish ... . Strea s an lakes... . Porta le uel sto es... . en ires ... . Per ission ... . o to our
B or ore e ercises
IV. Communication Track Speaking
Spoken Production a) Food for Thought
Read the selection criteria and explain what kinds of heritage, the UNESCO authorities think, have to be protected in Canada and around the world. SELECTION CRITERIA Until the en o 2004, there ere si criteria or cultural heritage an our criteria or natural heritage. In 2005, this as o i ie so that there is onl one set o ten criteria. No inate sites ust e o outstan ing uni ersal alue an eet at least one o the ten criteria. Cultural criteria re resents a aster iece o hu an creati e genius e hi its an i ortant interchange o hu an alues, o er a s an o ti e, or ithin a cultural area o the orl , on e elo ents in architecture or technolog , onu ental arts, to n- lanning, or lan sca e esign ears a uni ue or e ce tional testi on to a cultural tra ition or to a ci ili ation hich is li ing or hich has isa eare is an outstan ing e a le o a t e o uil ing, architectural, or technological ense le or lan sca e hich illustrates a signi icant stage in hu an histor is an outstan ing e a le o a tra itional hu an settle ent, lan -use, or sea-use hich is re resentati e o a culture, or hu an interaction
UNIT 5 ith the en iron ent es eciall hen it has eco e ulnera le un er the i act o irre ersi le change “is irectl or tangi l associate ith e ents or li ing tra itions, ith i eas, or ith elie s, ith artistic an literar orks o outstan ing uni ersal signi icance . Natural criteria contains su erlati e natural heno ena or areas o e ce tional natural eaut an aesthetic i ortance is an outstan ing e a le re resenting a or stages o Earth’s histor , inclu ing the recor o li e, signi icant on-going geological rocesses in the e elo ent o lan or s, or signi icant geo or hic or h siogra hic eatures is an outstan ing e a le re resenting signi icant on-going ecological an iological rocesses in the e olution an e elo ent o terrestrial, resh ater, coastal an arine ecos ste s, an co unities o lants an ani als contains the ost i ortant an signi icant natural ha itats or insitu conser ation o iological i ersit , inclu ing those containing threatene s ecies o outstan ing uni ersal alue ro the oint o ie o science or conser ation . (
a te ro the Internet source: htt s:// hc.unesco.org/en/criteria/)
Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, discuss with your friends possible sightseeing activities in Canada. Use the pattern.
Pattern: A: i, ... It’s goo to see ou. I isse ou terri l hile ou ere touring ... o as it B: It as a rea co e true: ... . A: No on er, ... . B: It is sai that ... . A: o , that soun s reall goo . ... n i ou an chance isit ... B: o ou ean ... I s ent ... an isite ... . A: It’s a nice lace to see an to get a taste o ... . B: i ou kno that ... A: That’s incre i le o on earth i ou ... B: I as tol that ... or instance, ... . A: The orl e li e in There is so uch to on er a out in Cana a. It’s not sur rising that ... . B: E actl . c) Compile a questionnaire and use it to find out how your friends promote heritage conservation Ukraine-wide. Use the word list below.
1. Pu lic recognition. 2. Cataloguing. 3. un raising. 4. il li e reser ation. 5. i ite hu an occu ation. In groups, discuss the collected data and come up with your ideas as to new challenges of nature protection in Ukraine.
5.1 Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to t o Cana ians talking a out Cana a’s laces o interest. Brainstor hat the ight in attracti e a out the natural an cultural sites in Cana a. b) While you listen
isten to the con ersation an correct the errors in the state ents gi en elo . 1. oroth as touring north. 2. arren thinks that ntario is the least isite region in the countr . 3. Bu alo is a o ular hone oon attraction. 4. The ell-kno n eorge Bernar Sha esti al takes lace in Toronto. 5. ots o historical laces in Cana a ha e na es associate ith natural soun s. 6. anito a has the longest lace-na e in the countr . 7. Cana a has too uch histor . c) After you listen
According to Darren, there is so much to wonder about in Canada. In groups, read the following Canadian quotes and say what geographical and cultural information about the country they can reveal. Cana ians... ha e no south o hich the can s eak ar l . Priit J. Vesilind, National Geographic
hen I’ in Cana a, I eel this is hat the orl shoul e like. Jane Fonda
Cana a has ne er een a like a tosse sala .
elting- ot
Arnold Edinborough
Cana ians ha e een so us e laining to the ericans that e aren’t British, an to the British that e aren’t ericans that e ha en’t ha ti e to eco e Cana ians. Helen Gordon McPherson
Cana a is an interesting lace the rest o the orl thinks so, e en i Cana ians on’t. Terence M. Green
UNIT 5 I a a Cana ian, ree to s eak ithout ear, ree to orshi in o n a , ree to stan or hat I think right, ree to o ose hat I elie e rong, or ree to choose those ho shall go ern countr .This heritage o ree o I le ge to u hol or sel an all ankin . John Diefenbaker (From the Canadian Bill of Rights, July 1, 1960.)
Writing a) Before you write
I ou ant to resent in or ation concerning the rogress hich has een a e on a nature rotection ro ect, rite an in or ati e re ort. In grou s, rainstor ith our rien s hat acts our essa shoul contain. ake a list o or s an hrases ou can use in our re ort to soun in or ati e. b) While you write
How to Write an Informative Report
Content tips
Language tips
Paragraph 1: The ur ose o this re ort is to outline ... State the ur ose an s re ueste , this is a re ort regar ing ... content o our re ort. The in or ation elo su arises the e ents hich took lace ... Paragraphs 2–3–4: In a ition, ... Present arious as ects o o e er, ... the su ect un er suita le (Un) ortunatel , ... hea ings. Final paragraph: Su arise all entione e ore.
I a lease to announce ... oints It ust e ointe out ... n the hole, it oul e air to conclu e ...
o to our First Aid Kit . 190 or a Sa
le o an In or ati e e ort
Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
Co er the ollo ing oints: hat i erences an si ilarities can ou s ot in the histor an geogra h o Cana a an Ukraine hat orl heritage sites can e oun in Ukraine a e ou een to an o the o ell are the reser e hat o ou kno a out Ukrainian ias ora in Cana a At Home: In your WB, write an informative report on Canadian Ukrainians to the historical society.
5.2. How About a Bit of Career Counselling from Australia? Word Bank (un) iase e osure to so ething ersonal gro th intercultural e erience e ucation en iron ent aca e ic co it ent career attain ent to su le ent so ething ith so ething to i erse onesel into so ething host school
Phrase Bank to o er a trans or ational learning e erience to o er a glo all recogni e uali ication to ork in to a ’s glo al arket lace to recruit irectl ro uni ersit to e lo o erseas stu ents to sei e an o ortunit to e elo in e en ence / aturit to see issues ro i erent ers ecti es to gain so ething at an a or a le rice to take an acti e art in one’s o n e ucation to eco e an e change stu ent to kee a ersonal log o so ething to o en so e o ’s e es to so ething to e a aunting ros ect
Communication Box ur ri ar goal is... ight ro the start... This ensures...
I. Go Ahead! Look at the picture of Australian teenagers and say what educational opportunities they are considering for their near future. What are your options?
E x a m p l e : I believe these teenagers are considering different options for higher education. Some like Australian universities, others prefer studying overseas. I would rather become an exchange student.
UNIT 5 II. Reading a) Read the following pieces of information about studying in Australia and overseas and say what benefits and challenges they emphasize for prospective Australian and international students. Which of the educational opportunities described look most / least attractive to you?
I. STUDYING IN AUSTRALIA Stu ing in ustralia offers international stu ents ore than aca e ic achie e ent an a glo all recogni e uali ication. It is a once-in-a-li eti e e erience through hich a stu ent can e elo in e en ence, aturit , an un erstan ing o other cultures, an the a ilit to see issues ro i erent ers ecti es. Stu in ustralia etter prepares a stuent to ork in to a ’s glo al arketlace. This is h se eral oreign co anies recruit irectl ro ustralian uni ersities an ocational institutes. an international organisations an co anies e lo o erseas stu ents ith ustralian uali ications ecause their e osure to the outsi e orl gi es the greater in e en ence an aturit . ith international tra e arriers isa earing, great o ortunities e ist or those ith the skills, e erience an kno le ge to sei e the . In ustralia, international stu ents can gain this e erience in a sa e, rien l en iron ent an at an a or a le cost. I P gi es stu ents un iase , co rehensi e in or ation to hel the choose the right course, the right institution an the right location or their in i i ual ro essional an ersonal nee s. Education in Australia ustralia is the thir ost o ular stu estination in the English-s eaking orl , ith ore than 200,000 international stuents in ustralian institutions across all e ucation sectors: higher e ucation, ocational e ucation an training, English anguage colleges an schools. The ustralian go ern ent in ests illions o ollars each ear in e elo ing ustralian e ucation an in uni ersit research. Best ustralian institutions ustralian National Uni ersit , Uni ersit o el ourne, Uni ersit o S ne , etc. made it a oint long ago to ha e an international ocus ithin their courses an acti ities. The e change sta ith institutions o erseas, artici ate in international oru s, an ha e artnershi s an oint ro ects ith o erseas institutions an international research centers. ustralia’s uni ersities have made i ortant reakthroughs in o ern technolog an science hile ustralia’s ocational training s ste , hich is ase on in ustr stan ar s, is use as a o el or other sia-Paci ic countries. There are uni ersities in all a or ustralian cities an throughout regional areas o the countr ranging in si e ro aroun 3,000 stu ents to
5.2 50,000 stu ents. out 20 ercent o stuents enrolle in ustralian uni ersities are ro o erseas. an international stu ents also stu in ocational e ucation an training colleges an institutes across ustralia. These institutes o er uali ications that are recognized in the ork lace. International stu ents in ustralia also stu English language through courses o ere ri ate organi ations, uni ersities an go ern ents in oun ation courses to re are the or uni ersit stu an ithin ustralian schools. The ustralian o ern ent ensures the ualit o ustralian institutions an courses in a nu er o a s. Institutions ust e accre ite an courses o ere to international stu ents ust e a ro e an liste on C IC S. uali ications o ere to stu ents ust it the ustralian uali ications ra e ork. ustralian institutions e elo the creati e, anal tical an lateral thinking skills o stu ents, an encourage in i i ualit . The ustralian e ucation s ste also encourages res onsi ilit an aturit in stu ents. Stu ents take an acti e art in their o n e ucation an are expected to su le ent classroo stu ies ith in een ent stu in li raries, at ho e an in tea s ith other stu ents. The sta at ustralian institutions are also er e erience in hel ing stu ents ro other countries, an there are ellesta lishe su ort s ste s in lace or international stu ents. II. WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF WEP STUDENT EXCHANGE! Stu o erseas in ore than 20 countries ith orl E ucation Progra ( EP) ustralia. ur international stu ent e change rogra s o er ou a trans or ational learning e erience han -in-han ith unsur asse ualit o su ort an attention to e er stu ent an a il . ortunities to li e an stu o erseas are a aila le to all ustralian secon ar stu ents ho en o a challenge an are illing to co letel i erse the sel es into a -to- a li e in another countr . These outstan ing e ucational rogra s o er ou the e erience o a li eti e an ro ote un erstan ing an eace et een eo le ro i erent cultures. New Support Platform for WEP Students ur ri ar goal at EP ustralia is to ro i e as uch su ort or our o erseas e change stu ents as ossi le. e are currentl rolling out a ne su ort e site or our stu ents to interact ith each other an to easil connect ith EP sta . ter co letion o the stu ent orientation rogra e, our e change stu ents will be provided ith the acilit to kee a ersonal log o their tra el e eriences, artici ate in a oru ith other stu ents an uch ore stu like that.
UNIT 5 Student Exchange Beco ing an e change stu ent is an e citing a to enhance our li e li ing in another countr . Being an e change stu ent oes not re uire our a il to host a stu ent in our house hile ou are a a . Stu ent e change ith EP ustralia can o en our e es to the o ortunities an on ers o the orl . Su ort is provided to stu ents throughout the entiret o their rogra s. ight ro the start, hen e irst recei e an en uir , all the a to rogra co letion, EP ans ers uestions ro stu ents an arents, aintains contact ith stu ents hile the are o erseas, an acilitates co unication et een our international artner organisations, coor inators, host a ilies, host schools an e change stu ents. This ensures ou will have the est ossi le stu ent e change e erience. ll o er the orl , EP host a ilies are inter ie e an screene to ensure the will provide sa e an caring ho e en iron ents or our e change stu ents. Your host a il ill select ou, ill e elco ing an ro a l i atient or our arri al, an will be interested in learning a out ou an our li e in ustralia. Be ore ou e art ro ustralia, ou will also be advised a out the host school that has acce te ou. Stu ents an teachers in host countr schools are al a s intereste in hearing a out li e ro our uni ue art o the orl . I ou choose a non-English s eaking countr , ou ill ha e the antastic o ortunit to learn a ne language an s eak it e er a . hile this can e a aunting ros ect initiall , the long ter ene its o eing a le to s eak another language ill sta ith ou or the rest o our li e. ACROSS CULTURES: AUSTRALIA IDP E ucation ustralia is ustralia’s lea ing international e ucation an e elo ent organiation. I P is an in e en ent, not- or- ro it organi ation that re resents ore than 1,000 ustralian institutions inclu ing uni ersities, T E an ocational e ucation institutes, usiness an s ecial stu ies colleges, English language colleges, an schools. I P has een hel ing international stu ents or ore than 30 ears. It has so e 70 o ices glo all ith acti ities in 50 countries. Traine counsellors ro i e su ort an a ice to stu ents in local languages. TAFE ( ronounce /teɪ /) In ustralia, technical and further education institutions ro i e a i e range o re o inantl ocational tertiar e ucation courses, ostl uali ing courses un er the National Training S ste / ustralian uali ications ra eork / ustralian ualit Training ra e ork. iel s co ere inclu e hos italit , touris , construction, engineering, secretarial skills, isual arts, in or ation technolog an co unit ork. In i i ual T E institutions (usuall ith an ca uses) are kno n as either colleges or institutes, e en ing on the state or territor . T E colleges are o ne , o erate an inance the arious state an territor go ern ents. This is in contrast to the higher e ucation sector, hose un ing is re o inantl the o ain o the Co on ealth go ern ent an hose uni ersities are re o inantl o ne the state go ern ents.
5.1 WEP Australia orl E ucation Progra ustralia t is an in e en ent, incor orate , not- or- ro it ustralian stu ent e change organisation registere ith the e ucation e art ents in , NS an IC. or e in 2001 in coo eration ith EP International, ( hich no has o ices in Brussels, Turin, ilan, on, Paris an osario), EP ustralia has ena le thousan s o stu ents to o en a oor to a re ar ing an success ul uture through e ucation a roa . CRICOS the Co on ealth egister o Institutions an Courses or erseas Stu ents. Australian National University co onl a re iate to ANU, is a u lic teaching an research uni ersit locate in Can erra. The Uni ersit as esta lishe an act o the Parlia ent o ustralia an ca e into eing on 7 e ruar 1947, ith the legislate ur ose o con ucting an ro oting research in ustralia. The Uni ersit is go erne a 15- e er council. NU is a e er o se eral uni ersit alliances an coo erati e net orks, inclu ing the rou o Eight ( ustralian uni ersities), the ssociation o Paci ic i Uni ersities, the ssociation o Uni ersities or esearch in strono an the International lliance o esearch Uni ersities. NU inclu es i e No el laureates a ong its sta an alu ni. University of Melbourne in or all el ourne Uni, Uni el , U or ust el ourne, is a u lic uni ersit locate in el ourne, ictoria. oun e in 1853, it is the secon ol est uni ersit in ustralia an the ol est in ictoria. The ain ca us is locate in Park ille, an inner su ur ust north o the el ourne CB . The uni ersit also has se eral other ca uses locate across ictoria. el ourne is ranke a ong the to uni ersities in ustralia an the orl . The uni ersit has o er 35,000 stu ents, ho are su orte nearl 7,200 sta e ers. In 2008, it intro uce the contro ersial elourne o el, a co ination o arious ractices ro erican an Euro ean uni ersities, ai e at consistenc ith the Euro ean Union’s Bologna rocess an international rele ance an stan ing or its egrees. University of Sydney in or all Sydney University or Usyd, is a uni ersit locate in S ne , ustralia. It is the ol est uni ersit in ustralia, ha ing een esta lishe in 1850. s o 2009, the uni ersit ha 47,775 stu ents, aking it the secon largest in ustralia. The ain ca us is centere on large ri ge-ins ire groun s hich s rea across the su ur s o Ca ero n an arlington on the south- estern outskirts o the S ne Central Business istrict. In a ition, the uni ersit enco asses a nu er o s all s ecial- ur ose satellite ca uses o taine ro other organisations o er the ast 20 ears, inclu ing the S ne Conser atoriu o usic an the S ne College o the rts.
For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s// .internationalstu ent.co /stu australia/ htt s:// .to uni ersities.co /stu ent-in o/stu ent- inance/ ho - uch- oes-it-cost-stu -australia htt s:// .i .co /australia/a out-australia/stu -in-australia/ b) Read the extracts again and find the information for the following chart.
Study in Australia
Study overseas
Personal gro th Intercultural e
E ucation en iron ent ca e ic co
it ent
Career attain ent Summarize the information and say how much these educational benefits are important for you and your friends. III. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the texts above, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds / /, / / in their contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : / / qualification Studying in Australia offers international students a globally recognized qualification. Words and Phrases in Context
From the texts above, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘staff’ and ‘stuff’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. Match the beginnings and the endings of the expressions below. From the texts above, reproduce the sentences with them. Illustrate the expressions with your own examples. E x a m p l e : Studying in Australia offers international students a globally recognized qualification. 1 to o er ...
A ... co
it ent
2 to e
B ... an o
lo ...
3 to recruit ... 4 e
osure ...
C ... a glo all recogni e uali ication D ... irectl ro uni ersit
5 to sei e ...
E ... e change
6 to ork ...
F ... o erseas stu ents
7 aca e ic ...
G ... in to a ’s glo al arket lace
8 stu ent ...
H ... to the outsi e orl
5.1 From the texts above, reproduce the words and phrases which are attributable to the description of different opportunities for international students to complete the word cloud. Use them to describe education in Ukraine from an international perspective.
academic achievement a globally recognized qualification
maturity an understanding of other cultures exposure to the outside world affordable cost
In the texts above, find and reproduce the word-combinations with the verb below to fill in the diagram. Using the links suggested, find 3 synonyms for this verb and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular /s non s-anton s.ht htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english To provide
. . .
. . .
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about typical behaviour patterns of teenagers in England and the USA. Focus on: their eha iour co e at school their eha iour ith arents an a ults their eha iour ith each other. Present your findings to the class and comment on the differences and similarities in your American and English peers’ behaviour. Grammar in Context
From the texts above, reproduce the grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings.
Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. I ou ant to talk a out acts an regular actions in the resent, use... I ou ant to talk a out ast actions an situations, use... I ou ant to talk a out ast actions ith resent results, use ... I ou ant to talk a out o ers an ro ises, use... o to our First Aid Kit . 175 or ore in or ation Read about Australia in brief and fill in the correct verb forms.
AUSTRALIA IN BRIEF ustralia is (to be) a sta le, culturall ierse an e ocratic societ , ith a skille ork orce an a strong, co etiti e econo. ith a o ulation o ore than 21 illion, ustralia (to be) the onl nation to go ern an entire continent. It (to be) the earth’s iggest islan an the si th-largest countr in the orl in lan area. ustralia (to have) 10 er cent o the orl ’s io i ersit an a great nu er o its nati e lants, ani als an ir s e ist nohere else in the orl . ustralia (to commit) to conser ing its uni ue en iron ent an natural heritage an has a range o rotection roce ures in lace, inclu ing orl eritage listings an an national arks an il li e sanctuaries. ustralia’s o ulation (to include) original an Torres Strait Islan er eo les an igrants ro so e 200 countries. In o er 60 ears o lanne ost- ar igration, ustralia (to welcome) ore than 6.5 illion igrants, inclu ing ore than 660 000 re ugees. uring this ti e, the o ulation (to triple) ro a out 7 illion. igrants (to bring) ith the language skills an other ca a ilities that are alua le in to a ’s glo al econo an ork orce. lthough English is the o icial language in ustralia, ore than 3 illion ustralians s eak a language other than English at ho e (2017). s a result, ustralia (to offer) the a iliarit o a estern usiness culture ith a ork orce ca a le o o erating in an i erent usiness en iron ents. o to our
B or ore e ercises
IV. Communication Track Speaking
Spoken Production a) Food for Thought
Read the international student’s voice from Australia. Would you do the same or different? Give your reasons.
5.1 hen I eci e to stu in ustralia, the irst thing I i as to contact I P an to seek in or ation a out i erent rogra a aila ilit . I as counselle er ro essional sta an the in or ation ro i e the has gi en e the con i ence to stu in ustralia. I P has an o ice in S ne hich as er con enient or e. I I ha e an uestions to ask, I kno I P ill al a s e there or e hen I nee hel . Kin Fai Wong from Hong Kong
Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, study the following chart about student exchange experiences in Australia and interpret the survey data.
% % % % % Full Fall Spring Summer Total Year Semester Semester
Survey Item
Personal Development Increase sel -con i ence
Ser e as a catal st or increase aturit
as ha a lasting i orl ie
act on
Academic Commitment Enhance interest in aca e ic 81 stu
In luence su se uent e ucational e eriences
ein orce co it ent to oreign language stu
Intercultural Development el e e etter un erstan o n cultural alues an iases
Continues to in luence interactions ith eo le ro 97 i erent cultures
In luence e to seek out a greater i ersit o rien s
Career development c uire skill sets that in luence career ath
c) In groups, answer these how-questions about Australia-bound education:
1. How o ustralian uni ersities ensure their stu ents’ ersonal gro th 2. How can o erseas stu ents ene it ro their intercultural e eriences 3. How can an e change stu ent see issues ro i erent ers ecti es in the ustralian e ucation en iron ent 4. How oul ou re eal our aca e ic co it ent i ou ere an international stu ent in ustralia 5. How oul ou tr to e elo aturit i stu ing a roa 6. How can stu a roa in luence a stu ent’s career attain ent 7. How can classroo stu ies e su le ente ith in e en ent stu in the ustralian aca e ic setting 8. How shoul ou i erse oursel into into a -to- a li e in another countr d) With the whole class, summarize your ideas in a poster “One who goes far, knows much”. Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to t o ustralian high school stu ents, lan an enise, talking a out going international a ter gra uation. Brainstor hat reasons the ight gi e or or against stu ing a roa . b) While you listen
In t o grou s, listen to one art o the ialogue Connecting Peo le ( rou 1 ‒ lan’s lines rou 2 ‒ enise’s lines). et together an restore the content o the ialogue. ith the hole class, listen to the ialogue Connecting Peo le or the secon ti e to check i ou ere right. c) After you listen
In grou s, talk a out our lans a ter gra uation. Co er the ollo ing oints or iscussion: ene its o entering a Ukrainian uni ersit ene its o stu ing a roa i ortance o connecting eo le through e change rogra es. Writing a) Before you write
I ou ant to resent the in ings o research concerning reactions to an e ucation rogra e, rite a sur e re ort hich can e u lishe in a career counselling rochure. In grou s, rainstor hat uestions school-lea ers coul e aske a out the ene its o i erent e ucation rogra es. ake a list o or s an hrases ou can use to anal se the sur e ata.
5.1 b) While you write
How to Write a Survey Report Content tips
Language tips
Begin with stating: the ur ose o the re ort the content o the re ort.
The ai o this re ort is to e a ine the results o a sur e in hich ... The re ort outlines the results o a sur e con ucte to eter ine the o inion o ... The ata inclu e in this re ort as gathere eans o a uestionnaire ...
Continue with presenting: all in or ation collecte on the to ic in etail in the or o acts un er suita le hea ings generali ations.
... er cent o the eo le uestione agree / clai / state that ... large ro ortion o those a are o ... ere o the o inion that ... This is highlighte the act that t o out o i e state that ... This in icates / suggests / i lies that ...
End with: In conclusion, the sur e i i l sho s ... su ari ing the oints n the asis o the in ings, it oul see entione a o e that ... a ing our reco en a- The results o the sur e re eal / tions or suggestions. e onstrate that ... ur reco en ation, there ore, is that ...
o to . 191 or a Sa
le o a Sur e e ort
Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
re there an international stu ents hoste in Ukrainian uni ersities I so, ro hat countries o can ou eco e an e change stu ent At Home: Conduct a survey “Student Exchange Opportunities for Ukrainians”. In your WB, write a survey report about your findings.
5.3. What’s On Your Agenda in New Zealand? Word Bank agen a out oor e loration ariti e cli ate sho - uste ountains glacial alle s rain orests unelan s olcanic lateau a or tra el crossroa s a renaline- u ing ung u ing a renaline- u ing canoe/ka ak a enture cruise-shi reck (non-) thrill seeker
Phrase Bank to ho e or e otional a akening to gi e the uestion so e serious thought to co e o n un er to re eal a ie o ...to s . to think o one’s riorities to get irst-han e eriences to o arine- a al atching to e o ara ount i ortance
Communication Box It is orth ... In our in ’s e e... art ro ... It’s a great a to ... You are sure to ... ..., ust to e on the sa e si e.
I. Go Ahead! Look at the pictures and guess where these films could have been shot. Say what you can learn from them about this part of the world.
The Lord of the Rings
King Kong
The Chronicles of Narnia
E x a m p l e : I have seen the cartoon “Moana”. I think it is based on the Maori culture myth, so the scene is laid in New Zealand. Judging by the film, New Zealand has one of the most varied and spectacular series of landscapes in the world.
5.1 II. Reading a) Read the guide book entry “Destination New Zealand” about a prospective trip to New Zealand and match the photos to the proper parts of the text.
DESTINATION NEW ZEALAND o o ou en isage our Ne ealan tri It is orth gi ing the uestion so e serious thought in our holi a lanning. re ou ho ing or e otional a akening in so e i e o en s aces, ith alking an ush ca ing high on our agen a r in our in ’s e e, is New Zealand all a out sta ing in lu ur acco o ation an getting ac uainte ith the inest useu s an sho s Perha s, a co ination o all the a o e ll things are ossi le here. There is a lot to see an o, so think o our riorities an allo enough ti e to achie e the . When to go? The ar er onths et een No e er an ril are i eal or out oor loration o Ne ealan ’s uni ue scener . I ou are a sno unn , isit hen the hite stu is thick on the groun o er inter une to ugust. Ne ealan is in the oaring orties an so has a re ailing in lo ing o er it ro est to east ear-roun . e e er that the countr has a ariti e cli ate, eaning the eather can change er uickl . e
Where to go? Ne ealan has one o the ost arie an s ectacular series o lan sca e in the orl , ranging ro sho - uste ountains an glacial alle s to rain orests, unelan s an an other orl l olcanic lateau. I , until no , our tra els in Ne ealan ha e een a out s all to ns an the great out oors, sto in Wellington (or ell , or short). Co act an alka le, it is sur risingl scenic an ull o institutions integral to its role o the er ect ca ital cit . art ro ellington’s i ortance as the seat o go ern ent, it’s a a or tra el crossroa s et een the North an South Islan s.
Ne ealan ’s largest outer islan is Ste ar Islan , or Rakiura as its aori na e hich eans an o lo ing Skies . It is onl 40 k ro the un ersi e o the South Islan , an ou ill e re ar e ith a ar elco e ro the ki is as it’s one o the e laces here ou can s ot these sh , nearl lin , lightless ir s in the il . How to go? s all lane or a helico ter ill take ou on a sightseeing tri (calle lightseeing’ the locals) all o er Ne ealan . It’s a great a to see Mt (Mount) Cook, the Ba o Islan s, Tongariro National Park an the southern or s. hot-air alloon BrE kilo etre ill re eal or ou the ost reath-taking ie s o AmE kilo eter the Southern Alps an contrasting Canter ur lains. Tra ing (that’s i i-s eak or hiking) is a ine a to get irst-han e eriences ithin Ne ealan ’s natural eaut . There are thousan s o kilometres o tracks lea ing to Lake Waikaremoana or the Tasman Sea coast. ne o the ost o ular tracks the so-calle nine reat alks - is actuall a ri er tri . I ou’ e got our heart set on it, ou are sure to en o this 145 k , i e- a canoe or ka ak a enture o n the Whanganui River. What to do? or non-thrill seekers, gui e alks, scenic lights an cruises o en u the out oors o the countr hile arious a renaline- u ing acti ities ill e highl a reciate those ho a our an eleent o risk. Such risk is un erline in a enBrE ungy u ing ture s orts, articularl bungy u ing, aAmE ungee u ing rine- a al atching, an scu a i ing. Bung u ing o the a arau Bri ge ro ts a hea a renaline rush, ut ehin the scenes action coul har l e ore organi e , ith u er sa et o iousl o ara ount i ortance. The ain attraction on the northeast coast o the South Islan is hale atching, an e en ing on the season ou a see igrating lue hales, hu ack hales an southern right hales. ther a als inclu ing ur seals an usk ol hins are rett uch ear-roun resi ents. S i ing ith ol hins, an seals is also ossi le in aikoura. hen in is orne, ou can e en s i ith sharks, though ith a rotecti e cage as a cha erone ust to e on the sa e si e. The est scu a i ing in Ne ealan can e e erience near the Poor nights Islan s, o the east coast o the North Islan , hich ere rate the great Jacques Cousteau a ong the to 10 i ing s ots in the orl . The arl orough Soun s ha e so e interesting i es, too, inclu ing the Mikhail Lermontov, the largest i ea le cruise-shi reck in the orl . What to see? I cra ing cultural acti ities, e tre e s orts, usiness o ortunities, ulticultural ining an a i rant usic scene into a an night are our thing, then ucklan is our kin o lace. It akes it eas to en o all that’s on o er, an eser es its re utation as the true ca ital o the countr , though it lost its o icial ca ital status to ellington long ago. In 1840, Ne ealan ’s irst go ernor na e the settle ent a ter his co an ing o icer George Eden ( or ucklan ). Since the eginning o the 20th centur ucklan has een Ne ealan ’s astest-gro ing cit an its ain in ustrial centre. ucklan , oth a region an a etro olis, as sel - roclai e as the Cit o Sails. or an , the highlight o a isit to ucklan is the i ossi le to iss Sk To er: at 328 it is the tallest structure in the southern he is here.
5.1 S uee e in the ie ing o the ucklan rt aller e ore oar ing a err to e on ort or a alk u one or t o e tinct olcanoes. r, take a us to ell Tarlton’s ntarctic Encounter Un er ater orl here the iggest attraction is the er anent inter on erlan hich inclu es a alk through a re lica o Scott’s 1911 ntarctic hut. What to eat? Ne ealan is a culinar a enture or the hungr tra eller. The aori hangi is an unusual etho o cooking oo in the groun o er hot ri er stones. Potatoes, kumara (s eet otato), carrots, u kin, onion, corn, ca age, oultr , eat an ish are thro n in together an stea e until tener, taking on so e o the la or o the earth. Hangi is a eature o al ost an or al aori occasion. oast la or hogget is a o ular choice or a a il eal. The classic egeta le acco ani ents are roaste otatoes, ku ara, greens an u kin. To isitors, la eaten in Ne ealan can e a re elation there is so ething a out eating oo in the lace it’s ro uce . i i ruit takes ri e o lace on to o the egg hite an sugar essert kno n as a lo a. This s eet eringue cake is too goo to e isse . n so is Ne ealan ACROSS CULTURES: NEW ZEALAND
Roaring Forties – the ocean et een 40 an 50 south, kno n or er strong in s Maori the original eo les o Ne ealan , no onl a s all art o the Po ulation. Kiwi-speak – (in or al) Ne ealan ’s ariant o the English anguage hich as e elo e un er a strong in luence o the aori languages.
Bush Bush
Mt Cook
Bay of Islands
hea il - oreste areas in Ne ealan .
Mt Cook the highest ountain in ustralasia (3755 ). no n to aoris as oraki (Clou Piercer), the tent-sha e t Cook as na e a ter a es Cook (1728 1779), an English e lorer o the coasts o ustralia an Ne ealan . Bay of Islands (the) one o Ne ealan ’s ost orth attractions a e or its stunning coastal scener , 150 or so islan s an sailing estination. Tongariro National Park Ne ealan ’s irst national ark, esta lishe in 1887. The ark’s three eaks ere a gi t to Ne ealan ro the local aori tri e, ho sa it as the onl a to reser e an area o s iritual signi icance. The na e Tongariro originall co ere the three ountains o the ark an co es ro tonga (south in ) an riro (carrie a a ).
Tongariro National Park
Kaikoura a to n locate north o Christchurch an a ecca or il li e enthusiasts. Gisborne Ne ealan ’s ost easterl cit . The aori na e or the area, Tairawhiti, eans the coast u on hich the sun shines across the ater’. Sur ing there is al ost a an ator acti it . Jacques Cousteau (1910 ) a rench e lorer o the sea, riter, roa caster, an aker o il s a out li e un er ater. e also in ente scu a i ing.
Scott Robert
Marlborough Sounds
Scott, Robert Falcon (1868 1912) an o icer in the British Na ho le t o ourne s to the ntarctic, an ie hile returning ro the South Pole uring the secon one he is o ten calle Scott o the ntarctic. Marlborough Sounds the gate a to the South Islan hich eatures an elight ul a s, islan s, co es an ater a s. Parts o the Soun s are no inclu e in the arl orough Soun s ariti e Park. Wellington the ca ital cit o Ne ealan , on the North Islan , the countr ’s thir largest cit an a ain ort. For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s//en. iki e ia.org/ iki/Ne ealan htt s:// .ne ealan .co /int/ htt s:// . ritannica.co / lace/Ne - ealan b) Read the guide book entry “Destination New Zealand” again and fill in the chart for the following geographical features of New Zealand. Speak about the one you’d like to explore if you had a chance.
For thrill seekers
For non-thrill seekers
Cli ate an Sea ir ut oor e Cit e
VI. Language Track Phonetics in Context
In the text above, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds /ʌ/, /aɪ/ an /aʊ/ in their contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : /ʌ/ ung u ing No doubt, bungy jumping is an adrenaline-pumping activity.
5.3 Words and Phrases in Context
From the text above, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘scenery and ‘scene’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. Fill in the chart with the right forms of the words. From the text above, reproduce the sentences with the forms you have come across. Use other forms in your own contexts. E x a m p l e : exploration – The warmest months between November and April are ideal for outdoor exploration. Nouns
to explore experience luxurious to reveal surprisingly protective to seek resident actually protective From the text above, reproduce the words and word-combinations which may be attributable to the description of a prospective trip to New Zealand in the following content areas:
Make up your own sentences with them. BECOMING A DIGITAL NATIVE a) Language Search
In the texts above, find and reproduce the word-combinations with the verb below to fill in the diagram. Using the links suggested, find 3 more wordcombinations with this verb and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / htt s:// . luentu.co / log/english/ htt s://en.o or ictionaries.co /english
5.1 To take
. . .
pride of something
. . .
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about the New Zealand attractions in these photos.
Mt Cook
Regatta Day at Ngaruawahia, near Hamilton
International Antarctic Centre, Christchurch
Grammar in Context
From the text above, reproduce the grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences: I ou ant to talk a out eo le, use ... article e ore their na es. I ou ant to talk a out laces, use ... o to our First Aid Kit . 176 or ore in or ation Read the legend “The Story of Aoraki” and put in ‘the’ where necessary. Say what the story can help you understand about New Zealand’s history. THE STORY OF AORAKI ... t Cook, ... Ne ealan ’s highest ountain, is calle oraki ... aori. ccor ing to ... legen , hich e lains ho ... ountain’s na e ca e a out, oraki an his three rothers ere... sons o akinui, ... Sk ather. The ere on a o age aroun Pa atuanuku, ... Earth other, hen their canoe as stran e a ter striking a ree in ... ocean. oraki an his rothers cli e on ... to si e o their canoe. ... col south in hit the , ro e the , an turne the into ... stone. ... legen sa s their canoe eca e ... Ne ealan ’s South Islan hich as then calle Te aka o oraki. oraki, ... tallest o ... rothers, ga e his na e to ... highest eak. is rothers an e ers o his cre eca e ... ountains o ... Southern l s. o to our
B or ore e ercises
VII. Communication Track Speaking
Spoken Production a) Food for Thought
“All things are possible here”, the guide book claims about New Zealand. Think of your priorities for your New Zealand trip and rank them 1–5 in order of importance in the diagram below. Account for your choice.
5 4 3 2 1 Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, ask and answer these questions about New Zealand. Use the phrases below.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
hat i ages s ring to in hen ou hear the countr Ne ealan hat is Ne ealan a ous or hat o ou kno a out Ne ealan ’s histor hat oul ou o i ou coul s en one eek in Ne ealan hat o ou kno a out i erent eo le ho li e in Ne ealan hat things a out Ne ealan o ou think Ne ealan ers are rou o 7. hat o ou kno a out nature in Ne ealan 8. hat oul ou like to ask a Ne ealan er a out Ne ealan Useful phrases: It is orth ... In our in ’s e e... art ro ... It’s a great a to ... You are sure to ... ..., ust to e on the sa e si e.
c) In groups, read the following Maori words and find their meanings in the guide book entry and the “Across Cultures” section above. Use them to describe Maori culture.
hogget hangi tonga riro
Tairawhiti Aoraki kumara Rakiura
Listening a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to three eo le gi ing their o inions on Ne ealan . rou u ith our class ates an su arise our i eas a out Ne ealan ’s geogra h , histor an societ .
5.1 b) While you listen
isten to three ans ers to the uestion So, hat o ou think o Ne ealan an sa hich o the a elong to: a geogra her a sociologist a historian. i e our reasons an su orting etails. c) After you listen
In airs, iscuss our ossi le ans ers to the sa e uestion, using the startechni ue. Who? How?
d) With the whole class, design a creative project “New Zealand’ Profile” in terms of its past, present and future. Use the acrostic format.
N E E A L A N Writing a) Before you write
If you want to present your impressions of a trip, write a report about your travel experiences. It is a formal or informal piece of writing that can be found in newspapers or magazines in article form, or part of a letter to a friend. Brainstor hat in or ation a out our tra el e eriences ou ant our rea ers to kno . ake a list o or s an hrases ou’ll use riting a re ort to stir our rea er’s i agination.
b) While you write
How to Write a Report about Your Travel Experiences Content tips
Language tips
In the introduction: state the to ic o our re ort gi e in or ation a out the tri , ates an eo le in ol e .
ast ... I ent to ... s I ha gi en so e serious thought to holi a lanning ... I set o n agen a hich inclu e ...
In the main body: resent all in or ation in chronological or er use su -hea ings.
irst o all ... Then ... ter that ... t the en o ... n the last e ening o ... The ne t orning ...
In the concluding part: su arise our oints re er to our eelings, or conse uences.
I ha a on er ul ti e an I ant ... ooking ack, it’s o ious I shoul ha e ... But on the hole ...
oo s
Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
hich o Ne ealan ’s geogra hic eatures are si ilar to those in Ukraine hat sightseeing o ortunities are there in our ho e lace o can ou characteri e the At Home: In your WB, write a report about your travel experiences which you could have built up during your imaginary trip to New Zealand.
5.4. Developing Integrated Skills I. Suppose the World Heritage Convention announced that it would have another round of review and designating sites to be conserved for all time. Group up with your classmates and come up with your ideas on places of such outstanding universal value in Ukraine. 1. Specify the title, naming two exceptionally significant places in Ukraine to be nominated as:
a orl heritage natural site a orl heritage cultural site. 2. Find your classmates with the same preferences, collect information and photos to meet at least one of the selection criteria (see p. 140). 3. Design a poster proposal to the UNESCO and present your project to the class.
5.1 II. Look at the photos below. Pair up with a classmate and discuss the advantages of having an international student community in Ukrainian universities. Say how you could contribute to it culturally / academically / athletically.
III. Suppose you are going to take part in the international student party at a university of your choice where there are exchange students from New Zealand.
ea the ollo ing aori culture th. Tea u ith our class ates an re are to role- la the stor in u lic as a resent or the e change stu ents ro Ne ealan . ct it out in ront o the class. ...AND THEN ALONG CAME MAUI long ti e a ter the creation o the orl there li e the e igo aui ho as e ce tionall cle er an strong. ne a aui ent out ishing ith his i e rothers. The rothers a le their canoes ar out to sea, here aui took out his agic ish-hook, tie it to a strong ro e an ro e it o er
the si e o the canoe. Soon aui caught an i ense ish an , struggling ightil , ulle it u to the sur ace. This ish eca e the North Islan o Ne ealan , calle the ish o aui the ancient aori. ellington ar our is the ish’s outh, the Taranaki an East Coast areas are its t o ins, ake Tau o is its heart an the Northlan eninsula its tail. ahia eninsula in the a kes Ba region is the ishhook o aui the agic hook ith hich he ishe u the islan . The South Islan as kno n as the Canoe o aui the canoe in hich he stoo hen he caught the ish. aikoura eninsula as here aui race his oot hile hauling u the ish, an Ste art Islan as the anchor stone that hel the canoe stea as he haule in the giant ish. IV. With the whole class, do the project “Our Global Awareness Festival”.
In groups, choose a region in the world that you would to understand better and research the following aspects. Geography Education
Culture Travel experience
History Human relations
Make a list of features of the region of your choice and present them with illustrations (clothes, music, art, drama, etc.) to the whole class. Go global from now on!
5.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English I. Read the text below. For questions (1–10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). There is an example at the beginning (0).
PERMITS You 0 may nee s ecial er its to enter, ass through, or ca areas o ustralia. Aboriginal lands
in certain
The la s ar on so e lan s ou 1 ass through on ain roa s or sto in a co unit or uel, on others ou 2 to sho a er it ust to ut our little toe on 3 lan . I ou are on 4 organise tour, the o erator or gui e ill e 5 to eal ith that, other ise ou ill 6_____to a l ell in a ance to the lan council. National parks and desert parks You ha e 7 o tain ca ing an isiting er its in a ance. I ou are lanning a isit to it ira National Park in South ustralia, ou 8 nee a esert arks Pass. You 9 urchase one at arious sho s in the northern art o the state, or through 10 South ustralian National Parks an il li e ser ice.
5.1 A ere
as a le
ha e een a le
ha ha
ha e ha
( ero article)
( ero article)
a le
nee e
allo e
are er itte to
ha e
nee s ro
can are allo e to ( ero article)
ill ought to an
II. Read the sentences and fill in the right word-forms.
1. The orl eritage sites in Cana a ha e een ... the UNESC . 2. Cana a la e a ... role in setting u the orl eritage Con ention. 3. Stu ing in ustralia o ers international stuents ore than aca e ic achie e ent an a ... recogni e uali ication. 4. ustralia’s uni ersities ha e a e i ortant reakthroughs in o ern technolog an ... . 5. Stu ent e change ith EP ustralia can o en our e es to the o ortunities an ...s o the orl . 6. Ne ealan is in the ... orties. 7. Tra ing is i i-... or hiking. 8. Bung u ing o the a arau Bri ge ...s a hea a renaline rush. 9. hat’s the ... o going international 10. It has gi en e a goo chance to see the orl ro a ... ers ecti e.
B. Reading Read the first part of story written by Laura Crockett, an international student from the USA, about her cross-cultural experience in New Zealand and put the sentences in the correct order.
À The rien liness o the ri er is in icati e o the at os here here in Ne ealan . er irst interaction ith a i i in Ne ealan as leasant an B set the tone or the rest o isit. Ñ I ha een antici ating arri al in Ne ealan or onths.
UNIT 5 D The i i us ri er ro e ten uni ersit stu ents to our hostels, an i not ake e a e en though I ha orgotten to ill out the re uire or or re uesting air ort ick u . erican isitors to eel co orta le in a iliar en iron ent E This allo s that is a little ore rela e an elco ing. F The culture o Ne ealan is la s an si ilarities to the culture o the Unite States. G The culture o Ne ealan is la s an si ilarities to the culture o the Unite States. er the ast onth o i ersing sel in i i culture, the ini al H cultural i erences here ha e allo e e to reali e that I a gro ing an changing as a erson. C. Listening Listen to the continuation of the international student’s story and mark the following statements true or false.
1. aura oesn’t stu har in Ne ealan . 2. She has co e to stu usiness there. 3. ca e ic English in Ne ealan is i entical to that in the US . 4. ost stu ents o their ersonal est in Ne ealan . 5. Ne ealan ers a uch attention to s ort. 6. aura has o erco e her ear o talking to strangers. 7. The stu ent i ung u ing ack in the US . 8. aura’s N e erience hel s her to e elo . 9. The girl in s Ne ealan ers er socia le. 10. aura is satis ie ith her international e erience. D. Writing To sum up what you’ve learned in this unit, write an essay “My Global Awareness”.
Grammar in use
YOUR FIRST AID KIT Grammar in Use UNIT 1 1.1. Relative clauses can be defining and non-defining a) To identify which member of a group the sentence talks about use a defining relative clause.
E x a m p l e : The problems which Ukrainian youth face are various. b) If you want to give additional information about the noun it refers to, use a nondefining relative clause. It is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
E x a m p l e : The results of the poll, which was conducted in 2017, are evident. c) You can leave out object relative pronouns in defining relative clause as well as ‘when’.
E x a m p l e : That’s the right that young people have. / That’s the right the young people have. d) You cannot leave out relative pronouns in a non-defining relative clause as well as ‘whose’, ‘where’.
E x a m p l e : That’s the politician, who talks too often. 1.2. Conditional Sentences The First Conditional To talk about something that is likely to happen in the future as a result of an action or situation, use the 1-st conditional:
If + Present Simple + will E x a m p l e : If your manners are good, you won’t hurt anybody. Don’t Forget! You can also use be going to, the Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Imperative, can, could, may, might, ought to an must in the ain clause.
E x a m p l e : You ought to respect your friend, if you want to be his/her real friend. The Second Conditional To talk about unlikely future events or imaginary or improbable situations in the present, use the Second Conditional:
If + Past Simple + would + infinitive without to E x a m p l e : If I talked to my parents, they would understand me. You can use was or were in the if clause a ter I / he / she / it.
E x a m p l e : If I had a chance, I would join my friends. You can use if I were you to gi e a
E x a m p l e : If I were you, I would be friendly with your younger brother.
YOUR FIRST AID KIT You can also use could/might + infinitive without to an would / could / might / + be + ing form in the ain clause.
E x a m p l e : If I had more time, I could socialize with all my friends. The Third Conditional If you want to talk about:
ossi le e ents in the ast that i n’t ha regrets or criticis ,
Use the thir con itional ith if + Past Perfect + would(‘d) + have + Past Participle.
E x a m p l e s : If many families had balanced a healthy lifestyle with other demands life threw at them, obesity wouldn’t have been on the increase during the last decade. (Possible events that didn’t happen). If I had proven that easy, we’d all have become effortlessly fit and healthy. (Regret). Don’t Forget! In the ain clause ou can also use could / might + have + Past Participle.
E x a m p l e : If we had had more time, we could have got more physically active long ago. on’t use would have in the if clause.
E x a m p l e : If I had been more tolerant, we could get along with him. 1.3. Reflexive pronouns 1) When the subject and object of a sentence refer to the same people or things use a reflexive pronoun.
E x a m p l e : I’ve done my job and I’m pleased with myself. Don’t forget! Subject pronouns
Reflexive pronouns
oursel (i the su ect is singular) oursel es (i the su ect is lural)
e She
hi sel hersel
oursel es
The 2) By + a reflexive pronoun
the sel es eans alone’ or ithout hel .
E x a m p l e : Nobody helped me, I did it all by myself. 3) Be+ a reflexive pronoun
eans eha e in the usual a ’.
E x a m p l e : on’t orr , ust e oursel . Reciprocal Pronouns Use reciprocal pronoun when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same people and these people have a two-way relationship. Use each other’ when the subject is two people.
Grammar in use E x a m p l e : We often help each other. Use either one another’ or each other’ hen the su ect is eo le.
ore than t o
E x a m p l e : Our family is big and when we do the spring cleaning we help one another. UNIT 2 2.1. Linking words 1. If you want to describe events / process / in the order they happened use linking words:
irst e ore secon a ter that then in the eanti e no inall at last hile once earlier ne t ean hile hen e ore that later at last E x a m p l e : First boil potatoes and then peel them.
a ter ar s shortl the ti e re iousl su se uentl si ultaneousl irst an ore ost last ut not least e orehan
2. If you want to focus on time, use adverbs of time which answer the question “when?” and usually modify verbs.
recentl latel a ter ar s
e entuall inall ust
ne t re iousl no
then to a to orro
E x a m p l e : Previously we bakes a flat bread for our pizza. 2.2. I ou ant to check in or ation ou elie e to e true or co situation, use uestion tags.
ent on a
E x a m p l e : Apples are your favourite, aren’t they? Don’t forget! I the er in the state ent is a ir ati e, the er in the uestion tag is negati e.
E x a m p l e : You like tea, don’t you? I the er in the state ent is negati e, the er in the uestion tag is a ir ati e.
E x a m p l e : You don’t like fettering food, do you? Notice the uestion tag or “I am”
E x a m p l e : I am a messy eater, aren’t you? In the uestion tag, onl use ronouns.
E x a m p l e : Your mum bakes tasty pies, doesn’t she? hen the su ect o the sentence i this’ or that’, the su ect o the uestion tag is ‘it’.
E x a m p l e : This is the tastiest salad, isn’t it?
YOUR FIRST AID KIT UNIT 3 3.1. State Verbs State er s are er s, hich escri e a state rather than an action an there ore o not nor all ha e continuous tenses. These inclu e: a) er s hich e
ress likes an islikes: like, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, adore.
E x a m p l e : I love my country. ) er s o the senses: see, hear, smell, taste, feel, look.
E x a m p l e : Everyone can see how the new reforms are developing. c) er s o the rece tion: know, believe, understand, realise, remember, forget, notice, recognize, think, see.
E x a m p l e : I know Ukraine will be a prosperous country some day. ) so e other er s such as: be, contain, include, belong, fit, need, matter, cost, mean, own, want, have, require, wish, appear etc.
E x a m p l e : Ukraine owns many mineral resources. So e o the a o e er s are use in continuous tenses hen the escri e actions an not states. E x a m p l e : I am thinking about the plan (= am considering) or The country is appearing in a new role nowadays (= is taking part). 3.2. Participles used as adjectives 1. Participles used as adjectives are adjectives that end with -ing or -ed. They usually describe feelings or reactions. The two forms have different meanings.
E x a m p l e: A: This discovery is amazing! B: Agreed. I was amazed by its uniqueness. 2. Participles used as adjectives that end with -ing describe someone or something that causes a feeling or reaction.
E x a m p l e: Unfortunately, the results of the experiment are disappointing. 3. Participles used as adjectives that end with -ed describe someone who experiences a feeling or action.
E x a m p l e : I’m really interested in science and technology. Remember! on airs o artici les use as a ecti es.
-eda a e a use anno e astonishe ore con use e resse isguste e arrasse e cite
-inga a ing a using anno ing astonishing oring con using e ressing isgusting e arrassing e citing
-edascinate rightene ins ire intereste lease satis ie sur rise tire
-ingascinating rightening ins iring interesting leasing satis ing sur rising tiring
Grammar in use 3.3. 1. You can form adjectives with the help of prefixes. The meaning of the new word depends on the prefix that has been used.
Pre i es: Inter- international multi- multinational pre- prehistoric super- supernational in- in e en ent
il- ( e ore l’) illogical im- ( e ore ’, ’) im ortal ir- ( e ore r’) irresisti le um- un elie a le
2. a) You can form adjectives from nouns:
-ous a e a ous -al culture cultural -ic antas antastic -ive e ense e ensive
-ful eaut eautiful -less ( ithout) ruit ruitless -y health healthy -ly rien rien ly
b) Verbs:
able like likeable
ible resist resistible
ive act active
3. We can form compound adjectives in a number of ways: a ecti e/a er ast artici le an old-fashioned idea a ecti e/a er ing’ or a long-term route noun a ecti e a brand-new route a worldwide reputation
UNIT 4 4.1. Reporting Verbs It is not necessary to report all the words a person says: some verbs are used to provide a summary instead. a) So e re orting er s take the in initi e: ask, advise, invite, encourage, persuade, offer, promise, refuse, remind, warn.
E x a m p l e : My teacher advised me to follow in my father’s footsteps and become a doctor. ) So e re orting er s take the gerun : apologise for, admit to, complain about, insist on, suggest, thank someone for.
E x a m p l e : My sister apologized for losing my umbrella. c) So e re orting er s are ollo e that co le ent clause: add, agree, announce, boast, claim, complain, insist, reply, respond, say, state, suggest.
E x a m p l e : My mother suggests that if I really want to teach, I shouldn’t let the small salary change my mind. 4.2. Reporting Orders, Requests and Advice You can re ort or ers, re uests an a ice ith a re orting er in initi e ith to. These re orting er s all nee an o ect. I ou ant to re ort instructions an or ers, use the re orting er tell:
E x a m p l e : The examiner said, “Concentrate only on your own exam.” The examiner told me to concentrate only on my exam. I ou ant to re ort re uests, use the re orting er ask:
E x a m p l e : My Mum said, “Please get a good night’s sleep before the exam.” My Mum asked me to get a good night’s sleep before the exam.
YOUR FIRST AID KIT Don’t forget! on’t use say + to to re ort re uests or or ers. I ou ant to re ort a
ice, use the re orting er s a
ise, tell or arn:
E x a m p l e : The teacher said, Concentrate only on your own exam.” The teacher advised me to concentrate only on my own exam. I ou ant to re ort negati e instructions, or ers, re uests an a verb not infinitive ith to:
ice, use
E x a m p l e : The teacher said, “Don’t worry yourself into hysterics about how central this one test is to your future plans.” The teacher warned me not to worry myself into hysterics about how central that one test was to my future plans. Don’t forget! Change ronouns an ti e an lace or s in re orte s eech. Pronouns and possessives, e.g. direct
Words for time and place, e.g. direct
that day
the following day / the next day
next week
the following week / the next week
4.3. Reported Speech with Changed Tenses I ou ant to re ort s eech ith a re orting er in the resent, use the sa e tenses, ut change the ronouns an er or s hen necessar :
E x a m p l e : le sa s, I’ e seen illia s’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on Broa a stage . Alex says that he has seen Williams’ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof on Broadway stage. I ou ant to re ort another erson’s or s so e ti e a ter he/she sai the , use a ast tense er to intro uce the , an change the tense o the er s.
E x a m p l e : ock ell sai , I aint li e as I oul like it to e . Rockwell said that he painted life as he would like it to be. Don’t forget! Original tense form
Tense form in reported speech
Present Simple
Past Simple
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Past Simple
Past Perfect
Past Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Modal verbs (can, will, must)
could, would, had to
Grammar in use Don’t change some verb forms: Past Perfect
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Modal verbs could, should, would, mustn’t =
could, should, would, mustn’t
E x a m p l e : ock ell sai , I aint li e as I would like it to e . Rockwell said that he painted life as he would like it to be. UNIT 5 5.1. The Passive with Modals I ou ant to or the assi e ith a o al, use modal+be+past participle.
E x a m p l e : Polluting nature should be stopped. I ou ant to e
ress resent a ilit , use can ith the assi e.
E x a m p l e : Natural sites can be considered outstanding examples of major stages in the earth’s evolution. I ou ant to e
ress ast a ilit , use could ith the assi e.
E x a m p l e : Kluane couldn’t be visited by tourists last month because of severe weather comditions. I ou ant to e assi e.
ress uture ossi ilit , use could, may an might ith the
E x a m p l e : ore sites may be reviewed
the UNESC ne t ear.
I ou ant to e ress a isa ilit or necessit , use shoul , ought to, ha etter, have (got) to an must ith the assi e.
E x a m p l e s : Both natural and cultural sites should be protected. (a a ilit ) Funding has to be applied for in advance. (necessit )
5.2. Overview of Tense Forms: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect (Active and Passive) I ou ant to talk a out acts an regular actions in the resent, use the Present Simple ( cti e / Passi e).
E x a m p l e s : Studying in Australia offers international students a globally recognized qualification. ( cti e) Support is provided to students throughout the entirety of their programs. (Passi e) I ou ant to talk a out ast actions an situations, use the Past Simple (acti e/ assi e).
E x a m p l e s : Best Australian institutions made it a point long ago to have an international focus within their courses and activities. ( cti e) After completion of the student orientation program, the exchange student was provided with all the facilities imaginable. (Passi e) I ou ant to talk a out o ers an ro ises, use the future simple (acti e/ assi e).
E x a m p l e s : The long-term benefits of being able to speak another language will stay with you for the rest of your life. ( cti e)
YOUR FIRST AID KIT Your host family will be interested in learning about you and your life in Australia. (Passi e) I ou ant to talk a out ast actions ith resent results, use the Present Perfect.
E x a m p l e s : Australia’s universities have made an important breakthrough in modern technology and science. ( cti e) Australia’s vocational training system has been borrowed as a model for other Asia-Pacific countries. (Passi e) 5.3. Articles: People and Places Articles: People Use ero article e ore the na es o articular eo le.
E x a m p l e : Maui was a typical Polynesian hero. Use a/an e ore a erson’s na e i ou on’t kno the erson oursel .
E x a m p l e : There’s a Dr Schmitz on the phone. Do you want to talk to him? (=I ha en’t hear o hi e ore.) Use a/an or ero article ith a na e to ean that so eone else has or oes not ha e the articular e cellent ualities o the erson na e .
E x a m p l e : Maui was a Prometheus in Maori mythology. Use a/an to re er to a ainting
a a ous artist.
E x a m p l e : I bet it’s a Van Gogh.
Use the: hen there are t o eo le ith the sa e na e an ou ant to s eci hich one ou are talking a out
E x a m p l e : That’s not the Katherine Mansfield I went to school with.
hen ou ant to e kno s
hasise that a erson is the one that e er one ro a l
E x a m p l e : Do they mean the Paul McCartney, or someone else?
ith an a ecti e to escri e a erson or their o
E x a m p l e : the Aboriginal writer Sally Morgan
hen ou talk a out a a il as a hole
E x a m p l e : The Robinsons are touring Ne ealan at the o ent. Articles: Places Use the hen ou kno that there is onl one o a articular thing.
E x a m p l e : the North Pole Use ero article ith the na es o continents an ost countries.
E x a m p l e s : Australia
New Zealand
Use the ith oceans, seas, ri ers, geogra hical regions.
E x a m p l e s : the Pacific
the Tasman Sea
the South Island
Use the hen a hrase or a ecti e such as first / best / right / wrong / only i enti ies hich lace ou are talking a out.
E x a m p l e : The beach is the only place to be on a hot summer’s day.
Vocabulary Aa abroad (n) / əˈbrɔːd / за кордоном abundant (adj) / əˈbʌndənt / рясний acceptable (adj) / əkˈseptəbl / загальноприйнятний access (n) / ˈækses / доступ accurate (adj) / ˈækjərət / точний achieve (v) / əˈtʃiːv / досягати achievement (n) / əˈtʃiːvmənt / досягнення actually (adv) / ˈæktʃuəli / фактично add (v) / æd / додавати adult (n) / ˈædʌlt / дорослий advancement (n) / ədˈvɑːns.mənt / просування advantage (n) / ədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ / перевага adventurous (adj) / ədˈventʃərəs / той, хто любить пригоди advisory (adj) / ədˈvaɪzəri / дорадчий, консультативний affair (n) / əˈfeə(r) / справа affect (v) / əˈfekt / впливати affirmative (adj) / əˈfɜːmətɪv / стверджувальний affordable (adj) / əˈfɔːdəbl̩ / доступíèé agency (n) / ˈeɪdʒənsi / агентство agenda (n) / əˈdʒendə / порядок денний alder (n) / ˈɔːldə / вільха alliance (n) / əˈlaɪəns / союз alpine (adj) / ˈælpaɪn / альпійський, високогірний alternative (v) / ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv / альтернативний ancient (adj) / ˈeɪnʃənt / давній annexation (n) / ænekˈseɪʃn / анексія announce (v) / əˈnaʊns / оголошувати annual (adj) / ˈænjuəl / орічний apologise (v) / əˈpɒlədʒaɪz / вибачатися appetizing (adj) / ˈæpɪtaɪzɪŋ / апе титíèé applause (n) / əˈplɔːz / оплески applied science / əˈplaɪd / прикладна наука appreciate (v) / əˈpriːʃieɪt / цінувати appropriate (adj) / əˈprəʊpriət / відповідний architecture (n) / ˈɑːkɪtektʃə / архітектура argue (v) / ˈɑːɡjuː / сперечатися
arrogant (adj) / ˈærəɡənt / надмінний aspiration (n) / ˌæspɪˈreɪʃən / прагнення, намагання assimilate (v) / əˈsɪmɪleɪt / за своювати assistance (n) / əˈsɪstəns / допомога assurance (n) / əˈʃɔːrəns / запевнення, гарантія attainment (n) / əˈteɪnmənt / досягнення attitude (n) / ˈætɪtjuːd / ставлення attractive (adj) / əˈtræktɪv / привабливий attributable (adj) / əˈtrɪbjʊtəbl̩ / приписуваний audio-visual (adj) / ˌɔːdiəʊˈvɪʒuəl / аудіо-візуальний author (n) / ˈɔːθə(r) / автор automate (v) / ˈɔːtəmeɪt / автоматизувати available (adj) / əˈveɪləbl / доступний average (adj) / ˈævərɪdʒ / середній avoid (v) / əˈvɔɪd / уникати award (n) / əˈwɔːd / нагорода awkward (adj) / ˈɔːkwəd / незграбний Bb background (n) / ˈbækɡraʊnd / походження, фон badger (n) / ˈbædʒə / борсук bake (v) / beɪk / пекти bare necessity / beə nəˈsesɪti / перша необхідність barn (n) / bɑːn / сарай beech (n) / biːtʃ / бук beef (n) / biːf / яловичина behave (v) / bɪˈheɪv / поводитися belong (v) / bɪˈlɒŋ / належати benefit (v, n) / ˈbenɪfɪt / вигода, приносити вигоду blind (adj) / blaɪnd / сліпий blood sausage / blʌd ˈsɒsɪdʒ / кров’яна ковбаса
YOUR FIRST AID KIT boast (v, n) / bəʊst / хвалитися, похвала boil (v) / bɔɪl / варити border (v, n) / ˈbɔːdə(r) / межувати, кордон boring (adj) / ˈbɔːrɪŋ / нудний bother (v) / ˈbɒðə(r) / непокоїти, турбуватися bottom (n) / ˈbɒtəm / дно, підніжжя гори brain drain / breɪn dreɪn / відтік мiзків breakthrough (n) / ˈbreɪkθruː / ïðîðèâ breathtaking (adj) / ˈbreθˌteɪkɪŋ / захоплюючий brief (adj) / briːf / короткий, стислий brilliant (adj) / ˈbrɪliənt / блис ку чий broaden (v) / ˈbrɔːdən / роз ширювати budget (n) / ˈbʌdʒɪt / бюджет bully (v) / ˈbʊli / дражнитися bun (n) / bʌn / здобна булка burning (adj) / ˈbɜːnɪŋ / дуже важливий Cc candy (n) / ˈkændi / цукерка captivating (adj) / ˈkæptɪveɪt / захоплюючий catching (adj) / ˈkætʃɪŋ / захоп люючий cave (n) / keɪv / печера cellar (n) / ˈselər / льох ceramics (n) / sɪˈræmɪks / кера мі ка, гончарство cereals (n) / ˈsɪəriəls / крупа challenge (n) / ˈtʃælɪndʒ / виклик chaotic (adj) / keɪˈɒtɪk / хаотичний charitable (adj) / ˈtʃærɪtəbl̩ / благодійний cheerful (adj) / ˈtʃɪəfl / бадьорий chemical (adj) / ˈkemɪkl / хімічний chew (v) / tʃuː / жувати chop (n) / tʃɒp / відбивна cinnamon (n) / ˈsɪnəmən / кориця civic (adj) / ˈsɪvɪk / громадянський claim (v) / kleɪm / стверджувати clay (n) / kleɪ / глина coach potato (n) / kəʊtʃ pəˈteɪtəʊ/ телеман colleague (n) / ˈkɒliːɡ / колега commitment (n) / kəˈmɪtmənt / зобов’язання
common (adj) / ˈkɒmən / загальний compare (v) / kəmˈpeə(r) / порівнювати conceal (v) / kənˈsiːl / приховувати condemn (v) / kənˈdem / засуджувати confess (v) / kənˈfes / зізнаватися, визнавати confidence (n) / ˈkɒnfɪdəns / впевненість consequences (n) / ˈkɒn.sɪkwəns / наслідки consequently (adv) / ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli / як наслідок, отже consider (v) / kənˈsɪdə(r) / вважати consumer (n) / kənˈsjuːmə(r) / споживач content (n) / ˈkɒntent / зміст contribute (v) / kənˈtrɪbjuːt / робити внесок convenient (adj) / kənˈviːniənt / зручний convey (v) / kənˈveɪ / переконувати convincing (adj) / kənˈvɪnsɪŋ / переконливий cooperation (n) / kəʊɒp.ərˈeɪʃən / співпраця corruption (n) / kəˈrʌpʃən / корупція, розбе еність cough (v, n) / kɒf / кашляти, кашель create (v) / kriˈeɪt / створювати criterion (n) / kraɪˈtɪəriən / критерій cross-cultural communication міжкультурне спілкування crossroads (n) / ˈkrɒsrəʊdz / перехрестя crucial (adj) / ˈkruːʃl / вирішаль ний cuisine (n) / kwɪˈziːn / національна кухня cure (v) / kjʊə(r) / лікувати curiosity (n) / ˌkjʊəriˈɒsɪti / цікавість, допитливість current (adj) / ˈkʌrənt / нинішній, поточний custard (n) / ˈkʌstəd / підлива Dd damage (v, n) / ˈdæmɪdʒ / шко дити, шкода decentralisation (n) /ˌdiːsɛntr(ə) lʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ децентралізація decline (n) / dɪˈklaɪn / пониження deed (n) / diːd / вчинок
vocabulary deer (n) / dɪər / олень defend (v) / dɪˈfend / захи ати delicious (adj) / dɪˈlɪʃəs / смачний delight (n) / dɪˈlaɪt / насолода demand (v, n) / dɪˈmɑːnd / вимагати, вимога deploy a mission розгорнути місію designate (v) / ˈdezɪɡneɪt / призначати, позначати desirable (adj) / dɪˈzaɪərəbl̩ / бажаний deck (n) / ek / палуба корабля desperate (adj) / ˈdespərət / відчайдушний despite (adv) / dɪˈspaɪt / не дивлячись íà dessert (n) / dɪˈzɜːt / десерт destination (n) / ˌdestɪˈneɪʃən / місце призначення destruction (n) / dɪˈstrʌkʃn / руйнування determine (v) / dɪˈtɜːmɪn / визначати devoted (adj) / dɪˈvəʊtɪd / відданий diary (n) / ˈdaɪəri / оденник dignity (n) / ˈdɪɡnɪti / гідність disappear (v) / ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r) / зникати disarmament (n) / dɪˈsɑːməmənt / роззброєння disaster (n) / dɪˈzɑːstə(r) / катастрофа disease (n) / dɪˈziːz / хвороба disorder (n) / dɪˈsɔːdə / безлад distribute (v) / dɪˈstrɪbjuːt / розподіляти disturb (v) / dɪˈstɜːb / турбувати dive (v) / daɪv / пірнати diverse (adj) / daɪˈvɜːs / різноманітний divide (v) / dɪˈvaɪd / ділити domestic (adj) / dəˈmestɪk / домашній doubt ( , n) / daʊt / сумніватися, сумнів download information завантажувати інформацію drag away відтягувати drugs (n) / drʌɡ / наркотики dry (adj) / draɪ / сухий dull (adj) / dʌl / нудний dustbin (n) / ˈdʌstbɪn / бак для сміття duty (n) / ˈdjuːti / обов’язок Ee eco-club (n) / iːkəʊ klʌb / екологічний клуб edge (n) / edʒ / край education (n) / ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn / освіта eggplant (n) / ˈeɡplɑːnt / баклажан
embroider (v) / ɪmˈbrɔɪdər / вишивати emerald (n, adj) / ˈemərəld / смарагд, смарагдовий emotional (adj) / ɪˈməʊʃənl / емоційний emphasize (v) / ˈemfəsaɪz / наголошувати employ (v) / ɪmˈplɔɪ / наймати на роботу enchanting (adj) / ɪnˈtʃɑːntɪŋ / чарівний endangered species / ɪnˈdeɪn. dʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz / види, о заходяться під загрозою вимирання endeavour (n) / enˈdevə / старання enhance (v) / ɪnˈhɑːns / посилювати enjoy (v) / ɪnˈdʒɔɪ / насолоджуватися enough (adv) / ɪˈnʌf / достатньо entertainment (n) / ˌentəˈteɪnmənt / розваги enthusiastic (adj) / ɪnˌθjuːzɪˈæstɪk / сповнений ентузіазму entry (n) / ˈentri / вступ environment (n) / ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt / наколишнє середови е envisage (v) / ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ / уявляти, передбачати epoch (n) / ˈiːpɒk / епоха equality (n) / ɪˈkwɒlɪti / рівність era (n) / ˈɪərə / ера essential (adj) / ɪˈsenʃl / важливий, значу ий establish (v) / ɪˈstæblɪʃ / встановлювати ethnic (adj) / ˈeθnɪk / етнічний evaluate (v) / ɪˈvæljueɪt / оцінювати event (n) / ɪˈvent / подія everlasting (adj) / ˌevəˈlɑːstɪŋ / вічний evidently (adv) / ˈevɪdəntli / очевидно exchange (v) / ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ / обмінюватися exclamatory (adj) / eksˈklæmətərɪ / окличний exhibition (n) / ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn / виставка exist (v) / ɪɡˈzɪst / існувати expectation (n) / ˌekspekˈteɪʃn / очікування experience (n) / ɪkˈspɪəriəns / досвід
YOUR FIRST AID KIT explore (v) / ɪkˈsplɔː(r) / досліду ватися, вивчати expose (v) / ɪkˈspəʊz / виставляти, роз голошувати exposure (n) / ɪkˈspəʊʒər / вистав ляння, розголошення external (adj) / ɪkˈstɜːnəl / зовнішній extremely (adv) / ɪkˈstriːmli / надзвичайно Ff facilitate (v) / fəˈsɪlɪteɪt / полег шувати, сприяти fair (n) / feə(r) / ярмарок familiarize (v) / fəˈmɪliəraɪz / ознайомлюватися fascinating (adj) / ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ / чарівíèé fattening (n) / ˈfætənɪŋ / відгодівля fault (n) / fɔːlt / вада, дефект favourable (adj) / ˈfeɪvərəbl̩ / спри ятливий fear (v, n) / fɪə(r) / боятися, страх feature (n) / ˈfiːtʃə(r) / характерна риса financial (adj) / faɪˈnænʃl / фінан соâèé fizzy drinks газовані напої flavour (n) / ˈfleɪvə(r) / присмак flour (n) / ˈflaʊə(r) / борошно flourish (v) / ˈflʌrɪʃ / процвітати flower-studied (adj) / ˈflaʊə(r) ˈstʌdid/ вкритий квітами fluency (n) / ˈfluːənt / вільність, плавність мови foam (n) / fəʊm / піна folk (adj) / fəʊk / народний folklore (n) / ˈfəʊklɔːr / фольклор freedom o conscience свобода совісті fuel (n) / ˈfjuːəl / паливо furthermore (adv) / ˌfɜːðəˈmɔːr / більше того
gift (n) / ɡɪft / дар glacial (adj) / ˈɡleɪʃəl / крижаний global (adj) / ˈɡləʊbl / глобальний glorify (v) / ˈɡlɔːrɪfaɪ / прославляти glue (v, n) / ɡluː / клеїти, клей goal (n) / ɡəʊl / мета gobble (v) / ˈɡɒbl̩ / ковтати великими ковтками good-hearted (adj) / ɡʊd hɑːtid/ добросердечний gorgeous (adj) / ˈɡɔːdʒəs / чудовий government (n) / ˈɡʌvənmənt / уряд gradually (adv) / ˈɡrædʒuəli / посту пово grapes (n) / ɡreɪp / виноград gratitude (n) / ˈɡrætɪtjuːd / вдячність gravy (n) / ˈɡreɪvi / м’ясний соус (підлива) growth (n) / ɡrəʊθ / ріст grumble (v) / ˈɡrʌmbl̩ / нарікати guarantee (v) / ˌɡærənˈtiː / гарантувати guide (n) / ɡaɪd / провідник, гід Hh
hamburger (n) / ˈhæmˌbɜːɡər / гам бургер handmade (adj) / ˌhændˈmeɪd / руч ної роботи harmful (adj) / ˈhɑːmfl / шкід лиâèé headache (n) / ˈhedeɪk / головний біль healthcare reform медична реформа heated (adj) / ˈhiːtɪd / підігрітий hectic (adj) / ˈhektɪk / суєтливий hedge (n) / hedʒ / жива огорожа height (n) / haɪt / висота herbs (n) / hɜːbz / лікарські трави heritage (n) / ˈherɪtɪdʒ / спад ина hesitate (v) / ˈhezɪteɪt / вагатися highlight (n) / ˈhaɪlaɪt / основний Gg момент hike (n) / haɪk / похід garlic (n) / ˈɡɑːlɪk / часник honeymoon (n) / ˈhʌnimuːn / gateway (n) / ˈɡeɪtweɪ / підхід gaze (v, n) / ɡeɪz / пильно дивитися, медовий місяць honour (n) / ˈɒnə(r) / честь пильний погляд generation (n) / ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn / поко лін- hook (n) / hʊk / гачок horizon (n) / həˈraɪzən / горизонт ня hospitable (adj) / hɒsˈpɪtəbl̩ / generous (adj) / ˈdʒenərəs / едрий гостинний genre (n) / ˈʒɑ̃ːrə / жанр
vocabulary hospitality (n) / ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti / гостинність host (n) / həʊst / хазяїн hostel (n) / ˈhɒstəl / гуртожиток house-cleaning (n) генеральне прибирання вдома household chores домашні справи housewife (n) / ˈhaʊswaɪf / hue (n) / hjuː / відтінок human (adj) / ˈhjuːmən / людський humanitarian (adj) / hjuːˌmæn.ɪˈteə. ri.ən / гуманітарний hurt (v) / hɜːt / заподіяти шкоду, пошкодити hustle and bustle / ˈhʌsl̩ ənd ˈbʌsl̩ / суєта та суєта Ii idle (adj) / ˈaɪdl̩ / лінивий image (n) / ˈɪmɪdʒ / образ immediately (adv) / ɪˈmiːdiətli / одразу immerse (v) / ɪˈmɜːs / поринати implement (v) / ˈɪmplɪment / запроваджувати impressive (adj) / ɪmˈpresɪv / вражаючий imprison (v) / ɪmˈprɪzən / ув’язнювати improbable (adj) / ɪmˈprɒbəbl̩ / неймовірний improve (v) / ɪmˈpruːv / покра увати incident (n) / ˈɪnsɪdənt / випадок, інцидент inclination (n) / ɪnklɪˈneɪʃən / схильність include (v) / ɪnˈkluːd / містити в собі incomparable (adj) / ɪnˈkɒmpərəbl̩ / незрівнянний increase (v) / ɪnˈkriːs / збільшувати indignant (adj) / ɪnˈdɪɡnənt / обурений inevitable (adj) / ɪnˈevɪtəbl / невід воротний infer (v) / ɪnˈfɜːr / заключати inhabitant (n) / ɪnˈhæbɪtənt / меш канець initiate (v) / ɪˈnɪʃieɪt / ініціювати innocent (adj) / ˈɪnəsnt / невинний innovative (adj) / ˈɪnəvətɪv / інно ваційний inquisitive (adj) / ɪnˈkwɪzɪtɪv / допитливий insane (adj) / ɪnˈseɪn / божевільний insist (v) / ɪnˈsɪst / наполягати insomnia (n) / ɪnˈsɒmnɪə / безсоння integral (adj) / ˈɪntɪɡrəl / істот ний, невід’ємний
intention (n) / ɪnˈtenʃn / намір intercultural (adj) / ˌɪntəˈkʌltʃərəl / міжкультурний interfere (v) / ˌɪntəˈfɪər / заважати internal (adj) / ɪnˈtɜːnl / вну трішній interpret (v) / ɪnˈtɜːprɪt / інтерпретувати interrupt (v) / ˌɪntəˈrʌpt / переривати intervention (n) / ˌɪntəˈvenʃn / втручання interweave (v) / ˌɪntəˈwiːv / переплітати intriguing (adj) / ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ / інтригуючий introductory (adj) / ˌɪntrəˈdʌktəri / вступ involve (v) / ɪnˈvɒlv / залучати irresistible (adj) / ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl̩ / íåïåðåáîðíèé issue (n) / ˈɪʃuː / випуск, розділ Jj jam (n) / dʒæm / джем jealous (adj) / ˈdʒeləs / ревнивий jewelry (n) / ˈdʒuːəlri / дорогоцінності join (v) / dʒɔɪn / приєднуватися joint (adj) / dʒɔɪnt / спільний joke (n) / dʒəʊk / жарт jolly (adj) / ˈdʒɒli / веселий journalist (n) / ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst / журналіст journey (n) / ˈdʒɜːni / подорож judge (v, n) / dʒʌdʒ /засуд жувати, суддя jug (n) / dʒʌɡ / кухоль juice (n) / dʒuːs / сік just (adj) / dʒʌst / справедливий justify (v) / ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ / виправдовувати Kk keepsake (n) / ˈkiːpseɪk / сувенір на згадку key factors ключові фактори knight (n) / naɪt / лицар knit (v) / nɪt / в’язати knock (v, n) / nɒk / стукати, стук knowledge (n) / ˈnɒlɪdʒ / знання
YOUR FIRST AID KIT Ll labour (n) / ˈleɪbə(r) / праця labour market ринок праці lack (v, n) / læk / не вистачати, нестача lad (n) / læd / хлопець lamb (n) / læm / ягня landscape (n) / ˈlændskeɪp / пейзаж launch campaign розпочати кампанію laureate (n) / ˈlɒrɪət / лауреат law (n) / lɔː / закон leadership (n) / ˈliːdəʃɪp / лідерство lean (adj) / liːn / пісний legend (n) / ˈledʒənd / легенда leisure (n) / ˈleʒər / дозвілля length (n) / leŋθ / довжина level (n) / ˈlevl / рівень link (v, n) / lɪŋk / з’єднувати, ланка litter (n) / ˈlɪtə / сміття loan (n) / ləʊn / позика local (adj) / ˈləʊkl / місцевий long-term (adj) / lɒŋ tɜːm / довго тривалий loyalty (n) / ˈlɔɪəlti / вірність, відданість luck (n) / lʌk / вдача luxurious (adj) / lʌɡˈʒʊərɪəs / розкішíèé Mm magazine (n) / ˌmæɡəˈziːn / журнал magnificent (adj) / mæɡˈnɪfɪsənt / чудовий maintain (v) / meɪnˈteɪn / підтри мувати, зберігати majestic (adj) / məˈdʒestɪk / величний major (adj) / ˈmeɪdʒə(r) / головний majority (n) / məˈdʒɒrəti / більшість a al (n) / ˈmæməl / ссавець maritime (adj) / ˈmærɪtaɪm / морський marketplace (n) / ˈmɑːkɪtpleɪs / ринок masterpiece (n) / ˈmɑːstəpiːs / шедевр maturity (n) / məˈtjʊərɪti / зрілість meadow (n) / ˈmedəʊ / луг measure (v, n) / ˈmeʒə(r) / міряти, міра membership (n) / ˈmembəʃɪp / членство memorable (adj) / ˈmemərəbl̩ / пам’ятний mental (adj) / ˈmentl / розумовий merchant (n) / ˈmɜːtʃənt / купець mess (n) / mes / безлад
microwave (n) / ˈmaɪkrəweɪv / мікрохвильова піч might (n) / maɪt / міць, могутність military (n) / ˈmɪlətri / воєнний minced (adj) / mɪnst / молотий mint (n) / mɪnt / м’ята miraculous (adj) / mɪˈrækjʊləs / дивовижний mismatched clothes одяг, різний по стилю miss (v) / mɪs / скучити modern (adj) / ˈmɒdn / сучасний modest (adj) / ˈmɒdɪst / скромний mutual (adj) / ˈmjuːtʃuəl / взаємний mystery (n) / ˈmɪstəri / загадка myth (n) / mɪθ / міф Nn nasty (adj) / ˈnɑː.sti / неприємний nature (n) / ˈneɪtʃə(r) / природа neat (adj) / niːt / охайний need (v, n) / niːd / потребувати, потреба needlework (n) / ˈniːdl̩wɜːk / шиття, рукоділля neglect (v) / nɪˈɡlekt / нехтувати negotiations (n) / nəˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃən / переговори nervous (adj) / ˈnɜːvəs / нервовий network (n) / ˈnetwɜːk / мережа newlyweds (n) / ˈnjuːliweds / молодята nickname (n) / ˈnɪ.neɪm / кличка noodles (n) / ˈnuːdlz / локшина noticeable (adj) / ˈnəʊtɪsəbl / помітний notorious (adj) / nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs / загальновідомий nowadays (adv) / ˈnaʊədeɪz / в наш час numerous (adj) / ˈnjuːmərəs / багаточисельний nut (n) / nʌt / горіх nutritious (n) / njuːˈtrɪʃəs / поживíèé Oo oats (n) / əʊts / овес obesity (n) /əˈbiːsɪti / ожиріння observation (n) / ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn / спостереження observe (v) / əbˈzɜːv / спостерігати
vocabulary obtain (v) / əbˈteɪn / одержувати, здобувати obvious (adj) / ˈɒbvɪəs / очевидний occasionally (a ) / əˈkeɪʒnəli / зрідка, іноді occu (v) / ˈɒkjupaɪ / займати occur (v) / əˈkɜː(r) / з’являтися offer (v, n) / ˈɒfə(r) / пропонувати, пропозиція official (adj) / əˈfɪʃl / офіційний oil (n) / ɔɪl / соняшникове масло, нафта on the contrary навпаки ongoing (adj) / ˈɒŋɡəʊɪŋ / безперервний, тривалий onion (n) / ˈʌnjən / цибуля opportunity (n) / ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti / можливість opposite (adj) / ˈɒpəzɪt / протилежний option (n) / ˈɒpʃn / вибір otherwise (adv) / ˈʌðəwaɪz / інакше outer space зовнішній простір, космос outing (n) / ˈaʊtɪŋ / вихід на природу outline (n) / ˈaʊtlaɪn / план outlook (n) / ˈaʊtlʊk / кругозір outskirt (n) /ˈaʊtskɜːt / околиця outward signs зовнішні ознаки oven (n) / ˈʌvn / духова піч overcome (v) / ˌəʊvəˈkʌm / долати oversea students закордонні студенти overuse (v) / ˌəʊvəˈjuːz / зловживати Pp pancake (n) / ˈpænkeɪk / млинець paramount (adj) / ˈpærəmaʊnt / першочерговий part and parcel невід’ємна частина passionate (adj) / ˈpæʃənət / пристрасний path (n) / pɑːθ / стежка peaceful (adj) / ˈpiːsfl / мирний peanut butter арахісове масло peasant (adj, n) / ˈpezənt / селян ський, селянин pediatrician (n) /ˌpidiəˈtrɪʃən/ педіатр eers (n) / pɪərz / однолітки peninsula (n) / pəˈnɪnsjʊlə / півострів permission (n) / pəˈmɪʃn / дозвіл persistence (n) / pəˈsɪstəns / наполегливість
picturesque (adj) / ˌpɪktʃərˈesk / мальовничий pity (v, n) / ˈpɪti / жаліти, жа лість politician (n) / ˌpɒləˈtɪʃn / політик poll (n) / pəʊl / опитування populate (v) / ˈpɒpjʊleɪt / населяти portray (v) / pɔːˈtreɪ / зобразити potter (n) / ˈpɒtə / гончар poultry (n) / ˈpəʊltri / птиця (для приготування) praise (v, n) / preɪz / хвалити, похвала preceding (n) / prɪˈsiːdɪŋ / попередній precise (adj) / prɪˈsaɪs / точний preference (n) / ˈprefrəns / перевага preserve (v, n) / prɪˈzɜːv / зберігати заповідник pressure (n) / ˈpreʃə / тиск priority (n) / praɪˈɒrəti / пріоритет privacy (n) / ˈprɪvəsi / особисте життя privatising (n) / ˈpraɪvətaɪzɪŋ / приватизація profound (adj) / prəˈfaʊnd / гли бокий, багатосторонній promising (adj) / ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ / перспективний promote (v) / prəˈməʊt / забезпечувати, сприяти, стимулювати prompt (n) / prɒmpt / підказка ros an cons переваги та недоліки prospective (adj) / prəˈspektɪv / очікуваний, майбутній prosperity (n) / prɒsˈperɪti / процвітання provide (v) / prəˈvaɪd / забез печувати psychologist (n) / saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst / психолог pumpkin (n) / ˈpʌmpkɪn / гарбуз purchase (v, n) / ˈpɜːtʃəs / купувати, покупка pure (adj) / pjʊə(r) / чистий purpose (n) / ˈpɜːpəs / мета Qq qualification (n) / ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn / кваліфікація quality (n) / ˈkwɒləti / якість quarrel (v, n) / ˈkwɒrəl / сварити, сварка
YOUR FIRST AID KIT queer (adj) / kwɪə / дивний, дива куватий queue (n) / kjuː / черга quiet (adj) / ˈkwaɪət / спокійний, тихий quote (v, n) / kwəʊt / цитувати, цитата Rr random (adj) / ˈrændəm / випадковий readiness (n) / ˈredɪnəs / готовність ready-made (adj) / ˈredɪmeɪd / готовий reason (n) / ˈriːzn / причина recipe (n) / ˈresɪpi / рецепт recognise (v) / ˈrekəɡnaɪz / впізнавати recruit (v) / rɪˈkruːt / наймати reduce (v) / rɪˈdjuːs / понижувати referee (n) / ˌrefəˈriː / суддя спор тивних змагань refugees (n) / ˌrefjʊˈdʒiː / біженці regret (v, n) / rɪˈɡret / жалкувати, жаль regular (adj) / ˈreɡjələ(r) / регулярний reinforce (v) / ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs / посилювати relationship (n) / rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp / від но сини reliable (adj) / rɪˈlaɪəbl̩ / надійний relief (n) / rɪˈliːf / полегшення remain (v) / rɪˈmeɪn / залишатися remnants (n) / ˈremnənts / залишки renew (v) / rɪˈnjuː / відновлювати renowned (adj) / rɪˈnaʊnd / славетний, відомий replace (v) / rɪˈpleɪs / замінювати representative (n) / ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv / пред ставник reputation (n) / ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn / репутація request (v, n) / rɪˈkwest / звертатися за проханням, прохання requirement (n) / rɪˈkwaɪəmənt / вимога reserve (n) / rɪˈzɜːv / заповідник resolve conflicts вирішувати конфлікти resource (n) / rɪˈsɔːs / ресурс respectful (adj) / rɪˈspektfəl / поважний response (n) / rɪˈspɒns / відповідь responsibility (n) / rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti / відповідальність restore (v) / rɪˈstɔː(r) / відновлювати revolt (v) / rɪˈvəʊlt / повставати reward (n) / rɪˈwɔːd / нагорода rice (n) / raɪs / рис right (n) / raɪt / право rival (n) / ˈraɪvl / суперник roast (v) / rəʊst / смажити role-model (n) / rəʊl ˈmɒdl/ приклад rope (n) / rəʊp / мотузка
route (n) / ruːt / маршрут rubbish (n) / ˈrʌbɪʃ / сміття rule (v, n) / ruːl / правити, правило run the house займатися гос подарством Ss sack (n) / sæk / мішок satisfy (v) / ˈsætɪsfaɪ / задовольняти schedule (n) / ˈʃedjuːl / розклад, розпорядок scholarship (n) / ˈskɒləʃɪp / стипендія search (v, n) / sɜːtʃ / шукати, пошук seed (n) / siːd / насіння seize (v) / siːz / захоплювати, схопити selfish (adj) / ˈselfɪʃ / егоїстичний sensitive (adj) / ˈsensətɪv / чутливий separate (v) / ˈseprət / відділяти settlement (n) / ˈsetl̩mənt / поселення share (v, n) / ʃeə(r) / ділитися, доля sight (n) / saɪt / вид, погляд sights (n) / saɪt / визначні місця significant (adj) / sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt / важливий, значний similarity (n) / ˌsɪmɪˈlærɪti / подібність simultaneously (adv) / ˌsɪmlˈteɪnɪəsli / одночасно skip (v) / skɪp / пропускати slippers (n) / ˈslɪpərz / тапочки slogan (n) / ˈsləʊɡən / лозунг snack (n) / snæk / перекус snow-capped (adj) / snəʊ kæpt / засніжений socialize (v) / ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz / спілкуватися society (n) / səˈsaɪəti / суспільство source (n) / sɔːs / джерело spacecraft (n) / ˈspeɪskrɑːft / космічний корабель sparkle (v) / ˈspɑːkl̩ / сяяти spectacular (adj) / spekˈtækjʊlər / видови ний speech (n) / spiːtʃ / промова spin (v) / spɪn / крутити spiritual (adj) / ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl / духовíèé
vocabulary spit (v) / spɪt / плювати spiteful (adj) / spaɪtʃʊl/ злобний stabilize (v) / ˈsteɪbɪlaɪz / стабілі зу ва ти starch (n) / stɑːtʃ / крохмаль state owned enterprises державна установа stick to (v) / stɪk / дотримуватися чогось stomach (n) / ˈstʌmək / шлунок stream (n) / strɪːm / потік strengthen (v) / ˈstreŋθən / посилювати stuffed grapes фаршироване листя винограду substances (n) / ˈsʌbstənsɪz / речовини summarize (v) / ˈsʌməraɪz / підсумовувати supplement (v) / ˈsʌplɪmənt / доповню вати supply (v) / səˈplaɪ / забезпечувати supreme court верховний суд surpass (v) / səˈpɑːs / перевершувати surrounding (n) / səˈraʊndɪŋ / оточення survey (n) / ˈsɜːveɪ / опитування survival skills навички виживання survive (v) / səˈvaɪv / виживати swear (v) / sweə(r) / клястися sympathy (n) / ˈsɪmpəθi / співчуття Tt takeaway food / ˈteɪk ə weɪ fuːd/ їжа з собою technology (n) / tekˈnɒlədʒi / технологія temptation (n) / tempˈteɪ.ʃən / спокуса territorial integrity територіальна цілісність though (adv) / ðəʊ / хоча threat (n) / θret / погроза thrill (v, n) / θrɪl / захоплюватися, захоплення throughout (adv) / θruːˈaʊt / скрізь, усюди tinned (adj) / tɪnd / консервований tiresome (adj) / ˈtaɪəsəm / надо куч ливий, стомлюючий title (n) / ˈtaɪtl / заголовок tolerance (n) / ˈtɒlərəns / терпіння tongue (n) / tʌŋ / язик tough (adj) / tʌf / міцний trade (v, n) / treɪd / торгувати, торгівля trail (n) / treɪl / маршрут, шлях transmission (n) / trænzˈmɪʃən / передача
transparent (adj) / trænsˈpærənt / прозорий treasure (n) / ˈtreʒə / скарб treat (n) / triːt / задоволення trend (n) / trend / напрям triumphant (adj) / traɪˈʌmfənt / тріумфальний trumpet (n) / ˈtrʌmpɪt / труба (муз. інструмент) twice (adv) / twaɪs / двічі Uu ugly (adj) / ˈʌɡli / страшний, огидний underline (v) /ˌʌndəˈlaɪn / підкреслювати undertake (v) / ˌʌndəˈteɪk / починати, братися unique (adj) / juˈniːk / унікальний unity (n) / ˈjuːnɪti / єдність universal (adj) / ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəl / загальноприйнятий unpredictable (adj) / ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbl̩ / непередбачуваний unsurpassed (adj) / ˌʌnsəˈpɑːst / не перевершений upgrade (v) / ʌpˈɡreɪd / під виувати uphold (v) / ʌpˈhəʊld / підтримувати, захи ати upload (v) / ʌpˈləʊd / заван тажувати (інформацію) up-to-date (adj) / ʌp tə deɪt/ сучасний urgent (adj) / ˈɜːdʒənt / терміíîâèé utensils (n) / juːˈtensɪlz / посуд, приладдя utility (n) / juːˈtɪlɪti / вигода, користь Vv vague (adj) / veɪɡ / невиразний valley (n) / ˈvæli / долина values (n) / ˈvæljuːz / цінності vegetarian (n, adj) / ˌvedʒɪˈteərɪən / вегетаріанець, вегетаріанський version (n) / ˈvɜːʃn / версія view (n) / vjuː / вид viewpoint (n) / ˈvjuːpɔɪnt / точка зору village (n) / ˈvɪlɪdʒ / село violate (v) / ˈvaɪəleɪt / порушувати
YOUR FIRST AID KIT violence (n) / ˈvaɪələns / жорстокість, насилля virtue (n) / ˈvɜː.tjuː / гідність, достойність visa-free regime безвізовий режим vital (adj) / ˈvaɪtl / життєвий vivid (adj) / ˈvɪvɪd / яскравий vocational (adj) / vəʊˈkeɪʃənəl / професій ний vocational education професійно-технічна освіта voice (n, v) / vɔɪs / голос volcano (n) / vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ / вулкан voluntary (adj) / ˈvɒləntəri / добровільíèé voyage (n) / ˈvɔɪɪdʒ / морська подорож vulnerable (adj) / ˈvʌlnərəbl̩ / без захисний Ww wages (n) / weɪdʒ / заробітна плата waitress (n) / ˈweɪtrəs / офіціант walnuts (n) / ˈwɔːlnʌts / грецькі горіхи warn (v) / wɔːn / попереджувати waste (n) / weɪst / відходи (промислові) wave (n) / weɪv / хвиля weakness (n) / ˈwiːknəs / слабкість wealthy (adj) / ˈwelθi / заможний wedding (n) / ˈwedɪŋ / весілля weight (v, n) / weɪt / вага, зважувати welcome (v) / ˈwelkəm / ласкаво просимо well (n) / el / колодязь well-balanced /wel ˈbælənst / добре збалансований well-being (n) / ˌwelˈbiːɪŋ / добробут whale (n) / weɪl / кит wheel (n) / wiːl / колесо wholesome (adj) / ˈhəʊlsəm / повноцінний
width (n) / wɪdθ / ширина wife (n) / waɪf / дружина wild (adj) / waɪld / дикий wildlife (n) / ˈwaɪldlaɪf / дика приðîäà willfully (adv) / ˈwɪlfəl / з доброї волі willingly (adv) / ˈwɪlɪŋlɪ / із задоволенням wind mill (n) / wɪnd mɪl/ повітряний млин wine (n) / waɪn / вино winner (n) / ˈwɪnə(r) / переможець wise (v) / waɪz / мудрий witness (v) / ˈwɪtnəs / бути свідком wonder (n) / ˈwʌndə(r) / чудо wonderland (n) / ˈwʌndəlænd / країна чудес wooden (adj) / ˈwʊdn / дерев’яний workforce (n) / ˈwɜːkfɔːs / робоча сила worry (v, n) / ˈwʌri / хвилюватися, хвилювання worship (v) / ˈwɜːʃɪp / обожнювати Yy yawn (v) / jɔːn / позіхати yoghurt (n) / ˈjɒɡət / йогурт youth (n, adj) / juːθ / молодь, молодий Zz zeal (n) / ziːl / завзятість zero (n) / ˈzɪərəʊ / нуль zone (n) / zəʊn / зона
Writing Samples
Writing samples 1.1. A Sample of an Opinion Essay So e eo le elie e that oung Ukrainians ha e a lot o rights an ull en o the . thers isagree an clai that Ukrainian outh ha e ore uties than rights. In o inion e ha e oth rights an uties an it’s u to us to use the this or that a . ut ersonalit ictates the choice in an articular situation. I lo e the countr I li e in an hen Euro ai an took lace or e there as no other choice that to oin it. I as a stu ent, ust a eginner, ut I thought, i it isn’t e ho su orts the countr an oes so ething, ho ill urther ore, hen the ar con lict in the East o Ukraine occurre I as one o the irst olunteers to hel our sol iers there. Contrar to hat eo le a elie e, I consi ere it to e ut an I’ ea sure that I’ right. an o rien s ollo e e an e set u our o n olunteer centre. No o akes us a ress eo le an ask or assistance. e ring clothes, oo an e ui ent to Ukrainian sol iers in the East an eel ha hen e see ho gla the are to get hat e’ e rought. It akes us reali e that e are oing a er i ortant o . ll things consi ere , I elie e e are on the right a o en o ing our rights an er or ing uties, ecause it akes is ha . Choose ours 1.2. A Sample of Advice-Seeking Letter ear E itor, Ne er in il est rea s ha e I e er thought that I oul e riting to so eone or a ice. But I ha e a situation or hich I nee hel an there is no one I can turn to. So I’ riting to ou in ho e ou can gi e e so e hel . The ro le is I like s ort an tr to ha e as an h sical acti ities as I can. But a il ’s li est le can har l e escri e as a health one. Take our last su er acation. e s ent it near the ri er: l ing in the sun or hours, eating to our hearts content, taking long slee s. e i n’t la an s ort as a sai it as too hot. hen I aske a to go oating an then i ing ro the oat in the i le o the ri er, he got angr ith e. e sai that acation is not or s ort, ut I on’t think so. or e su er an s ort are inse ara le. hat shoul I o Shoul I s en su er holi a s ith rien s I think a il on’t un erstan e. It oul e great i ou gi e e a iece o a ice. I ho e to hear ro ou soon an I oul like to thank ou or our ti e. Sincerel ours, le . 2.2. A Sample of a Descriptive Paragraph How to Describe your Food Preferences I’ like to escri e re erences in oo . s all e ers o a il are on o s orts e re er high-calorie oo . eat is ir a ourite, ecause I think it gi es e energ or s ort acti ities. u usuall ser es eat ith egeta les, that’s h it is easil assi ilate . Though I eat eat an egeta les e er a I on’t ut on eight an this is hat I like ost. I ou ant to kee it tr this oo .
YOUR FIRST AID KIT 2.1. A Sample of a Recipe
3.1. A Sample of a News Report The 20th Ukraine-EU Su it took lace on ul 9, 2018 in Brussels. The re resentati es o ore than 30 countries artici ate in the Su it. ter the Su it onal Tusk, resi ent o the Euro ean Council, ean Clau e uncker, resi ent o the Euro ean Co ission an etro Poroshenko, resi ent o Ukraine issue the inal state ent. onal Tusk an ean Clau e uncker rea ir e their su ort an su ort o Euro e o Ukrainian integration ith the Euro ean Union. Euro ean lea ers once ore con e ne ussian ongoing aggression in the eastern art o Ukraine an e an e ussia to sto its unacce ta le actions against Ukraine. The resi ents also agree on the i ortance o su orting the ost ulnera le eo le in East o Ukraine. The elco e the re or rocess in Ukraine an e resse their elie s on its success ul continuation. 3.2. A Sample Notice Sample Notice for Joining a Scientific Society re ou intereste in science an technolog a e ou an a itions or scienti ic research o ou ant to reali e our scienti ic rea Then ou are the right erson or our scienti ic societ . e o en the oors or ou e er Satur a at 10 o’clock, 17 ai an ru. Be a are an o oin us.
Writing Samples 4.1. A Sample of a Resume Personal data
Robert Valens 321 E. Canto St. Jacksonville, FL 54321 (123)555-4555 ro ert. alens g ail.co
[2018–2022] Townson State University, Townson, Maryland Bachelors of Arts, International Studies and Political Science
Work experience
[September 2022–June 2023] E.J. Krause&Assoc. Bethesda, Maryland Marketing Manager
Four and a half year Member Townson State Rugby Football Club (TSRFC) Volunteer Assistant Couch of TSRFC after graduation
International experience
Worked in Scotland, traveled to Hong Kong, China, and throughout Europe
Languages and computer skills
Basic knowledge of Russian and Ukrainian. Proficient in all MS Office applications. Extensive knowledge of the Internet
Available upon request
4.2. A Sample of Job Interview Questions These are twenty five of the most commonly asked questions at a job interview. 1. Tell e a out oursel . 2. hat are our strengths n eaknesses 3. h i ou eci e to seek a osition ith this co an 4. hat o ou kno a out our co an 5. hat is our i eal o 6. o oul ou escri e oursel 7. In hat a s o ou think ou can ake a contri ution to our co an 8. hat a or challenges ha e ou encountere an ho i ou eal ith the 9. o ell o ou ork un er ressure 10. hat oti ates ou to ut orth our greatest e ort 11. hat ha e ou learnt ro so e o the o s ou ha e hel (i an ) 12. hat o ou see oursel oing i e ears ro no 13. h i ou lea e our re ious o (i an ) 14. hat o s ha e ou en o e the ost The least h 15. In hat kin o a ork en iron ent are ou ost co orta le 16. h shoul e hire ou 17. hat ha e ou learnt ro our istakes 18. hat t o or three acco lish ents ha e gi en ou the ost satis action h 19. hat are our e ectations ro this o 20. hat oul e the irst thing ou oul o i hire 21. hat are our ho ies 22. o ou re er to ork oursel or ith others 23. hat salar are ou e ecting 24. escri e an ethical ile a ou resol e in orking ith grou s 25. hat ha e I orgotten to ask
YOUR FIRST AID KIT 4.3. A Sample of a Job Description Graphic Artist Function of work: To create illustrati e ra ings, charts, gra hs, osters, o els, ta les, sli es, iagra s, or a ariet o other isual aterials. Level of work: ourne an Job distinctions: i ers ro the e ical ra hic rtist a sence o res onsi ilit or creating e ical illustrations or e hi its. i ers ro the ra hic esigner in that ra hic esigners are concerne chie l ith the technical esign an is la o isual aterial as a art o the rinting rocess an a not necessaril re uire artistic a ilit . Examples of work: Consults ith clients, e itors an rinters to eter ine nee s eter ines ost e ecti e gra hic esign esigns an e ecutes technical illustrations, art ork or sli es, a s, charts, sche atics , ecals etc. Creates original illustrations or co an u lications Pre ares la out o o co , hea lines an art ork or rinting o ooklets, anuals an ulletins etouches an re ro uces hotogra hs a su er ise stu ent artists
Minimum qualifications: T o ears o eri ia le e erience or training in the gra hic arts in ol ing the esigning, ra ing, ainting, inking or la out o gra hs, charts, technical illustrations, certi icates, osters, signs or relate art ork. Substitutions: College course ork in ra ing, ainting, la out an esign ill su stitute or the re uire e erience on the asis o nine se ester hours or one ear o e erience. Notes: journeyman erson ho has ser e an a renticeshi at a tra e
schematics or s o esign decals ictures or esigns on s eciall re are a er or trans er to so e other e iu retouches akes corrections or a s ore etail to so ething, usuall a icture.
5.1. A Sample of an Informative Report To: r. a is, ea o the International Stu ent E change Progra ro : isa un or , ost-gra uate stu ent Su ect: Cana ian I entit ate: ece er, 2, 2010 s re ueste , this is a re ort concerning the su ect o Cana ian i entit hich is to e inclu e into the orientation kit or international stu ents. Cana a is a lan o ne eginning, oth or the nati e o ulation an or generations o i igrants ro ore than 150 countries. Earl settlers ga e Cana a its na e. It is a strange na e or such a ast territor the or anata in the Iro uois In ian language eans illage’. The In ians an Inuit ha e li e in Cana a or thousan s o ears. The ikings saile across the tlantic cean an settle in Ne oun lan o er a thousan ears ago. The ere the irst Euro eans to settle in North erica. Cana a’s o ulation is o er 31 ln. There are a out 554,000 nati e In ians, 41,000 Inuits, 210,000 etis (o i e a original an Euro ean ancestr ). out 35 o Cana ians are o British origin a out 20 are rench escen ants. The thir largest ethnic grou is er an. ther a or grou s are Italian, Chinese, Ukrainian, utch, reek, Polish an Scan ina ian. ulti-ethnic Cana ian o ulation is like a tosse sala , each ingre ient’ reser ing their cultures an contri uting to Cana ian i entit .
Writing Samples 5.2. A Sample of a Survey Report The Benefits of Study Abroad New Study Confirms Significant Gains. «It ill change our li e. You’ll co e ack a ne erson. or ears, the ene its o stu a roa ha e een escri e in these or s. E er one in the stu a roa iel elie e it coul greatl i act a stu ent’s li e, ut the e act long-ter ene its ere unkno n until no . The irst large-scale sur e to e lore the long-ter i act o stu a roa on a stu ent’s ersonal, ro essional, an aca e ic li e sho s that stu a roa ositi el an une ui ocall in luences the career ath, orl ie , an sel -con i ence o stu ents. The Institute or the International Education of Students (IES) sur e e alu ni ro all IES stu a roa rogra s ro 1950 to 2009. egar less o here stu ents stu ie an or ho long, the ata ro the ore than 3,400 res on ents (a 23 ercent res onse rate) sho s that stu ing a roa is usuall a e ining o ent in a oung erson’s li e an continues to i act the artici ant’s li e or ears a ter the e erience. Personal Growth. hen aske a out ersonal gro th, 97 ercent sai stu ing a roa ser e as a catal st or increase aturit , 96 ercent re orte increase sel -con i ence, 89 ercent sai that it ena le the to tolerate a iguit , an 95 ercent state that it has ha a lasting i act on their orl ie . in ings also sho that stu a roa lea s to long-lasting rien shi s ith other U.S. stu ents an still i acts current relationshi s. ore than hal the res on ents are still in contact ith U.S. rien s et hile stu ing a roa , an 73 ercent sai the e erience continues to in luence the ecisions the ake in their a il li e. Intercultural Development. Stu a roa e ucators o ten assert that one o the goals o stu a roa is to train uture glo al lea ers to e ore e ecti e, res ect ul o other cultures an olitical an econo ic s ste s, an illing to take a stan or the orl ’s el are, not ust hat ene its a s eci ic countr . The sur e in ings in icate that stu a roa is succee ing in its ission. hen uestione a out intercultural e elo ent, 98 ercent o res onents sai that stu a roa hel e the to etter un erstan their o n cultural alues an iases, an 82 ercent re lie that stu a roa contri ute to their e elo ing a ore so histicate a o looking at the orl . Education and Career Attainment. hen uestione a out aca e ic ursuits, 87 ercent o res on ents sai that stu a roa in luence su se uent e ucational e eriences, 63 ercent sai that it in luence their ecision to e an or change aca e ic a ors, an 64 ercent re orte that it in luence their ecision to atten gra uate school. Nearl hal o all res on ents ha e engage in international ork or olunteeris since stu ing a roa . A Lifetime of Benefits. e other e eriences in li e ha e ro en to net such a ositi e an sustaina le i act. ith stu a roa o ering so an li echanging an en uring aca e ic, career, intercultural, ersonal, an social ene its, stu ents shoul care ull consi er stu ing a roa hen searching or a college an uring their collegiate career. Stu ents shoul uestion otential colleges a out the stu a roa rogra s the o er an in out ho co etiti e the a lication rocess is an i gra es an inancial ai trans er. In a ition, colleges, arents, an e lo ers shoul encourage an ena le stu ents to stu a roa .
Audioscripts UNIT 1. 1.1 Young Peo le l Pro le s To a it is ashiona le to s eak a out oung eo le’s ro le s, es eciall teenage ro le s. e ears ago alcohol, ights, killings an other kin s o iolence ere ore ro le s or a ults than or oung eo le. But teenagers to a ha e a lot ore to orr a out than their arents e er i . In their o inion, the orl is eco ing a er scar lace. iolence, teen regnancies, i s cases, rugs are increasing. icial re orts a it, that or an chil ren ro oor a ilies all the ro le s entione are associate ith o ert in the a ilies. e can’t en that so e a ilies reall ha e a lo inco e, ut I elie e there is one reason. In al ost all a ilies oth other an ather ork ull ti e, a ro i atel 40 hours er eek. Since arents usuall on’t arri e ho e ro ork until a ter 5 . ., chil ren are le t unatten e or se eral hours. an s chologists elie e this ti e le t alone is the cause o an ro le s. I’ ith the on that. Teenagers eel lonel an neglecte an ant their arents to heart the out. The nee to eel care or the eeling that the are i ortant or their u an a , so that the arents are intereste in the , orr a out the . Chil ren like to talk a out hat’s ha ening in their li es, ho’s oing hat. The o ten seek or a ice or the ans ers to the uestions that orr the . I the can’t get hat the nee a l no the ill tr to in it else here, not al a s goo an ositi e. Statistics sho s that hal o teenagers ha e an e erience ith rugs, alcohol an se in their school ears. Un ortunatel , teenagers ho ha e rug or alcohol a iction al ost ne er elie e that these things are o ten co ine ith a il an school ro le s. hat has gone rong So e s ecialists e lain that the changes o our societ , the s ste o our li e orce oung eo le to choose their o n li est le. n the one han , our societ agrees that 15-17- ear-ol eo le are ol enough to e res onsi le or hat the o an gi e the uite a lot o reeo an rights. n the other han , ost a ults think that teenagers are too oung to e taken seriousl . I elie e this isun erstan ing, con usion o teenage orries ro uce the ro le s. ro oint o ie , oung eo le are ell-a are o their rights, ut su er ro our in i erence to their ro le s an the a s the see the orl . The ant to kno i the are on the right a er or ing their uties. e erience sho s that an teenagers get u set an e resse hen the can’t co e ith their ro le s the sel es. ack o con i ence an in ecision ake the choose the rong a out. No ou t, the teen’s ro le s ill increase in this changing orl . n it’s not enough to kno their rights, uties an concerns. The shoul eel that the are not alone, the are care or. 1.2. On Tolerance It as a ull inter a ternoon. I as aiting or Carol, ut she as ho elessl late. The eather i n’t encourage a long alk, so I ro e into a little ca e. Though it as racticall e t , the onl ta le, ro hich I coul see the us sto here Carol oul a ear, as occu ie . tall ello o a ro i atel age as sitting there rea ing a ocketsi e ook. Can I take this seat
audioscripts Yeah, sure. The ello glance at e an ent on rea ing. I ai or so e oughnuts the ca e as a ous or an sat o n at the ta le. I as looking through the in o an thinking a out a recent arguent ith Carol. She as reall angr ith e. sa ing that I as the orst erson to e out ith as I al a s ullie so e o , got into ights, an ala s anage to hurt so eone’s eelings or orse. «She’s right,» I sai to sel , «I on’t care uch a out others. But I o care or Carol an I on’t ant to hurt her eelings. That’s h I’ll tr to e nice, olite, an tolerant o eo le. Carol sa s a lot o these cle er or s as she is going to e a ournalist. She has got a lot o i eas on hu an rights, tolerance an e ualit , eace aking an re enting con licts. I she e er anages to ut all her i eas into action the orl oul e etter I et.» sor e in thoughts, I ha n’t notice hen the aitress rought e oughnuts. late o the , hot an stea ing, as alrea on the ta le an ...the ello in ront o e as alrea tasting one o the . e i n’t e en sto rea ing. n a sent- in e ook or ... t an other ti e, I oul n’t ha e orgi en a erson ho as asking or trou le. But I’ ro ise to e nice to eo le. So I reten e I ha n’t seen an thing an took a oughnut or sel . The ello glancc at e ith sur rise an took another one. ell, that eats e er thing ist as a out to start its ourne to ar s his che ing outh hen I re e ere Carol’s or s: «So eti es eo le eha e in a a ou on’t like ecause the ha e so e reason or it.» , he a e hungr an can’t a or to u the . But he ight ha e at least aske Boiling insi e, ut ith ace cool, I ke t eating oughnuts. The tall ello ith the ston ace as oing the sa e. e’ orgotten a out his ook an trie to eat as ast as ossi le. is e es ere ull o anger an es air. look as tough an concentrate : «1 ha e ro ise to a oi con licts an I on’t gi e in.» It as he ho lost the ga e. uttering so ething an calling e na es, he rushe out o the ca e. I’ ust inishe the last cake hen the aitress ut a late ull o hot oughnuts an a cocktail in ront o e.’I’ so sorr ’ she sai .’I ke t ou aiting a long ti e. a e this cocktail or ree an thank ou or our atience an un erstan ing.» 1.3. Spring House Cleaning s I as gro ing u in North issouri one o the annual s ring rituals as cleaning the house ro to to otto an insi e out. The house i n’t look irt to e, ut o sai there as inter irt e er here, the loors an oo ork nee e to e rene e an there as s oke on the curtains ro the oo sto e. ction starte in the e roo . E er closet as e tie o clothes an unk . ll the clothes ere hung on the clothesline out oors. The attresses an coil s rings un er the ere re o e ro the e , taken outsi e here the attresses ere eaten on oth si es to re o e the ust an the coil s rings ashe one s ring at a ti e. ith all the urniture out, i i ing it o n coul not clean the all a er, ne a er as ut on o er the ol . other an her sister al a s orke together in these cleaning en ea ors an ere e ert a erhangers. Paste use to stick the a er to the alls as a e ro lour an ater. Ne s a ers ere lai o n on the loor in another roo here the all a er rolls ere cut to the right lengths an then aste . ter the ne a er as in lace, the oo ork as attacke . So eti es soa an ater i the o hile in other ears it as necessar to a l ne arnish. ccasionall the loors nee e a ne coat o arnish. That
YOUR FIRST AID KIT eant i erent slee ing arrange ents ha to e a e until the arnish rie . ake shi t e s ere set u in the li ing or ining roo . I it as er ar outsi e e so eti es sle t on the ront orch. I thought that as the ost un. ter the e roo s, the li ing roo an ining roo ere tackle . o n ca e the curtains to e ashe , starche an hung on the curtain stretchers to r . The in o s ere ashe insi e an out. o those in o s i shine a ter all that ork. The lace curtains looke so eauti ul an resh hen hung o er those s arkling anes. The car ets ere taken outsi e, lung o er the clothesline an strenuousl eaten ith a ire rug eater to re o e all the ust an gri e. No roo as le t untouche . In the kitchen the ca inets ere e tie , ne shel a er a lie to the shel es, all the ishes ashe , rie an ut ack in. The linoleu as scru e an a e . I it as a l orn a ne one as urchase to re lace it. Back in the earl e ression a s I re e er hen there as no one to u a ne loor co ering or the kitchen. other an her sister ought so e gra aint an a lie it t the ol loor. To righten it u a cou le o s onges ere i e alternatel in re an lue ain an a e o er the gra aint. oila ne loor. This s ring cleaning ritual took ro a eek to ten a s to co lete een ing on ho uch all a er an aint ha to e a lie . hen our house as inishe , or the ne t eek e ent e er a to aunt’s house here the sa e ste s ere taken to ake her house right an shine. I ha e o ten on ere h s ring house cleaning has gone ro o ern housekee ing. It as a lot o ork ut it as such a goo eeling to s ell all that resh aint an to kno that e er thing as s arkling or another ear. 1.5. It as a ull inter a ternoon. I as aiting or Carol, ut she as ho elessl late. The eather i n’t encourage a long alk, so I ro e into a little ca e. Though it as racticall e t , the onl ta le, ro hich I coul see the us sto here Carol oul a ear, as occu ie . tall ello o a ro i atel age as sitting there rea ing a ocket-si e ook. Can I take this seat Yeah, sure. The ello glance at e an ent on rea ing. I ai or so e oughnuts the ca e as a ous or an sat o n at the ta le. I as looking through the in o an thinking a out a recent arguent ith Carol. She as reall angr ith e, sa ing that I as the orst erson to e out ith as I al a s ullie so e o , got into ights, an ala s anage to hurt so eone’s eelings or orse. She’s right, I sai to sel , I on’t care uch a out others. But I o care or Carol an I on’t ant to hurt her eelings. That’s h I’ll tr to e nice, olite, an tolerant o eo le. Carol sa s a lot o these cle er or s as she is going to e a ournalist. She has got a lot o i eas on hu an rights, tolerance an e ualit eace aking an re enting con licts. I she e er anages to ut all her i eas into action the orl oul e etter I et. sor e in thoughts, I ha n’t notice hen the aitress rought e oughnuts. late o the , hot an stea ing, as alrea on the ta le an ...the ello in ront o e as alrea tasting one o the . e i n’t e en sto rea ing. n a sent- in e ook or t an other ti e, I oul n’t ha e orgi en a erson ho as asking or trou le. But I’ ro ise to e nice to eo le. So I reten e I ha n’t seen an thing an took a oughnut or sel . The ello glance at e ith sur rise an took another one. ell, that eats e er thing ist as a out to start its ourne to ar s his che ing outh hen I re e ere Carol’s or s: So eti es eo le eha e in a a ou on’t like ecause the ha e so e reason or it. , he a e hungr an can’t a or to u the . But he ight ha e at least aske
audioscripts Boiling insi e, ut ith ace cool, I ke t eating oughnuts. The tall ello ith the ston ace as oing the sa e. e’ orgotten a out his ook an trie to eat as ast as ossi le. is e es ere ull o anger an es air. look as tough an concentrate : I ha e ro ise to a oi con licts an I on’t gi e in. It as he ho lost the ga e. uttering so ething an calling e na es, he rushe out o the ca й. I’ ust inishe the last cake hen the aitress ut a late ull o hot oughnuts an a cocktail in ront o e. I’ so sorr » she sai , I ke t ou aiting a long ti e. a e this cocktail or ree an thank ou or our atience an un erstan ing. UNIT 2. 2.1. In the kitchen in the Stewart’s home on Thanksgiving morning. Philip is drinking coffee. Ellen:
, Phili . This is our thir cu o co ee. e shoul get to ork, or e on’t e inishe inner ti e. Philip: I guess e ust. Ellen: e ust. Philip: . The eginning o a ous Thanksgi ing ish. ne a le. T o a les. Three a les. our a les. Ellen: Co e on, Phili et us ith our a ous ish. There’s uch ore to e one. Philip: No , the ingre ients. hat goes into ish esi es a les h, es. lour, sugar, utter. Butter, nice an col an har . , here are the alnuts. ast ut not least, the reason ish is a ouscinna on. Cinna on... Ellen, here’s the cinna on Ellen: I there is an cinna on, it’s in the ca inet ith the salt an e er. Philip: Salt, e er, ill ee , garlic o er, cinna on. Ellen Ellen: Yes, Phili . Philip: Is it ossi le that e orgot to u cinna on Ellen: Yes, it is ossi le that e orgot to u cinna on. Philip: ell, ho can I ake a ous ish ithout cinna on [Robbie enters] Robbie: oo orning. Ellen: h, hi, o ie. oo orning. Philip: oo orning. o ie. Can ou o e a a our Robbie: Sure, a . hat Philip: e e er ish on Thanksgi ing hat o ou lo e a out it Robbie: The a les Philip: No. The sssss... Robbie: Cinna on Philip: ight. e on’t ha e an cinna on. Robbie: I’ll go o n to enr ’s grocer . e’s al a s o en. I’ll get so e or ou. Philip: That’s o Ellen: h, ut our hea acket on, o ie. It’s col outsi e. Robbie: le an ra ight call. Tell her I’ll call her right ack. Ellen: . Philip: Thanks, Son. Woman: s al a s, a e their kitchen cu
2.2. Dialogue er o our au ience has rought in 3 ite s ro oar , an our e cellent che has 15 inutes to
YOUR FIRST AID KIT re are so ething a etising or that erson to eat. So let’s elco e our guest or to a , co e on o n, Nigel. Woman: elco e, Nigel You are ro Bra or , aren’t ou Tell us a it a out oursel . Nigel: Yes, I a I’ a uil er tra e, an a it tra itional hen it co es to oo . It’s either eat an t o eg’ an out or a curr ith the la s The i e kee s anting e to tr so ething sushi an all that ne a anese stu , ut it’s not or e Chef: h, a true Yorkshire an, through an through You kno ather-in-la as ro Yorkshire, an he like his oast Bee an Yorkshire Pu ing. I it asn’t on the ta le or Sun a lunch he as not a ha an e ne er ante to tr an thing else. e i n’t ant to e en sa le i a, or Chinese oo , nothing e oul n’t e en ha e s aghetti olognaise. e oul al a s sa « a ith our oreign oo , gi e e real British eat ’ Nigel: solutel lthough I o like to tr other things, in o inion there’s nothing etter than eat an eg ith thick gra hh o el Woman: ell, ou t o coul sit an talk all a , coul n’t ou But that’s not h e’re here et’s get on ith the sho . Nigel, coul ou sho us hat ou ha e rought or us to a Nigel: ell, there’s a it o a ersonal stor ehin each o the things I’ e rought to a I eci e to ring a ourite oo , an the a ourite oo s o i e, an our little girl. Chef: h ear, I’ alrea getting ner ous here’s our i e ro Is she ro Yorkshire too Nigel: No, she’s Scottish. Chef: h no Please on’t tell e ou’ e rought a haggis Nigel: Not this ti e That’s not reall the kin o thing ou ha e la ing roun in the kitchen No, the i e ga e e so e orri ge oats. e on’t eat it no a a s, ut she sai she lo e it as a little girl She sai her ran a use to ake the est orri ge e er, ut since rann ie , she hasn’t ante to e en taste it So, she aske e i I coul ring in so e orri ge oats, since she has such recious e ories o her ran. Chef: rnrn I nee to start thinking Porri ge isn’t that o ular to a , is it on’t kno h . It’s a er health a to start the a But e er one’s in such a hurr no , no one sto s to cook reakast an ore. I on’t think ki s e en kno hat orri ge tastes like Nigel: ine neither So little girl aske e to ring in her a ourite oo I on’t kno i ou’re going to like this It’s a acket o cris s, salt an inegar la our Chef: Yes, ou’re right, so ar I’ not liking it I ho e ou’ e een nice to e, Nigel hat i ou ring e Nigel: ell, I en o esserts or e, the u ing is the est art o the eal. So I rought ou so e custar No eal oul e co lete ithout u ing an custar Chef: (Not er ha ) Thank ou, Nigel Woman: ell, enr , I on’t kno hat ou’re going to o ith all o this, ut ou ha e 15 inutes to ake a eal it or a king n our arks, get set, 2.3. A Funny Story ong ti e ago, a erchant tra elle an a s, eeks, an onths to sell his ares. ne a he arri e at the court o a great E eror. The e eror
audioscripts like his goo s an the tra ing as going ell hen the E eror notice a large sack that as stan ing a art ro the others. The E eror aske hat as in it. Nothing s ecial’, re lie the erchant. It is si l so ething I use in cooking’. hat is it calle ’ aske the E eror. nions, Your a est ’. I ha e ne er hear o onions ’ re the tast o o ou cook the In that case, a I o er to cook Your a est a eal ith onions ’ sai the erchant. The eal as elicious. It as eat ser e ith rie onions, green sala ith resh onions an stu e onions ith egeta les an ince eat. hen the eal as o er, the E eror e clai e that this as the ost elicious oo he ha e er ha an sai he oul u all the onions. You ill not e isa ointe . I ill ill our sack instea ith the ost alua le treasures that I ha e’, sai the E eror. n , in ee , hen the erchant o ene his sack on his a ho e, he oun in it gol , ru ies, ia on s an other recious articles, hich he ha ne er seen e ore. hen he arri e ho e, the or s rea a out his goo ortune in the ara a lan an another erchant eci e to tr his luck. e too tra elle a long ti e to the sa e court an , uring the tra ing ith the sa e E eror, he ut one sack a art. Sure enough the E eror aske a out the contents o the sack an the erchant sai : Nothing s ecial, it is so ething I use in cooking’. hat is it calle ’ arlic, Your a est ’ arlic I ha e ne er hear o garlic ’ sai the E eror. E i entl , there ere no s ices in his countr . In that case, a I o er to cook Your a est a eal ith garlic The erchant cooke a ste ith egeta les an garlic, ake eat ith garlic an gra es insi e. The ishes s ell so goo that all the eo le in the E eror’s court ha e their ouths atere . hen this eal as o er, the E eror e clai e that this as the ost elicious oo he ha e er ha an that he oul u all the garlic. You ill not e isa ointe . I’ll ill our sack instea ith the ost alua le treasure that I ha e’, sai the E eror. hen the erchant o ene his sack on the a ho e, he oun it ull o onions. as it a oke No, or the E eror’s countr onions ere reall the ost alua le treasure. 2.5. Speaker 1 How Have Eating Habits Changed? nce e eo le outsi e a an ha hear o sashi i or sushi. o e er, a anese oo has oine other ethnic oo s, such as Chinese an e ican, to eco e a co on eal or an in the US an one o the a ourite ishes in Ukraine. h are eo le sho ing ore interest in a anese oo ne reason is that so e eo le are increasingl concerne a out the oo the eat. The are a oi ing ast oo , such as c onal ’s ha urgers an entuck rie Chicken an unk oo s, such as otato chi s an can . ten these oo s are attening an not goo or a erson’s health. a anese oo , ho e er, contains onl s all a ount o oil an at. resh oo , not canne or ro en oo , is use . The result is that a anese oo is o ten rich in ita ins an
YOUR FIRST AID KIT inerals an lo in calories, an it is regar e as a health oo . Thus, a anese oo an ingre ients are eing chosen ore o ten those eo le ho are atching hat the eat. Speaker 2 You can hear eo le sa that Bar ecues are s non s ith erican cuisine. I think i it isn’t a s non , ut it is e initel a tra ition hich has a long histor . The greatest erican ar ecue is on ul , 4 hen the countr cele rates the a ack in 1776 hen ericans on their in e en ence ro reat Britain. n that a e er to n has its local ara e, the an s la , chil ren arch, lags a e an illions o ice-crea cones isa ear o n r throats. Then co es the ar ecue, here as an rien s an relati es as ossi le gather or the occasion. l ost an sort o eat can e ar ecue . ot ogs, ha urgers, steaks an chicken are the ost o ular, though anc ke a s, arinate shri or sal on steaks a e on the enu, e en ing on the co an . There are as an i erent kin s o ar ecue sauce s ic , e tra onions, no onions, an so on as there are t es o ar ecue grills. So e a ilies ha e their o n s ecial reci es, hich the are er rou o . There are no eating li its on this a . E er o orgets a out health li est les an en o s e er inute o the great eal. Ine ita l , a ter the ar ecue there ill e stories on ho an ha urgers ha e een eaten, ho an chickens, ho uch ar ecue sauce. E er one eels a it asha e o such a is la o o erin ulgence. But it can e guarantee that the ne t ti e, all ericans ill e out there grilling a a once again, lo ing e er inute o it. Speaker 3 Ukrainian cuisine is orth talking a out, ecause e uall ith tra itional ishes ou a en o ethnic oo like rench, Italian, Chinese or a anese. So e laces ha e their o n s ecialt , hile others ocus on the tra itional Ukrainian enu. I ou are hungr ou’ll e initel choose el ka o hka, or Pu ata hata, ecause the choice o oo is tra itional there. The ser e ishes that ou ight nor all eat at ho e: orsch, cho s, holu tsi (ca age rolls), otato, uck heat orri ge, l ntsi ( ancakes) an aren k stu e ith cottage cheese or ca age. So e Ukrainians on’t like to e eri ent ith oo an re er their usual oo , hich is the ost elicious or the . oreign tourists also like to ha e their eals there to get an i ea o Ukrainian cuisine. So e o the sa that the ishes are er tast ut too attening or the . But I think the si l got use to eating the oo o ular in their countries an eing in Ukraine the in laces like c onal ’s an Celentano. So to each his o n th
3.1. it took lace on ul 9, in Brussels. ore than
The 20 Ukraine-EU Su 30 countries took art in it. ter the Su it onal Tusk, resi ent o the Euro ean Council, ean Clau e unckler, resi ent o the Euro ean Co ission, an Petro Poroshenko, resi ent o Ukraine issue the ollo ing state ent: e, the lea ers o the Euro ean Union an Ukraine, gathere to a to rea ir our continuous e orts to strengthening the olitical ssociation an econo ic integration o Ukraine ith the Euro ean Union. e also con ir e our su ort an co it ent to Ukraine’s in e en ence, so ereignt an territorial integrit ithin its internationall organi e or-
audioscripts ers. e recogni e the su stantial rogress, hich is i ortant or Ukraine’s citi ens. e elco e the launch o the nu er o i ortant reor s to i ro e the li ing stan ar s o Ukraine’s citi ens, nota l in the areas o health an ensions . e elco e the e ecti e i le entation o the isa- ree regi e, contri uting o e en ing relations et een our societies. e agree to e lore urther in the area o en iron ent. e also agree on the i ortance o coo eration in strengthening c er securit in Euro e. e looke or ar to the urther e orts Ukraine nee e to i ro e the usiness an in est ent cli ate an rotect intellectual ro ert rights. ith regar to the Ukrainian la on e ucation, e agree on the nee to ensure the res ect or rights o ersons elonging to national inorities on the necessit o a su stantial ialogue ith the re resentati es o i erent nations. e rea ir e our strong con e nation o the iolation o Ukrainian so ereignt an territorial integrit the acts o aggression the ussian ar e orces since e ruar 2014. e calle or the i e iate release o all illegall i risone Ukrainian citi ens in Cri ea an in ussia. e also agree on the urgent nee to lea our su ort to the ost ulnera le eo le in the East o Ukraine. e elco e ongoing initiati es EU e er States to ro i e assistance to cities an istricts o the con licta ecte region . 3.2. Bill: Ste e, ho as our ork to a Steve: i, Bill, it as great. e inishe our ork on a ne kin o corn. No e ust ha e to in out i e’ll e allo e to sell it to ar ers. Bill: h o is this corn i erent than an other kin Steve: ell, this corn gro s hen it nee s to e atere . e a e so e genes ro ell ish to the corn, ut no e ha e to see i the go ernent ill let us sell it. Bill: o That’s a a ing. You o so e incre i le things there. Steve: Yeah, I guess e o, ut I’ still like to ha e o n little la an not ha e to ork or a ig co an . Can ou elie e that an thing that I isco er, in ent or create elongs to e lo er Bill: Yeah, that’s too a , Ste e. I can ust see ou orking in our o n la , in enting cool ne things. You’ e like E ison or so e o Steve: That oul e great, ut it’s ust too e ensi e or a ri ate erson to u all the e ui ent ou nee to o genetic research. Bill: S eaking o e ui ent, look hat I ust ought to a . Steve: Is that a s art hone I’ e hear a out those ne ones. It’s ran ne . I can get on the Internet, rea or rite E- ail, an sen essages to rien s. It also has sche ule or the ne t 3 onths, a ress an hone list, an a cou le o ga es. Steve: o uch i it cost Bill: little un er 200.1 think rett soon al ost e er o ill ha e one an the ’ll ro a l cost 20. You re e er ho irst cell- hones use to e rare an e ensi e No e en high school ki s ha e the Steve: I kno , I can har l elie e ho uickl ne things a ear an ho chea an o er ul the are. I re e er irst co uter cost 400 an as incre i l slo , ith no e or at all reall . ne co uter costs 1500 an is co letel i erent. Bill: Yeah, an ne t eek so e o ill ut out a co uter that akes our ne one co letel o solete. Steve: I kno , I kno . So eti es I kin o iss the ol a s, hen science as ore ocuse on ig ro ects like going to the oon rather than aking cool ne ga gets to sell. Bill: e too.
YOUR FIRST AID KIT 3.3. i erse lan sca e o Ukraine o ers a lot o tourist routes ro ountain iking an alking in the Car athians to ir atching in the anu e elta, ro c cling along the ni ro to ater s orts in the Black Sea. s ou see the ost areas or tra elling are the Car athians, the coastal region o the Black Sea an the ni ro ri er. ithout ou t, these laces resent its enchanting ster an a eal. But I elie e an tra elling route shoul target s ecial grou s. or e a le, i a erson co es to Ukraine or the 1-st ti e he/she ust get a goo icture o the laces the countr is rou o . In o inion sightseeing tours are ust or this. n not onl that. Ukraine is o ten calle a li ing histor . a ing onl a eare on the a in 1991, the countr has anage t o re olutions an a ussian in asion alrea an ighting in on as is ongoing. istor ancient an recent is all aroun ou in this a a ing lan , hether it e a ong the othic churches o i , the re nants o the once ani ate e ish culture o est Ukraine or so histicate uil ings o o ern architecture in i . E er one ho co es to Ukraine ust a iliari e the sel es ith our histor . ecent olitical territorial an econo ic i iculties a ecte the i age o Ukraine. Ne ertheless, Ukraine is a ho e to a lot o eauti ul laces ith a great range o tourist acti ities. et’s o a it o sightseeing. ere are so e laces that ill ake ou all in lo e ith Ukraine. et’s start ith Ukrainian ca ital i . ol en o es o su er churches, along an rich histor , o ern an ancient architecture ake egin a go to s ot or all tra elers isiting Ukraine. Its sights inclu e 2 UNESC orl eritage sites i -Pechersk a ra an St. So hia Cathe ral. I a ise ou to take a oat tri across the ni ro, i ou ant to see the ca ital in its right a est . Besi es, ro the ni ro’s le t ank a agni icent ie o ens onto the gol en- o e ense le ancient uil ings o the i -Pechersk a ra. The ne t estionation is i , hich is consi ere to e Ukrainian’s cultural ca ital an it has the ost estern architecture o all the countr ’s cities. It oasts o a s len i UNESC - rotecte l to n reno ne or eauti ul narro streets, agni icent churches, ascinating useu s an char ing at os here. It’s cos an elco ing, ith an the e restaurants, cool ars an great nightli e. You can’t lea e i ithout ha ing a cu o a ous i co ee. In the South o Ukraine esa ith a eauti ul historic istrict is a ust see or all tra ellers. It has lent o treasures aiting to e isco ere . The cultural art o the cit is acke ith sights ith uni ue len o uil ing st les. I I ere ou I oul see the s ol o the cit the Pote kin Stairs an Pr orsk Boule ar , the street, hich runs along the sea. In the e ening on’t iss a chance o seeing a er or ance in a orl a ous era an Ballet theatre. It ill ake a agni icent en ing o our sightseeing tour in Ukraine. 3.5. Your Test Pack To create all necessar con itions or oung talente scientists is a ust. Creating recon itions or the econo ic an social sel -actuali ation o the oung eo le in Ukraine an sto ing the rain rain is the oral ut o the go ern ents, usiness an u lic organi ations. Thus the Ukrainian societ has to create a oura le con itions an secure or ar otion o the oung, using arious echanis s an tools, one o hich is looking or an su orting gi te oung intellectuals. Presi ent Poroshenko in a eeting ith gi te outh in e ruar 2018 un erline the necessit o creating con itions or Ukrainian scientists not to lea e Ukraine. The resi ent stresse that oung scientists an stu ents ust ha e an o ortunit o sel -
audioscripts reali ation, ecause Ukraine nee s their inno ations to sol e the to ical issues. or that the outh ust ha e access to the interacti e lessons o the est lecturers o the orl , ha e ell-e ui e la s, here the can carr out their scienti ic e eri ents. The resi ent also e hasi e the i ortance o uniting e orts to strengthen the econo an the countr ’s e ense ca ailities an the outh ust contri ute to this rocess. e gi e a chance to the thousan s o e ucate , talente oung eo le to reali e the sel es in Ukraine, the Ukrainian 3000 International charita le un launche the Inno ati e Intellect o Ukraine ll-Ukrainian Youth Contest here talente oung eo le coul e onstrate their creati e otential. Besi es, so e oliticians organi e i erent rogra es or the . n a 2, 2018 the Charita le oun ation o Bor s olesniko su ari e the 3-r all-Ukrainian e ucational ro ect ail a an 2018 , hich he initiate or talente Ukrainian outh. 950 stu ents ro 23 rail a an trans ort uni ersities o the countr took art in the ro ect. The inners o the ro ect ill isit the InnoTrans hi ition in er an in Se te er 2018. t the e hi ition oung s ecialists ill see all the achie e nts o the inustr that are in the orl to a , isit the e ositions o orl a ous anu acturers, ha e aster classes ith s ecialists, listen to lectures on the e elo ent o in ustr . The stu ents ill necessaril a l the e erience gaine in the tri in their nati e Ukraine. In the current aca e ic ear the Bor s olesniko oun ation has i leente se en e ucational ro ects or stu ents agro an oo technologies, a iation, architecture, ariti e, rail an an rogra er ith the tri s o the inners to ro ile oru s orl i e. ortunatel , this charita le oun ation is not alone. n une 22 24, 2018 the ictor Pinchuk oun ation hel the 11-th nnual Youth oru in i here the a tra.ua scholars rogra e e elo e 15 social ro ects ocuse on a ressing en iron ental, a inistrati e an social challenges. This e ent rought together in i a out 400 scholarshi hol ers, inclu ing 6 orl i e stu ies grantees ho ill stu a roa to get a aster egree at the orl ’s est uni ersities an 100 ne a tra.ua scholars ho ill get a one ear scholarshi an recei e su ort or i le enting ro ects in Ukraine. 4.1. Dialogue “What to do after graduation?” Amanda: i, lan, are ou going to class Dylan: No, I ha e a reak this erio . o ou ant to get so e co ee at the stu ent ca й Amanda: That soun s great et’s go Dylan: an a, ha e ou eci e hat ou ant to o a ter gra uation Amanda: ell, I ha e thought a out it, ut I ha en’t a e an concrete lans. I ill ha e architecture egree in a an uncle has a rien ho orks at a large architecture ir in Chicago. I’ ho ing I can get a o there. Dylan: It soun s like ou ha e e er thing igure out. I ish uture looke so goo . Amanda: on’t e e resse , lan. You ill in so ething to o a ter gra uation. hat’s our a or Dylan: I a ore in English iterature an inore in art. There ust on’t see to e an other career o tions a aila le other than teaching. Amanda: hat’s rong ith teaching o is a teacher an she lo es it She sa s teaching is the est o in the orl .
It ust see s like a lot o ork to eal ith so an schoolchil ren. Then ou ha e the rinci al to ork ith an the cro e classroo s an unintereste arents. Teachers on’t earn enough one or the a ount o ork the ha e to o. I like the i ea o teaching chil ren ut I on’t kno i it is orth the e ort. Amanda: You are right a out schools eing o ercro e ut i ou reall ant to teach, ou shoul n’t let the s all salar change our in . o satis action is uch ore i ortant than one . on’t ou think Dylan: You ha e a goo attitu e. a e ou shoul eco e a teacher, too. Amanda: I ha e thought a out it... 4.2. Getting an Education the Hard Way Part ne c uiring a college e ucation is not eas un er the est o con itions. The a I got ine as ossi l un er the orst o con itions. It starte out nor all the a it oes or ost stu ents. ter high school I enrolle in college the ollo ing all at Northeast issouri State Uni ersit here other ha recei e her teaching egree. It as not a long istance a a so arents elt I coul co e ho e o ten. The ere not rea to see their little girl lea e ho e. Things ent ell an I co lete that irst ear. Nearing the en o the school ear I eci e that I ante to change to a higher e ucational institution uch arther a a . This as not a leasing suggestion to arents an the insiste that I teach school the ollo ing ear to a ack the loans I ha taken out or that initial resh an ear. Part T o Being a uti ul aughter, I i that, ut I still ha lans to go the ollo ing ear to Philli s Uni ersit in Eni , klaho a. hat I i n’t oresee as that I oul eet the an ho as to eco e hus an . e ere arrie in a a ter the en o that irst ear o teaching hen he as on lea e ro the r . That looke like the en o college a s. uring the three ears a ter hus an ca e ho e ro his tour o ut three chil ren ere orn. college e ucation i n’t see to e nee e to e a ar er’s i e. Taking care o three a ies, a house, a gar en, raising a chickens, an all the things in ol e in ar li ing occu ie ti e or a e ears. In the ack o in I as not satis ie ith e ucational achie e ents. There is so uch to kno an there are such a e ears in li e to learn a out the . It as ine ita le that I oul long to a to aca e ic un ertakings. Part Three egional uni ersities o ere night classes an I eagerl enrolle in so e o the . Corres on ence courses ere also a e to gro ing list o college en ea ors. se ester as s ent at the local unior college. B no it as a gi en that I as going to inish that uni ersit e ucation that I ha starte so an ears e ore. a ing reache the li it o hours that I coul take o -ca us, I ha to enroll in courses at the nearest uni ersit , the institution I ha irst atten e . It as locate si t iles ro our ar ho e an choice as to ri e there each orning, atten classes an ri e ho e e er night. s I look ack on that ear, I a a a e that I sur i e it, let alone stu , ake reasona l goo gra es, an gra uate at the en o the acae ic ear.
audioscripts 4.3. Dialogue Emma: e , Carl, ho ’s our ra a class going Carl: i, E a. Prett goo , e’re rea ing eath o a Sales an rthur iller. Emma: h, I re e er that, e ha to rea it in high school. It as oring an e ressing. Carl: I thought so too, at irst. But rea ing it again, I’ isco ering a lot o interesting i eas an s olis in it. Emma: That’s neat, ut I still re er Streetcar Na e esire . Tennessee illia s reall kno s ho to rite a goo la . Carl: i ou kno the uni ersit ra a clu is going to er or Streetcar Emma: eall , hen Carl: The ’re hol ing tr -outs to orro an o ening night is in a cou le o onths. Emma: It oul e reall great to see it, or e en e in it. Carl: h on’t ou tr au ition You on’t ha e to e a e er o the ra a clu to e in the la . Emma: I oul ne er get selecte . I’ e onl een in one la e er, an that as in unior high school. I la e one o Santa’s el es or the Christas la . Carl: ell, ou can at least tr . a e ou coul get a it art ith onl a e lines. Emma: It oul e great to see the entire ro uction ut together all the rehearsals, costu es, akeu , set esign. a e I ill tr out. Carl: u itions are to orro at 3 . . in the uni ersit theatre in the ra a uil ing. That’s on the south si e o the ca us. Emma: o , this is rett e citing E en i I onl ha e a s all art, I’ll still e an actress er or ing. Carl: o ahea . I’ sure ou’ll e selecte . 4.5. Greater Reality There are an heno ena o olk art in Ukrainian culture, hich ake this culture uni ue an original a ong other cultures o the orl osi cera ics, rugs ro Po ill a, e roi ere to els an shirts create in all arts o Ukraine are a ong the . lace o honour a ong these artistic heno ena is taken aintings create in the illage o Petr ki ka, in the lan o ni ro etro shch na. St les o ainting si ilar to that o Petr ki ka ere once calle agic realis or e en the greater realis (a ter coine the ro inent nonigurati e artist asili an inski ) an are art o hat is usuall calle ri iti e olk art, though there is nothing reall ri iti e in this art. Pri iti e artists usuall ha e no or al art e ucation an the create ithout an constraints o the aca e ic rules o art. The Petr ki ka st le o ainting is a er oetic ie o the orl aroun us, or rather it is a orl in itsel , a orl hich is ree to inter ret the usual things in a er unusual anner. Tra ition has it that Petr ki ka as oun e a grou o Ukrainian Cossacks in the eighteenth centur an it so ha ene that soon a ter its oun ation, the illage, or so e sterious reasons, egan to attract eo le ith artistic gi ts ho ca e to settle o n there. It is i icult, or al ost i ossi le to tell no hat the er irst aintings create in Petr ki ka looke
YOUR FIRST AID KIT like, ut e can ake an e ucate guess asing our conclusions on the suri ing aintings o ore recent ti es, an on the art o Petr ki ka o to a . s a atter o act, thanks to the atercolours ainte Ye. E en akh in 1911 an 1913, e ha e a rett goo i ea hat the Petr ki ka ecorati e aintings looke like in earlier ti es. In the interior, the sto e (or rather, ich, hich in Ukrainian easant houses ser e se eral ur oses or cooking oo , or ro i ing ar th in col seasons, an or resting on it the ich ha a hori ontal section like a large shel , on hich one coul slee ), as articularl la ishl ecorate . Earl ecorati e aintings in Petr ki ka ere ostl urals on the alls o the easants’ houses rather than easel aintings. The olk oetic inter retation o the surroun ing orl as an is at the asis o the Petr ki ka aintings. St li e lo ers an guil er-rose are a ong the ost o ular oti s o the urals ith e en regular thistles an other ee s eaturing rather ro inentl in the aintings. In all likelihoo , or a consi era le length o ti e, aintings ecorate onl the alls e ore the egan to e one on other aterials a er, oo anels or can as. ineral ig ents ere use or aking aints an instea o rushes short lengths o ree stocks, t igs or e en ingers ere use to a l the aint onto the ri e alls, the ri er ostl eing a thin la er o cla . Egg- ase aints ere use in later ti es to o aintings on a er. Three colours ere re o inant re , ello (or ello -green), an ark- lue. It oul e rong to assu e that it as onl in the illage o Petr ki ka that such ainting lourishe ecorati e aintings o a er si ilar st le coul an still can e oun in an other illages o Ukraine. The local st les i er in certain etails ut the all reser e a nu er o asic ele ents an eatures that akes it ossi le to recogni e the as elonging to one an the sa e asic st le, hich as gi en the na e o Petr ki ka ainting. 5.1. Dialogue Wondering about Wonders Darren:
i, oroth It’s goo to see ou. I’ so gla ou’re ack. I isse ou terri l hile ou ere touring south. o as it Dorothy: It as a rea co e true: Niagara’s antastic o age on the orl a ous ai o the ist oat right at the otto o the alls, cruising the reat akes, ie ing Toronto an Bu alo ro the o ser ation eck o the Sh lon To er, to na e ut e attractions. Darren: No on er, ntario is the ost hea il isite region in the countr . arents took e to see the Cana ian orseshoe alls a cou le o ears ago. o goo the looke a an night, hen colour ul s otlights lickere across the ist oa . It as uite a s ectacle. Dorothy: It still is, es eciall hen ou see hun re s o ne l e s there. It is sai that Na oleon’s rother ro e ro Ne rleans in a stagecoach ith his ne ri e to ie the alls. It has een a hone oon attraction e er since. Darren: o , that soun s reall goo . I’ll kee that in in , ust in case. a-ha. n i ou an chance isit Niagara-on-the- ake Dorothy: o ou ean the s all attracti e illage, a out 20 k o n-strea ro the alls here the ell-kno n eorge Bernar Sha esti al takes lace I s ent a eeken there an isite three theatres hich er or e the la s o this riter, inclu ing ictorian raa, usicals an ster la s. Darren: It’s a nice lace to see an to get a taste o or er uiet ti es.
audioscripts Dorothy: So is the lake in anito a hich I isite on a ack. It has the longest lace-na e in the countr Pek achna a kosk aska in anik. i ou kno that Darren: That’s incre i le Enough letters to t ist our tongue. o on earth i ou re e er that Dorothy: I rote it o n an ractise har I ante to reall sur rise ou Daren: You reall i here oes the na e co e ro , I on er Dorothy: I as tol that lots o geogra hical na es in this ro ince co e ro the In ian languages an are associate ith natural soun s. or instance, in ake anito a there is a strait here the ater hits the li estone e ges, aking an o echoing soun , associate the nati e In ians ith the reat S irit ( anito ). Darren: The orl e li e in There is so uch to on er a out in Cana a. It’s not sur rising that Pri e inister acken ie ing sai , ...i so e countries ha e too uch histor , e ha e too uch geograh . Dorothy: E actl . 5.2. Dialogue Connecting People Alan: i, enise, are ou going to class Denise: No, I ha e a reak this erio . o ou ant to get so e co ee at the school ca eteria Alan: That soun s great et’s go. Denise: lan, ha e ou eci e hat ou ant to o a ter gra uation Alan: ell, I ha e thought a out it ut I ha en’t a e an concrete lans. a e ou hear The ha e starte a stu a roa rogra e or un ergra uate stu ents in c aster Uni ersit . Denise: In Cana a Isn’t it a eso e It ill gi e stu ents so e e osure to the outsi e orl an itness ne things hich are not taught in classes. Alan: I thought I shoul n’t iss chance an a lie or a t o-se ester stu ent e change. hat o ou think Denise: o , that’s great It ill e an e erience o a li eti e That’s here ou’ll learn ho to co e an a a t to a no el li ing arrangeent an lace o stu . Alan: I et I’ll ha e to. I all goes ell, I’ll e going to Cana a ne t all. n ractical ti s ro ou Denise: It soun s like ou ha e e er thing igure out. et e think irst iece o a ice is to take notes. You ill e sur rise ho an e eriences ou ill orget i ou on’t rite the o n. Alan: n the secon one Denise: on’t orget to e lore e er thing ou can. n i ou ha e an ho ies or acti ities that ou ursue at ho e, then tr the a roa . That ill let ou eet ore an ore interesting eo le ho ill e our est e ories o Cana a’s e erience. Alan: Thanks a lot. I a reciate it. hat are our lans Denise: ’ consi ering sta ing in this countr . There’s no lace like ho e, ou kno . I can a l to a ro er ustralian uni ersit , NU, or instance. Alan: o ou ean the ustralian National Uni ersit , hich inclu es i e No el laureates a ong its sta an alu ni Denise: E actl . hat’s the use o going international i stu in ustralia etter re ares a stu ent to ork in to a ’s glo al arket lace Alan: ather sa s so, too. But then he o ten a s that in so e a s, he’s the rong erson to ask a out the ene its o stu o erseas.
YOUR FIRST AID KIT Denise: h not Alan: Though he s ent all our ears o college in resi ence, he regrette it so uch that he eci e to go o erseas a ter he gra uate . e ha it in his hea that a real e ucation re uires s en ing so e ti e a roa , so I oun a o in orea an s ent the ne t three ears there. Denise: So hat Alan: It ga e hi a goo chance to see the orl ro a i erent ers ecti e. Denise: n hat o ou think ou ight en o ost in Cana a Alan: Perha s the greatest satis action ro t o se esters in c aster Uni ersit coul e the eeling that I ill ha e actuall acco lishe so ething to connect eo le. Denise: I’ sure ou’ll get the ost out o our stu a roa rogra e an learn a out a oreign culture i ou co ine stu an ork. Alan: That’s a goo i ea Thanks a lot 5.3. Interviews 1 Q.: So, hat o ou think o Ne ealan A.: Ne ealan ’s histor is not so long, ut it is ast. In less than a thousan ears these islan s ha e ro uce t o ne eo les: the Pol nesian aori an Euro ean Ne ealan ers. The latter are kno n their aori na e, Pakeha’ (though not all like the ter ). Ne ealan shares so e o its histor ith the rest o Pol nesia, an ith other Euro ean settler societies, ut has uni ue eatures as ell. Ne ealan eca e an o icial British colon in 1840, ut the irst ocuente contact et een aoris an the outsi e orl took lace al ost t o centuries earlier in 1642, in ol en Ba at the to o the South Islan . T o utch shi s saile ro In onesia, then na e the utch East In ies, to search or the legen ar reat South an ’ an an thing alua le it ight contain. The co an er, el Tas an, anchore the shi s in the a , local aori ca e out in their canoes to ake the tra itional challenge: rien s or oes isun erstan ing this, the utch challenge ack, lo ing tru ets. hen a oat as lo ere to take a art et een the t o shi s, it as attacke . our cre en ere kille . Tas an saile a a an i not co e ack nor i an other Euro ean or 127 ears. But the utch i lea e a na e: Nieu eelan ’ or Ne ealan ’. 2 Q.: So, hat o ou think o Ne ealan A.: The earl 21st centur is an interesting ti e or Ne ealan . ike Ne ealan utter an la , il an literature are lo ering as ne er eore, an the ne ethnic i is creating so ething er s ecial in o ular usic. The orl is co ing to reali e that Ne ealan has a great culture, as ell as a great natural en iron ent. The ol i age o li e in Ne ealan as a cultural esert no longer a lies. To a N ’s isolation eans that oung Ne ealan ers in articular ha e or so e ti e een highl o ile E’ (o erseas e erience) is still consi ere a rite o assage, ut the ri ar estination has, in recent ears, eco e ustralia rather than Britain. ore an ore oung eo le go to stu a roa here learning e ten s to the orl e on the classroo alls. 3 Q.: So, hat o ou think o Ne ealan A.: s I’ one o those tra elers ins ire to co e o n un er the scener o the Rings o ies, I ha en’t een isa ointe . ackson’s ecision to
audioscripts il here in Ne ealan asn’t ere atriotis . No here else on earth ill ou in such il l arie , uns oile lan sca es. I certainl recogni e so e laces ro the il . or e a le, o iton (near ata ata), ount oo (instantl recogni a le as to ering Ngauruhoe) or the ist ountains (the South Islan ’s Southern l s). s I as serious a out in ing the e act s ots here scenes ere il e , I ought “The Lord of the Rings: Location Guidebook», hich inclu e instructions, an e en PS coor inates. n I i in all the i ortant scenes 5.5. aura Crockett ucklan , Ne ealan Self-Discovery and Stereotypes in New Zealand Part T o E en though I onl ha e to earn C gra es in or er to recei e cre it or classes in Ne ealan , I in sel stu ing an orking har in classes, hich are calle a ers here, in or er to o ersonal est. So e stu ents here ork har , ut generall the stu ents are ore rela e an less concerne a out gra es than stu ents in the Unite States ecause the ha e other i ortant things to o such as la s orts an s en ti e ith rien s an a il . ne o i i rien s in organi ational usiness classes co laine a out ho he oul ha e to iss his rug ga e ecause o our inal e a . I ha e also learne that I a a le to ush sel to e ore outgoing an tr ne things. enerall , I sh a a ro talking to ne eo le an re er to re ain co orta le an sa e. o e er, I reali e that I can talk to ne eo le an tr e tre e e ents that challenge e to o erco e a rehension. Slo l , I a a le to o erco e ear o starting con ersations ith strangers. rien l i is ake this easier an so Ne ealan has een a great lace or e to ractice this skill. I also ent ungee u ing, so ething I as scare to o. Stan ing on the e ge o a lank un er the ucklan ar our Bri ge, I elt the s ell o in in ace as I ga e at the ocean elo . sto ach t iste as the instructor counte o n ro three, signaling u . I a a e sel hen I o e o the lank into thin air, trusting the cor attache to ankle to sto e ro lu eting into the ater elo . ter one onth here in ucklan , I ha e learne ore a out sel than I coul in an entire se ester at ho e. This has een a great a to isco er strengths an eaknesses as a stu ent an erson. This e erience has also o ene e es to arious orl ie s li ing in a ne culture. I e ect to gro an reali e uch ore a out sel , Ne ealan , an the a in hich cultural stereot es o inate our glo al co unit .
KEYS 1.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English I. 1 2 B 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 9 10 . II. 2. a itious 3. artici ants; 4. en o a le 5. un rien l 6. i 7. ess 8. necessit 9. entirel 10. un a e unti . B. Reading 1 B; 2 E; 3 C; 4 I; 5 G; 6 A; 7 D; 8 F; 9 H. C. Listening 1,3,4,6,9.
2.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English I. 1 C 2 C 3 4 B 5 6 7 C 8 9 B 10 C. II. 1. scru 2. r 3. ut 4. lace 5. s rinkle 6. ake 7. cut 8. ake 9. cho 10. ill. B. Reading 1. iet 2. oo 3. inclu es 4. ar ala e 5. eanut 6. snack 7. sta le 8. choice 9. un 10. custo ar 11. hite 12. a ait 13. eating 14. hot 15. lunch 16. chi s 17. elicious 18. heart 19. ille 20. creati e. C. Listening 1 A; 2 B; 3 C; 4 B; 5 B; 6 B; 7 C; 8 A; 9 C; 10 A. 3.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English I. 1 2 B 3 C 4 5 6 7 8 C 9 C 10 . II. 1. inancial 2. ossi ilities 3. ros erous 4. arious 5. grate ul, isco eries 6. entertain ent 7. un orgetta le 8. a enturous 9. oo en 10. e citing. B. Reading 1 D; 2 A; 3 E; 4 B; 5 C C. Listening 1 B; 2 A; 3 B; 4 A; 5 C; 6 B; 7 C; 8 B; 9 C; 10 A. 4.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English I. 1 C 2 3 B 4 5 C 6 B 7 8 C. II. 1. a ition; 2. success 3. achie e ent 4. realit 5. co it ent 6. lea ing 7. ho e 8. gaining 9. a ects 10. a ours. B. Reading 1 C 2 3 4 I 5 6 7 8 9 B 10 E. agic realis ’ 3 19th 18th C. Listening 1 south east 2 Surrealis 4 oetic artistic 5 easel aintings urals on the alls 6 he easants’ li e the surroun ing orl 7 ir s an ani als st li e lo ers an guel er rose 8 orange ello (or ello green) 9 is is not 10 in asic ele ents in certain etails. 5.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English I. 1 2 3 C 4 B 5 6 C 7 B 8 9 10 B. II. 1. recognise 2. a or 3. glo all 4. science 5. on er(s) 6. oaring 7. s eak 8. ro t(s) 9. use 10. i erent. B. Reading C – H – B – D – A – G – F – E. C. Listening 1 alse 2 True 3 alse 4 alse 5 True 6 True 7 alse 8 True 9 True 10 True.