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How to talk about personal qualities

2 How to: Talk about personal qu alities a) Look at what a student tells her personal adviser. Then collect words and phrases to describe your own personal qualities.

The Useful phrases can help. You can also use phrases from the questionnaire on page 14.

I like challenges I'm good at solving problems. I can work alone, but I prefer to work in a team. I'd say I'm an ambitious person.


• I think/l'd say I'm reliable/practical/creative/patient/... • I'm (not so) good/with children/at using w ords/... • I find it easy/fun/... to meet people/leam new skills/... • I (don't) like deadlines/computers/challenges/... • I prefer to work alone/outside/...


Ask your teacher or use a dictionary for any new words you need. Collect 'personal vocabulary' in your folder.

b) In groups, take turns to present yourselves. Tell the truth, but try to stress your good qualities. Listen critically to the others in your group and make helpful suggestions.

4 M ediation and com m unication: Personal stories a) You are going to listen to three personal stories o f school leaders. Summarize the information completing the sentences in the boxes below.

Mark Student government president Sandy Outreach coordinator Mathew Student newspaper correspondent

Mark always wanted to be ... He likes ... He n e v e r ... He keeps his team ... Sandy helps ... She raises ... She has do ne...

Mathew brin gs... He is .... He understands ... He wants b) Are you a leader? Who is a leader in your class? Why do you think so?

c) Write a profile for your leaders and post them on your school website.

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