4 minute read
Words in action More about Mark Zuckerberg
9 W 1 More about Mark Zuckerberg a) Listen to the text again on page ... and match the words from the article on the left with their synonyms on the right.
creator creation star talented invention top excelled maker skilled attention interest shone
select link launched frequently connect choose influential give regularly started donate important
b) Choose the right word in each o f the pairs o f italics. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was b o m / birth on May the 14th, 1984. He is the creator / created of the social media site Facebook. He was a moon / star student at school, winning prizes in astronomy, maths and physics. He also excelled / excellent in Classical studies. He studied Psychology and Computer Science at Harvard University, which is where he created Facebook. His inventor / invention led to he / his becoming Time magazine’s Person Of The Year for 2010. Zuckerberg excelled in everything he did in his young / youth. He was captain of the school fences /fe n c in g team, spoke many languages and was a h ig h ly/ height skilled computer programmer. While other kids played computer games, he designed them. He created his first network wilt / while in high school to / by connect all of the computers in his father’s dental surgery. He also built a media player which attracted the interested / interest of Microsoft and AOL.
Zuckerberg started at Harvard in September 2002. In his first year, he created Facemash, a Facebook processor / predecessor, that let students choice / select the college’s best looking people from a selection of photos. He launched / lunched Facebook from his Harvard room in February 2004. It was the start of a rollercoaster attraction / ride that would joined / connect half a billion / thousand people worldwide and make him the world’s youngest billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is now one of the most influence / influential people on the planet. He has d in e d /d im m e d with the president of the USA and regularly/ regilar attends global economic summits and technology forums. He stated: «The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world openly / open." In 2010, Zuckerberg signed a promise called the “Giving Pledge”, in which he promised to donation / donate at least h a l f / halves of his life wealth to charity.

c) What Mark's achievements do these pictures represent?
© d) Form nouns o f the following verbs. Listen to a recording and check create lunch influence state promise choose attract dine care donate launch connect attend sign
3 Play with prefixes a) Form the antonyms o f the following
fa ir h e lp fu l h a p p y sure m oral
with the dictionary.
u su al in te re s tin g a c tiv e p o lite re g u la r a p p ro p ria te
b) Use the adjectives in your sentences. Use such phrases as “can be a little"or “...ca n be a bit" or “not always" so that they sound less negative.
► Y o u can easily form opposite in meaning adjectives using negative prefixes ir, im, in, il, dis, un responsible - irresponsible reliable - unreliable logical - illogical loyal - disloyal sincere - insincere mature - immature
Example: She can be a little disorganized sometimes. Dan is not always mature. active, curious, and communicative

4 a) Givers' qualities Although there are many different types of generous people, there are some common traits that the most generous people share. Look at those qualities and explain their meaning Use the English-English dictionary if you need.

“People wait until late in their career to give back. But why wait when there is so much to be done?”
- Mark Zuckerberg on joining ‘Giving Pledge’
o p tim ism a ltru is m tru st
e n e rg y a b ility to lead b) Which o f these qualities do you have? Why do you think so?
5 Be aw are of takers There are people who love taking. There are some warning signals that can tell you that you are dealing with a taker. • They are impatient and hate to wait. • They interrupt or butt into conversations. • They act as if they are always right. • They act as if they are never wrong. иь«/ r f s -Нм«/ • They blame others for their faults. 4т> MOV«/ ort. • They never appreciate your help. • They aren’t motivated to care or do anything unless it gets them something.