3 minute read
Zodiac signs and people's character
6 Zodiac sign s and people's characters a) Find your zodiac sign and analyze if it describes you accurately. Tell your partner what is right and what is wrong.
22 December 19 January People are sensible and organized, but sometimes can be conceited. Aquarius
20 January 18 February are very loyal, but they can be a little insensitive at times. Pisces
19 February 20 March can be very romantic, and are always sympathetic Aries
21 March 19 April are extremely energetic and adventurous.

20 April 20 May are calm and patient, but also very materialistic. Gemini
21 May 20 June are very witty, but they tend to be a little impatient Cancer
21 June 22 July are very kind and helpful, but they can sometimes be very moody. Leo
23 July 22 August are very sociable, but can often be vain as well.
23 August 22 September are hardworking, but a little bit fussy and very critical. Libra

23 September 22 October are artistic, but they tend to be indecisive. Scorpio
23 October 21 November are often passionate but sometimes a little cruel. Sagittarius
22 November 21 December are always cheerful and optimistic, but they always tend to be reckless.
b) Read the descriptions and write adjectives that describe your strengths and weaknesses.
Strengths organized Weaknesses
c) Give justification for every adjective, describing yourself.
Example: I a m o rgan ize d . I keep th in g s in order, so it is e asy to fin d w hat I need.
7 Autobiographical poem

Tamara, Strong, creative, enthusiastic, and caring, A daughter of Ivan and Lena, a sister o f Dmytro, Loves being with the family, exploring life, Feels excited, loved, and taken care of, Is happy when she sees the sun, learns a new thing or feels a new emotion, Needs time with the dearest, strength to break old habits, and spirit to stand up to bullies, Gives her time, joy, and energy, Fears stupidity, lies, and dishonesty, Would like to see the world, ocean bottom and her great-grandchildren, Enjoys communicating, supporting, and caring, Wears earrings, scarfs, and smile, Wants people to be happy, Yarova

Autobiographical Poem
An autobiographical poem is a poem that the author writes about himself.
Line 1: Your first name Line 2: Four adjectives that describe you Line 3: Son/daughter o f ..., Brother/sister o f ... Line 4: Lover of (three people or ideas or a combination) Line 5: Who feels (three sensations or emotions) Line 6: Who find happines in (three things) Line 7: Who needs (three things) Line 8: Who gives (three things) Line 9: Who fears (three things) Line 10: Who would like to see (three things) Line 11: Who enjoys (three things) Line 12: Who likes to wear (three things) Line 13: Add som ething you w ant to say Line 14: Your last name only
v'' Distinguish between autobiography and biography. ^ Talk about personal biography. ✓ Describe people's character. ✓ Use used to, make, let, have, and get. ✓ Talk about the future using different constructions. ✓ Explore your strengths and weaknesses. ✓ Talk about people's accomplishments. ✓ Write a letter of application. ✓ Prepare yourself for the interview. ✓ Write poems.