2 minute read
Get fit School structure
School structure in Ukraine
Read the text Discuss the text with your partner. For Ukrainian pupils school begins at the age of six and primary school lasts four years. A middle school is for scholars aged 10 to 15. The curriculum includes the Ukrainian language1 and literature, a foreign language, algebra, biology, chemistry, geography, geometry, history, physics, music, art, and physical education. After Year 9 pupils sit for state exams in the Ukrainian language, mathematics and the one that the school has chosen. After taking exams, pupils receive their basic school leaving certificates. Then 3 years may be spent at high school or upper secondary school leading to a matriculation school certificate or atestat. In the process, pupils take a series of state assessment tests and then exterior independent standardized tests. The pupils can check their knowledge of the Ukrainian language and literature, English (German, French, Spanish) as well as biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics, and physics.

C om paring schools in the UK and th e US a) Read the te xt Discuss sim ilarities and differences of the school systems. In the UK pupils leave primary school and then go to a comprehensive or grammar school at the age of 11 (Year 7). They can leave at 16. If they pass their GCSE exams, they can do two more years in the upper school, where they can take A-levels. In the US most students graduate from elementary school and go to a middle school (6th, 7th and 8th Grade). Then they move to a high school (9th to 12th Grade). Some may leave school at 16 but in many states they must stay at school until they are 18. Students must take school tests each year. Most students in the US go to public schools. In the UK a public school is a private school. And there is another difference. In the UK a student goes to college or university and only these students can graduate. At secondary school during Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9, ages 11-14) children are taught science, design and technology (ICT), history, geography, art and design, music, physical education, a modern foreign language, citizenship, careers education and guidance (during Year 9), sex and relationship education (SRE), religious education (parents have the right to withdraw children from this lesson). Careers education and guidance are about realizing the potential and nourishing the dreams of the next generation.

b) Write a text atx)utyour own school. c) As always, ask a partner or your teacher to check your text