4 minute read

Revision 1 Make, let, have, get, talking about the future, have someone or have som ething done, present perfect, must, mustn't, needn't

21 - J 1 Make, let, have, g e t (-»G2)

Complete the sentences with “make", “let", “have"and “get'. Listen and check your answers. 1. Sam really wants a dog, but his parents don’t ....him have a pet. 2. The teacher ...each of her students write an essay describing their future goals in life. 3. Sally ... me take off my shoes before I went into her house. She said she wanted to keep the carpet clean. 4. My parents ... the courier take a copy of my application over to FLEX office last week. 5. Diane thinks television is a waste of time, so she won’t ... her children watch

TV. 6. Marcus ... me ride his new bike. I couldn’t believe how fast it was. 7. How did you ... the doctor to make a house call? 8. Tommy didn’t want to go to his cousin’s birthday, but his mom ... him go. 9. I can’t believe the zoo keeper ... you feed the snake. That was so cool. 10.1... the translator recheck his work several times to make sure there would be no misunderstandings.

“ O 2 T alkin g about th e future (-* G5)

Put the verbs in the correct form (will, going to, sim ple present or present progressive).

Listen and check your answers.

1. I love London. I .... probably go there next year. 2. Our train (leave) at 4:47. 3. What (wear / you) at the party tonight? 4. I haven’t made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) something nice in my mum’s wardrobe. 5. This is my last day here. I (go) back to England tomorrow. 6. Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes. 7. My horoscope says that I (meet) an old friend this week. 8. Look at these big black clouds! It (rain) 9. Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be) dry and sunny.

» O 3 Have someone do or have so m e th in g done (-*G2)

Choose the right word. Listen and check your answers. 1. I have the cleaners wash / washed the floor every day. 2. She will have Taner paint / painted the house. 3. Please have your secretary fax /faxed me the letter. 4. I have the floor cleaned / clean by the cleaners every day. 5. She will have the house paint / painted by Tom. 6. Please have the letter fax / faxed me by your secretary.

“My father didn’t tell me how to live; He lived and let me watch him do it.”

C stB C T BudlS^jn K ilin d

R e v is io n R1 4 G e tting ready for the hom ecom ing parade (present perfect - » G6) a) The drama club at Paradise Valley High School wants to take part in the homecoming parade. At their last meeting the students in the club made a list o f things to do.

Then they started to do them. Look at the list What have they already done?

Example: They’ve already p u t the club on the parade list in the Activities Office.

TO D O before homecoming parade: >/ m out the dub on the oarade list in the Activities Office I ' " • • finish famous drama characters’ clothes 1/ • make drama club flags t / • choose photos from our last play for the brochure

■ \A/ritp tb p r.nntinns nnd tb p n rtid p n b n u t n u r npvt nlnu ' 1 r ’ ' 1 r J • print new drama club brochures \ / • order balloons with the PVHS drama club loao • blow up the balloons • ask the video club to make a video of us on the day • meet for a last practice before the big event!

b) What haven't they done yet?

5 Rules a t th e hom ecom ing parade ('must', 'mustn't; 'needn't -» gs)

The organizers have made rules and tips for the event Make sentences about what the students at the parade must, mustn't or needn't do. Example: Clubs which take part m u s t n ’t arrive after 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

Clubs which take part You really Your club But you At the parade you You In fact you really Remember: You But you You

must ■I mustn’t needn’t arrive after 3 o’clock in the afternoon, be late! keep their queue number with them. all stay in the right order until the end of the event. worry about photos. The camera club will be on the job! take drinks in glass bottles on the parade. take drinks at all! You can get them free at club stalls! never throw any rubbish onto the street. carry it around with you during the event. give paper cups and other rubbish to someone at a stall.

5 Your own School or club event ('must', 'mustn't', 'needn't' -* G8) Think of an event at your school or club and make rules and give tips about what the people there must, mustn't or needn't do.

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