2 minute read
Everyday English Music matters
Music matters
1 Let's talk: My m usic a) What sort of m usic do you like most and least?
Make a list and add the names o f singers/rappers/ groups that make this sort o f music.
KÜ3 E J Q Ö 0
independent alternative heavy metal punk
b) Discuss the music and the people in your lists in part a).
Why do/don't you like them?
► So you like ... most/least. Why?
Because ... is a great/rubbish guitar player/singer/__
Because the music/song/... makes me feel happy/sick/__
2 M essages in a m usic chat room a) When you chat, you can use slang words or short forms which you never write in other situations. Read the messages and make two lists.
slang/short form Peace! ur boyz normal/long form Hello! you are (you're)
b) Read the messages again. Which style o f m usic do the teenagers like?
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Strictly for gangstas Peace! So ur Atlanta (home of OutKast and Lil Jon) boyc or girlies (14—16) and hip hop mudk and bling blings ur style - Cum to the Harland Club Teen Center next Saturday at 6 pm and learn to rap with uz. If u’ve written a rap, then bring it with u. We’ll teach ya how to freestyle and diss other rappers. So chill out! Peace and c ya soon. Tuzie and Blugirl

Rock is our thing Hi! We’re 14 n 15 n w e’re from Atlanta. My homie and I like indie and rock music — Green Day, Led Zepplin etc. We don’t wanna diss anyone, but maybe you know a disco which plays ‘our’ music? U c, we can only listen to our sound on old CDs! Just post us a message. CU. Carly + Jo
Any musicians (rock, metal, punk) in/around Austin? Hi. If you’re from Austin and you want to make music, read this! My friends and I live in Round Rock, a suburb of Austin. We aren’t gangsters and we don’t wear jewelry. We’re trying to form a band and w e’re looking for a drummer, a bass player and a singer. Right now there are only 3 of us: 2 guitar players and a singer. We’re into almost everything — rock, pop, funk, Latino, EXCEPT HIP HOP (no disrespect to you gangsters!). We’ re all 15 and at high school. So if you’re around our age and are interested, e-mail us or check us out at myspace. com. We hope to hear from ya! CU Rick, Sally an’ Sam
c) Use the words from part a) and ► Hi/Peace/Hello! I'm/we're ... years old. answer one o f the chat room I'm/we're fr o m ................music is my/our style. messages. The phrases can help you. l/we write raps/sing/play —