4 minute read

Revision 2 So - such, too - enough, who, which

1 So - such Complete the sentences with s q or such. 1. That new song is ... cool that it hit the top ten within a week of being released. 2. Martha is ... a good cook that she is writing her own book of family recipes. 3. I don’t know if that is ... a good idea. Maybe we should try something else. 4. She has ... many books that she needs two more bookshelves to put them on. 5. That takes ... little time and effort that you might as well do it yourself. 6. Please, don’t drive ... fast. I’m terrified we’re going to have an accident. 7. He speaks ... slowly. 8. They are such enthusiastic young people.

2 Too - enough Fill in the correct word: too or enough. 1. I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was ... hot to drink. 2. He wasn’t strong ... to lift that heavy box. 3. There aren’t ...books in the library. 4. Do you have ... information to help me with this problem? 5. This book is ...difficult for a little child. 6. I don’t have ... time to prepare this project. 7. He didn’t work hard ... to pass the exam. 8. She was ... tired to walk.

3 More sim ilie s Make more sim iles and use them in your stories.

brave - lion thin - toothpick different - night bright - button sweet - sugar and day

4 Who or which? Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns who or which. 1. That’s Peter, the boy .... has just arrived at the airport. 2. Thank you very much for your e-mail.... was very interesting. 3. Mr Richards .... is a taxi driver, lives on the corner. 4. We often visit our aunt in Norwich... is in East Anglia. 5. This is the g irl... comes from Australia. 6. He bought all the tools ... are required to fix his old car. 7. This is the g irl... he fell in love with in Barcelona. 8. I don’t know ... did it.

Going to school in Australia

A teacher from M anchester has been teaching for a year in Australia. She has written this text about the Australian school system for her class back home. Here in Australia the school year starts at the beginning of February, after the long summer holidays, and there are four terms of 9-10 weeks each. The school day usually starts at about 8 am, Monday to Friday, going on until 2.30 or 3 pm. After that we have extra activities like music and drama. The Australians are crazy about sport, rugby and cricket being especially popular.

Education is organized by the individual states (New South Wales, Queensland, etc.). In each state there are free schools (“government schools”) attended by almost 70% of all Australian students. The other 30-40% go to fee-paying independent schools. At both types of school the students usually wear uniform. All children must start school by the age of 6 (earlier in some states), and they must stay at school until they are 15 (when they are usually in Year 10), with most Australian students staying on until the end of the final Year 12.

The national curriculum regulates what Australians learn at both government and independent schools in all states. The eight main subject areas are Maths, Society and the Environment, Science, the Arts, Economics, Technology, Health and Physical Education - and English. English is a second language for many students in Australia - for immigrants and Aboriginal families. Special English lessons are very important in the Northern Territory, where there are a large number of Aboriginal students (33%). This territory is huge, with outback desert, tropical rainforest, few towns, and a very scattered population.

One answer to this problem is the “School of the Air”, a radio service offering schooling for younger children in isolated areas. It was started in Alice Springs in the 1950s. This system has developed, and today multimedia IT is an important aspect of distance education for all ages. Now a good education can be given to children in Aboriginal settlements and in isolated small schools and farms in the outback. Not surprisingly, distance learning systems are used in almost all states in Australia.

1 U nderstanding the text: Australian schools a) Are these sentences right or wrong? Or is the information not in the text? 1. Australian students often spend time in school after normal/official lessons are over. 2. Most students in Australia leave school when they are 15. 3. There are official exams at the end ofYear 12. 4. Many immigrant students come from countries where English is not the first language. 5. In the Northern Territory almost all the people live in towns. 6. “Distance learning” is an education system for Aboriginals only.

b) Correct the sentences that are wrong. c) What is different about schools in Ukraine? Copy this A ustralia Ukraine grid, then make notes about the school year, the school starts _ peb day, and the subjects.

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