3 minute read

Check in Let's listen and talk: The Chronicles of Narnia

1 Daniel jacob R ad diffe (born 23 July, 1989) is an English actor best known fo r his role as

Harry Potter. 2 Emma Charlotte Duerre

W atson (born 15 April, 1990) is a British actress, model, and activist known for her first professional actin g role as Hermione

G ranger in the Harry

Potter film series. 3 Rupert A lexander Lloyd

G rint (bom 24 August, 1988) is an English actor who rose to prom inence p laying Ron W easley, one of the three main characters in the Harry

Potter film series.

1 Are they your favorite actors? What film series did this main trio o f stars appear? Look at the actors and try to describe their personal character traits (not film characters). The fact file box gives you some interesting examples from their lives to prove the character trait

2 You are a researcher Search the Internet and find some more interesting facts about Emma, Daniel, and Rupert to describe their character traits. Use the Wiki pages. Adjectives in the box might help you to stay focused.

Adjectives: emotional, hard-working, confident, educated, loyal, determined, strong-willed, ambitious, encouraging, intelligent ► We m ight infer a character trait from something a character does only once, or we m ight draw our conclusions from a series of things the character says and does.

I think that Daniel is smart because ...

I guess Emma is ...

I consider Rupert ...

^ Fact file

Daniel achieved A grades in the three AS-level exams that he took in 2006.

Grint took an avid interest in theatre, performing in school productions of a local theatre.

Emma encourages young girls not to behave like princesses, but rather be active in helping others.

4 Georgina Helen 5 Anna Katherine "Georgie" Henley Popplew ell (born 9 July, 1995) is (born 16 December, an English actress, 1988) is a British film best known for her actress known for portrayal o f Lucy her role as Susan Pevensie in The Pevensie in The Chronicles of Narnia Chronicles of Narnia film series. film series. 6 W illiam Peter 7 Alexander Amin Casper M oseley "Skandar" Keynes (born 27 April, 1987) ([ keinz]; bom 5 is an English actor, Septem ber 1991) is an known fo r h is roles English form er actor. He as Peter Pevensie in is best known fo r starring the film series The as Edmund Pevensie in Chronicles of Narnia. The Chronicles of Narnia film series.

DID YOU KNOW? • The Chronicles of Narnia is a series of fantasy films from Walden Media. • It is based on The Chronicles of Narnia, a series of novels written by C. S. Lewis. • From the seven novels, there have been three film adaptations so far - The Lion, the Witch and the

Wardrobe (2005), Prince Caspian (2008) and The

Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010) which have grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide among them. • Harry Potter is a British film series based on the

Harry Potter novels by author J. K. Rowling. • The series is distributed by Warner

Bros, and consists of eight fantasy films beginning with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) and culminating with Harry Potter and the

Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011). • It is the second highest-grossing film series with $7.7 billion in worldwide receipts, of which seven out of eight films are among the 50 highest- grossing films.

24 3 Let's listen and talk: The Chronicles of Narnia: Interview a) Listen to the interview with Anna Popplewell and William Moseley. b) Talk about teenagers' perception o f the “Narnia" their auditioning, creating a feeling o f family, acting with animatronic animals.

4 For my folder: Info from th e Internet Find out more information about The Chronicles of Narnia on the Internet. Then answer the questions. 1. What is lion’s name who guided children in Narnia? 2. What is Narnia? 3. Who are the main characters (protagonists) in the film series? 4. What character is an antagonist (opposes the protagonists)?

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