4 minute read
Try it out City of Melbourne

I would like to take the opportunity to share some of my impressions and thoughts about Australia, far away country. The trip was long and tiresome. The flight from Kyiv to Australia is very long, but when you step foot on this far away continent and see this beauty the long trip seems less burdensome. Our destination was Melbourne. It is a modern and beautiful city with wonderful architecture, wide and endless boulevards, fast and comfortable transportation, and large green parks. Despite the fact that it is an industrial country the oceans that encircle the continent are surprisingly CITY OF M E L B O U R N E clean and clear. Melbourne is a rich commercial center, a very lively metropolis. Sydney was our second stop. The architecture and the national parks of this city exceeded in beauty and splendor those of our first stop. Sidney is considered one of the most beautiful cities of the world. Together, these two cities, Melbourne and Sydney, represent Australia. The country has been beautifully developed and has managed to use in a positive way the manpower that arrived from all parts of Asia and Europe. The inhabitants of the country took advantage of the land's natural resources and at the same time they showed great respect for the environment. It is a multicultural society, though the leading ethnicity is Anglo-Saxon. The country's democratic system is mirrored by the security and prosperity that it offers to its citizens. Here young people can find opportunities for advancement and old age is treated with reverence and respect. The latter is the element that distinguishes the level of civilization of any country. Generally speaking, Australia is a modern country that offers many possibilities of development and progress. A R e a d in g 1 Read the text. Are these sentences right or wrong? 1. The trip to Australia was exciting. 2 First, they arrived in Melbourne. 3. Melbourne is heavily polluted. 4. Sydney is a beautiful city. 5. Many people from different countries came to work in Australia. 6. People in Australia waste their natural resources. 7. It's a multinational country. 8. The elderly are protected by the government. 2 For sentences choose the correct answer 1,2 or 3. a) I ............ to take the opportunity to share some of my impressions and thoughts about Australia. 1) would like 2) should 3) like b) The c o u n try........beautifully developed. 1) was 2) has been 3) will have been c) S id n e y ................................one of the most beautiful cities of the world. 1) is considered 2) considers 3) had been d) The country's democratic s y s t e m ..................... by the security and prosperity that it offers to its citizens. 1) mirrors 2) will be mirrored 3) is mirrored. 1 1 2

B L a n g u a g e 1 Read the text again and fill in the m issing prepositions. a. He shared his impressions ... Australia. b. The f l i g h t.........Kyiv to Australia is very long. c. It is a modem c it y .....wonderful architecture. d. The architecture of Sidney e xc e e d e d........beauty that of Melbourne. e. Many people a rriv e d........all parts of Asia and Europe in Australia. f. People show great re sp e c t........the environment. g. The country's democratic system is mirrored .... the security and prosperity. h. Here young people can find op p o rtu n ities..........advancement. 2 Remember all the adjectives used to describe the cities in Australia. The first letter has been given. L ____________ T ____________ B ____________ M ___________ B ____________ W ____________ E ____________ F ____________
C ________ I ________ c ________ c ________
C M e d ia t io n a n d c o m m u n ic a t io n You have a picture of your favourite destination. Answer your friend's questions about this picture.

63 U D L is t e n in g
Which of these problems did people have? Put a tick ( / ) .
The airport was crowded. The flights were delayed. The city was too noisy.
It was too hot. Impatient drivers. He left his passport at home.
He lost his ticke t His luggage was lost. He missed the flig h t

E S k ills Making a comparison. How are two cities Melbourne and Sydney alike? Different?
F W r it in g 1 Use your notes from part E and compete the sentences. Try to make some guesses. The architecture of Sydney exceeds t h a t__ The parks in Sydney are b e tte r__ Both cities re p re se n t__ I think that streets in Sydney are so they are . . . i n Melbourne. 1 think that Sydney is .. . than Melbourne. 2 Your opinion Search the Internet and find more facts about these two cities: location, territory, population, sights. What do think of them? Which city would you like to visit? Why?