4 minute read
Language 1 The simple present passive
65 U 1 Fam ily vacations in New York
Family vacations in New York can be rewarding experiences or absolute disasters - it all depends on pre-trip homework. Planning your trip is the key. Here are some frequently visited places in New York.
A. Vanderbilt Mansion gives you a taste of the good life from the Gilded Age. The Vanderbilt Mansion, a national historic site, is located in Hyde Park. N.Y. Vanderbilt Mansion is open daily for guided tours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. Guided tours are required for access to the mansion.

B. American Museum of Natural History is world renowned for its amazing collection of animal displays and dinosaur bones. It also has an IMAX theater, shows and special exhibits for the little ones. The American Museum of Natural History is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. The museum is closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Discounts are given to students, seniors, and children.
C. FAO Schwarz New York City
Kids of all ages, as well as adults are kids at heart. FAO Schwarz New York City is for kids and adults alike. More than 20,000 colored lights and the famous giant dance-on piano keyboard are featured in the Grand Hall. Workshops for kids are conducted here too. Store hours are 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Price: Free.

D. Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt, is located in Hyde Park. Franklin D. Roosevelt, was the 32nd president of the United States. There is the first U.S. Presidential Library and the Rose Garden, where FDR is buried. A wealth of information about the United States’ longest-serving president is provided by the guided tour of the house. The Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. It is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. Guided tours are required for access to the home. The grounds are open from sunrise to sunset daily year-round. Kids 15 and younger are free.

2 Rules to rem em ber when tra ve llin g a) Fill in the gaps with 'is' or ‘are’. 1. Hotel rooms... reserved in advance. 2. The flight... booked at least two months before the trip. 3. Bags ... packed carefully. 4. The trip .....planned long before. 5. The trip advising websites ... checked. 6. The camera battery ... charged well. 7. There is no need to leave a tip. Service... included in the bill. 8. Money ... saved. 9. The expenses ... estimated. 10. The travel insurance... bought.
3 How are banana chips made? a) Here is a recipe o f banana chips. Turn the following sentences in the present simple passive, eg. First a special machine rinses the bananas. -
The bananas are rinsed by a speaal machine.
To change a sentence from the active into the passive, we need to put the object in the first place and make it the subject in the passive sentence. e.g. The U. S. Office of Education prepared the Special Report, (active) e.g. The Special Report was prepared by U. S. Office of Education, (passive) The present simple passive be in the present simple + past participle is, am, are + past participle The past participle of the regular verbs V +ed: worked, asked, played, toured The past participle of the irregular verbs V3: taken, seen, brought, broken
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1. Next we put the clean bananas into a chipping machine. 2. The chipping machine slices them into thin chips. 3. After we distribute them. 4. We leave them to dry. 4. Once they are dry, we fry the banana chips in hot oil. 5. Then we remove the cooked banana chips from the fryers with a special sieve. 6. After they are cooled we add spices for extra taste. 7. Finally, we package the banana chips. 8. The stores around the world sell them nicely.

b) Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use the passive form o f the verbs. add • fry • leave • ✓ m a ke • peel • put • re m o v e • rin se • se ll • s lic e • so a k
The flowchart shows how banana chips are made . First, the b an an as ______ and
then th e y_______
in water. Next the clean b a n a n a s _________into a chipping machine where th e y_______ into thin chips. After this th e y_____. Once they are dry, the banana ch ip s_____ in hot oil in large deep fat fryers. The cooked banana c h ip s_____ from the fryers using a special sieve which allows all of the oil to drain off. The banana chips__________ to cool. When they have reached the right temperature, spices_____ for extra taste. Finally, the banana chips are packaged ready to be distributed around the world a n d____
66 O c) Listen and check.