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Let's talk: A New York City quiz
2 The Statue of Liberty 3 In the foreground: A jogger on Brooklyn Bridge 4 Kids with kickboards on steps, in Brooklyn 5 Neon lights, stores and theaters on Times Square, Manhattan * •
DID YOU KNOW? • More than 8 million people live in New York City.
Over a third of them were bom outside the US. • New York has five boroughs: Manhattan,
Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. • Each borough has neighborhoods. One of the most famous is Chinatown in Manhattan. • Manhattan has lots of skyscrapers. The Empire
State Building was one of the first. • The Statue of Liberty in New York
Harbor is a symbol of freedom. A famous island in the harbor is Ellis
Island. Millions of immigrants landed there in the past. • Central Park is the safest public park in the US. It has lakes, playgrounds and lots of fields for ball games.

3 Let's ta lk : A New York City q u iz a) Read the fact box and write questions for a partner. b) Close your books and ask and answer questions about New York
City (NYC).
► How many people live /were bom ...?
How many ... does New York City have?
What is its name/are their names?
What is the name of/are the names of ...?
Where is/are ...?
What happened once/in the past in/on ...?
4 For my fo ld e r: A sk y s c ra p e r a) Find o ut more about the Empire State Building on the Internet.
These questions can help you: 1. When did they build it? 2. How high is it? 3. How many steps has it got? b) Make a fact file with pictures and present it to your class.