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L K BACK! Lessons 1-2

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

computer geek (twice), fascinated, enjoys, fashion-conscious, hip hoppers

1 My best friend is quite … and she always keeps up with the latest trends. 2 I am … by black Americans and their culture. 3 I love new gadgets, but I wouldn’t call myself a … . 4 I don’t like rap music, but I get on well with some … in my school. 5 A … usually doesn’t care about fashion. 6 I always see your friend in the library. I’m sure he … reading and learning a lot.

2 a) Read about Amy. Use the words and expressions from the box to complete her composition on page 44.

Amy is a new student at school. She is sitting in her room and preparing a poster with the title ALL ABOUT ME... for the school yearbook.



feel down, competitive, fashion-conscious, hang-outs

ALL ABOUT ME... I don’t know where to begin, because I don’t like talking about myself. I don’t fi t in any group, especially the popular ones. I’m not … because I don’t think much about clothes. I just wear what’s comfortable, so I guess preps would look down on me. My mum thinks I spend too much time in front of the computer, but I only use it for schoolwork and chatting. Anyway, she always says I should go out more. I love classical music. Whenever I …, I play the piano. I also like dancing, but I have absolutely no talent for it. I guess hip hoppers wouldn’t like to see me in their dance group. And, let’s not forget my reading. I read tons of books, and they are not just for my English class. That’s why libraries are my favourite … . My dad thinks I should do some sports, but I’m simply not much of an athlete. And I hate PE! Other than that, school is not a problem for me, although I’m not ambitious and … like high-fl yers. I’m excellent at Chemistry, but History gives me a headache. I never speak up in class, so who would want me on their debate team? I’m such a boring person! Thank God I have Sugar. I always talk to him. I tell him all my secrets, and he’s always there for me. Dogs are great friends, aren’t they?

b) Work in small groups. Discuss the questions below.

zzWhich of the following teenage groups (page 45) does she mention in her composition? Does she have anything in common with them?

 PREPS  PUNK ROCKERS  FANS  HIP HOPPERS  EMOS zzWhat’s her problem?

Lessons 1-2


3 Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

musical, infl uenced, tongue, hairstyle, youth, express, youth culture, styles, life, decoration

(1)… is a smaller culture that exists within a large one. For example, youth subcultures, centering around such (2)… preferences as rap, heavy-metal, or hip-hop, may spot somewhat particular (3)… of dress, language, and behaviour, while accepting other aspects of the dominant culture. There are many trends in (4)… fashion and styles, too. For example, Graffi ti, which became a way of (5)… for some young people. Graffi ti style was (6)… by the hip-hop culture that has started in New York in the 60s. Hip-hop with its rapping, breakdancing and graffi ti became a way to (7)... anger and humour.


Today young people like to use body modification. Tattoos can be found on everyone from Robbie Williams to Angelina Jolie, and even Princess Anne of England’s daughter has her (8)... pierced. These days most people use body art simply as (9)... . It has become a fashion statement, in the same way that an item of clothing or (10)... might be.

4 Open the brackets using gerunds instead of infinitives.

5 Transform the sentences using gerunds instead of infinitives.

Example: He postponed (make) … a decision. He postponed making a decision.

Example: We continue to study English. We continue studying English.

1 I began (read) … a novel yesterday. 2 We had started (write) … the exercise before the teacher came in. 3 It has stopped (rain) … . I hate (go) … out in the rain. 4 My uncle has given up (smoke) … and now prefers (eat) … sweets. 5 I like (come) … to school by bus but I hate (stand) … in the rain and (wait) … for it. 6 I love (eat) … oranges, but I dislike (peel) … them. 7 We enjoyed (see) … you and (hear) … all your news.

1 She has just finished to read an article about the natural resources of Ukraine. 2 My father intends to spend his holidays in the Carpathians. 3 My sister began to work in this beautiful Ukrainian city five years ago. 4 I have just begun to translate the text into Ukrainian. 5 We preferred to go to Kyiv by plane.


Lessons 1-2

6 Read and choose the statements below according to the street styles shown on the right.

Write in the appropriate number.

 They wear their hair long.  They love extravagant dresses and hairstyles.  They usually wear untidy clothes.  They wear lots of rings, bracelets and bells.  They prefer to be free and not to work.  They love wearing long robes or dresses and wide trousers.  They like to wear their hair long with lots of colour threads in it.  They pierce their noses and ears with pins.  They wear sandals or walk 2 barefoot (without shoes).  They wear old black denim jeans.  They have brightly dyed (painted) hair.  They carry fl owers.  They love wearing boots on wooden sole.  They show off their independence in wearing silver earrings and sometimes noserings.  They are antifashion: they prefered wearing old clothes or making their clothes. 1

Hippies Punks


New Age Travellers


7 a) Do the questionnaire to find out if you are music mad (crazy).

1 How often do you buy new


 a) once a week  b) once a month  c) once a year  d) never

3 Do you read music magazines?

 a) often  b) regularly  c) rarely  d) never

5 Do you sing in a choir or play in a band?

 a) Yes, often.  b) Yes, regularly.  c) Yes, but rarely.  d) No, never.

7 Do you listen to music outside the home, e.g., on a personal stereo?

 a) often  b) regularly  c) rarely  d) never

2 How often do you go to live concerts?

 a) once a week  b) once a month  c) once a year  d) never

4 Do you play a musical instrument?

 a) Yes, often.  b) Yes, regularly.  c) Yes, but rarely.  d) No, never.

6 How often do you listen to music at home?

 a) often  b) regularly  c) rarely  d) never

8 Do you listen to music...

 a) when you are working/studying?  b) in the bath?  c) on the way to school?  d) in bed?



6 points each for every a) answer 4 points each for every b) answer 2 points each for every c) answer 0 points each for every d) answer YOUR RESULTS: If you scored 40 or more, you are completely music mad. You live and breathe for music. You are probably a musician yourself!

Lessons 1-2

If you scored 20-39, you take an active interest in music. You probably choose your friends according to whether they like the same type of music as you do. If you scored 10-19, then music is not your main leisure interest.

You probably prefer sport or reading, for example. If you scored 9 or less, you are musically brain dead. You probably don’t know the difference between Mozart and Madonna!

b) Choose one of the topics below and, in groups, make up a questionnaire similar to the above ‘Are you Music Mad?’.

Use the questionnaire to fi nd out about other mates.

zz‘Are you TV Mad?’ zz‘Are you Computer Games Mad?’ zz‘Are you Video Mad?’ zz‘Are you Movie Mad?’

8 Work in groups. Look at the photos and say if it is easy to guess the countries the kids on the photos are from. guess the countries the kids on the photos are from.

Explain why.


Do you KNoW?

Young people express themselves, for example, in Weblish, a new shorthand English used in text messaging and in the Internet chat rooms. Weblish is a kind of ‘slang’ — idiomatic English which often breaks the rules of correct English. For example, capital letters are not used. Here is a glossary1 of some of the key expressions and symbols used in chat rooms.

u — you c — see 2 — to r — are b — be 4 — for nite — night yup — yes thanx — thanks cos — because dumbo — stupid best — best wishes wanna — do you want to — do you want to just thought — I just thought — I just thought cheer him — it’ll cheer him up u bet — you bet (this means a strong ‘Yes!’)

9 a) Try to read a message from

Kate’s phone (on the right).

What is it about?

50 b) Work in pairs. Use the b) Work in pairs. Use the glossary on page 51 and glossary on page 51 and rewrite the dialogue (page rewrite the dialogue (page 53) in Weblish. Each of 53) in Weblish. Each of you should write only you should write only one part, either Sally’s one part, either Sally’s or Al’s.

1a glossary [ˈɡlɒsəri] — глосарій, невеликий словник hi an! how is ur trip? my frnds and me r very by her. dey all send thr lv to u. wot r your plans 4 the rest of the holidays? rite, please. c u soon ur K8

Lessons 1-2

Sally: Hey! How are you today? Al: Great. Thanks. Good to see you here again. Sally: Me too. Al: I had a few things to do for school but I will have fi nished them by Friday. Sally: Did you do well in that test on Monday? Al: Yes! I worked like mad on it. Sally: So what are you doing on Friday night then? Al: Well, I’ll be going to Linda’s party. Would you like to go? Sally: Yes, of course. Al: Great! I’ll pick you up at nine at our usual place. Sally: Thanks. Hey, will you be free to come to the club on Saturday? Al: Sure. Sally: With me, I hope. Al: Who else, you stupid? But I’ll visit Mike on the way because he will be operated on in the hospital. Sally: You don’t say. Do you mean he’ll be really operated on? Ugh! Al: Yes, he will. That’s right. Not much fun. Sally: I agree. When will you be going? Al: Saturday morning. Hey, have you got the latest Kilie CD? Sally: Yes, I have. Al: Can you lend it to me because I want to make a copy for Mike to cheer him up. Thanks.

You may start like this.

Sally: hey, how r u today? Al: great, thanx, gd 2 c u here again


10 Discuss in groups of three.

a Do you agree that music, television and movies cross the boundaries? Why? b Is a new generation appearing on the world scene? Prove your opinion. c Do computers create a new kind of neighbourhood? Why? d What are the new ways of learning English? e Do teenagers like to be different? f What is Weblish? Why did it appear?

11 Read and match the names with the photographs.



2 3

4 5

 Phil: I’m a punk. And all punks have crazy hair, you know. I often change the colour. Sometimes it’s pink or green.  Leo: The hairdresser shaves it once a week. That’s expensive, but I don’t have to buy shampoo, conditioner or gel.  John: I don’t look like a girl. Lots of men have ponytails — look at Bono in U2.  Sam: I never go to the hairdresser. I do it myself — I just cut the ends and the fringe1 in front of a mirror.  Robin: It takes hours to do. I like it because it is traditional. African women wear their hair like this.

1a fringe [frindz] — чубок, чубчик

Lessons 1-2

12 Discuss with your class why the use of the Internet (especially chatting) can be risky at times. Here are some ideas to help you.

Say if you agree or disagree with them.

1 Online friends are not real friends. 2 People often lie online. That’s why you can’t trust anyone. 3 Internet friendships take teenagers away from real people and friends. 4 Parents should have control over what their teenagers are doing on the net. 5 Teen bloggers are often careless. They say too much about themselves and this makes it possible for weirdos to track them down.


Everyone you meet online is a stranger. Don’t give important information about yourself like your name, where you go to school, or your address.

13 Prepare a mini poster about yourself, with the title ALL

ABOUT ME..., for the school yearbook. FILE FOR

Step 1. On separate sheets of paper write PROJECT about your tastes in clothes, subjects you like at school, hobbies and interests, tastes in music, favourite hangouts, or anything else that you think might be interesting for other people to know about you.

Step 2. Find some photographs or draw some pictures.

Step 3. Make a poster using your writings and pictures.

Step 4. Display your poster and comment on it in class. Display your poster and comment on it in class.

School Yearbook ALL ABOUT ME…


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