1 minute read


Source: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz

1. The Grand Canyon is a. an ancient wonder. b. a natural wonder.

2. The national park is in the state of a. Arizona. b. Colorado.


3. A lot of Native Americans … in the national park.

a. live b. hunt a. is b. isn’t a. rafting and kayaking b. rafting and hiking a. easy b. difficult

4. The Grand Canyon … the deepest canyon in the world.

5. Tourists can go … there.

6. It is not … to visit the Grand Canyon without a ranger or a guide.

Work in pairs. Choose a role card and make a dialogue. Take turns.

Student A: Ask Student B about his/her plans for the winter/summer holidays. Invite Student B to join in your plans for the holidays.

Student B: Answer Student A’s questions. Accept or decline Student A’s invitation. If you decline, tell Student A what other plans you have got.

Go to page 22 in Workbook 1 to do the Grammar and Vocabulary sections.

I know how to: greet a friend. introduce a friend. make a request. describe personality. talk about arrangements, plans and intentions.

I can: use the Present Continuous for actions happening now and for arrangements. use possessive ’s and s’ make predictions. talk about future facts. talk about active leisure and healthy lifestyle. talk about means of transport. use the gerund. use be going to for plans in the future. use will

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