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Everyday English Meet halfway
Meet halfway
1 Before you listen Some conversations become fights while others stay friendly. a) Sort these tips into two lists: ‘I agree’ and ‘I disagree’.
I agree
I disagree Ask what the other person thinks. Get angry.
Get angry. • Ask what the other person thinks. • Shout. • Show you understand what the other person feels. • Always agree with the other person. • Cry – then the other person will feel sorry for you. • Explain your feelings or ideas. • Stay cool. • Show you are listening. • Be polite. • Say “You always …” or “You never …” a lot. • Be positive before you say what you really think. • Walk away if someone gets aggressive.
b) Compare your lists with a partner. Talk about any differences.
2 Listening: Right way/wrong way a) You are going to hear two conversations. The first is between Kim and her parents, the second is between Jill and her parents. For each conversation, write down: • what the girls want to do; • how their parents feel about the idea; • why the girls think their parents should say ‘yes’; • what the parents decide in the end. b) Why do you think one girl gets what she wants and the other girl doesn’t?
3 How to resolve conflicts without fighting a) Before you listen: What should you do first, second ….., and finally?
Arrange the following steps in order. Discuss your list with your friend. Example: I think that step A should be number … . Steps: A. THINK of positive options. How could you meet each other’s needs and be fair? B. STOP. Don’t let the conflict get worse. The less angry you are the easier it will be to solve the problem. C. SAY what the conflict is about. What is causing the disagreement? What does each of you want or not want? D. If you still can’t agree, ask someone else (an outsider) to help resolve the conflict. E. CHOOSE a positive option each of you can agree on.
STEP 1 What should I do?