2 minute read
Small talk
talk! ?
When you travel to other countries, it’s good if you can talk easily to people you meet. English is useful in many parts of the world because there are so many Commonwealth countries. Most people in these places speak English as a first or second language.
1 Show that you are listening a) The speakers on the right meet at an airport in
South Africa. How do they show they are listening to what the other person says? Collect the words and phrases they use.
Oh, I see. …
A: Are you waiting for the flight to New York, too? B: No, Toronto. I’m on my way home there. A: Oh, I see. So you’ve been on holiday here, eh? B: Yes, it was a prize I won in a competition. A: Really? How fantastic! I expect you enjoyed it. B: It was great. You say you’re flying to New York, right? A: Yes, but my flight is an hour late. B: Oh no! It’s so annoying when that happens, isn’t it? A: Yes, I know. But you just have to sit and wait, don’t you? B: Exactly. Oh, I have to go now. Well, nice to talk to you. A: And you. Bye. Have a nice flight.
b) Show that you are listening to these people. The words and phrases from a) can help. 1. My passport was stolen. 4. This café is expensive, isn’t it? 2. I’m on a world trip. 5. I can speak ten languages. 3. I’ve been on a course here. 6. There aren’t enough check-in desks.
2 Show that you are happy to talk Look at the dialogue in exercise 1 again. How do the speakers show that they are happy to talk and that they want the conversation to continue? What signals do they use? Example: A asks why B has been in South Africa.
3 Let’s listen: Fillers a) When you talk, you often use extra words and phrases (‘fillers’) you wouldn’t use when you write. Listen to the conversation and make a list. b) Explain why people use phrases like this.
um the thing is …
4 A game: Small talk champion Work with a partner. Imagine you meet in another part of the world. Choose a situation, then act out a conversation and talk for as long as you can. The pair that talks the longest wins the game. Ideas for situations: • “Is this your first trip to the USA?” • “It’s very hot in Australia, isn’t it?” • “Excuse me. Is anyone sitting here?” • “Which flight are you waiting for?” • “…”