2 minute read
Words in action More about geography
62 1 Sounds: One sound makes a difference The Queen Mary isn’t a sheep !i:? – it’s a ship !I?. a) Listen and say which you hear: a) or b). 1. a) prize b) price 2. a) bad b) bat 3. a) dog b) dock 4. a) man b) men 5. a) boat b) bought b) Test your partner: Choose a) or b) and say the word. Your partner writes down the word he/she hears. Does your partner understand what you say?
2 What’s the word? a) Work with your partner and make sure that you know these words. Example: A: What is a natural flow of water that goes into an ocean or a lake? B: It’s a river. Go on ... 1. a natural flow of water that goes into an ocean or a lake. 2. the territory occupied by a nation 3. it’s higher than a hill 4. an open area at the meeting of two or more streets 5. a large body of salt water that has land around part or all of it. 6. the number of people who live in one place 7. a stream of river that flows into a large stream or river 8. it’s built over a river, a road, or railway to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other. tributary river mountain bridge square sea country population
b) Do this exercise in reverse. Example: What is a river? B: It’s a natural flow of water that goes into an ocean or a lake.
3 Do you know geography? a) Match two parts of the sentences. Search the Internet to find the answers if you are not sure.
1. The Strait of Dover between
England and France a) is the «United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
2. The UK’s full and official name
b) north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. 3. The capital of the UK is c) is part of an island lying off the western coast of Europe, comprising the main territory of the United Kingdom.
4. Britain is d) England, Scotland, and Wales.
5. Britain goes back to Roman times and refers to e) London
6. The UK is situated f) connects the North Sea with the English Channel. 7. Great Britain is made up of g) England and Wales.