8 minute read
Objects consisting of two parts
4 Singular or plural? Some nouns only have a plural form, and some things are usually in pairs. If you want to say how many there are, you can say “a pair of” or “pairs of”. Example: Have you seen my glasses? – I saw a pair of glasses in the kitchen. Are they yours? Complete the text with “pair(s) of”. How many have you got at home? Three? Or four? Pop stars must have big wardrobes: Some singers wear three at one concert. British star Elton John owns 4,000 ! And when cult bands use fire on stage, each member of the band needs a . I know people who think they have to buy a every time they see a shoe shop. And who steals my socks? I’ve got four with one sock missing! Have you?
5 Objects consisting of two parts Objects consisting of two parts ( are usually in pairs) always take a plural verb. You always say how many there are using “a pair of” or “pairs of”. Example: I need three pairs of scissors.
binoculars compasses pyjamas scissors pliers
6 Make adjectives Lots of English adjectives have a main part which comes from a noun and an ending (or ‘suffix’) which makes an adjective. Examples: univers(e) + -al wonder + -ful wind + -y Which suffixes can you add to these nouns? (Check the spelling in your dictionary.)
milk help culture event pain
region industry tradition
YOU CAN ALREADY ✔ Describe the geographical position of the UK and Ukraine. ✔ Explain the differences and similarities between the UK and Ukraine. ✔ Plan your holidays using forms that refer to future actions. ✔ Talk about the future using tense forms that refer to future actions. ✔ Use or omit ‘the’ with geographical objects. ✔ Use verbs feel, smell, taste, look with adjectives. ✔ Collect information about interesting places. ✔ Classify information. ✔ Use the internet search engine. ✔ Write about the most interesting places you would like to visit. ✔ Tell about the place you would like to live. ✔ Exchange holiday impressions. ✔ Have a small talk with strangers. ✔ Read longer texts.
Project English and Geography
STEP 1: Find out about the weather The Vikings1 thought cats were a sign of heavy rain and that dogs were a sign of storms and wind. So ‘It’s raining cats and dogs’ means a bad rainstorm2. The cartoon is funny because people think it rains a lot in the UK, but is that true?
Fort William 1900 Manchester 800 Falmouth 1100

a) Look at these annual average rainfall totals 3 (mm) and find the places in your atlas 4 .
Glasgow 1200 Norwich 600 Newcastle 670 b) Look at a relief 5 map in your atlas which shows the highland 6 and lowland 7 areas 8 of the UK. Where does it rain a lot? Where does it rain less? Can you explain why?
STEP 2 Collect weather words The weather is with us all the time – rain, snow, sun, wind. When we talk about weather we describe what the atmosphere9 is like in one place at one time. a) Collect all the weather words you know and make a word web. b) Now look out of the window and write a short weather report.
The words in your word web will help you.
Start like this: The weather in (place) (this morning) is …
STEP 3 Make a weather forecast 10 a) Listen to the weather forecast and find out what the weather will be like in Wales.
b) Look at the weather map and the weather symbols 11 on the next page. Find the regions on a map in your atlas. USEFUL PHRASES c) Write a UK weather forecast for the
TV news. These Useful phrases may help you. d) Now do your weather forecast for a partner. Here is the UK weather forecast for (Monday, 14th June); It will be (dry, wet, cloudy, …) over (most of the country/…); There will be (some sun, light13/heavy rain) in (the North/ South/…); That’s all for now and now back to (Susan).
1Viking !*vaIkIN? • 2 rainstorm !*reInstC:m? • 3 annual average rainfall total !+xnjuEl +xvrIdZ *reInfC:l +tEUtl? • 4 atlas !*xtlEs? • 5 relief !rI*li:f? • 6 highland !*haIlEnd? • 7 lowland !*lEUlEnd? • 8 area !*eErIE? • 9 atmosphere !*xtmEsfIE? • 10 forecast !*fC:kA:st? • 11 symbol !*sImbl? • 12 Met !met? • 13 light rain !laIt *reIn?
The different regions on the weather map ‡ Northern Scotland ‡ Southern Scotland ‡ Northern Ireland ‡ Wales ‡ North-east England ‡ North-west England ‡ South-east England ‡ South-west England ‡ The Midlands The symbols on the weather map sunny intervals light rain showers light rain heavy rain cloud/cloudy sun/sunny
STEP 4 Give a presentation
PROJECT SKILLS If you have to prepare a presentation, you first look for important information. Then you must organize the information you have found. The ideas here will help you to present the information clearly. 1. Start your presentation with an introduction14 . 2. Now present your information: 3. At the end of your presentation you can summarize15 the main points and answer questions. The theme of today’s presentation is … Firstly we are going to talk about … Secondly … Then … Our fourth and final part is … To begin with, I’d like to look at … The next point/idea is … Let’s have a look at/As you can see on the map … Before we finish, we’d like to summarize the main points. Well, that brings us to the end of our presentation. If you have got any questions, we’ll try to answer them.
STEP 2 Do a project: Britain’s climate16
Climate is the average weather over many years. In the UK the climate is a bit different in every region. a) Make groups. Each group looks at one of the five regions on the map. b) Find out about the climate in your group’s region. Look at: annual rainfall • average temperature • hours of sunshine 17 . c) Now find out about the climate of the region where you live in Ukraine. Is the UK really wetter? Give a presentation.

14 introduction !9IntrE*d0kSn? • 15 (to) summarize !*s0mraIz? • 16 climate !*klaImEt? • 17 sunshine !*s0nSaIn?
1 What was everyone doing in Trafalgar Square? Look at the picture. Say what people were doing in Trafalgar Square. Example: A woman was feeding the pigeons. sit • talk • chase • feed • sell • play • bark • sing • listen
2 What were children doing? What were people doing at 5 pm yesterday? 1. Emma *** an e-mail on her computer. 2. Artem’s friends***the Tube at the station. 3. Lisa ***the platform. 4. Jade *** with Barker. 5. Sam and Terry ***upstairs on an escalator. 6. Mr Jackson *** his taxi to Trafalgar Square. 7. Mrs Smith *** in her jazz café. 8. Lyla *** her homework for a project. stand in

do drive
wait for
3 Simple past or past progressive Complete the sentences with the correct form: simple past or past progressive. Kim (ride) her bike to the Computer Club when suddenly a dog (run) in front of her bike. She (stop) her bike to help the dog. The dog (cry) because its leg (be) hurt. While Kim (help) the dog, it (start) to rain. The dog (not have) any information on it so she (carry) it to the next house. She (wait) for someone to answer the door when she (hear) something behind her. A little girl (call) “Rover! Rover!” again and again. Kim (bring) the dog to the girl and (ask) her, “Is this your dog?” The girl (smile) when she (saw) it was Rover. When they (get) to the little girl’s house, it (still rain). The dog (not cry) now and Kim (feel) happy.
4 Whose is this? Choose the correct word in each sentence.
1. Don’t eat those chips. They’re (her/hers). 2. Whose umbrella is that? It’s (my / mine). 3. Is that your story? No, it’s (your /yours). 4. Is this his locker? No, it’s (her/hers). 5. Are those my books? No, they’re (my / mine) 5. Is this his camera? No, it’s (your /yours). 6. Whose bikes are these? They are (our/ours). 7. Are these your trainers? Yes, they’re (my / mine). 8. Whose team is this? It’s (our/ours). 9. Whose T-shirt is this? It’s (your/ yours).
5 More facts about straits Fill in ‘the’ where necessary.
Well-known straits in the world include ***Strait of Dover, between ***England and ***France, which connects *** North Sea with *** English Channel; *** Strait of Gibraltar, the only natural passage between *** Atlantic Ocean and *** Mediterranean Sea; *** Bosporus and *** Dardanelles, which connect *** Mediterranean and *** Black Sea; *** Strait of Magellan, connecting *** Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, *** Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia which connects *** Pacific and Arctic Oceans; *** Strait of Malacca, which lies between Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra and connects the Indian Ocean with the South China Sea; and Bass Strait which lies between mainland Australia and Tasmania and connects *** Indian Ocean with *** Pacific Ocean.
6 My plans Read a letter about some vacation plans. Fill in the gaps with ‘the’ where it is necessary.
I would like to go to *** Cadley Island, visit *** Lake Edward, have a picnic at *** Pinnacle State Park, climb *** Atlas Mountains in *** Algeria, in *** Morocco, and in *** Tunisia. What is more, I would like to cross *** Black Sea, *** Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and take a discovery trip of *** Australia and *** New Zealand.

7 Fill in ‘the’ where necessary
1. It is the custom for ***British people to make jokes and play tricks on each other. 2. The capital city of ***Spain , ***Madrid, is to ***north of Seville. 3. I would love to spend *** summer in ***Caribbean. 4. The highest mountain in ***world, ***Mount Everest, is in ***Himalayas. 5. We decided to go by ***bus, but we had to wait for an hour or so at the bus stop. 6. I was sitting on *** bus reading my book. 7. On Sunday we decided to go to ***beach by ***train. 8. By the time we got to ***station ***weather changed, so we went to ***cinema.