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I had quite an exciting afternoon. I got home at 4.30 and did my homework. Then I went to the cinema with my brother. At 8.00 we went to a local café for tasty cake and coffee. Then we went for a walk and came back home.

(a-d), які показують, що сталося.

Pictures b and d.

B. Прочитайте ще раз і

1. Dave Stone is a local hero because he saved his best friend’s life.

2. They were in a boat on Milford Lake three days ago

3. Colin wanted to take pictures of a big fish with his new underwater camera.

4. Dave was worried because Colin can’t swim.

5. Dave grabbed Colin and swam to a small island in the middle of the lake.

6. Only Colin slept.

7. A fisherman helped them return home.

C. Знайдіть Past Simple

Fell, slept, took, found, put, swam, saw.

1. Mike didn’t fall in the lake. Jill fell in.

2. A: Did you enjoy your trip last weekend?

B: Yes, I did and I took a lot of pictures.

3. Lynn went to an Italian restaurant with her parents a week ago but she didn’t have a good time there.


a. eighteen fifty-five

b. two thousand and twenty

c. nineteen sixty-three

d. two thousand and seven

e. nineteen ninety-nine

Вправа 2: А. Послухай і прочитай. Джеймі,

Jamie, Elsie and Kyle liked the films.

B. Прочитайте ще раз і напишіть Jamie, Elsie або Kyle. ї

1. Kyle wants to see the film again.

2. Jamie and Elsie enjoyed a kind of film they don’t usually like.

3. Jamie loves watching scary films.

4. Kyle enjoyed the old film and the latest film, too.

5. Kyle liked the last part of the film a lot.

6. Elsie didn’t need to buy cinema tickets.

7. Elsie wants to watch the old film now.

C. Знайдіть Past Simple дієслів нижче в тексті.

Came, became, told, bought. Сторінка 95:

1. My sister went out with her friends every Saturday.

2. Yesterday James bought a rabbit and took it to school. Our teacher wasn’t very happy.

3. A: Did you watch the horror film on TV last night?

B: No, I didn’t. I never watch horror films.

4. Alice visited Egypt in 2015. She had a great time.

Marcy watched a science-fiction film.

Adam watched a romantic film.

Fay watched a comedy.

B. Послухайте

1. She went to the cinema with her brother Robert.

2. Yes, she did. She liked the film

3. No, he didn’t. He didn't enjoy the film

4. He liked music.

5. She usually watches adventure films.

6. Fay and her sister watched the film at home.

Сторінка 99:

A – page 102 B – page 100 C – page 106 D – page 105 E – page 109

Сторінка 100:

Вправа 1: Поєднайте

відповіді. by plane → 5 by train → 4 by car → 2 by coach → 1 by ship → 6 on foot → 3

Вправа 2: А. Подивись на дівчину на малюнку.

Послухай, читай та перевір свої відповіді. The girl won three and a half million euros.

B. Прочитай ще раз і дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Natalia is going to go on holidays with her family and her two best friends.

2. They’re going to go to Australia, China, Ukraine, Spain, the USA and South America.

3. They’re going to go to around South America by train.

4. They’re going to go to stay there about a month.

5. She is going to give money to environmental organizations.

Сторінка 101:

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення формою Future be going to дієслів у дужках.

1. A: Are you going to travel to France by plane?

B: No, I’m not. I No, I’m not. I'm going to get there by car.

2. A: Is Alice going to go on holiday in July?

B: Yes, she is. She Yes, she is. She is going to visit New York City with her parents.

3. Daniel isn’t going to come to my party this Saturday. He is going to stay at home. His cousins from Canada are going to visit him.

4. A: I’m going to ride my bike to the park. Do you want to come?

B: I don’t think that’s a good idea. Look outside! It’s very cloudy. It is going to rain

Вправа 4: Поговоріть у

– Where are you going to go in the summer?

– I’m going to travel to India.

– When are you going to go?

– I'm going to go 12 April.

– Who are you going to travel with?

– I'm going to travel with my parents.

– How are you going to travel?

– I'm going to travel by bus and by plane.


Future be going

4. In the summer I’m going to travel to India. I'm going to go 12 April. I'm going to travel with my parents. I'm going to travel by bus and by plane. I'm going to have fun.

The children are in the forest and they are trying to make a fire and put up a tent.

В. Прочитай ще раз і дай відповіді на запитання.

1. Bill and Liv are making a fire.

2. They decide to make the fire near the river.

3. What does Stu need help with? → He needs help with his tent.

4. Amy's going to help him.

5. Amy found the information about camping in the leaflet with the safety rules.

6. Mr Weathers is the camp leader.

Сторінка 103:

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами will або won’t.

1. I can’t find Serhii. I will call him on his mobile.

2. I can’t wake James up. I think he will be late for ate for school today.

3. A: I’m really tired today.

B: Don’t worry. I will do the washing-up for you.

4. John won't win the competition. He isn’t good at all.

5. A: Take a first-aid kit with you on your trip.

B: Don’t worry, we won't forget.

Вправа 4: Доповніть

Yes, he is enjoying his holiday.

1. Michael is taller than his brother Daniel.

2. I like Beth’s room because it’s bigger than my room.

3. Ron is lazier than me. He doesn’t do any housework.

4. Tigers are more beautiful than lions.

5. Kelly is worse than Alex at art.

6. I think skiing is more dangerous than water skiing.

Вправа 5: Напиши абзац про Україну.

I live in Lviv. Its population is 700.000 (seven hundred thousand) and the official language is Ukrainian. The highest mountain is Hoverla. The longest river is Dnipro. The capital city is Kyiv. Other cities are also beautiful. The most popular sport is football.

Сторінка 108:

Вправа 1: Послухай і пронумеруй. go sightseeing → 3 go hiking → 6 go on a trip → 7 do water sports → 1 sunbathe → 2 stay at a hotel → 4 buy souvenirs → 5

Вправа 2: А. Послухай, як

говорить? the food water sports the hotel souvenirs

B. Послухай ще раз і вибери a або b 1

вчора, сьогодні чи завтра. go hiking: tomorrow spend the day on the beach: yesterday do water sports: yesterday buy souvenirs: today go sightseeing: today taste Greek food: yesterday

B. Поговорити

Розкажіть йому/їй про своє свято.

C. Прочитай та скажи, які

1. Linda went hiking two weeks ago.

2. My cousins and I are going to do water sports tomorrow.

3. Last summer we stayed at a hotel on an island.

4. Greg and Andrew bought souvenirs yesterday.

5. Chris is going to visit Spain soon.


Hi Max!

Greetings from the Carpathians!

We’re having a fantastic time here!

Yesterday, we hiked in the mountains and saw a beautiful waterfall. The air is so fresh, and the view from the top was amazing!

Today, we are visiting a wooden castle and trying local food. I just ate banosh with cheese it’s really tasty!

Tomorrow, we are going on a horseback ride through the forest. I’m so excited! I miss you! See you soon!

Your friend,


A. Поєднайте.

1 – b 2 – g 3 – c 4 – f 5 – a

6 – e 7 – i 8 – d 9 – h

B. Викресліть зайве слово. Додайте ще одне.

1. penguin – river – forest – mountain – lake

2. hiking – surfing – tiring – skiing – scuba diving

3. torch – sleeping bag – map – village – first-aid kit

4. ship – trip – coach – train – car

С. Доповніть формою be going to дієслів з рамки.

1. Jonathan is going to spend a day in Monterrey during his holiday in Mexico.

2. I think they are going to travel to Kyiv by train. They don’t like travelling by plane.

3. I am not going to visit my aunt next Saturday. I’m going to the beach with my friends.

4. Is Angie going to walk to school tomorrow?

5. We are going to leave soon. Alice is waiting for us at home.

6. Are you going to watch the horror film on TV tonight?

D. Доповніть речення порівняльною

1. Randy goes to work by bus because it’s the cheapest way to get there.

2. In my country, August is the hottest month of the year.

3. Iryna’s hair is longer than Tania’s.

4. I think this is the most interesting DVD in the shop. Let’s get it.

5. It’s warmer today than it was yesterday.

6. The garden is more beautiful in the evening than in the morning.

7. Nigel is better than Donald at basketball but I think Greg is the best player in the team.

E. Обведіть

1. I like this dress. I ’ll buy it.

2. I ’m going to Rihanna’s concert tomorrow.

3. The new stadium is larger than the stadium in my neighbourhood.

4. My brother won’t become an artist. He’s not very good at art.

5. This is the cheapest bag in the shop.

6. Don’t worry. We ’ll help you.

7. Nazar had a party last Saturday.

1. There are the four countries of the UK: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.

2. People can go camping at Warwick Castle.

3. About 20 million tourists visit London each year.

4. Football is the most popular sport in the UK.

5. The British dish ‘bangers and mash’ is sausages and potatoes.

Сторінка 113:


1. Saint Sophia Cathedral is one thousand years old.

2. The Kyiv Water Museum is in Khreshchatyi Park.

3. There are a lot of interesting sculptures in Mariinskyi Park.

4. At the National Art Museum of Ukraine you see paintings by Ukrainian artists.

5. A good place to go shopping is Bessarabskyi Market.

Сторінка 114: B.

Сторінка 115: A. Подивись на


1. The table gives us information about the eye colours of the students in class 5C

2. Two students have got grey eyes

3. The bar graph will have four bars.

4. The subject of the survey and the name of the class, (2,3,4,5) the eye colours (Brown, Blue, Grey, Green).


The colours should appear in the following order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.


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