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Сторінка 5

Вправа 1

Unit 1 Back to school

a) Заповни пропуски словами must(not), (don’t) have to.

2) I mustn’t be late for school.

3) Students must wear a school uniform.

4) You mustn’t bring your pets to school.

5) Everyone must be polite to their teachers.

6) We don’t have to bring our laptops. There’s an IT room.

7) I don’t have to go to school by bus. It is not far away.

8) You must keep your bike on the bike rack next to the school.

b) Напиши свої 8 речень, використовуючи must(not), (don’t) have to.

1. I must do my homework every day.

2. You don’t have to bring your own pencils. There are some in class.

3. You mustn’t talk during the test.

4. I don’t have to study for the test. I already know the material.

5. We must listen to the teacher during lessons.

6. You mustn’t run in the hallway.

7. We don’t have to clean the classroom today.

8. I must read at least one book this month.

Вправа 2


1) с

2) f

3) e

4) b

5) d

6) a

Сторінка 6

Вправа 3

Нашити свої

2. It is very cold outside. – You should wear a warm jacket.

3. Dave’s uniform is dirty. – Dave should wash his uniform.

4. Kelly sings very well. – Kelly should join the school choir.

5. We can’t hear the teacher. – We should sit closer to the front.

6. Ed and Vicky can’t find their new school. - Ed and Vicky should look at a map to find their new school.

Вправа 4 Заповни

словами must(not), (don’t) have to та should.

2. You must be careful – it’s slippery here.

3. We should listen to our headmaster.

4. They don’t have to wear their coats - it’s hot today.

5. Students must use books and the Internet to do projects.

6. Jim doesn’t have to worry – I have got the school map on my phone.

7. You mustn’t be rude to your teachers and each other.

8. Helen should ask Ned for help – he’s good at Chemistry.

9. We must practice our English to become better at it.

10. Mike and Enda mustn’t keep their phones on at school.

Вправа 5

Прочитайте речення в завданні 4 і скажіть, де є …

1. Obligation (обов’язок)

• You must be careful – it’s slippery here.

• Students must use books and the Internet to do projects.

• We must practise our English to become better at it.

• I must be in time for my lessons.

2. Prohibition (заборона)

• You mustn’t be rude to your teachers and each other.

• Mike and Enda mustn’t keep their phones on at school.

3. Necessity (необхідність)

• Jim doesn’t have to worry – I have got the school map on my phone.

4. Advice (порада)

• We should listen to our headmaster.

• Helen should ask Ned for help – he’s good at Chemistry.

5. Personal decision (особисте рішення)

• They don’t have to wear their coats - it’s hot today.

Сторінка 8

Вправа 1

Обведіть правильне слово. Поясніть свій вибір.

2. Georgia is looking for her notebook now. (дія, що відбувається зараз).

3. Jim and Carl are writing an assay right now. (дія, що відбувається в даний момент).

4. I love our Music lessons. (позначає стан).

5. Jack makes presentations very well. (регулярна дія або навичка).

6. I am learning a poem at the moment. (дія, що відбувається в даний момент).

Вправа 2

Використовуйте Present Simple та Present Continuous.

1. To explain

• Present Simple: “She explains the lesson clearly.”

• Present Continuous: “She is explaining the lesson right now.”

2. To need

• Present Simple: “I need more time to finish my homework.”

• Present Continuous: “I am needing a break from studying.” (Використання “am needing”

3. To read

• Present Simple: “He reads a book every evening.”

• Present Continuous: “He is reading a book at the moment.”

4. To study

• Present Simple: “They study math on Mondays.”

• Present Continuous: “They are studying for the test now.”

5. To want

• Present Simple: “I want to go to the movies.”

• Present Continuous: “I am wanting to try a new restaurant.” (Використання “am wanting”

6. To wear

• Present Simple: “She wears glasses.”

• Present Continuous: “She is wearing a red dress today.”

Вправа 3

Виправте помилки та перепишіть речення. Поясніть свій вибір.

1. I love Physics. (позначає стан).

2. Jim is watching a film now. (вказує на дію, що відбувається в даний момент).

3. We are getting ready for the test at the moment. (вказує на дію, що відбувається в даний момент).

4. Bella has Geography on Mondays. (регулярна дія).

Сторінка 9

Вправа 4 Поставте слова в правильному порядку, щоб

1. Yes, I do.

2. Do your parents work? – Yes, they do.

3. Does your teacher explain everything well? – Yes, she does.

4. Are you talking to your classmates right now? – No, I’m not.

5. Is your best friend drawing now? – No, he isn’t.

6. Are you sitting at your desk at the moment? – Yes, I am.

Вправа 5

1. Are Kim and Jules playing now?

2. Do Vic and Nick hate Maths?

3. Does Sue need a pen?

4. Is Jim doing his homework now?

5. Are you writing a story right now?

6. Do you have PE on Mondays?

7. Does the lesson start at 8 am?

8. Is your dog sleeping at the moment?

Сторінка 10


1. Yes, he is.

2. Yes, he does.

3. No, he doesn’t.

4. No, he isn’t.

5. No, he doesn’t.

6. Yes, he is.

7. No, he isn’t.

8. Yes, he does.

b) Дайте

1. Yes, I do.


2. I am feeling fine.

3. Yes, I do.

4. No, I am not.

5. No, she doesn’t.

6. No, she isn’t.

Сторінка 11

Вправа 1

Виберіть a чи b

1. b

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. a

6. a

Вправа 2



Tom has to get up early today.

Tom has to go to school today.

Tom doesn’t have to go to the gym today.

Tom has to do his homework.

Tom doesn’t have to clean the kitchen.

Tom has to meet Greg at 6 pm.

Tom doesn’t have to fix his laptop.

Tom doesn’t have to go shopping with Mum.

b) Працюйте

1. I have to do my homework.

2. I have to clean my room.

3. I have to help with dinner.

4. I don’t have to go to school today.

5. I don’t have to take out the trash.

6. I don’t have to finish all my chores today.

must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to.

1. I must do my homework every day.

2. I mustn’t run in the hallways.

3. I have to be on time for class.

4. I mustn’t use my phone during lessons.

5. I have to wear my school uniform.

6. I don’t have to bring lunch if I eat in the cafeteria.

7. I must respect my teachers and classmates.

8. I don’t have to stay after school if my work is done.

Сторінка 12

Вправа 4

Напишіть свої власні should-

1. I should rest today.

2. Ed should ask for help with this task.

3. Katie should keep dancing.

4. Vicky and Nick should drink some water.

5. We should buy some fresh fruit.

6. We should get the TV repaired.

Вправа 5

Виправте та перепишіть речення

1. Jim doesn’t need this bag.

2. We go to the sea every summer.

3. William is learning some new words now.

4. Don and Bob are swimming in the pool at the moment.

5. Wendy doesn’t like History very much.

6. We aren’t having breakfast now.

Вправа 6

Поставте дієслова в the Present Simple або the Present Continuous.

1. I am doing my homework at the moment.

2. Helen does her homework every evening.

3. We study Geography and Math’s at school.

4. Ben isn’t cooking in the kitchen right now.

5. We are helping Kim with the books now.

6. Students don’t talk at the library.

7. Charlie doesn’t use a map anymore.

8. My parents aren’t working right now.

Сторінка 13

Вправа 7

1. Do you enjoy this music?

2. Do you write poems?

3. Does Lilly skate every weekend?

4. Is Paul making biscuits?

5. Are you fixing the computer?

6. Do Ellie and Amy go to the Art Club?

7. Are Dave and Jack playing tennis?


1. Do you clean your room on Saturdays?

– Yes, I do. I clean my room on Saturdays.

2. Does Ted draw? – No, he doesn’t. Ted doesn’t draw.

3. Do you have English every day?

– Yes, we do. We have English every day.

4. Is Sue reading right now?

– No, she isn’t. Sue isn’t reading right now.


5. Are you talking to David at the moment?

– Yes, I am. I’m talking to David at the moment.

6. Are Rick and Edna running now?

– No, they aren’t. Rick and Edna aren’t running now.

b) Дайте свої власні відповіді:

1. Do you learn German?

– No, I don’t.

2. Does your mother have a job?

– Yes, she does.

3. Do your friends play computer games?

– Yes, they do.

4. Are you painting at the moment?

– No, I’m not.

5. Is your teacher talking to you right now? – No, she isn’t.

6. Are your classmates sitting near you now? – Yes, they are.


Сторінка 15

Вправа 1

1. The woman who has green eyes is Sheila.

2. The house which has big windows is Mike’s.

3. They have cats that are black and very small.

4. Luke uses a phone that has a good camera.

Вправа 2

Заповніть who, which чи that.

1. The boys who have blond hair are my classmates.

2. My parrot that is flying over here is very smart and active.

3. Chuck Smith is Bob’s uncle who works in this cafe.

4. The name of David’s dog that is sleeping next to the sofa is Max.

5. The book which you have in your bag is Helen’s notebook.

6. Ann and Pam are my friends who are wearing glasses.

Вправа 3

1. The person that is in this video is Joe.

2. The girl who is tall and thin is my sister.

3. My laptop which is broken is on the table.

4. Mia who goes to the Art Club is my classmate.

5. Cambridge is a town in England which is very nice.

6. The men that have long hair are Bill and Bob.



This is my mom, who is very kind and likes to cook. My dad, who works as an engineer, loves building things. I have a sister that always reads books, and a brother that plays soccer a lot. We have a dog, which is very playful.

Сторінка 17

Вправа 1

Обведіть правильне слово

1. The kids jumped joyfully.

2. We slowly walked in the park.

3. Today is a very warm day.

4. I was very happy at the party.

5. They politely talked to the teacher.

6. Jim became sad when Ed went away.

Вправа 2

a) Перетворіть прикметники нижче

1. nice - nicely; 4. good - well;

2. quiet - quietly; 5. quick - quickly;

3. easy - easily; 6. serious - seriously.

b) Доповніть речення словами з а).

1. He answered my question very guickly.

2. Jenna smiled nicely at Pam.

3. You always talk guietly to me.

4. My mother cooks very well.

5. Jim easily did that test yesterday.

6. The teacher is looking seriously at Bill.

Вправа 3

a) Виправте слова нижче.

1. realy - really; 4. earlly - early; 2. smarty – smartly; 5.loudy - loudly;

3. goodly - well; 6 specialy - specially.

b) Складіть


1. I really enjoyed the game we played at school today.

2. She dressed smartly for the school event.

3. He did his homework well and got a good grade.

4. I woke up early to study for the test.

5. The teacher spoke loudly so everyone could hear.

6. My friend made a card specially for my birthday.



It was a very nice day. The sun shone brightly, and the sky was blue.

The birds flew guickly and sang loudly. Tom looked happily through the window. Then he ran out of the house fast with his dog, Toby. They went to the park. They played there together joyfully. After a few minutes Tommy saw his friend, Leila. She

was sad. Tom went to her and asked guietly, 'Hey, Leila! What's wrong?' She answered sadly, 'Hi, Tom! Oh, my dog, Jenny, is lost! Tom became upset, but then he had a good idea. 'I'll help you find her! My Toby knows your dog well, and he has a great smell! Let's go!' Leila got up, looked happily at Tom and they went together. They walked quickly, calling for Jenny. Suddenly, Toby barked happily near the bushes. Leila and Tom ran over. There was Jenny! Leila hugged her happily, and Tom said, “Toby did great!

Сторінка 19

Вправа 1


1 - c; 2 -e; 3-d; 4-1; 5 - b; 6 - a.

Вправа 2

Заповніть who, which та that.

1. This is the film which I am fond of.

2. The girl who has a ponytail is Roxy.

3. The building that is next to the park is a theatre.

4. The flowers that I have in my hands are a present.

5. The students which are standing over there are my classmates.

6. Peter is my friend who has short brown hair.

Вправа 3 a)

1. Mrs Jones, who is the woman in the white dress, is my doctor.

2. Rodrick, who is the man in the black suit is my uncle.

3. Chuck and Charlie which are Bob's pets are hamsters.

4. The girls which have blue eyes are Nina and Nadia.

5. The computer that you see is Edward's.

6. The film, which I want to watch is a comedy.

7. Susan, who is the girl with the glasses is Sam's sister.

Сторінка 20

Вправа 3(b)

b)Склади власні речення з who, which і that.

1. The girl, who loves reading, is my sister.

2. This is the dog which always barks at strangers.

3.My friend, who plays soccer, is very fast.

4.I have a bike that I ride to school every day. 5.The cat, which is very fluffy, sleeps on my bed.

6.The teacher, who gave us homework, is really nice.

Вправа 4

Виберіть a або b.

1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - b; 4 -b; 5 - b; 6 - a.

Вправа 5 Виправте помилки та

1. Joe is a well dancer. - Joe is a good dancer.

2. They serious looked at me. - They seriously looked at me.

3. Kate and Ken ran out fastly. - Kate and Ken ran out fast.

4. This is an interestingly story. - This is an interesting story.

5. Jackie is my prettily cat. - Jackie is my pretty cat.

6. William always comes lately. - William always comes late.

Вправа 6

Перетворіть прикметники

1. kind - kindly; 4. early - early;

2. happy - happily; 5. glad - gladly;

3. polite - politely; 6. wonderful - wonderfully.


Сторінка 22

Вправа 1

Обведіть правильний займенник.

1. Someone is dancing in the room.

2. Anything can happen on this trip.

3. Nobody was sad at my party.

4. Liz can't do anything right!

5. Daniel wants to eat something.

6. We told everyone about it - now they know!

Вправа 2

a) Доповніть речення

1. Nothing was hard in that test.

2. Everyone can visit this restaurant.

3. Bob heard nothing about that film.

4. Everyone in my family has various hobbies.

5. I can see something in the garden - it's a bird!

6. Rick and Ann didn't like anything in that story.

Сторінка 23

Вправа 2(b)


1. Someone left their backpack in the classroom.

2. I can’t find anyone to help me with my homework.

3.Everyone in our class loves pizza.

4.Nobody saw where the ball went.

5.Something smells really good in the kitchen.

6.Anything is possible if you try your best.


Вправа 3

Everyone I know

Likes to have some fun!

Jump on their ten toes, Or run one by one. Just Look at anybody, And you will see them smile As nothing can be better Than to be a happy child.

Somebody can say That it is all so crazy.

But something tells me that That person is just lazy!

Сторінка 25

Вправа 1

Поставте дієслова,які в дужках в Past Simple.

1. John talked to Paul last night.

2. I finished the task an hour ago.

3. We did not play football yesterday.

4. Ann went to the cinema ten minutes ago.

5. Leo did not come to the party Last Saturday.

6. Vicky and Fred did not buy this car in 2015.

Вправа 2


1. eat - ate (c);

2. enjoy - enjoyed (e);

3. listen - listened (a);

4. make - made (f);

5. swim - swam (b);

6. study - studied (d).

b) Складіть власні речення

Simple Past

1.I listened to my favorite music yesterday.

2.We swam in the lake last summer.

3.She ate a delicious pizza for lunch.

4.He studied hard for the math test.

5.They enjoyed the movie we watched last night.

6.I made a birthday card for my friend.

Вправа 3


1-c; 2- d; 3-e; 4-f; 5-b; 6-a.

Сторінка 26

Вправа 4

1. Did you travel to the sea last summer? - Yes, I did.

2. Did your parents work yesterday? - Yes, they did.

3. Did your friends meet you last weekend? - No, they didn't. My sister did.

4. Did your teacher call you last night? - No, she didn't.

5. Did the sun shine two days ago? - Yes, it did.

6. Did your family go abroad in 2020? - No, we didn't.


Interview Questions:

1. What did you do yesterday?

2. What did you eat for breakfast?

3. Did you go anywhere special?

4. Who did you spend time with?

5. What did you do last weekend?

6. Did you watch any movies or play any games?

Notes Example:

• Yesterday:

• Ate cereal for breakfast

• Went to the park with friends

• Played soccer

• Last weekend:

• Watched a movie

• Went to a birthday party

Class Presentation:

“Today, I interviewed my partner. Yesterday, he ate cereal for breakfast and went to the park with friends, where they played soccer. Last weekend, he watched a movie and went to a birthday party.”

Сторінка 27

Вправа 1


1. Tom is interested in collecting stamps, but he hates baseball.

2. Leila is fond of dancing, but she doesn't enjoy singing.

3. Duke and Kate love horse riding, but they can't stand riding a bike.

4. Edward and Sophie are crazy about gardening, but they hate fishing.


Сторінка 28

Вправа 1

b)Напишіть, що

1.I like playing video games, but I dislike waking up early.

2.Max enjoys swimming, but he hates doing homework.

3.Anna loves painting, but she doesn’t like running.

4.Sarah is interested in reading books, but she dislikes playing soccer.

5.Alex likes riding his bike, but he can’t stand cleaning his room.

Вправа 2


• Hobby: drawing

• How often: every weekend

• Other interests: reading books

• Dislikes: dislikes playing football because doesn’t like running

Class Presentation:

“My partner’s hobby is drawing, and he does it every weekend. He is also interested in reading books. However, he dislikes playing football because he doesn’t enjoy running.”

Сторінка 29

Вправа 1

Обведіть правильний займенник.

1. Is everyone ready to go?

2. No one is at home.

3. There's somebody on the phone.

4. Do you have anything red?

5. There's something sharp in my eye.

6. I don't know anyone who speaks German.

Вправа 2

Змініть речення з Present Simple на Past Simple, як у прикладі.

1. I watch films. - I watched films.

2. We play games. - We played games.

3. Helen reads blogs. - Helen read blog.

4. We don't dance. - We didn't dance.

5. Tod can't come. - Tod couldn't come.

6. Edna goes there. - Edna went there.

7. They aren't ill. - They were not ill.

Вправа 3

a)Поставте дієслова в дужках в Past Simple.

1. Mike walked in the park yesterday.

2. You did not open the door for me then.

3. We studied Geography last year.

4. Adam did not make this cake yesterday.

5. Kate and Bill came late last night.

6. Susan did not clean her room last Friday.

7. Richard and Sam saw you two days ago.

8. Ed did not go to Amsterdam in 2021.

b) Складіть власні 4

Positive sentences:

1. I went to the park with my friends yesterday.

2. We played soccer after school.

3. I ate pizza for dinner last night.

4. My family and I watched a movie on Saturday.

Negative sentences:

1. I didn’t go to the beach last weekend.

2. She didn’t finish her homework on time.

3. We didn’t see the new movie at the cinema.

4. My friend didn’t bring his book to class.

1. Did Tom ride his bike yesterday? - Yes, he did.

2. Did Sarah play the piano last weekend? - No, she didn't.

3. Did Luke and William play basketball last Monday? - No, they didn't.

4. Did Amy and Jane paint yesterday? - Yes, they did.

5. Did Mr Jones cook dinner two days ago? - Yes, he did.

6. Did Mr and Mrs Smith sing at the party? - No, they didn't.

Сторінка 31

Вправа 5


1. You finished the task ten minutes ago. - Did you finish the task ten minutes ago?

2. You had fun at the party yesterday. - Did you have fun at the party yesterday?

3. Jack enjoyed the film last night. - Did Jack enjoy the film last night?

4. Wendy went to university in 2022. - Did Wendy go to university in 2022?

5. Jim and Joe got some presents yesterday. - Did Jim and Joe get some presents yesterday?

6. Ricky talked to Fred a day ago. - Did Ricky talk to Fred a day ago?

7. You met Paul last weekend. - Did you meet Paul last weekend?

Вправа 6

1. Did Tom play tennis last Sunday?

- Yes, he did. Tom played tennis last Sunday.

2. Did Lilly tell you about the party?

- No, she didn't. Lilly didn't tell me about the party.

3. Did Edna and Ned do this project yesterday?

- Yes, they did. Edna and Ned did this project yesterday.

4. Did you fly to Mexico in 2019?

- No, we didn't. We didn't fly to Mexico in 2019.

5. Did you practice your French an hour ago?

- Yes, I did. I practiced my French an hour ago.

6. Did you bring your dog with you?

- No, you didn't. You didn't bring your dog with you.


1. Julia likes playing games online.

2. David hates collecting stamps.

3. Duke and Fiona are fond of skiing.

4. Sheila can't stand roller - skating.

5. Chris loves hiking.

6. Kim and Greg don’t like skating.

1. Victor wants to join the gym. He likes sport.

2. Tania has Art Lessons three times a week. She is fond of painting.

3. Ann and Ed go to the pool very often. They are fond of swimming.

4. Dereck rides horses very well. He is crazy about horses.

5. Cindy always helps her mother to cook. She is fond of cooking.

6. Pete and Clare visit new countries every year. They are interested in travelling.

Сторінка 34

Вправа 1 Розташуйте


1. Someone's bag is left here.

2. Dairy products are kept in the fridge.

3. This song is played by a nice band.

4. Heavy bags are carried by our dad.

5. Separate items are hidden in this room.

6. Ed's video is watched by many people.

Вправа 2

1. Delicious food is cooked here.

2. This dress is created by me.

3. Biscuits are bought at a baker's.

4. Many goods are sold at the market.

5. These accessories are chosen by girls.

6. A great film is shown at the cinema today.

Вправа 3

1. This boutique offers low prices. - Low prices are offered by this boutique.

2. Many people read her book. - Her book is read by many people.

3. Adam presents our new products. - Our new products are presented by Adam.

4. People use trolleys at supermarkets. - Trolleys are used at supermarkets by people.

5. Sonia always brings fresh drinks. - Fresh drinks are always brought by Sonia.

6. We keep our money in wallets. - Our money is kept in wallets.

Вправа 4


1.The homework is completed by the students.

2.A new park was built by the city last year.

3.The songs are sung by the choir during the concert.

4.A delicious cake is baked by my grandmother.

5.The letters were delivered by the postman.

6.The movie will be watched by the whole family tonight.

Shopping is loved by many people. Joy is brought from new clothes and accessories, modern items of technology or even fresh food and drinks. However, shopping is not enjoyed by everyone. There are people who only do it when new products are needed. In other cases, they think it is annoying. That is why today we have malls - huge shopping centres that are built in different towns and cities. They are created not only for us to do some shopping. A good choice of entertainment is also presented there - cafes, snack bars, cinemas, kids' rooms or clubs. At some malls even skating rinks are offered! These centres are preferred by many customers because there is no comfort in walking from one shop to another. Here everything is set all in one place!

1. Shopping is enjoyed by everybody. - Shopping is not enjoyed by everybody.

2. People only do the shopping when it is needed. - There are people who only do the shopping when the products are needed.

3. Malls are built only in capital cities. - Malls are built in different towns and cities.

4. No entertainment is offered at malls. - A good choice of entertainment is also offered at malls.

5. Joy is felt when we visit separate shops. - Joy is not felt when we visit separate shops.

6. Nothing interesting is found at malls. - A lot of interesting things are found at malls. Game

Вправа 6


1. Books are written by…


2. Songs are performed by…


3. Movies are directed by…


4. Cars are repaired by…


5. Pictures are painted by…


6. Letters are delivered by…


7. Houses are built by…


8. Tests are graded by…


9. Cakes are baked by…


10. Games are played by…


Сторінка 38 Вправа 1 Виберіть a або b.


1. Ed's T - shirt is darker than Pam's.

2. Bella is the smartest girl I've ever met!

3. This magazine is more interesting than that one.

4. Edward is the most serious boy in our class.

5. These shoes are the most comfortable ones I have.

6. Cashiers here are politer than there.

Comparative Sentences:

1.My brother is taller than I am.

2.This puzzle is easier than the one we solved yesterday.

3.Her dress is more beautiful than mine.

Superlative Sentences:

1.Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

2.This is the best pizza I’ve ever tasted!

3.She is the fastest runner on the team.

Сторінка 39

Вправа 3

a) Обведіть правильне слово.

1. These jeans are better than those ones

2. This car is bigger than that one.

3. My bag is the smallest one here!

4. These rings are the least expensive ones.

5. I can't eat this meat - it's too spicy.

6. This skirt is too short for me - I need a longer one.

7. Emma can't carry this bag - she's not strong enough.

8. These shorts are big enough for me - they fit me perfectly!

b) Складіть власні 4 речення з one/ones

Sentences with “one/ones”:

1. I prefer this book to that one over there.

2. These shoes are nice, but I like the red ones better.

3. She chose the smaller cake instead of the larger one.

4. I need a pen; can I borrow that one from you?

Sentences with “too/enough”:

1. The coffee is too hot for me to drink right now.

2. He is not tall enough to reach the top shelf.

3. This dress is too big; I need a smaller size.

4. She studied hard enough to pass the exam.


Вправа 4


1. Who is talking? - Jane and Eddie are talking.

2. Where are they? - They are at the shop.

3. What are they doing? - They are choosing shoes.

1. Fitting rooms are used in clothes shops.

2. This table is made of wood.

3. My blog is read by many people.

4. Malls are visited by many customers.

5. Awesome music is played at this club.

6. This book is written in Portuguese.

Вправа 2

Замініть ці речення з

1. A lot of people visit this boutique. - This boutique is visited by many people.

2. Greg creates great presentations. - Great presentations are created by Greg.

3. Men wear these black suits. - These black suits are worn by men.

4. They sell fresh drinks in this cafe. - Fresh drinks are sold in this cafe by them.

5. Cashiers check all the products here. - All the products are checked by cashiers here.

6. They keep new items on this shelf. - New items are kept on this shelf.

Вправа 3

a) Напишіть пасивні форми дієслів.

1. change - is changed; 4 lose - is lost.

2. clean - is cleaned; 5. watch - is watched.

3. hide - is hidden; 6. win - is won.

b) Напишіть власні пасивні

1. The schedule is changed by the manager.

2. The house is cleaned by the team every week.

3. The treasure is hidden in the old castle.

4. The game is lost by the team in the last minute.

5. The movie is watched by many people every weekend.

6. The prize is won by the best performer in the competition.

Сторінка 41 Вправа 4 Заповніть

Сoll - cooler -the coolest rich - richer - the richest interesting - more interesting - the most interesting clever - cleverer - the cleverest good - better - the best fantastic - more fantastic - the most fantastic.

Вправа 5


1. This jacket is more new than that one. - This jacket is newer than that one.

2. You are the goodest friend in my life! - You are the best friend in my life.

3. We need a comfortabler way to travel. - We need more comfortable way to travel.

4. Aunt Jane is a smartest person I've met! - Aunt Jane is the smartest person I've met.

5. This is the beautifullest dress I have. - This is the most beautiful dress I have.

6. Rick's car is moderner than Jake's. - Rick's car is more modern than Jake's.

Вправа 6

1. This is the worst film I've seen!

2. Edna is younger than Sophie.

3. Today is the most wonderful day ever!

4. Chuck is the funniest guy in our class.

5. These glasses are prettier than those ones.

6. Mr Wilson is more serious than Ms Adams.

Сторінка 42

Вправа 7

Вставте слова one/ones, too/enough.

1. This blouse is too long for me - I need a shorter one.

2. Jake is not strong enough to take that huge suitcase.

3. We are old enough to watch this film.

4. These shoes are better than those ones.

5. I can't stay here - it is too hot in this room!

6. That bag is heavier than this one.

Вправа 8

a) Подивіться на картинки і напишіть, як у прикладі.

1. The black dress is longer than the white one.

2. Sunglasses are more expensive than glasses.

3. Ann has the hottest pizza.

4. Bill has the best trainers.

b) Напишіть власні comparative and superlative речення. Використовуйте one/ones, too/enough.

1. My bike is faster than my brother’s one.

2. This book is more interesting than the other ones I’ve read.

3. That was the best movie I have ever seen!

4. This is the most comfortable chair in my room.

5. My backpack is too heavy for me to carry.

6. I am old enough to play video games by myself.


Сторінка 44

Вправа 1

Напишіть C для


1. bottle (C) - bottles; 4. rice (U) - rice;

2. bean (C) - beans; 5. water (U) - water;

3. peach (С) - peaches; 6. banana (C) - bananas.

Вправа 2


1. There isn't much juice in that bottle.

2. There are two boxes of sugar here.

3. We don't have any lemonade left.

4. Jessica has brought lots of eggs.

5. Tim went to get some tomatoes.

6. We need a few vegetables.

Вправа 3

Обведіть правильне слово.

1. I have many oranges.

2. There is no milk in the fridge.

3. I'm hot! I want lots of water.

4. There are some apples in the basket.

5. David has taken all of the snacks!

6. We need both of these bags of flour.

Сторінка 45

Вправа 4

Виправте помилки та перепишіть речення.

1. We have many butters! - We have much butter.

2. There are a lot of salad there. - There is much salad there.

3. Ed usually has a meat for dinner. - Ed usually has meat for dinner.

4. Kim used the few plums to cook this. - Kim used few plums to cook this.

5. There isn't no tea or coffee left. - There isn't any tea or coffee left.

6. Luke has sold any fish today. - Luke has sold no fish today.


Вправа 6

a) Прослухайте діалог і виберіть a або b.

1 - a; 2 - a; 3 - b; 4 - a; 5 - b; 6 - b. b) Працюйте в парах. Знайдіть рецепт

Покажіть фотографію

потрібно, щоб приготувати страву.

My Favorite Dish - Mac and Cheese!

To make mac and cheese, I need the following ingredients:

1. Pasta - 200 grams

2. Cheese (like cheddar) - 100 grams

3. Milk - 1 cup

4. Butter - 50 grams

5. Salt - to taste

6. Black pepper - to taste


1. First, boil the pasta in salted water until it’s cooked.

2. At the same time, melt the butter in a pot, then add the milk and cheese, stirring until smooth.

3. When the pasta is ready, drain the water and add it to the cheese sauce.

4. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Enjoy your meal!

Сторінка 47 Вправа 1 Виберіть

Future Simple, Present Continuous

1. Watch out! You are falling down!

2. Lance is so lazy! He is not going to wash the dishes.

3. Jason will make a cake for Mia tomorrow.

4. We are going to play football at 10 am next Monday.

5. I'm sure Edna will not like this mess.

6. I am not having a lesson today at half past nine.



"be going to".

1. I will finish my homework after school.

2. I am studying for my math test right now.

3. I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

4. We will have a picnic in the park next Saturday.

5. My friends are playing soccer in the backyard at the moment.

6. I am going to bake cookies for the school bake sale.

Вправа 3

Перетворіть твердження на питання, як у прикладі.

1. Kate will do her homework. - Will Kate do her homework?

2. Bob will buy some vegetables. - Will Bob buy some vegetables?

3. We will go to Austria next time. - Will we go to Austria next time?

4. Wendy is going to meet Lilly today. - Is Wendy going to meet Lilly today?

5. You are going to learn this recipe. - Are you going to learn this recipe?

6. Tom and Tina are going to the club at 6 pm. - Are Tom and Tina going to the club at 6 pm?

7. I am having an interview on 5th July. - Am I having an interview on 5h July?

Вправа 4

Напишіть питання до відповідей.

1. Is Cindy having English at 3 o'clock today? - Yes, she is. Cindy is having English at 3 o'clock today.

2. Will you help Kim to cook dinner? - No, I won't. I won't help Kim to cook dinner.

3. Are we going to read some stories later? - Yes, we are. We are going to read some stories later.

4. Are Rick and Stacey cycling in the park tomorrow? - No, they aren't. Rick and Stacey aren't cycling in the park tomorrow.

5. Will Daniel do shopping? - Yes, he will. Daniel will do the shopping.

6. Is Fiona going to sell her book? - No, she isn't. Fiona isn't going to sell her book.

Сторінка 49

Вправа 5


A: Hey! What are you doing?

B: I'm making a pie. I am going to make some biscuits, too.

A: Look out! That bag of flour is going to fell down!

B: Got it! Thank you. Will you help me, please?

A: Okay, but I am meeting Jim at six, so I only have an hour.

B: That's fine. Pete is coming to take me to the pool at 6:30, anyway.

A: Will you have enough time to make the biscuits?

B: If you help me - yes! We will so much fun!

A: Hi! What are you doing today?

B: I’m baking cookies for the school bake sale. I’m going to decorate them, too.

A: Be careful! That oven is really hot!

B: Thanks for the heads up! Can you help me mix the batter?

A: Sure, but I need to leave by 4:30 for my soccer practice.

B: No problem! I just need to finish baking before 4 o’clock.

A: Do you think you will have enough cookies for the sale?

B: I think I will! If I run out, I can always bake more tomorrow.

Сторінка 50

Вправа 1

a) Обведіть правильне слово.

1. There are so many eggs here!

2. How much juice is left?

3. There isn't any honey.

4. I like vegetables.

5. Jim has made a cake.

6. Is there any salt here?

7. We need some water

8. Do we have any apples?

b) Відсортуйте слова з а) на злічувані та незлічувані.

Countables: eggs, vegetables, cakes, apples

Uncountables: juice, honey, salt, water.

Вправа 2

Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

1. There are no biscuits in that box. Toby ate them all.

2. Ed has eaten all my oranges!

3. How much sugar do we have?

4. There is lots of fruit left in the fridge.

5. There are so many carrots in the basket!

6. We only need a few eggs to make this pie.

7. Bella hasn't baked any potatoes yet.

8. Some people enjoy going to restaurants.

9. There is only a little meat left - that's not enough.

10. I have two sweets, and both of them are chocolate.

Вправа 3

a) Виправте помилки та


1. There are a lot of rice here. - There is a lot of rice here.

2. We haven't got no fruit. - We haven't got any fruit.

3. Clare has washed all of the dish. - Clare has washed all the dishes.

4. There are some butter on the plate. - There is some butter on the plate.

5. They need any tomatoes. - They need no tomatoes.

6. I want a few soup, please. - I need a little soup, please.

7. There is two bottles of water. - There are two bottles of water.

8. Michael likes nut. - Michael likes some nut.

Сторінка 51


1.I have a few new books.

2.I didn’t see any interesting movies.

3.Many people like sports.

4.I took some fruits for a snack.

1. Eddy will wash the dishes - it's his turn.

2. We are not boiling the water because we need it cold.

3. Ben and Kelly are going to Rome on 25th May.

4. Look at the clouds! It is going to rain.

5. Pam is not having dinner with Paul at 7 pm today.

6. We're tired! - I will help you, then.

7. Phil believes that Helen will like this salad.

8. No! We are not going to peel these potatoes!

9. Watch out! You are going to break the dishes!

10. We are working from 10 am to 6 pm tomorrow.

11. Ann is going to travel to Australia on 10th August.

12. I think it won't be so hard to cook that.

Сторінка 52

Вправа 6 Розставте

1. Will you have a sandwich for lunch? - Yes, I will.

2. Will your parents have free time this weekend? - Yes, they will.

3. Are you going to do your homework this evening? - No, I am not.

4. Is your best friend going to come to your place today? - Yes, he is.

5. Are you going to the gym at 7 pm tomorrow? - No, I am not.

6. Is your mother working this Saturday? - Yes, she is.


Сторінка 54

Вправа 1

Змініть ці

з Present Continuous на Past Continuous, як у прикладі.

1. I am playing basketball. - I was playing basketball.

2. Rick is playing rugby. - Rick was playing rugby.

3. We are doing athletics. - We were doing athletics.

4. Sarah is diving in the sea. - Sarah was diving in the sea.

5. You are rolling a ball. - You were rolling a ball.


Past Continuous

1. Chris was running for an hour.

2. We were having a timeout at 12:15.

3. I was swimming in the pool all that time.

4. My brothers were not playing volleyball then.

5. Leila was not sitting on the chair at that time.

6. You were not dancing from six to ten yesterday.

Вправа 3

1. Were you jogging yesterday evening in the park? - Yes, I was.

2. Was your best friend doing aerobics for 30 minutes on Sunday? - No, he wasn't.

3. Was your teacher talking to you for a minute an hour ago? - Yes, she was.

4. Were your classmates having a break from 10 to 10.15 am today? - No, they were not.

5. Was your mother working late last night? - No, she wasn't.

6. Were you doing your homework for an hour yesterday? - Yes, I was.

Сторінка 55


1. Were you skating for 40 minutes yesterday? - No, I wasn't. I wasn't skating for 40 minutes yesterday.

2. Was Sue exercising at the gym at 5 pm? - Yes, she was. Sue was exercising at the gym at 5 pm.

3. Were Ed and Wilma skateboarding? - No, they weren't. Ed and Wilma weren't skateboarding then.

4. Were you sleeping at that time? - Yes, you were. You were sleeping at that time.

5. Was Fred surfing in the sea from 3 to 4.30 pm?

- No, he wasn't. Fred wasn't surfing in the sea from 3 to 4:30 pm.

6. Were you talking on the phone for half an hour?

- Yes, we were. We were talking on the phone for half an hour. Вправа 5

Questions and Notes

1. What were you doing at six o’clock yesterday?

•Notes: I was watching TV.

2. What were you doing from 3 to 5 pm last Saturday?

•Notes: I was playing soccer with friends.

3. What were you doing two hours ago?

•Notes: I was doing my homework.

4. What were you doing for an hour in the morning?

•Notes: I was reading a book.

My partner, Myron, was doing the following activities:

•At six o’clock yesterday, he was watching TV.

•From 3 to 5 pm last Saturday, he was playing soccer with friends.

•Two hours ago, he was doing homework.

•For an hour in the morning, he was reading a book.

Сторінка 57


в Past Simple або Past Continuous.

1. Ned played tennis with me last Sunday.

2. Fiona was playing chess from 2 to 3 pm last Saturday.

3. Jack and Helen did athletics at 1 pm yesterday.

4. I went cycling in the park with my cousins two days ago.

5. You did not buy a new bicycle in September.

6. We were not skating at that time on Friday.

Вправа 2

a) Зʼєднайте

1 - d; 2 - c; 3 - b; 4 - a.

b) Доповніть

1. My parents were working when I was at school.

2. I was doing my homework when my sister entered the room.

3. I was speaking when my phone went off.

4. Students were laughing when my teacher came into the classroom.

Вправа 3

Подивіться на картинки і напишіть, що сталося, як у прикладі.

1. Ann was talking on the phone when Jim came into the room.

2. The police officer showed the way when Mr. Smith was driving.

3. Nick was walking, when the rain started.

4. Ms. Williams met Mrs. Jackson when she was doing the shopping.

5. The parrot was singing when Ron entered the room.

6. Lilly was jumping when Dave shouted at her.

Сторінка 58

Вправа 4



Past Simple та Past Continuous.

It was a sunny day. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. I got up and went for a walk. I was walking along the main street when I heard a noise. It was a small black cat. It was running away from a dog. I quickly stopped the dog and picked up the poor kitty. It looked scared and ill, so I took it home. That was the day when Whisper and I became roommates. It was lying on the floor while I was making some food for it. As the week went on, she became more playful and adventurous. I was glad to see her happy. Soon, we were inseparable, and I knew we would be friends forever.

Сторінка 59

Вправа 1

Поставте дієслова в

Past Continuous

1. I was waiting for an hour for Kim to get ready.

2. Helen did not go to Germany in 2018.

3. We were jogging for two hours and thirty minutes.

4. Billie did not play volleyball with Ken yesterday.

Past Simple.

5. Ann and Jen were not doing aerobics from 3 to 4 pm.

6. You told me about your trip three days ago.

7. My friends did not see Peter Last Monday.

8. Fred was not watching TV at six o'clock last Friday Вправа 2



1. Was David sleeping at three o'clock? - Yes, he was. David was sleeping at that time.

2. Was Pam reading at 3 pm last Sunday? - No, she wasn't. Pam wasn't reading at 3 pm last Sunday.

3. Were we swimming In the pool for an hour? - Yes, we were. We were swimming in the pool for an hour.

4. Were you talking to Jack? - No, I wasn't. I wasn't talking to Jack for half an hour.

5. Was your dog running at that moment? - Yes, it was. My dog was running at that moment.

6. Were your cousins skiing from 2 to 4 pm? - No, they weren't. My cousins weren't skiing from 2 to 4 pm.

7. Were Ed and Sue singing when I came in? - Yes, they were. Ed and Sue were singing when I came in.

8. Was Mike smiling? - No, he wasn't. Mike wasn't smiling when he heard the news.

Сторінка 60

Вправа 4


1. Were you playing tennis for an hour last Sunday? - No, I wasn't. I was playing volleyball.

2. Was your teacher saying something to you at 8:30 am yesterday? - Yes, she was. She was speaking to me.

3. Were your classmates talking to you for a few minutes last evening? - Yes, they were. We were talking on the phone.

4. Were your friends skating from 6 to 7 pm last Saturday? - No, they were not. They were skiing.

5. Was your family relaxing at home for a few hours yesterday? - Yes, they were. We were watching cartoons.

Вправа 5


1. I was staying in my room when the door opened.

2. My father was cooking when I entered the room.

3. My friends were talking when I left the room

4. The teacher was looking at me when I entered the class.

5. I was walking when it started to rain.

6. I was running when I saw a red bird.

7. My uncle entered the room when we stopped exercising.

8. I was reading a book when my classmates laughed.


1. Sam was leaving when it started to snow.

2. Tim was walking when he saw a dog.

3. Jack was playing hockey when Mike fell off the ice.

4. Cindy and Clare were talking when their mother saw them.

5. Ms Jones was exercising when the phone rang.

6. Mr Ryan was reading when the boy shouted.


1. "Guernica" was painted by Pablo Picasso.

2. Those frescoes were shown last week.

3. My books weren't printed here last time.

4. Her dress was designed by Coco Chanel.

5. The money wasn't stolen by George.

6. These photos were taken by Eddy last week.

Вправа 2

Поставте дієслова в дужках в Past Simple Passive.

1. Our president was elected in 2020.

2. This chair was not used in the kitchen.

3. Our local theatre was built in 1990.

4. This text was not read by many people.

5. My computer was not broken by Fiona.

6. This painting was created two years ago.

Вправа 3

Змініть ці речення з активного на пасивний, як у прикладі.

1. They made this cake with strawberries. This cake was made with strawberries.

2. Ned didn't delete the file. The file wasn't deleted.

3. They presented a new smartphone. A new smartphone was presented by them.

4. They didn't fix the sculpture a month ago. The sculpture wasn’t fixed a month ago.

5. Lina Kostenko wrote this poem. This poem was written by Lina Kostenko.

6. Jennifer sent me this e - mail. This email was sent to me by Jennifer.

Сторінка 64

Вправа 4

a) Подивіться на фотографії.

1. "Hamlet" was written by William Shakespeare.

2. The concert was performed by Je Lo.

3. Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo da Vinci.

4. Tickets were bought by Bella.

5. The box was hidden under the table.

6. Greg was bitten by a dog.

b) Напишіть свої

Past Simple Passive.

1. The book was read by me last week.

2. The cookies were backed by my mom for my birthday.

3. The picture was painted by my friend during art class.

4. The homework was finished by us before dinner.

5. The game was played by the whole class during recess.

6. The letter was written by my teacher to my parents.


Famous Ukrainian Sculpture

Motherland Monument

•What it is and where it is: The Motherland Monument is a large statue located in Kyiv, Ukraine, overlooking the Dnieper River.

•When it was created: It was completed in 1981.

•Whom it was created by: The monument was designed by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich and a team of architects.

•What it was used for: The Motherland Monument was built to honor the soldiers who fought during World War II and is part of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War.


Ukrainian Fresco Painting

The Virgin Hodegetria Fresco

•What it is and where it is: The Virgin Hodegetria is a famous fresco located in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine.

•When it was created: It was created in the 11th century.

•Whom it was created by: The fresco was painted by unknown Byzantine artists who were part of the team that decorated the cathedral.

•What it was used for: This fresco depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child and is a significant religious icon in the Orthodox Christian tradition, symbolizing protection and guidance.

Сторінка 66

Вправа 1

Обведіть правильне слово.

1. I'm free because I've just finished everything.

2. Andrew hasn't seen the Eiffel Tower yet.

3. We have never been to such a wonderful place!

4. Clare has prepared everything for the trip already

5. I haven't relaxed enough lately.

6. You've recently shown me the present!

Вправа 2

a) Зʼєднайте

1 - d; 2 - e; 3 - b; 4- a; 5 - c.

b) Доповніть речення

1. I have done all my homework, so I can go to the party.

Present Perfect.

2. They have already bought tickets, so they can travel to Spain.

3. I have lost the map, so it is hard to find our way.

4. He lost his phone, so he can't use his GPS.

5. She was walking in the rain, so she is ill now.

Сторінка 67 Вправа 3

Present Perfect

1. John has watched this film already.

2. Pam has read three books this week.

3. We have already sent you many postcards.

4. You have not eaten anything, so now you're hungry.

5. My parrot has not sung all morning, so I'm worried.

6. I have just bought the plane tickets.

b) Напишіть

речення в Present Perfect.

1. I have finished my homework.

2. We have visited the zoo this year.

3. My mom has cooked my favorite dinner.

4. I have played football with my friends.

5. She has read five books this month.

6. They have seen a movie together.

Вправа 4


1. Have you ever been abroad? - Yes, I have. I have been to Scotland.

2. Has your family travelled to England? - Yes, it has.

3. Have any tourists ever visited your town/city? - Yes, they have.

4. Has your teacher given you any summer tasks? - No, she hasn't.

5. Have you planned your summer holidays yet? - No, I haven't.

6. Has your best friend ever brought you souvenirs? - Yes, he has.

Сторінка 68

Вправа 5 Напишіть

1. Have Ned and Nina been to Austria? - No, they haven't. Ned and Nina have never been to Austria.

2. Have you already packed our suitcases? - Yes, we have. We have already packed our suitcases.

3. Has Anita checked the timetable? - No, she hasn't. Anita hasn't checked the timetable yet.

4. Has Ron spent all his money? - Yes, he has. Ron has spent all his money.

5. Have you tried this soup yet? - No, I haven't. I haven't tried this soup yet.

6. Has the dog run out of the house? - Yes, it has. The dog has run out of the house.

7. Have you slept well lately? - No, you haven't. You haven't slept well lately.

8. Has the train left the station? - Yes, it has. The train has just left the station.

Вправа 6



-I am excited.



-Have you got good news? -Yes, I have!


-I am nervous. -Are you presenting today? -Yes, I am!


-I am happy. -Did you receive a compliment? -Yes, I did! 4.

-I am bored. -Is the lesson too easy? -Yes, it is!


-I am hungry.

-Did you skip breakfast? -Yes, I did!

Сторінка 69

Вправа 1


в Past Simple Passive форму.

1. The king was buried in London.

2. The books were put in that bag.

3. My laptop was designed in 2020.

4. This present was not made by Sophie.

5. The city was not destroyed by the Romans.

6. The new ministers were not elected yesterday.

Вправа 2

1. This statue was built in 1995.

2. The cakes weren't eaten by Tim.

3. Shakespeare was born in 1564.

4. The story wasn't written by David.

5. The museums were opened last week.

6. The law wasn't made by the parliament.

7. The souvenirs weren't stolen two days ago.

8. The roles were performed by these actors.

Вправа 3


1. The queen was crowned in 1663.

2. The news was reported by them last Monday.

3. This house wasn't built by them five years ago.

4. The GPS system was broken by them yesterday.

5. This mess wasn't made by Nick in the living room.

6. Some postcards were sent by Jane last weekend.

7. A fascinating tour was presented by Mr. Finch.

8. The hotel wasn't changed by Ann and Zoe.

Сторінка 70

Вправа 3

b) Напишіть

Past Simple Passive

1. The homework was completed by me last night.

2. A new playground was built in our park last summer.

3. The project was finished by my team before the deadline.

4. A birthday cake was made for my friend’s party.

5. The movie was watched by my family on Saturday.

6. The game was played by us in the schoolyard yesterday. Вправа 4


1. Was Buckingham Palace built in London? - Yes, it was. Buckingham Palace was built in London.

2. Was the statue designed by Edward Jones? - No, it wasn't. The statue wasn't designed by Edward Jones.

3. Were you invited to the party by Jessica? - Yes, we were. We were invited to the party by Jessica.

4. Was the president elected on the 7th July? - No, she wasn't. The president wasn't elected on 7th July.

5. Were the frescoes saved from fire a day ago? - Yes, they were. The frescoes were saved from fire a day ago.

6. Were the tours cancelled last Wednesday? - No, they weren't. The tours weren't cancelled last wednesday.

Сторінка 71

Вправа 4

b) Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Was Taras Shevchenko born in Ukraine? - Yes, he was. Taras Shevchenko was born in Ukraine.

2. Were many parts of London destroyed in the Great Fire? - Yes, there were. Many parts were destroyed in a Great Fire.

3. Was the dinner made by your mum yesterday? - Yes, it was. Dinner was made by my mum yesterday.

4. Were any good films shown in cinemas in 2021? - Yes, there were. Good films were shown in cinemas in 2021.

5. Was 'Sonnet 8' written by William Shakespeare? - Yes, it was. 'Sonnet 8' was written by William Shakespeare.

6. Were any new restaurants opened in your town/city last month? - Yes, there were. New restaurants were opened in my city.

Вправа 5 Доповніть

1. I've just remembered to order a hotel room!

2. We've already finished packing the suitcase.

3. You've never let me down. Thank you!

4. Wendy has recently come back from Tokyo.

5. The plane hasn't landed yet

6. Bill's lately gone to the capital city.

Вправа 6

1. I have drunk some water, so I'm not thirsty.

2. Leila has got many souvenirs for her family.

3. We have never seen such a beautiful sculpture.

4. You have not posted any photos from your trip today.

5. Ben and Jay have not been to Japan yet.

6. My friends have not rested lately, so they're tired.

Сторінка 72


1. You has been to the capital twice already. - You have been to the capital twice already.

2. Ed and Edna has travelled by plane only once. - Ed and Edna have travelled by plane only once.

3. I have ever visited Israel. - I have never visited Israel.

4. We have left the building yet. - We have not left the building yet.

5. Clare has look everywhere for the tickets. - Clare has looked everywhere for the tickets.

6. The bag has get wet recently. - The bag has got wet recently.

Вправа 8

1. Has your family ever travelled to New York? - No, it hasn't.

2. Have you ever tried sushi? - Yes, I have.

3. Has your best friend given you any souvenirs? - Yes, he has.

4. Have your classmates planned any trips for this summer? - Yes, they have.

5. Has your mother taken any photos on her last trip? - Yes, she has.

Unit 8. WHERE TO GO?

Сторінка 74

Вправа 1

Виберіть a, b або c.

1 - c; 2 - a; 3 - a; 4 - b; 5 - c; 6 - c; 7 - b; 8 - b; 9 - a; 10 - a.

Вправа 2

Виправте помилки та перепишіть речення.

1. Peter doesn't go to London last week. - Peter didn't go to London last week.

2. We didn't checked the timetable yet. - We haven’t checked the timetable yet.

3. My parrot weren't singing for an hour that day. - My parrot wasn't singing for an hour that day.

4. I believe it isn't going to rain tomorrow. - I believe it will not rain tomorrow.

5. Bob and Bill isn't going to like this. - Bob and Bill aren’t going to like this.

6. Pam aren't talking on the phone right now. - Pam isn't talking on the phone right now

7. Washington wasn't the capital of the UK. - Washington isn't the capital of the UK.

8. You won't missed your train again. - You won't miss your train again.

Сторінка 75

Вправа 3


1 - c; 2 - j; 3 - i; 4 - 1; 5 - d; 6 - e; 7 - g; 8 - f; 9 - k; 10 - b; 11 - a; 12 - h.

Вправа 4 Дайте

1. Do you Live in Kyiv? - No, I don't.

2. Is your best friend going to call you tonight? - Yes, she is.

3. Did you watch TV two days ago? - Yes, I did.

4. Are you going to go abroad this summer? - Yes, I am.

5. Does your father travel a lot? - No, he doesn't.

6. Is your teacher speaking at the moment? - Yes, she is.

7. Did your family travel to Poland last year? - No, it didn't.

8. Will your friends visit you next Sunday? -Yes, they will.

9. Were you walking in the park for 30 minutes last Saturday? - Yes, I was.

10. Are you having any extra lessons today? - No, I am not.

11. Have your parents ever been to London? - No, they haven't.

12. Will it be sunny tomorrow? - Yes, it will.

13. Was your mother cooking at 8 pm yesterday? - No, she wasn't.

14. Has your teacher given you any homework? - Yes, he has.

Сторінка 76

Вправа 5

1. Did you go to the USA in 2018?

2. Does Bella use the GPS system on her phone?

3. Is Ed going to hire a car?

4. Will you go with me on this trip?

5. Are the Jacksons travelling by bus this time?

6. Do you work as a tour guide?

7. Is John cleaning his room now?

8. Have you ever seen a musical?

9. Were the tourists waiting for an hour last time?

10. Was the phone ringing when you came in?

Сторінка 77

Вправа 6

1. Do you have plans for this summer? - Yes, we do. We go to the sea every summer.

2. Have you already packed your luggage? - No, I haven't. I haven't got my luggage yet.

3. Did you book a hotel room yesterday? - Yes, they did. Dave and Ann booked a hotel room yesterday.

4. Is Ted looking at the map right now? - No, he isn't. Ted isn't Looking at the map right now.

5. Was Ricky surfing the net? - Yes, she was. Ricky was surfing the net for 20 minutes.

6. Are you visiting Wales this time? - No, you aren't. You aren't visiting Wales this time.

7. Has Fred already gone to the airport? - Yes, he has. Fred has just gone to the airport.

8. Did your cousin fly to York last year? - No, they didn't. My cousins didn't fly to York last year.

9. Were you hiding when Kim arrived? - Yes, you were. You were hiding when Kim arrived.

10. Are you going to buy any souvenirs? - No, I'm not. I'm not going to buy any souvenirs. SPEAKING

Today, I want to tell you about my partner, Alex. He likes traveling because he enjoys discovering new cultures and trying different foods. He has been abroad to Spain and Italy. Last summer, he went to Greece, where he swam in the beautiful sea, visited ancient ruins, and tried delicious Greek cuisine.

Alex hopes to visit Greece again someday because he loved it there. This summer, he is going to France, where he will explore Paris, visit the Eiffel Tower, and enjoy some famous French pastries.

1. I saw the check

in clerk

minute ago.

2. Watch out! That gate is going to open

3. Abby is looking for her passport now.

4. The train left at seven o'clock yesterday.

5. We were getting off the plane when I saw Kim.

6. Sam and Pam are going to York on 3rd May.

7. I don't know the departure time. - I will check that for you.

8. They have just cancelled the flight.

9. The bus arrives at half past nine tonight.

10. Michael prefers to travel by plane.

Вправа 2


1. Look! That bus is hitting that gate!

2. The plane lands at 3 pm today.

3. We have not fastened our seat belts yet.

4. Jay was ordering a snack when I came in.

5. Janet thinks we will get lost without GPS.

6. Susan is not talking on the phone at the moment.

7. They were not travelling to Lviv for two hours that day

8. I have just collected my luggage from baggage reclaim.

9. You will not go anywhere until you pack your suitcase!

10. Fred did not notice me at the train station last Monday.

Вправа 3

Перетворіть речення

1. Are you going to book a room at this hotel?

2. Are they getting on the plane right now?

3. Has Rick just got his visa for Ukraine?

4. Will we go through passport control after this?

5. Was Edna waiting for the bus from 5 to 6:30 pm?

6. Did the Jones arrange a trip to the Alps a day ago?

7. Do I look nice in this photo from Los Angeles?

8. Are you travelling to Boston this weekend?

9. Were Ed and Ned buying souvenirs when Pam called?

10. Did Wendy have an awesome trip to Hawaii last summer?

Сторінка 79

Вправа 4

1. Were you packing your bag for an hour? - No, I wasn't. I wasn't packing my bag for an hour

2. Did you hire a tour guide? - Yes, we did. We hired a tour guide yesterday.

3. Were you sleeping when the plane landed? - No, you weren't. You weren't sleeping when the plane landed.

4. Has she already bought the tickets? - Yes, she has. Anita has already bought the train tickets.

5. Is Adam meeting Ed at the airport tomorrow? - No, he isn't. Adam isn't meeting Ed at the airport tomorrow.

6. Do your parents arrange trips every summer? - Yes, they do. My parents arrange trips to the sea every summer.

7. Will it rain tomorrow? - No, it won't. It won't rain tomorrow. Don't worry.

1. Are you going to London this summer? - Yes, I am.

2. Is your mother packing her bag now? - No, she isn't.

3. Do your friends often travel abroad? - Yes, they do.

4. Did your family visit Kyiv last month? - Yes, they did.

5. Are you going to call your friends tonight? - No, I am not.

6. Has your best friend ever travelled by plane? - Yes, he has.

7. Will you go to any festivals on your summer holidays? - No, I will not.

8. Were your parents working when you came home yesterday? - Yes, they were.

9. Did you visit any new countries last summer? - No, I didn't.

10. Does your school year end on 31st May? - Yes, it does.


Presentation on Italy

1. Where It Is:

•Italy is located in Southern Europe, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. It is shaped like a boot and is famous for its rich history and culture.

2. How Many Tourists Visit It Every Year:

•Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, attracting about 60 million tourists annually.

3. What the Weather Is Like There:

•Italy has a diverse climate. In the north, it can be cold and rainy in the winter, while the south is warmer and sunnier. The summer months (June to August) are usually hot, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F).

4. What Places of Interest There Are:

•Italy is famous for its historical landmarks, such as:

•The Colosseum in Rome

•The Leaning Tower of Pisa

•The Canals of Venice

•The art and architecture of Florence, including the Uffizi Gallery and the Duomo

•The beautiful coastline of the Amalfi Coast

5. When You Visited This Country:

•I visited Italy in [insert year]. It was an amazing experience, and I explored different cities.

6. If You Will Go There Again and Why:

•I would love to go to Italy again because there is so much to see and do. The food is delicious, and I want to explore more of its beautiful landscapes and historical sites.

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