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6: 1. Обведіть правильне слово, щоб


2.Запишіть імена друзів та родичів Матрини.

3.Виправте помилки в тексті.

1. This is a photo of my dad. It’s he his birthday.

2. A: Is this your red watch?

B: No, his my watch is blue.

3. This isn’t you your phone! It’s David’s.

4. Hello. I’m Karl. What’s my your name?

5. This is my sister Sue and this is his her friend James.

6. Do you like my new dog? It’s Its name’s Fido.

7. Polly has a new phone number. She’s It’s 074436792.

4.Доповніть речення правильними словами.

1. Is that your bag on the table? I like it!

2. Those students are from China. They’re new at this school.

3. I have some great photos on my phone. Would you like to see them?

4. Mary has a camera. She can take the photos for our project with it.

5. Julia has a cute cat. Her cat is great.

6. That cake is very good. It’s a chocolate cake.

7. A: Are you from Spain?

B: No, we’re from Portugal.

UNIT 1/РОЗДІЛ 1 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022 Сторінка
Тест 1 – b 2 – c 3 – b 4 – a 5 – b 6 – c 7 – a 8 – c 9 – a 10 – a 11 – b 12 – c 13 – a 14 – b 15 – c 16 – a 17 – c 18 – b 19 – b 20 – a 21 – c 22 – c 23 – b 24 – c 25 – a 26 – b 27 – c 28 – b 29 – c 30 – a 31 – b 32 – c 33 – b 34 – b 35 – c 36 – b 37 – a 38 – c 39 – b 40 – a
Обведіть визначники в тексті.

Сторінка 7: 1. Заповніть таблицю.

Positive (+)

I am Ukrainian. I’m Ukrainian. You are Ukrainian. You’re Ukrainian. He is Ukrainian. He’s Ukrainian. She is Ukrainian. She’s Ukrainian. It is my pen. It’s my pen. We are Ukrainian. We’re Ukrainian. They are Ukrainian. They’re Ukrainian.

Negative (–)

I am not Italian.You are not Italian. You aren’t Italian. He is not Italian. He isn’t Italian. She is not Italian. She isn’t Italian. It is not my bag. It isn’t my bag. We are not Italian. We aren’t Italian. They are not Italian. They aren’t Italian.

2. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб

1 – c 2 – a 3 – c 4 – b 5 – c 6 – b

3. Запишіть слова, щоб доповнить розмову.

– m (2) – are (3) – s (4) – Are (5) – s (6) – is

4. У кожному реченні не вистачає слова. Додайте правильне слово.

1. My mum is a doctor at the City Hospital.

2. My birthday isn’t on November 6th. It is on November 16th.

3. Hi! I am Mark, and I’m fourteen years old.

4. My favourite sport is ice hockey and our games are on Saturdays.

5. I am from Kyiv, but my home now is in Lviv.

5. Доповніть речення щодо себе.

Сторінка 8: 1. Доповніть таблицю правильними словами з рамки. pronoun determiner I my you your he his she her it its we our they their

2. Доповніть речення правильними словами з вправи 1.

1. Ruby and Isabel have a baby brother. His name’s Oscar.

2. The family live in a house. It’s in Manchester.

3. We like our school. It’s very nice.

4. I’m hungry! Are you hungry too?

5. Ben and Mary aren’t at home now. They’re at the park.

6. Mark’s dog is very happy. Its name’s Brutus.

7. Is that your twin brother, Mike?

3. Прочитайте речення та запишіть а для possessive та b для be.


1 – b 2 – a 3 – a 4 – b 5 – a

4. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

1. What’s your phone number?

2. That’s my brother’s football.

3. My watch is red and it’s new.

4. Amanda’s my sister and she’s twelve.

5. Romeo’s from Italy.

6. My little sister’s favourite films are Big and Frozen.

7. Your dog’s tired now.

UNIT 1-2/РОЗДІЛ 1-2 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
доповнить речення.
– isn’t
– s

8: 5. Роздивіться картинки та дайте відповіді на питання «Чиї це речі?».

1. This is Megan’s phone.

2. These are Roy’s book and cup.

3. These are Megan’s glasses.

Сторінка 9: 1. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнить речення.

1 – a 2 – b 3 – c 4 – c 5 – c 6 – b

2. Доповніть речення. Потім поєднайте речення з

0. Is Florence your daughter? – c

1. Are your tired? – a

2. Is your father funny? – b



питання та короткі відповіді.

1. Are those girls your sisters? Yes, they are.


3. Are your new teachers nice? – f

4. This film is very sad. – d

5. It’s hot in here. – e

2. Are you and your friend from Italy? No, we aren’t.

3. Are you hungry? Yes, I am.

4. Is Barbara your daughter? Yes, she is.

5. Is Roberto Spanish? No, he isn’t

6. Is that story sad? Yes, it is.

7. Is your school big? No, it isn’t.

4. Роздивіться картинки, напишіть питання

1. Is the cat hungry? Yes, it is.

2. Is the man sick? Yes, he is.

3. Is the girl tired? Yes, she is.

4. Is the dog funny? Yes, it is.

5. Is the boy bored? Yes, he is.

2. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.

3. Доповніть речення словами there is чи there are.

1. In our kitchen, there is a big table.

2. There is a photo of my family on my desk.

3. There are lots of toys in that box.

4. There are three bedrooms in my house.

5. There is a big cupboard in the hall.

6. There is a clock on the bookcase in the living room.

7. There are some board games in the dining room.

4. Доповніть текст словами in чи on та there is чи there are.

(1) – On

(2) – there are

(3) – in (4) – on

(5) – There is (6) – on

(7) – there are (8) – on

(9) – on

(10) – in

UNIT 2-3/РОЗДІЛ 2-3 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022 Сторінка
та задайте
їх напарнику.
Сторінка 10: 1. Поєднайте, щоб утворилися речення. 1 – e 2 – b 3 – f 4 – c 5 – g 6 – d

11: 5. Оберіть одну картинку та опишіть її напарнику, щоб він її вгадав.

A. This is a living room. There are two pictures in the room. There is a sofa. There are three pillows and a dog on it. There is a cup on the table.

B. This is a living room. There is a picture on the wall. There is a grey sofa. There are four pillows on it. There are a lot of plants in the room.

1. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.

2. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

1. She’s has got a nice flat in the city.

2. They’ve got lots of pictures in their bedrooms.

3. They’ve got their phones with them.

3. Доповніть речення своїми ідеями.

1. In my bedroom, I’ve got a bed and a desk.

2. Our school has got new computers.

3. A dictionary’s got a lot of words.

4. My phone have has got a fantastic camera.

5. We’ve have got our guitars for the music lesson.

6. I have got lots of books in my bookcase.

4. My friend’s phone has got a good camera.

5. In my school bag, I’ve got copybooks, pens and some apples.

4. Роздивіться картинки. Напишіть, що є у людей.

1. Betty and Liam have got toys.

2. Sarah has got a guitar.

3. Evan’s got a pet fish.

4. Ben and Jill have got a dog.

5. Kate’s got a water bottle.

6. Tim has got a banana.

7. Meg’s got gloves and a hat.

Сторінка 12: 1. Поєднайте, щоб утворилися речення.

1 – g 2 -d 3 – b 4 – c 5 – e 6 – f

2. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.

3. Виправте помилки в реченнях.


1. Peter haven’t hasn’t got a ruler in his pencil case or on his desk.

2. Thomas and Lynette has have got lots of school books in their bags.

3. Tim’ves got lots of brothers and sisters.

4. I haven’t have got a hat and it’s on my head. Do you like it?

5. This book have has got lots of nice pictures.

6. I have haven’t got a laptop. I want it for my birthday.

UNIT 3-4/РОЗДІЛ 3-4 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022 Сторінка

4. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення щодо себе.

Сторінка 13: 1. Поєднайте питання з відповідями.

1 – e 2 – f 3 – c 4 – a 5 – d

2. Доповніть розмову словами has/’s чи have/’ve.

(1) – Have (2) – ’ve (3) – haven’t (4) – ’ve (5) – ’ve (6) – Have (7) – has

3. Напишіть питання з словами has got чи have got.

1. Has Barbara got a brother?

2. Has your house got a lot of windows?

3. Have Brian and Mary got their guitars?

4. Have you got your dictionary today?

14-15: Тест (розділи 1-4)

5. Have we got any fruit?

6. Have your sisters got their watches?

7. Have you got your keys?

Сторінка 16: 1. Поєднайте.

2. Роздивіться таблицю та доповніть речення про Олівера словами can чи can’t.

1. Oliver can’t take good photos.

2. He can stand on his hands.

3. He can remember English words.

4. Oliver can’t play the guitar.

5. He can head a football.

6. Oliver can’t swim underwater.

3. Роздивіться таблицю ще раз та напишіть речення з словами or, and, but.

1. Oliver can stand on his hands and head a football.

2. Oliver can’t take good photos or play the guitar.

3. Oliver can’t swim underwater, but he can remember English words.

4. Напишіть питання та короткі відповіді.

1. Can they take good photos? No, they can’t.

2. Can you draw pictures of animals? Yes, I can.

3. Can your parents remember phone numbers? No, they can’t.

4. Can she sail a boat? Yes, she can.

5. Can your dog ran fast? Yes, it can.

6. Can your mum ice skate? No, she can’t.

7. Can we cook dinner now? Yes, we can.

Сторінка 17: 1. Роздивіться картинку. Запишіть слова, щоб доповнити речення.

1. There are two pairs of trousers and a skirt on the bed.


2. The T-shirt on the floor is white.

3. There are three pictures on the wall and one of them is behind the bed.

4. There’s a jacket on the back of the chair.

5. The red cap is on the lamp.

6. The sunglasses are on the small table next to the bed.

7. The shoes are next to the bed, not under it.

UNIT 4-5/РОЗДІЛ 4-5 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
1 – b 2 – c 3 – a 4 – c 5 – b 6 – c 7 – a 8 – c 9 – b 10 – a 11 – c 12 – c 13 – a 14 – b 15 – b 16 – a 17 – c 18 – a 19 – b 20 – c 21 – a 22 – a 23 – c 24 – a 25 – c 26 – b 27 – c 28 – a 29 – a 30 – b 31 – a 32 – b
– e 2 – g 3 – b 4 – c 5 – d 6 – f

2. Запишіть слова in, on, under чи behind, щоб доповнити речення вчителя.

(1) – on (2) – in (3) – in (4) – on (5) – under (6) – behind (7) – on

3. Доповніть речення словами

in, on, under чи behind.

1. I always take a bag with me because I don’t like holding things on my hands.

2. We can’t see the dog because it is behind the park wall.

3. Put those papers under that small rock because it’s very windy today.

4. Write your telephone number on that piece of paper, please.

5. Sue can’t speak because she’s got a lot of food in her mouth.

6. I like swimming on my back because I don’t like putting my face under the water.

Сторінка 18: 1. Запишіть C для злічуваних іменників та U для незлічуваних іменників.

2. Виберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – a 2 – b 3 – a 4 – b 5 – a 6 – b

3. Доповніть речення одним словом для кожного пропуску.

(1) – on (2) – in (3) – in (4) – on (5) – under (6) – behind (7) – on

4. Доповніть правильною формою There is чи There are.

1 – There are

2 – There is 3 – There are 4 – There aren’t

5 – There are

6 – There is

Сторінка 19: 1. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.

2. Запишіть по одному прийменнику для кожного пропуску.

1. When’s David’s birthday? On 17th March.

2. Where do you meet your friends? At the cafe.

3. What time does the film start? At half past eight.

4. Where do you play video games? At home.

5. When are you going shopping? On Saturday.

6. What time is the party? From 5 pm until 10 pm.

7. When can we hand in the homework? On Friday. That’s the last day.

3. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

1. Paul’s party is until from 6pm from until 9 pm.

2. Let’s meet on at the park tomorrow.

3. I sleep until ten o’clock until on Sundays!

4. My best friend’s birthday is on in May.

5. Is your party in on Friday?


6. We always watch films on at Lee’s house.

4. Роздивіться нотатки Аліси та напишіть речення.

1. Alice’s swimming lessons are on Saturdays and on Sundays from 1 pm until 2 pm.

2. School party is on the 21st of May at 3:45 at the school hall.

3. Football match is on the 14th of April at 5 pm at the central stadium.

4. Alice’s music lessons are on Wednesday and on Fridays from 3 pm until 4 pm.

5. Sarah’s birthday party is on the 5th of March at 6:30 at the café.

UNIT 5-6/РОЗДІЛ 5-6 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
1 – U 2 – C 3 – U 4 – U 5 – U 6 – U 7 – C 8 – U 9 – U 10 –U

Сторінка 20: 1. Виберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – c 2 – c 3 – b 4 – a 5 – c 6 – a

2. Поєднайте.

1 – d 2 – f 3 – b 4 – c 5 – a 6 – e

3. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити текст.

4. Доповніть речення правильною формою дієслів. Одне дієслово зайве.

1. We catch the train to go to school.

2. I wash my face in the morning.

3. My mum goes to bed at half past ten.

4. My brother watches football on TV on Saturday afternoons.

5. I walk to school with my best friend.

5. Роздивіться малюнки і напишіть час, коли ви робите свої звичайні справи. Потім

напишіть речення про свій день.

1. I have a shower at 7 o’clock.

2. I brush my teeth at quarter past seven.

3. I have breakfast at half past seven.

4. I catch the bus to school at 8.00.

5. The classes are from 8.30 until 2 o’clock.

6. I go to bed at half past ten.

Сторінка 21: 1. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб


2. Виберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – c 2 – c 3 – c 4 – c 5 – b

3. Роздивіться таблицю та доповнять речення.

1. She doesn’t have lunch at home.

2. She doesn’t do her homework in the library.

3. Charlie doesn’t live in Scotland.

4. He doesn’t walk to school.

5. He doesn’t wash his hair in the morning.

6. They don’t watch TV every day.

4. Роздивіться речення про Сару та Чарлі та запишіть їх щодо себе.

1. I don’t live in Scotland. I live in Ukraine.

2. I walk to school.

3. I have lunch at home.

4. I don’t wash my hair in the morning. I wash my hair in the evening.

5. I don’t do my homework in the library. I do my homework at home.

6. I don’t watch TV every day.

UNIT 7/РОЗДІЛ 7 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022

Сторінка 22: 1. Оберіть правильну відповідь на питання.

1 – d 2 – a 3 – b 4 – c 5 – c

2. Роздивіться таблицю. Напишіть питання та відповіді.

1. Does Andy use a computer in class? No, he doesn’t.

2. Do Tim and Harvey go swimming? Yes, they do.

3. Does Katy speak French at school? Yes, she does

4. Do Tim and Harvey help in the garden? No, they don’t.

5. Does Andy play in a football team? No, he doesn’t.

6. Does Katy have a homework club? No, she doesn’t

3. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

1. Does Do you have science on Wednesdays?

2. Do Does your school have a football team?

3. Do you does do homework in the library?

4. Do you walks walk to school?

5. Does geography class finishes finish at half past one?

6. Do we has have double history in the morning?

7. Does Do your friends speak French?

Сторінка 23: 1. Обведіть правильне слово, яке

1 – When?

2 – Why?

3 – Where?

4 – How often?

2. Обведіть правильні відповіді на питання.

1 – At the tennis club.

2 – My English teacher.

3 – Because I love sports.

4 – An apple.

5 – What?

6 – Who?

5 – On Saturdays.

6 – At school.

7 – I live near the school.

7 – How often?

3. Оберіть правильне слово з рамки, щоб доповнити питання. 1 – How often 2 – Where

4-25: Тест (розділи 5-8)

– do

– does

Сторінка 26: 1. Виберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення. 1

2. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

1. Eve and Matt likes like swimming.

2. Chris doesn’t likes like basketball.


3. Sally and Amy like playing football, but they don’t likes like tennis.

4. My Dad likes watching football on TV, but he dosn’t doesn’t like playing.

5. I doesn’t don’t like dancing, but I like singing sometimes.

6. Susan likes doings doing homework, but she doesn’t like exams.

7. Ryan and Nicole does don’t like sending text messages every day.

8. My dog like likes swimming in the river, but he doesn’t like having a shower.

UNIT 8/РОЗДІЛ 8 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
до відповіді.
c 2
b 3 – a 4 – c 5 – b 6 – c 7 – a 8 – b 9
b 10 – a 11 – b 12 – b 13 – b 14 – a 15 – c 16 – c 17 – a 18 – c 19 – b 20 – a 21 – c 22 – a 23 – c 24 – b 25 – a 26 – b 27 – c 28 – b 29 – c 30 – b 31 – b 32 – a
– c 2 – b 3 – c 4 – b 5 – b 6 – a 7 – c
– What
When Сторінка 2
1 –


Доповніть речення правильною формою дієслів.

1. I like music and I like dancing to it too.

2. My mum likes cleaning her new car, but she doesn’t like washing the kitchen floor!

3. I don’t like catching the bus every day, but I have to.

4. Matthew likes running in the park every day. He’s very fast.

5 My brother likes playing the piano, but I like playing the guitar.

6. I’m not very good at swimming, but I love going to the pool.

4. Змініть речення з заперечного на стверджувальне.

1 Carla and Sam like doing homework.

2. Sophie’s cat likes water.

3. We like history class and we like the teacher.

4. They like running in the rain.

5. My French teacher likes when pupils speak in class.

6. Charlie likes playing hockey, but he doesn’t like playing tennis.

7. I like sending text messages to my friends.

Пограємо! Роздивися картинки на наступній сторінці. Обери три справи які тобі подобаються (V) та три – які ні (Х). Напиши шість речень про це.

I (don’t) like talking on the phone.

I (don’t) like swimming.

I (don’t) like playing football.

I (don’t) like dancing.

Сторінка 27:

1. Прочитайте параграф.

Обведіть 17 займенників.

I (don’t) like riding a horse.

I (don’t) like singing.

I (don’t) like playing tennis.

I (don’t) like reading.

2. Поєднайте речення, щоб утворився короткий діалог.

3. Обведіть правильне слово, щоб доповнити речення.

1. My sister plays the piano every day. She’s really good at it.

2. My friends are fantastic. I really like them.

3. We have lots of homework and we don’t like it.

4. Running is difficult, but it is good for you.

5. I go swimming on Fridays with my friends. It’s good for us.

6. My brother drinks a liter of water every day. It’s good for him.

7. I like drawing in art class because I am good at it.

UNIT 9/РОЗДІЛ 9 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022

4. Доповніть речення займенниками.

1. I like drinking orange juice. It’s good for me.

2. Our teacher thinks doing homework is good for us.

3. When people speak French very fast I can’t understand them.

4. My small sister loves songs. I sing to her every night.

5 He likes running in the park. It’s good for him.

6. Can you repeat please? I can’t hear you.

7. My friends are fantastic. I love meeting them.

Сторінка 28: 1. Обведіть правильне слово, щоб доповнити речення.

1. Dad’s on the sofa. He is watching TV.

2. My friend Harry is painting a picture in art class.

3. My grandma is listening to music at the moment.

4. Jody and Linda are running in the park.

5. I’m in the library because I am doing my homework.

6. John is in music class at the moment, I think he is playing the guitar.

7 I can see my dog, he’s happy. He is swimming in the river.

2. Виберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – c 2 – c 3 – b 4 – c 5 – a 6 – b 7 – c

3. Складіть заперечні або стверджувальні речення із поданих слів.

1. They are doing yoga.

2. I’m not riding a horse.

3. Harry and Sarah are dancing together.

4. Her brother isn’t opening the window.

4. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

5. We aren’t sending text messages.

6. The dog is swimming.

7. My friends are doing homework.

1. I am on winter holidays, I don’t am not studying now.

2 A: Where is Alice? B: She is making her bed in the bedroom.

3. Look! The dog is runing running to us!

4. Our mum is in the kitchen. She’s makeing making our favourire favourite cake!

5. Jake is busy because he’s tiding tidying his room.

6. I is am not feeding my cat now. She’s not hungry.

Сторінка 29: 5. Роздивіться картинки та напишіть речення про людей на них.

1. The boy is cleaning the bath.

2. The boy and his mum are cooking.

3. The girl is feeding her cat.

1. Поєднайте.

4. The girl is watching TV.

5. Men are playing chess.

1 – c 2 – e 3 – b 4 – a 5 – d

2. Доповніть питання, щоб утворилися короткі діалоги.

1. A: Where is Mr Green, the history teacher? Is he helping the students in the library?

2. A: My sister is in the park at the moment. B: Is she running?


3. A: Dad is in the living room. B: Is he watching TV? A: No, he’s reading a book.

4. A: Why are you in the classroom? Are you doing homework?

B: Yes, I am. I like doing homework here.

5. A: Sally! Are you in your bedroom? Are you making your bed? B: No, Mum.

6. A: Gerry is my dog and he’s in the garden at the moment. B: Is he playing with a ball?

A: No, he isn’t. He’s having lunch.

UNIT 10/РОЗДІЛ 10 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022

30: 1. Роздивіться таблицю і напишіть імена людей (V = кількість днів тижня).

1 – James

2 – Ryan 3

James 4 – Jenny 5 – Katy 6 –Jenny

– Katy 8 – James

2. Роздивіться відповіді Саллі на питання Алекса та запишіть речення з словами always (завжди), often (часто), sometimes (іноді) чи never (ніколи).

1. She always walks to school.

2. She never goes to music classes.

5. She sometimes sends long text messages.

6. She often does homework in the library.

3. She sometimes plays video games.

4. She never catches the bus to school.

7. She never makes her bed in the morning.

8. She sometimes goes swimming.

3. Скористайтеся реченнями з вправи 2, щоб написати щодо себе. Сторінка 31: 1. Доповніть питання.

1. How many cakes do you eat on your birthday?

2. How many books are on your bookcase?

3. How many songs do you have on your smartphone?

4. How much football do you watch on TV?

5. How many students are in your English class?

6. How much juice do you drink in a day?

7. How many pictures are on your bedroom wall?

2. Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб скласти питання.

1. How many e-mails do you write in a week?

2. How much homework have you got today?

3. How much ice cream do you eat in a week?

4. How many footballs have you got?

5. How many photos have you got on your wall?

6. How much chocolate have you got in your bag?

3. Складіть питання та поєднайте їх з


1. How many text messages do you send in a day? h

2. How many posters do you have in your bedroom? a

3. How much music do you stream at the weekend? b

4. How much fruit does your brother eat? c

5. How many photos are on your desk? d

6. How much homework do you have today? f

7. How much ice cream do you want? e

4. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

1) How many photos do you take on holiday?

2) How many students are in your class?

3) How many people are at the party?

4) How much juice do you want?

5) How many films does your dad watch at the weekend?

6) How many video games has he got?


5. Роздивіться картинку та напишіть принаймні 3 питання (Скільки?) про смартфон свого друга.

1) How many games have you got on your smartphone?

2) How many text messages do you send in a day?

3) How many application have you got on your smartphone?

4) How many photos have you got on your smartphone?

UNIT 11/РОЗДІЛ 11 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022 Сторінка

Сторінка 32:

1. Обведіть правильне слово, щоб доповнити речення.

1) John is a lorry driver. He drives a lorry every day.

2) Sally is a firefighter. She always wears special clothes to work.

3) My dad is a farmer. He usually works a lot.

4) Rob is a piano teacher, but he isn’t playing the piano now.

5) Mum is in the living room. She is watching a film at the moment.

2. Виберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – a 2 – b 3 – c 4 – c 5 – b

3. Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб скласти питання та відповіді.

1. A: Has your sister got a job? B: She grows food.

2. A: What are you doing? B: I’m driving my lorry.

3. A: What does your mum do? B: She works in a restaurant.

4. A: Has your dad got a job? B: He writes music.

5. A: What sport does your brother do? B: He runs a lot every day.

4. Прочитайте діалог з вправи 3 та запишіть професію з рамки біля кожного діалогу.

1 – farmer 2 – lorry driver 3 – waitress 4 – musician 5 – footballer

Сторінка 33:

1. Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб скласти речення.

1) Can you help me?

2) Can I borrow your pencil, please?

3) Can I catch the bus tomorrow?

4) Can I meet Sally in the park?

5) Can we have pizza for lunch, please?

6) Can we go to uncle’s house on Friday?

2. Розташуйте речення з вправи 1 у правильну колонку. Requests

Can you help me?

Asking for permission

Can I borrow your pencil, please?

Can we go to uncle’s house on Friday? Can I catch the bus tomorrow?

Can I meet Sally in the park?

Can we have pizza for lunch, please?

3. Що ви скажете? Складіть речення з Can I чи Can you.

1) Can I go home, please?

2) Can you clean the table, please?

3) Can I open the window?

4) Can I have some water?

5) Can you help me, please?

6) Can I use your phone, please?

7) Can I have some chocolate, please?

UNIT 12/РОЗДІЛ 12 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
1 – c 2 – b 3 – b 4 – b 5 – a 6 – a 7 – c 8 – b 9 – c 10 – a 11 – a 12 – b 13 – b 14 – a 15 – c 16 – a 17 – a 18 – b 19 – c 20 – b 21 – a 22 – b 23 – c 24 – b 25 – b 26 – a 27 – c 28 – b 29 – c 30 – b 31 – a 32 – b shkola.in.ua
Тест (розділи 9-12)

Сторінка 36:

1. Роздивіться таблицю та доповніть розмову словами Is there a…?/Are there any…?

Підкресліть правильну відповідь у часті В.

1. A: Is there a park in Oldtown?

B: Yes, there is a big one. / Yes, there are a big one.

2. A: Are there any supermarkets in Oldtown?

B: Yes, there is. / Yes, there are two.

3. A: Is there a museum in Oldtown?

B: Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

4. A: Are there any schools in Oldtown?

B: Yes, there are two. / No, there aren’t.

5. A: Is there a station in Oldtown?

B: Yes, there are. / No, there isn’t.

6. A: Are there any hospitals in Oldtown?

B: No, there aren’t. / Yes, there are.

2. Виправте помилки у реченнях.

1. Is there a station in your town?

2. There isn’t a museum in our village.

3. Is there a nice cafe in this street?

4. Are there any schools near your home?

5. Are there any supermarkets in Bond Street?

6. Are there any hospitals in these towns?

7. Are there any cinemas near our school?

3. Роздивіться таблицю у вправі 1, доповніть питання та напишіть коротку відповідь про Ньютаун.

1. Are there any supermarkets in Newtown? – Yes, there are.

2 Are there any museums in Newtown? – No, there aren’t.

3. Is there a school in Newtown? – Yes, there is.

4. Is there a station in Newtown? – Yes, there is.

5. Is there a hospital in Newtown? – Yes, there is.

6. Is there a restaurant in Newtown? – Yes, there is.

1. Обведіть правильне слово, щоб доповнити речення.

1. My Dad is in the living room. He’s working inside today.

2. There are lots of people waiting outside in the street.

3. My house is near my school. I don’t catch the bus.

4. Can you see that beautiful bird in the sky above the trees?

5 It is really cold today, so we’re doing PE inside

6. I’ve got a picture on the wall above my bed.

7. There is another exercise below this one.

Сторінка 37: 2. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – a 2 – c 3 – b 4 – b 5 – c

3. Поєднайте 1-6 з a-g, щоб утворилося речення.



4. Дайте відповіді на питання щодо себе.

1. I can see trees outside my window.

2. Yes, there is a supermarket near my house.

3. I have a bag below my desk.

4. I have copybooks inside my school bag.

5. I prefer to meet my friends outside.

6. I have two posters above my bed.

7. No, it isn’t raining outside at the moment.

UNIT 13/РОЗДІЛ 13 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
6 – b 7 – a
– e
– g 2 – b 3 – f 4 – c 5
a 6

Сторінка 38: 1. Обведіть правильне слово, щоб доповнити речення.

1. My teacher isn’t in class today because she has a cold.

2. John plays the piano and Sally plays the guitar.

3. I am going to school by bus today because it is raining.

4. Mum and Dad are going to the cinema tonight because it is Dad’s birthday.

5 You can have cake and ice cream too if you like. It’s a party!

6. John is in the library because he has a lot of homework today.

7 .We can go shopping or to the swimming pool. I don’t mind.

2. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – b 2 – a 3 – c 4 – c 5 – a 6 – b

3. Виправте помилки у реченнях (Іноді може бути більше одної правильної відповіді).

1. Harry wants to go swimming but or shopping on Saturday morning.

2. You can have pizza but and chips if you like.

3. My brother wants a new video game because but he hasn’t got any money.

4. The teacher is angry or because Joe is sending a text message at the lesson.

5. Susan can’t come to the party tonight but because she is feeling very tired.

6. Let’s finish our homework because and go outside.

7 .My sister is very good at football but because she runs really fast.

4. Запишіть слова (because, and, but, or), щоб доповнити телефонну розмову.

(1) – but (2) – because (3) – because (4) – or

(5) – because (6) – and (7) – because

Сторінка 39: 1. Обведіть правильне слово, щоб

1. Shall we catch the train today? It’s raining.

2. Let’s make a cake for Mum’s birthday.

3. Shall we put some chocolate in the cake?

4. Let’s buy some ice cream too.



5. Shall we take our camera to the park?

6. Shall we meet our friends outside the station?

7. Let’s buy some new T-shirts to go to the beach.

2. Доповніть речення словами Shall чи Let’s та розташуйте їх у правильному порядку, щоб утворилася розмова.


3. Доповніть речення словами Shall we…? чи Let’s… та дієсловами в рамці.

1. Let’s buy a birthday present for Simon, it’s his party on Saturday.

2. Let’s take some gloves and a hat with us. It’s very cold outside.

3. Shall we make spaghetti for dinner? I’m really hungry.

4. Let’s go to the beach. We can swim in the sea.

5 Shall we help Bobby with his homework? It’s difficult for him.

6. Let’s catсh the bus? I’m feeling tired.

UNIT 14/РОЗДІЛ 14 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022

Сторінка 40:

1. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – a 2 – c 3 – c 4 – b 5 – a 6 – c 7 – b

2. Розташуйте букви у правильному порядку, утворивши слово, доповніть речення.

1. We use our computers to send e-mail and do homework.

2. I don’t wear shorts in winter, I wear trousers

3. My twin brothers are very young, they are babies.

4. Dad needs his glasses to read a book.

5. We write a lot of sentences in English class.

6. It’s very cold today. Let’s take our jackets.

7. I don’t like wearing trousers, I prefer jeans.

3. Прочитайте речення та відмітьте правильні (V) та хибні (Х). Виправте помилки, які ви знайдете.

1. The teacheres teachers are very tired today. X

2. There are a lot of big factorys factories near my city. X

3. My sister has got blue eyeses eyes. X

4. I really like sports T-shirts. V

5. We sometimes use dictionarieys dictionaries in French class. X

6. My mum never wears dresses, she prefers jeans. V

7. There are 10 boyes boys and 11 girls in my music class. X


2 – a houses 3 – f digital watches

4 – b stories 5 – g clothes

6 – c shops 7 – e shoes

Сторінка 41:

1. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнити речення.

1. It’s hot today. Billy is wearing jeans.

2. Sarah has got long hair.

3. Mike is tall and good at basketball.

4. My baby brother is very young.

5. Jenny is sitting on the beach. She isn’t wearing a jacket.

6. Sam loves shoes. He’s got a lot of them in his bedroom.

7. My music teacher is very slim. She runs every day.

2. Доповніть текст словами is, has got чи is wearing.

1 – is wearing 2 – is 3 – is wearing 4 – is 5 – has got 6 – has got

3. Доповніть речення щодо себе, своїх друзів чи родини.

1. My friend has got dark hair and brown eyes.

2. My mum has got long blond hair.

3. At the moment my sister is wearing a dress and a jacket.

4. My teacher has got green eyes and short hair.

5. My friend has got a new dress and it’s very beautiful.

6. My grandmother wears glasses.

7. My father is tall.

UNIT 15/РОЗДІЛ 15 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
та поєднайте їх з реченнями
Поставте слова (a-g)

Сторінка 42:

1. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.

1. My brother isn’t watching TV. He wants to play video games.

2. There isn’t any milk in the fridge. You need to go to the supermarket.

3. Do you want to play hockey with us on Saturday?

4 Can you help me? I need to make the beds.

5. Jane is feeling tired. She needs to go to bed.

6. I want to go the cinema. I love that film!

7 Karl is drawing a picture. He needs a good pencil.

2. Поєднайте 1-6 з a-g, щоб утворилося речення.

1 – g 2 – a 3 – e 4 – d 5 – c 6 – b

3. Ознайомтеся з інформацією про канікули Сема, Кірсті та свої. Складіть речення, використавши слова need/needs/want/wants та дієслова у дужках.

1. Kirsty wants to see museums.

2. Sam wants to visit a big city.

3. I want to take photos.

4. Sam wants to meet friends.

5. Kirsty needs to catch a plane.

6. I want to eat an ice cream.

7. Sam needs to buy a new T-shirt.

8. Kirsty needs to clean a bag.

4. У кожному реченні не вистачає слова. Додайте правильне слово.

1. Sarah wants to take a new book to read.

2. When it’s raining, we need to wear raincoats.

3. My baby brother is hungry, he wants to drink milk.

4. I want to meet my friends at the party tomorrow.

5. My grandma wants to buy a big plant for her garden.

6. Jana wants a new video game, but she needs some money to buy it.

Сторінка 43:

1. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.

1. I can’t finish this homework. I’m too tired.

2. My brother isn’t wearing his jacket today. It’s too dirty.

3. We don’t go to the cinema very often because it’s too expensive.

4. Sophie doesn’t wear her mum’s clothes. They’re too big.

5. Let’s go to a different restaurant. The waiters here are too slow.

6 My granddad thinks he is too old to play video games.

7. The teachers are too busy to help us at the moment.

2. Доповніть речення словом too та правильним словом з рамки.

1. I want to drive a car, but I am too young. I need to wait until I am 18.


2. I don’t want to go outside, it’s too cold.

3. I can’t move that box! It’s too big.

4. We want to buy that house, but it’s too expensive.

5. They don’t swim in the river because the water is too dirty.

6. Lee doesn’t want to go running because he is too tired.

7. I need a lot of time to finish this exam, it’s too long.

UNIT 16-17/РОЗДІЛ 16-17 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022

3. Виправте помилки у реченнях.

1. I need a new laptop because this one is too new old.

2. My trousers are too old long for me, I can’t see my feet!

3. I really like that bike, but it’s too cheap expensive at the moment.

4. My baby sister is too big small to ride a horse.

5. My granddad is too young old to go to school with me.

6. That book is too busy heavy, you can’t put it in your schoolbag!

7. I can’t do that test, it’s too clean hard.

Сторінка 44-45: Тест (розділи 13-16)

Сторінка 46:

1. Запишіть правильні форми порівняння прикметників в таблицю. adjective + r/+ er double letter + er y ⟶ i + er safe safer short shorter friendly friendlier hungry hungrier fat fatter easy easier fast faster

2. Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворити речення.

1. A banana is longer than an apple.

2. Spain is hotter than Alaska.

3. A tree is higher than grass.

4. An elephant is fatter than a snake.

5. My grandma is older than my sister.

6. A plane is faster than a bicycle.

7. Watching TV is easier than doing homework.

3. Ознайомтеся з інформацією про Ліверпуль та Манчестер. Запишіть речення з поданими словами та порівняйте міста.

1. Liverpool is older than Manchester.

2. Liverpool is colder than Manchester.

3. Manchester is younger than Liverpool.

4. Liverpool is smaller than Manchester.

5. Manchester is hotter than Liverpool.

6. Liverpool is sunnier than Manchester.

4. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити листа.

1 – quicker 2 – easier 3 – older 4 – bigger 5 – happier 6 - cleaner

UNIT 16-17/РОЗДІЛ 16-17 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
1 – c 2 – a 3 – b 4 – c 5 – a 6 – b 7 – c 8 – a 9 – a 10 – b 11 – b 12 – a 13 – a 14 – c 15 – a 16 – c 17 – c 18 – b 19 – a 20 – b 21 – c 22 – a 23 – b 24 – c 25 – a 26 – b 27 – a 28 – c 29 – b 30 – c 31 – b 32 – c

Сторінка 47:

1. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.

1. My brother thinks video games are more exciting than homework.

2. We love dancing, it’s more interesting than singing.

3. Playing the piano is more difficult than playing the drums.

4 Riding an elephant is more unusual than riding a bike.

5. Listening to the teacher is more important than sending text messages.

6. The Queen of England is more famous than me!

7 My friends think football is more competitive than running.

2. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

1. Maths is more difficult than PE.

2. Visiting a museum is more boring than going to the cinema.

3. Monkeys are more exciting to watch than snails.

4. Catching a train is more expensive than walking.

5. Living in a castle is more unusual than in a house.

6 Football is more popular than hockey.

7. A shopping centre is more interesting than a supermarket.

3. Запишіть речення, використавши порівняння.

1. Science is more difficult than geography

2. New York is more famous than Swindon.

3. Video games are more exciting than sending e-mails.

4. Swimming in the sea is more dangerous than swimming in a pool.

5. Some animals are more unusual than others.

6. I think parties are more attractive than homework.

Сторінка 48:

1. Доповніть речення словами it чи it’s.

1 – It’s 2 – it’s 3 – it 4 – it

2. Поєднайте, щоб утворилися речення.

1 – f 2 – h 3 – c

3. Виправте помилки в п’яти реченнях. Відмітьте два правильних речення.

1. My brother never eats ice cream. He doesn’t like it’s it.

2. I love dancing. I think it’s great. – V

3. We don’t want to run in the countryside because it it’s too hard.

4. There’s a really good film on at the cinema. Shall we go and see it’s it?

5 Where’s my phone? I can’t find it. – V

6. It It’s too cold to go to the park today.

7. I can read French, but I can’t speak it’s it.

4. Роздивіться картинку. Складіть хоча б п’ять речень зі словами it чи it’s.

1. I like autumn, because it’s very beautiful.

2. When it’s raining, I like to stay at home and kook out the window.

3. I’ve got a bicycle and I ride it every day.

4. The leaves are red and I like to use it as a decoration.

5. When it’s warm and sunny, I always walk in the park.

UNIT 17-18/РОЗДІЛ 17-18 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
– It
– It’s 7 – It’s
5 – a 6 – e 7
– g

Сторінка 49:

1. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнить речення.

1 – c 2 – a 3 – b 4 – b 5 – b 6 – a

2. Доповніть мамине повідомлення словами for, with чи until.

1 – with 2 – with 3 – for 4 – for 5 – for 6 – until 7 – with

3. Виправте помилки в п’яти реченнях.

1. In summer, we play football for until ten pm.

2. I want a new bike, but I have to wait with for my birthday.

3 Would you like to come to the cinema until with me?

4. We’re on holiday now until for two weeks.

5. My older sister stays in her bedroom with for hours.

6. My dad goes running until for an hour every day.

4. Напишіть речення щодо себе, використавши слова with, for, until.

1. I sometimes play video games with my sister.

2. In summer, I can play outside for hours.

3 I like to go shopping with my friends.

4. I do homework for two hours.

5. I watch TV for an hour a day.

6 I never eat pizza until I wash my hands

7. On Sundays, I sleep until 9 o’clock.

Сторінка 50:

1. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.

1 – wasn’t 2 – were 3 – wasn’t 4 – were 5 – was 6 – was 7 – Was

2. Оберіть правильний варіант, щоб доповнить речення.

1 – a 2 – a 3 – b 4 – b 5 – c 6 – b

3. Доповніть лист Шейли словами was, wasn’t, were чи weren’t.

1 – was 2 – was 3 – wasn’t 4 – were 5 – was 6 – wasn’t 7 – was

4. Виправте помилки в реченнях.

1. John weren’t wasn’t at the dance class. He never dances!

2. There weren’t wasn’t a present for me under the Christmas tree. Where is it?

3. It weren’t wasn’t my birthday last week, it was Billy’s.

4. We was were on holiday for two weeks in France.

5. The sandwiches wasn’t weren’t very nice. I only ate a cake.

6. I’m really tired because that history test weren’t was too long.

Сторінка 51:

1. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити запитання.

1 – Why 2 – What 3 – When 4 – Who 5 – What 6 – How 7 – What

2. Напишіть запитання зі словами who, what, when, where, why, what kind of та how.

1. Where do you live?


2. How do you go to school?

3. What is your favourite school subject?

4. When do you play football?

5. What is you favourite kind of music?

6. How old are you?

7. Why do you love sports?

UNIT 18-19/РОЗДІЛ 18-19 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022

3. Виправте помилки, які підкреслені, в реченнях.

1. What is your big dream?

2. What do you like to do at the weekend?

3. Who is your favourite person on TV?

4. Where does your best friend live?

5 Why are you doing this exercise?

6. What kind of fruit do you like?

7. Where were you yesterday?

4. Дайте відповіді на запитання вправи 3 щодо себе.

1. My dream is to become a doctor.

2. I like to play computer games at the weekend.

3. Serhiy Prytula is my favourite person on TV.

4. My best friend lives in the same street as I do.

5. I am doing this exercise because I want to know English.

6. I like bananas.

7. I was at home.

Сторінка 52:

1. Оберіть правильний варіант,

2. Запишіть форму Past Simple слів. 1

3. Складіть речення, використавши подані слова і дієслова з вправи 2.

1. They painted a beautiful picture.

2. Francis watched an exciting football match on TV.

3. I walked to school with my friend Val.

4. Emily played the piano yesterday.

5. The teacher asked “What are you doing?”

6. I practiced yoga in the park.

7. They visited a museum and a castle on holiday.

4. Доповніть текст, використавши Past Simple дієслів у рамці.

1 – changed 2 – cycled 3 – played 4 – watched 5 – were 6 – started 7 - phoned Сторінка 53:

1. Поєднайте, щоб утворилися речення.

1 – e 2 – h 3 – f 4 – g 5 – d 6 – c 7 – a

2. Доповніть розмову заперечною формою Past Simple дієслів у дужках.

1 – didn’t come 2 – didn’t take 3 – didn’t put 4 – didn’t eat

5 – didn’t have 6 – didn’t clean 7 – didn’t sit

3. Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося речення.


1. He didn’t visit the castle.

2. My dad didn’t watch TV on Sunday.

3. They didn’t want to eat vegetables for lunch.

4. Liam didn’t finish his homework yesterday.

5. Our teacher didn’t come to class today.

6. She didn’t send me text message last week.

UNIT 19-20/РОЗДІЛ 19-20 Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
щоб доповнити речення.
– c 2 – a 3 – c 4 – c 5 – b 6 – a 7 – c
– practiced
– visited 3 – painted 4 – watched 5 – changed 6 – was/were 7 – played 8 – asked 9 – wanted 10 – walked

Сторінка 54-55: Тест (розділи 13-16)

Сторінка 56-57: Заключний

Prepare 5. Grammar: збірник вправ з граматики. Англійська мова/Робінсон Анне. Видавництво "Лінгвіст", 2022
1 – c 2 – a 3 – b 4 – b 5 – b 6 – c 7 – c 8 – b 9 – c 10 – a 11 – b 12 – b 13 – a 14 – b 15 – c 16 – a 17 – a 18 – a 19 – b 20 – c 21 – b 22 – c 23 – a 24 – b 25 – c 26 – b 27 – a 28 – c 29 – b 30 – a 31 – c 32 – a
тест 1 – c 2 – c 3 – c 4 – c 5 – a 6 – c 7 – b 8 – c 9 – c 10 – a 11 – b 12 – c 13 – a 14 – b 15 – b 16 – a 17 – c 18 – b 19 – b 20 – c 21 – c 22 – b 23 – c 24 – a 25 – a 26 – a 27 – b 28 – b 29 – c 30 – a 31 – c 32 – b 33 – c 34 – b 35 – a 36 – c 37 – a 38 – b 39 – c 40 – a shkola.in.ua

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