10: Вправа 1:
1. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a great way to have fun, make new friends and learn new things.
2. Students do such activities as volunteering, fitness, skills and expedition for the award.
3. No, I can't.
4. Yes, I would.
Вправа 2:
1 – Daniel 2 – Grace 3 – Grace 4 – Daniel
Вправа 3: Дізнайтеся
1. Ben is very lazy. He never does any work.
2. My grandpa’s 70, but he’s still really active. He cycles everywhere and plays tennis.
3. Sonia is very kind. She always thinks of other people and is good to them.
4. Everyone likes Toby. He’s the most popular boy in the school.
5. Sue is so funny. She always makes us laugh.
6. When I speak to adults, I try to be polite.
7. Sara is very friendly. She’s easy to talk to.
8. Most people in my class talk a lot, but Fred is quite and doesn’t say much.
9. I wasn’t sure how to do my project, but Ann was helpful. She told me about some websites.
10. Suchitra is very creative. She can paint and draw, and she writes excellent stories.
Present simple
I often make people laugh.
I play hockey and go swimming every week.
I don’t talk much.
I often go shopping with her.
Present continuous
I’m learning to play keyboard. I’m teaching my brother to swim.
At the moment, I’m doing a big painting. My mum and I are planning a party for her.
1. We use the present continuous to talk about things happening now, around now and at the moment.
2. We use the present simple to talk about things that are always true or happen regularly.
1. I watch Dynamo Kyiv play football every week.
2. Sorry, I can’t talk now, I’m busy. I’m practising the piano.
3. We learned about rivers last term, and now we are learning about forests.
4. I’m quite lazy – I don’t always do my homework.
1. It is raining at the moment.
2. I am selling my English book. Would you like to buy it?
3. I often wear jacket, even when it’s hot.
4. We swim and sunbath every day.
A: She is playing the guitar.
A: He is playing baseball.
B: I often play the guitar in the evening.
B: I never play baseball, but I sometimes play football. A: They are volunteering.
B: I sometimes volunteer by helping old people.
Вправа 5: Уявіть,
I hope I can do this award. I’m a friendly and outgoing person. I also very helpful – I often help my classmates with studying. I’m very active. I like sports and sport games. I am in the volleyball team. We have practice twice a week. I also like science, so I’m planning to join science club next month. They often do experiments and I’m very excited about it!
Сторінка 12:
Вправа 1 (читання): Прочитайте
It is for students who want to do the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Вправа 2:
1 (словник):
1) Hopkins
2) 14
3) 44 Meadow Avenue, London N24 6BG
4) English
5) 020 7946 0945; 0770 900 573
7) Grace Сторінка 13:
1 – U 2
– What’s your email address?
– My email address is
– Where do you live?
– My address is 72 Hale Street, Manchester M4 8QT
– What number can I call you?
– 07473 964 433 Shkola in ua
Grace and Daniel are talking about activities to choose for the Duke of Edinburgh. Finn is a new student in the school.
1) Address: 33 Alloway Road 2) Phone number: 0734 667378
3) Email address:

SURNAME: Karpenko
AGE: 13
ADDRESS: 102 Shevchenko Street
PHONE NUMBER: 023 856 13 77 Вправа 2:
– How much homework do you get?
– I usually get much homework, so I spend two or three hour to do it.
– What’s your favourite subject?
– My favourite subject is English. I also like Art and History.
– Tell me something about your school.
– Our school is rather big and modern. It has a new science lab and last year we get new computers. A lot of competitions and festivals are held in our school.
– What do you do in your free time?
– I like to spend my free time painting. It’s my hobby. I often play sport games in the park.
– Who do you spend your free time with?
– I usually spend my free time with my friends and family. We like playing football together.
– Tell me something about what you did.
– Last weekend, my family and I went camping. We spend a night in the tent near the river. The weather was warm. In the morning we went fishing. I caught a small fish. It was fun!
1. Earth is more than 4 billion years old.
2. The Earth’s weather is changing. It is becoming warmer.
1. Not many plants and animals can live in deserts because they are very dry.
2 Many mountains have snow on top of them all year.
3. We cycled to the lake for a swim.
4. There were so many trees in the forest that it was impossible to see the sky.
5. There’s a river near my home, and I like going fishing there.
θ earth ð weather north, south, thing, think other, that, there, these, this
There are seas in the south of Ukraine.
There are many rivers all over the country. The biggest one is Dnipro. There are no volcanoes in Ukraine.
There are a lot of forests in the west of Ukraine. There are many small lakes all over the country.
Вправа 1 (граматика):
All verbs are in present simple.
Вправа 2: Які ще
речами? belong to, feel, have, love, mean, need, prefer, want
Вправа 3: Доповніть речення 1-4 використавши форму present simple чи present continuous
1. He wants to talk to you. Are you free?
2. Why are you singing? I need to study!
3. That book belongs to me. It’s not his.
4. I can’t talk now, sorry. I am running
Вправа 4:
Do you own a bike?
5. There is a thing in my bag that I need now.
6. I think the party was great.
7. Ron likes summer and I like winter.
8. Let’s go into the pool with me! The water is great.
Are you doing an art project at the moment?
Are you planning to do something interesting this weekend?
Do you think English is easy?
Do you need to study for an exam?
Сторінка 16:
1 (читання):
знаєте про панд.
Pandas are big bears.
They live in forests in the mountains. Pandas mostly eat bamboo. Вправа 2:
(Х)? 1 – V 2 – X 3 – V 4 – X 5
1 (словник): Поєднайте
A – monkey B – elephant C – snake D – polar bears E – whale F – giraffe G – tiger H – parrot I – penguin J - dolphin Сторінка 17:
1. Monkeys, elephants, giraffes, tigers, snakes and parrot are from Tropics. Polar bears and penguins are from Arctic. Whales and dolphins are water animals.
2. Monkeys and parrots live in forests. Whales and dolphins live in seas and oceans. Elephant, giraffes, tigers and snakes live in Savanna.
3. Elephants, tigers, snakes and polar bears are dangerous.
4. All animals are wild.
5. Lion, fox, wolf, bear, rabbit, koala, fly, bug, butterfly, crow, dove, dear, eagle, zebra, shark, bee, dog, cat, cow, goat, sheep, pig, lama, kangaroo, spider, frog, lizard, mouse, rat, hamster.
B: What kind of animal kakapo is?
A: Kakapo is a kind of parrot.
B: Where do kakapos come from?
A: They come from New Zealand.
B: Where do they live?
A: They live only on two small islands.
B: What do they eat?
A: Kakapos eat plants, fruit and nuts.
B: How much do they weight?
A: Adult kakapos weight between 2 and 4 kg.
B: How many kakapos are left in the wild?
A: About 127 kakapos are left in the wild.
B: What are kakapos babies called?
A: Kakapos babies are called chicks.
B: How many babies do females have?
A: Females have 2-3 chicks every two years.
B: How long does the baby stay with its mother?
A: The chick stays with its mother for 10 weeks.
Sand cat
A: What kind of animal sand cat is?
B: Sand cat is a kind of lion.
A: Where do sand cats come from?
B: Sand cats come from Africa and Asia.
A: Where do they live?
B: They live in deserts.
A: What do they eat?
B: They eat insects, birds and other small animals.
A: How much do they weight?
B: Adult sand cats weight between 1 and 3 kilograms.
A: How many sand cats are left in the wild?
B: No one knows how many sand cats are in the wild.
A: What are sand cats babies called?
B: Sand cats babies are called kittens.
A: How many babies do females have?
B: Females have 18 kittens every year.
A: How long does the baby stay with its mother?
B: The kittens stay with their mother for about 6 months.
Get READY Доповніть речення словами between, about, around чи including.
1. This competition is for anyone around the ages of 10 and 14.
2. There are about 40,000 African lions left in the wild.
3. The zoo is closed between January and March.
4. I’ve got lots of pets, including a rabbit and two cats.
WRITE Напишіть свою статтю.
The grey parrot is a kind of parrot. It comes from Africa. Grey parrots mostly eat fruit, nuts and seeds. They sometimes also eat flowers and insects. Grey parrots lives in forests.
Adults weight between 400 and 500 g. Grey parrots live about 23 years in the wild. They start breeding at an age of 3-5 years. Grey parrots’ babies are called chicks. Females lay three to five eggs, which she incubates for 30 days. Chicks weight 12-14 g when they are born. The parents take care of chicks for 4-5 weeks.
No one certainly knows the global population of grey parrots. Scientists think it’s between 630,000 and 13 million birds. Many grey parrots live in zoos. They can live for 40-60 years in captivity.
Сторінка 18:
Вправа 1: Обговоріть запитання у парах.
1. I like spending time outdoors because I’m a very active person. Also I like to learn new thing about nature.
2. I prefer walking in the forests because I can meet their birds and small animals. I like gathering mushrooms and berries.
3. A national park is a park that includes nature reserves and protected areas where different ecosystems are under protect.
4. In national parks you can observe nature and have some entertainments such as camping, hiking, bike riding etc.
Вправа 3:
1 – C 2 – B 3 – A 4 – D 5 – E Сторінка 19:
4: 1 – X 2
1) a place with a lot of water, also called a swamp – wetland
2) something that makes you feel surprised – wonder
3) all living organisms not domesticated by humans – wildlife
4) the natural in which animals, plants and wildlife live – environment
5) a natural underground space – cave
6) can be reached or entered – accessible
National Park Podilski Tovtry Atlantis Cave
Leave hotel at at 6:00 a.m. at 9:00 a.m.
Transport taking a minibus taking a bus
Lunch sandwiches, fruit and drinks varenyku and uzvar
Things to take sun cream and insect repellent plenty of snacks, drinks and warm clothes
Animals you could see dears, foxes, badgers and wild boars bats, mice, and some rare birds
A – by helicopter
B – by motorbike
C – on foot
D – by couch
E – by boat
F – by plane
in the air: helicopter, plane.
G – by tram
H – by bike
I – by ship
J – by underground
K – by scooter on land: motorbike, on foot, couch, tram, bike, underground, scooter. in the water: boat, ship.
Sophie went on holiday to Greece. She got a flight to Athens and then she went by ship to the island of Milos.
Fred went on holiday to London. He travelled by tram to the bus station and then went by bus. Chris spend holiday at a campsite in a forest near his town. He went there by bus and then on foot.
Вправа 3: Прочитайте
1. Article means the first holiday without parents.
2. While they were sleeping they got burnt.
3. Fred lost his wallet.
4. His friends lent him money.
5. When Chris and Tom were putting up the tent the weather was rainy.
climb flight guess half island knew two where
Вправа 5:
1. I like travelling by plane because you can get wherever you need very quickly. But I also like going on foot so I can see views. I don’t like travelling by ship or by boat; I’ve got seasickness.
2. I think riding a bike is easy if you learn how to do it as a child.
3. It could be enjoyable if you feel good in the sea because the water is beautiful and relaxing.
4. I prefer going on holiday in the mountains.
Мовні знання на сторінці 134 Вправа 1 (граматика): Знайдуть
1. Where was it?
3 My wallet wasn’t there.
2. Did they have a good time?
4 We dried everything.
5. We didn’t want my parents to drive us, so we went by bus.
1. Which past simple verbs are regular? – dry, want
2. Which past simple verbs are irregular? – be, do, go
3. Which verb never has did in questions and negatives? – be
1. Did you go on holiday last year?
2. They didn’t travel by boat to the island because the weather was bad.
3. The holiday wasn’t great, but I enjoyed the afternoons on the beach.
4 Did the plane arrive on time?
a Who did Sophie invite to go on holiday with her?
She invited her friend Paula to go on holiday with her.
b Who lost his wallet? Fred lost his wallet.
1. a-question uses did+ infinitive?
2 The verb form in the other question is past simple.
3. Yes, they are.

1 – b 2 – a
1. Who took you to the airport?
2. Where did you go camping last summer?
3. Who booked the flights, your mum or dad?
4. Who did you go on holiday with?
Вправа 6:
– Where did you go on your last holiday?
– On my last holiday I went to Lviv.
– Who did you go with?
– I went with my family. We visited my aunt Alina.
– How did you get there?
– We get there by car.
– What did you do there?
– We visited museums and different churches.
– What was the best thing you did? Why?
5. I made two new friends on my holiday.
6. I watched TV yesterday evening.
7. It was a pity you left the party early.
– I liked the most Opera Theatre because the performance was remarkable. Сторінка 22:
з фото?
You can see the places shown in the photo in Uzhhorod. Вправа 2: Для кожного
1 – Alicia 2 – Paola 3 – Alicia Мовні знання на сторінці 122
Вправа 1 (словник): Поєднайте
а літері D – два. A – guest, tourist, visitor
B – map
C – receptionist
D – luggage, suitcase
E – guidebook Сторінка 23:
1. You can see the names of the streets and the tourist attractions on a map of the city.
2 Thousands of tourists visit Uzhhorod every year.
3. It's a good idea to buy a guidebook to plan a holiday.
4. I’ve only got one small suitcase for all my clothes. I hope I can get everything in it.
5. We stayed in a really small hotel in Uzhhorod. It only had room for eight guests.
6. We put all our luggage in the back of the taxi. We didn’t want to have the bags on the seats.
7. At the hotel, the receptionist gave us our room key.
1. I usually take a suitcase and a backpack with me on holiday.
2. I put in my suitcase clothes, shoes, a toothbrush and some medicine.
3. Not many tourists come to visit my town. They like to see Hill of Glory, parks and museums.
4. Yes, I did. The hotel was fine.
Вправа 1 (аудіювання): Роздивіться фото з вправи 1 (с.22). У парах,
I can see a boy and a woman. The boy is a tourist and the woman is a receptionist. They are looking at the map. I think the receptionist shows the boy places to visit.
Вправа 2: Послухайте розмову між Джейком, студентом на канікулах з Ужгорода, та адміністратором. Чому Джейк розмовляє
Jack is speaking to the receptionist because he wants to book rooms for sixteen people.
Вправа 3: Послухайте ще раз. Які речення правдиві (V), а які хибні (Х)? 1 – X 2 – V 3 – X 4 – V 5 – X
Вправа 1 (розмовна): Обговоріть запитання.
1. I like visiting historical sites because I can learn more about the history and culture of places I visit.
2. I would like to visit old castles because I want to know how people live in the past and what their daily routine was.
Вправа 2: Джейк телефонує до туристичного
Jack is going to visit the Uzhhorod Castle and Chynadiyovo village.
A: Excuse me, may I ask what the address of Chynadiyovo village is?
B: Of course, the address of Chynadiyovo village is Voloshyna St, 53B.
A: Is the village open every day?
B: The village is open from Monday to Saturday.
A: What time does it open and close?
B: The village opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 6 p.m.
A: What activities can we do here?
B: In Chynadiyoyo village, you can try outdoor activities and go sightseeing.
A: What places can we visit in the village?
B: You can visit an ancient chambers and fortified walls.
A: Do you have a website for additional information?
B: Yes, our website is
I live in a three-room apartment. It is on the first floor. The entrance to the apartment is in front of a house. I have stars on the ceiling in my room. They shine in the dark. I also have sofa, lamp and cupboard in my room. In the kitchen there is a new metal sink and electric cooker. You can go on the balcony from the living room. It’s pretty big
Вправа 3:
Photo B shows where Paulo and Gary live now.
Shkola in
1. Paula and Gary’s old house had two floors. On ground floor there were living room and a kitchen and on the first floor two bedrooms, one with a balcony and a bathroom.
2. Gary and Paula bought a lorry from Tim.
3 Gary built the things for the new home.
4. Paula thinks the best thing is the entrance made of wood and glass and Gary loves the high ceiling because he’s tall.
/ı/ sink: it, his, fit, live, hill, sit /i:/ ceiling: eat, he’s, feet, leave, he’ll, seat
a Gary was building (past continuous) everything for their new home, while Paula was working (past continuous).
b They were looking (past continuous) at homes on the internet one day, when Tim, Gary’s dad, had (past simple) an idea.
c Gary finished (past simple) the work and they moved (past simple) in.
To form the past continuous, we use the past simple of the verb be and the present participle.
1. We were living in an apartment for a year and then we moved to a house.
2. My dad was cooking dinner in the kitchen when I arrived home.
3. I did my homework and we ate dinner in the kitchen.
4 While my parents were watching TV, I was playing computer games.
1. We were waiting at a bus stop when we first met.
2. We were amazed when we found so much money.
3. While I was cleaning the kitchen, I saw the broken window.
4. I left the house just after you called me.
5: Роздивіться
simple та past continuous.
Jane was drinking coffee when she had an idea to make a cake. She found out that there were no products for the cake, so she went to the store. While she was shopping she saw a cake and decided to buy it!
Мовні знання на сторінці 122
Вправа 6: У парах, по черзі опишіть, що
Shkola in ua
Yesterday I woke up later, so I didn’t have such time to do my morning routine. While I was having breakfast my mother made my school bag. When I got to school, I noticed that my pencil box was missing. I was very upset. Linda saw me as I was standing in the hall and lend me a pen.
Сторінка 26:
1 (читання):
I think these unusual homes are very regular inside. They must have a bed, a bath and a kitchen for comfortable living.
1 – A 2 – D 3 – B 4 – C
1. The house in Lebanon looks like a plane.
2. The Mexican house is made of the rock.
3. In the middle of the River Drina you can find a tiny house.
4. People use the house in summer because it can be quite cold in winter.
5. The Japanese house looks like a football.
6. It is very bright inside because it has big windows.
Shkola in ua
Opinion Size Temperature Sound Light attractive, comfortable, cosy, unusual tiny cold, cool, warm peaceful bright, dark, light
Сторінка 27:
I love my home. It’s cosy and comfortable. It’s not very big but there is enough space for every member of our family. There is a big window in the living room, so the room is very bright and warm even in winter. My room’s window faces the park, so it’s cool even in summer.
1 (аудіювання):
1 – B 2 – A 3 – B 4 – A 5 – C
- Which city does she live in? – She live in Sao Paulo
- How many rooms does her family’s apartment have? – It has a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms.
- Which nouns do the underlined pronouns in her description replace? it – an apartment she – Luiza we – Fernanda and Luiza
Shkola in ua
David lives with his family in a small house in York. It is new and it has two bedrooms. David shares his bedroom with his sister, Mia. She is two. David’s mum, Helen, is a doctor and his dad, Ron, is a nurse. They both work at the hospital.
I live with my family in a flat. It’s on second floor of nine-story building. It has a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms. My bedroom is bright and warm. I spend a lot of time there. I live with me parents. The other bedroom is theirs. My mother and I like spending time at the kitchen. We cook a lot. In the evening we gather together in the living room for dinner.
Сторінка 28: Вправа 1: Складіть речення,
I often agree with my parents.
I always agree with my best friends.
I often agree with my teachers.
I sometimes change my opinion.
Вправа 2: Поясніть, чому
I often agree with my parents because they have more life experience, but other times they don’t care about my desires.
I always agree with my best friends because we have same interests and opinions I often agree with my teachers because they know more than me, but other times I don’t feel their decisions are fair.
I sometimes change my opinion because I can get new information that proves me wrong. Вправа 3:
Shkola in ua
A: Do you talk to your friends about films and music?
B: Yes, we talk a lot about films and music.
A: Do you always have the same opinions?
B: No, we don’t! We like different kinds of films, so it’s always hard to decide what to watch. But our music tastes are pretty much similar. And do you talk to your family about food? Do you always have the same opinions?
A: Oh, yes. We always argue about what to have for dinner because we like different meals. Do you talk to your family about holidays?
B: Yes, in our family we try to decide together how to spend our holidays. But it’s hard to choose the activity everybody would like.
1. David doesn’t like the idea of a surprise party because they did it last year and he thinks it’s boring to do the same thing every year.
2 Jenny thinks the cinema could be a good idea because Martha likes films.
3. Martha’s friends will pay for the food and drink.
4. Jenny wants to give Martha a T-shirt.
Вправа 8
1 – Maybe, but 2 – Yes, but 3 – great idea 4 – I’m sure 5 – I’m not sure
9: Які
1 – T 2 – F 3 – F
1. I think pizza is better than pasta because pizza is tastier than pasta and I can eat it every day.
2. I think dogs are nicer than cats because dogs are more faithful and kind.
3. I think history is easier than maths because maths has too much rules and formulas to remember and understand.
Review 1:
1 – holidays
2 – transport
3 – house
4 – information
1. I don’t want to go in the car to the beach. Walking is good for us, so let’s go on foot.
2. We’ve got a lift in our apartment block, but I don’t use it. I always use the stairs.
3. Do you ever come to school by bike?
4. Polar bears are large white animals in the Arctic.
5 Penguins are birds too, but they can’t fly. They spend a lot of time swimming in the ocean.
1. I like to watch swimming competitions because I swim too.
2. Everyone wants to have more friends.
3. The weather was really hot, but I still had a great time there.
4. In my town, there are a lot of shopping centres and sports centres.
5. I visited Thao Cam Vien zoo, but I didn't like it.
6 Every day we do different tests or exams at school.
7. Do you like the competition?
8. I can’t go shopping today because I am working.
1. I think that’s Olivia over there. What is she doing?
2. Sorry, I don’t know where the station is. I am coming from another town.
3. That aeroplane is flying very low. I hope everything’s OK.
4. My aunt travels a lot, but she isn’t travelling at the moment.

Вправа 3: Доповніть
1 – could
2 – was watching
3 – was also practicing
4 – came
5 – said
6 – answered
Сторінка 31:
past simple чи past continuous.
Вправа 1 (аудіювання): Для кожного запитання, оберіть правильне зображення. 1 – B 2 – B 3 – A 4 – B 5 – C
Вправа 1 (письмова): Роздивіться три зображення. Запишіть розповідь
Напишіть 35 слів чи більше.
While Ben was walking along the beach, it started raining. He was opening his umbrella when the strong wind came out of anywhere and broke it. Ben saw a tree and decided to hide there. He was standing under the tree until the rain stopped.
Вправа 1 (розмовна): Попрацюйте у
1. What is your name? – My name is Oleksandr Vlasenko.
2. How old are you? – I am thirteen years old.
3. What is your address? – My address is 144 Doroshenko street.
2: По
Now let’s talk about your home.
5. When did your family move into this home? – My family moved into this home 5 years ago.
6 How many rooms has your home got? What are they? – My home has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.
7. What colour is the furniture in the bedroom? – The furniture in my bedroom is light green and the furniture in my parents’ bedroom is grey and white.
8. Which is your favourite room? – My favourite room is my bedroom.
9. Tell me something about your bedroom. – There is a bed, a table and a wardrobe in my bedroom. My room is very cosy and bright because of a big window. The walls are light yellow and the ceiling has stars that shine in the dark.
Now let’s talk about your school.
5. When do you arrive at school in the mornings? – I arrive at 8 o’clock at school in the mornings.
6 Which languages do you learn at school? – I learn Ukrainian and English at school
7. How many students are there in your class? – There are twenty five students in my class.
8. What’s your favourite subject? – My favourite subject is Art.
9. Tell me something about your classroom. – My classroom is big and very bright. It is located on the second floor. It has three big windows and a high ceiling. The walls are decorated with students’ artworks.

Сторінка 32:
Вправа 1:
A – biology
B – chemistry
C – drama
D – science
Вправа 2:
B New ways of learning
Вправа 3:
E – geography
F – foreign languages
H – design and technology
I – PE
J – history
K – maths
L – physics
1. Finnish students go to school at when they are seven years old.
2. They are at school about five hours every day.
3. Yes, they do.
4. No, they don’t.
5. Some experts think our brains don’t divide our learning into subjects. Our brains learn better when they get new information in context.
6. In Finland students complete a project at the same time as they learn school subjects.
Сторінка 33: Вправа 4:
1 Which are your favourite subjects? – My favourite subjects are maths an ICT
2. Which subjects don’t you enjoy as much? – I don’t you enjoy history and biology as much.
3. Which subjects are you best at? – I’m best at maths. Вправа
колонку. Oo Ooo oOoo topic classroom history science audience chemistry favourite languages communicate biology geography technology
simple: well, badly, hard. comparative: more carefully, better, more efficiently. superlative: the most easily.
We often use ‘the’ before superlative adverbs?
Вправа 3:

Shkola in ua
Adjective bad good careful efficient easy hard
Simple adverb badly well carefully efficiently easily hard
Comparative worse better more carefully more efficiently more easily harder
Superlative the worst the best the most carefully the most efficiently the most easily the hardest
Сторінка 33:
1. Laura often makes mistakes because she always does her homework very quickly.
2. Hans speaks the fastest in our class.
3 You speak English much better than me.
4. Please can you speak more slowly? I didn’t understand you before.
5. None of us did well in the exam, but I did the worst!
Вправа 5: Виправте помилки у реченнях.
1. You speak English really well.
2. I made friends much easily at my new school.
3. Drama classes helped me speak more clearly.
4. Catch this bus and get home the most quickly.
Вправа 6:
В. Shkola in ua
– My sister dances better than me. – I learn new words the most quickly in the class.
– Alex laughs the most loudly in our class. – Anna writes the most carefully of people I know.
– My dog runs the most dangerously of all dogs. – Max studies faster than Ben.
– Jane sings more quietly than Jim. – My grandmother walks more slowly than me.
– My dad eats the most noisily in our family. – My brother speaks English worse than me. Сторінка
She is studying at school now.
Мовні знання на
1 (словник): Що
'Take exams' means to do exams.
Вправа 2: Роздивіться
a) carry – take an umbrella
b) make – take photos/pictures
c) do – take exams
d) study – take a subject
e) go along – take (the second) turning
f) use – take medicine
g) catch – take a train
1. My brother never takes an umbrella when it rains.
2. We took many photos on our trip to Greece.
3. I have to take an exam tomorrow.
4. My friend wants to take two extra subjects next year.
5. I always take the left turning through the park in my way home.
6. My little sister doesn't like taking medicine when she is ill.
7. My mother often takes a train to get to work.
1. Do you take an umbrella out with you in the rain? – Yes, I always do.
2. Which turning do I need take to get to the park from here? The one on the left? – Yes, it is.
3 What extra subjects would you like to take at school? – I would like to take chemistry.
4. Do you usually take medicine when you are ill? – Yes, I do.
5. Have you taken any pictures today with your new camera? How many? – No, I haven't.
6. When was the first time you took a train to go somewhere? Were you on holiday? – The first time you took a train was on our trip to Lviv four years ago.
7. How do you feel when you take an exam at the end of the school year? – I always nervous when I take an exam at the end of the school year. Вправа 1 (аудіювання): Послухайте рубрику What’s New ранкової радіо
освіти, яка в нього була у подорожі?
Ethan calls it ‘world schooling’. Вправа 2: Послухайте знову. Які речення
1 – X 2 – X 3 – V 4 – V
(V), а які хибні (Х)?
1. Would you like to be ‘world schooled’? – I would like to be ‘world schooled’ maybe just for a year or two.
2. What would you miss about your school? – I would miss my friends and teachers. 3. Which parts of the world would you like to visit? – I would like to visit South America. Вправа 1 (розмовна):
Shkola in ua My perfect school is in a forest. We have ordinary subjects there but we spend more time learning biology, geography and nature. There are over twenty students. We can spend the whole week in a camp in the forest. Our teachers are forest keepers. They teach us how to save the forests and we study different species of plants and animals. They also teach us how to survive and not get lost in the forest. We play a lot of games and I like sitting near the fire and sing in the evening. We wear special uniform. It’s very comfortable so we can easily move through the forest, and it is green so animals aren’t afraid of us. My school is the best because we are having fun while learning new things and we spend a lot of time outdoors with our friends.
Сторінка 36: Вправа 1:
A – plastic B – cotton C – gold D – wool E – metal F – leather G – glass H – wood I – paper J – silver
Вправа 2: З чого виготовлені
The T-shirts are made of cotton.
The ring is made of gold.
The gloves are made of wool.
The bowl is made of glass
The box is made of wood.
The toys are made of paper. The coin is made of metal.
The jacket is made of leather.
The necklace is made of silver. Вправа 3:
The word ‘wood’ is a noun. The word ‘wooden’ is an adjective.
знайти речі на фото.
They’re plastic headphones. – Photo A.
They’re cotton T-shirts. – Photo B.
It’s a golden ring. – Photo C.
They’re wool gloves. – Photo D.
It’s a metal coin. – Photo E
It’s a leather jacket. – Photo F.
It’s a glass bowl. – Photo G.
It’s a wooden box. – Photo H
They’re paper toys. – Photo I.
It’s a silver necklace. – Photo J.
The desks are made of wood and metal.
The windows are made of plastic and glass.
The door is made of wood.
My jacket is made of leather.
My friend’s sweater is made of wool.
My pans are made of cotton.
The books are made of paper.
My earrings are made of gold.
The origami paper birds were a present.

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3
What is the thing? earrings elephant origami birds
Who does it belong to? mum dad parents
What is it made of? silver wood paper
Сторінка 37:
1 – B 2 – A
Вправа 2:
With singular nouns, we use ’s. With plural nouns, we put the apostrophe at the end of a plural noun.
Вправа 3: Доповніть речення.
1. That’s my sisters’ car. My dad bought them one to share last year.
2. I don’t have a computer, but I use my brother’s when I need to. I lend him my camera when he needs it.
3. My little sister loves going to the children’s disco. There are games and activities for little kids.
4. Don’t put any cake on those plates! I use them for the dogs’ food. They don’t like the bowls from the pet shop.
Вправа 4:
determiners: mine, theirs.
pronouns: my, yours.
Determiners my your his her our their Pronouns mine yours his hers ours theirs
Граматична довідка і практика на сторінці 153
Вправа 5: Роздивіться
1 та 2 з зображеннями А та В. Shkola in ua
1 – A 2 – B
Вправа 6: Доповніть речення правильними словами.
1. That’s not Robert’s book, it’s Paula’s. Robert lost his yesterday.
2. My parents had a holiday on a boat. It belonged to a friend of theirs.
3. A cat plays in our garden sometimes, but it’s not ours. We’ve got a dog.
4. You can’t use my dad's football. But you can borrow mine. I got it yesterday.
5. Where is your hat? I saw Ben’s in the garden, but I don’t know where yours is.
6. Sally is so good at art. That picture is hers.
7: Виправте помилки
1. You can read your favourite books there.
2. My friend’s name is Ben.
3. Bring your computer because mine is broken.
4. My bedroom is bigger than theirs. Вправа
1. My grandfather has an old silver coin. It came from England. It is special for him because his friend from England gave it to him to remember their time together.
2. My parents has a wooden box, that was made by my grandpa for their wedding. They keep photos and some jewellery there.
3. My sister's special thing is a T-shirt. It's an ordinary cotton T-shirt, but it's special for her because it's the first thing she bought herself on her own money.

Two years ago I've got a special present from my parents. I am fond of music and I play a guitar in a school band. I've always dreamed to have an electric guitar and that day my dream came true. Вправа 2:
Anja – D Pete – E
Вправа 3:
1. Anja’s grandparents’ house was old wooden and always cold.
2. Anja first saw the blanket when her Grandmother took her upstairs for bed.
3. It was really colourful and soft.
4. Pete’s present was from his older brother.
5. It was smooth and round. Shkola in ua
6. When he took it out of the box the ball made a noise. Вправа 1 (словник):
colourful – D, E hard – A, B, C, F heavy – C, E, F large – B, C
little – A, D lovely – C, D old – A, D pretty – C, D, E round – E, F small – D smooth – E, F soft – D
The desk is hard and heavy.
The windows are big and smooth. The globe is round and colorful. The plant is small and green.
Сторінка 39:
з вправи 1. Shkola in ua
It's large, smooth and it's made of glass. – A window? – Yes.
It's small, thin and yellow. It's made of wood and it's on your desk. – A pencil? – Yes.
It's pretty heavy and brown. It's made of wood and metal. – A desk? – Yes.
It's lovely, red and it's made of leather. – My jacket? – Yes.
Ben's favourite thing is a beautiful, old, silver ring. Opinion Size Physical
Colour Material beautiful special lovely small, big, large, little cold, soft, hard, smooth, heavy round old red colourful silver, wooden, wool, leather, metal
I’ve got a beautiful, small, old, golden coin. It was my grandpa's. He gave it to me at my twelve's birthday. I keep it in a small, round, plastic box as it’s very special. I often lend it to the museum exhibitions in our town. But I never take it to school because I am afraid to lose it.
From Max Culture:
Сторінка 40:
1: Обговоріть
1. I like going to school because I get new interesting information and take part in different activities every day. Shkola in ua
2 People start secondary school at age of 11-12 in Ukraine.
I think children go to secondary school in UK at age of 11. The school year lasts for 10 months. The school day is about 6-7 hours.
1 – comprehensive 2 – grammar 3 – high
1 The students can develop their leadership and social skills at the Lyceum.
2. The subjects study Ukrainian, English languages, literature, history, geography, maths, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, P.E. etc.
3. The students can win the prizes in language competitions or take part in poetry readings. Вправа 5:
1. Chris won the cross-country race.
2. The students study history, mathematics, geography, foreign languages, etc.
3. The Woodedge School students spend a lot of time outdoors, they sometimes go camping and hiking.
4. The combinations of physical and creative training makes Woodedge School different from other schools. Shkola in ua
5. A key to success is to stay focused and never give up according to Chris.
In our school we have a lot of sports after-school clubs. We also have a drama club and a science club.
The school days goes from about 8.30 am to 3 pm. There are over 500 students in our school.
The school concerts are held on special dates.
Children from elementary school are provided by school lunches but children from secondary school have to take lunch from home. Shkola in ua
Several times a year we have school trips to visit different cities and places of interest all over the country.
Сторінка 42: Вправа 1:
A – horse riding B – camping C – kite surfing
D – mountain biking E – diving F – sailing
G – waterskiing H – paddle boarding I – zip wiring J – hiking
Вправа 2:
Tara and Dan don't mention waterskiing and diving.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday hiking sailing horse riding zip wiring mountain biking paddle boarding kite surfing Вправа
1. Tara’s getting to the airport by car.
2 Tara and Dan are getting on a bus at 5 a.m. in the morning.
3. They have to get back from the mountains to the activity centre alone.
4. Tara and Dan are getting up early on Monday morning.
5. Dan hopes he doesn’t get lost in the mountains.
Вправа 5:
1. What time do you get up in the morning? – I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning.
2. When was the last time you got lost? – The last time I got lost in the supermarket when I was five years old.
3. How do you get to school? – I get to school by bus.
4. When did you last get on a train? – I last got on a train two weeks ago. Вправа 6:
подобається? Чому?
– Do you like camping?
– No, I don't. I don't like sleeping outside, but I like horse riding. Do you like it?
– I like horses, but they are big and strong, so I'm afraid riding them.
– Oh, you should try horse riding, you'd love it. I also like kite surfing.
– Me too. I like the feeling when the wind take the kite into the sky.
Вправа 7:
– Do you think going sailing is dangerous?
– I think going sailing could be dangerous if you don't know how to sail.
– Do you think going paddle boarding is amazing?
– I think going paddle boarding is amazing because it's very pleasant to spend time on the water.
– Do you think going camping is boring?
– I think going camping isn't boring, it's adventurous.
– Do you think going horse riding is exciting?
– I think going horse riding is exciting, but it requires some skills.
– Do you think going kite surfing is difficult?
– I think going kite surfing is difficult until you get extra skills.
– Do you think going mountain biking is hard?
– I think going mountain biking could be hard if you don't have enough practice.
Сторінка 43:
1. I like camping best because it's interesting to live in the nature, it's fun to spend time with friends and it's useful to learn new skills.
2. Yes, I like doing activities on the water because it's fun and good for the health.
3. No, it isn't. When the weather is rainy or cold, you can get sick. It is better to do adventure activities when the weather is warm and sunny.
4. I prefer doing activities with other people because it's more interesting and we can help each other.
Вправа 1:
1. We can use the present continuous to talk about now and the future.
2. The sentences are about the future.
3. We usually a time word with the present continuous for the future.
не робить?
She isn’t cleaning her room at 2 p.m. on Sunday.
She is going diving with Gina at 10.30 on Saturday.
She isn’t going home for lunch at 12.30 on Suturday.
She is riding her new bike to Grandpa's at 3 p.m. on Saturday.
She is taking the train to Anna's party at 18.30 on Saturday.
She is going mountain biking with Mum at 9 a.m. on Sunday.
She is doing her homework at 11 a.m. on Sunday.
She is watching the football game at 2 p.m. on Sunday.
1. Taylor Swift is singing at the football stadium next Saturday.
2. I’m very excited that you are coming to visit next summer.
3. Are you bringing any money with you this evening?
4. I'm not visiting my grandparents next weekend.
1. We’re going kite surfing next
2. Are you going mountain biking in the summer?
3. They aren’t buying a paddle board this weekend.
4. He’s going camping next month.
5. Is she coming horse riding with us this evening?
6. He isn’t going hiking during the holidays.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday horse riding hiking camping kite surfing zip wiring waterskiing mountain biking
This is our perfect adventure week on the lake. On Monday morning, we're learning how to water skiing and in the afternoon we're going horse riding. There is a stable near the lake. On Tuesday we're going hiking for all day and we're staying camping for a night. On Wednesday afternoon, we're learning how to dive. On Thursday morning, we going kite surfing and in the afternoon we're going zip wiring. On Friday we're going mountain biking.
Сторінка 44:
Вправа 1 (читання): Роздивіться
1. Students are going to visit Carpathian mountains during their adventure weekend.
2. I think people can go hiking, mountain biking and camping.
2: Прочитайте
1. Parents can find information on what students should bring on the kit list.
2. Students should not take too much in their bags because every person needs to carry some camping equipment.
3. Students will walk 20 km during the weekend.
4. The group is travelling to Mukachevo by train and then by bus to Karpaty village.
Вправа 1
A – backpack B – map, compass C – first-aid kit D – sleeping bag
E – snacks F – sun cream G – tent H – torch
I – trainers J – wash bag K – walking boots L – waterproof trousers, jacket
Вправа 2: Прочитайте
For wet weather students need waterproof trousers and a jacket.
For eating and drinking students need food and snacks, a plate, a bowl, a mug, a knife, a fork, a spoon and a water bottle.
For sunny weather students need a T-shirt, a sun hat, a sun cream and sunglasses.
For sleeping students need pyjamas and a sleeping bag.
For cold weather students need sweaters, a warm hat and gloves.
For keeping clean students need a wash bag and a towel.
Сторінка 45:
Вправа 1
the seventeenth of August, the twenty first of November, the third of February. 2nd January – the second of January
12th April – the twelfth of April
25th May – the twenty fifth of May 30th July – the thirtieth of July
I'm going to listen for information about adventure holiday on the water.
1. Laura and her dad are going kayaking on Saturday morning and they are going horse riding on Saturday afternoon. 2 Laura’s dad is going to sleep late on Sunday morning.
3. Laura is going to waterski on Sunday morning.
2: Роздивіться
a) to make suggestions: how about, I'd prefer to go, would you like to, why don't you.
b) to agree: that's a great idea, I'd love to, good idea.
c) to disagree: I'm not that interested in.
d) to express regret: it's a shame. Shkola in ua
– Why don't we go to Golden Sands Beach this weekend?
– That's a great idea! I love beach. Let's go surfing on Saturday morning.
– Well, I'm not that interested in surfing. How about waterskiing?
– Fine. What shall we do in the afternoon? Would you like to go climbing or hiking?
– I like it both, so you choose.
– Then hiking, I guess. And in the evening we could go for a night walk and have a picnic in the forest.
– I'd love to. How about mountain biking on Sunday morning?
– No, I don't like it. I'd prefer zip wiring.
– Sounds interesting. And let's play beach volleyball on Sunday afternoon.
– I'd love to. It's going to be a great weekend!
1. A fridge, a washing machine, and lights need electricity to work.
2. A bookcase, seats and a drawer are furniture.
3. A fridge and a bin you can usually find in the kitchen. A washing machine you can usually find in the bathroom. An air conditioning and a bookcase you can usually find in the living room. A heating and a roof you can usually find in every room of the house.
You use hands for opening your front door, turning on the lights, closing the windows. You use technology for turning off the TV, closing the garage door, locking the car.
They are talking about 1 – d 2 – a 3 – e 4

In my house I would like to control the lights and TV without touching them. It would be cool to just wave a hand and the lights turn on or the TV starts. It could be very useful to control the air conditioner with the smartphone.
Сторінка 47:
Вправа 2:
1 We use will when we think something is going to happen in the future
2. We often don’t use ‘think’ before will.
3. After will, we use the infinitive without ‘to’.
4 We do not use third person ‘s’ with will
5. To make a negative, we put ‘not’ after will.
6. To make a question with will, we don’t use the auxiliary ‘do’.
Вправа 3:
1. My phone isn’t working very well. It won't be possible to text you later.
2. I think my sister will arrive late because she missed her train.
3. People will use different new technology, not only their smartphones.
4. Will people live on the moon in the future? I don’t think so, do you?
Вправа 4:
1 We use may, might when we think is possible in the future.
2. We often don’t use ‘think’ before may, might
3. After may and might, we use the infinitive without ‘to’.
4. We do not use third person ‘s’ with may and might.
5. To make a negative, we put ‘not’ after may and might.
6. To make a question with may, might, we don’t use the auxiliary ‘do’.
Вправа 5: Розташуйте
1. How might technology help ill people in their homes?
2. I might not want robots here.
3. We may not be able to see you tomorrow. We’re very busy.
Вправа 6: Виправте
1. I met a new friend, and I think you might like her.
2. I’m not sure, but the book might be on the desk.
3. It won’t rain this evening. The weather app on my phone says sunshine all day.
Вправа 8: У парах, використайте will, may, might,
About You (с.46).
– I think in the future all books will be digital. Shkola in ua
– I think cars will be able to swim on the water like boats.
– I think we might use computers on projection screens wherever we need it.
– I think in the future our homes will have a biometrical protection. And we will use our finger prints or something to enter the house.
– I think planes won't change much.
Вправа 9:
1. I think some people might live under the sea if the houses a safe enough.
2. I think space travel won't cost the same as a plane ticket because you need much more fuel to travel to space.
3. I think people will probably travel to Mars, but living there won't be an easy task.
4 I think there will be cars without drivers. They will be controlled by AI (artificial intelligence).
I think a time capsule is a massage to the future generation. I think it's a good idea because it's interesting to write it and it's also interesting to receive it. Shkola in ua
1 – B 2 – A Shkola in ua Вправа 3:
1 – B 2 – C 3 – B 4 – A 5 – C 6 –
Capsule A is older.
Capsule B people might open first.
Capsule B is for someone’s family.
Capsule A has something for people to read. Shkola in ua
– I think Capsule B will be more interesting than Capsule A because it gas lots of things inside. People will see how things looked in the past. Capsule A has only messages, which are nice, but not as interesting.
– I disagree with you. I think Capsule A is a remarkable message from the mankind to future themselves or even other civilization.
Сторінка 49: Вправа 1 (словник): Деякі
Які два значення має слово letter? Shkola in ua letter – літера; лист.
book kind picture ring watch Значення книга; бронювати добрий; вид картина; зображувати
3: Перейдіть на сторінку 137.
Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. Sorry, I’m busy now. I’ll ring you later. Shkola in ua
2 You can draw a picture of your time capsule, if you like.
3. She’s really kind. She lent me her favourite jacket for the party.
4. I don’t want to watch TV. I’d prefer to listen to some music.
5 When you phone the cinema, can you book a ticket for me, too, please?
6. What kind of soup would you like? Vegetable or chicken?
7. That’s a beautiful ring you've got on your finger.
8. Can I borrow your maths book? I left mine at home.
9. I’ll take a picture of it with my phone. Shkola in ua
10 I’m sorry, I don’t know what the time is. My watch is broken.
In second and third questions I will hear one person speaking. In first, fourth and fifth questions I will hear two people speaking.
They make four predictions. Only one of them is almost come true (cars that drive themselves). Оберіть правильний варіант.
1. Too comes at the end of a sentence.
2. As well comes at the end of a sentence.
3. At the beginning of a sentence, also has a comma (,) after it.
I’m writing this in 2025. Here are my predictions for 2075. There will be skyscrapers in every city and people will travel from one building to another using air tubes. There will be high-speed elevators as well. People might get education online and most services will be provided online, too. Also, I think people may use biomechanical technologies to improve their body and health.
1 – F 2 – T 3 – F 4 – T
Conversation 1 Yes, it does. The conversation includes everyone.
Conversation 2 Yes, she is. Poppy is polite.
Conversation 3 The boy stops his grandmother’s questions by asking her.
Сторінка 51:
b improve your conversation skills
1. You should always speak in English here.
2. I wanted to show interest in him, so I asked him about his hometown.
3. Please make sure you bring it tomorrow.
4. Can I ask a question? How does it work?
5. At the end you should give your opinion.

I usually prefer to listen in a big group. Especially when the topic, I’m not good at, is discussed. And I prefer to speak talking one by one, where I can express my thoughts and feelings.
The first group chooses Ukraine and vyshyvanka.
The second group chooses Argentina and a football.
The third group chooses Malawi and a piece of a traditional Malawian fabric.
Вправа 8: Послухайте
1. The Time Capsule Project is for students to choose a country and an object to represent it in a capsule.
2. Each group chooses their object because it shows something special or traditional about the country.
3. The third group talked about Malawi because they wanted to show something unique.
Вправа 9: Доповніть
1 – What do you think? 2 – Come on! Why? 3 – Do we all agree?
Review 2:
Сторінка 52:
1 (словник): Використайте
1. At our school, we take exams at the end of every term.
2. I get back from school at about 5.30 every day.
3. My friends are going sailing this afternoon at the activity centre.
4 Our flight was at 6.00 in the morning, so we got up at 3.00.
5. I think I prefer going kite surfing to waterskiing.
Вправа 2:
Home Adventure
cotton, gold, leather, metal, plastic, silver air conditioning, bookcase, fridge, heating, roof, stairs compass, first-aid kit, map, sleeping bag, tent, torch
Вправа 3: Поєднайте
1 – history 2 – biology 3 – physics 4 – chemistry
5 – ICT 6 – foreign languages 7 – maths 8 – geography
1. She is very good at climbing.
2. You have to bring a pencil and an art book.
3 We are meeting at 5 pm tomorrow.
4. How was your dinner yesterday?
5. I want to be his friend. He is funny.
6. I am going to Mexico to visit my friend, Manuela.
7. We are meeting at the park at two o’clock because before that I am going to the dentist’s.
1. My brother will study drama.
2. It might not snow tomorrow.
3. We may not get lost if we follow the path.
4 What time will they get back?
5. I may not take my camera there.
6. People might share cars in the future.
1. Please write your name clearly on the exam paper.
2. We didn’t win. I played the worst of all!
3. You have to speak louder than that. No one can hear you.
4 Usain Bolt ran the fastest of all the runners in the 2016 Olympic Games.
5. Our new television works well.
6. My baby brother smiles the most happily of all the babies I know.
Сторінка 53:
1 (читання): Для
1. – Do you like these different homes? Why?
– Yes, I do. I like these different homes because each of them can give you interesting experience.
2 – Do you think sleeping in a tent is comfortable?
– I don’t think sleeping in a tent is very comfortable, but I would like to try it once.
– Do you think staying on a mountain is dangerous?
– I think staying on a mountain could be dangerous if you don’t follow safety rules.
– Do you think living near water is unusual?
– Yes, I do. I think living near water is unusual. I don’t know anyone who lives there.
– Do you think making a home from a bus is difficult?
– I think making a home from a bus takes a lot of affords and patience.
– Do you think sleeping in a tree house is fun?
– I think sleeping in a tree house is very exciting and fun.
3 – Which is better? A small home or a large home? Why?
– I think a small home is better because it takes less time to keep it clean and comfortable for living.
4. – Which is better? A home you can move or a home that stays in one place? Why?
– On the one hand, a home that stays in one place is strong and reliable. You can keep many things in it. But on the other hand, a home you can move might be very useful for traveling and can help you explore the world.
1 – A 2 – C 3 – A 4 – B 5 – A

Сторінка 54: Вправа 1:
Shkola in ua
A – board game F – karate K – skateboarding
B – golf G – badminton L – card game
C – climbing H – fishing M – puzzle
D – cricket I – diving N – fitness class
E – dance class J – skiing O – video game Вправа 2:
Climbing and playing video games need special equipment.
Golf, cricket, badminton, fishing, skiing and skateboarding need special sports kits.
Вправа 3:
Swimming is my favourite sport activity. It is an individual or team sport on water. Swimmers race in pool to see who is the fastest. They wear swimming suits, goggles and caps. Swimming is great for health and helps to stay fit. Swimming doesn’t need special equipment, but it is fun and refreshing. Вправа 4:
1. Cool Zone is a climbing club.
2. Max wants his friend to jone Cool Zone climbing club.
3. No, I can’t. I can’t climb, but I would like to learn.
4. There are dancing club, swimming club and karate club. I am the member of a dancing club.
1 – c 2 – b 3 – a 4 – b Shkola in ua
1. No, it’s not. It isn’t OK for your friend to use your membership card.
2. No, you can’t. You can’t chat to your friends while climbing.
3. No, you can’t. You can’t take photos in the club.
4. Yes, it is. It is OK to climb alone if you are 14.
5. No, it’s not. It isn’t necessary to book if you go on a Monday.
6. No, you can’t. You can’t stand under people when they are climbing.
don’t have to.
1. You mustn’t chew gum or bring food into the class.
2. You mustn’t talk while the teacher is talking.
3. You don’t have to bring special clothes.
4. You must put your phone on silent during the lesson.
5. You mustn’t leave a class before the end.
6. You mustn’t wear street shoes inside the studio.
7. You don’t have to call if you to miss a class.
8. You mustn’t take off all jewellery before class.

1. They had to arrive at the pool at 8.30 a.m.
2. They had to wear a swimming hat.
3. They didn’t have to wear goggles if you want.
4. They had to bring sandwiches for lunch.
5. They didn’t have to stay until the last race at 6 p.m.
– Did you have to go shopping with you mother last Saturday?
– Yes, I did. I had to help her with buying products.
– Did you have to visit your grandparents last weekend?
– Yes, I did. It was my grandmother’s birthday.
– Did you have to tidy your room on Monday?
– No, I didn’t. I tidy my room on Tuesdays.
– Did you have to cook dinner on Wednesday?
– No, I didn’t. My mother did it.
– Did you have to visit dance classes on Friday?
– Yes, I did. We had a competition.
– Did you have to walk your dog?
– No, I didn’t. We don’t have a dog.
– Did you have to clean your dad’s car on Sunday?
– Yes, I did. We did it together.
– Did you have to help your sister with her homework.
– Yes, I did. It’s my everyday duty.
1. The skatepark is free – we don’t have to pay.
2. You must to bring your pencil to the next lesson.
3. We don’t have to bring food. Jake’s mum is making.
4. When I was 18, I had to live far away from home.
5. Dad says I don’t have to help him, so I can come to you!
1. You must come at 3 p.m. on Fridays.
2. You must tell the teacher if you to miss the class.
3. You don’t have to bring your racket and ball.
4. You mustn’t seat or stand on the table.
5. You mustn’t use your mobile phone while playing.
6. You must wear your sport shoes in the gym.
7. You mustn’t chew gum or bring food in the gym.
I think people are competing playing video games. I think people in the photo are gamers.
2: Для
1 – B 2 – A 3 – B 4 – C Shkola in ua
Вправа 3:
1. Yes, I do. I play Dota 2 (Defence of the Ancients).
2. Yes , I would. I would . like to watch an eSports competition because it’s very exciting.
3. I know such eSports stars as Puppey, Nisha and Sumail.
4. Yes, I do. I think eSports is a good name for these competitions because it represents the meaning of competition. Shkola in ua
Сторінка 57:
1 (словник):
1. This person comes first in a competition. – champion
2 This person loves a sports star or team. – fan
3. This describes a person who earns money for something most people do as a hobby. –professional
4. You get this if you do well in a competition. – prize
5. This is a competition that includes several matches or games. – tournament
6.This means to join other people in an activity. – take part
Вправа 2:
Winner – this person comes first in a competition.
Player – this person takes part in a competition.
Footballer – this person plays football. Shkola in ua
cleaner climber dancer diver
golfer photographer runner singer skier swimmer teacher worker Вправа 4:
слово з вправи 3.
1. My brother plays eSports as a prifessional.
2. I want to take part in the maths competition next week.
3. My mother is a very good singer.
4. The dancer was very happy of winning first prize.
Olimpics, video games, board games, card games, body, brain, football, chess champions, medal.
1 – V 2 – V 3 – V 4 – X
1 (розмовна):
1. I donn’t agree. I think eSports are sports because you have to practice a lot to win a prize.
2. I agree. I think the Olimpics could get more fans having eSports.
3. That’s true. You need to think before act.
4. I suppose it’s possible. Shkola in ua
Сторінка 58: Вправа 1:
кожній людині.
Andrea should try a new class to become better dancer. And she can see her friends in her free time.
Ben should invite his friends from primary school himself, so they don’t forget about him. Katy should talk to her friend and explain to her that she doesn’t like the way she dresses.
Вправа 2: Послухайте, як
1. Ben should join some clubs, have many contacts in the phone or online, invite people first.
2. Katy should talk to her friend and explain how she feels, they should go shopping together.
3. Andrea should try a new class to improve herself. She could help her friends with practicing. Вправа 4:
1 – neighbour
5 – close friend 6 – old friend
9 – classmate 10 – penfriend
Вправа 5: У парах, задайте
1. I have about 50 contacts online.
2. Yes, I am. I am friendly with my neighbours.
3. My aunt and my uncle, and also my grandparents live near me.
Складіть ще
1. Who is your best friend?
2. Do you often have guests in your home?
3. Are you a member of any club?
/aı/ night bright, flight, right
/eı/ eight neighbour, straight /ᴧf/ rough enough
/ᴐ:/ bought caught, daughter, thought
1. We use the gerund (-ing form) after prepositions: about, at, for (also by, of, with, etc.).
2. We use the infinitive + to after some verbs: try, decide, forget (also choose, learn, hope, plan, need, want).
3. We can use the gerund after some verbs: stop, miss (also finish, don’t mind
4. We can use either the gerund or the infinitive after these verbs: start, begin, enjoy, like, love, prefer
Shkola in ua
When the verb is the subject we use the gerund.
1 My friend decided to buy new shoes.
2. Waiting for people makes me angry.
3. I helped her by carrying her books.
4 One day, I hope to be a doctor.
5. Swimming in the sea is lovely.
6. I don’t mind sitting by the window.
7. Everyone loves to get presents!
8 I’m thinking of getting a new poster.
9. I hope to see you very soon, and I hope that you like my mobile phone.
10 I want to write about my life. Shkola in ua
11. I like playing computer games best.
12. You can get to my house by taking the bus.
13. It’s better to finish studying before we go out.
14. Would you mind coming with me to the shops?
1. Eating chocolate isn’t very good for you. Shkola in ua
2 Watching TV late at night makes you tired.
3. Passing my exam is very important to me.
4. Jack didn’t want to come to my party.
5 Chatting with friends is really good fun.
6. My best friend spends all her free time going to the shops with the new girl in our class.
7. Spending a lot of time indoors is quite boring.
Вправа 5:
– I broke my dad's favourite screwdriver. And I hid it, so he can't find it. He will be very angry. I don't know what to do. Shkola in ua
– I think you should go to the shop and buy just the same one. He wouldn't notice the difference.
– Oh, no. I think lying is awful idea! You should tell him what happened and say that you're sorry. I'm sure he'll forgive you and will be very grateful for your honesty.
I usually use websites for doing schoolwork and finding information. I use apps for chatting to friends, playing games and watching videos.
My favourite website is YouTube and my favourite apps are Instagram and TikTok.
1. She wants to find information and have fun online.
2. He wants to share stories. Shkola in ua
3. She wants to find information and listen to music.
4. He wants to find information and share videos.
1 – A, C 2 – B, F 3 – E, C 4 – A, D Сторінка 61:
1 (словник):
nouns: site, the web, message board, menu, blogs, links.
verbs: upload, search, download, save, record, post.
1 – the web 4 – site
2 – message board 5 – blogs
3 – links 6 – menu
7. You can record a short voice message and then share it with friends.
8. You can search for information online by typing a word into a box.
9 You can post a message or question on the internet for others to read.
10. You can upload a file from your computer onto a website.
11. You can download a file from the internet to your computer.
12. You can save a document or other file on your computer so you don’t lose it.
Вправа 2:
подивитися на сайті.
My favourite website is YouTube. You can watch videos of different kind there. And you also can record and upload video to your YouTube channel. You can read and post comments for videos. I like it because you can have fun and find very useful information.
Вправа 1 (аудіювання): Заповніть пропуски.
1. The Internet was invented in 1983
2. It’s a great way to stay connected with people all over the world.
3. Online learning requires a lot of discipline and motivation.
4. A lot of information is accessible with some clicks.
Вправа 2: Обговоріть питання у парах.
1. I spend from two to four hours on the Internet every day.
2. I usually search the information for studying on the internet.
3. Without the internet I wouldn't be connected with other people in such an easy way. And it's would be harder to get required information.
Письмова: Напишіть листа. Shkola in ua
My favourite app is Instagram. I can watch and post pictures and short videos on it. I can also read and post comments and blogs. I like it because I can express my opinion and show the life I live. I can see other people lives, hobbies and interests, as well. But it also can be dangerous if you connect with wrong people. Using the Internet and different apps you should always be careful and never tell your personal information to strange people. Мовні
Сторінка 62:
Вправа 1:
1. I like playing table tennis and watching football.
2. I know such ball games as football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, cricket and tennis.
3. No, I don't. I don't know such a game as floorball. I think the rules of this game are similar to football. I think everyone can play it.
Вправа 2:
1 – B 2 – C 3 – A 4 – D Shkola in ua
Сторінка 63:
1. The aim of a floorball game is to score more goals than the opposing team within the time limit. Shkola in ua
2. Floorball was created in Sweden.
3. To play floorball you need a floorball stick and a ball.
4. Floorball is similar to hockey because the players must use sticks to pass the ball to the opposing team’s goal.
5. Floorball is a sport for everyone because it doesn't involve physical contact.
6. No, it isn't. Floorball isn't an Olympic sport.
Сторінка 64:
A: Where do you go to buy a stamp?
B: A post office. What do you use a bridge for?
A: I use a bridge for crossing a river. Where can you do sports?
B: A sports centre. Where do you go to eat?
A: A café or a restaurant. Where do you go for a picnic?
B: I usually go for a picnic to the park. Where do you go to tell about a crime?
A: A police station. Where can you find new information about past?
B: At the museum. Where do you go to lend a book?
A: A library. Where do you go if you get hurt?
B: A hospital. Where do you go if you want to watch a play?
A: A theatre.
A – statue E – art gallery I – embassy
B – skyscraper F – mosque J – temple
C – shopping area G – stadium K – palace
D – old town H – fountain L – cathedral
– What’s it like living in Lviv?
– It’s amazing! The Old Town, with its cobblestone streets, cafes, and the fountain in Rynok Square, is so charming.
– Are there any beautiful churches?
– Yes, St. George’s Cathedral is stunning, and the Armenian Cathedral is really unique.
– What’s your favorite place to relax?
– Stryisky Park is lovely, and Ivan Franko Park is great, especially near the university.
– Do you have modern places too?
– Sure, there are shopping malls and a big stadium, but Lviv is mostly about its history and culture.
– What about museums? Are there many?
– Yes, there are plenty! I love the Lviv History Museum, and the Potocki Palace is incredible – it even has an art gallery inside.
– Is the university popular in Lviv?
– Very! Lviv National University is a big part of the city. It’s historic and attracts students from all over Ukraine.
Beijing, the capital of China, is known for its historical landmarks such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.
Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is famous for the Pyramids of Giza and the Nile River, the longest river in the world.
Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is well-known for its stunning St. Sophia's Cathedral and its rich cultural history.

London, the capital of the United Kingdom, is iconic for landmarks like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the Tower of London.
Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, stands out for its Aztec heritage and vibrant culture. Mumbai, though not the capital of India, is the country’s financial hub and the heart of Bollywood.
New Delhi, the capital of India, is known for its historic Red Fort, India Gate, and government buildings Shkola in ua
New York is one of most famous cities of the United States, is famous for the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and Wall Street.
Paris, the capital of France, is a global symbol of art, fashion, and beauty, with landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
Rio de Janeiro, the city in Brazil, is famous for its stunning Christ the Redeemer statue and the vibrant Carnival.
Rome, the capital of Italy, is steeped in history with treasures like the Colosseum and Vatican City.
San Francisco, though not a capital city, is known for the Golden Gate Bridge and its role in Silicon Valley innovation.
Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a modern metropolis renowned for its technology, cherry blossoms, and views of Mount Fuji. Вправа 5:
1 – Beijing 3 – New York 5 – Tokyo
2 – Paris 4 – Rio de Janeiro 6 –
1 – Tokyo 5 – Rio de Janeiro
2 – Rio de Janeiro 6 – New York
3 – Mumbai 7 – Beijing
4 – Paris 8 – Paris
Сторінка 65:
1: Прочитайте
1. It’s the largest city in the world.
2. Every year, there’s a big carnival here.
3. Lots of films are made here.
4 The city has a lot of bridges. Shkola in ua
5. The Olympic Games were in this city in 2016.
6. It has a statue that’s known around the world.
7. It’s the second-biggest city in China.
8. Its most famous cathedral is on an island.
We use a/an to introduce something for the first time. We use the to talk about something already mentioned; with superlatives; if there is only one in the world; in front of first, second, etc.
. 1 – a 2 – the 3 – a 4 – an 5 – the 6 – the 7 – the 8 – the 9 – a 10 – a
/ði:/ the: the apple, the Arctic, the Earth, the Indian Ocean, the orange, the umbrella. /ðə/ the: the dog, the North Sea, the River Nile, the Statue of Liberty.

all, both, other та another.
All the questions are about cities.
The city has both beaches and museums. There are many other great places to visit. There’s another beautiful church in the city.
Оберіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити правила. We use both to talk about two things. We use all to talk about a total number of things. Another means ‘one more’.
This city is famous for its history, including the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, and Museum Island (Berlin, Germany) Shkola in ua
This city is known for its canals, historic houses, and iconic Anne Frank House. It’s also famous for its cycling culture and Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands).
This city is known for its modern skyscrapers, such as the Burj Khalifa, luxury shopping, and manmade islands like the Palm Jumeirah (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) .
1. I’ve got two science projects to finish today.
2. There’s too much traffic on the streets. Shkola in ua
3. Mum prepared a lot of food for our picnic.
4. My new radio doesn’t use much electricity.
5. The number of animals in Africa is going down.
6 I took a small suitcase when I went on holiday.
A: homework B: How many maths exercises did you do last night? A: Eight!
A: furniture B: How many chairs do you have in your bedroom? A: Two!
A: news
A: traffic
B: How many news websites do you use? A: Three!
B: How many cars do your parents have? A: One!
A: money B: How many coins do you have in your pocket? A: Five!
A: food
A: electricity
A: information
A: wildlife
A: staff
A: luggage
A: jewellery
B: How many meals did you have on Christmas? A: Twelve!
B: How many switches do you have in your home? A: Six!
B: How many facts about our school do you know? A: Ten!
B: How many lions are there in our city zoo? A: Six!
B: How many waiters are there in a café across the street? A: Four!
B: How many bags does your mother have? A: Seven!
B: How many earrings do you have? A: None!
A – 6 B – 4
1 – I’d like to 7 – Do you mind if I 2 – I’m sorry, but 8 – That’s fine
3 – Could you 9 – Can you tell me
4 – No problem 10 – Sure
5 – Is it OK if I 11 – Could I 6 – I’m afraid not 12 – Of course
1 (розмовна):
1. A: Do you mind if I sit down next to you? All the tables are taken.
B: That’s fine. I’ll be leaving soon.
A: Thank you!
2. A: Can you tell me if there are tickets to Kyiv for tomorrow?
B: I’m sorry, but all tickets are sold. I can offer you some tickets for the day after tomorrow, if it’s OK for you.
A: Yes, thank you, that’ll be fine. Two, please.
B: There you are.
3. A: Excuse me. Could you find a jacket in my size?
B: Sure! What size do you need?
A: I’d like to try size M. Shkola in ua
B: No problem. Just wait a minute!
Сторінка 68: Вправа 1:
A – comedy F – science-fiction film
B – adventure film G – thriller
C – animated film H – musical
D – action film I – horror film
E – drama
Вправа 2: У
1. "Avengers: Endgame" is an action film. "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark" is an adventure film. "Toy Story" is an animated film. "The Hangover" is a comedy. "The Shawshank Redemption" is a drama. "The Conjuring" is a horror film. "The Greatest Showman" is a musical. "Star Wars: A New Hope" is a science-fiction film. "Gone Girl" is a thriller.
2. My favourite type of film is comedy because I like to be in a good mood after watching a film. Вправа
1 – X 2 – V 3 –
A: What’s the most important thing to you when choosing a film to watch?
B: I think the story matters the most. If it’s interesting and original, I’ll watch it! What about you?
A: For me, it’s the actors. If I like the cast, I know I’ll enjoy the movie!

1. We use who / that when we talk about people.
2 We use that / which when we talk about things.
Вправа 2:
1 – B 2 – B 3 – A 4 – A Вправа 3: Оберіть
1 – who 2 – that 3 – which 4 – that
Вправа 4: Поєднайте дві частини речення та
who чи which.
1. IMAX cinemas are popular with people who like 3-D films.
2. The cinemas have special seats which move, and sometimes you feel wind or water during the film
3. Some IMAX cinemas have screens which are as tall as four double-decker buses – about 16 metres.
4. There’s a 3-D film called Bugs! Which shows you the world of insects.
Вправа 5:
у реченнях.
1. There are two windows that don’t close very well.
2. I want to sell a TV which is two years old. Shkola in ua
3. It’s a music concert that it’s going to be in Sao Paulo.
Вправа 6: Скільки літер в кожному
1. action – 6 letters, 2 syllables
2. adventure – 9 letters, 3 syllables
3. because – 7 letters, 2 syllables
4. children – 8 letters, 2 syllables
5. chocolate – 9 letters, 3 syllables
6. cinema – 6 letters, 3 syllables
7. dictionary – 10 letters, 4 syllables
8. different – 9 letters, 3 syllables
9. horror – 6 letters, 2 syllables
10. interesting – 11 letters, 4 syllables
11. medicine – 8 letters, 3 syllables
12. photography – 10 letters, 4 syllables
13. sometimes – 9 letters, 2 syllables
14. where – 5 letters, 1 syllable
15. which – 5 letters, 1 syllable
16. while – 5 letters, 1 syllable
17. who – 3 letters, 1 syllable
Our cinema will be in a treehouse in a large park, surrounded by nature. We'll show films that are unique, artistic, and from all over the world. People who come to our cinema will sit in cozy beanbags or swings, enjoying the view of the trees. We'll have shops that sell handmade snacks, fresh juices, and eco-friendly souvenirs. After the movie, guests can join outdoor activities like stargazing or storytelling around a campfire. Shkola in ua
1. Game, Set and Match is a film about someone who gets the help she needs.
2. The Drake adventure is a film about someone who is in danger.
3. Body Swap is a film about someone who is unliked.
I often listen to music while I’m walking back home from school. I’d like to live in a place where the weather is warm and sunny. In the future, I am sure that I will travel a lot. I’m happiest when I'm doing the things I like. I only get angry if someone is rude to me. This weekend, I’ll go to the zoo or watch a movie. Вправа 1 (аудіювання): Для кожного
1 – B 2 – C 3 – C 4 – C 5 – A Мовні знання на сторінці 130 Письмова: Get READY Прочитайте
Who is Jake inviting? – Jake is inviting Leo.
What film does he want to see? – He wants to see Ghostbusters.
When does he want to go? – He wants to go on Saturday
WRITE Напишіть своє запрошення.
Hi Liam,
Would you like to come to the cinema with me this Friday? We’re going to see "The Secret Life of Pets", which is about funny adventures of animals when their owners are away. The film starts at 7 p.m., and we’ll watch it at Star Cinema. Let’s meet at the bus stop near Main Street at 6:30 p.m., so we can go together. Let me know if you can come!
to do projects at school to buy a present for a friend
2: Пригадайте
Last week, it was my mother's birthday. My sister and I had to think of what kind of present to make for her.
Вправа 3:
A – 2 B – 4 C – 1 D – 3
Group A
1. No, they didn't. They chose one person in our group to wrote down the ideas.
2. They put the ideas in lists in different columns.
Group B
3. What did the students write in the circles?
4. The students wrote one or two words which expressed their idea.
Group C
5. The students wrote the topic in the middle circle.
6. yes, they did.
Group D
7. The students used cards to show ideas.

8. They put the cards that had the same ideas together in groups.
Сторінка 73:
5: У
A: What do you think brainstorm technique is the best?
B: I think Group A’s brainstorm technique is the best because they chose one person to write down all the ideas. Shkola in ua
A: What else makes it good?
B: They made lists in different columns, so the ideas were organized.
A: How did they decide which ideas to use?
B: They numbered the ideas by importance and crossed out the ones they didn’t like.
A: Did it help them plan well?
B: Yes, it helped them plan a fantastic event in the end!
Вправа 6: Послухайте, як
They use mind map method.
7: Послухайте
1. The topics they mention first are food, drink, theme and date.
2. The students suggest such themes as Under the Sea and Cinema.
3. They mention Japanese, French and Spanish.
4. They have five topics at the end.
5. The name of the final topic they mention is Different Nationalities.
Вправа 8:
1. Shall we all write down a list of suggestions first?
2. Why don’t we to make a mind map?
3. Then what about the other circles?
4 Let’s start with the theme.
5. How about different nationalities?
6. Next, we’ll have to choose decorations.

Review 3:
1) horror skier musical adventure
'Skier' is the odd one out. The others are all kinds of film.
2) embassy mosque temple cathedral
'Embassy' is the odd one out. The others are all religion buildings.
3) guest member statue relative
'Statue' is the odd one out. The others are all about people.
4) skyscraper tournament champion professional
'Skyscraper' is the odd one out. The others are all about competition.
Вправа 3:
1. Ben loves all kinds of sport. He’s starting karate lessons on Saturday.
2. I was really sad when my mum was in hospital. I missed her a lot.
3. I don’t want to play cards. Let’s do a puzzle instead.
4. It didn’t take a longtime to upload all the photos to my blog.
5 I found a great new website for teens. You don’t have to pay. It’s free to join.
6. I got my mum a necklace for her birthday as I know she loves jewellery.
Вправа 1
1 My dad didn’t have to work yesterday. Shkola in ua
2.I’m happy with your idea about going shopping.
3. I think I lost it on the sofa in the living room.
4. I bought three shirts which cost £10, £17 and £25.
5. Oh, and we mustn't forget to take our video camera.
6. I will try to call you on Wednesday.
7 My favourite meal is pizza. I love it, especially the pizza that my mum cooks!
Вправа 2:
1. Could you try to contact the school for me? Shkola in ua
2. Students mustn’t speak to anyone before the exam.
3. Taras was worried about joining another dance class.
4. Elsa caught the bus that stops outside the hospital.
1. My best friend hopes to take part in the cricket match on Saturday.
2. We decided to visit the art gallery first.
3. I forgot to do my maths homework last night.
4. You need to write your names on this list before we start.
5. I didn’t enjoy watching that horror film last night.
Сторінка 76: Вправа 1:
A – kayak down a river
B – climb a tree
C – camp under the stars
D – play in the snow
E – explore a cave
Вправа 2:
F – look for fossils
G – track wild animals
H – try rock climbing
I – pick wild fruit
J – record birdsong
Juan would like to go kayaking down a river.

When? last year last summer a few weeks ago yesterday last week
Where? in Spain in Scotland at school in her grandmother's garden at school
Сторінка 77:
1. I would like to try camping under the stars because it seems peaceful and I love being close to nature.
2. I wouldn't like to explore a cave because it feels dark and cramped, and I’m afraid of small spaces.
1. We use have or has and the past participle of the main verb to form the present perfect.
2. We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in the past.
3. We can’t use words like last week or ago with the present perfect.
4. We use ever in present perfect questions about people’s experiences.
5. We use never in present perfect statements about people’s experiences
1. My mum has visited a safari park.
2. I have never camped in the winter.
3. Have you ever picked fruit from a tree?
4. Has Kris ever climbed a mountain? Shkola in ua
5. We have never returned to the amazing campsite.
6. My little sisters has played in snow.
1. I never tried sleeping under the stars before. 2. These are the best apples I have ever picked.
3. My mother has never played the piano. 4.No, I’ve never failed an exam. Вправа 4:
camped recorded climbed, explored, finished, jumped, played, tidied, tried collected, ended, hated, painted, wanted
– Have you ever kayaked down a river? – No, I haven't.
– Have you ever climbed a tree? – Yes, I have.
– Have you ever camped under the stars? – No, I haven't.
– Have you ever explored a cave? – No, I haven't.
– Have you ever looked for fossils? – No, I haven't.
– Have you ever tracked wild animals? – No, I haven't.
– Have you ever tried rock climbing? – Yes, I have.
– Have you ever picked wild fruit? – Yes, I have.
– Have you ever recorded birdsong? – Yes, I have. Сторінка 78:
1 – in 2 –
1 – E 2 – F 3 – H 4 – L 5 – B 6 – J Shkola in ua 7 – C 8 – A 9 – K 10 – I 11 – G
Вправа 3: Дайте відповіді на запитання анкети.
1. No, I haven't. 5. No, I haven't. 9. Yes, I have.
2. Yes, I have. 6. No, I haven't. 10. Yes, I have.
3. Yes, I have. 7. No, I haven't. 11. Yes, I have. 4. Yes, I have. 8. Yes, I have. 12. No, I haven't.
Вправа 1 (словник): Яка форма дієслів у past simple
past participles з анкети. be – been grow – grown ride – ridden break – broken have – had send – sent eat – eaten make – made sleep – slept fly – flown meet – met swim – swum
– Picture G. – I've flown in a plane. Picture F.
– I've never broken something valuable. I'm very careful with my things. Picture C.
– I've made fresh pasta with my grandmother. Picture E
– I've never swum with sharks. It's too scary! Picture K.
– I've grown vegetables to eat with my parents. Shkola in ua
– What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
– I think it was when I went zip-lining in the mountains. It was so thrilling! How about you?
– Wow, that sounds amazing! For me, it was swimming with dolphins during a vacation. It was unforgettable. Did you feel scared while zip-lining?
– A little bit at first, but then it was so fun that I forgot to be scared. What about you? Were the dolphins friendly?
– Yes, they were very playful. They even let me touch them.
Вправа 1 (аудіювання): Послухайте радіо шоу. Джим розмовляє з Христиною Велс, дослідницею. Про які три частини
She talks about South America, North Pole and Africa Вправа 2: Послухайте ще раз. Доповніть речення про кожну
Trip 1 Shkola in ua
1 Complete Jim’s question to Christina: Have you ever got lost on any of your travels?
– Yes, she was.
2. What was she doing in the rainforest? – She was looking for insects.
3. What information did she not want to share with people?
– She doesn't want to tell that she got lost in the rainforest for two days.
Trip 2
4. Complete Jim’s question to Christina: Have you ever wanted to come home early from the trip? – No, she haven't.
5. How was she travelling to the North Pole? – She was skiing and pulling all her equipment.
6. What did she do to help her think more clearly? – She wrote in her diary.
Trip 3 Shkola in ua
7. What is different for Christina about this trip?
– She haven't done a trip with other people before.
8. How will she travel? – She will travel by bike.
9. How long will it take? – It will take four months.
1. Have you ever traveled to another country?
2. Have you ever tried a really unusual food?
3. Have you ever climbed a mountain or gone hiking?
4. Have you ever helped a stranger in need? Shkola in ua
5. Have you ever won an award or competition?
6. Have you ever failed at something but kept trying?
7. Have you ever experienced a big storm or natural disaster?
8. Have you ever faced a fear and overcome it?
14: Сторінка 80: Вправа 1:
A – sweet shop E – shoe shop I – market
B – chemist's F – supermarket J – butcher's
C – department store G – book shop K – newsagent's
D – cafe H – clothes shop L – bakery
Вправа 2: Де ви можете
1. I can buy bread at a bakery, supermarket, or market.
2. I can buy burgers at a cafe, butcher’s, or supermarket.
3. I can buy chocolates at a sweet shop, supermarket, or newsagent’s.
4. I can buy a dictionary at a bookshop or a department store.
5. I can buy magazines at a newsagent’s, supermarket, or department store.
6. I can buy socks at a clothes shop or a department store.
7. I can buy sun cream at a chemist’s or a supermarket.
8. I can buy tea at a supermarket, cafe, or market. Shkola in ua
9. I can buy towels at a department store or a market.
10. I can buy trainers at a shoe shop or a department store.
Вправа 3:
1. Bakery: I can buy cakes and pastries.
2. Bookshop: I can buy notebooks and calendars.
3. Butcher’s: I can buy sausages and steak.
4. Cafe: I can buy coffee and sandwiches.
5. Chemist’s: I can buy medicine and vitamins.
6. Clothes shop: I can buy shirts and dresses.
7. Department store: I can buy furniture and electronics.
8. Market: I can buy fresh fruits and vegetables.
9. Newsagent’s: I can buy newspapers and greeting cards.
10. Shoe shop: I can buy boots and sandals.
11. Sweet shop: I can buy candy and lollipops.
12. Supermarket: I can buy milk and cleaning supplies.
Reading Time is a bookshop. Something Special is a sweet shop. One Foot After Another is a shoe shop. Shop and Try is a clothes shop. Brown's Chemist's is a chemist's.
1. You can surf the internet in Reading Time.
2. You can buy something to wash your hands with in Brown's Chemist's
3. You can buy something for a lower price than usual in One Foot After Another.
4. You can have some free food in Something Special.
5. You can pick up something you bought online in Shop and Try.
1. The date of the magazine is 21th March. Shkola in ua
2 Reading Time opened on the sixth of March. Something Special opened on the twentieth of March. One Foot After Another is opening on the third of April. Shop and Try is opening on the twenty fourth of March. Brown's Chemist's opened on the nineteenth of March.
Shop and Try opens on 24th March. – a It hasn’t opened yet.
Brown’s Chemist’s opened on 19th March. – b It has just opened.
1. Carla has already bought a pillow, socks, biscuits, boots, a water bottle, a hat, gloves, and a scarf. Shkola in ua
2. Carla hasn’t bought a blanket, a toothbrush, a T-shirt and fruit yet.
1. I've just read this task.
2. I've just write down an answer.
3. I've just drunk water.
4. I've just closed my notebook.
5. I've just borrowed a pen.
6. I've just finished this task.
1. You have already borrow my book for a week.
2. I’ve just bought a new smartphone, but I haven't put music on it yet.
3. I have just seen a football match with my father.
4. I have already bought something to eat. Shkola in ua
5 Are you still looking for your keys? If you haven't find them yet, I think they are in your bag.
A: Have you woken up early today?
A: Have you brushed your teeth yet?
A: Have you made your bed today?
A: Have you eaten breakfast yet?
A: Have you gone to school today?
A: Have you done your homework today?
A: Have you played a game today?
A: Have you helped with chores today?
A: Have you read a book today?
A: Have you gone to sleep yet?
B: Yes, I’ve already woken up early.
B: Yes, I’ve just brushed my teeth.
B: No, I haven’t made it yet.
B: Yes, I’ve already eaten breakfast.
B: No, I haven’t gone to school yet.
B: Yes, I’ve already done my homework.
B: No, I haven’t done that yet.
B: Yes, I’ve already helped with the dishes.
B: No, I haven’t read anything yet.
B: No, it’s still too early for that!
1. Pocket money is the small amount of money that parents give to children, usually for personal use, like buying snacks or toys. Shkola in ua
2. Yes, I do. My parents give me a small amount every week to spend on things I want.
a – 2 b – 3 c – 5 d – 4 e – 1
Вправа 3:
1. Pocket money are called 'an allowance' in the USA.
2. Some teens have to do things in the house, like washing-up and cleaning before they get their pocket money.
3. Some parents want their children to save all their pocket money and spend it on something big in the future, or not spend it at all.
Вправа 1 (словник):
1. You buy food in grams or kilograms.
2. You buy drink in litres or millilitres.
3. You use dollars/cents, euros/cents and pounds/pence to buy things.
4. You find out how far away something is in centimetres, metres and kilometres.
Вправа 2:
260 g – two hundred and sixty grams
€15.34 – fifteen euros and thirty four cents
700 ml – seven hundred millilitres
55 cm – fifty five centimetres
2.5 l – two and half litres
37 p – thirty seven pence
£19.99 – nineteen pounds and ninety nine cents
6 kg – six kilograms
62 c – sixty two cents
$27 – twenty seven dollars
₴ 715 – seven hundred and fifteen hryvnias
1.65 m – one point sixty five metres
1. a slice of pizza 2. a pair of sunglasses
3. a set of cups 4. a variety of drinks
1. I’ve just bought a pair of shoes. Do you like them?
2. Let’s have a variety of music styles at the party.
3. Can you pass me the knife? I’ll cut you a slice of cake.
4. Our teacher has got a set of keys for the school.
A: Hey, what do you like to eat on your birthday?
B: I love eating pizza on my birthday. It’s my favorite! What about you?
A: I usually like having a big chocolate cake. It’s not a birthday without cake!
B: Oh, for sure! Do you have any other favorite foods? Shkola in ua
A: Yeah, I also enjoy having some fried chicken or maybe pasta. How about you?
B: Besides pizza, I like having ice cream. It’s the best treat for my birthday!
They have already got four big bags of crisps, a kilo and a half of apples and three pizzas. They want to get a variety of drinks: 3 litres of lemonade, 2 litres of fruit juice and a litre of water. They also want to get a five pound cake. Вправа 3: Прочитайте
з рамки.
1. I could. I can.
2. if you like. If not.
Вправа 4: У парах складіть діалог.
1. You’re planning a day out at the beach. You forgot about the food.
– Hey, are we all set for our day at the beach tomorrow?
– I think so! Towels, sunscreen, swimsuits… Did we forget anything?
– Oh no! I just realized – we forgot about the food!
– You’re right! We’ll need snacks and drinks. What should we bring?
– I can get some sandwiches, chips, and fruit. And definitely water.
– Good idea! Shkola in ua
2. You’re planning a visit to a new shopping centre. You forgot how to get there.
– Are we still going to the new shopping centre tomorrow?
– Yes, but do you remember how to get there?
– I forgot. Do you have the directions?
– I think it’s near Central Station. I could check online.
– Great! Can you save the route? We don’t want to get lost.
– Done! If you like, I can send it to you. Let’s meet at 10 a.m.
– Perfect. See you then!
Dear Dad,
Lana and I need to get some things for Pia’s party. Please, can you take us to the supermarket this morning? Thanks.
See you later,
Hi Sam,
I’ve just bought a birthday present for my sister! I got her a beautiful silver necklace because she loves wearing jewellery and it will match her favorite dress. I found it in a small boutique in town that has really unique designs. I hope she’ll love it!
Talk soon, Shkola in ua
Сторінка 84:
Вправа 1:
1. I usually go shopping at the local mall or a nearby supermarket.
2. Yes, my parents and I sometimes shop in markets, especially for fresh fruits and vegetables.
Вправа 2:
A – food market B – clothes market
C – antiques market D – flower market
Вправа 3:
Hell's Kitchen market isn't a food market.
Сторінка 85:
1. Andriivskyy Uzviz has an impressive range of handcrafted things.
2. Hell's Kitchen market has fewer visitors if it is raining.
3. In Hell's Kitchen market you can buy a guitar.
4. In St Lawrence Market you can learn to cook.
5. St Lawrence Market has the historic buildings on the street.
1 – stall 2 – souvenirs 3 – jewellery 4 – homemade products
6: Послухайте
Alice liked coats stalls most.
7: Послухайте
1 – X 2 – V 3 – X 4 – V
A – going shopping B – playing computer games C – playing sports
D – making things E – collecting Shkola in ua
Owen Kyle Erin
spending time online collecting playing football and hockey playing a guitar, reading books, photography
1 – V 2 – X 3 – X 4 – V 5 – V 6 – X Shkola in ua
Сторінка 87:
1 We use for with an amount of time, such as a number of hours/months/years.
2 We use since with the time when the action started, such as a day / date / age. Граматична
for чи since.
1 We’ve had our puppy since 31st October.
2 The students have worked since Monday.
3 You’ve been at this school for six months.
4 They’ve known Jules for a long time. Shkola in ua Вправа 3: Доповніть речення,
1 I haven’t read a comic since I was seven years old.
2 I haven’t watched a cartoon for a month.
3 I’ve been able to ride a bike since I was five years old.
4 I’ve lived in my home since 2020.
5 I’ve had this pen for two weeks.
6 I’ve known my best friend since the first grade. Вправа 4:
1 It’s been my hobby since I was ten years old.
2 I’ve needed one for a month.
3 I’ve had it for a year. Shkola in ua
4 It has been open for one month. Вправа 6:
– Do you have a hobby?
– Yes, I do.
– What is it?
– Playing tennis.
– How long have you enjoyed doing it?
– I've been playing tennis for two years.
– Do you usually do it with other people?
– Of course! My friend Alice plays with me.
Вправа 7:
Olena has made photos since she was nine. She has a professional camera, which was a present on her twelfth birthday from her parents. She is really good in photography.
Сторінка 88:
I think geochating is a some kind of treasure hunt.
1 – C 2 – C 3 – B 4 – C Shkola in ua Сторінка 89:
2 (словник): Доповніть речення
1 I spent a great time at the party last night.
2 Spending time with friends is my favourite free-time activity.
have, spend, be чи enjoy.
3 My brother enjoys playing computer games more than anything else.
4 I always have fun when I see my cousins. Shkola in ua
5 I spent most of yesterday at the beach. It was a really fun day.
6 It was an amazing feeling to win the race! I was so glad I entered!
7 My dad and my brother went fishing and they really enjoyed themselves. Вправа 3: Доповніть
1 It was a fantastic feeling when I won a tennis competition.
2 I love spending time with my friends. Shkola in ua
3 The last time I had a good time was on my birthday.
4 I always enjoy myself when I go running.
5 My idea of a fun day out is going camping.
6 I was really glad when my cousins came to visit us last week.
She is speaking to her class.
She has done her hobby for two years.
1 – X
незвичне хобі.
– How long have you been training dogs?
– I’ve been training dogs for about five years now.
– When did you realize this was something you wanted to do?
– It was about six years ago when I helped a neighbor train their puppy, and I realized how much I enjoyed it.
– How do you feel about working with different breeds?
– I love it! Each breed has its own personality, and it’s exciting to learn how to connect with them. Shkola in ua
– Why did you choose dog training as a hobby instead of something else?
– I’ve always been an animal lover, and training dogs allows me to spend time with them while helping owners build better relationships with their pets.
– How did you get the idea to start training dogs professionally?
– It came naturally after a few friends asked me to help with their dogs. Word spread, and I thought, "Why not turn this into something more?"
Розділ 16:
Сторінка 90:
Вправа 1: Доповніть
1 – articles 6 – meaning
2 – look up 7 – list
3 – guess 8 – spell
4 – translate 9 – mistakes
5 – exercises 10 – topic Вправа 2:
1 – C 2 – A 3 – B 4 – A Вправа 3: Оберіть
1 – B 2 – B 3 – A 4 – C 5 – A Сторінка 91:
1: Ознайомтеся
past simple? past simple: 1, 2, 4, 6 present perfect: 3, 5
Доповніть правила.
1. We use the
a past simple with words and phrases like yesterday, ago, last year, in the holidays. b present perfect with words like since, already, yet, just, ever.
2 We use the Shkola in ua a present perfect to talk about an action that began in the past but continues into the present. b past simple to talk about someone’s general life experiences. c past simple to talk about an action that finished in the past. d present perfect to talk about an action that finished in the past, but the result is important or interesting now.
Dmytro Hrechka is a Ukrainian polyglot who has learned seven languages. In the past, Dmytro studied English and French at school, but he didn't feel confident to use them until he visited Canada in 2010. Before this journey, Dmytro was afraid of speaking a foreign language and thought he sounded silly. But later, he understood that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Nowadays, Dmytro is mastering Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Yesterday, he used flashcards to learn some new vocabulary. Last week, he listened to Spanish music to improve his listening skills. Overall, Dmytro’s language learning experience has become a journey of discovery and growth.
1. Yesterday, I watched a swimming competition with my brother.
2. I have already bought the tickets for the film tonight.
3. I’m in Melbourne, and I have seen the sea.
1. A:Where did you go last summer, Robin?
B: We went to New York to visit my sister. She has lived there since 2014.
2. A: Have you ever eaten curry?
B: Yes, I had some yesterday.
3. A: Did you enjoy the Toy Story films when you were little, Sergio?
В: I've never seen any of the Toy Story films. But I liked Despicable Me.
відповіді у past simple.
1. A: Have you ever been to Italy?
B: Yes, I went to Rome two years ago with my family.
2. A: Have you read any books by J.K. Rowling?
B: Yes, I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone last year.
3. A: Have you ever tried sushi?
Shkola in ua
B: Yes, I tried it at a restaurant last weekend, and I loved it!
4. A: Have you ever watched a musical?
B: Yes, I watched The Lion King on Broadway during my trip to New York.
1. There are around seven thousand languages in the world.
2. Polish belongs to Slavic language family. Shkola in ua
3. Chinese has the most speakers among Asian languages.
4. English, French and Portuguese are common second languages in Africa.
1 Where do you come from?
2 What languages do people in Ukraine speak?
3 Do you enjoy studying English?
4 Tell me what you do in your English lessons. Вправа 1 (словник):
176 – one hundred and seventy-six
7,468 – seven thousand four hundred and sixty-eight
76,000,000 – seventy-six million
7,000,000,000 – seven billion
7,000– seven thousand
284 – two hundred and eighty-four
335 million – three hundred and thirty-five million
505 million – five hundred and five million
1,060 – one thousand and sixty
406 million – four hundred and six million
2,303 – two thousand three hundred and three
1,311 – one thousand three hundred and eleven
8 million – eight million
832 – eight hundred and thirty-two
2,146 – two thousand one hundred and forty-six
thirteen thirty
fifteen fifty eighteen eighty nineteen ninety
A: Seven thousand.
B: That's the number of languages in the world today.
A: Three hundred and thirty-five million.
B: That's the number of people who speak English as a first language.
A: One thousand and sixty.
B: That's the number of languages in Americas.
A: Two thousand three hundred and three.
B: That's the number of languages in Asia.
A: Eight million.
B: That's the population of Papua New Guinea.
A: Eight hundred and thirty-two.
B: That's the number of languages in Papua New Guinea.
A: Two thousand one hundred and forty-six.
B: That's the number of languages in Africa.
1. There are twelve in colour words Greek. There are eleven colour words in English.
2. The Piraha language of Brazil has only three number words Shkola in ua
3. They use words South, North, West and East to say where things are.
4. Nowadays there are talking dictionaries, smartphone apps to teach the pronunciation to youngest speakers.
• after a full stop: Most, The.
• for people’s names: Maria.
• for countries: Spain, China, Ecuador.
• for nationalities:
• for languages: English, Spanish, Catalan, Chinese.
• for ‘I’: I come, I like, I find, I plan. WRITE
In my English class, students come from various countries, including Ukraine, Spain, and Japan. We speak many languages, such as Ukrainian, Spanish, Japanese, and French. Everyone is learning English together, and some are also studying German or Italian. I enjoy practicing speaking and learning new vocabulary but dislike complicated grammar rules. My plan is to improve my speaking skills and gain confidence for traveling and study opportunities.
Сторінка 94: Вправа 1:
1. I learned that 2x2=4, 2x3=6, 2x4=8 by repeating the tables in school and solving problems.
2. I learned to ride a bike by practicing. At first, my parents helped me, and then I balanced on my own.
3. I remember names and dates in history by writing them down and repeating them. Sometimes I use tricks to help me remember. Вправа 2:
ідеями з рубрики Life skills.
1 – c – revise and practise 2 – a – try and practise 3 – b – use a notebook and practise Вправа 3: Ви вивчали ці речі
A: Did you learn to multiply, ride a bike, and remember history in the same way?
B: Not really. Multiplication was all about practice in school, riding a bike was more hands-on, and history is about writing and memorizing. What about you?
A: Same here! I practiced multiplication a lot, but learning to ride a bike took some patience. For history, I like using fun tricks to remember dates.
B: It’s interesting how different things need different ways of learning!
Вправа 4:
b listening c speaking
1 – trying hard 3 – practising 5 – forming
2 – experimenting 4 – chatting 6 – adding
He improved because he uses an online dictionary and watched English films and serials.
1. Mario didn’t like English at first because he couldn’t remember the vocabulary and sounds.
2. He met the brothers at the beach. Shkola in ua
3. After the holiday, he sent his new friends an email.
4. When he needed a new word, he used an online dictionary.
5. He’s going to stay with his friends next summer.
1 Hello, my name’s Mario. 2 I’m going to talk about...
4 For example, 5 Finally, 7 Does anyone have any questions?
A: Do you know anyone who speaks English?
B: Yes, my cousin does. I try to talk to her in English when we meet. It’s fun, but I get a bit nervous sometimes. What about you?
A: I know a few friends who speak English fluently. I practice with them often, especially when we chat online.
B: That’s great! Does it help you feel more confident?
A: Definitely. It’s a good way to learn new words and practice speaking naturally.
Review 4:
Сторінка 96:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення
1. I’ve lost my set of coloured pens. Can I borrow yours?
2. There are ten of us, so let’s cut the melon into ten slices.
3. I think I’ve lost my new pair of gloves. My mum won’t be pleased!
4. The jacket was on sale for 30 dollars and 99 cents.
5. We need 250 grams of flour to make the cake. Shkola in ua
6. My dad’s nearly two metres tall. That’s much taller than me.
7. In our family, we drink two litres of milk a day. We all have it on our cereal.
8. I haven’t got any money for the bus. Can you lend me two pounds 50 pence, please?
Вправа 2: Поєднайте
1. camp under the stars
2. climb a tree
3. explore a cave
4. kayak down the river
5. look for fossils
6. pick wild fruit
7. play in the snow
8. track wild animals Тепер
1. We decided to camp under the stars during our hiking trip in the mountains.
2. When I was six, I loved to climb a tree in my backyard every day.
3. Our group of friends went to explore a cave during our vacation in the countryside.
4. We plan to kayak down the river next weekend to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
5. On our field trip, we went to look for fossils along the cliffs near the beach.
6. In the summer, we would go to the forest to pick wild fruit like strawberries and blackberries.
7. The kids are excited to play in the snow this winter during their school break.
8. The wildlife biologist taught us how to track wild animals during our nature walk.
Вправа 3: Роздивіться
1. department store 2. sweet shop 3. market Shkola in ua 4. clothes shop 5. bookshop 6. supermarket
1. They have never seen see a city like it.
2. Dan has just bought the paint.
3. I have had it since one year.
4. Last night, my sister left her bag on the train.
5. I have never been to a wedding and I want to come.
6. Eve has played the violin since she was six.
7 I texted you an hour ago, but you didn’t answer.
1. How long have you lived in this town? – I have already lived in this town for ten years.
2 Have you ever cooked a pizza? – No, I haven't cooked a pizza jet.
3. Have you already read three books this year? – Yes, I’ve just read third book this year.
4. How long have you known your best friend? – I’ve already known my best friend for five years.
simple чи present perfect.
I've loved languages since I was a little boy. My dad is English and my mum is Spanish, and when I was young, they spoke both languages to me at home. So I began learning English and Spanish as a baby. Now, we live in Japan. I haven't started learning Japanese yet. But I’m going to learn it soon.
Вправа 1 (аудіювання):
Вправа 1 (письмова): Ви
Hi Sam, Shkola in ua
I hope you're doing well! I’m planning to go camping next weekend and would love for you to join me. I’m thinking of going to the lake near the forest. It would be great to have some company and enjoy nature together. Let me know if you're free! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes, Maxim
1 (розмовна):
1. How many languages do you speak?
– I speak two languages: Ukrainian and English.
2. Do your parents speak the same language?
– My mother does, but my father doesn't.
3. What languages do they speak?
– My mother speaks Ukrainian and English as well. But my father speaks Ukrainian and Polish.
4. Which languages would you like to learn?
– I would like to learn Spanish or German.
5. Do you like learning English? Shkola in ua
– Yes, I do.
6. What is the best thing about learning English?
– The best thing about learning English is that it helps you communicate with people from all over the world. You can travel more easily, understand movies, books, and music, and learn new things. It also gives you more chances to make new friends.

Сторінкb 120-121:
1 – A Shkola in ua
1. Sarah knows other people who live in homes like hers.
Lots of my friends live on houseboats too.
– Sarah 2
It is the first question.
This option has the best sense in this sentence.
The best answer is A. The B doesn’t answer the email questions. The C doesn’t answer all email questions. The D has many mistakes.
I got many good presents for my birthday. But I liked my backpack the best! My sister gave it to me. I like it because it’s big and very beautiful!
There is something in this story about every picure. The story is in past simple tense.
Last month, Sarah saw a poster at school about a music competition. She loves music and especially playing guitar, so she dtcided to enter it. She tried to practise every free moment she had. Her brother couldn’t stand it. He was surprised when the audience loved Sarah’s playing. She was very glad, even though she didn’t win a prize. Сторінка
Desk, sofa, posters
Shkola in ua
Question is asking about what Ted wants. 1
2 – C 3 – A 4 – A 5 – B

Short answer (коротка відповідь): 4, 10, 11.
Longer answer (розгорнута відповідь): 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12. Сторінка 134:
B: What kind of animal kakapo is?
A: Kakapo is a kind of parrot.
B: Where do kakapos come from?
A: They come from New Zealand.
B: Where do they live?
A: They live only on two small islands.
B: What do they eat?
A: Kakapos eat plants, fruit and nuts.
B: How much do they weight?
A: Adult kakapos weight between 2 and 4 kg.
B: How many kakapos are left in the wild?
A: About 127 kakapos are left in the wild.
B: What are kakapos babies called?
A: Kakapos babies are called chicks.
B: How many babies do females have?
A: Females have 2-3 chicks every two years.
B: How long does the baby stay with its mother?
A: The chick stays with its mother for 10 weeks.
Sand cat
A: What kind of animal sand cat is?
B: Sand cat is a kind of lion.
A: Where do sand cats come from?
B: Sand cats come from Africa and Asia.
A: Where do they live?
B: They live in deserts.
A: What do they eat?
B: They eat insects, birds and other small animals.
A: How much do they weight?
B: Adult sand cats weight between 1 and 3 kilograms.
A: How many sand cats are left in the wild?
B: No one knows how many sand cats are in the wild.
A: What are sand cats babies called?
B: Sand cats babies are called kittens.
A: How many babies do females have?
B: Females have 18 kittens every year.
A: How long does the baby stay with its mother?
B: The kittens stay with their mother for about 6 months.
A: Excuse me, may I ask what the address of Chynadiyovo village is?
B: Of course, the address of Chynadiyovo village is Voloshyna St, 53B.
A: Is the village open every day?
B: The village is open from Monday to Saturday.
A: What time does it open and close?
B: The village opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 6 p.m.
A: What activities can we do here?
B: In Chynadiyoyo village, you can try outdoor activities and go sightseeing.
A: What places can we visit in the village?
B: You can visit an ancient chambers and fortified walls.
A: Do you have a website for additional information?
B: Yes, our website is
– My sister dances better than me. – I learn new words the most quickly in the class.
– Alex laughs the most loudly in our class. – Anna writes the most carefully of people I know.
– My dog runs the most dangerously of all dogs. – Max studies faster than Ben.
– Jane sings more quietly than Jim. – My grandmother walks more slowly than me.
– My dad eats the most noisily in our family. – My brother speaks English worse than me.

Unit 8
1. Sorry, I’m busy now. I’ll ring you later.
2. You can draw a picture of your time capsule, if you like.
3. She’s really kind. She lent me her favourite jacket for the party.
4. I don’t want to watch TV. I’d prefer to listen to some music.
5 When you phone the cinema, can you book a ticket for me, too, please?
6. What kind of soup would you like? Vegetable or chicken?
7. That’s a beautiful ring you've got on your finger.
8 Can I borrow your maths book? I left mine at home.
9. I’ll take a picture of it with my phone.
10 I’m sorry, I don’t know what the time is. My watch is broken. Unit 9
Table tennis club
1. You must come at 3 p.m. on Fridays.
2. You must tell the teacher if you to miss the class.
3. You don’t have to bring your racket and ball.
4. You mustn’t seat or stand on the table.
5. You mustn’t use your mobile phone while playing.
6. You must wear your sport shoes in the gym.
7. You mustn’t chew gum or bring food in the gym.
A: homework B: How many maths exercises did you do last night? A: Eight!
A: furniture B: How many chairs do you have in your bedroom?
A: news
A: traffic
B: How many news websites do you use?
B: How many cars do your parents have?
A: Two!
A: Three!
A: One!
A: money B: How many coins do you have in your pocket? A: Five!
A: food
A: electricity
A: information
B: How many meals did you have on Christmas?
B: How many switches do you have in your home?
B: How many facts about our school do you know?
A: Twelve!
A: Six!
A: Ten!
A: wildlife B: How many lions are there in our city zoo? A: Six!
A: staff B: How many waiters are there in a café across the street? A: Four!
A: luggage B: How many bags does your mother have? A: Seven!
A: jewellery B: How many earrings do you have?
A: None!
Our cinema will be in a treehouse in a large park, surrounded by nature. We'll show films that are unique, artistic, and from all over the world. People who come to our cinema will sit in cozy beanbags or swings, enjoying the view of the trees. We'll have shops that sell handmade snacks, fresh juices, and eco-friendly souvenirs. After the movie, guests can join outdoor activities like stargazing or storytelling around a campfire. Shkola in ua
Сторінка 148: UNIT 1:
Вправа 1: Доповніть розмову формою present simple чи present continuous
1 – am painting 2 – don’t like 3 – are playing 4 – hate
5 – do you enjoy 6 – go 7 – plays 8 – prefer 9 – am not doing
Вправа 2: Запишіть повні речення у формі present simple чи present continuous.
1. My dad usually goes to work by car.
2. We are learning how to play the guitar today.
3. I always watch TV after dinner.
4. My friends aren’t swimming in the sea now.
5. My cousin doesn’t have breakfast every day.
Сторінка 149: UNIT 2:
Вправа 1: Заповніть таблицю.
Verbs we can use in the continuous Verbs we don’t normally use in the continuous buy, climb, make, run, sing, work believe, feel, hate, like, need, own, understand, want
Вправа 2: Оберіть правильні слова, щоб
1. I know the names of all the rivers in my country.
2. My brother's learning about the weather at the moment.
3. You need to do your homework before Tuesday.
4. You’re very quiet. What are you thinking about?
5 My friends aren’t playing football today. It’s cold.
6. Can you say that again? We don’t understand.
7. Can you hear that strange noise?
Вправа 3: Запишіть повні речення.
1. I don’t understand this exercise.
2. My friends think football is boring.
3. What are you doing right now?
4. We don’t want to watch the film.
5. That dog belongs to my cousin.
6. Penguins don’t feel the cold weather.
7 I don’t like this book very much.
150: UNIT 3:
1 – founded 2 – were 3 – had 4 – came 5 – found 6 – decided 7 – named 8 – passed 9 – became 10 – grew 11 – became
1. What did the boy see?
2. What happened to you? You’re late!
3 Who ate the cake?
4. Where did you go on holiday?

5. Who did their homework last night?
Вправа 1:
1. It was raining.
2 Dad was cooking dinner.
3. My brother and I were watching TV in the living room.
4. My sister was reading.
5. My grandparents were leaving their apartment.
Вправа 2:
1. While I was surfing, it started to rain.
2. My friends were playing football in the classroom when the teacher came in.
3. We walked to the park and then we had a game of football.
4. Ed rang me while I was doing my homework.
5. We were packing our suitcases when the phone rang.
1. cheap, cheaply, more cheaply, the most cheaply
2. heavy, heavily, more heavily, the most heavily
3. fast, fast, faster, the fastest
4. bad, badly, worse, the worst
5. serious, seriously, more seriously, the most seriously
6. wonderful, wonderfully, more wonderfully, the most wonderfully
1. Laura won the competition because she danced the most beautifully.
2. I watch films more often than sports programmes.
3. My sister plays the guitar better than me.
4. Matt's mum helped him, so he finished the homework more easily than us.
5. Luke's teacher was happy with him because he did the exercise the most quickly.
1. I arrived home late, but my brother arrived home later. I didn't arrive home as late as my brother.
2. My best friend speaks more quietly than me. I don't speak as quietly as my best friend.
3. My parents eat very slowly. My dad eats as slowly as my mum.
4. William watches TV more often than his sister. William's sister doesn’t watch TV as often as William.
5 My cousin is the best guitar player in my school. Nobody plays it as good as him.
UNIT 6: Вправа 1:
1. Terry’s gold coins are on the table.
2 The children’s shoes are near the door.
3. Both boys’ lunches are in the kitchen.
4. I can’t find my sister’s necklace. She’ll be angry.
5. My cousins’ names are Ana and Eva.
Вправа 2: Оберіть
1. Nora saw Sue at the cinema. She’s a friend of hers.
2. We don’t live here. Our house is near the park.
3. I’ve got two cats. Their names are Leo and Tiger.
4. Who does this jumper belong to? Is it yours?
5. I was shopping when I saw a classmate of mine.
Вправа 3: Доповніть
1. Jane went on holiday with one of her friends. Jane went on holiday with a friend of hers.
2. We played football with one of our neighbours. We played football with a neighbour of ours.
3. My sister borrowed one of my necklaces. My sister borrowed a necklace of mine.
4. My parents had dinner with some of their friends. My parents had dinner with some friends of theirs.
5. I found some money in one of your shoes. I found some money in a shoe of mine.
Сторінка 154-155: UNIT 7:
F (майбутнє).
1. We are going paddle boarding with Mia and Alfie on Friday. F
2. Are you listening to me? N
3. My dad isn't coming with us on holiday next week. F
4. Be quiet! I am doing my homework. N
5. How are you and your friends getting to football practice later? F
1 – I'm going to dentist 2 – are having pizza at Paolo's Pizzas
3 – I am playing basketball 4 – I am studying
1. I'm going to school tomorrow morning.
2. I'm having piano lesson on Friday afternoon.
3. I'm visiting my grandmother on Saturday morning.
4. I'm meeting my friends on Sunday.
5. I'm going to Kyiv next weekend.
1 I’ll have a big house and a fast car.
2. My friends will move away.
3. My cousin will become a famous film star.
4. There will be cities on other planets.
5. We won’t buy things in shops.
Вправа 2:
1. Will students go to school in the future? I’m sure students will go to school in the future.
2. Where will we buy clothes and shoes in the future? I think we will buy clothes and shoes online in the future.
3 How will people travel from one place to another? I’m certain people will travel from one place to another by flying cars.
4. Will there be more wars? I hope there won’t be any wars.
5. Will scientists discover new things? I’m sure scientists will discover new things.
1. I’m sure I’ll go swimming. It’s really hot.
2. We may have pizza or we may have a hamburger. We haven’t decided yet.
3. My mum might be able to drive us to the concert, but she isn’t sure.
4. Don’t worry. I’m certain they won’t be late. They left 45 minutes ago.
5 Where will you go on holiday? We may go to South Africa.
1. I haven t got any sun cream. I might not go to the beach.
2. I’m really cold. I might turn off the air conditioning.
3. Look! The clouds are moving. It may not rain later.
4. It’s my cousin’s birthday. Her parents may buy her a new smartphone.
5. You may not understand this teacher because she talks very fast.
1. They must fill in the form.
2. We mustn’t forget Mum’s birthday.
3. My cousin mustn’t wear large earrings to school.
4. You must practise for an hour every day.
5. You must be careful.
1. Today’s Saturday. I don’t have to go to bed early.
2. My mum has to work in London this week.
3. What time does your sister have to come home when she goes out?
4. My uncle has got problems with his back. He has to go swimming every day.
5. We don’t have to watch the film, we can play a game instead.
1. When I was younger, I had to go to bed at 8 p.m.
2. No ball games, please! You mustn’t play football here.
3. Do you have to leave now? It’s very early.
4. I don’t have to wear a swimming cap at my pool, but I usually wear one.
5. Shh! My sister sleeping! We mustn’t wake her.
Сторінка 157-158: UNIT 10:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення
1. I missed seeing you at the party.
2. My brother decided to study maths at the university.
3. I don’t mind getting up early at the weekend.
4. Making friends isn’t always easy.
5. My friends enjoy writing their blogs.
6. We finished downloading the film and then we watched it.
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення
1. i'm interested in making new friends.
2. My brother is very good at playing the guitar.
3. Don’t worry about failing the exam. It’s easy.
4. My mum’s getting better at uploading photos onto her blog.
5. I’m thinking of joining a computer club.
правдивими для вас.
1. When I leave school, I hope to catch the bus.
2. I don’t mind singing, but I don’t like dancing
3. I started learning English when I was younger.
4. I prefer download films to watching them online.
5. I’m thinking of going hiking next weekend.
1 – a 2 – the 3 – the 4 – a 5 – the 6 – a 7 – the 8 – the
1. This pencil is broken. Cab I have another one?
2. Both my parents work in the city centre.
3. My friends want to write about their last holiday, but I've got other idea.
4. They built a new bridge because the other bridge is very old.
5. My dad's got five brothers and sisters. They all live near us.
6. I’d like to study both maths and science when I go to university. Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. The website didn’t give me much information, so I had to look at other websites.
2 I don’t know what to get Sam for his birthday. Can you give me the idea?
3. All the cheaper hotels were full, so we stayed in a really expensive one.
4. She’s lost her map, so she’ll need to buy another one.
5. We didn’t spend much time in an art gallery because there were a lot of people inside.
6. ‘Do you prefer the green or the blue scarf?’ ‘I think both scarves are nice.’
UNIT 12:
Вправа 1: Доповніть речення словами who чи which.
1. There are now cinemas which are more like hotels.
2 A guest is a person who visits your house.
3. A film star is someone who is a very successful and famous film actor.
4. A park is a place which often has lakes, woods and gardens.
5. This is a website which tells you how good films are.
6. It's best to go to the cinema with a friend who likes the same type of films as you.
Вправа 2: Використайте who, that чи which, щоб утворити речення.
1. A film festival is here in summer. It is good fun.
The film festival which is here in summer is good fun.
2. A friend went to see a musical. He had a good time.
The friend who went to see a musical had a good time.
3 There’s a shop near my house. It sells jazz CDs. There’s a shop near my house which sells jazz CDs.
4. We went to a cinema. It had 12 screens. We went to a cinema which had 12 screens.
5. A neighbour likes watching drama films. She acts as a hobby. The neighbour who likes watching drama films acts as a hobby.
Вправа 3:
1. I know a person who has met Steven Spielberg.
2. There’s a new film which I really want to see.
who чи which.
3. Acting is a job which looks very easy, but isn’t.
4 We’ve got two friends who only watch musicals
5. I’d love to see that cinema which has beds instead of seats.
160: UNIT 13:
past participle. 1) arrived 5) traveled 9) fallen 2) enjoyed 6) walked 10) grown 3) repaired 7) broken 11) lent 4) stopped 8) bought 12) worn
past perfect та never.
1. We have never kayaked down a river.
2. My parents have got a big garden, but they have never grown vegetables there.
3. My friends have never met a famous person.
4. My grandma has never learnt to speak English.
5. I have never explored a cave.
1. Has your brother ever written a blog? – No, he hasn't.
2. Have your friends ever ridden a horse? – Yes, they have.
3. Has you teacher ever forgotten your name? – Yes, she has.
4. Have you ever sold things you don't want? – No, I haven't.
5. Have you and your friends won a competition? – No, we haven't.
UNIT 14:
Вправа 1:
1 I’ve just seen my best friend outside the library.
2 Let’s see a different film. I’ve already seen that one.
3 I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten yet.
4 Rob can’t play football. He’s just broken his foot.
5 Have your friends arrived yet?
Вправа 2:
1 Can you lend me a pencil? I’ve just broken mine.
2 We’re having a lovely time in Paris. We’ve already seen the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre museum.
3 It’s Grandad’s birthday. Have you phoned him yet?
4 Wait a moment! We haven’t finished yet.
5 Dad’s just phoned. He’s going to be late.
6 I’ve already tidied my room. I’m not going to do it again.
just, yet чи
1 You are in New York. You visited the Empire State Building yesterday, but you’d like to see the Statue of Liberty. What do you say?
I haven't seen the Statue of Liberty yet.
2 A friend comes to your house and you are going to have lunch. What do you ask?
Have you had lunch yet?
3 A friend lends you a book, but you read it last month. What do you say? I have already read this book.
4 Your mum asks you to buy some bread from the bakery, but you did it earlier. What do you say? I've just bought some bread.
5 Your friends are choosing a film to watch. What do you ask them? Have you chosen a film yet?
For 10 o'clock, 13th April, 2011, breakfast, I was young, May, my birthday, Tuesday 10 seconds, ages, ever, five days, four months, three minutes, two hours, two weeks, a year, years
1 My aunt has had her cat since 2007.
2 My brother hasn't eaten meat for a long time.
3 I've liked playing tennis since I was young.
4 We haven't seen our cousins for months.
5 My mum and dad have been married since 1996.

1 We haven't had maths since yesterday.
2 My best friend has lived in her house for five years.
3 Mu mum hasn't cooked a meal for two days.
4 My friends have known each other for six years.
5. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.
for чи since
1 How long have your parents lived here? – My parents have lived here for ten years.
2 How long has your best friend had his school bag? – My best friend has had his school bag since last year.
3 How long have you studied in this school? – I've studied in this school for six years.
4 How long has your favourite shop been opened? – My favourite shop has been opened since 2022.
5 How long has your English teacher worked in your school? – My English teacher has worked in my school for fifteen years.
Сторінка present perfect past simple just, already, ever, for 18 weeks, never, since 5th May, yet yesterday, in 2008, last week, recently, three days ago, when I was younger
present perfect чи past simple
1 I bought this bag when I was on holiday.
2 I haven't been ill for a long time.
3 My best friend was late for school this morning because she has missed the bus.
4 We sent an email to our teacher three days ago, but she hasn't answered yet.
5 My mum and dad have known each other since they were children. They went to school together.
6 You have made a lot of mistakes! Please write this story again.
. Shkola in
1 How long have you known your English teacher? – I've known my English teacher for three years.
2 How long have you liked your favourite band? – I've liked my favourite band since last summer.
1 When did you learn to swim? – I learned to swim four years ago.
2 When did you use a computer for the first time? – I used a computer in 2021 for the first time.