Розділ 1:
1 – polite 2 – helpful 3 – friendly 4 – popular 5 – active
6 – kind 7 – lazy 8 – quite 9 – creative
Вправа 2:
1. On Saturdays, he gets up late and watches TV or funny videos online all day. He’s lazy.
2. She smiles all the time and talks to everyone. She’s friendly.
3. He always says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and listens to his teachers. He’s polite.
4. He cleans his mum’s car and always offers to wash the dishes. He’s helpful.
5. Everyone likes her and wants to be her friend. She’s popular.
6. They go walking or cycling most weekends. They’re active.
7 She makes her own clothes and she loves drawing. She’s creative
8. He’s never angry and always says nice things to people. He’s kind.
9. She doesn’t talk a lot and likes reading and painting. She’s quite.
Present simple Present continuous every Monday, often, twice a week at the moment, now, this week, today
Вправа 2:
1. My sister plays tennis at school every Monday. She’s playing in the park today.
present simple чи present continuous дієслів
2. Mum often listens to music on the radio. But at the moment she’s listening to it on her phone.
3. My brother usually does his homework in his room. He’s doing it in the library today.
4. My sister has violin lessons twice a week. This week she’s having a piano lesson, too.
Сторінка 5:
1. What do you usually do at the weekends?
2. My mum is teaching me how to make bread at the moment.
3. We don’t go to the park after school on Wednesdays.
4. Are you having your dinner now?
5. My parents don’t play golf on Saturdays.
present simple чи present continuous
1. They are playing football in the park now.
2. My brother goes to the cinema on Friday evenings.
3. He visits his cousins on Sunday afternoons.
4. My parents are shopping in the supermarket at the moment.
5. We meet in the cafe every Saturday
6. She usually sees her friends at the weekend.
1. Every day in the morning we eat soup.
2. She studies medicine at Odesa University.
3. Anna goes to college every day. She is learning English this term.
4. I am writing this email because I want to tell you about my last trip.
5. My brother is playing a board game at the moment because he’s bored of computers.
1) Adam
2) Price
3) 15 years old
4) –
5) 07662012976
Вправа 2:
1) what is your surname
2) what is your first name
3) What is your address
4) What is your mobile or home number
5) What is your email
Сторінка 6:
1 – B 2 – A 3 – B 4 – B Вправа 2:
1. Her first name is Sofia.
2. Her surname is Marcos.
3. She is 21 years old.
4. Her address is 28 Spring Street.
5. Her first language is Spanish.
6. She learns about history in books.
7. She is good at swimming.
8. She would like to learn the violin. Сторінка 7:
правильні речення. Shkola in ua
B – V D – V Вправа 2: Послухайте ще раз та
1. The teacher is telling Class 4B about this year’s camping trip.
2. Their trip is to France.
3. They are on the trip for 5 nights.
4. The trip costs £180.
5. 52 students from the school can go on the trip.
6. At the campsite, you can play badminton in the sports hall.
7. Students can win a reward for cooking and art.
8. Students must give their forms to the teacher on Monday next week.
1 – c 2 – f 3
Hi! I’m Olena, and I’m going to be a student at your school in June. My teacher will send this message to your teacher. I’d like to get to know somebody before I come. Can you write back to me and tell me about yourself?
Here's a bit about myself, I’m 13 years old, and I live on Shevchenko Street in Cherkassy city. I live with my parents and my younger sister. She’s eight. In my free time, I play piano and make jewellery. I really love earrings! I also like baking. When I come to Britain, I will make my cherry pie. My grandmother taught me to make pies. I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Olena
forest – X
hill – A
sea – B
mountain – A
volcano – B
valley – A
lake – A
river – X
Вправа 2:
1. An example of a river is the Nile in Africa.
2. A volcano is a dangerous place. It is very, very hot inside it.
3. The low area between two hills or mountains is called a valley.
4. The sea is a large area of water. It has salt in it.
5. Not many plants can grow in a desert. There’s a lot of sun and very little rain there.
6. A forest has lots of trees, plants, animals and birds.
Verbs that we use in the present continuous Verbs that we don’t usually use in the present continuous go, happen, have, hope, read, think, walk, watch, write believe, belong to, hate, know, like, love, mean, need, own, understand, want,
1. I’m doing my homework now, so I can’t come to the park.
2. These books belong to Simon.
3. I like your hat, Tim. Can I try it on?
4. My dad can’t take me to football practice because he’s working at the moment.
5. My mother understands some Italian, but she can’t speak it very well.
6 Do you know Rachel’s brother? He’s very funny.
7. I’m looking for my new jacket. I can’t find it anywhere.
8. I don’t own this guitar. It’s my sister’s.
1. There is a concert on Saturday. I want to go.
2. My parents are making dinner at the moment.
3. I think you like reading.
4. I don’t understand this exercise.
5. We want to tell you what we think of Rio de Janeiro. Sentences 2 and 4 are correct.


It’s a parrot.
Сторінка 10:
1. Violetta is older than her brother.
2. Violetta wants to help animals.
3. Violetta is going to change things in her life because of the book.
4. Violetta some things about what Lucia likes.
1 – B 2 – A 3 – E 4 – C
1 – F 2 – D 3 – B 4 – A 5
1. Black bears eat grass and insects most of the time.
2. They weight between 90 kg and 270 kg.
3. Females have two or three babies.
4. Their babies are called cubs.
5. The babies stay with their mother for about two years.
6. There are around 600,000 black bears in North America. Вправа 2: Прочитайте
Paragraph 1: forests and grasslands in 37 countries in Africa (Tanzania. Kenya. South Africa, etc.)/ leaves, grass, fruit.
Paragraph 2: adults very big – 2,268 kg–6,350 kg / live in wild until around 70.
Paragraph 3: females have one baby (‘calf’) every two-four years, heavy – about 71 kg when they're born/now 470,000 – 690,000 wild elephants
Elephants live in the rests and grasslands in 37 countries in Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, etc.). They usually eat leaves, grass and fruit. Adult are very big and they weight between 2,268 kg and 6,350 kg. Elephants live in wild until around 70 years. Females usually have one baby, called calf. They weight about 91 kg when they're born. Scientist thinks there are between 470,000 and 690,000 wild elephants.
Розділ 3:
Сторінка 12:
Вправа 1 (словник):
1) plane 5) helicopter 9) ship
2) bike 6) on foot
3) boat 7) motorbike
4) coach 8) scooter
Вправа 2: Доповніть таблицю словами з
10) tram
11) underground
on the sea? on a road or path? boat, ship bike, coach, on foot, motorbike, scooter on a railway line or track? in the sky? tram, underground plane, helicopter
Вправа 3: Поєднайте частини речень.
1 – d 2 – c 3 – e 4 – a 5 – b
Вправа 1 (граматика):
1. The train to London was really fast.
2 Martin’s family went to Paris by coach because it was the cheapest way.
3. Jane was only 15 but she knew more than most adults about computers.
4. How did you get to Kyiv?
5. Was Tom in Ankara or in Istanbul last week?
6. We didn’t have a good time on our holiday because we were all ill.
7. There weren’t any trams yesterday because it snowed.
Сторінка 13:
у дужках.
1 – were 2 – did 3 – travelled 4 – spent 5 – started 6 – waited 7 – didn’t stop 8 – arrived
1. I went to Mar del Plata. I had a lovely day.
2. Last night I forgot my history book in your house.
3. I went shopping yesterday. I bought a very nice skirt and a sweater.
4. I liked the weather last week because it was hot.
1. Who did you see on the plane?
2. Who did you go on holiday with?
3. Who flew the plane?
4. Who did you meet at the hotel?
5. Who found the bags?
6. Who spoke to the passengers?
This bookshop is unusual because the shop is on boats and some furniture is made of books.
1. Ross likes the idea of short boat trip.
2. You can visit Liverpool Football Club from 10.00 in the morning.
3 The woman says The Beatles were famous
4. Tate Liverpool has modern art.
5. The assistant gives Ross information theatres.
1 – C 2
If you go to Cherkassy, Ukraine, one place you must definitely visit is the Buddhist Temple, which is called the White Lotus. It is the largest temple of its kind in Ukraine. It is situated on the hill near the Dnipro River. It was founded in 1988 and finally built in 1990. Followers of Buddhism study Thai boxing and kung fu there. It is a great place to visit because it is so different to other tourist attractions. You can go on excursion every Sunday at 2 o’clock. Entrance costs 150 hryvnias. Also tea ceremonies are held there. You can get further information on its website.
1. Where do you wash the dishes? in the kitchen sink.
2. Where do you keep a car? in a garage.
3. What do you open to get into and out of a field or a garden? a gate.
4 In a first-floor apartment, where can you go outside? on the balcony
5. When you are inside a room, what do you see when you look up? the ceiling.
6. Which floor is below the first floor in a building? the ground floor.
7. In a kitchen, where can you keep plates and cups? in a cupboard
1 (граматика): Поєднайте
1 – c 2 – a 3 – d 4 – e 5 – b
1. Marta was swimming in the sea when it started raining heavily.
2. Charlie phoned while you were playing football.
3. Dina was walking home from the sports club when she saw her French teacher, Mr Roland.
4 Jim’s mum bought his birthday present while he was playing tennis at the club.
5. Sarah was watching a film in the cinema when someone took her bag.
6. Bruna and I were flying to London when a storm began.
7. It was very busy in our house at seven o’clock this morning. While I was making breakfast, my mum was talking on the phone, my dad was cleaning the floor and my sisters were playing with the dog.
8. Katie was doing her homework when her best friend arrived to see her.
1. I watched it with my family.
2. We danced, ate and drank.
3. We laid on the beach every day. Вправа 1

Shkola in ua comfortable
1. The weather in my country is really hot in the summer, so it is difficult to keep our house cool.
2. You can’t hear anything in my bedroom, only the birds in the garden - it’s very peaceful.
3. It is unusual for a 15-year-old to have their own flat.
4. It’s always very light in our house because all the rooms have really big windows.
5. Tourists often take photos of my uncle and aunt’s house because it is so big and attractive.
6. I always sit on our big sofa to watch TV because it is the most comfortable place to sit in our flat.
7 My sister is painting her apartment yellow and pink. She loves bright colours.
My friend’s family has a pretty big house. It has a ground floor and a first floor. There is a garage and the entrance on the ground floor. The first floor has two balconies! We like to sit there. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor. The kitchen and the living room are situated on the ground floor. The house is painted light green outside and I like it a lot!
1 – B 2 – A 3 – C
While Andrew was watching football on TW, two his friends came. They brought pizza. Andrew was really hungry and he was glad to see them. They was eating when Andrew get ketchup on his pans. When Andrew’s sister Jane came, boys were sitting on the sofa, but there was no pizza for her. She took a picture of them and boys were really sorry.
1 (словник):
1) b + h = biology
1. Mrs Black speaks more quietly than the other teachers.
2. Toni plays volleyball the best of all the players on our team.
3. Chris runs more quickly than Sam.
4. Nobody did well in the history exam, but I did the worst of all.
5. Jim, Norman and Ian worked together on a group project, but Norman worked the hardest in the group.
1. We can all sing in my family, but my brother can sing the most beautifully of all of us.
2. Mr Sanchez explains things more carefully than Mr Wright. I prefer Mr Sanchez!
3 My brother learns languages more easily than I do. He can speak English, French and Ukrainian.
4. Sara speaks the most quickly of all the people in the class. I never understand what she says!
5. For me, maths is the most difficult subject at school. I have to do lots of extra practice to pass the exams.
Сторінка 21:
1. Jacob finished the meal more quickly than his friends.
2. Davina wrote her name the most carefully.
3 Louis works harder than the other art students.
4. Marta always sleeps the worst in her family.
Вправа 5:
1. I speak German better than my brother.
2. Every day at the college you learn lots of words in English, and this helps you to speak English more easily.
3. Today is my birthday. Everyone gave me presents. The present I like the best is the computer my parents gave me.
4. My father drives more carefully than my uncle.
5. Our Spanish teacher explains things more clearly than our French teacher. Вправа
1 – catch 2 – carry 3 – use 4 – go along 5 – make 6 - study
2: Роздивіться
1. He is taking a walk.
2. She is taking some medicine.
3. She is taking an exam.
4. He is taking a bus.
Our school is different from Brooklyn Free School.
2. Lorna is describing a way of learning.
Mrs Black is explaining what is going to happen.

I love the sea so my perfect school is on the beach. There are only five students in my perfect school: me and my friends. We don’t have ordinary subjects. We take such subjects as geography and biology, swimming and scuba diving. We learn about different kinds of sea animals, and we learn about their biology and medicine. We also learn how to protect the sea from the harmful influence of people. Our teachers are marine researchers. We wear swimming suits to school. We also have PE lessons, where we play beach volleyball. We don’t need holidays because we love going to our school. Розділ 6:
1 – X 2 – X 3 – V 4 – X 5 – V
1. leather and wool
2. wood
3. gold and silver
Вправа 3:
4. glass
5. plastic
6. cotton and wood
1. The box isn’t made of wool. It’s a wooden box.
2. The bottles aren’t made of silver. They are glass bottles.
3. The bag isn’t made of leather. It’s a cotton bag.
4. The table isn’t made of wood. It’s a glass table. Вправа
1 – A 2 – B 3 – B Сторінка 25:
2: Оберіть правильні
1. Don’t touch that. It’s mine.
2. That’s his suitcase, and those are their suitcases.
3. Helen, I’ve got your video game.
4. Juan’s got two brothers. They’re friends of mine.
5. This jumper is his, and that one is yours.
6. These surfboards are ours. That one’s mine
7. Are these shoes hers? Or are they his?
1. My grandmother’s cat is 22 years old!
2. My best friends’ names are Holly and Lorna.
3. Is this laptop yours?
4. There are lots of toys in the children’s bedroom.
5. Those bags are ours – mine is the blue one and Luke’s is the red one.
1. I watched a volleyball game last Friday.
2 The colour of my bedroom is blue.
3. I bought a smartphone. You can take great photos with its camera.
4. I went to the football match with my father and two friends of ours.
5. I bought a pair of jeans because mine are small.
Вправа 1 (словник): Поєднайте слова
1 – c 2 – e 3 – b 4 – f 5 – a 6 – d
Вправа 2: Поєднайте частини речень.
1 – b 2 – c 3 – a 4 – e 5 – d
Вправа 3: Доповніть речення словами з рамки.
1. If you are not careful when you carry large, heavy things, you can hurt your back.
2. My grandma always wears colourful clothes. She never wears grey or black.
3. Oranges, balls, rings and the world are all round.
4. If ice cream doesn’t have little pieces of fruit or chocolate in it, it is smooth.
5. Old bread is dry and hard.
6. Clothes made from wool are usually soft and warm.
Сторінка 26:
Вправа 1 (читання):
B William’s friend
Вправа 2: Прочитайте повідомлення
1. William went to Hasan's house to see his new scooter.
2. The chair in Hasan’s hall is made of wood.
3. The black jacket is a Harry’s jacket.
4. The black jacket is not Hasan’s, it’s not William’s and it’s not Hasan’s father’s.
5 Hasan says that William can get his jacket in the evening
6. William thinks his father will be happy because his jacket is not lost.
7. William wants to go to Hasan’s at six o’clock.
1. We need a pretty, big, soft sofa in our sitting room. We haven’t got any comfortable chairs in there.
2. My sister got a lovely, small, silver necklace for her birthday. Now it’s her favourite thing in the world.
3. I don’t understand why my mum bought that ugly, old metal lamp. It’s horrible!
4. The big, new, wooden building at the end of my street is very interesting.
1. The important object is a bowl.
2. It is from German.
3. Beautiful, old, wooden, strong, smooth
4. It is important to the writer because it belonged to his grandmother’s German mother.
5. The writer likes it because it feels really strong and smooth.
I have a beautiful, red, wooden chair. It is important for me because my grandfather made it when my mother was born. My mother used it when she was a child and now it stands in my bedroom. The chair is strong and heavy. I like it because it has unique carving, and it’s like part of our family.
Розділ 7:
Сторінка 28:
Вправа 1 (словник): Поєднайте
складає фразу. Яка?
1 – f 2 – c 3 – b 4 – e 5 – d 6 – a waterskiing
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення.
1 I like sailing because I love being on a boat on the sea.
2. I like diving because I love seeing all the different animals under the water.
3. I like camping because I love sleeping and cooking outside.
4. I like hiking because I love going from place to place on foot.
Вправа 3: Поєднайте
1 – e 2 – d 3 – b 4 – c 5 – a
Вправа 4: Доповніть розмову
1 – to 2 – up 3 – on 4 – lost 5 – back
Вправа 1 (граматика): Доповніть речення формою present continuous дієслів
1. Laura is meeting her cousin for lunch next Monday.
2. Stefan and his dad are playing tennis next Friday.
3. I am studying Chinese next Thursday.
4. We are taking our brother to the zoo next Tuesday.
5. Lucinda is having a birthday party next Saturday.
6. Eliot is visiting his grandparents next Sunday.
Вправа 2: Доповніть зображення
1. I'm going to the airport. My mum is arriving at 3.30 p.m.
2. My father is taking us to the sports centre at six o’clock. Don’t forget to bring your racket!
3. Would you like to help me paint my bedroom? We are starting on Sunday morning at 10.
4. My friend Jacek is from Poland. Next week he is coming to see us in England.
5. Don’t forget we are meeting at 3 p.m. at my house.
1. My family is going to Paris in November.
2. I'm taking part in a maths competition on 12th December.
3. My sister and I are making birthday party for our grandmother on 3rd November.
4. I'm going hiking with my friends on 6th May.

A Erin asks Katie and Pippa to go with her to the beach for a weekend.
C Erin describes a trip on a boat.
D Erin tells Katie and Pippa what things to bring.
E Erin tells Katie and Pippa where to find more information.
A – 4 B – 2 and 3 C – 1
I'm looking forward for the weekend at Brett Beach! It's a great idea to go waterskiing but I'm not interested in kite surfing. I also prefer to go horse riding. I love horses. Why don't we have dinner on a boat on Saturday evening? That sounds great!
Сторінка 32:
1. When you need some clean clothes, use a washing machine.
2. When you need to make your house warmer, turn on your heating.
3. When your classroom is too hot, turn on the air conditioning.
4. When you need to go to the first floor from the ground floor, walk up the stairs.
5. When your bedroom’s too dark, switch on the lights.
6. When you want a cold drink, get one from the fridge.
7. When you want something to read, go and choose something from the bookcase.
8. If rain comes into your house, perhaps there’s a problem with the roof. Вправа 1
1. I don’t think I’ll go to the cinema.
2. Will Chelsea win the Champions League?
3. I think the weather will get better.
4. Do you think Chris will pass his history exam?
5. Our team won’t win the championship.
6. Will life in the future be very different? Сторінка 33:
Shkola in ua
1. What will life be like in the future?
2. We will not live much longer than we do today.
3. We won't have the internet. there will be something new.
4. I think we will turn things on and off in our houses just by thinking about it.
5. I don't think we will use paper money.
1. Gerry will go to the cinema with Pete.
2. Gerry won't go to the cinema with his friend Jack.
3. Gerry may watch Heat at the cinema
4. Gerry might go to the cinema in the evening.
5. Gerry might get a lift with Pete to the cinema.
6. Gerry won't drive to the cinema. Shkola in ua
1. Gerry may watch Cloud Thirteen at the cinema.
2. Gerry won't go to the cinema in the morning.
Вправа 5:
1. Just come to my house and we will have a great time together.
2. Wear old clothes because we might probably get paint on them.
3. What time will you come?
4 I will arrive at eleven o’clock.
5. I think that you may only need £5 for the skate park.
Вправа 1 (словник): Доповніть таблицю
декільком колонкам.
Verbs: book, picture, ring, watch.
Nouns: book, kind, letter, picture, ring, watch.
Adjectives: kind.
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення правильною
слово двічі.
1. I’d like to make a cake for you because you’re so kind to me. What kind of cake do you like?
2 My grandad writes letters to me. They’re difficult to read because he writes with such small letters.
3. I read in my book about Milan that Giacomo is one of the best restaurants in the city, so I book a table for us.
4. I was watching TV last night when I saw an advert for a new watch. If you ask it the time, it tells you.
5. We’ll ring you when your silver ring is ready to collect, Miss Jenson.
6. Did you draw that picture? Can I take a picture of it with my phone?
B Future homes and holidays
This is how I think your life will be in 2040. You will be 38 years old in 2040. You will live in a nice house in Lviv. You will be a professor in a university in Lviv, too. You'll teach history. You will be married and you may also have some children. Are my predictions right? Olena

must, mustn’t чи don’t have to
1. We don’t have to wear a uniform for sports lessons. We wear our own sports clothes.
2. At our school, we have to wear a uniform. We mustn’t wear jeans or T-shirts.
3. We must walk in the corridor. Running is dangerous.
4. We must take our books to the library so other students can read them.
5. We mustn’t talk in the classroom. We have to be quiet.
6. We don’t have to go to homework club but lots of people do.
1. You don’t have to bring anything because the teacher will give you what you need.
2. It will be cold, so you must wear warm clothes!
3. You mustn’t spend so much time on the internet.
4. Tomorrow night you must come to my house. To get to my house you have to take the number 15 bus.
5. You don’t have to bring anything because I’ve got everything.

1. He didn’t have to eat everything on my plate at meal times.
2. He had to go to bed at 7.30.
3. He didn’t have to wear his brother’s old clothes.
4. He had to walk to school with one of his parents. You
1. I didn’t have to do a sport I didn’t like.
2. I had to eat everything on my plate at meal times.
3. I didn’t have to go to bed at 7.30.
4. I didn’t have to wear my brother’s old clothes.
5. I had to walk to school with one of my parents.
1 – swimmer 2 – singer 3 – skier
4 – runner 5 – photographer 6 – footballer
Сторінка 38:
Вправа 1: Прочитайте
Mark Durant is a professional gamer. Вправа 2:
1 – B 2 – B 3 – B 4 – A 5 – A Сторінка 39:
1 – X 2 – X 3 – V 4 – V
Вправа 2:
1. The golf class is on Wednesdays each week now.
2 Emma must book 5 of the golf classes.
3. Emma won’t pay for her first golf class.
4. The teacher worked in the past as a professional golfer.
5. Emma will probably walk from her home to the golf class.
6. Matt bought his own golf gloves for the class.
7. Emma will email the teacher to ask her about joining the class.
1 (письмова)
1. No, he doesn’t. Bluediamond doesn’t agree with the blog writer.

I agree with you. I think mind sports (chess, board games, card games, etc.) are very interesting and need a lot of practise to become a professional. It’s a hard work, so mind sports should be a part of the Olympics!
Сторінка 40:
Вправа 1 (словник):
1 Last week our new neighbours moved in next door to us. They’re from Hungary.
2. Do you have to pay to be a member of the online film club you told me about?
3. The guests staying with us at the moment are old friends of my mum’s.
4. How many contacts do you have in your phone?
5. I don’t have any relatives living near me in London because both my parents’ families live in Ukraine.
6. I know Henry because he was a classmate at my old school, but he was never really a good friend.
1 – B
1. I finished doing my homework and I went to the cinema.
2. My sister enjoys playing the piano.
3 I need to learn computer code because I want to create my own website.
4. My friend wanted to buy a laptop, but they were too expensive.
5. Jack doesn’t mind studying for exams, but Ronnie hates it.
6. Sleeping for 7-8 hours a night helps you stay healthy. Вправа 2:
1 – c 2 – d 3 – e 4 – b 5 – a
Сторінка 41:
1. I’m planning to live in New York when I leave school.
2. Sara doesn’t mind seeing the film for a second time.
3 You need to study really hard if you want to do well in your exams.
4. I’m really afraid of losing my phone. I use it for everything.
5. My sister decided to go to university in Istanbul.
6. Listening to music while I study helps me a lot.
1 – A 2 – A 3 – B 4 – B 5 – A
1. Click on the link to find out more about saving the planet.
2. The web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.
3. Amazon is a very popular message site.
4. My sister writes a really interesting blog about video games.
5. There are lots of pages on the site, so use the menu to find the page you want.
6. My brother likes writing comments on message boards.
1. I forgot to save the file and lost all my homework.
2. Makar uploaded her songs to YouTube last week and now she’s got a lot of fans of her music.
3. Yuri likes posting messages on message boards.
4 We downloaded a great new film onto my computer last night. We’re going to watch it this weekend.
5. Bartek recorded his friend singing a song and sent it to his other friends.
6. I usually find the information I need when I search for it online.
Сторінка 42:
1 (читання): Прочитайте
Music videos and funny videos of children and pets are popular on YouTube.
чи числом.
1. Music videos are more popular than any other kind of video on YouTube.
2. The video of Luis Fonsi was the most popular YouTube video in December 2017.
3. In Charlie Bit Me, Charlie’s brother is called Harry.
4. Charlie’s father wanted Charlie’s grandfather to see the video.
5. Howard made a second video of the boys in 2017.
1 (аудіювання)
I use my smartphone or my computer to go on the internet. I go on the internet for about four hours every day. I play games online most. Also, I often search for information for homework and sometimes I watch videos on video-sharing websites. Shkola in ua
Розділ 11:
Сторінка 44: Вправа 1 (словник):
2: Поєднайте
1 (граматика):
1. This is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It’s a capital of the Netherlands and it’s famous for its bridges and museums. It’s a great place for riding a bike.
2. This is one of the biggest cities in the United States of America. Tourists come here to see the Statue of Liberty and visit art galleries like the Museum of Modern Art. The city is called both ‘the city that never sleeps’ and ‘The Big Apple’.
3. This city is in the United Kingdom. There are many reasons to visit this city – the parks, museums and shops are all excellent. Another reason visitors come here is to go to the theatre. The Olympic Games were here in 2012.
4 This city is a capital of Ukraine. It has a very famous street in its centre. It is called Khreshchatyk. There are some beautiful upmarket stores here, as well as lots of other interesting buildings. Вправа 2
1. I live on the Black Street, number 10.
2. Vancouver has both mountains and beaches. – correct
3. All the students were waiting to go into the new museum. – correct 4 We had a sports competition today.
5. I want a penfriend in another country.
Сторінка 45:
4: Доповніть
5 – staff 6 – jewellery 7 – furniture
1. I've got to do two projects for my homework this week.
2. When I go out to a restaurant for a meal, I usually have Italian food.
3. We had to turn off the electricity while Dad repaired the cooker last night. The batteries in both my phone and my tablet were empty at the end of the evening.
4. I never come to college by car because the traffic in the city is so bad in the morning.
5. You should read the news on this site today. There are three really interesting articles about city life for young adults.
Сторінка 46:
1 – stadium 2 – cafe 3 – art gallery
4 – skyscraper 5 – house 6 – museum
Hi Jane, can you tell me the dates of the school trip to Paris. I wasn't at school yesterday, so I don't have the information Mrs Gibson told our class. Thanks!
Dear Mrs Gibson,
Please could you tell me the dates of the school trip to Paris. I was not at school yesterday so I do not have the information about the trip. Thank you.
Alexander Koval
Сторінка 48:
Вправа 1 (словник):
1) action 2) animated 3) adventure 4) musical 5) science fiction
Вправа 2: Які це
1) musical
2) animated film
3) science fiction
4) thriller
5) drama
Вправа 3:
1 – A, C 2 – C 3 – A, C 4 – C 5 – B 6 – C 7 – C
Вправа 1 (граматика):
1 – which 2 – who 3 – who 4 – who 5 – which 6 – which
Вправа 2: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилися речення. Яке
речення стосується фото нижче?
1 The Arts Centre cinema has large seats which are really comfortable.
2. I don’t like films that are longer than three hours.
3. The stars of action films are usually actors who are very fit.
4. Scarlett Johansson is the actor that plays Black Widow in the Avengers films.
5. My oldest brother is the only person in our family who likes horror films.
sentence 3
Сторінка 49:
Вправа 3: Оберіть правильні речення.
1 – B 2 – B 3 – A 4 – B 5 – A
1 (словник):
1 Would you like to go to the cinema when I come back from work, Lucas?
2. There’s a cinema in my town where they give you a free piece of cake during the film.
3. I don’t like watching films, so I never go to the cinema.
4. I enjoy listening to music while I’m reading books for school.
5. If I finish my project soon, I’ll watch that thriller with you.
6. Pablo says that the musical is on twice on Saturdays.
7. My brother doesn’t enjoy watching comedy films or musicals with me because I laugh and sing too loudly.
1. I think that musicals are terrible if the actors aren’t brilliant singers.
2. I was really scared in the film when the boy suddenly fell off the horse. I closed my eyes while he was running through the forest.
3. It’s difficult to enjoy a film when you’re sitting behind someone who’s really tall. I always sit at the front of the cinema, where nobody can sit in front of me.
4. My grandma told me that she went to the cinema nearly every evening when she was a younger woman.
5. We could go and see that police drama tonight if you want to, or we could go on Thursday, when that action film will be on.
6. I’m not going out this evening so I might watch TV or I might go to bed early.
The film festival was two days.
1. in the town library
2. at 4 p.m.
3. Leave before midnight
4. on Monday
5. a thriller book
6. at 5.30 p.m.
7. it's so exciting
Вправа 2:
1. The film club is in the Art Room 3.
2. The film club starts at 2.30 p.m.
3. The title of the film that club members will watch next month is Spirited Away.
4. The film club is on the first Friday of every month.
5. The club members will watch animated film next month.
6. The film club finishes at 4 p.m.
Вправа 3:
Hi Helen
Would you like to come to the College Film Club with me? It’s on the first Friday of every month in the Art Room 3. It starts at 2.30 p.m. and finishes at 4 o'clock. Next month we’re watching animated film Spirited Away. I watched this film three years ago and it’s so exciting. Let me know if you want to come!

Сторінка 52:
Вправа 1 (словник):
1 – B, C 4 – C 7 – A, C
2 – C 5 – A 8 – B
3 – C 6 – B, C 9 – A, B
Вправа 2:
1. I can go camping in the forest, exploring a forest and climbing a tree.
2. I'm planning to try mountain climbing this year.
3. I think rock climbing and exploring a cave could be dangerous. Вправа 1 (граматика):
1. I’ve never listened to jazz.
2. My parents have never watched me play in a tennis tournament.
3. Richard has never visited me in my new home.
4. I have never camped with my family because we don’t have a tent.
5. Emily has never played a musical instrument.
6. I came to this part of the city once before, but I’ve never really explored it. Вправа 2:
1. Have you ever kayaked down a river?
2. Have you ever picked an orange from a tree?
3. Have you ever played the drums?
4. Have you ever watched a really scary film?
5. Have you ever climbed a mountain?
6. Have you ever camped next to a river or lake?
7. Have you ever tried horse riding?
1. No, I haven't
2. Yes, I have. I've picked an orange from a tree last summer in Spain.
3. No, I haven't.
4. No, I haven't.
5. Yes, I have. I've climbed a mountain Goverla two years ago.
6. Yes, I have. I've camped next to a river last summer.
7. No, I haven't.
1 I’ve never joined a climbing club. – Correct
2. I have to tell you that this has never happened before.
3. Have you ever cooked a meal outside, under the stars? – Correct
4. Ayrton Senna was the best Formula 1 driver that has ever lived.
5. I really like Call of Juarez. It’s the best video game that I have ever played.

I think Marta is going to have the most exciting weekend.
1 – A 2 – B 3 – A 4 – A, B 5 – B 6 – A,
вони говорять.
B Agnes’s family C other work that Agnes has done E how Agnes feels when climbing
2: Послухайте
1. The name of the magazine is YOLO!
2. The magazine gave readers the questionnaire last month.
3. Readers gave their answers on magazine's website.
4. 6,126 people gave their answers.
5. I have eaten something in a classroom, been excited about doing an activity at school, made something useful in school.
1 – 6,126
2 – flown somewhere for a school trip
3 – eaten something in a classroom
School experiences questionnaire, questions 6
4 – grown plants at school
5 – ridden a bike to school
In last month’s questionnaire about school experiences, 6 126 students gave their answers to the questions. None of the students who gave their answers have looked for fossils on a school trip and all of the students have been excited about doing an activity at school. Most of the students had a great teacher and made something useful in school. Some of the students have broken a bone at school.
Сторінка 56: Вправа 1 (словник)
1 – department store 2 – shoe shop 3 – clothes shop
4 – market 5 – supermarket 6 – bookshop
7 – cafe 8 – chemist 9 – sweet shop
1 – a video game 5 – a piano
1. Have you bought anything from the new clothes shop yet?
2. Sasha has just missed the train. It left only a minute ago.
3. The new supermarket has already opened. I went there last week.
4. I’ve just seen Jon. He was in his favourite place: the sweet shop.
5. I haven’t been to the market yet. Do you need anything?
6. I’ve already seen that film three times. I love it! Сторінка 57:
Вправа 2:
1. She has just played a tennis match.
2. He has just got home.
3. We have just sees a concert.
4. They have just left a shoe shop.
Вправа 4:
1 I’ve just had a birthday, and my friend Ava bought me a CD. – correct
2. Yesterday, I left a book at your house and I need it because I haven't done my homework yet.
3 I’ve just watched the football game with my family. It was really fun.
4. I’m going to paint my bedroom next week, and you’ve already said that you’re going to help me. – correct
5. I’m in England. I haven’t seen much yet because it’s rained every day.
1. There are 1,000 milliliters in a litre.
2. In the UK, a Big Mac burger costs about £3.20.
3 People use euros to buy things in Spain.
4. There are 1,000 metres in a kilometre.
5. In one dollar, there are 100 cents.
6. The ticket price for the Kyiv Funicular is 8 hryvnias.
Сторінка 58:
1 (читання):
B It gives readers advice about how to stop spending money.
2: Оберіть
1 (аудіювання)
в розмові.
A, B, D, E
1. Harry bought a pair of trainers.
2. Harry bought them in a department store.
3. Harry spent 25 euros.
4. Harry’s money was from his granddad.
5 Marie goes to football matches every month.
6. Marie goes to football matches with her brother.
7. Harry has never watched a football match with Marie.
1. What time shall we meet?
2. Let's go home.
3. I need to buy something from the market.
4. I saw Mr Smith yesterday. Вправа 2:
1) Dear Victor!
I can't wait to see Quiet Lake. It sounds really good. Shall we meet at the cinema at six?
See you soon, Ivan
2) Hi, Paloma!
On Friday my train will arrive in the town centre at ten o’clock. I'd like to meet you at the cafe in market street I need to go to the chemist first to get a new hairbrush Love, Stella
1 – at 10 o'clock
2 – at the cafe in market street
3 – to go to the chemist to get a new hairbrush
Hi, Kim!
On Saturday my bus will arrive at the shopping centre at twelve o’clock I'd like to meet you at the cafe on the second floor in the shopping centre. I need to buy a new jacket and a hat.
See you soon, Max

1. I’ve had my phone for six months.
2. She’s had her computer since 2013.
3. They've lived there since last summer.
4. He’s only played the guitar for three weeks.
5. I haven’t seen my cousins for a long time.
6. We have known each other since we were ten years old.
Вправа 2:
1 – B 2 – B 3 – A 4 – A 5 – B Вправа 3: Перепишіть речення, використавши for чи since. Уявіть, що
21 серпня.
1. I’ve had a headache since 4 p.m.
2. Josh has had that camera for four months.
3. Aysha and Faruk have been out with their friends for five hours
4.Davina’s only played the violin since 21st July.
5. You haven't phoned me for a week.
6. The rain hasn't stopped since Sunday.
Вправа 4: Доповніть блог словами for, since, has чи have. 1 – for 3 – has 5 – have 7 – has 2 – for 4 – since 6 – since 8 – since
1 (словник): Оберіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення. 1 – B 2 – C 3 – C 4 – A 5 – C
2: Напишіть речення щодо себе, використавши слова з рамки.
1. I always have a laugh with my family.
2. I had an exciting weekend in Paris last summer.
3. We went camping and really enjoy ourselves.
4. I loke spending time walking along the beach.
Sascha's hobby is making shoes. I would like to try this hobby because it seems to be exciting and I could make sandals for summer.
I collect board games. I've been collected them for five years. I started collecting board games because I loved playing them. Now I still enjoy playing them. I usually play board games with my best friend and my brother. I like board games because they are so different and I have a great fun playing them.
Сторінка 64:
1 – с 2 – f 3 – d 4 – g 5 – a 6 – h 7 – b 8 – e
1 – articles 4 – exercises 7 – guess
2 – topics 5 – spell 8 – look it up
3 – mistakes 6
1. Have you ever studied Arabic?
2. Did you do any tests in school last week?
3. Has anyone in your family learned to speak four languages?
4. When did you first study English?
5. How long have you been an English student? Вправа 2:
1. No, I haven't. I've never studied Arabic
2. Yes, I did. I did maths test in school last week.
3. No, they haven't. No one in my family hasn't learned to speak four languages.
4. I first studied English in a kindergarten.
5. I've an English student for seven years.
Сторінка 65:
Вправа 3: Напишіть речення у present perfect чи past simple.
1. I've never met anyone from the USA.
2. We went to Cyprus last year.
3. He studied Chinese and Arabic two years ago.
4. She watched a great cricket match on Saturday.
5. He hasn't won any chess competitions since 2009.
6. We didn't see my grandparents last month.
7. I've never eaten Mexican food.
Вправа 4: Підкресліть сім помилок.
Hi David,
It’s been ages since I haven’t heard from you! I’m in London now. I’m studying at the Camden School of English! I met lots of people from all over the world here. The teacher is good and the textbook she gave us at the beginning of the course is very interesting. I learn a lot of things from it since then.
Every day, after class, we go into the centre of London. I’ve already done lots of things! I’ve the British Museum. It was great! I’ve went shopping in a market yesterday and bought some clothes. I’ve bought three T-shirts in the market because they were very cheap and they look really nice. They have only cost me £20.
Right, I must go now. I’ve got to study for an English test tomorrow – it’s on the present perfect. Love, Danuta
Вправа 5:
1. It’s been ages since I heard from you!
2. I've learned a lot of things from it since then.
3. I’ve visited the British Museum.
4. I went shopping in a market yesterday and bought some clothes.
5. I bought three T-shirts in the market because...
6. ...they were very cheap and they looked really nice.
7. They only cost me £20. Вправа 1
1) 7,100 2) 4,000,000,000 3) 50,000,000 Вправа 3:
1. About forty million people live in Ukraine.
2. About forty-five million people in the world speak Ukrainian.
3. There are seventy-nine languages of national minorities in Ukraine.
Сторінка 66:
1) Paragraph 3 2) Paragraph 1, 2 3) Paragraph 1, 2 4) Paragraph 3 Вправа 2:
1 – A 2 – B 3 – B 4 – C 5 –
My name is Carys and I am from Wales, which is a country in the UK (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). The UK is in Europe. Wales has two languages: Welsh and English. Most people in Wales speak English, but many also speak Welsh. At home I speak English because my parents are from Scotland. I learn Welsh at school. I also learn Spanish and French at school.
Your name: Alex
Your country and its continent: Ukraine, Europe
Languages of your country: Ukrainian
Language(s) you speak at home: Ukrainian
Language(s) you learn at school / another place: English, German
My name is Alex and I am from Lviv, which is a city in Ukraine. Ukraine is in Europe. Ukraine has seventy-nine languages of national minorities but the state language is Ukrainian. Most people in Ukraine speak Ukrainian. At home I speak Ukrainian because my parents are Ukrainians and it's our native language. I learn English at school. I also learn German at Language club. I go there every Thursday. I really like learning languages. Shkola in ua
1. People and animals have two ears. We hear with them.
2. You point with one of the fingers on your hand.
3. Blood is red and you see it if something cuts you.
4. You get hungry when your stomach is empty.
5. People are cleverer than many other animals because their brains are quite large.
6. A giraffe has a very long neck.
7. A horse can carry a person on its back.
8. Your toes are at the end of your feet.
9. The heart is usually on the left side of your body, and it has to work harder when you do exercise.
10. Your ankle is between your foot and your knee.
Вправа 1 (граматика): Поєднайте
1. He’s teaching himself to speak Arabic.
2. Did you paint that wall by yourself?
3. We really enjoyed ourselves on holiday.
4. They bought themselves a new video game.
5. She made the cake by herself.
6. I hurt myself playing football.
Сторінка 69:
1. Cindi hurt herself when she fell off her bike.
2. My dad always says to me, ‘Look after yourself!’ when I leave the house.
3. ‘Help yourselves to chocolate cake,’ my aunt told us when we got to her house.
4. He hasn’t made a meal by himself before. I hope he uses a cookbook!
5. We really enjoyed ourselves at Dan’s birthday party.
6. Sometimes I like to go to the cinema by myself.
7. My brothers taught themselves to play tennis and are now quite good players.
8 There is a beautiful tree in the park. It stands by itself near the river.
1. He hurt himself playing cricket. – correct
2 Yesterday I went to buy myself some clothes.
3. I’m so happy that I’m coming to your house tomorrow. We’ll enjoy ourselves.
4. You take care of yourself.
5. She bought herself a new laptop. – correct

2. Nick is worried about his new school because he doesn’t have any friends there.
5. Freddie never looks unhappy – he’s always laughing.
6. Andrii was surprised to see Olena at the party – he thought she was on holiday.
8. Mark was the only person at home yesterday evening. He felt lonely and was glad when his parents came home.
10. The people I met at Art Club were very nice. They were all really friendly to me.
1. Jane is very confident – she never feels shy.
3. Maddy was in a cafe when she dropped a cup and broke it. She felt really embarrassed when everyone in the cafe turned and looked at her.
4. When you feel upset about something, it’s good to talk to someone about it.
7. The students were angry because the canteen was closed and they were hungry.
9. Nataliia is not a lazy person. She’s very active.
I think the best advice is C. Doing all those thing can actually help the boy to become more calm and confident.
Try to relax and get enough sleep before the exam – it will help you remember things better. Take short breaks while studying to avoid stress. On the exam day, take deep breaths and stay positive. Believe in yourself – you’ve worked hard, and you know more than you think!
Сторінка 72: Вправа 1
1 When you drop something, you pick it up
2. When you want to learn about something, you find out about it.
3. When you’re unhappy with something you’ve bought, you take it back.
4 When you go to another country, you might bring back presents for your family.
5. When you are in a cafe, waiters put the food down on your table.
Вправа 2: Доповніть речення
1. Which book are you going to take out of the library today?
2. When the teacher’s ruler fell off his desk onto the floor, he asked Mark to pick it up and put it down on his desk.
3. Georgia is too ill to go to her grandma’s party. Her brothers are going and they will bring Georgia back a big slice of birthday cake.
4. Mum bought me a book I’ve already read so I’m going to take it back to the book shop.
5 Thanks for lending me this jacket. I’ll give it back to you tomorrow.
6. I don’t know what time the train arrives, but I’ll find out and tell you.
1 (
1. What will we do if it rains tomorrow?
2. I won’t listen to this music if you don’t like it.
3. They’ll be really excited if we get them tickets to the concert.
4. If Alice works hard, she’ll do well in her exams.
5. I will be really happy if I pass my exams.
6. If Maria doesn’t go now, she won’t see the beginning of the play.
7. If you do some exercise, you’ll feel better.
8 If it’s hot and sunny at the weekend, we will go swimming with my friends.
9. If you eat more fruit and vegetables, you’ll be healthier. Вправа 2:
1. If I don’t finish my project, I won’t come to the cinema with you.
2. We’ll get fitter if we do more exercise each week.
3. She’ll learn Portuguese if she moves to Brazil.
4. They will be late for the dentist if they don’t leave now.
5. If we don’t win the match on Saturday, we will be very upset.
6. If he works hard, he will pass his Ukrainian exam.
1 If you come too, you will love it.
2. I think it will be OK if we meet at the park at ten o’clock in the morning.
3. I will bring some banana pancake for you if my mum makes it for me.
4. If you don’t have any, I will give you some.
5. If you can visit Vietnam, I’ll take you to Vung Tau and lots of beautiful places.
2: Прочитайте
2 на сторінці 72.
1) pick up 2) taking back 3) take out 4) put down
Вправа 3: Для
1 – B 2 – C 3 – A 4 – C 5 – B 6 – C
Сторінка 74:
1 (читання):
Uri reads books and magazines about climbing.
Ned reads school textbooks.
Mike reads all kinds of things, from comics to science magazines.
1 – M 2 – N 3 – U 4 – M 5 – N 6 – M 7 – U
1 (аудіювання):
1 – B 2 – A Shkola in ua
Вправа 2:
1. The girl and her family are going to South Africa.
2. The travel book shelves are next to the window.
3. Today, one book will be cheaper if you get two books.
4. The girl doesn’t know the title of the book for her sister.
5. The girl will find Pictures for Life on the first floor.
6. There is bigger bookshop on Market Street. Сторінка 75:
1 – 2 2 – 1 3 – 2 4 –
A boy was sitting on the sofa, trying to read a book. Unfortunately, his younger brother was hitting a drum and the noise the drum made was very loud. Then his little brother started playing a keyboard, but the music was terrible! So the boy stopped reading and put his book down on the sofa. The boy read a book to his little brother and he was quiet. Both boys were happy.
A woman was working along the street, when she noticed a book she wanted to buy. So she stopped and tried to enter the bookshop. But, unfortunately, it was closed. She was upset, but when she came home, her husband presented her the book she couldn’t buy earlier. They both were very happy!