Westlake Forest

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Your newsletter can now be viewed online at www.krenekprinting.com Newsletters - Katy - Westlake Forest


The WCIA Board meets the 3 Monday of every month (except November and December) with an open homeowner forum the first 15 minutes of the meeting. Anyone interested in receiving Board meeting notifications can sign up at www.westlakecia.org on the website. Our next Board meeting will be held on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 5:00 PM at the offices of Crest Management located at 17171 Park Row, Suite 310, Houston, Texas 77084. rd

South Mayde CREEK Trail Is a Beautiful Amenity

The South Mayde Creek Walking and Bicycling trail is open and operating. The construction work is completed and the bayou looks very good. The walking trail and bridge are lovely amenities in our neighborhood. Soon the hundreds of trees will be taller and shade will become part of the scenery as well. This is an ideal place for a solitary walk or a walk with family or friends. We are seeing all types of water birds and wildlife in this bayou now. Occasionally we see small animals scurrying about in the water or on the banks. Late at night we sometimes hear the coyotes howling. All these elements contribute to a more serene and peaceful quality of life. The park is open from dawn until 10 PM, 7 days per week. If you see a light that is not operating after dark, please advise Annette

Baldwin of the location of the pole so that it can be repaired by Harris County. If you see a crime in progress, call 9-1-1. Please report unusual activity and suspicious persons to the Sheriff’s Office. On-going activity can be reported to Wayne Rhea at westlakeandyou@aol.com (email) or Annette Baldwin at info. westlake@gmail.com (email). Should the little darlings decide to show off and create graffiti, please let Annette Baldwin know of the location. Harris County is serious about maintaining a quality environment on this trail, as it does on all other walking/biking both north and south of I-10. Please do not litter this area.

Report Water Leakage To Severn Trent

When you see water leaking from underground pipes or fire hydrants, please report it immediately to Severn Trent. The emergency dispatch phone number is answered 24/7: 281-3988211. This line is always answered and crews are dispatched as quickly as possible. As the two subdivisions continue to age, the infrastructure is also aging. That aging problem combines with the impact of low rainfall for the past three years to cause changes in the ground, which can create water leaks. It is imperative that these leaks be repaired as quickly as possible. Please call these in when you see them.

Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, March 2013 TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 Westlake Forest

email: news@krenekprinting.com for articles • ads@krenekprinting.com for business ads • classified@krenekprinting.com for classified ads


Commercial Truck Parking Overnight Illegal in Subdivisions

Several years ago, the residents of Westlake and Westlake Forest signed the appropriate paper work to implement the Texas overnight truck parking law in the subdivisions. The paperwork was submitted to Commissioners Court, which accepted and ruled on it in open session. Harris County then installed signs at all entrances to the two separate subdivisions. When entering Westlake through Westlake Place, the signs are placed at the dividing point between the two subdivisions. Westlake Forest has three entrances and signs are placed at each entrance. We did this for a reason. We do not want commercial trucks parked overnight in our subdivision. Already we have a high volume of cars from families, which own multiple vehicles beyond the normal two or three. We do not need the additional complication of commercial truck parking. The law stipulates that commercial trucks cannot park on the street, on driveways, on parking lots or adjacent to the subdivisions from 10 PM until 6 AM. If you have a commercial truck, check out the parking available on Franz Road west of Fry Road. All types of trucks are parked there overnight and on weekends. We appreciate the cooperation and consideration which following this law demonstrates to your neighbors.

Flea Market Update

As of this date (January 23, 2013), there has been no communication from the landowner of the property on Fry Road where a flea market was contemplated. If you see any activity at that location, please let Annette Baldwin know so that the county is aware of any changes in the current use of this vacant land and vandalized building. Permits are required for any change in the topography, signage, etc.

Texas Law: Dogs Must Be Confined or On Leash

News of various dog attacks on small children and adults is becoming more prevalent. As dog owners, we each take lawful and legal responsibility for the actions of our dogs. With the abundance of the “attack� dogs that seems to be increasing in our neighborhoods, it is imperative that those who own these animals take responsibility for them by keeping them restrained and confined. Dogs must be on a leash or in a contained area. Dogs are not allowed to wander freely in Harris County. There is a fine for this. If your dog attacks someone, you will find out how much the legal system really does cost when you are defending yourself. Dogs which have attacked are usually ordered by a court to be red-collared; this means that the dog can go nowhere without the red collar and the owner must buy a liability insurance policy naming the dog(s) by breed in the amount of $100,000. Some dogs that attack are ordered destroyed by the court. Animal Control (now named Veterinary Health Division of the Harris County Health Department) has an excellent website. When you get a few minutes, take a look at it. Much is explained, including the leash law, rabies vaccination, dangerous dog information and more. Feel free to print sections of this site and give them to neighbors who are violating the law. Perhaps reading the information from an official county website might help them to understand the error of their ways. Here is the website: www.hcphes.org/vph/

Nuisance Abatement Issues Now Can Be Filed On Line

If you would like to file a quick complaint on line for nuisance abatement... swimming pool in bad condition, junk car in driveway, grass longer than 3 feet in front or back, etc., you can do so on line. Detailed information is offered and the website is easy to navigate. Information is accessed with little effort and complaints can be filed with one click. The link to the site is www.hcphes.org/eph/new_ page_1.htm: choose Complaint Intake once you have read all the information or go to www.hcphes.org/eph/nn_complaint.htm Also, please contact Wayne Rhea at westlakeandyou@aol.com to report junk vehicles on driveways, backyards or front yards.


March 2013

Westlake Forest

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Sign Up for the Westlake ForestWestlake Information Emails

If you would like information throughout the month regarding criminal activity, problems within the subdivision, announcements of various meetings, gatherings, etc., send an email to info.westlake@gmail. com and westlakeandyou@aol.com from the email that you want to use for receiving this information.

Nosy Neighbors Are Asset When Fighting Crime

Please immediately report suspicious persons or vehicles to the Sheriff’s Office. Please make note of the vehicle, tags, occupants, etc. and let Wayne Rhea know these and the time of day and the reason they caught your eye. He will forward this information to the appropriate people in the Sheriff’s Office. A nosy neighbor is a wonderful element in a neighborhood. A nosy neighbor sees a lot, notices changes and realizes when something is not right. The lowest crime neighborhoods are those with nosy neighbors. So, please be a nosy neighbor, watch what is going on, get a picture with your cell phone if possible and if a crime is in progress, call 9-1-1. Be a nosy neighbor.

Green Acres Syndrome

Recently neighbors reported hearing a rooster crowing in the predawn hours. This would indicate the presence of farm animals in the subdivision. Keeping any type of livestock - chickens, turkeys, ducks, guinea hens, goats, sheep, cattle, hogs, etc. - is a violation of the covenants, which you or your landlord accepted when purchasing the home. Westlake and Westlake Forest are very densely built subdivisions with no provisions for livestock or farm animals. In fact, it is a violation of the deed restrictions to keep farm animals in the subdivision. This is not Green Acres.

Westlake Forest

This provision also includes caged animals, which are livestock. No animals are permitted except for domesticated pets, which are essentially cats and dogs. If you want to keep livestock, a move to a “ranchette” of two or three acres would be advisable.

Parking Laws Still In Effect

The parking laws in Texas are still in effect. In densely populated subdivisions such as we have in Harris County, the parking laws do much to protect health and safety. Fire trucks and ambulances cannot get through some of the streets in both subdivisions. This causes a delay in emergency vehicle arrival and could make the difference between life and death. Here is a basic outline of the law: • Park no more than 18 inches from the curb • Park no closer than 15 feet (in either direction) from a fire hydrant • Park no closer than 30 feet from a stop sign • Park no closer than 20 feet from an intersection • Park WITH the flow of traffic. • Cars parked on a pubic roadway must be locked. • No parking on the sidewalks Texas Transportation Code Section 545.302 (a) (2) If you must park on the street in front of your home, you must follow the law or your vehicle will be stickered and /or towed.

Lock your Vehicle

An unlocked vehicle is an invitation for a criminal. Lock your vehicles when these are parked on the street, in the driveway or in parking lots. Don’t leave anything on the seats or floor, which would attract a thief. Making it easy for thieves to pull doors as they walk the streets is not a good idea. They will steal anything.

March 2013


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False Alarm Costs Are Increased

has posted signs regarding no solicitation in the subdivision. However, in order to keep professional sales people from your door, you must post a sign at the entrance of your house, which states in large type “No Solicitors.” If the solicitors refuse to leave, call 9-1-1 for emergency assistance. You could well be dealing with an attempt to commit any number of crimes.

Many false alarms are generated by thunder and lightning in storms. If possible, you might want to talk with someone about changing the settings on your alarm so that you don’t experience this unfortunate phenomenon. It can get costly.

Wayne Rhea has been working with our HCSO Deputy to help clean up our streets of junk cars and we have made progress with this project.

Until now, a false alarm fee was assessed every time a property generated more than five false alarms per calendar year. But now the fee, $75, will be assessed every time a property generates more than three false alarms in a calendar year. The Sheriff’s Office released this in early January.

Harris County Commissioners Court approved the change in early January 2013, along with other updates to regulations enforced by the Sheriff’s Office on burglar alarms, panic alarms and other types of alarms. Permit requirements will now apply to fire alarms as well. “The changes are designed to reduce the number of false alarms and to encourage property owners to obtain permits for their alarm systems,” Sheriff Adrian Garcia said.

Please send me any information that might help us keep this under control and add your email to our list.


The Association has a website, www.westlakecia.org, where you can obtain various information, documents and forms. Please be sure to visit this and also sign up for Board meeting notifications as well.

Report StreetLight Outages Quickly

The initial fee for an alarm permit is $35. Annual renewals are $10 each. (In many cases, companies that provide alarm monitoring services obtain permits on behalf of their customers.) There is no fee for permit holders 65 years of age or older. The fee for reinstatement of a suspended or expired permit is $50.

When you notice that the street light(s) on your street are no longer working, please report these to CenterPoint Energy at SLOAdmin@ centerpointenergy.com. Complete the form and a report will be sent to you regarding the status of the street light repair. You will be informed if it is completed or if there is a problem with the information.

Never Open Your Door To Strangers

Trash Pick-up Stickers Belong On Trash Cans

I received a call from a resident the other day about two men who came to their home requesting entrance into their home. She denied their request and they said they would be back the next day. She called Wayne Rhea and was instructed to call 911. Our subdivision


The garbage pickup sticker you receive each quarter shows you have paid your invoice and are a valid customer. It contains your address and the expiration date. The sticker is designed to be placed on a garbage can. These stickers occasionally won’t stick even to

March 2013

Westlake Forest

Call Anytime!


If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number, (one only) year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Email to news@krenekprinting.com (preferred) or mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095. Must have parent(s) permission.

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Babysitter Info Not Available Online

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a garbage can; use a heavy duty tape when this occurs. Remove your cans from the street as soon as possible. Do not place these stickers on your mailbox. They may well be stolen. Do not leave your garbage cans out for a period of time. The stickers might be stolen and the garbage cans could be stolen. A word to the wise should be sufficient.

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Babysitter Info Not Available Online


Please place my name on the Job Seekers List

(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in ALL information or we cannot put you on the list. Job(s) _________________________________ ❑ B -Babysitting Name _________________________________ ❑ SS -Safe Sitter

❑ SL -Swim Lessons

Address ________________________________ ❑ CPR -CPR Certified

❑ FAC -First Aid Cert. ❑ RCC -Red Cross Cert. Birthdate - Mo/Yr_________________________ ❑ P -Pet Care (only) ❑ PP -Pet/Plant Sitter Age ______ Current Grade ______ Class of ____ ❑ H -Housecare Phone _________________________________ ❑ L -Lawncare ❑ T -Tutor Subdivision______________________________ ❑ C -Car Detailing

Email _________________________________

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Shop till you drop?

I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter.

Not when it comes to grocery shopping

Shop from home

Grocery store on your computer

Parent Signature ____________________________________________________

Pay at the store

Store prices - no other costs

email to: news@krenekprinting.com (preferred)

or mail to: Krenek Printing Co. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 www.krenekprinting.com Westlake Forest

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Officer Ryan P. Gonzales is sworn-in by the Katy ISD Secretary for Board Services.



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During the January Katy ISD Board Work Study meeting, Officer Ryan P. Gonzales was sworn-in to serve on the 37-member Katy ISD Police Force. Officer Gonzales has 10 years of experience in law enforcement, having served as a Harris County Precinct 5 Deputy Constable and Fort Bend County Deputy Sheriff. Gonzales’ roots are in public education as his father, Richard Gonzales, is an associate principal in Fort Bend ISD and his mother, Marilyn Gonzales, is a Katy ISD educator. Gonzales resides within Katy ISD with his wife of thirteen years, Amiko and two children, Brendon and Kylee. Katy ISD peace officers are licensed and certified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education. The Katy ISD police jurisdiction includes all territory within the boundaries of the district (181 square miles) and all property, real and personal, outside the boundaries of the district that is owned, leased or rented by the district or otherwise under the district’s control. Peace officers employed by Katy ISD have the same authority, powers, privileges and immunities as bestowed on all Texas peace officers while on or off duty. For more information about the Katy ISD Police Department, visit www.katyisd.org/police (website).

March 2013

Westlake Forest

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The Lone Star Symphonic Band is celebrating a milestone season in 2012 - 2013 with five concerts that run to June 2013. The Katy-based non-profit community band, featuring many Katy ISD employees under the direction of Fine Arts Director Bob Bryant, has three concerts remaining in this year’s season that will be held on March 3rd, May 5th and June 30th. The Band is also this year’s recipient of the Sudler Silver Scroll Award, North America’s most prestigious award for Community Concert Bands. The award is administered by the John Philip Sousa Foundation to honor community bands that have demonstrated particularly high standards of excellence in concert activities and played a significant role in the cultural and musical environment in their respective communities. The award includes a plaque, certificates for each band member and the Diploma of the Sudler Order of Merit for Mr. Bob Bryant, the Band’s Music Director. “The Sudler Silver Scroll Award is definitely a major accomplishment and it is exciting that we received the award during our milestone 20th season,” Band President, Beverly Buis said. “The support of so many music enthusiasts, the City of Katy, KCAA and having CrossPoint Community Church as our rehearsal and concert site has encouraged and inspired each band member to prepare more diligently so that we may continue to deliver quality band concerts to the Katy/West Houston area.” The Lone Star Symphonic Band is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to bringing performances of artistic merit to the Houston metropolitan area. Founded in 1993 as the West Houston Concert Band, the band is comprised of musicians from all walks of life and instills the value that music is a life-long event, continuing well beyond high school and college.

Westlake Forest

March 2013


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Pictured from left to right is Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey, Obra D. Tompkins and Tompkins High School Principal Mark Grisdale.


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The Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved the naming of its newest campus, High School No. 7, after retired educator Obra D. Tompkins. Obra D. Tompkins High School is located at 4400 Falcon Landing Blvd. and is slated to open in August 2013. Tompkins served more than 39 years in the field of education, serving the bulk of his years as principal for Mayde Creek High School. He has been called a ‘trailblazer’ among his colleagues and has served in a number of capacities in education during his career. Tompkins retired in 2012 from his most recent position as Katy ISD’s executive director for campus administrative support. Katy ISD’s living namesakes have more than just years of education experience. They are community-minded individuals who mentor, participate in community projects and volunteer their time and resources to continue to make the Katy ISD community the leader in educational excellence.


During their regular January Board meeting, the Katy ISD Board of Trustees approved Anthony “Tony” Tademy as the new head football coach and athletic coordinator for Obra D. Tompkins High School, slated to open in August 2013. Tademy comes to Katy ISD after serving as an assistant football coach for Duncanville High School in 2012 and serving as an assistant football coach for seven years at Texas Christian University. With more than 27 years of high school and collegiate coaching experience, Tademy’s record includes one high school state championship, a 2010 Rose Bowl win and six additional college Bowl wins. Tademy started his football career in 1985 as the assistant football coach at the Virginia Military Institute. He has held multiple assistant coach and defensive coordinator positions at top universities including Louisiana Tech University, University of Houston and Texas Christian University. Tademy holds a bachelor’s degree from Louisiana Tech University. “Coach Tademy is bringing more than just extensive experience to Obra D. Tompkins High School,” says Principal Mark Grisdale. “He has coached and developed an impressive roster of players and has a reputation for integrity and leadership. I believe our student athletes will succeed with him as both a coach and a mentor.”

March 2013

Westlake Forest

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Theater/Fine Arts

Keep Kids Connected - Aluminum Can Recycling Collection


Keep Kids Connected currently has a program called “Cans for a Cure” where aluminum beverage cans are collected and recycled and the proceeds are used to purchase computers and for pediatric cancer research. When: Saturday, March 9th, 2013, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Where: Tradition Bank 550 Pin Oak, Katy 77494 What: Aluminum Can Recycling Collection - Drop off your aluminum beverage cans to be recycled. Why: The money collected from recycling the cans is used to purchase computers. Thanks to Tradition Bank on Pin Oak Blvd. in Old Katy Remember - Every 2nd Saturday from 9 am - 12 pm To date, Keep Kids Connected has delivered 349 computers to children with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses. This was made possible with the generosity of our donors and supporters. Keep Kids Connected is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization through the generous donations of our patrons and sponsors, we are working with hospitals and doctors to provide Netbook computers to children with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses. For more information, contact Keep Kids Connected at: P.O. Box 1127, Katy, TX 77492 or keepkidsconnected@gmail.com Potential computer recipients can check eligibility requirements and download an application at www.keepkidsconnected.org

Westlake Forest

CHRISTIAN PRESENTS “THE WIZARD OF OZ” General Public is Welcome to Attend

The Tommy Tune Award Winning Houston Christian High School Theater (HC) proudly presents “The Wizard of Oz,” at the Dunham Theater located at Houston Baptist University, 7502 Fondren Road. Performances will be held on February 28th and March 1st at 7:00 PM and March 2nd at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Based on the 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz is a heart-warming tale of hope, courage and love. Come join Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, the Cowardly Lion and Toto as they travel the universe of Dorothy’s imagination, seeking the Majestic Wizard of Oz’s guidance. General admission tickets start at $10 per person. Certain sections are $30-$40 per person. Groups of twelve or more receive discounts in certain sections. Contact the box office at 713580-6095 for more information. Tickets may be purchased online at www.houstonchristianhs.org/arts/Drama/index.aspx, at the door on the night of the performance or by calling HC at 713-580-6095.


Drs. James Jacobs and Jeanna Mascorro, of Your Total Foot Care Specialist, are pleased to announce two $1,500 “Stepping into the Future” scholarships for 2013 KISD graduating seniors. Applications must be submitted to their offices of Your Total Foot Care Specialist by April 1, 2013, 5:00 PM. A third party committee will select the two winning applicants. The “Stepping into the Future” scholarship program is available to seniors graduating with GPA’s ranging from 2.5 to 3.7. The two “Stepping into the Future” scholarship recipients will be announced at the Katy ISD Awards Ceremonies during May. For further information, please call 281-395-3338.

March 2013


Garage Sales


Pope John XXII High School, 1800 West Grand Parkway N., Katy, TX 77449, located on the corner of Franz and W. Grand Parkway, will host a Community Wide Garage Sale Saturday, March 2, 2013 from 7:30 AM to 12 noon, in the school gym (rain or shine). Come shop several vendors, items sold will range from electronics, toys, clothes and household items. Breakfast and lunch will be sold. Please email Ana Sanchez re: Community Garage sale at ams1965@att.net if you have any questions.


Friday, March 15th and Saturday, March, 16th, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Bear Creek United Methodist Church, 16000 Rippling Water Drive (at the corner of Keith Harrow). The sale will be in the Family Life Center gym.


Saturday, March 30th, 8 AM to 1 PM Furniture, kitchenware, clothing, toys, sporting goods, tools & MORE! James E. Taylor HS Parking Lot, 20700 Kingsland Boulevard, Katy Sponsored by Boosters of the 300+ student JET Band All proceeds benefit the band!

Craft Shows

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Morton Ranch Hs Project Prom Annual Spring Craft Show/Market

Saturday, March 23rd, 9 AM - 4 PM Morton Ranch 2013 Project Prom invites you to join us and spring shop for all your Easter and Mother’s Day gift needs!!! Morton Ranch JUNIOR High - 2498 North Mason Rd (directly behind the high school). please contact mrhs.craftshow@gmail.com for more information.

Katy High School Project Graduation BBQ Cook-off/Craft Show

Please join us for our first annual BBQ Cook-off/Craft Show at the Firethorne clubhouse in North Firethorne on April 13th from 9 AM-5 PM. We will have some great family entertainment with bounce houses, popcorn and snow cones. Our BBQ Cook-off teams will be selling their BBQ and we will have tons of craft show booths selling everything from homemade candies to home decor. You could win some AWESOME items in our silent auction. Vendors needed: please call Michelle at 281-841-7237 or email at chefmichellec@ hotmail.com We hope to see you there!!!

St. Bartholomew the Apostle Plans Annual Bazaar

St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church is holding their annual Bazaar on Saturday, May 4th from 6 PM to 10 PM and Sunday, May 5th from 10 AM to 5 PM on the church grounds, 5356 Eleventh Street in Old Katy. Saturday night will feature a Silent Auction, BBQ dinner and a kid’s meal with a Sweet Shop, as well as music and the country store. Sunday will feature the Live Auction at 1 PM, Entertainment, Food Booths, Games, Cake Walk, Dunk Tank, Country Store and will provide fun for all ages. Come on out and join us for a fun-filled family event. For more information about St. Bart’s and upcoming events, go to www.st-bart.org or call the parish office at 281-391-4758.

March 2013

Westlake Forest

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Online Registration schedule and fees (sign up early and save): Thru March 8th: $99 March 9th to March 18th: $104 March 19th and After: $109

West Houston Girls Softball Association Registration

West Houston Girls Softball Association invites you to come join the fun! Registration is now OPEN for our Spring 2013 season. Make some new friends and enjoy the outdoors in a fun and exciting way. No experience necessary! Girls, ages 5-17, are eligible to play! Every girl makes a team and every girl plays. Registration can be completed online, in-person or by mail (visit our website for forms and dates): www.eteamz.com/whgsa. If you have questions, please feel free to email Kim Jowers at westhoustongsa@yahoo.com

Katy American Little League Register on-line today at www.KatyAmerican.org

Our league offers various divisions for children who are age 5-16 year old, on or before April 30, 2013. Katy American is also pleased to announce the addition of the new Intermediate Division!!! Little League has introduced the new Intermediate division (OPEN BASES) this year for 11 and 12 year old players, which will now play on 70 foot base paths and 50 foot pitching distances. This holiday; give your child the gift of a season of baseball at Katy American Little League. It’s a season of fun and happy memories that lasts beyond the holidays.

Sign Up for Fall Soccer - KATY Area Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer Registration Now Open

Registration for Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer (FFPS) is open for boys and girls ages 4 to 18 for the Spring Season. Games start on April 13, 2013. FFPS is a non-profit youth soccer program dedicated to providing a positive youth sports experience for all children. Founded in 1986 in Katy, Texas, FFPS has grown to 22 leagues and 15,000 players throughout the Greater Houston area. FFPS offers children a fun and fair experience, including one practice per week, a full uniform and trophy for every player, equal playing time and play every position, co-ed/balanced teams, positive coaching and more. No tryouts are required.

Westlake Forest

Go to www.FFPS.org to sign up. Registration fee includes a full uniform (shirt, shorts and socks), trophy, trained positive coaches, nice fields and background checks on all volunteers. All major credit cards are accepted. Coaches will call players to schedule practice by April 10th. Practice times and location will be determined by the coach and team. The schedule includes eight games, with all games played locally on Saturdays from April 13th - June 1st. For the Katy league, all games are played at George Bush Park - FFPS Soccer Complex, located on Westheimer Parkway off Fry Road. For more information, maps of locations or to sign up, visit www.ffps.org or call 1-800-828-PLAY (7529).

Upward Baseball T-Ball, Kid & Coach Pitch at Bear Creek Baptist Church

We would like to invite children from 4 yrs (as of Sept. 1, 2012) to 5th grade to join us as we enjoy another season of T-Ball, Kid & Coach Pitch. We look forward to teaching your children the skills and watching them enhance their abilities. Registration forms are now available in our office or you can register at www.bearcreekchurch.tv/ sports online. We will offer several evaluation days so we can check on their skills so we can even out the teams. The dates for these are February 25th, 26th and 28th, between 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM. Also, on March 2nd at 10:00 AM - 12:00 noon. It only takes a few minutes for us to run them through the drills and then we will contact each player about practices. After March 4th, we cannot guarantee a place on a team. They will practice for one hour a week on a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Practices begin the week of March 18th and the league runs through May 18th. The cost will be $75. If you have questions or would like more information you can email scott.denton@bcstaff. org or Linda.newhouse@bcstaff.org or contact us at 281-859-9900 and ask for Scott Denton or Linda Newhouse. Register as soon as possible!

March 2013


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The entire team with their coaches just after receiving their trophies.

Third Time’s the Charm for Katy Youth Football’s JV Titans with a Turf Bowl Victory

The holidays came early for 22 Katy area boys, as the KYF JV Titans finished a near perfect season with a championship win in the Turf Bowl at Rhodes Stadium. This was the Titans’ third straight appearance in the Turf Bowl and the victory was sweet. Their coaches (led by Robert Cortez), fans and team sponsor Modern Machine Works cheered the mighty Titans on. Most of the 9 and 10 year old boys attend Alexander, Creech or Exley - all located in Katy ISD and have played together for several years. Three of the players also received All Star recognition from the league this season.

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Women’s Flat Track Roller Derby

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Katy Rugby Club

Fun for all the family. All ages welcome - boys & girls. Training every Sunday 2-4 PM, at Beck Junior High school Football Field. For more information, visit www.katyrugbyclub.com


The Katy Valkyries is a varsity team competing in the Texas Girls High School Lacrosse League and accepts players from all KISD high schools. Lacrosse experience is not necessary to join the team - we will teach you the skills and game strategy. Please see our new website at: www.katyvalkyries.org for additional information.

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Southwest Houston’s own brand new women’s flat track roller derby team is now forming. This isn’t the old school roller derby you’ve seen in the past. We train derby athletes to compete according to the rules and guidelines set forth by WFTDA, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association. We are actively recruiting skaters, referees and volunteers. Skaters must be female and 18 or older. Referees and volunteers must be 18 or older. Email us at yellowrosederbygirls@ yahoo.com for more information. You can also find us at www. yellowrosederbygirls.com and on Facebook. Join up now to become an integral part in founding and building our league.


Women’s Basketball League

Looking for as many ladies as possible to play. Ages 16+. Contact Krystal Horn for more information at katybball@yahoo.com

Westside Golf League

Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving golfing skills. For more information contact the Pro Shop at Cinco Ranch, 281-395-4653.

March 2013

Westlake Forest

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Katy YMCA Summer Program Registration is NOW in progress. Limited space available. Plan ahead so your child doesn’t miss out on Summer FUN! Contact the Y for details at 281-392-5055 or check out our website: ymcahouston.org/katy Summer Day Camp: Ages 6-14. No one does camp like the Y! Held at YMCA Camp Cinco, located behind Creech Elementary. Sessions will sell out, so register early! Drop off as early as 7 AM, pick up as late as 6:30 PM. Swimming, field trips, old fashioned camp experience! Swim Lessons: The Y has been teaching swim lessons for over 100 years! All ages and ability levels welcome. Morning, evening, group and private sessions available. Summer Sports Camps: Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Football, Volleyball and Club Volleyball camps are offered for ages 6-14. Offered various weeks throughout the summer. Melvin Adams Basketball Camp: Back by popular demand! Former Harlem Globetrotter Melvin Adams will be at the Katy YMCA for this summer teaching basketball skills to girls and boys ages 6-14. This camp has been a huge hit with both participants and parents the past 5 years! Don’t miss out on this dynamic camp experience! Summer Youth Sports Registration: Ages 3-12. Choose from Track and Field, Baseball and Softball!

i9 Sports

Registration is open for fall Flag Football, Basketball, Soccer and T-Ball/Baseball leagues in Katy! i9 Sports is the #1 provider of youth sports leagues, camps and instructional clinics in the country for kids ages 3-14. We focus on fun, skills and sportsmanship with a commitment to safety. For more information, please visit www. i9sports.com or call 281-398-PLAY (7529).


Please contact Dean at volleyballkaty@yahoo.com if you are interested in playing volleyball. You must be at least 18 years old and be able to play at intermediate level. We play at different locations in and around Katy area.

Westlake Forest



Drs. James Jacobs and Jeanna Mascorro, of Your Total Foot Care Specialist, are pleased to announce two $1,500 “Stepping into the Future” scholarships for 2013 KISD graduating seniors. Applications must be submitted to their offices of Your Total Foot Care Specialist by April 1, 2013, 5:00 PM. A third party committee will select the two winning applicants. The “Stepping into the Future” scholarship program is available to seniors graduating with GPA’s ranging from 2.5 to 3.7. The two “Stepping into the Future” scholarship recipients will be announced at the Katy ISD Awards Ceremonies during May. For further information, please call 281-395-3338.

Theater/Fine Arts HOUSTON CHRISTIAN PRESENTS “THE WIZARD OF OZ” General Public is Welcome to Attend

The Tommy Tune Award Winning Houston Christian High School Theater (HC) proudly presents “The Wizard of Oz,” at the Dunham Theater located at Houston Baptist University, 7502 Fondren Road. Performances will be held on February 28th and March 1st at 7:00 PM and March 2nd at 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Based on the 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz is a heart-warming tale of hope, courage and love. Come join Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, the Cowardly Lion and Toto as they travel the universe of Dorothy’s imagination, seeking the Majestic Wizard of Oz’s guidance. General admission tickets start at $10 per person. Certain sections are $30-$40 per person. Groups of twelve or more receive discounts in certain sections. Contact the box office at 713580-6095 for more information. Tickets may be purchased online at www.houstonchristianhs.org/arts/Drama/index.aspx, at the door on the night of the performance or by calling HC at 713-580-6095.

March 2013


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Houston Family Arts Center Announces 2012-2013 Season Memories and Traditions

The Houston Family Arts Center announces its 8th subscription season, an exciting line-up of plays and musicals all of which reflect the theme of “memories and traditions.” The season includes a timeless American classic, a stunning Tennessee Williams drama, three Tony Award-winning Best Musicals, the “revival” version of a musical with characters created by cartoonist Charles M. Schultz and two hilarious comedies. Season subscriptions are available for $92-$144 and offer incredible savings, exclusive benefits and personalized customer service. Subscribers save as much as 30% off single-ticket prices. HFAC subscriber perks include the opportunity to pick the best seats before they go on sale to the general public, an opening night reception, and recognition in every Playbill. Patrons can purchase their subscriptions online at www.houstonfac.com or call the HFAC box office at 281-685-6374. Houston Family Arts Center 2012-2013 Main Stage Season Annie (March 1-17, 2013 at the Berry Center) Leaving Iowa (April 5-21, 2013 on the Garza Main Stage) Over the River and Through the Woods (June 7-23, 2013 on the Garzas Main Stage) Fiddler on the Roof (July 12-28, 2013 at the Berry Center)

The Katy Jazz Festival (KJF)

The Katy Jazz Festival (KJF) will be held at Katy High School, located at 6331 Highway Blvd., Katy, Texas and will feature an incredible array of jazz performances, master classes and a visual arts exhibit and sales. The KJF (April 26 and 27, 2013) is hosted by the Katy Independent School District and is in its 5th year. The purpose for this event is to increase exposure, education and entertainment of the jazz music medium. The event is designed to benefit participating student jazz groups, individual student musicians, jazz music educators and to provide top quality jazz performances to the community.


The KJF is non-competitive in nature. It is designed to provide a performance opportunity for all jazz groups and for them to receive constructive comments / instruction from world-renowned professional musicians. For the jazz enthusiast, the opportunity to hear student jazz ensemble performances throughout the festival day, hear professional jazz artists teaching their crafts and skills and then complete the day with attending a professional jazz concert provides unparalleled insight into the development and preservation of this true American music art form.


Cub Scouts is a fun way to teach boys about character, respect, responsibility and many other traits. Pack 164 is a Christian, home school Cub Scout Pack that services the Greater West Houston/Katy area. Pack 164 promotes service to God, to country and to others. If you are interested and your son is entering 1st through 5th grade, please contact “Van” VanZant at 281-851-8374 or at van.vanzant@ gmail.com

Homeschool Pack 393

Cub Scout Pack 393 is a homeschool pack that serves the Katy area. If you have a boy between the ages of 6 and 10 (entered first grade through fifth grade this fall) and are wanting them to join an activity that is full of fun learning experiences, this is the group for you. To learn more about both scouting programs, upcoming summertime events and 393 please e-mail Sam Randolph at sumosam@ sumofam.com

March 2013

Westlake Forest


Keep Kids Connected - Aluminum Can Recycling Collection

Keep Kids Connected currently has a program called “Cans for a Cure” where aluminum beverage cans are collected and recycled and the proceeds are used to purchase computers and for pediatric cancer research. When: Saturday, March 9th, 2013, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Where: Tradition Bank 550 Pin Oak, Katy 77494 What: Aluminum Can Recycling Collection - Drop off your aluminum beverage cans to be recycled. Why: The money collected from recycling the cans is used to purchase computers. Thanks to Tradition Bank on Pin Oak Blvd. in Old Katy Remember - Every 2nd Saturday from 9 am - 12 pm To date, Keep Kids Connected has delivered 349 computers to children with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses. This was made possible with the generosity of our donors and supporters. Keep Kids Connected is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization through the generous donations of our patrons and sponsors, we are working with hospitals and doctors to provide Netbook computers to children with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses. For more information, contact Keep Kids Connected at: P.O. Box 1127, Katy, TX 77492 or keepkidsconnected@gmail.com Potential computer recipients can check eligibility requirements and download an application at www.keepkidsconnected.org

Pregnancy help center of west houston behold the lamb of god seder dinner Thursday, March 21, 2013 6:30 PM Save the date Messianic Passover Haggadah Please visit www.donate-phckaty.org For more information

Community Events Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary NATURE PROGRAM FOR PRESCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN

Enjoy the outdoors with your child (age 2 1/2 to 5) at Audubon nature programs (called the “Titmouse Club”) offered Tuesday mornings, 10:00 - 11:00 AM, at the Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary, 440 Wilchester. The programs feature fun nature talks, stories, activities and walks in the woods. Upcoming programs include: March 5th & 6th: Ants March 12th & 13th: Ladybugs March 19th & 20th: Birdwatching March 26th & 27th: Wildflowers & Gardening April 2nd & 3rd: Animal Babies April 9th & 10th: Busy Bees April 16th & 17th: Fish April 23rd & 24th: Frogs April 30th & May 1st: Dragonflies May 7th & 8th: Turtles May 14th & 15th: Pond Adventure

Westlake Forest

March 2013




March 2013

Westlake Forest




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The cost is $5 per child (or buy a 5-session card for $20) and the child must be accompanied by an adult during the program. Please park in the Memorial Drive United Methodist Church’s west parking lot at 12955 Memorial Drive and enter the sanctuary through the marked gate. The program will be held in the outdoor classroom. Call 713464-4900 or go to www.houstonaudubon.org for more information.


Saturdays in Nature is a new nature program for families that will be offered by the Audubon Docent Guild at the Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary once a month. Each program will focus on a nature theme and will offer a craft project, hands-on activities and nature walk. Upcoming programs include: Theme: Trees Craft: Leaf Printing Art Saturday, March 9th Start any time between 9 and 11:30 am - no reservations are needed. Donations will be accepted to cover the costs of materials. Please park in the Memorial Drive United Methodist Church west parking lot at 12955 Memorial Drive and enter the nature sanctuary through the marked gate. Proceed down the path to the log cabin. visit www.houstonaudubon.org for more information.

Leonard E. Merrell Center, 6301 South Stadium Lane, Katy, TX 77494 • April 5-6, 2013, Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM - Saturday, 9 AM - 4 PM • Admission: Ages 14-64 - $9.50; Seniors (65+) - $8; Children (Ages 5-13) - $5; Children under 5 are free. Ticket price includes entrance for both days of the show, door prize chances, gifts and more. If you have any questions regarding the 2013 WHQG Quilt Show, please email WHGQ.Quilt.Show@gmail.com Over 200 beautiful quilts will be on display. The featured artist will be Liz Porter (from Fons & Porter). Lectures will be given by local artists - Martha DeLeonardis, Jan Matthews and Cynthia Regone. Lots of vendors will be there, as well as a “Guild Market” with a great selection of hand-made items. Also, there will be a tin can raffle of special items. The drawing for the fabulous donation quilt will be held on Saturday afternoon. Door prizes galore! On-site food service will be available. For more information: www.whqg.org/2013whqgquiltshow

Westlake Forest


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Host a foreign exchange student

During the 2012-2013 school year, students from all across the world will have the opportunity to travel to Houston and surrounding communities to spend the entire school year in the United States, learning and working with American Families. In order for the students to come to the U.S. they must have proper host families lined up. Now is a crucial time of year for the Ayusa program as local staff coordinators to find local host families for the upcoming school year. The Ayusa program is celebrating its 30th year this year and is responsible for more than 60,000 students from 75 different countries spending the school year in the United States. There are not many strict requirements that need to be met to host a student. The most important thing is that those who host students are doing so for the right reason; providing a loving experience and an exposure to American culture.

There are a few basic requirements, of course. Anyone older than 25 and can provide food and shelter for a student fulfills the requirements of being a host family. There is a background check, reference check and an interview. Background checks have to be done on everyone over 18 living in the home. The host families have to be interested in it for the right reasons, the cultural exchange of learning from them and them learning from us. It’s the language, the cooking, the music, the food. The host family has to be genuinely interested. Once the host families and students are matched, Ayusa stays involved by monthly contacts with the families, students and quarterly contacts with the schools. Ayusa coordinators also handle the host family orientations and the student orientations. Group activities, such as community service and seeing things with the group of exchange students is also arrange throughout their academic year. With the current school year quickly coming to an end Ayusa’s local staff is busy looking for families for students for the 2012-2013 school year. Many families are needed and with the schools having deadlines and limits for foreign exchange students the earlier the better. It also gives the families and students time to get to know each other via skype, facebook, etc. while waiting for their year abroad to start. Please contact Heather Wells by email ayusakaty@gmail.com or by phone 281-770-3414.

March 2013





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classified ads FOR SALE Dining table, oval, oak with dark gray metal base. 281-858-4808. Entertainment center, color is light tan, will email photos, $300 cash. Phone 713-857-5650. 5 drawer filing cabinet- light tan color, $125 cash only. Phone 713857-5650. Entertainment center solid oak finish - 3 pieces, two sides and one lighted top. Will include 45 inch wide screen tv, $300 cash only. Phone 713-857-5650. Breakfast/dining room table w/four chairs plus a bench seat. Very good condition, $325. Cash only. Phone 713-857-5650. L-shaped office desk. Storage on one end with shelves, other end one filing cabinet, middle has pullout for keyboard, $150. Cash only. Phone 713-857-5650. Headake rack, Ford/Chevy; Old kitchen cabinets; 3 typewriters, IBM Selectric; trolling motor, 2.5 Mercury; 18’ temporary service poll, 60 amp breaker box. Call 832-465-5926. Ping golf clubs, full set plus more, includes bag. 281-578-9665. Kitchen appliances - GE refrigerator, 28 cubic, ice/water on door, double door, $375; GE gas stove, electric ignition, glass door, self-cleaning, $250; GE dishwasher, $150 - all 6 years old, excellent condition. White porcelain sink, Moen faucet, garbage disposal, hoses, $150. GE Adora microwave, 1100 watt, 2 months old, all paperwork, 10 months of warranty left, $225. Miscellaneous small kitchen appliances, just ask. 281-345-4061. Beautiful cherry console piano, $1200; aluminum outdoor ping pong table, folds & rolls for storage, great condition, paid $450, yours for $250; Bow-flex home gym, $350. 281-693-7360.


Bonded & Fully Insured

Practically new, dark finish bunk bed, $300. Bottom bunk is a desk that converts to a bed. Please call 409-543-2026. Elegant dark wood dining room set - table, insert, 6 chairs, 2-piece hutch, $1,400. Traditional, carved, mahogany-finish coffee table, $150. Bronzed floor lamp, gold frosted glass shade, $50. Large “Venice” scene, Impressionist-style oil painting, custom bronzed frame, $200. All in excellent condition! Call 281-657-4779. Matching Ashley couch and love seat, including throw pillows, $250. Kirby vacuum in great condition, barely used, $150. 6-piece queen size bedroom set, mattresses not included, pine with brushed metal and gold accents, $500. Corner computer desk barely used. Pictures on request. Call 281-684-3799. Wedgewood China, 12 5-piece place settings, plus serving pieces, $895. 281-395-3664. Tiffany engagement ring: round brillant cut diamond. Original papers, with lifetime gaurantee and box. Call 832-437-2811. Bridal dress/senior presentation gown. Size 4, includes train. Purchased at David’s Bridal last year for $450, selling for $200. Call 281-323-0860. Rooms to Go complete children’s bedroom. Full size bed, full panel footboard, full size bookcase headboard, night stand, 5-drawer chest, full size mattress. Midnight Blue, one year old, cost $1,500, sell $600 OBO. Contact 281-741-8721 or 337-552-5232. Bravos e-conserve, white, top-load washer by Maytag. Energy Star, 7 months old, price $749, asking $400. Pedestal breakfast room set with 60” granite top, 4 silver and black lattice back arm chairs with black leather cushions, 2 matching counter top chairs, $875. 281-727-9608, before 9 AM or after 3 PM, in Katy. Custom white, faux wood blinds for sale. 3 - 40Wx70L, 1 sink window 34Wx40L. $40 each or best offer. Call 281-463-1175. Sofa good to very good condition, $250 OBO. jordon98@hotmail. com.

March 2013

Westlake Forest

Marcy Home Gym complete with self spotting bench, curling bar, latpull pully system & over 200 lbs. of weights. Also a chest-explosion machine & accessories for the pully system. Excellent condition. $325 or $350 delivered assembled. 281-881-6405.

Become a Dental Assistant in just 10 weeks! 10 Week Course Saturday Classes Only Spring Classes Begin 4/6/13 Tuition $2850 • Payment Plans Training Since 1995 Open House March 8th 4 pm - 7 pm


MOVING SALE - Trundle bed frame and mattresses, barely used, $175; modern settee, excellent condition, $350 (paid $950); 5x8 modern, orange swirl design rug, $225; 2-BAKER dining chairs, dark wood with maroon leather seats, pair, $450; Roman empire, carved chair with satin gold/cream/maroon pattern, mint condition, $395 (paid $950); solid, shaker style, cherry wood entertainment armoire, $1,100 (paid $2,500); Italian inlaid, antique coffee table, $150. All items in excellent condition! Call to request pictures or make best offer at 281-381-2711.

AUTOMOTIVE SSBC 3 piston front calibers, brand new, still in the box. Color - indigo blue. Fits 2001 Chevrolet Silverado. Includes - stainless steel brake lines, brake lines are from front and rear. Can email pictures if needed, $950. 713-857-5650.


at in K

w No Houston Dental Assistant School Located in Katy and Spring/The Woodlands


4 Bridgestone Dueler H/L tires. Size p275/55r20-dalnrz, only have 5340 miles on tires. Came off of a 2011 Tundra, $550, cash only. Phone 713-857-5650.

For info packet call 281-363-0600 or email us at admin@hdas.biz

4,16 inch aluminum factory wheels. Came off 2001 Chevorlet Silverado Z71 half ton. Wheels are in good condition, 6 lug hole pattern, $500, cash only. Phone 713-857-5650.

Expansion Joint Replacement

2001 Chevy Silverado - Single cab pick-up, V8, all power, original owner, $4,500. 281-682-7868.

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1998 BMW 750IL: Moonroof, V8, all possible options, 138K miles, unusually good condition, $4,200. 281-682-7868. 2002 Volvo S60 4-door sedan: black, moonroof, leather, all possible options, fantastic condition, $4,200. 281-682-7868.


2004 Volvo S60 SUV: moonroof, leather, all possible options, fantastic condition, $6,200. 281-682-7868.


Gas powered golf cart w/2 spare tires, 5’ x 10’ trailer w/ ramp. 281395-4316, after noon.


Motorcycle: 2004 Moto Guzzi Breva V7 with 55,000 miles. Runs strong and has new tires with approx. 200 miles on them. Does have road wear, but is dependable transportation. This will not take you to warp speed, but it will get you there. Hepco Travel bags + $150. Call 713-598-2094 or grsa58@yahoo.net.

Interior & Exterior Painting • Storm Damage Repair Siding Replacement • Custom Woodwork Extensive References • Free Estimates Will Meet or Beat Competitor’s Prices • Satisfaction Guaranteed www.VictoryPaintingTx.com • Victor@VictoryPaintingTx.com

2007 Red Ford Explorer XLT, V6, 4.0L, excellent condition, 75,000 miles, MPP through 3/30/15 or mileage of 106,872 ($2,543 value), Bruno Curbsider VSL6900 lift in rear section, $20,000. 281-782-6021.

WANTED Accepting donated trophies to support young adults with disabilities. Call Revived Glory Awards at 832-686-7457 or revivedglory@yahoo.com. Wanted: Rolex watches for collector. 281-414-3597.

Westlake Forest





1985, 18 ½ foot Sea Ray. 165 Mercruiser, $3,000. Comes with accessories. 832-655-4746.



2009 Saturn Vue XE - 4 Door, white, FWD, 2.4 Liter, 2 Wheel Drive, 48K miles, clean car fax. One owner, excellent condition, $12,999. Call 281-463-1175.





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We Buy & Sell Cars!! BRAKE SPECIAL


Includes: Replace front brake pads: inspect front discs and calipers, rear discs and calipers ( or rear drums and wheel cylinders), inspect brake lines, hoses and master cylinder. Adjust parking brake. Prices vary by auto age and style. Call for estimate.

Includes: Replace engine oil with Castrol GTX oil and OUR LOW PRICE oil filter. Check fluid levels-battery, radiator, transmission, power steering, brakes, clutch and windshield washer- $ inspect wiper blades, check CV joint boots for damage. Inspect tires for wear and damage, check pressure (including plus tax spare) and inflate to proper PSI. Expires 3/31/13




Regular Price with this coupon Expires 3/31/13

Regular Price with this coupon Expires 3/31/13

Regular Price with this coupon Expires 3/31/13




HELP WANTED - CARE Caregiver(s). All shifts. Assist residents with their daily activities and personal care. Excellent communication and nurturing heart required. Resumes to anewkirk@tuscanylivingvillas.com or 281-3953496, Ref: CGALLKT.


Driver Needed - Hour early AM and late PM - preferred person in Sunset Meadows Subdivision; however, will accept someone who lives in Katy. Call 281-599-9703. Sales openings: all cold calls, work in Katy or Cypress, pick your hours/days, part time hours with full time pay, experience a plus but not necessary. Please call 713-427-9092 or email myhome@ katyoutdoorservices.com. Now accepting applications for receptionist and/or office assistance for a local office in Katy. Must be bilingual in English & Spanish (read, write & speak). Full time position 9-5 with one hour lunch; Weekends off and national holidays off. Must have some general office experience, be a self-motivated individual with computer experience, answer phones, take messages, schedule appointments, filing, Duties will include multiple task and working well with others. Wages are based upon experience. Please submit all resumes to: mre@mantarayenterprises.com, attention Colleen. Part-time Administrative Assistant for growing business. Working knowledge of office and phone procedures, English and Spanish skills helpful, written skills needed. Able to work independently and follow schedules, type short letters & provide quotes. Please write to or send resume to rafaelconcrete@gmail.com, use the subject line of Administrative Assistant on email. Do you love decorating? Want to get paid to do it? Patricia Fleming




7,500/ 22,500/ $ 37,500/...

with this coupon Expires 3/31/13

%off 10 brake work

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Expires 3/31/13



Regular Price with this coupon Expires 3/31/13

Realty Group is now seeking a Part Time Design/Staging Assistant. Meet interesting people, work close to home with very flexible hours. Hourly pay, plus bonuses. No real estate license required. Call Patricia Fleming at 832-549-5422 for details or email Pattif@aim4cash.com. Katy area child care in need of part time and full time child care providers. Contact Mrs. Dana, 281-394-5437. Sales persons wanted to sell Replacement Windows and Window coverings. Ownership opportunity available. Call Replacement Windows of Katy at 281-392-5353. Enjoy Golf and the outdoors? Hole in One Challenge, a national par 3 company, is seeking sales representatives to promote a par 3 contest on local golf courses. A portion of all sales will help support programs offered to young people through The First Tee. Work a 5 hour shift - approximately 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (weekends with occasional weekdays). $10 per hour plus commission after reaching minimum sales goal. Daily pay. Positions are available immediately. Must be able to pass drug test. Please contact Larry Wilkerson 281-758-4282. Visit www.holeinonechallenge.com. Manta Ray Enterprises, Inc. (MRE, Inc.) is always in search of highly motivated Real Estate Agents who’s core values that are aligned with that of the Broker’s. You are not expected to have the exact know-how when you start. But open minded and willing to learn from a TREC-MCE Instructor with over 28 years experience on leasing and working with property management with single family homes & condos. MRE, Inc. will guide you on the proper forms to use. Broker will provide a oneon-one support to any Real Estate Agent willing and wanting to learn more. MRE, Inc. will assist you to better serve your clients/customers/ investors with sales, leases and property management. MRE, Inc. has been recognized and involved with Katy ISD, Community Education

March 2013

Westlake Forest

for more than 23 years at Taylor High School in Katy. MRE, Inc. offers incentive packages along with additional Real Estate knowledge. For more information and to get started on your new career today; please contact the Broker, “Tisha” Matticks, at mre@mantarayenterprises.com. Now hiring security officers, part time/full time. No experience necessary. Retirees welcome. All shifts available. Accepting applications Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - 11 AM. Located at 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston, Texas 77079. Phone: 281-7591010. Martial Arts USA is hiring qualified Tae Kwon Do Black Belts with WTF certification, over 18 years of age, background checks and interviews will be conducted. Contact Master Shin or Master An at 281-463-9333 or email YoungAn@cyfairtkd.com. Location, 17121 West Rd. Suite 200 Houston TX 77095. Looking for a highly motivated and outgoing person to be the front desk for a new dental office in Katy area. Candidate should be knowledgeable about dental insurance and have great communication skills. It is a paperless office so computer skills is a must. Experience is necessary, minimum 2 years. Need to know how to schedule, run daily/monthly/yearly reports, submit insurance claims electronically and manually, work on accounts receivable, manage patient charts, discuss and present treatment plans, verify insurance, pretreatment estimates and so on, handle patient upsets, deal with software support, etc. Please forward resume to assistdds@hotmail.com. Discovery Schoolhouse now hiring teachers and support staff. Must have experience working in a licensed child care facility, be flexible and dependable and have a passion for early childhood education. Call 281-401-9828 or send resume to info@discovery-schoolhouse.com. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281656-2273. The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person.

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Focused Xtermination Pest control $100 OFF

Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and good clientele. Benefits available. Call Images Hair Studio at 281256-2286.

Call for details. Expires 2/28/13

$25 OFF

Any Lawn or Weed Control Service Grub Worms, Fire Ants, Chinch Bugs, Trees and more! Call for details. Expires 2/28/13

$30 OFF

First General Pest Control Preventative Program




Termite Treatment or Preventative Termite Treatment

Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@westhoustonelectric.com.



Housekeepers needed. Great hours for mom’s with school age children. 281-861-0394.

Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900.

Ron Geyer

“We work as unto the Lord”

Full Service General Pest Control Rodents / Animal Trappings Bed Bugs Wasps & Bees Fleas & Ticks Ants & Spiders Termite Control Mosquito Control Lawn & Ornamental

Shetland Sheepdog/Shelties beautiful AKC sable/white and tri color females. Dew claws removed, wormed and 1st set of shots, $450. Ready for new homes around Valentines Day. Call 281-463-2653 or 281-732-4211, leave message.

New clients only. Call for details. Expires 2/28/13


Emergency Service Available

Shih Tzu puppies for sale, registered, shots, playful, ready for a new home. 713-927-6239.

Call for details. Expires 2/28/13


Termite Inspection

Westlake Forest

March 2013




How to Contact Krenek Printing

Timeshare: rent a lovely condo for a full week in Hawaii. Sleeps 4, fully stocked kitchen. What else needs to be said... It’s Hawaii! $795. For information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427.

DEADLINE (for all ads and news in the Katy area): The 25th of the second month preceding publication date.

Las Vegas Timeshare - On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living; jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s/2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days $355 - 7 days $500. No added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409.

Free to non-profit organizations.



Get the word out!

Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for more information.

Classified Ads



May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – RJS Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.


March 2013

Get prices online or call us 8:30a - 5p.


ADS@KRENEKPRINTING.COM (281) 463-8649 fax (281) 463-2425

Visit the web site to post your ad.

Affordable advertising across Katy & Hwy 6. 7102 Glen Chase Ct. Houston, TX 77095

www.krenekprinting.com Westlake Forest

IMPORTANT NUMBERS Crest Management Connie Navarre Dianne Broyles, Acct. Rep. Surron Stokes, Asst. Manager WCIA DIRECTORS Ann Iannuzzi, Pres. Malcolm Baker, V. Pres Sharon Lyles, Secretary Marcos Cruz, Treasurer Tommy Grant, Director Sherry Hume, Director Wayne Rhea, Director

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Sheriff (Non-emergency) Sheriff (Fry Rd. Store Front) Fire Dept. (Information) Harris Co. Public Health & Envir. www.harriscountyhealth.com Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital Poison Control Animal Control Katy Christian Minstries Hotline Post Office - Bear Creek Post Office - Park Row STE (Water) Waste Management Harris County Mosquito Control Centerpoint Energy (Street Light Repair) Comcast

281-644-7000 800-764-7661 281-999-3191 281-391-HELP 281-550-4413 800-275-8777 281-398-8211 713-695-4055 713-440-4800 281-391-5104 713-341-1000

Bear Creek Library Maude Marks Library Katy Library Senior Citizen Info. Precinct 3 Comm. Radack

281-550-0885 281-492-8592 281-391-3509 713-529-9991 281-463-6300

Westlake Pool Westlake Forest Pool

281-492-0630 281-578-0435

KISD Administration KISD Police Mayde Creek Elem. Sundown Elem. Mayde Creek Jr. High Mayde Creek High

Westlake Forest




713-221-6000 281-647-9371 281-492-0560 713-439-6000

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1 8

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Published by: Krenek PrintingMarch 7102 Glen2013 Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649Westlake Forest email: news@krenekprinting.com for articles • ads@krenekprinting.com for business ads • classified@krenekprinting.com for classified ads


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