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March 2013 Easter Events Bear Creek Umc EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA

Saturday, March 23rd 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Free fun for all ages! Festivities will include the Easter story, egg hunt, games, crafts and activities. 16000 Rippling Water Dr., Houston, TX 77084, 281-463-2330, bearcreekumc.org

Cornerstone UMC Children’s Easter Festival

Cornerstone UMC invites and welcomes our community friends and neighbors to join us for our Children’s Easter Festival. On Saturday, March 23rd from 10 am to 11:30 AM, we’ll have pony rides, cookie decorating, a family picture station, an egg hunt and more! Cornerstone UMC practices being cheerful and generous givers. If you are able, please bring a non-perishable food item to benefit The Mission of Yahweh.


March 24th - Easter Lord’s Supper, 6:00 PM March 30th - Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, 10:30 AM Easter Service, 6:00 PM March 31st - Easter Services, 9:00, 10:15 and 11:30 AM Come be a part of the celebration of Christ’s victory over the Grave! The church is located at 5901 N. Fry Road, Katy, TX 77449, between Keith Harrow and West Little York (Closer to West Little York).

Epiphany Lutheran Church

Epiphany Lutheran Church invites your family to join us this Lenten season as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Wednesday night Lenten services begin at 7 pm March 24th - Palm Sunday Services at 8 am and 10:45 am March 24th - Journey to the Cross Walk/Children’s Easter Egg Hunt at 12:30 pm March 28th - Maundy Thursday worship at 7 pm March 29th - Good Friday worship at 7 pm March 29th - Sr. High Youth lead the church in a 30 hour prayer

Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, March 2013 TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 1 529email: Informer news@krenekprinting.com for articles • ads@krenekprinting.com for business ads • classified@krenekprinting.com for classified ads



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vigil beginning at midnight March 31st - Easter Sunday Sunrise service at 6:45 am Easter Sunday Adult Worship Services at 8:00 am and 10:45 am Easter Sunday Children’s Service led by our youth at 9:30 am

Children’s Ministry Easter Event

Epiphany Lutheran Church invites your family to celebrate Easter on Sunday, March 24th, as we host our Annual Easter Resurrection Celebration. The event begins at 12:30 pm. The children will create crafts, decorate cookies, play games and participate in our annual Easter Egg Hunt featuring thousands of filled eggs! Prizes are awarded for the Golden and Silver eggs in each age group. Please remember to bring your own Easter basket. This event also includes a Journey to the Cross walk. Your child will receive a passport and travel to 12 separate stations as they learn about Jesus’ last days on Earth. Each station has a special activity guaranteed to spark your child’s interest while teaching the true meaning of Easter. Your family will walk away from their journey with the wonderful message of God’s love. Egg Hunts begin at 12:45 PM for 1-3 yr. olds, followed by 4-6 yr. olds and 7-12 yr. olds.


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provided. For more information, visit our website, www.stcuthbert. org or call the church office at 281-463-7330. St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road, Houston (the northeast corner of West and Queenston). Holy Week St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to come and celebrate Holy Week with us at the following services: • Palm Sunday, March 24th at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM with Holy Eucharist and Liturgy of the Palms. • Maundy Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM with Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar. • Good Friday, March 29th at 7:00 PM with Good Friday Liturgy. • Easter Sunday, March 31st at 8:00 AM with Holy Eucharist and at 10:30 AM with Holy Eucharist. Following the Easter Sunday 10:30 AM service, the church will sponsor an Easter Egg Hunt for all children.

For more information about these events, feel free to call us at 713896-1773 or visit our website www.elcsh.org and go to our Children’s Ministry page located under the ministries tab.

St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road, Houston (the northeast corner of West and Queenston). visit us at www.stcuthbert.org for more information.

Epiphany Lutheran church is located at 14423 West Road, Houston, TX 77041 at the intersection of Jackrabbit and West Rd.


St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church Lenten Soup Suppers

You are invited to the St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church Lenten Soup and Study, One Month to Live, every Wednesday, through March 27th, from 6:15-8:00 PM. we will explore the question: If you knew you only had one month to live, what would you do to make what’s left of your life really matter? This series will help you embrace your mortality and empower you to live each day to the fullest. After enjoying a soup supper, we will watch a video teaching and then divide into small groups for discussion. There is a separate program for youth and elementary school aged children. Childcare will be


What do the Jewish Passover and Jesus’ Last Supper have in common? A representative of Jews for Jesus will answer that question in a presentation called “Christ in the Passover” on Holy (Maundy) Thursday, March 28th at 7 PM at Cornerstone United Methodist Church. Using a visual display of traditional Passover accouterments, the “Christ in the Passover” presentation enhances the Christian’s understanding and appreciation of the Jewish background of the Christian Communion. Ancient and modern Jewish customs are discussed and described with an emphasis on the aspect of redemption, which Christ accomplished at Calvary.

March 2013

529 Informer

A table is set with the traditional Jewish Passover items, including representative foods, which are explained, but not eaten. The ceremonial seder plate, the three-compartment pouch in which the matzo (unleavened bread) is kept, as well as the traditional cup of Elijah are presented and new insights to their christological significance are provided. Jews for Jesus has presented this demonstration in over five thousand churches. It was originally written in 1956 by Moishe Rosen, the founder and former executive director of Jews for Jesus. The presentation was abstracted from the writings of the late Rabbi Leopold Cohn, who came to faith in Jesus in 1894 and died in 1936. Dr. Rosen contends that some of the most important elements of Christian doctrine, such as the Trinity, the principle of substitutionary atonement and salvation through a personal relationship with the Messiah, are implied in the Seder (Passover feast) as observed by Orthodox Jews even today. According to Dr. Rosen, “The Christ in the Passover presentation is one way Jews for Jesus can help churches appreciate the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.” Cornerstone United Methodist Church is located at 18081 West Road (across from the CFISD Berry Center). There is not cost for the event but a love offering will be taken. Everyone is invited to attend this special worship celebration and learning opportunity. If you need more information, please call the church at 281-859-4141.


Holy Week represents the last week of Jesus’ life on earth, beginning with his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and culminating with his glorious resurrection from the dead the following Sunday, Easter. This year, Holy Week is from Sunday, March 24th through Sunday, March 31st. During this week, cornerstone United Methodist Church will be offering a variety of worship and fellowship opportunities at their West Road Campus at 18081 West Road (across from the CFISD Berry Center). The following is a list of the Holy Week worship opportunities for young and old alike presently planned at Cornerstone UMC. • PALM SUNDAY SERVICES (March 24th): At the 10:45 AM service, the children will lead a processional in worship waving palm branches as we remember and celebrate Jesus entry into Jerusalem. Also at the 8:30 and 10:45 AM services, the Chancel Choir accompanied by an orchestra will be performing their Easter Cantata. The Journey Praise Band will lead an inspirational service at 9:30 AM with a special “Reader’s Theater” presentation. • MAUNDY THURSDAY COMMUNION SERVICE (March 28th): The word Maundy literally means “command,” reminding Christians that Jesus commanded his followers at the Last Supper to “do this in remembrance of me.” A representative from “Jews for Jesus” will be present a special program entitled, “Christ in the Passover.” The service will be held at 7 PM and will include the serving of Holy Communion. • GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE (March 29th): At 7 PM, we will gather to commemorate the crucifixion of our Lord with a blackening of the sanctuary. Special music for the service will be provided by the Chancel Choir accompanied by a Good Friday Drama. • EASTER MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES (March 31st): There will be several opportunities to worship the resurrection of our Lord. At 6:30 AM, the Youth will be leading a “Sunrise” service. At 8:30 & 10:45 AM, we will have inspiring services with the Chancel Choir and an accompanying orchestra providing the special music. At the 9:30 AM service, the Journey Praise Band will lead the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.

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A nursery will be available as always for all of the worship services except the Sunrise Service. For directions or more information, please call the church at 281-859-4141.

529 Informer

March 2013


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Every Saturday in March - Saint Arnold Brewing Company Tours, 11 AM - 2 PM. Come visit Texas’ oldest craft brewery in their new location. The doors open at 11 AM and groups will rotate in and out of the facility in an open-house format until the final group is allowed in at 2 PM. If Saturdays don’t work for you, check out their weekday open house at 3 PM. After the tour, guests are welcome to stay for a free tasting. February 25 - March 17 - Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is the world’s largest livestock show and rodeo dedicated to benefiting youth, supporting education and facilitating better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Visit http://rodeohouston.com/ for more information on concert and event dates and times. th


March 6th - Lunch With the Birds, 12 PM, Nature Discovery Center, Russ Pitman Park. Interested in birdwatching? Whether you are a novice or an expert, join our free, guided bird walks through Russ Pitman Park. Warblers, vireos, thrushes, flycatchers, orioles and buntings are just a few of the types of spring migrants you may see. If you bring your lunch, plan to eat it before or after the hour long walk. Dates: February 27th - May 8th. Where: Meet us on the front porch. Just drop in! Bring: binoculars. Location: Russ Pitman Park. For more information: Contact: Mary Ann Beauchemin; Phone: 713667-6550; Email: mbeauch@naturediscoverycenter.org

March 11th - Looking Together, 10 AM - 11 AM, Museum of Fine Arts: Audrey Jones Beck Building. Looking Together is designed for individuals with Alzheimer’s and their family members or care partners. Discover and discuss works of art together during this hour-long program in the galleries. Admission is free, but space is limited and preregistration is required. For more information or to register, contact tours@mfah.org or 713-639-7324. March 16th - The 54th Annual Houston St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 12 PM, Downtown Houston. The Houston St. Patrick’s Parade has always been a FREE event. The two-hour parade has historically been one of the largest in the U.S. and each year includes over 100 entries to delight the Irish and Irish-at-heart. The Houston St. Patrick’s Day Parade is presented by the Houston St. Patrick’s Parade Commission. Visit http://www.hsppc.org/Home_ Page.html for more information. March - 23rd & 24th - Haute Wheels Food Truck Festival, 12 PM - 5 PM, Houston Community College Southwest. Come see what all the fuss is about! 
Haute Wheels Food Truck Festival is setting the trend for new rising gourmet food trucks that are on the cusp of becoming the new way to indulge yourself where the food comes to you.
 Join Houston’s newest and coolest food trucks for a two-day festival celebrating haute cuisine presented in an innovative, unique way!

March 9th - Art Beyond Sight, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM, Museum of Fine Arts: Audrey Jones Beck Building. Art Beyond Sight is a gallery program for visitors who are blind or partially sighted. Trained educators use verbal descriptions and hands-on materials to engage participants with the museum’s art collections and exhibitions. Admission is free, but space is limited and preregistration is required. 
For more information or to register, contact tours@mfah. org or call 713-639-7324.


March 2013

529 Informer


March 1st - National Peanut Butter Lovers Day March 8th - International Women’s Day March 10th - Daylight Savings Time March 15th - Ides of March March 17th - St. Patricks Day


Benjamin Franklin is credited with the concept of Daylight Saving Time. The basic idea is to make the best use of daylight hours by shifting the clock forward in the Spring and backward in the Fall. Daylight Saving Time has been in use throughout much of the United States, Canada and Europe since World War I. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed an act into law whereby Daylight Saving Time begins on the last Sunday of April and ends on the last Sunday of October each year. However, any State can opt out of Daylight Saving Time by passing a State law. Hawaii does not observe Daylight Saving Time and neither does Arizona (although the Navajo Nation, in northeastern Arizona, does). For many years, most of Indiana did not observe Daylight Saving Time with the exception of 10 counties. Beginning in 2006, all of Indiana now observes Daylight Saving Time. However, the state remains divided in two time zones. Seventy-four counties (including state capital Indianapolis) are in the Eastern Time Zone. The 18 remaining counties are in the Central Time Zone. In 2005, President Bush signed into law a new energy policy bill that would extend Daylight Saving Time by 4 weeks beginning in 2007: Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 AM on the second Sunday of March; Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 AM on the first Sunday of November. www.nasa.gov


Slug Pellets - Purchase some organic slug pellets and scatter them in the affected areas of your garden and flowerbeds. Only put down a few pellets, as it does not take much to kill a slug or a snail. Beer - Another method to help get rid of slugs and snails is to put some beer in a saucer or a flat plastic lid and place it on the ground amongst your plants. Another way is to pour some beer in a jar and place it in the ground so that the lip of the jar is level with the ground and the slugs and snails will fall in the jar of beer. Copper Band - Try placing a copper band around the tops of you flowerpots or plant containers. The copper band acts as a repellent to slugs and snails. Predators - Frogs, toads, ground beetles, hedgehogs and birds are all predators to slugs and snails. If you have any of the above in your garden encourage them to stay around, as they will help keep the population of slugs and snails down. Hiding Places - Seeing as slugs like cool, dark and moist hiding places, try to trap the slugs by placing some flat pieces of slate, flat pieces of wood, rectangular building bricks and clay flowerpot trays in and around your flowerbeds/plant beds. The slugs will crawl up under these objects in the evenings and then in the mornings you can turn the object over and they are then exposed to the birds or simply collect and dispose of the slugs yourself. Compost Heap - Try building a composting pile in your yard. Slugs and snails like decomposing materials and therefore will be much better here and not destroying your plants. www.seasonofsrping.com

529 Informer

March 2013


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RECIPES Irish Soda Bread

INGREDIENTS: 4 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1 pint sour cream 1 cup raisins

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease two 8x4 inch loaf pans. Mix the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add the eggs, sour cream and raisins and mix until just combined. Distribute batter evenly between the two pans. Bake loaves at 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) for 1 hour. Source: recipelink.com, Submitted by: Arlene Costello/Agnes Walters

Chocolate Covered Easter Eggs

INGREDIENTS: 1/2 cup butter, softened 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened 2 1/2 pounds confectioners’ sugar 1 cup creamy peanut butter 1 cup flaked coconut 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 2 cups semisweet chocolate pieces 2 tablespoons shortening or vegetable oil (optional)

DIRECTIONS: In a large bowl, mix together the butter, vanilla, and cream cheese. Stir in confectioners’ sugar to make a workable dough. For best results, use your hands for mixing. Divide the dough into four parts. Leave one of the parts plain. To the second part, mix in peanut butter. Mix coconut into the third part, and cocoa powder into the last part. Roll each type of dough into egg shapes, and place on a waxed paper lined cookie sheet. Refrigerate until hard, at least an hour. Melt chocolate chips in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water. Stir occasionally until smooth. If the chocolate seems too thick for coating, stir in some of the shortening or oil until it thins. Dip the chilled candy eggs in chocolate, and return to the waxed paper lined sheet to set. Refrigerate for 1/2 hour to harden. Source: allrecipes.com, Submitted by: JAMVS

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March 2013

529 Informer

“I’m In PAIN” Can Chiropractic Help ME ? We are often asked, “What’s the best way of finding out whether or not a doctor of chiropractic can help my problem?” We believe the answer can be found in a complete chiropractic consultation and examination, including x-rays. And to help find out for sure, we will do a complete consultation and examination, including x-rays, if necessary, (procedures that normally cost $187.00 or more) for $25.00. We will make this special program available through March. The only exception to the offer involves personal injury cases (workers’ compensation and auto accidents) in which there is no charge directly to the patient.


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If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number, (one only) year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Email to news@krenekprinting.com (preferred) or mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095. Must have parent(s) permission.



Please place my name on the Job Seekers List

(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in ALL information or we cannot put you on the list. Job(s) _________________________________ ❑ B -Babysitting Name _________________________________ ❑ SS -Safe Sitter

❑ SL -Swim Lessons

Address ________________________________ ❑ CPR -CPR Certified

❑ FAC -First Aid Cert. ❑ RCC -Red Cross Cert. Birthdate - Mo/Yr_________________________ ❑ P -Pet Care (only) ❑ PP -Pet/Plant Sitter Age ______ Current Grade ______ Class of ____ ❑ H -Housecare Phone _________________________________ ❑ L -Lawncare ❑ T -Tutor Subdivision______________________________ ❑ C -Car Detailing

Email _________________________________

Babysitter Info Not Available Online

I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________

email to: news@krenekprinting.com (preferred)

or mail to: Krenek Printing Co. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 www.krenekprinting.com 529 Informer

March 2013



March 2013

529 Informer


Bear Creek Animal Clinic Pet Wellness Fair


Saturday, March 16th, (8am-11:30am)

March 11 - 15 - Spring Break March 29th - Student/Staff Holiday th




Dear Parents and Community Members: The journey toward an equitable state funding system took a positive turn on February 4th when a Texas judge ruled the current system unconstitutional. District Judge John Dietz ruled in favor of the more than 600 Texas school districts - including Cypress-Fairbanks ISD - that filed a lawsuit against the state last year. In a statement regarding the ruling, Judge Dietz echoed many of the same comments he made while ruling the state funding system unconstitutional in 2005. He also voiced the same confusion for school finance that I and countless other educators, have felt for many years: “I have to say, there are 26 million Texans and I doubt there are 26 people in this state who understand this system,” he said. Judge Dietz also declared that “there has never been a more expeditious trial of a school finance case anywhere in the United States,” cementing my belief that this was the only logical decision to be made during this 44-day trial. I applaud Judge Dietz, the four plaintiff teams that defended the school districts’ case and the dozens of superintendents and school funding authorities who provided critical testimony in reaching this key decision. The final, written order in the case is expected to be delivered in early March, at which point the state has pledged to appeal the ruling to the Texas Supreme Court. Although there will be more obstacles before an agreeable solution is reached, we look forward to working with legislators and other state leaders as we plot the path toward equitable school finance. Sincerely, Mark Henry Ed.D.

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w w w. c y f a i r h o m e i n s p e c t o r. c o m


A pair of grants from district supporter Cy-Hope, totaling $11,000, will benefit music programs at CFISD schools. One of the donations, in the amount of $10,000, will impact music programs at 18 elementary and six secondary campuses with 60 percent or more of students qualifying for free or reduced-price meals. The other $1,000 grant will fund the CFISD Choral Festival in the spring. For the organization’s support of CFISD music programs, the Board of Trustees recognized Cy-Hope representatives Lynda Zelenka, executive director and Dr. Betty Devine, during the Feb. 11th regular Board meeting at the Instructional Support Center (10300 Jones Road) at 6 PM.

529 Informer

March 2013


Joel Muller 281-304-9488

According to Zelenka, the donation came about when Dr. Devine - the founder and artistic director for the Houston Choral Society expressed a desire to give back to Cy-Hope through her passion for music. “Music crosses all generations and all demographics. It can bring joy to so many people, no matter their economic status,” Zelenka said. “I think that’s critical in the lives of our students. It’s a blessing for us to be able to fill a gap and make the community aware of some of these needs in Title I schools.”

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Cy-Hope provided an additional $1,000 grant to fund reinstatement of the district wide Choral Festival for fifth-grade students, last held in 2006. The upcoming event will be held April 11th at the Berry Center. “Our teachers and students are very excited to bring back this great tradition,” said Loretta Bourn, coordinator for elementary music. “It’s a special opportunity for 340 voices to come together to sing at the Berry Center.” The $10,000 donation is anticipated to benefit 16,564 elementary and 1,100 secondary students. A variety of needs will be addressed, including Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) registration assistance, music equipment for classrooms and additional master classes for secondary campuses.





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“We are grateful and excited that Cy-Hope has made this generous contribution for our students. This will benefit many of our programs which otherwise would not have this opportunity,” said Larry Matysiak, CFISD director of fine arts. “Our teachers and students are very excited about this wonderful grant, which will go a long way to help our students succeed.”

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Living Word Church Mother’s Day Out

Mother’s Day Out Program at Living Word Church is still accepting enrollment for January-May, We operate Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Monthly fee is $130 for one child and $200 for 2 children. Enrollment fee is now ½ off. If any questions, please call Virginia at 832-561-7130.


Christi Greening, Childcare Specialist



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Due to increased enrollment Texas Christian School will be opening more classes for the 2013-2014 school year. Academic, social and spiritual growth is a priority for the administration and staff of TCS. Plan to visit the campus at 6:00 PM for our Open House on March 26th to learn more about what Texas Christian has to offer. 2 year olds - 12th grade spaces are limited and will fill fast. We look forward to partnering with you in the growth of your child and having you as part of our TCS family. Texas Christian School is located at 17810 Kieth Harrow Blvd., Houston, TX 77084. Phone 281-550-6060 and website is www. TexasChristianSchool.org

Cypress Christian School Previews

K-12 Families: On Monday, April 8th, prospective families will be given the opportunity to visit the campus and gather information. Student Visitor Day: On Tuesday, April 9th, students considering attending CCS may attend school all or part of the day. For more information: www.CypressChristian.org or 281-469-7745.

March 2013

529 Informer

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Cypress Christian School NEWS

Elementary Rodeo Art Winners

\High School Rodeo Art Winners

Cy-Christian Students Win Rodeo Art Awards

It’s rodeo time in H-town and the Private and Christian School District Art Contest for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo recently announced the 2013 winners with Cy-Christian students earning awards again this year. For the third year in a row, a CCS student has either won the Best of Show or a Gold Medal in the Elementary Division. Congratulations to the winners: Elementary: Fifth grader Aubri Garrett-Blue Ribbon and Best of Show; Fourth grader Joshua Storey-Blue Ribbon; Third grader Landon Lehane-Blue Ribbon; Fifth grader Gabby Kostecki-Red Ribbon; Fifth grader Meredith SandersRed Ribbon; Sixth graders: McKayla Lira-Red Ribbon; Britney Bailey-White Ribbon; and Evie Underwood-White Ribbon; High school: Freshman Christian Vasquez-Red Ribbon; Sophomores Elizabeth Huddleston-Red Ribbon and Nathaniel Lira-Red Ribbon and Junior Katie Hadfield-White Ribbon.

529 Informer

March 2013






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Klassic Garage Doors Professional Garage Door Repair We replace or repair garage doors or garage door openers.

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Northwest Flyers Youth Track Club orientation/Registration

The Northwest Flyers Track Club will host an orientation/registration session for all middle and high school athletes and their parents interested in joining for the 2013 season. The event will be held on Friday, April 12th, from 7:00 – 8:30 PM at Cypress Creek High School, 9815 Grant Rd., Houston. The Northwest Flyers is a youth (ages 6 -18) track organization, affiliated with USA Track & Field. The club provides a full program of “track” events such as sprints, hurdles, middle distance, distance and relays and “field” events such as long jump, triple jump, high jump, pole vault, discus, shot put and javelin. It is an excellent “offseason” program for young athletes who currently compete on their middle school or high school track teams. Visit the team website at www.northwestflyers.org for registration forms and information prior to the session or contact Linette Roach at 281-587-8442 or linette.roach@sbcglobal.net

qery Call anytime 24 hour emergency service available

Sign Up for Soccer - CY Fair Area Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer Registration Now Open

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Registration for Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer (FFPS) is open for boys and girls ages 4 to 18 for the Spring Season. Games start on April 13, 2013. FFPS is a non-profit youth soccer program dedicated to providing a positive youth sports experience for all children. Founded in 1986 in Katy, Texas, FFPS has grown to 22 leagues and 15,000 players throughout the Greater Houston area. FFPS offers children a fun and fair experience, including one practice per week, a full uniform and trophy for every player, equal playing time and play every position, co-ed/balanced teams, positive coaching and more. No tryouts are required. Online Registration schedule and fees (sign up early and save): Thru March 8th: $99 March 9th to March 18th: $104 March 19th and After: $109 Go to www.FFPS.org to sign up. Registration fee includes a full uniform (shirt, shorts and socks), trophy, trained positive coaches, nice fields and background checks on all volunteers. All major credit cards are accepted. Coaches will call players to schedule practice by April 10th. Practice times and location will be determined by the coach and team. The schedule includes eight games, with all games played locally on Saturdays from April 13th - June 1st. FFPS has three locations in the Cy - Fair Area. The Cy-Fair West League plays at Horne Elementary (West Little York between Highway 6 and Eldridge Parkway). The CyFair North League plays at Matzke Elementary (Grant Road, north of Jones Road and FM 1960). The Cy-Fair South League plays at Cook Middle School (West Road, east of Jones Road at Wheatland Drive). For more information, maps of locations or to sign up, visit www.ffps. org or call 1-800-828-PLAY (7529).

Cy-Fair Sports Association

www.masticmasters.com 12

Cy-Fair Sports Association is having baseball, football, cheerleading, drill team and wrestling sign ups right now. Check out the website for more information www.cy-fairsports.org

March 2013

529 Informer


McDonald Dental


15757A FM 529 • Houston • Located in the Target Shopping Center

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529 Informer

March 2013



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Garage Sales



Be sure to stop by and check out HPCA’s semi-annual Garage Sale. Saturday, April 6th, from 8 AM - 1 PM. Make April 6th the day!!

Concord Bridge will have a Garage Sale on March 2nd. Signs will be placed at the entrances early in the week of the sale. Remaining Garage Sales for Concord Bridge in 2013, will be June 1st and October 5th.

Community Yard Sale Canyon Village At Cypress Springs Subdivision

located at FM 529/Fry Rd. Saturday March 9, 2013, 7 AM -1 PM Take the morning to explore the various sales throughout the neighborhood, you never know what treasures await!


Friday, March 15 and Saturday, March, 16 , 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Bear Creek United Methodist Church, 16000 Rippling Water Drive (at the corner of Keith Harrow). The sale will be in the Family Life Center gym. th


Deerfield Village Subdivision Annual Garage Sale Located at Clay Road & Barker Cypress Between Keith Harrow and Clay Road Saturday, March 23, 2013 No rain date 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM Location: Each resident’s house

Lakeside Residential CA Garage Sale

Will be on April 5th and 6th, with a rainout date of April 12th and 13th. Lakeside is located off Cypress Rosehill and Huffmeister.


Shop The Stone Gate & Canyon Lakes West Spring Community Garage Sale Over 100 homes participating!

Saturday, April 13th from 7:00 AM - 12 NOON ****RAIN OR SHINE**** Maps will be available on Saturday at the gatehouses in Stone Gate at 11755 Canyon Green Dr., Houston, TX 77095 & Canyon Lakes West at 8212 ½ Canyon Lakes Manor Dr., Cypress, TX 77433. For more information, please contact Jennifer Henrie, Director of Community Events, at jenniferhenrie@canyongate.com


Easton Commons will hold its Spring 2013 Community Garage Sale on Saturday, April 13th, from 7:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Sales will be set up in individual garages and/or yards. Easton Commons is off of Hwy. 6 N. by West Road.


Our Spring Garage Sale will be on Saturday, April 13th this year. Look out for the signs and banners displayed off Longenbaugh and West Road.

Middlegate Village (COPPERFIELD) Garage Sale

The annual one-day Middlegate Village Garage Sale is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 13, 2012 from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm. The rain date is scheduled for Saturday, April 20th, but only if there is heavy rain on the 13th. Signs will be posted around the community one week prior to the event announcing the sale. Middlegate Village is located off of Hwy. 6 N.

March 2013

529 Informer

Aberdeen Green Neighborhood Garage Sale

Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors

Come shopping throughout the neighborhood for deals and treasures! The Aberdeen Green Semi-annual Neighborhood Garage Sale will be on Saturday, April 20th from 7 am until 2 pm. Aberdeen Green is located on Telge Road at West Road, south of Hwy. 290.

Sheffield spring Garage Sale

The Spring Sheffield community Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 20, 2013. The HOA will put out banners and signs a week before the sale. Good luck and happy selling! Sheffield is located at FM 529 and Queenston.

JUMP START your college career today!

Don’t miss LSC-CyFair’s Dual Credit, Summer Bridge and college prep program. Information sessions available in March and April. For information, call 281.290.3516.

Craft Shows Cy-Woods FFA Booster Club 3rd Annual Spring Craft Show

Cy-Woods FFA Booster Club will hosts its 3rd Annual Spring Craft Show on Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3, 2013. The event will be held at the CFISD Exhibit Center on Telge Rd. (off Hwy. 290) in Cypress, TX. For information on how to become a vendor for this event, please email cywoodsffa@gmail.com or go to cywoodsffa.org and download the forms.

Three convenient locations! LSC-CyFair

Chapelwood’s Spring Thing is “market with a mission”

9191 Barker Cypress at West Road

LSC-Fairbanks Center

March 5-7, 2013 market to feature some 90 vendors, benefit local and global missions

14955 Northwest Freeway near Beltway 8

Opening Fall 2013 LSC-Cypress Center 19710 Clay Road at Fry Road

Spring Thing Market, an annual production of Chapelwood’s United Methodist Women, is one of the largest spring markets in Houston, as well as one of the most beloved events for Memorial-area women and their friends. Last year’s Spring Thing boasted 90 vendors and raised $95,000 for local and global missions benefiting women and children. The upcoming market opens on March 5th with an evening preview party and the free market takes place on March 6th and 7th. The 2012 Market benefited local missions including the Fairhaven Food Pantry, Gracewood - A Children at Heart Ministry, Mission of Yahweh, Memorial Area Ministries and the Spring Branch Community Health Center.


Open Doors

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Spring Thing Market is a production of the United Methodist Women of Chapelwood United Methodist Church, 11140 Greenbay Drive, off Memorial just west of Voss. It is open free to the public on Wednesday, March 6th and Thursday, March 7th, with a Preview Party on Tuesday evening, March 5th (admission $10).

• Sheetrock Repair & Retexturing

For more information about Spring Thing 2013, go to www. umwspringthing.org or visit Facebook.com/SpringThingMarket for year-round news about the upcoming event.

25 Years Experience • Work Guaranteed • Free Estimates

Morton Ranch High School Project Prom Annual Spring Craft Show/Market

Saturday, March 23rd, 9 AM - 4 PM Morton Ranch 2013 Project Prom invites you to join us and spring shop for all your Easter and Mother’s Day gift needs!!! Morton Ranch JUNIOR High - 2498 North Mason Rd (directly behind the high school). please contact mrhs.craftshow@gmail.com for more information.

529 Informer

281-492-1200 Cell


Insured & Bonded

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March 2013


Any job over $95

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ADVANCED HOME EXTERIORS WE DON’T TRY TO DO IT ALL... WE ONLY DO WHAT WE DO BEST! SIDING, WINDOWS, ROOFING & INSULATION HardiePlank Siding & Exterior Painting Energy Efficient Replacement Windows Re-Roofing -- Blown-In Attic Insulation

$500 OFF*

HardiePlank or Window Replacement *Minimum purchase required

Recommended by Tom Tynan, SportsRadio 610 am

Please join us for our first annual BBQ Cook-off/Craft Show at the Firethorne clubhouse in North Firethorne on April 13th from 9 AM-5 PM. We will have some great family entertainment with bounce houses, popcorn and snow cones. Our BBQ Cook-off teams will be selling their BBQ and we will have tons of craft show booths selling everything from homemade candies to home decor. You could win some AWESOME items in our silent auction. Vendors needed: please call Michelle at 281-841-7237 or email at chefmichellec@ hotmail.com - We hope to see you there!!!


Come shop at or be a vendor at the most exciting new craft show this spring! We have some amazing vendors lined up to get you ready for mother’s day! Our show promises to be the most organized and vendor-friendly you’ve ever been a part of! Both fees are super low! To sign up, call Traci at 713-857-2588. To shop, come see us on April 27th-28th at the Telge Cy-Fair ISD Barn Facility (off 290)!

St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church Plans Annual Bazaar

Call Today for Your Free Estimate!

832-363-3772 NAT-22525-0

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Katy High School Project Graduation BBQ Cook-off/Craft Show

St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church is holding their annual Bazaar on Saturday, May 4th from 6 PM to 10 PM and Sunday, May 5th from 10 AM to 5 PM on the church grounds, 5356 Eleventh Street in Old Katy. Saturday night will feature a Silent Auction, BBQ dinner and a kid’s meal with a Sweet Shop, as well as music and the country store. Sunday will feature the Live Auction at 1 PM, Entertainment, Food Booths, Games, Cake Walk, Dunk Tank, Country Store and will provide fun for all ages. Come on out and join us for a fun-filled family event. For more information about St. Bart’s and upcoming events, go to www.st-bart.org or call the parish office at 281-391-4758.

Golf Tournaments

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MARCH 23, 2013, 2-5 PM Unlike a traditional Golf Tournament, ANYONE can play TopGolf and the BEST part is you don’t have to be a member of the class of 2013 to participate!!! TopGolf has 6 different games to play. We will host “free play” from 2-3 PM and then at 3 PM, we will switch all bays to the same game and play tournament style. Don’t miss out on the FUN. this is going to be an event you, your family and friends will all want to be able to talk about afterwards!!!

Amaya Garage Doors

• $500 - Team of 6 players (inc. Bay sponsorship with 8X10 sign, unlimited snacks and non-alcoholic drinks, 2 hours golf games with tournament • $100 - One player (inc. unlimited snacks and non-alcoholic drinks, 2 hours golf games with tournament)

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Awards given for best score by an individual, best score by a team and dead last individual and team. Silent Auction will be set up for your shopping pleasure and door prizes will be given out!! Sponsorship opportunities are available. Registration and sponsorship can be done online at www.langhamcreekprojectprom.com - Questions? Contact Karen Wilborn, wilborn4@att.net Located at 1030 Memorial Brook Blvd., Houston, TX

March 2013

529 Informer

529 Informer

March 2013


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classified ads FOR SALE eritagetexas.com

White leather living room set, sofa & love seat, excellent condition, $1,200 OBO. Contact Talia at talichisgg@hotmail.com for additional info & pics. Queen Rest Easy motorized adjustable single bed with split hookup for queen size bed. Paid originally new, $3,650 for set. One bed and mattress $650, both beds and mattresses $1,150. Call Bill, 281-4636577 0r 832-719-0840. Heavy, pine bunk bed w/ mattresses, bottom-double, upper-twin, $400. 1-year old Kenmore Elite top loading washer, paid $1,200, asking $800. Beautiful antique, 3-drawer dresser, $300. Lowery Organ w/bench, excellent condition, $50/$100 delivered. Large Fischer Price Talking Dollhouse, w/ dolls, $75. Original Quantum LeapPad with books, $40. Talking Care Bear w/4 books, $20. Fish tank stand, can hold Bowflex 38-gallon tank, $50. Eheim Canister filter setup, $250 new, sell for $75. 281-463-6034, 281-384-9491; can email pictures, cakjbates@comcast.net. Solid, dark mahogany kitchen table with ceramic tile inlay, plus 4 chairs, 5 years old, very good condition, $200. 713-594-4684. Crib, $90, like new; white Whirlpool, 18 cubic refrigerator with ice maker, $200 OBO; white GE Hotpoint, 16 cubic refrigerator with ice maker, $175 OBO; black and white Frigidaire 30 inch electric stove, $150; white wall mount Kenmore electric dryer, $75. Call 281-550-0110. 29 gal aquarium with cherry stand, ample storage space & gravels included. Good condition, $120. Cherry entertainment armoire,


originally purchased from Fingers Furniture for, in very good condition, $250. Will send pictures upon request. Call 281-290-0808 or email barbs_d@hotmail.com. China cabinet, beautiful, mint condition, solid wood from South America, traditional, cherry, lighted inside, glass cabinets with drawers. Must see, $500. 713-805-4039. Curio cabinet, mint condition, glass front and sides, mirrored back, dark wood, traditional, 6’ H X 2.5 W, lighted inside, intricate carving, must see, $500. Call 713-805-4039. Executive desk, Helikon brand, medium cherry wood, 70” x 35” front, 45” x 22” return, 29” height. Excellent condition, $9,500. Call 281855-1531 or email jkluttz@earthlink.net. Can email picture. Bombay Co. queen bed, black finish and matress/boxspring, good condition. 2005 price $1,000+, $400 OBO. 2007 premium home theater, NIB, retail $500+, $200 OBO. zaghloulj@gmail.com. 2 Prom/Quinceanera dresses by Flirt, size 4-8. Immaculate - paid $600 each, selling for $100. Hot pink crystalled top with Cinderella-type bottom and olive green crystalled top with Belle-type bottom. Call for pictures. 713-816-6777. Beretta 84FS Cheetah .380 nickel w/holster, two 13 round clips, Pachmayr grips and 300 rounds of ammo, $850. Call 281-898-1507. Inversion therapy table (like Teter Hang-up): for reducing spinal stress and benefitting circulation. Folds flat for storage, sturdy steel frame, $125 or best offer. Call 281-463-6989. Dining table, oval, oak with dark gray metal base. 281-858-4808.

March 2013

529 Informer

Entertainment center solid oak finish - 3 pieces, two sides and one lighted top. Will include 45 inch wide screen tv, $300 cash only. Phone 713-857-5650.

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Save $250 on New Energy Star Systems

Wedgewood China, 12 5-piece place settings, plus serving pieces, $895. 281-395-3664. Custom white, faux wood blinds for sale. 3 - 40Wx70L, 1 sink window 34Wx40L. $40 each or best offer. Call 281-463-1175. Marcy Home Gym complete with self spotting bench, curling bar, latpull pully system & over 200 lbs. of weights. Also a chest-explosion machine & accessories for the pully system. Excellent condition. $325 or $350 delivered assembled. 281-881-6405. Sofa good to very good condition, $250 OBO. jordon98@hotmail.com. Bakers Rack - Excellent Condition, $75 OBO. Call after 6 PM, 281-4140066. Dining room suite, early American Tell City, finish - Andover #48. Includes: table - TC 8156, 4 chairs - TC 8032 and Singer china hutch, $700 (same on ebay, over $1,500). 281-463-7938 or dee-doug@ sbcglobal.net for pics.

! 13 20

Antiques for sale: Eastlake style mahogany early 20th century shelf, $275. Art Nouveau, circa 1920’s, complete bedroom suite; includes double bed with head and foot boards, mattress, box springs and frame, drawer dresser with bench and mirror, 5-drawer chest of drawers and night stand, $3,500 (paid $6,000 at Auction Barn). All in excellent condition. Email me for pictures at fae@krenekprinting. com or call me at 281-858-4422 or 832-651-5863.

• Concrete slabs/walks • Bathroom/Kitchen remodels • Concrete repair or replace • Roof repair or replace


Kitchen appliances - GE refrigerator, 28 cubic, ice/water on door, double door, $375; GE gas stove, electric ignition, glass door, self-cleaning, $250; GE dishwasher, $150 - all 6 years old, excellent condition. White porcelain sink, Moen faucet, garbage disposal, hoses, $150. GE Adora microwave, 1100 watt, 2 months old, all paperwork, 10 months of warranty left, $225. Miscellaneous small kitchen appliances, just ask. 281-345-4061.

• Fences/Decks • Home Inspection Repairs • Patio Covers/Arbors • Painting Int/Ext

% n in 10iscoPruoject

Headake rack, Ford/Chevy; Old kitchen cabinets; 3 typewriters, IBM Selectric; trolling motor, 2.5 Mercury; 18’ temporary service poll, 60 amp breaker box. Call 832-465-5926.

BIG Multi-Project Discount Savings for 2013!

D itial n rI fo

L-shaped office desk. Storage on one end with shelves, other end one filing cabinet, middle has pullout for keyboard, $150. Cash only. Phone 713-857-5650.


“The one you will count on for your comfort needs”


Breakfast/dining room table w/four chairs plus a bench seat. Very good condition, $325. Cash only. Phone 713-857-5650.



5 drawer filing cabinet- light tan color, $125 cash only. Phone 713857-5650.

A/C Check 99 Per System (Reg $89

Entertainment center, color is light tan, will email photos, $300 cash. Phone 713-857-5650.

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MOVING/GARAGE SALES Moving sale: Friday and Saturday, 3/15-3/16, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM each day. Everything must go! 9719 Coyote Creek Drive (Tuckerton/Queenston area). Power saws, hand tools, furniture - some antique, Noritake China, stemware, metal filing cabinets (3), household items and collectibles.


2003 Toyota Camry. 4 Cyl, automatic, all power and air. $5,600. 281682-7868.

529 Informer


Have questions? Email loriegreen21@gmail.com

March 2013


VOICE LESSONS Discover your vocal abilities or refine your skills! Preparation for All-State, UIL, and Auditions All genres, especially classical, musical theater and jazz. Healthy technique that combines ease and sensibility, making singing fun and rewarding! Seasoned teacher and performer. Graduate of the prestigious Oberlin Conservatory of Music.

Call Tiffany to get started!

Chris Vacattmas ion 1990

sen Es emories”

4,16 inch aluminum factory wheels. Came off 2001 Chevorlet Silverado Z71 half ton. Wheels are in good condition, 6 lug hole pattern, $500, cash only. Phone 713-857-5650. Gas powered golf cart w/2 spare tires, 5’ x 10’ trailer w/ ramp. 281395- 4316, after noon.

2009 Saturn Vue XE - 4 Door, white, FWD, 2.4 Liter, 2 Wheel Drive, 45K miles, clean car fax. One owner, excellent condition, $13,900. Call 281-463-1175. 1985, 18 ½ foot Sea Ray. 165 Mercruiser, $3,000. Comes with accessories. 832-655-4746.



Y o



g n i r u pt ce of ur

4 Bridgestone Dueler H/L tires. Size p275/55r20-dalnrz, only have 5340 miles on tires. Came off of a 2011 Tundra, $550, cash only. Phone 713-857-5650.

Motorcycle: 2004 Moto Guzzi Breva V7 with 55,000 miles. Runs strong and has new tires with approx. 200 miles on them. Does have road wear, but is dependable transportation. This will not take you to warp speed, but it will get you there. Hepco Travel bags + $150. Call 713-598-2094 or grsa58@yahoo.net.



SSBC 3 piston front calibers, brand new, still in the box. Color - indigo blue. Fits 2001 Chevrolet Silverado. Includes - stainless steel brake lines, brake lines are from front and rear. Can email pictures if needed, $950. 713-857-5650.

Wanted: Rolex watches for collector. 281-414-3597.


Teacher Assistant required for the afternoon shift for a Montessori Preschool. Must love children. Please send resume to school8007@ aol.com or call 281-989-2978 between 3.00-5.00 PM. There is nO greaTer gifT Than a memOrY.

• phOTO resTOraTiOn • media cOnversiOn • videO scrapbOOks

info@timeofyourlife.cc • 281-898-6795 • www.TimeOfYourLife.cc

s nces Pri rties Pa

S Parpa ties

Sales openings: all cold calls, work in Katy or Cypress, pick your hours/days, part time hours with full time pay, experience a plus but not necessary. Please call 713-427-9092 or email myhome@ katyoutdoorservices.com. Now accepting applications for receptionist and/or office assistance for a local office in Katy. Must be bilingual in English & Spanish (read, write & speak). Full time position 9-5 with one hour lunch; weekends off and national holidays off. Must have some general office experience, be a self-motivated individual with computer experience, answer phones, take messages, schedule appointments, filing. Duties will include multiple task and working well with others. Wages are based upon experience. Please submit all resumes to: mre@mantarayenterprises. com, attention Colleen. Part-time Administrative Assistant for growing business. Working knowledge of office and phone procedures, English and Spanish skills helpful, written skills needed. Able to work independently and follow schedules, type short letters & provide quotes. Please write to or send resume to rafaelconcrete@gmail.com, use the subject line of Administrative Assistant on email.



Katy area child care in need of part time and full time child care providers. Contact Mrs. Dana, 281-394-5437.

Enjoy 15% OFF Your Next Princess or Spa Party with this ad if you book your party before October 1, 2012.


Plumbers or Apprentices for repair and a Receptionist needed. Bilingual preferred. Please call 281-256-2239.

Sales persons wanted to sell Replacement Windows and Window coverings. Ownership opportunity available. Call Replacement Windows of Katy at 281-392-5353.

March 2013

529 Informer

Enjoy Golf and the outdoors? Hole in One Challenge, a national par 3 company, is seeking sales representatives to promote a par 3 contest on local golf courses. A portion of all sales will help support programs offered to young people through The First Tee. Work a 5 hour shift - approximately 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (weekends with occasional weekdays). $10 per hour plus commission after reaching minimum sales goal. Daily pay. Positions are available immediately. Must be able to pass drug test. Please contact Larry Wilkerson 281-758-4282. Visit www.holeinonechallenge.com. Manta Ray Enterprises, Inc. (MRE, Inc.) is always in search of highly motivated Real Estate Agents who’s core values that are aligned with that of the Broker’s. You are not expected to have the exact know-how when you start. But open minded and willing to learn from a TREC-MCE Instructor with over 28 years experience on leasing and working with property management with single family homes & condos. MRE, Inc. will guide you on the proper forms to use. Broker will provide a oneon-one support to any Real Estate Agent willing and wanting to learn more. MRE, Inc. will assist you to better serve your clients/customers/ investors with sales, leases and property management. MRE, Inc. has been recognized and involved with Katy ISD, Community Education for more than 23 years at Taylor High School in Katy. MRE, Inc. offers incentive packages along with additional Real Estate knowledge. For more information and to get started on your new career today; please contact the Broker, “Tisha” Matticks, at mre@mantarayenterprises.com. Now hiring security officers, part time/full time. No experience necessary. Retirees welcome. All shifts available. Accepting applications Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - 11 AM. Located at 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston, Texas 77079. Phone: 281-759-1010. Martial Arts USA is hiring qualified Tae Kwon Do Black Belts with WTF certification, over 18 years of age, background checks and interviews will be conducted. Contact Master Shin or Master An at 281-463-9333

529 Informer

or email YoungAn@cyfairtkd.com. Location, 17121 West Rd. Suite 200 Houston TX 77095. About Hair Salon and Day Spa is seeking experienced stylists. Apply in person 15422 FM 529, Houston, TX 77095. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281656-2273. The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person. Housekeepers needed. Great hours for mom’s with school age children. 281-861-0394. Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and good clientele. Benefits available. Call Images Hair Studio at 281256-2286. Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900. Dental assistant position available. F/T, nonsmoker, experienced preferred, knowledge of Dentrix software and bilingual a plus. Must be state licensed; Front desk receptionist, bilingual preferred. Fax resume to: 281-861-7174. Or call 281-861-7500.

March 2013


Applications being accepted for experienced stylist and nail tech at Salon Picasso Studios. Lease/commission. 281-861-9911. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@westhoustonelectric.com.


Female Shih Tzu puppies for sale, APRI registered, shots, playful, cute, waiting for a nice and lovely home. 713-927-6239.


FOUND: 8GB SanDisk, looks like a disk that you would use in a camera and has files with pictures of a proposal, engagement photos and wedding photos.The wedding photos look like the wedding was up north. Call 713-545-8245.


Room for rent in home, $500 a month, $200 deposit. All bills paid. Call 281-684-3441.

Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for more information.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – JCH Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.


Timeshare: rent a lovely condo for a full week in Hawaii. Sleeps 4, fully stocked kitchen. What else needs to be said... It’s Hawaii! $795. For information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427. Las Vegas Timeshare - On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living; jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s/2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days $355 - 7 days $500. No added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek


March 2013

529 Informer

Important Numbers Police/Fire Emergency Sheriff’s Office

911 713-221-6000

Schools 281-897-4000 Cy-Fair ISD Administration 281-463-5978 Cy-Fair ISD Transportation 281-463-5500 André Elementary 713-460-6140 Bane Elementary 281-856-5174 Duryea Elementary N/A at print time Emery Elementary 281-463-5966 Jowell Elementary 281-345-3200 Walker Elementary 713-460-6153 Dean Middle School 281-463-5353 Hopper Middle School 281-345-3260 Kahla Middle School 281-213-1010 Smith Middle School 281-856-1500 Thorton Middle School 281-856-3800 Cy-Lakes High School 281-345-3000 Cy-Springs High School 281-373-2300 Cy-Ranch HS Utilities CenterPoint Energy Power Outages Street Lights - Not working

713-659-2111 1-800-332-7143 713-207-2222

How to Contact Krenek Printing


Free to non-profit organizations.

DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek Printing is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. • The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. • Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/ correction. • Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. We reserve the right to refuse to publish any classified or business ads or articles. Krenek Printing

529 Informer

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Classified Ads DEADLINE: 10th of preceding month.

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mail, fax or email: CLASSIFIED@KRENEKPRINTING.COM Affordable advertising across Katy & Hwy 6.


DEADLINE:12th of preceding month.

ADS@KRENEKPRINTING.COM (281) 463-8649 fax (281) 463-2425

Get prices online or call us 8:30a - 5p. 7102 Glen Chase Ct. Houston, TX 77095


March 2013



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March 2013

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Published by: Krenek PrintingMarch 7102 Glen2013 Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 529 Informer email: news@krenekprinting.com for articles • ads@krenekprinting.com for business ads • classified@krenekprinting.com for classified ads


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