Williamsburg Settlement

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The 2013 Annual General Meeting of members of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association was held on April 16th at our Clubhouse. The main business of the meeting was the election of directors to fill the expiring terms of two currently serving Board members, Martin Spears and Cyndy Thompson. Martin Spears was willing to continue serving for an additional term and Gale Owen was a candidate to take Cyndy’s position. As there were no additional nominations, Martin and Gail were elected by acclamation.


The May Yard-of-the-Month award goes to Martin and Stacy Spears of 1714 Calveryman Lane. Their yard is abloom with beautiful Peppermint Amaryllis accenting the brick mailbox. The flowerbeds are nicely manicured with blue Plumbago plants and Plum Delight Loropetalum. Also, mixed in among several statues, is purple flowering Salvia, Lantana, red Knockout Roses and Lillies. There are also two very nice flowering trees, the Yellow Trumpet Tree and a White Dogwood. Their grass is weed free, thick and a lush green. Martin and Stacy have lived in The Settlement for 11 years. They have three children with only one left at home. They love the sense of community that The Settlement has to offer. Thank you Martin and Stacy for adding beauty to our fine neighborhood.


As a reminder, the pool will be open full time June 1st through August 25th, reverting to weekends again (plus Labor Day) through its closing on September 2nd. Hours of operation for the pool are 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM. For your ongoing reference, this information is posted on the Swimming Pool tab of the Recreation page of our website www.wsmaonline.org - Also, in order to avoid disappointment, please remember that if the pool is open on a Monday for a Holiday, it will be closed the next day, Tuesday, for cleaning. The pool operation will again be managed by Houston Recreational Management staff, this year under the management of a new director and with more experienced lifeguards. The Board believes that these changes will result in a more positive experience for all of our residents who enjoy using our pool each year.

June 2013

Published by: 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 June 2013 1 Williamsburg Settlement email: news@krenekprinting.com for articles • ads@krenekprinting.com for business ads • classified@krenekprinting.com for classified ads Krenek Printing

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Any resident interested in coming to watch and support our community swim team may go to the WSST website (www.wsstdolphins.weebly. com) for specific locations and times.

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SWIM MEET DATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Saturday, June 1st against Briar Hills Monday, June 10th against Memorial Parkway Saturday, June 15th against Barkers Landing Saturday, June 22nd against Barkers Ridge

Expires 6/30/13



APRIL 16, 2013 The Annual Meeting of Members of Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449 at 7:00 PM. A quorum was qualified by representation in person and/or by proxy of two hundred twelve (212) members. The Board President, Floyd Ball served as chairperson and called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. He introduced the other Board Members present, Cyndy Thompson, Larry Crain, Martin Spears and Dave Ellis. Also present were Officers Wilburn and Felchak. Representing PCMI was Dolores Sue. The first item on the agenda was the election of two (2) directors each to serve a three (3) year term. There were two (2) candidates on the ballot, Gail Owen and Martin Spears. The floor was opened for nominations. There were no nominations from the floor and a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to close nominations from the floor. With two (2) positions available and two (2) candidates seeking election, the residents present voted the new directors by acclamation. Therefore, Gail Owen and Martin Spears will be the new Board Members, each to serve a three (3) year term to expire in 2016. The next item on the agenda was a review of the Association financials. The financial report was presented by Dave Ellis, the Treasurer. He discussed the financial results for 2012, which were very positive, largely as a result of improved collection of delinquent accounts. He went on to discuss the budget for 2013 and the present status of both the Operating and Reserve accounts. A vote is required annually to roll over the excess income if any, for the benefit of IRS rulings. Upon a motion duly made, seconded unanimously approved by the Members, it was: RESOLVED, that any excess assessments for the taxable year 2013, that are over and above the actual expenses paid or incurred for said year, shall be applied to the following year’s assessments for operating expenses. COMMUNITY OPERATIONS UPDATE At this time, Martin Spears presented the Sheriff’s Patrol Report. He explained this has been a very successful year with very low crime reports. The deputies are very aggressive, but added they are very personal with residents. Mr. Spears also stated this year, they would like to promote more community operation information such as perhaps holding a meeting to discuss crime prevention tactics. He did report there was one (1) burglary on April 14, 2013.


June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

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OPEN FORUM At this time, there was a general question and answer period. A resident explained that parking on the street has been a problem during swim team practice and on swim meet dates. The Board explained there will be no swim meets at the facility this year, but agree parking at other times can be an issue. Another resident pointed out that vehicles parked along the street outside of the clubhouse are a danger to children running out of the recreation area and could be the cause of an accident. One resident suggested that perhaps the swim team should pay to have some type of security to make sure parking is done in a proper manner. The Board suggested that when people are parking illegally the Sheriff should be called. Larry Crain explained that approximately three hundred ten feet (310’) of perimeter fence blew down during the wind storm, all of which was quickly replaced. In 2012, the fence committee did extensive replacement of rotten fence boards. In 2013, the perimeter fence project is going to be handled somewhat differently in that most of the damaged pickets that could be secured to sound posts and cross rails have now been replaced. Further picket replacement will be limited to those which are actually missing or broken, saving the money that would otherwise be spent on marginal pickets so that complete sections, which also have marginal posts, can be replaced sooner. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 7:55 PM to a Board Meeting.


APRIL 16, 2013 A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg Settlement Maintenance Association, Inc. was held on Tuesday, April 16, 2013, at 8:00 PM, at the Williamsburg Settlement clubhouse, 1602 Hoyt, Katy, Texas 77449. ATTENDANCE Board Members present were Floyd Ball, Dave Ellis, Martin Spears, Larry Crain and Gail Owen. Also in attendance was Dolores Sue representing Planned Community Management, Inc. (PCMI) With a quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM.

Williamsburg Settlement

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OFFICERS The Board unanimously agreed that the officers for the next 12 months will be as follows: Floyd Ball - President Walter Smith - Vice President Dave Ellis - Secretary/Treasurer ASSIGNMENTS OF RESPONSIBILITIES Walter (Walt) Smith - Architectural Review Chairperson Larry Crain - Perimeter Fence and Landscaping Dave Ellis - Communications (Website and Newsletter), Electrical Repairs, Keys, Pool and Clubhouse Repairs and Clubhouse Rentals Martin Spears - Patrol Liaison Gail Owen - Deed Restrictions, Yard of the Month and Holiday Decorations Margaret Heichel - Welcoming of New Residents With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM. The next meeting will be May 21, 2013 at the community clubhouse. Note: Subsequent to the meeting, responsibility for maintenance of the Association flags was assumed by resident Eric Kolber


The next meeting of the WSMA Board of Directors will be held in the clubhouse on Hoyt Lane at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, June 18, 2013. If you wish to be placed on the agenda, please contact PCMI at 281870-0585 at least three days prior to the meeting.


March 1 through March 31, 2013 Type of Incident Number of Incidents Burglary/Motor Vehicle 1 Check School / Clubhouse 30 Disturbance/other 1 Follow-Up 2 Meet the Citizen 14 Meet the Officer 5 Missing Person 1 Suspicious Persons 2 Traffic Initiative 5 Traffic Stop 5 Unknown Medical Emergency 1 Vacation Watch 8 Warning Citations 2

June 2013



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In his March monthly report, Officer Paul Wilburn requested now that the pool is open, residents who travel to the clubhouse in their vehicles should park them in the parking area at the clubhouse, leaving the roadway clear for emergency vehicles to pass. Residents should consider that that the fire truck or ambulance that may need to travel the streets could be headed for “their” residence. If the parking lot is full, PLEASE Park legally in the street, NOT blocking driveways and fire hydrants. Residents are also reminded that there are No Parking signs posted in front of and across the street from the clubhouse. Thanks


This is just a reminder that the email addresses to which emails from the WSMA Webmaster are broadcast are those that have been registered on the www.WSMAonline.org website by the residents themselves. This email distribution list is used to disseminate important announcements to Settlement residents. However, email addresses do tend to be rather dynamic as residents change their ISP for a variety of reasons and when they do so, unless they re-register their new email addresses on the Registration page of the website, they will no longer receive these broadcast emails. So please, when conveying a new email address to those in your address book, also update our mailing list by removing your old email address and replacing it with your new one. This will ensure that you continue to receive the timely announcements on important Settlement activities. And for those who have not yet registered, you are strongly urged to do so as this is the best mechanism we have to quickly communicate with our residents. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


If any resident wishes to update the information that they have previously provided for publication in the Maintenance Association Directory or on the Directory page of our website, they can do so by using the Residents’ Directory Entry form. This form is accessible via the Registration or Directory pages of our website www.wsmaonline.org.


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The webmaster uses the information submitted to maintain the directory database. If the resident indicates on the form that he or she is agreeable to having that information accessible via the online Directory page, the update will be made as soon as possible usually within 24 hours. Throughout 2013, the information will also be marked for inclusion in any future edition of the hard copy directory, monthly updates of which will be emailed to all registered residents who can use them to manually annotate their copies. If the resident wants the information restricted to the hard copy directory, then it will be used only for this purpose and will not be posted on-line. A record of all changes since the last publication of the hard copy directory will be maintained and will be emailed to any resident who requests it so that they can keep their copies current. New residents to our subdivision are requested to use the same Residents’ Directory Entry form to register their information for inclusion in the directories or if they don’t want ANY information included IN EITHER the hard copy or the on-line directories, they can so indicate by completing the simpler form at the bottom of the Registration page. This request to new residents is included in the Welcome Packet given to each as soon as PCMI is made aware of the change in ownership.


To report a burned out streetlight, any resident may call CenterPoint directly at 713-207-2222. However, for those with Internet access, you may also make this report on-line. For those interested, you can go to http://cnp.centerpointenergy.com/outage. Then enter your contact details so that they can get back to you if more information is required. On the following page enter the details of the light(s) with the problem. Just as you would if reporting the outage via the telephone, you will need to provide the street address where the light is located and the 6-digit number that is prominently displayed on the

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

front of the pole. Under normal circumstances the crew will be out to fix the problem within 7 working days. Anyone noticing a streetlight that is out or has some other malfunction is encouraged to report the problem to CenterPoint via either of these two methods without delay. Our Association is charged for every streetlight each month, irrespective of whether or not the light is functioning. So please help us get value for your hard earned money!


Residents need to be sure and pay attention to the state of the paint on their houses. Many of the houses in the settlement are of an age that they will soon need to be repainted or sided. Please be proactive in getting this done when necessary. Doing this before you have a problem will not only keep your house looking nicer, but doing it early can end up saving you money! But please remember that all such work does require Architectural Review Committee approval. This is obtained by completing a “Request For Home Improvement Approval” form and mailing it to PCMI. A blank copy of this form is included in this newsletter and is also available on the Board Notices and Forms page our website at WSMAonline.org.


The Clubhouse is available for rental for non-profit activities to all residents in good standing with the Association • The fees are as follows: BIG ROOM RENTAL FEE: Up to 49 people - $50 50-100 people - $75 Plus a refundable security deposit: No alcohol served - $100 Alcohol served or the attendance of 20 or more between the ages of 13 and 21- $200*

Greg’s House Check, Inc I’ll be there when you can’t

SMALL ROOM RENTAL FEE: Up to 20 people - $30 Plus a refundable security deposit of $50

Professional House Sitting • Alarm Response (when you can’t) Residential Board-Up • Meet vendors or packages Call for appointment

• *Note that when alcohol is served, two security guards must also be on duty. The requirement for two is mandated by the Sheriff’s Department. When no alcohol is being served but the event is attended by 50 or more people and continues past 6:00 PM or 20 or more people between the ages of 13 and 21 unaccompanied by their family members, one security guard is required. • The charge for the security guards, which is paid directly to the officers, is the responsibility of the resident requesting the rental. • Also, if there are more than 20 young people between the ages of 13 and 21 unaccompanied by their family members the Association requires one responsible adult for every 10 of these young persons to act as chaperones.

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s nces Pri rties Pa

S Parpa ties

• All deposits refundable upon passing the exit inspection. POOL RENTAL The pool is available for private parties during the swim season (only), subject to the posted pool rules and the following restrictions. During Pool Hours: • Only 1 group at a time. • Parties must be scheduled at least 2 weeks ahead of time. • Parties held during open hours are restricted to 20 or fewer persons (adults and children) who will be entering the pool and do not have their own pool tags.

Williamsburg Settlement



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June 2013

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After Hours: • Parties must be scheduled at least 2 weeks ahead of time. • Fees: 1-49 people - $50; 50 plus - $75. • Private pool parties may start at 8:00 PM. They must end and the area must be cleaned up by the scheduled end of the party, either 10:00 or 11:00 PM as selected on the booking form. • One responsible adult for every 10 persons under the age of 21 must be in the pool area at all times acting as chaperones to ensure the good behavior of all members of the party. • Lifeguards will be booked by the Association. There will be a minimum of 2 lifeguards plus an additional guard for every 25 persons in excess of 50 who will be entering the pool. The perlifeguard hourly fee is $25. • The cost for the lifeguards will be added to the rental fee and will be payable by the renter to the Association at the time the booking is confirmed. • A $150 refundable deposit is required.


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For clubhouse and pool availability, refer to the Clubhouse Bookings page of the Association website www.wsmaonline.org and then to make a reservation, please complete the pool entries on the on-line Clubhouse Booking Form.


If you need further information, call Dave Ellis at 281-347-2580.

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• In the event that the total number of persons in the pool (including regular pool users who are not in the party) requires an additional lifeguard then the cost of the additional guard will be deducted from the renter’s deposit. • Two responsible adults must be in the pool area at all times acting as chaperones to ensure the good behavior of all members of the party. • Party to be over and the area cleaned up by pool closing at 8:00 PM • A $100 refundable deposit is required.

Animals that are not properly restrained pose a threat to all our residents. While you may know your pet is friendly, an animal running at someone who is walking by is very scary for that person. Many children are afraid of animals and become frightened, which could result in the child getting hurt trying to avoid the animal. Veterinary Public Health (formerly called Harris County Animal Control) advises that “All dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas. The custodian of a dog or cat is not authorized to have, harbor or keep any unlicensed dog or cat or to allow any dog or cat to become a stray.” Restraint is defined as the control of a dog or cat under the following circumstances: 1. When it is controlled by a line or leash not more then six (6) feet in length, if the line or leash is held by a human being who is capable of controlling or governing the dog or cat in question. 2. When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle. 3. When it is on the premise of the custodian and the animal does not have access to sidewalk to street. While it may be nice to have your animal out in the yard while you work or play, it is against the law, unless the animal is properly restrained. Let’s all help keep our community a safe and comfortable place for all our residents by being responsible pet owners. This will not only protect anyone who may be walking or bicycling in the area, but also the pet owner who could be held legally responsible or possibly sued for failing to properly restrain their pet.

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement


Lawns • Apply iron sulfate or chelete to St. Augustine grass lawns. • Mow St. Augustine to a 2-inch height now to protect roots from the sun. Never cut off more than a third of the leaf. • Continue treatment of lawns for chinch bug. As the temperature hits 80 degrees, chinch bugs begin to reproduce in the hottest and driest part of the lawn, usually next to cement. Use diazinon or dursban granules. Flowers • Overwatered hibiscus, purslane and bougainvillea won’t bloom. • Keep flowers pinched off of coleus and caladiums to encourage more of the beautiful foliage. • Plants to set: Acalpha, Ageratum, Alternathera, Aspidistra, Artemisia, Balsam, Begonia, Chrysanthemum, Cockscomb, Coleus, Croton, Dusty Miller, Feverfew, Gaillardia, Geranium, Marigold, Petunia, Pinks, Portulaca, Salvia-red, Shrimp Plant, Torenia, Verbena and Vinca. Vegetables • A strong blast of water in the morning rids plants of most bugs for the rest of the day. • Vegetables to plant: Cantaloupe, Sweet Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant sets, Okra, Black Peas, Pepper Sets, Summer Squash and Sweet Potato. Shrubs • Watch Camellias and Azaleas, they’re setting their blooms now for next season. So give them a good mulch and plenty of water. Mulch well with oak leaves and/or pine needles to keep soil acidic.

Williamsburg Settlement

Benefits of Mulching: Mulching (organic or inorganic) is a layer of material on the surface of the soil around the plant. Mulches conserve water by reducing evaporation, insulates the soil and protects it from the drying wind and hot sun. Mulches break the force of rain and irrigation water and tend to prevent erosion, soil compaction, and crusting. Lastly, a 2-3 inch layer of mulch will almost eliminate weed problems.


A Katy area playgroup for stay at home moms and their infantpreschool aged children in the Williamsburg area meets every Monday at different locations. If you interested in participating or finding out more about the playgroup, please contact the playgroup coordinator, Laura Bannerman, at llbannerman@gmail.com. Please share this information with neighbors and friends!


Did you know that the West I-10 Fire Department is a department you can join? Members come from all walks of life and work together to serve their community. The West I-10 Fire Department is also committed to community involvement and as such would like all our citizens to know the best way to contact us. If you have an emergency, please dial 9-1-1, but if you have a question about the Department or would like to inquire about a public relations event, please dial 281-675-3639 or visit our website at www.westI-10fd.org.

June 2013


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June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement


If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please completely fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number (one only), year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Email to news@krenekprinting.com (preferred) or mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095. Must have parent(s) permission.

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Please place my name on the Job Seekers List

(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in ALL information or we cannot put you on the list.

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Job(s) _________________________________ ❑ B -Babysitting Name _________________________________ ❑ SS -Safe Sitter

❑ SL -Swim Lessons

Address ________________________________ ❑ CPR -CPR Certified Email _________________________________ Birthdate - Mo/Yr_________________________ Age ______ Current Grade ______ Class of ____ Phone _________________________________ Subdivision______________________________

❑ FAC -First Aid Cert. ❑ RCC -Red Cross Cert. ❑ P -Pet Care (only) ❑ PP -Pet/Plant Sitter ❑ H -Housecare ❑ L -Lawncare ❑ T -Tutor ❑ C -Car Detailing

I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter.

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June 5th - Early Dismissal/Last Day of School


June 6th - Raines, 7 PM June 7th - Katy, 7 PM June 8th - Taylor, 9 AM June 8th - Cinco Ranch, 2 PM June 8th - Seven Lakes, 7 PM June 9th - Mayde Creek, 2 PM June 9th - Morton Ranch, 7 PM


The eleventh annual summer band camp, offered to next year’s 7th, 8th and 9th grade KISD band students, will be held at Seven Lakes High School from July 15th to July 19th. The camp will include daily section rehearsals, full band rehearsals and fun music based electives. Lunch is also part of the camp. The cost of the camp is $100 and will include a t-shirt if postmarked by June 7th. Late registration is an additional $25 if postmarked after June 7th. The camp concludes with the Grand Finale Concert on Friday morning at 9 AM. After the concert, those students wishing to extend the fun a little longer can join in the group’s optional trip to Splashtown Water Park in Spring, Texas for an additional $35 (park admission, meal,


bus transportation and drinks are included in price) for a total camp cost of $135 ($160 after June 7th). The KISD JH Summer Band Camp has been a huge success each year and we anticipate a large enrollment this year. Plan to register early in order to secure a spot. Camp participants will audition for summer band camp placement the first day of camp, beginning promptly at 8 AM. Students should prepare major scales and chromatic scales specific to the student’s instrument, as well as a band camp audition etude. Students will be ability grouped with the number of bands being determined by total enrollment for the camp. Registration Form, Audition materials and Medical Form and Permission to Travel are to be downloaded by campers from the Katy ISD Fine Arts Webpage www.katyisd. org/finearts - An email confirmation is sent out upon receipt of registration and follow up reminders from the camp coordinator will be sent before the camp begins, so make sure your email address is clearly printed on the registration form. The camp provides an economical and convenient alternative to those who may not have had a chance to attend another band camp over the summer due to scheduling and/or costs. Participants will receive top quality instruction on their instruments from our own great KISD and Houston area Band Directors. Join us for the eleventh annual Katy ISD Junior High Summer Band Camp and keep your playing skills sharp for next year! Camp brochures with the Registration Form were distributed to KISD band student by their schools’ directors, but they can also be downloaded from the Katy ISD Fine Arts webpage above. We ask campers to get their registrations in early to guarantee participation. Registrations should NOT be mailed after Friday, July 5th without first contacting bandcamp13@gmail.com directly.

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

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Each year the four year olds through the eighth grade students at Texas Christian School become published authors! Students collaborated to write and illustrate their very own hardbound books. The students of Texas Christian School are celebrating the publication of their books in a big way. While writing their books, the students learned that hard work really does pays off and that writing is a lot of work. Students went through the entire process from first rough draft, many revisions and finally the publication process where they now own their very own book as the author. Texas Christian’s writing program is designed to motivate students to learn through publishing by enabling students to write, illustrate and publish fullcolor, hardbound books that they will enjoy for years. Texas Christian School is extremely proud of their student’s hard work and they look forward to many more books from their young authors.

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West Houston Girls Softball Association invites you to come join the fun! Registration is now OPEN for our Fall 2013 season. Make some new friends and enjoy the outdoors in a fun and exciting way. No experience necessary! Girls, ages 5-17, are eligible to play! Every girl makes a team and every girl plays. Registration can be completed online, in-person or by mail (visit our website for forms and dates): www.eteamz.com/whgsa. If you have questions, please feel free to email Kim Jowers at westhoustongsa@yahoo.com


Come join men 19 years and over in a Men’s Outward Basketball League at Bear Creek Baptist Church. Bear Creek is located at Fry Rd. and West Little York. Practices on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Games will be played on Tuesdays or Thursday and Saturdays. The league ends with a tournament on August 10th. Cost only $25. Evaluations will be May 28th and 30th between 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Practice begin the July 9th and 11th. The games begin July 16th and 18th. For more information call 281-859-9900 and ask for Scott Denton or email or email Scott.denton@bcstaff.org, you can register on line at Bearcreekchurch.tv/sports and click on register for Outward Basketball.


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Registration is open for fall Flag Football, Basketball, Soccer and T-Ball/Baseball leagues in Katy! i9 Sports is the #1 provider of youth sports leagues, camps and instructional clinics in the country for kids ages 3-14. We focus on fun, skills and sportsmanship with a commitment to safety. For more information, please visit www. i9sports.com or call 281-398-PLAY (7529).

Williamsburg Settlement


Tammy Smith, Owner-Operated

June 2013

281-855-9212 11

Covenant Preparatory Christian Academy is a developing NAUMS (National Association of University-Model Schools) school with a classical focus located in Katy, Texas.


CPCA offers a complete curriculum for grades 6-12, and hosts a Classical Enrichment Program for grades K-5. Classes meet 1, 2 or 3 days per week depending upon grade level and subject.

• Rigorous Academics • Biblical Worldview & Integration • Small Class Size • Positive and Encouraging Culture • Athletics and Electives • Convenient Katy Location • Affordable Tuition Informational meetings are held every first Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m. at Church of the Holy Apostles located at


1225 West Grand Parkway S. Katy, Texas 77494 CovenantPrepKaty@gmail.com CHEER: Regular registration thru June 30th, cost - new/returners needing uniform $175 and returners w/o uniform $145. Late registration, will close on August 31st. First game day will be September 7th. Final Walk-in registrations will be: June 1st. Locations Griffin Elementary, 10 AM-3 PM.



The 9th/10th Grade Katy Rebels - D’Addieco team continued their impressive start to the season with another 1st place finish in the March 30th Houston Premier Spring Madness tournament in The Woodlands, TX. After a shaky first half in the first game, the Rebels mounted a 14 point comeback in the second half and held on to win by 3 points. They won the championship against the host team by an impressive 22 points while battling foul trouble and physical play. Again, hustle and intensity, along with some clutch free throws, late game execution and a solid zone defense proved to be the difference. The team has demonstrated the ability to win gritty, close games, which should serve them well later in the season. Congratulations to Allison, LaShanda, Kim, Sydney, Natalia, Kayla, Anna, Delaney, Myangiel and Emily on another excellent tournament!


Katy Youth Football is proud to announce 2013 Fall Registration: www.katyyouthfootball.com FOOTBALL: Regular registration thru June 30th, cost $175. Late registration will close on July 28th, cost $200. First game day will be September 7th.


The Canes Summer Soccer Camp Series is comprised of two camps: Skills & Drills Camp and Fundamental Skills Camp. Camps are led by some of Texas finest coaching professionals. Our professional Staff has extensive camp experience, hold Youth and National Coaching Licenses with many having coached in the South Texas ODP and possess a Professional playing background. Camp options for players of all levels and genders! Our camps are uniquely designed so that every level of player has an opportunity to advance their knowledge and develop their skills in the proper environment. Questions? Email tjohnson@albionhurricanes.org or call 281-8566279 or email mhorton@albionhurricanes.org or call 713-818-0181. Register online at www.albionhurricanes.org June 3rd - 6th: U14-U18 Tryouts July 22nd - July 26th: Reading FC Camp/Start of Regional and National League Team Training July 29th: Start of Central and West Team Training CAMP & EVENT DATES June 17-21, 2013:AHFC Canes Skills & Drills Soccer Camp (10-16) - Katy Park June 17-21, 2013: AHFC Canes Fundamental Camp (5-9) - Katy Park July 15-19, 2013: AHFC Canes Skills & Drills Soccer Camp (10-16) - Katy Park July 15-19, 2013: AHFC Canes Fundamental Camp (5-9) - Katy Park July 15-19, 2013: AHFC Duchesne Skills & Drills Soccer Camp (1016) July 15-19, 2013: AHFC Duchesne Fundamental Camp (5-9)

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement


Katy YMCA Summer Program Registration is NOW in progress. Limited space available. Plan ahead so your child doesn’t miss out on Summer FUN! Contact the Y for details at 281-392-5055 or check out our website: ymcahouston.org/katy SWIM LESSONS: The Y has been teaching swim lessons for over 100 years! All ages and ability levels welcome. Morning, evening, group and private sessions available. Summer sessions are filling quickly. SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS: Basketball, Melvin Adams Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Football, Pickleball, Volleyball and Club Volleyball camps are offered for ages 6-14. Offered 9 AM-11 AM various weeks throughout the summer. SUMMER SPECIALTY CAMPS: Choose from Theatre Arts, Tae Kwon Do, Cheerleading, Dance, Photography, Hip Hop/Jazz and Jump Rope! Come have a blast at these camps that run for 2 hours a week. Limited Space. SUMMER YOUTH & TEEN DAY CAMPS: Held at YMCA’s Camp Cinco (200 wooded acres behind Creech Elementary off of Fry Rd), kids will enjoy an old-fashioned camp experience while coming home at the end of each day. Camps offered for ages 6-15. Drop off as early as 7 AM and pick up as late as 6:30 PM. Scholarships available. Limited Space.


Houston Shooting Stars welcomes ladies, men and youth to join in, play and learn netball, Tuesday nights at The British School of Houston. We are also looking for interested players, adults and youth to play in a new Katy Netball club. No experience necessary. For more information, go to our facebook page, Houston Shooting Stars Netball Club or www.netballamerica.com or contact Ros at education@netballamerica.com or call 832-790 3772.


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The Katy Valkyries is a varsity team competing in the Texas Girls High School Lacrosse League and accepts players from all KISD high schools. Lacrosse experience is not necessary to join the team - we will teach you the skills and game strategy. Please see our new website at: www.katyvalkyries.org for additional information.

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Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving golfing skills. For more information, contact the Pro Shop at Cinco Ranch, 281-395-4653.

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Looking for as many ladies as possible to play. Ages 16+. Contact Krystal Horn for more information at katybball@yahoo.com

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Fun for all the family. All ages welcome - boys & girls. Training every Sunday 2-4 PM, at Beck Junior High school Football Field. For more information, visit www.katyrugbyclub.com

Williamsburg Settlement

• If you are thinking about selling, now is the perfect time, with rates and inventory at an all time low, this is a rare opportunity to receive maximum value for your home.

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Please contact Dean at volleyballkaty@yahoo.com if you are interested in playing volleyball. You must be at least 18 years old and be able to play at intermediate level. We play at different locations in and around Katy area.


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Southwest Houston’s own brand new women’s flat track roller derby team is now forming. This isn’t the old school roller derby you’ve seen in the past. We train derby athletes to compete according to the rules and guidelines set forth by WFTDA, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association. We are actively recruiting skaters, referees and volunteers. Skaters must be female and 18 or older. Referees and volunteers must be 18 or older. Email us at yellowrosederbygirls@ yahoo.com for more information. You can also find us at www. yellowrosederbygirls.com and on Facebook. Join up now to become an integral part in founding and building our league.

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Please join us for shopping, children’s activities and BBQ on Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 5373 Franz Road, from 10 AM to 4 PM. FREE admission! Vendors, please contact Mary at sainttpaulschurch@ charter.net



Date: Saturday, June 1, 2013 Time: 9:00 AM Registration 10:00 AM Walk Location: George Bush Park 16756 Westheimer Pkwy., Houston, TX 77082 Events: Following the event, please join us for a picnic, bounce house and face painting Pricing: $20 individual $50 for family of 4

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Keep Kids Connected currently has a program called “Cans for a Cure” where aluminum beverage cans are collected and recycled and the proceeds are used to purchase computers and for pediatric cancer research. Remember - Every 2nd Saturday from 9 AM - 12 PM at Tradition Bank 550 Pin Oak, Katy 77494. If possible, please remove the tabs and put them in a separate Ziploc bags, as we donate the tabs to the Ronald McDonald House in downtown Houston. Keep Kids Connected is a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit Organization through the generous donations of our patrons and sponsors, we are working with hospitals and doctors to provide Netbook computers to children with cancer or other life-threatening illnesses. For more information, contact Keep Kids Connected at: P.O. Box 1127, Katy, TX 77492 or keepkidsconnected@gmail.com Potential computer recipients can check eligibility requirements and download an application at www.keepkidsconnected.org

Summer Camps/Events

Free WSA Walk T-shirt for those who register online before May 10th. • Last names beginning with A-H, please bring 2 bags of chips to share • Last names beginning with I-Z, please bring a dessert to share To register or make a donation visit: walk4williams.org. Williams Syndrome is a rare genetic condition, which affects 1 in 10,000 people worldwide. It is characterized by medical and developmental delays, cardiovascular disease and learning disabilities. At the same time, people with Williams Syndrome often have unique abilities, including advanced verbal skills, highly sociable personalities and an affinity for music.

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Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) announces their 2013 Summer Performing Arts Camps. This summer, the HFAC’s Actors Academy is offering 25 different 1 and 3-week performing arts camps for grades 1-12. HFAC camps run June 10 through August 24, 2013 and feature acting, singing and dance instruction, as well as performance opportunities in musicals, dramas and comedies especially designed for kids and teens.

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

The HFAC Actors Academy 3-week Musical Theatre Performance Camps for grades 1-6 and 4-8 are Honk, Jr, The Hobbit, Pinocchio and Once on this Island, Jr. HFAC is offering eleven 1-week camps for grades 1-6 that include “Clowning Around,” “Acting Up Improv,” “Imagination Theatre,” “Disney Magic,” “Lights of Broadway,” “American Idol Boot Camp,” “Triple Threat,” “Fractured Fairy Tales,” “Dancing through the Decades,” “Melodrama Madness” and “Glee.” HFAC has numerous performance opportunities for teens in grades 7-12. The teen 3-week performance camps are Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and Once on this Island. The 1-week camps for teens are “Stage Combat,” “Acting for Stage and Film,” “Dialects,” “Triple Threat Boot Camp” and “Shakespeare Intensive.” A new addition to the HFAC summer program for teens is the audition show Steel Magnolias. This show rehearses Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings beginning July 16th. Performances for Steel Magnolias will be the last week of Aug. Dance classes will also be offered this summer. There will be eight ballet 1, ballet 2, pointe, jazz 2 and tap 2 classes taught Tuesday evenings, June 11th-Aug 6th. The HFAC Royal Academy of Dance program is offering an Alice in Wonderland Ballet Camp that meets Monday and Wednesday evenings, July 22nd-August 24th. New this summer is a 2-week lighting and sound engineering camp for teens who want to learn how to provide technical support for musicals, comedies and dramas. The HFAC Summer 2013 line-up offers maximum scheduling flexibility at rates that are lower than anywhere in Houston. The average performing arts camp in Houston costs in excess of $11 per hour. HFAC camp tuition ranges from $5.23-$5.57 per hour before discounts. The 3-week camps are $575 or $5.23/hr and the 1-week camps are $195 or $5.57 per hour. HFAC offers multiple camp discounts and before-and-after care for working parents. Every 3-week performance camp culminates in 4 performances. Each parent will receive 2 free tickets to a performance of their choice. Additional tickets can be purchased at $10 per person for shows featuring grades 1-6 performers. Prices for the teen performances are either $12 or $15 depending on the venue. All 3-week camps include two complimentary tickets to the show, a camp t-shirt, costumes and other needed materials. Each one-week camp has a performance showcase for family and friends on the final day of camp. Parents receive two free tickets and additional tickets are only $5. For more information, please call the HFAC Actors Academy at 281-685-2623.


What do we do? During our day camps, we work with farm animals including horses, goats, cows, pigs, rabbits, and chickens. We also will be riding horses. There will be arts and crafts, movies, snacks and lots of fun! What do I wear? Everyone must wear long pants, tucked in shirts, closed toes shoes w/heels. What do I need to bring? A lunch & drink. At Halter Inc. we take care of the fun! Summer Camps 2013 June 17th - 21st June 24th - 28th July 8th - 12th July 22nd - 26th Hours: 9 AM - 4 PM Cost: $200 for the week $50 deposit holds your place. Must be paid in full by May 15, 2012. Camp must have 5 children signed up to make. Halter Inc. 17410 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084 (Between Barker Cypress and Highway 6) p: 281-861-9138 c: 281-508-6501 director@halterinc.org - www.halterinc.org

Williamsburg Settlement

e c i v r e S g n i n a e l C s ’ l Va



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June 2013



June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement


Designed to empower, educate and encourage boys and girls, 1318 yrs of age, regarding key issues teens face today. This camp features riveting guest speakers teaching on the importance of making positive choices. Small group discussions as well as a fine art component compliment this unique camp. Included in the camp experience each teen receives a personalized copy of the Tools 4 Teens book as well as other special keepsakes. Date & Time: June 24th-28th, 1:00-3:00 PM Location: The Fellowship at Cinco Ranch Church, Community Room, 22765 Westheimer Pkwy, Katy Cost: $250 Visit www.tools4lifebooks.org to view complete list of included items or call 713-291-5525 for more information.


July 8th-12th, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM Kids K-5, cost is $55 first child and $30 addl. children High energy camp run by trained counselors from Lutherhill in La Grange, TX. Sign up and pay online at www.covenantlutheran. org and click the What’s Happening Page. Call 281-578-8799 for questions. Covenant Lutheran Church is located at 3785 Barker Cypress Road, Houston, TX 77084.

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Harris County Precinct Three Commissioner Steve Radack will honor our servicemen and servicewomen with a Memorial Day Ceremony, Monday, May 27, 2013 at 2:00 PM. The service will be held at the Harris County War Memorial in Bear Creek Pioneers Park, 3535 War Memorial Drive. The Harris County War Memorial displays the names of every resident of Harris County who lost his or her life defending our country in each of its six major conflicts: World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, Iraq and the current conflicts in Afghanistan. Open to the public/


The U.S. Department of State sponsors exchange programs that bring high school students from over 50 countries from all over the world in the United State for an academic year to live with an American host family, attend high school and learn about American society. American Councils is always looking for interested and excited host families to host one of their students. For more information, visit http:// inbound.americancouncils.org or email inbound@americancouncils. org.

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June 2013


Princess & Spa Parties Designed for girls ages 4-14, we bring the ultimate party experience to the comfort of your home. Our mission is to allow parents to finally enjoy the celebration without the stress of party planning and excessive costs. Let us make your princess feel like royalty on her special day and host a decadent party that she will never forget!


FUNFEST AT THE FELLOWSHIP July 28th - August 1st from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM This evening event will be a “Rockin’ the Boat” on our journey of life. Join us for games, crafts, songs, Bible study and lots of fun! $5 supply fee per child. Register online at our church website: thefellowship.org


Saturday, June 1, 2013, 7:00 PM

St. Peter’s United Methodist Church 20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, TX 77450 Free and open to the public. For more information, please contact musicasst@stpkaty.org or 281-492-8031

THE FELLOWSHIP AT CINCO RANCH 22765 Westheimer Parkway, Katy, Texas 77450 281-395-3950 - thefellowship.org

Located at the corner of Westheimer Parkway and Peek Road, The Fellowship at Cinco Ranch offers a variety of summer activities for elementary aged children. ALL programs listed are for children who have completed kindergarten through the completed fifth grade. LUNCH BUNCH Tuesdays (June 14th, 21st, 28th, July 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th) from Noon - 2:00 PM Bring a sack lunch and join us for fun and fellowship at the church. Free event. Register online at our church website: thefellowship.org SUMMER DAYS WITH PIZZAZZ Monthly Field Trip (June 7th, July 10th and August 21st) from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Join us for fun, educational day trips to local and Houston area attractions. Activities this year include SeaWolf Park in Galveston, San Jacinto Monument/Battleship Texas and Splashway Water Park. Van transportation is provided for trips. Children are able to sign up for all activities or for only the ones which fit the family schedule. $25. Per field trip. Registration is available online at our website: thefellowship. org - Choose the Community section/Children’s ministry - events.


Aglow International is a global, trans-denominational Christian organization. More than 200,000 Aglow members meet together each month through local fellowships. At the monthly gatherings, there is time to meet and visit with friends, enjoy corporate worship and prayer and hear from a guest speaker. Many of the ladies share lunch afterwards. You are most cordially invited to attend the Katy Aglow group. You will be glad you did! For more information about Aglow and the monthly meetings go to: www.katyaglow.com MEETING DATE: June 25, 2013 TIME: Refreshments - 9:30 AM; Meeting 10:00 AM SPEAKER/EVENT: Judi Malone will be the Guest Speaker LOCATION: Fellowship Hall at Church on the Rock. 433 S. Barker Cypress, Houston, TX 77094. Dir: 1-10 Exit Barker Cypress Rd., go south 3 blocks to corner of Barker Cypress @ Kingsland Blvd. Follow signs to Main Entrance; inside Main double doors, go down the left hallway to room past the kitchen. Everyone Welcome!


Registration is now underway for our Annual Vacation Bible School at Epiphany Lutheran Church & School for all children ages 3 years through entering 5th grade. Join us the week of June 10th - 14th

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

from 9 AM - 12:30 PM for KINGDOM ROCK VBS. This year, we will transform the church into a Royal Kingdom as we celebrate Standing Strong for God. Each day the campers will play games, learn music, create delicious snacks, go on Bible adventures and more. Tired of those VBS paper plate arts/crafts projects - so are we! That’s why we have replaced them with our Imagination Station! Each day your child will experience a different make and take science project that will WOW their friends and family while reinforcing our Bible lesson. Our campers will also be part of a special mission project to send Bibles to children in India. On the last day of camp, parents and friends are invited to our Fanfare Finale filled with music, video clips and lots of pictures recapping our week of camp! Register on line at www.elcsh.org or www.epiphanylutheranschool.org today! VBS is available for all children ages 3 years (must be potty trained) through entering 5th grade. Registration is $20 and includes a camp t-shirt and special gifts. Music CD’s are also available for an additional $8. You can register and pay on-line or stop by our Church office for a registration form. We will accept registrations throughout the week of VBS - however, we cannot guarantee t-shirts and gifts for anyone registering after May 17th so register today! If you cannot afford camp, scholarships are available. All 3 year olds must be potty trained. For more information, contact Beth Hixon, Director of Children’s Ministry at 713-896-1773 or by email at bixon@elcsh.org


Francisco Moreno, M.D. & Associates Treating patients for over 30 years • Se Habla Español Convenient Office Hours • Admitting Privileges at Area Hospitals

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Dates: June 24-28, 2013 Times: 9 AM-12:30 PM No Cost Registration begins May 5th


For more information contact: Germaine Guerra, VBS “Park Operator,” 281-859-9900, ext 4143.

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You’ve got a ticket to ride! Come on and let’s get going... overcoming colossal fears and trusting God! Follow Paul’s missionary journeys in Acts and learn to overcome fears by reaching new heights of faithfulness, boldness, trust, wisdom and self-control. Visit www.trinity-katy.org to pre-register for VBS. Registration is also available at the door.


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Get ready to gear up for a fantastic summertime adventure! July 22-26, 2013, Christ Church PCA will hold its annual Vacation Bible School daily from 8:30 AM until 12:00 PM. Upward Bound is an exciting, fun-filled VBS program that will take “Backpackers” on the ultimate VBS expedition. There will be Bible stories, scripture memory, songs, skits, crafts, games and snacks. The week will close with a Summit Celebration on Friday, July 26th at 6:30 PM with a pizza dinner afterwards. Enrollment is for children who will be five years old by September 1, 2013 through those entering the sixth grade in the fall of 2013. The cost is $10 per child or $35 per family (4 or more children in the same family). Ready to hit the trail? For more information or to register your child, please visit www.cckpca.org/vbs or call 281-392-0002.

Williamsburg Settlement

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Bright Stars of Bethlehem was born out of the dream and vision of Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb. In 1995, Rev. Raheb began an outreach ministry in Bethlehem, Palestine from the congregation he serves, Christmas Lutheran Church. As this ministry grew, it attracted the attention of several supporters in the United States. In 2003, Bright Stars of Bethlehem was incorporated “to support the health, education, cultural and spiritual development of the people of the Middle East in order to promote peace and harmony in the region.” Today, Bright Stars of Bethlehem has an ever-increasing network of supporters in the U.S., which impacts the lives of over 60,000 men, women and children in Palestine. Born and raised in Bethlehem, Palestine, Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb serves as the President of Bright Stars of Bethlehem. In February of 2012, he was awarded the prestigious German Media Prize award and is an internationally-acclaimed author and speaker. Rev. Raheb has been featured on many major international media outlets and networks including CNN, ABC, BBC, ARD, ZDF, DW, BR, Premiere, Raiuno, Stern, The Economist and Newsweek. He was a key subject of an April 2012 CBS News “60 Minutes” segment on Palestinian Christians. Described as “the most widely published Palestinian theologian,” Rev. Raheb has authored more than 16 books. He is skilled in more than seven languages and participates in theological dialogue, peace building and dream making throughout the world. Living Word Lutheran Church is pleased to host Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb as a guest speaker during their worship services on Sunday, June 2nd at 8, 9:30 and 11 AM. The Katy community is cordially invited to join us at this unique event. Living Word is located at 3700 S. Mason Road, Katy 77450.


Is your kid in kindergarten and you still have baby clothes hidden away? New Creation Lutheran Church of Fulshear needs donations of baby clothes and socks up to age 2 years. The clothes will be used to fill Baby Care Kits that are sent to medical clinics in areas of the world suffering from natural disasters, poverty and war. Items needed include ‘gently used’ baby shirts, onsies, pajamas, outfits and socks. Also needed are receiving blankets and cotton flannel sheets that will be cut into cloth diapers. Donations may be dropped off at the Irene Stern Community Center located at 6920 Katy–Fulshear Rd, 77441 in Fulshear on Sunday mornings or during the week from 8:30 AM to 1 PM. Questions? Call Marlene Oldham 281-646-0748.


One A-Chord is an interdenominational men and women’s singing group with a music ministry to the elderly in Katy and West Houston. We enjoy entertaining with a combination of music including Sacred (Gospel/Spirituals/Traditional) and Secular - with this year’s Choral medley “Made in the USA” which gives tribute to music that was created, performed, enjoyed and fostered by Americans. It includes Dixieland Jazz, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Country Western and Broadway (with our special emphasis on ‘Sound of Music”) and Patriotic music. All proudly “Made in the USA!!” Our group welcomes singers, dancers, instrumentalists and “Ham’s” and creates an hour of musical entertainment for the audience. (We love audience participation!)

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

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281-731-3383 cell

Our normal rehearsal/performing day is Monday morning. We will be starting rehearsals for our new singing season on Monday, August 5th at 9:30 AM at St. Peter’s UMC in Asbury hall, 20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy. We will have seven rehearsals before starting our new performing season. For additional information, please contact Gail Shipley (music director) 281-347-0233, Bill Ramp (Scheduling) 281347-2520, Chris Crockett (Administration) 281-788-7702 or Jackie Mills (Chaplain/Historian) 281-347-1568. You can check out our website at www.oneachord.org for our current schedule and repertoire.


Do you have a desire to learn God’s Word and develop meaningful friendships in the process? The women in the Cinco Ranch Neighborhood Bible Study are from various churches and denominations and from neighborhoods other than Cinco Ranch. We meet on Tuesday mornings, 9:15-11:15 AM, from September to May in a home in Greenway Village. Newcomers are always welcome! For more information, call Berta Trulock, 281-395-6461 or Trudy Krejci, 281-579-8613. Childcare not provided.


Trinity Baptist Church Senior Adults get together on Monday afternoons from 1:00-5:00 PM for a time of fellowship, prayer and games... Come join the fun! Trinity Baptist Church is located at 10000 Spring Green Blvd. (corner of Spring Green and Fry). For more information, visit www.trinitykaty.org or call the church office at 281-579-6724.

Williamsburg Settlement


Game Day - Meet with us every Wednesday in the Crawford Fellowship Hall from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM as we fellowship around the table playing Chicken Foot, Scrabble, Cards, etc. Senior Aerobics offered at Kingsland Baptist Church Please join our Adult 55+ exercise class at 11:00 - 11:45 AM each Thursday morning in the gym at Kingsland Baptist Church. Peggy Skaggs is our trained and certified instructor and the class is open to all levels. For more information, contact Mike Kelley at 281-492-0785. Kingsland Baptist Church is located at 20555 Kingsland Blvd. We are located across from Taylor High School Tennis Courts. For more information, you can visit us online at www.kingsland.org or call the church office at 281-492-0785.


Epiphany conducts their bingo games every Friday night except holidays. THERE IS NO SMOKING ALLOWED DURING ALL BINGO GAMES. They have security, lighted parking, big screen color monitor, computerized bingo equipment, snack bar and large cash prizes. Profits benefit charitable outreach programs. Epiphany Catholic Church, Church Community Center, 1530 Norwalk Dr. (between Fry and Mason Roads, south of I-10 behind Nottingham Subdivision) off Highland Knolls. Early bird games begin at 7:30 PM and regular games at 8:00 PM. For more info, call the bingo hall number at 281-578-3905.


At St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church in downtown Katy, “BINGO” is being played in our Parish Hall every Friday evening except Holidays. Doors open at 7:00 PM, games start at 7:15 PM with four Early Bird games. Regular games start at 7:30 PM. All profits will benefit community outreach and Religious Education programs. The Church is located in downtown Katy at 5356 Eleventh St. You can get

June 2013


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to the church if traveling west on Hwy. 90 to Katyland Rd. Turn right at the light, go to the second stop sign (at the stadium) Eleventh St., turn left and the Church Hall will be on your right one block down. For more info., call 281-391-4758.


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Pat and his wife, Gina, have a 14-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. Prior to his appointment as District Superintendent, Pat served the Jefferson Circuit, South Texarkana, Tennison Memorial in Mount Pleasant, Avinger and Mims Chapel Circuit, Bridges Chapel and Greenhill Circuit, First UMC in Conroe, First UMC in Linden, Pleasant Retreat in Tyler, First UMC in Lindale, Bear Creek UMC in Houston and First UMC in Longview. He graduated from East Texas State University in 1980. While attending Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University, he was ordained as a Deacon in 1981. After earning his Master of Divinity degree in 1983 he was ordained as an Elder in 1986. He earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Brite Divinity School in 2002.



St. Peter’s United Methodist Church in Katy is pleased to announce that Dr. Pat Sparks has been named our new senior pastor. Dr. Sparks is currently serving as Southwest District Superintendent in the Texas Annual Conference. He will begin transitioning into his new duties April 14 and will be at St. Peter’s full time by mid-May. “I am very excited to be part of such a wonderful church,” Dr. Sparks said. “God is doing great things through St. Peter’s and it will be a blessing to join them in the work of connecting the world with God’s love.”


1815 Westgreen Blvd., Katy, TX 77450, 281-492-8592 LIBRARY HOURS - Mon. 1 PM - 9 PM, Tues. 10 AM - 9 PM, Wed. 10 AM - 6 PM, Thurs. 10 AM - 6 PM, Fri. 1 PM - 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sun. closed. To register online for any of the programs at the library’s website (www.hcpl.net), click on “Events Calendar” and select “Maud Marks.” Participants may also register by calling or by visiting the library. ADULTS • BOOK DISCUSSION CLUBS - The Library hosts book clubs that meet monthly. The Evening Book Club meets on the first Monday of the month at 7 PM. The Afternoon Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 1 PM. • JUST DESSERTS MYSTERY BOOK CLUB – Meetings held the third Wednesday of the month at 2 PM. You are encouraged to

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

bring your favorite dessert to eat while we discuss whether our villains get their just desserts. • CHILDREN’S SUMMER READING PROGRAM - Have a Book… Will Travel! The 2013 Summer Reading Club is for both readers and listeners and will run from Monday, June 3rd through Saturday, August 10th. All programs are free, however, seating is extremely limited. The shows for June are as follows: Monday, June 10th at 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Marsha’s Petting Zoo Monday, June 17th at 1:30 PM and 3:00 PM: Dinosaur Rock Monday, June 24th at 1:30 PM and 3:00 PM: Magician Oscar Munoz • TEEN SUMMER READING PROGRAM BEGINS! - Have a Book… Will Travel! The teen summer reading program is designed for teens ages 12 and up and will run from Monday, June 3rd through Saturday, August 10th. All programs are free. Thursday, June 13th at 3 PM: Make your own jewelry. Make pieces of jewelry by repurposing everyday items. Thursday, June 20th at 3 PM: Zombie makeup practice. Learn the basics of costume makeup to prepare for next week’s zombie prom. Thursday, June 27th at 3 PM: Zombie Prom. Get all dressed up and party like only the undead can! • ADULT SUMMER READING PROGRAM BEGINS! - Have a Book… Will Travel! All adults ages 18 and up are invited to participate in the Harris County Public Library summer reading program. This summer, read five books by August 10th and get entered into a drawing at your local Harris County Library for a variety of prizes. At the Maud Marks Library, read books in various genres and get entered in drawings for various gift baskets. Read books in 5 different genres and get entered into the drawing for our grand prize of various gift certificates and a Kindle. Come in and see what we have for you! Also, join us for our family summer reading programs. See below for our many adult only programs. All programs are free and everyone is welcome although the adult only computer classes do require registration! • FAMILY FILM FESTIVAL - Bring the whole family out to our family film festival this summer. Every Friday at 1:15 PM we will be showing a different mystery film complete with popcorn. We will start off with a movie series about a tech genius in a metal suit determined to avenge the world. Then on June 28th, best friends Mike and Sulley learn the power of laughter. Talk to a librarian to get a complete schedule. • FEELIN’ CRAFTY? - The library is pleased to announce a new program series starting this month. On the second Wednesday of every month we will be hosting a fun adult craft time. This month, June 12th at 2 PM we will be learning the best methods for decorating cakes. Come by and learn to make flowers and other gorgeous decorations. Best part is after you’ve made your cake, you can eat it too! • ALOHA SUMMER - Still looking for that perfect last minute trip this summer? How about a trip to the gorgeous islands of Hawaii? On Tuesday, June 25th at 7 PM, Ms. Dora Morton will be here to share the unique Pacific Islands with you. Discover Hawaiian Island Volcanoes National Park, the vibrant shores of Waikiki Beach, the dramatic cliffs of the Napali Coast on Kauai and more! • FREE INTERNET CLASSES - The library provides free one day only classes in Internet Basics each month. You can learn how to navigate your way around the World Wide Web and use successful search techniques. You must know how to use a mouse and a keyboard. This month’s class will be on June 18th at 2 PM. • MICROSOFT EXCEL CLASS - Are you interested in getting more out of your Microsoft Excel program? On Tuesday, June 11th at 7:00-8:30 PM, the library will be hosting a basic class on Microsoft Excel. Can’t make it then? Don’t worry, the class will repeat on Wednesday, June 26th at 2:00-3:30 PM. Basic keyboard and mouse skills are required. Seating is extremely limited for these classes. Registration begins June 1st. • SUMMER E-READING - How are you going to enjoy reading your books this summer? Visit the library on Saturday, June 8th at 1 PM to learn all about the HCPL e-book collection. If you don’t have a device yet, you can try out ours before you buy.

Williamsburg Settlement

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• USED BOOK SALE - The Friends of the Maud Marks Library will hold their book sale on Saturday, June 22nd at 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. There is a large selection of hardback fiction and nonfiction, as well as children’s books and paperbacks. No items are over $1. Also, join us on Friday, June 21st from 4:30 to 6:00 PM for our MemberOnly book sale preview. Not a member yet? No problem, just ask a librarian how you can join today! CHILDREN • STORYTIME - Storytime for preschool-aged children is held each Wednesday at 11:15 AM. Stories, fingerplays and songs are featured. This is ideal for children ages 3 to 5, but all children and their caregivers are welcome. • PAT-A-CAKE CLUB INFANT STORYTIME - This program will meet each Thursday morning at 10:15 AM and 11:15 AM. This is an interactive program for children, ages 0 to 18 months and their caregivers. Each session will last about 20 minutes, featuring nursery rhymes, songs and finger plays. • TOTALLY TODDLER STORYTIME - Toddlers, ages 18 to 36 months, are invited to participate in our Totally Toddler Storytime, which will be held on Tuesdays, at 10:15 AM and 11:15 AM and Wednesdays, at 10:15 AM. Tickets are required for Toddler Storytime. Tickets are given to the first 30 toddlers the day of the event.


16719 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084, 281-550-0885 Our hours are: Monday - 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Tuesday/Thursday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Wednesday -10:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Friday 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Saturday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Adults • THE BEAR CREEK BOOK CLUB - First Wednesday, 7:00 PM. Join the Bear Creek Book Club to discuss Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. • NEW VOLUNTEER ORIENTATIONS - Monday, June 3rd, 6:30 PM. Interested in volunteering at the library? We have periodic orientation sessions to introduce you to our library and what kinds of work you could do. Applications are available at the Information Desks (must be signed by guardian if volunteer is under 18). Volunteers under the age of 12 must volunteer with a parent or guardian. • THE FRIENDS OF THE BEAR CREEK LIBRARY – Wednesday, June 12th, 6:30 PM. Planning Meeting: The Friends of the Library, a non-profit organization that raises funds for library programs and materials, is actively seeking new members. Did you enjoy a program at the library? If you did, thank the Friends. Better yet, join the Friends. Come to the meeting and see what it is all about! • THE BEAR CREEK MYSTERY BOOK CLUB - Thursday, June 20th, 11:00 AM. The Library is hosting a mystery book club! All sleuths and amateur Sherlocks heed this call! Come to this lively group and share your passion for mysteries! Weekly Programs • SATURDAY @ THE MOVIES – Saturday, June 1st, 15th, 22nd and 29th at 2:00 PM. Enjoy an action packed film with big sound and big screen; a deal that can’t be beat!! Check with the library staff regarding title and ratings information. • CRAFT & GO - Every Saturday at 3:30 PM. Want to make a fun craft? Every Saturday we will have a different craft kit available for pick up at the Customer Service Desk! Quantities are limited. First come, first served. • BEAR CREEK KNITTING CLUB - Every Thursday, 4:00 PM. The Bear Creek Knitters Club is a place to share ideas, to learn new knitting techniques or to teach someone else a new knitting skill. Don’t miss out on the weekly fun!! Make sure to bring your needles and yarn. All ages welcome!

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

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Volunteers Needed

more information or email the Volunteer Coordinator at membership@ twrc-houston.org. Visit our website at www.twrc-houston.org.



Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital has volunteer opportunities available. Whether you are interested in working in the nursery, at our reception desk, in our gift shop or even transporting patients, we have a place for you. For more information, please contact Brenda Kepner, Manager of Volunteer Services at 281-644-7581.


Houston Area Project Linus, a nonprofit organization that provides new, handmade blankets for children who are seriously ill or traumatized, can use the following items you might be discarding: • Fabri-cotton, cotton blends, flannel and fleece • Yarn • Crochet thread • Narrow ribbon If you have any of these items to donate or for information about Project Linus, please call Karen Hagin, Cinco Ranch resident and Project Linus blanketeer 281-693-7150 or Sally Burns, Houston Area Project Linus Coordinator 281-492-2679. More information about Project Linus can be found at www.projectlinus.org.


Enjoy a rewarding volunteer experience with wildlife. Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition, Inc. is a non-profit organization, which serves as an emergency care and rehabilitation facility for orphaned, ill, and injured native Texas wildlife. Volunteers are welcome in the areas of assisting in the daily functions of the center, assisting with public education programs, and wildlife rehabilitation. Located at 10801 Hammerly, Suite 200, the facility is open seven days a week to help wildlife in need. TWRC has a mentor program in place to assist volunteers with “hands on” training for those interested in becoming permitted rehabilitators. We invite you to join our organization in saving Texas wildlife – one animal at a time. Call the center at 713-468-8972 x158 for

Williamsburg Settlement

CROSSROADS mentors are regular people, just like you, who prevent or reduce youth involvement with the juvenile justice system by fostering positive mentoring relationships. The goal is crime prevention! Our mentors must be 21 years of age and volunteer a minimum of 1 hour a week. There are many sites, areas and available times of the week for mentors to meet with their assigned child. We desperately need loving and caring mentors for boys and girls that do not have anyone visiting them! Please consider devoting just one hour a week to the future of a needy child, many times you are their only visitors. Contact Jan Sadler Gibbs at jan.gibbs@hcjpd. hctx.net or 713-295-2779.


Invest your time by volunteering with Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston educating and supporting men and women in making healthy choices for life in sexual integrity, unplanned pregnancy and postabortion loss. Volunteer opportunities include mentoring, facilitating small groups, administrative assistance, medical services, donation room and development. Discover your calling! For information inquire through the web site vsc@phckaty.org or call 281-578-0078, Volunteer Services Coordinator. The Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston is a non-profit faith based organization.


Fond Memories and Treasured Traditions Start Here…Enrich lives through your generous gift of service as a Sunrise Volunteer. Please call Ozzie Ausborn, Activity and Volunteer Coordinator, for opportunities and details, at 281-240-0500 or email cinco-ranch. avc@sunriseseniorliving.com. Sunrise Assisted Living of Cinco Ranch is located at 21939 Cinco Ranch Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450. We have partnered with Disney and the Helping Hands Network, please inquire to learn how you could qualify for tickets to Disney! For more information, visit our website at www.sunriseseniorliving.com.

June 2013


FAX: 281-504-1381


June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement


Residents are reminded that whenever they decide to make any change to their property that requires submittal of a Request for Home Improvement form, (a copy, plus instructions for completion are included in this newsletter and on the Association’s web site), that THEY are responsible for submitting this form and obtaining the necessary approval. This is still the case if the work is to be performed by a contractor. If they have a contractor who claims they will submit the form, it is still the resident’s responsibility, prior to the commencement of any work on the improvement, to call PCMI to verify that the contractor actually did file a request and that approval has been obtained. The resident does not have permission to undertake any changes until they verify it with PCMI themselves.

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Williamsburg Settlement


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PLEASE ADDRESS APPLICATIONS TO: Architectural Review Committee P.O. Box 219223, Houston, TX 77218


Visit our website


1. If you are applying for a structure (PATIO COVER, ARBOR, GAZEBO, ROOM ADDITION, ETC.) you must submit an elevation drawing showing how the structure will look. Indicate size, height, color, materials and roofing and show placement on the lot survey, 2. If you are applying for play structures (PLAY STRUCTURE, SWING SET, TRAMPOLINE, BASKETBALL GOAL, ETC.), you must submit a photo, brochure or drawing. Indicate size, height, color, materials, etc. and show location on lot survey. 3. If you are applying for a POOL / SPA, you must submit detailed drawing of pool and indicate on lot survey the location and show access to rear of property. 4. If you are applying for exterior PAINTING OR SIDING, submit a sample of the color even if it will be the same as what you have now. 5. If you are applying for a new ROOF, submit manufactures name / color name (brochure or small sample). 6. If you are applying for new front DOORS OR STORM DOORS, provide photo or brochure. 7. If you are applying for SOLAR SCREEN / WINDOW TINTING, provide material samples. 8. If you are applying for WROUGHT IRON GATES, submit drawing, color and indicate placement on lot survey. 9. If you are applying for DECKING / PATIO, indicate location on lot survey, materials to be used and height of decking. 10. If you are applying for CONCRETE WORK / PAVERS (sidewalks, driveway extension, etc.), indicate location on lot survey. 11. If you are applying for LANDSCAPING OR TREE REMOVAL / REPLACEMENT, submit all details (tree dimension and type) showing placement on lot survey. 12. If you are applying for FENCING, advise of height, materials and location on lot survey. 13. If you are applying for YARD DECORATIONS (birdbath, benches, statues, signs, lighting, etc.), submit photo or brochure, indicate location on lot survey.

Rob Geyer



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CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE Thomasville Ribbons and Bows, light finish pine bedroom set for sale. Like brand new. Set includes double/queen headboard, night stand, chest with mirror, and study desk with hutch and chair, $900. Call 832-215-4456. Woodard 5-piece wrought iron patio dining set, cream color, 4 vinyl strap chairs, $125, 281-492-2879. Full set of men’s golf clubs, plus equipment, excellent condition, $500. 281-578-9665. Free to a good home - small Kimball chord organ. Comes with some music books. Call 281-543-8133. Mahogany TV lift cabinet - TV rises to view and descends into cabinet out of sight, 3 shelves for electronics or storage, 3 DVD slide trays, remote for operation, $650. Must pickup. Email afb33@sbcglobal.net for pictures. Solid wood entertainment center, $250. Cash only, will send pictures. 713-857-5650. Three-piece entertainment center, has storage for electronic componets, CDs and DVDs, $250. Cash only, will send pictures. 713857-5650. L-shaped office desk, in good condition. One end has file cabinet, the other end has storage and shelves, $125, cash only. 713-857-5650. Loft bed, IKEA w/ full size foam mattress, solid wood frame, $300. 281-550-3072.


Beautiful traditional dining room suite, very ornate, China with buffet, table extends to 9 ft., 6 side & 2 carver chairs, marble topped sideboard, $2,950 OBO. Tel: 832-222-9969. Riverside desk with glass topper in excellent condition, 57 3/4”x 24”x 30”, bottom drawer to be used as a locking filing cabinet, $700; Ashley Furniture TV stand, 52’’x 20”x 42”, $425. Request pictures at nikki_1520@yahoo.com. Cherry wood entertainment center. Top shelves have recessed lighting. Bottom and side cabinets have glass panels. Three pieces with a total width of 113”. Tallest piece is 78” long and 19.5” wide. TV space will hold up to a 50” TV with shelf above or 54” TV without shelf. Excellent condition, pictures available, $500 OBO. 281-684-3799. Sofa, excellent condition tan tweed, $250. Tan recliner, also excellent condition, $125. Two lamps. Call 281-256-3480. PRS SE singlecut guitar, vintage, natural, sweet, $500 OBO; Line6 Spider IV 75w modeling amp, 1x12, $200. Jay, 281-859-0754 after 4 or text 832-883-3251. Fishing reels: New in box, Diawa Millionaire CV=Z253A and Shimano Calcutta TE-200DC. Lots of others and loaded baitboxes. Jay, 281-8590754 or text 832-883-3251. Used air hockey table, in good condition. 281 395-5580. Sofa good to very good condition, $250 OBO. jordon98@hotmail.com.

AUTOMOTIVE 4, 16-inch aluminum wheels. Were on a 2001 Silverado Z71 truck. Wheels are good condition, 6 lug wheels, $320, cash only. 713-8575650.

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement

1985, 18 ½ foot Sea Ray. 165 Mercruiser, $3,000. Comes with accessories. 832-655-4746.

FREDDY’S PAINTING www.freddyspainting.net

WANTED Needed: Garage apartment to rent in Katy area as soon as possible. Responsible individual, employed, reliable. Email me at dee63566@yahoo. com if you have one available to rent. References available on request.

• Exterior & Interior Paint • Faux Finish/Color Assessment • Hardiplank Installation

Wanted: Rolex watches for collector. 281-414-3597.

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Caregiver(s). All shifts. Assist residents with their daily activities and personal care. Excellent communication and nurturing heart required. Resumes to anewkirk@tuscanylivingvillas.com or 281-395-3496, Ref: CGALLKT. Seeking friendly, outgoing female to entertain a happy, singing, special 12 year old girl occasionally on evenings, weekends and summers. Must be at least 18, outgoing and speak English clearly. Great opportunity for college students or grandmothers. Near Pin Oak and I-10. Send info to tlchellwig@gmail.com.


Part-Time to Full-Time Press Operator: Looking for a Press Operator to work on manual Ryobi Perfector in the print shop at Krenek Printing. Experience a plus, but not necessary. Job includes moving paper and mail sacks. Position will start as part-time, but may change to full-time. Wonderful family owned company in the Copperfield area. Please call 281-463-8649, ask to speak to John and mention you are calling about press operator position.

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Part-Time Software Developer - Developer needed to assist in iOS app and web development project using Mac platform and the following software/technologies: Apple Xcode, HTML, CSS, PHP, FileMaker experience a plus. Wonderful family owned company in the Copperfield area. Please call Johnny at Krenek Printing at 281-4638649 if interested. New Homeowner Welcoming Service seeking personable individuals to serve as local representatives visiting new homeowners in the Katy area. Must be outgoing, computer literate and organized. Flexible hours; must be available to work some Saturdays; approx.30 hrs/wk. Email resume to info@lonestargreetingservice.com.

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Local welcoming service seeking an Appointment Setter whose job will be to contact prospective businesses in the Katy area to schedule appointments. Work from home and set your own hours. Commission based. Email resume to info@lonestargreetingservice.com. Now hiring security officers, part time/full time. No experience necessary. Retirees welcome. All shifts available. Accepting applications Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - 11 AM. Located at 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston, Texas 77079. Phone: 281-759-1010. Lifetime Learners Child Development Center and Pre-School is now hiring for our Katy location; teachers and child care providers. Contact Mrs. Dana, 281-394-5437. Plumbers or Apprentices for repair and a Receptionist needed. Bilingual preferred. Please call 281-256-2239. Sales persons wanted to sell Replacement Windows and Window coverings. Ownership opportunity available. Call Replacement Windows of Katy at 281-392-5353. Martial Arts USA is hiring qualified Tae Kwon Do Black Belts with WTF certification, over 18 years of age, background checks and interviews will be conducted. Contact Master Shin or Master An at 281-463-9333 or email YoungAn@cyfairtkd. com. Location, 17121 West Rd. Suite 200 Houston TX 77095.

Williamsburg Settlement

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281-391-SOLD (7653) www.lizcarter.com Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1976

Looking for a highly motivated and outgoing person to be the front desk for a new dental office in Katy area. Candidate should be knowledgeable about dental insurance and have great communication skills. It is a paperless office so computer skills is a must. Experience is necessary, minimum 2 years. Need to know how to schedule, run daily/monthly/yearly reports, submit insurance claims electronically and manually, work on accounts receivable, manage patient charts, discuss and present treatment plans, verify insurance, pretreatment estimates and so on, handle patient upsets, deal with software support, etc. Please forward resume to assistdds@hotmail.com. Housekeepers needed. Great hours for mom’s with school age children. 281-861-0394. Discovery Schoolhouse now hiring teachers and support staff. Must have experience working in a licensed child care facility, be flexible and dependable and have a passion for early childhood education. Call 281401-9828 or send resume to info@discovery-schoolhouse.com. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281-656-2273. The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person. Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and good clientele. Benefits available. Call Images Hair Studio at 281-256-2286.


Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@westhoustonelectric.com.


Vacation home for rent in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, beach, pool, tennis, golf, Mayan ruins. For more info Google VRBO 136406 or call, 281-463-4717. Timeshare: rent a lovely condo for a full week in Hawaii. Sleeps 4, fully stocked kitchen. What else needs to be said... It’s Hawaii! $795. For information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427.

NOVENA TO ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – SD, PAS Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.

June 2013

Williamsburg Settlement


QUALITY PLUMBING Operated by Master Plumbers MLP19029


Floyd Ball


V. President

Walter Smith



Dave Ellis


Architectural Review Chairperson

Communications (Webmaster/Newsletter), Elec Repairs/Keys/Clubhouse & Pool Rental/Maint.

Security Liaison Deed Restrictions Landscaping/Flags Director

Martin Spears Cyndy Thompson Larry Cain Don McClelland

713-530-4266 281-788-9105 281-347-0153 281-347-6241

Nestled among the live oak trees of Nottingham Country, Mason Creek Community Center is a formal banquet hall with a warm atmosphere.

• Quality Work at Reasonable Rates • All Phases of Plumbing • Faucets/Toilets • Garbage Disposals • Water Heaters • Drain & Sewer Cleaning • Sewer Line Video Camera • Gas Tests and Repairs • Pipe Repairs • 7 Days a week • 24 Hour Service • 27 Years Experience $

The Kingsland Ballroom offers a caterer’s kitchen, dance floor, outdoor patio and sound system.

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15 OFF

When you mention this ad.


Let us help you make your wedding unforgettable. For more info call 281-578-7272 8 AM - 5 PM Mon. - Fri. Click on Community Center


* Weekends & Holidays Extra

For all other issues, please contact: PCMI Management Yard of the Month Swim Team Welcoming New Residents Pool Phone

Is There a Wedding in Your Future?


281-870-0585 Cyndy Thompson 281-788-9105 Jinny Breedlove 281-610-4078 Margaret Heichel 832-437-2129 281-347-0805

EMERGENCY NUMBERS: ALL EMERGENCIES Sheriff Non-Emergency Dispatch West I-10 Fire Dept. (information calls) Poison Control GAS Problems Street Light Outages Veterinary Public Health Street Repairs MUD #61 MUD #62


KISD Administration Winborn Elem. Morton Ranch Jr. High Morton Ranch High School Katy High School

911 713-221-6000 281-675-3600 800-764-7661 713-659-2111 713-207-2222 281-999-3191 281-463-6300 888-353-9809 281-807-9500

281-396-6000 281-237-6650 281-237-7400 281-237-7800 281-237-6700

BOARD MEETINGS • 3RD TUES. EA. MO. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: submittals to Dave Ellis (dave@daveellis.com) by the 20th of each month

Williamsburg Settlement

Amaya Garage Doors

Does your garage door need service? We can help! We Offer Service Limited Overstock Special!! for Most Models

$219.00 Garage Door Opener

24 Hours

$600 16x7 Insulated Door

Se Habla Espanol

June 2013

with purchase of nylon rollers

with no extra charge - “Walk Out Price!!”

281-793-3341 Office


e y w r




10.00 OFF

New customer only on regular schedule. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid for one time or empty cleans.






1 2 9

Tammy Smith, Owner-Operated


3 10





6 13

7 14

8 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

June 1...

Hurricane Season Begins

June 5... World Environment Day June 14... Flag Day June 16... Father’s Day June 21... First Day of Summer June 24... St. Baptiste Day June 28... Paul Bunyan Day National Rose Month National Dairy Month



June 2013

chloe dental

Your smile Our dedication

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Tenemos personal en español que pueden asistirles.

We accept Most Insurances, Medicaid, TX CHIPS Open Saturdays Walk-ins welcome Payment Plans Offered

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3950 N Fry Road/Katy, TX 77449 (Fry Rd. at Clay Rd.)

“Serving the Katy area for over 7 years.”

Published by: Krenek Printing 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 Williamsburg Settlement June 2013 32email: news@krenekprinting.com for articles • ads@krenekprinting.com for business ads • classified@krenekprinting.com for classified ads

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