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For Residents of Bradford Colony, Charlestown Colony, Concord Colony, Georgetown Colony One, Georgetown Colony Two, Jamestown Colony, Langham Creek Colony, and Yorktown Colony
Your newsletter can also be viewed online at www.krenekprinting.com /Colonies
BRADFORD COLONY 1 & 2 NEWS FROM THE BOARD The Board attempted to have our annual meeting in November but unfortunately we did not have a quorum. We will try to get as much proxies or attendance as possible and reschedule the annual meeting. We understand this is one of the busiest times of the year, but if you can fill out and sign the annual meeting proxy and mail it back to PMG or give to any of the Board members, we would appreciate it. The proxy was mailed to each home in October, but if you would like to obtain another one, you may contact our community manager Roni Verrett at 713-329-7100 and it can be emailed to you. There are quite a few updates and maintenance we would like to do for the community. The annual dues are used to mainly pay for basic expenses like streetlights electricity, common area upkeep, mosquito spraying etc… If everyone pays their dues, we will be able to do more to further enhance our neighborhood. Please share with us your ideas and suggestions. Please be aware that you may make arrangement for a payment plan if that is an easier way to pay for the annual dues. Finally, the Board wishes everyone a wonderful holiday season and a great new year!
BRADFORD COLONY SECTION 3 CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE: WWW.BCS3.ORG (BCS3) The Board would like to wish everyone a safe and joyous holiday season!
(BCS3) 2016 BUDGET AND HOME OWNERS ASSESSMENT By now, everyone should have had the opportunity to pick up a copy of the 2016 Budget from the mailbox handout locations. If you missed this opportunity, please contact any Board member and we will get a copy to you. As for the 2016 Assessment, we would like to thank everyone who has either paid this invoice or will be paying it in the near future. As the billing statement indicates, the deadline for payment of this bill is December 31, 2015 with late fees and interest starting to be added on to unpaid balances as of January 31, 2016. Residents are encouraged to consider setting up payment plans if you feel that you need to spread out payments over time to handle this bill. If you want to set up a payment plan, please contact Theodora Daly at ACMP (281-855-9867) to make arrangements.
(BCS3) HOLIDAY SEASON AND CRIME PREVENTION Many residents will be out of town at various times during the upcoming holiday season. If you are traveling, let your neighbors know that you will be gone and ask them to keep an eye on your homes. For those who are around the neighborhood, as always please stay alert as to suspicious individuals and/or vehicles that you may see in BCS3.
Published by: Krenek Printing Co 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 • www.krenekprinting.com Email: news@krenekprinting.com • ads @krenekprinting.com • Classified @krenekprinting.com 1 Colonies December 2015
Important Colonies Numbers
Bradford Colony I and II Board Members Rod Shoemaker, President Arturo Alcedo, 1st VP Open , Secretary Pauline Dunglinson, Treasurer PMG Management Ronnie Verret
Jamestown Colony Board Members
Rick Moore, President (Sect. 3) 281-850-1211 Beverly Franklin, Vice President (Sect. 3) 281-345-8216 Dan Grosu, Treasurer (Sect. 3) 281-667-7796 Donna Hackemack Bryant, Secretary (Sect. 1) 832-633-1030 Wayne Modgling, (Sect. 1) 281-550-3527 Rachel Richmond r.richmond2@pmghouston.com 713-329-7117 11000 Corporate Centre Dr. #150 Houston, TX 77041
713-329-7100 713-329-7185
Bradford Colony Section Three (BCS3) Board
Langham Creek Colony Board of Directors
Mark Przywara - President 832-418-3409/msp0007@yahoo.com Josh Murray - 1st Vice President/Treasurer James Mohr - 2nd Vice President/Secretary Theodora Daly (ACMP) 281-855-9867
William Thielen- President Eric Sandrock - Vice President Larry Jasinski - Secretary/Treasurer Frank Gonzalez, PMG fgonzalez@pmghouston.com
Charlestown Colony Board of Directors
Langham Creek Colonies Tennis & Swim Assoc, Inc.
Alex Vargo, President 832-498-7085 Heather Malone, Treasurer hkmalone@comcast.net Byron Tipping, Secretary byron_tipping@yahoo.com Silverio Sanchez Director silverio@holycov.org Sharon Tipping, Vice Pres./Arch. Control 281-550-7915 713-329-7169 Frank Gonzalez, PMG fgonzalez@pmghouston.com
Langham Creek Colonies HOA #1 Langham Creek Colonies HOA #2 Genesis Property Management, Inc.
Yorktown Colony Board of Directors
Monroe Burks, President / Treasurer/ ACC 713-825-6549 Beverly Wolfe, V Pres/ ACC Chair./Newsletter/YOM 281-861-7492 Terri Delaney, Secretary 832-660-1857 Martha Muzquiz, Director 832-563-2207 David Furr, Director 832-593-4687 Beverly Wolfe, Yard of the Month 281-861-7492 Frank Gonzalez, Principal Mgmt. Group 713-329-7169 11000 Corporate Centre Dr. #150 Houston, TX 77041
Concord Colony Board of Directors Randy Ward, President Jeanne Pressler, Secretary Olivia Hernandez, Treasurer David Cooper, Director Marilyn Knox, Director
Important Colonies Numbers
Frank Gonzalez, Principal Mgmt. Group 713-329-7169 11000 Corporate Centre Dr. #150 Houston, TX 77041
Georgetown Colony I Board of Directors
Brian Rogers, President/ Architectual Control Richard Cottrell, Vice President Marco Varela, Secretary COMMITTEE POSITIONS Deed Restrictions Committee Yard of the Month Signs-Lydia Rodgers www.scsmgmt.com or Sunni West
The Colonies Recreation and Property Owners Association
281-861-5411 281-855-4433
281-861-5444 281-463-1777
Georgetown Colony II Board of Directors Bruce Medley, President Richard Barbour, Vice President Timothy Fiore, Treasurer
brucemedley@sbcglobal. rbbarbour@gmail.com Tim_Fiore@yahoo.com
SCS Management Services, Inc. Sunni West/ Property Manager
Rick Moore, President (Jamestown Colony)
Beverly Wolfe, Treasurer (Yorktown Colony)
Alex Vargo, Director (Charlestown Colony)
Brian Rogers, Director (Georgetown I Colony)
Lori Dickens, Director (Georgetown II Colony)
Theodora Daly, ACMP, Inc, Property Management
Craig Lawshe, A-Gleam Pool Management
IMPORTANT COMMUNITY NUMBERS MUNICIPAL ULTILITY DISTRICT 102 Municipal Utility District 102 - 15300 Falmouth MDS (Water) - District Operator, Customer Service/Billing Inquiries Service Dept (leaks, emergencies) Coats, Rose, Yale, Holm, Ryman & Lee, P.C. - Legal Council Assessments of Southwest Tax Assessor/Collector Harris County Sheriff Department - Security -
281-290-6507 281-290-6503 713-651-0111 713-482-0216 713-221-6000
Cy-Fair School District Admin. Horne Elementary (K-5) Truitt Middle School (6-8) Langham High School CyFalls High School
281-897-4000 281-463-5954 281-856-1100 281-463-5400 281-856-1000
Emergency Fire & Ambulance 713 466-6161 Clay Rd. Courthouse Annex Judge Bill Yeoman State Highway Dept. Animal Control Rape Crisis (24 hrs.) Suicide Prevention (24 hrs.) Battered Women & Children MISC. Car Share/Van Share Alcoholics Anonymous (24 hours) Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse Crisis Hotline (24 hours) Harris Co. Children’s Protective Services (24 hours) Poison Control (24 hours)
December 2015
911 281-256-2266 281-463-2446 281-463-2341 713-802-5076 281-999-3191 713-528-7273 713-228-1505 713-528-5785 713-227-0003 713-686-6300 713-520-8620 713 -228-1505 713-394-4000 1-800-764-7661
U. S. Post Office (Bear Creek) Center Point Gas To report gas leaks Reliant Energy Street Light Repair AT & T Street Repair Harris County Animal Control Humane Wildlife Removal Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Bear Creek Library MTA Buses (Routes & Scheduling) Commissioner Jerry Eversole
1-800-275-8777 713-659-2111 713-659-3552 713-207-7777 713-207-2222 713-237-7304 281-353-8424 281-999-3191 281-377-5335 713-468-8972 281-550-0885 713-635-4000 713-755-6444
NEWSLETTER PUBLISHING/ADVERTISING Krenek Printing Company 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, Texas 77095 281 463-8649 Fax# 281 463-2425 Articles email: news@krenekprinting.com Ads email: ads@krenekprinting.com website: www.krenekprinting.com
Remember to lock your vehicles plus not leave valuables in them that may tempt unwelcome visitors. If you have outdoor porch or “corner address” lights, keep them on during the evening - it gets very dark in some parts of the neighborhood and these small lights can really brighten up an area and discourage potential illegal activities. It is sad to say but the crime tends to pick up during the holidays. Let’s do everything that we can to minimize these negative activities.
(BCS3) LET’S BE CAREFUL OUT THERE With the time change and less daylight, all residents are asked to be extra careful when driving around the neighborhood. Sometimes it is difficult to see our children in the twilight as they play outside or in the early morning as they rush to catch the school bus or walk to school.
save the date
Christmas Eve Services Thursday, December 24, 2015 5, 7, 9 & 11 p.m.
Let’s stick to the posted 20 MPH speed limit in the neighborhood as well as honor all the stop signs as we stay alert for all the children and other residents who will be out and about during the holiday season.
(BCS3) CONTACT THE BOARD As is the case with everything in our small neighborhood, every resident should feel free to contact any Board member as to any issue or question that you have about BCS3. Contact information for all the Board members is located on the inside back cover of this publication.
CHARLESTOWN COLONY (CHC) ANNUAL MEETING PART 2 We made quorum! Many thanks to those who sent in proxies and to those that were able to attend. Two Board members were elected. Heather Malone completed a 3-year term on the Board and was elected to a second term. Silverio Sanchez was elected to his first term. Many thanks to the other two candidates for the open Board positions. Our Board does a great job keeping the neighborhood in excellent condition. Many thanks to Alex and Sharon who have served us for 12 years; Heather, 3 years and Byron, 2 years. The annual meeting is always held the first Wednesday in October. Please mark your calendars now for the 2016 annual meeting. Proxies are mailed in mid-September. The proxy comes from a very “business” looking envelope from Associa, Principal Management Group of Houston. The envelope has the BBB symbol as well as two other management certification symbols in the return address area. Please don’t confuse this with a “please donate to our worthy cause” request or think this is you annual dues statement. Annual dues statements are mailed in November. Holding a second annual meeting costs our Association over $500 and costs time for the Board as well as community members who attend.
(CHC) FUTURE PROJECTS In the coming months watch for a new look to the front entrance. Our new landscaping company, IMS Landscaping, will be replacing the bushes and giving the front a much needed facelift. The playground equipment was power washed this year. Money has been set aside specifically for playground improvements in 2016. Unfortunately, replacing the pea gravel is cost prohibitive. If you frequent the park and have ideas for improvements, please contact any of the Board members. Their contact information is listed in the “Important Numbers” section of this publication.
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CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER (CHC) ASSOCIATION DUES Our annual dues will remain at $300 for 2016. How this money is spent was reviewed at the annual meeting (both of them). Residents can get a copy of the financial report from PMG. While two of our largest expenses are utilities and insurance, the Association has spent a large amount of money on postage for deed restriction violation, billing, 2 annual meetings and collection notices. Should you receive a letter from the Association, please do not ignore that letter. Ultimately costs for collections are billed back to the homeowner. Ignoring Association letters increases costs for all involved.
(CHC) ANNUAL DUES PAYMENT Everyone should have received their association dues bill from Principle Management Group (PMG) in late November. You can also see and pay this bill on-line if you set up an account with PMG. Use your account number (found on the bill) to register on the PMG web site. Follow the below steps and register your account: 1.) Visit http://access.associawebsites.com/AssociaAccess/ 2.) Click on “Register” in the upper right hand corner If you need your account number, please contact our community manager, Frank Gonzalez, at fgonzalez@pmghouston.com or his assistant, Brandi Edmond, at bedmond@pmghouston.com. Once registered you can view and pay your bill. You can also see any information about work orders or deed violations at this site. There are instructions on the back of the assessment received in the mail as to payment procedures. When paying your dues, be sure to follow the instructions below from PMG to ensure your payments are processed promptly:
• Do not send cash. PMG accepts check or money orders only. • Be sure to include your statement coupon OR account number on the check. • Log into your account online at www.pmghouston.com and make your payment online. • Send all payments to the below address: PO Box 3157 Houston, TX 77253-3157 • If you have PMG’s address saved in your online bill pay, please be sure to update the address. • If the payment is mailed in, the Association does not go by the post-marked date. It is entered by date received. Be sure to send in your payments early to avoid late fees. • Payments not processed at our branch office. Should any payments be received at the branch office, it will take at least 7-10 business days to post to the account. Remember association dues must be received by PMG by the end of January. Any association dues not received will be subject to substantial late penalties. Be sure to contact PMG to work out any payment plan before the end of January. Our Association does contract with an attorney office for collection of late dues payments. All collection costs ultimately add to the delinquent homeowner’s total cost.
(CHC) HOLIDAY DECORATIONS CONTEST It is time to be festive and decorate! Our Holiday Decoration judging will take place sometime between December 14th and 22nd, so be sure to have your decorations up and on! The decorations are a real treat, something special to mark the season. One year is finishing and another about to begin. Even though the days are shorter and it gets dark earlier, our neighborhood is brightly lit during this time of year! Want to help pick the winner? See a home that is especially festive? Email a Board member and let them know! The winner will
December 2015
be announced in the January newsletter. The winner receives a gift certificate to an area business from the Association.
Learn day or night. On campus or online.
Yard of the Month returns in March.
(CHC) CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING While we have curbside pick-up for regular household recycling, Christmas trees left at the curb just take up space in landfills. Bear Creek Park has recycled Christmas trees into mulch used by the county for many years. The recycling program starts the day after Christmas and ends around January 6th. See their web site for details. Details will be on a banner link that runs across the page. Make sure all ornaments and tinsel are removed. Flocked trees don’t recycle. Drop your tree off in the parking lot with the chipping machine. Recycling will also take place at George Bush Park - let your friends know so we can reduce our landfill footprint!
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Check out the Precinct 3 website, www.pct3.hctx.net/ for lots of useful information! For example, need to report a traffic signal problem? The information from the website says to call 713-8813210. Check out the Service Request Form and learn how to deal with situations you previously wondered how to deal with. Scroll to the bottom to find the types of service that can be requested.
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(CHC) WILD ANIMALS? While our subdivision is not out in the country, we do boarder the flood plain, Langham Creek (south boarder) and Horsepen Creek (east boarder). Many wild animals live in the flood plain. Residents report seeing raccoons, skunks, opossums and even coyotes. Many of these animals come out at night. Most wild animals will stay away from people. Try to walk before full dark sets in, especially if you walk a small dog. If you walk at night, consider carrying wasp spray. Wasp spray will shoot up to 20 feet and is very directional in the spray. Carry a phone and be ready to call for help if needed. If you have outdoor pets, do not leave food out overnight, as this will attract unwanted animals to your yard. Leaving food out endangers both your pets and any other outdoor pet the animal might encounter on its way to your yard for a snack.
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(CHC) HOLIDAY SAFETY During the holidays many people are away from their homes for days or sometimes just hours visiting family and friends. Don’t make your home or vehicle an attractive target for thieves. Don’t leave valuables in your car - even if they can’t be seen. If you are way, even for an afternoon, try to set lights on timers. If you are away for a longer period of time, in addition to lights on timers, have a trusted neighbor or friend keep an eye your home. Your home is your castle and unfortunately there are people looking to raid your castle. Churches are encouraging parishioners not to leave valuables in their car as thieves are targeting cars in the parking lot. Your best defense is a good offense. Don’t leave anything of value where someone can take it. As stated on the news, Houston is becoming a much more violent place to live. Got a new computer or big screen TV for the holidays? Take the box to a recycle bin (Horne Elementary and Truitt Middle School both have them) rather than putting it out for the trash. Putting it out for the trash advertises that you have something worth steeling. Think about using extra-long screws in the hinges and catchplates for your doors. These make the doors much more difficult to kick-in and are a fairly simple, do-it-yourself, improvement. There are also doorstops - these prevent the door from opening past a certain distance. You can find all kinds of door locks and stops online and at local home improvement stores. These are often inexpensive upgrades to your security, something you would wish you had rather than replace thousands of dollars of personal items. While double deadbolts may sound like we live in the ghetto, an extra deterrent never hurt.
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As always, if anyone notices suspicious activity, do not hesitate to contact the Sheriff at their non-emergency number, 713-221-6000.
(CHC) NUISANCES When walking your dog remember to bring along your poopbag. No one wants animal excrement in their yard. This includes walking the dog at the park. Ever have a child walk into your home with excrement on their shoes? Not fun. Do you have a drone? Remember that there are stalking laws that apply to flying drones in someone else’s yard. Think of your drone as a kite. Fly the drone in open spaces. If the drone crashes in someone else’s yard, check the laws to see if that homeowner has any legal obligation to return the drone.
(CHC) IN CLOSING… Lastly, as 2015 draws to a close, the Board thanks everyone who has been working hard to keep up their yards and homes this year. Charlestown Colony is a very good place to live. Happy New Year to All!!
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If you are expecting packages, be sure to track shipping and delivery. Packages left on doorsteps are easy targets for theft. Many companies will now offer text-message tracking so you know when a package is delivered and can be sure someone you trust picks the package up.
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Dear Concord Colony Residents, Your Board of Directors and Community Manager strive to make this community look its best at all times. We are asking you to please take a good look at the exterior of your home and yard. Landscape your flowerbeds if needed, trim your trees and bushes if needed and also reduce the clutter. If the paint on your home is chipping or fading, please consider repainting (approved colors only). However, before you start painting, you must submit an ACC application to the management company for review. If you have any questions or need an ACC application please do not hesitate to contact your community manager, Frank Gonzalez, at 713-329-7169 or by email at fgonzalez@pmghouston.com. Thank you in advance.
(CC) HOA MEETING Our meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at the MUD #102 Building which is located at 15300 Falmouth Ave. under the Colonies Water Tower. Watch for our meeting notice signs posted throughout our neighborhood. We encourage you to attend.
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(CC) STREET LIGHTS If a street light is out or remains on all the time, get the numbers off the pole, address and call Centerpoint Energy at 713-2072222 or go to www.centerpointenergy.com/outage and you can report the issue online.
(CC) COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT CONTACT Each and all of the residents in Concord Colony should feel free to contact your community manager with concerns, questions or an issue in Concord Colony. The contact information for your community manager is located inside the back cover of the newsletter under “Important Colony Numbers.”
December 2015
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Please remember that deed restrictions are strongly enforced and any outside construction or major landscaping changes to your home must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). ACC contact information for Concord Colony is on the inside back cover of this newsletter.
to death. Those of you who are dog owners, please be sure to keep a collar and tag on it at all times. Even if the dog is micro chipped, it is much easier to return the dog to you if it has your contact information on a tag.
(GC1) WELCOME PACKAGES We have welcome packages, which include a quick start guide to Georgetown Colony 1, deed restrictions, by which, this subdivision abides and architectural guidelines and forms. They will be handed out to new residents, but are also available upon request by contacting SCS Management at 281-463-1777.
GEORGETOWN COLONY I (GC1) GARBAGE CANS Many neighbors have been storing their garbage cans in view from the street. This is in violation of the deed restrictions and appropriate actions are subject to corrective action. Also, please remember to place garbage curbside after 6 PM, the night before pickup.
(GC1) GARAGE SALES According to the State Comptroller’s office, garage sales are permitted only twice annually. If more than that, it will be assumed that a business is being operated out of home, which is in direct violation of the deed restrictions and necessary action will be taken.
(GC1) HOME IMPROVEMENTS When considering home improvements, please submit an Architectural Review Form to the Board for approval prior to beginning of any exterior work. The forms may be obtained from SCS Management at www.scsmngt.com and are approved through your local Architectural Control Board. Projects shall be completed on a timely basis.
(GC1) DEED RESTRICTION COMPLAINTS Any resident may file a complaint either by contacting SCS management at 281-463-1777 or georgetowncolony@yahoo. com, where you may email the Board members.
(GC1) LOST AND FOUND PETS The first thing to do if you find a lost dog that does not have a tag, is to take it to any vet’s clinic or Petsmart and have it scanned for a micro chip. This is the fastest way to get the dog back to its owner. If it does not have a micro chip, please look for signs to make sure the dog gets back to its rightful owner. A dog that is left to wander is subject to being hit by a car, abuse or starving
December 2015
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or let folks know you’ve found a stray or advise and receive emergency alerts (crimes, weather, etc.). And you can post here too, when urgent matters come to your attention.
We want to thank all of the homeowners in GCII who take the time and expense to keep their property maintained! It shows pride in your ownership and it keeps all of our property values up! Before doing home improvements, please submit an Architectural Review Form to the Board for approval prior beginning any exterior work. The forms may be obtained from SCS Management at www.scsmngt.com or 281-463-1777.
(JC) NEW MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE Erica Morgan, who served us so capably & cheerfully for the past year & more, is moving to a supervisory assignment within PMG/ Associa. The new representative for Jamestown Colony will be Rachel Richmond, 713-329-7117, r.richmond2@pmghouston. com; be sure to add her to your contact list. But if you forget to do that, you can also find Rachel’s contact information pinned to the top of our Facebook page. Thanks once more to Erica; we wish you well & know you will be brilliant at whatever task you choose to undertake.
(JC) VISIT US ON THE WEB Questions about the neighborhood? You can probably find the answer on the Jamestown Colony website, www.jamestowncolonyhoa.com. NOTE: This is a new website for us.
Holiday decorations will be judged on December 12th-13th, so be sure to have your lights up & shining by about 7 PM that weekend. First & second place winners will be awarded in each section - $75 home improvement gift card for 1st place & $50 home improvement gift card for 2nd place.
(JC) HAVE YOU LIKED US YET ON FACEBOOK? If not, jump on board the social media bandwagon! Go to the Search function and type in “Jamestown Colony.” Click JOIN and you’ll be alerted when we post (very infrequent) notices about the neighborhood. This is the perfect way to search for lost pets
(JC) WHAT’S BEEN IMPROVED LATELY? After sprucing up the Section 1 park on Arcadian Shores, we moved on to the Section 3 park, where the fence was repaired. We also power-washed & mildicide-treated all of the Section 3
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December 2015
brick monuments, raised the canopy of the trees in some of the public areas, & removed a couple of trash trees & stumps. These improvements are in addition to our regular landscaping work. Just a reminder that homeowners are responsible for trimming trees on the homeowner’s side of the perimeter fence. If your tree(s) damage the fence or if you cause other damage to the perimeter fence, you will be billed for repairs made on the behalf of the HOA. Be pro-active; prevent damage to the HOA’s biggest investment by properly pruning your trees & shrubs on the perimeter fence line.
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(JC) HOA ASSESSMENTS DUE (2015 & SOON, 2016) If you haven’t already paid it, your 2015 annual assessment is overdue & the invoices for the 2016 assessment will be mailed out shortly. The annual assessments for 2015 are $400 per home. As the property owner, you are legally responsible for making sure your annual assessment fee is paid in the time required by the governing legal documents. If you have not paid your 2015 annual statement and cannot immediately pay in full, please contact Principal Management Group, speak to a representative in the Accounting Department, & request a payment plan. Remember, the final obligation to make sure your assessments are paid remains with you. If you have any special needs or questions concerning your assessment statement, call Principal Management Group at 713-329-7100. To pay in full now: • Do not send cash. PMG (for the HOA) accepts checks or money orders only. • If paying by check, be sure to include your statement coupon AND/OR put your account number on the check, together with the words “2015 Assessment.” Send all payments to PO Box 3157, Houston, TX 77253-3157. - If you have PMG’s address saved in your online bill pay, please be sure to update the address to the one above. - If the payment is mailed in, PMG (for the HOA) does not go by the postmarked date, it is entered by date received. Be sure to send in your payments early to avoid late fees. - PMG no longer processes payments at their branch office. If any payments are received at the branch office, it will take at least 7-10 business days to post to your account. • To pay online, log into your account online at www.pmghouston.com and click on HOMEOWNERS in the upper right-hand corner; then, under “Owner Login,” type or find Jamestown Colony HOA.
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Bear Creek Animal Clinic Pet Wellness Fair Saturday, December 19th, (8am-11:30am)
www.bearcreekanimalclinic.com Ask about Senior and Dental Days
Call for Information 4924 Hwy. 6 N. (South of Kieth Harrow)
(JC) GREEN TIPS-MAKE YOUR MORNING COFFEE A LITTLE GREENER • Ditch the paper cup - 58 BILLION paper cups are thrown away each year. Although the cups’ plastic resin coating helps insulate the cup & prevent leaking, it also complicates recycling. Do your part to reduce paper waste & opt for a reusable mug -bonus points if you choose a mug made of ceramic or stainless steel instead of plastic.
Gold Star Member
Your homeowner assessment is due by January 1st and accrues late fees & penalties after January 31st. Our PMG Representative is Rachel Richmond, 713-329-7117 or r.richmond2@pmghouston.com.
If we can email, phone or text you, we can save the HOA some money for notifications. In the event of emergencies, we need a reliable way to contact residents. Email schpinna@yahoo.com and put “JHOA ADD” in the subject line. Include your name, street address, home phone, cell phone and preferred email address(es) in the body of the email, if possible. We don’t send out a lot of emails, so don’t worry about receiving excessive emails.
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• Forget paper filters - Instead of a electric coffee machines, consider buying a French press or an old-fashioned stainless steel percolator, which don’t require filters. They’re also much cheaper than coffee machines. OR a reusable mesh filter is an option for those who already have coffee machines. And if you must use a Keurig machine, you can employ a reuseable pod for your drinks instead of landfill-clogging plastic pods. • Look for these labels - USDA Organic - To earn USDA’s organic seal, coffee farmers must not have used synthetic herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers for at least 3 years. Growing coffee organically helps minimize the risk of environmental contamination & accidents involving toxic chemicals. - Fair Trade - Fair trade certification helps protect suppliers from exploitation by ensuring that they’re paid a fair price for their hard-earned crop. In return for providing good working conditions & just wages, producers get paid more for their coffee. Although the certification serves a primarily social purpose, when farmers get a fair price for their beans, they need less land to support themselves & their families. That means more land preserved for natural habitat. - Shade-Grown - Traditionally, coffee has been grown beneath the forest canopy. Now forests are cleared so that coffee can grow under the sun, which promotes higher & faster-growing yields. Shade-grown coffee, however, comes from plantations with the tree canopy & associated biodiversity still intact. Do your own research - since no official shade-grown certification exists, most coffee brands bearing the label have set their own standards. “Shade-grown” can range from full tree cover to full sun. “Rustic” is the most sustainable shade category option (coffee grows in the existing forest with little disturbance of native vegetation). You can learn more about shade categories at www. coffeehabitat.com/2006/02/what_is_shade_g/. • Choose Arabica Beans - Unlike Arabica beans (which are shade-grown), Robusta beans thrive in the sun & therefore tend to have higher yields. That means growing Robusta often requires deforestation. Robusta has about twice the caffeine content of Arabica & can have a harsher & bitterer taste. As a result, Robusta is typically used for inexpensive instant coffee, as well as supermarket brands, which often consist of both Arabica & Robusta beans. On the other hand, specialty roasters usually prefer to brew tastier Arabica beans. Look for brands marketed as “100% Arabica” to make extra sure your dollars go toward shade-grown coffee. • Be prepared for extra cost - Cheap coffee might make less of a dent in your wallet, but the same can’t necessarily be said of its effects on farmers or the environment, which often take the brunt of the cost in the form of exploitation & deforestation to keep prices low. Shoulder some of the financial burden & avoid buying coffee from convenience store chains, fast-food restaurants, & other inexpensive outlets. • Compost coffee grounds - This is an easy one. Instead of tossing your coffee grounds, add them to your compost pile or dig or till them into the soil at a 6-8 inch depth. The relatively nitrogenrich grounds supply bacteria with energy to decompose organic matter. Even just tossing them in your flowerbeds or onto your lawn is a better option than throwing them in the trash. And better for the flowerbeds & lawn, too.
(JC) PLANNING HOME IMPROVEMENTS? If you’re about to make repairs or additions to your home, remember that, in many cases, you need to complete an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) request. But when do you have to complete an ACC form & when are you okay to just get on with your repairs? Here’s a very rough guideline: • You can replace boards in your fence without completing an ACC as long as you replace the boards with the same material, but if you plan to replace an entire section or the entire fence or gates, you will need to complete an ACC request. • An ACC is always needed for paint jobs and for all proposed repairs (or additions) that can be seen from the street (that includes new benches in front yards or for any structural repairs or changes). Remember that the only colors approved will be earth
December 2015
tones. A palette of approved colors is available for view at the Sherwin Williams paint store at 5814 Highway 6 N (SE corner of Hwy. 6 and Timber Creek Place). And, honestly, it’s not a big deal - most ACCs are approved as a matter of course. We’re not ogres; we’re your neighbors and friends. Contact PMG to get a copy of the latest ACC form (eventually it will be available on the website, when we get it up and running). You must include a $10 check with each ACC submittal.
(YTC) ASSOCIATION DUES As we are nearing the end of another year, remember that home owner’s dues are coming up. If you need to make payment arrangements, please call Frank at PMG.
(YTC) CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Are you getting ready to put up lights for Christmas? Remember, we have a contest for the best lighting and decorations. Good luck, we are looking forward to seeing all the creativeness that is in our neighborhood.
By now, you should have paid your 2015 Annual Assessment. The annual assessments for 2015 did not increase from last year and are $425 per home.
If you would like to use the tennis court, there is a $10 deposit for a key. Contact Theodora at ACMP, Inc., 281-855-9867.
If you have not paid your 2015 annual statement, please contact Principal Management Group and speak to a representative in the accounting department and request a payment plan. As the property owner, you are legally responsible for making sure your annual assessment fee is paid in the time required by the governing legal documents.
Deed restrictions are strictly enforced by Yorktown Colony HOA. You may obtain a copy of restrictions by calling Frank at PMG, 713-329-7169. The management office verifies complaints and sends letters to the violators. If violations are not corrected, it can lead to legal actions being taken. We want our subdivision to be beautiful and this can only happen with everyone’s help.
Therefore, if you have not paid, please make sure that that you contact Principal Management Group and make payment arrangements. Remember, the final obligation to make sure your assessments are paid remains with you! If you have any special needs or questions concerning your assessment statement, call Principal Management Group at 713-329-7100.
(YTC) ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL You must submit any plans for improvements or modifications of your home or landscaping for approval by YTHOA via PMG’s office. Your submittal will be viewed and checked to insure they comply with all deed restrictions. This includes re-roofing, out sheds/storage buildings, play forts, any changes to the exterior of your home/landscapes.
December 2015
Easton Commons Animal Hospital
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(YTC) SECURITY If you suspect any illegal activities or suspicious persons lurking around, call 713-221-6000 and report it to the Sheriff’s department. We need all eyes and ears to keep our residents safe. We have upgraded some of our camera equipment to better serve our community.
(YTC) CELL PHONE USAGE Remember school is in session; it is against the law to use your cell phones in a school zone. Please keep our children safe. Keep an eye out for school buses loading and unloading; do not pass if the lights are flashing red and the stop sign is out. Are you aware that vulgar language carries a Class “C” violation if someone reports your actions? Be kind and courteous to your neighbors, we all strive to create a warm welcoming environment to live in.
(YTC) PARKING There is no parking of 18-wheelers, semi/trailer between 10 PM and 6 AM, be mindful of your neighbors and our streets.
(YTC) BARKING DOGS Don’t let your dog be a nuisance and disturb neighbors. If you are disturbed by barking dogs, contact the owner to try and make them aware of the problem, if that doesn’t work call the Sheriff’s department and file a complaint.
(YTC) KEEP THE STREETS CLEAN If you see trash in the street around your home, please pick it up, as well as leaves and debris. This will help keep our storm drains open to help prevent flooding.
Ask us about our new rewards program and learn how you can earn free exams and cash rewards on all pet care expenses!!!
December 21st - January 1st - Student/Staff Holidays January 4th - Professional Day
CYPRESS HOOPS INVITATIONAL DECEMBER 10TH- 12TH AT THE BERRY CENTER The Houston Methodist Cy-Hoops Invitational will be December 10th- 12th at the Berry Center. The Invitational has been going strong for six years with the first one taking place in 2009. It consists of 24 teams including the 10 CFISD boys’ varsity teams. The purpose of the event is to foster community spirit, promote the sport of basketball, engage the community and raise funds for student scholarships and staff development grants to CFISD. Game times/brackets are posted at www.thecfef.org.
CFISD MENTOR PROGRAM The CFISD Mentor Program is a cooperative effort of volunteers from businesses, faith-based and/or non-profit organizations, the community and the school district designed to encourage students (elementary through high school) to finish school and focus on future education and career goals. A mentor is a suitable role model committed to helping a student with his/her academic and social development. Currently, over 500 mentors are matched with students. To become a mentor, you must attend a training session (Register), complete a global volunteer/mentor application and consent to a criminal history record check. If you would like to attend mentor training, please contact the Community Engagement department, Leslie Francis, Director of Marketing and Business Relations at 281-894-3950.
December 2015
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Cornerstone United Methodist Church Preschool has been serving the Copperfield area since 1985. Cornerstone is a State Licensed facility operating five half days a week. We offer programs for children 18 months through five-year-old preschoolers. All children are welcome regardless of race, sex, religion or nationality.
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CUMC Preschool will be offering tours every Wednesday at 10 AM beginning January 20th and continuing through February 10th. Join the Preschool directors in the sanctuary where they will answer questions and discuss our program (curriculum, activities, special events, schedules, etc.) with interested families in the community. Families that attend one of our tours can register before our open family registration. Come and find out how! Open family registration for those not attending a tour will be held on Thursday, February 11th at 11 AM in room 106. We are located at 18081 West Road behind CVS at Barker Cypress and West Road. For further information, please call 281-859-1612.
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Incoming Kindergartners are invited to spend the morning in our Kindergarten classroom participating in activities and lessons designed to give you an opportunity to experience classical Christian education at Covenant Academy. To RSVP please visit CovenantAcademyHouston.org or call 281-373-2233. Space is limited!
TO OFFER FREE VISION SCREENING Houston Cy-Fair Lions Club will conduct FREE vision screening to children from six months of age and older at the Jersey Village Holiday in the Park, to be held Sunday December 6th, from 1-4 PM at Clark Henry Park. This vision screening uses a unique special camera that takes a photo of the child’s eyes and within seconds relates a pass or refer status. Those with the refer status will need to have a professional eye examination at a local optometrist. Vision problems are the leading disability in children, who are unaware that they cannot see properly. They cannot compare their vision to others and vision problems do not cause pain or inflammation, so parents, teachers and caregivers are unaware that the child has visual difficulties. Eighty percent of learning is visual. The Houston Cy-Fair Lions Club has recently purchased the Plusoptix Vision Screener for this community service project. This is part of a nationwide KidSight initiative through Lions Clubs International to screen children early for vision problems. Please bring your children to the Houston Cy-Fair Lions Club booth at Holiday in the Park for this important screening, which takes only a minute. To schedule a free vision screening at your day care or church, please contact: Sandy Martin, Houston Cy-Fair Lions Club Vision Screening Program, 281-550-2798 or bikee77095@yahoo.com.
On Sunday, December 20th, beginning at 8:30 AM, St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church will be hosting a Blood Drive with a mobile unit set up in their parking lot. Registration and donor forms will be available in the Parish Hall. To donate,
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you must be at least 17 years of age, at least 110 lbs. and in good general health. Remember, it takes about 15 minutes and one pint of blood to save three lives. St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road, Houston (the northeast corner of West and Queenston). Visit us at www.stcuthbert.org.
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Girls Inc. of Greater Houston’s mission is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart and bold by developing programs of informal education that empowers girls to live and succeed in an inequitable world. For more information on the 2016 Women’s Quarter Marathon, visit the website at www.womensquartermarathon.com.
CONSIDERING A PRIVATE SCHOOL? Come explore the rich variety of private educational opportunities in your community! The 14th Annual Northwest Private School Preview will be held on Sunday, January 31, 2016 from 3 to 5 PM. This free event will give you the chance to visit with representatives from over twenty private, independent and parochial schools of the greater North West Houston area representing all grade levels. The preview will be held in the Schindledecker Building at D. Bradley McWilliams YMCA located on 19915 SH 249 @ Cypresswood Drive. This event is generously sponsored by Kid’s Directory, Community Impact Newspaper and G. Michael Photography. Attendees will receive a chance to win a $500 tuition voucher to use at one of the participating schools!
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The 2016 Women’s Quarter Marathon is a women’s-only race to empower women and young girls through fitness and a healthy lifestyle. The route will start at Central Green Park, run through Cinco Ranch and back to Central Green Park where the post-race party will take place. The distance is a quarter of a marathon, which is 6.55 miles. The Mini-Quarter Marathon is 1.25 miles and is designed for girls under the age of 13 who also want to join the movement.
Commissioner Steve Radack, Harris County Precinct Three The Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center is located at 16600 Pine Forest Lane, 77084; one block south of the intersection of HWY. 6 and Clay Road. All classes/programs are FREE for Harris County residents aged 55+. Must register in person December 2015
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with photo ID in order to participate in the program and attend all future classes. You may register Monday-Friday from 8 AM - 3 PM. If you have questions or need directions please call us at 713-274-3250. Volunteer Opportunities are available; please call to speak to us about teaching your own cooking, language or other class.
O Bethlehem, The World is Watching is offered to the community by Christ Covenant Church the first weekend in December. O Bethlehem, The World is Watching is a modern day adaptation of the familiar Christmas story. It uses multimedia, live video, original music compositions with song and dance performances and a cast whose daily lives are transformed by the birth of Jesus. His birth would forever change this little town. Presented by Christ Covenant Church at 17000 Longenbaugh Dr. on Saturday, December 5th at 7 PM and Sunday, December 6th at 10:30 AM. For more information, go to www.christcov.net or call 281-463-6600.
A Visual Nativity Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church and The Genesis Academy Pre-School Presents… “A Visual Nativity” Saturday, December 12, 2015 from 11 AM-1 PM. Please join us as we celebrate our Saviors birth. Craft, activities and lunch will be included. Free family fun for everyone. Come and join us also on Christmas Eve for our Candle Light Service at 7:15 PM. Our address is 16650 Longenbaugh Drive.
Experience the night hope was born. The event will be held Thursday through Sunday, December 10th-13th at Current-A Christian Church, located at 26600 Westheimer Parkway, just south of Interstate 10, Pin Oak exit #740. A winding trail and experienced guides will lead you through a series of live action scenes tracing the journey Mary and Joseph took centuries ago as they were expecting the miraculous birth of Christ. Your travels will lead you through the village of Nazareth, into the camp of the Magi, past the Roman census and open-air markets of Judea, ultimately ending at the simple manger where Christmas began. For tickets or more information on Journey to Bethlehem, visit jtbcurrent.com. Tickets are $6 per person (children 5 and under are free) but Thursday night is a free premier night. There will be an Express Pass option available for purchase at $12 per
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The Chancel Choir of BCUMC will present its Christmas Cantata, “Shout the Good News” by Lloyd Larson, during the Sunday morning service at 11 AM on December 13th. All are welcome to attend and share the joys of the holiday season.
Located at 5151 Addicks Satsuma Rd, Houston TX 77084. We would like to invite our neighbors to join us as we celebrate Christmas! Sunday, December 19th - Come for our Annual Christmas Brunch at 9 AM (followed by service) and Thursday, December 24th - Join us for our traditional Carols and Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 7 PM.
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Where: At the North Pole of Course! a.k.a Christ Covenant Church 17000 Longenbaugh (across from the YMCA) Date : Saturday, December 12, 2015 Time : 4:30 PM - 8 PM Rain or Shine
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Need a break from all the hustle and bustle of The Christmas Season? Hop on the Polar Express!!!
We have a fun filled evening planned for kids all ages. Cookie Decorating, Christmas Craft and a Christmas Sing-a-Long before the movie. Bring the kids, invite your neighbors, bring lawn chairs and blankets and wear your pajamas and prepare to have some fun!!! “Here we only have one rule, never ever let it cool Hot Chocolate.” RSVP and questions to: christcov.movienight@yahoo.com.
person (infants are free). Event Times: Thursday, December 10th and Friday, December 11th, 7-9 PM; Saturday, December 12th, 5-9 PM and Sunday, December 13th, 5-8 PM.
St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, during our Christmas Eve services on Thursday, December 24th, at 5:30 PM with a Christmas Pageant for all and at 9 PM with inspirational choir music. Both services will include the Holy Eucharist. Come experience the transforming power and accepting love of Jesus Christ - the reason for the season! St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road in Houston (the northeast corner of West and Queenston). Visit us at www.stcuthbert.org.
Christmas Eve at The Family of Faith Lutheran Church will be celebrated at 7 PM, December 24th. A special children’s pageant will be presented at 6:30 PM. All are welcome. The Family of Faith Lutheran Church is located at 16710 FM 529 Road, Houston, Texas, 77095. For more information, please call the church office at 281-855-2950. You may also visit our website at www.tfof.org.
“Joy to the world the Lord has come...” this is the good news celebrated during the Christmas season by young and old alike. Cornerstone United Methodist Church will be providing a number of celebration opportunities during the month of December:
December 2015
Saturday, December 5th: “live” Nativity Scene from 6-8 PM. Sunday, December 6th: 10:45 AM, the Children’s choirs will be presenting their Christmas Musical entitled: “Wrapping All the Way.” Saturday, December 12th: “Children’s Christmas Celebration” from 10-11:30 AM that will include pictures with Santa, face painting, donuts, crafts and other family friendly activities. Saturday, December 12th: Cypress Symphonic Band will hold its winter concert at 3 PM. Sunday, December 13th: 10:45 AM, the Youth Choir will be presenting their Christmas musical entitled: “A Tree Lot Christmas.” Sunday, December 20th: Cornerstone Chancel Choir accompanied by an orchestra will be presenting a special Christmas music program entitled “The Heart of Christmas” at both the 8:30 and the 10:45 AM services. There will be no worship service at 9:35 AM but there will be Christian education for all ages available at 9:30 AM. Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th: At 4 PM, there will be the Family Christmas Service. In addition to the singing of carols and Communion, children will be invited to the front of the church to hear the Christ Story and receive a special “Christmas” gift from the church. At 6 PM & 11 PM, there will be a traditional “Candlelight and Communion” service. It will include the retelling of the “Birth of Christ” through Scripture readings and hymns. All three services will include a “Candle Lighting Ceremony” with everyone lighting candles during the singing of “Silent Night.”
Cornerstone United Methodist Church is located at 18081 West Road (across from the CFISD Berry Center and next to the CVS). For more information, please call the church office at 281-8594141. Cornerstone wishes each of you a “Merry Christmas!” and a “Happy New Year!”
HOLIDAY VOLUNTEERING IN HOUSTON! Looking for something more meaningful to accomplish versus fighting holiday shopping traffic? VOLUNTEER! There are many opportunities available in our city. Here are a few: 1. Houston Food Bank: opportunities include organizing the pantry shelves and also preparing food bags for pick up for families in need. The holidays are the second hardest time for families who are unable to afford food due to more members being at home. 2. City Wide Club: this local group organizes the Thanksgiving and Christmas feast. Log on to citywideclub.com and the whole family can help serve meals, give food bags, coordinate clothing donations and much more. 3. Citizens for Animal Protection in Katy: many animals are abandoned during the holidays. Spend time with those who cannot speak for themselves. 4. Senior Assisted Living facilities: our senior citizens are the most neglected group of people. Coordinate a magazine drive and donate magazines to a local residential living center, sing holiday carols or better yet, visit and speak with the residents and offer holiday cheer. 5. Star of Hope: prepare or serve meals, read to children, join a prayer group. There is something for everyone here.
THRIFT STORE 17111-A KIETH HARROW BLVD. (near Lieder Elementary)
HOLIDAY SECURITY During the holidays there is an unfortunate increase in home and vehicle burglaries. There are a few things you can do to deter thieves. When shopping for those gifts, secure them in the trunk of your car or out of sight. Visible shopping bags are an invitation to thieves. Be aware of people around you and if you feel someone is following you or watching you, do not get in the car. Many shopping malls offer security officer that will escort you to your car. Take advantage of that service. It’s no secret that piles of unchecked holiday mail and newspapers can tip off burglars to an empty house and lead to holiday breakins. If you’re traveling during the holidays, it’s a good idea to ask a neighbor to help keep up your home’s appearances so it doesn’t have that vacant look about it. Even a small favor such as asking your neighbor to occasionally park their car in your driveway can improve your home security. Use timers to turn lights on and off in the living areas of your home to give the appearance that someone is there.
MONDAYS, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS: 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM SATURDAYS: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Proceeds support community projects in the Bear Creek and Copperfield areas served by Houston Northwest Community Center, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations of gently worn men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and house-hold items in good condition are accepted on Saturdays during store hours.
December 2015
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$130 $160’s
$160 $190’s
$190 $220’s
1 1
1 1 2
1 3
Bradford Yorktown Concord Jamestown Charlestown Georgetown Langham Savannah
4 1 6 5 4 2 2 1
$220 $250+
$100 $130’s
$130 $160’s
$160 $190’s
$190 $220’s
3 3 1 1 1
3 1 1
1 1
$220 $250+
1 1
Submitted by Cydney Parker, Realtor 18
December 2015
If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please completely fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number (one only), year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Email to news@krenekprinting. com (preferred) or mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095. Must have parent(s) permission. DISCLAIMER Neither the subdivision, nor Krenek Printing is responsible for those listed on the Teenage Job Seeker List. Please ask for and check out references if you do not personally know those listed. This is just a list of teenagers from the subdivision who wish to find part time jobs. Responsibility for any work done by these teenagers is between those seeking helpers and the teens and their parents.
FM 529 Animal Hospital
BOARDING (Full Service Animal Hospital)
18310 FM 529 (next to CyFair Vol. Fire Station #8)
Klassic Garage Doors Professional Garage Door Repair We replace or repair garage doors or garage door openers.
• Maintenence • Replace Panels
• Broken Springs • Door Off Track
qery Call anytime 24 hour emergency service available
281-408-0028 281-763-4310 Cell
(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in ALL information or we will not put on the list
30+ Years Experience/Family Owned
Please place my name on the Job Seekers List
Job(s) _________________________________
q B -Babysitting Name _________________________________ q SS -Safe Sitter q SL -Swim Lessons Address ________________________________ q CPR -CPR Certified Email _________________________________ q FAC -First Aid Cert. q RCC -Red Cross Cert. Birthdate - Mo/Yr_________________________ q P -Pet Care (only) q PP -Pet/Plant Sitter Age ______ Grade________ Class of ________ q H -Housecare Phone _________________________________ q L -Lawncare q T -Tutor Subdivison______________________________ q C -Car Detailing
I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter.
“When a good job really matters.” Residential and Commercial Fences
• Wood Privacy Fences • Chain Link Fences No Job Too Big or Too Small • Fence Repairs • Insured and Bonded • Free Estimates • Tree Trimming (Certified Arborist)
D a ni el Bur g e ss
C. Paul Shubert, P.C.
Certified Public Accountants
Income Tax Preparation
Weekend and Evening Appointments Available
or Mail to: Krenek Printing Co. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 www.krenekprinting.com Colonies
e y r w
Discount Fence Company
Parent Signature ____________________________________________________
email: news@krenekprinting.com (preferred)
• Carpentry • Sheetrock - Texture • Pressure Washing • Siding - HardiPlank® • Refinish - Staining • References • Insured & Bonded
4654 Hwy. 6 N. Suite 101 December 2015
713-784-1040 19
How to Contact Krenek Printing
Free to non-profit organizations.
Classified Ads DEADLINE: 10th of preceding month.
Get the word out! Visit the web site to post your ad.
mail, fax or email: CLASSIFIED@KRENEKPRINTING.COM Affordable advertising across Katy & Hwy 6.
DEADLINE:12th of preceding month.
Get prices online or call us 8:30a - 5p.
ADS@KRENEKPRINTING.COM (281) 463-8649 fax (281) 463-2425
7102 Glen Chase Ct. Houston, TX 77095
Specializing in Re-Roofing “We work as unto the Lord”
• Kitchens • Bathrooms • Windows / Doors • Floors • Hardi Siding • Rooms Additions • Complete Renovations • Patio Covers Rob Geyer
American-Drew: 2 bedside tables, dresser with mirror, armoire, $500; King size sleigh bed, $500. 832-566-9556. PureSpa portable Spa by Intex. New, still in box. See www. intexcorp.com for details. Retails for $340, asking $275 OBO. To inquire about items email cadaniels49@gmail.com.
Queen headboard, tan wicker with gray metal, metal frame with wheels included, $80; 3 canvas paintings, light green and aqua colors, 24” X 24” each, $9 each. Photos available, 281-858-4809.
Downsizing from Copperfield to a condo. Have to give up immaculate ornately carved Chinese Dragon formal dining table w/8 chairs, 2 removable leaves & red cushions, $1000; Chinese bird in tree china cabinet, $250; day bed with rollout underneath, $125. You pick up. Email for pictures: ojunico@gmail.com. Pool Table, like new, ball & claw, red felt, inlaid wood, some accessories, $1,500. Call or text 713-907-4137 for pictures. Various Beanie Babies. Have the original 7 out of nine and very rare ones. Call for prices and what you are looking for. Karen 832-606-9482. Holiday gifts for sale: Fire HD, digital camera. View on Facebook by search Gift Giving. Call 832-922-5603.
Katy Family Owned & Operated
Greater Houston
Equipment for small dog: carrier, small and medium crates, decorative dog bowls. Only used 3 months. Call/text 713-854-4756.
Solid wood 3 piece entertainment center, excellent condition, $400. 713-530-3215.
25+ Years Experience
Home gym weight machine: Nautilus NS-200, 200 lb weight stack, row and lat bar, pull strap, leg extension, white steel frame (61”L x 45”W x 83”H). Sells retail for over $1500, excellent condition, asking $400. Must disassemble and take away. Call 713-594-4684.
Model train set, never used, for sale. Includes: Engine and 12 cars, 28 pieces of track, model train power pack and rail cleaner. Would make a nice Christmas gift, $100 for complete set. 281-859-3374.
Ron Geyer
Solid wood entertainment center, 74” long, holds 40” TV. 281-856-6252.
Traditional camel back print sofa, cream background. Very nice condition, Hickory brand, $250. Call 281-856-2784 for more details and photos.
DEADLINE: 10th of preceding month.
Visit our website
Classified Ads
J. Russ Polsgrove MPL#38482
Kenmore electric built-in oven, white, very good condition, $200 OBO. 281-861-8600. LG white refrigerator, French doors with bottom freezer, $295; La-Z-Boy graphite gray leather recliner/rocker, brand new, original box, $500; Pilates Aero Reformer exercise equipment with elevated stand, like new, $275; Total gym, $200; Very large light tan cat condo with steps and windows, $75. Call 281-463-9902 after 2 PM. Fit and Cycle Exerciser, new, $95; Temperpedic,queen mattress, new, in zippered protective covering and still in original plastic, $800. Call 281-463-9902 after 2 PM.
$20 OFF Any Repair 00
with this ad
December 2015
Become a Dental Assistant in just 10 weeks! 10 Week Course Tuition $3250 • Payment Plans Training Since 1995 Winter Session begins 1/9/16
STEVE TOUCHY Attorney At Law
Serving Businesses and Families Since 1983
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Wills • Trusts • Probate • Employment Divorce • Consumer Law Adoption • Collections Incorporation • Liens Partnership • Commercial Law Real Estate
Houston Dental Assistant School Located in Katy and Spring/The Woodlands
For info packet call 281-363-0600 or email us at admin@hdas.biz
15840 FM 529, Suite 280 Houston, Texas 77095
Approved by the TWC Career Schools and Colleges
Located in the Chase Bank Building on FM 529
Beautiful white formal with beads, size small. Original price $400, asking $150; Men’s wool sweater from Ireland, never worn, $50; Quilting frame, $75; Queen bed frames, 2 sets, $20 each. Pictures on request, denwil@sbcglobal.net. 281-660-1082.
Looking for a responsible and flexible part-time driver for our very nice ice cream truck. Driver should have a good driving record with no moving violations in the past 3 years. Email dulce. things@gmail.com for our basic job application.
24’ fiberglass extension ladder with stabilizer, like new, $200. At Lowes it’s $324. Call 281-347-6640 or 832-312-6115. 2007 Honda Rincon (680cc) ATV. Call for list of many upgrades, ramps included, Stored indoors since new, adult ridden, regularly serviced. $5000 281-463-9319 Strasburg children’s flower girl dresses, NWT, discontinued, in white (size 3) and ivory (size 3), new $109.99, selling for $50. They all have loops for a sash. Also have 2 with embellishments, ivory (sizes 4, 6), matching ivory sash included, new $136.99, selling for $75. 281-770-6928 or jaclynchale@gmail.com.
Bureau de Change, a mattress and household cutlery recycling network provides pick up services free of charge of any fairly used mattresses, clothes and household silverware. Please call Louis at 832-205-1531.
Living room sets, student bedroom set, mattress sets, plus more! Everything must go. Excellent prices, unbeatable deals. Must sell. 832-867-8779.
For Sale: 16’ Trailer and 2007 2-Seater ATV. Barely used, stored in garage. Asking $5,200 for both. Pictures available via text. 713-775-2758. 2010 Ford Taurus SEL. Good condition, teal, 8 cylinder, 101,000 miles, former auto mechanic’s car, maintained and serviced, always kept in the garage, $12,000 OBO. Contact Gordon at 281-468-2153.
Reynolds and Reynolds is seeking full-time and part-time candidates! ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE needed to assist with receptionist phones and daily applicant processing. Responsibilities may include data entry, administering pre-employment drug tests, assisting with on-boarding new hires, and other clerical tasks as needed. Must be flexible/adaptable, have a strong attention to detail, and multi-task well. Prior office experience is required. PART-TIME candidates needed to assist with clerical duties including but not limited to data entry, filing/shredding, copy-making, and other projects as they arise. To apply, email resume to careers@reyrey.com. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect to opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek Printing is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with in this publication. All warranties and representations make in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/ correction. Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX, 77095 281-463-8649 • news@krenekprinting.com
December 2015
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Caring Professionals for Your Family!
Classified Ads
(Not valid with any other offer. EXPIRES 12/31/15 Must present coupon at the time of service.)
Lifepath Church, located at 17703 W. Little York Road is looking to hire for part time after-school Program Site Coordinator, 15 hours per week during the school year. This position will assist the Director of Children’s and Family Ministry and Outreach in implementing the day-to-day functions of the after-school program. Email resume to jmartinez@lifepathHouston.com.
• Advanced Laser Dentistry: Fillings w/o anesthetic • Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy • Affordable, Flexible, No interest payment options.
Accounting Assistant, part-time to full-time, Bear Creek Golf Course. Must come in for application to interview, 16001 Clay Road, Houston, Tx 77084.
Call now for your appointment.
holiday special 75 OFF New Patient Exam
281-859-5637 16100 Cairnway, Suite 285
9545 Katy Freeway, Ste. 390 • Houston, TX 77024
281.217.0013 FAX: 713.467.9191 www.FREEDLAWYER.COM Do You Have An Estate Plan?
Register Tapes Unlimited (A 25 year old advertising firm) is looking for Inside Sales/Telemarketing reps to work in our corporate office call center in the Houston/Katy area. We have a contract with over 10,000 major grocery chains in 47 states and Western Canada. Heavy Cold Calling to Business Owners, $10-$15/ Hour, Commissions and Bonuses. Hourly for the first 30 days based on experience. Full Time M-F. No Late nights or weekends, great environment, benefits after 60 days, No Experience needed: www.rtui.com To apply, send resume to jamelyn.brown@rtui.com. Do you like golf, the outdoors, meeting people and fun? We are hiring at the Bear Creek Golf Course, all positions, Greeters, food and beverage, Pro-Shop and maintenance. Pick up applications at the Pro-Shop, 16001 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084.
A well-designed and up to date estate plan can provide peace of mind for you and your family.
Dependable Comfort Air & Heat is now hiring licensed technicians, installers and helpers. Competitive pay and 100% health coverage paid. Training available. 281-578-7245.
Pool Cleaner position available. Must have your own vehicle. Valid drivers license and insurance required. Background working with pools. Background check is required. Will train. Opportunity to move up into repair work. Make up to $600+ a week depends on experience and number of pools per week. We are a Leslie’s approved company. Constant referrals. Call 713-295-0797 or email resume to jpuctx@yahoo.com.
Looking for people to work in the field services, crew workers and helpers to work on servicing irrigation systems for growing Irrigation Company, no experience needed, will train. Must have own transportation and clean driver’s license. Growth opportunity, Northwest Houston area. Email: sprinklerworkers@gmail.com.
HardiePlank Siding & Exterior Painting Energy Efficient Replacement Windows Re-Roofing -- Patio Covers & Pergolas
$500 OFF
HardiePlank and Window Replacement *Minimum purchase required
Hardie ColorPlus from Advanced Home Exteriors is recommended by Tom Tynan, HomeShow Radio Financing Available
Call Today for Your Free Estimate!
Plumbers or Apprentices for repair. Bilingual preferred. Please call 281-256-2239. Martial Arts USA is hiring qualified Tae Kwon Do Black Belts with WTF certification, over 18 years of age, background checks and interviews will be conducted. Contact Master Shin or Master An at 281-463-9333 or email YoungAn@cyfairtkd.com. Location, 8504 Highway 6 N., Houston, TX 77095. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281-656-2273. The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person.
December 2015
Housekeepers needed. Great hours for moms with school age children. 281-861-0394. Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900. Dental assistant position available. F/T, nonsmoker, experienced preferred, knowledge of Dentrix software and bilingual a plus. Must be state licensed; Front desk receptionist, bilingual preferred. Fax resume to: 281-861-7174. Or call 281-861-7500. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@westhoustonelectric.com.
LOST AND FOUND Lost white cat. Escaped while on vacation, name Lilly. Very bashful, medium fur, all white. Please call 225-368-6750. Reward offered.
TIMESHARES/VACATION HOMES Vacation resort, 7 days, sleeps 4. Pick destination via Intervalworld.com and select date. Contact Gabe 281-995-1819. Family Vacation Beach Condo for rent in Pointe West Resort, Galveston. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, sleeps 6-8. A balcony for a lovely sea breeze and sunset, access to beach club, two pools, kayaking and fishing. Minimum two night, $400. Check Pointe West location at www.pointewestbeachclub.com for more information. Contact Martha 214-277-1647 or martha_vera69@hotmail.com.
Vacation home for rent in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath, beach, pool, tennis, golf, Mayan Ruins. For more info Google VRBO 136406 or call, 281-236-2107 or 713-896-1234. Timeshare: rent a lovely condo for a full week in Hawaii. Sleeps 4, fully stocked kitchen. What else needs to be said... It’s Hawaii! $795. For information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427. Las Vegas Timeshare: On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living. Jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s, 2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days, $465 or 7 days, $595. No added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for more information.
Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing. NOVENA TO ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – HM, EG
December 2015
Tammy Smith, Owner-Operated
2nd 15.00 OFF Cleaning New customer only on regular schedule. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid for one time or empty cleans.
Cydney Parker REALTOR© since 1989 RE/MAX Hall of Fame Award Recipient Certified Negotiation Expert CNE
RE/MAX Compass
7825 Hwy 6 North, Suite 112 Houston, TX 77095
Your Colonies Neighborhood Realtor© for over 25 years! Selling or Buying? Need New Home Representation? Call me about my incentive plans. My experience and skills ensure OUR success!
December Featured Homes LE NG A S DI N PE
Charlestown Colony
Jamestown Colony
3 BR Patio home - Townhouse. 2563 sq ft, great cul-de-sac location! 4 BR + gameroom 2 car garage, full driveway, secured gated front up. Both formals + family rm. marble, Wood floors. entry & yard. Upgraded appliances inc. gas stove. $130s Stainless appliances. Covered deck. $180s
Bradford Colony
Pretty 3 BR, 2 bath home. Remodeled master bath, laminate flooring. New HVAC.
W GS NE IN G! ST MIN I L O C Georgetown Colony Jamestown Colony & Copperfield Southdown Call for details.
My Free Monthly Newsletter has great features including Houston area events, restaurants, home improvement and financing information, health, wellness, and MORE. Email me to be included next month at Cydney@cydneyparker.com Published by: Krenek Printing Co 7102 Glen Chase Ct • Houston, TX 77095 • 281-463-8649 • www.krenekprinting.com Email: news@krenekprinting.com • ads @krenekprinting.com • Classified @krenekprinting.com December 2015 Colonies