PET HOTLINE 281-468-9414 CONCORD BRIDGE PET HOTLINE ON FACEBOOK. CONCORD BRIDGE POOL COmPLEx POOL TAGs REquIRED The pools will be open Saturday, Sunday and Monday of Memorial Day weekend. You must have pool tags in order to use the pools. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS. Do not ask the lifeguards to allow you access for any reason. Onsite pool tag registration was held Saturday, April 14th. If you did not pick them up, you will need to complete the application form and submit it to Crest Management. The tags will be mailed to you. If you pick them up at Crest Management there will be a $10 charge. The lap pool will be used by the swim team through the month of June. Pool hours will be 11 AM to 8 PM. Alternate pools will be cleaned on Mondays and Tuesdays but one pool will be open on those days. The lifeguards have the authority to eject unruly persons. The lifeguards always have the option to defer the problem to the Harris County Precinct 5 Deputies. If this occurs, it is possible that the person(s) could be banned from use of the pools the remainder of the pool season.
DROuGHT DAmAGE Do you have dead trees and plants in your yard due to drought damage? These dead plants and trees must be removed. Dead trees are hazardous in high winds; even the normal rain storms that are common in the Houston area can cause trees to fall. Please make arrangements now to restore your lawns and remove dead plants.
GARAGE sALE DATEs The next garage sale will be June 2nd. Signs will be placed at the entrances to the neighborhood and ads will appear in the Houston Chronicle and the Greensheet. You can place individual signs but they MUST be removed that afternoon. Garage sales conducted at times other than the approved dates are subject to fines.
Summer ActivitieS Would like to see additional activities in our neighborhood? We would love to have things for our families, but without assistance it is not possible. There are five members on the board of Directors and we all have full time jobs and/or family commitments that take up most of our time. We are an unpaid voluntary board with the interest of Concord bridge at heart. If you have ideas for neighborhood activities, get volunteers to help and present your ideas to the board. We will back legitimate activities to unite with our neighbors. The pool will open on Saturday, May 26th at 10:00 AM. Pool tags will be available onsite at a time to be announced. Watch the Crier and the marquees for date and time.
May 2012
Published by: Krenek Printing " & ' , #(&'#"
, May 2012 Concord Bridge email: news@ % " $% "' " #! #% %' & , &@ % " $% "' " #! #% (& " && & , && + @ % " $% "' " #! #% && + &
Yard of the month judging will begin in May. Do you need information about native plants and minimum care landscaping? You can contact a master Gardener with AgriLife Extension Program, Monday thru Friday, 9 Am to 3 Pm, at 281-855-5600 or by email at for information.
Serving Businesses and Families Since 1983
AnnuAl Homeowners Fees
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Bear Creek Animal Clinic Pet Wellness Fair Saturday, May 19th, (8am-11:30am) Ask about Senior and Dental Days $
10 Off Any Veterinary Service (Exam, Lab, Vaccines or Treatment) With this ad. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 5/31/2012
Your annual fees of $370 were due on January 1st and were considered past due February 1st. If you were unable to pay your dues by that date, you must CONTACT CREST mANAGEmENT ImmEDIATELY. Failure to contact Crest management will result in legal action and additional charges.
on GoinG Projects Improvements and maintenance are a constant in a neighborhood the size of Concord Bridge. We recently refurbished and painted the playground equipment at South Bridge Park. A new individual picnic table and small pavilion will be installed in the open area at Central Bridge Park west of the large pavilion. Your Board of Directors works to keep things current and in good condition.
THE CONCORD BRIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION HELD IT’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ON FEBRUARY 14, 2012 AT THE OFFICE OF CREST MANAGEMENT COMPANY, 17171 PARK ROW SUITE 310, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77084. PRESENT/QUORUM Directors in attendance and representing a quorum were Sandra Peters, maria Cutlip and Helen montesinos. Representing Crest management was Bernita Armstrong. At this time the meeting was called to order at 5:30 Pm. SWIM TEAM Sharlondrea Basquine and Ed Garcia were in attendance to discuss the upcoming swim season. The Board reviewed the schedule and approved the dates of May 12th, May 26th and June 16th. The end of the year party will be held on June 28th. The Board agreed to allow the swim team to use the facility on opening day but they had to be out of the pool no later 12:30 Pm. There was also a discussion regarding the fan device the swim team used to cool off the pool, the Board explained that they couldn’t use this because it was a safety issue because of the electrical cord, Sharlondrea stated that if they placed the electrical cord inside of piping could they use it then. maria Cutlip stated that would be fine as long as the Board approved of it. The Board also explained that the pool company comes out once a week prior to the pool opening and if the swim team wanted them to come out more than it would be a cost to them. There was also a discussion regarding the trash being picked up after every meet or practice and the swim team was responsible for bringing the trash cans in and out of the pool area.
JAY CONSTRUCTION - Home Repair & Remodeling -
Call for Information 4924 Hwy. 6 N. (South of Kieth Harrow)
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Concord Bridge
Free Estimates
May 2012
MINUTES At this time, the Board reviewed the minutes from the January 10, 2012 Board of Directors meeting and the minutes were approved as written.
Pool Specifications - There was a discussion regarding the pool specifications and the Board stated that there weren’t any changes to the specifications besides removing the part about providing a telephone for the pool company.
FINANCIALS Mrs. Armstrong presented the financials. Cash on hand as of December 31, 2011 was $474,385.34, the Capital Reserve total was $260,275.02 and the Non Capital Reserve total was $311,695.92. Total delinquencies are $278, 174.98 with $22,240.83 of that being 2011 fees.
Community Calendar - The Board reviewed the community calendar and advised managing agent to make changes to certain dates.
OLD/NEW BUSINESS Recoat Playground Equipment - Mrs. Armstrong presented proposals from McKenna Construction, #1Contracting Services and B&M Construction to recoat the playground equipment at South Bridge Park. The proposals were discussed and a motion was made, seconded and approved to have #1Contracting Services recoat the playground equipment at South Bridge Park. Pavilion Proposals - The Board reviewed the proposals from McKenna Construction, All Play and American Parks Company to install a pavilion and bench at Central Bridge Park. A motion was made, seconded and approved to have McKenna Construction install the pavilion at Central Bridge Park. ADA Compliance Lift Stations - Mrs. Armstrong stated that since the association allows the swim team to use the pool facilities, they are required by the ADA law to install a lift station. The Board advised the managing agent to get additional information and if they are required to install, they would ask the swim team to share the cost of the lift station. Proposal for Motor - The Board reviewed the proposals from Houston Recreation, A-Beautiful Pools and Sweetwater Pools to replace a 1.5 HP Whisperpflo Motor. After much discussion, a motion was made, seconded and carried to have Houston Recreation replace a 1.5 HP Whisperflo Motor.
May 2012
Concord Bridge
Administrative Contract - Mrs. Armstrong explained to the Board that the Crest administrative contract hadn’t been signed so therefore, Crest wasn’t covered by the insurance and the certified demand letters wouldn’t be going out to the delinquent homeowners. EXECUTIVE SESSION Collections Legal Accounts - Mrs. Armstrong reviewed the collection attorney status report in detail. Deed Restrictions - The Board reviewed the edit list and action item report, hereto attached as Exhibit “D”. The Board reviewed several accounts which Crest was recommending forwarding to the attorney for pursuing the Board made the decision to send the following accounts final demand letters. Account #308015 - To clean mildew from your house on brick in front of home. Account #202027 - To remove oil stains and or rust from driveway. Communication (Crier, Website & Marquee Announcements) Garage sale, Pool tag registration and Swim team registration. The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for March 13, 2012. There being no further business to come before the Board of Directors, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.
DeeD RestRictions Deed restrictions are in place to maintain continuity within the neighborhood. Without these standards, a home could be left in disrepair or abandoned and could become a plight to our neighborhood. At entrances to the neighborhood, there are signs declaring deed restrictions are strictly enforced and when you purchased the home you were given a copy of the deed restrictions. Please remember, this is a legal document in place to protect the value of your home.
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SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS! Are your financial business needs in order?
Crest Management handles most of the business transactions for Concord Bridge under the direction of your Board of Directors. If you don’t understand any correspondence from Crest Management, please call for clarification. The homeowners association pays for all correspondence related to deed restrictions; therefore, duplicate letters cost us additional fees. Do not ignore correspondence from Crest Management! Please remove all dead plants and trees and restore your lawn. Proper maintenance of your yard is part of the deed restriction requirements. IT’S YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, PLEASE KEEP IT MAINTAINED.
HaRRis county constables office Harris5 County ConstablesStatS Office Precinct - Patrol Precinct 5 - Patrol Stats March 2012 March, 2012 6 Accident/Auto-Pedest
Acci/Unk Maj Min Accidental Injury Alarm/Rep. Site
911 Hang up
4 0 1
1 0 0
Accident/Minor Alarm Local Alarm/Sil/Pan/Hu
14 29 1
Animal Aggressive Arson/Fire Burglary/Business Car-Jacking Check Religious FC Contract Check Discharge Firearm Dist/Juvenile Domestic/Prevent DWI Fraudulent Use ID
0 0 0 0 0 115 0 2 0 1 0
Incident Report Meet the Officer MUD Building Check Parking Lot Check Property Found/Lost Robbery/Business Solicitors Subject Stop Terroristic Threat Theft/Residence
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281.558.8600 3JLFTIB ,FFO
Traffic Hazard Unknown Med Emerg. Vehicle Abandoned Vehicle Stickered Vehicle Recovery Writ Check
Accident/Major Alarm Holdup Alarm Vehicle Animal/Humane Assault/Sexual Burglary/Hab Check Business Child Cusdy Disp Credit Card Abuse Dist/Family Dist/Loud Noise DOA Follow Up In Progress
15 Information Call 3 Mental Case 6 Neighborhood Check 6 Private Party Tow 2 Referred External 0 Robery Individual 4 Special Assignment 0 Susp Person 0 0
Theft/Business Theft/Shoplifter
1 Traffic Stop 1 Vacation Watch 2 Vehicle Repossession 0 Vehicle Stolen 0 0
Warrant Service
2 Animal/Livestock 0 Assault 2 Burglary/Motor Vehicle 95 Check Park 0 Computer Crime Criminal Mischief 1 Dist/Fireworks 11 Dist/Other 0 Drug/OD/Poss 12 Forgery 0 Intelligence Rep
0 1 5 9 0
37 Meet the Citizen 0 Missing Person 7 Open Door/Window 0 Probation Verification 0 Referred Internal 0 Runaway 10 Stranded Motor Vehicle 10 Telephone Harassment
31 1 4 0
1 5 0 1 1
2 2 0
0 0
Theft/Other Traffic Initiative
4 4
42 22 1 1
Traffic Pursuit Van Run Vehicle Speeding Vehicle Suspicious
0 0 0 19
Welfare Check
These numbers are based on a report of calls made by the Horsepen Bayou MUD contract officers. This covers Concord Bridge, Eldridge Park, McKindrie Park and various business areas within the Horsepen Bayou MUD district. Our contract program is successful with the cooperation of residents and officers. If you have information regarding illegal or suspicious activities, contact the dispatcher or flag down one of our patrolling officers. Dispatch # is 281-463-6666.
Vacation WatcH 4U .BSZ T -BOF 4UF t )PVTUPO 59 Securities and investment advisory services offered through NEXT Financial Group, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. The Keen Investment Group, LLC. is not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group, Inc. This is not a CPA firm.
Vacations occur year round and the Precinct 5 Constables offer a very valuable service. If you complete a Vacation Watch form they will drive by and check your home while you are away. This form is available on the Precinct 5 Constable’s website, pct5 on the Concord Bridge website,
Concord Bridge
May 2012
and in this publication. You can also ask for a copy from one of the officers. Information on how to mail or fax it is on the form. It’s also a good idea to let a trusted neighbor know that you will be gone so they can report unusual activity at your home during your absence.
A NON-WORKING STREET LIGHT? If you encounter a streetlight that is not working, you can report it by phone or on the internet. Please have as much information as possible, the location of the light, approximate address or closest intersection, and if possible, the number on the pole. The only way for a light to be repaired is for us to report it. You can report it by phone at 713-207-2222 or at
Music Performing Arts Center
TRASH PICK UP Please remember that our trash pick up days are Monday and Thursday. Heavy trash day is Thursday and the trash company is required to pick up heavy items approved on their retrieval list. If a holiday falls on trash day, it will not be picked up the next day. It will be picked up the next scheduled pick up day.
Now Enrolling PRESCHOOL, AFTER SCHOOL & Evening PROGRAMS!!! We are enrolling for Summer Camp 2012: “Exploring Culture through Music, Arts, Dance, Theatre, Crafts, Storytelling, Sports, & Field trips.”
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16150 Rippling Water
label directions. has many solutions, but to handle both at once you can use either Orthenex Insect & Disease Control Formula III or just plain soapy to upper and lower sides of the leaves. Rinse with clear water 3 to Mulching your beds now will lessen your need for watering, moderate the soil temperature and help control weeds. Many spring annuals such as pansies should be removed to make way for heat-lovers. Consider adding ferns to your garden in the shadier spots. They provide a good contrast for you flowers and an “appearance” of coolness.
WISHARD PLUMBING CO. The Plumber you WISH you'd called.
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May 2012
Concord Bridge
Republican ~ Experience You Can Trust ~ Conservative ELECT
Family Man and Proud Veteran
On the Issues
t Bob and his wife, Kimberly, have been married twenty years and have a son and daughter, both of whom are enrolled in Katy ISD t Longtime members of the Fellowship at Cinco Ranch t TRUE Conservative & Republican t Military - U.S. Army 1972-1974
t Build Safer Neighborhoods and Communities for our families t Develop Trust within both the Community and the Constable’s O ce through Professionalism t Establish a Progressive and Responsive Law Enforcement Agency t Maximize Use of Limited Resources
Experienced Lawman
VOTE MAY 29th P.O. Box 449 Katy, Texas 77492-0449 Phone: 713-396-2850 Like my Facebook at: http://on .me/voteforvanpelt
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FREE 1st lb. Freon 1/2 Priced Condenser Coil Cleaning
1 Yr. Warranty On Parts Changed We Value Your Business All Brands Serviced Local Neighborhood Company Free 2nd Opinions Fast Personalized Service
We Will Heat & Cool Your Castle!
t Thirty-two year veteran of the Harris County Sheri ’s O ce t Presently holds the rank of Major and serves as a member of the Sheri ’s Executive Command Sta t Highly trained and quali ed t Licensed Master Peace O cer in the State of Texas
EXPERIENCE and INTEGRITY you can TRUST and count on!
t Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Studies- University of Houston - 1978 t Graduated the Harris County Sheri ’s Academy - 1979 t Master of Science in Criminal Justice Management- Sam Houston State University - 1988 t Doctor of Jurisprudence- South Texas College of Law - 1992 t Graduate of the FBI National Academy Class # 242 - 2010
Paid political advertisement. Robert Van Pelt for Constable Campaign. Ervin Chuck Becker III, Treasurer.
Cook’s Corner
Garlic Prime rib COOL rq
INGREDIENTS: 1 (10 pound) prime rib roast 10 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons ground black pepper 2 teaspoons dried thyme DIRECTIONS: Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F (260 degrees C). Place the roast in a roasting pan with the fatty side up. In a small bowl, mix together the garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme. Spread the mixture over the fatty layer of the roast and let the roast sit out until it is at room temperature, no longer than 1 hour. Bake the roast for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, then reduce the temperature to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C), and continue roasting for an additional 60 to 75 minutes. The internal temperature of the roast should be at 145 degrees F (53 degrees C) for medium rare.
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UÊ7>ÌiÀÊ i>ÌiÀà UÊ À> Ê*À L i à UÊ >ÕViÌÊ ÃÌ> >Ì Ê> `Ê,i«> À UÊ7>ÌiÀÊ i> ÃÊ> `Ê ÕV Ê Ài UÊ >ÃÊ/iÃÌ
Allow the roast to rest for 10 or 15 minutes before carving so the meat can retain its juices. Submitted by Chef Mike
Fruit DiP INGREDIENTS: 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened 1 (7 ounce) jar marshmallow creme DIRECTIONS: Using an electric mixer, blend cream cheese and marshmallow. Serve with fruit of your choice. Submitted by Crystal Gossett
Concord Bridge
May 2012
281-357-HANDY (4263) Specializing in these Home Installation Services Siding and Window Replacement
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Complete Shower/Bath Renovations & Repairs. We Use the Best Materials Available.
If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number, (one only) year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 or email to Must have parent(s) permission. Mercedes Solis - B Sydney Cross - B, PP, FAC, CPR, RCC Nick Arnold - C, H, PP, L Kali Arnold - B, H, PP Abbey Robertson - B, PP, H, SS, FAC, CPR Victor Porcayo - PP Byron Alvarado - B, H, PP, T Taylor Thames - B, PP Haily Harris - B, PP, T Amanda Smith - B, PP, T Jessica Calderon - B, PP, H
17 19 13 14 19 15 13 17 14 15 17
832-878-1485 713-208-3607 936-828-6702 936-828-6749 832-613-7895 832-326-1155 832-865-5667 281-703-7796 832-579-4779 832-579-4779 713-253-9386
Please place my name on the Job Seekers List
(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in all information Job(s) _________________________________ Name _________________________________ Street _________________________________ Email _________________________________ Birthdate - Mo/Yr_________________________ Age ______ Yr HS Grad________ or Gr ________ Phone _________________________________ Subd__________________________________
B -Babysitting SS -Safe Sitter SL -Swim Lessons CPR -CPR Certified FAC -First Aid Cert. RCC -Red Cross Cert. P -Pet Care (only) PP -Pet/Plant Sitter H -Housecare L -Lawncare T -Tutor C -Car Detailing
I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________ Mail to: Krenek Printing Co. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 email:
Tree Trimmings - Removals Stump Grinding - Root Barriers Spraying - Organic Fertilization for Lawns & Trees
FREE ed Bond red Arborist with 36+ Years Experience EST IM u ATES s & In “The Smart Choice�
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May 2012
Concord Bridge
May 13th 7
The Voice of Democracy essay is a National Competition created in 1947 to allow high school students in grades 9-12 to voice their opinion on their responsibility to our nation. The theme for 2012 is: “Is Our Constitution Still Relevant?” Students from public, private and parochial high schools and home schooled students, in the U.S. and in American high schools overseas may enter. The oral presentation must be not less than 3 minutes and no more than 5 minutes in length, spoken in English and recorded on the media specified on the application form, with no background noise or enhancements. The essay cannot contain the student’s name, city, state, grade level or refer to their nationality. Entries must be received no later than midnight Nov. 1, 2012. Deliver to VFW #8905, 21902 Hempstead Hwy., Cypress, TX, 77429 (next to Carl’s BBQ) or mail to: VFW #8905, POB 2, Cypress, TX, 774100002. The winning VFW Post #8905 entry will then compete for the VFW District 4 Scholarship and that winner competes for the VFW Department of Texas Scholarship. The State winner receives an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. in March of 2013 to compete for a $40,000 VFW National scholarship that is paid directly to the recipient’s American university, college or vocational/ technical school.
PATRIOT’S PEN Conducted Nationwide, this VFW sponsored youth essay competition gives 6th, 7th and 8th graders an opportunity to write 300-400 word essays expressing their views on democracy with the prospect of awards for future educational endeavors. We invite you to join the more than 120,000 students who participated last year in this contest. You may access specific instructions by going to the VFW Website: VFW.ORG, choosing programs, then scholarships, then Patriot’s Pen. The 2012 theme is “What Would I Tell America’s Founding Fathers?” Entries must be submitted no later than midnight Nov. 1, 2012. Deliver to VFW #8905, 21902 Hempstead Hwy., Cypress, TX, 77429 (next to Carl’s BBQ) or mail to: VFW #8905, POB 2, Cypress, TX, 77410-0002.
FREE ITALIAN LESSONS Call Maria Roberts 281-859-1965 or 281-650-7755 for more information.
Last Day of School May 30
2011 - 2012 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SCHEDULE DATE Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Thursday, May 31, 2012 Friday, June 1, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
TBA - Summer 2012
CONVERSATION WITH THE NEW CFISD POLICE CHIEF As you are aware, CFISD is in the process of transitioning from the law enforcement arm of Harris County Precinct IV contracted officers to our own police department. Alan Bragg, CFISD chief of police, was interviewed on CFISD Conversations to discuss the vision and mission of the department as well as give an update on departmental development. Please take a few minutes to watch conv0312/conversations0312.htm and get to know Chief Bragg.
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TIME CAMPUS 7:00 p.m. Windfern 7:00 p.m. Windfern 3:30 p.m. Cypress Creek 7:00 p.m. Cypress Falls 8:30 a.m. Cypress Lakes 12:00 noon Cypress Ranch 3:30 p.m. Cypress Ridge 7:30 p.m. Cypress Springs 8:30 a.m. Cypress Woods 12:00 noon Jersey Village 3:30 p.m. Langham Creek 7:30 p.m. Cy-Fair 7:00 p.m. Summer School
Regular Price with this coupon Expires 5-31-12
Regular Price with this coupon Expires 5-31-12
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Regular Price with this coupon Expires 5-31-12
Concord Bridge
May 2012
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Cannot be combined with any other offer, coupon, or special. WAC Expires 5/31/2012
NOTE: All parents and guests are asked to exit Berry Center and the parking lot as quickly as possible. To accommodate all graduation ceremonies. Thank You for your cooperation
May 2012
Concord Bridge
Gina Baroski Janneck Realtor ® TOP PRODUCER IN CONCORD BRIDGE WITH NEIGHBORLY SERVICE Concord Bridge Area Specialist & Resident 29+ Years Experience Cell
PRESCHOOLS Wee Hearts MotHers Day out registration for fall 2012 noW oPen! Starting in september on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 AM - 2 PM. Come by for a tour, visit our website or call for more information! West Houston Church of Christ, 17100 West Road (corner of Queenston & West), telephone: 281-859-4152, email: - office hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 AM - 2 PM.
PriVate sCHools
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texas CHristian sCHool stuDents exCel at aCsi CoMPetition Texas Christian School sent thirteen elementary students to ACSI Elementary speech competition on Friday, March 2nd to compete in various areas such as Poetry, Biblical Memorization, Fable and Folklore, Dramatic Bible Prose, Patriotic Oration and more. The TCS Tigers did an outstanding job and are ready to dominate next year. 1st A. Paredes and P. McClain, 2nd L. Hoffer, R. Garcia and F. Reed, 3rd Z. Ferreira and K. Wimsatt, 4th A. Reed, K. Renfrow and A. Hoffer, 5th A. LaTan and K. Mantz, 6th H. Eye.
CyPress CHristian sCHool to Host suMMer CaMPs Each summer, Cypress Christian offers camps for children in the community to hone their skills, prepare for next year and just have FUN! Sports camps hosted at CCS allow young athletes to play the game they love over the summer! Academic camps will help students improve their study skills and give them opportunities to practice their skills in reading, writing and math. For more information, please go to the school website at or call 281-469-8829.
9191 Barker Cypress Rd. Library Offers summer fun fOr everyOne The Harris County Public Library Lone Star CollegeCyFair Branch offers a Summer Reading Program for children and adults June 4th - aug. 11th. A variety of monthly book clubs for all ages are available, as well as plenty of programs and activities. Go online to for information.
Concord Bridge
May 2012
Children’s summer show “stuart little” on stage June 4th-9th In the Main Stage Theatre, enjoy the “Stuart Little” an endearing classic about a mouse born into an ordinary New York family and his many adventures - both big and small - brought vividly to life in the story-theatre presentation. It’s fun for the whole family and all tickets are only $5! go to for event information. registration under way for may mini-term, summer and fall Lone Star College-CyFair offers options and flexibility, so register now. Try a May mini-term course with classes starting may 14th. Sign up for Summer Session I classes that start June 4th. Enroll in Weekend College classes, which start June 8th. Sign up for Summer Session II classes that start July 12th. And it’s never too early to register for fall classes, which start aug. 27th. go to for more information. learn l.i.f.e. lessons in may The Learning, Inspiration, Fellowship and Enrichment (L.I.F.E.) programs are free and held wednesdays at 10 AM in the Lone Star College-CyFair Branch Library (Room 131.) Programs include “Houston, All Shook Up” - may 9th; “Pat O’Brien’s Piano Bar at CyFair” - may 16th (in ART 102; “The Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts” - may 23rd and “It’s Summertime and the Living is Easy” - may 30th. go online to or call the library at 281-290-3214 for L.I.F.E. program information. register for disCovery College summer youth Program Registration is under way for Lone Star College-CyFair’s popular Discovery College for ages 9 to 17. The theme for the monday through thursday sessions June 4th - aug. 2nd is “Learning is Fun.” The Discovery College sessions are fun and educational providing children an opportunity to develop skills and learn new ones in a friendly environment. Sessions are held at the Barker Cypress campus. The cost of the week-long sessions is $89 per class. go to youth-classes-cyfair for registration or session information.
Hwy 6
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West Rd
girl Scouts all over the planet thank you for buying cookies! This will help our service projects all over the globe!
Junior Girl Scout troop 16239 and cadette Girl Scout troop 16137 Junior girl Scout Troop 16239 and Cadette girl Scout Troop 16137 participated in Kroger ’s Souper Bowl of Caring program where they sold bags filled with nonperishable food items that were donated to the Houston Food Bank. They sold over $1,300 in food to help feed those in need.
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May 2012
Concord Bridge
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BOY SCOUTS Boy Scout troop 61 Young men between the ages of 11-18 are encouraged to visit Boy Scout Troop 61 at 7:00 PM Wednesday nights at Peace Community Church, 5151 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, Texas, 77084. They will get a hands-on experience of what Scouting has to offer and have the opportunity to visit with the Scouts and their adult leaders to learn more about the things the troop has done during meetings and activities. Scouting activities include camping, fishing, archery, rifle/shotgun shooting, hiking, first aid, wilderness survival, community service, citizenship, swimming, leadership, white-water rafting and much more. Troop 61 camps each month and has a group that goes to High Adventure Camp and to Merit Badge Camps each summer. Boy Scout Troop 61 meets from 7:00 to 8:00 PM every Wednesday in the Activity Room at Peace Community Church. Contact Mike Viator with Troop 61 if your son is interested in joining a local Boy Scout Troop. Cell: 713-409-1934,
Boy Scout troop 10
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Boy Scout Troop 10 meets every Tuesday night during the school year at the West Houston Church of Christ on West Road and Queenston. Our meetings begin at 7 PM. We spend our time working on merit badges, planning for our monthly camp outs and having fun!! The boys had a great time at this years annual Scout Fair, held at Reliant Arena. This event gives the Scouts a chance to participate in many games and activities and visit many informational booths. The older boys usually set up a large cooking area outside where you can sample numerous camping treats! The most popular being Cobbler in every flavor! We are looking forward to our May camp out which will be to Garner State Park and then Summer Camp which will be at Camp Constantine. If you have a son in the 6th grade or higher that would like to join in the fun and adventure please contact us. Our Scout Master is Michael Widaski and his number is 713-376 5166. You can also contact our Committee Chairperson, Joseph Jefferson, at 281-684-5197 or check our website at www. . We hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season!
troop 827 open invitation Are your Webelos II Scouts looking for a Troop to Join? Hello, my name is Richard Young and I am Scoutmaster at Troop 827, located in the Bear creek area. We are getting ready to celebrate 35 years of the scouting program, a program designed with the concept of building up young men. I would like to invite your Webelos II Scouts to attend one of our weekly meetings, so that they can get an experience of the Boy Scout Troops in the area along with meeting one of their Arrow of Light requirements of meeting with a Boy Scout Troop and a Scoutmaster. Our Scout Troop participates in the local council activities and has a campout each month at locations that the boys pick. Each summer we send a group of boys on a High Adventure Trek and or a group of boys to a Summer camp. We would like to invite you and your scouter to join the Boy Scouts of America. Scouting has a reputation for helping youth develop leadership, self-reliance, strong character, respect for others, good citizenship skills and physical and mental fitness.
Expires 6-30-12
Expires 6-30-12
Please join our Troop 827 for a look at the Scouting experience at 7 PM, Tuesdays at 16000 Rippling Water Drive, Houston TX. 77084. You’ll get a firsthand look at some of our troop activities and you can visit with our Scouts and their adult leaders.
Concord Bridge
May 2012
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Troop 827 belongs to Sam Houston Area Council in the Texas Skies District. Our charter organization is Bear Creek United Methodist located in Bear Creek area off Highway 6 on Rippling Water. Our Troop is a smaller troop with 21 active boys, but has had some amazing summer camps. We have been to summer camps in: Texas, a Scuba adventure in South Padre Island, El Rancho Cima. Buffalo Trails. Boy Scout Camps in Colorado, Arkansas, Alaska spending a night in the Arctic circle, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia, Oklahoma, New Mexico – Philmont, Minnesota – Boundary Waters and London, England for the 100th anniversary of scouting. Our Troop has a tremendous amount of support but is a boy run troop and the adults serve as advisors. Our Troop is well rounded group of fine your men and we hope that you and your son has the chance to meet with us before he decides what Troop he would like to bridge into after the Arrow of Light Ceremony coming up. I look forward to seeing you at one of our meetings. For more information, contact Richard Young, Scoutmaster, 281-859-1406 or
Pack 1455 - Join Scouting noW… Do you want to have fun with friends, play team sports and camp? Then finding out more about Scouting is the first step! Cub Scouts ages 6-10, Boy Scouts ages 11-18, together we have a great time! Cub Scouting (pack) is an active program. Everything we do is designed to have boys participating in active learning. Activities happen
at weekly den meetings and monthly pack meetings as well as right at home with family members. They are designed to be fun and to achieve the aims of Scouting - citizenship training, character development and personal fitness. Boy Scouts (troop) is about building character, developing personal fitness and learning leadership and citizenship. These goals are achieved in the outdoors. The adventure of hiking, camping, swimming, boating, high-adventure challenges and touring is woven into the program. Pack/Troop 1455 is located right in your backyard! We meet at Covenant Lutheran Church on Barker Cypress near Clay and have summer activities as well as a full fun filled scouting season. Fall Enrollment is open now! We invite you to come to one of our many summer time activities for free and try out scouting; you’ll love it! Pack 1455 is where scouting rocks! Contact Margaret Izard, 281-829-1091 or . After all, what did YOU do this weekend?
HoMEScHooL cuB Scout Pack 164 Attention home school families!!! Homeschool Pack 164 is a Christian Homeschool Cub Scout Pack chartered by West Houston Home Educators ( that serves the Greater West Houston/ Katy area. Our Pack promotes God, Country and service! We are a part of the Sam Houston Area Council ( and Texas Skies District ( If you have a boy entering 1st grade (age 6) through 5th grade (age 10), we invite you to please come join in the fun! Visit our website for more information about our Pack registration and meeting times.
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Concord Bridge
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SPORTS Cy Fair ravens youth Football and Cheer Free spring Mini CaMp The Cy-Fair Ravens Youth Football and Cheer Organization is hosting a free Spring Football and Cheer Mini Camp open to any boy and girl, ages 5 to 13 years old. Dates are May 6th and 20th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The field location is Cy-Ridge High School (N. Eldridge Parkway near West Rd). For Mini Camp and Open Registration information, contact or visit our website at . Phone: 281-520-4041.
sports Quest suMMer soCCer CaMps 2012 Celebrating 16 years! Online registration is now open for summer soccer camps 2012! Sports Quest is a non-profit, professional soccer training organization, dedicated to developing and promoting the game of soccer at all levels in a Christian environment. Sports Quest summer camps offer a unique opportunity for players aged 5-12 years to develop their technical and tactical soccer skills and at the same time, addresses key issues relating to each child’s spiritual and character development. In addition to the high quality soccer instruction, campers will also receive a free hand stitched soccer ball, a free camp T-shirt and other commemorative gifts and awards. For further information/registration, visit or call 832-593-7777.
in albion hurriCanes (ahFC) soCCer tryouts Albion Hurricanes FC (AHFC) Soccer Tryouts and Draft begins in May and June for U9 to U19 Players. Please go to and register today! AHFC, established in 1989, is leading the way in South Texas youth soccer by inspiring and developing young men and women through world class soccer coaching and innovative techniques as well as instilling the proper framework, self-esteem, confidence and sportsmanship within our athletes.
Bear Creek Baptist ChurCh Cheerleading CaMp 2012 Come join our First Cheerleading Camp for ages 6-14, June 7th-9th. Our Camp is led by our Upward Cheerleading CoCoordinators, Jennifer Wilson and Carrie Jaquay. Time will be 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM (lunch not included, snack will be provided). Our address is 5901 N. Fry Rd. in Katy, Texas 77449. Cost of the Camp is $40, with a discount for the second child. Registrations can be made on line at (click on Cheerleading Camp Registration) or in our Church Office, Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. On Fridays the office is open 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
hoops CaMp 2012
Come join our Hoops Camp for ages 6-14, July 16th-19th. Our Hoops Camp is led by Jim Stephens, Basketball Coach at CyFalls High School in Cy-Fair School District. Choose from two sessions for the best time for you. The first session is from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and the second session is from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Cost of the Camp is $50, with a discount for the second child. Our address is 5901 N. Fry Rd. in Katy, Texas 77449. Registrations can be made on line at www.bearcreekchurch. tv/sports (click on Hoops Camp Registration) or in our Church Office, Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. On Fridays the office is open 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Concord Bridge
May 2012
Upward Soccer, Upward Flag Football & cheerleading at bear creek baptiSt chUrch Bear Creek Baptist Church is offering Upward Soccer, Flag Football and Cheerleading this Fall. Our address is 5901 N. Fry Rd. in Katy, Texas 77449. We will be having Upward Soccer for children 4 yrs. by Sept. 1, 2012 through 6th Grade. Our Flag Football and Cheerleading will be for children in K this year through 6th Grade. Register begins in July. Our evaluations start before the start of school. You can register on line at - click on Upward and register or register in the Main Office, Monday Thursday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. Each child needs to attend an evaluation, not for the whole two hours but for about 20 minutes. Evaluations will be Tuesday and Thursday, September 4th and 6th from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM in the back behind our parking lot. On Saturday, September 8th between the hours of 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Cost is $75. We will be holding a clinic for the league on Saturday, September 22nd from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM in our backfields. Our practices will begin the week of September 12th. Our first games will be October 13th and go through November 17th. For more information, contact Linda Newhouse or Scott Denton at 281-859-9900.
Men’S oUtward baSketball leagUe Come join men 19 yrs. and over in a Men’s Outward Basketball League at Bear Creek Baptist Church. Bear Creek is located at Fry Rd. and West Little York (5901 N. Fry Rd.). Practices on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Games also on Tuesdays or Thursday and Saturdays. The league ends with a tournament in August. Cost only $25. Evaluations will be May 29th and 31st between 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Evaluations are for placement to even teams, not a tryout. First practice begins July 10th and 12th. The games begin July 17th and 19th. For more information call 281-859-9900 and ask for Linda Newhouse or Scott Denton. or Scott. . You can register on line at Bearcreekchurch. tv/sports and click on register for Outward Basketball.
attention ladY golFerS Please join us for a different golf outing every Wednesday morning. We are a small, fun group playing mostly around the west Houston area. Please contact or call Nancy at 281-550-2043.
cY-Fair SportS aSSociation Cy-Fair Sports Association is having baseball, football, cheerleading, drill team and wrestling sign ups right now. Check out the website for more information
weStSide golF leagUe Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving golfing skills. For more information, contact Sue Crookson at 281-392-4913 or Yana Dommert at 281-394-2481
Men’S drop-in roller hockeY Bear Creek Roller Rink is the new home of Men’s Hockey. If you are new to hockey or have played for years, we would love to have you join us. All ages and abilities are welcome. We play every Sunday from 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Come on out and give hockey a try!!! For more information, please call David Bradford at 281-855-2615.
May 2012
Concord Bridge
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GARAGE SALES WeSTGaTe SPrinG GaraGe Sale SaTurday, May 5, 2012
It’s time again for our biannual Westgate Garage Sale; this year, the spring event will happen on Saturday, May 5th.
WheaTSTone villaGe CoMMuniTy GaraGe Sale
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 12 . The residents of Coppercreek I, Coppercreek II, Cloverfield and Copperstone are having a garage sale from the hours of 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM. Wheatstone is located on Longenbaugh between Hwy. 6 and Barker Cypress. Last year over 75 homes participated. th
CoPPerbrook SPrinG CoMMuniTy GaraGe Sale
The Copperbrook Spring Community Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, May 19th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Rain date will be the following Saturday. Copperbrook is located off West Road near Huffmeister.
berkShire’S SeMi-annual GaraGe Sale
Berkshire’s semi-annual garage sale is set for May 19th & 20th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Berkshire is located off Hwy. 6 between West Little York and Kieth Harrow.
ConCord bridGe GaraGe Sale
The next garage sale will be June 2nd. Signs will be placed at the entrances to the neighborhood. Concord Bridge is located off Eldridge and West Little York.
832-553-5450 23920 Katy Freeway , Ste. 480 Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza One
The ST. elizabeTh ann SeTon CaTholiC ChurCh inTernaTional FeSTival BINGO, children’s games, adult games, amusements, cake walk, plant booth and FOOD, FOOD, FOOD! This International Festival will celebrate food from Vietnam, The Philippines, Italy, Mexico, Africa, and of course, will feature a BBQ dinner! Do not miss out on this fun, family event. There is guaranteed to be something for everyone! Saturday, May 5th from 5 PM-11 PM and Sunday, May 6th from 10 AM-5 PM, 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Rd. Houston, TX 77084.
boyS and GirlS CounTry oF houSTon CelebraTe CinCo de Mayo aT SPrinG FeSTival On Saturday, May 5th, Boys and Girls Country of Houston will host their annual Spring Festival on their campus in Hockley, Texas. Located 35 miles northwest of downtown Houston, Spring Festival is a great way for families to spend the day. “All of the proceeds of Spring Festival go directly to helping us provide a Home for our children,” said George O’Neal, Director of Spring Festival and Community Relations. Date: Saturday, May 5th, 10 AM-5 PM Times:
Live Auction: 1:15 PM Silent Auction: 10 AM-3 PM Lunch: Served 11 AM - 3 PM. Barbecue, Chicken Burrito or Hamburger/Hot Dog Adult Plate: $8 Kid’s Plate: $6 For Kids: All-Day Kids’ Activity Passes: $15 (Individual activity tickets also available starting at $0.25 each.) Location:18806 Roberts Road, Hockley, Texas 77447 (19 miles west of Beltway 8 off Highway 290).
Concord Bridge
May 2012
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Cancer for Six Years. He is currently losing that battle and is on Hospice care. Angels in Action has been instrumental in helping many people and their families deal with the challenges of being diagnosed, treated and surviving cancer. Paul started the organization as a member of Copperfield Church when he found out how alone most people feel when facing cancer. The success/ need has spread all around the country. The Tournament will be held at Hearthstone Country Club on Monday, May 14th, with an 11 AM registration, 1 PM Tee Off, fundraising dinner with awesome entertainment at 6:30 PM, $20 each, followed by Silent auction.
GOLF TOURNAMENTS Golf TournamenT fundraiser for local Teens YouTh camp
If you would like be involved (golfer, sponsor, contributor, volunteer or participate in the dinner/auction), please contact Clark Austin at clark@austinaol. com or Amy Voinis at Find us on Facebook at www.
cY-fair educaTional foundaTion B.f. adam Golf classic Blackhorse Golf cluB Thursday, May 17, 2012
4 man Shotgun Start Scramble Pine Crest Golf Course at 3080 Gessner Drive May 12th 6:45 AM breakfast 7 AM putting contest 8 AM shotgun start Lunch after tournament Please Call To Get Registered Contact Person: Kurt Norris 281-492-2689
firsT annual paul peTropolis Golf TournamenT There will be a Golf Tournament to raise funds for the Petropolis Family. Paul Petropolis is the founder of Angels in Action, a cancer support group and has had Stage 4
Please consider supporting the Cy-Fair Educational Foundation by sponsoring a team, purchasing a pin flag or hole sign or even by donating an item for our silent auction or raffle! The B.F. Adam Golf Classic has had great success in the past raising over 1.6 million dollars for student scholarships. Since inception in 1970, CFEF has awarded over 4.6 million dollars so students can continue their education beyond high school. With your help we will continue to have a successful tournament and help the Cy-Fair community! SIGN UP TODAY! Please fill out the level of participation your company would like to sponsor and fax it back to us at 832-634-3434 or email to Also,
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please consider upgrading your sponsorship level this year. We will gladly invoice your company upon receipt of your request. 9:30 AM Player Registration Begins / Putting Contest & Driving Range Open 10:00 AM Lunch 11:00 AM Shotgun Start 5:00 PM Dinner / Silent & Live Auction
FUNDRAISERS Kiwanis Club of Cy-fair, Houston annual Kids triatHlon The Kiwanis Club of Cy-Fair, Houston is hosting the Kids Triathlon to be held at the Langham Creek YMCA, Copperfield (16725 Longenbaugh Drive, Houston, Texas) on Saturday, May 5, 2012 from 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM. To register or for more information go to
tHe rotary Club of Cypress-fairbanKs Hosts MotHers’ day brisKet sale Benefiting CypreSS ASSiStAnCe MiniStrieS new MotherS’ fund The Rotary Club of Cypress-Fairbanks is hosting a Mothers’ Day Brisket Sale on Saturday, May 12, 2012 to benefit Cypress Assistance Ministries’ New Mothers’ Fund. For a $50 donation, participants will receive a fully cooked brisket (approximately 7 lbs.) prepared, seasoned and smoked by the cooks at Carl’s BBQ, including a pint of their delicious barbecue sauce. Cypress Assistance Ministries’ New Mothers’ Fund is designated to provide special needs funding to help new mothers with basic needs including pre-natal vitamins, layette supplies, cribs and mattresses, over-the-counter infant medicine, infant car seats and critical medical assistance.
“We are proud to partner with Carl’s BBQ to support such a worthy community initiative” said Rotary Project Director, Ray Young. “The community can order briskets for themselves or designate a local charitable organization such as Boys & Girls Country, Cypress Assistance Ministries or the Northwest Houston Salvation Army as a recipient.”
15 OFF
Briskets must be pre-ordered by Monday, May 7th and may be picked up at Carl’s BBQ from 10:00 AM until noon on Saturday, May 12th. For those unable to pick their brisket up at that time, arrangements can be made to pick up at a more convenient time. Order forms are available by contacting Ray Young at or 713-582-7564.
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Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston is excited to announce that we will be starting up our Baby Bottle Blessings fundraising event. The event will run from Mother’s Day (5/13/2012) thru father’s day (6/17/2012). Local residents pick up Baby Bottles at their home church and fill them with change, bills and checks during the month long event. This event spotlights the extensive resources that Pregnancy Help Center provides to residents of 3 counties who are faced with circumstances surrounding a present, potential or former pregnancy. Pregnancy Test, Peer Counseling, classes for Moms and Dads, as well as limited ultrasound, and help with maternity clothing and baby items are just some of the services that the Center provides to their clients.
Concord Bridge
May 2012
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Anyone interested in participating should contact the center at 281578-0078, please ask for Lisa. If you happen to have a bottle out from 2011, please know that Father’s Day would be a great time to add to it and return it to Pregnancy Help Center. We would like to extend our thanks, in advance, to our life saving churches, their parishioners and congregations for their gifts. Thank you for treasuring life thru the gifts of your treasure.
CanCare’s 18th annual national CanCer survivors Day lunCheon Join us for the 18th Annual National Cancer Survivors Day Luncheon with keynote speaker Eric Shanteau; cancer survivor and Olympic athlete. Eric will share his inspirational story before heading off to London for the 2012 Olympic Games. Tuesday, May 22, 2012 11:30 AM The Westin Galleria Hotel This year’s honorees: Beverly and Warren Bright, crucial supporters of CanCare and extraordinary volunteers Nancy Wilfong, board member and longtime community supporter of CanCare First Junior Woman’s Club, one of CanCare’s integral community partners. Please contact Nicole Dixon at 713-461-0028 for additional information.
a “MagiCal” FunDraiser For hFaC aCtors aCaDeMy
June 15th-17th Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) invites you to join them this Father’s Day weekend for five unforgettable performances filled with comedy, spectacle and wonder featuring “Atlantic City Entertainer of the Year Award” nominee Harry Maurer. The performances, June 15-17, 2012 will benefit the HFAC Actors Academy. All performances will be held on the HFAC Garza Main Stage Theatre located at 10760 Grant Road in Northwest Houston. Show times are Friday, June 15th at 8:00 PM, Saturday, June 16th at 6:00 PM and 8:30 PM and Sunday, June 16th at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM.
May 2012
Concord Bridge
Reserved seating tickets are only $25 for adults and $15 for students and seniors. Special family packages are available as well! Families of four or more will receive a $15 discount. Select your seats online at or call the HFAC Box Office at 281-685-6374. visit for more information about the show and “Free Magic Tricks” to inspire you.
Zeta tau alPha CyPress, teXas aluMnae ChaPter
Pink Tie AFFAir FundrAiSer The Cypress, TX Alumnae Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha is excited to announce that plans are underway for our 2nd Annual Pink Tie Affair Casino Evening on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at the Sterling Country Club at Houston National. The Pink Tie Affair is an opportunity for the local community to gather in celebration and remembrance of those who have been affected by breast cancer. The evening will include Casino Games, a Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament, Hors d’oeuvres, Dancing, Door Prizes, Raffle and a Silent Auction. In order to make our fundraiser as successful as possible, we are looking to the good neighbors of our Community for their support. There are many ways in which you can contribute to the Pink Tie Affair as either a sponsor or a donor. The Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c) 3 and all qualified donations made to ZTA Foundation are tax-deductable, so please consider helping us make a difference in the lives of women everywhere. The Pink Tie Affair fundraising event, through the ZTA Foundation, supports breast cancer education and awareness, the Komen Race for the Cure® Survivor program, scholarships, educational programming and leadership development. Through our affiliations with The Susan G. Komen Foundation, Yoplait, The NFL and Self Magazine, the ZTA Foundation has donated millions of dollars to this worthy cause. As one of the leading causes of death in women, breast cancer affects us all. We had a great turnout for last year’s first annual, raising $7000 toward our cause and anticipate an even better 2012. If you are interested in purchasing tickets or other ways of contributing to the event, please contact Natalie Taylor at or www.cypresszta. com, our website. We hope to have your support and to see you there!
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ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC CHURCH ATTENTION!! ARTS, CRAFTS & MARKET SHOW VENDORS! THIS IS THE BIG ONE . . . If you or someone you know would like to display and sell Arts, Crafts and/or Market/Retail Items at one of the most successful Arts & Crafts Shows in this area, then this is for you!
Westheimer @Montrose 515 Westheimer Rd.
Beltway 8 & Gulf Frwy. 12804 Gulf Fwy.
FRIENDSWOOD 101 West El Dorado Blvd.
@ Montrose Blvd., Houston 77006
June 4th -8th June 25th - 29th
Gulf Fwy. @ Fuqua
at I-45 (near Sam’s Club)
Summer CAmpS 2012 July 16th - 20th July 23rd- 27th
BEAUMONT 4105 Dowlen Road Beaumont TX, 77706
July 9th - 13th
August 6th - 10th Hours: 9 AM - 4 PM Cost: $200 for the week $50 deposit holds your place. Must be paid in full by may 15, 2012. Camp must have 5 children signed up to make.
The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, will be hosting their 20th Annual Gingerbread Village Holiday Market on Saturday, October 27, 2012. Over 130 booth spaces are available. The Arts and Crafts Show will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 6646 Addicks-Satsuma, Houston, Texas 77084 (just north of I-10 @ Hwy. 6).
Halter Inc. 17410 Clay road Houston, TX 77084 (between Barker Cypress and Highway 6) p: 281-861-9138 c: 281-508-6501 -
Please contact Susie Schwartz at for booth rental information. Apply early - Booths sell out quickly & you don’t want to miss this one!
All children who have completed K-5th grade (by June 2012) are invited to dive into a week of awesome Christian day camp led by the staff from Camp Lutherhill. It’s a fun week with music, games, art, Bible study and more!! Due to limited space, each child may only attend one week - either June 11th-15th or August 6th-10th. Go to for more information or to register online.
What do we do? During our day camps, we work with farm animals including horses, goats, cows, pigs, rabbits, and chickens. We also will be riding horses. There will be arts and crafts, movies, snacks and lots of fun! What do I wear? Everyone must wear long pants, tucked in shirts, closed toes shoes w/heels. What do I need to bring? A lunch & drink. At Halter Inc. we take care of the fun!
2012 SuMMER CAMpS!
Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) Actors Academy announces their 2012 Summer Performing Arts Camps. This summer, the HFAC Actors Academy is offering 37 different 1 and 3-week performing arts camps for grades 1-12. HFAC camps run June 4 through August 26, 2012 and feature acting, singing and dance instruction as well as performance opportunities in musicals, dramas and comedies - especially designed for kids and teens! The HFAC Actors Academy 3-week Musical Theatre Performance Camps for grades 1-3 and 4-6 are A Year with Frog and Toad, Disney’s Cinderella Kids, Jack and the Giant, and Disney’s The Jungle Book Kids. HFAC is offering twelve 1-week camps for grades 1-6 that include Acting Up, Imagination Theatre, Triple Threat Fun, The Lights of Broadway, Nail that Audition, Disney Magic, Mix-up Melodrama, Musical Theatre Song & Dance, Fractured Fairy Tales, Actors Workshop, When You Wish Upon a Star and So You Want to be a Pop Star. HFAC has numerous performance opportunities for teens in grades 7-12 including a 4-week performance camp for 42nd Street,
Concord Bridge
May 2012
a 1-week Triple Threat Boot Camp, a 1-week Jazz Intensive, a 2-week performance camp for Lend Me a Tenor and a 3-week performance camp for the Gilbert & Sullivan favorite The Pirates of Penzance. All camps include two complimentary tickets to the show, a camp t-shirt, a script, costumes and other needed materials. For more info and to register for summer camps check the HFAC Actors Academy website at or call 281-685-2623.
The Family oF FaiTh Preschool summer camP Summer Camp starts June 4th! We are offering a different theme camp each week to children ages 18 mos. through 5th grade. The hours of the camp are 6:30 AM - 6:30 PM. Please contact us for registration details at 281-855-2950 or come by and take a tour at 16710 FM 529 Rd., Houston TX 77095.
camP cornersTone is The Place To be This summer For ages 2 Through comPleTion oF 4Th grade! Camp Cornerstone is a week-long camp facilitated by Cornerstone United Methodist Church and is for children ages 2 through the completion of 4th grade. Children must be 2 by June 1, 2012. Camp hours are 9:30 AM-1 p.m. There are 3 sessions throughout the summer and you are invited to participate in any or all! Session I – Camp Liberty is June 4th-8th and will held at 15919 Ridge Park Dr.; Session II - Sunny Fun in the Funny Sun is July 16th-20th and will be at our new location 18081 West Rd.; Session III - Sticky, Oozy Science Doozy is August 6th-10th and will be at our new location 18081 West Rd. The cost per camp per child is $120. You may pay $60 now and the remaining $60 on the first day of camp. Registration forms are online or in the preschool office. To download a form from the Cornerstone website, go to and click on “preschool.” You can print the form and have it filled out before you arrive, saving yourself time!
COPPERFIELD FAMILY MEDICINE Trey Hillert, M.D. Carlotta Hillert, M.D. Board Certified Specialists in Family Medicine
Before each camp session begins, you will hear from your child’s teacher so you can learn more about the camp and she will answer any questions you may have about the week-long fun. Each day your child will bring a backpack and a lunch as they enjoy each other and the special things they will do during the week. We look forward to having your child at camp this summer! It’s a great time for everyone and you don’t want to miss any of it!
calvary communiTy church arTreach camP Join us at Calvary Community Church for our annual kids arts camp June 11th-15th! Come experience five exciting days of fun and creative activities as kids express their God given creative talents through art, dance, drama, music and other talents. Kids get to explore their artistic gifts through interactive workshops while making new friends and having fun!
May 2012
Concord Bridge
There are new tests that can let you know about your risks of suffering the same fate. Our office utilizes the latest genetic and imaging tests to determine what can be done to reduce cardiovascular disease. Take control of your health and find out what you can do to help prevent your own hear t attack/stroke.
Che rr y rk Pa
Each day kids enjoy art, music, games, discovery time and one workshop of their choice. Each workshop encourages kids in their unique gifts and talents while we prepare for the Parents Program. Workshops are: Dance (lively and diverse styles of movement), Drama (for budding performers), Drawing (for creative artists), Prop Art (create props and decorations for the program), Set Design (for builders) and Photography (colorful and artistic pictures). Some workshops are age restricted to 3rd - 5th grade. All workshops have limited space, so register early to get your first choice!
Hwy 6 N
Registration will continue through May 11, 2012. Please call the preschool office at 281-859-1612 if you have any questions. The preschool office hours are: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM -1:00 PM and Friday, 9:00 AM-12:00 noon.
All patients are treated by Board Certified Physicians, not by nurse practitioners or physician's assistants.
FM 529
7555 Cherry Park Offering Carotid Artery Scans (CIMT)
Become a Dental Assistant in just 10 weeks! 10 Week Course Saturday Classes Only Summer Classes Begin 7/7/12 5VJUJPO t 1BZNFOU 1MBOT Training Since 1995
On Friday kids present an original program showcasing their unique God given talents through art, dance, drama, music, props and photos for parents and friends. It will be a colorful, creative show everyone will enjoy! ArtReach 2012 begins each day at 10:00 AM and finishes at 3:00 PM. The cost for this five-day art camp is just $40 per kid and includes all activities, a delicious lunch and a t-shirt (while supplies last). Kids who have completed Kindergarten (and are age six by September 1, 2012) through 5th grade are invited to come. Registration begins May 1st and continues as long as space is available. Calvary Community Church is a Copperfield area church located at 7550 Cherry Park Drive, Houston, 77095. On Calvary’s website updated information and the ArtReach registration form are available. If you have questions, contact Sheryl Busch, the Children’s Minister, at or call the church office: 281-550-4323.
aty nK i w No Houston Dental Assistant School Located in Katy and Spring/The Woodlands
For info packet call 281-363-0600 or email us at Approved by the TWC Career Schools and Colleges DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect to opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek Printing is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with in this publication. All warranties and representations make in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX. 77095 281-463-8649 news
Cypress Lakes to Host a summer sCienCe Camp This summer Cypress Lakes Science Olympiad will host its 4th annual Summer Science Camp for kids ages 8-13 who are interested in science. The camp includes experiments, field trips, demonstrations, sports and other exciting activities. There will be a 1-week sessions offered this summer: June 18th - June 22nd. The camp costs $150 per week, goes from Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM and space is limited. For more information or registration you can visit our website This is a great opportunity for any child interested in Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Engineering activities. Field trips have included Rice University, The Museum of Natural Science, The Aquarium, NASA, etc. See you there!
presCHooL summer Camps
at Crossbridge Christian Church Ages: 18 months - going into the 3rd grade Time: 9:30 AM-2:00 PM Camp 1 - June 18th-21st Summer Fun Camp 2 - July 16th-19th Ooey Gooey Camp 3 - July 30th-August 2nd Science & Discovery Camp 4 - August 13th-16th Nature & Water Fun Cost Per Camp: $135 under the Weekday Preschool tab 15415 West Road/Hwy. 6 N. 281-345-6438
THEATER/ARTS tHe Cypress Creek FaCe 2011-2012 season
All performances at The Centrum, 6823 Cypresswood Dr., Spring, TX 77379 Box Office: 281-440-4850
MAy Debby boone preSentS “reFlectionS oF roSeMAry” 8 PM, Saturday, May 5, 2012 Debby Boone earned instant fame in 1977 when “You Light Up My Life” became an overnight hit. Debby Boone’s Reflections of Rosemary is a beautiful musical tribute to her late mother-in-law, the beloved singer Rosemary Clooney. Tickets: $30-60 WynDnWyre 3 PM, tuesday, May 8, 2012 Wyndnwyre performs traditional instrumental and vocal music from the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Tickets: $6 - $12 The Centrum, 6823 Cypresswood Dr. Spring, TX 77379, 281-4404850; - Presented by Cypress Creek FACE.
Concord Bridge
May 2012
Houston Family arts Center Performances are at Houston Family Arts Center Garza Main Stage, 10760 Grant Road, Houston, TX 77070. 2012 Mainstage season: the Fantasticks - through - June 10, 2012 on the Garza Main Stage guys and dolls - July 13-29, 2012 TAG production at the Berry Center GO TO for more information or to request an audition appointment.
award winning HFaC aCtors aCademy presents Les MisérabLes sCHool edition at tHe Berry Center The award-winning Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) Actors Academy is proud to present the school edition of the 8-time Tony award winning musical Les Misérables performed entirely by students! This compelling musical voyage into post-revolutionary France opened on Saturday, May 5th at the Berry Center 8877 Barker Cypress Rd, Cypress, TX 77433 and has 8 performances through sunday, May 13th. The epic story presented in Les Misérables School Edition is a great way to introduce children to the magic of musical theatre. Broadway’s legendary musical, originally adapted from Victor Hugo’s timeless novel, has been specially adapted to meet the needs of young performers. Relentless in its musical drive, Les Misérables School Edition is filled with powerful imagery of darkness and light, highlighting, throughout its dramatic action, the struggle inherent in the human condition and the indomitability of the spirit, despite great suffering.
May 2012
Concord Bridge
Set in 19th century France, this classic and poignant musical, tells the story of Jean Valjean, a strong-hearted man jailed for stealing a loaf of bread. As he struggles to make a new life for himself given his new found freedom, he must grapple with questions of faith, fatherhood and allegiance to the law. PeRFoRMance schedule Performance Location: The Berry Center 8877 Barker Cypress Rd, Cypress, TX 77433 (easily accessible from 290 and I-10). Performances: Wednesday, May 9th at 7:30 PM thurs, May 10th at 7:30 PM saturday, May 12th at 3:00 PM sat, May 12th at 7:30 PM sunday, May 13th at 3:00 PM TICKET PRICES: $16/adults, $14/seniors (65+), $12/students, reserved seating. Select your seats online at or call the HFAC Box Office at 281-685-6374.
NATURE PROGRAMS FOR PRESCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN Enjoy the outdoors with your child, age 2 1/2 to 5, at Audubon nature programs (called the “Titmouse Club”) offered every tuesday and Wednesday morning, 10:00 to 11:00 AM, through mid-May at the Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary, 440 Wilchester Boulevard. The programs feature fun nature talks, stories, crafts, hands-on activities and walks in the woods. The cost is $5 per child or a 5-session card can be purchased for $20. The child must be accompanied by an adult during the program. For more information, please visit or contact docent@ or 713-464-4900. upcoming programs include: May 8th & 9th: Life in the Pond
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The NeW Thomas a. Glazier seNior educaTioN ceNTer
Commissioner steve radaCk, Harris County PreCinCt tHree The Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center is located at 16600 Pine Forest Lane, 77084; one block south of the intersection of Hwy. 6 and Clay Road. All classes/programs are FREE for Harris County residents aged 55+. Must register in person with photo ID in order to participate in the program and attend all future classes. You may register monday-Friday from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. If you have questions, classes offered or need directions, please call us at 713-274-3250. If you are currently registered at Glazier - call us and ask about our new classes. You may register over the phone for any new classes. Volunteer Opportunities available, please call to speak to us about teaching your own class! may sCHedule - Must preregister in person (or by phone if already registered and participating at center), 713-274-3250. may 11th - Living Wills and Advanced Directives (Attorney Presentation); 1-2:00 PM may 15th - Know the Ten Signs of Alzheimer’s; 1-2:00 PM may 15th - Gift Box making; 10:00 AM-Noon may 15th - Emotional Health (part of the popular Brain and Memory Series) 10:00 AM-Noon may 16th - Butterfly Gardening (fun and inspirational!) 10-11:00 AM may 17th - learn to Make Memory Books; 1-2:30 PM may 17th - Meet Doctor Freytag - Nutrition and Back Pain Advice; 1-3:30 PM may 22nd - Alzheimer’s vs. Dementia? 1-2:00 PM may 23rd - Brain Repair and Memory; 1-3:00 PM may 25th - Cooking with Herbs and Spices (hands-on); 10-11:00 AM may 30th - BBB - latest Scams and Schemes Against Seniors in Houston; 1-2:00 PM may 31st - Who Get’s Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate? A great will class! 1-2:00 PM Computer classes year-round (must preregister).
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housToN Fire FiGhTers makiNG housToN The ciTy WiTh The BiGGesT hearT For mda It’s official, Houstonians through the Houston Fire Fighters raised a record breaking $509,961 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association making them the #1 Fill-the-Boot department in the country for the last 9 out of 10 years raising more than $6.3 million during that time. For more than 50 years fire fighters have helped MDA by filling their boots with donations from the citizens of their community. Houston Professional Fire Fighters Local #341 will continue their 2012 Fillthe-Boot fundraising campaign for the Muscular Dystrophy Association on saturday, may 12th during the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM to collect funds for the campaign. The Fire Fighters rely on support and donations from the community for the success of the campaign. Proceeds raised during the street-side campaign will help support MDA services and research programs, including MDA’s outpatient clinics at Texas Children’s Hospital and The Methodist Neurological Institute. Money raised from Fill-the-Boot also sends young people ages 6-17 to MDA summer camp, held in Burton, Texas. For more information, please contact MDA Director of Business Development Carrie Dalton at 713-522-3679 or
Concord Bridge
May 2012
HOME SERVICES Formerly Aztec Window Cleaning & Power Wash
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No need to be a member or know how to swim! Classes start in May-August Tues./Thurs. 7-8 PM
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MeMorial Day CereMony Harris County Precinct Three Commissioner, Steve Radack, will once again honor fallen servicemen and servicewomen during his annual Memorial Day Ceremony at the Harris County War Memorial in Bear Creek Pioneers Park on Monday, May 28th at 2 PM. The Harris County War Memorial displays the names of Harris County residents who lost their lives defending our country in World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, The Persian Gulf War, Iraq and the current conflict in Afghanistan.
50 Off
Any Job of $120 or More
Any Job of $300 or More
With this ad. May not be combined with any other offers. Expires 5/31/12.
With this ad. May not be combined with any other offers. Expires 5/31/12.
832-704-7849 713-686-4977
Another highlight of the event, a restaurant-style café, will allow attendees the opportunity to sit and enjoy creations from several Houston-area restaurants, cafés and diners, including a wine bar and coffee shop. Net proceeds generated from Houston’s Hot Summer Break will directly benefit the mission of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is a Section 501(c)(3) charity that benefits youth, supports education, and facilitates better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Since its beginning in 1932, the Show has committed approximately $283 million to the youth of Texas.
Bear CreeK CoMMUniTy CenTer
COOKS UP HOUSTON’S HOT SUMMER BREAK™ BENEFITS ANNUAL EVENT The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo today announced the launch of a new summer festival, benefiting the Show and allowing Houstonians an enjoyable, refreshing and entertaining break from the city’s summer heat. Houston’s Hot Summer Break, July 4-8, 2012, is an all day, five-day music, food, beer, wine and spirits festival, featuring top chefs and mixologists, shopping, and live music. Held completely inside Reliant Center, the summer event includes cooking demonstrations, a beer brewing competition, wine and liquor seminars and the search for Houston’s best cocktail, margarita and martini. Patrons also can explore both floors of Reliant Center to listen and dance to live concerts featuring country, blues and jazz music, along with disc jockeys playing a mix of club music. “We are thrilled to announce the development of Houston’s Hot Summer Break,” said Skip Wagner, president of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. “Houstonians love to celebrate and this festival offers them a really cool way to do so. We look forward to making it one of the best and most successful events of its kind, offering attendees the ability to get away without going away!”
May 2012
Concord Bridge
Please call for more information or to register for any of these classes ASAP. All classes are FREE OF CHARGE and are suited for adults, unless otherwise noted and are open to the public.
SENIOR DAY - Every Wed. at BCCC, join seniors for a day of fun and games. Bridge, Canasta, Pinochle and 42 are played starting at 9:00 AM. We also have afternoon bridge at 12:00 PM. WALKERCISE - BCCC offers walkercise every day at 8:00 AM. This is an indoor class that’s equivalent to a two-mile walk. Classes are free. STRETCH AND TONE - Stretch and Tone is designed to improve flexibility, strength and endurance. You will see better body composition, improved strength and range of motion. This class is geared for all fitness levels. Bring a mat or towel and join us Tues. and Thurs. from 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM. Classes are free. AEROBICS - Aerobics combines muscle toning exercise and lowimpact mid-intensity aerobics. Benefits include increased metabolic rate, which promotes efficient fat loss and improved body composition. Classes are free. Call BCCC for more information. NEEDLEWORK GROUP - The ladies of the BCCC Needlework Group are looking for new members. If you enjoy embroidery, cross-stitch or creative sewing, please join us Tues. mornings at 10:00 AM. FUN TIME ART GROUP - Every Thursday morning from 9:00 AM to noon, would like to extend an invitation to adults to visit and join this no fee art group. Painting is in all mediums of your choice and help is available from all members. Come have fun together! Call for more information.
FAMILY PRACTICE Comprehensive quality patient care to all ages Diversified Health Care Services including:
9511 Huffmeister Rd.. #100 Houston, TX. 77095 CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH - BCCC offers anyone who has the basic knowledge of the French Language to join our French Language group, which meets at BCCC every Wednesday at 11:00 AM. BEAR CREEK GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY & LIBRARY INC. - Welcomes all genealogical researchers, novice to expert, to join us. Meetings: second Thursday of each month, September through may from 1:00 - 3:00 PM. Casual attire and pre-meeting lunch at the Omni Hotel. Genealogical research trips, speakers, workshops, special events and genealogy Library. Contact Gary at 281-3980333, email or Alan at 281-579-0480, email for more information. CLASSES R.A.D. - The Rape Aggression Defense System is a 5-day (15 hours) program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. June 4th through June 8th, 12:00 to 3:00 PM. The R.A.D. System is a comprehensive course for women that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. R.A.D. is not a Martial Art program. Please call BCCC for any questions and to register. mEET AND mINGLE - 65+ - Meet new friends! Come join us for coffee and cookies on Tuesday, June 5, 2012, 7:00 to 9:00 PM at BCCC. For more info., call Angie at 281-550-0908.
KATHERINE TYRA (BEAR CREEK) PUBLIC LIBRARY 16719 Clay Road, Houston, tX 77084, 281-550-0885
Our hours are: monday - 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Tuesday/Thursday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Wednesday -10:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Friday - 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Saturday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sunday - Closed. SCHEDuLE OF EVENTS Adults THE BEAR CREEK BOOK CLuB – First Wednesday, 7:00 PM. Join the Bear Creek Book Club to discuss Brooklyn by Colm Toibin. THE FRIENDS OF THE BEAR CREEK LIBRARY - monday, may 14th, 6:00 PM. Planning Meeting: The Friends of the Library, a non-profit organization that raises funds for library programs and materials, is actively seeking new members. Did you enjoy a program at the library? If you did, thank the Friends. Better yet,
join the Friends. Come to the meeting and see what it is all about! NEW VOLuNTEER ORIENTATIONS - monday, may 21st at 6:30 PM. Interested in volunteering at the library? We have periodic orientation sessions to introduce you to our library and what kinds of work you could do. Applications are available at the Information Desks (must be signed by guardian if volunteer is under 18). Volunteers under the age of 12 must volunteer with a parent or guardian. THE BEAR CREEK mYSTERY BOOK CLuB - Thursday, may 17th, 11:00 AM. The Library is hosting a mystery book club! All sleuths and amateur Sherlocks heed this call! Come to this lively group and share your passion for mysteries! WEEKLY PROGRAmS BEAR CREEK KNITTING CLuB - Every Thursday, 4:00 PM. The Bear Creek Knitters Club is a place to share ideas, to learn new knitting techniques or to teach someone else a new knitting skill. Don’t miss out on the weekly fun!! Make sure to bring your needles and yarn. All ages welcome! SATuRDAY @ THE mOVIES – Every Saturday (except may 5th) at 2:00 PM. Enjoy an action packed film with big sound and big screen; a deal that can’t be beat!! Check with the library staff regarding title and ratings information. BEGINNING COmPuTER CLASSES - First and Third Tuesday, 10:00 AM. Beginning Computer Classes: These classes are designed for people looking to learn about computers at a very introductory level. All classes are free of charge. The first twelve patrons will be accommodated. TEEN PROGRAmS TEEN PROGRAmS - Every monday, 4:00 PM. Want to do something fun and interesting after school? The library is hosting weekly Teen events. You can watch an anime, take part in a book or movie critic club and so much more! CHILDREN
1st Thursday of every month, 10:30 AM - Infant Explorers: All materials are furnished. Recommended for children ages 0-36 months.
Concord Bridge
May 2012
Your Neighborhood Plumber
Aaron’s All programs are free and open to the public. For more information call 281-550-0885 or log on to
NORTHWEST BRANCH HARRIS COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 11355 Regency Green Drive, Cypress, TX 77429, 281-890-2665, Hours of service - Monday - 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Tuesday/ Thursday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Wednesday -12:00 AM - 8:00 PM, friday - Closed, saturday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - sunday - Closed.
Since 1974 LIC. 17773
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Complete Plumbing & Drain Service
9191 Barker-Cypress Road Cypress, TX 77433 281-290-3210 Monday through Thursday, 7 AM - 10 PM; friday and saturday, 8 AM - 6 PM; sunday, 1 PM - 6 PM. HoLiDAY Hours: Closed saturday-Monday, May 26th-28th. - The Lone Star College-CyFair Branch Library Friends Book Room is now accepting gently used books and offering them to the public for a set donation amount. The store is open six days a week and staffed by volunteers. Proceeds support library programs. Help support our community library. at, for news and events about the library and college and in the community.
$ ADuLTs 5/9 (2nd Wed. of the month) - 1 PM, room 215 - Stan Musial: An American Life 5/17: - 1-2 PM, LRNC 215 - The Baker’s Daughter by Sarah McCoy (United States and Germany). - 12:00 PM, room 215 - any mystery by Dick Francis.
(No Place is Too Far)
, library room 203 Tuesdays: 7-9 PM (various topics, see schedule). saturdays: 9-11 AM or 9 AM-1 PM, alternating weekends/various times, please contact the library visit the website at http://lonestar. edu/library/15212.htm for current schedule. crAfTs Wednesdays, 8:30 AM-10 AM, LRNC 215 - Common Thread: Knitting, Crocheting and Needlework Group.
May 2012
Concord Bridge
BOAT & R.V. STORAGE Do you want to store your Boat indoors? Call me for our move in special!!! N
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Eldridge Rd.
Hwy. 6
Learn how to download books from the HCPL Digital Media Catalog and transfer them to your iPad/iPhone, Kindle, NOOK and more. 5/2, 5-6 PM, Kindle 5/2, 6-7 PM, eReader Open Lab 5/7, 5-6 PM, Nook 5/7, 6-7 PM, eReader Open Lab 5/16, 5-6 PM, App Enabled Devices (iPad, iPhone, Android tablet or phone) 5/16, 6-7 PM, eReader Open Lab 5/21, 5-6 PM, Kindle 5/21, 6-7 PM, eReader Open Lab , 5-6 PM, Nook , 6-7 PM, eReader Open Lab Day and evening workshops are available throughout the month at various times. Please visit the website at library/15938.htm for the complete schedule.
Wieman West Little York Clay Rd.
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ESL Library OutrEach PrOgram taLk timE: PracticE cOnvErSatiOn mondays, 1-2 pm tuesdays, 1-2 pm Wednesdays, 1-2 pm, 2-3 pm, 7-8 pm thursdays, 1-2 pm Saturday, 9:30-10:30 am please check website for current schedule at SPaniSh cOnvErSatiOn cLub/ Conversación en Espaùol Basic conversational skill in Spanish is required, LRNC 102 tuesdays, 9-10 am and 3-4 pm (new) TEEN tEEn thOughtS: a blog for teens: Veni, Vidi, Vici: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered: http://venividiviciteens. (by teens who are transitioning from high school to college). PSat/Sat PrEP may 7th - math, Chemistry, physics, 8-9 pm, LRNC 131 English Writing - april 30th, 7-8 pm, CaSa 110 * See website for Teen activities and programs, CHILDREN Certain children’s programs require registration in person, please contact the Kids Corner at 281-290-3211 for details. please note age requirements for the programs. Limited space is available for each program and tickets are available in person, 1 hour before the program starts. WEEkLy StOrytimES and activitiES mondays: baby time (6-24 months) - 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am; Pajama Storytime (all ages) - 6:30 pm tuesdays: toddler time (2-3 1/2 years) - 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am - Family Storytime (all ages) - 6:30 pm Wednesdays: Preschool time (3-6 years) - 10 am, 11 am thursdays: Spanish time (2-6 years) - 11 am; craft time (4-12 years) - 5 pm; game night (4+ years) - 6:30 pm.
281-550-9797 w e r y
Amaya Garage Doors Does your garage door need service? We can help! rs
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLS Bear Creek Baptist ChurCh, VBs Join us at Bear Creek Baptist Church for amazing Wonders aviation Vacation Bible School and watch amazing things happen as kids come closer to God than ever before. See lives changed as they tour the wonders of God’s creation and explore His awesome power! aWa Flight pS147:5 departs every day at 9:00 am and deplane promptly at 12:30 pm. the week of June 25th-29th. passengers must be 5 years of age by September 1, 2012. Online registration begins monday, may 7th. There is no cost for this year’s VBS. Bear Creek Baptist Church is located at 5901 N. Fry Road in Katy, Texas. For additional information, please call 281-859-9900. In this one-week adventure, kids encounter God’s awesome power through Bible stories, crafts, motivating music and games. Can’t wait to see you there!
24 Hou
Se Habla Espanol
* See website for special activities and programs. * all programs are free and open to the public.
281-858-9300 281-793-3341
Cornerstone uMC, VBs Free Estimates
Cornerstone United methodist Church (UmC) invites children ages 4 (as of June 1, 2012) through kids entering 5th grade on a Vacation
Concord Bridge
May 2012
Bible School (VBS) Deep Sea Adventure in FAITH and Daring to Go Deep With GOD at Operation Overboard! Our adventures include regular Deep Sea Voyages in Bible fun, creative crafts, exciting water science and energizing music. VBS will be held June 25th through June 29th from 9 Am to noon at our West Road location (18081 West Road at the corner of West Road and Barker Cypress across from the Berry Center and behind the CVS). Admission is $15 per child, which includes a t-shirt and pictures.
Salon Picasso
Studios (AIR s #OLOR s .AILS
Registration forms are available online at www.cornerstoneumc. org or in the church office at 15919 Ridge Park across from Lowery Elementary. If you have any questions or need directions call the church office at 281-859-4141. We look forward to seeing your little divers as they develop and grow as followers of God.
Cypress United Methodist ChUrCh
teMpLe sinAi
special upcoming events:
May 20th. The fun begins at 9 Am for sign in and game play is at 9:30 Am. Register by calling Cindy at Temple Sinai. For more information, contact Cindy Crump at 281-496-5950. Temple Sinai, 13875 Brimhurst Drive, Houston, TX 77077, 281496-5950,
Deborah, Carolyn, Brandy, Rosie, Donna Shelly, Suzy, Angel, Carla, Vi Walk-ins Welcome 281-861-9911
C. Paul Shubert, P.C. Certified Public Accountant
Income Tax Preparation v
Weekend and Evening Appointments Available
Christ ApostoLiC ChUrCh BetWeen JoBs netWorKinG
every tuesday, 10:00 Am Limited Seating CAC is dedicated to helping, networking, educating and empowering those who still believe in the American dream. We believe that God has a job for you somewhere and it will take networking power to get the job. Information is power. It is all about job networking and helping one another. Come and network with others between jobs. Located at 5930 Hwy. 6 N., Suite F-1, Houston, TX 77084, 281804-2520, Fax 281-741-1686.
hoLy CovenAnt UMC WednesdAy niGht enCoUnter
Come join us at Holy Covenant United methodist Church for Wednesday night encounter - a night of fellowship and a meal. Dinner is at 5:45 Pm. We have something to do for everyone. Come and bring a friend or two!
BeAr CreeK United Methodist ChUrCh
attentiOn: CareGiVers OF elderly PersOns Did you know that on the second Friday of each month Bear Creek United methodist Church provides a caring, Christian atmosphere for your loved one? The program, scheduled from 10 Am to 1:30 Pm. This gathering provides free time for caregivers and includes crafts, chair exercises, word games, entertainment, lunch and more. Caregivers are also welcome to stay and join the fun. For more information or to register, please call the church office at 281-463-2330. Bear Creek United methodist Church is located at 16000 Rippling Water Drive, near North Highway 6 and Kieth Harrow.
May 2012
Concord Bridge
Tues. - Thurs. - 9am-7pm
15703 Longenbaugh Dr @ Hwy 6
4654 Hwy. 6 N. Suite 101
Jay Electric, LLC For All Your Electrical Needs! No Job Too Small! Enoc Garcia
TECL# 25016
Wee Wuns Weekday Ministry Celebrates 40 years Wee Wuns Weekday ministry of Cypress United methodist Church has been providing quality childcare for toddler and preschool aged children for 40 years. The celebration is set for sunday, May 6, 2012 at Cypress United methodist Church. Two morning worship services are planned with the focus of honoring Wee Wuns Weekday ministry. 8:15 Am Traditional Service (in the Sanctuary) and 10:00 Am Contemporary Service (in the Worship Center). A reception with children’s activities is planned at 12:00 Pm. For more information, go to or call 281-469-0730.
Licensed & Insured
We Warranty All Work
VEITCO A/C & HEATING Sales Service & Repairs 7 days/week
FREE SERVICE CALL (with repair)
No Overtime Charge on Weekends or Evenings Licensed & Insured TACL B003499C
e y 29
Tour Property and Enter to Win $50!
Please call to request a tour or ask for our current move-in incentives.
For More Information: 713.630.8334 Free Job Search aSSiStance/ career counSeling If you have lost your job or if you are looking to improve your career, take advantage of the job search/career counseling services provided by George Gentry. Mr. Gentry is a former human resources executive who can assist you in putting together a resume, counsel you on job search techniques and train you to improve your interviewing skills. He incorporates proven job search techniques with a Christ-centered approach, which helps to better prepare his clients for a successful new career. His clients include new college graduates, experienced professionals, managers and executives, all of whom he meets with on an individual basis. Meetings are held at West Houston Church of Christ at 17100 West Road. To learn more or schedule an appointment, contact Mr. Gentry at 281-830-6694. There is no charge for his services.
chriStian international woMen oF Prayer
We are a group of women from non-denominational backgrounds and various nationalities. We fellowship once a week by reading the Bible and praying for our needs in English and Spanish. please feel free to join us every Thursday, from noon to 1:30 pM and together we can learn and grow in His word. For more information, contact paula at 281-703-0670.
coPPerField church Senior adultS
GAME DAY - The first Friday of the month - 10:00 aM - 3:00 pM BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday - 9:30 aM - 11:00 aM DAY TRIPS - Monthly - Schedule differs. For more info., or call 281-856-2273. WALKING GROUP (aka Holy Strollers) - 8:30 aM - 9:30 aM, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Come join our group! We are an active, fun-loving bunch. Once you come for a visit and get to know us, you’ll want to be a part of our Senior adult Group. You do not have to be a member of Copperfield Church to be a part of our Senior adult Group.
BIBLE STUDIES Power For today bible Study and Prayer
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.â€? Matt. 6:34 Held every 3rd Tuesday - 6:30-7:30 pM Omni Hotel Westside - CafĂŠ on the Lake 13210 Katy Freeway Houston, Texas 77079 281-558-8338
AREA BINGOS ePiPhany bingo Epiphany Bingo has been conducting bingo games on the west side since February 14, 1986. Epiphany conducts their bingo games every Friday night except holidays. THERE IS NO SMOKING aLLOWEd duRING aLL BINGO GaMES. They have a jackpot game of $750. Maximum prize giveaways of $2,500, allowed by law, are given away every Bingo Night! They have security, lighted parking, big screen color monitor, computerized bingo equipment, snack bar, and large cash prizes. profits are used for charitable outreach programs, building expansion, and payment towards debt. Epiphany Catholic Church conducts its bingo games at the Church Community Center,
Custom Paint & Faux Finishing Residential & Commercial
281-642-7824 30
Concord Bridge
May 2012
CONSTRUCTION We Specialize in
FREE Service Call with Major Repair
Complete Remodeling
One year’s worth of filters FREE with purchase of Preferred Membership!!!
All areas of home repairs & improvements.
713-896-1234 Native Houstonians - In Business Since 1978
See Tech for details
1530 Norwalk Dr. (between Fry and Mason Roads, south of I-10 behind Nottingham Subdivision) off Highland Knolls every Friday night. Early bird games begin at 7:30 PM and regular games at 8:00 PM. For more information, call the bingo hall number 281-5783905. During Bingo nights, you may also call the Community Center number, 281-578-5078. Come, have some fun, bring your friends and neighbors, win some money and make some new friends.
St. Bartholomew the apoStle CatholiC ChurCh BiNGo At St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church in downtown Katy, “BINGO” is being played in our Parish Hall every Friday evening except Holidays. Doors open at 7:00 PM, games start at 7:15 PM with four Early Bird games. Regular games start at 7:30 PM. Maximum Prizes given away every evening of $2,500. Governed by the state of Texas. They have the most modern computerized BINGO equipment for verifying winnings, along with TV monitors for your viewing pleasure. The snack bar is maintained by the KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS 6950, with a variety of food and snacks with soft drinks. All profits will benefit community outreach and Religious Education programs, to better serve the community. The Church is located in downtown Katy at 5356 Eleventh St. You can get to the church if traveling west on Hwy. 90 to Katyland Rd. Turn right at the light, go to the second stop sign (at the stadium) Eleventh St., turn left and the Church Hall will be on your right one block down. Please call for more details to 281-391-4758. Please come play and win. We can accommodate large groups such as social and family groups.
heritaGe GroupS
WEST HOUSTON ITALIAN CLUB, 3rd Fridays, 7:00 PM, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Addicks-Satsuma, Marie & Sam Ricca 281-373-5517. BEAR CREEK BRIT’S, (Serving the Westside) If interested, please phone Cath at 281-395-6701. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM. For info, call Leda 713-572-9924 or BEAR CREEK GENEALOGY SOCIETY - meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, September-May, from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM, at the Bear Creek Park Community Center, 3055 Bear Creek Dr. Houston TX 77084. Contact: Gary at 281-398-0333, email getober@, or Alan at 281-579-0480, email
May 2012
Concord Bridge
SAM HOUSTON CHAPTER - SONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS, 3rd Saturdays except April, 12 Noon, The Briar Club, 2603 Timmons Lane,, 713-647-0570 or 713-352-0993. SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR, 2nd Tuesdays, (except January & August), dinner at 7:00 PM, The Spaghetti Warehouse in Downtown Houston (901 Commerce at Travis, 281859-7125, email or ROBERT RANKIN CHAPTER TEXAS SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month (except June & July), 6:30 PM at IHOP - 11225 Katy Freeway. Visitors are always welcome! For more info., call John Davis at 832-725-2524. COMMEMORATIVE AIR FORCE WEST HOUSTON SqUADRON visit to see our WWII Aircraft and tour our WWII Museum on the first and third Saturdays of each month from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, located at the West Houston Airport just east of Barker Cypress on Groschke Rd. (For detailed directions go to: CIVIL WAR REENACTING, - Enlist with Company C, “The Palmer Guards,” of the First Texas - call 281-579-3417 or visit Select 1st Texas and then Co C. CIVIL WAR FIFE AND DRUM CORP, If interested, please contact Mus. C.C. Lyman at 281-797-1275. TEJAS CHAPTER DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - For more info., please contact Lori Walters at 281- 491-2673. CYPRESS, TEXAS NSCAR SOCIETY - For info, visit or contact Melinda Sims, Organizing Senior Society President, 281-856-2536 or email ELISHA ROBERTS CHAPTER, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION - meets 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 PM at IHOP (26301 Northwest Fwy, Cypress, TX). For more info, email Laura Neal at AMERICAN LEGION POST 324 - meets every second Sunday of the month. For more info., please contact Jimmy Baughman at 281-256-6824.
uNiVerSitY alumNi CluBS, pareNt eVeNtS
ZTA HOUSTON WEST ALUMNAE GROUP - meets every month. For info, please contact us at NW HOUSTON ALPHA DELTA PI ALUMNI GROUP, Meetings 3rd Tuesdays, Kelly Hammons, 281-463-4242 for more info..
Happy Mother’s Day from ...
15003 FM 529 Ste. G, Houston, TX 77095 (Located next to Popeyes)
Crown & Bridge Oral Surgery Orthodontics Implants Root Canal Therapy Treatment for Gum Disease Cosmetic Dentistry Dentures Veneers Nitrous Available Upon Request
Adult Exam Incl: New Patient Exam, 4 Bite-wing Xrays & Basic Cleaning. Child Exam (12 years & under) Incl: New Patient Exam, 4 Bite-wing Xrays, Basic Child Cleaning & Fluoride treatment.
With Free Take Home Bleaching Kit. Some Restrictions Apply. Expires 6/15/12
Senior Discount Available
Not in Conjunction With Other Offers. (Not Applicable With Insurance Plans) Expires 6/15/12
Children Welcome (6 mos. & up)
2nd Tuesdays, 7:00 PM,
Where your comfort is our priority!
FM 529
Now Available
145 (REG. $325)
Includes Consultation and X-ray Not in Conjunction with Other Offers Expires 6/15/12
each Monday
every Thursday
1st Thursdays,
third Wednesday of -
2nd and 4th Tuesdays,
2nd Tuesdays
every month
every Monday
each month
2nd and 4th Saturday
Concord Bridge
May 2012
BUSINESS/NETWORKING: fourth Tuesday of each month
Tuesdays, Tuesdays,
fourth Thursdays of the month
CRAFT/HOBBY GROUPS fourth Tuesday of each month
the second
Saturday of each month SENIORS: Thursdays
the second Monday September-May
3rd Thursdays,
1st Mondays,
3rd Tuesdays,
2nd Thursdays, MISC COMMUNITY GROUPS: first Thursday of most months
3rd Wednesdays,
YDR SERVICES Free es! mat Esti
Owner Operated
Se sta rvice rtin $ 22. g at 99
Maidservice & House Cleaning “I Will Meet Or Beat Any Written Estimate!!!”
GRASS $139 Per Pallet Installed
281-788-2047 May 2012
Concord Bridge
1st Tuesday of every
FM 529 Animal Hospital and Diagnostic Center
Daily Specials
Spay, Neuter, Dental, & Wellness Mon. Tues. Wed.
Dog/Cat Pack Spay Puppy/Kitten Pack
Thurs. Fri.
Neuter Puppy/Kitten Pack
(3 pack available)
(3 pack available)
Sat. Dog/Cat Pack Mon-Fri. Basic Dental
50.00 & Up 35.00 & Up $ 35.00 & Up $
25.00 & Up 35.00 & Up
50.00 & Up $ 85.00 & Up $
Boarding available Mon.-Sat. 7 AM-9PM 281-856-7171
Walkins & Emergencies Welcome
18310 FM 529
(next to CyFair Vol. Fire Station #8)
“I’m In PAIN” Can Chiropractic Help ME ? We are often asked, “What’s the best way of finding out whether or not a doctor of chiropractic can help my problem?” We believe the answer can be found in a complete chiropractic consultation and examination, including x-rays. And to help find out for sure, we will do a complete consultation and examination, including x-rays, if necessary, (procedures that normally cost $187.00 or more) for $25.00. We will make this special program available through May. The only exception to the offer involves personal injury cases (workers’ compensation and auto accidents) in which there is no charge directly to the patient.
281-855-2277 Bear Creek
HWY. 6
4654 Hwy. 6 North, Suite 305
Reg. $187.00 Program
THESE CONDITIONS ARE SOME OF THE DANGER SIGNALS: Headache Arthritic pain by stiff neck Loss of sleep Scoliosis (Curvature of the spine) Leg pain & numbness Arm pain & numbness Backache Fatigue Tension Whiplash Injury
Must present ad at time of appointment. Expires 5/31/2012
✓ A private consultation with the doctor. ✓ X-rays, if necessary. ✓ A thorough spinal examination including orthopedic & neurological test.
✓ A confidential report of our findings. ✓An explanation of our treatment procedure if we determine chiropractic can help you.
CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER 2nd Tuesdays, 2nd Saturdays,
2nd and 4th Thursday of the
3rd Friday mornings
2nd and 4th Friday mornings
1st and
3rd Thurs
Tuesday nights
4th Tues-
day of each month 2nd Tuesdays,
PARENTiNg gROUPS second Tuesday of the month
2nd and 4th Fridays
third Thursday of every month
2nd and 4th Friday mornings of the month
Concord Bridge
May 2012
Classified Ads FOR SALE
How to Contact Krenek Printing
Free to non-profit organizations.
DEADLINE: 10th of preceding month.
10-speed bike, $150. Arm chair and sofa, $125. Computer armoire, $350. Call 281-856-9621.
Pink prom/quinceanera dress by Tiffany, size 6, beaded sleeveless corset top with cinderella skirt, excellent condition, $175 (cash only). Can email photos. Call 713-823-8668.
Classified Ads
Total Gym XL Deluxe, paid $1400, sell $595. AB Circle Pro, newin-box, $120. 675-power telescope, new-in box, $130. In Copperfield. Cell 713-557-0889. New women›s cowboy boots: Justin Ropers, $50. Lucchese smooth ostrich, $200. Dan Post kangaro skin, $100. Sizes 5.5, 6 and 6.5. In Copperfield. Cell 713-557-0889. Solid wood decorative display cabinet, dark stain, good condition, $150. 281-463-8655. Whirlpool large capacity washer and dryer, with agitator, good condition, $165 for set. 281-463-8655. Carpet - used. Earth tone, 4 rooms, good condition, $100. 281-463-8655.
DEADLINE: 10th of preceding month.
Get the word out! Visit the web site to post your ad.
Affordable advertising across Katy & Hwy 6.
DEADLINE:12th of preceding month.
ADS@KRENEKPRINTING.COM (281) 463-8649 fax (281) 463-2425
Get prices online or call us 8:30a - 5p. 7102 Glen Chase Ct. Houston, TX 77095
Cabinets - kitchen/bath, various sizes. 15 double door cabinets for rental property, $200. 281-463-8655.
GE white 10 cycle front load dryer, excellent condition, 5 years old, new $775, sell for $250. 281-787-1205.
Used Yamaha cornet, model #2330IIA, comes with a BERP and 2 mouthpieces, sizes 6C and 5C and a case, $400. Used Yamaha flute model #285S, (inline & open holed) with case, $400. Both used at Aragon Middle School. 281-798-8476 or 3 piece Ashley oak queen headboard set, $300. Matching chest of drawers, $150. 6 drawer dresser, $75. White tile/wood dining table, $40. 832-544-4795.
Pool Service
Weekly Service Starting at $90 per month.
s -ONTH &2%% WITH .EW 3ERVICE s &AMILY /WNED /PERATED IN +ATY Richard & Shelley Roberts
Extra-long twin bed, $75. 2 dresser wall unit with desk and shelves, white, $100. Black lacquer, 9 drawer entertainment center/dresser, $150. 281-463-0163. Aeropilates machine (QVC #F09610, $450 w/S&H), rebounder, magic circle, DVDs, $175.00. 281-395-4274. Antique (1940) Jenny Lynn crib, maple, great condition, appraised at $1,100, best offer over $700. 281-728-8429. Love seat, chair, ottoman, wood, cotton fabric, floral design, good condition, $150. 281-550-2116. Two IKEA style white bookshelves, $40 each. One small light wood, 2 shelf bookshelf, $20. Blonde wood dresser top with two drawers and a mirror, $75. If interested, call Jennifer at 713-306-5682. Two leaf dining room table, 86x40 w/6 chairs. Matching china cabinet, 54x80, light oak, $400. Call 281-550-0330.
Classified Ads May 2012
Concord Bridge
Innovative Designs Insure Even Water Distribution REPAIR FROZEN PVB'S Swing Joints at ALL Sprinkler Heads Hand Dug Trenches Complete Two Year Warranty on Labor Standard Three Year Warranty on Parts Quality Hunter & Rainbird Products Licensed Irrigator #7226
281-807-LAWN (5296)
How Much are you Paying to have your Lawn Cut? Have your lawn professionally cut for just
Online Invoicing & Bill Pay
email: * 2 week written cancellation notice required
Service A/C Today!
Rolex watch. Call for details. 281-414-3597.
Free estimate or 2 opinion
Duct Inspection with tune-up
GE refrigerator, Profile 23.6 cft., double door, water/ice dispenser, $350. Dot Matrix printer, XX-P1124, $50. Modern computer table, $30. Water bed cover, $10. Hutch with dining table and 6 chairs, white wash finish, $600. Call 281-550-6308.
Sofa good to very good condition, $250 OBO.
281-347-2665 nd NO Interest
Up to 36 Months
financing available on select systems WAC
Sliding mirror doors (one pair) for a wardrobe or closet, each door is 39 “W x 79”H, together the doors will be good for a 78”W X 79”H wardrobe or closet, comes with upper and bottom alum guide rails, the doors are similar to IKEA PAX MALM ward robe article # 900-74572, picture available, asking $205. Contact
Garage sale – Saturday, May 5, 2012 – 9 AM – 3 PM. 19923 Millstone Ridge Lane (2 streets north of Windystone, close to Fry Road). Knick-knacks, collector items, pictures and picture frames. Dishes, household items, bedding, lots of unique birdhouses, Christmas decorations, Christmas lights and craft items.
Only $4 a day
! Have questions? Call me at 713-443-9319
Omega Pro II Racquetball Racket with zip case, never used, $35; 8” animal gold trim/porcelain (some) plates, $15 - $20 each; Emmot Kelly clown, numbered/framed lithographs, $75 - $100 each. Cheryl 281-543-2409.
Hate eating veggies? Acts like a salad; Tastes like dessert.
Senior citizen walker, $35. Shower chair, $50. Bath seat, $15. Electric scooter with battery charger included, 3 years old. Electric recliner, upright chair, $150. Allen & Roth faucet, light oil rubbed bronze, model #0097923, 8 in., still in Box, $75. Bathroom vanity top, sink, 36x19, light beige, $70. 2 seat patio lounger, new, $150. For pictures of all items, please contact
Marcy Home Gym complete with self spotting bench, curling bar, latpull pully system & over 200 lbs. of weights. Also a chest-explosion machine & accessories for the pully system. Excellent condition. $325 or $350 delivered assembled. 281-881-6405.
m p
$25 off any repair
New G.E. electric stove, five burners, convection, self-cleaning oven, $450 OBO. Call M.L. at 713-854-4756.
Gorgeous round dining room, solid pine pedestal table with 6 antique side chairs. Superb condition. 46” round extends to 74” oval. This eclectic set will add style to your dining room. Pictures available, $975. 832-723-3384.
on a standard size lot
Air Conditioning Contractors of America
Quality white iron, twin bed/mattress set, $250. 3 Razor belt scooters, $50 each. 8x10 playhouse, covered porch, shingle roof, windows, can be disassembled. You move $800, we move $1000. lov2cook@
* & up + tax for weekly service
The following services are provided: Thursday Dates Available
Classified Ads
Moving Sale - Dining room table plus leaf, eight matching chairs, small buffet table, $495. Twin size maple wood bed, matching dresser, mirror and nightstand, $250. Rectangular kitchen table, four matching chairs, $150. Two striped living room club chairs, $50 each. Two fruitwood end tables with marble tops, $40 each. Four upholstered rocking chairs, two ottomans, various lamps, bookcases and gas-grill. Call 281-217-7735. Moving - Ivory sofa, $150. Ivory club chair with matching ottoman, $75. Wood and glass coffee table and two matching end tables, $125. Bedroom dressing bench, $35. Glass computer desk, $50. Large 1,000 watt home theater speakers in original box. Assorted silver plated giftware. All in excellent condition and priced to sell. 281-435-4053.
Concord Bridge
May 2012
AUTOMOTIVE 2010 Ford F150 XLT with Extended Cab, 4.6L V8. Exterior color, silver, with tan cloth interior. Upgraded chrome wheels, 6 foot long bed with liner, power windows and doors, tinted windows, Sirius XM capable, less than 20k miles on it. Direct inquiries to, Rare 1967 Pontiac Firebird convertible, re-built, under warranty, 400 Pontiac motor-not matching no., less than 400 miles, totally restored, yellow with black interior, new paint, new disk brakes, new suspension, new interior & new black top with cover, new custom sound system, $24,000. Firm. 281-455-5543. 1998 Suzuki 1500 Intruder motorcycle, eggshell on white in color, black leather saddle bags, $3,000. 281-726-4305 Pat.
WANTED Wanted: To buy gold jewelry, 10K - 21K and old U. S. coins. 713-894-8490. Wanted: To buy Rolex watches. 281-414-3597.
HELP WANTED Wanted - Hairstylists. Looking for a fun and relaxing place to work, one that appreciates you? Look no further! Sheri Marie’s Salon & Co. is hiring great hairstylists. Call 281-463-7375. Now hiring Security Officers. Part time/full time on the job training. No experience necessary. Professional & reliable retired welcome. Must provide TDL, Soc. Sec. card, (clear criminal history). Excellent benefits, all shift available. Call today & set up interview. 281-759-1010. 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston TX, 77079. About Hair Salon and Day Spa is seeking experienced stylists. Apply in person 15422 FM 529, Houston, TX 77095.
May 2012
Concord Bridge
LL Hair Studio Salon is hiring experienced stylists! Visit our website at to learn more, or call us today at 281-550-5302. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281-656-2273. Michelle’s Salon is looking for good experience hairstylist, massage therapist, nail tech and esthetician, lease or commission. 832-878-1052. The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person. Housekeepers needed. Great hours for mom’s with school age children. 281-861-0394. Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and good clientele. Benefits available. Call Images Hair Studio at 281-256-2286. Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900. Dental assistant position available. F/T, nonsmoker, experienced preferred, knowledge of Dentrix software and bilingual a plus. Must be state licensed; Front desk receptionist, bilingual preferred. Fax resume to: 281-861-7174. Or call 281-861-7500.
What Clients are saying about David Flory Team! Professional Group 832-478-1205
When I was looking for a realtor, I needed someone who knew the area, offered a package of services that would enhance the salability of my home, and had the complete staff to support me and keep me informed on the progress of my home sale. I found all of these in David Flory’s team. The level of personal service that I received made selling my home the absolute correct choice for my family. - Alan & Kathy Lindsey -
281-477-0345 #7 Realtor in United States* Over the past 2 years David Flory has ranked in the Top 20 Realtors in the entire United States as reported by the Wall Street Journal*
David Flory
CONCORD BRIDGE *Realtor Teams per Remax 9/2008, 3/2009
#1 Realtor in Concord Bridge 2000-05, 2007-08 HELP WANTED Stylist position available at Salon Picasso Studios. Lease/commission. 281-861-9911. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to
PETS FOR SALE AKC Registered 16 week old, red, male Dachshund. Has a great personality, $375. 832-474-0869 or 281-392-1093. Cavalier King Charles puppies for sale - registered, champion bloodlines. Adorable! Call Karen at 281-743-3500. Little Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale, registered. Guenther, 281-492-1618.
HOMES/CONDOS FOR SALE 1 story, 4-year-old, 3/2/1 townhome. 12602 Ravensway Center Dr. #610, Cypress. 1491 sq. ft., granite in kitchen and bathrooms, 18” tile floors, stainless appliances, $149,900. 281-630-1629. College Station Gateway Villas Townhome. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, granite countertops, washer/dryer, refrigerator included. Call 281-744-5304. Bay House in Sargent, waterfront property with boat access to house, built in 2003. 2 BR’s, 2 car garage, vaulted ceilings, central AC/heat, storage shed attached to house, carport, enclosed stairway, water & sewer system. Call Bill at 979-429-6853.
TIMESHARES/VACATION HOMES Luxury Royal Sands Resort, Cancun, Mexico. 2 bed / 2 bath, oceanview timeshare, available one week only: November 10-17, 2012. Reduced to $1000. Incredible pools, spa, fitness center. Email for info and pictures of resort: Playa del Carmen private condo, 2 bed / 2 bath. 1600 square feet, beautifully furnished. 2 blocks from beach, 3 blocks from famous Fifth Avenue. Photos, rates, guest reviews at: Call Jeff, 713-856-7774. Las Vegas Timeshare - On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living; jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s/2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days $355 - 7 days $500. No added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to for more information.
NOVENA Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.
NOVENA TO ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – RHF
Concord Bridge
May 2012
Now Registering for Fall 2012
CREST MANAGEMENT 17171 Park Row Houston, Texas 77084, Suite 310 Ph: 281-579-0761 Bernita Armstrong, Property Manager CONCORD BRIDGE BOARD MEMBERS Mary Ann Harvey, President Maria Cutlip VicePres. Sandra Peters, Treasurer Heather Molliver, Secretary Helen Montesinos, Member at Large
713-466-9828 713-849-9610 713-896-0670 832-467-1475 713-466-0193
*Mail all Board correspondence to CB Board of Directors, c/o Crest Management P.O. Box 219320 Houston, Tx 77218
Pre-K3 through Eighth Grade
Waste Management EMERGENCY NUMBERS Emergency Constable, Contract 99 Non Emergency
911 281-463-6666 911 713-466-4073
MISCELLANEOUS Memorial City Hospital Poison Control Center Post Office-Griffith Station
713-932-3000 1-800-764-7661 1-800-275-8777
License # TACLA1038C
713-659-2111 281-290-6500 281-290-6503 713-341-1000 713-207-2222 1-800-332-7143 281-368-8397
PET HOTLINE UTILITIES CenterPoint Energy Horsepen Bayou- MUD Billing Questions Service & Repair Comcast Communications Reliant Energy
6646 Addicks-Satsuma Rd.
CONCORD BRIDGE WEBSITE NEWSLETTER CHAIRPERSON Sandra Peters 713-896-0670 Krenek Printing Co. 281-463-8649
Catholic School
Greater Houston
Financing Available WAC
95 19 pt. A/C Check-up
GEYER ROOFING Specializing in “We work as unto the Lord”
Ron Geyer
SCHOOLS Lee Elementary Hairgrove Elementary Truitt Middle School
713-849-8281 713-896-5015 281-856-1100
Cypress Ridge HS
281-477-3456 Visit our website
May 2012
Concord Bridge
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Whitening Special $
Expires 5/31/2012
Laser Dentistry Vizilite Plus Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy Isolite System TMJ splint therapy Intra Oral camera
10 Minutes from the Energy Corridor
16100 Cairnway, Suite 285
May 2012 Sunday
All Your Plumbing Needs
May 1... May Day May 5... Cinco de Mayo May 8... National Teacher’s Day
May 13... Mother’s Day May 19... Armed Forces Day May 28... Memorial Day
Published by: Krenek Printing " & ' , #(&'#"
, Concord Bridge May 2012 email: news@ % " $% "' " #! #% %' & , &@ % " $% "' " #! #% (& " && & , && + @ % " $% "' " #! #% && + &