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Lone Oak’s Official Newsletter Your Home Improvement Form can be found at www.loneoakcommunity.com in the Document Library

Lone oak Yard of the Month

Congratulations to the very happy and excited winners of the YOM Award for the Month of April Fernando and Carmen Reyna at 17910 Timber Crossing. Good job!

Lone oak Yard of the Month

The very happy winners for February 2012 YOM are Thanh Lieu and Theary Pen at 17930 Oak Park Bend Lane. Congratulations! They always keep their yard so well trimmed. Lone Oak Yard of the Month Committee Yolanda Lopez Sylvia Dryden Your newsletter can now be viewed online at www.krenekprinting.com (Newsletters - Hwy 6 Area - Lone Oak) Published by: Krenek Printing " & ' , #(&'#"


Lone email: Oak news@ % " $% "' " #! #% %' & , &@ % " $% "' " #! #% (& " && & , June 2012 && + @ % " $% "' " #! #% && + &


MANAGEMENT COMPANY PCMI- Angela Bumann 281-870-0585 15995 N. Barkers Landing Rd, Ste. 162 281-504-1381 fax Houston, TX 77079 abumann@stes.com (Architectural Review Forms should be sent to PCMI by fax or mail. Attention: Angela Bumann, Architectural Review Committee.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Kinion, President Gary Dean, Vice President Joanna Resendez, Treasurer Jeff DeBaker, Secretary Cheryl Pedersen, Director


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281-815-2024 www.AmriFence.com

mkinion@loneoakcommunity.com gkdean@loneoakcommunity.com jresendez@loneoakcommunity.com jdebaker@loneoakcommunity.com cpedersen@loneoakcommunity.com

SECURITY Harris County Sherriff’s Department Non-Emergency


POOL COMPANY Lone Star Pool Company Donald Graham




SCHOOLS Postma Elementary Smith Middle School Cy-Springs High School www.cfisd.net IMPORTANT NUMBERS Fire/Ambulance Poison Control Animal Control Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Precinct 3 Mosquito Spraying (Nuisance Spraying) HCPHES Mosquito Control (Disease Control) Children’s Protective Svs Harris Co. Public Health & Envir U. S. Post Office

Lawn & Landscape



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June 2012

281-345-3660 281-213-1010 281-345-3000

911 800-222-1222 281-999-3191 713-941-8972 281-531-1592 713-440-4800 713-394-4000 713-439-6000 800-275-8777

Comcast Cable En-Touch Systems Reliant Energy (Repair) Centerpoint Energy Street Light Repair www.centerpointenergy.com/outage To report gas leaks Street Repair METRO MUD #173 (General Inquiries & 24 Hour Dispatch) Harris County Alarm Detail

713-341-1000 281-225-1000 713-207-7777 713-659-2111 713-207-2222

Cy-Fair Sports Association Langham Creek YMCA Northwest Library Boy Scouts of America Girl Scouts of America

281-970-8080 281-859-6143 281-890-2665 713-756-3383 800-392-4340

713-659-3552 281-463-6300 713-635-4000 713-4051750 713-755-4600

Newsletter Publisher: Krenek Printing Company 7102 Glen Chase Ct, Houston, TX 77095 s WWW KRENEKPRINTING COM Lone Oak



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Lone Oak

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June 2012


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Lone oak Yard of the Month GUIdeLIneS Now you can nominate your neighbor’s yard for YOM online at www. loneoakcommunity.com or by calling/emailing one of the committee members! (Contact only one of the committee members with the address of the property you would like to nominate). Sylvia Dryden Yolanda Lopez

Cleveland Stiff Insurance, LLC More Options, Lower Premiums! 281-251-3033 www.insurewithcleve.com

drydensd@sbcglobal.net lopezyola@yahoo.com

281-550-8252 281-858-4161

Nominations must be received before the 20th of each month. Each month, members of the Lone Oak Yard of the Month Committee will select a residence to receive the Yard of the Month Award following the following criteria and eligibility: CRITERIA:


RuLES: 11950 Grant Rd., Suite B Cypress, TX 77429 last week of the month.

Where plateaus never have to happen!

with the address of the house they wish to nominate. : is placed in their

yard for up to a thirty (30) day period.

good luck to all!

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ParkInG Over the last several months the board has received several complaints about vehicles parking on the streets within Lone Oak. For the overall safety of our residents, as well as ensuring emergency vehicles are able to quickly maneuver through our streets, the board has asked the deputies patrolling Lone Oak to address any/all vehicle violations; including speeding and





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June 2012

at www.txdps.state.tx.us

Lone oak IS on the Internet! Lone Oak has hit the web! Make sure you check out www.loneoakcommunity. com amenity information, committee information, news, events calendar, important numbers, a documents library, and contact information. New features include the ability to submit Architectural Review Committee applications and report deed restriction violations by email! You can also now download and view

Lone Oak

Two Good Reasons To be on The Lone oak ConTaCT LisT

TRash piCk-up days

1. You will receive email messages regarding HOA events within Lone Oak, and when a neighbor has lost or found a cat or dog. 2. We will be able to contact you if you happen to be a Yard of The Month Winner - there’s a $25 Home Depot gift card for the prize - so this alone makes it worth it!

Wednesdays and Saturdays are the Lone Oak scheduled trash pick-up days. Please do not set your garbage out early. We continue to see many residents put trash out 2-3 days before trash day. Please keep your garbage out of sight until the night before or the day of the scheduled pick up. Also, please be courteous and do not block the sidewalks with your bags and or trash bins and remove them in a timely manner after pick up.

LookinG foR a mom To pRay wiTh foR youR ChiLd(Ren) in sChooL?

Speeding in Lone Oak has been a hot topic of discussion lately. There have been numerous reports of speeding and of running stop signs. We have

Mom’s In Touch is dedicated to praying for our children. We meet once a week for 1 hour. We currently have a Postma Elementary group and possibly a Smith Middle School group. Check the website for the High Schools and other area schools. For more info contact Rene’ at readpsalm39@aol.com or text/call 281-788-0474. Located in Lone Oak subdivision. For more info on Moms in Touch, please visit the website at www.momsintouch.org

hiT The bRakes…

offenders. Several surrounding schools and residents have purchased kid alert safety signs to be placed in front of their homes and or buildings to remind people to slow down. If you would like to purchase a safety sign, here are a couple websites that sell the signs, www.kaplantoys.com and www. discountschoolsupply.com

biRThdays and anniVeRsaRies

A list has been started for residents. We hope to keep this up to date. If you move out of the area and your name is on the list, please let us know and we will remove your name. To put your name on the Birthday or Anniversary list date (Subject on email – Lone Oak Birthday/Anniversary List that your birthday and/or anniversary falls, we will print them. Note: you do not have to wait for the month of your birthday or anniversary to send it in, the earlier the better! Email to news@krenekprinting.com, fax: 281-463-2425 or mail to: Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095. JUNE BIRTHDAYS 6/12 Tina Maywald We need some birthdays to help build up our list. Please send more in, so we can wish you and those you love, a Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary!

deed ResTRiCTions

e make sure to address yard care such as mowing, edging, removal of weeds and trimming of overgrown shrubs and bushes. Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Lone Oak. Please remember that all improvements to the exterior of your home or other structures in your yard must be approved by the Architectural Review

GeneRaL infoRmaTion Oak residents to let us know if you would like to post information for the community to read. You may send your articles and or information to Mary Warren at MaryW365@aol.com

Lone oak CRime waTCh needs youR heLp

Lone Oak’s Crime Watch Chairperson, Kevin Pigg, would like to encourage more residents to become involved in the Lone Oak Crime Watch Program. More Block Captains are needed! Each Block Captain is responsible for contacting the residents who are assigned to them when there is information to pass along regarding incidents in Lone Oak or surrounding areas. Most Block Captains set up their distribution list via email, so it is important for residents to know who their Block Captain is. The time required is minimal - attend a few periodic meetings, distribute information, be aware of happenings in your neighborhood and host a National Night Out Party once a year! If you would like to volunteer or would just like more information, please contact: Kevin Pigg at 281 859-7444 or email him at revkev11@gmail.com

RepoRT a sTReeTLiGhT ouTaGe

CenterPoint Energy maintains streetlights throughout our electric service territory in and around Houston. Click on the link below to report a streetlight outage. You will be asked to provide:

from PCMI. If you have a concern or need to report a violation, please contact Angela at PCMI, the phone number for PCMI is 281-504-1353.

Lone Oak

a pole number for the non-functioning lights you want to report contact information (in case more information is needed to locate a

June 2012


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an email address (if you want feedback regarding your repair request) the number of streetlights you would like to report The street address of the pole location Centerpoint Energy’s Street Light Outage: w w w. c e n t e r p o i n t e n e r g y. c o m / s e r v i c e s / e l e c t r i c i t y / r e s i d e n t i a l / reportastreetlightoutage



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leaves and/or pine needles to keep soil acidic.

June 2012

Lone Oak


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Mulching (organic or inorganic) is a layer of material on the surface of the soil around the plant. Mulches conserve water by reducing evaporation, insulates the soil and protects it from the drying wind and hot sun. Mulches break the force of rain and irrigation water and tend to prevent erosion, soil compaction, and crusting. Lastly, a 2-3 inch layer of mulch will almost eliminate weed problems.


Please place my name on the Job Seekers List

(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in all information Job(s) _________________________________ Name _________________________________ Street _________________________________ Email _________________________________ Birthdate - Mo/Yr_________________________ Age ______ Yr HS Grad________ or Gr ________ Phone _________________________________ Subd__________________________________

B -Babysitting SS -Safe Sitter SL -Swim Lessons CPR -CPR Certified FAC -First Aid Cert. RCC -Red Cross Cert. P -Pet Care (only) PP -Pet/Plant Sitter H -Housecare L -Lawncare T -Tutor C -Car Detailing

I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________

www.krenekprinting.com Mail to: Krenek Printing Co. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 email: news@krenekprinting.com Lone Oak

TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number, (one only) year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 or email to news@krenekprinting.com. Must have parent(s) permission.




Katelyn Kenjura - B, H, PP



Alexis Stark - B, PP



Dash Chavez - H, PP



Tyler Galvean - B, C, H, P, L



Ashton Gwinn - B, C, H, P, L



Kinza Siddiqui - T



June 2012


Town and Country Family Physicians Town and Country Family Physicians welcomes Bo J. Allaire, MD who joins our practice on May 1, 2012. We provide a full spectrum of healthcare services, including: complete physicals immunizations management of acute & chronic illnesses children s health sports & camp examinations and a whole lot more. We take care of adults, children, infants, adolescents and geriatric patients. 1

Anthony Popek, MD

Laurel Tucker, MD

in Family Medicine

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10497 Town & Country Way, Suite 360, Houston 77024 www.townandcountryfamilyphysicians.com

Pre-Schools Wee Hearts MotHers Day out registration for fall 2012 noW oPen!

Starting in September on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 AM - 2 PM. Come by for a tour, visit our website www.westhoustonchurch.org or call for more information! West Houston Church of Christ, 17100 West Road (corner of Queenston & West), telephone: 281-859-4152, email: weehearts@westhoustonchurch. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9 AM - 2 PM.

Bear CreeK uniteD MetHoDist CHurCH sCHool

Bear Creek United Methodist Church School (near Hwy 6 and Kieth Harrow) has doubled it’s capacity to serve children who are between the ages of 12 months and 24 months before September 1, 2012. Children in this age group come two days a week from 9 AM - 1 PM and go home for nap time. Call Laurie Mattingly at 281-463-2969 or email bcumcschool@yahoo.com for more information. We provide hands on learning through kindergarten, including a transition class and may have a limited number of openings in other ages.

Private Schools Wayne MCCullougH to attenD ColoraDo CHristian university

Rosehill Christian School Senior Wayne McCullough signed a letter of intent to play basketball for Colorado Christian University. Wayne, a member of the National Honor Society, has received both academic and athletic scholarships from CCU. Colorado Christian Head Coach Kevin Lubbers was also impressed with Wayne’s All-State Recognition and his contribution to the RCS Eagles State Semi-Finalist status earlier this year. The 6’4” point guard has led the Eagles basketball team in rebounds, assists, steals and 3-pointers. Colorado


June 2012

Pictured with Wayne are his parents, Cindy and Doug McCullough (front) and Coaches Jonathan Whitson and Ed Lamar (back row).

Christian University is a NCAA Division II university located in Lakewood, a suburb of Denver. CCU is a member of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference, which includes 14 universities. Wayne has attended Rosehill Christian School since kindergarten and has played football, baseball and basketball for the school. He has thrived under the coaching of RCS coaches Ed Lamar and Jonathan Whitson. He has also been playing for Lamar’s AAU teams. While he will miss the personal attention and encouragement from both coaches, he is excited about the prospect of playing for CCU.

More College signings for CyPress CHristian seniors Evan Doremus will join the St. Edwards University basketball team. This season, the 6’7” small forward led TAPPS District 7-3A in scoring and was selected Offensive MVP for the district. For Cy-Christian, he scored a total of 500 points averaging 19.2 points per game, 8.7 rebounds, 3.5 assists, 1.7 steals and 1.2 blocks. He was chosen as this year’s team MVP in addition to making 1st Team All-District and Academic All-State. John Mock will cheer for the University of Oklahoma Sooners. Cheer Coach Natalie Kirtley had the following to share about John: “I have had the great opportunity to get to know and coach John for three years and was thrilled to

Lone Oak



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Lone Oak

June 2012


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Mike McKay


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John Mock

Ex pe ts g ylis rin St Hi ir w Ha No ced n rie

Evan Doremus

have him join our team because of the potential and strength he would bring. His encouragement, willingness to work hard and Christian character has been inspiring to the whole squad. It is an honor to be called his coach and it is a great honor for the cheer program at Cypress to have one of our Warrior Cheerleaders leave here a NCAA Division I cheerleader!”

Cypress Christian Chamber Choir tied for top performing Choir in state


Book your next appointment online at

The Chamber Choir received a Superior Rating at TAPPS State competition, but it does not end there. Not only did the choir receive more I’s than II’s, but every judge gave the choir a Superior Rating, resulting in a perfect score. group was awarded the maximum points possible for a Large Ensemble in the competition. Only one other high school scored on level with our choir, making their group and ours the top performing choirs in the state!


June 2012

Lone Oak

Amy Nabors

Andrea Wiley

Bridget Huddleston

Carmen Fujimoto

Catherine Ellis

Clint Nabors

Debra Schaffner

Joel Braswell


heritagetexas.com Thirteen Offices Strong To Better Serve You


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July/August AcAdemic And sports cAmps At cypress christiAn

Cypress Christian School will host academic, baseball and volleyball camps in July and August to help children hone their skills, prepare for next year and just have FUN! For more information, please go to the school website at CypressChristian.org or call 281-469-8829.

texAs christiAn tennis

Texas Christian School’s Jr. High Tennis Team participated in the (WHCAC) West Houston Christian Athletic Conference Tennis Tournament on April 20th. The players’ hard work and determination truly shined. Elisa Kendall

not be more proud of their Tennis Tigers and are ready for another winning season next year! Way to go Tigers!

Lone Oak

tcs Art FAir competition

Texas Christian School Art Students (grades Kindergarten – 8th grade) th . Thirty-nine entries were sent from TCS students that were entered in categories such as sculpture, free hand, three dimensional, paintings, graphic art and much more. Texas Christian School could not be more proud of their student’s creativity and skills and we look forward to seeing next years’ creations! Super job Tigers!!!

June 2012



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CFEF EARNS SPOT ON TOP 20 NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS LIST A recent study conducted by Dewey and Associates looked at the 50 largest school districts in the nation to determine which of the districts’ Educational Foundations were doing the best job of supporting education. Cy-Fair Educational Foundation made the list, coming in at number 15 in the nation!


Cypress-Fairbanks ISD was named the large district winner during the H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards ceremony honoring outstanding public schools. Recognized for outstanding commitment to student achievement, parental and community involvement and professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators, CFISD was chosen for the “I’m fortunate to be a part of a district with a lot of special people who make a large school system feel like a tight-knit community,” said Dr. Mark Henry, superintendent of schools. “It’s gratifying to accept an award that recognizes the positive impact of public education in Texas.” During the ceremony, Hamilton Elementary School principal Dr. Catherine

Summer Camps 2012

Principal Award, honoring the top campus leaders and achievers in the state. honor to receive the H-E-B Excellence in Education award. I am so proud of our Hamilton staff and students and I love having this opportunity to brag on them a little more,” said Bartlett. “Next week we will begin gathering student ideas for the use of our school’s prize money. I love visiting with the children and working with them to make Hamilton the best school it can be.” cooperation with the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) as a positive way to support public education in Texas. In its 11 years, the

Imagination... Technology... Teamwork...

districts across the state. More than 4,000 nominations were submitted at the beginning of the year for the award, which resulted in 800 completed applications submitted by nominees that were reviewed by judges from the Colleges of Education at Trinity University and Texas State University. process in February. Five regional judging panels comprised of former winners, administrators and university and community leaders selected by separate judging panels that reviewed their written applications and conducted individual site visits.

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reception in their honor. During their stay, the teachers and principals participated in personal interviews with the statewide judging panel to determine a winner.

June 2012

Lone Oak

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9191 Barker Cypress Rd. Library Offers summer fun fOr everyOne The Harris County Public Library Lone Star College-CyFair Branch offers a Summer Reading Program for children and adults through aug. 11th. A variety of monthly book clubs for all ages are available, as well as plenty of programs and activities. Go online to LoneStar.edu/library for information. it’s nOt tOO Late fOr DiscOvery cOLLege summer yOuth PrOgram “Learning is Fun” is the theme for Lone Star College-CyFair’s popular Discovery College designed for ages 9 to 17 with monday through thursday sessions continuing through aug. 2nd. The Discovery College sessions are fun and educational providing children an opportunity to develop skills and learn new ones in a friendly environment. Sessions are held at the Barker Cypress campus. The cost of the week-long sessions is $89 per class. Go to LoneStar.edu/youth-classes-cyfair for registration or session information. mark the caLenDars fOr a summer famiLy musicaL anD chiLDren’s shOw In the Main Stage Theatre, enjoy “Once On This Island,” the theatrical adaptation of “The Little Mermaid” about a peasant girl who uses her love for a boy from a different social class to show others the power of love and acceptance. The performances of this co-production with Carver High School will be July 20th-22nd and July 27th-29th. Be sure to also save the dates aug. 3rd-5th and aug. 10th-12th for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” a co-production with Houston’s Center Stage. Go to LoneStar. for event information on these co-productions.

Options. Flexibility.

registratiOn anD new stuDent OrientatiOns unDer way Get on the path to college success at Lone Star College-CyFair. Attend New

REGISTER NOW for summer and fall Weekend College, online courses, Dual Credit courses and more. LoneStar.edu/cyfair

a tour, get academic advising and register for class! Go to LoneStar.edu/ cyfair-orientation for summer and fall, so register now. Sign up now for Summer Session II classes that start July 12th. And it’s never too early to register for fall classes, which start aug. 27th. Go to LoneStar.edu/registration for information. Learn L.i.f.e. LessOns in June are free and held wednesdays at 10 AM in the Lone Star College-CyFair June 13th; “Acupuncture” June 20th and “Watercolor Craft with Krissy” June 27th. Go online to LoneStar.edu or call the library at 281-290-3214 for L.I.F.E. program information.

Lone Oak


Get on the path to college success! Attend New Student Orientation* this summer to take a tour, get academic advising and register for class! LoneStar.edu/cyfair-orientation

*orientation required for first-time students LSC-CyFair 9191 Barker Cypress Cypress, TX 77433

LSC-Fairbanks Center 14955 Northwest Freeway Houston, TX 77040

affirmative action/eeo college

June 2012


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currently attends Baylor College of Medicine.





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recently graduated from Langham Creek HS and is attending TAMU Mays Business School. He looks forward to working with youth this summer at Sky

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COOL rq June 2012

Lone Oak

of thanks and a phone call from a retired New York policeman embedded with our military in Afghanistan on New Year’s Eve. At his recent Court of


second year of High School at Langham Creek and hopes to attend TAMU in two years.



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Senior Citizen Discount

Attention home school families!!! Homeschool Pack 164 is a Christian Homeschool Cub Scout Pack chartered by West Houston Home Educators (www.whhe.org) that serves the Greater West Houston/Katy area. Our Pack promotes God, Country and service! We are a part of the Sam Houston Area Council (www.shac.org) and Texas Skies District (www.texasskiesdistrict. org).

We are very proud of Nicholas Joseph Manahan, our young local Cy-Fair resident that represented us at the 31st Annual USAT 2012 Texas State Taekwondo Championship in Grapevine on March 24th. Nicholas is a student from Martial Arts USA, who brought home the Gold Medal in Red Belt Pomsae (Form) Division and earned the right to represent Texas in the 2012 USAT National Championship and Junior Olympics. His successful performance resulted from hours of long hard training and the dedication of Master Young Seok An and Master Boae Shin. Nicholas is a 6th grade student at Aragon Middle School and is a former the encouragement of his family and teachers who have always been loving and supportive of his sport.


Cy-Fair Ravens TYFA Team is having football and cheerleading sign ups. For Open Registration information, contact jfbland2@comcast.net or visit our website at www.cy-fairravens.com, phone: 281-520-4041.

w e r y


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If you have a boy entering 1st grade (age 6) through 5th grade (age 10), we invite you to please come join in the fun! Visit our website www. homeschoolpack.com for more information about our Pack registration and meeting times.



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Cannot be combined with any other offers.


832-593-7555 A Company Awarded with an A+ Rating A/C Check-Up

A/C Tune-Up



Cannot be combined with any other offer, coupon, or special. Single System Pricing Expires 7/10/2012

Cannot be combined with any other offer, coupon, or special. Single System Pricing Expires 7/10/2012

* Multiple unit discounts on same home. * Check-Ups look for problems before the busy season. * Tune-Ups include maintenance and increase effic.

10% Discount Plus No Service Charge With Approved Repairs Cannot be combined with any other offer, coupon, or special. Expires 6/30/2012

Early Bird Special 0% Interest Or Up To $1000 Instant Rebate Buy a Qualifying new air condition or heating system and choose your savings.


Cannot be combined with any other offer, coupon, or special. WAC Expires 6/30/2012

Celebrating 16 years! Online registration is now open for summer soccer organization, dedicated to developing and promoting the game of soccer

Lone Oak

June 2012


Williams Dental Care Cosmetic & Family Dentistry

Quality dentistry for all ages

Dr. Williams has 34 years of experience and continues to stay up-to-date on the latest dental technology.

WE CATER TO COWARDS! First-time visitors: Receive a free exam and all necessary X-rays on your first visit! Spin the wheel to win a variety of services, including: Zoom! Bleaching % off certain services Kors Bleaching

at all levels in a Christian environment. Sports Quest summer camps offer a unique opportunity for players aged 5-12 years to develop their technical and tactical soccer skills and at the same time, addresses key issues relating to each child’s spiritual and character development. In addition to the high quality soccer instruction, campers will also receive a free hand stitched soccer ball, a free camp T-shirt and other commemorative gifts and awards. For further information/registration, visit www.sportsquesttraining.com or call 832-593-7777.

Albion HurricAnes (AHFc) soccer TryouTs Albion Hurricanes FC (AHFC) Soccer Tryouts and Draft begins in June for U9 to U19 Players. Please go to www.albionhurricanes.org and register today! AHFC, established in 1989, is leading the way in South Texas youth soccer by inspiring and developing young men and women through world class soccer coaching and innovative techniques as well as instilling the athletes.

beAr creek bApTisT cHurcH cHeerleAding cAmp 2012

Come join our First Cheerleading Camp for ages 6-14, June 7th-9th. Our Camp is led by our Upward Cheerleading Co-Coordinators, Jennifer Wilson and Carrie Jaquay. Time will be 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM (lunch not included, snack will be provided). Our address is 5901 N. Fry Rd. in Katy, Texas 77449. Cost of the Camp is $40, with a discount for the second child. Registrations can be made on line at www.bearcreekchurch.tv/sports (click on Cheerleading Camp Registration) Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. On Fridays


June 2012

11734 Barker Cypress, Suite 113 Cypress, Texas 77433

(281) 256-8771 www.williamsdentalcare.com beAr creek bApTisT cHurcH Hoops cAmp 2012

Come join our Hoops Camp for ages 6-14, July 16th-19th. Our Hoops Camp is led by Jim Stephens, Basketball Coach at Cy-Falls High School in Cy-Fair session is from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and the second session is from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Cost of the Camp is $50, with a discount for the second child. Our address is 5901 N. Fry Rd. in Katy, Texas 77449. Registrations can be made on line at www.bearcreekchurch.tv/sports (click on Hoops Camp Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM 5:00 PM. On Fridays

upwArd soccer, upwArd FlAg FooTbAll & cHeerleAding AT beAr creek bApTisT cHurcH Bear Creek Baptist Church is offering Upward Soccer, Flag Football and Cheerleading this Fall. Our address is 5901 N. Fry Rd. in Katy, Texas 77449. We will be having Upward Soccer for children 4 yrs. by Sept. 1, 2012 through 6th Grade. Our Flag Football and Cheerleading will be for children in K this year through 6th Grade. Register begins in July. Our evaluations start before the start of school. You can register on line at www.bearcreekchurch.tv/ sports Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. Each child needs to attend an evaluation, not for the whole two hours but for about 20 minutes. Evaluations will be Tuesday and Thursday, September 4th and 6th from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM in the back behind our parking lot. On Saturday, September 8th between the hours of 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Cost is $75. We will be holding a clinic for the league on Saturday, September 22nd from week of September 12th October 13th and go through November 17th. For more information, contact Linda Newhouse or Scott Denton at 281-859-9900.

Lone Oak









Men’s Outward BasketBall league

Come join men 19 yrs. and over in a Men’s Outward Basketball League at Bear Creek Baptist Church. Bear Creek is located at Fry Rd. and West Little York (5901 N. Fry Rd.). Practices on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Games also on Tuesdays or Thursday and Saturdays. The league ends with a tournament in August. Cost only $25. Evaluations will be May 29th and 31st between 6:00 PM-8:00 PM. Evaluations are for placement to even teams, not a tryout. First practice begins July 10th and 12th. The games begin July 17th and 19th. For more information call 281-859-9900 and ask for Linda Newhouse or Scott Denton. Linda.newhouse@bcstaff.org or Scott.denton@ bcstaff.org . You can register on line at Bearcreekchurch.tv/sports and click on register for Outward Basketball.


License # TACLA1038C


Greater Houston

attentIOn ladY gOlFers

Please join us for a different golf outing every Wednesday morning. We are a small, fun group playing mostly around the west Houston area. Please

Financing Available WAC

95 19 pt. A/C Check-up



CY-FaIr spOrts assOCIatIOn

Cy-Fair Sports Association is having baseball, football, cheerleading, drill team and wrestling sign ups right now. Check out the website for more information www.cy-fairsports.org

westsIde gOlF league

Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving


# $


Men’s drOp-In rOller HOCkeY

Bear Creek Roller Rink is the new home of Men’s Hockey. If you are new to hockey or have played for years, we would love to have you join us. All ages and abilities are welcome. We play every Sunday Come on out and give hockey a try!!! For more information, please call David Bradford at 281-855-2615.


Insured & Bonded

# "$


Summer means dry, brittle, overdone hair...

Vacation Bible Schools st. CutHBert epIsCOpal CHurCH, VBs VaCatIOn BIBle sCHOOl

St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church wants to know if your child is ready to learn about courage against all odds? Join us in Babylon, where we’ll explore what life was like for Daniel and his friends as captives in a strange land. You’ll craft cool projects in the Marketplace, laugh as you play Bible-times games, visit with Daniel and eat some ancient food. Plus you’ll meet lots of new friends! Babylon Vacation Bible School (VBS) will be held June 11th -15th from

Let Images Hair Studio bring your locks back to life! Walk-Ins Welcome

Sun & Mon Closed

Tue-Thur 9:30am-7:30pm

Fri 9:30am - 5:30pm

Sat 9am - 4pm


There is no cost to attend, however, spaces are limited, so register your child today! Visit www.stcuthbert.org for registration forms and information or West Road, Houston (the northeast corner of Queenston and West).

Lone Oak

June 2012


Bear Creek Baptist ChurCh, VBs Join us at Bear Creek Baptist Church for Amazing Wonders Aviation Vacation Bible School and watch amazing things happen as kids come closer to God than ever before. See lives changed as they tour the wonders of God’s creation and explore His awesome power! AWA Flight PS147:5 departs every day at 9:00 AM and deplane promptly at 12:30 PM. the week of June 25th-29th. Passengers must be 5 years of age by September 1, 2012. Online registration begins Monday, May 7th. There is no cost for this year’s VBS. Bear Creek Baptist Church is located at 5901 N. Fry Road in Katy, Texas. For additional information, please call 281-859-9900. In this one-week adventure, kids encounter God’s awesome power through Bible stories, crafts, motivating music and games. Can’t wait to see you there!

Registration forms are available online at www.cornerstoneumc.org or in the 4141. We look forward to seeing your little divers as they develop and grow as followers of God.

the FaMily oF Faith lutheran ChurCh, VBs

An Amazing Desert Journey Vacation Bible School will be featured at The July 9th - 13th, we will have skits, songs, games, bible stories, snacks and crafts that will prepare for us our ultimate journey - to Heaven. The VBS program is a part of our summer camp being held throughout the summer. VBS runs from 9 AM to noon for children ages 3 through the 5th grade. The cost for VBS is $15/child. Summer AM PM, is also available for additional

Bear Creek united Methodist ChurCh, VBs

Vacation Bible School “Operation Overboard” is a week of fellowship, fun for all. Come live, laugh and learn about Jesus from June 25th - 28th.

Church Events

Cornerstone uMC, VBs

st. CuthBert episCopal ChurCh suMMer MoVies

Cornerstone United Methodist Church (UMC) invites children ages 4 (as of June 1, 2012) through kids entering 5th grade on a Vacation Bible School (VBS) Deep Sea Adventure in FAITH and Daring to Go Deep With GOD at Operation Overboard! Our adventures include regular Deep Sea Voyages in Bible fun, creative crafts, exciting water science and energizing music. VBS will be held June 25th through June 29th from 9 AM to noon at our West Road location (18081 West Road at the corner of West Road and Barker Cypress across from the Berry Center and behind the CVS). Admission is $15 per child, which includes a t-shirt and pictures.


June 2012

On Fridays, June 22nd, July 20th and August 17th

features will be family oriented movies for those 12 and up with children’s movies for the younger ones. Admission is free and concessions will be available for a small fee. St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road, Houston (the northeast corner of West and Queenston). Visit us at www. stcuthbert.org for more information. Bring a friend, beat the heat and enjoy

Lone Oak

ChurCh Without Walls hosting houston symphony orChestra


The Church Without Walls has been selected to host a free performance by the Houston Symphony Orchestra at 7:30 PM on June 28, 2012 at the church, which is located at 5725 Queenston Boulevard. This exciting performance is a part of the Houston Symphony’s “Sounds Like Fun” series.

ladies’ ministry of Calvary Community ChurCh Women’s ConferenCe

His Delight, the Ladies’ Ministry of Calvary Community Church, invites you to join us for “Transformed by His Presence,” a Women’s conference being held June 29th-30th. Our main session speakers will be Lisa Stringer, Donna Vauk and Alice Smith. We are excited to have Mandy Rushing leading us in worship for this event. For a full schedule and registration information, please visit our website at www.calvaryhouston.com and click on the Ministries tab or you may contact Cheryl Moses at 281-550-4323.

Church News Christ apostoliC ChurCh BetWeen JoBs netWorKing

Every Tuesday CAC is dedicated to helping, networking, educating and empowering those who still believe in the American dream. We believe that God has a job for you somewhere and it will take networking power to get the job. Information is power. It is all about job networking and helping one another. Come and network with others between jobs. Located at 5930 Hwy. 6 N., Suite F-1, Houston, TX 77084, 281-804-2520, Fax 281-741-1686.

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Expires 6/30/2012

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General Pest Control Offer good on initial service only with a regularly scheduled service program Expires 6/30/2012

Free Mosquito Misting System $ Tremite Inspection 1685.00 ($30 value)

Up to 30 nozzel system, installed Expires 6/30/2012

Expires 6/30/2012




holy Covenant umC Wednesday night enCounter


Come join us at Holy Covenant United Methodist Church for Wednesday Night Encounter - a night of fellowship and a meal. Dinner is at 5:45 PM. We have something to do for everyone. Come and bring a friend or two!



Home: 281-345-9800



Bear CreeK united methodist ChurCh - attention: Caregivers of elderly persons

30+ Years Experience/Family Owned

Cypress Falls Animal Hospital

Did you know that on the second Friday of each month Bear Creek United Methodist Church provides a caring, Christian atmosphere for your loved one? The program, scheduled from 10 AM to 1:30 PM. This gathering provides free time for caregivers and includes crafts, chair exercises, word games, entertainment, lunch and more. Caregivers are also welcome to stay and join the fun. For more information or to register, please call the church

“Strengthening the human-animal bond through comprehensive veterinary care for all stages of your pet’s life”

16000 Rippling Water Drive, near North Highway 6 and Kieth Harrow.

free JoB searCh assistanCe/Career Counseling

Lone Oak

Betty Halbrook, DVM

Come see our new addition!

OPEN HOUSE...JULY 7TH...2-4 PM Monday-Friday 7:30am-6pm Saturday 8am-12noon 0



Hwy 29

ter eis Huffm

Meetings are held at West Houston Church of Christ at 17100 West Road. To learn more or schedule an appointment, contact Mr. Gentry at 281-830-6694. There is no charge for his services.

Heather Thomas, DVM

Hw y

If you have lost your job or if you are looking to improve your career, take advantage of the job search/career counseling services provided by George Gentry. Mr. Gentry is a former human resources executive who can assist you in putting together a resume, counsel you on job search techniques and train you to improve your interviewing skills. He incorporates proven job search techniques with a Christ-centered approach, which helps to better prepare his clients for a successful new career. His clients include new college graduates, experienced professionals, managers and executives, all of whom he meets with on an individual basis.

Cypress Fa l ls Anima l Hospit a l

June 2012


FM 529 Animal Hospital


and Diagnostic Center

Daily Specials

Spay, Neuter, Dental, & Wellness Mon. Tues. Wed.

Dog/Cat Pack Spay Puppy/Kitten Pack


Thurs. Fri.

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(3 pack available)

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One year’s worth of filters FREE with purchase of Preferred Membership!!!

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Bible Studies

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UÊ7>ÌiÀÊ i>ÌiÀà UÊ À> Ê*À L i à UÊ >ÕViÌÊ ÃÌ> >Ì Ê> `Ê,i«> À UÊ7>ÌiÀÊ i> ÃÊ> `Ê ÕV Ê Ài UÊ >ÃÊ/iÃÌ


Power for Today BiBle STudy and Prayer “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matt. 6:34 Held every 3rd Tuesday - 6:30-7:30 pM Omni Hotel Westside - Café on the Lake 13210 Katy Freeway Houston, Texas 77079 281-558-8338


CHriSTian inTernaTional woMen of Prayer We are a group of women from non-denominational backgrounds and various nationalities. We fellowship once a week by reading the Bible and praying for our needs in English and Spanish. please feel free to join us every Thursday, from noon to 1:30 pM and together we can learn and grow in His word. For more information, contact paula at 281-703-0670.

Senior Church Groups CoPPerfield CHurCH Senior adulTS GAME D - 10:00 aM - 3:00 pM BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday - 9:30 aM - 11:00 aM DAY TRIPS - Monthly - Schedule differs. For more info., www. or call 281-856-2273. - 8:30 aM - 9:30 aM, Monday,

Come join our group! We are an active, fun-loving bunch. Once you come for a visit and get to know us, you’ll want to be a part of our Senior adult Group. Senior adult Group.


June 2012

Lone Oak


Bingo EPIPHANY BINGO Epiphany Bingo has been conducting bingo games on the west side since February 14, 1986. Epiphany conducts their bingo games every Friday night except holidays. ThErE Is No smokINg AllowEd durINg All BINgo gAmEs. They have a jackpot game of $750. maximum prize giveaways of $2,500, allowed by law, are given away every Bingo Night! They have security, lighted parking, big screen color monitor, computerized bingo equipment, snack bar, and large cash prizes. charitable outreach programs, building expansion, and payment towards debt. Epiphany Catholic Church conducts its bingo games at the Church Community Center, 1530 Norwalk dr. (between Fry and mason roads, south of I-10 behind Nottingham subdivision) off highland knolls every Friday night. Early bird games begin at 7:30 Pm and regular games at 8:00 Pm. For more information, call the bingo hall number 281-578-3905. during Bingo nights, you may also call the Community Center number, 281-578-5078. Come, have some fun, bring your friends and neighbors, win some money and make some new friends.

St. BArtHOlOmEw tHE APOStlE CAtHOlIC CHurCH BINGO At st. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church in downtown katy, “BINgo” is being played in our Parish hall every Friday evening except holidays. doors open at 7:00 Pm, games start at 7:15 Pm with four Early Bird games. regular games start at 7:30 Pm. maximum Prizes given away every evening of $2,500. governed by the state of Texas. They have the most modern computerized BINgo equipment for verifying winnings, along with TV monitors for your viewing pleasure. The snack bar is maintained by the KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS 6950, with a variety of food and snacks with soft programs, to better serve the community. The Church is located in downtown katy at 5356 Eleventh st. You can get to the church if traveling west on hwy. 90 to katyland rd. Turn right at the light, go to the second stop sign (at the stadium) Eleventh st., turn left and the Church hall will be on your right one block down. Please call for more details to 281-391-4758. Please come play and win. we can accommodate large groups such as social and family groups.

Summer Camps Enrolling Now!

Academic advancement activities for grades 1-8. Reading


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CYPrESS FAmIlY FEllOwSHIP GArAGE SAlE Cypress Family Fellowship will hold its 3rd Annual garage sale on Saturday, August 4th, from 7:00 Am - 2:00 Pm. rain or shine the sale will go on as it will be held inside the church! Come shop in air-conditioned comfort! There will be tons of items... baby clothes, shoes, clothing for all ages, furniture,

We Install or repair more systems in the Northwest area than any other company!

the many missions and/or missionaries supported by CFF. The church is located at 17330 west little York rd, houston 77084, between Queenston & Barker-Cypress.

Lone Oak

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June 2012



We Love Danc e!

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Serving Bear Creek/Copperfield for 36 years

Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) invites you to join them this Father’s Day

Call or visit our website for info about our Summer Camps and Classes starting July10th

Fall Registration starts in August! Hwy 6 N.

Check the website for dates Glen

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15525 Glen Chase

June 15-17, 2012

Friday, June 15th at 8:00 pm Saturday, June 16th at 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm and Sunday, June 16th at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm.





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Houston livestocK sHoW And rodeo™ cooKs uP Houston’s Hot suMMer BreAK™ BeneFits AnnuAl event

July 4-8, 2012

Expires 10-31-12


Expires 10-31-12

June 2012

and martini.

Lone Oak

Easton Commons Animal Hospital

West Rd Hwy 6



Easton Commons Dr


Easton E Commons Animal Hospital

Full Service Boarding, Grooming & Training


15030 West Rd.

Attention New Puppy & Kitten Owners!

Receive a FREE Science Diet® Puppy or Kitten Kit and complimentary first dose of heartworm & flea preventative with your puppy or kitten’s first vaccination visit to Easton Commons Animal Hospital.

20% OFF Grooming Not valid on Saturdays or with other grooming offers. Expires 6/30/2012

COMPLIMENTARY EXAM First Time Clients Only Please call to schedule an appointment Coupon must be presented at time of service Expires 6/30/2012

“We are thrilled to announce the development of Houston’s Hot Summer Break,” said Skip Wagner, president of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. “Houstonians love to celebrate and this festival offers them a really cool way to do so. We look forward to making it one of the best and most successful events of its kind, offering attendees the ability to get away without going away!”


ZetA tAU ALPhA CYPRess, teXAs ALUMNAe ChAPteR PiNk tie AffAiR fUNdRAiseR

Another highlight of the event, a restaurant-style café, will allow attendees the opportunity to sit and enjoy creations from several Houston-area restaurants, cafés and diners, including a wine bar and coffee shop.

The Cypress, TX Alumnae Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha is excited to announce that plans are underway for our 2nd Annual Pink Tie Affair Casino Evening on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at the Sterling Country Club at Houston National. The Pink Tie Affair is an opportunity for the local community to gather in celebration and remembrance of those who have been affected by breast cancer. The evening will include Casino Games, a Texas Hold

Net proceeds generated from Houston’s Hot Summer Break will directly


The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is a Section 501(c)(3) charity

In order to make our fundraiser as successful as possible, we are looking to the good neighbors of our Community for their support. There are many ways in which you can contribute to the Pink Tie Affair as either a sponsor

practices through exhibitions and presentation. Since its beginning in 1932, the Show has committed approximately $283 million to the youth of Texas.

Aggie CoACh’s Night 2012

New coach, new conference, same Aggie spirit! Please join us on Friday, July 27th at the Westin Galleria for the Houston A&M Club’s Annual Coach’s Night, featuring new Aggie Head Coach, Kevin Sumlin. Don’t miss out on SEC. There are a lot of exciting changes happening in the athletic program The purpose of this event is to promote the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Spirit while raising money to fund scholarships and other programs on campus. We are assembling an awesome Silent and Live Auction, full of Aggie collectibles and other items from local businesses that both men and women will enjoy. We will be joined by the Yell Leaders, Reveille, former players, as well as other Aggie celebrities and special guests. There will even be a photographer there to capture special memories from the event. Visit www.aggiecn.com for more information.

Lone Oak

consider helping us make a difference in the lives of women everywhere. The Pink Tie Affair fundraising event, through the ZTA Foundation, supports breast cancer education and awareness, the Komen Race for the Cure® Survivor program, scholarships, educational programming and leadership Yoplait, The NFL and Self Magazine, the ZTA Foundation has donated millions of dollars to this worthy cause. As one of the leading causes of death in women, breast cancer affects us all.

cause and anticipate an even better 2012. If you are interested in purchasing tickets or other ways of contributing to the event, please contact Natalie Taylor at daisemail@comcast.net or www.cypresszta.com, our website. We hope to have your support and to see you there!

June 2012


Bear Creek Animal Clinic Pet Wellness Fair

Sales Service & Repairs 7 days/week

Saturday, June 16th, (8am-11:30am)



No Overtime Charge on Weekends or Evenings

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10 Off Any Veterinary Service (Exam, Lab, Vaccines or Treatment) With this ad. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 6/30/2012

Call for Information 4924 Hwy. 6 N. (South of Kieth Harrow)

Grooming/Boarding Available!

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e y

Blood Drives On Sunday, June 17th beginning at 8:30 AM. St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church will be hosting a Blood Drive with a mobile unit set up in their parking lot. Registration and donor forms will be available in the Parish Hall. To donate you must be at least 17 years of age, at least 110 lbs. and in good general health. Remember, it takes about 15 minutes and one pint of blood to save three lives. St. Cuthbert is located at 17020 West Road, Houston (the northeast corner of West and Queenston). Visit us at www.stcuthbert.org for more information.

Free Child iMMuNiZatioNS Harris County Precinct Three, Commissioner Steve Radack and Harris County Hospital District will be hosting Free Child Immunizations for children 2 months to 18 years of age at Bear Creek Community Center, 3055 Bear Creek Dr., Houston, TX 77084. The program will be held on Saturday, June 30th and Wednesday, August 1st from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Please bring all of your children’s shot records - child must be accompanied by an adult. Please call for reservations 281-859-1566.

bear Creek uNited MethodiSt ChurCh SuMMer blaSt 2012 live*lauGh*learN Summer BlASt: June 3rd, 12:00-3:00 PM This free open house will feature games, activities and summer registrations. Come live, laugh and learn about everything we have planned for your family this summer.

Specializing in

Ron Geyer



Licensed & Insured TACL B003499C

Summer Camps

GEYER ROOFING “We work as unto the Lord”

(with repair)

St. Cuthbert epiSCopal ChurCh blood drive




CAmp BC will be held on tuesday mornings. Each week will have a new theme for campers to move from station to station, experiencing crafts, games, snack and devotions. Come live, laugh and learn with us in the Family Life Center Gym. Ages: 4 years old and potty trained through 5th grade, Time: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, Cost: $15, Location: Family Life Center Gym Wee Camp for ages 18 months old through 3 years old, Time: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Cost: $12, Location: Nursery June 12th, June 19th, July 10th, July 17th, July 24th, July 31st and August 7th CAmp AD trips planned this summer. Come live, laugh and learn with us on the road! Grades 1st-5th, Time 9:00 AM-2:00 PM, Cost $25 June 14th, June 21st, July 12th, July 19th, July 26th, August 2nd and August 9th

281-477-3456 Visit our website



June 2012

Lone Oak

FORD PIANO STUDIO Lessons for your child or yourself.

Summer Piano Theory Camp


A/C &

(Includes: Tune-Up 4 Times per Year)

Save $250 on New Energy Star Systems

COPPERFIELD FAMILY MEDICINE Trey Hillert, M.D. Carlotta Hillert, M.D. Board Certified Specialists in Family Medicine All patients are treated by Board Certified Physicians, not by nurse practitioners or physician's assistants.

There are new tests that can let you know about your risks of suffering the same fate. Our office utilizes the latest genetic and imaging tests to determine what can be done to reduce cardiovascular disease. Take control of your health and find out what you can do to help prevent your own hear t attack/stroke.


FM 529



Che rr y


7555 Cherry Park Offering Carotid Artery Scans (CIMT)


me a Tenor and a 3-week performance camp for the Gilbert & Sullivan ance.

Lone Oak


rk Pa

HFAC has numerous performance opportunities for teens in grades 7-12 including a 4-week performance camp for 42nd Street, a 1-week Triple Threat


Hwy 6 N

The HFAC Actors Academy 3-week musical Theatre performance Camps for grades 1-3 and 4-6 are A Year with Frog and Toad, Disney’s Cinderella Kids, Jack and the Giant, and Disney’s The Jungle Book Kids. HFAC is offering twelve 1-week camps for grades 1-6 that include Acting Up, Imagination Theatre, Triple Threat Fun, The Lights of Broadway, Nail that Audition, Disney magic, mix-up melodrama, musical Theatre Song & Dance, Fractured Fairy Tales, Actors Workshop, When You Wish Upon a Star and So You Want to be a pop Star.

if needed

281-744-2539 Emergency www.alpha4realac.com

Houston FamIly arts center actors academy announces 2012 summer camps!

This summer, the HFAC Actors Academy is offering 37 different 1 and 3-week performing arts camps for grades 1-12. HFAC camps run June 4 through August 26, 2012 and feature acting, singing and dance instruction as well as performance opportunities in musicals, dramas and comedies - especially designed for kids and teens!

Freon FREE,


Halter Inc. 17410 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084 (between Barker Cypress and Highway 6) p: 281-861-9138 c: 281-508-6501 director@halterinc.org - www.halterinc.org

Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) Actors Academy announces their 2012 Summer performing Arts Camps.


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Summer Camps 2012 July 16th - 20th June 4th - 8th June 25th - 29th July 23rd - 27th July 9th - 13th August 6th - 10th Hours: 9 Am - 4 pm Cost: $200 for the week $50 deposit holds your place. must be paid in full by May 15, 2012. Camp must have 5 children signed up to make.

A/C Check 99 Per System (Reg $59

What do I wear? Everyone must wear long pants, tucked in shirts, closed toes shoes w/heels. What do I need to bring? A lunch & drink. At Halter Inc. we take care of the fun!



Halter Inc. 2012 camps

What do we do? During our day camps, we work with farm animals including horses, goats, cows, pigs, rabbits, and chickens. We also will be riding horses. There will be arts and crafts, movies, snacks and lots of fun!

Telge Rd. Area



June 2012


All camps include two complimentary tickets to the show, a camp t-shirt, a script, costumes and other needed materials. For more info and to register for summer camps check the HFAC Actors Academy website at www. hfacacademy.com or call 281-685-2623.

Camp Cornerstone is the plaCe to be this summer

For ages 2 through completion oF 4th grade! Camp Cornerstone is a week-long camp facilitated by Cornerstone United Methodist Church and is for children ages 2 through the completion of 4th grade. Children must be 2 by June 1, 2012. Camp hours are 9:30 AM-1 p.m. There are 3 sessions throughout the summer and you are invited to participate in any or all! Session I – Camp Liberty is June 4th-8th and will held at 15919 Ridge Park Dr.; Session II - Sunny Fun in the Funny Sun is July 16th-20th and will be at our new location 18081 West Rd.; Session III - Sticky, Oozy Science Doozy is august 6th-10th and will be at our new location 18081 West Rd. The cost per camp per child is $120. You may pay $60 now and the remaining $60 on the download a form from the Cornerstone website, go to www.cornerstoneumc. org before you arrive, saving yourself time! Before each camp session begins, you will hear from your child’s teacher so you can learn more about the camp and she will answer any questions you may have about the week-long fun. Each day your child will bring a backpack and a lunch as they enjoy each other and the special things they will do during the week. We look forward to having your child at camp this summer! It’s a great time for everyone and you don’t want to miss any of it! Registration will continue through may 11, 2012. Please call the preschool

the Family oF Faith presChool summer Camp

Summer Camp starts June 4th! We are offering a different theme camp each week to children ages 18 mos. through 5th grade. The hours of the camp are 6:30 AM - 6:30 PM. Please contact us for registration details at 281-8552950 or come by and take a tour at 16710 FM 529 Rd., Houston TX 77095.

living Word summer day Camp All children who have completed K-5th grade (by June 2012) are invited to dive into a week of awesome Christian day camp led by the staff from Camp Lutherhill. It’s a fun week with music, games, art, Bible study and more!! Due to limited space, each child may only attend one week - either June 11th-15th or august 6th-10th. go to www.livingwordkaty.org for more information or to register online.

Calvary Community ChurCh artreaCh Camp Join us at Calvary Community Church for our annual kids arts camp June 11th-15th as kids express their god given creative talents through art, dance, drama, music and other talents. Kids get to explore their artistic gifts through interactive workshops while making new friends and having fun! Each day kids enjoy art, music, games, discovery time and one workshop of their choice. Each workshop encourages kids in their unique gifts and talents while we prepare for the Parents Program. Workshops are: Dance (lively and diverse styles of movement), Drama (for budding performers), Drawing (for creative artists), Prop Art (create props and decorations for the program), Set Design (for builders) and Photography (colorful and artistic pictures). Some workshops are age restricted to 3rd - 5th grade. All workshops have limited

are: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM -1:00 PM and Friday, 9:00 AM-12:00 noon.


June 2012

Lone Oak

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On Friday kids present an original program showcasing their unique God given talents through art, dance, drama, music, props and photos for parents and friends. It will be a colorful, creative show everyone will enjoy!

th September 1, 2012 grade are st invited to come. Registration begins May 1 and continues as long as space is available.

www. calvaryhouston.com updated information and the ArtReach registration form

North Cypress Dental James F. Ramsey, D.D.S. 21208 Northwest Freeway, Ste. 115 Cypress, TX 77429




Cypress Lakes to Host a summer sCienCe Camp th

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Monday and space is limited.

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For more information or registration you can visit our website www. cylakesseacamp.webs.com

presCHooL summer Camps at Crossbridge CHristian CHurCH grade Am June 18th-21st Summer Fun July 16th-19th Ooey Gooey July 30th-August 2nd August 13th-16th rd


For an appointment call


day Camp at Covenant LutHeran CHurCH

July 9-13, 2012 th

Lone Oak

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texas musiC Festival: ‘ClassiCal minds’ institute & Competition

K-5th program runs from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm am

June 12 - 17, 2012

Featuring Faculty artists:

Theater, Arts & Music Houston Family arts Center tHe Cypress Creek FaCe 2011-2012 season

The FanTasTicks Through - June 10, 2012 Guys and dolls July 13-29, 2012 for more information or to

Houston Family arts Center to reCeive national tHeatre award

sounds like Fun Tuesday, June 26, 2012. pm.


July 14, 2012

mildred’s umbrella tHeater Company is pleased to announCe our 2012-2013 season larGe animal Games July 14, 2012

June 28-

Large Animal Games

museum oF dysFuncTion august 9-18, 2012 ions.

Lone Oak

June 2012


Kimberly AKimbo, By David Lindsay-Abaire, Directed by Ron Jones, November 29-December 15, 2012, STUDIO 101 (1824 Spring Street, Houston 77007). Kimberly Akimbo is a play written in 2000 by Pulitzer prize-winning playwright David Lindsay-Abaire. Its title character is a lonely teenage girl suffering from a disease a lot like progeria, that causes her to age 4 and a half times as fast as normal. Thus, Kimberly is trapped inside the frail physical body of

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form an attachment to one another that borders on attraction. The situation is not helped by Kimberly’s rapidly deteriorating health. Soon Kimberly’s family gets mixed up in some crazy money schemes and the family gets emotionally destroyed.

Most vision plans accepted

The Landing TheaTre Company announCe iTs 2012 summer season

SmUDGe by Rachel Axler, directed by Artistic Director David Rainey. Saturday, July 14th Performances begin Friday, July 13th and runs Friday-Saturday through July 28th at the O’Kane Theatre (One Main Building on the campus of UHD). There will be a special pay-what-youcan Industry Night on monday, July 23rd. PRICE: $20 / Preview - $15.

Home Depot

Hemp Fry Road


Spring Cypress

Artistic Director David Rainey will direct and the cast includes Jennifer Gilbert, Zachary Lewis and Chuck Hutchison. The production also features Lighting Design by Riana Canetti-Rios and Sound Design by Travis Ammons.

Hwy 2 90 Highw ay


25905 Hwy 290 @ Spring Cypress

12713 FM 1960 @ Eldridge



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A young couple, Nick and Colby, have all the expectations that most of us dream of about our child to be. But what they have achieved through their coupling is so shockingly far from their expectations that it is hard to believe. Coming to terms with that reality takes them on a life altering and often humors journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Two-time Emmy Award winner, Rachel Axler, forces her characters and us, to come face to face with our fears, our shortcomings and ourselves in this poignant dark comedy about parenthood. 2012 New AmericAN VoiceS PlAy reADiNG SerieS The other offering of Landing Theatre Company this season is a collaborative project with Mildred’s Umbrella Theater Company and Wordsmyth Theater Company on a new play development series called The New American Voices Play Reading Series featuring four nights of new plays. The new series runs from Thursday, July 5th through Sunday, July 8th in Robertson Auditorium on the 3rd at 7 PM, except for Sunday, which begins at 3 PM. Each reading is followed by a half hour talkback with the playwright, cast and director. PRICE: FREE. This year’s series features writers from all across America. The selected playwrights include Kevin Kautzman from Austin, TX; Reginald Edmund, a native Houstonian residing in Chicago, IL; Aleks Merilo from Portland or and James McLindon from Northampton, MA.

Up to $100

With the purchase of complete pair of prescription glasses. Polycarbonate, high-index & progressive. Good at Cypress & 1960/Eldridge locations only. Coupon must be presented at time of service. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or insurance benefits. Expires 7-15-12

Eye Exam & Contacts $139

For more information about The Landing Theatre Company please visit www. landingtheatre.org or contact: David Rainey at info@landingtheatre.org (email).

Fall Craft Shows sT. eLiZaBeTh ann seTon CaThoLiC ChurCh - aTTenTion!! arTs, CraFTs & marKeT shoW Vendors!

Includes eye exam, contact lens fitting, follow-up exam, care kit plus 2 boxes (12 lenses) of Acuvue 2 Disposable Contact Lenses. Dilation extra. Good at Cypress & 1960/Eldridge locations only. Coupon must be presented at time of service. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or insurance benefits. Expires 7-15-12

June 2012

This is the BIG ONE . . . If you or someone you know would like to display and sell Arts, Crafts and/or Market/Retail Items at one of the most successful Arts & Crafts Shows in this area, then this is for you! The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, will be hosting their 20th Annual Gingerbread Village Holiday Market on Saturday, october 27, 2012. Over 130 booth spaces are available. The Arts and Crafts Show will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 6646 Addicks-Satsuma, Houston, Texas 77084 (just north of I-10 @ Hwy. 6). Please contact Susie Schwartz at kclacraftshow@yahoo. com for booth rental information. Apply early - Booths sell out quickly & you don’t want to miss this one!

Lone Oak

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Misc. Events The NeW Thomas a. Glazier seNior educaTioN ceNTer commissioNer sTeve radack, harris couNTy PreciNcT Three

The Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center is located at 16600 Pine Forest Lane, 77084; one block south of the intersection of Hwy. 6 and Clay Road. All classes/programs are FREE for Harris County residents aged 55+. Must register in person with photo ID in order to participate in the program and attend all future classes. You may register Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. If you have questions, classes offered or need directions, please call us at 713-274-3250.



If you are currently registered at Glazier - call us and ask about our new classes. You may register over the phone for any new classes. Volunteer Opportunities available, please call to speak to us about teaching your own class!

Lone Oak

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Eldridge Rd.


Hwy. 6

JUNE SchEdUlE - Must preregister in person (or by phone if already registered and participating at center), 713-274-3250. June 4th - 8th; Basic Computer Class Registration; (comprehensive 4-week session) 8:00 AM-3:00 PM June 4th, Digital Photography; 1-3:30 PM June 5th, Crochet Series; (6 classes total) 1-2:30 PM June 5th, Reducing Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease; 1-2 PM June 5th June 6th, Reverse Mortgage Counselor; - unbiased information session; 1011 AM June 6th, Browsing the Net Safety; 1-3 PM June 7th, The Library of the Future; (On line) 1-3 PM June 7th, Diabetes Type II Series; (5 classes) 10 AM-Noon June 7th, Digital Photography; 1-3:30 PM June 8th, Metro will be at Glazier; Sign up for your free or discounted Senior Pass from 11 AM-1:00 PM June 8th, Email Class; - 1-3 PM June 8th, Dog Bite Prevention and Wildlife Basics; live presentation; 2-3 PM June 11th, Doctor Louise Hayes - Brain Growth, Memory and Repair; 1-3 PM June 15th, Nutrition and the Senior; 9-10 AM

Wieman West Little York Clay Rd.



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June 15th, Classic Cinema at Glazier; Enjoy a classic movie and bring your snacks/lunch for intermission; 11:30 AM-1:30 PM June 18th, Doctor Louise Hayes - Brain/Memory Class - Stop Stress Damage! 1-3 PM June 19th, Senior Finance Series (four day series); 1-2 PM June 22nd, Emergency Preparedness; free emergency bags; 1-2 PM June 29th, Meet your local Deputy and learn home/safety/travel tips and karaoke!; 10-11:30 AM Computer classes year-round (must preregister).



First Time Customers

Libraries & Community Center

BEAR CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER www.pct3.hctx.net Please call for more information or to register for any of these classes ASAP. All classes are FREE OF CHARGE and are suited for adults, unless otherwise noted and are open to the public.



ONGOING SENIOR DAY - Every Wed. at BCCC, join seniors for a day of fun and

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We also have afternoon bridge at 12:00 PM. WALKERCISE - BCCC offers walkercise every da this is an indoor class that’s equivalent to a two-mile walk. Classes are free. STRETCH AND TONE strength and endurance. You will see better body composition, improved Bring a mat or towel and join us Tues. and Thurs. Classes are free. AEROBICS - Aerobics combines muscle toning exercise and low-impact


Call BCCC for more information. NEEDLEWORK GROUP - the ladies of the BCCC Needlework Group are looking for new members. If you enjoy embroidery, cross-stitch or creative sewing, please join us Tues. mornings at 10:00 AM. FUN TIME ART GROUP - Every Thursday morning would like to extend an invitation to adults to visit and join this no fee art group. Painting is in all mediums of your choice and help is available from all members. Come have fun together! Call for more information. CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH - BCCC offers anyone who has the basic knowledge of the French Language to join our French Language group, which meets at BCCC every Wednesday at 11:00 AM.

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CLASSES R.A.D. - the Rape Aggression Defense System is a 5-day (15 hours) program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. June 4th through June 8th, 12:00 to 3:00 PM. the R.A.D. System is a comprehensive course for women that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. R.A.D. is not a Martial Art program. Please call BCCC for any questions and to register.

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June 2012

Lone Oak

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16719 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084, 281-550-0885 Our hours are: Monday - 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Tuesday/Thursday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Wednesday -10:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Friday - 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Saturday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sunday - Closed.

SCHEdULE of EvENTS AdULTS The Bear Creek Book CluB – First Wednesday, 7:00 PM. Join the Bear Creek Book Club to discuss Brooklyn by Colm Toibin. The FriendS oF The Bear Creek liBrary - Monday, June 11th, 6:00 that raises funds for library programs and materials, is actively seeking new members. Did you enjoy a program at the library? If you did, thank the Friends. Better yet, join the Friends. Come to the meeting and see what it is all about! neW VolunTeer orienTaTionS - Monday, June 4th at 6:30 PM. Interested in volunteering at the library? We have periodic orientation sessions to introduce you to our library and what kinds of work you could do. Applications are available at the Information Desks (must be signed by guardian if volunteer is under 18). Volunteers under the age of 12 must volunteer with a parent or guardian. BaCk To BaSiCS nuTriTion PrograM - Thursday, June 7th, 14th & 28th at 2:00 PM. Do you want to learn how to choose healthy foods and make your food dollars last longer? Want to reduce your stress through meal planning and physical activity? Want to see a cooking demonstration? Learn food safety techniques and helpful nutrition facts at this series of classes

WEEKLY PRogRAmS SaTurday @ The MoVieS – every Saturday at 2:00 PM. Enjoy an Check with the library staff regarding title and ratings information.

Lone Oak

TEEN PRogRAmS Teen PrograMS - every Monday, 4:00 PM. Want to do something fun and interesting after school? The library is hosting weekly Teen events. You can watch an anime, take part in a book or movie critic club and so much more!

CHILdREN ays, 10:30 AM - Preschool Story Time for children ages 3-5 years. , 11:15 AM - infant Story Time for children ages 0-18 months. , 3:00 PM - SrP Special Program. Tickets will be released an hour before program starts. , 10:30 & 11:00 AM - Toddler Story Time for children ages 18 months-3 years. , 4:00 PM - kid’s korner Story time for school-aged children. Wednesdays, 5:00 PM - Tweeners for middle school-aged children. 1st Thursday of every month, 10:30 AM - infant explorers: All materials are furnished. Recommended for children ages 0-36 months. 2nd Thursday of every month, 10:30 AM – Free play for all. All ages. 3rd Thursday of every month, 10:30 AM - Preschool Picassos art Camp: All materials are furnished. Recommended for children ages 3-5 years. 4th Thursday of every month, 10:30 AM – Build it! Recommended for children ages 3+ years. All programs are free and open to the public. For more information call 281550-0885 or log on to www.hcpl.net.


11355 Regency Green Drive, Cypress, TX 77429, 281-890-2665, www.hcpl.net hourS oF SerViCe - Monday - 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Tuesday/Thursday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Wednesday -12:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Friday - Closed, Saturday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Sunday - Closed.

June 2012


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Registration starts Monday, June 4th online at www.hcpl.net or at your local library. When adults read 5 books they receive a free book and are also entered in a drawing to win a $30 gift card. For those that register, they are entered in a Harris County Library system drawing to win a basic Kindle or Nook and for those that complete the program a drawing for either a Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet. When teens register they receive a bracelet and after they read 5 books

When children register they receive a bracelet and after they read 10 books

- Wednesdays at 4:00 pm. Cool off this summer and see a family friendly movie at the library.

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- Monday, June 4th at 2:00 pm. Enjoy reading and discussing the many wonderful works of Christian Fiction that are on the market today. Learn about the authors, the stories and discuss the ideas presented in the books. This month we are reading A Vote of - Monday, June 18th at 2:00 pm. A book club where members read books and share the books that they Weren’t made for Walking by melody Carlson. - Monday, June 25th at 2:00 pm. Forgot all those books that you read in high school or college? Want to read all the greats?

This month we are reading Animal Farm by George Orwell. at 2:00 pm quilt ‘til you wilt! - Wednesdays at 12:00 pm. These The classes are an excellent opportunity to learn more about computers in a open to the public. -

at 10:00 Am. Are you crafty? Come and join us at 10:00 Am-12:00 pm. Answers for all your

The Family of Faith Lutheran Church Sunday Worship: 10:00 am Bible Study for all ages: 11:00 am

Teen aCTiViTieS - Monday June 4th, 11th and 25th at 4:30 pm. ipad and playstation 2 Games - Monday June 18th at 4:30 pm. Go on a high tech or code treasure hunt.

A place to call home for everyone.


June 2012

Lone Oak

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for teens ages 12-18 at 4:00 pm. Join Happy the Clown and learn how to make balloon animals. T 28 at 4:00 pm. make a Test Tube of Alien Slime. at 10:00 Am-1:00 pm. Take the pSAT Test presented by Kaplan. See library for sign-up details.

Children’s aCtivities for children ages 3-6 , at 10:30 Am. Children’s Librarian will read stories, lead everyone in song and direct the making of a craft project. for children ages 0-18 months at 2:00 pm. Children’s Librarian will read a simple story, lead everyone through the performance of nursery rhymes and songs and encourage interaction between caregivers and babies through the use of educational toys. at 2:00 - non-walkers only pm. Encourage development through play and learning with this program designed to support your child’s growth at their own individual pace. From sensory stimulation to problem-solving games and storytelling, this class uses play-based activities to stretch the body and mind. at 2:00 pm parent workshop. The workshop encourages families to use library resources and teaches simple inexpensive activities that parents and children can do together to help children learn. Receive a free pass to the Children’s museum when you attend. for children ages 18-36 months. at 10:30 Am. Join Gymboree play & music at the library for some summer fun. for children ages 18-36 months at 10:30 Am. Children’s Librarian will read stories, lead everyone in song and direct the making of a craft project for this younger set. for children ages 3-10 at 5:00 pm. The Children’s Librarian will read a quilt-themed book with a quilt especially made to complement the book then do a quilt craft with the help of the Tri-County Quilt Guild. at 3:00 pm. Beat the summertime blues. pick up a craft to do at home. Quantities are limited. for children ages 3-6 at 10:30 Am. marionette playhouse presents glowing Colorful and heartwarming stories about friendship and cooperation are performed in the black light stage. Stories will include Swimmy by Leo Lionni, Three Billy Goats Gruff, Three Little pigs and The Lion and the mouse Aesop’s Fables. at 10:30 Am. for children ages 3-6 Houston Grand Opera, Opera to go will present the story Opera Cat by Tess Weaver. for at 2:00 pm. Through the use of rolechildren ages 3-10 playing, props, costume pieces, visual aids, puppets, music, environmental sounds, even smells at times, the participants will enter the world of mother Goose.

Lone Oak



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Children’s Craft

saturday, June 16th

Children’s Craft

saturday, June 30th

houston MuseuM of natural sCienCe presents texas Wildlife saturday, June 23rd saturdays


LONE STAR COLLEGE - CyfAiR LiBRARy Monday through thursday, pm sunday

friday and saturday


June 4-august 11, 2012



(2nd Wed. of the month)


June 2012

Lone Oak

CHILDREN Certain children’s programs require registration in person, please contact the Kids Corner at 281-290-3211 for details. Please note age requirements for the programs. Limited space is available for each program and tickets are available in person, 1 hour before the program starts. Weekly StorytimeS and activitieS mondays: Baby time (6-24 months) - 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am; Pajama Storytime (all ages) - 6:30 Pm tuesdays: toddler time (2-3 1/2 years) - 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am Family Storytime (all ages) - 6:30 Pm Wednesdays: Preschool time (3-6 years) - 10 am, 11 am thursdays: Spanish time (2-6 years) - 11 am; craft time (4-12 years) - 5 Pm; Game night (4+ years) - 6:30 Pm. children’S Summer readinG ProGram activities include storytimes, book clubs, crafts, games, movies, puppets, magic, and more. Go to www.lonestar.edu/library/15494 to see the full schedule of Children’s Summer Programs and activities.


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When you volunteer you are giving to your community, but did you realize

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they receive from helping others. The services provided at Cam, are made possible by many dedicated volunteers. If you enjoy working with the public, decorating or merchandising, then serving in Cam’s resale shop, angels’ attic, is the place for you. Our busy community donation area, the Cellar, is looking for people willing to serve by processing donations and restocking angels’ attic. Please plan to attend a volunteer tour and orientation by calling Tara Rauch 281-955-7683 or email at tarar@cypressassistance.org For a description of the services provided at Cypress assistance ministries, Food Pantry requests, and a detailed description of volunteer opportunities, please see our web site, www.cypressassistance.org


Enjoy a rewarding volunteer experience with wildlife. Texas Wildlife emergency care and rehabilitation facility for orphaned, ill, and injured native Texas wildlife. Volunteers are welcome in the areas of assisting in the daily functions of the center, assisting with public education programs, and wildlife rehabilitation. Located at 10801 Hammerly, Suite 200, the facility is open seven days a week to help wildlife in need. TWRC has a mentor program

Lone Oak



Landscape Design & Install Borders, Patios & Walkways Sprinkler & Drainage Systems Landscape Lighting Tree Pruning & Removal Sod / Grass Planting Mulching & Yard Clean Ups Pressure Washing Fences, Decks & Pergolas Pool Equipment Install & Repairs and much more...



832 -259- 4261

www.pristinelawn.com June 2012


Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Laser Dentistry Vizilite Plus Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy Isolite System TMJ splint therapy Intra Oral camera

Whitening Special $


10 Minutes from the Energy Corridor

Expires 6/30/2012

16100 Cairnway, Suite 285



in place to assist volunteers with “hands on” training for those interested in becoming permitted rehabilitators. We invite you to join our organization in saving Texas wildlife – one animal at a time. Call the center at 713-468-8972 x158 for more information or visit us at www.twrc-houston.org

Houston AreA Project Linus

Discover the Hidden Gem of Cypress

Award Winning RESALE SHOP


H handmade blankets for children who are seriously ill or traumatized, can use the following items you might be discarding:

Household Donations Accepted & Appreciated - tax receipts given 281-955-7683

Take 20%


11202 Huffmeister

off your entire purchase. Coupon valid thru June 30, 2012 Reg. Priced Merchandise Only

Benefiting Cypress Assistance Ministries


Innovative Designs Insure Even Water Distribution REPAIR FROZEN PVB'S Swing Joints at ALL Sprinkler Heads Hand Dug Trenches Complete Two Year Warranty on Labor Standard Three Year Warranty on Parts Quality Hunter & Rainbird Products Licensed Irrigator #7226

281-807-LAWN (5296)

How Much are you Paying to have your Lawn Cut? Have your lawn professionally cut for just



cyPress FAirbAnks MedicAL center HosPitAL VoLunteer AuxiLiAry Steepletop Drive, is in need of additional volunteers. They have a great need for volunteers to work in the gift shop and information desk. If interested, please contact the hospital at 281-897-3186 and ask for the volunteer desk.

VoLunteers needed For HosPice cAre (cyPress AreA) What volunteers can do to show that they care is everything from providing caregiver relief, being the friendly visitor with the smile, holding someone’s can include music or pet therapy and much much more. All those interested in volunteering, please contact Adrienne Harris at adharris@odyshealth.com

stAnduP For kids

* & up + tax for weekly service on a standard size lot

volunteer organization dedicated to saving the lives of at-risk and homeless kids through volunteer outreach efforts. Our volunteers search the streets in

The following services are provided: Thursday Dates Available

If you have any of these items to donate or for information about Project Linus, please call Karen Hagin, Cinco Ranch resident and Project Linus blanketeer, at 281-693-7150 or Sally Burns, Houston Area Project Linus Coordinator, at 281-492-2679. More information about Project Linus can be found at www.projectlinus.org

281-807-LAWN email: waterntexas1@sbcglobal.net

Online Invoicing & Bill Pay

* 2 week written cancellation notice required

June 2012

their lives. Every day throughout the US thirteen kids die on the streets from abuse, disease and suicide. According to recent statistics Houston has up to 2,500 kids living on the streets at any given time. Texas has the highest rate of homeless youth in the U.S.

Lone Oak

McLean Tutoring Services


SAT/PSAT prep courses STAAR/TAKS tutoring Tutoring available all summer Private classes held at student’s home


Your Local Maid Service for 20 Years

Audrey McLean holds a degree in computer science and has completed the TExES content test in mathematics.


audreymclean.tutor@gmail.com www.mcleantutoring.com References available upon request.

Mention this ad to receive $ 25 OFF a SAT or PSAT prep course.

Interior/Exterior Painting


10. OFF 00

New customer only on regular schedule. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid for one time or empty cleans.


StandUp For Kids needs supplies for our Houston program, which provides food, clothing, counseling and a safe environment for the homeless youth of Houston. If you or your organization would like to hold a food or clothing drive for StandUp For Kids please contact me at HeatherE@standupforkids.org to learn more about StandUp For Kids or how you can help visit our website at www.standupforkids.org The single greatest need, for homeless and street kids is our continuous caring and real support. We must convince them that we care, we want them back and we want to help them get off the streets.

Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department



17+ Years Experience FREE Estimates


Junior aChieVement oF SoutheaSt texaS

Junior A preparing young students to succeed in a global economy. In partnership with businesses and educators, Junior Achievement brings the real world to schools, opening student minds to their true potential. Junior Achievement programs, taught by local business professionals, community volunteers and parents, build a bridge between school learning and young people’s future success in their work world and real lives by offering hands-on activities entrepreneurship.

services to 156 square miles of Northwest Harris County for the residents of Harris County Emergency Service District #9. By operating from 12

Junior Achievement volunteers inspire young people to succeed and volunteers can see the difference they are making right away from the students excitement and understanding of the concepts. It is the only organization that makes it simple for volunteers to experience the immediate

respond to help our neighbors in times of emergency. For more information on the Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department or on how you can join the other 350 volunteers of our Department and be one of Cy-Fair’s bravest, call us at 281-656-3840 or visit us on the web at www.cyfairvfd.org

in the community. Junior Achievement is always recruiting new volunteers, for only with the support of schools, parents and community is it possible to bring these extraordinary programs to the students. Contact the Junior

aDopt a uS SolDier

about opportunities near you. With trainings for the fall semester beginning as early as September, start making a difference today.


Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas 2115 E Governors Circle

with deployed soldiers and offers a channel by which to communicate encouragement and express gratitude to those serving in the United States Armed Forces. Adopt A US Soldier is sustained by its volunteer workforce located across the United States. After a supporter asked a soldier what they needed, his response was as follows: “No requests, just don’t want to be forgotten.” -LCPL O.J.T. III


pearl FinCher muSeum oF Fine artS

Interested in volunteering your time, talents and energy to a most worthwhile

When registering for Adopt A US Soldier your involvement can range from writing letters and sending postcards, to mailing care packages full of items a soldier may need or want. Handwritten letters are most important and meaningful to soldiers. Adopt A US Soldier encourages civilians to adopt

Volunteer Guild!

country. If interested, please go to www.adoptaussoldier.org to register.

educational programs.

Lone Oak

The mission of the Pearl’s Volunteer Guild is to: Promote volunteerism in the Northwest Houston area by providing vital,

June 2012


Quality Paint & Repair Interior & Exterior Painting Installation Sheetrock Repair & Texture Wallpaper Removal Refinish or Replace Doors Pressure Washing Paint Kitchen Cabinets Gutter Installation Tile / Granite Countertops Wood & Siding Replacement

Day Trips Hospitality Membership Student Art Contest


website at www.pearlmfa.org under the Guild page.

Spring, TX 77379 qualitypaintrepair@gmail.com




from community residents, businesses and friends of the museum.



281-550-9797 w e r y


training. Teach your own computer class. Contact us now at 713-274-3250 or email us: glaziersec@hctx.net . Operated by Harris County Precinct Three

Montessori Preschool @ Copperfield

An Early Education. A Global Outlook. The Montessori Way.


Stainless steel gas grill with 3 burners, warmer, easy disconnect plus utensils. Paid $1,400. Selling for $175. Excellent condition. Call 832-7548840.

Golf clubs: 1, 3, 5 woods, 3 thru 9 irons (Tour Model II, P & S wedges, 1

8007 Queenston Blvd

(Across from Langham Creek YMCA) 6:30 am - 6:30 pm 18 months thru Kindergarten


ourpreschool@aol.com $350. 20 ft. equalizer extension ladder, $100. Sam (Easton Commons), 713-


June 2012

Lone Oak

“I’m In PAIN” Can Chiropractic Help ME ? We are often asked, “What’s the best way of finding out whether or not a doctor of chiropractic can help my problem?” We believe the answer can be found in a complete chiropractic consultation and examination, including x-rays. And to help find out for sure, we will do a complete consultation and examination, including x-rays, if necessary, (procedures that normally cost $187.00 or more) for $25.00. We will make this special program available through June. The only exception to the offer involves personal injury cases (workers’ compensation and auto accidents) in which there is no charge directly to the patient.


281-855-2277 Bear Creek

HWY. 6



4654 Hwy. 6 North, Suite 305




THESE CONDITIONS ARE SOME OF THE DANGER SIGNALS: Headache Arthritic pain by stiff neck Loss of sleep Scoliosis (Curvature of the spine) Leg pain & numbness Arm pain & numbness Backache Fatigue Tension Whiplash Injury

Reg. $187.00 Program

Must present ad at time of appointment. Expires 6/30/2012


A private consultation with the doctor. X-rays, if necessary. A thorough spinal examination including orthopedic & neurological test.

A confidential report of our findings. An explanation of our treatment procedure if we determine chiropractic can help you.


CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER Craftsman air compressor, 4 HP, 25 gal., oil free, $150. Call 713-298-9537. Howard Miller Grandfather Clock with light, in great condition, $750. 832350-5279. Table with 4 chairs, white, good condition, $120. 832-567-8373. Whitney Spinet piano by Kimball, excellent condition, needs tuning, $900. Cindy 281-815-3006.

281-492-7075. Craftsman 158cc 4 cycle gas edger, 3 years old, used 5 times, retails for $284.99, asking price $100 cash. 281-550-7293. 75 gallon hexagon aquarium with steel stand, welded at factory (heavy) with accessories, like new, $500. Boat ladder, $25. Serious inquires only please, call 832-928-3422. Used Yamaha cornet, model #2330IIA, comes with a BERP and 2 #285S, (inline & open holed) with case, $400. Both used at Aragon Middle School. 281-798-8476 or linda.markey@sbcglobal.net. Marcy Home Gym complete with self spotting bench, curling bar, lat-pull pully system & over 200 lbs. of weights. Also a chest-explosion machine & accessories for the pully system. Excellent condition. $325 or $350 delivered assembled. 281-881-6405. Sofa good to very good condition, $250 OBO. jordon98@hotmail.com.

Lone Oak

Omega Pro II Racquetball Racket with zip case, never used, $35; 8” animal gold trim/porcelain (some) plates, $15 - $20 each; Emmot Kelly clown, numbered/framed lithographs, $75 - $100 each. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Sliding mirror doors (one pair) for a wardrobe or closet, each door is 39 “W x 79”H, together the doors will be good for a 78”W X 79”H wardrobe or closet, comes with upper and bottom alum guide rails, the doors are similar to IKEA PAX MALM ward robe article # 900-745-72, picture available, asking $205. Contact School8007@aol.com.

AUTOMOTIVE 2007 Harley Davidson Road King (White Gold), 6 speed (32,000 miles), lots of extras, all maintenance updated. $12,600. 713-594-8056. 2007 GMC Yukon, 49,000 miles, CD, MP3, OnStar ready. Blue with dark interior, 1 owner, excellent condition, $25,000 or best offer. 281-855-9030 or 832-654-5339. 2008 Chrysler 300, 2.7 V6, red with gray leather interior, 83,000 miles. This is a clean, single driver car that has been well maintained, $13,900. 713562-1178. 1995 Land Cruiser, 160,000 original miles, in very good condition. Nonnegotiable price of $5,000. Call 281-856-7171. 2010 Ford F150 XLT with Extended Cab, 4.6L V8. Exterior color, silver with tan cloth interior. Upgraded chrome wheels, 6 foot long bed with liner, power windows, doors, tinted windows, Sirius XM capable. Less than 20k miles on it. For pictures and inquiries, email anwilbanks99@gmail.com. 1998 Suzuki 1500 Intruder motorcycle, eggshell on white in color, black leather saddle bags, $3,000. 281-726-4305 Pat.

June 2012


Rare 1967 Pontiac Firebird convertible, re-built, under warranty, 400 Pontiac motor-not matching no., less than 400 miles, totally restored, yellow with black interior, new paint, new disk brakes, new suspension, new interior & new black top with cover, new custom sound system, $24,000. Firm. 281455-5543.


Wanted: To buy gold jewelry, 10K - 21K and old U. S. coins. 713-894-8490.

Looking for someone to weed, tape and cut vinyl decals part time in your own home. Pays per job, perfect for students. Email for more details jobs@212decals.com . Teachers needed for a Christian Preschool. Our hours are Monday - Thursday from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM and Friday from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Positions will start in August 2012. Some education needed, inquire by calling Lynn at 281-463-1912. Wanted - Hairstylists. Looking for a fun and relaxing place to work, one that appreciates you? Look no further! Sheri Marie’s Salon & Co. is hiring great hairstylists. Visit www.sherimariesalonco.com or call 281-463-7375.

Wanted: To buy Rolex watches. 281-414-3597.


Live in caregiver for elderly, ambulatory female. Must be mature female, non-smoker with valid drivers license, transportation and good driving record. Duties include companionship, personal care, light cleaning and cooking. Must be able to live in Monday through Saturday. Please have references. 281-550-7577.

experience necessary. Professional & reliable retired welcome. Must provide available. Call today & set up interview. 281-759-1010. 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston TX, 77079.


Metro Mini Storage, the Premier Storage Company, is growing. We are currently hiring for an Assistant Manager position. Our current team members are skilled in sales, marketing, tenant relations and enjoy their jobs. Apply today and start your exciting career with the Premier Storage Company. E-mail resume to amjobs@metroministorage.net .

experience necessary. Professional & reliable retired welcome. Must provide available. Call today & set up interview. 281-759-1010. 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston TX, 77079. About Hair Salon and Day Spa is seeking experienced stylists. Apply in person 15422 FM 529, Houston, TX 77095.

be conducted. Contact Master Shin or Master An at 281-463-9333 or email YoungAn@cyfairtkd.com. Location, 17121 West Rd. Suite 200 Houston TX 77095.

LL Hair Studio Salon is hiring experienced stylists! Visit our website at www. LLHairStudio.com to learn more, or call us today at 281-550-5302.

Permanent kennel help wanted, not for summer only. Fill out application at 18310 FM 529, no phone calls.

Michelle’s Salon is looking for good experience hairstylist, massage therapist, nail tech and esthetician, lease or commission. 832-878-1052.


June 2012

Lone Oak

A & J Professional Carpet Care

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

“Serving Katy and West Houston for 17 years”

3 Rooms

Water Damage Restoration 24 Hour Emergency Service



Up to 200 sq.ft. per room Not valid w/other offers. With this Coupon only. Expires 7/31/12

A & J Carpet Care 832-748-3156 We do Carpet Stretching + New Carpet Installation Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281-656-2273. The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person. Housekeepers needed. Great hours for mom’s with school age children. 281-861-0394. Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and

Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900.

Truck Mounted Steam extraction is the #1 Recommended Cleaning Method by All Major Carpet Manufacturers


5 Rooms $


Up to 200 sq.ft. per room Not valid w/other offers. With this Coupon only. Expires 7/31/12

attached to house, carport, enclosed stairway, water & sewer system. Call Bill at 979-429-6853.


Timeshare: rent a lovely condo for a full week in Hawaii. Sleeps 4, fully information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427. Luxury Royal Sands Resort, Cancun, Mexico. 2 bed / 2 bath, oceanview timeshare, available one week only: November 10-17, 2012. Reduced to resort: Luxurycondo@mac.com. Playa del Carmen private condo, 2 bed / 2 bath. 1600 square feet, beautifully furnished. 2 blocks from beach, 3 blocks from famous Fifth Avenue. Photos, rates, guest reviews at: www.VRBO.com/235451. Call Jeff, 713-856-7774. Las Vegas Timeshare - On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living; jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s/2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409.

Dental assistant position available. F/T, nonsmoker, experienced preferred, knowledge of Dentrix software and bilingual a plus. Must be state licensed; Front desk receptionist, bilingual preferred. Fax resume to: 281-861-7174. Or call 281-861-7500.

Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for more information.

Stylist position available at Salon Picasso Studios. Lease/commission. 281861-9911. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@westhoustonelectric.com.


Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.


FOUND: 8GB SanDisk, looks like a disk that you would use in a camera


photos. The wedding photos look like the wedding was up north. Call 713545-8245.

throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude help of the hopeless,

LOST DOG - Toy Fox Terrier, tan and white, male, lost on April 29, 2012 around 8 AM in Steeplechase subdivision (Eldridge and 290). Reward! Please contact Ruth at 281-726-1759.

to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – CF, LS, DAR, JM, JF, TK, KK


Bay House in Sargent, waterfront property with boat access to house, built in 2003. 2 BR’s, 2 car garage, vaulted ceilings, central AC/heat, storage shed

Lone Oak

June 2012



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Your Local Maid Service for 20 Years

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Published by: Krenek Printing " & ' , #(&'#"

, June 2012 Lone email: news@ % " $% "' " #! #% %' & , &@ % " $% "' " #! #% (& " && & , && + @ % " $% "' " #! #% && + &


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