NOTTINGHAM HAPPENINGS By the time this article comes out near the end of June, the Harris County walking/biking trail on the west side of Mason Creek should be near completion. This path has not been without controversy as there were issues as to who actually owned the land from the middle of Mason Creek upward toward the various 70+ homes that backed up to the creek. Eventually, it was determined that the property was owned by the developer, the Kickerillo Company and he deeded it to the county a few years ago. However controversy still remains. It is the hope of NCCIA that the walking/biking path will add a positive amenity to our community. We were told that the County will maintain the pathway, will be responsible for mowing, picking up litter and there will be regular law enforcement personnel patrolling the trail via bicycles. We sincerely hope this will be the case. While this can be a real positive for the community, it also opens doors for negative factors such as increased outsiders coming into the community and loitering in areas right behind the fences of some 70+ homeowners backing up to the trail. Additional noise factors are possible although no motorized vehicles are permitted on the trail. It is incumbent upon the community to monitor the events along this area and report any abuses and violations immediately to the proper authorities. At the time of this article, we are not certain who those authorities will be but it will be published when we find out. The success of this new amenity will fall entirely upon the behavior of the individuals who utilize the pathway. We encourage all NC residents to be respectful of the homeowners who reside near the trail, to avoid littering the area and to be courteous to all users. Recently I was driving around NC with one of the other NCCIA directors and he proceeded to point out some very great looking homes. As a director, sometimes we get so caught up with the 60 or fewer, shall we say, less attractive homes in our subdivision that it distorts one’s view of the community in general. Those homes that “do not measure up� certainly cause concern to all of us as they bring down the overall appearance of our community. As a Board, and with the assistance of SCS Mgmt. and our attorney, we do monitor those homes and try to work with the owners to keep their homes looking good. Unfortunately, there are folks everywhere in this country that really have no clue when it comes to a sense of responsibility for taking care of their property and having respect for others in the neighborhood. The fact is though that those folks are a small minority in NC. Many communities in the US experienced some issues during the subprime boom when everyone and anyone could get into a home regardless of income, credit, down payment, etc. We have seen a bit of “weeding out� the past few years and a number of really bad homes have changed ownership with the result being mostly nice renovated home which are now credits to our community. As a Board, we continue to encourage homeowners to visit with their neighbors who perhaps are not maintaining their properties. Ask if you can somehow assist. Offer to lend a weed eater, a paint brush, whatever!! Maybe they will get the message.
Published by: Krenek Printing " & ' , #(&'#"
, July 2012 Nottingham Country email: news@ % " $% "' " #! #% %' & , &@ % " $% "' " #! #% (& " && & , && + @ % " $% "' " #! #% && + &
To those of you having great looking homes, yards, landscaping, etc. - we thank you for your efforts and I am certain most of your neighbors do also. And to all of my neighbors in the 1200 through 1400 block of Dominion, I appreciate what each of you do in keeping our little corner of NC looking super!! Don Mach NCCIA President and Legal Liaison
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NCCIA WelComes NeW BoArd memBer Mr. Scott Murphy was voted onto the NCCIA Board of Directors at the May 2012 Board meeting. Mr. Murphy will fill an open position on the Board with his term expiring this year in November. Mr. Murphy is a long time Nottingham Country resident and resides on Brenwick Ct. in Section 2. We welcome Scott to the Board and appreciate the time he is willing to devote for the betterment of Nottingham Country. If you wish to reach Scott, you can contact him by visiting our website at www.nottinghamcountry.org and his email address along with those of all Board members are listed. While on the website, register your email address and you will receive valuable eblasts when major happenings occur in our community. Don Mach NCCIA President
mAY seCUrITY rePorT Accidents Alarms Assault BMV Burglary Criminal Mischief Disturbance Meet the Citizen Suspicious Persons/Vehicles Traffic Stops Vacation Watch
6 27 2 7 0 6 14 219 30 52 80
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NCCIA welcomes Deputy Valerie Garcia to our subdivision. Deputy Garcia will be serving as our Constable on the 10 PM to 6 AM night shift. She has been employed with the Precinct 5 Constables office for the past two years and has served in the Katy area the entire time. We welcome her to NC. Crime continues to be very low in NC and a great deal of credit goes to not only our Constables but to the watchful eye of homeowners who continue to report unusual happenings in NC. Keep up the good work. Nothing prevents crime better than neighbors watching out for themselves and for other neighbors.
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NCCIA Board of Directors
Oh Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.
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Nottingham Country
July 2012
Foreclosures in nottingham country The following is the current inventory of foreclosed homes in NC as of 4/25/12: ADDRESS 739 Dominion 1327 Dominion 702 Cascet Ct. 1514 Hannington 506 Walworten Ct. 502 Sancroft 510 Rennie 20519 Park Pine
OWNER Bank of America Central Mortgage Deutsche Bank Bank of America Hsbc Bank GMAC Mortgage Chase Mortgage TBD
Several new foreclosures in the past month. We continue to see about two postings per month. That is a very positive trend. Please be mindful of these vacant homes and try to assist in keeping them looking decent from the street if at all possible. If any homeowner is aware of an abandoned home that is not on this list, please contact the Board and we will check into it. Occasionally homeowners will leave a home in anticipation of foreclosure.
NCCIA Board of Directors
issues regarding vacant lot at Westgreen and i-10 service road
(Shingle color shown in Max Def Weathered Wood)
NCCIA was recently made aware that some vagrants were living outside in the brush, which is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Westgreen and the I-10 service road. With the assistance of homeowner Trey Hamblet, we obtained a no trespassing affidavit and it was signed by the owner of the property. The Harris County Sheriff’s Department and our Constable’s office have or will be taking the necessary steps to remove all persons living on that property. One of the vagrants was recently arrested after attempting to burglarize a resident’s home. Hopefully, this action will remove all individuals residing at that location once and for all. NCCIA Board of Directors
nottingham residents sWimming Pool summer registration After school is out, the swimming pool located at the club situated at the intersection of Kingsland and Houghton will be open from 11 AM to 8 PM every day except Mondays. The fee for residents to use the pool is $100 per year per family and a resident can register and pay the fee at the pool whenever it is open. There is a diving pool, children’s pool and full size pool. If you did not make the open house in May, please visit the pool to inspect the facilities and register if you desire. The club is also available for rent for private functions. Contact Mason Creek MUD for information on the rental of the club. Bob Wills NCCIA and MCUD Director
nccia Website rePort - may 2012 Thanks to all of you who visited www.nottinghamcountry.org in the past month. Our Security Section Continues see a lot of activity. Though this may seem to be a bad sign for life in Nottingham Country, our constables continue to do a great job in protecting the residents in Nottingham. In May, one of our residents confronted a “bad guy” right in her own garage. Only moments later our constables were on the scene and arrested this guy!
July 2012
Nottingham Country
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832-699-0880 Insured If you haven’t visited our security page lately, we are continuing to have valued contributions from our constable’s office. If you would like to stay informed of community events, security alerts and lost pet notices, please go to www. nottinghamcountry.org and sign-up to get emails (E-Blasts). Besides the latest happenings in Nottingham Country items like Heavy Trash Pickup dates, Election Results, Lost Pets and Safety/Security Incidents in our neighborhood are posted on the site. We also have applications and forms posted on the website. If you lose (or find) a pet, send an email to: webMaster@NottinghamCountry.org, along with a photo of the pet, if possible and we will post your lost (or found) pet on our website. We will also notify our email subscribers or your loss. This will assure the loss of your pet gets even more coverage. As always, please email the webmaster directly by sending an email to: webMaster@NottinghamCountry.org if you would like to offer your comments or suggestions. Sam Cresap NCCIA Webmaster
See a David Weekley Homes Sales Consultant for details. Prices, plans, dimensions, features, specifications, materials, and availability of homes or communities are subject to change without notice or obligation. Illustrations are artist’s depictions only and may differ from completed improvements. Copyright © 2012 David Weekley Homes - All Rights Reserved. Houston, TX (HOUA45092)
How to address tHe Board directly
The monthly meetings of the Board of Directors are held on the second Thursday, at 6:30 PM at the Mason Creek Community Center Houghton Room. The facility is located at the corner of Houghton and Kingsland. All members are welcome to attend the meetings. However, due to time constraints, we cannot allow audience members to speak at the meeting unless they contact us ahead of time and get put on the agenda. As much as I dislike telling that to someone who has taken the time out of his or her schedule to come to the meeting with a concern, I must respect the time of the volunteers on the Board as well. To get on the agenda, simply call SCS Management Services, Inc. at 281-4631777, ext., 7132. Of course, you may also feel free to put your concerns in writing to any other Board member or me, via e-mail (our addresses are on the website at nottinghamcountry.org). Additionally, our snail mail address is: SCS Management Services 7170 Cherry Park Drive Houston, TX 77095 281-463-1777, ext. 7132 Email: Nancy Callaway ncallaway@scsmgmt.com
NottiNgham CouNtry CommuNity improvemeNt assoCiatioN, iNC. DEED RESTRICTION COMMITTEE COMPLAINT FORM SCS Management Services 7170 Cherry Park Drive Houston, Texas 77095 *COMPLAINT - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Date: _________________________ Name of Resident: __________________________________________ (If Known) Address: ___________________________________________________ Section: ____________________________________________________ Violation: __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
woodworker’s Guild MeetinGs The Katy Woodworker’s Guild meets the last Tuesday of each month at the Katy Junior High School from 7:00-9:00 PM. Men and women enjoy working with wood. No experience, tools or equipment are necessary. Questions: Call Terry at 281-717-4215
Nottingham Country
July 2012
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LocaL Veteran Groups Meet If you are an honorably discharged War Time Veteran or currently serving on active duty and want to associate yourself with fellow Veterans, please consider joining one of the following groups. (Each organization has its own requirements for membership.) AmericAn Legion: The Jonathan D. Rozier Post 164 of Katy Texas meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, at 7 PM at the Katy Elks Lodge #2628, at 1050 Katy-Ft. Bend Road, Katy TX. Meetings start promptly at 7:30 PM. The American Legion is the largest war time Veteran’s organization in the nation and invites all eligible Veterans to join. Proud sponsor of the American Legion Boy’s State Program. Will Miller, Post Commander. Visit us at www.LegionPost164KatyTX.org for more information. VFW: The Floyd E. Breedlove Post 9182 of Katy Texas meets the first monday of each month at the VFW Hall on George Bush Dr. in “Old Town Katy.” Meetings begin with a covered dish dinner at 6:30 PM, followed by the business meetings of the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary at 7:30 PM. Peyton Lumpkin, Commander. Ladies Auxiliary President, Karon Cramer.
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suMMer LaWn care In summer, lawns get hammered. There’s extra wear and tear from weekend play, stress from summer heat and corresponding pressure to cut back on watering due to increased utility rates. But if you start a sensible lawn-care program now, you can strengthen your turf going into summer, help it stay greener and give it a better chance against the ravages of insects and disease. or contact a lawn professional for the best advice. mowing. Use a mulching mower with a sharp blade. Since grass clippings contain 3 to 5 percent nitrogen, they feed the lawn if you let them drop (don’t bag them). This allows you to reduce your annual lawn-feeding program by half. infrequently rather than often and shallowly - and early in the morning when there’s less wind and evaporation than during the heat of the day. of critter damage or disease and deal with either immediately. For larger infestations, try a weed killer product. Summer is the period where we have the highest number of deed restriction violations. Please maintain your lawn each week and keep this community looking its best! Don Mach NCCIA President and Legal Liaison
miLitAry order oF the PurPLe heArt: TriCounty Chapter 723 of the MOPH meets the third thursday of each month at the VFW Hall on George Bush Dr. in Old Town Katy. David Lemak, Commander. Additional information is available through the Veterans Memorial Museum at: 281-391-VETS (8387).
July 2012
Nottingham Country
NOTTINGHAM/KELLIWOOD TEENAGE JOB SEEKER’S LIST If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number, (one only) year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 or email to news@krenekprinting.com. Must have parent(s) permission.
TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS-NOTTiNGhAm/KElliwOOd Please place my name on the Job Seekers List
(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in all information Job(s) _________________________________ Name _________________________________
Street _________________________________ Email _________________________________ Birthdate - mo/Yr_________________________ Age ______ Yr hS Grad________ or Gr ________ Phone _________________________________ Subd__________________________________
B -Babysitting SS -Safe Sitter SL -Swim Lessons CPR -CPR Certified FAC -First Aid Cert. RCC -Red Cross Cert. P -Pet Care (only) PP -Pet/Plant Sitter H -Housecare L -Lawncare T -Tutor C -Car Detailing
I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________
www.krenekprinting.com mail to: Krenek Printing Co. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., houston, TX 77095 email: news@krenekprinting.com 6
Nottingham Country
July 2012
By Paula Deen Test Kitchen Grilling fresh seasonal vegetables is a not only a healthy way to prepare them, it’s also a snap! Why dirty up another bowl, pan or dish after a long day? Not to mention the ease and speediness in which dinner is ready and the cost effectiveness of grilling a side dish. The exclamation points are the appealingly sweet smoky flavor that a grill imparts and the bright colors left behind. Here are some handy grilling tips for preparing vegetables along with a couple of recipe ideas. We hope the next time you have a chance to pick vegetables fresh from the garden or your local farmers market you use these tips and cook them on the grill.
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Vegetable Grilling Tips: ** Spray the grill with non-stick cooking spray prior to heating the grill to help make clean up a snap. **Make sure your grill is medium hot. One way to test this is to place your hand over the grill. If you can hold it there for 4 seconds, the fire is medium hot. **Prevent your vegetables from drying out on the grill by soaking them in cold water first. **Vegetables should be cut to expose the most surface area to the grill. This helps them to cook quickly. Also, cut the pieces equal in size so they will cook evenly. For example: Cut your squash and eggplant into strips, not rounds, of the same width. **Use kosher salt or sea salt on your vegetables to bring out extra moisture. Seasoning with salt and pepper both before and after grilling helps to make them sweet and full of flavor.
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**Someone in the family doesn’t like grilled vegetables? Try this trick. Sprinkle a little sugar on the vegetables half way through the cooking. This gives them a wonderful caramel flavor.
**Because vegetables lack fat, they need oil or some sort of liquid marinade to prevent them from burning and sticking to the grill. Brush them with a vegetable oil or flavored oil such as a prepared salad dressing prior to placing on the grill. You can also marinate them in a prepared dressing or your own marinade recipe. Grill Times and Techniques: Corn on the cob: Gently pull back the husks but keep them intact. Remove the silks and soak the cobs in cold water for 30 minutes. Dry and brush with butter or make your own compound butter by mixing together 1/4 cup butter (room temperature), 2 teaspoons ground chipotle pepper, and zest of one lime. Fold the husks back down over the kernels, twist the ends and place on the grill for 8-10 minutes, turning every two minutes. Serve with extra Chipotle, Lime Butter or have fun and invent other compound butters. Asparagus: Cut off ends and soak in water for 30 minutes. Brush with oil. Grill 2-3 minutes, or until tips begin to brown. Eggplant: Cut lengthwise into 1/2� slices. Brush with oil. Grill 2-3 minutes per side.
July 2012
Nottingham Country
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**Smaller vegetables such as cherry tomatoes (we’ll just pretend and call this a vegetable) and small mushrooms might fall through the grill and should be skewered first. Thick onion slices should also be skewered all the way through to keep them whole while grilling. I like to use metal skewers instead of bamboo since they don’t burn and I can reuse them.
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**Use tongs to turn your vegetables on the grill instead of a fork. You don’t want to puncture them, as it will release the moisture.
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Nottingham Country
July 2012
Forwarded to Board for approval:
DR Request for form:
Property Address:
Work Phone:
Mailing Address:
Home Phone:
Owner Name:
End Date:
I request a response as quickly as possible and agree not to begin the project until a response is received. I understand the Committee members are not architects and do not endorse any products or services.
6. Backyard landscaping for Lake Lots must submit survey map and plants to be used.
5. Pool requirements – location and size of pool and approval letters from MUD District and/or County permit if they are required by the MUD Districts or County. Submit plat map showing the planned location of the pool.
4. New Construction, Room additions and outbuildings – survey map with location of addition drawn plus elevation and side view; show windows, doors, slope of roof, etc. Indicate all construction materials for exterior walls and roof, and submit samples of each.
3. Addition of fence, driveway, walkway or other structure (greenhouse, fort/jungle gym, satellite dish, etc.) - draw location of improvement on survey map and give dimensions including height, length, width and distance from each fence; list construction materials to be used include samples of paint and roofing materials.
2. Roofing Materials - Attach a small sample of the shingle to box on reverse side. State type, weight and color of shingles.
1. Exterior Painting - attach 2 samples of your color choice to the back of this page. If you are applying for a base paint color with a different color trim, please include two samples of each color.
INSTRUCTIONS Submit your survey map and then insert any proposed addition (room, outbuilding, fence, etc.). Feel free to enclose photographs, sales literature, catalog pages, etc. Your application will be returned if samples of paint and other materials and the survey map are not attached.
Install Basketball Goal Replace mailbox Spa/Pool Landscaping – circle what applies - planter box, trees plant or remove, permanent flower bed structure Add Separate Structure or Building (Storage, Fort/Jungle Gym, Satellite Dish, Dog House, Flag pole etc.) Other:
Please check the improvements and circle the item applicable to your request and see the reverse for additional information that may be required: Who will perform work? Repair Exterior Wood Replace Siding Paint- Residence/ Trim Repair/Replace Roof Replace Garage Door/Front Door Install Patio Repair and/or Install Fence Stain Deck/Dock/Other Room Addition Install Patio Cover Extend Driveway/Walkway Repair Exterior Brick
Start Date:
In an effort to maintain property values, deed restrictions require that exterior changes be approved by an Architectural Review Committee prior to commencing work. Their evaluation addresses architectural harmony, color, location, minimum construction standards and use restrictions. Please consult your deed restrictions for additional information. If your change has not been approved, the Committee will have the right to ask the homeowner to remove the improvement and/or change from the property. COMPLETE THIS FORM IN DETAIL. IF NOT COMPLETED IT CANNOT BE PROCESSED AND WILL THUS BE DENIED.
Returned to homeowner for information:
Homeowner request for form:
Telephone: (281) 463-1777 - Facsimile: (281) 463-0050 - E-mail: info@scsmgmt.com
SCS Management Services, Inc., 7170 Cherry Park Drive, Houston, Texas 77095
Authorized Association Representative:
____Committee requests additional information prior to processing your request.
Authorized Association Representative:
SUBMISSION DENIED Your application for exterior changes has been denied, as it does not meet guidelines as presented. Please re-assess and resubmit your plans. ____ a. color selection is not an approved shade ____ b. height or size limitations are exceeded ____ c. placement on lot appears to violate front set-back lines or side/rear easements ____ d. construction materials are not in accordance with guidelines ____ e. other; __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Authorized Association Representative:
Thank you for submitting your plans for exterior changes. Your application has been approved for the specified modifications. Any revisions or alterations require re-submission prior to commencement. Approval denotes compliance with the deed restrictions and carries no warranty regarding structural fitness, compliance to building codes, assurances against encroachments, etc. Once work has begun, completion must be within (30) days unless otherwise noted.
Garlic: Cut the root end off of a whole bulb. Brush with oil and place cut side down on the grill. Grill 10 minutes, or until the skin is a dark brown. Onions: Remove skin and cut into 1/2 inch thick slices. Run a metal skewer through the entire slice. Brush with oil. Grill 5 minutes per side.
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Bell Peppers: Cut the pepper in half from top to bottom. Remove stems, seeds and ribs. Brush with oil. Grill 3-4 minutes per side.
Zucchini or Summer Squash: Slice lengthwise into 1/2 inch thick slices. Brush with oil. Grill 4-5 minutes per side.
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Cremini or Button Mushrooms: Wipe clean with a dry cloth. Thread on a metal skewer and brush with oil. Grill 8-12 minutes, turning every 2 minutes. Romaine Lettuce (for a quick grilled Caesar salad): Cut in half lengthwise. Brush with oil and place cut side down on the grill. Grill 2-3 minutes.
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Recipes: Try this sweet simple summer marinade recipe: 1 cup fresh orange juice 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced 2 garlic cloves, minced Juice and zest of 1 lemon In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together all ingredients. Add sliced vegetables to the bowl, toss to coat and let marinate for 30 minutes. Remove from marinade and place on a medium hot grill to cook. Or this simple flavored basting oil: 1/2 cup canola oil 1/2 cup olive oil juice and zest from 2 lemons (substitute any citrus you have on hand) 3 teaspoons fresh rosemary, chopped fine
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In a small mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and allow to stand for 10-15 minutes so flavors will infuse. Brush on vegetables and place on grill to cook.
JULY 4 th SAFEtY With warm weather and family events, the Fourth of July can be a fun time with great memories. But before your family celebrates, make sure everyone knows about fireworks safety.
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rockets and sparklers are just too dangerous. manufacturer’s name and directions; illegal ones are unlabeled) and store them in a cool, dry place. hose nearby in case of accidents.
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someone, even in jest. over them while lighting. Wear some sort of eye protection and avoid carrying fireworks in your pocket - the friction could set them off.
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leaves and flammable substances. and never relight a dud. Some may still be ignited and can explode at any time. the trashcan. extremely frightened or stressed on the Fourth of July indoors to reduce the risk that they’ll run loose or get injured.
July 2012
Nottingham Country
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Katy ISD Board of Trustees Treasurer, Neal Howard; Brittany Spurlock, Miller Career & Technology Center and Colleen Dominguez, Bear Creek Elementary.
KATY ISD ANNOUNCES 2012 DISTRICT-WIDE TEACHERS OF THE YEAR Two outstanding teachers have been chosen as the 2012 Katy ISD District-wide Teachers of the Year. Colleen Dominguez, fifth grade teacher at Bear Creek Elementary and Brittany Spurlock, English teacher at Miller Career & Technology Center, were notified during a surprise visit from Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey. Dominguez, this year’s Elementary District-wide Teacher of the Year, is a self-contained bilingual teacher and team leader. She has taught in Katy ISD since 2008 and holds a B.S. in elementary education from the University of Wisconsin. Dominguez says that what makes teaching rewarding for her is to see students grow academically and in character as the year progresses. Spurlock, this year’s Secondary District-wide Teacher of the Year, teaches both English III & IV, and has been with Katy ISD since 1998. She holds a B.A. in secondary education, English and Dance from the University of Houston and is currently working on her Master’s in English. Spurlock enjoys fueling energy in her classroom by celebrating accomplishments and creating a desire amongst students to want to do better. She also enjoys guiding first-year teachers through the fears and challenges of education. Both District-wide Teachers of the Year were recognized during the April Board of Trustees meeting and will be nominated by Katy ISD for the 2012 Region 4 Texas Teacher of the Year program.
Nottingham Country
July 2012
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www.BobMiles.com Bennett, Morton Ranch Jr. High; Candice Lehman, Nottingham Country Elem.; Cynthia Darden, Pattison Elem.; Chris Clinefelter, Rhoads Elem.; Kathy McPherson, Schmalz Elem.; Jennifer Keese, Seven Lakes HS; Jessica Wilson, Stanley Elem.; Suzanne Poole, Stephens Elem.; Pat Murphy, Sundown Elem.; Penny Hafner, Taylor HS; Cathie Lusby, West Memorial Elem.; Debbie King, West Memorial Jr. High; Megan Perkins, Williams Elem.; Amy Causey, Winborn Elem.; Marilyn Brown, Wolfe Elem.; Tanya Jemela, WoodCreek Elem. and Roslyn Anderson, WoodCreek Jr. High.
KATY ISD ANNOUNCES VOLUNTEERS OF THE YEAR Katy ISD’s Volunteers in Public Schools initiative recently hosted its annual VIPS Breakfast honoring the thousands of school district volunteers who donate their time supporting Katy ISD students and teachers. This school year, 14,700 volunteers donated 761,321 hours, which in human resource terms, equates to $16,588,988. This year’s speakers were Music Therapist Meagan Morrow, Clinical Coordinator Dawn Phillips and Speech Pathologist Kelley Warren Kirst from TIRR Memorial Hermann.
KATY ISD ANNOUNCES THEIR 2012 VALEDICTORIANS AND SALUTATORIANS More that 3,500 seniors walked across the stage at the Leonard E. Merrell Center during the 2012 graduation ceremonies. These graduating seniors will move on to the next chapters in their lives carrying the knowledge and life-lessons learned from elementary through secondary education. Katy ISD congratulates all graduates and wishes them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Each year, every Katy ISD campus salutes its volunteers by honoring a campus Volunteer of the Year. Celebrated at the VIPS Breakfast were: The district is also proud to announce this year’s Valedictorians Debbie Kallina, Alexander Elem.; Veronica Dixon, Bear Creek Elem.; and Salutatorians from each of its six comprehensive high schools. Teri Ward, Beck Jr. High; Glee Fossier, Beckendorff Jr. High; Maria Congratulations to: Alvarez, Cardiff Jr. High; Ruth Vargas, Cimarron Elem.; Robin Smith, Cinco Ranch HS; Theresa Wilkinson, Rylander Elem. and Cinco Ranch Jr. High; Carolyn Pack, Creech Elem.; Rachael Moffett, Exley Elem.; Judy Crowe, Fielder Elem.; Anjanette Connor, Franz Elem.; Virginia Rivas, Golbow Elem.; Tiffany Walker, Griffin Elem.; Jennifer McFarlin, Hayes Elem.; Nikki Alvarez, Holland Elem.; Diana Au-Thornton, Hutsell Elem.; Karin Calland, Katy Elem.; Leonard Sadler, Katy HS; Shawnna Kelleher, Katy Jr. High; Cindy Cruz-Davis, Kilpatrick Elem.; Veronica Garza, King Elem.; Donald and Yvonne Liles, Mayde Creek s Elem.; Liz O’Donnell, Mayde Creek High; Ashley Savoie, Mayde Creek Jr. High; Morgen Rose, McDonald Jr. High; Shelly England, McMeans Come See Our Jr. High; Wade Magruder, McRoberts Elem.; Lisa Johns, Memorial New Playground! Parkway Elem.; Stephanie Place, Memorial Parkway Jr. High; Mio 281-492-8521 Gonzales, Morton Ranch Elem.; Lori Estlund, Morton Ranch HS; Sarah 1350 North Mason Road
July 2012
Nottingham Country
Cinco Ranch High School: Varun Bora (Valedictorian), Nisarg Gandhi (Salutatorian) Katy High School: Katrina Marie Schilling (Valedictorian), Ted Deng (Salutatorian) Mayde Creek High School: Alex Van Dyke (Valedictorian), Mark Jablinski (Salutatorian) Morton Ranch High School: Brenna Adelman (Valedictorian), Adriana Ibarra (Salutatorian) Seven Lakes High School: Tolu Alimi (Valedictorian), Shannon Cheng (Salutatorian) Taylor High School: Clare Zhang (Valedictorian), Elizabeth Neville (Salutatorian)
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Go to www.flickr.com/photos/katyisd/sets/72157629759716412/ show/ to view a photo gallery and read more information about these talented students.
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NCE’S 5 TH GRADE AEROSPACE PROGRAM Nottingham Country Elementary 5th grade Students Preparing to Blast off with the Aerospace program under the guidance of Teacher Mr. Krauklis.
Nottingham Country
July 2012
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Piche Photography
TAYOR HIGH SCHOOL CHORALE PERFORMS AT ST. MARTIN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH James E. Taylor High School Chorale had the honor of performing at an Inter-Faith Service in celebration of National Day of Prayer at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church on May 6th. Their performance was a moving and a fitting conclusion for the end of the year. Their final performance, along with all choirs from THS, was May 22nd at the Performing Arts Center at Taylor High School.
L – R: Emily Walt, Melanie Piche, Stephen Hargis and Erin Connors. Piche Photography
JAMES E. TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Recently, the Taylor Choir celebrated the year’s accomplishments with their end of the year banquet held at Crosspoint Community Church. Four seniors were the recipients of a $1000 college scholarship from Taylor Choir Booster Club. They are Emily Walt, who is attending University of Texas to major in Chemical Engineering; Melanie Piche, who is attending University of Tulsa for Vocal Perfomance/Music Education; Stephen Hargis, who is attending Texas A&M to study Engineering and Erin Connors, who is attending Belmont College to study Audio Engineering Technology. Katy Family Owned & Operated Over 20 Years Experience
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Seated Parents Kathy and Tony flank Nick Montalbano. Standing (L to R) are Faith West Academy Athletic Director & baseball coach Greg Koch and baseball coach Jose J. Chapa.
NICk MONTALbANO SIgNS NATIONAL LETTER-Of-INTENT wITH UHV JAgUARS Faith West Academy senior Nick Montalbano has signed letter-of-intent to play baseball next year for University of Houston – Victoria Jaguars. Left-handed pitcher Montalbano ended the 2012 season with an impressive ERA of 2.02 and a .306 batting average. Montalbano has been playing baseball since he was a five-year-old. He has developed his devastating slider and fastball clocked at 84 mph to rack up the wins for Coach Greg Koch and the Faith West Eagles. Coach Jose J. Chapa has coached Montalbano from the eight-yearold Little Leaguer thru the select baseball clubs during his teen years.
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Montalbano was TAPPS 3-A All-District first team for both the 2011 and 2012 seasons. He was honored with the Academic All-State Award (exceeding a 3.5 GPA) for 2011 and 2012. Montalbano set his sights on Victoria because “I wanted to play baseball for Coach Puhl,” he said. Jaguars head coach Terry Puhl’s team finished this past season with a .408 record. Nick is the son of Tony and Kathy Montalbano of Katy.
MAUD MARkS LIbRARY 1815 Westgreen Blvd., Katy, tX 77450, 281-492-8592 LIBRARY HOURS - Mon. 1 PM - 9 PM, Tues. 10 AM - 9 PM, Wed. 10 AM - 6 PM, Thurs. 10 AM - 6 PM, Fri. 1 PM - 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sun. closed.
We will be closed July 4th for Independence Day. To register online for any of the programs at the library’s website (www.hcpl.net), click on “Events Calendar” and select “Maud Marks.” Participants may also register by calling or by visiting the library.
BOOk DIScUSSIOn cLUBS - The Library hosts two book clubs that meet monthly. The Evening Book Club meets on the first Monday of the month at 7 PM. The Afternoon Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 1 PM. If you are interested in joining either discussion group, extra copies of the books are available at the library. There are no dues and new members are welcome!
Nottingham Country
July 2012
Pediatric Dental Safari “happy kids, beautiful smiles”
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July 2012
Nottingham Country
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Nottingham Country
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WeeKLy ProgramS every Wednesday
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July 2012
Nottingham Country
1984 ...
s ).4%2)/2 %84%2)/2 s 3(%%42/#+ 2%0!)23 s (!2$)0,!.+š ).34!,,!4)/. s 7//$ 2%0,!#%-%.4 s 34!). 6!2.)3( 30%#)!,)34 s 2%./6!4)/.3
, 4:30 PM. Basic computer classes taught in Spanish. Clase de la computadora. , 10:15 AM - Baby Bounce , 10:30 AM - Toddler Time , 10:30 AM - Preschool Storytime
These classes are free with priority to Harris Co. residents.
5597 Gardenia, 281-391-4482 - web www.pct3.hctx.net PRIORITY IS GIVEN TO HARRIS COUNTY RESIDENTS - Community Lay Responder: Cost is $30 (Check or money order only & No Refunds). This class is on at 12:30 PM-5:30 PM. Includes Adult CPR with AED, Infant/Child CPR and Standard First Aid. Registration began in May. (Bring a sack lunch) LAND -
- This classes combines aerobics and muscle conditioning. : Cardio Muscle Ball - 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM, : Zumba - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (must call starting at 7 AM for reservations) : Cardio Muscle Interval - 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM : Zumba – 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM (must call starting at 7 AM for reservations) - This class combines aerobics and muscle conditioning. , 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM.
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– This class exercises every part of the body, stretching and toning the muscles and joints, the spine and the skeletal system. It also reduces physical and mental tension, leaving you feeling calm and refreshed. , 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM. - An ancient Chinese art of mind-body relaxation and healing. Its benefits include increased energy, enhanced concentration, stress reduction. , 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. - The American Society of Karate has classes for ages 6 years and up. For more information call Steven Sides at 832-498-3666 or email askhck@yahoo.com. Must register for each session. , 6:00 PM7:00 PM -Junior class 6-12 years and , 7:00 PM-8:00 PM- Senior class 13 & up – This is a time when you can work out on your own on the fitness equipment. You must be 16 year and up & bring a full size towel and wear tennis shoes. Various times available daily. The machines are closed during class times. - This one hour class is low-impact, which is easy on the , 9:05 AM - 10:05 AM & 5:00 , 9:05 - 10:05 AM & 6:00 - 7:00 PM. - This class consists of range of motion, muscle strengthening and endurance-building activities. , 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM. MUST HAVE A RELEASE FORM SIGNED BY A PHYSICIAN. - This hour class is a high cardio vascular workout. A flotation device is advised. , 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM. (call to reserve a spot) , 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM , 1:30 PM-3:00 PM. - Various times daily. – Call or come in to get schedule for lessons. Cost is $50. joints. PM - 6:00 PM.
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Nottingham Country
July 2012
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GIRL SCOUTS Girl ScoutS of the San Jacinto council Prairie roSe Service unit in Katy Prairie roSe cadette trooP 3068 of Katy Cadette Troop 3068 of Katy recently completed the Journey aMaze by planning and carrying out a “take action” project by hosting a “Friendship Fair” for 40 Junior Girl Scouts. There were all types of fun friendship activities that included skits, crafts and unique games focusing on the ins and outs and highs and lows of friendship. One main lesson they taught the younger Girl Scouts was to always T-H-I-N-K before speaking: T - is it true? H - is it helpful? I - is it inspiring? N - is it necessary? K - is it kind? These Cadettes felt passionate about teaching the younger girls tips and skills to better prepare themselves for their upcoming Junior High years as the Cadettes are well aware that friendship is not always an easy road. Troop 3068 is part of Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council, Prairie Rose Service Unit. The service unit serves: Elementary: Alexander, Creech, Griffin, Holland, Kilpatrick, Stanley and Williams; Jr. High: Beck, Beckendroff, Cinco Ranch and McMeans; High School: Cinco Ranch and Seven Lakes.
Amaya Garage Doors Does your garage door need service? We can help! rs
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July 2012
Nottingham Country
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Prairie rose Girl scout trooP 17277 news
2012 toP sellinG trooP in the service unit
Girl Scout Troop 17277 of the Prairie Rose Service Unit had the distinctive honor of being the top selling troop in the service unit during the 2012 Girl Scout cookie season. They sold a total of 7, 768 boxes of cookies, of which included donations of 231 boxes for active duty military overseas and for the Wounded Warrior Weekend (pictured). The girls also earned the distinctive honor of being Super Troop where, among other things, they must average selling 240 boxes per girl. The girls set troop and individual goals prior to the start of the season and through their hard work, learned valuable life-skills that include not only goal setting, but money management, decision making, people skills and business ethics. They plan on using part of their troop earnings for an overnight trip to Sea World San Antonio. Congratulations girls!!!
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2012 toP two Girl scout cookie sellers
Elena Welsh and Isabella Ferrara of Girls Scout Troop 17277 are the Prairie Rose Service Unit’s top two Girl Scout cookie sellers for 2012. Isabella sold 1,065 boxes of cookies in her inaugural year as a Girl Scout. Elena earned the honor of being the second highest seller in the San Jacinto Council garnering sales of 3,225 boxes of cookies. Both were recognized on May 5th at the San Jacinto Council’s 1000+ Club award ceremony. This elite club is for any Girl Scout in the council who “plans the work and works the plan” to attain the goal of selling at least 1,000 boxes of cookies each. Congratulations girls!
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MeMbers earn bronze award
Seven members of Junior Girl Scout Troop 17277 recently earned their Bronze Awards, the highest award for Junior Girl Scouts. The girls spent over fifteen hours planning activities and working with
Nottingham Country
July 2012
July 2012
Nottingham Country
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FoundationsAcademy.com the residents of Spanish Meadows Nursing & Rehab of Katy. The girls played Bingo, hosted a “games and puzzles day� and made fall crafts with the residents. Their final activity was staging a talent show for the residents, complete with an emcee and performances by the members and their sisters. Talents included: singing (solos and duets), piano, dancing (lyrical, tap, jazz, Indian and Irish), baton twirling and a grand finale sing-along with the residents. Pictured with Mrs. Theresa Jenkins, Spanish Meadows Activities Director, are Bronze Award recipients: Nandika, Hannah, Emily, Hannah, Bridget, Meredith and Sofia.
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Four McMeans 8th graders recently achieved the Silver Service Leadership Award. Each girl volunteered 70 hours or more this year by making fleece blankets for seniors at Christmas and also held a pet collection drive to aid Meals on Wheels for seniors with pets. In addition, their troop earned the Girl Scout Community Service Award for volunteering with other organizations.
Nottingham Country
July 2012
L-R: John David Kimbro, Jason Kimbro, Bradley Manwaring, Ethan Manwaring, Nathan Krueger, Redlin Krueger, Rankin Missman, Isaac Maya and Ebrahim Raja.
RylandeR Pack 542
Tiger Cubs Den 4 from Pack 542 earned their horse riding belt loop and pin thanks to Bright Star Stables in Brookshire. They had to ride for 20 minutes, mount and dismount their horse safely, groom and feed their horses, label correctly the different parts of a horse and saddle amongst as well as several other requirements.
July 2012
Nottingham Country
Boy Scout tRooP 557 Vincent Schmit eaRnS eagle Scout awaRd Vincent has earned his Eagle Scout Award, the highest achievement in Boy Scouting. Vincent is a scout in Katy’s Boy Scout Troop 557 of the Texas Skies District. He has been involved in scouting for 11 years. He began as a Tiger Cub in the 1st grade. Vincent has taken on many leadership roles over the years including Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader of Troop 557. He is also a member of the Order of the Arrow. Vincent’s eagle project benefited the students of Seven Lakes High School enrolled in ceramic classes offered by the Art Department. His project was to create two classroom sets of ware boards. The ware boards had to be made out of specific wood and fabric. Vincent organized many scouts to help accomplish this project. Vincent is a senior at Seven Lakes High School. He plans to major in Commercial Aviation at The University of North Dakota.
L-R: Tyler Quirante, Jaxon Curtis, Patrick Hillyard, Eyn McShane, CJ Burkhart, Cameron Miller, Carlos Heredia, John Jensen and Jaron Quirante.
NiNe ScoutS obtaiN eagle RaNkiNg iN oNe tRoop
Nine scouts from Troop 780 were awarded the rank of Eagle Scout on Saturday, May 5th. Troop 780 is sponsored by the Katy 3rd Ward of the Katy Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Manta Ray Enterprises, Inc. Texas Real Estate & Management Co.
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tRiNity baptiSt chuRch VacatioN bible School amaziNg WoNdeRS aViatioN July 23rd-27th 9:00 aM - Noon Trinity Baptist Church 10000 Spring Green Blvd. (corner of Spring Green Blvd. & Fry Rd.) For children who have completed K - 5th grade www.trinity-katy.org 281-579-6724
chRiSt chuRch pca, VbS TaKE YOUR MaRK, GET SET aND COME! On July 23-27, 2012, Christ Church PCa will hold its annual Vacation Bible School daily from 8:45 aM until 12:00 PM. Olympion 2012 is an exciting, funfilled VBS program that will inspire children to run with Joshua, the great champion of the faith whose wholehearted obedience to God points us to Christ. There will be Bible Stories, Scripture Memory Verses, Songs, Skits, Crafts, Games and Snacks. The week will close with an Olympion Finale on Friday, July 27th at 6:30 PM with a pizza dinner afterwards. Enrollment is for children who will be five years old by September 1, 2012 through those entering sixth grade in the fall of 2012. The cost is $10 per child or $35 per family (4 or more children in same family). Please call 281-392-0002 or visit www.cckpca.org/vbs for more information or to register your child.
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Nottingham Country
July 2012
Say Ahh! Come in for your Summer Physical at Kelsey-Seybold and get a FREE discount coupon to the Houston Zoo. It’s a jungle out there…with plenty of distractions, places to go and fun things to try. So before your kids head to camp or go on vacation, make sure their immunizations are up to date. Schedule their annual physical now and beat the back-to-school rush.
Convenient Saturday Appointments for Pediatric Physicals Can’t see your Kelsey-Seybold pediatrician during weekday clinic hours? Our Katy Clinic offers convenient Saturday appointments for pediatric physicals. Call our 24/7 Contact Center at 713-442-KIDS (5437).
Cinco Ranch Clinic 23000 Highland Knolls Drive Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Katy Clinic 21660 Kingsland Boulevard Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to noon (pediatric appointments only)
24-Hour Appointment Scheduling: 713-442-KIDS (5437) ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS and 50 HEALTH PLANS July 2012
Nottingham Country
Krenek-News-Summer2012.indd 1
4/13/12 11:12 AM
FunFest (VBs) the Fellowship at CinCo RanCh
Fall in line for this year’s FunFest - July 29th-August 2nd from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM. Enjoy games, service projects, guest speakers from the Armed Services, ROTC color guard presentation, music and nightly skits. Thursday is family evening - come hear a special presentation from Hank of Kingdom Dog Ministries. This is for children completed kindergarten - completed fifth grade. Cost is $5 per child. Visit our website (thefellowship.org) for more information. The Fellowship at Cinco Ranch, 22765 Westheimer Parkway, Katy.
Expires 10-31-12
Expires 10-31-12
liVinG woRd lutheRan ChuRCh hosts the BiG BiG Band FRoM sweden The BIG Big Band from Sweden is coming to Katy as part of their 9th U.S. tour since their first in 1978. This outstanding 63 person band will appear at 7 PM on Thursday, July 12th in the Sanctuary of Living Word Lutheran Church located at 3700 S. Mason Road.
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Living Word cordially invites the community to join us for this unique concert. The group’s “big band sound” will appeal to young and old. Admission is free and all offerings given at the concert will benefit the Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat ministry. You are invited to visit www. ShepherdsCanyonRetreat.org for more information.
Quilts FoR ChRist CliniC in Katy
Katy Pet Sitters
C Dogs G Cats h Fish
The band includes members in their late teens, as well as those who have played in the band for more than 40 years. Band members come from several small villages in the Southern province of Sweden. Erik Karp, a Christian music teacher, started the band in 1955 as a way to reach neighborhood youth with the Gospel message. Joining the band on their 2012 tour is Vincent Nilsson, a band alum, who now is one of the most renowned jazz trombonists in the world.
Small Animals
Members of Piecemakers, a Living Word Lutheran Church mission ministry which is open to the community, recently delivered a gift of 24 quilts to the Christ Clinic for use by their clients in need. The quilting group meets both mornings and evenings in The Gathering Place at Living Word four times a month and is looking for volunteers who would like to help prepare the quilts. Service opportunities include sewing patches into quilt tops, cutting fabric and tying layers into quilts. This ministry relies heavily on community donations. Any donations of fabric and thread for quilt tops and backs and donations of used fabric such as bedding or tablecloths for quilt middles, is appreciated. Cotton fabric for baby quilts is especially needed. For more information, please call the church office at 281-392-2300.
Nottingham Country
July 2012
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Neidner is also a realtor, who can help you St. ElizabEth ann SEton ChurCh GaraGE SalE
Friday, Aug. 3rd - 5 pm-8 pm - Come early for best selection Saturday, Aug. 4th - 7:30 am-2 pm BaRGaINS GaLORE!!!! 6646 addicks Satsuma Rd
aGGiE CoaCh’S niGht 2012 New coach, new conference, same aggie spirit! please join us on Friday, July 27th at the Westin Galleria for the Houston a&m Club’s annual Coach’s Night, featuring new aggie Head Coach, Kevin Sumlin. Don’t miss out on being among the first to hear Coach Sumlin’s plans for our first season in the SEC. There are a lot of exciting changes happening in the athletic program at Texas a&m and this event will allow you to hear all about them first hand. The purpose of this event is to promote the Fightin’ Texas aggie Spirit while raising money to fund scholarships and other programs on campus. We are assembling an awesome Silent and Live auction, full of aggie collectibles and other items from local businesses that both men and women will enjoy. We will be joined by the Yell Leaders, Reveille, former players, as well as other aggie celebrities and special guests. There will even be a photographer there to capture special memories from the event. Visit www.aggiecn.com for more information.
T he Kleaning C ompany www.thekleaningcompany.com
Jean marie Huntington reviews the interview schedule with Cynthia Fluitt. appointments are available on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month at Living Word Lutheran Church in Katy.
10 OFF
First Visit Only
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GEYER ROOFING Specializing in John Hopkins received tips on resume building from Kimberly Hervey of Blinn College at the Christ Centered Job Fair.
Job Fair at livinG Word On Friday, april 27th, the Job Fair held at Living Word Lutheran Church offered support for local job seekers. Recruiting companies represented included Deborah Tallman of Career and Recovery Resources, Inc., Link Staffing advantage Labor and Topp Knotch personnel, Inc. The resume workshop presented by Kimberly Hervey, a professor at Blinn College in College Station, TX, gave suggestions for marketing your skills to get that first interview.
July 2012
Nottingham Country
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The next Job Fair will be held July 27th, 9 AM - 1 PM and will feature representatives from local oil companies who are seeking new employees. Christ Centered Jobs Ministry (CCJM) is an outreach ministry of Living Word Lutheran Church in Katy, TX. CCJM invites all people regardless of denomination or religion who are interested in employment or who can offer employment assistance. CCJM offers speaker presentations, resume instruction, devotionals, job leads, networking and job training assistance in a Christian setting. The programs are free and pre-registration is encouraged. The ministry is supported with a grant from the Fort Bend Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Current job postings from recruiting companies and operating companies are on display in the church lobby. The Employment Specialists are available to meet with you to review your resume on the second and fourth Friday of each month from 9 AM till noon. For more information on the next Job Fair or to schedule an appointment, contact: Selina Ponniah 281-352-4712 selinapon@gmail.com Jean Marie Huntington 281-693-9764 dbhuntington@consolidated.net
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Tools 4 Teens summer Camp 2012 real life * real answers July 9th - 12th Time: 10 AM-noon Location: The Fellowship at Cinco Ranch Church 22765 Westheimer Parkway, Katy, Community Room Class Size: 12
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Cannot be combined with any other offers.
Hail Damage Inspection
Tools 4 Teens Program Description: This program is designed for boys and girls, 12-18 years of age. Each session identifies key issues facing teens today, coupled with problem-solving, healthy decision-making and positive goal-setting. Each student will be given a clear message of hope and personal value. With this knowledge, it is our mission to empower students with the understanding that positive choices have positive consequences and poor choices have consequences that can have a life-changing impact. Cost: $215. *Includes all scrapbooking materials, personalized Tools 4 Teens book, autographed copy of Addict at 10, treasure box with “diamond�, journal, disk of all professional quality photos taken of your teen during camp plus eight hours of Christian-based instruction. Reserve your spot today by sending payment to: Tools 4 Life Books, 1351 Blackheath Ct. Katy, TX 77494 You can register and pay online on our secure site www.tools4lifebooks.org. Call 832-606-6026 for questions. Please check our website for availability. Once the camp is full, registration will close and will be posted on our website.
Nottingham Country
July 2012
Faith West academy sUmmeR camPs July 9th - 13th Camp West for all Children entering kindergarten-6th grade July 16th - 20th Camp West for all Children entering kindergarten-6th grade Campers will begin each day at 9:00 AM with a high-energy, interactive performance. There will be times for worship, games and live character skits. They will then participate in planned activities like climbing the rock wall, crafts and sliding down our hillside waterslide! After lunch, it’s time to break out the sun block and race to the lake! While at the lake, campers will zoom down the zip-line, whiz down the waterslide and get bounced off ‘the blob’. Snacks are available at the ‘Snack Shack’ and fishing is always an option! Parents can pick up pleasantly exhausted campers by 4 PM. Go to www.faithwest.org/camp for more information and for registration.
saPPhiRes dance team sizzlin sUmmeR dance camP Come join the Sapphires in their 3rd annual summer dance camp! When: July 16th - 19th Where: Seven Lakes High School time: 8 AM - 2 PM Cost: $100 age groups: K-8th What the camp includes: Dance Choreography & Technique classes, clinic t-shirt, crafts and activities, daily snack, a performance at the end of the clinic, participation certificate, will learn the Seven Lakes fight song and spirit routines and tons of fun!! For more info, please contact Kristine Copeland at kristineecopeland@katisd.org. Walk-ins the day of the clinic are welcome but does not guarantee a clinic t-shirt. Thank you in advance for hour support!!
living WoRd sUmmeR day camP All children who have completed K-5th grade (by June 2012) are invited to dive into a week of awesome Christian day camp led by the staff from Camp Lutherhill. It’s a fun week with music, games, art, Bible study and more!! Due to limited space, each child may only attend one week - august 6th-10th. Go to www.livingwordkaty. org for more information or to register online.
childRen’s sUmmeR activities - boot camP the FelloWshiP at cinco Ranch Lace up your combat boots and join our Boot Camp this summer, Through august 15th! We are looking forward to getting spiritually fit while making new friends and having lots of fun under the Son! Activities are for children who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade. We have tuesday Bible studies, as well as Wednesday Summer Daze with Pizazz Field trips ($25 each trip). Visit our website thefellowship.org for more information. The Fellowship at Cinco Ranch 22765 Westheimer Parkway, Katy.
Can not be combined with any other offer Expires 8/15/12
Can not be combined with any other offer Expires 8/15/12
Can not be combined with any other offer Expires 8/15/12
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281-788-2047 July 2012
Nottingham Country
Houston Family arts Center aCtors aCademy announCes 2012 summer Camps! Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) Actors Academy announces their 2012 Summer Performing Arts Camps. This summer, the HFAC Actors Academy is offering 37 different 1 and 3-week performing arts camps for grades 1-12. HFAC camps run through August 26, 2012 and feature acting, singing and dance instruction as well as performance opportunities in musicals, dramas and comedies - especially designed for kids and teens!
No moNey up froNt
The HFAC Actors Academy 3-week Musical Theatre Performance Camps for grades 1-3 and 4-6 are A Year with Frog and Toad, Disney’s Cinderella Kids, Jack and the Giant, and Disney’s The Jungle Book Kids. HFAC is offering twelve 1-week camps for grades 1-6 that include Acting Up, Imagination Theatre, Triple Threat Fun, The Lights of Broadway, Nail that Audition, Disney Magic, Mix-up Melodrama, Musical Theatre Song & Dance, Fractured Fairy Tales, Actors Workshop, When You Wish Upon a Star and So You Want to be a Pop Star.
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HFAC has numerous performance opportunities for teens in grades 7-12 including a 4-week performance camp for 42nd Street, a 1-week Triple Threat Boot Camp, a 1-week Jazz Intensive, a 2-week performance camp for Lend Me a Tenor and a 3-week performance camp for the Gilbert & Sullivan favorite The Pirates of Penzance.
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For more info and to register for summer camps check the HFAC Actors Academy website at www.hfacacademy.com or call 281-685-2623.
tHe landing tHeatre Company announCe its 2012 summer season
SMUDGE by Rachel Axler, directed by Artistic Director David Rainey. Performances begin Friday, July 13th, open officially Saturday, July 14th and runs Friday-Saturday through July 28th at the O’Kane Theatre (One Main Building on the campus of UHD). There will be a special pay-what-you-can Industry Night on Monday, July 23rd. PRICE: $20 / Preview - $15. Artistic Director David Rainey will direct and the cast includes Jennifer Gilbert, Zachary Lewis and Chuck Hutchison. The production also features Lighting Design by Riana Canetti-Rios and Sound Design by Travis Ammons. A young couple, Nick and Colby, have all the expectations that most of us dream of about our child to be. But what they have achieved through their coupling is so shockingly far from their expectations that it is hard to believe. Coming to terms with that reality takes them on a life altering and often humors journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Two-time Emmy Award winner, Rachel Axler, forces her characters and us, to come face to face with our fears, our shortcomings and ourselves in this poignant dark comedy about parenthood.
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2012 new ameriCan VoiCes play reading series
Period Weaponry Reconditioning
The other offering of Landing Theatre Company this season is a collaborative project with Mildred’s Umbrella Theater Company and Wordsmyth Theater Company on a new play development series called The New American Voices Play Reading Series featuring four
832-693-6036 30
References Available
All camps include two complimentary tickets to the show, a camp t-shirt, a script, costumes and other needed materials.
Nottingham Country
July 2012
nights of new plays. The new series runs from Thursday, July 5th through Sunday, July 8th in Robertson Auditorium on the 3rd floor of the One Main Building at UHD. Readings begin at 7 pM, except for Sunday, which begins at 3 pM. Each reading is followed by a half hour talkback with the playwright, cast and director. pRICE: FREE. This year’s series features writers from all across America. The selected playwrights include Kevin Kautzman from Austin, TX; Reginald Edmund, a native Houstonian residing in Chicago, IL; Aleks Merilo from portland or and James McLindon from Northampton, MA. For more information about The Landing Theatre Company please visit www.landingtheatre.org or contact: David Rainey at info@landingtheatre.org (email).
All Your Plumbing Needs
THE HOUSTON HORIZON CHORUS PRESENTS A FREE SUMMER CONCERT The Houston Horizon Chorus is an award-winning chorus of Sweet Adelines International in the greater Houston area. We’ve been singing together for over 30 years! Our organization promotes singing 4-part acappella harmony in the barbershop style.
Licensed & Insured
Come see what we’re all about by coming to our FREE concert this summer. Enjoy getting together with other women who love to sing from all over the Houston area. Bring your friends, your mom, your daughters or your whole family to this event! We’ll even give you the chance to sing with us on a few songs! If you’ve missed singing from your high school and college days, now is the time to get involved and have fun! We are always looking for new members and you don’t have to know how to read music to join the chorus. Come join the excitement! You’ll be glad you did!
DATE: Tuesday night, July 17 TIME: 7:00 pM LOCATION: Cinco Ranch High School Commons, 23440 Cinco Ranch Boulevard, Katy, Texas 77494 (across the street from La Centerra) th
2nd Generation Tree Expert
For more information, visit our website at: www.houstonhorizon.org or call 281-755-1333. together, along with the learning tracks. We hope to see you there!
ONE A-CHORd One A-Chord is an interdenominational men’s and women’s singing group with a music ministry to the elderly in Katy and West Houston. We enjoy entertaining with a combination of music including Sacred (Gospel and Traditional), Broadway (this year will feature “Music Man”), “Only in America” - great # 1 hits from the big band era, patriotic and “Old Standards.” Our group (Including singers, dancers, instrumentalists and “Hams”) creates an hour of musical entertainment for the residents. Our normal rehearsal/performing day is Monday morning.
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We will be starting rehearsals for our new singing season on Monday, August 6 , at 9:30 AM at St. peter’s UMC in Asbury Hall, 20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy. We will have seven rehearsals before starting our new season. For additional information, please call Gail (Music Director) 281-347-0233, Bill (Scheduling and Administration) 281-347-2520 or Jackie (Historian and Chaplain) 281-347-1568. th
with this coupon
Free Estimate Given Prior to Work
you can check out our website www.oneachord.org for our current schedule and repertoire.
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281-371-0520 July 2012
Nottingham Country
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KATY 20035 Katy Freeway Katy, TX 77449
WEST OAKS MALL AREA 2808 Hwy. 6 South
BEAR CREEK AREA 4978 Hwy. 6 North
HWY 290 AT FM1960 12149 FM 1960 W.
at Kieth Harrow (across from HEB)
(near N. Eldridge)
US 290 @ Tidwell 13482 Northwest Fwy. Houston, TX 77040
FALL CRAFT SHOWS MORTOn RAnCH HigH SCHOOL FFA CRAFT SHOW Morton Ranch FFA Craft Show Get a jump on Holiday shopping, Homecoming Mums and more! September 22, 2012 at 21000 Franz Road (Morton Ranch High School) from 9 AM to 4 pM. FREE admission! Vendors contact mrhsffaboosterclub@yahoo.com.
ST. ELiZABETH Ann SETOn CATHOLiC CHURCH ATTEnTiOn!! ARTS, CRAFTS & MARKET SHOW VEnDORS! If you or someone you know would like to display and sell Arts, Crafts and/or Market/Retail Items at one of the most successful Arts & Crafts Shows in this area, then this is for you! The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, will be hosting their 20th Annual Gingerbread Village Holiday Market on Saturday, October 27, 2012. Over 130 booth spaces are available. The Arts and Crafts Show will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 6646 Addicks-Satsuma, Houston, Texas 77084 (just north of I-10 @ Hwy. 6). please contact Susie Schwartz at kclacraftshow@yahoo.com for booth rental information. Apply early Booths sell out quickly & you don’t want to miss this one!
Conv1e0 Locatinient ons
With this coupon. Not valid with any other offer. “Written verifiable quote on a letterhead from a similar type of local area competitor within one mile radius, with current date required. Valid for metal value only. Limited to 20-dwt maximum.” Expires 7/31/12.
at Richmond (in front of Home Depot)
US 290@ 34th St. 11200 Northwest Fwy.
(Randall’s Grocer y Center) Houston 77092
Westheimer @Montrose 515 Westheimer Rd.
Beltway 8 & Gulf Frwy. 12804 Gulf Fwy.
FRIENDSWOOD 101 West El Dorado Blvd.
@ Montrose Blvd., Houston 77006
Gulf Fwy. @ Fuqua
at I-45 (near Sam’s Club)
BEAUMONT 4105 Dowlen Road Beaumont TX, 77706
West Houston Girls Softball Association invites you to come join the fun! Registration is now OpEN for our Fall 2012 season. Make some new friends and enjoy the outdoors in a fun and exciting way. No experience necessary! Girls, ages 5-17, are eligible to play! Every girl makes a team and every girl plays. Registration can be completed online, in-person or by mail (visit our website for forms and dates): www.eteamz.com/whgsa. If you have questions, please feel free to email Monica Canady at westhoustongsa@yahoo.com
Katy YMCA Summer program Registration is still in progress. Limited spaces available. Contact the Y for details at 281-392-5055 or check out our website: ymcahouston.org : Ages 6-15. No one does camp like the Y! Held at YMCA Camp Cinco, located behind Creech Elementary. Sessions still have a few spaces left for the rest of the summer. Drop off as early as 7 AM, pick up as late as 6:30 pM. Swimming, field trips, old fashioned camp experience! : The Y has been teaching swim lessons for over 100 years! All ages and ability levels welcome. Morning, evening, group and private sessions available. : Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Football, Tennis, Volleyball & Club Volleyball camps are offered for ages 6-14. 9 AM-11 AM various weeks throughout the summer. : Back by popular demand! Former Harlem Globetrotter Melvin Adams will be at the Katy YMCA for two weeks this summer teaching basketball skills to girls and boys ages 6-14. This camp has been a huge hit with both participants and parents the past 3 years! July 18-22, 2012. Don’t miss out on this dynamic camp experience! : Choose from Tae Kwon Do, Karate Do, Cheerleading, Dance and Jump Rope! Come have a blast at these 2 hour camps. Tshirt included. : Child Care provided at most Katy ISD elementary schools until 6:30 pM. Some schools offer both before and after school care. please call for specific school offerings and prices. : Youth and Teen Sports Registration going on now for youth ages 3-18. Choose from Soccer, NFL Flag Football, Volleyball, Tennis, Cheerleading, Teen Volleyball or Teen Basketball.
Registration is open for summer sports camps and fall Flag Football, Basketball and Soccer leagues in Katy! i9 Sports is the #1 provider of youth sports leagues, camps and instructional clinics in the country for kids ages 3-14. We focus on fun, skills and sportsmanship with a commitment to safety. Summer camp registration is going on now and fall leagues start September 22 . For more information, please visit www.i9sports.com or call 281-398-pLAY (7529).
Nottingham Country
July 2012
Congratulations to the texas united FC state ChaMPions!
U15 Boys TUFC Los Guerreros (Head Coach Martin Guerrero) & U17 Boys TUFC Westside (Head Coach Deepak Lumba). www.texasunitedfc.com
Texas UniTed FUTbol ClUb
Come join us and be a part of the largest youth soccer club in Houston. Registration is open now for U5-U10 boys and girls. To register please visit www.texasunitedfc.com
Fo1 Football releases Calendar For Fall taCkle Football
Fraternity of One Football (FO1) is excited and fully prepared for the upcoming fall season. The transition from spring football to the regular fall season is underway. Many of our initiatives and league enriching programs have been developed and queued ahead of schedule. This is good news for incoming players and teams. Parents, players, coaches and other participants will recognize an immediate difference from what is typical of youth sports. It’s going to be a great year. The following list represents several important dates for FO1’s incoming sports families, coaches and volunteers:
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Draft Deadline (register on or before the Saturday, July 21, 2012) Skills Assessment / Player Combine - Saturday, July 28, 2012 Draft Day – Saturday, July 28, 2012 Late Registration – Registrations made between July 29, 2012 and August 12, 2012 (last day of late registration)
bear Creek baPtist ChurCh hooPs CaMP 2012
Come join our Hoops Camp for ages 6-14, July 16th-19th. Our Hoops Camp is led by Jim Stephens, Basketball Coach at Cy-Falls High School in Cy-Fair School District. Choose from two sessions for the best time for you. The first session is from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and the second session is from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Cost of the Camp is $50, with a discount for the second child. Our address is 5901 N. Fry Rd. in Katy, Texas 77449. Registrations can be made on line at www.bearcreekchurch.tv/sports (click on Hoops Camp Registration) or in our Church Office, Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. On Fridays the office is open 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
uPward soCCer, uPward Flag Football & Cheerleading at bear Creek baPtist ChurCh Bear Creek Baptist Church is offering Upward Soccer, Flag Football and Cheerleading this Fall. Our address is 5901 N. Fry Rd. in Katy, Texas 77449. We will be having Upward Soccer for children 4 yrs. by Sept. 1, 2012 through 6th Grade. Our Flag Football and Cheerleading will be for children in K this year through 6th Grade. Register begins in July. Our evaluations start before the start of school. You can register on line at www.bearcreekchurch.tv/sports - click on Upward and register or register in the Main Office, Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. Each child needs to attend an evaluation, not for the whole two hours but for about 20 minutes. Evaluations will be Tuesday and Thursday, September 4th and 6th from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM in the back behind our parking lot. On Saturday, September 8th between the hours of 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Cost is $75. We will be holding a clinic for the league on Saturday, September 22nd from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM in our backfields. Our practices will begin the week of September 12th. Our first games will be October 13th and go through November 17th. For more information, contact Linda Newhouse or Scott Denton at 281-859-9900.
July 2012
Nottingham Country
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With this ad. May not be combined with any other offers. Expires 7/31/12.
Katy Rugby Club
Fun for all the family. All ages welcome - boys & girls. Training every Sunday 2-4 PM, at Beck Junior High school Football Field. For more information, visit www.katyrugbyclub.com
laDy SHaRKS WOMENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S gOlF aSSOCIatION (Wga)
The Lady Sharks WGA are inviting new members to join our Thursday morning play day at Meadowbrook Farms Golf Club. Our purpose is to promote womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s golf and fellowship among our members while enhancing the understanding of The Rules of Golf and improving play. For more information, contact Susie Hatfield 832-437-3670, michaelhat2002@yahoo.com or Sue Crookson 281-392-4913, scrookson@entouch.net
The Katy Valkyries is a varsity team competing in the Texas Girls High School Lacrosse League and accepts players from all KISD high schools. Lacrosse experience is not necessary to join the team - we will teach you the skills and game strategy. Please see our new website at: www.katyvalkyries.org for additional information.
WOMENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S baSKEtball lEaguE
Looking for as many ladies as possible to play. Ages 16+. Contact Krystal Horn for more information at katybball@yahoo.com
Katy FaMIly yMCa VOllEyball
Katy Family YMCA has open volleyball for Y members on Tuesday and Thursday nights for adults only, from 8:00-10:00 PM. If you know the rules and can enjoy volleyball, please join us.
MENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DROp-IN ROllER HOCKEy
Bear Creek Roller Rink is the home of Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Drop-In Hockey. All ages and abilities are welcome. No commitment is required. Just show up and play!!! Games are played every Sunday from 7-9 PM. For more information, please call Dave Bradford at 281-855-2615.
Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving golfing skills. For more information contact Sue Crookson at 281-392-4913 scrookson@houston.rr.com or Yana Dommert at 281-394-2481 yana@entouch.net or Kathy Smith 815-715-3892.
DatED bIblE StuDIES Katy Christian Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ConneCtion
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2012 Prayer Connection dates: July 12th August 9th
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For more information about our prayer connections, directions or to RSVP, please call 281-232-8338 or visit www.KatyCWC.org.
Stained Glass Restoration & Repair Half Round/Arched Windows Call Larry or Sandy Jones
Join us for a prayer, coffee and fellowship 10 AM to 11:30 AM La Madeleineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 23322 Mercantile Parkway Katy, TX (Grand Parkway and I-10) Bring a friend and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to bring your Bible.
Visit our Gallery
Katy agloW
Aglow International is a global, trans-denominational Christian organization. More than 200,000 Aglow members meet together each month through local fellowships. At the monthly gatherings
Nottingham Country
July 2012
there is time to meet and visit with friends, enjoy corporate worship and prayer, and hear from a guest speaker. Many of the ladies share lunch afterwards. You are most cordially invited to attend the Katy Aglow group. You will be glad you did.
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Meeting: 4th Tuesday of each month Place: Church on the Rock. 433 S. Barker Cypress, Houston, TX 77094 (Dir: 1-10 Exit Barker Cypress Rd., go south 3 blocks to corner of Barker Cypress at Kingsland Blvd.) CONTACT: www.katyaglow.com for guest speaker and group information www.aglow.org for information about Aglow International
Power for Today BiBle STudy and Prayer
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matt 6:34 Held every 3rd Tuesday - 6:30-7:30 pM Omni Hotel Westside - Café on the Lake 13210 Katy Freeway Houston, Texas 77079 281-558-8338
CreeKSide CoMMuniTy CHurCH
Community Bible Studies: Ladies Studies - Thursday Nights at 7 pM - Grand parkway & Westheimer Men’s Bible Study - Saturdays at 7:00 AM - Katy Mills Denny’s Youth Bible Study - Sundays at 4:30 pM - 542 Applewhite Dr. Couples Bible Studies - Tuesdays at 6 pM - Long Meadow Farms Wednesdays at 7:00 pM - North Cinco Ranch Thursdays at 7:00 pM - Silver Ranch
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New customer only on regular schedule. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid for one time or empty cleans.
For more information, call 713-705-4878.
“for THe BeTTerMenT of THe world” BaHa’i faiTH of forT Bend CounTy
please join us for an informal devotional gathering, where we share music, prayers and inspirational readings taken from the major religions of the world, in an environment of unity and harmony. The Word of God, say the Baha’i Writings, provides inspiration, rejuvenates souls, gladdens hearts and renews one’s sense of purpose. The devotional is held on the 2nd Sunday of each month, from 4-5 pM and will be followed by a sharing of thoughts, ideas and ways to apply spiritual principles to one’s day-to-day affairs. Refreshments will be served. For details on the location or for answers to any other questions you may have, please call the Baha’i Faith of Fort Bend County at 281-395-9026.
SENIOR CHURCH GROUPS KingSland BaPTiST CHurCH weeKly evenTS for adulT 55+
Game Day - Meet with us every Wednesday in the Crawford Fellowship Hall from 10:00 AM to 12:00 pM as we fellowship around the table playing Chicken Foot, Scrabble, Cards, etc. Bring a sack lunch (drinks provided) and we will eat together at noon. Group Exercise Class - The exercise class for adults 55+ meets every Wednesday at 8:45 AM for 45 minutes of exercise led by Christy Kennedy, a group fitness certified instructor. This is a great time to enjoy like-minded folks who are strengthening and conditioning their body for the long haul. Regardless of your present condition, Christy will help you improve while making the exercise fun and beneficial. For more information, contact Mike Kelley at 281-492-0785. Kingsland Baptist Church is located at 20555 Kingsland Blvd. We are located across from Taylor High School Tennis Courts. For more information, you can visit us online at www.kingsland.org or call the church office at 281-492-0785.
Home: 281-345-9800
30+ Years Experience/Family Owned
July 2012
Nottingham Country
World-Class Care. Hometown Heart.
Classified Ads FOR SALE King size, round bed, white leather headboard, includes foam mattress, good condition, must see, only $400. 281-818-7281. Yamaha keyboard, played once, paid $375, asking $175. 281-599-0332. Stainless steel gas grill with 3 burners, warmer, easy disconnect plus utensils. Paid $1,400. Selling for $175. Excellent condition. Call 832-754-8840.
State-of-the-art medical treatment with a personalized healing touch for Katy, West Houston and surrounding communities.
Custom white, faux wood blinds for sale. 3 - 40x70, 5 - 34x58, 1 sink window 34x40, 1 door window 23x40. $40 each or best offer. Call 281-463-1175. Sohmer & Co. upright piano with bench, black lacquer, brass feet and hinges, excellent condition, $4,000. 281-492-1896. Craftsman air compressor, 4 HP, 25 gal, oil free, $150 OBO. Call 713-298-9537.
www.christusstcatherine.org 701 S. Fry Road, Katy, Texas 77450 | 281.599.5700
Howard Miller Grandfather Clock with light, in great condition, $750. 832-350-5279. Matching plaid couch and overstuffed chair. Very little use, $600 firm. Call 281-492-7075. Marcy Home Gym complete with self spotting bench, curling bar, lat-pull pully system & over 200 lbs. of weights. Also a chest-explosion machine & accessories for the pully system. Excellent condition. $325 or $350 delivered assembled. 281-881-6405. Sofa good to very good condition, $250 OBO. jordon98@hotmail.com.
g n i r u pt ce of
sen Es emories” ur
Y o
Omega Pro II Racquetball Racket with zip case, never used, $35; 8” animal gold trim/porcelain (some) plates, $15 - $20 each; Emmot Kelly clown, numbered/framed lithographs, $75 - $100 each. Cheryl 281-543-2409.
Chris Vacattmas ion 1990
Sliding mirror doors (one pair) for a wardrobe or closet, each door is 39 “W x 79”H, together the doors will be good for a 78”W X 79”H wardrobe or closet, comes with upper and bottom alum guide rails, the doors are similar to IKEA PAX MALM ward robe article # 900-745-72, picture available, asking $205. Contact School8007@aol.com.
MOVING/GARAGE SALES Moving sale! Queen-size, cedar post headboard/footboard bed w/ mattress set, $250; matching 5-drawer, cedar drawer chest, $200 and two matching cedar nightstands, $40 each. One girls’ headboard, full size, built in bookshelves for books or display, pearlescent white, $100. All like new! Call 832-878-9416 or ann.wynn@aol.com .
AUTOMOTIVE 2007 Harley Davidson Road King (White Gold), 6 speed (32,000 miles), lots of extras, all maintenance updated. $12,600. 713-594-8056. 2008 Chrysler 300, 2.7 V6, red with gray leather interior, 83,000 miles. This is a clean, single driver car that has been well maintained, $13,900. 713-562-1178. 1995 Land Cruiser, 160,000 original miles, in very good condition. Non-negotiable price of $5,000. Call 281-856-7171.
2010 Ford F150 XLT with Extended Cab, 4.6L V8. Exterior color, silver with tan cloth interior. Upgraded chrome wheels, 6 foot long bed with liner, power windows, doors, tinted windows, Sirius XM capable. Less than 20k miles on it. For pictures and inquiries, email anwilbanks99@gmail.com.
Nottingham Country
July 2012
Classified Ads Rare 1967 Pontiac Firebird convertible, re-built, under warranty, 400 Pontiac motor-not matching no., less than 400 miles, totally restored, yellow with black interior, new paint, new disk brakes, new suspension, new interior & new black top with cover, new custom sound system, $24,000. Firm. 281-455-5543. 1998 Suzuki 1500 Intruder motorcycle, eggshell on white in color, black leather saddle bags, $3,000. 281-726-4305 Pat.
WANTED Wanted: To buy gold jewelry, 10K - 21K and old U. S. coins. 713-894-8490. Wanted: To buy Rolex watches. 281-414-3597.
HELP WANTED - CARE Live in caregiver for elderly, ambulatory female. Must be mature female, nonsmoker with valid drivers license, transportation and good driving record. Duties include companionship, personal care, light cleaning and cooking. Must be able to live in Monday through Saturday. Please have references. 281-550-7577.
Golf Hole Monitor for Par 3 Contest. Enjoy golf and the outdoors? Hole In One Challenge, a national par 3 company and affiliate of The First Tee and The World Golf Foundation, is seeking sales representatives to promote par 3 contests on local golf courses. A portion of all sales will help support programs offered to young people through The First Tee. Work a 6-hour shift, approximately 8 AM to 2 PM. This is a commission only position with daily pay. Positions are available immediately. Must be able to pass drug test. Please contact Larry Wilkerson at 281-345-1517. Before/after school counselors to work for YMCA. Responsible adults needed to supervise children in Katy ISD elementary child care sites, either before or after school. High School Diploma or GED required. Part-Time. Submit applications to Sherry Hubbard at sherryh@ymcahouston.org or call 281-392-5055 ext. 235. Manta Ray Enterprises, Inc. (MRE, Inc.) is always in search of highly motivated people whose core values are aligned with the Broker’s. You are not expected to have the know-how when you start. Learn from a TREC-MCE Instructor with 28 years experience on leasing and working with property management with single family homes & condo’s. We will guide you on the proper forms to use. Broker will provide a one-on-one support to any agent willing and wanting to learn more. MRE, Inc. will help you better assist your clients/customers/ investors. MRE, Inc. holds educational seminars to the community and any agent/consumer/investor. MRE, Inc. will assist you with property management, sales & leases. We offer incentives to our recruits. For more information, please contact the Broker (“Tisha” Matticks) directly at mre@mantarayenterprises.com and make your appointment to start your new career today.
How to Contact Krenek Printing DEADLINE (for all ads and news in the Katy area): The 25th of the second month preceding publication date.
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mail, fax or email: CLASSIFIED@KRENEKPRINTING.COM Get prices online or call us 8:30a - 5p.
ADVERTISING Affordable advertising across Katy & Hwy 6.
ADS@KRENEKPRINTING.COM (281) 463-8649 fax (281) 463-2425
7102 Glen Chase Ct. Houston, TX 77095
www.krenekprinting.com Looking for a highly motivated and outgoing person to be the front desk for a new dental office in Katy area. Candidate should be knowledgeable about dental insurance and have great communication skills. It is a paperless office so computer skills is a must. Experience is necessary, minimum 2 years. Need to know how to schedule, run daily/monthly/yearly reports, submit insurance claims electronically and manually, work on accounts receivable, manage patient charts, discuss and present treatment plans, verify insurance, pretreatment estimates and so on, handle patient upsets, deal with software support, etc. Please forward resume to assistdds@hotmail.com. Discovery Schoolhouse now hiring teachers and support staff. Must have experience working in a licensed child care facility, be flexible and dependable and have a passion for early childhood education. Call 281-4019828 or send resume to info@discovery-schoolhouse.com. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281-656-2273.
Service A/C Today!
Martial Arts USA is hiring qualified Tae Kwon Do Black Belts with WTF certification, over 18 years of age, background checks and interviews will be conducted. Contact Master Shin or Master An at 281-463-9333 or email YoungAn@ cyfairtkd.com. Location, 17121 West Rd. Suite 200 Houston TX 77095. Permanent kennel help wanted, not for summer only. Fill out application at 18310 FM 529, no phone calls. Wanted - Hairstylists. Looking for a fun and relaxing place to work, one that appreciates you? Look no further! Sheri Marie’s Salon & Co. is hiring great hairstylists. Visit www.sherimariesalonco.com or call 281-463-7375. Now hiring Security Officers. Part time/full time on the job training. No experience necessary. Professional & reliable retired welcome. Must provide TDL, Soc. Sec. card, (clear criminal history). Excellent benefits, all shift available. Call today & set up interview. 281-759-1010. 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston TX, 77079.
July 2012
Nottingham Country
m p
281-347-2665 nd Free estimate or 2 opinion Air Conditioning Contractors of America
$25 off any repair
Duct Inspection with tune-up
NO Interest
Up to 36 Months
financing available on select systems WAC
IdealAirServices.com 37
Classified Ads
Residential and Commercial
Michelle’s Salon is looking for good experience hairstylist, massage therapist, nail tech and esthetician, lease or commission. 832-878-1052.
Garage Doors and Openers Installation and Repairs
The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person.
License # TACLA1038C
Greater Houston
Financing Available WAC
95 19 pt. A/C Check-up
Housekeepers needed. Great hours for mom’s with school age children. 281-861-0394. Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and good clientele. Benefits available. Call Images Hair Studio at 281-256-2286. Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@westhoustonelectric.com.
HOMES/CONDOS FOR SALE Bay House in Sargent, waterfront property with boat access to house, built in 2003. 2 BR’s, 2 car garage, vaulted ceilings, central AC/heat, storage shed attached to house, carport, enclosed stairway, water & sewer system. Call Bill at 979-429-6853.
BOARDERS/ROOMMATES Room for rent in family home, Katy - Fry Road at Morton, all bills paid, non smoker, $375. Call 713-822-8615 - individual.
Timeshare: rent a lovely condo for a full week in Hawaii. Sleeps 4, fully stocked kitchen. What else needs to be said… It’s Hawaii! $795. For information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427.
16 Years of Hands on Experience & 7+ years in Business
Knowledgeable, dependable home repairs and remodeling
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For all of your plumbing needs, call... ONE CALL DOES IT
Low Price Guarantee Licensed and Insured
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UÊ7>ÌiÀÊ i>ÌiÀà UÊ À> Ê*À L i à UÊ >ÕViÌÊ ÃÌ> >Ì Ê> `Ê,i«> À UÊ7>ÌiÀÊ i> ÃÊ> `Ê ÕV Ê Ài UÊ >ÃÊ/iÃÌ
Playa del Carmen private condo, 2 bed / 2 bath. 1600 square feet, beautifully furnished. 2 blocks from beach, 3 blocks from famous Fifth Avenue. Photos, rates, guest reviews at: www.VRBO.com/235451. Call Jeff, 713-856-7774. Las Vegas Timeshare - On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living; jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s/2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days $355 - 7 days $500. No added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for more information.
Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – LA JM
Nottingham Country
July 2012
IMPORTANT NUMBERS SCS MANAGEMENT SERVICES (Management Company for Sec.1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 & Mason Creek Park Sec. 1) Nottingham Country CIA 281-463-1777, ext. 7132 Nancy Callaway - ncallaway@scsmgmt.com
Serving Katy, Fort Bend and Surrounding Areas... With Quality For Over 49 Years
Crest Management Company (for Section 10 only) Nottingham Country Fund, Inc. 281-579-0761 Michael Barrera michael@crestmanagement.com Commissioner Steve Radack Street Repairs ( J. Martinez) Harris County - www.co.harris.tx.us
281-463-6300 281-463-6300
911 281-463-6666 281-463-2648 911 281-492-8080
Precinct 5 Constables Harris County Sheriff Dept. Non-emerg. West I-10 Volunteer Fire Dept. NON Emergencies Only 851 Dominion Dr. Non-emergencies West I-10 Harris County Ambulance Katy Ambulance Poison Control Center Toxic Chemical & Oil Spills Highway Patrol
Center Point Energy (Gas) Longhorn Utility District Leaking gas fire Nottingham MUD Electricity - Reliant Energy (billing) Center Point Power Outage (include pole number) Comcast Communications AT & T Repair AT & T New Service Mason Creek Utility district Best Trash LLC
Methodist West Houston Hospital Katy Memorial Hermann Christus St. Catherine Memorial City Hospital
Maude Marks Bear Creek Katy 211 Baker Road Park Row Post Office 20180 Park Row 16830 Barker Springs 10505 Town & Country 315 Addicks-Howell Rd.
KISD Tax Office Harris County Animal Control Harris County Mosquitoe Control Harris County Appraisal District Harris Co. Tax Office Harris Co.Appraisal District Texas Dept of Public Safety KISD Administration KISD Transportation Nottingham County Elementary Pattison Elementary Memorial Parkway Jr. High McMeans Junior High Taylor High School
713-659-2111 281-353-9756 713-659-3552 281-579-8641 713-207-7777 713-207-2222
713-341-1000 1-800-246-8464 1-800-288-2020 281-578-7272 281-313-2378 832-522-1000 281-644-7000 281-599-5700 713-932-3000
281-396-6100 281-999-3191 713-440-4800 713-957-7800 713-224-1919 713-957-7800 713-681-1761 281-396-6000 281-396-7560 281-237-5500 281-237-5450 281-237-5800 281-237-8000 281-237-3100
NEWSLETTER INFORMATION Krenek Printing Company 7102 Glen Chase Ct. 281 463-8649 Fax# 281 463-2425 www.krenekprinting.com Articles Email: News@KrenekPrinting.com Ads Email: ads@krenekprinting.com Mini Ads Email: classified@krenekprinting.com
July 2012
281-492-8592 281-550-0885 281-391-3509
281-675-3600 281-392-8080 281-391-9221 1-800-764-7661 1-800-424-8802 713-957-6192
Nottingham Country
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect to opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek Printing is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with in this publication. All warranties and representations make in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX. 77095 281-463-8649 news @krenekprinting.com
Lawn KareKeepers Inc. Serving your area since 1989 FREE Estimates!
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12 13 14
19 20
26 27 28
July 4 - Independence Day July 20 - Ramadan (start) UV Safety Month National Picnic Month
July 14th - Bastille Day July 22nd - Parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Day Cord Blood Awareness Month
Published by: Krenek Printing " & ' , #(&'#"
, Nottingham Country July 2012 email: news@ % " $% "' " #! #% %' & , &@ % " $% "' " #! #% (& " && & , && + @ % " $% "' " #! #% && + &