NOTTINGHAM HAPPENINGS Summer is here and we occasionally receive requests from homeowners wishing to reserve the pavilion in Rennie Park. In order to reserve it, please call Nancy Callaway at SCS Management and she will provide all the information you need to make a reservation. The park is getting increased usage and we recently had some repairs done to some of the equipment. If anyone discovers faulty playground equipment, we ask you to once again call Nancy Callaway at SCS Management and someone will be out to fix it as soon as possible. If any homeowner has suggestions as to how we can improve the park, we would certainly appreciate an email and will look into it. With summer months coming up and school being out of session, we normally see an increase in petty crimes and mischief. Homeowners are encouraged to lock doors including garage doors. If you are out of town on vacation make sure you call our Constables and let them know and they will place your home on a special watch list while you are gone. Parents, it goes without saying that it’s always a good thing to know where your children are. This is also garage sale season and holding one is not a problem so long as they are not held weekly. Please make certain you go back and pick up all signs after the sale is over! Please remember that any major changes to the exterior structure of your home including a new roof or paint needs to be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. This is a very easy process and Director Allen Hess handles these requests very quickly. Almost all requests are approved but do not take the chance of spending lots of money for a project to find out there is a problem and then have to redo it. It seems like we have the most problems with paint as homeowners occasionally wish to paint a home some unusual color. White and earth tones are never a problem but blues, greens and shades of red generally create issues. This past weekend (March 17th/18th) we saw a great deal of yard work being done due to the very nice weather. There are still way too many yards in very unsightly condition. For those of you who fall into that category, please get them fixed and save yourself some legal fees. As of 3/22/12, there remains about 150 homeowners who still have not paid their 2012 annual homeowner’s association assessment of $200. If you are one of them, it’s fixing to cost you more money as late fees have been added and as required by law, a certified letter will be sent to you at a cost of $35. Please get your fee paid and avoid additional costs!!! If you’re a new homeowner, please note that your mortgage company WILL NOT pay your annual HOA fee. That is solely your responsibility. Finally, we are seeing a disturbingly increased number of lost and found pets. Please keep your pets indoors or make certain they are securely confined to the backyard. It is against the County Leash law to allow your pets to roam freely. It’s always sad to hear of a lost pet, so please take the precautions to make certain your pet is safe and secure.
May 2012
Don Mach NCCIA President and Legal Liaison
Published by: Krenek Printing " & ' , #(&'#"
, May 2012 Nottingham Country email: news@ % " $% "' " #! #% %' & , &@ % " $% "' " #! #% (& " && & , && + @ % " $% "' " #! #% && + &
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FEBRUARY SECURITY REPORT Accidents Alarms Arrest Assault BMV Burglary Hab. Burglary Garage Criminal Mischief Disturbance Suspicious Persons/Vehicles Thefts Traffic Stops Vacation Watch
10 22 1 1 5 1 0 6 12 21 3 44 126
mCUD OPEn hOUSE Mason Creek Utility District is holding their annual open house for the swimming pool located at the corner of Kingsland and Houghton on Sunday, May 20, 2012, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The open house is for all residents of Nottingham. Enjoy the pool, inspect the clubhouse, which is for rent all year long and just visit with other residents. There will be casual food, including burgers and hot dogs, other snacks and non-alcohol beverages. The open house will be held rain or shine. Residents will have the opportunity to sign up for the pool season. The cost is just $100 per family. Promotional items are available for those who register for the pool. Bob Wills, Director
FOREClOSURES In nOTTInghAm COUnTRY The following is the current inventory of foreclosed homes in NC as of 3/22/12: ADDRESS 1147 Shillington 739 Dominion 20323 Warrington 1327 Dominion 702 Cascet Ct
OWNER Deutsche Bank Bank of America Primeway Credit Union Central Mortgage Deutsche Bank
Not many foreclosures left in Nottingham Country! We continue to see about two postings per month. That is a very positive trend. Please be mindful of these vacant homes and try to assist in keeping them looking decent from the street if at all possible. If any homeowner is aware of an abandoned home that is not on this list, please contact the Board and we will check into it. Occasionally homeowners will leave a home in anticipation of foreclosure. NCCIA Board of Directors
PLEASE CONTACT THE CONSTABLE AT 281-463-6666 WHEN ANY SUSPICIOUS OR DISORDERLY CONTACT IS OBSERVED. nCCIA WEBSITE REPORT mARCh 2011 Thanks to all of you who visited www.nottinghamcountry.org in the past month. If you haven’t visited our security page lately, we are continuing to have valued contributions from Sargeant Ramirez, of our constable’s patrol.
Nottingham Country
May 2012
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Neidner is also a realtor, who can help you If you haven’t visited our website, please go to www.nottinghamcountry.org and sign-up to get emails (E-Blasts) about Community vents, Lost Pets and Security Issues. As always, if you would like to offer your comments or suggestions, please email the webmaster directly by sending an email to: webMaster@NottinghamCountry.org.
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The latest happenings in Nottingham Country are posted on the Website first. Items like Heavy Trash Pickup dates, Election Results, Lost Pets and Safety/Security Incidents in our neighborhood are posted on the site. We also have applications and forms posted on the website If you lose (or find) a pet, send an email to: webMaster@NottinghamCountry.org, along with a photo of the pet, if possible, and we will post your lost (or found) pet on our website. We will also notify our email subscribers or your loss. This will assure the loss of your pet gets even more coverage. Our Lost Pets Page is continuing to see a lot of activity. Fortunately, we are having better luck at finding our lost “fur kids” as several have been found or returned home the same or next day. The participation of our friends and neighbors in Nottingham Country continues to be outstanding! Thanks to all who help.
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Sam Cresap NCCIA Webmaster
How to address tHe Board directly The monthly meetings of the Board of Directors are held on the second Thursday, at 6:30 PM at the Mason Creek Community Center Houghton Room. The facility is located at the corner of Houghton and Kingsland. All members are welcome to attend the meetings. However, due to time constraints, we cannot allow audience members to speak at the meeting unless they contact us ahead of time and get put on the agenda. As much as I dislike telling that to someone who has taken the time out of his or her schedule to come to the meeting with a concern, I must respect the time of the volunteers on the Board as well. To get on the agenda, simply call SCS Management Services, Inc. at 281-463-1777, ext., 7132. Of course, you may also feel free to put your concerns in writing to any other Board member or me, via e-mail (our addresses are on the website at nottinghamcountry.org). Additionally, our snail mail address is:
SCS ManageMent ServiCeS 7170 Cherry Park Drive houSton, tX 77095 281-463-1777, eXt. 7132 eMail: nanCy Callaway nCallaway@SCSMgMt.CoM May 2012
Nottingham Country
NottiNgham CouNtry CommuNity improvemeNt assoCiatioN, iNC. DEED RESTRICTION COMMITTEE COMPLAINT FORM ScS management Services 7170 Cherry Park Drive Houston, Texas 77095 *COMPLAINT - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Date: _________________________ Name of Resident: __________________________________________ (If Known) Address: ___________________________________________________ Section: ____________________________________________________ Violation: __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
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LocaL Veteran Groups Meet If you are an honorably discharged War Time Veteran or currently serving on active duty and want to associate yourself with fellow Veterans, please consider joining one of the following groups. (Each organization has its own requirements for membership.) AmericAn Legion: The Jonathan D. Rozier Post 164 of Katy Texas meets the fourth Wednesday of each month, at 7 PM at the Katy Elks Lodge #2628, at 1050 Katy-Ft. Bend Road, Katy TX. Meetings start promptly at 7:30 PM. The American Legion is the largest war time Veteran’s organization in the nation and invites all eligible Veterans to join. Proud sponsor of the American Legion Boy’s State Program. Will Miller, Post Commander. Visit us at www.LegionPost164KatyTX.org for more information. VFW: The Floyd E. Breedlove Post 9182 of Katy Texas meets the first monday of each month at the VFW Hall on George Bush Dr. in “Old Town Katy.” Meetings begin with a covered dish dinner at 6:30 PM, followed by the business meetings of the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary at 7:30 PM. Peyton Lumpkin, Commander. Ladies Auxiliary President, Karon Cramer. miLitAry order oF the PurPLe heArt: Tri-County Chapter 723 of the MOPH meets the third thursday of each month at the VFW Hall on George Bush Dr. in Old Town Katy. David Lemak, Commander. Additional information is available through the Veterans Memorial Museum at: 281-391-VETS (8387).
Nottingham Country
May 2012
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281-617-2231 NOTTINGHAM/KELLIWOOD TEENAGE JOB SEEKER’S LIST If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. & yr.), phone number, (one only) year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. Mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 or email to news@krenekprinting.com. Must have parent(s) permission. Holly Thompson - B, PP Billy Riegler - PP Teddy Danielson - PP, L, C, B, CPR Elizabeth Consolini - B, RCC, SS, PP Shelby Pichon - B, RCC, T, SL Brianna Bourassa - B, P Sydney Lane - B, H, PP Brianna Purcell - B, PP Doug Peters - PP, H, L, C Grant Peters - PP, L, H, C Emily Thompson - B, PP Merna Wahba - B, PP April Lewis - B, PP, CPR, FAC, RCC Brennan Day - B, PP Hannah Morris - B, PP, CPR, FAC, RCC Power Donnelly - B, C, PP, L, RCC, SL Charles Weston - B, C, PP, SL, L Kevin Alexander - B, H, P, CPR Theresa Spahni - B, PP, FAC, RCC Colin Crewe - B, PP, T Kevin Panahi - PP Chloe Adkins - B, H, PP, CPR, FAC Alina Gabdrakhmanova - B, PP, T Rochelle Hajikhani - B, PP, T
May 2012
18 18 16 16 17 16 16 15 16 13 13 17 15 16 14 17 15 16 13 13 16 14 16 17
Nottingham Country
832-235-4920 281-578-6782 281-398-5649 832-577-5408 832-746-3021 713-306-3351 281-579-1448 281-646-0745 281-829-3096 281-829-3096 281-352-9334 281-248-7298 281-944-9084 832-818-8018 281-944-9571 281-579-3024 713-538-3599 832-696-6440 281-599-7189 281-579-0257 832-331-8743 512-584-1021 281-780-5044 832-492-7571
TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS-NOTTiNGhAm/KElliwOOd Please place my name on the Job Seekers List
(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in all information Job(s) _________________________________ Name _________________________________ Street _________________________________ Email _________________________________ Birthdate - mo/Yr_________________________ Age ______ Yr hS Grad________ or Gr ________ Phone _________________________________ Subd__________________________________
B -Babysitting SS -Safe Sitter SL -Swim Lessons CPR -CPR Certified FAC -First Aid Cert. RCC -Red Cross Cert. P -Pet Care (only) PP -Pet/Plant Sitter H -Housecare L -Lawncare T -Tutor C -Car Detailing
I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________
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NOTTINGHAM ELEMENTARY NOTTINGHAM ELEMENTARY CELEBRATES IT’S 30 TH BIRTHDAY Nottingham Country Elementary in Katy celebrates 30 years of ExcelleNCE in education on Thursday, March 22, 2012. The event drew a huge crowd of over 600 students, parents and Board members. It was a festive event, with the Taylor High School band marching down the sidewalk and the Memorial Parkway Junior High cheerleaders performing. Kristin Abel, the PTA President, presented NCE’s Principal Marlene Bourgeois, with a new electronic marquee as a gift to the school. The new electronic marquee was paid for by the PTA and generous sponsors such as Mac Haik, BP and other local Katy Businesses. Gary Reeves was honored for serving NCE with over 10 years of replacing the letters on the old sign. Marlene spoke and acknowledged several members of the Katy ISD Board who were on hand and then the band and cheerleaders lead the crowd through the newly renovated cafeteria, while enjoying the new mural, into the gym. The 1st grader’s, led by Nancy Lawrence, performed a song, followed by the NCE Choir. Everyone enjoyed cupcakes, browsing memorabilia from over our last 30 years and celebrated the schools achievements. All had a good time.
Nottingham Country
May 2012
Katy Elks Lodge 1050 Katy Ft Bend Road Katy, TX 77493
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s %XTERIOR )NTERIOR 0AINT Front Row (L-R): Megan Bucher, Inshal Brohi, Stephanie Martinez, Jessica Horgan and Mikee Tinsay. Second Row (L-R): Nikki Bilbao, Elia Wray, Veronica Rasmussen, Christina Little, Carol Cox, April Curry and Nina Trisic. Top Row (L-R): Regan Hill, Aislynn Marenco, Alexis Nguyen, Hannah Skeen, Jessica Rao, Irena Wan and Gillian Hart. Not pictured - Director Anne Guess.
MCMEANS JR. HIGH CHOIR SWEEPS AT U.I.L. COMPETITION The McMeans Jr. High Treble Choir was so excited to come home with a “clean sweep� Sweepstakes Award, where every judge awarded them a Superior Rating, that they just couldn’t sit still for a picture!
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May 2012
Nottingham Country
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The Taylor High School Student Council was recently honored with a Youth in Philanthropy 2012 Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals. They were honored for their annual “Big Feast� event, in which they were able to provide a Thanksgiving meal to more than 200 families. The group was also recognized for their “Taylor United� wildfire victim relief efforts that raised more than $5,000, their efforts with Katy ISD’s Santa Cops and SPUD (Student Performing Unselfish Deeds) week.
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JAMES E. TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING AND DIVING TAKE 1ST IN REGION AND 2ND IN DISTRICT Congratulations to the James E. Taylor Swim Team for a very successful 2011-2012 season. At the State Meet on February 20th, David Harlan placed 5th overall in the 200 freestyle and 9th in the 100 freestyle, Hanna Huston placed 9th in the 500 freestyle and 13th in the 200 freestyle. The Boys 400 Freestyle Relay placed 10th overall. In the Regional Swimming and Diving Meet at the University of Houston on February 12th, the girls earned 6th place overall and the boys won the entire meet and were named Regional Champions! The Boys 200 Medley Relay placed 1st and the Boys 400 Freestyle Relay placed 1st. The Girls 200 Medley Relay placed 2nd and the Girls 400 Freestyle placed 5th. The Boys 200 Freestyle Relay placed 8th and the Girls 200 Freestyle Relay placed 11th. Coach Matt Apple was named District Coach of the Year and Regional Coach of the Year.
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May 2012
Nottingham Country
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Morton Ranch High School students perform during the 7th Annual Black History Program that celebrated culture and showcased student talent. Photo courtesy of Rebecca Jerez, Morton Ranch High School Maverick Star newspaper photographer.
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On February 16th, McDonald Jr. High celebrated Black History Month with a school wide event that featured guest speakers and student performances. Pictured from left to right: Dr. Kenneth Cummings, McDonald Jr. High principal; Karla Beek, MDJH Black History Committee; Lisa Brooks, MDJH Black History Committee; Mia Gradney, KIAH-TV Weekday Anchor and special guest speaker; Roosevelt Alexander, Katy ISD campus namesake and former principal; Debra Patrick, MDJH Black History Committee and Jessica Anderson, MDJH Black History Committee.
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Throughout the month of February, campuses across Katy ISD celebrated Black History Month with plays, talent shows, history lessons and by inviting special guests to speak to students. These events celebrated the successes and contributions of Black Americans, both present day and past. Among some of the activities included a special weekly reading series at Mayde Creek High School that featured notable contributions of Black Americans during morning announcements. Students at Exley Elementary were treated to a Freedom Train performance that told the inspirational story about a mother and son and their quest to seek freedom from slavery. Additionally, McDonald Junior High students traveled to Morton Ranch High School for a celebration that included special guests KIAH-TV Weekday Anchor, Mia
Nottingham Country
May 2012
Gradney, former Katy ISD principal and campus namesake, Roosevelt Alexander and members of the McDonald Junior High Black History Committee. Students also enjoyed a performance by the McDonald Junior High band and a student play that illustrated key milestones in Black History. Morton Ranch High School hosted its 7th annual Black History Program on February 16th. This year’s theme, “HEROES,” paid homage to the student’s heroes within their lives - whether a past historical figure that paved a way for them to have a better today or someone within their family that is their constant cheerleader. Student performances ranged from original poetry works, lyrical and hip-hop dances, skits and songs. To view more photos from Black History Month celebrations across Katy ISD, go to www.flickr.com/photos/katyisd/ sets/72157629483660173/show/.
CELEBRATING KATY ISD 2012 MENTORS OF THE YEAR Mary Alexander Paul Dickens Robert Houghton Lenny Schad
Donna Boucher Patti Gove Dr. Sue Orrell
THANK YOU TIES & TIARAS SPONSORS AND CONTRIBUTORS PLATINUM - Firethorne, Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union and in honor of Ray Pratt. GOLD - Tradition Bank, Wood Group, Memorial Hermann Katy, H-E-B, Members Choice Credit Union, Jim and Sally Crompton, Paul and Amy Dickens and Perry Cummins. SILVER - Choice ER, Kevin F. Smith, CPA, Vernon and Stephanie Unger, Dan and Martha Brown, Christis St. Catherine Hospital, Pediatric Dentist of Katy, P.A. and Ken and Janet Theiss. BRONZE - Clear Choice orthodontics, Sunrise Fasteners, Inc., Rip and Tammy Stringer, Exley Elementary PTA, Daryn and Robyn Ebrecht and Grand Vision Center. COPPER - Ian and Connie Julian, PBK, Inc., Allen and Andrea Perez, Schmidt Funeral Home, Stanley Signature Products, Tutor Doctor, Ray and Jamie Wolman, Katy Veterinary Clinic, Taste of Texas, Prosperity Bank, Katy Junior High PTA, Ken and Tracy Janda, Forrest Orthodontics, Don and Kathy Boudreaux, Steve and Sandi Meier, College Nannies & Tutors, Garry and Ann Weiss, Lori Gunn and Diana Mulet. CONTRIBUTORS - Agave Road, Hasta la Pasta, Country Park Portraits, Double Dave’s Pizzaworks and H-E-B.
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MCTC STUDENTS WIN STATE CULINARY ARTS COMPETITION, HEADED TO NATIONALS Students from the five-member Miller Career & Technology Center (MCTC) Culinary Arts Team have proven that they are among the top high school chefs in Texas as they recently won 1st place at the Texas ProStart Invitational held in Austin in March. Each member of the team walked away with $10,000 in college scholarships.
May 2012
Nottingham Country
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Congratulations to team members: Meagan Peoples, Katy HS; Beatrice Wilson, Mayde Creek HS; Wilson Suliveras-Escobar, Taylor HS; Gabriela Calzada, Seven Lakes HS; Ivan Gonzales-Tucker, Seven Lakes HS and their instructor, Patricia Kenjura. At the State tournament, more than 9 teams were tasked with creating and preparing a three-course meal in 60 minutes, using only two portable burners (no electricity or battery operated equipment permitted). Additionally, teams showcased culinary skills in poultry fabrication and knife skills. The menu included: Appetizer - butterpoached lobster and handmade mascarpone filled ravioli on a bed of sautÊed asparagus, Crimini mushrooms and tear drop tomatoes; EntrÊe - herb-marinated filet mignon, butternut squash risotto and sautÊed fresh arugula and baby spinach and Dessert - chocolate mini-truffle cake filled with raspberry cream, covered in chocolate Ganache, with raspberry coulis and candied hazelnuts. The MCTC Team represented Texas at the National ProStart Invitational, competing against more than 50 teams from across the nation, in Baltimore April 27th – 29th.
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GIFTED STUDENTS BECOME ARCHEOLOGISTS DIGGING FOR TREASURE More than 1,300 gifted students from every KISD elementary campuses visited the Katy Outdoor Learning Center over a two-week period to spend a day being archeologists. In budget conscious times, KISD and Katy Parents of Gifted and Talented (KPGT) joined forces to create a fantastic opportunity to put months of class research into practice. Specially prepared archeological pits were an unending source of fascinating artifacts leading students to hypothesize why bones, beads, arrowheads and other items may be discovered. Energetic geo-caching scavenger hunts through the woodlands introduced how archeologists use new technology. Archeology experts volunteered their time and knowledge to take students around the world on a virtual tour of ancient civilizations.
Nottingham Country
May 2012
May 2012
Nottingham Country
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Girl Scout World Thinking day was celebrated by various level of Girl Scout Troops of the Silver Spur unit in Katy Texas on 2/21/2012. The theme this year was “we can save our planet.” Girls from Cadette Troop 17081 showcased Scotland. Their colorful display consisted of authentic Scottish dance costumes, including kilts and a Scottish National Dance ensemble, posters featuring Girl Scouting, Eco, Influential people, food and history of Scotland, dolls dressed in Scottish attire and photos from the Scottish countryside. In addition, any girls who ‘visited’ their country received a sticker of The Royal Flag of Scotland for their passport, samples of delicious Scottish shortbread and a swap kit containing a tiny glass of milk (since we are in the middle of cookie sales). As a highlight of the event two lovely young ladies from St. Thomas Episcopal School provided a lively demonstration of the Highland Fling accompanied by the rousing skirl o’ the bagpipes. Include
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Jayson Ewell, Life Scout with Troop 584, completed his Hornaday project of 12 Animal Transport Cages for the TWRC Wildlife Center.
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Boy SCouT Troop 987 EAGLE MATThEw NoBLiTT
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Matthew Noblitt from Boy Scout Troop 987 in Katy recently achieved Scouting’s highest rank of Eagle. He is the first scout in his Troop to achieve this rank and he will be honored at a special Eagle Court of Honor ceremony in May. Matthew is a sophomore at CRHS and is the son of Jim and Debbie Noblitt. Matthew’s Eagle Scout Project benefitted Crosspoint Community Church by resurfacing and repairing a portion of the community walking trail. Matthew’s trail to Eagle began as a Tiger Cub in 2002 in Cub Scout Pack 987.
Nottingham Country
May 2012
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Warren Meredith, 18, of Boy Scout Troop 1288, was honored at a special Eagle Scout ceremony.
To receive Scouting’s highest award, Warren had to earn 21 merit badges, serve as leader of his troop and complete a major community service project. Warren’s service project took place at Rylander Elementary. Leading 21 Scouts and adults, Warren built 3 benches for the students to use in the butterfly garden. The project took 160 total hours of planning, building and installing.
Bear Creek Baptist Mother’s Day Out and Pre-K is currently enrolling for the 2012/2013 school year. We are located at 5901 N. Fry Road (Fry and West Little York). We have developmentally appropriate classes for ages 6 months through Pre-K that meet 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Tuesdays and Thursdays through the school year. Pre-K classes are taught academic skills to prepare them for Kindergarten. All ages have a Bible story, music and motor skills included in their day. Tours are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 AM 12:00 PM. For more information call 281-859-7455 or email karen.crook@bcstaff.org.
Warren was a Cub Scout member of Pack 239 before joining Boy Scouts. He has been a member of 1288, chartered to Epiphany Catholic Church, for 8 years. He has served as Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, Historian, Den Chief and Bugler. Warren earned a total of 49 merit badges and was honored to attend the Philmont Scout Ranch, Northern Tier - Bissett and Sea Base High Adventure Camps. He is also a Brotherhood Member of the Order of the Arrow. Warren is a senior at Taylor High School. He is a member of the Taylor High School Marching Band, National Honor Society and attends Kingsland Baptist Church. He plans to enter the Petroleum Engineering program at Texas Tech University next fall.
HOmESCHOOL PACK 393 Cub Scout Pack 393 is a homeschool pack that serves the Katy area. If you have a boy between the ages of 6 and 10 (entered first grade through fifth grade this fall) and are wanting them to join an activity that is full of fun learning experiences, this is the group for you. To learn more about both scouting programs, upcoming summertime events and 393 please e-mail Sam Randolph at sumosam@sumofam.com.
Texas Christian School sent six High School students to the District TAPPS Academics Competition where they competed against students from other TAPPS schools in writing, science, history, mathematics, etc. TCS proudly had five students qualify to go on to the TAPPS State Academic Competition at Concordia University in Austin in March. Way to go Tigers!!!
Free Estimates!
281-815-2024 www.AmriFence.com May 2012
Nottingham Country
GARAGE SALES Westfield terra Community GaraGe sale Community Garage Sale: April 28, 2012 from 8 AM to 2 PM. Rain date is May 5, 2012. Westfield Terra is located off North Fry Road.
Westheimer lakes sprinG GaraGe sale Saturday, April 28, 2012, 7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. Westheimer Lakes is located off 1093.
FESTIVALS st. BartholomeW the apostle CatholiC ChurCh
plans annual BaZaar St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church is planning their annual Bazaar on Saturday, May 5th from 6 PM to 10 PM and Sunday, May 6th from 10 AM to 5 PM on the church grounds, 5356 Eleventh Street, in Old Katy.
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Saturday night will feature a Cinco de Mayo celebration with fajita dinner, Silent Auction and Entertainment. Sunday will feature the Live Auction, Raffle Drawing, Country Store, Food Booths, Games, Bounce Houses, Cake Walk, Vendors and lots of fun! The Live Auction will begin at 1 PM. Come on out and join us for a fun-filled family event! For more information, contact St. Bart’s at 281-391-4758 or go to website at www.st-bart.org.
the st. eliZaBeth ann seton CatholiC ChurCh international festival BINGO, children’s games, adult games, amusements, cake walk, plant booth and FOOD, FOOD, FOOD! This International Festival will celebrate food from Vietnam, The Philippines, Italy, Mexico, Africa, and of course, will feature a BBQ dinner! Do not miss out on this fun, family event. There is guaranteed to be something for everyone! Saturday, May 5th from 5 PM-11 PM and Sunday, May 6th from 10 AM-5 PM, 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Rd. Houston, TX 77084.
3rd annual katy heritaGe festival The Katy Business Association will be holding the 3rd Annual Katy Heritage Festival on May 5, 2012 from 10 AM to 3 PM. The festival will be held at the Katy City Park on the corner of Avenue D and Franz Rd. The festival will feature Vintage Base Ball (1860’s style and rules), as well as live music, food, over 40 vendor booths, activities for kids, silent auction and raffle. For vendor space information, sponsorships or banner advertising, please email katyheritagefestival@yahoo.com. This is a free event and everyone is welcome!
Boys and Girls Country of houston Residential Commercial Design Install Maintenance Contact for a free quote 281-492-6630 or visit our website www.lightitright.com
CeleBrate CinCo de mayo at sprinG festival On Saturday, May 5th, Boys and Girls Country of Houston will host their annual Spring Festival on their campus in Hockley, Texas. Located 35 miles northwest of downtown Houston, Spring Festival is a great way for families to spend the day.
Nottingham Country
May 2012
Spring Festival promises to be a huge celebration for community and family with a lively Cinco de Mayo theme. Admission and parking are free, and children’s all-day event passes are only $15 each. Booths will include a number of inflatable rides like King of the Mountain, Shark Slide and Water Balls; a Slime Machine booth where you can slime your favorite person and crafting booths for the little ones. There will be three stages with a variety of live entertainment, including Spanish musicians, Gospel singers and solo artists. “All of the proceeds of Spring Festival go directly to helping us provide a Home for our children,” said George O’Neal, Director of Spring Festival and Community Relations. Date: Saturday, May 5th, 10 AM-5 PM Times:
Live Auction: 1:15 PM Silent Auction: 10 AM-3 PM Lunch: Served 11 AM - 3 PM. Barbecue, Chicken Burrito or Hamburger/Hot Dog Adult Plate: $8 Kid’s Plate: $6
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For Kids: All-Day Kids’ Activity Passes: $15 (Individual activity tickets also available starting at $0.25 each.) Location:18806 Roberts Road, Hockley, Texas 77447 (19 miles west of Beltway 8 off Highway 290). For 41 years, Boys and Girls Country has provided a Home for children from families in crisis. They raise 88 children at their main campus and provide support to 55 young adults in their College and Career program. Boys and Girls Country is not a United Way member agency and does not rely on federal or state funding.
Golf TournamenT fundraiser for Local Teens Youth Camp 4 man Shotgun Start Scramble Pine Crest Golf Course at 3080 Gessner Drive May 12th
6:45 AM breakfast 8 AM shotgun start
7 AM putting contest Lunch after tournament
Please Call To Get Registered Contact Person: Kurt Norris 281-492-2689
fundraisinG evenT - BaBy BoTTle BlessinGs 2012 Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston is excited to announce that we will be starting up our Baby Bottle Blessings fundraising event. The event will run from Mother’s Day (5/13/2012) thru Father’s Day (6/17/2012). Local residents pick up Baby Bottles at their home church and fill them with change, bills and checks during the month long event. This event spotlights the extensive resources that Pregnancy Help Center provides to residents of 3 counties who are faced with circumstances surrounding a present, potential or former pregnancy. Pregnancy Test, Peer Counseling, classes for Moms and Dads, as well as limited ultrasound, and help with maternity clothing and baby items are just some of the services that the Center provides to their clients. Anyone interested in participating should contact the center at 281578-0078, please ask for Lisa. If you happen to have a bottle out from 2011, please know that Father’s Day would be a great time to add to it and return it to Pregnancy Help Center. We would like to extend our thanks, in advance, to our life saving churches, their parishioners and congregations for their gifts. Thank you for treasuring life thru the gifts of your treasure.
May 2012
Nottingham Country
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CanCare’s 18th annual national CanCer survivors Day lunCheon Join us for the 18th Annual National Cancer Survivors Day Luncheon with keynote speaker Eric Shanteau; cancer survivor and Olympic athlete. Eric will share his inspirational story before heading off to London for the 2012 Olympic Games.
Give MOM the Kiss That Lasts Forever Order Now for Mother’s Day
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 11:30 AM The Westin Galleria Hotel This year’s honorees: Beverly and Warren Bright, crucial supporters of CanCare and extraordinary volunteers Nancy Wilfong, board member and longtime community supporter of CanCare First Junior Woman’s Club, one of CanCare’s integral community partners. Please contact Nicole Dixon at 713-461-0028 for additional information.
Fun run CeleBrates aMeriCa’s Military anD BeneFits loCal nonProFits 600 runners expected in Cinco Ranch Rotary Memorial Day Run The 9th Annual Cinco Ranch Rotary 5K and 1 Mile Walk, Stroll & Roll is Celebrating America’s Military: Past, Present and Future - all while benefiting local charities. The Memorial Day kickoff event is scheduled for 7 AM, Saturday, May 26th at the Villagio Town Center, located at the corner of Westheimer Parkway and Peek Road. An anticipated 600 runners and walkers of all ages will fill the streets around the Villagio while helping raise money for the Lone Star Veterans Association and Family to Family Network. The event includes a competitive 5K and a non-competitive 1-mile event. Participants may register online at www.CincoRanchRotary.com through Friday, May 25th or pick up a race brochure at Luke’s Locker, local Members Choice Credit Union branches or Katy-area Walgreens stores. All entrants receive a t-shirt and runner goodie packet. A post-race party with free food and beverages will take place in the courtyard of the Villagio. Participants are encouraged to dress in their finest red, white and blue attire and enter the “Proud to Be an American� costume contest. “We couldn’t be more pleased to honor the men and women of America’s armed forces through our annual fun run,� said Cinco Ranch Rotary’s immediate past president, Hank Rennar. “Our troops do so much for us and we want to remember and thank them, especially as we celebrate Memorial Day.� For more information about the Cinco Ranch Rotary 5K and 1 Mile Walk, Stroll & Roll, visit www.CincoRanchRotary.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CincoRanchRotary5K.
WilD Bear run to BeneFit KiDs FaCing liFe threatening illness Who: Joe Joe Bear Foundation a 501(c)(3) organization When: June 9, 2012 Why: When visiting hours are over, children in hospitals with life-threatening illnesses are alone, with no one to comfort them. A gift of a teddy bear from the Joe Joe Bear foundation is the comfort they need in these lonely times‌ a reminder of those who love them and want them to overcome their illnesses. We have given thousands of
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Nottingham Country
May 2012
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bears to hospitals like Shriner’s and MD Anderson; but the need is always present. A percentage of funds raised from the Wild Bear Run will allow Joe Joe Bear Foundation to continue their mission to help children. Where: Faith West Academy 2225 Porter Rd. Katy, Texas 77493 What: A 5k run through mud and obstacles How do I get involved: Contact Jeanette Maurer 281-398-4522 or email info@joejoebear.org Who can take part in the run? The run is open to anyone 16 years of age and older. The event is designed for the beginner athlete to the competitive athlete. Interview Contact: Jeanette Maurer, Founder of Joe Joe Bear Website: www.joejoebear.org Accomplishments: Joe Joe Bear Foundation was established 3 years ago and has already touched the lives of 10,000 children. Jeanette Maurer Founder of Joe Joe Bear Foundation says, “We have seen a positive difference in the children who received a Joe Joe Bear. When you are sick, scared and lonely a bear can always make you feel better even if it is for a short time.” Anyone can make a big difference by Signing up for the Wild Bear Run, Sponsoring the Event, Donating items or volunteering. For complete information on the Wild Bear Run, go to: www.wildbearrun.com Contact: Jeanette Maurer 281-398-4522 or email info@jeojoebear.org.
HOUSTON LIVESTOCK SHOW AND RODEO™ COOKS UP HOUSTON’S HOT SUMMER BREAK™ BENEFITS ANNUAL EVENT The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo today announced the launch of a new summer festival, benefiting the Show and allowing Houstonians an enjoyable, refreshing and entertaining break from the city’s summer heat. Houston’s Hot Summer Break, July 4-8, 2012, is an all day, five-day music, food, beer, wine and spirits festival, featuring top chefs and mixologists, shopping, and live music. Held completely inside Reliant Center, the summer event includes cooking demonstrations, a beer brewing competition, wine and liquor seminars and the search for Houston’s best cocktail, margarita and martini.
May 2012
Nottingham Country
Nestled among the live oak trees of Nottingham Country, Mason Creek Community Center is a formal banquet hall with a warm atmosphere. The Kingsland Ballroom offers a caterer’s kitchen, dance floor, outdoor patio and sound system. Let us help you to make your wedding unforgettable.
Patrons also can explore both floors of Reliant Center to listen and dance to live concerts featuring country, blues and jazz music, along with disc jockeys playing a mix of club music. “We are thrilled to announce the development of Houston’s Hot Summer Break,” said Skip Wagner, president of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. “Houstonians love to celebrate and this festival offers them a really cool way to do so. We look forward to making it one of the best and most successful events of its kind, offering attendees the ability to get away without going away!” Another highlight of the event, a restaurant-style café, will allow attendees the opportunity to sit and enjoy creations from several Houston-area restaurants, cafés and diners, including a wine bar and coffee shop. Net proceeds generated from Houston’s Hot Summer Break will directly benefit the mission of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is a Section 501(c)(3) charity that benefits youth, supports education, and facilitates better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Since its beginning in 1932, the Show has committed approximately $283 million to the youth of Texas. The 2012 Show runs through March 18th. For tickets and more information, visit www.rodeohouston.com.
If you or someone you know would like to display and sell Arts, Crafts and/or Market/Retail Items at one of the most successful Arts & Crafts Shows in this area, then this is for you! The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, will be hosting their 20th Annual Gingerbread Village Holiday Market on Saturday, October 27, 2012. Over 130 booth spaces are available. The Arts and Crafts Show will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 6646 Addicks-Satsuma, Houston, Texas 77084 (just north of I-10 @ Hwy. 6). Please contact Susie Schwartz at kclacraftshow@yahoo.com for booth rental information. Apply early - Booths sell out quickly & you don’t want to miss this one!
KVPAC - 2012 SPring SeASon TheATre ProgrAm SChedule KVPAC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts education organization since 2001, is located at 2501 South Mason Road, Suite # 290 in Katy, at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center complex. All productions will be performed in the ExhibitForce Main Theatre at KVPAC on the Kennedy Grand Stage. For ticket prices, show details and audition information, visit www.kvpac.org. Show The Secret Garden
Date May 4th May 5th
Time 7:00 PM 2:00 PM
Lovers’ Quarrels May 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th May 20th and 27th
8:00 PM 2:00 PM
houSTon FAmily ArTS CenTer Performances are at Houston Family Arts Center Garza Main Stage, 10760 Grant Road, Houston, TX 77070. The FanTasTicks (Through - June 10, 2012 on the Garza Main Stage Guys and dolls (July 13-29, 2012 TAG production at the Berry Center)
$50 Rebate on Silhouettes & Pirouettes
Season tickets are now on sale. For the best seating and lowest prices become a season ticket holder. The HFAC season package is arranged so that any six or more shows constitute a package and patrons get to pick which 6, 7 or 8! Patrons can select their seats online at www.houstonfac.com or call the HFAC box office at 281-685-6374.
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GO TO http://www.houstonfac.com/id6.html for more information or to request an audition appointment.
AwArd winning hFAC ACTorS ACAdemy PreSenTS
LES MISÉRABLES SChool ediTion AT The Berry CenTer
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The award-winning Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) Actors Academy is proud to present the school edition of the 8-time Tony award winning musical Les Misérables performed entirely by students! This compelling musical voyage into post-revolutionary France opens on saturday, May 5th at the Berry Center 8877 Barker Cypress Rd, Cypress, TX 77433 and has 8 performances through sunday, May 13th. The epic story presented in Les Misérables School Edition is a great way to introduce children to the magic of musical theatre. Broadway’s legendary musical, originally adapted from Victor Hugo’s timeless novel, has been specially adapted to meet the needs of young performers. Relentless in its musical drive, Les Misérables School Edition is filled with powerful imagery of darkness and light, highlighting, throughout its dramatic action, the struggle inherent in the human condition and the indomitability of the spirit, despite great suffering. Set in 19th century France, this classic and poignant musical, tells the story of Jean Valjean, a strong-hearted man jailed for stealing a loaf of bread. As he struggles to make a new life for himself given his new found freedom, he must grapple with questions of faith, fatherhood and allegiance to the law.
Nottingham Country
May 2012
PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE Performance Location: The Berry Center 8877 Barker Cypress Rd, Cypress, TX 77433 (easily accessible from 290 and I-10). Opening: SATURDAY, May 5th at 3 PM Performances: Saturday, May 5th at 3:00 PM Sunday, May 6th at 7:30 PM Thursday, May 10th at 7:30 PM Saturday, May 12th at 7:30 PM
Sunday, May 6th at 3:00 PM Wednesday, May 9th at 7:30 PM Saturday, May 12th at 3:00 PM Sunday, May 13th at 3:00 PM
TICKET PRICES: $16/adults, $14/seniors (65+), $12/students, reserved seating. Select your seats online at www.houstonfac.com or call the HFAC Box Office at 281-685-6374.
SUMMER CAMPS Halter Inc. 2012 camps What do we do? During our day camps, we work with farm animals including horses, goats, cows, pigs, rabbits, and chickens. We also will be riding horses. There will be arts and crafts, movies, snacks and lots of fun! What do I wear? Everyone must wear long pants, tucked in shirts, closed toes shoes w/heels. What do I need to bring? A lunch & drink. At Halter Inc. we take care of the fun! Summer Camps 2012 June 4th -8th July 16th - 20th June 25th - 29th July 23rd- 27th July 9th - 13th August 6th - 10th Hours: 9 AM - 4 PM Cost: $200 for the week $50 deposit holds your place. Must be paid in full by May 15, 2012. Camp must have 5 children signed up to make.
Houston FamIly arts center actors academy
announces 2012 summer camps! Houston Family Arts Center (HFAC) Actors Academy announces their 2012 Summer Performing Arts Camps. This summer, the HFAC Actors Academy is offering 37 different 1 and 3-week performing arts camps for grades 1-12. HFAC camps run June 4 through August 26, 2012 and feature acting, singing and dance instruction as well as performance opportunities in musicals, dramas and comedies - especially designed for kids and teens! The HFAC Actors Academy 3-week Musical Theatre Performance Camps for grades 1-3 and 4-6 are A Year with Frog and Toad, Disney’s Cinderella Kids, Jack and the Giant, and Disney’s The Jungle Book Kids. HFAC is offering twelve 1-week camps for grades 1-6 that include Acting Up, Imagination Theatre, Triple Threat Fun, The Lights of Broadway, Nail that Audition, Disney Magic, Mix-up Melodrama, Musical Theatre Song & Dance, Fractured Fairy Tales, Actors Workshop, When You Wish Upon a Star and So You Want to be a Pop Star. HFAC has numerous performance opportunities for teens in grades 7-12 including a 4-week performance camp for 42nd Street, a 1-week Triple Threat Boot Camp, a 1-week Jazz Intensive, a 2-week performance camp for Lend Me a Tenor and a 3-week performance camp for the Gilbert & Sullivan favorite The Pirates of Penzance. All camps include two complimentary tickets to the show, a camp t-shirt, a script, costumes and other needed materials. For more info and to register for summer camps check the HFAC Actors Academy website at www.hfacacademy.com or call 281-685-2623.
tools 4 teens summer camp 2012 real lIFe * real answers June 11th - 14th July 9th - 12th Time: 10 AM-noon Location: The Fellowship at Cinco Ranch Church 22765 Westheimer Parkway, Katy, Community Room Class Size: 12
Halter Inc. 17410 Clay Road Houston, TX 77084 (between Barker Cypress and Highway 6) p: 281-861-9138 c: 281-508-6501 director@halterinc.org - www.halterinc.org
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Cost: $215. *Includes all scrapbooking materials, personalized Tools 4 Teens book, autographed copy of Addict at 10, treasure box with “diamond”, journal, disk of all professional quality photos taken of your teen during camp plus eight hours of Christian-based instruction.
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The Tools 4 Teens book will include ten photos of your teen, taken on site by our staff photographer. Your personalized copy will take two weeks to produce and will be shipped directly to you following the camp. Reserve your spot today by sending payment to: Tools 4 Life Books, 1351 Blackheath Ct. Katy, TX 77494
You can register and pay online on our secure site www.tools4lifebooks.org. Call 832-606-6026 for questions. Please check our website for availability. Once the camp is full, registration will close and will be posted on our website.
NATURE PROGRAMS FOR PRESCHOOL-AGED CHILDREN Enjoy the outdoors with your child, age 2 1/2 to 5, at Audubon nature programs (called the “Titmouse Club”) offered every Tuesday and Wednesday morning, 10:00 to 11:00 AM, from mid-September through mid-May at the Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary, 440 Wilchester Boulevard. The programs feature fun nature talks, stories, crafts, hands-on activities and walks in the woods. The cost is $5 per child or a 5-session card can be purchased for $20. The child must be accompanied by an adult during the program. For more information, please visit www.houstonaudubon.org or contact docent@houstonaudubon.org or 713-464-4900. Upcoming programs include: May 1st & 2nd: Fish May 8th & 9th: Life in the Pond
Set on a Christian foundation, the Tools 4 Teens program teaches life-skills and character education. Within this interactive program students will learn information on current issues such as Peer Pressure, Substance Use and Their Consequences, Healthy Relationships, Anger/Forgiveness, Self-Worth, Respect for Others, Sexual Purity and Internet Safety. Testimonials will be shared by special guest speakers who have made good choices and poor choices in these critical areas. The Tools 4 Teens program includes small group discussions and fine arts. Through our scrapbooking activity students create a book showcasing pictures of themselves, family and friends. Students are prompted to set positive goals and journal within their scrapbooks. This fine arts activity promotes positive self-reflection and serves as a keepsake students reflect on through teen years.
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Tools 4 Teens Program Description: This program is designed for boys and girls, 12-18 years of age. Each session identifies key issues facing teens today, coupled with problem-solving, healthy decision-making and positive goal-setting. Each student will be given a clear message of hope and personal value. With this knowledge, it is our mission to empower students with the understanding that positive choices have positive consequences and poor choices have consequences that can have a life-changing impact.
HOUSTON FIRE FIGHTERS MAkING HOUSTON THE CITy wITH THE BIGGEST HEART FOR MDA It’s official, Houstonians through the Houston Fire Fighters raised a record breaking $509,961 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association making them the #1 Fill-the-Boot department in the country for the last 9 out of 10 years raising more than $6.3 million during that time. For more than 50 years fire fighters have helped MDA by filling their boots with donations from the citizens of their community. Houston Professional Fire Fighters Local #341 will begin their 2012 Fill-the-
Nottingham Country
May 2012
Boot fundraising campaign for the Muscular Dystrophy Association on Saturday May 12th during the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM to collect funds for the campaign. The Fire Fighters rely on support and donations from the community for the success of the campaign. Proceeds raised during the street-side campaign will help support MDA services and research programs, including MDA’s outpatient clinics at Texas Children’s Hospital and The Methodist Neurological Institute. Money raised from Fill-the-Boot also sends young people ages 6-17 to MDA summer camp, held in Burton, Texas.
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For more information, please contact MDA Director of Business Development Carrie Dalton at 713-522-3679 or cdalton@mdausa.org.
Katy area HealtHcare and Business networK networKing expo May 22, 2012 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM The Solera at West Houston 2101 Greenhouse Road Houston, TX 77084 RSVP: 281-599-5540
Complimentary admission, vendor networking, refreshments, door prize drawings. Vendor space available: www.dgurka.com/expos. Details: www.dgurka.com.
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New customer only on regular schedule. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid for one time or empty cleans.
SPORTS west Houston girls softBall association registration West Houston Girls Softball Association invites you to come join the fun! Registration is now OPEN for our Spring 2012 season. Make some new friends and enjoy the outdoors in a fun and exciting way. No experience necessary! Girls, ages 5-17, are eligible to play! Every girl makes a team and every girl plays. Registration can be completed online, in-person or by mail (visit our website for forms and dates): www. eteamz.com/whgsa. If you have questions, please feel free to email Monica Canady at westhoustongsa@yahoo.com.
- West
Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates, P.A.
sports Quest summer soccer camps 2012 Celebrating 16 years! Online registration is now open for summer soccer camps 2012! Sports Quest is a non-profit, professional soccer training organization, dedicated to developing and promoting the game of soccer at all levels in a Christian environment. Sports Quest summer camps offer a unique opportunity for players aged 5-12 years to develop their technical and tactical soccer skills and at the same time, addresses key issues relating to each child’s spiritual and character development. In addition to the high quality soccer instruction, campers will also receive a free hand stitched soccer ball, a free camp T-shirt and other commemorative gifts and awards. For further information/registration, visit www.sportsquesttraining.com or call 832-593-7777.
alBion Hurricanes (aHfc) soccer tryouts
For an appointment call
Albion Hurricanes FC (AHFC) Soccer Tryouts and Draft begins in May and June for U9 to U19 Players. Please go to www.albionhurricanes.org and register today! AHFC, established in 1989, is leading the way in South Texas youth soccer by inspiring and developing young men and women through world class soccer coaching and innovative techniques as well as instilling the proper framework, self-esteem, confidence and sportsmanship within our athletes.
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Nottingham Country
Katy Rugby Club
Katy FaMIly yMCa VOllEyball
Fun for all the family. All ages welcome - boys & girls. Training every Sunday 2-4 PM, at Beck Junior High school Football Field. For more information, visit www.katyrugbyclub.com.
Katy Family YMCA has open volleyball for Y members on Tuesday and Thursday nights for adults only, from 8:00-10:00 PM. If you know the rules and can enjoy volleyball, please join us.
laDy SHaRKS WOMEN’S gOlF aSSOCIatION (Wga) The Lady Sharks WGA are inviting new members to join our Thursday morning play day at Meadowbrook Farms Golf Club. Our purpose is to promote women’s golf and fellowship among our members while enhancing the understanding of The Rules of Golf and improving play. For more information, contact Susie Hatfield 832-437-3670, michaelhat2002@yahoo.com or Sue Crookson 281-392-4913, scrookson@entouch.net.
attENtION laDy gOlFERS
MEN’S DROp-IN ROllER HOCKEy Bear Creek Roller Rink is the home of Men’s Drop-In Hockey. All ages and abilities are welcome. No commitment is required. Just show up and play!!! Games are played every Sunday from 7-9 PM. For more information, please call Dave Bradford at 281-855-2615.
WEStSIDE gOlF lEaguE Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to join us every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving golfing skills. For more information contact Sue Crookson at 281-392-4913 scrookson@houston.rr.com or Yana Dommert at 281-394-2481 yana@ entouch.net or Kathy Smith 815-715-3892.
Please join us for a different golf outing every Wednesday morning. We are a small, fun group playing mostly around the west Houston area. Please contact www.golfinggals@ yahoo.com or call Nancy at 281-550-2043.
Katy ValKyRIES gIRlS’ laCROSSE The Katy Valkyries, a girls’ lacrosse league in the Katy area, is recruiting middle and high school girls to play in competition. Contact Liz Jones at 281 578-8439 or read more about the league on our website, www.katyvalkyries.com.
WOMEN’S baSKEtball lEaguE Looking for as many ladies as possible to play. Ages 16+. Contact Krystal Horn for more information at katybball@yahoo.com.
May 28th, 2012 Nottingham Country
May 2012
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CrossPoint Christian School presents check to the center.
Fund Raising Event - CrossPoint Christian School Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston is pleased to announce that CrossPoint Christian School participated in 100 days of school with bringing in 100 coins (or more, for each student enrolled). The Moms and Dads of the students were faithful in their time of giving. These funds will help with the extensive resources that Pregnancy Help Center provides to residents of 3 counties who are faced with circumstances surrounding a present, potential or former pregnancy. Pregnancy Tests, Peer Counseling, classes for Moms and Dads, as well as limited ultrasound and help with maternity clothing and baby items are just some of the services that the Center provides to their clients. We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to CrossPoint Christian School for their special blessings and life giving opportunity.
FuNd RAisiNG EvENT FAiTH WEsT ACAdEmY Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston’s Executive Director (Debbie Stoddard) was invited to speak to 6th - 12th graders at Faith West Academy in February, during their chapel time. FWA passed around a bottle and each student was challenged (by their School Chaplain) to put $20 into the bottle. At the end of their fundraising event, FWA raised and donated $1,500 in addition to a NEW Play Pen FILLED with Diapers. FWA’s generosity will assist in the extensive resources that Pregnancy Help Center provides to residents of 3 counties who are faced with circumstances surrounding a present, potential or former pregnancy. We would like to extend our thanks to Faith West Academy for their hospitality and generosity.
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During the 2012-2013 school year, students from all across the world will have the opportunity to travel to Houston and surrounding communities to spend the entire school year in the United States, learning and working with American Families. In order for the students to come to the U.S. they must have proper host families lined up. Now is a crucial time of year for the Ayusa program as local staff coordinators to find local host families for the upcoming school year. The Ayusa program is celebrating its 30th year this year and is responsible for more than 60,000 students from 75 different countries spending the school year in the United States. With the current school year quickly coming to an end Ayusa’s local staff is busy looking for families for students for the 2012-2013 school year. Many families are needed and with the schools having deadlines and limits for foreign exchange students, the earlier the better. It also gives the families and students time to get to know each other via skype, facebook, etc. while waiting for their year abroad to start. For more information and requirements, please contact Heather Wells by phone 281-770-3414 or by email ayusakaty@gmail.com.
May 2012
Nottingham Country
Chris Vacattmas ion 1990
e of ss enc ories” E m u
Y o
g n i r u t rM
VFW Voice oF Democracy a NatioNal eSSay competitioN The Voice of Democracy essay is a National Competition created in 1947 to allow high school students in grades 9-12 to voice their opinion on their responsibility to our nation. The theme for 2012 is: “Is Our Constitution Still Relevant?” Students from public, private and parochial high schools and home schooled students, in the U.S. and in American high schools overseas may enter. The oral presentation must be not less than 3 minutes and no more than 5 minutes in length, spoken in English and recorded on the media specified on the application form, with no background noise or enhancements. The essay cannot contain the student’s name, city, state, grade level or refer to their nationality. Entries must be received no later than midnight Nov. 1, 2012. Deliver to VFW #8905, 21902 Hempstead Hwy., Cypress, TX, 77429 (next to Carl’s BBQ) or mail to: VFW #8905, POB 2, Cypress, TX, 77410-0002. The winning VFW Post #8905 entry will then compete for the VFW District 4 Scholarship and that winner competes for the VFW Department of Texas Scholarship. The State winner receives an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. in March of 2013 to compete for a $40,000 VFW National scholarship that is paid directly to the recipient’s American university, college or vocational/technical school.
patriot’S peN 281-898-6795
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Conducted Nationwide, this VFW sponsored youth essay competition gives 6th, 7th and 8th graders an opportunity to write 300-400 word essays expressing their views on democracy with the prospect of awards for future educational endeavors. We invite you to join the more than 120,000 students who participated last year in this contest. You may access specific instructions by going to the VFW Website: VFW.ORG, choosing programs, then scholarships, then Patriot’s Pen. The 2012 theme is “What Would I Tell America’s Founding Fathers?” Entries must be submitted no later than midnight Nov. 1, 2012. Deliver to VFW #8905, 21902 Hempstead Hwy., Cypress, TX, 77429 (next to Carl’s BBQ) or mail to: VFW #8905, POB 2, Cypress, TX 77410-0002.
local teeN artiSt makeS Her mark Local teen artist, Reagan Douglas, has just completed her first official recording at the famed Music World Studios in Houston, owned by Matthew Knowles, father of artist Beyoncé. The recording session was part of the prize for winning the T.E.E.S Katy Talent contest earlier this year. Her winning original song, entitled “ ‘Til the End,” is a tribute to those battling cancer and their families. Reagan began learning the guitar at the age of 11. She quickly took to writing lyrics and playing for anyone who would listen. Recently she performed for the Texas Children’s Hospital and Coaches for Cancer and has appeared several times on stage at Relay for Life in Katy. Her songs will soon be available on iTunes and her website, www. reaganonline.com. Her dream is to develop her career and travel around the world sharing her joy of music. T.E.E.S. Katy is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to encourage teens to pursue their talents and dreams in a positive atmosphere: www.teeskaty.com.
www.myshakeology.com/LauraGreen May 13, 2012
Have questions? Email loriegreen21@gmail.com
Nottingham Country
May 2012
1815 Westgreen Blvd., Katy, tX 77450, 281-492-8592 LIBRARY HOURS - Mon. 1 PM - 9 PM, Tues. 10 AM - 9 PM, Wed. 10 AM - 6 PM, Thurs. 10 AM - 6 PM, Fri. 1 PM - 6 PM, Sat. 10 AM - 5 PM, Sun. closed. The Maud Marks Library will be closed for Memorial Day on May 28, 2012. To register online for any of the programs at the library’s website (www.hcpl.net), click on “Events Calendar” and select “Maud Marks.” Participants may also register by calling or by visiting the library. ADULTS BOOk DIScUSSIOn cLUBS - The Library hosts two book clubs that meet monthly. The Evening Book Club meets on the first Monday of the month at 7 PM. The Afternoon Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 1 PM. If you are interested in joining either discussion group, extra copies of the books are available at the library. There are no dues and new members are welcome! VOLUnTeeR AT THe LIBRARY - Volunteer opportunities abound at the Maud Marks Library during the summer. Volunteers are needed to help shelve, count patrons, co-ordinate summer programs, handout certificates and more. We will be taking applications beginning on Tuesday, May 1st at 10 AM. Students should be going into the 7th grade or older and must be able to commit to two hours twice a week. Please bring your summer vacation plans with you when you come to apply. If you would like to help in anyway, please contact Sarah Nelson at 281-492-8592. Teen SUMMeR ReADIng PROgRAM BegInS! - It’s that time of year again! Summer has arrived and with it the Summer Reading Program begins June 4th. This year’s theme will be “TSI: Realm of the Unknown!” Special teenage programs include crafts, book discussions, game days and more. Young adults who complete the summer reading program will receive a prize. So this summer, join us! ADULT SUMMeR ReADIng PROgRAM BegInS! It’s that time of year again! Summer has arrived and with it the Summer Reading Program begins June 4th. This year’s theme will be “Get a Clue.” Special programs include movies and computer classes. Adults can enter to win prizes over the summer. So this summer, join us! Contact the library for a complete schedule of activities. FRee InTeRneT cLASSeS - The library provides free classes in Internet Basics each month. You can learn how to navigate your way around the World Wide Web and use successful search techniques. You must know how to use a mouse and a keyboard. The next month’s classes will be on Tuesday, May 22nd from 1:00 to 2:00 PM and on Saturday, May 12th at 10 AM. Pre-registration is required for the Saturday class ONLY. MIcROSOFT eXceL cLASS - Are you interested in getting more out of your Microsoft Excel program? On Tuesday, May 8th at 7-8:30 PM, the library will be teaching the basics of how to use Microsoft Excel. Can’t come then? Don’t worry, the class will repeat on Tuesday, May 22nd at 7-8:30 PM. Basic keyboard and mouse skills are required. Seating is extremely limited for these classes. SenIOR MOMenTS: MeDIcAL DeVIceS FOR InDePenDenT LIVIng - Are you interested in living a more independent life? This is becoming more possible by the day. On Tuesday, May 15th at 1 PM, seniors and mature adults are invited to hear a representative from Victory Living Systems discuss how you can live an independent life. Seating for this and all programs is limited. cUTTIng YOUR eneRgY cOSTS - It’s May and wow, it is hot outside! Can you just imagine what August is going to be like? Come to the library on Tuesday, May 15th at 7 PM to learn simple ways to cut your energy costs this summer without breaking a sweat. ASIAn PAcIFIc HeRITAge FeSTIVAL - All are invited to join us at the library as we celebrate Asian Pacific Heritage Month with a festival on May 5, 2012 at 1-4 PM. We will have food, dancing, arts and crafts and more. Make your mother a lei or an origami flower for Mothers Day. Learn to write your name in Japanese. Come for an hour or two or stay all afternoon. Join us as we celebrate the cultures of the Asian Pacific Rim. Contact the library for a complete schedule of activities.
May 2012
Nottingham Country
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Nottingham Country
May 2012
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Mondays, 10:15 AM - Baby Bounce Mondays, 11:00 AM - Multicultural Storytime Tuesdays, 10:30 AM - Toddler Time Tuesdays, 2:00 PM - Programs are presented for children who are old enough to sit by themselves in our meeting room. Tickets are required, free and available the day before the program. Thursdays, 10:30 AM - Preschool Storytime
PeCKhAM PArK ACTiViTieS These classes are free with priority to Harris Co. residents. 5597 Gardenia, 281-391-4482 - web www.pct3.hctx.net PRIORITY IS GIVEN TO HARRIS COUNTY RESIDENTS AMERICAN RED CROSS CLASSES - Community Lay Responder: Cost is $30 (Check or money order only & No Refunds). This class is on Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 10:00 AM-3:30 PM. Includes Adult CPR with AED, Infant/Child CPR and Standard First Aid. Registration began in April. (Bring a sack lunch) ONGOING CLASSES LAND CARDIO-MUSCLE CONDITIONING - This class combines aerobics and muscle conditioning. Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM. YOGA – This class exercises every part of the body, stretching and toning the muscles and joints, the spine and the skeletal system. It also reduces physical and mental tension, leaving you feeling calm and refreshed. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS MEDITATION - An ancient Chinese art of mind-body relaxation and healing. Its benefits include increased energy, enhanced concentration, stress reduction. Saturdays, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM. KARATE - The American Society of Karate has classes for ages 6 years and up. For more information call Steven Sides at 832-4983666 or email askhck@yahoo.com. Must register for each session. Tuesdays, 6:00 PM-7:00 PM -Junior class 6-12 years and Tuesdays, 7:00 PM-8:00 PM- Senior class 13 & up FITNESS MACHINES – This is a time when you can work out on your own on the fitness equipment. You must be 16 year and up & bring a full size towel and wear tennis shoes. Various times available daily. The machines are closed during class times.
May 2012
with this coupon
Nottingham Country
POOL WATER AEROBICS - This one hour class is low-impact, which is easy on the joints. Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:05 AM - 10:05 AM & 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:05 - 10:05 AM & 6:00 - 7:00 PM. ARTHRITIS AQUATICS - This class consists of range of motion, muscle strengthening and endurance-building activities. Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM. MUST HAVE A RELEASE FORM SIGNED BY A PHYSICIAN. DEEP WATER AEROBICS - This hour class is a high cardio vascular workout. A flotation device is advised. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM. RECREATIONAL SWIM (call to reserve a spot) - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. Thursday, 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM - Saturday & Sunday, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM. LAP SWIM/WATER WALK - Various times daily. AMERICAN RED CROSS SWIM LESSONS – Call or come in to get schedule for lessons. Cost is $50.
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May 2012
May 2012
Nottingham Country
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US 290@ 34th St. 11200 Northwest Fwy.
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Creekside Community ChurCh announCes the Completion of the Brookshire home makeover: Creekside edition On February 26, 2012, the home of Mrs. Powell was given back to her completely renovated. This 15-month project restored the home of a single mom who had been displaced for 5 years due to hurricane damage. Partnering with other churches, businesses and individuals, the home was taken from an almost complete loss to a beautiful, inhabitable home once again. Special thanks to Kingsland Baptist Church mission’s department, Venus Construction, RBM Maintenance, Polar Express AC and the Sunrise Rotary Club of Katy. Creekside is a two year old community church is west Katy. They meet on Sunday at Woodcreek Jr High School and sponsor many Bible Studies throughout Katy and Richmond in homes. You can reach them at info@thecreekside.org or by calling 713-705-4878.
Westheimer @Montrose 515 Westheimer Rd.
Beltway 8 & Gulf Frwy. 12804 Gulf Fwy.
FRIENDSWOOD 101 West El Dorado Blvd.
@ Montrose Blvd., Houston 77006
Gulf Fwy. @ Fuqua
at I-45 (near Sam’s Club)
BEAUMONT 4105 Dowlen Road Beaumont TX, 77706
living Word lutheran ChurCh dediCation and Blessing of Quilts and kits On Sunday, March 25th, the interior of Living Word Lutheran Church in Katy was transformed for a Dedication and Blessing of Quilts and Kits for Lutheran World Relief. Hand tied quilts decorated all the pews. Baby Care Kits filled with baby clothes, diapers and blankets were on display, in addition to 100 red backpacks filled with school supplies. Volunteers of all ages joined the fun after the service as they packed the quilts and kits into boxes to be delivered to the warehouse in Baltimore, Maryland. From there, they will be distributed to people in need located in areas of natural disaster, or countries recovering from war. The quilts are used as wall dividers in refugee camps, mattresses and blankets to keep bodies warm or to wrap up for comfort when feeling alone. These gifts of comfort were the project of Piecemakers, a community quilting group, that meets three times a month at Living Word Lutheran Church in Katy. If you would like to join the group for a work session or to donate fabric, thread or bedding, call the church office at 281-392-2300.
kingsland Baptist ChurCh Weekly events for adult 55+ Game Day - Meet with us every Wednesday in the Crawford Fellowship Hall from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM as we fellowship around the table playing Chicken Foot, Scrabble, Cards, etc. Bring a sack lunch (drinks provided) and we will eat together at noon. Group Exercise Class - The exercise class for adults 55+ meets every Wednesday at 8:45 AM for 45 minutes of exercise led by Christy Kennedy, a group fitness certified instructor. This is a great time to enjoy like-minded folks who are strengthening and conditioning their body for the long haul. Regardless of your present condition, Christy will help you improve while making the exercise fun and beneficial.
Nottingham Country
May 2012
For more information, contact Mike Kelley at 281-492-0785. Kingsland Baptist Church is located at 20555 Kingsland Blvd. We are located across from Taylor High School Tennis Courts. For more information, you can visit us online at www.kingsland.org or call the church office at 281-492-0785.
Cannot be combined with any other offer. Used only if needed. Expires 6/15/12.
Cannot be combined with any other offer. Must be 14 seer or higher. Expires 6/15/12.
myACandHEAT.com EPIPHANY BINGO Epiphany conducts their bingo games every Friday night except holidays. THErE IS No SMoKINg AlloWEd durINg All BINgo gAMES. They have security, lighted parking, big screen color monitor, computerized bingo equipment, snack bar and large cash prizes. Profits benefit charitable outreach programs. Epiphany Catholic Church, Church Community Center, 1530 Norwalk dr. (between Fry and Mason roads, south of I-10 behind Nottingham Subdivision) off Highland Knolls. Early bird games begin at 7:30 PM and regular games at 8:00 PM. For more info, call the bingo hall number at 281-578-3905.
St. BArtHOlOmEw tHE APOStlE CAtHOlIC CHurCH BINGO At St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church in downtown Katy, “BINgo� is being played in our Parish Hall every Friday evening except Holidays. doors open at 7:00 PM, games start at 7:15 PM with four Early Bird games. regular games start at 7:30 PM. All profits will benefit community outreach and religious Education programs. The Church is located in downtown Katy at 5356 Eleventh St. You can get to the church if traveling west on Hwy. 90 to Katyland rd. Turn right at the light, go to the second stop sign (at the stadium) Eleventh St., turn left and the Church Hall will be on your right one block down. For more info., call 281-391-4758.
SUPPORT/ HELP GROUPS KATY CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES - Help to Survivors of Sexual Assault. The 24-hour Crisis Hotline number is 281-693- rAPE (7273). NoN-EMErgENCY 281-391-5262. THE CoMpASSIoNATE FRIENdS (TCF) - meetings are held in the John Burns building of Kingsland Baptist Church, 20555 Kingsland Blvd in Katy, across from the Taylor High tennis courts. For more info. please visit our website, www.compassionatefriends-katy.org or contact Melinda ginter, 281-492-1262. THE CoMpASSIoNATE FRIENdS HouSToN WEST CHApTER meets every second Monday at 7 PM at Tallowood Baptist Church at 555 Tallowood, room ET102. Info. at www.compassionatefriends. org and the Houston West Chapter at www.tcf.tcu.edu/index.html or by calling greg Williams 281-345-9707. CANCER CouNSELING (FREE CANCER SuppoRT GRoup IN KATY) - meets Thursdays from 7-8 PM at Christus St. Catherine Hospital. For registration and info., contact Cancer Counseling, 713520-9873 or www.cancerhouston.com. Spanish-speaking available. FREE MENTAL dISoRdERS FAMILY SuppoRT GRoupS - Meets at a number of locations. Complete listing on www.namimetrohouston.org or call 713-970-4419. NAMI FAMILY To FAMILY - free mental disorders family education course. For info., please call Vi 281-893-2493 or debbie 713-849-5637. dEpRESSIoN BIpoLAR SuppoRT ALLIANCE - For info., call the dBSA office at 713-600-1131 or check out our website at www.dbsahouston.org. THE KATY oCd/ANxIETY GRoup FoR pARENTS - meets on the last Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at la Madeline restaurant in Katy. For more information check out our website: http://shyness.meetup.com/353/.
May 2012
Nottingham Country
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grAce felloWSHip uniTed meTHodiST cHurcH
ST. peTer’S uniTed meTHodiST cHurcH SupporT groupS cHriST clinic Holy covenAnT uniTed meTHodiST cHurcH Weekly SupporT groupS croSSpoinT communiTy cHurcH every Wednesday kATy/WeST HouSTon fibromyAlgiA & cHronic pAin meeTup group
Nottingham Country
May 2012
From Diapers to Dating …We’re Your Kids’ Doctors for Life. At Kelsey-Seybold Clinic in Katy, our dedicated pediatricians deliver great care for your kids. Accepting U New Patients – and 50 health insurance plans 24/7 U Appointment Scheduling – 713-442-KIDS (5437) Saturday U Pediatric Appointments – pediatric physicals, immunizations and sick care at our Katy Clinic After-Hours U Nurse Hotline – 713-442-0000 Onsite U Services – Laboratory and X-ray Multiple U Medical Specialties in Two Locations – including Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine and OB/GYN, as well as Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics – Sports Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine. MyKelseyOnline U – The convenience of emailing your kids’ doctors, checking immunization records and more. We’re here to earn your TRUST. Learn more at kelsey-seybold.com.
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2 Convenient Locations in Katy Cinco Ranch Clinic 23000 Highland Knolls Drive Katy, Texas 77494 Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Katy Clinic 21660 Kingsland Boulevard Katy, Texas 77450 Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday Pediatric Appointments: 9 a.m. to noon
Roula Sabbagh, M.D. Pediatrics
kelsey-seybold.com/katy 24-Hour Appointment Scheduling:
713-442-KIDS (5437) May 2012
Nottingham Country
J. Russ Polsgrove Over 20 Years Experience
Water Heaters $15
with this ad
Hopekeepers - national web site is restministries.org for more information or come to one of the local support groups. Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church (2655 S. Mason Rd) on the 2nd th at 10:30 AM. Epiphany of the Lord Church (1530 Norwalk Dr) on at 6:30 PM. - an early enthusiastic substance abuse recovery program for adolescents, young adults and adults and their families, meets at 7:30 PM at Grace Fellowship UMC, 2655 S. Mason Rd, Katy. For more information call 713-270-6753.
PARENT’S (MOM’S) & CHILDREN’S GROUPS, ORGANIZATIONS, CLUBS, ETC. - Methodist West Houston Hospital, 18500 Katy Freeway, Houston, Texas 77094. Daytime Meetings 10:00 AM-12:00 PM, Evening Meetings, th , 7:00-8:45 PM. For further info., please call: Susan 281-829-6833, Maria 832-606-9932 (Spanish). La Leche League International’s website is: www.lalecheleague.org. - please email momsclubkatyse@yahoo. com. You can also contact Jamie Ensminger, Membership VP: 832493-1507. - Cost is $40 for entire year. Childcare provided for a minimal cost. For more info, call Faye at 713-465-3408 x 1007. – Meets the at 9:30 AM. The cost is $10 per meeting for childcare and MOPS dues. For more info, contact Kristi Brock at Kristig8@hotmail.com or 281-858-4202. - For info., call Leslie Power at 281-392-2357 or visit www.MomsInPrayer.org on the web. - meet , from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM following the KISD schedule; at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, 20775 Kingsland Blvd, Katy, TX 77450 in Room E221 (upstairs). For more info. or to confirm childcare, contact St. Peter’s UMC at 281-492-8031 or www.stpkaty.org. - a Stay-At-Home Support group for women of color. For more info, contact Hesma at 281-762-0262 or www.mochamomswesthouston.org. oung Moms…come share with us. Visit online at www.whatisgrace.org/ibloom. Grace Fellowship UMC, 2655 S Mason in Katy. - This group is down to earth and drama free. Learn more at www.meetup.com/Real-Moms-of-Katy. - come run AMOK with us! Contact membership at allmomsofkaty@gmail.com to get involved. - group to support working moms in the Katy area Charlene Taylor charleneetaylor@yahoo.com, 281235-3043 or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/workingmomsofkaty. - For info., please contact Leslie Power at 281-392-2357 or visit the Moms In Prayer website at www.MomsInPrayer.org. - meets the 2nd at 7:00 PM at Crosspoint Community Church, located at the corner of Kingsland Blvd. and Westgreen Blvd. in Katy. For more info., please email membership@kapom.org or visit our website www.kapom.org.
Expires 6-30-12
Expires 6-30-12
- an advocacy organization dedicated to promoting quality educational services for the gifted students in the school district. Visit our website at www.kpgt.org for a printable membership form. meets the at the MUD #81 building located at Cimarron Parkway and Hidden Canyon. Refreshments are served. For more info., call 281-578-6376 or 281-392-0989. - For more info. about Parents Without Partners International, check out our website at www.parentswithoutpartners.org or Parent with Partners Greater Houston Chapter #63 at www.pwphouston.org. Contact Barbara 281-4695646.
Nottingham Country
May 2012
an organization dedicated to helping families who have a child with disabilities. For more information, please all Joanie or Carolyn at 713-466-6304 or go to www.familytofamilynetwork.org. - We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. For questions, please call 281-398-7353. - offers parenting classes, for info. call 713-222-CARE. - offers parenting classes. To inquire or register, please call 281-588-8065.
- For info., contact Kate Diehl at 832-643-0378 or ktuqt@consolidated. net or check our Face Book page or our website www.katyrepublicans.com. – For more info., contact Susan at 281-633-2277 or BurgerBizInc@aol.com. - meets 3rd of the month at Briarchester club house at 7:00 PM. For info., contact Pat Darwish 281-647-0986, visit ww.katydemocrats.org or email atydems@ hotmail.com. - moms meeting to join the fight to protect our children’s future by getting involved in community and political events. Meets . For more info., call Kelly Horsley 281-858-8830 or Martha Mathis 832-321-4854. :
- meets every at 7:00 AM, for breakfast at The Club at Falcon Point, guests and visitors welcome. For more info. visit www.katysunriserotary.com.
May 2012
Nottingham Country
- meets , noon to 1:00 PM, at Hasta La Pasta, 1450 Grand Parkway, Suite E. For more info., call 281-392-0045 or www.katyrotary.com. 12:15 PM, West Houston Omni, North Eldridge at Katy Freeway. 281-627-0662. :
- meets the at 7:30 PM at The Carriage Inn, 1400 Katy-Flewellen Road (I-10 south and Pin Oak Road). Visitors are welcome! Contact Jody White at 713-308-3842 or jody-white@consolidated.net or visit our website at http://katy.freetoasthost.org/. - meets at 11:45 AM at NACE, 1440 South Creek Dr, Houston, 77084, telephone 281-228-6287. For more info. on Toastmasters, go to www.toastmasters.org. - meets morning from 7 - 8 AM in the Fulbright Tower located at 1301 McKinney. For more info., contact Ed Young at edyoung2@hotmail.com. : - meet at various times and places. For more info call Houston Metro Office 713-688-4343 or visit www.houston.cbmc. com or www.cbmc.com/index.htm.
- meets 2 at Hasta La Pasta (Katy) 6:00 PM. Networking begins at 6:00 PM, dinner and meeting at 6:30 PM. Email RSVP’s and inquiries to abwa.katy@gmail.com. - meets the at the Hilton Garden Inn (south side of I-10 at Dairy Ashford), 12245 Katy Freeway, Houston 77079. (Caroline Champness CPS/CAP caroline.champness@bp.com).
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Nottingham Country
May 2012
Classified Ads FOR SALE Doug West prints, limited edition, framed and ready to hang. 817-905-9324. Two IKEA style white bookshelves, $40 each. One small light wood, 2 shelf bookshelf, $20. Blonde wood dresser top with two drawers and a mirror, $75. If interested, call Jennifer at 713-306-5682. Two leaf dining room table, 86x40 w/6 chairs. Matching china cabinet, 54x80, light oak, $400. Call 281-550-0330. Trurus Millennium PT 140 Pro, 140 Cal 40 with mags. Current CHL only. 281-347-2049. New G.E. electric stove, five burners, convection, self-cleaning oven, $450 OBO. Call M.L. at 713-854-4756. Senior citizen walker, $35. Shower chair, $50. Bath seat, $15. Electric scooter with battery charger included, 3 years old. Electric recliner, upright chair, $150. Allen & Roth faucet, light oil rubbed bronze, model #0097923, 8 in., still in Box, $75. Bathroom vanity top, sink, 36x19, light beige, $70. 2 seat patio lounger, new, $150. For pictures of all items, please contact Oatespa59@yahoo.com. 2 bedroom sets with 2 night stands, head board, dresser with mirror, $250 each set. Set of Fossil Rock coffee table, 2 end tables and sofa stand, $250. Solid oak dining table with six chairs, two extension leaves, $350. Kitchen dining table with 4 chairs (needs repair), $100. Desk with chair, $35. Solid dark Rattan barrel back chair and two sectional sofas, $750. Duncan Phife dining table with leaf (no chairs), $450. Call 281-856-0765.
How to Contact Krenek Printing DEADLINE (for all ads and news in the Katy area): The 25th of the second month preceding publication date.
Free to non-profit organizations.
Classified Ads
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www.krenekprinting.com FREE S ATE
3-in1 Game Table, 3 table surfaces, solid wood, brown finish. Never been used, $400. 281-395-1785.
Hurricane season will be here soon. Briggs & Stratton Electric Generator with accessories, 5500 watt. Never been used, $550. 281-395-1785.
30+ Years Experience/Family Owned
Boys oak bedroom, Young Henkle. Twin bed (no mattress), chest of drawers, desk with hutch, chair. Excellent condition. $500. 281-550-9222. Gorgeous round dining room, solid pine pedestal table with 6 antique side chairs. Superb condition. 46” round extends to 74” oval. This eclectic set will add style to your dining room. Pictures available, $975. 832-723-3384.
Home: 281-345-9800
Serving Katy, Fort Bend and Surrounding Areas... With Quality For Over 49 Years
60 Mason Jars, quart and pint sizes. Used for wedding table decorations. $30 for all. 832-368-7457. GE, white 10-cycle front load dryer, excellent condition, 5 years old, $295. 281-787-1205. GE refrigerator, Profile 23.6 cft., double door, water/ice dispenser, $350. Dot Matrix printer, XX-P1124, $50. Modern computer table, $30. Water bed cover, $10. Hutch with dining table and 6 chairs, white wash finish, $600. Call 281-550-6308.
Classified Ads May 2012
Nottingham Country
281-395-4269 39
Marcy Home Gym complete with self spotting bench, curling bar, lat-pull pully system & over 200 lbs. of weights. Also a chest-explosion machine & accessories for the pully system. Excellent condition. $325 or $350 delivered assembled. 281-881-6405.
Operating System, Performance, Virus Installs and more
*per computer - Call or email us for appointment
Manta Ray Enterprises, Inc. Texas Real Estate & Management Co.
1822 Snake River Rd, Ste C Katy, Texas 77449
“Tisha” Yvonne Matticks Real Estate Broker #0540677 MCE Instructor #881244666
mre@mantarayenterprises.com www.mantarayenterprises.com
Sofa good to very good condition, $250 OBO. jordon98@hotmail.com. Rolex watch. Call for details. 281-414-3597. Omega Pro II Racquetball Racket with zip case, never used, $35; 8” animal gold trim/porcelain (some) plates, $15 - $20 each; Emmot Kelly clown, numbered/framed lithographs, $75 - $100 each. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Sliding mirror doors (one pair) for a wardrobe or closet, each door is 39 “W x 79”H, together the doors will be good for a 78”W X 79”H wardrobe or closet, comes with upper and bottom alum guide rails, the doors are similar to IKEA PAX MALM ward robe article # 900-745-72, picture available, asking $205. Contact School8007@aol.com.
AUTOMOTIVE 2004 GMC Sierra Extended cab truck, leather interior, Bose radio system, XM radio & On Star ready, 20-inch chrome wheels, chrome tool box. Well maintained, one owner, all maintenance records available, excellent condition, 127,000 miles. Sell for $8,500 OBO. 832-6545339 or 281-855-9030. Rare 1967 Pontiac Firebird convertible, re-built, under warranty, 400 Pontiac motor-not matching no., less than 400 miles, totally restored, yellow with black interior, new paint, new disk brakes, new suspension, new interior & new black top with cover, new custom sound system, $24,000. Firm. 281-455-5543. 1998 Suzuki 1500 Intruder motorcycle, eggshell on white in color, black leather saddle bags, $3,000. 281-726-4305 Pat.
WANTED Wanted: Vintage sewing patterns, girls, 9 months - size 5. 817-905-9324. Wanted: To buy Rolex watches. 281-414-3597.
HELP WANTED - CARE Wanted - Caregiver(s). Evenings, nights, weekends. Assist residents with their activities of daily living and personal care. Excellent communication, nurturing heart and interpersonal skills required. Resumes to anewkirk@tuscanylivingvillas.com or 281-395-3496. Ref: CGKMTLKP.
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect to opinions of Krenek Printing Co. or its employees. Krenek Printing is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with in this publication. All warranties and representations make in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints in this publication the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Published by: KRENEK PRINTING CO. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX. 77095 281-463-8649 news @krenekprinting.com
Nottingham Country
May 2012
Join us on facebook.com/ hccnorthwest
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4VNNFS DMBTTFT CFHJO June 4 )$$ DMBTTFT OPX PGGFSFE BU 6) $JODP 3BODI -FBSO NPSF BU northwest.hccs.edu Four locations in West Houston Katy Campus
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For campus tours call 713.718.5707
HELP WANTED New homeowner welcoming service seeking personable individuals to serve as representatives visiting new residents in the Katy area. Flexible hours, must be available to work Saturdays. Email resume to info@lonestargreetingservice.com. Inside/Outside Sales Representative - great opportunity to work with an established company doing B2B sales in the Katy area. Must be motivated and a self starter, hours are flexible, networking and sales experience a plus. Email resume to info@lonestargreetingservice.com. Now hiring Security Officers. Part time/full time on the job training. No experience necessary. Professional & reliable retired welcome. Must provide TDL, Soc. Sec. card, (clear criminal history). Excellent benefits, all shift available. Call today & set up interview. 281-759-1010. 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston TX, 77079. Advertising company - looking for sales/home welcomers in 77494. Work part time on your own schedule. Visit new homeowners in your area and go over a packet of information. Add businesses to the packet and earn unlimited $. Call 281-236-8577 for more information. Need sales ladies to join my team (especially for Easter and Mothers day Events), selling unique handbags with chic inter-changeable exterior. Call 832-258-7859. Looking for a highly motivated and outgoing person to be the front desk for a new dental office in Katy area. Candidate should be knowledgeable about dental insurance and have great communication skills. It is a paperless office so computer skills is a must. Experience is necessary, minimum 2 years. Need to know how to schedule, run daily/monthly/ yearly reports, submit insurance claims electronically and manually, work on accounts receivable, manage patient charts, discuss and present treatment plans, verify insurance, pretreatment estimates and so on, handle patient upsets, deal with software support, etc. Please forward resume to assistdds@hotmail.com.
May 2012
Nottingham Country
northwest.hccs.edu 713.718.5700 Proudly serving the Greater Houston area since 1971
Discovery Schoolhouse now hiring teachers and support staff. Must have experience working in a licensed child care facility, be flexible and dependable and have a passion for early childhood education. Call 281-401-9828 or send resume to info@discovery-schoolhouse.com. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281-656-2273. Michelleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Salon is looking for good experience hairstylist, massage therapist, nail tech and esthetician, lease or commission. 832-878-1052. The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person. Housekeepers needed. Great hours for momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s with school age children. 281-861-0394. Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and good clientele. Benefits available. Call Images Hair Studio at 281-256-2286. Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@westhoustonelectric.com.
DOING THE SAME? Financial Planning and Wealth Management for Oil and Gas Industry Professionals Please visit our Website to sign up for
www.FlodderFinancial.com (281) 717-2150 t 4UFWFO 'MPEEFS $'1¥ $-6 $I'$ t Steven.Flodder@axa-advisors.com AXA Advisors, LLC, NY, NY (member FINRA, SIPC). Investment advisory products and services offered through AXA Advisors, LLC, an investment advisor registered with the SEC. Flodder Financial Group is not owned or operated by AXA Advisors or its affiliates. PPG-66780(01/12)
LOST & FOUND FOUND: High school class ring 1955. 281-550-9222.
HOMES/CONDOS FOR SALE 1 story, 4 years old, 3/2/1 townhome. 12602 Ravensway Center Dr. #610, Cypress. 1491 sq. ft., granite in kitchen and bathrooms, 18” tile floors, stainless appliances, $149,900. 281-630-1629. College Station Gateway Villas Townhome. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, granite countertops, washer/dryer, refrigerator included. Call 281-744-5304. Bay House in Sargent, waterfront property with boat access to house, built in 2003. 2 BR’s, 2 car garage, vaulted ceilings, central AC/heat, storage shed attached to house, carport, enclosed stairway, water & sewer system. Call Bill at 979-429-6853.
BOARDERS/ROOMMATES Room for rent in family home, Katy/Fry Road area, $375 a month. Call 713-822-8615, individual.
TIMESHARES/VACATION HOMES Luxury Royal Sands Resort, Cancun, Mexico. 2 bed / 2 bath, oceanview timeshare, available one week only: November 10-17, 2012. Reduced to $1000. Incredible pools, spa, fitness center. Email for info and pictures of resort: Luxurycondo@mac.com. Playa del Carmen private condo, 2 bed / 2 bath. 1600 square feet, beautifully furnished. 2 blocks from beach, 3 blocks from famous Fifth Avenue. Photos, rates, guest reviews at: www.VRBO.com/235451. Call Jeff, 713-856-7774. Las Vegas Timeshare - On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living; jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s/2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days $355 - 7 days $500. No added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for more information.
NOVENA Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.
May 13, 2012 42
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – NTB, RJ, AP, DBI, RB
Nottingham Country
May 2012
IMPORTANT NUMBERS SCS MANAGEMENT SERVICES (Management Company for Sec.1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 & Mason Creek Park Sec. 1) Nottingham Country CIA 281-463-1777, ext. 7132 Nancy Callaway - ncallaway@scsmgmt.com STERLING ASI (Management Company for Section 10 only) Nottingham Country Fund, Inc. 281-447-3388 Mary Brown - servicedesk@sterlingasi.com Commissioner Steve Radack Street Repairs ( J. Martinez) Harris County - www.co.harris.tx.us
281-463-6300 281-463-6300
911 281-463-6666 281-463-2648 911 281-492-8080
Precinct 5 Constables Harris County Sheriff Dept. Non-emerg. West I-10 Volunteer Fire Dept. NON Emergencies Only 851 Dominion Dr. Non-emergencies West I-10 Harris County Ambulance Katy Ambulance Poison Control Center Toxic Chemical & Oil Spills Highway Patrol
Center Point Energy (Gas) Longhorn Utility District Leaking gas fire Nottingham MUD Electricity - Reliant Energy (billing) Center Point Power Outage (include pole number) Comcast Communications AT & T Repair AT & T New Service Mason Creek Utility district Best Trash LLC
Katy Memorial Hermann Christus St. Catherine Memorial City Hospital
Maude Marks Bear Creek Katy 211 Baker Road Park Row Post Office 20180 Park Row 16830 Barker Springs 10505 Town & Country 315 Addicks-Howell Rd.
KISD Tax Office Harris County Animal Control Harris County Mosquitoe Control Harris County Appraisal District Harris Co. Tax Office Harris Co.Appraisal District Texas Dept of Public Safety KISD Administration KISD Transportation Nottingham County Elementary Pattison Elementary Memorial Parkway Jr. High McMeans Junior High Taylor High School
713-659-2111 281-353-9756 713-659-3552 281-579-8641 713-207-7777 713-207-2222 713-341-1000 1-800-246-8464 1-800-288-2020 281-578-7272 281-313-2378 281-644-7000 281-599-5700 713-932-3000 281-492-8592 281-550-0885 281-391-3509
281-675-3600 281-392-8080 281-391-9221 1-800-764-7661 1-800-424-8802 713-957-6192
281-396-6100 281-999-3191 713-440-4800 713-957-7800 713-224-1919 713-957-7800 713-681-1761 281-396-6000 281-396-7560 281-237-5500 281-237-5450 281-237-5800 281-237-8000 281-237-3100
Does your garage door need service? We can help! NEWSLETTER INFORMATION Krenek Printing Company 7102 Glen Chase Ct. 281 463-8649 Fax# 281 463-2425 www.krenekprinting.com Articles Email: News@KrenekPrinting.com Ads Email: ads@krenekprinting.com Mini Ads Email: classified@krenekprinting.com
May 2012
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Nottingham Country
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