West Memorial Nov12

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Dear Homeowner/R esident: The Board of Directors for West Memorial Civic Association would like to take this opportunity to introduce High Sierra Management, I nc. as the Association’ s new Management Company effective September 1 , 2 01 2 . High Sierra Management is a full service management company and will oversee the day-to-day business activities of the Association. Tami Martin is the Association’ s Manager and Dannielle R aper is the Association’ s Assistant Manager. The Association has a direct phone number for your convenience. The number is 1 -86 6 -84 4 39 33 and will direct you to whomever in the management staff you wish to speak with; manager, administrative staff, accounting and the work order department. For emergency purposes, this number

November 2012 also provides you with twenty-four hour emergency service. When contacting the office or speaking with the answering service, please be sure to give your name, homeowner association, address and telephone number where the call can be returned. The management office is located at 722 Pin ak oad, Katy, Texas 77494 and office hours are Monday through riday 8 AM to 5 PM. Y ou may also contact your management team by visiting the High Sierra Management website at www.highsierramanagement.com and selecting nline equests. High Sierra Management will be performing the monthly deed restriction inspections and citing all violations of the governing documents. I f you do not have the rules and regulations, you may download a copy from www.WestMemorial.org or contact the management company and request a copy. We are sure you are all eager to help maintain the property values and exterior appearance of our community and hope we can count on your continued support in this effort. As a reminder, West Memorial Civic Association is a deed restricted community and all changes or additions to the exterior of the home must be approved by the Association prior to any work commencing. equests for home improvements can be obtained through management. The Board of Directors meetings are held monthly in the association clubhouse ( by the pool) on the fourth Tuesday at 7 PM and all homeowners are welcome to attend. Y ou may also email or call with any questions or concerns at any time. We thank you all in advance for your kind cooperation and continued help in making West Memorial a great place to live! R espectfully, The West Memorial Civic Association Board of Directors

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West Memorial

November 2012





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WEST MEMORIAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Harry Woodstrom Vice-President - Pat Leo Treasurer - James Newell Secretary - Charles Waldie Jr. Director - Lorraine Day Director - Carl Chaney Director - Kenneth Cooke

WCA will collect papers, plastics, aluminum and tin cans that are placed within the provided recycling bin. If items exceed container capacity, please place them adjacent to bin. WCA will provide each current residence with one recycling bin. WCA will replace any bins that are defective or otherwise become unusable due to normal wear and tear. Theft, lost or additional bins can be replaced at $8 each.


West Memorial has a new alert and notification system that works with email. The alerts are for emergency notifications, security alerts and messages from our constables. The notifications are for neighborhood events, meetings and issues. To be a part of the system, you must request the service. If you are interested, open our web site at www.westmemorial.org and locate the Sign-Up icon on the right side of the main page. Follow the instructions and you will receive all future alerts and notifications. Anyone wishing to send an alert or notification should submit the message to westmemorial@westmemorial.org for approval, posting and transmission. Please direct any questions to harry@ westmemorial.org.

If you find items left in your bin that are not recyclable please dispose of these items in your trash container for the next scheduled pick up. HolIDAYS When regular pick-up falls on a holiday, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th (Independence Day), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, the pick-up will be made on the next regular scheduled pick-up day. If your recycling day falls on a holiday it will be picked up the next week on your normal scheduled recycle day. BIllINg WCA will invoice each individual residence on a quarterly basis. Bills are due 30 days after receipt. Any residents failing to pay will receive a statement, have services discontinued and incur a $25 late/reconnect service fee. coNTAcT INFoRmATIoN Waste Corporation of Texas 8515 Highway 6 South Houston, TX 77083 Ph: 281-368-8397


In January, WCA Waste (WCA) became your trash collection provider. Trash service days are TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Please have trash out at curb by 7:00 AM each pick up day. Heavy Trash and/or extra bags are picked up on both pick-up days, Tuesday and Friday. REcYclINg IS EvERY FRIDAY WCA takes great pride in our recycling program and efforts. Ensuring the best recycle program for our customers takes time and effort on both sides. Please remove caps, liquids and food products from inside the containers. Please only use the recycle bins for recyclable materials, not as an extra trash container.


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The WMCA Board meets at the clubhouse at 22415 Kingsland on the fourth Tuesday of every month, at 7:00 PM and all homeowners are welcome to attend. If you have a specific issue that you would like to address with the Board, please email Tami Martin of High Sierra Management at tmartin@highsierramanagement.com seven days before the meeting to be put on the agenda.

November 2012

West Memorial


Soliciting is prohibited in West Memorial Subdivision. I f you are approached by a solicitor, please call the Constable’s office at 281463-6666. Continue to call this number if you see suspicious person or vehicles.


Do not hesitate to call Harris County Animal Control at 281-999-3191, if you see animals that are roaming the neighborhood unleashed.

Call Anytime!


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O ur Constables patrol our subdivision 2 4 hours a day/seven days a week. Please call them at 281-463-6666 to report any disturbance or to req uest vacation patrols.

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w w w . w estmemorial . org is the address for West Memorial information on the internet. The web site contains pool information, Board member contacts and complete documentation of your deed restrictions. I t also contains neighborhood information, including schools, security, recreation and local worship centers. Check it out, you might find something you have been looking for.

281-463-9077 FREE



The purpose of Deed R estrictions in your neighborhood is to protect and enhance property values. They set guidelines for initial construction, perpetual maintenance and property use. As residents agree to abide by the maj ority view; the style and standards of a community are established and everyone benefits. or your information, restrictions are written by the developer before the first home is constructed and the Association is then charged with the on-going responsibility of enforcing them. They can be changed, but a very large percentage vote of homeowners is req uired to do so. Please let us know if you see a problem in the neighborhood.

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A new list has been started by residents. We hope to keep this one up to date. I f you move out of the area and your name is on the list, please let us know and we will remove your name. To put your name on the Birthday or Anniversary list just send in your name (first and last) , along with your birthday or anniversary date ( Subj ect on email - West Memorial Birthday/Anniversary List. I n the month that your birthday and/or anniversary falls, we will print them. Please put West Memorial in the Subj ect line. Email: news@krenekprinting.com, fax: 281-463-2425 or mail to: Krenek Printing, 7102 len Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095. HAPPY BI R THDAY ! ! NovEmBER BIRTHDAYS 1 1 /5 1 1 /5 1 1 /6 1 1 /2 0 1 1 /2 1 1 1 /2 4

reg Hut ler Jacob R aj put Toni Pratt alerie Martine Susie Z accaria Michael Stupl

ANNIvERSARIES We need some birthdays to help build up our list again. Please send more in, so we can wish you and those you love, a Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary!

West Memorial

Same-Day Ser vice

O ur community park is located at 2 2 4 1 5 Kingsland and is open to all West Memorial residents for outdoor activities. I t has playground eq uipment and a large sheltered pavilion.

November 2012



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West Memorial Civic Association’ s Board has approved the following:

• Water Heaters • Drain Problems • Faucet Installation and Repair • Water Leaks and Much More • Gas Test

Any job over $95

A $2 5 0 reward to anyone providing information leading to the arrest and prosecution of person or persons vandalizi ng or destroying West Memorial Civic Association property. e y


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I f you are interested in renting the clubhouse, please call Dannielle R aper at 1 -86 6 -84 4 -39 33. At the time your call is returned, the guidelines for renting and using the clubhouse will be provided. Be sure you allow yourself plenty of time to fulfill the requirements, such as hiring security officers. You will be provided with the names and phone numbers of the individuals to contact to make the necessary arrangements. A few, but not all, of the guidelines are listed below: 1 . There is no smoking in the clubhouse. 2 . R esidents must have all dues/assessments paid prior to booking the clubhouse. 3. A certified check for all rental fees and deposits is required 30 days in advance. 4 . The security deposit will be returned within 30 days after the date of the event based on the condition the premises was left in. 5 . R enter is responsible for the conduct of all attendees. 6. Police fficers are required at all functions of 50 or more attendees or at any event in which alcohol will be served. Arrangements and payment, for the officers, are to be made by the renter. R ental rates are as follows: R esident Non-resident Security deposit

$1 75 $5 2 5 $300


Your Association pays for streetlights from your annual dues, whether they work or not. I f a light is out in your area, please call 71 3207-2222 and report it. You may also report outages online at www. centerpointenergy.com/outage. Each light has a number on it. When reporting the out light, give the pole number and street location. We want all lights to work. A lighted area is a safer area.

E. 5th St.


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Oh Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. Psalms 34:3


Brown patch will continue to plague St. Augustine lawns as nights get cooler and humidity and rain continue. Discolored circles will appear in low areas almost overnight. Apply a fungicide recommended for brown patch according to label directions. Avoid walking through brown-patched turf. I t spreads easily from the bottom of your shoes. I f brown patch appears in the same lawn areas every year, add an inch or two of sandy topsoil to eliminate those low spots. ertili e St. Augustine turf with a winteri ing formula to promote root growth over the winter months. Lower your lawn mover blades now and mow on a schedule that cuts no more than one-third of the grass blade away. As chrysanthemums and other perennials finish blooming, cut owering stalks to the ground to permit all strength to be used in making root growth. eed roses lightly, but avoid nitrogen fertili ers. Do not prune now. Keep up spraying program and water deeply. emove dead foliage and plant debris to help eradicate insects and disease organisms. Thin out and transfer volunteer seedlings. Beds made now will benefit by weathering before being planted. If soil is heavy, dig six inches deep, leave rough, cover with gymsum and strawy manure, water and allow to mellow. Bananas are more likely to bear fruit if the trunk does not die back in winter. Cut banana stalks back to six feet, wrap with newspaper and burlap. Continue mulching for winter. Build up a thick top mulch to protect

November 2012

West Memorial

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roots from freezi ng and winter drying. Don’ t throw away those pine tree needles; they make great acidic mulch for aza leas, gardenias and next Spring’ s impatiens. Place pansies in beds after weather has cooled. se a little blood meat mixed in soil under each plant. Now is the best time to plant trees and shrubs.


If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage job seeker’s list, please fill out the form in the newsletter with your name, age, birthdate (mon. yr.), phone number, (one only) year you will graduate (or grade presently in) and the name of your subdivision. Check the list of jobs you want on your form. mail to news@krenekprinting.com (preferred) or mail to Krenek Printing, 7102 len Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095. Must have parent(s) permission.

Babysitter Info Not Available Online West Memorial



Please place my name on the Job Seekers List

(Students must be 12 before they can be added to the babysitting list.) Please fill in ALL information or we cannot put you on the list. Job(s) _________________________________ ❑ B -Babysitting Name _________________________________ ❑ SS -Safe Sitter

❑ SL -Swim Lessons

Address ________________________________ ❑ CPR -CPR Certified

❑ FAC -First Aid Cert. ❑ RCC -Red Cross Cert. Birthdate - Mo/Yr_________________________ ❑ P -Pet Care (only) ❑ PP -Pet/Plant Sitter Age ______ Current Grade ______ Class of ____ ❑ H -Housecare Phone _________________________________ ❑ L -Lawncare ❑ T -Tutor Subdivision______________________________ ❑ C -Car Detailing

Email _________________________________

I give my permission for my child’s name and phone number to be published in the ‘Teenage Job Seekers’ section of our subdivision newsletter. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________

email to: news@krenekprinting.com (preferred)

or mail to: Krenek Printing Co. 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, TX 77095 www.krenekprinting.com November 2012




Novemb er 9 Novemb er 2 1 st - 2 3



- Early Dismissal - Thanksgiving Holiday


ACT reports that Katy I SD graduates for 2 01 2 are more ready for college-level coursework when compared to students across the state. I n 2 01 2 , more than 1 , 5 00 Katy I SD students participated in ACT testing and, as a district, had a higher average score in all four categories than the state average. The Katy I SD average composite score for 2 01 2 was 2 3.5 , while the average composite score for the state was 2 0.8. The ACT consists of curriculum-based tests of educational development in English, mathematics, reading and science designed to measure the skills needed for success in first year college coursework. ACT research shows that it is the rigor of the coursework that has the greatest impact on ACT performance and college readiness. For more information about ACT testing and scoring, visit www.actstudent.org


The National Merit Scholarship Corporation released the names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 58th Annual National Merit Scholarship Program. A total of 4 1 of these talented seniors are from Katy ISD. As Semifinalists, these students now have a chance to compete for some 8, 300 National Merit Scholarships, worth more than $32 million, that will be offered in sp ring 2 0 1 3 . Katy ISD’s 2013 Semifinalists are: cinc o Ranc h Hig h Sc hool : Austin Anthis, David Bjerkaas, Bohao Cheng, Ji-Hoon Cho, Daniel Fernee, Celine Lee, Y ifei Li, Hongzh ou Liu, Dmitri Mirakyan, Shinq Y ng Tan, Tiffaney Tran and Katherine Y u. K aty Hig h Sc hool: Maxwell Healy. Seven lak es Hig h Sc hool: Shreya Bagali, Aubrey Baker, Angela


Camille, Larry Ding, Alissa Hall, Mei-Hui Kao, Lisa Liu, G erar Nawab, Akash Punnoose, Chanelle i, Dylan asch, Tejaswi eerati, Huan Wu, Z huoq un X ie, Pearl X in, Michelle X u and Shirley X u. Tayl or Hig h Sc hool : Naveen Balakrishnan, Woo Choi, Carly Hatchell, Sohye Joo, Sung Kim, Margaret Lin, Ye Lin, Brianna Long, Sarah Stevenson, Hannah iola and rant Winkelmann. In order to become a finalist, all semifinalists must maintain an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by their high school principal and earn SAT scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying test.


This past school year, nine outstanding Katy I SD students were selected to participate in Education in Action’ s 2 01 2 spring break and summer camps. Lone Star Leadership Academy camps took place in Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin/San Antonio and Houston/ G alveston depending on the students’ grade level. Selection for the Lone Star Leadership Academy was based on each student’ s demonstrated academic success and leadership ability, an educator recommendation and involvement in school and community activities. During the Lone Star Leadership Academy camps, selected students joined delegations of other distinguished students from across the state to develop leadership skills while learning about the great state of Texas. They also completed problem solving and decision-making simulations, exercised creativity and practiced presentation skills in leadership groups. Participants experienced what they are learning in school through visits to historically, politically, scientifically, and environmentally significant sites. Katy I SD students who participated in the 2 01 2 Leadership Academy are: Beck Junior High: Carter Burton, Keely Meloche Beckendorff Junior High: Matthew Hammond, obert Le lore Cinco anch Junior High: Jamie Tan Memorial Parkway Junior High: ard Sandbakk Bonnie Holland lementary: Caleb neal Cimarron lementary: Diego ivera riffin lementary: sme rimshaw For more information about the Lone Star Leadership Academy or to nominate outstanding students for 2 01 3 programs, visit www. educationinaction.org

November 2012

West Memorial


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Eric R edeker, 2 01 1 Taylor High School graduate and Cody Hebert, 2 01 2 Katy High School graduate, sq uared off in the John Bohmann Memorial I nvitational G olf Tournament held recently in Seguin, Texas. Eric is currently a sophomore at Trinity University and Cody is a freshman at Southwestern niversity. Trinity took first place in the tournament, with Southwestern finishing a close second. • Flooring

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Daniel Carbone, 14, composed and copyrighted his first original song, “ Takes My Breath Away” this past summer. The freshman debuted his song at Katy High School’ s Night of Stars Talent Show. Carbone, along with his band, Vague 1 1 :1 1 , performed at the Katy R ice Harvest Festival in O ctober.

West Memorial

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• WINTER YMCA Youth Sports Leagues: Y outh NFL Flag Football ( grades 1 st - 7th) , Basketball ( PreK-7th) or Cheerleading ( grades K-6 th) . Teen Volleyball and Basketball also offered. Contact the Y for details at 2 81 -39 2 -5 05 5 or check out our website: ymcahouston.org R egistration deadline is December 2nd ( $1 0 late fee after November 25th) . • LIVESTRONG at the YMCA: A twelve-week, small group program designed for adult cancer survivors. Y MCA membership is NO T req uired. All participants will receive a free 1 2 week Y membership. For more information, contact Cindy Jackson at 2 81 -39 2 -5 05 5 , ext. 2 2 0 or via email at cindy.j ackson@ymcahouston.org • Babysitting Training at the Y: Saturday, November 17th, 9 AM – 3 PM. For ages 1 0-1 5 . This course teaches babysitting skills, including handling emergencies and preventing accidents. I t also contains segments on feeding, diapering, playing with and caring for children. Students should bring their lunch and one baby doll. Study books are optional and req uire an additional fee. For more information about registration and fees, contact Anneca Sarver at asarver@ymcahouston.org or 2 81 -39 2 -5 05 5 . • Volunteers Needed for Community Event: High School students: Do you need service hours for school? The Y MCA’ s Thanksgiving Day Turkey Dash is the perfect opportunity to earn those hours. Approximate hours 6 :30 – 1 0:30 AM. Visit www.ymcaturkeydash.org and click the Volunteer O ps tab to register. • YMCA Turkey Dash: Join us for the 2012 Thanksgiving Day Turkey Dash presented by R eliant. November 22, 2012 will mark the 1 0th anniversary of the Turkey Dash, Katy’ s largest fun run. Taking


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place on Thanksgiving Day, the event features a competitive 1 0K and 5 K as well as a Kids 1 Mile R ace and a 1 Mile Walk. An estimated 5 , 000 people will participate. I n addition to racing fun, participants and families can enj oy a post race area that features a kid’ s fun zo ne, live band, games and food. Visit www.ymcaturkeydash.org for more information. R ace Day Schedule 7:1 0 AM – 1 Mile Kids R ace 7:4 5 AM – 1 0K 8:05 AM – 5 K 9 :1 5 AM – 1 Mile Walk/R un 9 :4 5 AM – Awards Ceremony


Bear Creek Baptist Church is offering Upward Basketball and Cheerleading for K-8th G rade. Cost is $75 for Basketball and $80 for Cheerleading. They will have one hour of practices a week and on Saturdays they will have a game for one hour. Every practice and game takes place on our Campus. They will learn great new skills from encouraging coaches. R egistration began O ctober 1 5 th. Each child needs to attend one evaluation session. ur first valuations will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, November 5th, 6th and 8 th, between 6 :00 PM and 8:00 PM in our G ym on the North side of our Church. We will also have one on Saturday, November 10th between 1 0:00 AM and 1 2 :00 Noon. We will kick off the season with a Skills Clinic on Saturday, December 1st and practices will begin the next week starting December 5th. Y ou can register on line at www.bearcreekchurch.tv/sports ( click on Upward Sports) . Contact Linda Newhouse at Linda.newhouse@bcstaff.org for more information. Bear Creek Baptist Church at 5 9 01 N. Fry R d. Katy, TX 774 4 9 , phone 2 81 -85 9 -9 9 00.

November 2012

West Memorial


The West Houston church of Christ is now registering for its second season of Upward Sports basketball. R egistration ends on Novemb er 3 rd, with team evaluations that same day. With j ust a 1 -hour practice and 1-hour game each week, pward Sports fits your lifestyle while promoting the values that matter to you. Coaches and fans won’ t yell at your child; they’ ll cheer for them instead! To register, go to our website: www. westhoustonchurch.org or call the office at 281-856-0001. o to www. upward.org for more information about the Upward Sports programs.


R egistration is open for fall Flag Football, Basketball, Soccer and T-Ball/Baseball leagues in Katy! i9 Sports is the # 1 provider of youth sports leagues, camps and instructional clinics in the country for kids ages 3-1 4 . We focus on fun, skills and sportsmanship with a commitment to safety. For more information, please visit www. i9 sports.com or call 2 81 -39 8-PLAY ( 75 2 9 ) .


Please contact Dean at volleyballkaty@yahoo.com if you are interested in playing volleyball. Y ou must be at least 1 8 years old and be able to play at intermediate level. We play at different locations in and around Katy area.

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Fun for all the family. All ages welcome - boys & girls. Training every Sunday 2 -4 PM, at Beck Junior High school Football Field. For more information, visit www.katyrugbyclub.com


The Lady Sharks W A are inviting new members to join our Thursday morning play day at Meadowbrook arms olf Club. O ur purpose is to promote women’ s golf and fellowship among our members while enhancing the understanding of The ules of olf and improving play. or more information, contact Susie Hatfield 832 -4 37-36 70, michaelhat2 002 @yahoo.com or Sue Crookson 2 81 39 2 -4 9 1 3, scrookson@entouch.net


The Katy alkyries is a varsity team competing in the Texas irls High School Lacrosse League and accepts players from all KI SD high schools. Lacrosse experience is not necessary to j oin the team - we will teach you the skills and game strategy. Please see our new website at: www.katyvalkyries.org for additional information.

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Looking for as many ladies as possible to play. Ages 1 6 + . Contact Krystal Horn for more information at katybball@yahoo.com


Westside olf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to j oin us every Tuesday morning at Cinco anch olf Club. ur purpose is to allow ladies of all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving golfing skills. or more information contact Sue Crookson at 2 81 -39 2 -4 9 1 3 scrookson@houston.rr.com or Y ana Dommert at 2 81 39 4 -2 4 81 yana@entouch.net or Kathy Smith 81 5 -71 5 -389 2 .

West Memorial

November 2012


TECL# 2 5 01 6


Celebrates our 1 1 th season of UPWAR D Basketball and Cheerleading R egistration will b eg in oc tob er 1 , 2 0 1 2 and ends Dec emb er 8 , 2 0 1 2 . Evaluations are Dec emb er 1 , 2 0 1 2 from 2 PM to 6 PM and Dec emb er 8 , 2 0 1 2 from 9 AM to 1 2 noon. Practices b eg in J anuary 2 , 2 0 1 3 with the first game on J anuary 1 9 , 2 0 1 3 . Last game will be marc h 9 , 2 0 1 3 and Awards Night is marc h 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 . Costs are Basketball $75 and Cheerleading $80. For more information, visit bearcreekumc.org or call Larry Tyree at 2 81 -4 6 3-2 330 ext.1 1 9 or larryt@bearcreekumc.org ( email) .

Fall Craft Shows


O ur residents have cleaned out their closets and can’ t wait for you to stop by on Saturday, Novemb er 3 rd from 7 AM to 1 2 Noon! Y ou’ ll find treasures galore in our community-wide garage sale esidents will be selling their items right out of their garages. or a map and list of items being sold at Westheimer Lakes and Westheimer Lakes North, don’t forget to stop by the SplashPad (located in the Westheimer Lakes section - 26103 Canyon ields Drive, ichmond 77406, 832-222-2355) on the day of the sale.


The Ba aar will be on Friday, Nov. 2 nd (11 AM-5 PM), Saturday, Nov. 3 rd (10 AM-4 PM) and Sunday, Nov. 4 th (12 Noon-4 PM) at Norwegian Seamen’s Church, 4309 Young Street, Pasadena. Take a trip to Norway in Houston There will be unique holiday gifts such as Scandinavian Christmas decorations, trolls, Nisser, Swedish linens and Norwegian jewelry. reat raf e pri es, silent auction and folk dancing on Saturday. isit our bakery selling Norwegian specialty cookies and breads. A Wide selection of Scandinavian foods for sale. Take time for lunch in our cafeteria serving open-faced sandwiches and cream cakes. or more info., call 281-998-8366.


or a map and list of items being sold at Cardiff anch, don’t forget to pick it up at the entrance to Cardiff anch which is not far from Westheimer Lakes North (located off of M 1463 and 1-2 miles from the M 1093 intersection, Katy 77494, 832-222-2355) on the day of the sale.


The Star of Destiny Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American evolution, will have a garage sale fundraiser on Saturday, Novemb er 3 , 2 0 1 2 . The sale will be held from 7:30 AM until 11:00 AM at states of Chesterfield Swim and Tennis Club, 1707 Briarchester, Katy, Texas 77450. There will be household items, furniture, toys, clothing, books and much more The items are reasonably priced and this sale is our main source of funds for our patriotic activities with our troops, schools, libraries and military families. Please join us and check out all the treasures


Friday, Nov. 2 nd - 12 - 8 PM Saturday, Novemb er 3 rd - 9 AM - 4 PM Deerfield illage ec. Center at Clay oad Between Barker-Cypress Highway 6 Lots of Christmas oodies Seasonal Items.

This event is free to everyone but we ask that you bring a nonperishable item. There is a great need in the community and items will be distributed in the area.

November 2012

HEARTWARMING CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW Holy Covenant nited Methodist Church 22111 Morton anch oad, Katy, Texas 77449 Saturday, Nov 10, 2012 • 9 AM to 4 PM

West Memorial

ver 68 booths filled with hair bows, jewelry, purses, wreaths, quilted items and much more. ur famous Tea oom with homemade goodies, Sandwich Shoppe and Silent Auction baskets round out a wonderful day. Santa will visit during the day too. For more information, call 281-579-1200, ext. 329 or visit us at www.holycov. org.


xperience one stop shopping this holiday season at the H LIDAY H P, sponsored by endor Blenders on Novemb er 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 . Come shop from 9 AM to 3 PM your favorite direct sales representatives and homemade gift items at The Church of Holy Apostles 1225 W. rand Parkway S., Katy, TX 77494. The first 100 shoppers receive a free swag bag with great holiday coupons and gifts We will be holding a raf e with proceeds to benefit Toys for Tots. You do not have to be present to win. emember, the Nutcracker Market is a 4-day event that cost you admission, but the H LIDAY H P is your free local one stop shop for all your gift-giving ideas See you at the H P

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Novemb er 1 0 th throug h Novemb er 1 1 th, (Sat. 9 AM-5 PM & Sun. 10 AM-4 PM). Join us at the Cy- air ISD xhibit Center located at 11206 Telge d. just off Hwy. 290. Indoor facility with over 160 vendors selling a wide variety of products. Also concessions, games, free parking and clean restrooms un for the whole family All proceeds benefit Langham Creek A students. or questions or vendor applications regarding available booths, please email langhamcreekffa@yahoo. com or visit us on acebook (search for 17th Annual Langham Creek Market and Craft Show ).


The festival will be on Saturday, Novemb er 1 7 , 2 0 1 2 from 10 AM to 4 PM, providing fun for all including craft booths offering handmade crafts. We are currently taking applications from craft vendors. Contact Sue arl at jearl8925@sbcglobal.net for booth prices and other information.



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Join us for a amily un estival at Westland Baptist Church. We provide a and safe place for your family to enjoy fun and entertainment from 6:00-8:00 PM on oc tob er 3 1 st. ur amily un estival is for all ages. There will be Trunk or Treating, a amily ntertainer and Juggler, HYP Team performance, Pri es, In atables and Concert for the Junior Senior High. We hope to see you there

VOICE LESSONS Discover your vocal abilities or refine your skills! Preparation for All-State, UIL, and Auditions All genres, especially classical, musical theater and jazz.


St. Cuthbert piscopal Church will host their Seventh Annual International estival on Saturday, Novemb er 3 rd from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. veryone is invited to take a free trip around the world The International estival honors all of the different countries and backgrounds represented in our very unique and diverse congregation. The estival includes food, games, entertainment, native dress and lots of things to learn about our world. Passports and ag stickers will be given to children to mark the countries

West Memorial

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November 2012


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visited. Countries represented in past years included Jamaica, G renada, St. Lucia, Brazi l, Cuba, Mexico, Trinidad, Tobago, Antigua, Barbados, Spain, R ussia, Japan, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Liberia, G hana, Kenya, G ermany, I taly, Scotland, Switz erland, England, France, Latvia and Thailand, as well as the great state of Texas! St. Cuthbert is located at 1 702 0 West R oad ( the corner of West R oad and Q ueenston) , Houston, Texas. For more information, please call 2 81 -4 6 3-7330 or www.stcuthbert.org, our website.

Holiday Events

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The Seven Lakes High School PTSA presents the Spartan Showcase of Holiday Homes! Tour a variety of stately homes beautifully decorated for the holidays on Thursday, Novemb er 2 9 th and Friday, Novemb er 3 0 th, from 6 :00 PM to 9 :00 PM. Tickets are $1 2 in advance and $1 5 at the door. Advanced Ticket Sales will begin Novemb er 1 4 th at Cobblestone Cottage, 2 3701 Cinco R anch Blvd., Katy, TX 2 81 -6 9 3-4 085 and Seven Lakes High School, 9 2 5 1 S. Fry R oad. Visit the SLHS PTA Website - www.sevenlakesptsa.com or call 2 81 -2 37-2 800. For more information or q uestions, contact Michelle Hebert at michelle@entouch.net; Cynthia R odriq uez at crod1 @ comcast.net or Ashley Vann at ashleyvann@earthlink.net


Be inspired for your holiday decorating by attending the annual Taylor High School Holiday Home Tour. Tour dates are Novemb er 2 9 th from 5 PM til 9 PM and Novemb er 3 0 th from 1 0 AM til 2 PM and again, from 5 PM til 9 PM. This year the tour will feature five lovely area homes and will also include a market place with 1 6 vendors for you to browse and shop! Tickets will be available for purchase at Taylor High School, as well as Katy Flower Market, 2 082 9 Kingsland Blvd. Suite B and at Hauerland’ s, 1 6 4 8 Mason R d. Tickets will also be available at the individual tour homes. The cost is $1 0 and all proceeds benefit Project raduation 2013.


Massage Therapy

Friday, Dec emb er 7 th The Fundraiser Dinner and Sil ent Auc tion features: Band, choir, orc hestra, Sap p hires, Theater and bene ts our ine Arts Musical, T h e D row sy C h ap erone!

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Dinner and auc tion are from 5 : 3 0 - 7 : 1 5 M in the SlHS commons ith a full concert follo ing at 7 0 M in the SL S AC

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Saturday, December 8th 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Family Life Assembly of G od 1 01 2 South Mason R oad, Katy, TX 774 5 0 Delicious homemade Christmas cookies for that special loved one, last minute gift or holiday gathering. Choose from an assortment of goodies that will bring a smile to any holiday celebration. Come early for the best selection. All sold by the pound. For more information contact us at agwomen@familylifeassembly.org or call 281-392-0637.


Living Word Lutheran Church invites the Katy community to its presentation of A Night of ejoicing on Sunday, Dec emb er 9 th at 8:00 AM, 9 :30 AM and 1 1 :00 AM in the church sanctuary. The


November 2012

West Memorial

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cantata will feature the Living Word Choir, Bell Choir, Choristers and a chamber orchestra. “ A Night of R ej oicing” features both familiar Christmas carols and newly-composed pieces. Following each service, there will be an instrument petting zo o for children to get a close-up look at the musical instruments. Living Word is located at 3700 S. Mason R d., Katy 774 5 0 at the corner of Westheimer Parkway. For more information, please see the church’ s website www.livingwordkaty.org or call 2 81 -39 2 -2 300, x 2 1 3.

Golf Tournaments SPARTAN BASEBALL BOOSTER CLUB 6TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT SUPPORTING SEVEN LAKES HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL PROGRAM Meadowbrook Farms G olf Club monday, Novemb er 1 2 th 4 Person Scramble - 1 2 :00 PM - Shotgun Start Box Lunch, SLHS Booster Club af e, Dinner Silent Auction Tournament Events Pri es Long Drive Closest to Pin Longest Putt Within the Flagstick af e Silent Auction ther events Spartan Drive Batter p Par 3 ames Fees Individual ntry: $125 Spartan vent Package: $25 Staff/Student ntry: $75 M P Sponsor: $ 425 Contact Luke Clements at 2 81 -9 32 -1 888 or pamlukeclements@ comcast.net for more details or assistance

West Memorial


Keep Kids Connected, a local non-profit organi ation that gives Netbook computers to kids with cancer or other serious illnesses, collects and recycles aluminum beverage cans the sec ond Saturday of eac h month at the Tradition Bank, Pin O ak branch from 9 AM-1 2 PM. Please stop by each month to donate your cans. The proceeds from the recycling are used to purchase computers. isit www. keepkidsconnected.org for more information on the organiza tion.


The O utdoor Market, a second annual event, that features vendors, craftsmen, household items, children’ s activities and concessions will be held at CrossPoint Westgreen, located at 700 S. Westgreen Blvd, Katy, TX . The O utdoor Market is one of two events being held on Novemb er 5K A Different Way, a race that includes 1 7 th. The first of which is a series of obstacles and “ outreach” tasks where 5 00 participants will collect items throughout their j ourney and create care packages that will be delivered to persons in need at a later date. Proceeds from the registration of both events will be donated to Christ Clinic of Katy. isit 5KDifferentWay.com to register for the 5 K or for more information.

November 2012



The Houston Family Arts Center announces its 8th subscription season, an exciting line-up of plays and musicals all of which re ect the theme of “ memories and traditions.” The season includes a timeless American classic, a stunning Tennessee Williams drama, three Tony Award-winning Best Musicals, the “ revival” version of a musical with characters created by cartoonist Charles M. Schultz and two hilarious comedies. Season subscriptions are available for $9 2 -$1 4 4 and offer incredible savings, exclusive benefits and personali ed customer service. Subscribers save as much as 30% off single-ticket prices. HFAC subscriber perks include the opportunity to pick the best seats before they go on sale to the general public, an opening night reception, and recognition in every Playbill. Patrons can purchase their subscriptions online at www.houstonfac.com or call the HFAC box office at 281-685-6374.

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Houston Famil y Arts center 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 main Stag e Season crazy for You ( Nov. 2 - 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 on the G arza Main Stage) You’ re A good man, charl ie Brow n ( J an. 2 5 - Feb . 1 0 , 2 0 1 3 on the G arza Main Stage) Annie ( marc h 1 - 1 7 , 2 0 1 3 at the Berry Center) leaving Iow a ( Ap ril 5 - 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 on the G arza Main Stage) over the River and Throug h the W oods ( J une 7 - 2 3 , 2 0 1 3 on the G arza s Main Stage) Fiddl er on the Roof ( J ul y 1 2 - 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 at the Berry Center) Houston Family Arts Center R eceives Houston’ s Best G em of a Theater Award Houston Family Arts Center received the Best G em of a Theater Award at the inaugural Houston Theater Awards presented by the Houston Press. The Houston Theater Awards presentation was held at the MKT Bar August 2 8, 2 01 2 . The Houston Family Arts Center received the G em of a Theater Award for consistently providing superior theater in its own handsome theater, tucked away in a strip mall in northwest Houston. HFAC rents the nearby 456-seat Berry Center Theater twice a year for large musical productions. This year it outdid itself by commissioning and then producing Death by Design, a comedic mystery drama, from noted playwright R ob Urbinati and the result was a most entertaining success. HFAC also produced the world premiere of the musical Kissless and raised $1 4 4 , 000 to enter it in the prestigious New Y ork Musical Theater Festival ( NY MF) and run it off-B’ way for several weeks.


K ImBERlY AK ImBo, By David Lindsay-Abaire, Directed by R on Jones, Novemb er 2 9 - Dec emb er 1 5 , 2 0 1 2 , STUDI O 1 01 ( 1 82 4 Spring Street, Houston 77007). Kimberly Akimbo is a play written in 2 000 by Pulitze r prize -winning playwright David Lindsay-Abaire. I ts title character is a lonely teenage girl suffering from a disease a lot like progeria, that causes her to age 4 and a half times as fast as normal. Thus, Kimberly is trapped inside the frail physical body of an elderly woman. She meets another misfit ( a teenage boy) and the two form an attachment to one another that borders on attraction. The situation is not helped by Kimberly’ s rapidly deteriorating health. Soon Kimberly’ s family gets mixed up in some crazy money schemes and the family gets emotionally destroyed.

November 2012

West Memorial


Enj oy the outdoors with your child ( age 2 1 /2 to 5 ) at Audubon nature programs ( called the “ Titmouse Club” ) offered Tuesday morning s, 1 0:00 - 1 1 :00 AM, at the Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary, 4 4 0 Wilchester. The programs feature fun nature talks, stories, activities and walks in the woods. Upcoming programs include: Novemb Novemb Novemb Novemb Dec emb Dec emb

er 6 er 1 er 2 er 2 er 4 er 1

: Movement & Migration th : Sprouting Seeds 0 th: American I ndians 7 th: * * no program* * th : Animal Homes 1 th: Christmas in the Woods th


The cost is $5 per child ( or buy a 5 -session card for $2 0) and the child must be accompanied by an adult during the program. Please park in the Memorial Drive United Methodist Church west parking lot at 1 2 9 5 5 Memorial Drive and enter the sanctuary through the marked gate. The program will be held in the outdoor classroom. Call 71 34 6 4 -4 9 00 or go to www.houstonaudubon.org for more information.


Saturday, Novemb er 1 0 , 9 AM - 3 PM; ages 1 6 + . This class is for lowering insurance premiums. I f you need this course for ticket dismissal, contact R udy Martinez at admin@enhanceddriving.com or call 71 3-89 9 -2 09 0. Limited space. Sign up at the Katy Y using barcode # 1 1 6 5 6 5 or call to register over the phone by calling at Y MCA at 2 81 -39 2 -5 05 5 . Class is held across the street from the Y in The Fellowship at Cinco R anch community room.


The Spring Branch African Violet Club is pleased to host The 2 01 2 Lone Star African Violet Convention, Show and Sale in Houston, TX . Top African violet growers around the state will be competing for awards. The Crowne Plaza , located “ Near R eliant and the Medical Center” at 86 86 Kirby Drive, Houston, TX 7705 4 , will be the site of this year’ s convention. The dates of the Convention and Show are oc tob er 3 1 - Novemb er 3 , 2 0 1 2 .

Under The Apple Tree In-Home Childcare • West Memorial Area • 15 Yrs. of Experience • First Aid/CPR Cert. • Curriculum • Flexible Hours • Meals Provided

Violets of all types such as standards, miniatures, semi-miniatures and trailers will be available by commercial vendors. A variety of supplies and a limited number of other G esneriads will be available for sale. The African Violet Sale and Show will be open free to the public Thursday, Novemb er 1 , 2 0 1 2 Sale: 1 2 PM-5 PM Friday, Novemb er 2 , 2 0 1 2 Sale: 9 AM-5 PM Saturday, Novemb er 3 , 2 0 1 2 Sale: 1 0 AM-4 :30 PM Show: 8:30 AM-4 :30 PM For more info on the convention, please call 2 81 -74 8-84 1 7. Email: kj wross@yahoo.com

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November 2012

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Church Events


New Creation arrived in Fulshear promising to share G od’ s love. What they didn’ t tell us was that it comes with free ice cream. This new faith community, headed by Pastor Dale O lson, is giving a free scoop of Ashby’ s Sterling premium ice cream to anyone who shows up at the Sweet Tooth Shoppe between 2 and 4 PM on Novemb er 1 0 th. The Sweet Tooth Shoppe, located at 85 03 FM 35 9 in downtown Fulshear, is an old-fashioned candy and ice cream store. There will also be a drawing for two $5 0 gift cards. Area residents are starting to enj oy having this new church in town!


1 0000 Spring G reen Blvd, Katy www.trinity-katy.org Worshiping each Sunday at 8:30 AM and 1 1 :00 AM; Bible Study for all ages at 9 :4 5 AM Nov. 1 1 th - 6 :00 PM-8:00 PM Jeff and Debby Mc lroy www.foreverfamilies.com Jeff and Debby Mc lroy, founders of orever amily Ministries, will be leading the Nov. 1 1 th, Second Sunday Night service at Trinity. They have been involved with marriage and family ministry since 1 9 89 and have become one of the most sought-after marriage and family speakers across the country. Come hear Jeff and Debby as they share their hearts in a uniq ue blend of honesty, drama, comedy and insight. W eek l y student ac tivities at Trinity - T3 ( g rades 7 - 1 2 ) G 2 :2 0: Sundays, 4 :30 PM-5 :4 5 PM - The T3 students are currently studying Soul Detox: Clean Living in A Contaminated World by Craig G roeschel Free Pizza , fun games and fellowship: W ednesdays, 6 :00 PM-8:00 PM Ac c ess 5 6 ( g rades 5 - 6 ) Access 5 6 discipleship: Sundays, 4 :1 5 PM-5 :30 PM Children’ s choir ( grades K-6 ) : Sundays, 5 :30 PM-6 :1 5 PM K Fc ( g rades K - 4 ) - K id’ s For christ KFC discipleship: Sundays, 4 :1 5 PM-5 :30 PM Children’ s Choir ( grades K-6 ) : Sundays, 5 :30 PM-6 :1 5 PM


Aglow I nternational is a global, trans-denominational Christian organiza tion. More than 2 00, 000 Aglow members meet together each month through local fellowships. The local Katy Lighthouse is a safe haven for those seeking salvation, healing, deliverance and restoration. A place where G od’ s love abounds; a place where lives are refreshed and transformed by His love, as we grow closer to Jesus and serve one another. At the monthly gatherings, there is time to meet and visit with friends, enj oy corporate worship and prayer, and hear from a guest speaker. Many of the ladies share lunch afterwards. Y ou are most cordially invited to attend the Katy Aglow group. Y ou will be glad you did. meeting : Novemb er 1 3 , 2 0 1 2 Time: 9 :30 AM - Arrive/Visit 1 0:00 AM - Meeting begins P l ac e: Church on the R ock, 4 33 S. Barker Cypress, Houston, TX 77094. (Dir: 1-10 xit Barker Cypress d., go south 3 blocks to corner of Barker Cypress @ Kingsland Blvd.) contac t: www.katyaglow.com for guest speaker and group information www.aglow.org for information about Aglow I nternational


November 2012

West Memorial

West Memorial

November 2012




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Living Word Lutheran Church would like to invite the community to j oin us for a service of thanksgiving on Tuesday, Novemb er 2 0 th at 7 PM. Living Word is located at 3700 S. Mason R oad in Katy. For more information visit www.livingwordkaty.org or contact the church office at 2 81 -39 2 -2 300. children’ s and youth music programs Free children’ s and youth music programs are being offered at Living Word Lutheran Church. Age-appropriate lessons in the basics of music will be taught. This will include singing and playing bells/ chimes. The program is open to all; church membership is not req uired. Ages 3, 4 and Kindergarteners meet on mondays, 6 :00-6 :4 5 PM in the Living Word Annex. G rades 1 -6 meet on Tuesdays, 6 :00-7:00 PM in the Living Word Sanctuary. G rades 6 -1 2 meet on Sundays at 4 :00 PM in the Sanctuary. The program will feature positive reinforcement in a fun and caring environment. Living Word Lutheran is located at 3700 S. Mason R d., Katy 774 5 0 and the Living Word Annex is at 375 0 S. Mason, Suite 9 00. For more information, please visit the church website www. LivingWordKaty.org or contact Susan Terry at 832 -2 82 -9 333 or 2 81 39 2 -2 300, x2 1 3 or susanterry@livingwordkaty.org


Join us for a prayer, coffee and fellowship 1 0 AM to 1 1 :30 AM La Madeleine’ s 2 332 2 Mercantile Parkway, Katy, TX ( G rand Parkway and I -1 0) Bring a friend and don’ t forget to bring your Bible.

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Please j oin us for an informal devotional gathering, where we share music, prayers and inspirational readings taken from the maj or religions of the world, in an environment of unity and harmony. The Word of G od, say the Baha’ i Writings, provides inspiration, rej uvenates souls, gladdens hearts and renews one’ s sense of purpose. The devotional is held on the 2 nd Sunday of eac h month, from 4 -5 PM and will be followed by a sharing of thoughts, ideas and ways to apply spiritual principles to one’ s day-to-day affairs. R efreshments will be served. For details on the location or for answers to any other q uestions you may have, please call the Baha’ i Faith of Fort Bend County at 2 81 -39 5 -9 02 6 .

November 2012

West Memorial

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When the launch team for New Creation Lutheran Church gathered to plan a first public event, they wanted it to be family oriented and fun to re ect their worshipping community. This goal was achieved at their first annual Blessings vent held the last Sunday in August. ntire families, including pets, came to the Cornelius’ home on James Lane in ulshear to receive blessings for the new school year Teachers representing three districts were blessed. amilies with roots in cuador and Colombia were included, possibly drawn by the launch team’s previous experience supporting education for street children in Peru. Dogs of many breeds romped together, including one retriever who repeatedly jumped into the swimming pool. Thanks to a grant from ort Bend Thrivent inancial, there were hot dogs to eat and games to play. A large in atable proved to be the most popular activity. At the end of the day, children left for home with a gift bag, a Bible verse and a smile. All were invited back at a later date for New Creation’s first worship service with Pastor Dale lson.


Hi Jewish Community. Let’s get connected To share Shabbat dinners, Chanukah parties, Passover Seders or simply get together Interested mail us at info@shalomcypress.org or visit www. shalomcypress.org - our website.


ame Day - Meet with us every W ednesday in the Crawford ellowship Hall from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM as we fellowship around the table playing Chicken oot, Scrabble, Cards, etc.

or more information, contact Mike Kelley at 281-492-0785. Kingsland Baptist Church is located at 20555 Kingsland Blvd. We are located across from Taylor High School Tennis Courts. or more information, you can visit us online at www.kingsland.org or call the church office at 281-492-0785.


piphany conducts their bingo games every Friday nig ht ex c ep t hol idays. TH IS N SM KIN ALL W D D IN ALL BIN AM S. They have security, lighted parking, big screen color monitor, computeri ed bingo equipment, snack bar and large cash pri es. Profits benefit charitable outreach programs. piphany Catholic Church, Church Community Center, 1530 Norwalk Dr. (between ry and Mason oads, south of I-10 behind Nottingham Subdivision) off Highland Knolls. arly bird games begin at 7:30 PM and regular games at 8:00 PM. or more info, call the bingo hall number at 281-578-3905.


At St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church in downtown Katy, BIN is being played in our Parish Hall every Friday evening except Holidays. Doors open at 7:00 PM, games start at 7:15 PM with four arly Bird games. egular games start at 7:30 PM. All profits will benefit community outreach and eligious ducation programs. The Church is located in downtown Katy at 5356 leventh St. You can get to the church if traveling west on Hwy. 90 to Katyland d. Turn right at the light, go to the second stop sign (at the stadium) leventh St., turn left and the Church Hall will be on your right one block down. or more info., call 281-391-4758.

roup xercise Class - The exercise class for adults 55 meets every W ednesday at 8:45 AM for 45 minutes of exercise led by Christy Kennedy, a group fitness certified instructor. This is a great time to enjoy like-minded folks who are strengthening and conditioning their body for the long haul. egardless of your present condition, Christy

West Memorial

November 2012


W est memorial Ap p l ic ation for Home Imp rovements and modific ations

Homeow ners Information Name


Address Email Address:

Home Phone No.

Work Phone No.

Closing Date of Home:

Typ e of Imp rovement or modific ation P atio

Storag e Buil ding

P ermanent Bask etb al l goal

P ool

P l ay Eq uip ment

_ Sw ing Set


gaz eb o

Sp a


Storm Door ( Front)

P atio cover

Storm Door ( Bac k )

Satel l ite Dish

Ex terior P ainting

Fenc e


landsc ap ing

I f oTHER Please Describe

P AINTINg: P lea s e s t a t e n ew p a in t c olor

P ort ion of h ou s e t o be p a in t ed

Trim col or ( include soffit, fascia boards, and window trim)

Ac c ent col or ( I ncludes shutters, windows hoods & exterior doors

Who will do the actual work on this improvement?

landsc ap e Imp rovement: P l ans req uired w ith ap p l ic ation

SToRAgE BUIlDINg: Height of building


Phone Number )

Who will perform this work: Phone Number ( ) Dimensions of building

Sq uare footage of building

State location/placement of building ( P l ot m ap m ust b e incl ud ed w ith A p p l ication)

Who will do the actual work on this improvement?

Phone Number ( )

Please include a sample of all improvements! ( Example: Paint chip/swab/swatch, roofing shingle, siding sample, solar screen sample, etc.) I n signing this application, I certify that all the information provided by me in connection with my application, whether on this document or not, is true and complete. I understand that any misstatements, falsification or omission of information shall be grounds for denial of this application. I further understand that the Architectural R eview Committee has forty-five ( 4 5 ) days upon receipt to review my application and I agree not to begin property improvements or modifications until the Committee notifies me, in writing, of their decision. HO A approval does not substitute for any County/State req uired permits. O wner is responsible for adhering to all Local/County/State guidelines. I have answered, truthfully, all q uestions pertaining to the proposed mentioned improvement or modification and have attached all samples, plans and permits req uired. Homeow ners Sig nature


Imp rovement Start Date

Imp rovement comp l etion Date

P l ease return ap p l ic ation to: Hig h Sierra manag ement • P . o. Box 9 4 0 2 6 7 • Houston, TX 7 7 0 9 4 • Fax : 2 8 1 - 3 9 1 - 7 9 1 3


November 2012

West Memorial


1 8 1 5 W estg reen Bl vd. , K aty, TX 7 7 4 5 0 , 2 8 1 - 4 9 2 - 8 5 9 2 lIBRARY HoURS - mon. 1 PM - 9 PM, Tues. 1 0 AM - 9 PM, W ed. 1 0 AM - 6 PM, Thurs. 1 0 AM - 6 PM, Fri. 1 PM - 6 PM, Sat. 1 0 AM - 5 PM, Sun. closed. HolIDAY cloSINgS: We will be closed Thursday, Novemb er 2 2 nd - Sunday, Novemb er 2 5 th in observance of Thanksgiving. To register online for any of the programs at the library’ s website ( www.hcpl.net) , click on “ Events Calendar” and select “ Maud Marks.” Participants may also register by calling or by visiting the library. ADULTS BooK DIScUSSIoN clUBS - The Library hosts book clubs that meet monthly. The Evening Book Club meets on the rst Monday of the month at 7 PM. Due to the election, the Evening Book Club will meet on the sec ond monday, Novemb er 1 2 th, at 7 PM. The Afternoon Book Club meets on the second Thursday of the month at 1 PM. J UST DESSERTS mYSTERY BooK clUB – Meetings held the fourth Wednesday of the month at 2 PM. Y ou are encouraged to bring your favorite dessert to eat while we discuss whether our villains get their j ust desserts. volUNTEER AT THE lIBRARY - Volunteer opportunities abound at the library. Volunteers are needed to help shelve, count patrons and more. We will be holding our next volunteer orientation on monday, Novemb er 1 9 th at 4 PM. Students should be in high school and must be able to commit to two hours a week. I f you would like to help in anyway, please contact Sarah Nelson at 2 81 -4 9 2 -85 9 2 . FAmIlY FIlm FESTIvAl - School gets out early on Friday, Novemb er 9 th, do you have plans? At the library, we will be watching a movie at 1 PM. Come watch a debonair swashbuckling cat purr his way into everyone’ s hearts. Popcorn will be provided. FREE INTERNET clASSES - The library provides free classes in I nternet Basics each month. Y ou can learn how to navigate your way around the World Wide Web and use successful search techniq ues. Y ou must know how to use a mouse and a keyboard. The next month’ s class will be on Tuesday, Novemb er 2 7 th from 2 :00 to 3:00 PM. Seating for this and all computer classes is extremely limited. mIcRoSoFT EX cEl- Are you interested in getting more out of your Microsoft Excel program? O n Tuesday, Novemb er 1 3 th at 7-8:30 PM, the library will be teaching the basics of how to use Microsoft Excel. Can’ t come then? Don’ t worry, the class will repeat on Tuesday, Novemb er 2 7 th at 7-8:30 PM. Basic keyboard and mouse skills are required. Classes fill up quickly, so don’t delay. E- BooK S AND moRE - How are you going to enj oy reading your books? Visit the library on Tuesday, Novemb er 2 0 th at 2 PM to learn all about the HCPL e-book collection. Learn all about downloading from our collection of e-books and music. Seating for this and all computer classes is extremely limited. FINANcIAl AID SEmINAR - Paying for college is a real concern in today’s economy. However, there is more financial aid available out there for students than you might expect. Find out how to lower your out of pocket college expenses. Come to the library on Novemb er 1 0 th at 10 AM to learn how to find funds for post-secondary education. mEDIcARE P RogRAm - Are you confused about how Medicare works? O n monday, Novemb er 2 6 th at 2 PM, Ms. Karen Chandler, a Medicare expert, will be at the library to answer any q uestions you might have. Hurry, Medicare’ s open enrollment ends on Dec emb er 7 th. Come get your answers at the library. P ASSW oRD mANAgEmENT - Does it seem like everything needs a password nowadays? Email, G oogle, Amazo n… how are you supposed to keep them all straight? The library will be hosting a one time class about password management on Saturday, Novemb er 1 7 th, at 1 0 AM. Learn how to keep all those passwords correct. Basic mouse and keyboarding skills are req uired. Seating for this and all computer classes is extremely limited.

West Memorial



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November 2012


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PediatricDentalSafari.com 2840 Commercial Center Blvd, Suite 101 Katy, TX 77494 Most Insurance Accepted We offer Nitrous Oxide, Conscious Sedation and IV Sedation Dr. Damani welcomes Special Needs Children



November 2012

West Memorial

Become a Dental Assistant in just 10 weeks! 10 Week Course Saturday Classes Only Winter Classes Begin 1/12/13 Tuition $2850 • Payment Plans Training Since 1995

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$150; coffee table and two matching end tables, $150. All in good condition, 281-646-1668. Singer Stylist sewing machine, purchased 12/9/2011, many accessories, $150 OBO. 832-427-5122.


Thomasville sofa, tan plaid, good shape, $350 OBO. 713-822-7475. Two sets of golf clubs for sale, great for beginner or student. Men’s clubs and bag, $75; ladies clubs and bag, $50, firm. 281-859-3374. Gateway GT4024 desktop computer for sale: Intel Pentium D, RAM DDR2 2GB, Hard Disk 80 GB, comes with DVD RW drive and Gateway Installation CDs, purchased in 2006, very good condition. Call 281861-7500 or email: jordan98@hotmail.com. Misc Household – Noritake china 5 piece setting for 8, plus other pieces, $150; Seneca crystal 3 piece setting for 8, $80, both for $200; Lenox china 7 piece setting for 12 plus other pieces, $500. All in excellent condition. 2 mantle clocks, Gilbert, $100; Cuckoo Clock Mfg, $50; exercise bike with digital read out, $25; corner desk, $100 OBO. Questions or photos call 281-744-5338. Pistol for sale: Taurus PT140 1+10:2 mags. Will sell to current CHL holders. 281-347-2049. Dining table, oval, oak, dark gray, heavy metal base, 70”X 47” with 17” leaf, $175; Mirror, beveled, framed, 48”x30”, $20; Framed art: small, $5; medium, $10; large, $15.Photos of all items are available, 281858-4809. By Owner: 4 cemetery plots Memorial Oaks Katy Freeway; Section 1, lot 362; spaces 3, 4, 5, 6, valued at $8100 each by Cemetery; four together, $25,000 total; two together, $12,500; single: $6,500, call 713-542-3685.

67 x 32 General Electric white refrigerator/freezer, ice/water dispenser. 713-997-7548. Baritone Saxophone, Selmer Series II, made in France. Used two years in LCHS Symphonic Band. Paid $8,500, like new. $5,500. Email chuckkayak@hotmail.com for pictures. Homeplate baseball pitching machine w/ remote control, paid $6,500, will sell for $4,000 OBO. Batting cage 12’ H x 12’ W x 70’ L, includes frame & net, paid $1,700, will sell for $850 OBO. GE microwave, $75; flute, $80; 5 piece sectional sofa, brown & beige suede, $1,000. Please call Kari, 432-528-5890. Eight foot Stylissimo slate pool table, with accessories. Birch wood with red felt. Excellent condition, $1,000 OBO. Contact joannhughes@ gmail.com for additional info and pics. Genuine walnut, executive desks, good condition, $500 each. 713628-9195. Discount - Cemetery Plots: Two (side by side), Woodlawn Garden of Memories, Unit A, Lot 211, Block 50; Unit B, Lot 210, Block 50. Flat markers only, cemetery pricing, $1,890 each. Contact Peggy Roberts, 432-362-3692 or Leighiii@grandecom.net. Custom white, faux wood blinds for sale. 3 - 40” W x 70” H, 1 sink window 34” W x 40” H. $40 each or best offer. Call 281-463-1175.

GE Fridge 8cf, white, top freezer, one year old, as new. $350. Call 832-520-1785.

Marcy Home Gym complete with self spotting bench, curling bar, latpull pully system & over 200 lbs. of weights. Also a chest-explosion machine & accessories for the pully system. Excellent condition. $325 or $350 delivered assembled. 281-881-6405.

Two Madison cherry book cases in very good condition, 76x30, $150 each; large floral sofa with two matching small wing back teal chairs,

Sofa good to very good condition, $250 OBO. jordon98@hotmail.com.

West Memorial

November 2012



1987 Chevrolet, black pick-up, $6,500. 25 year old classic. Call 832330-7272. 2001 Chevrolet Silverado, extended cab truck, Z71. It has the LT package - leather inside with bucket front seats. In very good condition, very well maintained, must see vehicle, mileage is 224,000, pictures available via e-mail, price $8,000. 713-857-5650. 2002 Isuzu Rodeo LS. Automatic, V6, 62K miles. Original owner. Black, grey interior, 6 disc CD player, power everything, cruise control, roof rack, privacy glass, $6,650. 281-414-8784. 2010 Ford F150 XLT with Extended Cab, 4.6L V8. Exterior color, silver with tan cloth interior. Upgraded chrome wheels, 6 foot long bed with liner, power windows, doors, tinted windows, Sirius XM capable. Less than 20k miles on it, $20,000. For pictures and inquiries, email anwilbanks99@gmail.com. Rare 1967 Pontiac Firebird convertible, re-built, under warranty, 400 Pontiac motor-not matching no., less than 400 miles, totally restored, yellow with black interior, new paint, new disk brakes, new suspension, new interior & new black top with cover, new custom sound system, $24,000. Firm. 281-455-5543. 1998 Suzuki 1500 Intruder motorcycle, eggshell on white in color, black leather saddle bags, $3,000. 281-726-4305 Pat.


Wanted: Game tickets or memorabilia for Astros, Rockets, Texans, College teams, etc for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School Auction and Gala. Game tickets would need to be for after October 20, 2012.


Thank you for these or any other donations! Please call Lorie at 713443-9319 or email loriegreen21@gmail.com. Wanted: To buy gold jewelry, 10K - 21K and old U. S. coins. 713-8948490.


Quadriplegic lady needs caregiver, will require lifting, will be trained, evenings and some weekends. 713-466-7890.


Allstate insurance agency looking for a CSR. Permanent part time, 2530 hours per week. Must have current P/C license, $15-$18 per hour, gregwhite@allstate.com, 281-492-2626. Earn $50 to $75 dollars an hour promoting and selling women’s designer fashion jewelry. Work part-time and earn full-time pay with flexible hours. Earn trips, car allowance, free jewelry, plus money. Training provided, must have car and computer. Paid weekly. No experience is needed, but previous direct sales are rewarded. Must be 18 years or older. Contact Amber, amberfolk@att.net or 713-5054250 or Tonya at 832-217-6076. If no answer, please leave a voice mail message with reference to job and phone number. Have a great desire to teach children about God? Need a flexible work environment with awesome coworkers? Perhaps this is the job for you. Primary need is on Sunday, Wednesdays and Fridays, great job for moms! Direct inquiries to Kristi.Brock@bcstaff.org or pick up an application at Bear Creek Baptist Church, 5901 N Fry Rd. General agreement in statement of faith and background check/references required. Katy area child care in need of part time and full time child care providers. Contact Mrs. Dana, 281-394-5437.

November 2012

West Memorial

Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for someone with exceptional customer service skills to join our front desk team. Familiarity with dental charting and scheduling is helpful. Applicant must be able to prioritize tasks and handle a busy schedule. Please fax in your resume to 281-693-9101. Manta Ray Enterprises, Inc. (MRE, Inc.) is always in search of highly motivated Real Estate Agents who’s core values that are aligned with that of the Broker’s. You are not expected to have the exact know-how when you start. But open minded and willing to learn from a TREC-MCE Instructor with over 28 years experience on leasing and working with property management with single family homes & condos. MRE, Inc. will guide you on the proper forms to use. Broker will provide a oneon-one support to any Real Estate Agent willing and wanting to learn more. MRE, Inc. will assist you to better serve your clients/customers/ investors with sales, leases and property management. MRE, Inc. has been recognized and involved with Katy ISD, Community Education for more than 23 years at Taylor High School in Katy. MRE, Inc. offers incentive packages along with additional Real Estate knowledge. For more information and to get started on your new career today; please contact the Broker, “Tisha” Matticks, at mre@mantarayenterprises.com. Now hiring security officers, part time/full time. No experience necessary. Retirees welcome. All shifts available. Accepting applications Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - 11 AM. Located at 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston, Texas 77079. Phone: 281-759-1035. Position available for an experienced sales/appointment setter for a local security company. Offering salary plus commission, work from home or office. Apply at 1035 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225, Houston, TX, 77079, Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 11 AM. Enjoy Golf and the outdoors? Hole in One Challenge, a national par 3 company is seeking sales representatives to promote a par 3 contest on local golf courses. A portion of all sales will help support programs offered to young people through The First Tee. Work a 5 hour shift approximately 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM (weekends). $10 per hour plus commission after reaching minimum sales goal. DAILY PAY. Positions are available immediately. Must be able to pass drug test. Please contact Larry Wilkerson 281-345-1517. Visit www.holeinonechallenge.com

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Martial Arts USA is hiring qualified Tae Kwon Do Black Belts with WTF certification, over 18 years of age, background checks and interviews will be conducted. Contact Master Shin or Master An at 281-463-9333 or email YoungAn@cyfairtkd.com.Location, 17121 West Rd. Suite 200 Houston TX 77095. Wanted - Hairstylists. Looking for a fun and relaxing place to work, one that appreciates you? Look no further! Sheri Marie’s Salon & Co. is hiring great hairstylists. Visit www.sherimariesalonco.com or call 281-463-7375. Looking for a highly motivated and outgoing person to be the front desk for a new dental office in Katy area. Candidate should be knowledgeable about dental insurance and have great communication skills. It is a paperless office so computer skills is a must. Experience is necessary, minimum 2 years. Need to know how to schedule, run daily/monthly/yearly reports, submit insurance claims electronically and manually, work on accounts receivable, manage patient charts, discuss and present treatment plans, verify insurance, pretreatment estimates and so on, handle patient upsets, deal with software support, etc. Please forward resume to assistdds@hotmail.com. The Pediatric Dentist of Katy is looking for a highly motivated Registered Dental Assistant. Our Pediatric Dental practice is located at 24022 Cinco Village Center Blvd., Suite 210 in Katy. Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 AM to 5 PM, with lunch from 12-1 PM. On Fridays we are open from 7:30 AM to 3 PM. Please bring by your resume in person.

West Memorial

November 2012

Expires 1-1-13

Expires 1-1-13


Weʼre here when you need us Having a sick or injured child can be very scary. The last thing you want to do is wait hours in the Emergency Room not knowing if they ’ll be alright.

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If you or your family member has a non-life-threatening injury or illness, such as an ear infection, cold, fever, cut, bruise, sprain, or even a broken bone, we’re here to see you seven days a week, offering the convenience of a walk-in clinic with the expertise of an emergency room. The center offers in-house X-ray, lab and EKG services to our patients. Our goal is to get patients in and out within an hour.

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(281) 829-6570 • www.KatyUrgentCare.com We accept Checks, Insurance, American Express, Discover, Mastercard, and VISA. © Copyright 2011 Katy Urgent Care Center. All rights reserved.

Discovery Schoolhouse now hiring teachers and support staff. Must have experience working in a licensed child care facility, be flexible and dependable and have a passion for early childhood education. Call 281-401-9828 or send resume to info@discovery-schoolhouse.com. Now Hiring! Do you love children? Small private preschool is now accepting applications. Must be dependable and energetic. Will train. Must have copy of High School Diploma or GED and copy of Social Security Card. Apply in person to 16618 Clay Road, Suite 400. 281656-2273. Michelle’s Salon is looking for good experience hairstylist, massage therapist, nail tech and esthetician, lease or commission. 832-8781052. Housekeepers needed. Great hours for mom’s with school age children. 281-861-0394. Position available for an experienced hair stylist with a great attitude and good clientele. Benefits available. Call Images Hair Studio at 281256-2286. Dental Assistant needed, at least 2 years of experience, must be state licensed. 281-550-0900. Residential Electrician(s): Journeyman or helper/apprentice. Have experience, references & contact info. ready, beginners last employment info. Send resume to randy@westhoustonelectric.com.


Hearthstone room for rent. Call 713-540-0768.



Timeshare: rent a lovely condo for a full week in Hawaii. Sleeps 4, fully stocked kitchen. What else needs to be said... It’s Hawaii! $795. For information contact Cheryl at 281-855-7427. Las Vegas Timeshare - On the Strip near the airport, sleeps 4, full kitchen, dining & living; jacuzzi in room, 2 TV’s/2 Phones, 2 pools outside building, fitness room, washer/dryer/safe in room, 4 days $355 - 7 days $500. No added fees. Cheryl 281-543-2409. Vacation home for rent: Hill country vacation home, Cedar Creek Cabin, new 2/2 with loft, fully furnished, huge front porch, satellite TV, beautiful views, abundant wildlife, Frio River at Concan near Garner State Park, sleeps 8. Call 866-7CON-CAN or go to www.frioman.com for more information.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say Novena 9 times a day for 9 days. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude – IK JRT CF LA Due to the amount of space involved and the response of those wishing to publish a Novena to St. Jude, a Novena to St. Jude will be published along with a list of initials of those wishing to publish one. We are sorry, but we cannot make exceptions. $5 Charge for each Novena per area. Please specify which area you would your Novena to appear in. - Krenek Printing.

November 2012

West Memorial





WEST MEMORIAL MAILING ADDRESS c/o High Sierra Management 1-866-844-3933 722 Pin Oak Road, Katy, TX 77494







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West Memorial TRASH PICK-UP is Tuesday & Friday

Newsletter Publisher: Krenek Printing Company 7102 Glen Chase Ct, Houston, TX 77095 • w.krenekprinting.com


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November 2012

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November 2012

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Happy Thanksgiving! 1










11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



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November 2012

West Memorial

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