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PARAGRAPH Judith Morataya Mariana Rivera


The queen is the most beautiful woman. She has as hate long hair, beautiful eyes, white skin. The queen she has wants to be the most beautiful woman. She has magic and it increases her strenghy and evil. The queen was selfish and because of that she lose everything.


Mariana Rivera

OPINION Bullying affects every type of people. It could be children teenangers, adults, etc. There are three tyoes of bullying: verbal, emotional phisical. Bullynig is a serious problem that effects thr autestim of the people, because bullyeing causes violence, hits and abuses, etc. This causes serious phusicologic problems or can take peolple to death. We have to have a vission to  stop this and don´t make it bigger. 

Mariana Rivera

NARRATIVE When you say good bye, love isn´t over. Elizabeth and Mike are couple that that is going to kill him. He died leaving Elizabeth alone, but he left her a lot of letters that tells her to continue with her life. She thought that he was still alive. She made real the dreams of Mike, and in at the end he always wrote: P.D: I LOVE YOU. She alaways hoped that Mike is wovid come back with her, but it was only a dream. ď‚—

Would you like to have nice hair everyday? To have nice hair you need to follow some steps. First, do not dry your hair with a dryer. Second, do not use quimics. Then, use the appropiate shampoo. Finally, don´t shower it every day. NOW you have a beautiful hair! Mariana Rivera ď‚—


a healthy body draws attention from anyone. then I will put the steps to make things easier, first step: you should eat lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and drinking plenty of water, so that everything in your body is natural and not damage any organ, as well as fiber help you regulate your weight . The second step is to do a lot of exercise running more than anything, is the fastest way to burn calories. The third step is: sleep 10 hours would be ideal but at least can be 8, when you sleep past 10 o'clock at night you hurt your liver and also causes you more hungry so you would eat four times and is not favorable . The fourth step: bathe every day to not accumulate sweat and grease that enters the pores and the final step: be positive, disciplined, following these steps you might have the ideal figure and be good inside.

I don’t have time for anything, I have a lot of homework everyday. I begin it 5:00 pm and finish at 10:00 pm in the weekend I do my homework and I help my mom. Sometimes I go to sleep early, but most of the days I sleep late. My brothers watch T.V when I do my homework, and that’s something uncomfortable. Be a good person has many responsibilities and I often have to be very disciplined, but I remember that every effort has its reward.

The life is not easy and always we found problems everybody is different in the way they are. In life we can have fights but the violence is not the best solution. If in the world be like is now is for the bullying all effect have one cause for example: the bullying is the cause of psychological problems in the family.  The family in the base of society. In the family should not be fighting, abuse, evil. 


The queen was a blonde and beautiful woman, who appeared to be good. She got married with the king, who had a big kingdom and a beautiful daughter. She was called snow white. Snow white was a very intelligent woman because when her wicked stepmother wanted to kill her, she escaped and was able to solve so as.


In the city of love, amazing things always happen. It all starriest with the glamorous girlfriend of a fugitive, who takes billions of dollars from a Russian mobster. Said Russian baddie wants his money back? And controller to beauty woman .. Mean white Johny her boyfriend shows up with horrible hair and looking 10 years old than his actual age to play frank tupelo, a match teacher who’s on a train bound for Venice, when Elise take to train chooses sit with frank because he has the same build as her missing boyfriend. During the trip she falls in love with the match teacher and makes every effort to project It..? Time later discovers that her boyfriend was johny and after long time without seeing him realize that not wrong to choose again.

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